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betrayed Ash Fanfic you'd see on Wattpad, but gay Ash.


Just felt quirky and wanted to make a betrayal fanfic about Pokemon, Don't know when I'm gonna get out of it. I'll focus on my other fanfics then.

Ash goes home to happily spend time with his friends after being defeated in the Galar region, though he might've lost, it was just fine, but what happens when he comes home to find something unexpected.


Disclaimers: I own nothing except the plot and my own personal additions in the Pokémon universe. Also there will be a mix of 3rd pov and 1st pov, I just wanna test my skills on pov's. Everyone is now Currently 14 years old, except Bonnie and Max, their 12.

Warning: They might act ooc

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Chapter 1: The start (I'm cringing help-)

Chapter Text

Ash Pov:

Goh and I were walking alongside each other as I rambled about the excitement that was my placement on the tournament, I was too unfortunate to be unable to become the monarch, but then again, that just gives me another excuse to go to more regions and explore countless new adventures!

"Hey Ash, you feeling alright? You don't seem very... You, not like you aren't acting like you right now, but you just look a little bit more solemn" Goh asked, I smiled brightly and nodded. "Of course I am! Why wouldn't I be, losing the tournament just gives me more motivation to work harder, you know, it's kinda fun losing, give me the knowledge that there's someone else out there, stronger than I am and it gives me more reasons to go to new places and make new friends!"

Goh nodded with my approval. "Yeah, just checking, you never know." I knew exactly what he was talking about. "I'm over it already, I don't wanna keep sulking about the outcome. Besides, I just can't wait to get back home and eat moms homecooked meals. Those are to die for." Goh chuckled and then looked at the time. "Oh it's almost time to get on the plane, just 10 more minutes."

"Pika Pika Pi!" Pikachu jumped on my shoulder and tried searching through my bag. "Pikachu we talked about this, no more ketchup, I don't wanna be banned from another place because of your ketchup obsession. Besides, you already had so much ketchup, how are you not sick." I scolded. My partner sighed and jumped back on my lap.

"Anyways Ash, where do you think on going after this?" Goh asked in curiosity. I happily responded with. "The region of Rilien, of course! I heard that they have this special Gimmick called Link, where you can talk to you Pokémon! Not just talking them through their tone but you can actually talk through the link, that's like unheard of! Well not really, but normally that'd only be possible with physic types with a really strong connection with the psychic power they use."

Goh hummed in amazement as I continued. "Just the thought of finding new Pokemon and befriending them just makes my heart pound with excitement. But honestly going back home feels like a dream, after all that happened going back home to Pallet town seems like the perfect idea. Don't ya think?" I asked.

Goh nodded in silence and then spoke up. "Our plane should be here by now, come on." I grinned and then followed him. As the flight was being told to everyone in the airport, we were finally allowed in the plane. We took our seats and waited for the flight to take off.


The flight was mostly uneventful, it was a long flight though so we did eat two meals, lunch and dinner before a quick nap, well I had a quick nap, Gou ended up getting insanely plane sick and threw up in the airplane bathroom, and honestly I felt bad because those bathrooms just don't feel right.

But he ended up staying awake for the entire night due to his plane sickness. I still don't know how I stayed asleep because on two occasions there were babies crying their eyes out. One occasion the person in front of us tried opening the plane window which Gou closed immediately.

I was very thankful as I was not going to be flash banged the moment I woke up. There was also an instance when Pikachu woke up in the middle of his own nap and stole my cap. I don't know where he got that habit, but I was surprised to see my hat being nowhere near me. I looked around before realizing Pikachu took my hat and ended up sleeping on Goh's cap. Again. I still don't know where got that habit.

We both left the plane and I swore Goh was trying not to pass out. He was stumbling from time to time and looked so tired, but I was quite refreshed so we both got some breakfast at the nearest cafe in the Kanto airport. I got a ham and cheese sandwich while Goh got a cream bagel and a coffee, not sure if that's healthy but whatever works for him I guess .

Goh looked a bit more awake when he finished his cream bagel but still looked sleep deprived. I looked at him with worry, maybe he could sleep when we were on the car. That should do quite well. It's a 30 minute ride from the Kanto airport to Pallet town so at least he could sleep for a bit.

