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Slept in your room (BACK!!!!)


Title from Trees by McCafferty

He got a text from someone but he ignored it. He got to his house and entered. His father was sitting on the couch reading the newspaper. He cleared his throat. “Good. Your home. I’ll be leaving for a business trip soon. I’ll be gone for a week or two. Stay out of trouble. Remember God is always watching. Son.” Kenneth already had his luggage and he got up walking out the door.

Travis waited a few minutes before pulling his phone out to check his texts.(like a dweam)

Sal: Hey trav. Wyd??

Chapter 1: Young Dumb Broke High School Kids.


Title from Young Dumb & Broke by Khalid,
I dont even listen to that song but anyways


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

It was a day like any other, Sal was in his room cleaning, his dad was on a business trip and the whole apartment was silent, Most of the tenants were sleeping in or out for the day. Gizmo was watching TV in the living room and Sal was just about done cleaning when he sat up and stretched, cracking his back. He heard a familiar voice coming from his room followed by a beep.

“Larry!” Sal thought to himself as he rushed to his room to answer the call “Hey sal you there? Over.” It was Larry, Sal’s best friend since he moved here the summer going into freshman year. Sal picked up the walkie talkie and returned the call “Hey Larry face, Yeah I'm here. Sorry was cleaning'' Sal looked around noticing a sock on the floor and put it away while listening to Larry talk, “Sal. Oh my lord. Did you know that there’s a school dance coming up? Cause I DIDN’T. I was rummaging through my backpack, and found a flier for it. It's like in a week. You would think Ash would be gushing all about it, She’s ALWAYS trying to get us to go to these types of events but-...”

Sal wasn’t really listening, he was busy staring at a picture of his friends ``I have the coolest friends'' sal said to himself quietly before larry’s raspy voice snapped him out of it “Anyways you wanna go or not?” Sal wasn’t paying attention at all. “H-huh? To what” Sal felt kinda guilty for not paying attention. “The dance. Were you not listening?” Sal chuckled to himself and responded trying his best to lie so he doesn’t hurt Larry's feelings ``Uhhh…… no? The uhhh walkie talkie….. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh isn't working????” Larry sighed “you are terrible at lying but suuuure… I’m too lazy to hold this button down for another like 2 minutes. Come down stairs I’ll tell u again, Besides it's a great excuse to see your Favorite friend everrrr” Larry said half jokingly to which sal replied with a sarcastic “I don't know if your my favorite friendddd… maybe like 3rd favorite” Larry gasped dramatically and sighed still joking “My heart! I can't believe this!” Sal and Larry burst out laughing

“Okay okay you are my favorite '' Sal said still chuckling. “I KNEW it!!” Larry managed to wheeze out, “Okay I’m on my way down. Give me a minute I needt o feed gizmo and then I’ll be down.” Sal said while trying to put on his blue converse without squishing his fingers. “Okay see ya then Saaaaaaally face” “See ya soon Laaaaarry face.” Sal chuckled before putting his walkie talkie back on the charger. He then put his prosthetic mask on buckling the straps careful to not catch his blue hair in the clasps, before he tied his long hair into a messy bun and clicked his tongue, did finger guns, and winked at himself in the mirror, He walked out to feed gizmo and striked a pose in front of the chubby orange cat. “Ha-chow! Gizmo how do I look?” The cat looked at Sal with a blank expression and meowed. “Aw c'mon bud. That bad?”

Sal shrugged and took his bun out, replacing it with his signature pigtails and poured a bowl of food for gizmo “Gizmo im leaving here’s your food. I’ll be back in a few hours.” Sal poured some water into gizmo’s water tray, grabbed his apartment keys, and the key card to access the basement before waving bye at his cat, still watching a cop show, And exited his apartment, locking the door behind him and walking towards the elevator. As he entered the elevator he couldn’t help but sing to himself as his favorite song was playing in the elevator. The elevator opened but he lingered inside the elevator for a few more seconds to listen to his favorite part of the song before stepping out and making his way to Larry’s Apartment.

He opened the door and made his way to Larry’s room. A “Do not enter” sign plastered on his door with a small slightly crumpled paper with “Unless your sal '' scribbled messily on it underneath the sign. Sal chuckled “I can’t believe he still has that on his door” sal thought to himself before barging into larry’s room kicking the door fully open and making finger guns looking around before standing up fully straight, and looking around confused not seeing larry, Before he could react the door closed and larry grabbed sal’s shoulders and let out a “RAAGHH!” frightening sal and sal let out a high pitched “aaaaaaaaaa!” before turning around and shoving larry playfully “LARRY WHAT THE HECK I COULD FEEL MY SOUL LEAVE MY BODY”

Larry was on the floor buckled over wheezing and laughing while tears dripped from his eyes as he continued to laugh hysterically trying to calm down while softly hitting the floor. Sal looked at larry and crossed his arms not amused by his friend wheezing on the floor “Are you done yet” Sal said softly tapping larry’s ribs as larry was still trying to catch his breath and laying on his back grabbing at his side. “Okay- Okay- I'm sorry that was hilarious you screamed like a girl dude.” Larry managed to wheeze out before clearing his throat, taking a deep breath and standing up, Sal looked embarrassed pulling on his pig tails “You're not funny Larry, I basically pissed myself!” Sal shoved larry playfully again before scoffing and clearing his throat clearly trying to talk in a deeper voice “Anyways what did u wanna tell me-” Before sal could finish his sentence he started choking on his own saliva and started coughing hysterically “Yeah see what trying to sound like a man gets ya sal?” Larry said, mocking Sal's attempt at a deep voice.

Sal cleared his voice talking in his normal raspy semi deep voice, “okay for real though lar, what did u wanna show me??” Larry looked confused for a second before realizing and gasping slightly “Ohhhh yeah!” He shoved sal out of the way softly and grabbed a piece of paper off his desk and held it up to sal pointing at it “There's a dance next week, I didn’t realize it was happening but I’m assuming the rest of the ghost nabbers might wanna go so I wanted to ask you if you were going” Sal looked at larry as if he was pulling a prank, “um… yeah. Ash has been talking about it non-stop at school? Did you… not notice?” Larry thought about it and shrugged “nah” Sal rolled his eye

“Yes we were supposed to all go together, Ash is going with her boyfriend, Todd and Neil are going together and Chug and Maple.” Larry looked confused “huh. I really don't remember anything about this… Who are you going with?” Sal seemed to try to avoid the question by acting like he didn’t hear it and started talking about the outfits they were going to wear “Anyways so Ash really wanted to do a sort of ‘color coordinated’ type look? Like all of our outfits will compliment each other.” Larry looked at sal and cleared his throat, asking the question of who sal is going with again, with more determination. Sal once again dodged the question, talking about his own outfit “Ash said I would look good in yellow but-” Larry grabbed sal’s shoulders and turned him towards him “Are you hiding something from me sal?” Larry said in a serious tone. “No…?” Sal said avoiding eye contact with his much taller friend before lifting his hand off of his shoulder

“It doesn’t matter who I’m going with…” Larry decided to forget about the question and shrug “I’ll be back. Stay here sally face.” Larry exited the room. And sal sat down on his best friend’s bed before scrunching his eyebrows and rubbed his chin thoughtfully before getting up and looking around and shook his head and started cleaning larry’s filthy room, Larry walked into his room while scratching his head “Hey sal mom wanted to know if you wanna stay for din-...” Larry looked at sal cleaning his room and sighed as he leaned against the door frame “Wasted effort man. This will get destroyed in like a few days.” Sal shrugged “well then I’ll clean it then too. Tell Lisa I will be staying for dinner, since my dad won’t come back for a few days, and I really don’t wanna burn the apartment down trying to make an egg or something.”

Sal chuckled at his own joke and Larry scoffed before leaving the room again. Sal looked around and nodded proudly looking at the room. Lisa Walked into the room “Hey sal, I forgot henry is on a business trip you can eat dinner here if you want, hun.” Lisa looked around and nodded approvingly “wow it doesn't look like a pig den in here anymore! I'm impressed kiddo!!” Lisa rubbed Sal's hair lovingly. Sal nodded “Y-yeah I’d like to eat here if that's okay with you.” Lisa nodded “Of course hun, I love having company here, Since Larry is always in his room heh.” Lisa nudged Larry softly and smiled at the two boys “Okay well dinner will be done in an hour or so… Sal If you want you can bring gizmo here, and you can just stay here… You’re always welcome to stay.”

