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Bound Without Limits


After an embarrassing incident, she starts questioning things about herself she thought she knew, and as they speak about it at the top of the Eiffel Tower they both realize that Chat Noir is the only man who can help her with that.

This is what happens when friends are willing to do anything for each other.

A tale of poor boundaries.


Hii, beforehand I’d like to say that English is not my first language so sorry if there are some grammar mistakes. That being said, enjoy the read <3

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

“So what's on your mind?” he asked, staring at her.

She didn't answer, just nodded with her head. That assured him that, in fact, she was not paying attention to him at all.

“Okay, you know what? I'm gonna move to London in three weeks for, like, forever.”

“That's cool” she replied, still staring at the view, but then after actually realizing what he said, she turned her head to stare at him “Wait, what?”

“Now are you gonna pay attention to me?” he asked while letting out a scoff.

She rolled her eyes and turned to look at him, waiting for him to tell her what he wanted, this time actually paying attention.

“Now tell me, what's on your mind? You seem distracted.”

“I'm not distracted... If a villain came here right now, I would kick his ass” she replied, raising her fists in self-defense mode.

Chat Noir let out a laugh and continued to look at her directly. She turned to look at him and knew that he wasn't buying it. He knew her really well, enough to know that something was off.

“I'm just... it's just that I've been thinking a little about... stuff.”


“Private stuff” she answered, emphasizing the word "private."

“Since when is there any privacy between us?”

She stared at him and let out an unfunny laugh. She was moved, but she just wasn't in the mood.

“You're right.”

There were a few minutes of silence after that. They were both on top of the Eiffel Tower, patrolling. They always had their shifts together; they chose it like that on purpose.

“So are you gonna tell me?”

She bit her lip and thought about it one last time before finally giving in and telling him what was on her mind. She knew she was going to tell him at some point, so why not just do it now?

“You see... the other day I was at class.”

“Oh, is this one of those problems that start with a story? This is gonna be good then” Chat Noir said with a smile, and after feeling her punch on his shoulder telling him to shut up, he did.

“As I was saying... I was in class, and I was looking for Eleanor because we agreed to study for an exam together.”

—Right, Eleanor, your impossible love.

She wrinkled her nose at that comment and turned to look at him.

“Eleanor is not my impossible love! We kiss and do stuff. It's reciprocal”

“Yeah, but you're not in a relationship”

“It's called a situationship... which is something you wouldn't get”

“I actually get that, and you know that damn well.”

He did understand situationships more than anyone. He had ladies all over him all the time, so constantly with some of them, he ended up being in a situationship. He was dumb, too afraid to commit. And even if she loved him, she knew how wrong that was and that he needed to tell those beautiful women that he was never planning to commit to them.

She sometimes wished she was the one who could have all those women around her. She would actually appreciate them.

“Whatever... The thing is that I went all around the college looking for her, and I started to open doors without giving it a second thought.”

“I like where this is going” Chat Noir said, trying to hold back a laugh.

“And just like you may be thinking, I opened the wrong one: the men's dressing room.”

“No shit” he let out the laugh, which intensified as she turned red just remembering it.

“I apologized many times. I felt so bad and embarrassed.”

“Well, big story, you embarrassed yourself, and then what? Is this why you're all puffy?” he asked and then put an arm around her back “Things like that happen all the time, Risk. The important thing is that you apologized.”

Risk was still feeling a little bit down. She was still debating how to continue the story, how to explain what she felt to him.

“You see, when I entered, I couldn't help but look... It wasn't on purpose, I swear! It was inevitable since I wanted to turn around quickly” Risk sighed “And that's when I saw him.”


“A guy... He was tall and had muscles. Strong and golden skin that was somehow even dashing.”

The hero was about to mess with her and make a joke about her being converted by a complete stranger, but there was something in her eyes that made him realize there was something else going on in her mind.

“I... I don't know, I just can't stop thinking about him.”

Chat Noir blinked twice in disbelief, unsure of what he was hearing his best friend say.

