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What Goes Around Comes Around


While captured by demonic cultivators, Lan Wangji finds himself willingly assisting in the humiliation and abuse of Jiang Wanyin by their captors - spurred on by his hatred of the man. As he is not only allowed but encouraged to participate in the escalation of abuse, he fails to notice or acknowledge his own descent into inhumanity.

He should have remembered that what goes around comes around in the end…


This is probably the most disturbing thing I have ever written. Technically, it is LWJ Bashing and Lan Sect Bashing, and ends in a way that is definitely something only Jiang Cheng Stans would appreciate and only then if they have a weakness for the Twin Prides of Yunmeng, and YP!WWX specifically. But, the journey there is dark. Everything but the final scene is written from LWJ’s POV, and you have to understand going in that the narration is beyond unreliable to downright skewed and delusional. LWJ is put in a position where he has free reign to take out his hatred on JC, not only given permission to be the worse version of himself but actively encouraged. You watch him descend into his own inhumanity and have no remorse for his actions even once out of the situation.

Just, read the tags, please! Especially the Victim Blaming one! JC goes through the ringer at the hands of both his captors and LWJ, and LWJ convinces himself over and over that JC is to blame for it all. Even deluding himself into believing that deep down JC wants what is done to him, and blaming him for his sadism towards him.

And when revenge comes calling, well… nobody does revenge like YP!WWX, but it is every bit as vicious as we would expect from an unhinged Wei Wuxian.

Just, keep yourself safe, okay? Don’t read this if the tags disturb you or you think anything within would trigger you.

Also, warnings for Frankencanon.

Work Text:

Lan Wangji wasn’t sure what part of the situation was worse.  That he had been captured, the cell designed with a core repressing array, and no idea how soon anyone would realize it.  Or that he was forced to endure this alongside Jiang Wanyin. He wasn’t at all surprised that the Jiang sect leader was ranting and shouting at the bars, despite their capturers not showing themselves.  Uncouth.  Not that he expected anything better.

He sank down to meditate, doing his best to ignore the crude words and threats from the other man towards whoever caught them.  Lan Wangji had heard of restless spirits.  What did it matter if it was in Yunmeng?  He would aid where he was needed.  Besides, he doubted Jiang Wanyin cared about the common people under his jurisdiction.  There was no glory for him to claim in a simple case like this, after all.

“Are you just going to sit there?”

He didn’t bother to respond to the demand.  It was clear he was.  There was no use expanding energy until they knew anything.

Jiang Wanyin scoffed at his lack of answer.  “Of all people to be stuck here with.”

In that they were in agreement.  He continued to try to meditate, but it seemed the other wasn’t through bothering him now that he had run out of useless things to shout at their absent captors.

“I wouldn't think you would have bothered with this case.  Aren’t you done chasing demonic cultivators now that you have Wei Wuxian?”

He clenched his jaw at the mocking, and said nothing.  Despite the desire to throw the question back at him. Demonic Cultivation.  He should have known that would drag the man to any corner of Yunmeng.  Not for the people suffering, just because he still hated Wei Wuxian and continued to seek out others to punish in his stead.  His obsession made him dangerous, and he was glad for the lack of contact between him and his husband.

“Rocks make more interesting conversation.”  He heard a thump that indicated the other finally decided to sit down.

Of course, that was when their captors made an appearance.

“Well, well, well.  Look what we have here.”  The man in the front had a scar running down the left side of his face.  He was flanked by five other men.  The group was large, then, because he clearly could see that people were standing guard outside the door.  Unless they were fierce corpses.

“Scum!  You think you’ll get away with this?”  Jiang Wanyin surged to his feet.

“I think we already have, Sandu Shengshou.  You’re weaponless, and the array keeps your cores sealed.”

“And you think no one will come looking for us?”

“They’ll be looking in the wrong place.”  The scarred man replied.

“What do you mean?”

Lan Wangji almost wanted to roll his eyes.  Wasn’t it obvious what the man meant?

“We teleported you away from your previous location.  Help isn’t coming.  You’re at our mercy.”

“Why capture us at all?  Why not just kill us?”  Jiang Wanyin demanded.

“We thought about it.  Especially you.  You’ve been nothing but a thorn in the side of demonic cultivators all these years.”  The scarred man continued.  “But then we had a thought, didn’t we men?”

The other five chuckled at that, nodding and agreeing.

“We think it's time you pay for your little crusade against us.”

“You want a taste of what I do with the likes of you?  Just try to get near me.”  Jiang Wanyin taunted.  Lan Wangji was pretty sure antagonizing their captors wasn’t going to improve the situation, and would likely encourage whatever torture they had come up with.  If he still had his cultivation, he would have been tempted to cast his silence spell on him.

“And me?”  He finally spoke up.  He couldn’t think of a reason they would target him, unless they simply hated all cultivators.

“What about you?”  Another of the men sneered.  He was the skinniest of the five.  Seeming either underfed, or perhaps unhealthy due to his cultivation method.  “You’re just another hypocrite.  What did you ever do to stop Sandu Shengshou’s rampage?  You’re the Yiling Patriarch’s husband, yet allow his behavior?”

He felt a flash of annoyance.  Allowed is hardly the word he would use.  Jiang Wanyin was not a member of Gusu Lan.  There was little he could do to stop him.  Especially with the other sect leaders egging him on, despite using many of Wei Ying’s methods.  They had no right to call him a hypocrite.  He had made his dislike of the man’s behavior clear, at least.

“Are you seriously trying to compare yourselves to Wei Wuxian right now?”  Jiang Wanyin scoffed.

He sent a cold look his way.  As if he had any right to speak of Wei Ying after all the ways he had betrayed his once brother.

“Oh, I don’t think the honorable Hanguang Jun likes it when you speak of his husband.”  The skinny man snickered.

“Oh?”  The scarred man glanced between them.  “Am I sensing some hostility? I suppose he wouldn’t like his husband’s murderer.”

Jiang Wanyin tensed as if displeased by his words, and Lan Wangji felt his annoyance grow.  What right had he to be upset about it?  Hadn’t he led the siege against Wei Ying?  Hadn’t he reveled in the glory of being the Yiling Patriarch’s killer?

“Is the plan torture or talking us to death?” Jiang Wanyin demanded.

“I think we have a better plan than simple torture.  You’re a prideful man, aren’t you Sandu Sengshou?  I think someone should break you of that.  Teach you a lesson.”

Jiang Wanyin snorted, and a third man stretched out a hand – there were burns on his hands he realized - and a thread shot out to wrap around Jiang Wanyin’s neck.  He was yanked forward, slamming into the bars with a shout.  Another trick of Wei Ying’s, Lan Wangji recognized.  “When we’re through with you, you’ll be so broken you’ll want to die.”  The man threatened.

“We’ll see.”  Jiang Wanyin hissed.  “Why don’t you come in here and try it?”

“Now, why would we need to?”  The scarred man smirked.  “There’s someone already in there with you.”

Lan Wangji froze at the implication.  “I will not do anything for you.”

“Would you truly prefer to die?  We can simply fill this room with fierce corpses, and open the door.  Even you two wouldn’t be able to defeat them with no weapons or spiritual power.”

“Especially tied down.”  The man with the burned hands gave a tug on thread and Jiang Wanyin choked slightly before he gave the thread slack.

“You’re so called righteousness holding you back?”  The skinny man taunted.  “WIlling to die for your reputation?”

“You don’t want to die.”  The scarred man spoke up.  “You think you can still escape or be rescued.”

It was true.  So long as they were alive, there was a chance.

“And don’t you want revenge for all he did to your husband?”

“Irrelevant.”  He dismissed.

“Sure.”  The mad snorted.

A part of him knew that to be a lie.  He still burned with the injustice of what had happened to his husband.  At Jiang Wanyin’s cowardice and petty jealousy that had him turn away when he could have saved Wei Ying.

“We won’t have you injure him much.  We just want him put in his place.”

“Don’t do it.”  Jiang Wanyin hissed at him.

He clenched his hand, anger roiling at the words.  What right had he to order him what to do?  He no doubt would put his pride before his life.  What did Jiang Wanyin have to live for anyway?  Lan Wangji had plenty.  And what were a few hits to Jiang Wanyin’s pride if they were rescued?

He glanced at the man, and nodded.  Jiang Wanyin, held against the bars couldn’t see, but the men could.  The man with the burned hands released the thread around Jiang Wanyin’s throat, and he stepped back, breathing heavily.

“Make him kowtow to us.”  The scarred man grinned, and the others behind him began to snicker.

Realizing what that meant, Jiang Wanyin whirled to face him with a sneer.  “Don’t try it, Lan Wangji.”

He stepped towards him, and he dropped into a fighting stance.  He glared at him.  He had to make this difficult, but it wasn’t as if he stood a chance against him without Wei Ying’s core.  He charged forward, only for Jiang Wanyin to dodge him.

“Get him!”

“Put him on his knees!”

The demonic cultivators were shouting out encouragement, and he blocked them out.  He had to concentrate on Jiang Wanyin, who was turning out to be a far more slippery opponent than he had expected.  Almost as if he had trained himself to fight without a core.  In the end, it was a matter of getting his hands on him, his strength was too superior for him to fight against.

“Stop it, Lan Wangji!”  He shouted when he finally got ahold of one arm, throwing a punch at him.

He caught the punch with ease, yanking him off balance.  Before he could regain it, he had both his hands captured behind his back, and turned him to face their captures.

“You’ll regret this, Lan Wangji.”

He gave a huff of air at the empty threat, and kicked his legs out from under him.  He fell to his knees with a hiss, and then he simply used his hold on his arms to press him forward until his head touched the floor.  He struggled uselessly against his grip.  Outside the cell, the demonic cultivators were watching, their faces alight with dark glee.

“Two more times.”  The scarred man smirked.

“Don’t you-” Jiang Wangyin began.

“SIlence.”  He told him, yanking his upper body up, then pressing it back down two more times to the laughter of their audience.  A part of him was enjoying this, he realized.  Watching the arrogant man be forced to do something that hurt his pride.  He pushed aside any discomfort at the realization.  Arrogance was wrong, so what if he wanted to see the other man humbled?

“Let me up.”  He growled at him, still struggling.

His body moved without thinking, capturing his wrists in one hand, and bringing his second back to spank him.  Jiang Wanyin froze, as did the demonic cultivators.  Then their laughter rang through the space.

“Do it again!”  

“Do it again!”

“How dare you??”  JIang Wanyin’s struggles renewed.

“Well, Hanguang Jun?  You heard the men.  Spank him.”  The scarred man commanded.  “You can stop when he stops struggling.”

He pushed aside the thought that he had escalated the situation unnecessarily.  Ignoring whatever threats or insults the Jiang Wanyin was hissing, he began to spank him.  He struggled for longer than he anticipated, even when he heard a hitch of breath that told him he was likely crying, he still struggled.  Ridiculous.  If he had simply stopped struggling, he wouldn’t have ended up as hurt.

When he finally stopped moving, the man with the burned hands stepped closer.  “I think he’s crying.”

The skinny man snickered.  “Show us his face!”

“You heard them.”  The scarred man stated.

He hesitated a moment, before dragging him up by his arms.  Tears were falling down his face, small hitched breaths escaping his mouth.  Likely a reaction to his hurt pride than anything, though for how long the spanking had gone on, his ass was likely bruised.

“He is crying.”

“Sobbing more like.”


The scarred man’s smile stretched unpleasantly.  “I suppose that’s enough for a start.  We’ll be back for some more entertainment later.”

They left through the door, and he loosened his hold.  Jiang Wanyin wrenched his arms free.  “Get away from me.”

He huffed, surprised to realize he felt no remorse for his actions.  Well, what had he done really?  It wasn’t as if he had caused him any permanent injury.  “I won’t die for your pride.”

“Easy for you to say.  I bet if they’d asked you to bow, you would have refused.”

Would he have?  He ignored the idea.  It was just petty words from a petty man.  “These are the consequences of your own actions.”

“You don’t actually believe that.  These men are scum.  All demonic cultivators are.”

“You have always thought yourself better than others.”

“Their actions are what makes them less.”

“Your actions are no better.”

“I don’t attack the innocent.”

“You attacked Wei Ying.”  He couldn’t help but point out.

Jiang Wanyin laughed.  “Wei Wuxian is far from innocent.”

“Say it again.”  He warned.

Something he didn’t quite understand passed over the other man’s face, and he backed away.  “Keep your hands to yourself.”

He realized he was speaking of the spanking and huffed again.  “As if anyone would want to touch you.”

He heard an intake of breath, and couldn’t help a small thrill at the barb hitting home as he turned away and returned to the opposite side of the cell to meditate.



The scarred man brought five more men, and demanded a repeat performance.  Jiang Wanyin proved more difficult to capture this time, fighting harder because he knew what was coming.  It was futile, and in the end he was on his knees being forced to kowtow.  He stopped struggling faster during the spanking, but the scarred man demanded ten more strikes to the delight of the other men.

He was definitely sobbing that time when he forced him up so the other men could see and jeer him for being weak and pathetic.  He likely was in a lot of pain, he had hardly held back when spanking him.  Without a golden core, whatever bruising would likely not heal as quickly either.

There was one final repeat performance for five more men.  Sixteen men including the leader, he calculated.  He didn’t believe all of them were demonic cultivators.  He was certain at least some were simply guards.  Water was provided after the third visit, but no food.

Jiang Wanyin didn’t move right away after he released him the third time.  He returned to his corner, but instead of meditating found himself watching as the other finally stood and went to his own side of the cell.  He noticed he laid down on his stomach.   The thought that even his clothing probably was slightly painful against his skin lingered even as he tried to meditate.  Not out of sympathy.  Just a thought that couldn’t quite leave his brain.



None of them reappeared until at least midday the next day.  They brought bowls of thin gruel, which the scarred man demanded Jiang Wanyin kowtow in thanks for.  He refused, which meant he had to force him.  He was slightly annoyed at the production.  Why not just give the man what he wanted and save both their energy?  Wouldn’t that be better?  But, of course, a man as prideful as Jiang Wanyin couldn’t even lower himself to do that much even for simple survival.

They were told to back away from the bars when the food bowls were placed inside.  The same when they had finished.  Jiang Wanyin dashed forward, to grab at the man trying to get the bowls, and the scarred man threw out a talisman that hit his shoulder and sent him flying backwards.  He landed on his ass, and he yelped, scrambling off of it with an obvious wince.  The gathered men laughed at that.

“Sore from yesterday’s punishment, Sandu Shengshou?”  The scarred man asked.  Jiang Wanyin sneered at him.

“I bet his ass is bruised.”  The skinny man snickered.

“Really…”  The scarred man suddenly looked down at the other man’s body, as if trying to ascertain if it was true despite the clothes in the way and him facing forward.  “Don’t suppose you want to show us?”

Jiang Wanyin jerked at the suggestion, before his face settled back into a sneer.  “Disgusting.”

“Your body is disgusting?  Guess you got banned from all those matchmakers somehow.”

He saw his posture go stiff, hand clenching, but he said nothing as the men laughed.  That was all for that visit.



They didn’t see them until the evening, when the scarred man stormed in, trailed by eight of his men this time.  He was clearly angry.  “Make him kowtow, and if he struggles, spank him.”

Of course, Jiang Wanyin struggled, so of course he was forced to spank him.

“Now, let’s see that red ass.”

He froze, realizing what the man meant.

A moment later Jiang Wanyin suddenly renewed his struggles. “Let me go!”

It was a lewd suggestion.  Indecent.  Intentionally humiliating.  It was against several rules of behavior.  He hesitated.

“This is what you want to die for, Hanguang Jun?  Refusing to bare Sandu Shengshou’s ass?”  The scarred man taunted.

“Don’t you dare, Lan Wangji!”  Jiang Wanyin was struggling some more, and he spanked him automatically.  Jiang Wanyin cried out, outraged, but the demonic cultivators were laughing and calling out encouragement.  It gave him time to consider.

It was indecent, yes, but their lives were surely more important than a bit of indecency.  It was a blow to the other’s pride, but so what?  He certainly could use less of that.  Disrobing him completely would be hard, but pulling up his robes could be done with him held down in a similar position to the kowtow.

“What will it be, Hanguang Jun?”  The scarred man asked.

He pulled Jiang Wanyin around to face the other way. He struggled harder, trying to break his hold while yelling out more useless threats.  Ignoring him and the crude calls of the gathered men, he began to pull up the various layers of his robes. He struggled the whole time, and his annoyance grew. They were only in this position because Jiang Wanyin's hounding of demonic cultivators made them want to avenge themselves in some way.  He’d pulled up the final inner robe, leaving just his pants covering him, and in a moment of anger instead of pulling them down he ripped the seat open.

Jiang Wanyin froze, and the scarred man gave a loud laugh. “My, my.  I’m surprised at you, Hanguang Jun.”

Stuck in his head, trying to understand his own actions, he didn't even think about it when Jiang Wanyin began to struggle again, just brought his hand down on his ass. Bare ass. The sound of skin on skin echoed loudly in the cell.  This clearly excited the gathered group.

“It really is bright red!”  The skinny man took a step closer. “And his ass is really round. isn't it?  Feminine.”

“His personality is like a woman's.”  A man in the back he hadn't really paid attention to before said.

“A shrew you mean?”  The burned hand man replied, and the other man guffawed.

The skinny man suddenly dodged forward, grabbing a hold of a piece of the ripped pants and tore it free.  He dodged back, laughing wildly. “Look what I got!  A piece of Sandu Shengshou’s underthings.”

It was a crude taunt, but he felt Jiang Wanyin tense below his hands.  The men roared with laughter.

The scarred man smirked. “Hold him down, Hanguang Jun.”

He obeyed, and the men surged forward to reach through the bars and tear at his pants. Jiang Wanyin howled in fury - kicking out, but two of the men grabbed an ankle each to prevent him from doing it again, and the group kept going until the pants were completely gone, taking the pieces with them.

“Give it up easy, don't you, Sandu Shengshou?”  The scarred man taunted.

“I’ll kill you. I will kill you.”  Jiang Wanyin hissed out.

The man only snorted, unconcerned. “No, you won't.”

Before they released him, the skinny man dodged forward and reached through the bars again. Only this time he pinched his thigh.  Jiang Wanyin shrieked, causing more laughter.

With a nod from the scarred man the men holding his ankles released their hold and backed away. “Let him go.”  He ordered him.  Which was unusual. Usually they just left.

He did what he asked, backing away.  Jiang Wanyin hastily got to his feet, yanking down his robes.

“Why so modest now?  We’ve all had a look.”

“His thighs are soft like a woman.”  The skinny man leered.

“Shame about that personality. Ass like that is a waste on someone like him.”  The man who said his personality was like a woman was leering too. His nose looked broken.  Lan Wangji wondered if he should ask their names but dismissed the idea. It didn't matter.

Jiang Wanyin spat on the floor.  “Filth.”

“So haughty still. That's fine. We're only getting started.”  The scarred man turned away. The men followed, waving the pieces of his pants in his face like trophies taken from him.

He saw he was shaking with rage, but almost missed the punch he threw at his face.  He grabbed it last minute - twisting him away.  “Childish.” He lectured him for the attack.

“You selfish, self-serving-”

“My actions are keeping us alive.”

“Keeping yourself alive, you mean.  You don’t care what happens to me.”

“Do not mistake my morals for yours.”

“Where were your morals when you held me down and bared me for them??”

“Pride is useless here.”

“You say that because you haven't been made to give up even an ounce of your dignity for their amusement!”

“What dignity have you ever had?”  He challenged.

Jiang Wanyin’s hands clenched, but he didn't attack him again.  He whirled away, and went back to his side of the cell.

He wondered if he should feel guilty.  If he hadn't ripped the pants, perhaps the men wouldn't have gotten the idea to tear them to shreds.  He didn't feel guilty, though. Other than a bruised ass and ego, what had Jiang Wanyin really suffered?  He was merely blowing things out of proportion, just as he would expect from the volatile man.



In the morning, the scarred man reappeared with eight men again, seven who hadn’t been there the previous evening and the burned hand man.  They ordered them to back away from the bars, and set a bowl of congee by his side.  The scarred man had another bowl, and Jiang Wanyin eyed him warily.

“Feel free to eat, Hanguang Jun.  Sandu Shengshou and I are just going to chat.”

After another moment’s hesitation he moved forward to take the bowl and eat.  He was surprised that they actually had given him decent food rather than scraps.

“Want to earn this?”  The scarred man turned back to Jiang Wanyin, lifting up the bowl of food.  “You have two options.  You can kowtow three times of your own volition, or you can hike up those robes and show this set of my men the view they missed last night.”

Jiang Wanyin laughed at the words.  “You expect me to play your sick little game?  Forget it.”

“You can either be rewarded for good behavior or punished for bad behavior.  I’m giving you a chance.”

He saw him glance his way.  He couldn’t say if he was just checking if he was coming to make him bow like usual or if he honestly wanted him to help him in some way.  In what way was fighting the men helping?  Why couldn’t he just play along until a rescue came or they found a way to escape?  His annoyance grew, and he kept eating.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

The burned hand man shot out a string, but Jiang Wanyin whirled away.  Another of the men came forward.  He was tall, though not broad.  He shot out strings of his own, which he dodged as well.  There was only so much room in the cell, though.  He debated about interfering, but the scarred man shot him a warning look.  If they tried to hurt him, he would intervene, he decided.  So far all they had truly done was mock him.

The burned man got his wrist first, yanking him forward, and the tall man got his second wrist, pulling him back against the bars.  Rope was produced to tie his wrists together on the other side of the cell bars, leaving him trapped, and his ankles were quickly caught next, then tied to the bars as well, legs spread in a wide stance.  He was shaking, though he was guessing more from anger than fear.

The scarred man set the bowl on the floor and strode forward, grabbing his hair and slamming his head back against the bars.  Jiang Wanyin gave a small grunt of pain.  The man then reached up to yank the guan from his hair, then the ribbon.  His hair fell about him.  “You aren’t a sect leader here, Sandu Shengshou.  You’re nothing but entertainment.”

“You will die screaming.”  Jiang Wanyin hissed at him.

“Keep telling yourself that.”  He tossed the guan to the burned hand man, and tied the ribbon into his own hair.  Then he reached between the bars and unbuckled his belt, pulling it off.  There was a small hitch of breath from Jiang Wanyin, but when he looked at his face all he saw was anger.  The belt made the robes loose, but various ties kept them closed still.  The scarred man tossed the belt to the tall man.  “Ready to kowtow instead?”

He saw his jaw clench, and realized he wasn’t going to give in.

The scarred man chuckled.  “No?  Maybe you like to show this off, huh?”  He patted his butt, and Jiang Wanyin tried to jerk away from his touch - but the ropes held him tight.  “Who knew that Sandu Shengshou gave it up so easy?  That what you been needing all these years?  Real men to put you in your place?”

“I’ll pluck out your eyes.  Feed your hands to the dogs.”

“C’mon, Boss.  Let’s have that show.”  The burned hand man called out, clearly ignoring the empty threats.

With the robes loosened, it was easy for the man to yank them up, baring his ass to the gathered men.  Whistles and catcalls filled the room.

“It doesn’t look as red as they said.”  The tall man brought up.

“Guess he needs another spanking.  Go ahead boys.”  The scarred man ordered.

The meaning sunk in as the men surged forward.  Jiang Wanyin struggled, but was too bound to the bars to do anything as they all fought over the right to spank his ass and thighs.  Someone got him to yelp from pinching, and the other men picked it up, though he bit back on further sounds. Finally the scarred man held up a hand and they backed away.

“Nice and red now, wouldn’t you say?”  The scarred man patted Jiang Wanyin’s ass again, smirking.  More whistles and catcalls followed the statement.  The man sought out his eyes.  “Untie him, Hanguang Jun, and you’ll take his place.”

He hesitated, but nodded.  There was no point in antagonizing him and getting tied up as well.

“Tell the men if they have free time they can come.  Have a look and a little fun.”  He instructed the burned hand man.  “Just touching.  Nothing else.  No knives.  No damage. ”

“Sure thing, Boss.”

The group left, and it was only then that Lan Wangji realized they had taken the food meant for Jiang Wanyin with them.



The men came often throughout the day, pulling the robes up if they fell down.  Groping, spanking; pinching.  Jiang Wanyin shouted and struggled at first.  Offering empty threats and angry curses. He began to sag in the ropes as the day wore on, but there was no way to rest with how they had him tied.

The scarred man didn’t return that evening, but the burned hand man did, though he only brought three people with him..  “Boss says to untie you for the night.”

No words, just a sneer.

“Still so haughty?”  He yanked up the robes again, spanking him.  Jiang Wanyin hissed, but said nothing. “Watching you break is going to be a delight.”

He cut the ropes, but each man took a hold of a limb as he did so - making it impossible to try to attack them through the bars.  At the burned man’s order, they stepped back, and Jiang Wanyin stumbled on legs that were half asleep.  The men snickered as he yanked his robes back in order.

Food was brought again, barely broth this time.  The burned hand man didn’t ask him to force Jiang Wanyin to kowtow for it, which seemed unusual at this point.  When they were finished they took the bowls away.

“Enjoy the rest while you can.” He warned as he left.

Rather than argue, Jiang Cheng retreated to the corner, eventually falling asleep on his stomach. He tried to sleep as well, but scenes from throughout the day played in his mind.  The way Jiang Wanyin had shaken occasionally, tensed at others.  The constant stream of men yanking his robes up and putting their hands on him.  It was obscene and humiliating, but the thought that niggled at him was that perhaps some humiliation would do him good.  Perhaps he deserved it.



It was the skinny man who came the next morning, with the broken nose man and three other men.  One put a bowl of congee by the bars on his side.  The skinny man had a second bowl.  “Boss says, same deal as yesterday.  You can have this if you kowtow, or if you lift up your skirts and show us that plump little ass.” He smirked.  He’d obviously chosen the lewd words on purpose.  They sounded like something lecherous men would say to a woman.  Jiang Wanyin clenched his hands and said nothing.

“Maybe he wants to show us his ass.”  The broken nose man suggested.

“Probably.”  The skinny man leered.  “After all, he knows what will happen if he refuses to bow, so he must want it to happen.”

Lan Wangji found himself glancing towards Jiang Wanyin.  Was it true?  Did he want to be displayed?  It would be such an easy thing to bow instead.  “Slut.”  The word slipped out before he thought about it.

Jiang Wanyin’s snapped his head towards him, eyes wide in surprise.  The gathered men howled with laughter.

“He is, isn’t he?”  The skinny man giggled.  “Sandu Shengshou is nothing but a dirty slut!”

“Hey, slut, show us that ass!”  The broken nose man leered.

“Wonder what his tits look like.  Want to show them off instead?”

There was a flush on Jiang Wanyin’s face that Lan Wangji was certain was embarrassment as much as anger.  He found he was pleased by that.  All this time he had seemed unmoved by all the mocking, and it was his words that broke that resolve.  That knocked him a little off that high pedestal he put himself on.

“Slut.”  He repeated, watching as the shock turned to a glare, even as his face reddened more.

The gleeful taunts the men quickly shouted out next were jumbled, and he couldn’t figure out who said what.  His eyes were trained on Jiang Wanyin, watching his discomfort grow.


“Sandu Shengshou is a slut!”

“C’mon, slut, show that ass off!  You know you want to!”

“Show us that slutty ass!”

He saw his body tensing, and was prepared when he flung himself at him with a shout of rage.  The attack was sloppy, and it was easy to get ahold of his arms, and wrestle him down.  To yank up his robes to display his ass.

“That’s it!”

“Show the slut his place!”

“Spank him!”

He didn’t hesitate, spanking him repeatedly as he raged and struggled.  Until he calmed, hitched breaths betraying the tears hidden by his downward position and the fall of his loose hair.

“Bring him over, Hanguang Jun.”  The skinny man ordered.

Jiang Wanyin struggled some, but it was easy to yank him up and to the bars.  Between him and the five men, he was soon tied to them again, robes yanked up and the men free to spank and pinch him.  There was something like betrayal in his eyes.  Which was rich coming from the man who had betrayed Wei Ying when he was owed his loyalty.  There was no such loyalty between them.

“What a slutty ass!”

“Told you, it’s like a woman’s.  All plump and bouncy.”  The skinny man declared gleefully, smacking it again.  He had his hand on his own crouch, rubbing.  So did the broken nose man.

They were hard, Lan Wangji realized.  Then was startled to realize his own dick was plumped up.  Before he could spiral into why, the broken nose man moaned. “What a slutty display.”

It was a vulgar display, and one Jiang Wanyin had brought on himself when he could have just bowed.  This was why this sort of behavior in public was against the rules.  Who wouldn’t get aroused at witnessing it?  He looked up and found Jiang Wanyin watching him still.  “Slut.”  He accused again, and the other man turned away, his face red with embarrassment, tears leaking from his eyes.

He moved away to pick up his breakfast.  When he was finished, the men took his bowl.  When they left, they took the breakfast they had offered Jiang Wanyin with them - leaving him tied to the bars.

It was clear the word about the morning had spread.  The men who came in and out to spank and grope Jiang Wanyin continued to call him a slut, and taunt him with how much he clearly wanted this all since he’d had the option to bow and stop it.

He was provided lunch, but Jiang Wanyin wasn’t released.  The men spent the time groping and spanking the other man as they waited for him to finish eating.  He was instructed to untie him so he could empty his bladder into the chamber pot in his corner.  But he was then ordered to drag him back to the bars to be tied to them again.  He struggled, of course, but having been tied up so long was hard on the muscles, and it wasn’t difficult to get him back to where the men wanted him.

When evening came, the scarred man reappeared.  He had the skinny man and burned hand man with him, and three other men.  A bowl of soup was given to him, but the skinny man held a second bowl.

“I heard from my men that Sandu Shengshou is a slut.”  The scarred man stated, tone amused.

Jiang Wanyin gritted his teeth and didn’t respond.

“A dirty slut who likes to be displayed to groups of men and played with.  Here I thought I was punishing you, only to learn you’ve been enjoying yourself.  What should I do about that, do you think?”

“Demonic cultivator filth!”  Jiang Wanyin snarled out, clearly unable to stay silent.  “You will pay for every one of these indignities!”

The scarred man laughed.  “Now, Now, no need for pretense.”  He moved forward to pull up the robes to bare him again - they tended to slide down when he was left alone for a time. The man patted his butt, then began to massage it.  “Your little secret is out, after all.”

Jiang Wanyin tried to pull away, bending his back to try to move away from his touch.  With his arms and hands tied to the bars, it pushed his hips forward in an indecent manner.

“What was that?”  The scarred man grabbed his waist and yanked him back.  “Was that a thrust?”  His hand moved between his legs, and Lan Wangji realized that while he wasn’t touching his cock, he was rubbing and stroking other places to arouse him.  From the slight hitch of breath, followed by him biting his lip it was clearly working.  “It must be frustrating, getting aroused by all the men touching you and never finding release.”

Behind him the men were watching, their eyes hungry as their leader played with the other man’s body.

“Still, my men have really been having fun, and you must be sore.  Tell you what, if you say, “I’m a dirty slut,” then tomorrow you can rest.  No entertaining the men, I’ll even give you three meals.  So, go on.  Say it.”

Jiang Wanyin shook his head, clearly not trusting his voice.

“No?  You don’t want a day of rest?  You want to entertain my men some more?”

Jiang Wanyin snarled in response, trying to pull away again, but the man held fast.

“I mean, it’s just one little phrase.  One little admittance, and you get to rest.  So you must enjoy my mens’ attention too much to give it up.”

He moved his hand away, and Jiang Wanyin seemed to sag a little, relieved.  Then the man gestured, and the other men moved forward to get their hands on his body.  “No!”  Jiang Wanyin struggled again, but there were too many hands.  The scarred man took the bowl from the skinny man, and he saw him reach down between his legs.  Jiang Wanyin stiffened, breath hitching before pressing his lips together.  The other men continued to spank and pinch, but clearly the skinny man was very good with his hands, because Jiang Wanyin’s breathing grew more ragged the longer it went on.  Eventually he squeezed his eyes shut.

“Enough, boys.”  The scarred man waved them away, handing the bowl to the burned hand man.  Jiang Wanyin relaxed, then tensed again as the scarred man came forward and reached down to massage his ass.  “How was it, Sandu Shengshou?  Was it good for you?”

“Stop it!”  Was the hissed reply.

“Still denying it?”  He let go of his ass, but took hold of his robes and yanked them up to his stomach.  Jiang Wanyin’s cock was full, deep red with precum already leaking out.  “Look at how hard the slut is.”

The men gathered at bars for a better view.  He started to soften while they stared, but the skinny man quickly slid his  fingers between his legs, rubbing and stroking all the sensitive places behind his cock.  He must have been good with his hands, because Jiang Wanyin quickly hardened again.

“Such a slut.”  The skinny man mocked.

“He must really like getting spanked.”  Another man mocked.

“He’s so needy, how many men do you suppose he’s spread it for?”  The burned hand man asked.

“He probably takes a bunch to bed at once.”  The skinny man leered.

To Lan Wangji’s surprise, the scarred man turned to him.  “What do you think, Hanguang Jun?  Judging from this little display, what do you think of him?”

The men turned to look at him, their eyes alight - waiting.  He let himself look down at where Jiang Wanyin’s cock was hard and leaking, where the skinny man was still pleasuring him.  He was hard again himself, from the display.  It irritated him.  He hated that he was being aroused by Jiang Wanyin.  And, really, wasn’t the scarred man right?  He could have put a stop to this, but refused to.  Perhaps it was pride preventing him from bending enough to just kowtow to them and spare himself this sort of indecency, but that only made the desire to see him humiliated and humbled stronger.  “Slut.”

The men howled with laughter, and he saw Jiang Wanyin tense, shoulders bunching up.

“Well, I guess I’ll need to think of a new punishment.”  The scarred man smirked.  “Not that I’d deprive my men of the entertainment you give them, even if you enjoying it wasn’t part of the bargain.”

The men cheered, whistles and catcalls filling the space.  With a gesture from their leader, the skinny man stopped his touches and backed away.

“I’d offer one of my men to take care of that for you, but only good sluts get to come.  Are you a good slut, Sandu Shengshou?”

A glare was his only answer.  With another wave, the men moved forward, but his time they only untied him, before backing away.  Jiang Wanyin yanked down his robes, face still red.

The bowl was set down, but unlike the soup he had been given he noted it was the weak broth from the previous evening.

“Eat up, you need nourishment to keep entertaining my men.  You can always get yourself off by thinking about how all my men are going to touch you tomorrow.”

The men laughed, calling out taunts as he led them away.

“See you tomorrow, slut!”

“We won’t leave you lonely long.”

“Promise I’ll spank you real good, just the way you like it.”

Jiang Wanyin was shaking again, he grabbed the bowl and drained it, before throwing it through the bars against the wall.  It shattered with a loud crash.  He turned to him.  “Pervert.”

Lan Wangji gave him a cold look at the accusation.  “I’m not the one aroused by being groped and spanked by a large group of men.”

“That isn’t what happened and you know it!”  Jiang Wanyin growled out.

It wasn’t.  He hadn’t shown any signs of arousal during the day when the men harassed him.  The scarred man and skinny man had touched him purposefully, ensuring he grew hard in order to carry on the mockery.  Some vindictive part of him, though, prevented him from acknowledging it to him.  “Wasn’t it?”

His hands clenched.  “You dare-”

“These unseemly displays would never have occurred if you had just swallowed your pride and bowed.  So clearly you find being groped by them acceptable, or you wouldn’t have encouraged it.”

Jiang Wanyin reeled back.  “Encouraged it?  I…”  He started laughing.  “You love to displace the blame, don’t you?  Oh, so honorable Hanguang Jun?  You are the one who has encouraged all of this, who escalated it at every turn.”

That wasn’t true, was it?  It was true he had spanked him first, but he had been behaving like an unruly child.  It had happened without thought, and it hadn’t been sexual in nature at the time.  Not like spanking was with Wei Ying.  And, yes, he’d torn his pants, but the scarred man had ordered him bared.  It hadn’t been his idea.  And while he may have called him a slut, it was clear that was what the other men had been insinuating.  “Untrue.  You brought this on yourself.”

“Lies.  Tell me, are you enjoying this, Hanguang Jun?  Think of it as a way to get back to me for all the things you blame me for?  For the death of your precious Wei Wuxian?  If anyone brought something on himself, he did.”

His body moved as a rage overtook him, tackling the other man.  It wasn’t long before he had him underneath him, face down.  He sat on his back, his hands pinning his wrists to the ground.  “You dare blame Wei Ying?  You?  His betrayer?  His killer?  You’ve led a life of anger and envy; arrogance and self-importance.  You deserve to be brought low.  Perhaps this is your comeuppance, Jiang Wanyin.”

“Get off of me!”  He tried to push upwards, to dislodge him, but he locked his knees around him, releasing his hands so he could reach behind and spank him.  “Don’t you dare!”

There was no audience here, no scarred man demanding he participate, but some dark thing seemed to rise inside him.  He spanked him again, as he struggled below him, trying to push himself up and roll to dislodge him.  He grabbed a handful of hair and yanked, causing him to howl, and spanked him again.

He realized belatedly that the door was open, that the two guards were watching the display with interest and delight.  Somehow, that only spurred him on.  He allowed Jiang Wanyin to push up to his hands and knees again, then pressed an elbow into his back, shoving his upper body down.  His ass was still raised up and he spanked him again.

It would have been easier to get off of him.  To grab his hands and hold him down like he usually did.  But he didn’t want this to be quick and simple.  He wanted Jiang Wanyin to struggle uselessly until he was forced to admit he couldn’t fight him off.  He continued to straddle him as he spanked him, even as he flailed towards the end in a desperate attempt to break free.  Eventually he slumped, his hitched breaths hinting he was crying again. “Pathetic.”

He stood up, leaving him on the ground.  He spotted the guards still watching.  One had his hand down his pants, and Hanguang Jun realized he himself was hard again.  He clenched his fist, and directed the anger towards the man crying at his feet.  “Slut.”

The guards laughed, and Jiang Wanyin’s head snapped up.  Spotting them watching, his face flushed and he sat up, turning a glare on Lan Wangji that was far from convincing with tear tracks on his cheeks.

He waited, giving him a cold look.  Daring him to try to fight him again.  Instead, he stood up and went to his corner of the cell, turning his back to him.  The guards were nudging each other, still snickering as they made their way back out.

Lan Wangji returned to his side of the cell.  His cock throbbed and he grit his teeth.  Jiang Wanyin was the one who escalated things, who made a spectacle of himself.  All of this could have been avoided, if not for the man’s behavior.  Whatever happened, whatever he ended up doing to him to survive this, he had brought it on himself.



The scarred man brought a large group the next morning. Ten of his followers.  “I heard a story from my guards last night.”  An unpleasant smile stretched his face.  “About how our slutty Sandu Sengshou tried to start a fight, and ended up being ridden to the ground by Hanguang Jun.  All while receiving a good spanking for his naughty behavior.”

The words were purposefully crude. He watched Jiang Wanyin clench his fists.

“Apparently the guards found it quite a show.  So the rest of the men were hoping for a repeat performance.”

“Or?”  Jiang Wanyin grit out.

“Or what?”  The scarred man asked, then seemed to understand.  “Ah, I do usually give you two options, don’t I?  Let’s see…”  He studied him, considering.

The skinny man leaned forward to whisper in his ear, and the scarred man laughed.

“Oh, that’s a good one.”  He smirked, eyes trailing over Jiang Wanyin’s body.  “Strip naked and kowtow for us.”

Jiang Wanyin jerked back, startled.  His lips curled up, and Lan Wangji knew the answer before he said it.  “Never.”

“Very well then.  Hanguang Jun, let’s see him put in his place.”

Jiang Wanyin snarled as he stood to approach him.  “How noble, Hanguang Jun.  Such grand morals.”

“You bring your punishments on yourself.”  He told him.

“Keep telling yourself that.”  He sneered.

Anger swelled again.  This wretched man, always so arrogant.  The fight was longer this time - the night before Jiang Wanyin had been tied up most of the day.  The outcome was inevitable, though.  He thrashed below him while he straddled him, spanking him repeatedly.  Each time he tried to roll or push him off, he shoved his upper body down harder. He cursed and threatened, before finally giving up and lying still.

He glanced at the scarred man, waiting.  The man licked his lips.  “Rip his robes up.”

Hearing this seemed to renew some fight in Jiang Wanyin.  “No!”

He almost managed to throw him off, but Lan Wangji threw all his weight down - covering his body with his own.  His hard cock ended up pressed against Jiang Wanyin’s ass and the man froze.  He felt slightly embarrassed, then shoved it down.  He wasn’t the one who chose being ridden and spanked over simple nudity - especially when it was inevitable that the scarred man would want both.  If anyone should be embarrassed, it was Jiang Wanyin.  “Slut.”

“Get off!”

“I think the hussy got Hanguang Jun hard.”  The skinny man picked up on it.

“Go ahead, Hanguang Jun.  Ride his ass.  Just don’t forget to rip up his robes a little.”  The scarred man encouraged him.

It didn’t mean anything.  He hadn’t had his everyday for a week including the initial investigation before their capture.  Jiang Wanyin was the one who had chosen the sexual style punishments every time, who had put them in this position.  He started rubbing himself against his ass, and the other man started fighting him again. Grabbing his arms, he yanked them behind his back, and began thrusting against him in earnest.  A part of him balked at the idea of coming in his robes, and considered pulling himself out.  Then he remembered the scarred man's orders.  He slowed his thrusts to tantalizing hip rolls, and began to tear at the robes covering the other man.

“Stop, stop… please!”  Jiang Wanyin finally shouted out.

He paused, surprised at the words.

“His punishment isn’t over.”  The scarred man spoke.

Right, a punishment.  Pleading for mercy now as surely too little, too late.  He started ripping faster, shredding the robes apart and slowly revealing more and more skin.  Jiang Wanyin was sobbing openly now.  It aroused him further and he started thrusting harder again as he turned the other man’s robes to tatters.  When he was close to coming, he yanked open his own robes and pulled himself out, pumping his cock until he came - spraying his release all over Jiang Wanyin’s ass and the remains of his clothing.

“Bring him over here.”

He tucked himself back in, and stood up despite feeling slightly shaky from the sexual release. Jiang Wanyin barely struggled as he dragged him to the bars.  Just clutched the remains of the front of the robes to his chest, curling around himself once he let him go.  Most of the men had their cocks out, rubbing off.  They came to the cell bars, spilling their release all over Jiang Wanyin - covering the tattered robes and revealed skin in their cum.

To his irritation, he felt his cock twitch at the sight.  He glowered down at him, hating how he was being affected by him.  “Slut.”

The men laughed, even as Jiang Wanyin only curled tighter.

The scarred man gestured and a basin of water was brought forward.  Rather than set it down, it was dumped over him.  He gasped in shock - Lan Wangji guessed it was likely cold.

“Gonna just lie there and take it like a good slut?”  The scarred man asked, even as a second basin was brought and dumped over him.  As the act was repeated, a not perfect cleaning solution but effective enough, the broken nose man set his breakfast by his half of the cell.

Lan Wangji left them to it, and went to eat his food.

They left breakfast for Jiang Wanyin this time when they left.  He picked it up and went to his corner, keeping his back to him and the bars.  He seemed to be trying to find a way to tie up the tattered remains of his robe in a semblance of modesty.  He wondered why he bothered when they both knew how it would end.

At lunch his food was brought, but none for Jiang Wanyin.  The men gathered at his side of the cell, though.

“This morning was a good show.  Best one yet, slut.”  The broken nose man leered.

“Are you missing your spanking?  Come over here and show me that ass and I’ll give it to you hard.”  Another man taunted.

“C’mon, shake that pretty red ass at us.”

“Not being very entertaining right now, whore.”  The burned hand man stated.  “You should give us our money’s worth.”

The men laughed, but other than tense up, Jiang Wanyin ignored them.

“Boring.”  One complained as they took away his empty dishes.  “Should have tied him to the bars again so we could have some real fun.”

The scarred man reappeared with the evening meal, and eight of his men.  His food was placed by the bars for him, but the broken nose man had Jiang Wanyin’s meal.  “I’ve heard from my men that you haven’t been good entertainment since this morning.  Just sitting there being a little cocktease.”

Jiang Wanyin’s hands clenched but he remained silent.

“If you get too boring, who knows what I’ll be forced to do?”

That was concerning.  Lan Wangji looked at him.  Would he kill them if he got bored of Jiang Wanyin?

“So, if you want your supper, you’ll have to earn it.  Give us a show.  Play with yourself, show off that slutty body.  Come over here and let my men spank that needy ass.”

He seemed to be shaking slightly.  He was always so angry.  He was likely going to be pulled into dragging him over to them or some such thing, all because Jiang Wanyin couldn’t just comply and get it over with.  Annoying.

“Always have to do things the hard way.  Our slutty little Sandu Sengshou, acting all coy when we know what a shameless hussy you really are.”

The men chuckled at the scarred man’s word, elbowing each other.  He gestured, and the burned hand man and tall man stepped forward.  Jiang Wanyin knew what was coming, and tried to dodge the strings, but in the end he was dragged to the bars no matter how much he fought.

“Look at you, trying to act modest with these rags.”  The burned hand man sneered.  “You aren’t fooling anyone, slut.”

The scarred man nodded, and the men surged forward, hand reaching out to rip at the tattered robes.  Jiang Wanyin put in a lot of useless effort trying to stop them, strangely more worried about his chest than the lower robes which were quickly ripped away.

It was the skinny man who noticed his odd behavior.  “What’s with hiding your chest?  I want to see those tits.”

Despite his efforts, the top was ripped away, and everyone froze.  Even Lan Wangji was startled by the sight of the discipline whip scars on his chest.

The scarred man recovered first.  “Well, well, well.  I never heard this little tidbit.  Just what were you punished for in your youth, Sandu Sengshou?”

There were too many hands grasping his limbs to escape.  He tried to yank away anyway, but was held tight.

“Maybe he was punished for being a slut.”  The skinny man snickered.  The men roared with laughter, but Jiang Wanyin was quiet - keeping his face turned away.

“Nothing to say?”  The scarred man grinned.  “If you don’t tell us differently, we’ll have to believe it’s true.  You were punished for spreading those legs for anyone who asked.”

“Bet that hole of his is sloppy loose.”  The tall man leered.

“Let’s find out.” The scarred man gestured.

Jiang Wanyin  struggled, but in the end he was tied to the bars again, though this time his arms were tied lower, forcing him to bend at the waist.  His ass cheeks were quickly spread for the men to look at his hole.

“Doesn’t look loose.”  The broken nose man mentioned.

The scarred man waved the skinny man forward, and he jumped at the chance, shoving the tip of a finger in his hole.  Jiang Wanyin shouted, trying to pull away but was too firmly tied.

“Tight.”  The skinny man gave his verdict. “Needs stretched.”

“Don’t.”  Jiang Wanyin finally spoke.

“You want to take someone unstretched?  I wouldn’t recommend it.  But maybe you like some pain with your pleasure.”  The scarred man mocked.

The men chuckled.  The skinny man stood back up and whispered something in the scarred man’s ear.  He roared with laughter at whatever had been said - and tilted his head towards the door.  “Go on.”

The skinny man disappeared out the door.  The men glanced at their leader, curious, but he waved them forward.  “Have some fun while we wait.”

The men didn’t hesitate.  Soon the sound of spanking and slapping filled the cell.  He saw one reach around to pull at a nipple and Jiang Wanyin’s body jerk at the action, a hiss of discomfort leaving his lips.

“Someone’s teats are sensitive.”  The man announced, and more raucous laughter filled the space.  It was clear some of them went for his nipples then, as small sounds of discomfort filled the space along with the sound of slaps to his ass and thighs.

It stopped when the skinny man returned and the scarred man waved them off.  Lan Wangji couldn’t quite see what was in the bowl he carried, but a few of the men snickered when they spotted it.  He had a bottle of oil as well.  The scarred man waved him forward, and he parted Jiang Wanyin’s ass cheeks, dribbling oil down the crease.  He yanked against his bindings, but there was no escape.  The skinny man rubbed the oil in.  He imagined he was playing with his furled opening, but couldn’t see to be sure.

“We’re gonna be here all night.”  The burned hand man complained.

The scarred man snorted.  “Let him have his fun.  I’m sure our slutty Sandu Shengshou appreciates it, don’t you?”

The skinny man had been the one who got him hard so easily the previous day, Lan Wangji remembered.  He was probably making the process of opening him up pleasurable.  Despite the burned man’s complaints it wasn’t long before the skinny man was pumping his fingers in and out, clearly hitting the right spot because he could see Jiang Wanyin’s cock filling, and the hard breaths from his nose as he bit his lip to hold in any sounds.

“Look how hard he’s getting.  What a slutty hole he has.”  The tall man leered.

Lan Wangji felt himself becoming aroused despite his earlier release.  Hardly his fault, with this type of scene before him.  He licked his lips, watching as the skinny man thrust his fingers in and out harder. Jiang Wanyin made a noise that was definitely a muffled sound of pleasure.  Several of the men had their hands down their pants and a part of him couldn’t help but want to join them.  Especially when a full moan escaped Jiang Wanyin’s lips.

“Listen to him moan.”  The broken nose man was one of the ones stroking himself.  “Such a needy slut.”

The skinny man pulled out his fingers, reaching down to pick something up from out of the bowl.  The men began to snicker.  Lan Wangji froze when he recognized it for a skinned ginger root.  What was he…?  He didn’t even get to finish the internal question before the skinny man parted Jiang Wanyin’s ass cheeks and began to press it inside him.

“What is…??  Stop!”  Jiang Wanyin shouted in shock.

“Don’t worry, it’s perfectly safe.”  The scarred man smirked.  The tall man laughed at that.  “You said you didn’t want stretched. So you must enjoy a little pain, right?”

“No, no, take it out!”  Jiang Wanyin tried to struggle again, but the skinny man was relentless, pushing the ginger root in without pausing.  When he stepped back, the men were chuckling and elbowing each other knowingly.

“You can spank him a bit.”  The scarred man told the men, which started the skinny man cackling.

Lan Wangji swallowed, watching as a few spanked him while the rest seemed to be waiting for something.  Soon Jiang Wanyin’s breath started getting heavier.

“Feel that?”  The scarred man asked.  “Just tingling right now, but it will get hotter.  Give you that bit of pain you said you liked.”

Jiang Wanyin shook his head, breathing heavily.  “No.”

“Isn’t that what you said, slut?  Isn’t that why you didn’t want to be fingered?  Just wanted a cock shoved up your ass?”

“Getting hot enough to hurt, huh?”  The skinny man snickered.  “Burning in your slutty little hole.  And when you clench from a good spank…”

The men spanking him realized what he was hinting at and grinned, speeding up their slaps.

“Take it out. Take it out, please.”  Jiang Wanyin begged.   “Please take it out.”

“And deprive your needy hole of the entire experience?”  The scarred man grinned.  “Don’t worry, it will fade after awhile.  Then we can skin off the used part and do it all over again.”

The men cackled, and Lan Wangji felt his cock twitch as Jiang Wanyin writhed against the bindings holding him against the cell bars, panting.  Soon he would be sobbing again, he realized.  He also realized how much he wanted to see it.

The sobs started the second time they did it.  On the third he all but sagged in defeat, giving small pained hitches of breath.  The men seemed to disappear towards the door when they got aroused, the sound of them stroking themselves to completion an accompaniment to Jiang Wanyin’s pants.

When the skinny man took out the root after the third time the scarred man waved him away.  “Untie him.”

Jiang Wanyin collapsed to the ground, shaking.

The food from earlier reappeared, but Lan Wangji noticed some of the men snickering when they saw it, and elbowing each other again.

The scarred man took it and put it by the cell bars.  “You should eat something.  You’ll need your strength tomorrow.”

Jiang Wanyin shuddered at the implications, but slowly took the food.  At the first bite though, he choked - spitting it out.  The men roared with laughter.

“Wasting what's given to you, shame on you.”  The scarred man smirked.

Jiang Wanyin set down the plate, glaring at the ground.

“What’s the matter?  A slut like you should be used to the taste of cum.”  The tall man said, and it started the gathered men off into laughter again.

They had mixed their cum into his food, that was why they had been going to the door to get themselves off.  To where the food was waiting.

“I said eat it.”  The scarred man’s words were a warning.

Jiang Wanyin picked up the plate slowly, then threw it through the bars, the food scattering on the floor.

Instead of looking angry, the scarred man only smirked.  “Shouldn’t have done that.”

With what they had done to him, the warning was too little too late to give him time to escape being grabbed again.  Hands held him, his head was tilted and a cup was brought forward.  It was as the tall man was pouring its contents in his mouth that Lan Wangji realized what it was.  A cup of cum, probably not even just one man’s given how many of them had gone by the door for release.  They clamped a hand over his mouth and pinched his nose.  Eventually, he was forced to swallow.  The men were laughing and jeering as he coughed.

“Drink up, slut!”

“Sorry it isn’t right from the source, I’m sure you prefer it that way.”

“He must be hungry.  I’m sure he needs more.”

He fought the grips on him, but it was useless. A second cup was produced, and then a third.  He was made to drink it all.  Lan Wangji felt his cock throb under his robes.  He wanted to… to…

The scarred man was watching him, and he wondered what he saw because the man smiled. “That’ll do.”

The men released Jiang Wanyin and he skittered away from the bars to his corner, coughing from the forced feeding.

“Rest up.”  The scarred man smirked, then he turned to look at him again.  “I’m sure you’re looking forward to tomorrow.”

As the men left, he realized that the last words were for him, not Jiang Wanyin.



It was the burned hand man who brought breakfast, with only the tall man and one other.  He set both down and backed away.  Lan Wangji picked up his and started eating.  It was only after a moment that he realized Jiang Wanyin was still curled in his corner, not coming forward.

“Not hungry, slut?”  The burned hand man asked.

He was still naked - too little of the robes had remained to cover himself with.  He wondered if that was the cause of his hesitation, but then saw the way he eyed the food with suspicion.

The tall man suddenly laughed.  “Worried what’s in your food?”

He was worried they’d put cum in his food again.  The thought they had, that he would be forced to eat food with cum in it…

The burned man chuckled.  “Don’t worry, no surprises in your breakfast.”

After a moment, Jiang Wanyin stood, clenching his fists and striding determinedly forward.  The men whistled and catcalled as he bent to pick up the bowl, but didn’t stop him.  He backed away to eat, still hesitant on the first bite.  The men were openly staring at his body, and he seemed to struggle to eat.  He realized he was staring, too, but only after the tall man glanced his way and winked.  As if sharing some joke with him.  He looked away then, finishing his food.

As the bowls were collected.the third man elbowed the tall man, before looking back at Jiang Cheng.  “Say, are you sure they didn’t add anything to that bowl in the kitchen?  Saw a familiar cup on the counter…”

Jiang Wanyin froze at the implication.

The tall man’s lips stretched in an unpleasant grin.  “Huh, didn’t ask now that you mention it.  But the slut probably is so used to the taste of cum he wouldn’t notice if they did.”

Jiang Wanyin’s breathing grew hard, pressing a hand to his mouth as if likely to throw up.

The burned hand man roared with laughter.  “Poor little Sandu Shengshou.  Don’t worry, they’re just joking.”  He leaned in closer to the bars.  “At least, I think they are…”

The three left, then, laughing, and Jiang Wanyin retreated to his corner.

Were they joking?  Lan Wanji wondered.  Had they added cum in?  Maybe too small of an amount to be noticed?  Or not that small and maybe, after all the cum he had drunk last night, Jiang Wanyin wouldn’t be able to tell?  Still had the taste on his tongue?  He gave an amused huff at the notion.

Jiang Wanyin’s head snapped his way, eyes dark with accusation.  As if he had anything to accuse him of.  At least he’d stopped vocalizing his threats and complaints.  It was an improvement.  Perhaps the various humiliations he was enduring were teaching him some well needed lessons.

They actually brought Jiang Wanyin lunch.  The skinny man and broken nose man with three others.  It was surprising given how he hadn’t been given lunch any other day, they usually spent the time bothering him while he ate.  Then he saw how the man was nervous and suspicious of the food again.  Ah, that was part of the newest torment.  Constantly wondering if the meal was tampered with.  He again wondered if they were adding in small amounts of cum, but decided it would be a pointless effort.  If they wanted him to eat cum, they would want him to know he was doing it.  There was no point if he wasn’t made aware of the abasement.  It was enough that the threat was there.  That the next meal he was given would be the one they had coated with their cum.

Jiang Wanyin clearly struggled to eat anyway, probably because the men stared at him the whole time.  It was after he finished that the broken nose man spoke, grabbing his own crotch.  “Want a drink, slut?”

The other men laughed, and the skinny man licked his lips.  “How’s your needy hole doing today?  Hungry for more ginger?”

Jiang Wanyin turned away from them and returned to his corner.

“Look at the way he wiggles that ass at us.  I bet he’s desperate for a good pounding.”  One man commented.

“I bet he’s missing his daily spanking.  Come and lean over, and I’ll give it to you the way you like!”  Another shouted at him.

“I could rustle up an eggplant or cucumber.  Give you something to keep in that slutty hole while waiting for a proper cock.”  The skinny man offered, and the men started laughing and elbowing each other.  His lack of reply didn’t stop him.  “We all saw how hard you were when I fingered you last night.  How you moaned for it.  It’s a shame I won’t be here tonight, but I’m sure whoever Boss chooses will give it to you good.”

Jiang Wanyin tensed, but still refused to speak or turn around.

The skinny man glanced his way, and winked.  “Bet they’ll be nice and big and stuff you full, make you moan and pant around their cock.”

Oh.  Lan Wangji suddenly realized.  He was the one who was going to be taking Jiang Wanyin when the scarred man dictated.  He supposed he had said from the start there was no need to go into the cell when he was inside already.  He hated cheating on Wei Ying like this, but it wasn’t exactly cheating, was it?  He hadn’t sought out sex with anyone else.  If anything, he was the one who was being forced to do this because Jiang Wanyin had kept escalating things by being disagreeable.  By constantly choosing to act shamelessly instead of kneeling and keeping his modesty.  He would still punish himself for having sex with another man later.  But at least he could rest easier knowing this wasn’t his fault, it was Jiang Wanyin’s.  



The scarred man brought twelve men.  The most at one time yet.  The skinny man was absent, as he had said he would be.  By his calculations that meant there were only two others missing, but that was based on who had come and gone.  There was a chance there were more of them than they’d seen.  He wondered if the skinny man was in charge while they were busy.  He and the burned hand man seemed to have the highest authority after the scarred man.  It was too early for dinner.  It was obvious by the sheer number and timing that they were here only to witness what was going to happen.  Jiang Wanyin tensed as they gathered near the cell bars.

“I hope you haven’t been too lonely without my men playing with you, Sandu Sengshou.  But, don’t worry, we’re here to see to your needs now.  Make sure you get a good proper fucking.”  The scarred man told him.

“Bet you’ve been hungry for it, especially after last night.”  The tall man spoke up.  “The ginger was fun and all, but nowhere big enough to satisfy your slutty hole.  Isn’t that right?”

The men all nudged each other, grinning and leering at Jiang Wanyin, whose hands were clenched even as he continued to face away from them.

“You’ll be taking cock tonight no matter what.  So here are your options.”  The scarred man pulled out a bottle of oil.  “You can finger yourself open.  Spread yourself in front of us and give us a proper show.  Or you can have help.  Which do you want?”

Jiang Wanyin didn’t reply. He stayed still, eyes on the wall.

“Come, come now, Sandu Shengshou.  I’m being generous.  Some of the men like to take someone raw, but I’m letting you get yourself all slicked up and ready.  We saw how much you like it.  You were moaning for it last night.”

Still no response.

“Can’t say I’m surprised you want to do things the hard way.  Makes it easier to deny how much you want it.  I’ve no doubt that even once you’re bouncing on a cock and moaning like a cheap whore, you’ll try to deny what a needy slut you are.”

The men were chuckling again, eyes trailing over Jiang Wanyin’s body hungrily.

“Bring him over here, Hanguang Jun.”

Jiang Wanyin moved then, standing up and dropping to a crouch.  He wasn’t going to make this an easy fight, no matter what.  Annoyed, he considered him for a moment before moving to grab him.  It was harder with him naked, he realized, but he also had a tactic he hadn’t used often enough for him to be prepared for it. He feinted to one side, and when Jiang Wanyin twisted away, grabbed ahold of his loose hair and yanked.  He shouted in pain and anger, but with the grip on his hair, it was easy to grab his arm and drag him to the cell bars.  He reached up to try and claw at his face, and he released his hair to nab that hand, then transferred them to one grip so he could raise his other hand and slap him.

It wasn’t a hard slap, but that was precisely the point.  Meant to insult instead of injure. The gathered men began to laugh.

The scarred man dropped some rope into the cell.  “Tie his arms in front.”

“Stop this.”  Jiang Wanyin hissed.

Lan Wangji ignored him, grabbing the rope and doing as instructed.

“Press his ass to the bars and bend him over.”

He struggled, of course he did, but in the end he was pressed to the bars, and his back forced down.  Two of the men grabbed his ankles and spread his legs, tying them to the cell bars.  Then ropes were added to tie his thighs to the bars as well.

The scarred man handed the oil to the tall man, and he spread his cheeks further and poured the oil directly on his hole.  Jiang Wanyin jerked against his bindings and his hold on him, but he didn’t let him pull away.  He wasn’t at the best angle, but he was certain he was rubbing the oil over him first, loosening the entrance.  When he brought the oil to pour more, Jiang Wanyin made a noise of discomfort and he guessed he had poured some directly into his hole.  He started fingering him then, slowly at first.  One, then two - scissoring.  Jiang Wanyin’s breathing grew heavy.  He wondered if he was getting hard but couldn’t see while standing over him with his back bent.

Then he took a sharp intake of breath, and he knew the tall man had found the spot to pleasure him.  Rather than pump his fingers, he dug into the spot.  Jiang Wanyin’s hips wriggled, and he guessed he was trying to get away, but then the tall man was speaking.

“Look at you, wagging your ass.  Already so desperate.”

Jiang Wanyin shook his head, but then the tall man did something and a small sound emerged, clearly of pleasure.  The men started jeering as he started to thrust his fingers in and out again.

“What a needy slut.”

“Just begging for it.”

“Desperate for a cock up his ass.”

“Probably can’t even come without being fucked.”

“Probably can only come from being fucked.  He’s practically a woman.”

“Well, he’s getting hard.”

“Yeah, from being fingered, just like he got hard from being spanked.  Never a hand on him, was there?”

“Open his mouth.”  The scarred man instructed.

Slightly confused, Lan Wangji knelt, reaching for his face.  Jiang Wanyin tried to move away, and he was forced to grip him hard, forcing his jaws and lips apart.  He understood then as sounds he had been holding back escaped.  “Ah, ah, ah…!”

“Listen to him!”

“Told you he was begging for it.”
The tall man dug his fingers in hard and a moan escaped Jiang Wanyin’s mouth.  He felt himself growing hard, and ground his teeth in irritation.  “Slut.”  He hissed out.

The men laughed, and any protest he tried to make was lost in another moan caused by the tall man’s fingers.

“Our slutty Sandu Shengshou.  Always giving it up so easily.”  The scarred man mocked.

He waved at another man, and he moved forward.  The tall man made space and the man reached out and… Jiang Wanyiin gave a startled noise, and he realized the other man was pressing a finger in.  He was being fingered by two men at once.  The little gasps and moans of pleasure didn’t stop - didn't even slow.

“Does he have four in him now?”

“What a greedy little hole.”

“Bet it could take a fist.”

A sound of protest managed to get out, only to be followed by a moan when one of them pressed hard at his prostate.

“He likes the idea, I guess.”

“He admitted to liking some pain, look how much he enjoyed the ginger.”

When Jiang Wanyin’s noises of pleasure began to get louder, Lan Wangji wondered if he was able to come untouched.  He licked his lips, which felt dry.  He was hard himself, and wished he had a hand free to at least press against his throbbing length, but between keeping Jiang Wanyin’s mouth open and keeping him bent over, there was nothing he could do to get relief.  Several of the men were rubbing themselves over their clothes, a few had hands down their pants.

Jiang Wanyin came with a cry that was as much anguish as pleasure, spilling his seed on the cell floor.

“He really came from being fingered.”

“Told you he was practically a woman.”

“I’ve met whores less easy than him.”

The scarred man waved the two men away, while Jiang Wanyin panted in small hitched breaths.  He wasn’t sure if he was crying or not, but it seemed likely.  He wept easily.

“Feeling good, Sandu Shengshou?”  The scarred man wheedled.  “You certainly liked that a lot.  Bet your hole feels all empty now.  Looks like it’s even fluttering, as desperate for a cock as any pussy.”

Snickers followed the statement.

“But I don’t think you’ve earned it yet.  You’ll have to settle for something else first.”

The men laughed, nudging each other as the scarred man waved the burned hand man forward.  He held up a cucumber for all to see.

“Put it in him!”

“Let’s see it go in that greedy hole!”

Jiang Wanyin couldn’t see what they were showing off, and his breaths became harder.  He tried to struggle again, but he pressed him harder against the bars.  He wondered if there would be bruises later in the lines where the bars were pressing against his ass.

The burned hand man slicked up the cucumber with the oil, then started to push it in.

“Wha-??”  The word was garbled, he’d been unable to swallow with his mouth held open and he felt drool slide around his fingers as well.  Disgusting.

“You can let go of his mouth for a bit.”  The scarred man instructed.  He withdrew his hand, wiping it on his robes.  “Oh, was he drooling for it?  Well, well, he’s more desperate than even I thought.”

“Stop, stop, take it out.”  Jiang Wanyin begged.  Ah, that was why he wanted his mouth free.

“I know it’s not a cock, but you have to earn one.”  The scarred man told him.  “My men have been deprived all day so you could rest up.  You can’t deny them the right to play.  You’re their favorite entertainment.”

The men were watching, their expressions ravenous..

“Wow, look at that greedy hole.”

“Maybe we should have found a bigger one.”

“Take it all, slut.”

The burned man continued to press the cucumber into Jiang Wanyin’s hole.  He was probably sensitive after his release, but the other man showed no mercy - pushing it in slowly but without stopping once.  Finally he stepped back..

“Go ahead.”  The scarred man waved his men forward.  They needed no encouragement, leaping forward to get their hands on him.  Spreading his ass cheeks to look at where he was stretched around the cucumber, spanking him, and he had a feeling rubbing at the edges of his opening around however much of it was sticking out of him.  He licked his lips, wishing he could see it.  Small pained noises were escaping Jiang Wanyin again as the men had their fun.  Someone began to pump the cucumber in and out of him, and he shook his head.

“No, no…” He heard him say.

“Is he getting hard again?”

“Can’t believe he’s so desperate for a fucking that he’ll get horny from having a cucumber shoved up his ass.”

“Shoved up his cunt you mean?”

The men roared with laughter.

“Keep going!”

“Get the slut moaning again!”

“Thrust harder!  He likes it that way.”

He was back to making hitched breaths.  Pain or pleasure, maybe both.  One hard shove and a moan escaped.

“He really is gagging for it.”

“So slutty.”

He was sobbing again, but the scarred man wasn’t watching Jiang Wanyin, he realized.  He had turned his eyes to him.  He smirked, as if he knew.  Knew how hard he was, how much he wanted to see what was happening from a clearer angle.

The men were relentless, and eventually Jiang Wanyin came, crying out as he spilled all over the cell floor a second time.  The scarred man waved them back, and they retreated with a few more slaps and pinches.  He only realized they hadn’t removed the cucumber when the scarred man moved forward and pressed his hand to it.

“Ah! No no, stop!”  Jiang Wanyin screamed out.  He could only imagine how overstimulated he was at this point.  It didn’t make him feel pity, if anything he wanted the man to keep at it.  To make Jiang Wanyin beg more.

“What’s the matter?  You clearly like it.”  He pressed again, and Jiang Wanyin gave a small cry.  “I have to admit, you’ve put on a pretty good show for my men.  They’ve had fun.  Haven’t you?”  He called back to his men.

Laughter, whistles and catcalls filled the space in response.

“So I guess you’ve earned your reward.  A proper cock for your slutty hole.”

Jiang Wanyin shook his head.  “Please, no.  No more.”

“What was that?  No cock?  More of something else?”  He pushed on the cucumber again.

“No!  No!”

“Ah, you do want the cock, got it.”  The scarred man patted his butt, but still didn’t remove the cucumber.  “Untie his legs.”

The men moved forward to do so, releasing his legs.  Jiang Wanyin wavered once released, trying to pull away from his hold, forced to stand with his legs spread because of the vegetable in his hole.

“Go ahead, Hanguang Jun.  Give him a proper fucking.”

Jiang Wanyin froze, then tried to struggle again.  He was annoyed, and horny, and instead of hauling him in, he shoved.  Not suspecting it, he fell backwards, landing on his ass - which naturally jostled the cucumber.  “Ah!”

He scrambled to turn over, to take the pressure off the foreign object in his hole.  But his hands were still tied, and it was easy to yank his feet towards him.  When he struggled, he spanked him, and he cried out again.

The gathered men were laughing and cheering, shouting out encouragement and suggestions.

He ignored them, spreading Jiang Wanyin’s ass cheeks so he could finally see what the others had been looking at.  The cucumber wasn’t that large, actually.  Definitely smaller than his own cock.  But the sight of his hole stretched around it was still lewd and arousing.  When he tried to kick him, he spanked him again - watching how it made him tighten around the cucumber.   He spanked him one more time just so he could watch him do that a second time.

Jiang Wanyin tried to pull himself away, which was futile.  He took a hold of the piece of the cucumber that was outside the hole and pushed.  Jiang Wanyin’s body collapsed, and he cried out. He was pretty sure it was more pain than pleasure at this point.  He pumped it in and out a few times so he could hear his cries and hitched breaths, then yanked it out all at once.  Jiang Wanyin cried out at the rough treatment, panting into his tied up arms.

The scarred man rolled him the jar of oil, a smirk on his face.  He yanked open his robes and pulled himself out.  The oil was cool on his hot cock and he gave a small hiss, but rubbed it over his length quickly.  Some of the men hadn’t been there when he’d come on Jiang Wanyin’s ass and one gasped.

“He’s so big!”

Jiang Wanyin had felt him when he had rubbed against him the previous day, but he probably couldn’t tell his size from the interaction.  He hadn’t seen him.  The words apparently got to him, and he began to shiver.  “Please, Hanguang Jun. Don’t do this.  Please.”

Don’t do it.  He was the one who had moaned and panted and came from a vegetable up his ass.  An erotic display that could make any man drunk with lust, and he wanted to beg mercy now?

He grabbed his thighs, and forced him to his knees.  “Take it, slut.”

Laughter and cheers filled the room as he pressed into him.  His hole was a hot vice around him, slick with all the oil used but still far tighter than he expected after the way the other men had played with him.  Jiang Wanyin gave out small choked noises as he pushed slowly into him.  He didn’t pause or give him time to adjust, forcing his body to accept his girth and length.

“It’s too much, it’s too much!”  Jiang Wanyin began to struggle.

He put one hand on his hip, and another on his upper back - shoving him so his front was to the ground and his ass in the air.  He continued to press in, leaning down to whisper.  “So pathetic.  Even in this you can’t compete with Wei Ying.”

A sharp intake of breath followed that statement, and he knew the barb had hit home.  He didn’t stop though; didn’t give him a rest.  He pushed until he was fully seated inside of him, balls against his ass.

“He’s all the way in!”  One of the men shouted.

“He took all that??”

“Told you, that is one greedy hole.”

“That’s our slutty Sandu Shengshou.”  The scarred man spoke up.  “His pussy is the neediest around.”

“Pussy! Sandu Shengshou has a pussy!”

“Sluttiest cunt there is, desperate for anything hard to fill it up.”

“Give that pussy a good fucking!”

He felt feral, unrestrained so completely he was dizzy with it.  He let the vulgar words fill his mind, taking root there.  Slut.  Jiang Wanyin really was a slut.  A harlot.  A hussy.  Tempting men to madness.  Making him so crazed with lust that despite his loyalty to Wei Ying he was filled with the desperate need to fuck him.  He deserved to be punished for that on top of all his other crimes.

He stopped holding back and began thrusting, pulling out almost all the way before shoving back in without mercy.  Jiang Wanyin apparently couldn’t hold back in face of his onslaught.  He shouted, and begged him to stop.  Sobbing and giving pained noises.  But the noises began to change, and soon he managed to punch out a moan.  Having found the right angle, he tilted his hips to hit the spot over and over.  Forcing out moans and desperate gasps.

“Slut.”  He hissed at him.  “Needy, desperate slut.”

Even in the throes of pleasure, Jiang Wanyin shook his head at the accusation.

He thrust even harder in punishment for the denial, and was rewarded by another lewd moan, proving the lie.  “Moaning like a bitch in heat.  Spreading your legs, desperate for anything to fill your pussy with.”

Jiang Wanyin shook his head again.

“Stop denying it.  From the start, you wagged your ass at your own captors.”


He’d never felt like this before.  Vicious and wild.  Desperate to punish and humiliate the man below him.  Teach him his place.  Which had always been below him.  Below Wei Ying.  Below everyone.

“Everyone here saw it.  You're a whore.  A harlot.  A needy, greedy slut.”

His release exploded through him, and he ground himself into Jiang Wanyin’s body.  He heard him shout, and begin to shake.  As he slowly came down, his hips still giving little thrusts, he realized how he was sagging in his hold.  He thought he had passed out at first, but realized he was giving small hitched breaths that hinted he was awake enough to cry.  The truth hit him a moment later. Jiang Wanyin had come again, orgasmed while he called him a slut and mocked him for moaning like a bitch in heat desperate for a cock. His next thrust was a little more forceful, pulling a whine from Jiang Wanyin’s lips.

His body finally finished spilling his seed, and he pulled out, releasing his hold and watching as the man below him collapsed to the floor, on top of his own spend.

“What do you think, men?”  The scarred man’s voice rang out.  “How slutty is Sandu Shengshou?”

“The sluttiest!”

“He’s a shameless hussy!”

“He’s more desperate than a bitch in heat!”

“Nothing but a greedy hole that can’t stand being empty!”

He watched Jiang Wanyin hide his face in his arms.  They were still tied.  He couldn’t cover himself, couldn’t do anything but lay there.  His legs were probably too weak from the pounding he gave him to even stand.  He tucked himself back in, watching his cum leak out of his ass.  The final shout gave him an idea.  Next to them lay the cucumber.

He picked it up, then spread his ass cheeks again.  “What..??”  Jiang Wanyin tried to turn, but he shoved him back down, and began to press the cucumber inside.  “No!  No, please!  Stop!  Stop!”

“Is he…?”  One of the men asked.

“He is!  He’s putting the cucumber back in!”

“Fill that slutty pussy!”

Jiang Wanyin was too weak to fight him.  To do anything but lay there and sob as he pushed the cucumber in until only a small piece remained outside.

“Turn him.  Let us see.”  The scarred man ordered.

He didn’t even hesitate, turning Jiang Wanyin’s body so his ass faced the men, and spreading his cheeks so they could see the cucumber sticking out of him, surrounded by the cum that had leaked out.

“I think his hole is fluttering.”

“Desperate even now.”

“There’s gotta be so much cum plugged up in there.”

“Bet he loves the feeling.”

“Leave him like that.”  The scarred man ordered.

He didn’t even hesitate to return to his side of the cell, leaving him where he lay.



The days fell into a pattern after that.  Every night the men fingered Jiang Wanyin and fucked him with something.  Usually a type of food.  A cucumber, an eggplant; a carrot.  Occasionally they tried other objects, but the men seemed to prefer the food - finding it funnier and easier to mock him with.  They also came in different shapes and textures, and soon they were trying to find which textures would get a bigger reaction out of him.  The bitter melon had been notable with that.  Afterwards, he fucked Jiang Wanyin while the men watched. Every night he plugged him up with whatever the men had fucked him with.  Jiang Wanyin’s arms were left tied overnight so he couldn’t remove the object.

In the morning the men who brought breakfast were the ones who removed whatever was in him, usually fucking him with it for a bit.  He was left a basin of water to wash himself with.

Jiang Wanyin never got lunch again.  Instead, he was tied up to entertain the men, and untied only a short while before dinner. He was never given as good of food as he was, he noted.  Jiang Wanyin hadn’t noticed, and he had no reason to point it out.  Once the men did trick him by putting cum in his food again, and they did proceed to force-fed when he tried to refuse it.  Like the night when he had been forced to drink the cups of cum, something about watching him be forced to eat the cum-soaked food left him hard and throbbing.  He remembered that when he took him only shortly afterwards, his pace was punishing and he hissed in his ear about how he was a cum slut as well as a cock slut.

His struggles grew weaker, probably because of how hard his body was used combined with the less nutritious food.  One day the skinny man brought him a single thin robe.  The pattern and colors were obviously feminine, but Jiang Wanyin surprisingly didn’t balk at it, tugging it on without complaint.  It was another point of mockery, and the use of the term pussy or cunt for his hole increased.  The burned hand man painted his lips a few days later, and said he wanted to see them wrapped around his cock.  It was the first thing that brought out a real fight in Jiang Wanyin in a few days.  In the end his jaw was held open so the burned hand man could pump his dick in and out of his mouth.  It quickly became one of the men’s favorite ways to be entertained by him during the visits in the middle of the day.  Some came in his mouth, and clamped hands over his mouth and nose so he had to swallow.  Some preferred to come on his face.  Though that required a second basin of water be provided so he could wash it off afterwards.  He found himself thinking about it.  About sitting on his chest and holding his jaw so he could thrust his dick in and out of that hot, wet cavern.  He supposed the best time would be when he was worn out from the evening fucking.  He wanted to make him swallow every drop down.  Force-feeding him cum was an activity he hadn’t been able to participate in yet.

The fact that he hadn’t been trying to plan an escape for awhile didn’t hit Lan Wangji until they were unexpectedly rescued.



The familiar sound of a dizi followed by screams had filtered in through the closed door suddenly and without warning.

Lan Wangji felt his heart speed up.  “Wei Ying.”

Jiang Wanyin looked more haunted than pleased.  It was afternoon, so he was freshly washed from the men’s latest attentions.  The feminine robe was tied tightly around him in a way Lan Wangji still wasn’t sure was meant to be modest because it covered extra skin or purposefully provocative because of hugging his body more.

He shoved away such thoughts.  Why bother to think about Jiang Wanyin at all now that Wei Ying was there to save him?

It was surprisingly Nie Huaisang who pushed the door open first.  Taking one assessing look, he turned to talk to someone in a low voice that he didn’t allow in, before contradictingly shouting his next words.  “In here, Wei-xiong!”

“There's a core sealing array.”  Jiang Wanyin warned him. “Not sure of the range.”

Huaisang shrugged, stepping into the room with a set of keys in his hands.  “I’ll live.”

“Lan Zhan! Jiang Cheng!”  Wei YIng burst through the door.

“Core sealing array.”  Huaisang warned as he unlocked the cell door.

Lan Wangji pushed through first, drinking in the sight of his husband after so long.  “Wei Ying.”

“Lan Zhan!”  Wei Ying threw himself into his arms, and he held him tightly.

“Wei Ying.”

“We packed fresh robes.”  Huaisang was saying behind them, presumably to Jiang Wanyin, though he was only paying half an ear to the head-shaker.  Even if he seemed to have helped rescue them, he had never forgiven him for what he did to his brother.

“It’s appreciated.”  He heard Jiang Wanyin respond.

Wei Ying pulled away, flashing a brilliant smile before peering around him.  “You okay, Jiang Cheng?”

A part of him was annoyed by the show of care for the other man.  Hadn’t they left their relationship in the past?  Hadn’t Wei Ying said that was what he wanted?  He glanced back, noting that Jiang Wanyin had hastily pulled the robes Nie Huaisang had provided over the one the demonic cultivators had given him.   “Do I look injured?  Idiot.”  He snapped at Wei Ying.

Lan Wangji felt his jaw clench.  Looks like he had learned nothing from this experience.  He wondered why he thought otherwise.  There were things he’d obviously hated, like being forced to kowtow to someone.  But hadn’t the leader of the demonic cultivators said it?  He’d only fought them so he could deny how much he wanted it.  Even when bouncing on a cock and moaning like a whore, he would refuse to admit he was nothing but a needy slut when he obviously was.  Slutty Sandu Shengshou, the scarred man had said time and time again.  He would probably never hear the title again without thinking that.  The idea amused him.

“Are they dead?” Jiang Wanyin demanded, then paused when he saw his gaze on him.  He hastily turned away to take the ribbon and guan Nie Huaisang had produced for him out of his qiankun pouch.

Of course, he was terrified for his reputation, so he wanted to make sure the men who had seen him acting the way he had didn’t live to tell the story. But he’d never be able to forget that he had been there.  Had seen every moment of it.  The spankings, the ginger root up the ass, the cups of cum, the cocks in his mouth, him coming untouched from being fucked - with a dick or with a vegetable.  Too slutty to care which.  He’d seen it all.

“They’re-” Wei Ying began.

“Dead.  Wei-xiong can be very scary.”  Huaisang assured them, fan pulled up to hide part of his face.  Or seemed to be assuring Jiang Wanyin, anyhow. There was something else in his eyes when he turned his gaze on him.  Calculating and cold.

“Right… we should get you both away from this array so your spiritual powers can recover.”  Wei Ying linked his arm through his.

Ah, right.  Why worry about Jiang Wanyin anymore?  He would rarely see him, and this whole incident could just be set aside. Maybe not completely forgotten.  Some things were worth remembering, if only to make dealing with the insufferable man easier when they did cross paths.  Slutty Sandu Shengshou.  He huffed in amusement, and saw Jiang Wanyin stiffen.

“What’s so funny?”  Wei Ying tilted his head.

He saw Jiang Wanyin tense further and let the moment linger just to enjoy his obvious discomfort.  “Nothing. Let’s go.”

He felt eyes burning his back as they exited the room.  He thought it would be Jiang Wanyin, angry over the knowledge he now had to hold over him.  Yet when he glanced back, it was Nie Huaisang whose gaze was on him, unwavering.



The clean up was left to the Nie Sect, apparently they had been taken to a structure in the mountains of Qinghe so it was an easy choice.  Nie Huaisang lent Jiang Wanyin his own carriage so he could depart for Lotus Pier immediately.  Wei Ying gazed after him almost wistfully, and he couldn’t help but feel jealous.

There had never been any hint that there was anything sexual about the two's relationship.  It was familial. Jiang Yanli had called Wei Ying her younger brother.  But she had been older, and in love with Jin Zixuan. Jiang Cheng had no such attachment, and he’d seen first hand how slutty he was.  How he could tempt a man to madness.

He should have waited for them to reach an inn.  They had recovered their spiritual weapons, so they could have simply flown to the nearest one or even back to Cloud Recesses once his spiritual powers recovered.  But that kernel of jealousy wouldn't leave him alone, and he soon found himself tugging Wei Ying off the path down the mountain to coax him into making love. Not that Wei Ying needed much convincing, always so attentive and loving.

At first everything was fine, but as he began to thrust into his husband, images began to intrude on his mind.  Memories of Jiang Wanyin over their captivity. Tied to the bars, being spanked and groped by numerous men.  Dressed in a woman’s robe, mouth held open with hard hands while a dick plunged between his lips.  Naked and debauched, whining and sobbing as he pushed the latest improvised sex toy into his oversensitive hole.

Wei Ying laughed about how passionate he had been afterwards, kissing him sweetly.  Guilt ate at him. Here he was with Wei Ying, and he was still thinking about all the wanton displays by Jiang Wanyin. He did his best to hide his consternation from his husband.  What would he think if he knew how he had allowed himself to partake in such depraved acts with his once martial brother?  Would he blame him or be understanding?  And if he was understanding, wouldn't that make it all the more possible that he himself was tempted by Jiang Wanyin?  Had maybe even indulged in lusty behavior in their youth?

But if he blamed him for the loss of control, for cheating on him, what then?

Perhaps if he explained how it was the only way to keep himself safe while captured he would understand. He could reassure him that unlike Jiang Wanyin he hadn't partaken in promiscuity with their captors.  And surely even if Wei Ying had never been tempted himself, and he hated that he still couldn't get rid of the jealous thought he had and possibly still was, he must know of his wanton tendencies.  Slutty Sandu Shengshou, he heard again in the scarred man’s voice.

Yes, surely if it was so easy for both him and the demonic cultivators to see the man was a slut, then Wei Ying, who had known Jiang Wanyin in his teenage years, must already know.  Surely he would forgive him for his lapse.  But what if he didn't?

No, it was best if he kept quiet.  After all, the only ones left alive who knew what had happened were he and Jiang Wanyin. He hadn't heard any rumors of his promiscuity previously, so he clearly kept such things quiet.  In fact, all signs pointed to Jiang Wanyin being nervous he would say something.  So it was safest to just put the incident behind him. As time passed, whatever lust he felt for the man would fade. Especially now that Wei Ying was back at his side.

He fell asleep next to his husband, feeling a bit better.



His dream started as a jumbled mess.  Making love to Wei Ying, fucking Jiang Wanyin, playfully groping Wei Ying while he laughed, watching Jiang Wanyin being fucked with objects by the demonic cultivators.

Then suddenly it was Wei Ying fucking an object into a naked Jiang Wanyin, tied to the cell bars as he had often been, as he watched from inside the cell.  “He’s such a slut. Isn’t he, Lan Zhan?”

He nodded.  “Slutty Sandu Shengshou.”

Wei Ying laughed.  “That’s hilarious!  Slutty Sandu Shengshou.”
“Did… did you ever fuck him?” Even in the dream he seemed scared of the answer to that question.

“Me?  Nah, why would I? But when we were younger, I would catch him shoving things up his hole all the time.”

“Pussy.”  He corrected..

“Pussy?”  Wei Ying repeated in surprise..

“Slutty Sandu Shengshou has a pussy.”

Wei Ying burst out laughing again.  “Oh, that’s a good one. It almost sounds like a story title from a spring book.  Don’t you think so, Jiang Cheng?”  He leaned his head on Jiang Wanyin’s shoulder.  They’d both been generally ignoring him, even though Wei Ying had been casually thrusting an object in and out of him the whole time.  What was the object?  He couldn’t see.

Jiang Cheng was hanging his head down, his loose hair hiding his face.  He shook his head at the question.

“Aw, it’s totally spring book material.  The ex-sect leader who goes from town to town getting fucked by different groups each chapter.”.  

Jiang Wanyin took a sharp intake of breath.  “Ex-sect leader?  I… I’m not a sect leader anymore?”

“Of course not, silly.”  Wei Ying answered.  “Once everyone found out the details about what you did with those demonic cultivators you were forced to step down.  I mean, how could Yunmeng stand the shame of having such a slutty sect leader?  You of all people know the importance of reputation.  Isn't that why you abandoned me in my first life? You aren't even a member of the sect anymore.  You're just nobody.”

Jiang Wanyin started sobbing.

“Aw, Jiang Cheng,”  Wei Ying sighed, “It was always going to end up this way. You’ve never really been worthy of anything you had.”

Lan Wangji nodded in agreement. It was very true.

“Now… I think you owe Lan Zhan something for all the trouble you caused him during your capture.  Don’t you?”

Lan Wangji was a bit startled by the words.  “Wei Ying?”

“Isn’t there anything you want to do to him, Lan Zhan?”

At least a dozen things came to mind.  “Wei Ying doesn't mind?”

“Nah. You know I can't deny you anything, Lan Zhan.  I’m not happy he seduced you, but with how slutty he was acting you can hardly be blamed for losing control.”

He was so relieved to hear those words.  “Thank-you, Wei Ying.”

“Of course!  So, anything you want to do to Jiang Cheng?  Just name it.”

He licked his lips.  “I never got to make him drink my cum.”

“Well, that’s just rude when he drank everyone else’s.”  He pulled the object out of Jiang Wanyin’s ass and he realized he had been fucking him with Chenqing, “Now, Jiang Cheng, open wide.  If you’re really good about sucking off Lan Zhan and drinking every last drop of cum he gives you, I’ll fuck you with Chenqing properly and let you come.  But if not…”

Jiang Wanyin moaned, obviously understanding the threat that he wouldn’t get to come if he didn’t do a good job.  He couldn’t know how impossible a task had been set to him, but Wei Ying did.  He’d set him up to fail on purpose.  His husband sent him a wink.

He wanted to kiss Wei Ying, but oddly he was still locked in the cell. That was strange, but he ignored it. He pinched Jiang Wanyin’s chin and dragged his face up so he could see his tear streaked face.

For some reason, Wei Ying started to play his dizi, and the dream grew fuzzy.

Jiang Wanyin opened his mouth without even being prompted, and Lan Wangji decided that he had more important things to do than worry about how real or unreal the dream was.  He pulled his cock out and started to push inside that mouth he’d never been able to have in real life.

But before his eyes Jiang Wanyin started to change. Suddenly he was in the feminine robe he wore at the end of their time in captivity.  His eyes grew wider.  Then his lips grew plumper and redder.  That was when he felt sharp pointed teeth around his cock…



He wanted to sit up as he gasped awake, but his body refused to move.  He was back in the cell, his spiritual energy suppressed once more. How?  Had the rescue been a dream, too?

Suddenly he became aware of a pressure on his legs, and that sharp pointed teeth were indeed around his cock. That hadn't been a dream.  The female ghost looked at him with hatred in her eyes.  Outside of the dream, she didn't resemble Jiang Wanyin other than having similarly colored hair and wearing the robe the demonic cultivators had given him. Had it been her robe when she was alive?

His confusion grew. If the rescue was a dream, where was Jiang Wanyin?  Where had the female ghost come from? Where were the demonic cultivators?  The more he lay there, the ghost’s teeth threatening to bite down and take off a piece of his anatomy he really would prefer that not happen to, the more he was certain the rescue wasn't a dream.  But then what was happening? Had he been captured again?  By who?  How had they gotten him without waking him?  Where was Wei Ying?

“Now, now, Ji, I don't want you to bite off his cock… yet…”

His confusion grew. That was the voice of his beloved husband, but he’d hadn't heard it that cold and full of malice in a long time. Not since before he died. And even then only towards people like Wen Chao and Jin Zixun.  The ghost removed her mouth, and teeth, from around his cock. She remained crouched over him, though, her eyes threatening violence.

“How nice of you to finally wake up, Lan Wangji. You were apparently enjoying that dream so much you were reluctant to leave it.”

The sound of his courtesy name from Wei Ying was like a stab.  “Wei Ying-”

The ghost hissed, and slashed at his face. He couldn't dodge, he seemed stuck to the ground.  Her claws cut into his cheek and his head snapped to the side.

Outside the locked cell, Wei Wuxian sat.  His position looked casual, a jar of wine was even by his knee. Not Emperor's Smite, he noted.  Two other ghost women were with him. One had her head on his shoulder. The other was crouched as if ready to spring, eyeing him with distaste.

“You are never to call me that again.  If you insist on addressing me, you will use my courtesy name.”

“I… I don't understand.”

“It's quite simple.  I don't want my name in the mouth of my brother’s rapist.”

The words confused him. “But I never raped-

Ji hissed and dug her claws into his thighs.  The pain made him gasp, cutting off his words, and he felt blood well up from the wounds.  The second ghost screeched and jumped through the bars, her fingers inserting themselves into his open mouth - sharp nails touching his tongue in a threatening manner.

“I would be careful what you say, Lan Wangji.  We four have an agreement, but if you upset them too much, well… who knows what may happen?”

He couldn't speak, the second ghost’s fingers tapped his tongue warningly, but she didn't remove her fingers from his mouth.

“From what Ji has told us about that…” Wei Ying’s face grew disgusted, “dream you had, you seem to be suffering under some delusion that Jiang Cheng is to blame for what was done to him here.”

Ji hissed again, claws digging slightly deeper into his thighs. His body gave a small twitch, trying to break whatever was holding him down but it was impossible. That was when he spotted multiple papermen covering his chest, legs, and arms.

Jiang Wanyin was to blame!  Who had he learned what had happened from?  Had Jiang Wanyin come back and accused him while he slept?  If only he could talk and defend himself!

“That sounds like something I would have expected from Jin Guangshan back in the day.  To hear you would think something like that?  When did you become like this?  Did I just miss the signs?”

The third ghost made a noise of sympathy at Wei Ying’s words. She snuggled closer to him, her hand rubbing up and down his arm.  How dare she touch his husband like that!

“Men lie.”  The second ghost whispered, her voice icy.  “Shall I pull this one’s lying tongue out?”

“Not yet. Let him up for now.”

The ghost women seemed reluctant, but they released him.  However, when they removed the papermen they seemed to make a point of slashing both his robes and skin while doing it.  They didn't leave the cell, either,and hovered over him as he sat up, and hastily tucked his cock back into his robes, away from the ghost woman’s pointed teeth. 

“Wei Y-” He cut off when Ji pulled her hand back threateningly.  He couldn't stand the thought of calling Wei Ying by his courtesy name. They had never addressed each other by their courtesy names!  “Please, listen. Whatever you were told by Jiang Wan-”

Ji’s hand struck out, clawing the other side of his face and snapping his head to the side again.

“You will not disrespect Sect Leader Jiang by using his courtesy name again.” Wei Ying’s tone was icy.

Lan Wangji was so confused. He felt like he was caught in some strange nightmare, but the pain of the wounds the ghosts had inflicted told him otherwise.  Why was Wei Ying acting like this?  After all Jiang Wanyin had done to him, why would he ever defend him?  He couldn't imagine why he would listen to his lies. Then he remembered the cold intense stare from Nie Huaisang. Of course!  It wasn't Jiang Wanyin.  He would never risk his reputation by even hinting at what he had done here - not even some skewed version where he was a victim. No, this had the Headshaker written all over it.

“Whatever Nie Huaisang told you, it's nothing but lies.”  He tried again.

Wei Ying seemed to be considering what he said, at least.  “Sect Leader Nie.”  He finally said.

Yes, that was who he meant.  He didn't understand why that was all he replied. Was he wrong? Now that he thought about it, perhaps he had been right the first time.  How would Nie Huaisang have known anything when Wei Ying had killed all their captors?. He opened his mouth to ask, but hesitated, glancing at the most volatile ghost. It was almost ironic that she was the one who owned the robe Jiang Wanyin had worn for the demonic cultivator’s amusement.  Her temperament was certainly similar. He couldn't imagine paying that man respect enough to call him what Wei Ying had.  But there was another name he could use. One whose meaning had changed for him during their time captive. From something respectful to a mocking of his degenerate behavior while here. Slutty Sandu Shengshou, he heard again in his mind. 

“So it is not Nie Huaisang who told you what happened?  It was Sandu-”

Ji shrieked,  and suddenly he was lifted to his feet by a hand around his neck. Claws pricked into the vulnerable skin of his throat, and the claws of a second hand dug in the skin around his mouth.

Wei Ying was on his feet, eyes bleeding red and resentful energy swirling around him.  “If you ever dare use that name again, I will allow Ji to rip your lips from your face, and Fu Chou to tear your tongue out by its root.”

The second ghost smiled cruelly, and licked her lips.  Ji dug her claws a little deeper into the skin of his face.  It wasn’t an idle threat, he realized with horror.  He really would allow the ghosts to do it.

“Don’t think I don’t know what that name has come to represent to you.  An insult, a mockery; some sort of sick fantasy.  That you ever laid a finger on my brother is infuriating, that you dared put your cock anywhere near him without permission is unforgivable.  Do you know what I did to the last man who did that?  He was made to eat his own fingers.  I had his lover’s ghost bite his cock off.  And that was just a drop in his overall suffering.”

Wen Chao.  He was talking about Wen Chao.  Wen Chao had fucked Jiang Wanyin.

“Stop thinking about it.”  Ji hissed in his face.

Wei Ying grew dangerously still.  “You would dare think about my brother like that in front of me?”

“He thinks you fucked your brother.”  Ji provided.

He jerked in her hold, but it only made her tighten her grip, he could feel blood running down his face and neck now.

Wei YIng twitched, and turned away, and for a moment he thought he would leave him there at the ghost’s mercy.  The third ghost went to his husband, whispering in his ear.  After a moment, he nodded.

“Let him speak, Ji.”  The third ghost ordered.

Ji looked mullish, but released her hold on his face and neck.  He drew in a shaky breath.  “Wei Yi-”

Fu Chou backhanded him so hard he fell to the floor.  Ji cackled.  The third ghost tittered, a smug look on her face.

“You were told to keep my name out of your mouth as well.”  Wei Ying didn’t offer a shred of mercy.  Didn’t even look at him.

He pushed himself to a seated position, rejection tearing at his heart.  “You can’t mean… we are married.”

“There’s more than one way to rectify that.”  The third ghost cooed.

“Please, there’s been a misunderstanding.”

“Yes, yours.” Wei Ying’s voice was hard.

“I didn’t mean to cheat on you.”

“Cheat??”  Wei Ying whirled back.  “Is that the extent of your guilt?  The guilt of an unfaithful spouse? You raped my brother.  You abused and humiliated him.  And you are here to answer for that.”

He didn’t understand why his husband wasn’t listening to him.  “You weren’t here.  You didn’t see his behavior.  I lost control, but not without reason.”

“The only reason for your so-called loss of control is because you never had any.”  Fu Chou’s lip curled up.  “Men like you are led around by their cock, and think they’re entitled to whatever they want.”

Lan Wangji shook his head at the accusation.  That wasn’t true.  He had never taken anything, well, almost anything without permission.  And it definitely didn’t apply in this case, when the instigator was Jiang Wanyin.  “I never wanted him.”

The third ghost stepped forward, stopping by the cell bars.  “Never wanted him?  You slobbered over him like a dog.  You think nobody noticed your sick desires?  How every indignity done to him made your worthless cock throb?  How every abuse you were allowed to inflict on him heightened your mindless lust for him?  Everyone saw your depravity.  Everyone but you.”

Lan Wangji shook his head in denial. “That isn't what happened.”  He looked helplessly at Wei Ying. “It isn't. Whoever told you-”

“Is that what you think?  Somebody told me what happened?” Wei Ying’s hand clenched on Chenqing. “That this mysterious somebody lied to me and you are the one being wronged?”

Lan Wangji felt a flash of irritation. Why was his husband acting like this?  Why was he so convinced of his guilt?  “Where else could you have heard about any of this?  Our captors are dead.”

“It's like you’ve spent so long thinking of me as your husband you've forgotten who I am. What I can do.”

Suddenly the pieces slotted together.  “Empathy.”

“Nobody told me anything, Lan Wangji. Not Jiang Cheng.  Not Nie Huaisang.  Jiang Cheng must have thought it was pointless to try.  Nie Huaisang knew I would refuse to believe it.  That I had missed all the obvious signs already.”

“Signs?  What signs?”  He was confused.  They were alone when they came.  JIang Cheng wasn’t even tied to the cell bars.  What signs could there have been?

Wei Ying gave a self-deprecating laugh.  “I asked that too.  Because somehow I missed how my brother was all but naked, his own clothing nowhere in sight, even his guan and hair ribbon gone.  But there you stood.  Dressed in all your normal glory, barely a hair out of place.  Somehow I missed that you seemed well nourished, moved with ease even with the lack of core.  Acted as if nothing was wrong.  While my brother moved as if he was injured, looked thinner as if he had been denied food or at least anything decent enough to do more than sustain him.  I missed how he shied away from you, and when has my brother ever shied away from anyone?”

He hadn’t considered Jiang Wanyin’s lack of clothing, or how he hadn’t been made to change.  His clan robes dirty, but nothing more.  It was true the other man had been given less food, and food of lesser caliber.  But surely they hadn’t been there long enough for him to get thinner from it.  Had he?  He had lost track of the days during their capture.  But saying Jiang Wanyin had moved as if injured seemed like a stretch.  He may have been sore from all the fucking and spanking, but it wasn’t as if he were wounded.  It was between lunch and dinner, too, so he hadn’t even had anything shoved up his pussy at the time, he thought crudely in his irritation.  What had they used the night before the rescue, he tried to recall. Had it been something that left him struggling to move normally?  There had been a few missteps with things they had used, but nothing serious and he was pretty certain there were no problems that night.

Ji was giving him a look of pure disgust, as if she knew what he was thinking about.  Which… she had seen his dream, he remembered, had called him out on trying to figure out when Wen Chao had fucked Jiang Cheng.  But could she really read his mind?

“You reek of lust.”  Ji hissed in his ear.

He jerked his head away from her, surprised by the accusation, only to realize he was half hard from remembering the various things they’d used on Jiang Wanyin.  He missed part of Wei Ying’s explanation. Something about Nie Huaisang coming to him after he fell asleep that night.

“... he told me of the remains of other victims he was struggling to identify.  Asked me to see if I could get something from one of the corpses of the demonic cultivators.  Maybe you remember him.  Shao?”  At his blank look he snorted.  “Didn’t even learn the names of the men you were the accomplice of?”

“I… I was their captive!”  Lan Wangji protested.

“Were you?  By the end?  Spending day after day doing nothing but eating their food and abusing my brother for their amusement.  I don’t recall a single escape attempt.  Was there one?”

The words hit him.  He’d realized at the rescue that any thought of escaping hadn’t been on his mind awhile.  “There were too many, the odds were against me.  Eventually I might of-”

“Against you.  What you might have done.  You, you, you.”  Wei Ying taunted.  “Funny, there were originally two prisoners, remember that?  Before you decided to make my brother your victim instead of your ally.”

“Victim??”  He jerked at the accusation.

“Yes, victim! I saw everything you did to my brother.  Every insult, every abuse, every rape. Days of repeatedly raping him while he begged you to stop!”

But if he had seen everything, then why did he not see Jiang Wanyin’s behavior?  “If he had just kowtowed, none of it would have happened!  He knew what would happen if he refused, and still chose-”

The howl of the third ghost girl froze him. “Lies! Lies! Lies!  Do not mock our pain!  We, too, were taunted with choices.  Choices that were only meant to force us to partake in our own degradation.  A twisted game they made us play, and we did in hope we could spare ourselves something.  Surely if we chose a certain way, we could at least escape the worst of what they suggested.  But each day the choices escalated, until we were agreeing to do the things we’d first refused in hope it would end there.  But it never did!” 

The words made him pause, doubt creeping in.  He glanced at the three ghosts, who were all staring at him in mixture of disgust and rage.

“Meet three of your good friends' other victims.”  Wei Ying’s eyes were no less disgusted, no less furious.  “Ji, Fu Chou, and Ai.  All of them suffered the same fate at the hand of these men as my brother.  Ji and Fu Chou were killed when their sick games escalated in abuse to the point they couldn’t survive them.  Ai took her life before it got that far.  So tell me, if one of them had been in this cell with you, would you have tied them to the bars for the men?  Would you have ripped their robes from their bodies, and shoved your cock inside them while calling them a slut?”

“No!”  He couldn’t imagine doing that to some random girl stuck in a cell with him.

“Ah, just to my brother then.”

He felt so confused.  Trying to think through what had happened.  There had been choices, he wanted to argue.  Except these three ghost women had been previous victims.  And they had been given choices, too, and the demonic cultivators had only escalated things.  Escalated to the point the choices grew brutal enough to kill them.  Had that been the plan for Jiang Wanyin?  He suddenly thought of the times the objects used on him had caused him discomfort and pain.  If they had done this before, these same things, that meant they weren’t missteps.  Weren’t accidents.  They had known what it would do to him.  But he was never wounded, a voice inside him whispered.  The pain was a temporary thing.  And hadn’t Jiang Wanyin always gotten off on it regardless?  “He enjoyed them.”  The accusation was out of his mouth before he could stop it.

The howls and screams of the ghosts were loud, Ji and Fu Chou reached for him again.

“Stop.”  Wei Ying ordered before they could do anything.

Relief filled him.  Perhaps Wei Ying hadn’t known that part.  Perhaps he would see now that there was a difference between Jiang Wanyin and-

“You really are standing there blaming him for his own rape.  You’ve really sold yourself on it, haven’t you?  That he wanted those men to touch him, wanted you to fuck him.  That he enjoyed it just because his body was forced to experience pleasure.  That’s all you think counts.  If someone experienced pleasure, then they must want it, must enjoy it.”  Wei Ying looked furious.

“Even the demonic cultivators knew better.  Even they knew it was rape, that Jiang Cheng didn’t want it, didn’t enjoy it.  That saying he did was just a sick game.  Another way to hurt and abuse him.  And you were just icing on the cake.  They had expected you to protect him.  The honorable Hanguang Jun,”  The way he sneered the title hurt, “would surely not allow them to just abuse and rape a man without interfering.  Except you not only allowed it, you participated.  Even escalated things all on your own.  They had expected an obstacle and gotten an accomplice.  An accomplice that was with him all the time, ensuring he was never safe even when they weren’t around to abuse him.”

His confusion grew, but they all had said… they’d all accused him of wanting it.  Of enjoying it.  Yet they hadn’t believed…?  Had thought of it as rape and abuse the whole time?  It had just been a taunt?  A lie?

“If you think they mocked him, you should have heard how they mocked you outside of this room.”

His head snapped up, staring at his husband in shock.  “Mocked…?

“About how your reputation was a lie.  How you weren’t even just an average man, you were corrupt.  Brutish.  Perverted.  Throwing away your supposedly strict morals instantly for a warm hole to fuck into  They laughed and laughed about how between their two captives, you were the weaker, more contemptable man.  Nothing but a depraved beast chasing Sect Leader’s Jiang tail.”

He shook his head.  No No.  That couldn’t be so.  “Jiang Wanyin is the monster!  Arrogant and selfish and vicious without an ounce of honor or integrity!  Without remorse!”

Wei Ying's eyes bled red again, his hair and clothes blowing around him as resentful energy began to fill the air around him.  “I once defended you from being called arrogant.  I once thought you a man of righteousness and integrity.  Surely I have been a fool.  Take off his headband, Ji.”

Even as it happened, as Ji ripped off his headband, taking a chunk of hair with it, he couldn’t believe it.  That his husband, who knew the meaning of it now, would do such a thing.  Humiliate him by letting these ghost women touch it.

“Pass it around.”  Was the next instruction, spoken with such a cruel tone it was hard to think of this man as his beloved Wei Ying.

“No!”  He made to grab it from Ji, only for Fu Chou to jump on his back - slamming him to the floor.

She then grabbed the headband and slid away, waving it at him as he pushed himself up..  “What a silly, ugly thing this is.”  She mocked.

“Return it.”  He stood.  He had no sword, but he had talisman paper.  He could- something hit his shoulder, and he fell to the floor.  When he tried to stand back up, he couldn’t.  A paper man. Wei Ying.

“What’s so important about it?”  Ai was curious.

“Gusu Lan prides themselves on it.”  Fu Chou sneered, stepping closer and hanging the headband inches from his face, but he couldn’t move, couldn’t grab it back..  “They say it represents restraint.”

“Restraint?  This beast?”  Ji snorted.  She took the headband back, and balled it up.  “He can’t possibly deserve this.”

“Gusu Lan thinks they’re so moral.  Superior to the other clans.  To everyone.” Fu Chou continued to explain.  “They really think that having a wall of rules full of things to restrict their disciples' every behavior, and then beating them for infractions, will somehow teach them anything but fear and how to hide behaviors.  They separate men from women because they think that’s the only way to maintain moral integrity.”

Ji snorted.  “In other words, they don’t teach them a thing about how to actually handle their wants and desires, just to repress them.  They don’t teach them why a behavior is wrong, just to fear getting caught.  And on top of all that, they teach them that they can’t control their lust, just separate themselves from the object of it.  Which means when that isn’t possible, they aren’t to blame for their actions.  That explains so much.”

“The headband is also not supposed to be touched outside family and spouses.”  Wei Ying spoke up.  “It’s humiliating for others to touch it.”

The ghost women began cackling.  “Oh, does this bother you?”  Ji unfurled it from the ball, and stroked her fingers along it.

“Does it feel like we’re taking advantage of you in some way?”  Fu Chou took the other end, and rubbed the metal of his personal crest.

“Here, let me touch it too!”  Ai held out her hand.  Fu Chou let go and Ji tossed it to Ai.

After rubbing her fingers over the ribbon, she smirked and tied it around her throat.  “Does it suit me?”

“I still say it’s ugly.”  Ji sniffed.

He felt his ears burn as they mocked him, passed his headband around as if it were nothing.  Insulted his entire clan as if it were nothing.

“Are you embarrassed?  Humiliated?”  Fu Chou looked down at him  “Perhaps much like the man you stripped naked for your captors was when you did it?”

“Maybe like he was when you laid your dirty hands on his ass.  Spanked him as if you had rights to his body”  Ji added.

“Good point Ji.  Why don’t you do the honors?”

The words made sense when Ji’s claws raked against his ass a moment later, shredding his robes and leaving bleeding wounds in their wake.  She did it twice more, before stopping.

“His ass is really pale.”  Ai commented.  “I doubt your taste in men, master.”

The other ghost women cackled, and he felt anger and embarrassment well within him.  But both were eclipsed by pain at Wei Ying’s next words.

“Me too.”

“Wei Ying- ah!”  He cried out when Ji slashed her claws across his left thigh.  His clothing was being slowly stripped away under her claws.

“I won’t say anything about you lusting after my brother, but your hatred of him? He has never done anything to you.”

“But he has to you!”  Lan Wangji cried out desperately.

“Nothing he has ever done to me justifies your brutality.”

“He abandoned you!  He killed you!”

“We staged a defection because it was the only way for us both to defend what we had a duty to defend.”  Wei Ying hissed.

The words confused him.  “Staged?”

“The great and intelligent Hanguang Jun didn’t even question anything about that fight?  DIdn’t question why, even though he had met me in private first, the fight somehow didn’t occur until a public place where others could bear witness?”

“He could have saved you!  Jin Guangyao said so!”

“Jin Guangyao also said I was doomed to die early and badly.  That it was inevitable, and that I was to blame for it.  Was that also true?  Or how about how he claimed to never hurt your brother, is that true?”

At the mention of his brother, he cried out, “Don’t!”

“Jin Guangyao said a lot of things.  Even your brother warned mine that he was trying to get into his head.  Yet you assigned such weight to his words?  Why?  To continue to hold a grudge?”

“He led the siege-”

“I killed Jin Zixuan.  My actions led to Shi-jie’s death.  Do you think these things are not legit grievances?  Do you think I am so weak that I am incapable of defending myself?  Did I not say at the second siege that I would not take on crimes that were not my own?”  He demanded of him.

“Yes, but-”

“So doesn’t it stand to reason that I never defended myself against JIang Cheng, against Jin Ling, because I was guilty?  Because their grievances were real, their anger rightfully theirs?”

“Jin Ling forgave you!”

“So Jin Ling forgiving me for killing his father, for causing the death of his mother, is what?  Just and right?  But Jiang Cheng’s actions are somehow unforgivable to you?  How wonderful to know a literal child has more understanding of the world, of morality and generosity, than the man I bowed to heaven with.”

“But Jin Ling is not Jiang Wanyin!”

He screamed as Ji clawed his other thigh, leaving even deeper wounds.

“I believe I told you to only refer to him as Sect Leader Jiang.”  Wei Ying hissed.  “As for my brother, have you been walking around with your hands over your eyes all these years?  With your ears stuffed with cotton?  Do you think a man without honor or integrity could have built a sect?  We had no one left, Lan Wangji.  Nobody.  Every man and woman, all already cultivators, already old enough to fight in a war, who swore loyalty to the new Yunmeng Jiang did so because they saw a leader worthy to follow.”

“You.  They joined for you.”  Lan Wangji insisted.

“They joined for a dead man?  I wasn’t around for three months, as you recall.  You certainly should, seeing as you worked with him to search for me.  He had a fighting force by the time we met again.  They joined for him, and only him.  Any rumors otherwise were petty jealousy.”

He did recall that.  Recall Jiang Wanyin leaving camp to go to different towns, and returning with cultivators and soldiers.  But... “They joined for the war!  To fight the Wen!”

“If they wanted to join the war, they could have joined any other clan.  If they ever saw him as an unworthy leader, they could have left any time. They didn’t owe loyalty to the Jiang Clan.  They weren’t raised by them, weren’t trained in the formation of a golden core by them.  Unlike the rest of you great sects, every adult disciple he has didn’t stay because of lineage, or gratitude, or debt, and certainly not for lack of options.  Not with clans scrambling for new disciples after the war.  Everyone who follows him does so because he proved himself to them.  Not because he inherited a position.  There was nothing left to inherit.  So tell me again how a man so many willingly follow is a man without honor, without integrity.”

“They say he is vicious!  His own people are scared of him!  He hunts and tortures demonic cultivators!”

“Ah, so the great Hanguang Jun hasn’t had his ears stuffed.  He lent it to every rumor instead, and assigned them as truth because they fit the narrative he wanted to believe in.  And if your good friends who ran this place are an example of the men Jiang Cheng tortured, I’m afraid you’re speaking to the wrong audience for sympathy for them.  Or do you not recall what I did to the Wen soldiers who attacked Lotus Pier?  To Wang Lingjiao and Wen Chao?”

He felt so confused, so torn.  Had he hated without reason?  Listened to rumors instead of seeking out facts?  Had his behavior towards Jiang Wanyin been unwarranted?  Making him the aggressor?  A criminal?  A rapist?  “He… he enjoyed it.”

It was the only thing left to cling to.  To deny the growing feeling of horror within him.  Jiang Wanyin had whimpered and moaned; had cried out in pleasure.  He had come all over the cell floor.  Had orgasmed from various objects being thrust inside him and without a single hand on his dick even once.  Surely nobody would do that if they didn’t want it to begin with.

“Let me bite his dick off.”  Ji hissed.

“Not yet.”

“Why not??”

“Because there’s only one way to break this particular delusion.”  Wei Ying replied, his voice sounded almost cheerful, but with something so dark in it that it made his blood run cold.  “Enjoying it means you want it, Lan Wangji?  Right?”

His breath grew heavier.  The feeling of fear mounting.  “It… he… yes…?”

“Ai, go fetch some things from the kitchen, will you?”

Ji and Fu Chou cackled.  “What things, master?”  Ai’s sweet tone was completely false.

“Oh, a cucumber, an eggplant, a zucchini, a carrot… and let’s see, oh a winter melon I think it was.  That will do to start with.  After all, he may pass out a few times. So we can collect more while waiting for him to wake up.”

Realization set in.  “No!”  He cried out, even as the ghost woman disappeared out the door.

“I remember Jiang Cheng saying that to you a lot.”  Wei Ying told him.  “You can expect the same mercy you showed him.”

“I don’t want it!”

“But we have to see if you’ll enjoy it.  How else will we know for certain?  And if you do, you must want it.  Right?”

He couldn’t even cringe away when Fu Chou leaned close.  Her tone mocking when she added, “Don’t worry, we’ll make it good for you.”

“And after you experience every indignity you did to my brother, then we’ll set about making sure you can never do it to another.”

All the things he’d done.  All the things he’d enjoyed watching be done to Jiang Wanyin filled his mind.  Terror and horror mounting.  

“Then I can bite his cock off?”  Ji asked, her tone filled with excitement..

“I figured we’d start with his fingers.  They were the first thing he touched what wasn’t his with.”  Wei Ying replied.

His fingers.  He wouldn’t be able to wield a weapon, or play music.  “Please, Wei Ying, please…”

Nails clawed his back and he screamed.

“I told you to keep my name out of your mouth.  Keep forgetting and I may let Fu Chou take your tongue.”

He tried to break the paperman’s spell, tried to call on his spiritual power but the array of the cell made it impossible.

“Here they are, master.”  Ai suddenly returned, and he saw her put the vegetables and fruit by the cell bars.

“Go ahead, Fu Chou.  Shred his robes.”



Lotus Pier was never quiet.  There were no rules against shouting here. No rules against running. No curfew.  No segregation of sexes.  No limit to how much food you were allowed to eat.  Alcohol was absolutely allowed.  Merchants were hawking their wares, voices loud and cheerful.  Children shrieked and ran along the walkways, pushing and shoving. Male and female disciples laughed loudly as they drank, ate, and swam together.  All around him were the smell of spices and the sight of bright colors.  The weather was warm, but a cool breeze wafted in off the waters.

On his one and only visit since he was given a new lease on life, he’d judged the new Lotus Pier a stranger to him. He had looked at buildings, and ornamentation.  At new defenses and guards on patrol, all day and night.  He’d judged it colder.  He’d judged it lacking.

For someone so intelligent, he really was a fool sometimes.

The secret way to the pavilion remained.  It hurt.  How many of their other secret places, where three children had retreated to when tensions were high in the main household, had been kept?  Had been rebuilt?

The sound of Zidian sparking was a warning.  “I don’t know what Lan Wangji said, but if you attack me over that man’s delusions, I will not hold back in defending myself.”

He turned to see Jiang Cheng standing at the other entrance to the pavilion.  He stepped forward, and Zidian unfurled.  Then he sank to his knees, and lowered his head to the wooden walkway.

“What…what are you doing?”  Jiang Cheng sounded bewildered.

“This unworthy Shixiong-”

“Wei Wuxian!”

“-begs the forgiveness of Sect Leader Jiang for his past behavior.”

“Are you seriously doing this now??”

“As well as for never defending Sect Leader Jiang from a man who later brought harm upon him-”

“Get up.”

“-and will accept any punishment deemed necessary.”

“Get up and stop this already.”

His arm was taken ahold of and he was yanked to his feet.  Jiang Cheng looked annoyed, and it was such a welcoming sight.

“What is all this about?”  Jiang Cheng demanded.

“Nie Huaisang asked me to do empathy on one of the demonic cultivator’s remains in hopes of identifying some of their victims' bodies.”

Jiang Cheng let him go as if burned, his face paling.

“I didn’t know what I would see. But once I had-”

He was cut off by a harsh laugh.   “Oh?  And was my humiliation so damning that you felt pity-”

“No!”  He shouted.  “Not pity.  I was horrified.  Infuriated.  I am here now because you deserve an apology.  I-I was so busy seeing Lan Wangji as the boy from my youth, I failed to see the type of man he had become.”

“You aren’t responsible for his actions, Wei Wuxian.  And I would appreciate it if you would not attract his attention here by your presence.  I have no desire to see him.”

“He won’t be following me.”

“He always has and always will.”

“He’s in no condition to, and I very much doubt Gusu Lan will allow him to ever leave Cloud Recesses again even if he survives whatever punishment he’ll be given.”

“Punishment?”  Jiang Cheng’s breath sped up.  “You told-”

“I made it known I was renouncing our marriage upon discovering my husband was a rapist.  I mentioned the name of no victim.”

“You think they won’t realize-”

“I may have mentioned a number, without mentioning there wasn’t more than one victim.  I may have done this publically.  There may be rumors of Lan Wangji raping people for years, and the number of victims may be increasing with each rumor.  Nie Huaisang assures me that between this and Lan XIchen’s association with Jin Guangyao that Gusu Lan’s reputation will take decades to recover, if it ever does.”

Jiang Cheng sat down, his expression shocked.  “And his current condition?”

“Seems he was kidnapped by a demonic cultivator before his powers were recovered.  We weren’t together at the time, of course.  I had sought refuge with Nie Huaisang after learning the horrifying truth about my husband’s past.  Most of his fingers seem to be missing, as well as a certain other piece of his anatomy.  He may have been dropped off at Cloud Recess's steps stark naked with something questionable protruding from his anal cavity.”

“Wei Wuxian, I would never have asked-”

“I know.  You never do.  But if this useless Shixiong can offer nothing but revenge, then that is what he will offer.”

“If Gusu Lan blames us, reputation or not, Lotus Pier-”

“Nie Huaisang says to inform you that you have the full backing of the Nie Sect, even if it goes so far as war against Gusu Lan. We both know Jin Ling will stand by you. And… if you will have him, you will have the backing of the Yiling Patriarch as well.”

Jiang Cheng’s shoulders relaxed. He hadn't realized how nervous he had been. How frightened.  “I appreciate your assistance on this matter.  You need not feel indebted to remain.  As I said, you are not to blame for the actions of your ex-husband.  You have already provided vengeance we could not have dared to obtain.  I will send my thanks to Sect Leader Nie as well.”

He knew Nie Huaisang knew what had happened. Of course, why would he offer a carriage and Jiang Cheng accept if there hadn't been some exchange between them? Nie Huaisang had the plan in place by the time he went to him. He wanted to be annoyed at him for meddling when he said he wouldn't, but in this case could only be grateful.

“What now?”

Jiang Cheng looked at him, something like sympathy in his eyes.. “Things go on.  You are free to go wherever you want.”

He shouldn't push, he shouldn't, but….

“What if I don't want to go anywhere?”

“What are you saying?”

Wei Wuxian licked his lips, gathering courage.  “What if I want to come home?”

There was a pause, then, “You’ve paid your debts.  You owe nothing to Yunmeng Jiang.  Nothing to me.  I refuse to be an obligation to you just because of… I’m not so weak.”

“No!  No, that…”  He made a noise of frustration.  “I miss it.”

“Miss what?”

“Lotus Pier.  Yunmeng Jiang.  Having a family.”

“You made yourself a new family.  Twice now.”  Jiang Cheng’s voice was hard.

Wei Wuxian winced.  “I never stopped missing my first one.”

“You expect me to believe that?  You said this was a new life and everything was in the past.  Yet now you miss it?”

“I always missed it.”  Wei Wuxian protested.  “I know I don’t deserve forgiveness-”

“Shut up.”  Jiang Cheng scowled.  “If I didn’t forgive you, would I have returned your spiritual weapon?  Would I have left you alone all these years?  I know you’ve been in contact with Jin Ling.  If anything, it was you who never seemed to forgive me.”

Wei Wuxian hastily shook his head.  “No!  No, didn’t I say it was in the past?  There’s nothing left to forgive.”

“If it’s all in the past, doesn’t that mean there’s nothing worth saving?”

His shoulders drooped.  “I understand.  I won’t bother you again, Sect Leader Jiang.”

He turned to leave, when Jiang Cheng’s voice pulled him up short.  “You’re an idiot.”  He glanced back to find him with his arms crossed, looking pointedly away across the lake.  “I didn’t say you couldn’t come back.”

The moment suddenly overlaid with a thousand moments in the past, Jiang Cheng looking away huffily.  Tossing off similar words.  He didn’t say he couldn’t.  Or shouldn’t.  Or wouldn’t.  Always saying very distinctly that his answer wasn’t no, and then going along with his latest scheme.  He didn’t say he couldn’t swim underwater long enough to steal lotus pods without being seen, but why would he share even if he did? (He had.)  He didn’t say he shouldn’t try to make a person shaped talisman to communicate with.  (It was ridiculous, but what was new about that when it came to him?)  He didn’t say he wouldn’t sneak out to investigate the night hunt he’d heard about at the market. (He absolutely did, and they’d had to kneel in the ancestral halls for hours.)

“Jiang Cheng.”  He felt his eyes water, and a smile stretched his lips.  “Jiang Cheng!  You missed me, too!”  He bounced over to him.

“Who missed you?”  He snapped.

Wei Wuxian only grinned wider at the words.  “I promise I’ll be useful.”

“When were you ever useful?”

It was like something that had been out of alignment for a long, long time slipped back into place.  His heart felt full to bursting.  Especially when Jiang Cheng reached out and dragged him into a hug.  He hadn’t hugged him since the night they met up again after he escaped the burial grounds.  He wrapped his arms around him in return and hugged him back.  When Jiang Cheng stepped back, a part of him didn’t want to let him go.

“You can’t make up for every absence by torturing someone who wronged me.”  He was informed, but the dark smirk playing at the corners of Jiang Cheng’s lips said otherwise.

Wei Wuxian’s answering grin was feral.  “I can try.”

They were both darker, wilder, more vicious, than the naive boys who had once walked an older version of Lotus Pier.  Who had belonged to a Yunmeng Jiang viewed by the cultivation world as easy going, perhaps even a bit lackadaisical.  Who had spoken of being the Twin Prides of Yunmeng with the intention of making it a title that would be revered.

That was alright, though, he didn’t think those boys would have fit into this new Lotus Pier, full of defenses to ensure no massacre would occur here ever again.  They likely would have floundered in a Yunmeng Jiang with a reputation that said that insulting their members or leader was a mistake the speaker would regret.  The title the Twin Prides of Yunmeng, if they chose to reclaim it, would probably be feared in the cultivation world.

In the years since his return he had been constantly looking for a life, a world, a family that didn’t exist anymore.  A him that didn’t exist anymore.  Instead of accepting the new reality, he hid from it.  Now he was ready to embrace it.

Wei Wuxian wasn’t certain what the best part was.  That he was back in Lotus Pier, was finally home after years of dreaming of it.  Or that he had Jiang Cheng at his side again, ranting about things both familiar and different.  He would probably be shouting at him before long, and threatening to break his legs.  He would accept nothing less.