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Undertale One-Shots


I am cringe, but I am free...

Chapter 1: Tale!MTT x Fem Reader - Baby Fever


Wait, what do you mean humans don't get pregnant by Monsters?



This chapter is inspired by one of Lady_Arkytior_of_Dunans' works, specifically their undertale one shots. I obviously will make it different, but this is the base I'm workin' with. The original concept of the pregnancy's function is the concept THEY wrote about. I did change some things as I wrote it, added my own, but I used their concept as the structure of stuff.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

You didn't mind the arrangement with Mettaton. He was a star, a celebrity. He was the most famous monster in their world, but in the human world, he had to rise from the ground up. It was a skyrocketed climb, his charm and handsomeness helped in his human stardom. You got used to him leaving for a while at a time, then come home for another while. He was on tour for his music, he had reality shows to film, and his newest project included a show and three movies.

He'd left a few months ago, but you got a call this morning about him coming home early. You tried to pry answers out of him, but he was quick to deflect and hung up. He hung up! On you! You were fuming, not out of genuine anger, but of fear. Was he sick? Was he fired? Did something happen? A while back, something traumatic happened that scared the ever living shit out of you both. Since then, he made sure he knew where you were (fortunately, there were apps for that), and he called you whenever he could to check on you. You'd done the same, and was letting up, but this sent it into overdrive for you.

So, you'd gone to meet up with your monster friends. Your friends consisted of Toriel, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, Asgore, and even Grillby sometimes. Today though, the meetup was only the skeleton brothers, and Toriel. They'd agreed to meet at Grillby's new place, though he was too busy to be included.

"-and he hung up!" You gasped out, throwing your arms up before folding them. "I- I mean, something's clearly wrong! But he won't tell me! What if he's sick!? Or dying!?"

"Did he tell you anything else?" Toriel offered, her voice kind. "Did he text you about symptoms?" "No!" You pushed a hand to your chest, drawing in a deep breath.

You knew about soul bonding, Mettaton was kind enough to educate you on it both before and after it happened with you two. The thing with it, it wasn't just a romantic thing. It was like a soulmate sorta deal. Your soulmate could be a lover, a relative, a friend, and you had multiple. However, the romantic bonding was different. It was deeper, more... connecting. You didn't realize just how connected.

Your massage didn't go unnoticed.

"You feeling okay?" Sans spoke up, eyes glued to you. You just nod. "Y- Yeah, probably just the anxiety." Toriel leaned against the table. "Tell us what you're feeling." You realize they're looking at you with expectancy, hanging on your every word, and you gulp.

"W- Well... My chest hurts. It- It's tight, ya know, and uh... Th- There's a pit in my stomach, but I feel like I could eat a horse, usually anxiety makes me not want to eat. And there's like, ringing? I- I don't know, it's not in my ears, but it's like... All over."

You watch realization wash over their faces, fleeting through emotions, but Toriel's face softens to a mix of concern, joy, and her own anxiety. "I have to ask... You and Mettaton are... Soul-bonded, right?" You nod, quiet.

You watch her mentally debate something, chewing her lip, before she puts her hands together. "There's a possibility... That... Mettaton is.. Pregnant."

You had chosen the worst time to take a sip from water, your throat feeling dry. You spat it out, choking on it, before your head snapped up to meet Toriel's gaze. "WHAT?!"

The restaurant falls silent. You hear the brothers apologize, and the noise slowly stirs back up. "Wh- What do you mean he's pregnant!?" You quietly whisper-shout. "It's a possibility." Toriel quickly reminded. "When... Two monsters conceive, there's a 50/50 chance of who gets pregnant. The thing is, it also has to be deliberate... But... with a human partner, it- it's hard to say." You silently stare at her, urging her to continue.

"Perhaps... With you being human... Accidental pregnancy is a higher chance... and... Perhaps he may never get you pregnant." "Oh my god." You fall back. Your leg was now bouncing, rocking the table. Papyrus put a hand to your knee, trying to still it. It did little, but the table rest still now. 

Papyrus was like a brother to you. Both he and Sans were. When Mettaton was gone, they kept you company, they protected you. This doubled after that whole Event. "It- It's a lot." Papyrus decided to say. "He's probably so scared." You choke out. Your statement shocks the trio. You were clearly upset about this ordeal, but it was clear your fear was for Mettaton.

"He didn't tell me. He must think I- I'd be mad or- or something." You quickly stood, shuffling from the chair. "Okay, uh- You guys, uh, I- I'll pay you back next time I swear." You sprinted out of Grillby's, not giving them the chance to ask or argue.


When Mettaton walked into his estate, he felt dread. He was a few months along, definitely far enough he had a bit of a belly but not enough to make it obvious unless you looked hard. He didn't know what you'd say. You hadn't really talked about kids, and when he had asked nearly a year ago, you'd told him you didn't mind, just that you wanted to wait a while. This wasn't long enough, he feared.

"[Y/n]?" He called out, his voice soft but it echoed the home. No response. For a brief moment, he felt relief, thinking you were out. This was until he heard noises when he'd gone upstairs. He hesitantly crept through the halls, peeking into the room the noises were coming from. Then he gasped.

You'd converted your "personal room" (an open large room he'd let you use for hobbies, a pseudo "mancave" of sorts) into a nursery. The first thing you did was paint the walls. Once that had dried, you set everything up. The changing table, packed with diapers and wipes. A small wardrobe, open, showing off an entire little wardrobe of baby clothes. You set up a play pen, filled it with baby toys, and the see-through mesh "box" also showed off more toys. You put up wall decor, shelves, and there was a cushioned chair with a high chair next to it, sat in a corner.

In the middle of the room, was you. Sitting on the floor, legs outstretched in front of you. Pieces of wood surrounded you, but between your legs was the base of the crib. You had your phone to your side, Toriel's face lighting the screen. You didn't notice Mettaton.

"What does this say?" You turn and push the booklet of instructions to the camera. She mumbles as she reads, then repeats it back to you. You look around, grabbing a piece and holding it up. "This one?" Her nod makes you grin. "Fuck yeah."

You hum, "Thanks for helping me out, Mama bear. I want this to be perfect when he gets home. Speaking of, did Papyrus tell you if he landed?" "Let me check." You looked away as she dinked around her phone. Then there was silence, deafening.

"What? Did he land?" "Yeah... An hour ago." You choke on spit. "Shit! He's probably almost here!" You throw yourself to your feet, looking down at the half built crib. "Shit shit shit-" You grab your phone and prepare to run out the door. Throwing it open, you yelp and drop your phone.

"M- Metta-" You register him crying before he grabbed your face and kissed you. Your confusion is still present but you sweetly kiss him back. He pulled away, staring at you. "H- How did you-"

"Toriel." You said, softly. "I told her some things I was feeling, and she told me you were likely pregnant... A- And I just thought about you, and- and why you didn't tell me, and I... I thought surprising you..." He put his forehead to yours, grinning. 

"And- And you're not...?" "No, love." You coo. "If anything, just surprised. I thought I'd be the one carrying your kid." He laughed. You hug him, running your fingers through his hair. "I love you, baby." You hummed. "Oh, and I also got a lotta food. I uh, dunno what kinda cravings monsters get, but if my sister's pregnancy is anything to go by, it's better to be prepared."

He kisses you again, then looks around the room. "This is perfect..." "I'm not done with the crib." You pout. "I thought I'd have more time." "I won't stop you." He shrugged.

"Um, hi!" Toriel's voice makes you jump. "Right." You kneel down and pick up the phone. You quickly tell Toriel bye, then hang up before she can say anything. "Well, anyway. Welcome home, love." Still knelt, you press a kiss to Mettaton's stomach. He lets out a little snicker, and you feel a little- almost heartbeat like- pulse against your lips. You grin. "And welcome home to you too, sweet baby."


Mettaton needed rest. Apparently, monster births were far different than human ones. Unfortunately, with you being human, Mettaton's birth- and the entire pregnancy, really- was far more human in nature. That meant the poor bot spent hours pushing the thing out of him. After a brief recovery, he insisted on going home with your new baby boy. He was a little odd, at least in concept. He was like a little android, with a soft squishy skin exterior of a human, but the inner workings of a bot (some tests cleared it up).

Now, Mettaton was asleep in your shared bed and you were in the nursery, the little babe against your chest. It was far too early for the crib, you thought. You wanted Mettaton to rest up as much as he could, so you decided to take on baby watch.

"You gave your Daddy a rough time." You coo, quietly, rubbing the back of the newborn. "So we're gonna let him sleep a while." The chair you'd bot had the ability to rock a bit. So rock you did. You felt exhausted yourself, but you knew it didn't compare to the exhaustion your fiance was feeling. You didn't sleep the last couple nights, and it was kinda pointless since his water broke in the middle of Lunch. Still, you knew pushing out a living thing was far worse.

You wanted to sleep. Good god, you wanted to sleep. But you couldn't. What if Mettaton needed you? What if your son woke up? He'd need to be tended to. You couldn't sleep on them like that. Your eyes fluttered as you struggled to stay awake, but there was just enough drive to keep you up.

"Come to bed." Mettaton's voice groaned over the baby monitor. "Soon." You replied softly. "No, love, now." You couldn't tell if he'd whined or if it was a command, but it was clear he wanted you. You hesitated, but sighed. "Okay, okay." He goes quiet as you stand, slugging your way to your bedroom.

When you entered, Mettaton lifted his arm, making a little cave with the blanket. You sit down and, with one hand, move the blanket a bit to lay down. You lay on your back, keeping your son on your front, as Metta wrapped an arm around your waist.

"We'll be fine." Metta whispered. You grumbled. "Remember how loud he is?" Metta referred to the baby's wails in the hospital. Yeah, the whole damn building heard him. You stifle a laugh. "Yeah, yeah..." "Sleep." Metta pressed a gentle kiss to your cheek.

"I love you." He whispered. You smile and turn your head, kissing his forehead. "I love you too." Finally, you got some sleep. You rested easy, happy. Your fiance, your new son, it was perfect...

Absolutely perfect.


I hope yall enjoyed this one qvq

Chapter 2: Fell!Papyrus x Naga Fem Reader - Territorial


There's more than just monsters and humans...


I had this idea while I was struggling to fall asleep. I was struggling to fall asleep BECAUSE of this idea. So now it's here. The idea was vague, I'm making shit up as I go. No, it will not make sense.

Yes I know this Fell one is OOC. Bite me. CHOMP CHOMP.

Chapter Text

Your kind- and others like your kind- had been around for a millennia. Your origin was unknown, even to your own kind. You knew the general history, though. How centuries ago, there was a war, and your kind went into hiding. In the last 150 years, though, your kind began emerging. It took some time, but by now, not only where there laws protecting you, but the humans took great effort to keep themselves- and you- safe.

Your territory was pretty much an heirloom of sorts. It was established by your great great grandmother, and now, it was yours. You had watched, as a child, as humans put up a large sign, sticking from the dirt, next to the nearby public walking trail the humans liked. It was a sign that told humans it was the edge of your territory (you couldn't read, but you caught on after a few years). You watched from the tree line as humans danced around to avoid your territory.

You liked it. You liked the fear of the humans. And humans were all you saw... Until some months ago, monsters emerged. You were not a monster. Your kid were referred to as "creatures", though you heard the word "cryptid" a few times. You had never heard of monsters before, but seeing them made you more defensive of your territory. They either ignored the signs or didn't care, but they never stepped into your territory. They were weird, and you didn't like them.

You were asleep. Coiled high in the tree you called your home, your nest. But you were abruptly awoken, and you quickly realized why. A figure was standing in your territory. You slowly crept down the tree, making sure to avoid being seen, as you observed the figure. A... Skeleton? A tall one, dressed in red and black. His arms were folded, scanning the surroundings. He said something, but you didn't quite catch it.

Rage fluttered through your body. Intruder. The end of your tail rattled, catching the skeleton's attention. Despite his height, you were far, far larger. Your human torso was probably twice the size of his, and your long tail was roughly 32 feet long. You could easily snap him in two if you wanted to.

You slide into his view, hands pressed against the tree, and your tail still coiled around the trunk. "Leave." You hiss. He doesn't move, and his teeth and cheekbones move in a way to suggest a smile. "I don't think I will." His voice was booming, loud and commanding. Your tail shook much more violently, and you bared your fangs.

"My territory." You drew out the 'y' letter as you spoke, hands reaching the dirt. "Intruder." You drew out the final 'r', too.

He only tilted his head. "What are you?" There was a mix of curiosity and almost disgust in his voice. "Death." You barked. 

Unfortunately, it was only half true. Your tail could easily engulf him and snap his bones in 400 different places. Despite the rattle on your tail, descending from rattlesnaked nagas, you were- unfortunately- born without venom glands. Your bites hurt like hell, but unfortunately, wasn't lethal. Not that he had to know that.

"Interesting." He began to walk a circle around the tree. You slither to follow him with your whole upper body, eyes scanning over him. Your breath became shaky with anger. "Well." He stopped, smirking. You hiss again, glaring at him. "Go on, then."

You don't move, but your expression remains the same. "I'm intruding. You're death. Kill me." He was calling your bluff. And you took it. You shot down, speeding around him, tail coiling, squeezing. And for a brief moment, he looked almost scared. Angry, thrashing against you, but scared.

Then your mother's voice echoed in your head, a memory. "You have to control yourself, [y/n]. If you attack, unprovoked, you will be taken away. They still despise us. Our territory will not be a reason. Defend if you are attacked, but visitors are harmless."

You hiss as your tail relaxes around the skeleton. He lets out a laugh. "You're a coward!" You simply uncoil from him, slithering back to the tree. You start to climb back up, but his gloved hands grab the end of your tail. What happened next, it was so fast, you barely registered it. Flashes of red, your body spinning, then pain, and now you were pinned down by the monster, a broken large bone in his hand.

Staring up at him, it slowly pieces together. He attacked you. Your tail, in several places, were bleeding. And, out of your control, your tail writhed in the pain of it, nerves probably damaged at least a bit. "Any final words?" The skeleton cackled. You only realized what you'd said after the words spilled from your lips.

"You're beautiful."


You didn't remember how you got here. The last thing you remember was Papyrus. He'd visited your territory again, as he always did, twice a week, every week. Several months passed since you met, and it took a while to get used to his behavior. You didn't like learning it, but it finally made your relationship less volatile.

Well, now, you were laid on a couch (not that you knew what that was), your tail hanging off the couch, coiled around the sofa on the floor. You heard shouting from another room, one voice you recognized as Papyrus'. The other, you didn't recognize.

"What you did is a crime!" The other voice shouted. "Do you get that? This could have you arrested!!" You heard a slam, stomping, then Papyrus came into your view. He shuffled over, kneeling by you, careful of your tail. "Hi, dear."

You groan, squirming and burying your face in the cushion under you. "I know, I know." You didn't like talking, but frankly, sometimes you needed to. "What...?" "Hunters."

You knew about 'em. Hell, your mother was killed by hunters. Humans who made it their mission to kill cryptids. You were tiny when you first encountered them, and you hadn't seen any since then. But, if your tail shaking and there being no rattle was to be any form of judgement, they'd gotten to you.

Wait. Tail. You sit up a bit and shake your tail's end. There's no sound. You quickly sit up and climb over the couch to see. Papyrus' hands are on you, "Dear, dear." He tried to coo as you screamed, grabbing and clinging to your bandaged tail. You held it close as you wailed and sobbed, and Papyrus tried to hold you. You didn't fight him, really.

"I know," He whispered, "I know." It took several minutes for you to calm down, but even then, you still clutched your tail like it were a child. "I've contacted some friends." He kissed your cheek. "They'll take care-"

"Tail." You whimpered. It shook helplessly in your arms, weakly. He reluctantly put his hand just under the bandage, gently petting it. "I know, sweetheart."

"This is a crime, Papy." A second skeleton poked into your view. He was shorter, heftier. "You pulled it from it's territory!" "We were being hunted." Papyrus snapped. "Did you miss the detail of it being dismissed if any threat occurs in the territory?"

You whimper loudly and Papyrus turns his attention back to you. He presses his forehead- er, bone- to your head. "You're safe." He assured. "I'm here."

You released your tail and let part of it wrap around Papyrus. He pet your tail again. 

Chapter 3: Fell!Sans x Winged Masc Reader - Little Bird


You can't hide it any longer. But. What will he say?


This one might have another OOC sorta Fell. Fork.

Chapter Text

You'd been dating Sans for a few months now. Sure you'd known each other for a couple years, but the romantic shit was new to you both. You were figuring it out day by day. You were patient with each other. And sometimes, Papyrus was even there to help the both of you. Who knew he'd be so good at relationship advice?

Well... You had been lying. Not the biggest lie, you never lied about loving the hefty skeleton, you never lied about caring. But what you did lie about was... what you were. Both skeletons believed you were 100% human. Your soul mimicked that of a human's. If it wasn't monster magic, they couldn't detect it. And you and Sans had never been intimate. 

For the past few years, you kept it a secret. Since you moved to this city, you kept it a secret. Even though monsters flooded the streets, you were terrified to expose this part of you. But now, it hurt. Your chest ached when you bound your wings to your back. Your wings ached, and a few times, bones dislocated and your roommate- who happened to be dating a certain murderhappy robot- would have to yank and shove them back into place.

The magic you used was becoming less reliable. You had to keep binding more and more. When one of your wings snapped- not dislocating, breaking- you had to get it taken care of. Your roommate (August) had called one of the few people who knew about your wings, who actually was also your doctor, and he came over to help with it. Now you had to stay home. You didn't want to tell Sans about this, but you didn't want to worry him. So, you had lied about it.

Your phone rang a few times before he answered. "Yo." "H- Hey babe." You hummed. "I just wanted to-" You sucked in a breath, praying he didn't catch it, "-let you know, I- I'm uh, gonna be out of town. For a while."

There was silence. "What for?" "Uh, family reunion." It wasn't an impossible scenario. "They- They aren't super Pro-Monster, it's safer if I go alone." "Mhm." You heard the skepticism in his voice, but he didn't push it. "Alright. When'll you be back?"

"Few weeks?" You croak reluctantly. "I- I'll call, promise." You heard his teeth grit, but he gave an affirming grunt. "I love you." A pause. "Love ya too." Then you both hung up.

August sat on the chair near your head, sighing. "You're an awful liar, [y/n]." "Shush." You bury your face back into the couch pillow. You had to lay on your stomach. Your wings were NOT small, and laying on them hurt in the first place, but with one broken and recovering, it was off the table.


A week had passed. You kept your promise, calling Sans often. You kept up the lie of being out of town, but now you had moved to your bed, built to accommodate your wings. You were coming up from a nap, when a voice made you tense. Sans' voice.

"Where is he, August?" "Dude, chill," August huffed. It sounded right outside your bedroom door. You had to clamp your hands over your mouth to hide any sound. You heard shuffling, and more bickering between the two.

Then, there were knocks on your door. Thump thump, pause, thumpthump, pause, thump, pause, repeat. It was a code you'd established long ago, in the event you needed to escape. You pulled yourself out of bed, hissing as your broken wing struggled against the medical confines. You hurried to your window, easing the window open and climbing onto the fire escape. You hurried up the stairs, and the sounds of your boyfriend and roommate faded into silence.

You made it to the roof, huffing as your calves ached. You hurried to the edge, peering over to see if there was a viable escape. There was another roof, a bit lower. Jump. The voice bellowed in your mind, screaming. You didn't even think about it, reeling back and then sprinting, jumping and leaping off the edge. You made it, but when you landed, your ankle tweaked. You cried out as you collapsed, choking out a sob in pain.

First your wing, now your ankle. Great. However, with the new roof, you managed to find your way down into the alley. Going around the front was a bad idea, you knew Sans would probably notice if you'd gone that way. So you pulled around the back, looking back, before your front smacked into... someone. 

Looking up, you found Undyne. Another one of your monster friends, Papyrus' best friend and Boss, and the skeleton brothers' closest confidante. She stared down at you, realizing it was you, but then she took in your wings. Her annoyance turned to shock. Then the thought hit you. He had backup.

You turned and tried to run, but your ankle was still weak. Undyne stepped forward, prepared to give chase, but you cried out again as you fell, wings fluttering, your broken wing becoming irritated. You cried out again, this time angrily, and punched at the ground. Then kept punching. It wasn't until your hands went numb, and you saw speckles of red, before the scaley hands wrapped around your wrists.

"Let's get you back." "No!" You hiss, staring up at her. "Y- You can't tell anyone!" She said nothing, pulling you to your feet and hooking an arm around your ribs, helping you stand. "You lied to him." She said simply, practically dragging you through the alley, to the front of your apartment building. 

"Because he can't know!" You smack at her, trying to squirm from her grip. It only tightens. About halfway up the apartment stairs, you gave up, and she ended up carrying you. She was careful of your wings, that you were thankful for. She kicked open your apartment door. You saw August turn, startled. He was standing by your door, which was wide open.

Sans stepped from your room, glaring at August before turning back to you. He opened his jaw to speak, but froze when he saw just who was in Undyne's arms. Undyne began to lower you to the couch, but you stopped her. "Wing." You warned.

She nodded, then laying you on your stomach. August shuffled over, "You okay?" "Tried to jump." You grumble. "Don't tell me you broke a leg, too." You shook your head. "It'll be fine in a few days." August folded his arms. "I told you to run, dude!"

You shift to look up at him, propped on your elbows. "I did run! Fishface here was- like- waiting for me!" August pinched his nose. "Well, either way, Sans saw the shit in your room." You frowned, trying to remember what all was there. August knew you well enough.

"He found your bindings, and the spell sheet I gave you. Also found your shirts. And photos. He thought it was something else entirely, honestly."

You turn to Sans, who's silently staring at you. You sigh, putting your face in your hands. "Go on. Say it." You groaned. "Call me names, insult me, dump me, do whatever you need to do."

"Why... Why did ya hide it?" You shrug. "It's not just from you." You say first. "Only, like, four people outside of family know about it. Two of 'em are doctors." You hear footsteps, before feeling boney hands slide against the feathers of your good wing.

You let out a groan, the feeling actually really nice. "How do ya manage 'em?" "It's tedious." You turn your head to look at him. "August has to help. Baths are the worst." "Is it... just the wings?" You shake your head.

"Lots'a other things. Anatomy's a bit different. I have to be specific about my diet." "He also has heat cycles." You flash a glare at August, who shrugged. "What? Monsters have 'em, too. At least, that's what Mettaton told me."

"Huh." Sans kept feeling at your wing, feeling down the feathers. "That feels nice." You hum. "They've been sore." "From binding." "Auggie." "You're not telling him shit, he deserves to know." 


You hesitated, stopping in your room to stare at the mirror hung on your wall. Your wing had healed, and Sans- and August- convinced you to let everybody else know about your... Well... Truth. Sans and Undyne managed to keep quiet, but it was their idea to do this. Seeing your wings freed, wearing shirts designed to accommodate them, felt odd. Natural, yet exposing.

Your door opened and you turned your head, seeing August. He offered a smile. "Sans is gonna meet us there. You ready?" You take a deep breath but nod. You follow him outside and you pile into his minivan. It was an ideal vehicle, with enough space for you to sit relatively comfortably. 

"I know you're nervous." August began to drive. "But hey, Sans and I got your back. I think Undyne, too. If anyone says anything, they'll answer to us." "You cried when you thought you killed a ladybug." 

"Ladybugs are so cute!!" You laugh, but eventually, you pull up to Grillby's. It was quiet, it looked empty. Was it even open? August got out, then came around and opened the door for you. He helped you out, then you took a deep breath.


"What is this even about?" Mettaton groaned, his head falling against the booth. "Just wait." Undyne hissed. "It would help if you told us what this was for." Toriel said, her voice soft but laced with venom. Everyone was annoyed. Everyone except Undyne and Sans.

"We had work to do!" Papyrus huffed. "It's important. [Y/n] agreed it was finally time to come forward about it." Undyne defended you. "What, is he pregnant?" Mettaton hissed sarcastically. "God, no." Sans laughed. When the door opened, he turned his head. The others did the same, watching August walk in. Then he turned, the door still open. Unfortunately, the windows were dark enough to hide you.

"Come on." August hummed, tugging you inside. Your wings fluttered, stretching with the new space. Noticing everyone staring, most of them shocked, your wings folded back to your back. August pulled you over, squeezing to sit in his boyfriend's lap. Mettaton moved to hug his waist, forehead against his back, but his eyes were still on you. And your wings.

"So, uhh..." Your mouth, throat, felt dry. "This is it."

"That's all?" Asgore was usually a quiet fellow, so his nonchalant voice startled you. "W- Well yeah." You motioned to your wings. "Humans don't have these. I'm not human- er, fully." "So?" "I didn't tell you guys. I kept it secret, I lied about it."

"You did what you needed to do to protect yourself." Toriel offered a somewhat sympathetic smile. Most people wouldn't see it like that, but you knew these monsters well enough to know that her smile was- well- sympathetic.

"This could have been an email." Papyrus groaned. "So- So you guys dont... Care?"

"I told you." August beamed. "It's not a big deal." "I- I mean, I almost got killed for..." The skeleton brothers' eyes narrowed on you. They weren't mad at you, but both were- of course- protective of you.

"Right. Okay." You sigh. "Oh, uh, Aug-" "Yep! In the trunk." You hurry out of the restaurant.

"Did he just say what I think he did?" Sans turned to August. He bit his lip. "It's a long story... Actually no not really, he got shot a year ago, people tried to cut off his wings, it was a whole thing." "And nobody told us?!" Undyne snapped. August shrugged. "He did a lot to hide it."

You soon return with a stool, sitting it by the table and sitting. Papyrus rose a brow bone. "You can sit on the booth." You shook your head. "Not enough room. We have a lot of... uh... custom furniture." You rub the back of your neck.

"Anyway, I'm starving." August clapped. "And I think we need to plan a murder." The collective agreement made you uneasy. "Auggie, did you-" "He asked." He shrugged. You groan, but find yourself smiling.

"You guys are awful."

Chapter 4: TV!Fell Papyrus x NG Reader - Chaos


You were careless. Now they don't look at you the same.


This also took me WAY TOO LONG TO FINALLY WRITE. I know y'all don't know. I keep half-writing stories, deleting em, and I AM FINALLY. WRITING. THIS. AAAAA.

CW: Graphic descriptions of injuries.

I do NOT know medical shit. Like the Creepypasta one, Im going off vibes.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Even though it wasn't a hard rule, you and the others understood it. A sort of unspoken rule. Injuries had to be avoided. Injuries meant paperwork. It wasn't actual paperwork, though. Sugarberry had a schedule. You had a schedule. When you were injured, due to Berry's insistence, you had to rest to full recovery. That meant you needed someone to cover for you, and that meant double shifts. Nobody wanted double shifts.

You and Velvet, being lovers, you had no issue covering for him when he'd get injured. He'd do the same. The injuries you two got were never enough to last long. One shift, at most. 

But you fucked up. This latest job, you fucked up. You were sent to a universe you guys knew little about. You learned the hard way just how violent it was. You barely made it back to base, using what little strength you had to power yourself a portal. 

You faded in and out of darkness, but determination powered you to push on. Your back was slashed to the nine hells, you wouldn't be surprised if any of your bones were exposed. Your left hand was quite literally hanging on by a thread, your left ankle/foot was twisted a complete 180, but you were able to walk somewhat. Your left eye was sliced shut, and your left cheek was torn open, blood seeping across your face, neck, and now-torn scarf. Your thigh was sliced, and you could have sworn a bone was sticking out (you weren't sure, and looking down made you dizzy). Pain seared through your body with each move you made.

You soon made it to the little infirmary. One hand out of commission, you dig the other hand around the supply closet and yank out some tools and bandages. Then you work on... Tending to yourself. The first thing you do is snip your hand off. It made your stomach turn watching your hand, now fully severed, hit the bed. You use what little energy you had to cauterize the nub, making you cry out. Biting your lip didn't do anything, the hole in your cheek still there.

You bandage your wrist, shaking. Your vision blurs with tears, but you wink them back. You move on to your face, starting with your eye. You use a compact mirror you carried on you to help, the stinging painful but not as much as your wrist. You stick a gauze square over your eye, then move onto your cheek. It burns almost as much as your wrist, but you push through it and place another gauze pad to your cheek.

You move to your thigh. There is a bone, but it's not yours. You pluck it out, hissing, but clean and wrap it. You move to your ankle, snapping it back into place. You yelp, but then wrap it tightly. Your back aches, and you remember that. You pull your scarf and shirt off, trying to disinfect it. You writhe and try to push through it, but you stop after a bit. You grumble, then started to clean up. The last thing is your hand on the bed.

You dig through the supply closet, pulling out a jar. You decide it'd work, shoving your hand in the jar and slapping the lid on it. You put it on the floor between the bed and the wall, then lay on your right side. You struggle to fall asleep, despite your exhaustion, though eventually you finally doze off.


When you wake up, you groan and sit up. A ding from your phone steals your attention, so you pull it from your hip, unlocking it and opening your messages.


BOSS - 5 hrs ago
'Where are you!?'

BOSS - 4 hrs ago
'[Y/n]! Answer, please!'

BOSS - 4 hrs ago
4 missed calls.

You sigh, closing that and opening the next.

HUBBY - 1 min ago
'Hey. Berry's been trying to reach you. Call me when you see this.'

You quickly open a group chat with the two, then finally respond.

YOU - now
'It was late, soz. Stayed the night at OG. Be back soon. XO'


You slip your phone on the bedside table, groaning. The door clicks and you whip around. You don't see who's there, but you hear two voices.

"Yeah, yeah, s'no biggie." Cherry hummed. "O- Okay." Lolli Pop said softly. You drop to the floor with a wince, then roll under the bed with a grimace. You avoid your back, but it doesn't do much with the pain. You pull any evidence of you under the bed, but as the door creaks and Cherry walks in, you remember your phone. Fuck.

You watch Cherry walk to the supply closet, then stop. You noticed, now, a trail of blood leading out the door. Your blood. Cherry's feet turned, and you knew he saw it too.

"Uh- Lolli?" He walked over to the door. "Is there-" He's cut off by silence. "O- Okay, okay, uh- Go- Go get Berry." You wish you grabbed your phone. God, imagine the shifts they had to cover. No, they wouldn't have to. You'd still work. You had to.

Then Cherry stops by the bed. You watch him approach the bedside table. He saw your phone. It pings, and almost immediately, he lowers to a knee. "[Y/n]-?" He leaned his head down, then his eyes widened with what he saw. Half your face covered in bandaging, blood dried against your skin, missing a hand, almost your entire left leg bandaged. 

He quickly stood and sprinted out, calling out for his brother, your boyfriend, Velvet.

You crawl out from under the bed, wobbling on your feet. You grab the jar, your top, and your phone (which was on the floor now), then speed out of the room. You followed the blood trail you left, trying to re-trace steps. You almost make it to the door before a sob-gasp echoed the hall. You tense, remembering your back was completely uncovered. You reluctantly turn, finding Sugarberry, Velvet, and Cherry.

All look horrified. Cherry just stood there, more worry than anything. Sugarberry's hands were covering his mouth, and Velvet- the source of the sob- was crying. You swallowed hard, your own tears threatening to spill. Reluctantly, Velvet stepped forward before rushing to you. He cupped your face, careful of the bandages. "What happened?"

"I- It..." You cleared your throat. "It got bad." 

"No shit it got bad!" He barked. Sometimes, his former self slipped through, but it was never to hurt you. It was almost always in your favor. This was no different; he was terrified about your health. You looked down.

"I- I thought I had it handled. But- But I didn't... It was violent. I got jumped. I..." You took a deep breath, biting back a wince. "I'm okay. Just- Just need a week, tops." "Oh no, nono, you are not working." There was a moment of quiet, and you glance up to see Velvet looking you over, reaching his hands out, then reeling back, before his hands land at your hips. The only thing that didn't cause excruciating pain.

"But- My shifts-" "I don't care." Velvet's stare froze you in place. "I'll work them all. I do not care. You are not leaving this place like this." "I'll dish out your shifts." Sugarberry croaked, his voice quiet. "It's not a- a big deal..."

You groan, leaning your good cheek against Velvet. "There's... More."

"What do you mean there's more?"

"Ankle got twisted. My face is... Mangled." You glanced up, noticing his hesitation. He reached a hand up, tips of his fingers grazing the edge of the gauze. You give a small nod and he peels it off. He chokes back more tears as he stares at your exposed teeth, gums, and tongue. "Jesus Christ." He put it back on, then tugged you back into the infirmary.

"We... We need to take care of your back."


You were mostly recovered now. It had taken ages, but you were walking about, able to lay down just fine, and your face was mostly fine, though you hated the way it looked. You covered your eye with your hair, and used your scarf or face masks to hide your cheek. Today, you wore a mask with a blush marks and a sideways '3'. Everyone was on you like a hawk, but you finally got a lick of peace when almost everyone was out for a job.

The key word? Almost. Almost everyone.

You made it to the kitchen, pulling it open, then holding it with your hip. You looked through the fridge. You learned how to breathe through the hole in your cheek and it was honestly a fun party trick. Not that anyone else found it fun.

You pulled out a slice of [flavor] cake, pulling away and closing the fridge with your hip. You set the slice down, then pulled out a fork to start eating the cake. Eating was a different story. You had a hole in your face, so you had to tilt your head and- like breathing- had fun eating through that hole. Again, nobody else found it fun.

Suddenly, the cake is slid away from you. You lift your head and look over, frowning at who stole your cake- Velvet. Then you sigh. "I know, I know." You tug the mask back over your nose. You tossed the fork in the kitchen sink. "I'm not in the mood for a lecture."

"Can I see your face?" His voice was soft. You hesitate, unmoving. He steps closer, raising a hand. You don't stop him, so he pulls the mask back down. He leaned over, kissing your teeth. "You're beautiful, you know."

"I'm gross." You tease, but he doesn't laugh. "Do you believe that?" You hesitate. You didn't feel attractive. Every now and then, Velvet assured you a bit, but you thought he didn't like you looking like this. Like a reminder of what happened. 

It was still a sensitive subject. You were shelved, no longer working. And of course, Berry beat himself up over what happened. The others were quiet, checking up on you, making sure you were taken care of. You felt like a toddler. A mangled toddler.

That word stuck with you. Mangled. I mean, really, you had been. The attack was brutal and relentless. You almost died. You thought, often, that was probably why it sucked for everyone. You almost died.

"No." You answer. "Look at me. Nobody looks at me normally. I- I get it was rough, but..." You look away. Your left eye never opened. Sometimes, your eyelid twitched, but it was shut, permanently. "Sometimes, I... I wish I'd just died." The silence was deafening. "Like- Like yeah, I know you'd all be rattled from it, but nobody would be looking at me like I'm a walking corpse, like- like some freak to pity."

He pulled you into a hug. "I'm sorry." He said softly, his voice trembling a bit. "I'll... Try talking to-" "Don't bother." You sigh, nuzzling against his clothed shoulder. "I can't even look at myself in a mirror anyway. Might as well just get used to it."

"You're beautiful." He said again. You look up at him, but you say nothing. He kissed your forehead. "Eat." He pushes the cake towards you. You hesitate but eat through your cheek. You notice him watching, and he smiles.

"That is actually pretty fun to watch." "I know right?!" You chirp through bites. "I bet I could drink something through it, too." He smiled softly as he opened the fridge, pulling out a water bottle.

After managing to chug the water through your cheek, you grin at him. The first time you'd smiled since that morning.

He leaned his skull against the fridge. "I missed that." "What?" You half tease. "Your smile. No matter what happened to you, I know you're okay when you smile."

"God you're so cheesy!" "Because I love you." You roll your eyes. "What's next, puns?"

He snorted, "As if. I'll leave that to the Sanses. And Honey."

You walked over to him, gently kissing one of his fangs. "Thank you." "What for?"



I only had half an idea. This idea was half-written, scrapped, then came back.
Not SUPER proud of the last half, but, blegh

Chapter 5: Tale!Sans x Werewolf Masc Reader - Growing Pains


He's been there for you for years. Why would that change now?


Imma be mad if this one is quicker to post than the last one /hj

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

You sobbed out, shaking like a leaf in his arms. The only thing really grounding you was the light of his eye, and the ledge of the sidewalk jabbing into your lower back. Pain seared through your side, and you were really just in shock from what just happened. You were... attacked.

"I've got you," Sans cooed. He was... Mad. The eye, he was mad. Not at you. You knew that. "Take it easy." Your eyes fluttered closed, and the last thing you heard was Sans shouting.


"I told you, I'm fine." You groaned, after Sans asked you how you felt for the tenth time in the last two hours. "I'm just making sure." 

The attack happened three days ago. Sans was on you every second, and he never let you out of his sight, except to use the bathroom and change. You'd been dating a while, but he still respected that privacy. You adjusted your flannel, sighing. 

"I'm ready." You slipped your hand into his. "Hopefully, Toriel makes more of that cinnamon-butterscotch pie." "Believe me, she will." He plunked his teeth to the back of your hand, making you snort a laugh. "You're sure yo-" "Sans, ask me again, and I'm ripping out one of your teeth." He laughed, but nodded. "Okay, okay..."


You had been out all day, at the little get-together. It was close enough to your shared house that you just walked to it, both skelebros with you (you three shared a house, the two adorably inseparable). When the sun began to set, pain shot through you suddenly. It made you cry out, and everyone became worried. Everything hurt, bad. You didn't even really think, your feet sprinted you back home. 

You felt the pain rattling in your bones... No... No, it was different. It felt like you were being pulled apart like putty. You didn't get far into the living room before you collapsed, screaming in agony. You heard the door slam open and two sets of footsteps. You saw, in the corner of your eye, Sans. 

"[Y/n]? Baby, I'm here." His voice sounded so far away, but he was right there-

A scream rang from your throat again, your hands clawing. Clawing at your jaw, your chest, your neck. Sans watched your teeth shift, horrified as your kanine teeth elongated...

It was slow. Several hours, your body changed. Your legs snapped and bent, the lower of your face growing outward, hair beginning to engulf your skin. By around 2 AM, it was done. A giant, [color] humanoid wolf laid in the living room, panting and whimpering as the pain only somewhat diminished.

"Is- Is it over?" Papyrus choked out. He was a wreck. Both brothers cared deeply for you, and hearing you in so much pain, watching the torturous transformation had him in a corner, crying, shaking. "I- I think so." Sans swallowed. He felt a lot of emotions, and rage was one of them. 

He knelt down, gently petting your head. When you rolled to your feet, Sans stepped back, staring at you. It was you. He had to remember that. You wobbled, legs shaking, trying to keep your balance. It was new. Like a newborn horse trying to stand. 

Then you turned, crawling to the front door. You worked it open, then sprinted. "Wait-!" Sans cried out, rushing after you. Although shaken, Papyrus tailed behind you two. You ran until you met the tree line of the forest. Then you slowed to a comfortable walk, sniffing around curiously and exploring.

Sans slowed when you did, Papyrus a bit far behind. Sans followed you, from a distance, not to startle you. He watched you hunt a deer, but you failed, still disoriented and learning.


You were active until morning. When the sun began to rise, your wolven form collapsed. Sans, warning Papyrus- who'd caught up- to leave. Papyrus didn't need to be told twice.

Much like your earlier transformation, this one was long and painful. Yelps and barks and whines came from you as you writhed. The fur sheathed back into your skin, bones snapped back into place, muzzle shrinking, teeth also shrinking (but now you had a nice set of double fangs). Much like before, you were half asleep, panting, shaking. You were also very naked.

Your body was sore, too. So, so fucking sore. A blue jacket draped over your hips and thighs, then arms slid under you and lifted you, waking you abruptly. "Hey." Sans' voice made you relax in his arms. Your memory was fuzzy. You remembered seeing a deer, and a creak, but everything else was hazy. "What..."

"I'll explain on the way." His teeth hit your cheek. You leaned your head against him as he began walking.


"Are you shitting me?" You groaned as Sans held up a collar. "Oh, cmon, pup." You loved this sack of bones. You really did. But right now, he was looking like a really tasty chew treat. That was a joke. You weren't always doggy. Just when you were a literal ball of fur. 

"I am not wearing that." You hissed. "It's bad enough the teeth stayed." "Can I see 'em again?" "No!" You rub a hand over your face. Sans laughed, his arms wrapping around your waist. "I'm joshin' ya, love." "Right." 

You sighed. It'd been a couple months since your first transformation. The ones followed were much quicker, the pain was only minute- like a bad headache that wont go away for a few days. You kept breaking out, to the point you guys decided to just be in the woods when it happened. But, like always, Sans stayed by your side. He seemed to really enjoy it, actually.

"Just when we're out." He pouted. Somehow, you could tell he was pouting. "So people know you're taken." "Dragging you around like a chew toy is better." You give him a toothy smirk, and it widens when you see him flush bright blue. Yeah, your teeth really did something to him.

"That a promise?" You scoff, rolling your eyes. "If I wear that collar, it's off the table." Seeing him genuinely debate the options made you snort. "I'm teasing. But no, I'm not wearing it."

You tuned out his begs, striding past him to the kitchen. You opened the fridge, looking through it. You didn't really crave anything outside of full moon nights, but oh man you wanted a juicy, thick steak right then.

"Hey, babe?" He pouted again. "Yeah?"

"Can we get some steaks?"


Shorty but I am lowkey happy with this one :D

Chapter 6: ***SMUT*** Fell!Bros x Fem Reader - Competition


When given the chance to please their favorite dancer, both hop on the chance. Unfortunately, you like to share.



Im imagining like... The reader character stood, with the bros towering behind 'em, and like... All three of em look intimidating. You're the mastermind, they your loyal dogs.

There will be a part 2. Imma gonna write a part 2 next.

Chapter Text

You had several different roles at this job. You worked the pole like your life depended on it, fucked or let yourself be fucked like rent was due (which it typically was), worked as a CamGirl, sometimes a call girl, and- on the side- you did dance somewhat professionally. Oh, you were also a porn star.

To say you had fans was an understatement. The club you worked at would sometimes just be filled of men and women wanting to see you. The other girls were a bonus for them. You had thousands of followers on your social medias, and even had your face plastered on some magazines. 

With the rise of monsters, your fanbase expanded. You had monsters following you, subscribing, and eventually, the club room had monsters packed in too. The last few weeks, two monsters in particular became regulars. Not just at the club, either. Their profiles weren't inconspicuous, so you saw them like your posts or comment, sometimes type in requests in your lives. They always sat front row at the club, though.

Two skeletons. Weird, you had first thought, but now you enjoyed seeing them. It always made your nights. While others got handsy and disrespectful, they weren't. Their boney fingers grazed your skin, but they never grabbed or groped. They always thanked you, too. Whether it was after their light touches, or after a dance. You liked being thanked. It made ya feel good.

Today's schedule was tight, and after it all, you were exhausted. Not physically, you had the stamina of the beastly men you read in book recs, but your social battery was dead. People were idiots. Men sucked. You hadn't even cum once all day, faking orgasms to get your paychecks. So, when you got a text from your boss telling you that a couple bought you out for the night, you groaned. Anything for money.

You went to the address your boss provided, then knocked. You couldn't even fake a smile. Your hands were on your hips, foot tapping impatiently, looking around before the door swung open. You glance at the man, only to be greeted with the taller of the skeleton duo. A smile lifted your lips. They really did make your days worthwhile.

He stepped aside. "Come in." You thank him quietly, stepping in. You hang your bag on the coatrack by the door. Normally you'd keep it close, but for some reason, you trusted them. Weird, huh?

"So." You fold your hands in front of you. "How are we doing this? Threesome? Taking turns? One of you watching?" The two share a glance, then look back to you. "We've got you all night, right?" The shorter one questioned.

You shrug, "Guess so." Your smile never fell. "We could do several things." The taller offered. "If she lasts that long." You walk over, making a show of swaying your hips as you did. You approach the shorter, leaning down a bit. "Believe me, Goldie," You purr, delighted as he shuddered, "I can last."

You rise back to stand, turning to the taller. "Mm." You hummed, glancing between the two. "Who goes first?"


You cried out, back arched as the taller of the two- Papyrus, if you recalled- slammed his hips into yours. His magical dick was absolutely amazing, filling you like nothing had before. Even after a whole day of fucking, you were still stretched by him. It was a beautiful stretch.

He grunted above you, boney fingertips digging into your skin. Were you bleeding? You didn't know, didn't care. "You're-" He grunted as he thrust into you, "-taking me so well." He grumbled. He'd flittered between praises and insults, calling you beautiful before calling you a disgusting whore. 

With anybody else, it was a total lady-boner killer. You hated praise, equally hating degradation. But from him? God, it almost gave you a real orgasm. "That's it," He groaned. 

The shorter of the duo- Sans, you'd heard- was watching you two, viciously jacking off. You gave him a show, making sure to move in ways that got them both grunting. 

Without warning, Papyrus had cum in you... just as you orgasmed. A real one, one that had you jittering under him. His hips reeled to a slow stop, hips against yours, shoving his seed deeper into you. He paused, watching you. Your chest heaved, tits bouncing a bit as you breathed.

"Gods, you're divine." He groaned as he slowly pulled out. You whined a little, but sat up as if you didn't just get your pussy ruined. "Next." You cooed. Sans was quick to slot between your legs. You expected him to shove his dick in you right off the bat, as most- including Papyrus- did. Except that time, you loved Papyrus' actions. Most of the time, you didn't.

Instead, though, you watched his skull duck and his tongue moved across your lower lips, making you whine out, laying back down. Then his tongue plunged into you, and your back arched again. His magical tongue almost matched Papyrus' cock, but it was definitely different.

It squirmed around violently, hitting your sweet spots. You cum after not much longer, and he lapped at it happily. He pulled his head back and you sat up again. "That all?" Sans seemed a little surprised by your persistence, but grinned as he slammed into you.

You stay propped on your elbows, head thrown back. He's not as lengthy as Papyrus, but he's got a bit more girth than his brother. He's not as quick as Papyrus was, but he had a good bit more force to his thrusts. He had you moaning out. A glance at the brothers, and you notice Sans frowning but Papyrus grinning. You don't have much time to ask about it before a harsh thrust from Sans had you scream out a moan.

Then Papyrus' grin faltered, and instead, Sans grinned. You caught on. They were competing. Oh you were going to milk this. When your noises stop, Sans snaps his head up to look at you. You grunt from your throat, but your mouth stays closed. You smirk at him. "Come on, pretty boy."

He swiftly flipped you on your stomach, ass up, ramming into you with both a new angle and a newfound vigor. Unfortunately, you were some weird sex goddess (at least you liked to think so). You were still silent. "You bitch." Sans growled out, trying to quicken his pace.

You heard him panting, and you grin. "Tired already?" You teased. He growled low, clawing at your hips and thighs. He came hard into you, and all you rewarded him with was a soft moan. He yanked out of you, making you groan. Then you sit up on your knees.

"Oh, jeez." You coo, almost patronizingly. "I just can't decide." You hum. "Why don't we try a new one?" Somehow, you'd taken control of the situation. You guided Papyrus back between your legs, and Sans in front of you. With a simple hand motion from you, Papyrus thrusts back into you, starting his delicious attack again.

Yet again, you make not a peep. His pride definitely fought to change that. Then you take Sans' cock into your mouth, just the tip first, then you swiftly go all the way down. He groans, grabbing your hair. "Fuck." 

You expertly work your tongue, letting him start to fuck your mouth. It takes a bit before the boys start working in unison. When Papyrus pulls out, Sans thrusts in, and vice versa. Imagining their cocks as one single unit made it hotter for you. And, as you were used to, both monsters climaxed before you did. Honestly, the two they'd given you before satisfied you enough for a whole month. 


Papyrus was the first to wake up. He pushed to stand, shoving Sans' foot off himself. He noticed how clean it was, how he was dressed, clothes fixed up. The start of a song playing snapped his head over to the kitchen. It wasn't loud enough to wake them, but he could hear it.

He shuffled to the kitchen, watching you dance around in one of his shirts, quietly singing along. You were making breakfast. Sausage, bacon, eggs, waffles, and you were currently working on cutting fruit.

"You didn't need to do all this." You turn, grinning at Papyrus. "I know. But I thought I'd reward you two for last night. You lasted longer than a lotta guys I fucked, you gave me my first real orgasm in years- Just to clarify, I give myself O's all the time, but nobody else seems to know what to do- and I felt bad for you guys passing out in me."

He nods along, watching you finish up. He walked over and reached around you, pressing against you as he plucked a piece of fruit from the bowl. "You look gorgeous like this, you know." "I know." You purred. 

He leaned down and kissed your temple. "We'll have to do this more often." "Definitely." You snicker. "I'll even give you two a discount. 50% off... Or 100%, depending on your preference." Your subtle joke gets a chuckle from him.

Chapter 7: Fell!Bros x Fem Reader - Family Business


Your old life digs back up. Hopefully, things run over smoothly.


*foams at mouth* *feral noises*

I'm bad at writing combat, and I'm bad at writing threats.
But the idea is there!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

You'd been dating the brothers for a while. They were fine with your work, though you did start getting less hours, per your request. More time with them, less with strangers. After some time, you started going out in public with them. There was buzz about it in your little community of followers, but you didn't give a fuck. Fans always come up to you in public before, but it only seemed to double after news of your monster boyfriends hit the internet.

If the fans approaching you bothered the brothers, they didn't say anything. You constantly asked about it, but they- seemingly genuinely- assured you they were fine with it. You were happy. Content...

Well, a week ago, something happened. You were out, in public, when somebody decided to pick a fight with Papyrus. He'd dealt with it swiftly (he didn't kill 'em, but definitely whooped their ass), but your blood boiled. That entire day, you were hot, your face red. You got so worked up that you had to take a really, really long bath, and you had to have saucy fun time with Papyrus to settle down. 

A few days ago, Sans came home a bit disheveled. You had to pry the explanation out of him, and he admitted he got into a fight. Yet again, you were fuming the whole day, stomping around and slamming doors. Another bath, and this time you had to sauce up with Sans.

Then today. You were out again, trying to enjoy the company with the boys. You stepped away to use the bathroom, and coming back, you saw a couple monsters trying to pick a fight with Sans and Papyrus. It was the last straw.

You swiftly walked over, keeping your grace. "Is there a problem here?" You keep your voice collected, arms folding. One of the monsters, feline, stared you down, then smirked. "None'a ya concern, doll." Your posture straightened and your smile widened.

"They're mine. If you have a problem, you'll run it through me." The second monster, fishy, pushed at your shoulder. He didn't even get a word out before you grabbed his arm, twisted behind him, then slammed him to the ground. The sickening crunch, followed by a yell from the monster under you, made you grin. 

"Touch me again, bubbles, I dare you." You rise to stand, ducking as the feline leapt at you. You slipped the knife from your garter, discreetly. The feline pounced, and you slid out of his reach, slamming the knife into his side.

He fell with a yelp. You walked over, tucking a strand of hair back with the rest on your head, then pressed your heel beside the knife. The feline cried out, grabbing at your ankle. You seductively leaned down, yanking the knife out and making him yell again.

"If I find out you were seen with my lovers again, I'll make sure you die slowly, painfully, and have you begging for the sweet release." You moved your foot, pinning his shirt to the ground, before crouching. The blade pressed against his cheek, making him freeze, trembling.

"I'd love to find out how how many bones I could break before you died." A swift motion cut his cheek, then you stood, stepping off his shirt. "Now go." Your tone shifted, more commanding, angrier. The fish scrambled, using his good (not bent backward) arm to help his friend up, then the two sprinted out of sight. You licked the blood from your knife, cleaning it perfectly, before tucking it back into your garter.

You ran your hands over your hair, smoothing it back. Then you swayed as you turned back to the brothers, smiling. "I'm so sorry about that." You cooed, strutting over. "Now, where were we?"

"That..." Papyrus started. Sans finished the thought, "Was really fucking hot." You smirk, "Well, thank you." "Where did that come from?" Papyrus asked, exasperated. It was in a good way, honestly.

"I wasn't born a pornstar." You wink, but keep the mystery. It definitely riled them up, and they insisted you go home.


The knock at the front door captures your attention. You were in the living room, reading. Your boyfriends had gone to bed, you promised to meet up with them when you were ready. You pushed to your feet, walking over and peeking out the door. You're shocked to see your older brother, Diego. His RBF shifts when he sees you, smiling. You open the door, letting him in. "Diego-? What are you doing here?"

"Caught wind that a certain pornstar took down a couple of low-lifes." "I wish." You sigh, folding your arms. "I wanted to kill 'em. Can't exactly do that in public. Scaring them off was fun, though." "Listen." And there it was. 

Diego never visited for funsies. Since you were old enough to work for the family, he had you doing menial tasks with your skills. He only visited to see you on birthdays, sometimes Christmas. You didn't even have to ask how he got your new address, you knew how your family worked.

"We've got some..." He thought about his next words. He knew you didn't live alone, and you both knew the family business was a... delicate matter. "...packages. We need picked up." "And one of your other tens of men couldn't do it?" "It needs discretion. It needs precision. And most importantly, someone nobody would suspect." 

"You literally complimented me on the stunt from several days ago." "Videos were removed. There's no trace of it. And the monsters were dealt with." You pinch the bridge of your nose. "Undercover?" "Yep." "New name?" "Your current one works fine." You nod. "Where should I go for further details?" "Old family home." You nod again. He turned to leave.

"Diego?" He stopped and turned to you. "I really wish you'd actually come over. You're my brother, not just my manager." He cracked another smile. "I'll see you soon, [y/n]." He left. You hear shuffling and look up quickly, watching the shorter figure hurry out of sight. 

Your shoulders fall. "Fuck me."


No matter how much Sans heard, he never brought it up. Even when Papyrus left, he didn't talk about it. You started using work as a guise to visit the family home and gather some info from Diego and your cousin, Gabriel. It was enough to start, but not enough to make you comfortable with it. Not that that mattered.

Then, again under the guise of work- not a complete lie- you began your task. In, grab, kill, out. The first couple were easy. The third one was a bit harder, you shed a bit more blood that you hoped, but got it done. The last one, though, was bad. You completed the task, but you were left wounded. Nothing severe, but bad enough that returning home was severely out of the question. Unfortunately, you forgot to let your boyfriends know.

Diego was in the middle of redressing your injuries- one on your side, one on your shoulder, one across the side of your neck, and one in your thigh. All from bullets. Nothing vital was hit, and Diego managed to fish out the shells. You also had a few cuts on your face, but they'd mostly healed by now.

There was a harsh knock at the door. Diego glanced at you. You roll your eyes. He stands, taking his gun from the couch cushion and holstering it on his hip. He walked over to the front door, prying it open. He's shoved aside, making you look up. You feel relief when Papyrus and Sans storm in.

"[Y/n]." Papyrus hissed, glaring at you. You're wholly unaffected as Diego steps around them, standing in front of you. Papyrus opened his jaw to speak, but it snaps shut as he watched Diego lean down and clean the wound on your neck. You grimace.

"Easy." Diego grumbled. "Surprised this one's hurting you more." "They all hurt." "Has this happened before?" Sans spoke up. He seemed bothered, but not as much as Papyrus did. Because he knew.

"Getting shot? Yeah." You shrug your good shoulder. That wasn't what the brothers expected as a response, and Sans' expression was shocked. "You were SHOT?!" Papyrus had been one octave away from a banshee's screech.

"No, Papy, I got holes punched into me." You hiss, "Diego!" "You're moving." He carefully slipped the bandage on. "And that's done. I'll make lunch." Diego left the room. Papyrus moved to stand in your view, his hand pressed to his forehead. "You were shot." You slowly sit upright. "I was." "And you failed to tell us?!" You took a deep breath. "When I started the sex work, I left this shit behind me. Changed my name, pulled a lotta strings to get here."

"So why did you take it on?" Sans frowned. "He never gave me the harder shit." "But you've been shot before." "I was, yeah." Both brothers processed the information. You sighed. "Hey. I'm still here. I'm alive. Just means you're not allowed to cum on me."

"[Y/n]!" Diego shouted from the very closeby kitchen. You snort, "I make a living off sex!" You call out, getting a semi-faint groan. Sans huffed a laugh out of his nose, but that's as far as that got.

"We're not leaving you." Papyrus insisted. "And you're not doing this again." "You hear that Diego?" You call again. "I'm retired! Done-deal. I'm done! I quit! Fire me!" "That's not-" "I'm not taking no for an answer." Another faint groan. "Fine!"

You turn back to your boyfriends. "Be honest, I still look hot, right?"

This time, Papyrus does crack a smile, albeit a small one.



Didn't mean to go the mafia-assassination-spy route, but... Ya know.
My fanfic, my rules, byeeee~

Chapter 8: TV!Fell Papyrus x Enby Reader - Gentle


You partied a little too hard, but your boyfriend is always there for you.


This is a "sequel" to one of the previous chapters; the reason this says "Enby" instead of "NG" is because I'm using they/them for the reader for this.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Being a universe hopper meant you befriended lots of people you knew across universes. That meant that sometimes, you and your household were invited to parties. Annually, a party was hosted with almost every single universe. This year, it was hosted in OG. You, of course, went with some your household (which was pretty big). Sugarberry, Cherry, Lolli Pop, Sweetheart, Ketchup, Sghetti, Honey, Skittles, Gusher, Swedish-Fish, and- of course- your boyfriend, Velvet.

When you got there, your group kinda split up. You stuck by Velvet though, buuut you ended up dragging him to refreshments. You tried to mingle, but your mind was in 15 different directions. You ended up going back to refreshments, grabbing another cup of alcoholic punch and downing it... Then another. And another. A group of Sanses were having drinking competitions, and you join. Within a few hours, you're hammered.

You were slumped in a chair, nursing a bottle of beer one of the Sanses gifted you, giggling and squirming in the chair. Eventually, Velvet found you, sighing as he knelt down in front of you. You giggle again, "H- Hiiii, baby~" You reach your hand up, smacking his face accidentally, beer still in hand. He just took your hand, pulled the bottle out of your grip, and rose your hand to his teeth. "Hello, love." You pulled your hand out from his, pushing to sit up.

"We should head home." He said softly. You shook your head, grinning. "No, no... I- I wanna..." Your head lulls to the side. "Red- Red!" You call out, and a not-so-drunk Red (Fell Sans) came into your view. "Yeah, [y/n]?" "Get... Get me 'nother..." You motion to... somewhere. He glanced at Velvet, then back at you. "Eh, I 'unno."

"Pleeeaaaase?" You whine. Velvet sighed and scooped you up bridal style. "We'll let the others know we're leaving." Velvet carried you to a few of your other friends, informing them of you returning home. Before you even leave the party, you're out like a light.


You groan when you wake. Your head is throbbing, your eye struggles to open, your stomach is turning. Your body feels achy, but fortunately it was nowhere near as bad as the injuries you sustained eons ago. You sit up with a grunt, squinting because of the sunlight. "Morning." Despite all the aches, Velvet's voice was like a massage on your brain. It even eased the headache, just a bit.

He held out a glass of water, which you took, then a couple pills. "Painkillers." Having only one hand, you turn and stick your tongue out. He rolled his eyes but he dropped the pills on your tongue. You then down the water, sighing when you were done. "Thanks, hun..."

"Are they awake?" You turn, seeing Cherry at the door. He seemed relieved. "Was it bad?" You ask, cringing. "Uh, no, but we couldn't wake you up. I got- uh- worried..." "I'm fine." You offer a kind smile and a thumbs up. He returns the thumb up, then left.

"You working today?" You lean against Velvet. "Nope." "Any plans?" "Also no." "Can we just... Lay down? For a while?" "Of course." He shifted to lay down, you following and curling up against him. He rubbed your back, being gentle. Although your back didn't hurt as bad, it was still very sensitive. 

"I was talking with Alphys." You look up at him. "OG?" "Mhm. Of course, I asked Berry first, he greenlit the idea." "What idea?" "Prosthetics." You raise a brow. "Prosthetics?" "For your hand. Maybe your cheek, if you wanted."

You shift, staring at your left wrist, which was- in fact- handless. "Oh. Right." "Alphys agreed, but... She wanted me to ask you, first." "Hm. I dunno. I mean, I'm not against it, but... Kinda got used to one-handing things." "Do you-" "We can do it." You shrug. "But I might not wear it all the time." "That's fine." He pressed his teeth, gently, to your forehead.

"I'll let Alphys know. She'll want to talk about it in-person." You nod. "That's fine... Later." "Of course." 

You two snuggle up together, just kinda... laying there, talking a little. Honestly, it did help with the aches your carelessness from last night caused.


It's short, ik, but I struggled to figure out how to continue it :,)
I started this way earlier but forgor until now-

Chapter 9: Tale!Sans x Werewolf Masc Reader - Zoo


It's about time you told the others of your... affliction.


A continuation of the last Tale!Sans Werewolf one, because I can, and I want to.

Chapter Text

For the last six or so months, you'd been going to the woods with Sans- sometimes Papyrus, once he figured out the transformations were less intense now- to wait out your full moons. You were able to hunt proper now, easily taking down deer or rabbits. Most nights, though, you didn't necessarily have to. Sans started bringing a large supply of steaks for you to chew on, resulting in you being full and just happily existing.

It took some convincing, but the brothers finally convinced you to tell the others. You were nervous. Why? You didn't know. They were kind monsters, who'd been with you through thick and thin... But this was something thicker, and thinner, that what you normally dealt with. What they normally dealt with. For a straight week, the three of you discussed. Would you tell them outright? Invite them to dinner to coax it out through conversation?

Unfortunately, your- em- time came. The entire day you were antsy. Finally, just as the sky shifted in hue- just slightly- Sans grabbed your hand and pulled you along your typical route to the forest.

"Why did we wait this long?!" You hissed at him. He shrugged. "Trust me."

When you reached the woods, the sun was halfway down, lighting the sky hues of oranges and pinks. Normally, you'd like to take this in, soak it up. But this wasn't the time. 

"Sans! What-" Your question was answered, when you reached your usual clearing and found the others there. Undyne, Alphys, Toriel, Mettaton, even Asgore was there. You could've sworn you saw Muffet in one of the trees.

"Oh god." You swallow, throat feeling dry. "Sans!" He only pulled you further into the clearing.

"Why are we here?" Mettaton whined, standing awkwardly. "It's so... Messy out here!" "It's nature," Undyne barked, though smirked. "Oh no, there's dirt, outside." "Oh hush!" Mettaton huffed. "What's all this about, though?" Asgore decided to re-ask Mettaton's question.

"You'll see. Wait." Sans hummed. You glared at him. "You didn't even tell them!?" He shrugged. "We're a little short on time, babe. It's now or later, and I know you." You would never have told them, given the opportunity. But now, you were faced with it.

Sans had to keep you still, as the sun crept lower and lower over the mountains. When he finally let you go, the comfortable pain wracked through you as it always did. You always cried out, involuntarily. It was like it had to be part of the transformation. Like if you kept it in, it could kill you, forming a beast under your own skin and tearing you apart, rather than it growing and shrinking in and out of you.

The others stood, horrified. You were used to your bones snapping and crunching, your face stretching, the hairs pulling out into the open. It was much faster now. What had been nearly 12 hours of agony the first time you turned, was now about a minute. It was quick, but for those watching, each second ticked by sluggishly, like it were frozen but not entirely. Then it was over.

Sans whistled, Papyrus hurrying over with the cooler. "I've got it, brother!" Sans wordlessly pulled out the slabs of steak, whistling again, longer, and grabbing your attention. He waved it around, your eyes following the meat, before he chucked it at you. You jumped to catch it in your teeth, then laid down to yank it apart with your teeth.

"Good boy." Sans called, grinning when your tail wagged viciously.

"What was that?!" Undyne nearly screamed. Alphys' eyes were huge, widened, but not in fear- in absolute awe. Immediately, she had her clipboard out and walked over to you, examining you and scribbling down notes. Toriel looked a bit horrified, but primarily concerned. Mettaton was intrigued as well, but stayed where he was. All Asgore did was frown. And Muffet... Eh. 

"Remember when I told you some asshole attacked [Y/n] earlier in the year? Apparently, said asshole was a werewolf." "Is that how it works?" Alphys inquired. "Biting a non-werewolf transmits it, like a disease!" "Aye," Sans got defensive, "it isn't a disease. It... It changed his soul, too." Alphys briefly showed sympathy, pity, but it returned to it's awed state.

(If you're reading this, I'm too brain-mushy to finish it RIGHT THIS SECOND. Its 2:30 AM as of typing this. I will delete this bit and continue writing it once I've slept. Stay tuned, though, it should be finished by tomorrow. At some point.)

Series this work belongs to: