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Generation Next: The Cyber Siren


If you asked Akira, disguising herself as a boy just for the sole purpose of staying by her twin brother's side was completely reasonable. It was the school's fault for not having a female Slifer Red dorm anyways.

Akira Truesdale, Syrus' twin sister and also best friend. Sharp intellect and a powerful duelist like their older brother. If only he wasn't such a jerk, Akira might actually be proud to call him a sibling.


This is purely for my own entertainment! Please don't take it too seriously <3

Edit: This was originally anonymous but I've decided I don't care what people think of it :P this show was my childhood.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Chapter 1: The Next King of Games

Chapter Text

Akira LP: 600

The proctor smirked rather smugly at Akira; his dragon monster having just damaged her life points. "Are you ready to give up, tough guy? You can't drag this duel on forever."

"Ugh..." Akira feigned distress, but on the inside, she couldn't help smirking. 'Maybe not, but I've dragged it out long enough to count as a Slifer Red student, even if I win...'

She drew a card from her deck."I'll use the magic card Anchor Execution, to take out your powerful dragon!" A wooden beam appeared and a rope tied around the dragon's neck and pulled him up harshly as an anchor fell on the other side of the beam, hanging him. He exploded and vanished.

"Why you..." The proctor scowled.

"Now go, Cyber Coy!" Akira pointed to the proctor and watched as her robotic little coy fish charged at the man and bit him, finishing off the remainder of his life points.

The proctor fumed. "Darn've passed, go fill out your registration." He reluctantly conceded.

Akira smiled rather smugly. She had sharp grey eyes. She had some blue bangs framing her face while the rest remained hidden in her black paperboy hat.

Syrus let out a sigh of relief as he stood next to his sister. "I'm so glad it's over."

"I told you we'd make it." Akira said.

"Of course you made it. You could have been an Obelisk Blue, and I just held you back..." He spoke dejectedly.

Akira smiled softly, holding out her hand. Syrus hesitantly set his own in it. "Syrus, we've been over this. I want to be by your side. Besides, who else is going to make sure I take care of myself? You know I can't cook."

"If you say so..." Syrus conceded, knowing there was no point in arguing. He knew Akira was just trying to make him feel better; she never needed his help for anything.

Just then, a boy their age with brown hair ran up, practically leaning over the railing as he watched the remaining matches excitedly. "Wow, look at 'em go!"

They watched as Bastion completed his match with ease.

Akira glanced at him with a smile. "It's exciting huh? Also, hi." She teased.

The boy seemed to realize his mistake and grinned. "Oh, I'm Jaden Yuki!"

"Akira Truesdale, this is my twin brother Syrus." Akira told him, nudging Syrus with her elbow.

Syrus pouted. "I can introduce myself..."

"Akira and Syrus, huh? Tight. So who's the guy dueling?" Jaden questioned, looking back at the duel that was just finishing.

"That's Bastion Misawa, they say he got the highest score on the written exam out of every applicant." Syrus noted.

"Wow, I barely passed." Jaden stated in surprise.

Syrus sighed. "Yeah us too. We just barely passed our dueling matches too." A small lie, he barely passed.

But Jaden merely grinned. "Hey, that means you're both in! I'll be joining you soon enough, once I win my match."

The twins froze. "But...the matches are all over..." Akira told him awkwardly.

Jaden paled at those words.

Bastion came and sat down near them. "Tight duel, Bastion." Jaden complimented.

"Thank you." He replied stiffly.

"You might just be the second-best duelist here." Jaden grinned, making Syrus and Bastion's eyes widen. Akira raised an eyebrow.

Bastion frowned. "Who is...the first?"

"Me of course!" Jaden told them, and then his name was called. He hurried to go down to where the matches were held.

"The guy has spunk, I like that." Akira smirked.

Bastion scoffed. "He'll need it, look who he's dueling."

"Oh man." Syrus paled. "It's Dr. Crowler!" He told his sister worriedly.

Jaden LP: 4000

Crowler LP: 4000

"Here it goes!" Jaden drew a card. "I'll summon Elemental Hero Avian in defense mode (1000 DF)! I'll also throw down a face down, alright get your game on!" He told Crowler happily.

"Alright, for this first move I think I'll start off nice and easy. I'll activate the spell card Confiscation, which allows me to take a peek at your hand and send one of your cards to the graveyard, in exchange for 1000 life points." Crowler explained with a smirk.

Crowler LP: 3000

Crowler smirked. "I remember some of these from when I was a naïve rookie." Jaden scowled at that. "I think I'll send Monster Reborn to the graveyard." Jaden complied and placed the card in the discard slot of his duel disk. "Next I'll set two cards face down. And last but not least I'll play Heavy Storm, this spell card destroys all spell and trap cards on the field."

Their cards were sent to the graveyard, and two token monsters appeared on Crowler's field thanks to the trap cards that were destroyed. "And now, I will sacrifice these two tokens to summon out Ancient Gear Golem (3000 ATK)!"

Everyone watched in awe as the fearsome monster appeared on Crowler's side of the field. It truly was an intimidating force.

"So cool...I've always wanted to take one on!" Jaden beamed, looking at the monster with amazement. The crowd was completely appalled by his lack of fear.

"Amazing...he's not scared at all...I haven't seen someone this fearless since..." Syrus glanced at his sister, who's eyes were shimming with pure admiration as she watched Jaden closely, a huge smile formed on her face.

"Golem attack!" Crowler declared.

The Ancient Gear Golem punched Avian away with ease, and then dealt Jaden 2000 points of damage, even though it was in defense mode.

Jaden LP: 2000

Syrus gnawed on his lip anxiously. "Oh man, one more hit like that and he's toast!"

Jaden began to tremble, which made Crowler laugh. "Don't feel too bad, this is the top dueling school in the country-"

But to his shock, Jaden began to laugh. "Man, I really wanna come to this school now, you seriously know your stuff teach!" Crowler gasped.

Jaden drew a card and seemed in thought for a moment before smiling. "I'll play Winged Kuriboh (250 DF) in defense mode! Then I'll play one card face down! Not bad, huh Teach?"

Crowler laughed loudly. "No not bad, but you must understand it's a mere Kuriboh to me. Its defense points are no match for my golem. Now let's proceed." He drew a card. "Ancient Gear Golem, attack that Kuriboh!"

Kuriboh was destroyed easily. "Thanks to Winged Kuriboh's effect, I don't take damage." He smiled. Crowler scowled at this. "And by destroying my monster, I can activate the trap card Hero Signal! This lets me bring out Elemental Hero Burstinatrix (1200 ATK)!"

He drew a card. "Now it's my turn. First, I'll bring back Elemental Hero Avian to my hand using the magic card Warrior Returning Alive! Then I'll use another spell, Polymerization, which lets me fuse Burstinatrix and Avian together! I fusion summon, Elemental Hero Flame Wingman (2100 ATK)!" He declared.

Akira smirked. "Perhaps I shouldn't say this until he's officially won...but he's got game."

Bastion scoffed. "Don't fanboy too much, it still doesn't have enough attack points to defeat Ancient Gear Golem."

"Maybe not, but he wouldn't play it if he didn't have a trick up his sleeve." Akira reasoned.

"Obviously my Wingman isn't strong enough to beat your golem just yet, but with the help of this, he will be! I play the field spell, Skyscraper!" Jaden declared.

Everyone watched as the field was field with tall buildings and a night sky.

"And thanks to this field spell, my Wingman gains 1000 extra attack points!" Crowler paled. "Now go!"

Wingman blasted Golem down, and Golem's attack points were dealt to Crowler as damage.

Crowler LP: 0

The audience went insane with cheers, in shock that Jaden could actually beat Crowler. "That's game!" Jaden grinned. Crowler collapsed to his knees in despair.

Akira couldn't help her wide grin.

Something told her things were going to get a lot more interesting with Jaden around.