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Is It Love Without Scars?


Vox Switch Week 2024 - Day 3, Biting & Marking

Valentino and Vox show their love to each other in the only way they know how, aggressive sex and harm to the others wellbeing.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

Valentino always liked making marks on Voxs body while they were intimate. The way he could completely destroy his boyfriends physique with no consequences left for some very vicious nights that the two thoroughly enjoyed.

Every scrape and dent on Voxs body represented the toxic cycle the men found themselves in, so infatuated with each other and soiled with hurt that all they could do was harm the ones they love.

The pain made Vox feel alive, the chaotic lifestyle he lived with Valentino made him feel as if his heart still beat. The adrenaline of every shout and the sting of every punch made the demon feel crazy, exhilarated.

He felt like something.

Life without Valentino was boring.

Every break up ended the same, storming his exes studio and begging on his knees for his boyfriend back.

And he would always take him back.

Vox made Valentino feel powerful, having this smart and calculating man wrapped around his finger was enough to give anyone an ego. Being able to call that man his made him feel as if he was living his own version of Pretty Woman. A repulsive man in the sex industry being lusted after by a man who could climb up any business ladder he pleased with his charisma alone.

He would never tell Vox that.

They weren’t like that.

Talking about their feelings and being sappy with each other was something both men avoided. Why be sappy when they could bash each other's faces into the wall and use their dick to express how they felt.

The creaking of the bed they shared was a sound anyone around the two would be familiar with. The way they made love was anything but humiliating. They were loud, aggressive and the most open they would ever be with each other.

Squeaks followed by the grunts of the two men echoed from the room, music blasting in a way that almost managed to muffle the sound of their skin making contact as Vox dug his claws into Valentinos shoulders.

“Careful with the merchandise, baby.” Valentino spoke with a shudder as Vox lapped up the droplets of blood that attempted to escape the broken skin.

“Or what?” Vox asked, challenging his boyfriend before shoving his face into the pillows of the bed. “I like it better when you shut the fuck up!” His words causing Valentino to moan out as Vox continued to pound him from behind. Valentinos purple skin was tinted red, his toxic pink drool staining the pillow beneath them.

His boyfriend could break free if he really wanted, the man knew how to take care of himself. Vox knew whatever he did to Valentino was because he was allowed to. It wasn’t often he got to fuck him doggy style with a playful struggle that made Vox feel like he had some semblance of control in this relationship.

He didn’t know what happened to Valentino that day to make him take on such a submissive role but he wasn’t complaining, grabbing Valentinos damaged antennae to yank his face up from the pillows with a whine.

The flushed look on Valentinos face was so pretty as Vox began to bite at the back of his furred neck with his sharp teeth, dragging his claws down his boyfriend's chest to leave vibrant red marks down his torso. He wanted to see Valentino covering up his marks with lilac makeup in the morning, knowing that underneath the faux layer was the message that Valentino was his.

His hands found themselves roaming Valentinos rugged body. For such a skinny man, he had a lot of character in the strong curves of his abdomen as Vox grabbed the demon's cock with a yank.

“I’m so close, baby.” Vox groaned out as he thrusted harder into Valentino, the demon's body collapsing on itself as Vox targeted the buddle of sensitive nerves inside the man with a loud pant, his wings fluttering between the two of them.

“I love you so much, Voxxy.” Valentino said as he turned to look back at his partner, watery tears welling up in his tear ducts that threatened to spill down his cheeks

The sight had Voxs heart racing, grabbing onto Valentinos shoulder hard enough to draw more blood as the overwhelming pleasure of an orgasm hit him through his words. “I love you too, Val.”

His boyfriend came soon after, Vox joining the man on the sheets below for a post-climax cuddle session, lighting a cigarette before looking over at the man next to him.

Valentino seemed off, cuddling in closer to Voxs body and avoiding eye contact with him. “I’m sorry I don’t tell you that more often.”

Vox let out an amused huff as he took a drag of the cancerous stick. “Val, what are you talking about?” His voice danced with humour. “You don’t have to do anything for me.”

Valentino took the cigarette from Voxs fingertips, needing an inhale of the toxic smoke before continuing his train of thought. The burning exhale did nothing to quench his actual anxieties that didn’t stem from his crippling tobacco addiction.

“I just- I thought you should know that.” Valentino trailed off as he exhaled smoke through his nose.

Vox let out a tsk with a shake of his head, “Let's get you cleaned up. Maybe that’ll make you act normal.” He said, gesturing to the dried blood that had threatened to run down the demon's chest.

Valentino looked down at the scabbing skin with a shrug. “Let's do that later, in the shower maybe.” He said with a playful tone before pausing for a second. “I just want to be here with you right now.”

He sounded so vulnerable at that moment, it was all new to Vox and he wasn’t sure how to process the scene in front of him. He retrieved the cigarette from Valentino's grasp and put it out with a sigh, wrapping an arm around the man's back and holding him close to his chest.

“You know I’d do anything for you.”


I can't tell if I love or hate this one haha I love the thought of what I was tryna do but I'm not sure about the execution lol I tried my best :)

Series this work belongs to: