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Part 3 of Sonadowtobers

Sonadowtober 2024


A collection of Sonadow stories from across varying AUs. List is here:


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: "I Found You, Faker!"


A fake prince, but a real love, is found.

Chapter Text

King Shadow had never been so determined in his life.

As soon as that mystery prince had run out of his garden and threw his shoe at the prince, Shadow was more determined to see him again. And marry him as opposed to the princess.

Yes, that was right.

Maria had given him her blessing to marry the young man he danced with at the ball, the one who held Shadow’s heart. She’d claimed that she’d had a change of heart and, as she lay dying with Shadow in her arms, uttered a special order.

“Find that boy, Shadow. Find him and love him as much as you love me.”

Naturally, the grand duke was appalled at Maria’s blessing. “Sire,” the platypus urged. “You must marry Princess Blaze for the good of the kingdom. It is a certainty.”

“Then let’s be certain,” Shadow snapped. “I am king. And I have to see him again.” His captain of the guards, a lovely bat named Rouge, nodded approvingly.

The grand duke stared back. “Your majesty, we’re only looking out for the good of the kingdom. Think of them.”

Shadow collapsed against the throne with a sigh. He hated this. “Very well,” he replied. Ruby eyes darted up to the platypus with the sharpest glare he could muster. “But you will spare no effort to find him.”

“As you wish, your majesty.” The platypus bowed reluctantly.

“Are you sure about this? You could just wait for him,” Rouge inquired.

“I’m sure, Rouge,” Shadow replied, tugging the brick red cape coat over his body. “I don’t trust the grand duke. He knows something about my prince. And besides, my prince first appeared as a servant. It’s only fair that I return the favor.” He tugged the hat on. “Don’t tell anyone.”

“I won’t,” Rouge grinned. “Now let’s go find your man.” At Shadow’s look, she laughed. “What? Someone has to save your skin.”

The dance boot traveled from one end of the kingdom to another and Shadow traveled with it.

His proclamation meant that Shadow was strictly looking for male hedgehogs or any blue Mobians, so that meant his selection was limited, but there were still lots of Mobians to search. But no sign of the one Shadow was looking for.

The last house they stopped at was a charming stone manor with a tower on the northwest corner surrounded by woods and a patch of farmland. A tiny garden in the center of the roundabout was filled with flowers and several butterflies fluttering about.

The residents were a colorful bunch. A purple hedgehog greeted them with a flourish and introduced her daughter and her son. Shadow was certain that they weren’t the ones, but the grand duke let them both try on the boot.

"They're not the ones. I'm sorry," the grand duke stated. Shadow heard the lady utter something to her children before ushering them out.


Shadow’s head snapped up, as did the lady’s.

“Madame Aleena,” Rouge asked. “Is it possible there’s someone else here?”

“No,” she answered shortly. “No, there’s not.”

“I’m sure there’s not.” The grand duke laughed. “Come, captain.”

“But I’m sure she’s lying,” Rouge argued. “What if that was an actual person?”

“I’m sure it was just furniture,” The grand duke remarked. “There’s no way that was someone that got hurt.”

“If someone is hurt, I’d like to make sure they’re alright,” Shadow remarked, removing his hat. Rouge, the grand duke, and the purple hedgehog bowed.

“Your majesty, I–” the grand duke started.

“Captain, would you be so kind as to investigate?” Shadow asked, pointedly ignoring the grand duke.

Rouge smirked. “It’d be my honor, your majesty.”

Shadow waited in the parlor, back to the doors as he faced the fireplace mantle. It was full of little knick knacks, like vases and little sculptures that came from far away places. A sign that the residents here once had a life of ease, but the weeds out front and the creaky nature of the house indicated hard times. Was that why his prince had never shown himself to Shadow? Was he actually a servant?

“Here you are, hun,” Rouge’s voice echoed. Shadow turned from the fireplace to see Rouge helping a heavily injured blue hedgehog to sit down on the couch. Shadow smiled fondly, recognizing both his noble prince and the kind servant in the same person though his heart ached upon seeing the multitude of wounds.

Rouge’s eyes were soft. “He’s pretty beat up. Try not to tax him.” There was more in her eyes that she did not say.

Shadow slowly knelt in front of the blue hedgehog, heart breaking at the sight of the blue hedgehog before him. He was covered in blood and bruises and both of his ankles were horrendously swollen. What on Mobius had happened to this young man?

Emerald eyes blinked slowly, just barely visible under the swollen eyelids. “Your majesty,” he whispered.

“Who are you?” Shadow whispered quietly.

“Sonic,” the blue hedgehog replied. “My name is Sonic. I have no carriage.” He wheezed. A broken rib or two?

“Don’t strain yourself,” Shadow interrupted.

But Sonic pushed on, panting against his wounds. “I have no parents. I don’t know if that boot’s going to fit. But if it does, would you take me as I am: an honest country boy who loves you?”

Shadow’s eyes were full of tears. “Of course.” He pulled out the sparkling boot and patted it lightly. “But only if you take me as I am: an apprentice learning his trade.” Sonic gave a small nod (a good thing, given that Shadow figured too much motion would send the poor boy toppling).

Before Shadow slipped the boot on, he carefully gripped Sonic’s ankle. His hand glowed, healing energy passing from the king to the injured area. Slowly, but surely, the swelling went down.

Satisfied, the king released the ankle, only to slip the boot back on.

A perfect fit.

Shadow’s eyes lit up with joy as he faced Sonic again. The young man managed to smile briefly, his bruised eyes capturing the same light before he closed them, body slumping against the couch.

But Shadow was not deterred. Instead, he lifted Sonic and cradled him tightly. “Rest well, my king. We will marry when I can see the light in your eyes.”

Chapter 2: Travel the World

Chapter Text

“How much PTO do you have?” Sonic asked.

Shadow blinked, staring at him through the glass wall. “Excuse me?”

“How much PTO do you have from G.U.N.?” Sonic clarified, kicking his legs in Shadow’s bean bag chair.

Shadow rolled his eyes, fingers clicking away at his keyboard. “That’s not your concern. And don’t get my comfort zone messy.” His comfort zone was designed for days of high-stress, not hyperactive hedgehogs.

“I’m not!” Sonic exclaimed. “I was just…curious if you had any time off because I wanted to know if you wanted to go on an adventure around the world with me. Y'know, some quality bonding time with my rival.”

“I’ve been to quite a few countries already. And don’t you have other people you can ask for that sort of thing?” Shadow hummed, eyes methodically scanning the document on screen. “Amy? Miles? Knuckles?”

“They’re all off on their own adventures,” Sonic casually remarked. “So I thought I’d ask you.” He got up and adjusted the picture frame on Shadow’s desk. “And besides, wouldn’t you like to see the world and all the people you promised to protect?”

Shadow quieted, eyes drifting to the photograph. Then he met Sonic’s eyes. “Almost three months.”

“Hmm?” Sonic blinked.

“I said, “I have almost three months of PTO”,” Shadow answered. “Now are you taking me on an adventure or not?”

Sonic whooped. “Oh, you won't regret this, Shads!”

Shadow shook his head in amusement. “I might.”

Their first stop was Apotos. The “Windmill Isle” as Sonic lovingly called it.

Tails had left the Tornado back at his workshop, so Sonic was borrowing it for their trip. Shadow, seated in the back, almost swore that Sonic was going to drop them twice.

But they finally landed outside of town just as the sun was rising. Shadow hopped out, eyes wide at the sight.

Sonic laughed. “C'mon! There's lots to see here!”

And Sonic was right. The beautiful streets, the pristine white buildings, and the lighthouses and windmills were amazing.

At ten, Sonic approached an ice cream cart. “Alright, Shads. You got to try this.”

“Ice cream?” Shadow stared at him incredulously. “Sonic, I've had ice cream before.”

“Yeah, but have you eaten ice cream like this?” Sonic shot back before turning to the shopkeeper. “Two Chocolate Chip Cream Sundae Supremes, please.” He forked over the rings and Shadow soon found himself holding the most gaudy looking ice cream he'd ever laid eyes on. Three stacks of ice cream in a waffle cone topped with sprinkles, a cherry, whipping cream, and additional pieces of waffle cone.

Sonic was happily licking his ice cream. “Try it, Shads!” He mumbled around a mouthful of cream. Shadow responded by promptly sinking his teeth into the top scoop.

Huh. Not as bad as he was expecting. He took another bite and let out a satisfied hum.

Sonic, meanwhile, had his eyes bugging out of his head like the classic cartoons. “Dude! You bite your ice cream?!”

“Why wouldn’t you? It’s less messy,” Shadow snarked back.

“Yeah, but the mess is the best part!!!” Sonic argued. “You are so wrong!”

“I disagree,” Shadow remarked and promptly continued biting his ice cream, much to Sonic’s chagrin.

“This, I like,” Shadow remarked, seated at a weathered table built from a door and two barrels.

“I knew you would!” Sonic laughed. “I will never thank Professor Pickle’s students enough for showing me this cozy little place!”

Upon arriving in Spagonia, Sonic had eagerly hurried an exhausted Shadow to this cozy cafe about a block from Spagonia University. The cafe was a favorite spot of the students not just for the good coffee, but also because of the charmingly homey and rustic vibe. Student paintings lined the oak and marbled stone walls while colorful rugs dotted the oak flooring. Lanterns hung from the ceiling, bathing the shop in a soft glow. Donated furniture, ranging from an old cherry dining room set to a burgundy leather L-couch, added to the atmosphere, in addition to either recorded perfomances of the music department or the occassional live performance.

For the students, this was a good place for coffee and to study. For Sonic and Shadow, it was a good place all around.

“White chocolate latte, two pump peppermint iced, and a brown sugar oatmilk espresso latte hot?” The barista, a blond girl with big red glasses and pigtails, smiled. In her hands was a plastic glass with carasoul horses and a navy blue mug with white flowers. Mismatched dishes matched the vibe of this cafe as well.

“Right here! Thank you!” Sonic grinned, taking his latte.

“You’re welcome!” She beamed and hurried back to her post. Shadow glanced into his mug and noted that the barista had even tried to decorate his espresso with what appeared to be his symbol. Nice touch.

“Oh, sweet!” Sonic whooped before his face shifted into annoyance. “They did that for you? Now I regret getting whipped cream.” Shadow just smirked and lifted his cup, taking a wary sip.

It wasn’t like his usual coffee beans, but it still tasted good. He took another before diving into his croissant, which was baked to perfection.

“Good stuff, huh?” Sonic asked. Shadow nodded in reply.

“First time I stumbled in here, I was so dead on my feet,” Sonic started. “Like, I’d just beat up at least a hundred or so Gaia Monsters and my Werehog form was already taxing. I nearly faceplanted just trying to get up the university steps I was that tired. So the professor’s assistant came by and told me that he was taking me out for coffee after I took a nap because fate of the world and all that shit. So I took a five hour power nap and then came here for coffee. Gave up the tourist trap ones immediately, the coffee was so good.”

“I imagine any coffee is good when you’re that exhausted,” Shadow replied. How often had he and Rouge fought over the coffeepot the morning after a mission?

“When you’re done, wanna race?” Sonic asked. “Run across the rooftops. First one to the top of the clocktower wins. Loser buys the winner coffee.”

“Then ready your wallet,” Shadow smirked.

For all the countries he visited while working for G.U.N., this trip marked Shadow’s first time in Chu-Nan. Given that, Sonic declared that the first thing Shadow should do (after a race down the dragon road) was eat some steamed buns. They agreed to split the dish itself, alongside some soup.

It was a light affair, both of them laughing and chatting over their food until both of their chopsticks hit the bottom of the dish and something else.

One remaining bun left at the bottom. Which meant one thing.

Shadow and Sonic dove in with their chopsticks, trying to wrestle the bun away from the other. It was a lot like sparring the old fashioned way, only over something less comical. They batted and swatted at each other with their chopsticks until finally, the steamed bun was sent flying.

Both hedgehogs leaped into the air, with Shadow hollering, “Chaos control!”

When time finally returned to normal, Sonic landed next to a large blue and white vase and Shadow had the steamed bun between his teeth.

“Wow. That was amazing,” Sonic wheezed. “Last time I fought someone for a steamed bun, they ended up with their head in a vase.”

Shadow laughed at this. And not in a mocking way. An actual, honest to goodness laugh before he recomposed himself. “They obviously were a weaker opponent than you.”

It was Sonic’s turn to chuckle. “He was a strong one. Well, for an amnesiac spirit incarnated in the shape of a flying chihuahua.”

Shadow’s brow pointed. “What?”

“Oh, I didn’t tell you?” Sonic asked, face twisting in surprise. “Remind me, I’ll tell you sometime.”

Something told Shadow that it would be sooner rather than later.

His hunch was right.

They were on a sailboat in Adabat armed with coconut drinks when Sonic finally told Shadow. “Remember when Egghead split the world up?”

How could Shadow forget? G.U.N. scrambled during that time period as supply lines and bases were figuratively and literally separated from each other as they tried to figure out what the hell was going on.

“Well, Eggman and I fought. He captured me and drained me of my super form,” Sonic went on. “Then he drained the emeralds, using their power to split the planet apart.” Sonic shivered. “After I fell to the planet, I met this little guy who couldn’t remember anything.”

A lot like Shadow. The black hedgehog bit his lip.

“I named him Chip.” Sonic’s eyes drifted to the water. “We went everywhere together. And then it turns out, he was Light Gaia prematurely woken. We beat Dark Gaia, but the price….”

“Sonic?” Shadow blinked. He didn’t think Sonic could cry.

“Light Gaia needed to stay in the core with Dark Gaia. Chip is gone and I’m never going to see him again.” Sonic punched the water, the waves jostling the ship. “I’m never going to see him again. I miss him. I miss talking to him. I miss talking to Tails, Knuckles, Amy, all of them. And I can’t be greedy because I know they’re living their own lives and adventures, but I just absolutely miss them.” Emerald eyes gleamed. “I was so alone on the Starfall Islands. I felt alone multiple times during Chip’s adventure.” He wiped his eyes. “And I was so lonely now that I went and bothered you for something entirely pointless because I can’t cope.” His reflection rippled lightly. “Funny, huh. The guy that has all the friends is the loneliest of the bunch.”

Shadow was quiet for a moment. Then he took Sonic by the arm. “Sonic,” he started, gently coaxing Sonic to face him. “You aren’t alone. I’m sorry you felt that way, but you weren’t alone then and you aren’t now. Your friends are simply spreading their wings, so to speak.” Ruby eyes gleamed. “The baby birds have to fly one day, otherwise they won’t know the world beyond the nest.”

Shadow’s other hand moved to rub Sonic’s knuckles. “The first night I spent on earth,” he began quietly. “I remember two things. One, a burning desire to avenge Maria, and two, a sense of loneliness. Fifty years had passed. Most of the people I knew were either dead or had moved on. Maria was gone. I didn’t have anyone. Well, I had the doctor and Rouge, but it was more of a…working relationship. My friendship with Rouge began after we met Omega and even then, it was a long time coming, with a lot of living and learning along the way. And even when we’re apart on different missions, I know we’ll come back together again someday. It’s the same thing with your friends. You may be apart now, but you’ll be back together before long. Like magnets.” He took Sonic’s hands in both of his own. “You’ve never really been alone, Sonic. And you never will be.”

‘Not while I’m still around to rival you.’

Sonic blinked in surprise. But then he smiled, squeezing Shadow’s hands back as he recognized the growth in Shadow’s words. “Something tells me Maria would be proud of you.”

Shadow nodded. “She would be.”

The final stop on the tour was Holoska. Why Sonic picked this barren landscape where chocolate gained the consistency of steel as the last stop on their world adventure was beyond Shadow, but he didn’t care.

At the moment, he had a blindfold under his eyes and Sonic was leading him by the hands. It was night, given the stark difference in temperature, but Shadow had worse concerns than potential hypothermia (for Sonic than for him).

“Ready, Shadow?” Sonic asked.

“As I’ll ever be,” Shadow replied. “Let’s get this over with.”

“Okay!” Sonic pulled off the blindfold. “Look up.” At Sonic’s words, Shadow did. Ruby eyes widened in sheer delight and surprise.

The sky was lit up in all sorts of colors, weaving in between the stars like thread through fabric. The ice glowed in response, as brilliant as a freshly cut gemstone. And unlike the other stops on this whirlwind tour, Shadow knew exactly what was above him.

“The Aurora Borealis,” Shadow murmured, awestruck at the sight.

It was so different from down here, as opposed to up on the ARK, but it was no less beautiful.

“You can only see them from certain latitudes down there, but up here, we can see the whole…”

Shadow gazed upon the heavenly lights, Maria's words echoing in his head. She had introduced him to a world of happiness. And Sonic had revealed the far deeper details.

He’d spent this whole trip at first out of indifference. But now, Shadow was beginning to fully grasp the joy Sonic had for the planet and the love Maria possessed. Oh, how Shadow wished he could take Maria here; to see the lights gleam against the starry sky and make the ice look like jewels; to thank her for introducing him to this world of happiness he’d never truly known before. And even to thank Chip for essentially building the world into this breathtaking land. But he knew he couldn’t thank either spirit in person, so he would settle and thank the other person who brought him this joy.

“Sonic,” Shadow started. “Thank you.”

Sonic smiled briefly. “You’re welcome, Shadow.” Then he smirked. “Wait, a genuine thank you from Shadow the Hedgehog? Must be my lucky day!” He leaned close to Shadow, their shoulders brushing. “You keep this up, we’ll be friends in no time.”

“Don’t push it,” Shadow quipped back. But he made no effort to hide his smile. “And if you need another body or so for an adventure or an emergency, don’t hesitate to call us. We’re happy to help.”

Sonic beamed at the remark. “I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you, Shadow.”

“You’re welcome.”

Chapter 3: Accident


Don't play Deadpool, kids.

Chapter Text

The robots just wouldn’t stop coming.

Shadow grit his teeth and spin dashed into three machines. He could hear his newly minted fiancé bouncing around the swarm of Beebots and other machines. His beau was quite busy fighting these things, so Shadow had been hoping his pumpkin picnic proposal wouldn't have been interrupted.

“Clearly, Egghead thought we weren’t getting together!” Sonic hollered. “Still, this is one way to propose, Shads.”

Shadow nodded before swiping a laser gun from a badnik. “Only the best for you, dear.” He opened fire, eviscerating every robot in sight.

“Check your fire!” Sonic hollered, dashing past Shadow. “You’re about as bad as Omega!” Shadow smirked and readied a new blaster. He sprang back and forth, alternating between Chaos Spears and blaster shots. He lunged up into a side flip and blew his last shot through three robots, smirking as he landed. Then he snapped his fingers. Several fuchsia orbs crackled nearby. The robots immediately shattered, the Chaos Energy destroying all of them by launching them high into the air multiple times.

Shadow let out a hmph as metal rained from the sky. “Job’s done.”

His ears twitched, missing a particular voice. “Sonic?” He turned around, expecting Sonic to make a snarky comeback.

Shadow’s eyes widened.

Sonic’s body dropped to the ground, a massive bloody wound in his side trimmed with red, blistered flesh. The stench of burnt fur wafted in the air.

“Sonic!” Shadow screamed. He ran for Sonic and lifted his body into the black hedgehog’s arms. “No, no, nononono! Not again! Not again!” He ran for the nearest hospital, heart pounding between his ribcage. No, that wasn’t fast enough. He spread his Doom Wings and took flight, speeding through every rainbow ring he could find.

This was his fault. His beloved was dying. Sonic was dying and it was all Shadow’s fault.

Shadow waited outside the ICU for hours. Rouge and Omega immediately came when he called, Rouge bringing Shadow’s weighted blanket, a Tiramisu frappe, and his favorite Pusheen with her. “He’s going to be okay, hun,” she muttered, tucking the blanket over Shadow's shoulders and handing him Tira. “Big Blue’s bounced back from far worse.”

Shadow only felt more hollow. “I shot him, Rouge,” he muttered. “I shot him. I didn’t mean to, but I did.”

“We know,” Rouge assured him.

“I shot him!” Shadow wailed. “What kind of fiancé shoots their partner?!”

Rouge pulled Shadow into her arms. “It was an accident, Shadow. You didn’t know he was there when you played Deadpool. You’re okay.”

“So much blood,” Shadow whimpered. “Just like Maria……”

The bat shushed him again and then gently patted his head. “We’ll wait with you as long as you need.”

“COMMENCING OPERATION ‘COMFORT SHADOW AND EXTERMINATE EGGMAN’S ROBOTS’.” Omega beeped beside Shadow, metallic claws gently resting against Shadow’s back. Shadow was surrounded back to front by his teammates, reassuring him that things were okay.

“Thanks,” Shadow mumbled.

Rouge squeezed him again before loosening her grip. “Now, then, let’s try and clear your mind, him? I brought some Uno cards – how about a round while we wait?”

Shadow forced a grin to his face. “Okay.”

After another twenty minutes (during that time, Omega ended up getting a draw twenty), a doctor gave them the update: Sonic would be okay. The burn from the laser had actually cauterized a few of the burst blood vessels. Had Sonic been a hair closer to the line of fire, it would’ve given him third degree burns. As such, he suffered second degree burns and a decent gash (which turned out to be shrapnel from an Eggpawn tearing through Sonic’s body at the point of the laser’s impact). There were other wounds, but most of them were superficial scrapes. He would live, but they were keeping him overnight for observation.

The doctors directed him to the third floor, while the nurse prattled on about how Sonic was on some heavy painkillers (which Shadow expected – someone of Sonic’s caliber would need some really strong drugs to keep him under), so he might be a little loopy.

Shadow wasted no time and opened the door, heart sinking at the sight of his battered fiance. Bandages all over his forehead and arms, an IV in his left elbow, and a splint on his right ring finger. Shadow was borderline grateful he couldn’t see the worst injury, tucked beneath the blankets and the ill-fitting hospital gown.

“Shads?” Sonic croaked. He smiled, a pinch dopier than his usual grin.

“Darling,” Shadow murmured. He thought of Sonic’s limp and bloody body in his arms and before he knew what he was doing, he rushed forward and embraced Sonic. “Oh, darling. Sonic. I’m so sorry.”

“Sorry?” Sonic echoed. “Wha’ for?”

Chaos, he was going to make Shadow say it? “I’m the reason you’re here. I shot you while trying to destroy the doctor’s machines.”

“Huh.” Sonic’s gaze shifted to his IV arm. “Don’t remember. Doc says I hit my head hard.” He put his other hand to his head. “My side itches.”

“I know.” Shadow felt his heart ache. “I’m sorry.”

Sonic gave him a strange look. “You’re sorry for my itchy side?”

“No, you idiot,” Shadow mumbled. He dropped to his knees, head on Sonic’s bed. “I shot you. I’m the reason you’re in a hospital bed with burns and a banged up head.”

Sonic was quiet for a second. Then he asked. “Am I dead?” Shadow lifted his head at the words.

“Am I dead?” Sonic echoed.

“N-No,” Shadow replied.

“Am I paralyzed?”

“No. On heavy drugs, but you’re not paralyzed according to the doctors.”

“Was your intention to kill or were you intentionally aiming for me when you pulled the trigger?”


“Then it’s all good,” Sonic stated plainly. “I’m not mad, Shadow. It’s okay. It was an accident.”


Sonic kissed Shadow’s cheek. “No buts. It’s okay. I’m okay.”

“Okay.” Shadow’s cheeks were sticky with tears. Tears he didn’t know he’d been crying.

“C’mere.” Sonic patted the space in the bed beside him. Shadow climbed in and nuzzled into Sonic’s uninjured side and placed his ear next to Sonic’s heart, a reminder that his fiancé was still alive and kicking ass fast. Even if he was a little incapacitated at the moment.

Chapter 4: Red and Blue

Chapter Text

It had been Gerald’s idea to craft a second hedgehog to live aboard the ARK. After all, Shadow was the only one of his kind on the space colony and Gerald figured that Shadow would adjust much better if he had a fellow hedgehog with him to relate to.

And so, Project Sonic was born. Built with the same blueprint as Shadow, save for a few alterations.

And just like Gerald predicted, Sonic did Shadow some good. The blue hedgehog was a tender companion for Shadow and he, alongside Maria, worked wonders in keeping Shadow happy (even if getting him to express his emotions better was taking some work). Sonic was the one who kept Shadow’s mind from worrying too much about his own purpose or Maria; and even entertained him when Maria was too sick to do anything. Sonic was impulsive, and always left the research teams on the ARK frazzled from whatever antics he got involved in.

Life moved on, day after day of research and testing and just hanging around. Until one day, everything changed.


The black hedgehog awoke to Sonic frantically shaking him. “Wake up! Wake up!”

“Sonic?” Shadow groaned. “What are you doing? It’s quiet hours. You're supposed to be sleeping.”

“I can’t!” Sonic exclaimed, collapsing onto Shadow and causing the black hedgehog to grunt. “The earth’s awake, so I’m awake. Wanna race?”

“Go race your ass back to bed,” Shadow huffed, shoving Sonic out of his bed. He smirked as Sonic landed on the floor. Satisfied, he rolled over and tried to go back to sleep.

“What, is the Ultimate Lifeform too chicken to admit I beat him last time?” Sonic’s smirk dripped into the words.

“Dammit, you’re on.” Shadow sat up in one fluid motion and grabbed his air shoes.

Space Gadget was such a fun place for racing. A place where gravity could flip on a whim, plenty of platforms to bounce off of, and even some corridors to hide in. And sure enough, two colored blurs (one blue, one red) sped along this trail.

“C’mon, Shads!” Sonic hollered. “Keep it up! You’re too slow!”

Shadow smirked, speeding alongside Sonic as they bounced from platform to platform, gravity flipping on a dime. “Oh, really?” He threw a Chaos Spear at Sonic. “Dodge this!”

“Hey! No cheat codes!” Sonic hollered. Shadow zipped around him and threw another spear.

“Oh, let’s have some fun.” Sonic launched up into another flip to hit the gravity switch. At the same time, Shadow lunged to hit another switch. This switched both gravities at the same time, and while Shadow landed on a platform, Sonic missed it on a one-way ticket to earth.

“Shadow, help!” Sonic cried out.

“Sonic!” Shadow screamed, hurling a strange periwinkle blast from his hands. “Chaos Control!”

In a flash of light, Sonic, who’d once been tumbling to earth, was gone.

Shadow scrambled to the edge of the platform, gasping at the spot just below him where Sonic was. “Sonic?”

He couldn’t see the blue hedgehog. Where was he? Shadow didn’t warp him down to earth, did he? What even was that power?

“Sonic!” Shadow ran through the ARK, screaming his companion’s name over and over again. He searched high and low, in every cubby and crevice. His commotion woke up Gerald and Maria, who also launched a search.

But Sonic was nowhere to be found.

Waking up after being in cryogenic storage had its bad moments. Waking up with memories of your best friend getting shot and finding out that it had been fifty years was one of them. And the other ... .well, the one surviving member of your family being an overdramatic cartoon villain in human form that you happened to be working with right now was also a pain.

Welcome to Shadow’s life post-stasis.

“Ohohohoho!” The doctor bellowed. “Looks like Sonic’s catching the heat for your actions, Shadow! Very good!” Shadow lifted his disinterested gaze to the doctor’s monitor and felt his heart stop briefly in disbelief.

There, up on the doctor’s monitor, was a familiar blue hedgehog with bright emerald eyes. But it couldn’t be, could it?

Shadow closed his eyes, feeling for an energy signature he hadn’t felt in years. When he felt it, he quietly warped away to its location.

He reappeared in the city atop a ruined G.U.N. Heavy Dog. Sonic had utterly trashed the machine. Good to know that Sonic hadn’t slacked off. It would be fun to race him again with how much stronger Sonic was now.

Speaking of, Shadow immediately spotted that blue hedgehog standing there with his jaw parted in surprise.

Sonic had hardly changed since he last saw him. He was a little taller, his fur and quills were a darker blue, and less pudgy. And yet at the same time, still the same wide-eyed blue hedgehog Shadow had grown to love.

“Shadow?” Sonic asked. Oh, Chaos, he even sounded a little older. It made Shadow feel a little old, but he didn't care.

“Sonic.” Shadow couldn’t stop smiling. His other half was right in front of him.

The blue hedgehog barreled into the other one, face pressed tightly against Shadow’s neck to hide his river of tears. Shadow hugged back, relieved to know that his little hiccup had not cost him everything. Unlike the other one….

Sonic pulled away and wiped his eyes. “You haven’t changed a bit! That immortality thing is definitely a perk for you!” He looked around eagerly before he tilted his head to the side. “Wait, what are you doing here? What happened after I left?”

“G.U.N. happened. They stormed the ARK.” The black hedgehog’s face twisted in sorrow. “Maria sent me down to earth at the cost of her life,” Shadow grumbled. “And I’ve been in cryogenic storage for….what did the doctor say, like 50 years?”

“50 years?!” Sonic exclaimed in shock. “It’s only been 50 months since I saw you, what on Mobius–”

“Mobius?” Shadow remarked, eye ridge quirked in confusion. “Where is–” He shook his head. “Oh, nevermind. I’m happy to see you, Sonic, but we have to hurry.” He took Sonic by the hand and led him down the street.

“Hurry?” Sonic repeated. “Where to?”

“To end humanity,” Shadow repeated. “For Maria.”

“Excuse me?” Sonic dug his heels in, yanking the pair to a halt. “End humanity? For Maria? That doesn’t sound right.”

“Nothing’s been right since they shot Maria in cold blood,” Shadow bit back. “So we’re going to make it right. We’ll end them all. The soldiers. The doctor. All of humanity will pay for what they did to Maria.”

Sonic pulled his hand away. “Shadow, I don’t think Maria would’ve wanted us to kill people.”

“Don’t tell me what Maria would’ve wanted,” Shadow rebuffed. “Anyone who gets in our way is our enemy, Sonic. And this world is our enemy.” He gripped Sonic’s hands tightly. “Help me make this right, Sonic. As my friend. As my better half. Please, help me avenge Maria. You and me. What do you say, Sonic?”

Sonic’s brow pinched at Shadow’s words. “I’m sorry, Shadow,” he gently stated, pulling their hands apart. “But I won’t let you hurt innocent people. It’s been fifty years – why should modern humanity be punished for the actions of the past?”

Shadow’s heart splintered. “So that’s it? You’re siding with them?” He snapped.

“I’m not siding with anyone,” Sonic rebuked. “I’m just trying to do what’s right. You’re hurting yourself, Shadow.” Emerald eyes gleamed with regret. “You’re going down a path I’m not sure I want you to go down or I can follow.”

Ruby eyes crackled with anger. “Your disappearance hurt me, Sonic. Earth hurt me. And you can burn in hell with it.”

With that, he kicked Sonic in the stomach, sending him flying into a car. Sonic grunted at the impact, but got up with a snarl, spin-dashing back into Shadow. The black hedgehog warped behind Sonic, tossing several Chaos Spears back.

“Anyone or anything who gets in my way is my enemy, Sonic,” Shadow growled as he landed in front of Sonic. “Why do you have to be one of them?”

“I didn’t make you choose to fight me, Shadow,” Sonic growled back. “You made that choice all on your own.” The two hedgehogs then charged each other, crashing briefly. Uncurling, Sonic pivoted and took off, hoping to lure Shadow out of Station Square. Shadow followed close behind, the pair occasionally swapping kicks and punches. Police sirens wailed in the distance, but couldn't be heard entirely over the scuffle.

A red and blue blur shot down the street side by side like they once did, but the malice between them was no longer teasing.

And unlike last time, Shadow ended the race when he sent Sonic flying into a police car. The blue and red flickering lights captured Sonic's heartbroken expression as they tranquilized him and dragged him off.

Watching from the shadows, the same lights bouncing off his face, Shadow's gaze hardened.

Nothing would come between him and revenge for Maria. Not even Sonic, the friend he lost first.

Chapter 5: Carnival


Sorry that the prompts are coming late -- on the road to my brother's boot camp graduation!

Chapter Text

Shadow thought he was going to choke from the thick stench of butter and sugar. This was Sonic's idea of a date? They couldn't have just stayed home and watched some movies instead? Sonic knew Shadow generally disliked crowds.

Still, he swallowed his revulsion and dove into the crowd of neon lights, thingy music, and sensory overload. Chaos, the things he did for his beau. And his future…..

His hand slipped into the jacket, finding the box inside. Sonic might’ve picked the date location, but Shadow had a feeling that what he had would be worth far more than the rinky-dink prizes here.


Shadow pulled his hand out of his jacket, ears flicking to catch the welcome sound. Shadow took one look at Sonic and a smile blessed his muzzle. His boyfriend’s face was covered in face paint, his arms were littered with temporary tattoos, and based on his energy, already ate a truckload of pure sugar. “Hello, love.”

Sonic giggled, high on sugar, all pitched and floaty. “I thought you’d never show!”

“And miss a chance to see you?” Shadow took Sonic’s face in his hands and turned it this way and that. “Oh, Chaos, what trouble did you get into?”

“Nothing!” Sonic took Shadow by the hand. “C’mon, c’mon! Gotta show you something!” He hurried through the crowd of Mobians eager to participate in their games.

“Tada!” Sonic stopped in front of a shooting game. This one was a popgun game with loads and loads of plushies in every single size and shape imaginable.

“Look!” Sonic grinned, pointing at the massive Dark Chao plush on the third shelf. “Isn’t that just like your Chao?”

“Indeed.” Shadow nodded.

Sonic slammed a bunch of rings on the counter. “So let’s bring him home!” He picked up the gun, ready to fire.

Shadow, however, took the gun. “Leave it to the expert. Didn't you say you wouldn't be caught dead with one of these things?”

“It's not a real gun!” Sonic protested. But he let Shadow have it anyway.

“Okay,” the nutria wheezed through his braces. “Hit three bullseyes, you get the bottom shelf. Hit five, you get the middle shelf. Seven or higher gets the chao plush on the top shelf.” He started the attraction, the targets immediately darting about.

Shadow smirked. He'd hit faster targets than this. And better bullseyes.

Within seconds, all thirteen targets had fallen. The nutria looked astounded that someone actually hit all of the targets, but handed Shadow the Dark Chao anyway. Shadow smirked and handed Sonic the prize. “For you, darling.”

“Aww!” Sonic cooed and squished the Chao’s cheeks. Then his eyes widened, spotting something else a few booths over.

“Ducks!!!!!” Sonic squealed, racing over to the next game – a  little blue and white checkered wading pool full of ducks. Shadow followed, eagerly watching Sonic throw a handful of rings at the operator.

It seemed simple enough. All the yellow ducks were numbered 1-100 and each set of tens was a different kind of duck. The prizes consisted of kitten plushes.

Sonic narrowed his eyes and then shoved his hands into the water, scooping up a rubber duck shaped just like Shadow. The operator investigated the number and nodded, smiling.

“I did it!” Sonic squealed, bouncing back and forth. The operator handed Sonic a beautiful tuxedo cat plush about the size of the black hedgehog’s forearm. Sonic grinned and handed Shadow the kitten. “For you!”

Shadow accepted the plush with a smile. “Thank you.”

"C'mon!" Sonic whooped. "Let's go play another one!" Shadow chuckled and ran after him.

The pair sat atop the Ferris wheel, their eyes wide with delight and wonder. They’d collected several more plushes and prizes during the course of events and their trinkets sat with them like treasures gathered from the undersea floor.

“Hey,” Sonic murmured. He cupped Shadow’s cheek, careful to mind the glitter painted into Shadow’s skin. “I’m proud of you,” he smiled. “I know this isn’t your thing, but I had fun with you. Thank you for coming.” He kissed Shadow’s cheek. “We’ll do something you like tomorrow.”

Shadow responded by pulling Sonic closer. “Spending time with you is far better than my brooding,” he snickered, kissing Sonic’s cheek.

Sonic giggled. “I love you so much. You know that?”

Shadow thought of the box in his pocket. “I do. And I love you, too.” He pulled out his phone and took a selfie with the two of them, the flourescent lights a pale imitation of their joy. Nothing else mattered, save for the other.

“I wonder if they’re launching the fireworks tonight,” Sonic murmured. “This carnival usually has a fantastic firework show right before closing time.”

An idea popped into Shadow’s head. “I know where we can see some fireworks.”

Sonic turned to him in surprise. “Oh?”

“Are you doing anything important next week?” Shadow asked. “Say….Friday?”

“No, why?” Sonic asked. “You?”

“Duty until two. Say we meet up at 2:30? In Kingdom Valley?”

“Soleanna, huh?” Sonic hummed. “I can work with that. But those had better be some impressive fireworks, given the time.”

And as the first firework blasted into the sky, it bathed the pair in a warm, rosy glow. “Oh, you’ll see, hedgehog. You’ll see,” Shadow smirked.

Chapter 6: Autumn Leaves

Chapter Text

Shadow smoothed out the soft blue blanket one last time and laid a handful of sunflowers out on a blanket. Then he added a faux bundle of orange and red leaves with some berries mingled with some faux sunflowers. Then he laid out their picnic feast.

The trees were perfect this time of year; a display of reds, oranges, yellows, and the occasional brown exploding across the treeline. Especially down here in Soleanna, where the apple harvest was in full swing. And to celebrate, Shadow had made an effort to craft together a fall-themed picnic; bringing in the best of both their worlds.

He’d stopped at Starbucks just a few minutes prior and picked up some fall-themed drinks, four protein boxes (two peanut butter and two fruit/cheese ones), and some bakery goods. Then he’d made one other stop – this one at an orchard, where he picked up a jug of cider, a bushel of apples, and four jars of homemade caramel syrup. Sonic swore up and down that homemade caramel was better than store bought (a feat he put to the test when he nearly burned down Rouge’s kitchen), so Shadow made sure to get some.

He laid out the plates and napkins (pumpkin-shaped plates and orange/white plaid napkins, to be exact), carefully laying out the meal in an appetizing way (though peanut butter would hardly be considered an appetizing feast, but Shadow was trying). And even then, the feast and the surrounding trees would be nothing compared to what Shadow had planned.

“Oh, there you are!”

Shadow smiled at the voice behind him. “Perfect timing. I just finished setting up.”

Sonic’s eyes widened at the sight. “Oh, Chaos! I’m starving – I just finished kicking Eggman’s ass, so I’ll eat anything right now.”

“Then sit down and eat,” Shadow laughed, tugging his plate close. “There’s plenty of food.”

Sonic immediately crammed his sandwich in his jowls. “Mmmm! Ith so good!” Shadow chuckled and spread a cracker with some brie cheese.

The pair ate in silence for a while, soaking in the atmosphere. “So these were the fireworks you were talking about earlier, huh?” Sonic asked.

“Yes,” Shadow replied. “How did I do?”

“Perfect,” Sonic whistled. “I can’t believe I haven’t come down here during the fall. It’s lovely here.” Emerald eyes met Shadow’s in a smirk. “Though not as lovely as you.”

“Cheesy flirt,” Shadow shot back with no real malice.

Sonic finished off his sandwich and happily munched on some cheddar. “You really went all out today, huh?”

“What makes you say that?” Shadow reached into his jacket, fingers closing around the box.

“The protein boxes,” Sonic replied. “You usually don’t get these. And all the apple goods.” Emerald eyes narrowed slightly. “What’s going on?”

Oh, Chaos, this wasn’t how Shadow wanted to start his proposal, but he would improvise. “Sonic,” he began. “You’ve been a vital part of my life ever since we met. From kicking your teeth in on mission street to saving the world from the ARK to our Twitter Takeovers, you were a welcome presence in my life, even if I wasn’t very good at showing it. Every wall I put up, you tore down piece by piece until you found me. I can’t imagine my life without you in it, Sonic, and so for the first time, I’m opening up my gates to you.” He pulled the box out of his pocket and opened it up, revealing a gold ring with two hands cradling a blue and purple gem. “Sonic the Hedgehog, hero of Mobius, will you marry me?”

Emerald eyes welled up with tears. “Yes! Yes!” He pounced on Shadow, knocking him away from the picnic and sending them rolling into a carpet of reds, oranges, and yellows. He kissed him passionately and sweetly, laying on top of Shadow. The black hedgehog kissed back, sharing in his joy. When they pulled apart, Shadow slipped the ring onto Sonic’s left hand.

Sonic smiled so brightly, the sun would’ve been put to shame. “I love you so much, Shadow Robotnik.”

Shadow responded by kissing him back. “I love you, too.” Ruby eyes gleamed with another idea. “What do you say we get married in the fall, in a place just like this?”

Sonic’s eyes glowed back. “I would love that.”

Chapter 7: Paranormal

Chapter Text

Sonic was dead. Fucking dead. Deader than a doornail.

Shadow still remembered Eggman’s announcement, amazingly somber. It almost made Shadow wonder whether or not he actually had a heart under there. But of course, this was the doctor – somber or not, the guy was a terrorist. And his death at Shadow’s hands was all the fight Shadow could ever need.

“I’ve come to make an announcement…..”

Fists connected with the workout dummy plastered in the doctor’s façade.

“....Sonic the Hedgehog is dead. He departed this world at 0220 hours this morning…..”

Shadow remembered that time for the G.U.N. soldiers that were slaughtered by Infinite, the organization’s last stand before they were wiped out. Thankfully, Team Dark was spared…..

“Cause of death appears to be severe injuries to the head and abdomen, suggesting aggressive violence…..”

Rouge and Omega had to drag Shadow out of the morgue, kicking and screaming as he tried to hold on to his love’s mortal form. Amy was a sobbing mess on the floor while everyone else just stood there, expecting him to bounce back and save the world because they were so damn reliant on him…..

“....this truly is a deep, searing loss…..”

What Shadow wouldn’t have given for another minute, another second to be with Sonic while he was alive. What he wouldn’t give for that. Did he even say he loved–


The dummy shattered to pieces. Shadow fell to his knees shortly after, the dust settling around him like the past events.

In the months that followed, the Resistance railied together and continued to push against Eggman’s forces. It seemed that the death of the world’s hero had inspired others to rise to the occasion, as reports flew about battles where the odds of victory was slim and they sent Eggman’s machines or even Infinite on the run. But the strangest thing regarding these reports was that these scrappy soldiers had some help.

It was always different for every person: someone reported a calming presence on their shoulders in the midst of a panic attack, another reported that he would’ve bled out had not someone brought him to a medic, and yet a third reported that the lucky hit needed to destroy a super badnik wouldn’t have hit had not some sort of divine intervention appeared. It wasn’t a lively thing; akin to a cold breeze that came fierce and fast on the offensive, but comforting and warm when it came to supporting others.

Silver, naturally, was overjoyed at this, calling this breeze a second guardian angel. Amy and Knuckles had dismissed them without a second thought, especially Knuckles. “It’s probably just a wayward ghost. We probably just disturbed their resting place. We’ll evacuate that area and leave the ghost alone. We don’t have time to deal with it.”

Shadow was right in the middle. A ghost was hardly great, but at least it was helpful.

A scant two weeks after that, the Resistance faced the possibility of a positive supernatural infestation.

Amy woke up one morning to find a bouquet of roses on her nightstand and the paperwork she’d left scattered the night before organized and put away. A plate of strawberry shortcake waited on her desk.

Knuckles found grapes, both the fruity and cotton candy kind, in his ration box when he opened lunch.

Cream would find a new fluffy friend in her bunk every night for every night she stayed in the Resistance headquarters.

Tails had scrap robots by the dozens brought to his workshop, as well as countless tools and mint candies.

Rouge had gemstone-esque bath bombs and intel brought to her by the dozens.

And Shadow…..oh, Shadow was spoiled rotten by this ghost. Coffee beans, beanbag plush kittens, even a copy of the Fearless (Taylor’s Version) album. Even slices of tiramisu made it to Shadow’s ration boxes.

“I think this ghost is a friendly one,” Rouge remarked. “And it definitely loves you, hon,” She nudged Shadow playfully.

“Hmph,” Shadow grunted, unwilling to entertain the possibility.

Shadow was awakened by a cold breeze yanking his covers that night. “What the–”

His curse was cut off as the same breeze nudged his air shoes over. “It’s too early for this. What is it?”

Said spirit opened his door. Shadow couldn’t see squat, even with his enhanced vision. “No, I’m not going out,” he argued. He climbed back into bed and just about pulled the covers over his head when he found himself thrown to the floor, his bunk literally upside down.

Now wide awake, Shadow yanked on his air shoes. “Alright, you fucker. Where are you?”

Said breeze pitched for a moment, as if it were laughing. Then it zipped out the door. Shadow was hot on its heels in an instant.

The gale clearly thought this was a game, based on how it expertly wove through obstacles such as empty beds and workstations and crates. Shadow trailed it, unwilling to lose this strange contest.

At one point, it plucked the petals of a sunflower and kept them, giving Shadow a visual cue as to where it went. The black hedgehog allowed himself to smirk at this. What a dumb move.

The trail led him out of Resistance HQ and into the ruined streets. Shadow raced past hunks of metal and rubble fused in some odd homunculi of war. Thoughts of war echoed through Shadow’s mind, but he ignored it.

Ruined streets gave way to sand and grass. Shadow knew right away he was in Green Hill. His heart panged at the destruction of what Sonic considered his home. He made a note to commission G.U.N. (when it was restored) and the Resistance to restore this place. Sonic would love that.

The moon shone high over the loop-de-loops that the wind led him to, on and on until they reached a field of sunflowers and lavender stalks. Despite the circumstances, Shadow’s heart warmed. The lavender was early this year, blooming alongside the sunflowers. And this little field was untouched by the war. What a healing and welcoming sight.

The strange gust led Shadow into the middle of the two fields before it came to a stop. Standing there, Shadow felt the breeze turn warm and comforting, wrapping itself about him as if it was hugging the black hedgehog. Purple and yellow petals danced about Shadow, swirling until said flowers arranged themself in a simple message.

Hi Shads.

Only one person referred to him like that.

“Sonic?” Shadow asked hesitantly, heart filling with hope.

Chapter 8: Surpise!


Shadow's coronation day, from Sonic's POV.


Takes place during "A Troubled Time".

Chapter Text

Sonic would’ve had to have been an absolute idiot to not want to do this. It was a good thing, too, since his sisters and Eclipse had the exact same idea. And even if he didn't, Sonic had already planned to be here, even if he had to sneak in. Luckily for him, he had people who wanted him here, too. Especially since Shadow had no idea Sonic would be here on this particular day.

Sitting in the church pews next to his sisters, Sonic watched the procession of Black Arms in all species and types. The crowd was full of people, ranging from the poorest commoners to the current rulers of their respective empires. Frankly, Sonic was amazed that the church wasn’t more densely packed for such a rare occasion.

And sure enough, right after Blurk and Gray, currently the most senior officers came....

Oh. Oh.

If Sonic wasn’t in love with Shadow before, he certainly was now. That kimono, the armor, the cape…..fuck, Shadow looked good. Really good. He radiated warmth, power, and hotness; all of which were operating at illegal levels.

Shadow knelt before the minister, the latter welcoming everyone to the ceremony. Vows were spoken, promising to rule justly and honestly (a vow Sonic was certain that prior emperors never took seriously and that current people doubted Shadow could follow through on. Well, they were in for a surprise.). Prayers, chants, a homily, various hymns praying for the emperor’s protection and grace. It didn’t feel like a long ceremony, but Sonic was eagerly waiting for his part in the ceremony (which surprised him more than anything, given Sonic's new situation).

