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The Night It All Changed.


After one awful headache, Dazai goes to the doctor for help with his husband and receiving shocking news, you won’t believe what happens next.


(I don’t know how to write summaries.)


Hey, everyone, you can call me Jonah. Do I have regret for making this? Yes. Did I enjoy every second? Also yes. I was certainly entertaining to make, it caused me to let out a few chuckles, unfortunately. New chapter uploads will be very infrequent, I’m afraid.

Some thoughts.. I do not know much about the omegaverse, apologies. Well, enjoy this story.

- 10/19/24 , Jonah.

Chapter 1: 4 Weeks in.

Chapter Text

Dazai wakes up from a hot and steamy night in Fitzgerald’s bed. He’s exhausted, and can’t recall anything that happened last night. All he remembers is going to Fitzgerald’s house. Now, the house looks empty. Suddenly, there’s this disgusting wiggle-feeling in his stomach. He clutches it tightly, before he has to stop and cover his mouth. Is he going to barf? It feels like it. He slides out of the bed, running to the bathroom and crouching down.

It’s been like this for a few weeks. (Four, if we’re being specific.). Going to Fitzgerald’s house, and well..let’s just say.. getting a bit, heh.. freaky. But never mind that, ever since the last two weeks, he’s been feeling nauseous, and has been having horrible pains in his stomach. Like he is right now, chest heaving, shoulders shaking as he barfs into the toilet. He feels disgusting. Maybe he should shower, he thinks, before he breaths in sharply and vomits again.

Amidst the vomiting, he can hear footsteps, he turns around to see him. Fitzgerald. His husband, the love of his life. “Fitzgerald?” Dazai calls out breathlessly. At his words, Fitzgerald runs over and starts patting his back.

“Dizi.. er, I mean.. Dazah.. wait.. Dazai. Are you okay?” He asks. Dazai chooses to ignore how he gets his name wrong. Dazai’s just.. never seem him so caring before.. he’s so charming.. it just makes the brunette want to strip down and-

“Dazai?” The voice calls again. Right. He had to reply. Stupid brain.

“Mmm..” Dazai groans, then speaks up. “Yes, Fitzdaddy?” Dazai batts his eyelashes, looking submissive and breedable as usual. How cute.

“Kitten. Are you feeling okay? Answer me, my little munchkin.” The Donald Trump look-alike grips the brunette’s chin, forcing him to look him in the eyes. Dazai is feeling like shit on a stick but he doesn’t want his smoockikins to worry about him. “I’m okay, Fitzybooboo” Dazai purrs, plastering on that signature mischievous grin. Just less saturated than usual, Fitzgerald notices, if that makes sense.

Fitzgerald sees right through it. “Osamu.” Fitzgerald growls, letting out a sharp bark afterwards. At his change in tone, Dazai whimpers and starts to cry, shaking even more. “N-No, Fitzdaddy! I’m n-not okay!” He exclaims. Fitzgerald’s alpha tail tucks back in, and his ears press down against his head, he frowns.

The blonde rubs slow and soothing circles on Dazai’s back, softly shushing his sobs. Like clockwork, Dazai starts to barf into the toilet once again.

“Shhh, shhh, babygirl, it’s okay, you’ll be okay.” Fitzgerald murmurs into his ear.

It goes like that for a while, before Dazai suddenly stops, collapsing into Fitzgerald’s arms. “Fitzdaddy.. ah..” He whispers, before his eyes fall shut.



Next thing he knew when he peeled his eyes open, he was wearing a hospital gown, lying on a bed. He glanced around the empty room. Fitzgerald was sitting next to him, holding his hand with a smirk as the nurse spoke. He recognized the nurse as Poe. And he was pregnant too, must’ve been Ranpo’s doing.

Poe looked down at his clipboard before speaking up, “Congratulations, your omega is four weeks pregnant. You’ll make an amazing father, Fitzgerald.” The nurse speaks, seemingly not noticing Dazai’s awakeness. The words rang out in his head.

Your omega is four weeks pregnant.


Your omega is four weeks pregnant. Is he an omega? He is, right? He can’t remember all of a sudden.


But.. he’s pregnant? No, no.. he wanted to live a life. Not to be bound down by a child. He wants a pretty body he can willingly wreck or not, one that he’s in control of. This.. isn’t right. He’s not ready to be a father, or a mother, or whatever. No. He can’t do this.

Dazai howls a sad tune, to which both Fitzgerald and Poe automatically howl back to in response. Afterwards, Fitzgerald grabs Dazai’s hand, and tenderly squeezes it. Dazai can feel all his wrinkles.

“Babygirl.. aren’t you excited? We’re going to be parents, start a family!” Fitzgerald beams, the smirk that’s on his face accentuates all the wrinkles and creases in his face. And damn, does it make Dazai just want to stick a finger up Fitzgerald’s ass and-

“Babygirl?” The voice repeats. Shit. Dazai is just so in love with his Fitzdaddy he keeps forgetting to reply, but anyway, the problem at hand..

“Y-Yeah, I’m so happy..” He replies, his voice shaky and unstable. Apparently the American didn’t notice, because he went right back to discussing with Poe.