Sal nodded “Oh ok I will do that then! Thank you so much lisa!” Lisa smiled and closed the door, leaving the two friends in the room, Sal looked at Larry “Can you help me grab gizmo from my room?” Sal said as he started walking towards the door, Larry nodded and followed Sal to his apartment. As Sal entered the apartment he called out to gizmo in a sing-song-like voice “I'm back gizmo! And you're going with me to Larry's apartment!” Gizmo was watching some sort of soap opera on the television, sal grabbed the remote and shut it off as gizmo meowed in protest

“Gizmo don’t give me that attitude. Come on.” Sal grabbed a traveling crate, laid some blankets down in it and put gizmo in it, closing it. “Larry, you take gizmo. He likes you.” Larry grabbed the crate carefully as Sal grabbed gizmo’s food and his bowls before leaving the apartment and locking the door behind him, as they headed down the elevator and went back to Larry’s apartment, letting gizmo out and getting him situated and heading back to Larry's room. Sal flopped down on Larry's bed and sighed. “We have school tomorrow ugh” Larry chuckled “yeah i know.” Sal sat up and pulled Larry onto the bed

“I just realized I forgot my pjs. I don't wanna go back up to my room… Can I borrow yours?” Larry looked at sal and shrugged “Sure but I don’t think it will fit you..” Sal opened Larry's closet and chose some black basketball shorts and a black sanity’s fall tank top “This okay?” Larry nodded “Yeah. Do you have clothes for school tomorrow?” Sal shook his head “Just my clothes I wore today.” Larry nodded and grabbed a black sanity’s fall shirt “Sadly.. This shrunk in the wash, It should fit you?” Larry handed it to sal and sal held it up sizing it “Yeah this’ll fit thanks.”

Sal yawned and realized he’d have to remove his mask and eye to sleep “Hey you’re okay with me taking my mask off and my eye out right??” Larry looked confused. “Nothing I’ve never seen before, Go ahead man.” Larry was changing into his usual Pajama pants and black shirt before laying on his bed and yawning as Sal unclipped his mask and set it down on the desk and looked around “uh… I just realized… Where am I gonna put my glass eye?” Sal pointed at his right eye and Larry looked at him “Oh uh… a cup i think… Where do you normally put it?”

Sal nodded “well yeah but…” Larry got up and left the room to get a cup for sale before he could finish his sentence. As Larry was in the kitchen sal ran his hand over his scarred face and smiled knowing Larry didn’t care about it. As Larry walked into the room with the cup he looked at sal “Do you uhh put stuff inside it?” Sal nodded “Yeah normally contact solution but-” Before Sal could say anything further Larry pulled out a bottle of contact solution and poured it in, Sal looked confused and Larry looked at him and realized “Oh… uh… I wear contacts. I don't think anyone knows except mom. I can’t read well and I don't like glasses. I don't always wear them though.”

Larry smiled at sal and sal let out a “Ohhhhhh” Larry nodded and gave sal the cup on contact solution as sal pretended to drink it “So refreshing” Larry laughed and nudged him as sal removed his glass eye and plopped it into the glass and set it down next to his prosthetic mask before looking at larry smiling and yawning “Okay we really need to go to bed…” Sal looked around before asking “wait where am I sleeping?” Larry patted the bed besides him “Right here my guy” Sal shook his head “No way. I am NOT sleeping next to you again. You always hog the blankets. AND kick me!. Unless you get tied up im not sleeping there. Or unless u sleep on the edge.” Sal crossed his arms as Larry rolled his eyes “Uggghhh okay fine” Larry scooted over making room for Sal to crawl on the inner part of the bed against the wall and he laid down on his back as larry was laying on his side, his back facing sal, Sal kicked larry’s back playfully and as larry would turn around Sal would pretend to be asleep.

“Sal i know you’re awake. Stop im trying to actually sleep.” Sal chuckled and fake snored “Zzz Im totally asleep. Zzz I don’t know what your talking about Zzz” Larry pushed sal more towards the wall as sal chuckled “Okay okay i’ll stop. Jeez.” Larry nodded and eventually the Two boys fell asleep.


(edit: Hey, I'm editing this cause the format I wrote it in is hella annoying 2 read. So sorry 4 that.)