According to Black Arm tradition, a blessing was given to the newly crowned emperor as a sort of “guideline” to the people as to what to expect from their new ruler. This blessing was usually given by the minister or someone of high importance to the emperor. Eclipse had assured Sonic that he would fill in this role with a special signal for the blue hedgehog to come up. Sonic had spent his whole trip down trying to think of what to say, but words kept failing him.

"Speak with your heart,"  Winnifred had suggested. And at the moment, that was Sonic's plan. Hopefully, his heart had something coherent to say by that point, because watching Shadow as he knelt on the floor was absolutely distracting.


Sonic’s head snapped up as did the rest of the crowd’s. The Darkling had a wide smile. “I try not to interrupt these things, but we have picked someone else to crown the emperor.” Sonic started to slide out of his seat ever so subtly, just in case Eclipse was signaling him.

“Oh?” The minister echoed.

“The emperor helped to crown a king. It’s only fair that the gesture is returned.” Eclipse swept his arm out to the side. That was Sonic’s official signal.

He hurried up the aisle briskly, careful to maintain a calm appearance. No doubt many in this place knew who he was, but there were likely others who didn’t know judging by a slew of whispers. That was fine.

Out of respect, Sonic bowed to Eclipse. The Darkling was Shadow’s heir and deserved all of Sonic’s respect, even if they were still learning to be friends. But in the end, it was the emperor who deserved Sonic’s attention.

Sonic took the crown and stood in front of Shadow. The young emperor’s eyes were full of joy and love when they met Sonic’s. It didn’t feel as though it had been almost two months since they’d embraced on Soleanna’s pier shortly after the charity ball (Sonic had mourned with Shadow during those long months). Shadow couldn’t stop smiling, though Sonic doubted he wanted to. Shadow’s eyes told a story of love and happiness meant for Sonic's eyes and heart alone.

At that moment, Sonic knew what he wanted to say. “Now these things are all in us: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.” With that, he tucked the crown into Shadow’s quills. Shadow rose, smiling at Sonic’s words and recognizing the implications the words held. Sonic was returning the same love Shadow had routinely showered onto him.

“Right. As per your request, the new laws will be established with the crown,” the minister spoke, clearly dismissive of the interruption. “By which all involuntary servitude, in action and trade, is henceforth and forever banned from the Doom Empire. Such actions will result in the severest of punishments; up to death if it seems fitting.”

Shadow lifted his arms, welcoming the Chaos Emeralds swirling around him. They pulsated with power and strength, illuminating the cathedral with their very energy. Sonic could feel it buzz in his veins.

Suddenly, Shadow was wrapped in creamy-golden light, stripes burning red like the sun. Sonic had to squint, trying to see where Shadow was amidst all that light and power. What even was that????? That power, that energy....that wasn't Chaos Energy, was it?

And then, Shadow’s voice rumbled a single command: “Be free.”

Sonic’s brows knit together, puzzled by what Shadow meant. Then he noticed Eclipse and the other Black Arms all holding their heads in shock and confusion.

Sonic felt his jaw slide open as he watched the Chaos Emeralds scatter into the heavens, realizing exactly what Shadow had done. He had done what he’d wanted to do for as long as Sonic had known the black hedgehog: set his people free.

No more slavery. No more hivemind. Everyone would be on an equal playing field going forward. Oh, this was an answer to so many things.

Sonic’s eyes met Kalier’s, the Black Oak immediately realizing what happened. He leaped onto Kalier’s shoulder, embracing him tightly as the Black Oak frantically signed his relief.

“All hail Emperor Shadow!” The minister called.

“All hail Emperor Shadow!” The crowd cheered, punctuating the jovial shout with clapping and the Black Arms chuffing in reply.

“He’s going to be just fine,” Penelope stated on their way into the ballroom.

“I sure hope so,” Ariel beamed. “This place has a lot of work to do.”

“If anyone can do it, Shadow can,” Sonic remarked. His eyes darted about from one area to another, marveling at how it hadn’t changed since he left. Well, save for a few pictures here and there.

Admittedly, Sonic found that comforting. After all, Black Comet had been his home for over a year – having things completely flipped around wouldn’t have felt right. In terms of decorating, of course.

Sonic paused at a picture that must’ve been done recently. This one was of Shadow and Sonic, back to back at the Gauntlet fighting their way through the Dark Legion. It was a good memory for Sonic and if the jovial look in Shadow’s eyes said anything, it was that he agreed. Shadow always had such loving eyes on Sonic, even when Shadow had to make difficult choices (like the one that gave Sonic his freedom).

It made Sonic wonder…..What would’ve happened had Shadow not taken the chance on the Babylon Garden ? What if he’d been a little selfish? What if he’d kept Sonic closer than ever?

“You good, little brother?” Winnifred asked.

Sonic shook his head. “I’m fine, Winnie. Just thinking.” And that’s all it was. There was no use thinking about the what-ifs of the past. If he had time to worry about that, he had time to live. Shadow had given him this life – no sense in wasting it.

“Come on,” the blue hedgehog grinned. “Let’s go to that party.” He hurried on to the ballroom, his sisters hurrying to keep up.

And what a party it was. The ballroom was decorated all splendidly with ribbons and drapes, polished to a near sheen, with plenty of space for dancing and tables lavishly loaded with food and drink. It was just as fancy, if not more so than Shadow's engagement party or even the ball of Tír na nÓg. Sonic almost missed having to clean such a beautiful place and help ready it for parties. Almost.

He recognized quite a few of the guests. Queen Blaze and her consort Silver. Sonia was there. Queen Elise was there. A few of his former fellow servants. And there were his friends on the dais. Rouge, Gray, Eclipse, a strange robot Sonic couldn’t place, and the newly crowned emperor. They made eye contact, the black hedgehog smiling wider than before.

Sonic had just started to bow when he felt someone shove his face directly into a regal purple surcoat. It didn’t take a genius to know who it was. “Would you let me finish bowing?” Sonic mumbled, squished against Shadow’s chest.

“You’re the exception,” Shadow replied. He helped Sonic straighten up and then hugged him again. “By Chaos, I’m so happy to see you.” The blue hedgehog felt water dripping onto his shoulder and knew that the surprise gamble had worked.

“I wouldn’t have missed your coronation for anything,” Sonic smiled, full of love.

Chapter 9: Long Distance


A long-distance relationship helped by someone who watched it bloom.


Takes place during "A Troubled Time". Little preview for the next update.

Chapter Text

Shadow groaned, slamming his head into the granite desk. Papers scattered in the confusion, including a clearly unfinished coronation invitation.

“Writer's block, huh?” Eclipse asked. His cousin didn’t respond, but Eclipse knew the answer anyway. Or, at least the source of this particular frustration.

That damn blue hedgehog Shadow loved so dearly and the latter was struggling with whether or not to invite his newly-minted, newly-freed boyfriend to what was essentially the biggest event in the black hedgehog's life. And yes, Eclipse had coughed said title under his breath more than once despite his cousin's sharp rebuke that they weren't officially an item yet.

Eclipse was frankly amazed by what he’d witnessed for a little over a year. He couldn’t explain what truly happened in that time, but one thing he knew was that the bond that formed during that time was something special. Very special. In that time, Eclipse had seen his cousin take a broken, hardened slave and found the beautiful diamond hidden underneath. A miracle had taken place within Black Comet’s walls, one Eclipse should’ve expected given his cousin’s track record. But it still surprised him how much the pair had grown to not just respect and care for each other, but to love to the point of sacrifice.

Bumblebee eyes softened. “You miss him, don’t you?”

Shadow’s head peeked up. “Him?”

“That blue hedgehog,” Eclipse clarified. “Sonic, right?”

Shadow’s face crumpled into bits. “Well…..”

“Well….” the Darkling encouraged.

“Yes,” Shadow admitted. “Black Comet doesn’t feel quite right without him.”

Normally, Eclipse would’ve bitten back with a snide “Yeah, but you managed fine without him before”. But Eclipse, again, had seen the change that blue hedgehog gave his cousin, so he nodded supportively. “Are you planning to invite him to the coronation?”

Shadow turned away, clearly uncomfortable with discussing such a topic. They'd come full circle, right back to the source of Shadow's frustration.

“I see,” Eclipse hummed.

“I don’t want to drag him back here,” Shadow responded tiredly and yet firmly. “He’s finally where he belongs: free and with his sisters. His family. That’s all that matters now.”

“You keep telling yourself that,” Eclipse responded. He held up a hand in self-defense. “Cousin, don’t hide from me how much you miss him and love him. I know you do. And that’s okay. Just because he’s in one place now doesn’t mean he can’t come back home.” Bumblebee eyes were soft and sweet. “He loves you, Shadow. And if there’s anything I know about Sonic, it’s that he will do whatever it takes to see you.”

“I know,” Shadow said quietly. “I know.”

Eclipse approached his cousin and put a comforting hand on the hedgehog’s shoulder. “If it wasn’t a matter of freedom, would you want him there?” Shadow paused for a moment before he gave a small nod.

Eclipse gave Shadow a smile. “Trust your gut on this one, cousin. If you want to invite him, then do so.”

"Maybe," Shadow remarked quietly. He shoved the invite into a stack of paperwork and reached for a blank invite. "To her Majesty, Queen Aleena of Mobotropolis....."

"You're going to invite her?" Eclipse raised a brow. "You'd rather invite her than your boyfriend?"

"It's a matter of formality," Shadow sighed. "I'm dammed if I invite her, dammed if I don't. But we'll see how she takes it." He set the invite aside as his sharp gaze found Eclipse. "And if you call him my boyfriend one more time, I'll gouge your tongue out and then spear you to death."

"Rouge does it too," Eclipse protested. "Not very loud, I must admit, but she does. And you know she would agree with me on inviting him." Shadow let out a low groan in response.

When Shadow got up and left the room, Eclipse fished the invite out of the rumpled stack and wrote out an invitation to the Soleanna Sisters and the High King of Tír na nÓg to the coronation of his Imperial Majesty.

Weeks passed and Shadow was growing more disheartened, much to Eclipse's dismay. Sure, the state of their nation was very stressful and Shadow's newfound powers were just extra strain, but it seemed that nothing could brighten his cousin’s spirits. Even Sonic’s letters weren’t cutting it, so Eclipse brainstormed another idea. And this time, he recruited the one genius that he could think of. Well, there was another, but recent events had Eclipse wary.

“Is it coming through?” A holographic projection of General Prower’s son rippled across a purplish, silvery device no bigger than Eclipse’s palm. Ancient Black Eye projections met modern technology in a way that was incredibly more useful than ever.

“Yes. The signal seems strong enough.” Eclipse stood up, laying the device on the ground. “I must say, Prower, I envy your brilliance. Dr. Robotnik has it, but he’s…..unconventional. I swear the fool babbles for the sake of his own voice or for the bleeding of his lackey’s ears. Not to mention reckless.” They were still cleaning up the rubble from the haywire mech. And he wasn't going to bring up Starline. Something about the guy set Eclipse on edge. He'd need to keep an eye on that one.

Tails laughed. “Then let’s hope we don’t meet him.” His eyes then narrowed. “Just going to warn you, though, we just got back from a grueling mission, so Sonic may not be as chipper as expected.”

“That’s fine. I know what’ll brighten his spirits.” Eclipse nodded at a servant, who hurried out of the room.

“Okay.” Tails turned to somewhere on his right. “It’s all good, Sonic.”

The blue hedgehog stepped into the display field, smiling a little at Eclipse. Sure, he looked a little tired, but nothing truly unruly. “Cool, Tails!” He grinned. “Your holographic doohickey works!”

“Indeed!” Tails praised. “This will revolutionize communications across the globe! Forget video chat and radio – this will be faster and smoother!” His voice dipped a little at his next sentence. “Unfortunately, I can’t quite fit it into the communicators yet.”

“No sweat, little bro!” Sonic gave a big thumbs up. “You’ll figure it out.”

Eclipse smirked. Oh, this was going to work out so well.

The doors banged open at once. “Alright, Eclipse. What was so important you had to–”

Eclipse smirked and stepped aside, letting his cousin’s shock and surprise play out in view of the hologram.

Sonic smiled sweetly, arms clasped in front of him. “Hi, Shadow.”

That seemed to be the magic words as Shadow rushed forward and embraced the holographic hedgehog tightly. It was an awkward arrangement, given the circumstances, but the hologram hugged back. After splitting, Sonic’s hand cupped Shadow’s cheek, the black hedgehog gripping Sonic’s wrist. Their other hands interlocked, a sense of intimacy filling the space between them. Neither said a word, but they didn’t need to. The softness in their eyes and in their smiles said everything.

Quietly, Eclipse ushered everyone out of the room, leaving the two lovers alone.

Chapter 10: On a Date


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“What do you mean you've never had frozen yogurt?!” Sonic exclaimed. “Chaos, am I going to have to introduce you to every dessert on earth?!”

“Apparently,” Shadow sighed. “Dessert wasn't much of a thing on the ARK.”

“Well, we're going to fix that.” Sonic slammed a sticky note onto Shadow's desk. “Next Thursday after you get off work, meet me at the corner of Mission Street and Radical Highway. I'm taking you out.” At Shadow's glare, he added, "Trust me. You won't regret this."

"Sure," Shadow stated.

Shadow took one look at the pink and green spotted building with cartoon frogs and remembered why he never came here. It was so….gaudy and cheeky. And yet so utterly Sonic.

Speaking of, the blue hedgehog opened the doors. “Here we go, Shads!!” Shadow entered the establishment with a small huff.

Inside the turquoise, pink, green, and white lobby, the area was split off by a white divider. On one side was a wall dotted with frogs. On the other was a glass counter filled with candies and sprinkles, with tables and chairs resting against the dividers. On the far wall were about ten soft-serve dispensers.

“Okie, Shads, here’s how this works,” Sonic smiled. “There’s three sizes: small, medium, and large. Just pick a cup and fill it up.” He took a large cup and grinned. “C’mon!” Shadow selected a small cup and surveyed the options. There was plain vanilla, fresh-picked strawberry, cookie latte, mint, chocolate cake, Hawaiian wedding cake, peppermint stick, strawberry shortcake, sugar-free vanilla, and sugar-free chocolate. So many options.

Shadow started with a plain vanilla base. He figured that was a safe base. There were plenty of toppings.

Meanwhile, Sonic had a strange mix of vanilla, Hawaiian wedding cake, peppermint stick, and a tiny dollop of cookie latte. He stuck out his tongue and grinned. “Topping time!”

At the counter lay everything from frosted animal crackers to chocolate sprinkles to sour gummy worms and peach rings. Sonic wasted no time and loaded his frozen yogurt concoction with rainbow sprinkles, nerd candies, and M&M's at first. Then he added peach rings, gummy worms (both the sour and non-sours), gummy bears, a gummy shark, and even some Swedish fish, frosted animal crackers, and chocolate pretzels.

“Oh, Chaos. Sonic, you are going to absolutely spazz out from all that sugar,” Shadow groaned.

“Relax, Shads. I’ll have some fruit once we get home,” Sonic laughed. He set his cup full of sucrose on the scale and pulled out his wallet. “You pay based on size and weight.”

“Is that so?” Shadow spooned a small handful of granola and strawberries on his frozen yogurt. “Then I know what I’m doing.”

They paid for their yogurts and sat outside in the sunshine. Shadow hummed a little at his treat. It was delicious, maybe even more so than the usual ice cream he got.

Meanwhile, Sonic was shoveling his contents in between his lips. “Whatha tink?”

“Attractive,” Shadow groaned. Then he grinned. “I meant the yogurt, not your eating.”

“Fug ew,” Sonic uttered. “Ahm attruckive.”

“Sure,” Shadow chuckled. Sonic uttered something completely unintelligible through his frozen yogurt. This got Shadow to laugh. “Now that was good-looking.”

They finished their yogurts and then Shadow laid a hand down on Sonic’s. “Now, what do you say we go to a movie now that we’ve tanked you up?”

“Really? What are we watching?” Sonic inquired, eyes wide with excitement.

Transformers One?” Shadow inquired. "It's an animated action flick, right up your alley. And I know you wanted to watch it."

“Yay!” Sonic squealed, grabbing Shadow's shoulders and shaking them enthusiastically. “You won’t regret this!”

“Oh, I’m sure I will,” Shadow sighed as he got up and disposed of their trash, shaking his head in amusement.

“Race you there!” Sonic hollered over the blur of blue he left. Shadow smirked and sped after him.


If any of you have seen Transformers One, let me know what you thought of it. I've heard good things about it and I'm trying to decide if I want to see it. :D

Chapter 11: Caught in the Rain


Who doesn't love a romantic kiss in the rain?


This prompt directly ties into the previous one. Please read that one first!!!!!!

Also, special dedication for @Nottheweirdest, who introduced me to the idea of "Hedgehog Zoomies". XD

Chapter Text

“That was such a good movie. It’s such a shame more people aren’t watching it,” Sonic smirked as he and Shadow headed out of the theater, the former tightly clutching his leftover large Icee as though it would melt sooner. “Chris Hemsworth was amazing.”

“Better than Keanu Reeves?” Shadow inquired, clutching their bucket of popcorn and his medium Chaos Cola.

Sonic turned to him point blank, pointing a finger at him. “Nobody is better than Keanu Reeves. Except for you.”

“Good answer,” Shadow smirked, kissing Sonic’s forehead. “I'm proud of you for managing to sit through that without getting up and running around during the movie. You're breaking old habits.”

“I have my moments,” Sonic grinned. “Besides, I got bribed with snacks and an Icee!”

“Yeah, don't make me regret that,” Shadow sighed, opening the door for the two of them. The sky was a steel gray sheet of clouds in all directions and slowly darkening. Little droplets had already lined the sidewalk, but neither hedgehog noticed, too caught up in their conversation.

“Oh, you won't,” Sonic assured him. "Shadow, I swear you won't regret giving me an Icee."

“When you get the....oh, what did you call it when you bounce from a lot of sugar, the "zoomies"? Yes, when you get the zoomies I will,” Shadow snarked back.

Sonic looked offended. “I don't get the zoomies! I just get a little hyperactive and bounce off the walls for a couple hours, that's all!”


"You watch, I'll burn off the energy when I beat you back home," Sonic taunted.

"You? Beat me?" Shadow smirked. "Ha! I'd like to see you try!"

"Bring it!" Sonic shot back. "Nothing will stop me from beating you this time!"

At that moment, a loud clap of thunder boomed as the rain poured down thick and relentless. Sonic and Shadow ducked back under the theater awning, scrambling to keep their treats dry.

"Would a sudden rainstorm do it?" Shadow inquired with a teasing smirk.

“Oh, put a sock in it!” Sonic yelped. “I didn’t think it was supposed to rain this hard and this soon!” Neither hedgehog had thought to bring coats or umbrellas, since the day had been so sunny earlier. And neither had checked the weather before they left.

"Oh, well." Sonic rocked back and forth on his heels, stretching his calves. "Think we can run between the raindrops?"

"I've got a better idea." Shadow pulled Sonic close to him, nearly dropping their treats. “Hang on, I’ll warp us home and–”

“No, wait!” Sonic yelped. “I’ve always wanted to do this!” He dragged Shadow out into the rain by the hand.