“Wait, what does that mean?”

“It means that I saw his private parts! And I can't stop thinking about it!”

“I'm sorry, what?”

“I know! It's weird, it's weird and it's wrong, and I shouldn't be looking at men that way, but I just can't stop thinking about it, and it's driving me nuts because it's been three days, and every time I close my eyes, I see him.”

She was exhilarated and red everywhere. It wasn't just embarrassing because of the awkward situation; she knew she tended to overthink stuff, but this time was different because every time she thought about that guy, she wanted to see more of him. She was curious.

“Was that the first time you saw a dick? It tends to stick around the first time.”

“No, Chat Noir. It's not the first time, and yes, it's true; it tends to stick around for a while…they're gross.”

He let out a laugh and smiled.

“So what exactly do you feel about this guy?”

“I don't know... like I want to know more about him? I want to see more? Touch him?” she stopped saying her thoughts out loud. They felt wrong and intrusive.

“Touch him? Like, you're physically attracted to him?”

Risk didn't reply; she just stared at the view and felt the breeze all over her face, cooling it. Yes, she was attracted to him in a very physical way.

Chat Noir imitated her action and stared at the view too. Thinking, just thinking. Not even for a second did he think that was what was going on in his best friend's mind. He didn't think she liked that guy—he knew how impossible it was for her to like anyone at first sight. He just thought she might be having a stroke after being stood up by Eleanor several times. But still, he didn't want to minimize what she might be feeling.

“Why don't you talk with this guy? Ask him out?”

“Why would I do that?”

“Do you think about him every time you close your eyes?” he asked neutrally. She nodded, and he sighed heavily “Then to clear up your confusion, you need to talk to him.”

“I don't want to do that –Risk exclaimed “And even if I wanted to, I just can't; he's a jackass”

“So what? I am too, according to you, and you still love me”

Risk finally laughed and looked at him, connecting her brown eyes with his green ones. She didn't think that at all, she usually said it ironically because he was actually sweet and kind (when he wasn't joking around). She didn't know who he was behind the mask and she didn't even need to in order to know he was a nice person who happened to be a hot and flirty dude with avoidant attachment.

“Yes, because you're you”

Chat Noir felt his lips curl, touched by her words.

“I know I am me” he scoffed. After that, he debated whether to say something or not, but he ended up saying it “Just try to talk to him”

“Nope, because the worst part is that I actually never liked him. He goes to my class, and weirdly, ‘coincidentally’ every time I like a girl, they end up liking him”

“Well, even if you say it in quotation marks, that is actually a coincidence, a bad one, but a coincidence” he said, raising his eyebrows “You're not even out in public yet, so he can't know you like them.”

Risk rolled her eyes, about to reply with something, but she realized she was speechless and that he actually had a point.

“Yeah, I suppose... Still, why would I talk to him? He might get his ego up and think I want something when I'm just trying to figure out something inside me. He's not even my friend to help me with that. It's just too much to ask.”

He leaned back on his arms, thinking. Risk was right—she couldn't ask that of a stranger.
He wished he could help her.

“This is so dumb” she mumbled “I can't believe that just because I'm horny I'm questioning something that took me years to figure out.”

“You're not dumb” he said, and she looked at him with an eyebrow raised “There's no lesbian police to tell you how you're supposed to feel or towards whom. You can always discover yourself at any time. If you have doubts, go on and solve them, and if it turns out they were just confusion, then fine. No one is going to arrest you.”

Risk felt her heart ache at his words. She leaned in to give him a hug, which he returned warmly. It was one of those typical hugs they shared to let each other know everything would be okay.

“Thank you”

“So, what do you want to do?”

“I really want to know what I feel, but I have no way of figuring it out”

“Well, in whatever way I can help, I will” he said, turning his gaze back to the streets.

She knew he meant it and that he would do everything in his power to help her. It wasn't something that needed solving right then and there, though. She would take her time figuring it out. Or no.

They both sat in silence for a while longer before going back to patrolling, their friendship as solid as ever.

