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Part 13 of Feedist Kinktober 2024

Make You Mine


Nothing is really off the table when dealing with a Masked Fool. They needed to be masters of disguise and able to adapt to anything… however, eating out of noble pockets so often tends to disagree with the ability to disguise easily.


This one was more... making my own prompt because I didn't really vibe with either that were given for the original and what better way to break the rules (and buttons) than with Sampo!

Day 13 - Costume Upsize

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

There was a specific spew of curses that left the barracks of the Silvermane Guard. It wasn’t something that people were privy to considering it was coming from the separated room that the Captain held but it wasn’t from the Landau’s voice that it left. Besides, most people would have told Serval if curses ever left Gepard’s mouth. In her eyes, it was more sacrilegious to know that he ever swore and she likely have his head for it.

No, the curses were from the familiar mouth of one Tall, Blue, and Handsome. Most people were aware that he and Gepard had a sort of on-again off-again relationship that the Captain refused to acknowledge as such but there was a specific immunity that Sampo had been given when he snuck out of the barracks room. After a certain number of times, they had started to become rather familiar with it. So, the privates that passed by the room weren’t exactly fazed by the sound of cursing that came from the room.

Behind those doors was a sight that was unlike any other. Sampo was standing in front of the full body mirror with a look of exasperation on his face. Hands were firmly on the sides of his pants that seemed rather adamant in their protest not to meet. Strong arms almost strained in pulling them together, ignoring the slight strain on his plump behind before sighing, feeling his stomach pooch into the gap as he tried to catch his breath from holding it for so long.

Having an on-again-off-again boyfriend meant that everyone was familiar with him and while he seemed to have a perpetual enemy in just about everyone while in Belobog, they were all smiles when it came to Gepard. Should they have gone out in public often enough, most people were keen to share whatever they had with the Captain. It didn’t matter whether it was just a snack or a full three course meal offered at a restaurant, Sampo was eating infinitely better now compared to when he was frequenting all over the city.

This wasn’t really aided by the fact that Gepard tended to treat him out to food often. Keeping pace with him was rather difficult because people weren’t aware of just how much he ate. That body of his was sustained well with how much training he did so Gepard was rather hungry as an individual. Unfortunately for Sampo, he wasn’t able to work off his own bulk quite as much. Looking at the disguise that he had prepared, he didn’t even try to button up the shirt that was on him.

The effects of all the meals made itself rather obvious on his figure. The love handles that peeked out in his usual outfit were in full force, jutting over the pants that wouldn’t even close on his perky ass. It felt breezier than normal when he wore his normal clothes but considering the amount of excess flesh on his body, it wasn’t like it was all that difficult to stay warm. His belly was pooching over and starting to make the waistband of his underwear start to sag slightly. His perky chest was still plump and jiggled with just about every movement, lending to the impossible idea of closing his shirt as much as he wanted to make sure his disguise would work.

It wouldn’t do much when he couldn’t close the front of it in neither his plump middle or widening ass.

He felt a large pair of hands grope the excess flesh, pinching his lower belly and squeezing his moobs as he twisted in pleasure, his body pressing against the somewhat sturider body that managed to sneak up behind him. He felt Gepard’s head rest on his shoulders, feeling the way his pudgy stomach rested against his back and almost slotted perfectly into it.

“You knew I wouldn’t fit into my disguise anymore.” Sampo said it rather plainly but seeing the way Gepard’s ears reddened in the mirror made him smile. “I didn’t think you were such a freak, Geppie. Look at how big you got me.”

Gepard lifted his head up, barking practically to defend his honour that was very much pressing into the fruits of his labour and working up Sampo slightly more. “I-It’s not because I like it!” Sampo raised an eyebrow accusingly which caused Gepard to wither slightly under his gaze. “I knew you’d get into less trouble if you couldn’t slip into disguises quite as easily and besides…” He muttered something as Sampo looked at him, curiously.

“You… said the food was better on Penacony so I wanted to show you that Belobog is plenty good too.” Despite their refusal to label what they were, Sampo wished he could ignore how much his heart clutched at the action. Had he really fattened him up to say that there was better things here?

“Geppie…” He chuckled, placing a hand on the Captain’s jaw as he pulled him into a gentle kiss. “I came back because I needed to help here. Don’t worry. I’ll always come back to you.”

He felt Gepard’s head rest against his shoulder again as he looked at the disguise in the mirror that needed a couple of upsizes as he smiled. “If you want, you can give me the Madam Poisson dress and we can see how much you showed me the good food here.” He was ready to hear a protest but the twitch of excitement he felt against his ass was all the answer he needed to know as he laughed warmly.


Follow me on twitter @n_onymity to see me screaming about my newest fixation, whatever it may be. It's probably a hoyo game.

Series this work belongs to: