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Maybe that's a bad idea (but who cares when there's sexual tension)


In the middle of a mission with Obanai, the serpent hashira goes into heat and Giyuu has to take care of him, but it doesn't go as expected, his plan was just to make sure his coworker was okay and not attacked by a demon, but in the end he ends up in his bed

Giyuu will ask for a raise after this, he doesn't earn enough


Obanai discovers that even though he's an alpha and Giyuu is too, sex is still good, and even though he denies his feelings he knows he likes Giyuu

Giyuu has no idea how it all ended up like this, but he's not complaining.


I am not fluent in English, sorry for any spelling mistakes.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Chapter 1: Giyuu deserves a raise

Chapter Text

The mission was simple, there was a demon kidnapping mainly girls aged 6 to 12 and feeding on them, it was an ancient lower moon 3 and it hadn't been difficult to decapitate the demon

No, the worst thing about the mission was his mission partner, Obanai wasn't exactly nice to have around and those hours traveling alongside the serpent hashira had led Giyuu's mind to think about killing Iguro or himself just to stop hearing the other's insults, and during the fight the insults were shouted for Tomioka to get out of the way (even though he was far from Iguro), so the water hashira found a petty satisfaction in decapitating the demon just as Iguro was about to do it, which angered the serpent hashira even more, and Kaburamaru seemed particularly irritated by his master's shouting if the bite he gave Iguro's shoulder was anything to go by

Tomioka sighed, usually Iguro insulted him less often on the other missions, but Today he seemed especially irritated by everything, if the way the shorter Hashira simply cut a tree with his sword after tripping over its roots could say anything, he suspected that Iguro's heat might be close, usually alphas had a tendency to anger and stress easily when they were close to heat

"Honestly you were completely useless in that fight, what the hell did Kaguya-sama think sending you on a mission with me?" Iguro spoke angrily and kicked a rock, the rock went through two trees before sticking into a trunk, Tomioka shuddered at the thought of having to put up with that all the way back to report to his master and stupidly tried to offer a way out to the angry alpha at his side

"You can go home, I can report the mission for both of us" Tomioka offered, hoping that the pillar would accept and thus they would have less time together, what he got was a sloppy attempt to be hit with the handle of Iguro's katana, which made him sigh in irritation

"Do you think you're so much better? Gods you're arrogant" Iguro practically shouts and gets bitten on the ear by his snake "tch, traitor!"

"Iguro-san, please let me do the report for us, you're showing signs that you'll soon go into heat, it would be good to have extra time to prepare and-" Tomioka's speech Giyuu is interrupted by another attempted strike from Iguro, and Tomioka was almost certain that this was against the rules of the demon hunter corporation

"You think I wouldn't know when my heat is near, you bastard?" Iguro asks angrily and tries another blow, Giyuu just dodges it, if he attacked back it would end in a very violent fight and he didn't want to get scolded when he came back. It turns out that his lack of reaction only stressed the pillar more, so Giyuu, in addition to running back to the Ubuyashiki's mansion, had to keep dodging Iguro's angry attacks, it was stressful and he would definitely ask for a raise, or a dismissal, or maybe he would just stick his own katana in his stomach.

The sun was in the sky in a few hours and Iguro calmed down and stopped attacking him, but the insults were constant to the point that Giyuu turned on autopilot and ignored the hashira next to him for the sake of both of them. And then Iguro falls to his knees with a groan, and only then does Giyuu realize that at some point the seronette's hashira had started releasing pheromones to attract a partner, the strong smell of wood with wet earth almost brings him to his knees by surprise, but he quickly recovers and grabs the hashira on the ground like a sack of potatoes, throws him over his shoulder and starts looking for some shelter to hide Iguro until the other one got over his heat.

Of course, the alpha in heat on his shoulder struggled, yelled at him and even kicked him wherever he could, but Giyuu didn't even give him an answer, choosing to let the other one let out his anger now. It takes a few minutes to get to a city, it was small and everyone stared at him in astonishment because of the angry alpha on his shoulder who was shouting death threats to everyone who wanted (or not) to listen, and finally Giyuu finds the demon hunter inn he was looking for. The attendant looked at him with pity when she realized the situation, and even more so when she revealed that there was only one free room because they were renovating and because there were already hunters there who even shared the same rooms, there was only one room for hashiras available, but Giyuu would just leave to lament his bad luck after leaving Iguro in a room and under a shower to hide his tears for how horrible that day had been

The room already had the necessary things to deal with an alpha in heat when Tomioka gets there, the attendant must have warned someone about the situation when she went to get the keys, so he finally puts Iguro on the floor and dodges a punch and a kick, but is finally knocked to the floor when Iguro just decides to throw himself on top of him

It was not a good moment, Iguro had managed to pull out some strands of his hair and had twisted his nose with a punch when Giyuu managed to get away from the hashira, it wasn't good, he was close to collapsing at that moment, and couldn't even breathe normally because of his twisted nose

"Iguro-san, please take a shower and relax-" he dodges a kick and finally has enough, unable to control his feelings anymore, the pheromones of frustration and pain finally escape him before he quickly stops them, but that finally made Iguro stop trying to beat him to death, the pheromones of the alpha in heat uncontrolled revealed every emotion Iguro had, confusion and excitement leaked freely in the room, but finally the angry alpha went to the bathroom of the room, slamming the door hard

At least he hadn't broken the door or the wall, one less thing to worry about


Iguro had been in the shower for almost half an hour, but that gave Giyuu time to put his nose back in place (which cost him some tears) and start to prepare the room for Iguro, contrary to popular belief, alphas in heat liked to stay inside a nest, usually with things from family members or potential mates, alphas liked to show that they knew how to make a nest for omegas to feel safe, showing that they were partners who could provide for their onegas, so Giyuu just left blankets, pillows and cushions for the serpent hashira to do things as he wanted, lunch arrived in the room quickly and Giyuu put a plate of soup with a note that said it contained medicinal herbs to calm angry alphas for Iguro and began to eat his own food, rice and salmon, which as simple as they were made him instantly calm down, making him forget for a moment all the disturbance that would come from dealing with Iguro.

Too bad that his moment is broken when Iguro finally comes out of the bathroom, wearing the kimono given by the inn that was a little bigger than the hashira, but Giyuu's focus was on the pheromones that alpha let go, Iguro's excitement seemed to have worsened to Tomioka's horror, but it was okay, he could deal with it

"Your lunch is over there" Giyuu says and points to where the materials to make a nest were, and Iguro didn't even deign to answer him, which was better than insults so he wasn't complaining, and went back to devouring his lunch, not caring about the mess he made and not even deigning to pay attention to Iguro until that moment

As soon as he finished his meal, he notices Iguro's strange look at the mess of rice grains and salmon fat on his face, but he doesn't say anything, in fact, it's Iguro who finally speaks

"I want to eat, close your eyes" Iguro says and Giyuu doesn't question and closes his eyes, more than happy to fall into meditation while the alpha in heat would feed, but then there are hands in his hair putting something on his face, his automatic reaction was to try to move away, still with his eyes closed out of respect for Iguro and any scars that were under Hashira's bandages, but the growl that came made him stay quiet, and finally something is tied to his eyes, and when he thinks a little he realizes that they were the bandages that were covering Iguro's face

Giyuu sighs and tries to enter meditation mode again, but more alert in case Iguro wants to put something in his ears or rip his head off, but luckily for him, the alpha only eats

He settles for waiting for Iguro to remove the bandages under his eyes


Iguro ate the soup and watched Hashira in front of him, paying attention to anything that could give away that Tomioka was seeing his scars, but nothing, the pillar of water remained still since his growl and that made something inside him almost purr with satisfaction, but he pushed it down

And even after finishing the soup with some difficulty since eating was not the best task, he finds himself watching Tomioka, Hashira looked good when he had his bandages above his eyes and was obeying him, it was satisfying to see the other alpha practically submissive to him, and that brief, slightly sweet rain scent that had left Tomioka a few minutes ago stayed in his mind

He stared at the scent glands on Tomioka's wrists, the alpha had been obedient until now, so he would certainly continue to obey him, so after thinking for a while, Iguro picked up Kaburamaru and left him on top of the blankets, and got up and went to where Tomioka was, the other noticed his presence but did not move

Obanai had to contain a purr of satisfaction with the obedience of the hashira kneeling in front of him, still with traces of food on his clothes and lips, and before he could realize it Obanai was using the sleeve of his own haori to wipe Tomioka's face, who only reacted by frowning in confusion, but other than that he did not move

He quickly cleaned the remains of food off Tomioka, and Tomioka muttered a soft 'thank you', but he still listened, and Obanai could feel his sanity slipping away at that.

How dare Tomioka be obedient and nice? The other alpha had carried him despite how rude Obanai had been all day, had even taken materials to make a nest for him after Obanai had turned up his nose, and now he was being obedient, not even moving or trying to look at his scars, and the way the alpha stood with his bandages over his eyes made his mind go to impure places

Without thinking much, he grabs one of Tomioka's hands and rubs his scent gland, and the sweet smell of rain filled the air, confusion and apprehension clung to the smell, and yet Tomioka didn't stop him from touching him or putting a blindfold on his eyes

Then something clicked in Obanai's mind, Tomioka had said he could do the mission report for him so Obanai could prepare for his heat, was Tomioka worried about him? Or maybe it was Tomioka's way of showing that he wanted Obanai to spend her heat with him? He was particularly interested in the last option now, the thought of Tomioka blindfolded with his bandages, naked and tied up in his nest made him almost go crazy, and Tomioka's scent didn't help, it wasn't strong and dominant like an alpha's, but it wasn't soft and submissive like an omega's, it was somewhere in between and Obanai found himself interested in it more than he should have.

"Tomioka" he called and there was a tilt of Tomioka's head to show he was listening "don't leave this room, I don't want you out of my line of sight" the scent of confusion increased, but a bit of embarrassment and excitement had crept in there too, Obanai liked the way he could tell the man's feelings just by rubbing a scent gland, he must have done this a long time ago.

But even so, Tomioka nodded, a blush covering his ears and cheeks beautifully and Obanai had to hold himself back from pushing the other alpha against a wall and fucking him right there, they would have plenty of time for this a week of heat he would have, and if he was lucky Tomioka might have her heat triggered by him

Obanai smiled, his scars twitching with the movement, but he didn't care, it would be a great week