She knows he means it when he says it.

"You know how you could help me," she jokes, and when she doesn't hear his typical laugh in return, she turns her head to see him staring at her with a serious expression on his face.

So just for a second, an intrusive thought flashes into her mind. A really intrusive thought. And she actually thinks about it. She knows he will go to the end of the world for her just like she would. That was proven multiple times in multiple battles. But what had just come into her mind was too much.

"I was joking," Risk clarified, but something in her tone wasn't convincing enough because, in fact, she wasn't even convinced about her words being an actual "joke," and the worst part is that even he could sense that.

"I wouldn't have a problem helping you with that."

For what felt like an eternity, they both looked at each other in complete silence.

"Even if I wanted, I could never ask you for something like that. It's too much."

"You know that I wouldn't have a problem accepting."

It was his typical stupid tone when he said something sweet but with a serious touch that simply gave you goosebumps.

"I know you would do anything for me, that's why it would feel like taking advantage of you."

"In any case, I would be the one taking advantage of you!" he replied, waving his hands.

Risk blinked twice as she remembered something. She usually forgot that he had asked her out a while ago when they were just friends and before she came out to him. In fact, she never thought about it; it was like a memory that had been erased since it had never been brought up by either of them. Probably because he was too embarrassed and she just didn't care.

"You could never, even if you tried."

He didn't say anything and just waited for her to stop talking.

"It's still a big no," she sentenced.

"Then you will never figure out what's going on in there."

Another silence filled the air. They both were flinging their legs in the air and looking into nothingness, waiting for an answer and searching for one.

"You are right, you are literally the only man I could ever try to do something like that with. But that just proves to me how weird it would be."

"That doesn't even make sense," he commented, raising his eyebrows.

The young woman nodded, feeling defeated, giving him reason. She finally let out a long sigh and threw her head back to look only at the sky.

"If we do this, how could we do it?"

She could feel how he immediately straightened up, sitting as stiff as a board, looking at her intently.

"First, you should set some ground rules."

She placed a hand on her chin, thoughtfully, considering what her limits would be. It didn't take her long to figure it out. She already had it clear.

"No kissing."

The guy wiped the sweat from his face with his hand and nodded.

“Also, not actual sex, nothing that involves you putting your you know what in my you know where”

“Okey” he nodded and then flinched his nose “You know that that only lefts us with one thing to do right?”

“I suppose” she mumbled “That's all.”

“Alright, when do you wanna start?”

Risk laughed and looked around.

“I would say right now but I don't want us to be in the news for public exhibition”

Chat Noir couldn't help but feel his ears burn. One things was talking about it but now that they were actually setting time and place he felt like it was becoming too real. Don't get him wrong, he doesn't mind helping her best friend like that it's just that he never imagined she would actually ask him something like that ever. That possibility or the thought of seeing her like a possible prospect vanished a long time ago when she came out to him. Basically, it was odd but not weird

But whatever, what's a little head between friends?

“What's going on in that head of yours?” she asked to what he turn his back to see the inside of the tower.

“There is Gustave Eiffel's apartment.”

“You gotta be kidding me” she whispered in disbelief turning her back to see the room behind them and smile “That's pretty convenient.”

She stood up and walked directly to it, being followed by him. Once they were inside they looked at the little apartment. There were small pieces of furniture that adapted to the place but what really took their attention was the big sofa in the corner attached to the wall.

Risk stared and headed towards it.

"We don't have to do it now, you know that, right? We can do it any other time you want. Maybe you want to prepare beforehand"

"I really want to do it now" Risk assured, sitting down on the sofa. It was comfortable and dust free thankfully, it looked like there was ongoing maintenance "You're the one who doesn't have to do this if you don't want to"

The hero offered her a smile and gave her a look to let her know it was okay. He took a seat on the couch beside her.

"So...what should I do?”

"You can detransform into your normal clothes" he suggested.

She nodded and as he turned around she whispered a few words leaving her in her civilian clothes but still with the mask on. She was wearing an oversized shirt and sweatpants. She grimaced trying to remember what underwear she was wearing. It wasn't ideal, that was for sure. Usually when she was with Eleanor she was prepared with her best underwear but this time she was wearing a plain one. She wasn't planning on taking her shirt off either.

"You can turn around," she said to which he turned around and smirked.

"Do you like Superman?" he asked, looking at her shirt "I'm more of a Marvel guy"

Risk wanted to ask him if he also needed privacy but she knew that for him it wasn't necessary to take off his clothes. And to be honest it was better that way, she didn't want to see him.

She undid the knot of her sweatpants and started to slowly pull them down under his observant look. She put it aside on the floor and sat down again.

It was all going so fast, but she kinda liked it. She wanted to get her mind off the urge towards the boy from college and even if Chat Noir wasn't him he was certainly the ideal person.

"Lie down," he said and she did so, propping herself up on her elbows so she could keep her top up "It's not the first time, is it?

"It is the first time they are doing it to me"

He already guessed it because there were only a few details of their lives that were not told, identity being one of them (but that was something they were planning to solve in a near future), yet he swallowed nervously because it only left him with a higher bar to meet.

It had to be special because it was her and the simple fact that she trusted him to discover herself was already a great honor for him.
So yes, he was basically nervous, but to his luck many girls had told him he was good at it so at least he was sure of what he was doing.

He placed a cushion on the floor and knelt on it. He took a better look at the view; she still had her panties on, so he began by grazing, slowly running his hands over them.

"I'm sorry if it tickles, I didn't think we'd end up like this today" Risk apologized.

"It's okay, it doesn't bother me," he replied neutrally, then hesitantly raised his head "I know you said no kissing, but it helps to stimulate.

"It's okay but not on the mouth," she said and he nodded to lower his head and bring his face closer to her legs.

He began to rub small, soft kisses down her left leg which made her giggle from the tickle it caused. He continued down her right leg from her calf to her thighs, when he reached her thighs he began to massage them slowly and carefully.

She watched attentively every movement he made. He did it with an incredible naturalness as if he was in automatic mode.

He had bragged so many times about his amazing skills in bed that now he was finally demonstrating them and Risk had no choice but to accept that he probably wasn't lying. Exaggerating? Maybe, she’d find out.

By the time he stopped massaging her thighs he began to deposit wetter kisses on her inner thighs. He was now literally between her legs and the mere sight of that felt surreal to Risk.

She wondered if he also found it just as strange, but she didn't want to ask; he seemed very focused.
He continued with the kisses, which this time were not only wet but much slower, almost suction-like. It was at that moment that she felt a jolt of electricity run down her spine, causing her to arch slightly. He lifted his head to look at her, and, embarrassed, she gave him a thumbs-up to indicate she was fine.

She knew she was already turned on so she stopped propping herself up on her elbows and stretched out fully on the couch on her back.

"You can imagine that I'm that guy" Chat Noir suggested knowing she was already in the mood.

She nodded but didn't really listen to him. She wasn't ready to picture the guy from her college yet, she'd rather go for someone more familiar that would really turn her on. So she imagined Eleanor between her legs. It had always been the other way around but imagining it that way was okay too. In her mind she remembered the girl's screams of pleasure and that made her smile making her crotch tingle.

Suddenly the kissing stopped so confused she lowered her head to see him watching her inquisitively. She nodded to which he began to slowly pull her panties down.

Now she was really embarrassed, it was the first time she had been so exposed and indeed she felt incredibly exposed. At least she still had her shirt on which helped a little with the cold and embarrassment.

This embarrassment intensified as she saw how he was staring, completely still. She shifted a little to tell him to stop to which he smiled snapping out of his trance, and returned to his position.

With two fingers he began to gently massage the area, after that he added another finger to continue massaging.
Risk knew he was taking his task very seriously because she felt him constantly looking up trying to analyze every sigh, movement and sound that came out of her.

She gasped as she felt a sensitive part being touched and he continued to touch there as he realized that.
She began to feel herself getting even wetter and her muscles stopped being so tense at every touch he gave.
When she felt him insert a finger she leaned in slightly bewildered.

"Don't do that, please"

He nodded and quickly pulled it out to continue with the movements from before. She began to let out slight sighs and when she felt a kiss down there she couldn't help but let out a moan.

Chat Noir continued with the kisses to finally stick his tongue out and lick.

Now she understood, she finally understood what everyone was talking about. It was the first time and she didn't expect it to feel this good. She wondered if it was because he was doing it right or if in general it always felt this good.

She even wondered if Eleanor felt the same when she did it to her probably she thought, cheering herself on, because she was a woman herself after all, and she knew better than anyone what they liked, still she had to give credit to Chat Noir and admit that what he was doing felt extremely good.

He continued licking to finally stick his tongue into her fragile spot. Risk jumped as she closed her eyes.
She couldn't help but feel the need to hold on to something so she grabbed his blonde hair to pull his face even closer to her crotch feeling even more pleasure.

As one hand clung to his hair and the other to his strong arm she could no longer picture Eleanor so the boy from her college came to her mind. She remembered his gleaming pectorals glistening with sweat and his well-defined arms with veins bulging out. His strong shoulders and...

For some reason having all those attributes in her mind started to diminish her arousal, which was difficult considering how good it was to feel her best friend's tongue on her. She understood that those attributes were too masculine for her taste. She just didn't like them.

So she opened her eyes and tilted her head to look at Chat Noir. He was still focused on his own thing, and she couldn't help but form a moved smile. She knew that the love they had for each other went beyond limits, but she never thought it would go this far.
She would never forget this, not only because it was the first time but because he was doing her a favor that no one else would have done without expecting anything in return or making her feel uncomfortable by looking at her with lewd eyes.

"Thank you."

He tilted his head to look at her with a confused expression, but upon seeing her, he simply smiled.

"You're welcome, I'll always be there to give you a hand... Literally"

They both laughed and after that he continued with the movements, which were starting to make her feel a pressure in her lower stomach. She felt a rush of warm energy in her private part and all of a sudden she started to feel the need to scream. She never thought she would be a screamer. So she bit her lips to contain it and started looking at the ceiling feeling goosebumps all over her neck and back.

She took his hand and started to slowly trace her fingers along his arm. He was clearly muscular, and that only made her want to keep touching more of him.
So, at that moment, as she began to feel a sense of plenty satisfaction, she tapped his hand restlessly, and when he raised his chin to look at her, she grabbed his arm, making him stand up slowly and confused. She wrapped her hands around his neck to pull him closer and quickly brought his face to her for a passionate kiss.

At first, she noticed that he was taken by surprise since he wasn't following her rhythm, and his arms remained still at his sides. But he quickly caught on, raising one hand to place it on her neck to intensify the kiss while the other hand went to her back to pull her closer.

Quite contrary to what Risk thought, the kiss did not soothe the tingling between her legs, but intensified it. He placed each leg around her, standing on top of her but with his weight on his own knees. They were making out for a while and before they continued kissing she watched how he extended his kisses to her neck.

"Chat Noir," she sighed as she felt the wetness they left behind.

"Are you okay with this?" he asked stopping to look at her to which she nodded.

He continued kissing a particular spot on her neck. Risk had always thought about how she didn't like the concept of being kissed anywhere other than the face, she thought it was weird, but now that she was experiencing it she could see the appeal.

Slowly she felt Chat Noir move down and seeing her shirt as an obstacle, he grabbed it by the edges to take it off. Now she was felt completely exposed with only her bra still on, but the truth was she didn't care. She was more focused on feeling the warm touch of his lips all over her torso.

So he reached her bottom again and continued with what they had paused. He continued eating her out, she could feel his tongue moving inside her doing movements that she didn't comprehend but just felt extremely good.

"I need to know what you are doing" she said between gasps.

Chat Noir was still concentrating so he tapped him on the shoulder. He raised his head confused.

"Show me what you are going with your tongue, please"

He nodded and stuck out his tongue to start moving it from left to right and proceed to make a circular movement. She let out a sigh as she watched him do that, there was something extremely hot about him showing her what he was doing and she was even more stimulated by the image in front of her; him with his hair messy, his face glowing because of her fluids, his tongue moving, and the way he was bent over before her. Risk had always known her partner was very attractive, but she had never seen him the way she was looking at him now.

—Thanks, now you can continue.

—As you wish.

By the time she felt a surge of emotions throughout her body and not just down there was when she new she was coming. Her back arched and a moan louder than the others came out of her, thankfully she got to control herself from actually screaming because that would have been embarrassing.

After that there were a few moments of silence in the atmosphere where she was trying to regulate her breathing and he was still with his head down also sighing.

"Thaks for that" Risk finally said and tapped his shoulder awkwardly to let him know that he could stand up now.

Slowly he raised his chin and passed a hand over his mouth to clean it from her fluids. Risk couldn't understand why he wasn't getting up.

"Sorry, I have a boner" he said feeling her attentive gaze.

Risk nodded and lifted her legs away to the side. He slowly stood up while avoiding eye contact.

"Don't think anything weird is just that I'm really into making girls enjoy and you seemed to be really enjoying it"

"I get it, it's fine...I'm gonna go to the bathroom to give you some space"

In the bathroom, she did a quick clean-up, the most practical way to get rid of any fluids, and then put on her underwear and pants. She waited a moment, pressed her ear against the door to make sure she didn't hear any strange noises and wouldn't interrupt him. Hearing only silence, she sighed in relief and stepped out of the bathroom.

She spotted him on the couch, already composed, although she could see the blush on his cheeks.

'Are you feeling better now?' she asked, to which he nodded and moved aside, making space next to him. Risk walked over, sat down, and leaned back against the couch, letting out a long sigh.

"Sorry for kissing you, I know that was forbidden...I guess I just went with the flow."

"It's fine, you are the one who put that rule, plus I liked it. I always imagined what it would be like kissing you."

"Did it fulfill your expectations?" she asked with a distinguished exaggerated tone.

"'Meh. Kinda. It was okay, I guess,' he replied, feeling around with his hand, which earned him a punch on the shoulder from her, making him burst out laughing. 'I did like it. Kisses are something else when they're with someone you really like.'

Risk forced a smile as she nodded along with his words. He waited for a bit in the silence, but seeing that she didn't plan on saying anything, he decided to ask the big question.

"So, what do you think? What's your verdict"

"I don't know," she simply replied.

"That's okay,' he answered. "But still, any thoughts?"

"It was good, I guess you weren't lying when you were bragging.'"

Chat Noir lanzó una carcajada y negó con la cabeza.

"'Thanks, you flatter me,' he replied arrogantly, before his expression turned more serious. "But that's not what I meant. Do you feel more clarity in some aspect?"

Risk continued staring at the ceiling, hesitating for a long moment to think.

"Honestly, I liked it, but I feel like I just made things weird between us, and it wasn't even worth it because now I'm more confused than before. Did I like all of this? Did it feel good? Yes, of course, but I realized that I don't like imagining that guy from university while you were doing it, it totally turns me off. I definitely still like girls, and that's something that will never change, nor do I want it to change.
But on the other hand, you're a guy, you were the one who doing it and I enjoyed it. So, what does that mean? Does it mean I also like guys, or not?'

Risk thought it had been a dumb idea, a very dumb one, that only made things awkward, and that no 'attempt to satisfy her curiosity' was worth risking her friendship with him. Nothing in this world was worth that.

"Is that why you haven't looked me in the eyes since this ended?" he asked, mostly to himself, but reaffirmed, 'Look, Risk, there's nothing in this world that can separate us, and this is not going to be the exception at all" he assured her, wrapping his hand around hers. 'You don't like that guy from college, physically speaking? That's great! Do you think it's wrong that you enjoyed it just because I'm a guy? It's not, it's completely normal. These things always feel good, no matter if it's with a guy or a girl.'

She lifted her head to finally look him in the eyes, and when she saw the large emeralds in front of her, she couldn't help but smile. She leaned in and wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug.

'Thank you, really, thank you.'

'It's nothing, and if you're still confused and want to keep trying, I'll be here to help you. Never doubt that.'"

They cuddled together on the sofa, there for a long time without saying anything, simply enjoying the moment, just having each other.

He really means it when he says it. He will always be there for her, he will always help her, no matter what.
And even if for a moment that thought scared him, he knew it was true and unbreakable because he feels it deep in his heart.
It scared him because he didn't know where he was supposed to draw the line for his own sake, because he likes her -truly likes her- in ways he never thought he was capable of. And sadly, one of those ways was romantically. Having sex with her awakaned that feeling he thought he had overcome. He knew it was wrong but he couldn't help it and he was definitely going to be conflicted for a while, but that was something he will overcome because just the fact of being in her life was enough. It didn't necessarily have to be in a romantic way. He was just happy to be there as her best friend or as whatever she wanted him to be.

"Im really happy it was you, though. You are not who I've always had in mind but it's fine I guess"

Hearing her say that, he raised his eyebrows confused.

”It was me what? What have I done?”

"The person who took my virginity I mean" she clarified.

At that moment Chat Noir felt as if a bucket of cold water fell on him and he started coughing from surprise.

"What?...Do you know that just because it was just first time getting a head it doesn't make it "your first time"in general, right?"

Now it was Risk who was arching her eyebrows and watching him with surprise and grace at the same time.

"So what do you think? That just because I'll never get a dick inside me it means that I'll always a virgin until the day I die? Do you even know how this works for lesbians?...What we did now was basically my first time"

That's when he wanted to reply something but the words didn't come out of his mouth because he realized that...she was right. Somehow without realizing he was her first time. He hadn't even remotely thought about it that way.

"Are you okay? It seems like you are having a stroke."

"No, no...I'm just surprised, I never thought about it like that. I'm flattered, Risk, I really am" he said stuttering "I really hope it fulfilled your expectations."

"It did, thank you" she replied with a wide smile "Just the fact that it was you was enough. I've always wanted it to be with someone I love and I love you"

He felt his heart ache. He looked straight into her, not only on the outside but into her soul. He could connect with her in a way he knew he would never get to connect with anyone else, because only a few people in this world get to meet their platonic soulmate and thankfully he was part of those few people and so was she. They knew they would never trade that for anything in the world because nobody would ever understand the way they see each other. Not many could get the way they love each other because it was not in the typical imposed romantic way so they would completely misunderstand or even minimize their relationship but the only thing that matters for them is each other's opinion and love.

"I love you too. I don't think I could ever love anyone as much as I love you."


Tyyy sm for reading, before hand I’d like to apologize for some grammar mistakes there might be but this is my first time writing completely in English.

In general this is my first time writing something like this, I hope it was enjoyable. Risk is such a refreshing new character that I’m exploring, and I know that a one shot story like this is not enough for you to get to know her well (or even for me to get to know her) but I hope you got to find her relatable in some aspects <3

Before I say goodbye I want to clarify a few things:

I know it’s a bit unusual, but I wanted to portray how sometimes the process of discovering ourselves isn’t always ideal, but it’s the reality for many teenagers because we’re young.

Risk is exploring her orientation, and that’s part of her personal journey, not an invalidation of her previous identity.

It’s also important to clarify that she’s not defining her orientation solely based on this experience. In the end, it’s made clear that she will continue to discover herself. She will reflect more on her identity.

Orientation is something that can be discovered over time, not just through sexual encounters.


With all that being said, I hope you all have a great day (I write in wattpad too with the same username) and I will be writing more about this fandom.

and also, I said that this is a one-shot but im kinda open to make a second part, I’ve written something (9k words) but its not finished and tbh I don’t think I would ever publish it but maybe (maybe) in a future, but that’s just a thought cuz this is a one-shot story 🐬