Pikachu was still sulking from the lack of ketchup packets on the plane, why is he so obsessed with ketchup? Grookey was trying comfort Pikachu to the best of his abilities. But his efforts were in vain as Pikachu was just not going to budge.


No ones Pov


Ash looked at his phone and realized he got a call, it was from Gary. "What does Gary want from me at this time? We can talk once I get home." Ash then accepted the call. He nearly stumbled from the loudness of Gary's voice. "Hey Ash! Get to the lab right now, it's URGENT."

Ash looked in disbelief as he answered. "Gary, what is wrong with you, why are you so anxious." Gary breathing calmed down for a moment before he continued. "I won't have much time to talk but I'll do my best, oh my Arceus, there's something really important I have to tell you, your friends are currently at Pallet town, and I mean all of them, from Kanto to freaking Alola all of them are there, at your house." Gary explained.

"Isn't that a good thing? All my friends are back home, we can celebrate and have fun! What's so bad about that?" Ash asked worriedly, he was excited to see all his friends, but he was worried about what might come next, with Gary's tone like, something must be wrong. "That is not a good thing Ash, they want you to give up on your dream. A few of them don't and want to stay by your side, but the rest of them do!" Gary said with a shaky voice.

That was it, Ash's phone dropped, it would've collided with the floor if it weren't for Pikachu's fast speed catching it. Ash shakily brought it back to his ear and asked. "You don- you don't think- You don't think they were serious about it?" Ash couldn't believe it, these were his friends, friends that he would trust his life with. How could they do something like this? Ash couldn't help but think that this was just one sick joke.

"I'm sorry Ash, but they were fully serious about it, Tracey, Misty, Brock, May, Max, Dawn, Iris, Cilan, Clemont, Serena, heck even my grandfather. All of them were serious about making you quit your dream, I know a few who still is persistently fighting for your right to continue your dreams. "

Ash sighed, although he was still shaken up by what he just heard, just the thought of having people stay by his side was enough to keep him sane. "can you tell me who's staying by my side?" He asked with as much confidence as he could muster, which wasn't much. "Well from what I could tell, there are only four not including me and your mom, Bonnie, Paul, Chloe, and the rest of your Alolan friends are staying neutral on this topic" Ash held back the waterfall waiting to burst out, he had to stay strong.

"Thanks for telling me Gary, your a good friend." Ash said unsteadily. "No problem Ash, you should go to the lab the moment you get back to Pallet town, then you can grab all your Pokemon and in the worst case situation, you can fly out of there safely." Ash nodded and then said, "Yeah, thanks for the reminder." Then he hung up the call.

He would've dropped to floor after the call if it weren't for Goh holding him up. "I couldn't get much from the call but I know it's something bad, just what happened?" Goh asked, Ash wiped his tears that were now finally able to spill.

After explaining, Goh put his hands to his mouth in shock. "How do they even have the audacity to think something like that, what do they even get from this? Ash I'm so sorry, are you okay?" Ash nodded unsteadily. "Do you think you can face them?" Goh asked softly. Ash nodded, not wanting to say anything which Goh understood.

They got into the taxi after a while and the ride was mostly quiet. Just Ash contemplating on what he should next after this shocking revelation and Goh wondering if he should say something to ease up the mood, but decided against it, Ash needed space and Goh was more than happy to give him that space.

Once they got to the laboratory, Ash quickly went to where his Pokemon were and Goh went to have a chat with Gary. "Hey guys!" Ash said happily, despite all the things happening right now, seeing his Pokemon from previous adventures made him so so happy. After a lovely renunion with his previous Pokemon, Ash decided to break the news to them. "Guys I have something to say---"

The Pokemon were of course giving death stares after the entire conversation and honestly, no one could blame them. Ash looked at the returning Goh and Gary, must've been back from their conversation. But why was Goh looking so red and why was Gary looking so smug. What in the world happened?

Gary then sat them down and spilled some very exciting news "So guys, I have something to tell you. I've told no one about this, it's been something I've worked on for years, with no help. It's the new and improved version of the Pokedex. Haven't got a name for it yet though. But here it is." He brought out a dozen of watches in multiple colors.

"I know it might not look like much but look, it can store up an infinite amount of Pokemon. Every time you catch a Pokemon, it will be put in the Pokedex and you can materialize the Pokeball whenever you want. I've gathered a bunch of names for it but none never stuck. I'll find out once this mess is over." Gary said, "There's a few other features on it but I'll tell you once we finish, because now it's time for a confrontation."

Goh Pov


We headed towards Ash's soon to be not home. Once we got near the house I heard a few familiar screams... The most familiar was Chloe's. I looked toward Ash and mouthed "are you ready?" He nodded and then...

We slowly and carefully opened the door as too not be seen and We then saw an eruption of screams. On one side, there was the professor that gave Ash Pikachu. Tracy, Oak's assistant. Misty, Brock, Dawn, May, Max, Iris, Cilan, Trip, Serena, Sawyer, and Clemont While on another side, there was Paul, Ash's mother, Chloe, and Bonnie. Their screaming and shouting could probably be heard from a mile away. It all just felt like a deadly battle, but it only ends with the other breaking the opponent's eardrums. I covered my ears in instinct, I just never was a fan of loud noises.

But basically to sum it up, it was a fucking warzone.

"We aren't wrong!" Misty, the Pokemon water type gym leader from Kanto screeched. "Ash is most definitely a pathetic trainer, he should've given up a long time ago!"

"Mhm, Say's the person who got defeated by him, I don't know... 3 times?" Paul retorted coolly. If You looked closely you could see the steam coming out of Misty's ears.

"Well, he nearly got us killed more than once, when we were travelling with him!" May yelled like a little bitch.

"Was it his fault that you wanted to start traveling with my son in the first place?! Who forced you to come with my son, you could've left whenever you wanted!" Delia, Ash's caring mother, exclaimed. "How can you even think he's to blame for your problems, and your failure to address them?"

"He literally lost to 6 different regions! What do you think of that pathetic excuse of a trainer then?" Max bellowed.

"He's someone filled with determination and positivity. WHICH IS SOMETHING YOU WOULD DEFINTELY NEED TO WORK ON!" Bonnie yelled. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I saw Ash soften up at that moment.

"Don't raise your tone young woman." Clemont cried out.

"She'll only think about stopping when you accept that Ash and Pikachu are the reasons where you made so many good memories." Chloe yelled, "I may not have travelled with Ash very long, but I know something you all don't! Ash is someone who has a good heart and is very determined. He's not a sore loser, he gets over it and moves on. He continues his adventures with a happy mindset and he's overall a great friend!"

"She's right! When we were on our adventures, Ash was nothing but the best to us, he helped you take back your gym, helped Serena get to second place in her Pokemon Showcases, helped us all make new memories, helped us meet legendries, actually you guys probably wouldn't be able to meet all your Pokemon without him! And I'm not just talking about you two, I'm talking about everyone here!" Bonnie added.

"So what? What could Ash even do without us? you act like he's the chosen one of Arceus for goodness sakes." Brock remarked.

"Ash does a lot of things without your help you know? Actually, from my personal experience, most of what Ash does can be accomplished by himself." Paul stated.

"Give us examples Paul." Dawn said, crossing her arms.

"The meeting legendries is actually very much true ya know?" Ash said, finally deciding to reveal himself. Which meant he revealed both Gary and I.

"Ash hey! Wait, when did you get here?" Bonnie waved before questioning. "Not too long ago Bonnie." Ash Responded.

"Ash, I'm not even going to try and sugarcoat this, but you are an absolute horrible excuse of a trainer, you just need to relax and perhaps come settle down with me." Serena said, hoping that Ash would agree with her. But unfortunately, Ash would not come down without a fight.

"Serena, you were one of my greatest friends, and I really thought that we would always stay that way. But now? You are nothing more than the dirt under my shoe, I helped you practice for all of your showcases, I helped you meet Sylveon and Panchum, I helped you get second place. But the thing is, I'm really wishing that I could just turn back time and stop my past self from wasting all my time on someone like you." Ash retorted, making Serena step back in surprise. I honestly couldn't blame her, Ash was known for being friendly and nice, seeing him like this sure gives me a new perspective of him.

"I-I" Serena stuttered but before she could say anything else Bonnie cut her off. "Ash is right Serena, Ash is one of the nicest people you can meet, he would help you when you fell, he would work his hardest so you could accomplish your dreams, he would go to the moon and back as long as it made you happy. So what do you do to repay him? That's right, side with the people who want him to give up. This is no way to repay such a person, you've hit a new low Serena." She said, ending Serena. I mentally clapped for her, despite not knowing her all that well.

"Now let's go with Clemont, I'll continue with him since I am his sister." Bonnie stated, with no objection, she continued. "Ash is so patient with you, he supported and aided you in your dreams and the inventions that keep exploding. I still wonder how on earth you manage to get the title of genius, when none of your inventions, work for more than 20 minutes. I still don't know how people haven't gotten you in debt for all of the damages you've caused."

Clemont was at a loss for words after that. "Still, do you know how much Ash and I believed in you? We thought you were an amazing scientist that was destined for greatness, but now that I think about it. The only thing your destined for, is jail honestly." Clemont was finished after that last sentence.

"Brock, I have a question, when you were travelling with my son, what on earth made you think that running after girls is okay? Did your mother ever taught you better? I truly wonder what she would think if she saw how her son is acting right now. Being a pervert is no way to act when your trying to be someone who makes a helpful impact in society. Not like you'll ever be, but still." Delia spoke up suddenly, I didn't know her all that much but now I'm pretty sure I know where Ash got his personality from.

"Dawn, Dawn, Dawn, you think about Pokemon coordinating, but yet, your shit at it. You could barely do anything at the start. If it weren't for Ash, you would still be at home, maybe humiliating yourself with your shitty skills in coordinating. You want to become like your mother, a top coordinator, yet you have no talent for it whatsoever, also, you don't battle, if you think Ash weak, then I can expect you to be a toothpick in fighting, your Pokemon aren't well trained and will definitely faint if you try to battle the average trainer. You don't even get to speak so go and shut up would you?" Paul then remarked

"Iris, you insult me in being a little small child, yet who has this weird phobia of harmless fairy types and Ice types? I mean, you could be scared of my Dedenne." Bonnie laughed, making the purple haired female screech with fury. "Oh should I mention the fact that you are born in the dragon village, yet, the favors you do them are close to zero, you whine all the time and place the spotlight on you. You don't train, you don't do anything, you are a disgrace to every single dragon type trainer around. If it weren't for Ash helping you realize your mistakes, you wouldn't have obtained your strongest Pokemon Draconite, or rekindled your friendship with Excadrill." She shouted. Where did she get this information from?

"Also, if I'm correct which I probably am, your incompetent at battle tactics and you don't even fight! You bully my brother figure, saying he's weak, but he could wipe you off the stage in a matter of seconds. So keep your mouth shut when your talking about kids, because we all know, that the only kid around here, is you, Got it?" They were completely destroying the traitors, and honestly, I think they're getting off pretty light. Though I'm getting kinda worried for Bonnie, she really needs to breathe in between her words.

"Max, you were supposed to be a good kid. But the thing is, making friends with Ralts and Jirachi will be near to impossible, without me... Your accusation saying that the dangers were my fault, but truly, think about it. Who were the causes of those problems hm? Now that I think about it, without you and your sister, I could've just trained and maybe beat the league." Ash said, crossing his arms

Max, then started bawling, knees on the floor. Bonnie smirked at the sight. I quietly stood there, basking in all of this. Still contemplating if I should join.

"Out of all the chef-like trainers I have met and travelled with, temporary or not, you are by far, the worst one yet ." Ash glared at the Pokemon connoisseur. "Your constant annoyance being involved in my life has been close to fucking hell, you do nothing but spit advice, that is smart I will admit, but you don't even follow it. You would have never experienced such amazing new things if it had not been for me, that's a bit narcissistic, I know but you would have never known about fruition. You are a disgrace, and just like Brock, you are a waste of a gym leader, I never knew what people saw in you, I can't even stand your presence in the first place, so I think you should shove off and stop with the food talk would you? It's getting really annoying lately."

Bonnie and Ash were still roasting the absolute hell out of them, so I decided I'll end this before it gets too far. "Okay okay, that's enough. Ash, Bonnie, I think they get it. How about we just leave and settle this another time." I told them, I honestly wasn't sure what another time was, but I guess they thought so too.

