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THE Nuzi Oneshots


My own Oneshot Collection for Nuzi
Uzi Doorman centered HEAVILY

I’m in desperate need to fix my writing style and become more comfortable with it, and so, I’ve decided to make this so I can practice by starting with simple one chapter scenarios. Mainly because.. I plan to write a massively thought out fanfiction and well if I have trouble writing one damn scene then I’m screwing myself. Chapters can go from gore and angst to fluff and smut really depending on my mood LOL

REQUESTS OPEN AND VERY MUCH NEEDED!! I have plenty of ideas already yes but I’d love some suggestions, so if I like it, it’s getting written! Chapters may be inspired off of personal ideas, art pieces, and other fanfiction.


I will be posting anonymously, HOWEVER, I’ll also be marking each of my works with a personal tag (aka, ‘AUTHORS TAG : BB) so if you really want to see more of my stuff you are able to find it.

- BB

Chapter 1: The Basics (Not a chapter folks)

Chapter Text

OKAY!! Hey hey hello welcome. Unfortunately this isn’t a oneshot and I’m instead using this to explain what I will and won’t be accepting in requests along with just basic rules I have set for.. myself? I don’t know

First thing, not doing any chapters dedicated majorly to side characters, even Thad (AAUUUUUUHHHSHAHHSS THAD THAD THAD) ((I love him)), and I’ll ONLY be doing Uzi centered stories. Majorly Nuzi (N x Uzi pairing) instead of just Uzi.

All angst/hurt will usually be accompanied by comfort or resolution, if it isn’t included in the writing, there is ALWAYS a happy ending of the sort in mind.

I will not do heavy angst between N and Uzi, such as a break up or seriously injuring/hurting eachother on purpose

NO the smut will probably not be the most accurate to real life but hey it’s fictional robots and this is borderline porn sometimes.. I’LL get to decide if cum inflation and knotting is realistic and totally logical

Speaking of, I won’t do MOST unhygienic or painful smut work, such as yk watersports scat wound fucking all that yadda. Absolutely no hate to anyone who may find that in their preference I just can’t stand most of that stuff. I won’t do fetish work either.. unless I just straight up have a fetish I don’t know about LOL

No genderbends

No role switching, sorry folks, I’m most comfortable with a sub Uzi x dom N. This is not in reference to behavior this is in reference to their roles in sex…………….. no pegging (DONT KILL ME FOR THIS)

NO sexual torture. Only normal torture. Cause that makes perfect sense

No incest

No major character death, except for Nori, does she count?…….. No… even so no actual death scenes just mentioned

No zoo/beastiality work, however there is animalistic elements in the smut, such as knotting or mating behavior

Won’t be doing human au’s

BUT au’s where they are still drones will be accepted :3

Requests are expected to follow these standards however you have the freedom to request whatever just know it may not be written out/chosen

Self harm/suicidal elements are accepted and will be included. Any suicide attempts that may happen are always unsuccessful.

Absolute massive chance there will be menstruation involved smut

Belly bulges, cum inflation, pussy eating, knotting, and heats/ruts are a huge thing for me and will most definitely be written

Non-con/rape elements yes, buuuuut for smut between N and Uzi it is dubious or meant without harm (like feral N/Uzi, or just any case where they can’t verbally voice consent before things happen) and it always ends up enjoyable/accepted by the other. Non-con/rape elements in chapters including other characters wont be the same and may be treated as a traumatic experience

There’s not going to be a single NUZI smut where there isn’t preparation before full intercourse. Uzi is treated like a princess by N okay.. HOWEVER the non-con/rape smut involving other characters may be violent and brutal and straight up injure Uzi (because hey angst) ((I’m also not mentally sane))

Drone genitalia and breasts will most likely be made of silicone (along with their bellies.. cause belly bulges). Also most chapters they will have a hatch concealing their genitalia until opened by a lil glowing triangle button like the ones on the back of their hands and if not they’ll end up wearing pants I KNOW WHAT A SHOCKER GET PANTS’D

And UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH I think that’s it for now folks I’ll most likely add to this list but for now this is just my basic stuff.

AGAIN, REQUESTS ARE OPEEEENNN AND ENCOURAGED!! I’ll be posting here soon so I’d love me some ideas on how to start off, though, I have plenty of scenarios saved already that I want to write about..

UPDATE 10-08-2024
Chat the food is cooking I’m literally in the kitchen slaving away with my little chef hat on hang on guys HANG ON-
Jkjk I just wanted to tell yall. Also not too sure what I wanna do about a schedule, like writing every other day in the evening orrrr idk, cause I’ve been writing for three days straight and I feel like I haven’t done enough. This shit should be coming smoother for me smh..

- BB