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Rei's Perfect Penis: A Foursome Chez Katsuragi


Misato catches Rei. Rei's penis catches Misato.

Kinktober 2024 – 4. Dominant Subordinate/Submissive Superior

Work Text:

"I'm home!" called Misato, as she walked into her apartment after a shorter than usual day in the Geofront.

There was no response, even though Shinji and Asuka's shoes – and someone else's! – were in the front hall. Reaching for her service pistol just in case she'd walked into some kind of hostage/ambush situation, she crept towards the kitchen.

There were noises. Slurping noises, mostly, and soft, feminine moans. Misato returned her pistol to its holster and peered around the kitchen doorframe, prepared to deliver a lecture to whichever of the three pilots were using the kitchen for sex.

She beheld a tableau out of a porn comic. The sounds were, as she suspected, a blowjob... but she was not expecting the cock being sucked to belong to Rei. All three of the pilots were there, naked, with Rei standing side-on to the door while Shinji and Asuka engaged in a remarkable display of teamwork, each kneeling to one side of Rei and licking up and down Rei's shaft in opposite directions.

The glimpses Misato could catch of Rei's cock  were amazing. It wasn't as big as Kaji's, but the sight of it was quickly making size seem less important than perfection

"Hello, Misato," said Rei, grabbing Shinji and Asuka's heads and pushing them away from her spit-slathered erection.

As she saw it in all its glory, unobscured by Shinji's head, Misato felt weak at the knees. She'd thought Kaji's cock was everything she could ever want, but Rei's was on another level. She couldn't take her eyes off it. She didn't want to take her eyes off it. She felt a pang of envy that Asuka and Shinji had both got up close and personal with it and she hadn't. Her hand drifted to her crotch, salivating at the glorious sight and hoping that—

"Would you like to suck my penis, Misato?"

"Yes!" said Misato, as she started rubbing herself through her dress.

"Help her out of her clothes," ordered Rei.

Asuka and Shinji gave wistful looks to Rei's cock, but did as she said. Misato knew it was hilariously inappropriate to be undressed by her teenage subordinates, but any protest was stifled by Rei's cock as thoroughly as if it were already in her mouth. She wanted that cock, and if Rei said she had to be naked to get it, then she was going to get naked.

Shinji copping a feel as he helped her out of her clothes was no surprise; Asuka doing the same was a bit more startling. She wasn't complaining, though. Both of them had clearly fondled someone's tits before.

Once Misato was out of everything except her lace-top holdups, Rei beckoned her over. Misato stepped up in front of Rei and sank to her knees. She knew she was going to start dripping, and she didn't care. She opened her mouth, leaned forward, and closed her lips around that perfect shaft.

It felt even better than it looked. Misato set to work with her tongue, licking the tip as she felt Rei's fingers tangling in her hair. 

"Use your fingers," ordered Rei.

Misato ran her hand up the inside of Rei's thigh, following the trail of wetness to what was, despite the perfect erection jutting out in front of it, a working pussy. Misato slipped first one, then two fingers inside Rei, marvelling at just how right it felt for Rei to have both kinds of equipment. It even made her feel a little... lesser herself by comparison.

Misato bobbed her head back and forth on that perfect cock, and as she did, she felt another hard cock pressing against her back. Shinji started grinding against her as he reached round to fondle her tits, and Misato was ever so faintly shocked to not mind. It even felt natural for one of Rei's... lovers? Worshippers? Whatever the right word was, their adoration of Rei had brought them together. If Rei was happy to share them with each other, Misato was happy to be shared.

Rei's grip on Misato's head tightened, and she took control of the pace. With every bob of her head, Misato found everything that wasn't Rei's perfect cock and wet pussy feeling more and more distant. Even Shinji pinching and tugging her nipples faded into the background before the prospect of Rei coming in her mouth.

It didn't take much longer. Strong muscles squeezed down on Misato's fingers, and hot, sticky, perfect cum spurted into her mouth, far more pleasant than Kaji's had ever been. Misato swallowed every delicious drop, and was ever so slightly disappointed when there was nothing more to swallow.

As Rei's grip loosened and her cock slipped out of Misato's mouth, Misato found herself becoming aware again. She was full of afterglow, despite not having felt herself come, and she was absolutely certain there was a puddle on the floor under her pussy. Shinji had moved away, and she could feel sticky wetness spattered up her back. She couldn't blame him for that, really.

Misato looked up, past Rei's blue-peaked tits, and smiled at those lovely, loving red eyes that no longer disturbed her at all.

"Thank you," Misato and Rei both said at once.