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Part 18 of Feedist Kinktober 2024

A Gift from Afar


A new vendor sets up shop within the Aurum Alley and they note that the General comes fairly frequently. Almost consistently buying out the stock before returning another day to do the same. Most people don’t really mention the heft that Jing Yuan takes up but it comes to a head one day when he finds himself stuck in the entrance of the sweet store.


He's such a sweetie pie... I love the fact that every canon piece of media we've gotten since he's released has mentioned how much he has a strong sweet tooth and how much he loves to eat... he's truly just a fat cat.

Day 18 - Sweet Shop

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

Aurum Alley is filled with various different vendors. So many accomplished people in a singular space, fighting for a spot in one of the top trading spots in the star system thanks to the efforts of the Nameless that had made their claim here. It was getting a lot of galactic traffic thanks to the promotion of the Astral Express and their continued promotion as they made their journeys through the cosmos.

One branch in particular was the Penacony Clock Diner that was trying its hand on importing dishes straight from the dream. They had a certain quality that made them taste almost heavenly compared to just about everything else that showed itself in. According to guests that have stayed at the Reverie, it was practically indistinguishable from the way it tasted in the dream. A taste of the world that not everyone got the privilege to enter. Although for some, it was a way to get the taste of relaxation without actually leaving his station in the slightest.

Yes, a common guest of the Aurum Alley branch of the Penacony goods and services was none other than the General of the Luofu himself. It was hard not to want a different sort of food than what he usually ate. Not that they did anything too much different in comparison. But, it was lovely having some variety to the dishes that he was served so often. A quick little Interwoven Dreams in the real world might have looked somewhat unappetizing but it made a harmony that he was soon getting used to following most of his meals.

A Stargazer Layer Cake that was eaten throughout the day in addition to the massive portions that he maintained left him stuffed to the brim while he worked behind the desk in the Seat of Divine Foresight, not realizing with each passing day the distance between his stomach and the desk was slowly shrinking. Most of the attendants in the space were quick to notice the increasing waistline but too polite to point out that maybe some downsides of the Penacony food was the way they didn’t consider calories in the slightest.

Instead of trying to cut down for the fact that they were no longer in the dream, they insisted on keeping everything the exact same. And it didn’t matter how fattening or unhealthy it was, as long as the same flavours made their way across. They would make it all the same. Some members of the Luofu didn’t even notice until they burst out of their clothes and while Jing Yuan continued to work them into his diet despite the obvious effect that it was having on his body, it didn’t really stop him.

In his eyes, it was sort of bringing his body up to what he expected it to look like most of the time. This sort of gluttony wasn’t new. He had to eat a lot to maintain the power of his glaive and be capable to wield it but as time went on and his gut began to sag, it was clear that the weight was pushing past the point of what he usually kept trim. The clothes that he wore needed to be tailored everyday, let out so that he didn’t risk breaking it whenever he stuffed his maw next. It wasn’t like it was too different from the normal routine but the added calories of the Penacony dishes were far too much for his body to handle.

It wasn’t until his most recent visit where it seemed to come to a head. Walking into the venue, he was rather well known as one of their most loyal customers. It was said that ever since they had moved to the Aurum Alley, their expenses could be paid with his visits alone. They waved politely as the General waddled his way in… before abruptly stopping. The clerk behind the counter placed a hand on his mouth as he watched the reason for the hold up.

Jing Yuan’s girth had gotten too wide to fit through the front of the door. It was a simple wooden door to preserve the homely feeling of the Aurum Alley but it wasn’t large enough to accommodate a greedy customer who came nearly twice a day to stock up on food that he was stuffing down so eagerly. He stepped back, feeling the way that his fat jiggled at the motion before trying to turn in profile. Already, the clerk saw the way that his belly wasn’t even going to make it past the door without even mentioning his round ass that looked seconds away from breaking both the button and splitting the seams on the side.

It didn’t really come as a surprise at all to see the way that Jing Yuan’s obese form seemed to press eagerly into the door frame before he smiled. “In that case, can I just order from the door? It’ll probably save you a renovation.” He definitely didn’t mind the idea of paying for it considering everything they made was delicious but the clerk brightened up.

“Oh, sir! Thanks to your generous support, we’re going to be able to offer delivery going forward so if you’d like to register, allow me to come over and set it up!”

Jing Yuan’s eyes seemed to sparkle at the thought before he smiled, “I’d be delighted. I hope you don’t mind if my order’s increase to make it worth your travel.” His belt might have been screaming at the thought but it was going to reach the end of its lifespan anyways and his stomach already growled at the thought of how nice it would be coming straight to his office even though he wouldn’t fit in his desk within the week.


Follow me on twitter @n_onymity to see me screaming about my newest fixation, whatever it may be. It's probably a hoyo game.

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