Work Text:
Soul always had some fascination with Whole’s eyes. Whole never thought much of it, though - his eyes were the only spot on his face not eternally covered by shadow, and their glow did not help them being his focal point.
Except: Soul’s hands coming close to them before jerking away from her. False starts.
“What is it, dearest?”
“{My God- Harmonia, it’s nothing. It’s fine.}”
Whole stole Soul’s hands, placing them on his face. “No, dearest, I want to know.”
“…Please… can I touch you?”
“Of course.” Whole let go.
Soul traced a path up her cheek, stilling right below her eyes. “{Are you sure? I’m not… I shouldn’t…}”
“I’m yours, Soul. You know that.” Whole said, an alternative for ‘if you stabbed me I would thank you’.
“{Are you sure?}” Soul sounded so anxious. Whole wanted to kiss it away.
“You’re my Soul.”
Soul sighed, relieved, and smoothed over his eyelid. “{Dearest, it’s so… your eyes are so pretty, they’re so…}” He pressed gently onto her eye, her finger between her eye and his eyesocket. There was a black spot in the corner of his vision. It ached intensely - it was her eye, Soul was digging into her eye, and Whole had never felt anything like it before. It wasn’t a shallow pain.
Soul released the pressure, and caressed where his eyelids met. Her eye already felt so sensitive. Whole let him slowly, lovingly coax his eye open.
“{It’s so, you’re so… your eyelids are so soft…}” Soul whispered, emotion in every syllable. Whole was sure he was paying too much attention to her eyes to ramble.
His thumb contacted Whole’s eye.
“{Whole…}” Soul breathed.
It stung hot and painful. His eye wasn’t supposed to be touched like that. Her eyelids fluttered, attempting to close, to remove the intrusion.
Whole mumbled Soul’s name. She wasn’t sure what she was trying to do.
Soul took his thumb out of Whole’s eye. He wiped away Whole’s tears, only irritating his eye more - intentional or not.
“{Your eye is so wet for me…}”
Soul made the entire act seem so…
Whole’s gut twisted. The words Soul said to her. He did it all so deliberately.
Eventually Soul dragged his fingers away from Whole’s eye and she missed it.
“{Was that too- did I-}”
Whole kissed him.
“No, dearest. It’s alright.”
“{Your eyes are just so… so… I can’t help myself, they’re…}”
“It’s alright. You can do it again.”
Whole didn’t mean to say that.
But -
If it was for his Soul, he would do anything.
And she liked it a bit more than she should have.
Of course he did, it was his Soul, touching him, complimenting him, his everything- and it was all so, so-
Soul was so happy.
“Yes. Anything for you, dearest.”
Soul casually reached over and pressed down on Whole’s eye.
Intimate. That was the word she had been looking for.
“Do you like this?”
“{Of course I do, my dearest Whole.}” Whole didn’t know if Soul intended to press down harder, but he did anyway. It was on a different part of his eye this time, so it didn’t hurt so much. It was still as intense as before. “{Do you know how many times I’ve dreamed of prying your eyelids apart and-}”
Whole could hear Soul’s mouth snap shut.
“What, my Soul? I want you to tell me.”
Almost ashamed, if that’s a descriptor that could ever be applied to her Soul: “{…I - I just know your eyes would yield so well under my tines. Crushed in your skull, spilling onto my fingers-}”
Soul removed his hand.
“{I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have, I know it’s wrong, I’m sorry that I’m too much-}”
“You’re not too much. You’ll never be too much for me.”
Whole hugged Soul, as tightly as she could, as if they could merge into one, breathing in him, the privilege she had to know him, for Soul to be her dearest, his weight in her arms. “I’m never letting you go. You could never change that. You can fantasize about my eyes all you want.”
Soul slumped into him. “{But -}”
“Do you hate me? Are you going to leave me?”
Like always, whatever crack in her, damage she couldn’t remember getting, flares. He knew Soul would never say no. Yet she felt like she was breaking if she entertained the mere idea of it. Of Soul pushing him out and locking the door and leaving him alone, confirming just how unlovable he’s always been.
“{No! No, never, I would never, I love you, my savior, my everything-}” He rambled as fast as possible, desperate for Whole to know all of it.
“Then do what you would like.”
Soul could scrap her for parts, as far as she was concerned. As long as he didn’t leave.
Rather than questioning it, Soul cupped his face in his hands, and kissed both of his eyes.
“{I love you, my Whole.}”
“Why do you like my eyes so much?”
Soul shifted her eyelid to show her eye. “{They’re so pretty, Whole. All of it. The glow. The whites and the iris in your color. They’re so…}” He pet over his eyelid, his tear duct, pulled at his eyelashes so that his eyes opened unbidden by Whole. “{Your eyelids are so soft. Especially when they get irritated. It’s so easy to just pull you open. It’s all so… so…}”
Whole kissed Soul, smothering all those pretty words in both their mouths.
“You’re such a good devotee, dearest.”
Heart and Mind at their backs. Near, watching them do this, supervising them, as if they’re afraid Soul would summon his trident at any moment and stab her through.
Whole kind of wanted him to.
“Tell me what you would do to me,” Whole said, because he could not care less about Heart and Mind. Only eyes for his Soul.
When Soul was here, all of the else faded away. It was almost like he was free again, in their shared room, words meant for them and only them. The basement’s shadows receded like her shadow under Soul’s touch.
Whole caressed his neck. “Pretty thing. Tell me.”
Soul shivered with a gasp like Whole had choked him.
“{My God. My dearest Whole. I would be as reverent as you deserve. I would guide the tines in, as slow as possible, I would watch your eyes burst under it, I would watch blood run down your face like tears, I would - I would press in, I would look at you, you would be so perfect, it would all be - I would drag the tines out, slow, your eyes would be a mess of viscera on them, it would stain them forever, it would be- you would be so…}”
He sounded near sobbing. It was beautiful.
Whole squeezed his fingers around Soul’s neck, almost as a reward to him for saying so much. “Dearest Soul…”
Whole completed the sentence.
You make it sound so beautiful.
When Heart and Mind took Soul away, she had that thought - such an act of devotion - to warm her in Soul’s absence.
Soul would love it.
“{I’m sorry I can’t…}”
Sorry he can’t be everything Whole needs to be, his savior, completely.
Soul was the only thing that made Whole happy, down here.
“It’s okay, dearest. I know.”
Whole rested his face against Soul’s, unspoken wish for him to stop thinking of their situation and let Whole warm him- as much as she could, given everything.
There was nothing to say.
“{I love you.}”
“I love you too.”
“Just touch me. Please, please, my devotee, I-“
Soul shushed him, and kissed both of his eyes. “{Let me take care of you, my God.}” He set Whole against himself and pried one of Whole’s eyes open with both of his hands.
He kissed her eye, without the cover of his eyelid as usual. Direct contact. Whole melted into him. His eyelids protested the touch - his eye wasn’t meant for this -
Soul parted his lips.
And then licked her eye.
Whole made an utterly broken sound, like a wounded animal. He wasn’t meant for this. It was too much, it was all too much-
Soul kept going, without giving Whole time to process, licking every part of her eye he could, parting the eyelid from it.
It was overwhelming but Soul did it so… so…
It was -
Whole couldn’t -
Dizzying his head, all of it.
Soul was so affectionate and sweet as he did all of it and it made Whole want to kiss him or simply let him do this forever - probably the latter, whenever Soul’s lips and tongue left her eye she might split down the middle.
Maybe it was forever before Soul stopped, wiped down his saliva with his thumb. “{Was that-}”
Whole made another noise from the back of his throat. She bit down on Soul’s shoulder, skin bowing underneath her teeth, blood beading so easily, the tissues there tough in a rewarding way - and hoped it told her Soul what she couldn’t say.
When the basement door opened, he recoiled, his eyes snapping shut.
Whole didn’t even have the privilege of staring at Soul anymore. Even if there was light, maybe if Soul had brought some down, his eyes didn’t want to make use of it.
“I just… Every time I try to see it hurts me.”
“{You want me to cut them out? Heart and Mind’s disease? I can take them, I’ll be good…}” Soul was so excited, it was endearing - as if Whole wasn’t already hopelessly endeared to him.
Her eyes did nothing for her, at this point. They only hurt him. The light would sear her eyes and she would have to shut them anyway.
There was nothing to see down here. Whole wasn’t getting out of this basement alive.
Heart and Mind being gone from him - it was a nice thought, wasn’t it?
Soul would have better use of her eyes than she did.
Act of devotion.
“I’d like that, dearest.”
Soul’s hands dropped from her eyes to cradle her jaw.
“{Are you ready, dearest?}” He whispered. Admission that they were actually doing this.
Whole wanted to memorize Soul, but his eyes refused.
“Yes, dearest.”
One of Soul’s hands left his face to summon his trident. Soul backed up.
Whole burned with anticipation.
Soul guided the tines into her skull. His eyes burst and spilled and bled. Holy light, purification. Whole was rended apart by Soul’s touch. The stabbing was his everything.
“Keep going,” Whole slurred. She couldn’t process if her mouth worked properly.
Because his eyes were dripping down his face and the tines crashed into his skull and it hurt, digging into him, biting like teeth ripping out chunks. It was the totality of the basement at the very first, consuming Whole into itself. It was rope around her neck.
Soul was saying something.
He tried to call Soul’s name.
Deliberately did Soul drag the tines out. Whole fell into him.
There was a thud.
Soul wrapped his arms around him. His eyesockets still burned like stars in place of his eyes, so he couldn’t understand what Soul said.
Soul hunched under him and brought Whole as close as he could get. Blood dripped from Whole’s eyesockets to his eyes.
He tried to call Soul’s name.
Over time, Whole began parsing Soul’s comforts. He tried to say something but it never came out right.
Soul stayed until he fell asleep.
“{I love you.}”
Soul traced the edge of Whole’s eyesocket. Whole tilted into him. She knew what Soul was going to do and how he was going to do it. “I love you too,” Whole said, while he could.
He swiped his finger across Whole’s eyesocket. Whole breathed in, shakily.
“{I love you,}” Soul repeated, and pushed his finger in. The tissue was soft, yielding so easily to Soul’s hands, and of course it was, Whole always yielded to him.
The hole weeped blood over Whole’s face.
Soul was in her skull, just about, touching her so viscerally, and the pain echoed the pain of the trident, fracturing into pieces. His blood was hot and it didn’t help a thing. Whole whined, unsure if she wanted Soul closer or not, unsure what to do but clutch helplessly at Soul’s torso, pulling him in, hoping he went further this time, maybe, maybe-
Soul pushed to the sides of the wound he made, eyesocket tissue ripping in his wake. He said something.
Soul tore his finger out.
Whole was convinced without his touch he would fall apart, but Soul pressed his lips to his wound. It wasn’t - he wasn’t - his lips parted. He licked Whole’s eyesocket, gently at first, it still itched, and by ‘itched’ he meant, it was far, far too much sensation- good? Bad? Pleasurable somehow. Soul got more firm, cleaning her eyesocket of blood.
Soul stuck his tongue in Whole’s eyesocket.
Whole whimpered loudly, even before Soul began to move. Soul was wrecking his eyesocket. Whole couldn’t care. It felt bad, it felt good, it was her everything, Whole wished for this to never end, Soul-
It was intimate.
Soul drew back. He didn’t have time to miss him before he kissed him with Whole’s blood still on his lips.
Whole was dizzy. Soul stealing her breath didn’t help.
“{I love you.}” Soul promised. “{I love you, I love you, I-}”
Whole fumbled to kiss his cheek in lieu of broken speech.
“{I love you. I’m never going to leave you. I love you.}”