They ended up calming down, and we ended up stopping the roasting despite they were far from done by the looks of it. Ash then spoke up "Come on guys, let's go. I can't stand the sight of them anymore."

Bonnie, Chloe, Paul, Ash, Gary and I walked out of the door.

"Bonnie Volt, what do you think your doing?!" Clemont shouted, trying to grab Bonnies arm, I blocked his way and said "She doesn't have to tell you anything, by this age, she's already allowed to go on her own journey. You do not tell her what to do Clemont." I stated.

Then we walked out the door despite their angry remarks.

Once we got to a safe distance away from Pallet town, we started thinking on what to do now. "We should go to Rilien, it's the nearest region from here and we can think more once we get there."

Everyone liked the idea and just a few days later, we were on a plane, and our next stop? The region of Rillien


Ash's Pov


"Woah, that was a whole new experience." Chloe said, I guess the amount of car sickness was new to her.

"Don't worry, you'll probably get used to it after a few days of that. You'll get used to it faster if there's a lot of people" I assured, I had too much experience with that.

Around 10 minutes later. the rest of the crew was able to make it we all took different taxi's, Bonnie was running all over the place wasting up unused energy. Delia held onto a wall, she was never going to be good with cars. Goh was soaked because he accidently fell in a lake because he needed to take a walk after the taxi. I have to admit, he looked awfully adorable.

Chloe chuckled and quickly grabbed him a towel. The rest of the crew saw how pitiful Goh looked but they couldn't help but laugh while he pouted. The day was also very sunny so he didn't look as bad when he first fell in the pool.

"So now what do we do?" Chloe said

Bonnie's eyes lit up and then she spoke up excitedly. "Ooooh I know! My godmother is actually a Pokemon Professor, and her lab isn't too far from here," She said, her eyes glimmering. I ruffled Bonnies hair and said. "Alright, let's get to the lab!"

The lab was in eyes view and once we got in there Bonnie immediately rushed over to hug her godmother. "Bonnie!" The professor smiled. She then looked at us with a warm look and asked. "What brings you here Bonnie, and where's your brother?"

"This is something you will need to sit down for. Sammy" Bonnie said.


No One Pov


"Bonnie, what's wrong, has anything bad happening?" Professor Evelyn asked, she disliked seeing Bonnie who helped save her life from suicide be in such a sad state.

Once Professor Evelyn got seated. Gary and Ash started explaining all the details. Gary's phone call, the betrayal of the people Ash once called friends. The things they said, wanting him to give up on his dreams and all that. Venus, an assistant of Professor Evelyn, and an older sister figure to Bonnie , decided she was too eavesdrop on the conversation. After the talk both she and Professor Evelyn, were outraged.

"Ash, I may not know you that well, but I have seen the countless remarkable deeds you have done in all the other regions. So while I can't do much for you at this time. I will make sure that you and your friends will be safe here in Rilien until you can protect yourself." Professor Evelyn stated, the crew thanked the professor as much as they could for her generous act.

"I still have trouble believing people are able to think of such idiotic acts, I hope you can understand." Evelyn said, they nodded. Something like this was hard to process.

"Thank you for telling us this, we are truly grateful for what you are doing." Delia said, she hasn't spoken much since the start of this. "We will do our best to repay your kindness."

"So what do you guys plan on doing?" Evelyn asked, standing up to grab them some tea. "If it's possible we would like a full change on our identities so that no one may be able to track us down. If that's possible of course." Ash said, sipping his tea and placing it back down.

"Hum, well that can be arranged, how about you stay the night. I'll get what you need by tomorrow morning!" Evelyn said happily. Everyone agreed without complaints "Oooh, Sammy, can I go see the Pokemon?" Bonnie exclaimed. "Of course Bonnie they all love you, come on."

Evelyn escorted Bonnie out of the room leaving the rest, of them free to talk about what they wanted.


The next day


They all woke up in separate beds, except Goh and Ash (Courtesy of Bonnie, she's a matchmaker)

When they finished brushing their teeth and getting changed, they all went into the sitting area of the lab. Evelyn and Venus both came into the room right after them, holding a few files.

"Okay, So Venus and I were able to procure these quite easily so, here you go, if you don't like anything, please just tell me and I'll be able to change it. Oh and, during the winters of Rilien, it can get pretty cold while the summers can get really hot, just so you know. Here you go!" She said, handing files to each of them.

Ash opened his file first. He was truly impressed by the amount of information there was. This was going to knock the traitors off their trail for sure.

Name: Ares Verona

Age: 14

Sex: Male

Home town: Tarburst City

Region: Rilien


Mother: Casandra Verona: (Delia Ketchum) Alive

Father: Leon Verona: Desceased.

Sister: Roseline Verona (Bonnie Volt)

Starter Pokemon: Pikachu

Tournaments entered: 2


Kalos: 2nd place

Alola: 2nd place

Partner: no one

Ash looked at the file in satisfaction before saying. "this is great! Thanks a lot, we don't know what'd we do without you." Evelyn nodded humbly before urging the rest to open theirs

After the rest finished reading and pleased with what they found on the documents, they put it in their respective bags and were prepared for anything. The amount on detail on it was immense and they were very impressed by the amount of effort being made onto the pieces of paper.

Ash then said something very smart "the traitors probably think I'll be in hiding somewhere around the regions we already travelled too. So I think that our best bet will be to stay here and work our way from the ground up."

"That's a good idea, the further we get from the traitors, the better." Paul said. Agreeing with Ash.


Now time for the 14 year time skip


Ash Pov


In just what felt like a short period of time, a peaceful and relaxing 10 years has passed by when my most trusted friends and I, including mother departed from Kanto and had settled down in the Rilien region. Many great things has happened to all of us when we have only been there for a short period of time. Let's focus on me, Ares Verona, formerly known as Ash Ketchum, life in Rilien.

When we settled down in Rilien, Goh, or Kale and I decided to go on dates at 16 years old, our first date was forced onto us by Bonnie, alias Roseline. I didn't expect it, but we were having a lot of fun. Then that one date turned into another one and soon enough, we were official. Everyone was expecting it, and I guess they knew about it before we did. God I really was oblivious wasn't I?

After 4 years of dating, we ended up getting married. I proposed on the new years, the moment the fireworks flew up. I got both of Kale's parents to grant me my blessing and was able to propose to Kale without any problems. We got married 8 months after that.

A year later, we adopted two very special and warmhearted kids. The first one we adopted was a blue haired boy, I gave him the name August, he is now over 12 years old (we adopted him when he was 8) and and a girl Kale named Minty, we got her when she was 6 so now, she's 10 years old. They were both part of abusive families, but thankfully the police got word of them so now their safe in our care.

A/N: I honestly love the name Minty, (it's my personal nickname)

August recently got his first Pokemon last week, we gifted him a shiny Ralts Gary/Noah rescued from an illegal Pokemon poacher. They're best friends, Ralts and August were two peas in a pod, and We can't be any more happy for him. Minty hasn't been able to catch Pokemon since she's to young. But she's still very happy just making friends with Pokemon. We think we'll get her a Pokemon to raise one day and we'll gift her that Pokemon once she's old enough to become a Pokemon trainer.

I knew that one day I'd see Greninja again, but not so soon. A year after living in Rilien, Greninja suddenly appeared at our house with no notice. We welcomed him back with open arms and I was estactic to have Greninja back (everyone lived in a shared house for quite a while before turning 18, then we moved out.)

Kale also achieved his dream, after retiring from Project Mew after 2 years working with it, he was able to find Mew, but they were in a horrible state, so after getting Mew to the Pokemon center. Mew decided to come along with his journeys. Mew's also quite close to me, so I guess the joke of me being a legendry magnet is true.

Grookey might still have not evolved, but Kale understood, Grookey was just like Pikachu, refusing to evolve. So we got him an ever stone so he wouldn't be able to evolve. Grookey was quite happy with the arrangement. Kale also became a Pokemon researcher along with Noah, and with each other's help, they were able to make the megadex. We released it into the public and everyone went wild for it. But we ended up stop selling them after a month. Kale and I both travel together to find new and rare Pokemon and meet countless of new people.

In just 4 years, he was able to make Rilien one of the most overdeveloped regions along with Evelyn's and Noah's help. All of their names will be talked for hundreds of years. They sometimes come on news shows together just talking about their findings.

Now time my mother, Delia Ketchum, or now better known as Casandra Verona, or Cassy as the people normally call her. When she gave birth to me she stopped her dreams of becoming a true Pokemon trainer and opened a restaurant to raise me. She was very proud of all the achievements I have accomplished, and she had supported me in every way, but the moment those revolting bastards thought they could hurt her son and get away with it? Oh heck no! She had already got a plan in her mind the moment they broke my trust.

Her second step was to rise up the ranks, and she did just that. She became the strongest of the elite four, specializing in water types. She also took an interests in Politics. becoming one of the most beloved politicians. Because she actually does what the other politicians don't, listen to their people. She's been helping us rise by creating allies and expanding our lands. People change, and my mother definitely has changed. But there is one thing she wont change, her determination to make the traitors pay.

Bonnie Volt, or better yet, Roseline Verona. Was adopted by mom a few years after moving in Rilien, she has her fathers permission, and she still keeps in touch with him. She's currently the 3rd strongest Elite at only 22 years old and As the highest-paid model across all nations, countless admirers seek to win her favor, that's why her backyard was fortified with landmines to deter unwanted attention outside her window for half a year, people ended up getting the hint. Despite the occasional intrusion, she manages to maintain her stature.

In addition to her modeling career, she also acts in a few movies further fueling the paparazzi frenzy. She swiftly navigates the chaos by overseeing most affairs and contracts behind the scenes. She truly is a natural at paperwork

Now that Roseline has left her past life and has moved on to a new one, she now has the freedom to do what she wants. So that basically means that she would be able to catch her own Pokemon and train alongside them. With 2 being the most obvious, when she and squishy reunited, zygarde became her first ace and Dedenne being her 2nd ace, both of them have been pushed to their limits and further, so although both are quite small Pokemon, they are not to be messed with.

She has also captured a few other Pokemon, Lapras, the same one she befriended when she was just a little girl. A Tyrantrum, it was the offspring of the Tyrantrum she met when she was younger. The shiny Phantump she befriended, and an Espeon she caught during her travels. She's an independent woman who knows what she's doing and what she's going to continue doing.

Roseline adopted an 11 year old son, 2 years ago named Zeke, he's an absolute sweetheart and loves playing with his Pokemon friends. Rose knows what Pokemon she'll gift him next month, for his twelfth birthday. She enjoys playing with her son and helping him learn new things.

Paul, or better yet... Caspian Arch . He is known for being the 2nd strongest Elite, and strongest male trainer just underneath me, not only that he's founded a big company that sells most of Kales, Noah's and Evelyn's products. But lets not get too far on that topic, he was comfortable as Bi all this time and none of us knew. But what the did know was that he hid it better than me for sure. People tell me I can't leave my husband alone for just a few minutes, and honestly, it's probably true.

he's still currently single but plans to date sometime soon. Though he's comfortable just being where he's at, he enjoys having tea with the rest and training with Pokemon.

Now time for my good friend and Kales childhood friend, Chloe, who now goes by the name Kristine. She is a loving friend, helping with all the things we needed, she was taught wonderful things and in the midst of it, found and published new Eeveelutions. She was working as a researcher for a while before leaving and working independently. She now Mainly works on the study of Eeveelutions. Sometimes, she does vlogging here and there, and the people love it.

She was able to publish her findings to Rilien. Currently she has all of the new Eeveelutions right now. Everyone loves her work, she also found out what's special about her own Eevee. Eevee just so happens to have such unstable DNA that not only can't her Eevee evolve, but it can also use as many moves as it wishes. So it's basically a Pokemon that is quite literally, every type.

Not only that, Kristine has got the mega stones for almost all the Eeveelutions. Right now, she is the only person who owns these mega stones. But she does say that she will give them to people she deems fit, so everyone has been trying to get on her good side, which is actually not easy whatsoever. She's picky and can easily tell whether you are a good trainer or not. Kristine actually once beat up someone to a pulp because they were abusing their Pokemon.

All of us still keep in contact with the Alolan Gang, the professors, all of the champions. Kristine still talks to her father a bunch. They come over a few times.

We are super happy with our lives, but I have a feeling, this will get a lot more interesting.

ps: Oh and for anyone worrying, we have paid our debt to Evelyn.


Okay, so now that's finished, I'm going to sleep.