“Sonic, wha–” Shadow’s comment was cut off by Sonic smashing his lips into Shadow’s. The rain mixed with the salty, buttery taste of popcorn, Chaos Cola, and cherry Icee.

Shadow had kissed Sonic plenty of times. Sometimes in battle with explosions and missiles, sometimes free-falling, and sometimes over dinner. But this was most definitely a kiss to remember; one that the movies would be proud of.

They pulled away, lips swollen with the need for air. “I've always wanted to do that,” Sonic beamed.

“What, kiss me in the rain?” Shadow inquired. But then he smiled and cupped a peach cheek. “I honestly didn't expect less. That's the way I've loved you: impulsivity like a rollercoaster rush.”

“You are such a Swiftie,” Sonic giggled.

“Shut the fuck up and kiss me again,” Shadow snorted affectionately, the rain pelting a bit more gently as the two kissed again. Somewhere, a camera flashed, capturing the sweet moment (the picture would appear on the front page paper the next day).

After this one, Sonic shivered, the cool September rain finally getting to him. Shadow chuckled warmly. “Let's get you home and warm. No need for you to catch a cold.”

“Okay,” Sonic agreed. Shadow pulled out the Chaos Emerald and with a yell, warped them back to their warm, cozy apartment where blankets and hot chocolate waited. They each took a long hot shower and then cuddled up on the couch with their leftover theater snacks and warm drinks, the rain continuing to drizzle long into the peaceful night (with no zoomies -- Shadow was quite happy about that).

Chapter 12: Role Swap


Part 2 of "Red and Blue".

Chapter Text

Being arrested sucked. Being arrested in another dimension sucked more. Having the one who arrested you be the guy you haven’t seen in a little over four years? That was the ultimate suck.

Sonic just couldn't believe that his first friend would do something so evil. And Maria, oh Maria….

He grieved for Maria. And he grieved for Shadow. They’d spent all that time alone on earth while Sonic….Sonic had been warped to an entirely different universe.

Admittedly, it had been weird when he landed in this strange universe where everyone looked fairly similar to him. And even stranger when they knew nothing about the ARK or the humans or anything like that. It wasn’t an easy adjustment, but Sonic made do. He learned to live without the humans, adopt Mobian customs, and find himself a new family. Tails, Amy, Cream, Vanilla, and Knuckles were all part of his new family. In time, he learned to move on from the ARK. To move on from Maria and Gerald. And to move on from Shadow.

And then Eggman’s plan warped them to the very earth Sonic had once dreamed of visiting. Shadow’s plan was to destroy it.

Lucky for earth, Sonic had no intention of that happening.

Sonic lunged for the ring, smartly dodging Shadow’s Chaos Spear attack. Grinning, he whirled into a spindash, knocking Shadow to the ground. As the dust settled, Sonic stood tall and proud. “I’m sorry, Shadow, but I can’t let you destroy the planet.”

Shadow whirled around and pinned Sonic to the wall right as a digital clock beeped on. “It’s what Maria wanted!”

“What she wanted?” Sonic hissed. “Or what you want?”

“What?” Shadow hissed back, tightening his grip on Sonic’s throat. His deadly glare seemed sharper in the green light of the timer.

Sonic choked briefly before pushing through. “She loved the Aurora Borealis. She loved plain vanilla ice cream because it went with every dessert.”

“Shut up,” Shadow growled.

“She loved the sunrises the best because they meant new days of possibilities,” Sonic rasped.

“Shut up!” Shadow tightened his grip.

“She loved people,” Sonic choked, face turning blue. “She loved you and wanted nothing more for you be happy. For the people to be happy.”

“SHUT UP!!!!!!!!” Shadow screamed and slammed Sonic’s head into the wall, knocking the timer loose. “SHUT UP!!!!”

“Give them a chance,” Sonic whispered, stars dancing slightly in his eyes. “That’s why you were created…..” He then swallowed thicker. “And I’m sorry I left you. I didn’t mean to….”

Shadow let out a guttural scream and dropped Sonic to the floor. The blue hedgehog choked on air, swallowing it in thick gulps. The bruises on his body from their fights throbbed and he had a cut across his chest.

Before he knew it, a gentle hand laid on his back, patting it tenderly. “Oh, Chaos. Sonic, I’m…I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.”

Sonic smiled back and tightly embraced his friend. “It’s alright. It’s alright.” Shadow buried his face in the crook of Sonic’s neck, whimpering a little. Sonic stayed kneeling onto the floor, holding his friend tight.

When they pulled away, Sonic wiped the tears from Shadow’s eyes. “I missed you.”

“I missed you, too,” Shadow replied. He then glanced at the rapidly ticking timer and gripped Sonic’s hands tightly. “I have to stop this. All of this. But I need your help. Will you help me?”

“Of course,” Sonic smiled. “Let’s go fulfill Maria’s wish.”

Sonic gulped air fiercely, body worn out by the Chaos Control. He didn’t think he could do it again, much less shortly after his first attempt at it. Not to mention the whole Biolizard fight.

He turned to high-five Shadow when he realized that the black hedgehog was nowhere to be seen. “Shadow? Shadow?”

Down below, he could see Shadow’s limp body falling towards earth. Sonic’s heart stopped beating, realizing what was about to happen.

“Shadow!” Sonic screamed. He plunged down to earth, arms extended as far as he could. He finally caught up with the falling hedgehog and gripped his companion’s wrist tightly. “Hang on!”

“Sonic,” Shadow murmured. “You have to go back. Go back to them. Please.”

“Not without you!” Sonic pleaded. “Not again.” Shadow was half-limp in his arms and Sonic was losing energy fast. He needed to choose……

He looked at the earth. Maria’s wish. Their wish. Everyone’s wish. They had to protect the earth. Shadow had to protect the earth. And he could not do that if he fell here.

He kissed Shadow's cheek, a goodbye he never got to give before. “Take care of them, Shadow. See the earth Maria promised us,” Sonic whispered, pouring his energy into Shadow’s limp form. The black hedgehog’s body lit up again in that creamy glow. Sonic’s fur returned to blue, like the planet as cool and blue below them. Then, he pushed Shadow away.

Shadow’s eyes widened. “Sonic!” He screamed, trying to dive for Sonic but still too far away to truly catch his friend. But that was fine. Sonic had given him a second chance at life. If Shadow was smart, he would take that chance. And somehow, Sonic knew he would.

“Sayonara, Shadow the Hedgehog,” Sonic whispered, letting exhaustion and gravity take hold. The last thing he saw was a pair of ruby eyes streaming with tears that gleamed like the stars around the ARK.

'Maria.... will this do?'

Chapter 13: Alternate Era


It's time I channeled the Star Wars fan in me.

Chapter Text

Air shoes and sneakers clanged against the Venator’s dark gray halls as two hedgehog padawans ran down them at full speed. Their brown and tan robes kicked at their heels as they playfully tackled and fought each other.

“Hey, no cheat codes!” The blue one yelped as he was force-pushed into the wall.

“Hmph,” the black one grunted. “Call it extra practice, Sonic. Something Master Longclaw has no interest in giving you.”

“And Master Robotnik makes you work too hard!” Sonic shot back, kicking his companion in the back before double-jumping over him. “Seriously, Shads, you’re not a droid!”

Shadow went skidding before knocking Sonic to the ground, the two of them rolling over and over until they bumped into someone’s leg.

“Hey! Careful now!” The trooper lifted both Mobians up by the scruff of their necks. And no amount of Jedi training could quell old instinct, so both hedgehogs went limp in the human’s hold.

Sonic had the decency to look sheepish. “Sorry, Drummond.”

The clone trooper let out a laugh. “No need to be sorry! I’d just hate to be the one explaining to your masters why I can’t run across the battlefield!” He set them down and patted their heads. “I heard your masters were on the bridge. Better find out what they want.”

“We’re on our way,” Shadow stated, taking Sonic by the arm. As they hurried on, Shadow shook his head. “Drummond?”

“Hey, tell me you don’t refer to your troopers by their names,” Sonic snorted. “I know your favorite one is Humphrey.”

Shadow let out a gruff sigh.

The blast doors to the bridge opened with a swish. And sure enough, two proud Jedi masters waited inside for their apprentices: One, an elderly human, and the other, a great owl.

The elderly human, Master Gerald Robotnik, was a relatively new Jedi master in terms of leading battles, but had earned his marks during the battle of Black Comet, where both the Black Arms and the Separatists had launched a brutal attack. Thanks to Master Robotnik’s planning, both armies had been eviscerated. The council had seen his potential and made him a general shortly after he took on Shadow as an apprentice. Shadow had been the sole survivor of that battle, but because he was practically a newborn at the time, he didn’t remember his terrifying homeworld. Gerald, as such, raised him as his own and bullied the Jedi council to let him train Shadow as a Jedi.

The great owl, Master Longclaw, was also the sole survivor of a race, but unlike the Black Arms, the owls simply disappeared. Save for Longclaw, who lived and joined the Jedi order. Longclaw’s fierce wings and beak made her a tough opponent, but she was also a very loving Jedi. She’d rescued Sonic from murderous Echidnas when he was a hoglet and took good care of him. As such, she too loved Sonic like a child.

Yeah, detachment was still something neither Jedi had instilled in their apprentices, but as long as it was kept on the downlow, the council didn’t summon them upstairs.

“We will make physical preparations soon,” Master Robotnik stated. “But first, we have orders.” He then turned to the two hedgehogs eagerly waiting. “Argentum is secure. We move out for Thoraxia shortly.”

“Yes!” Sonic grinned. “Anywhere but Xorda.”

“Oh, come on. You liked the water,” Shadow smirked.

“Focus, boys,” Master Longclaw chided. “You must–”

Both Jedi masters paused, gripping their heads and groaning.

“Masters?” Shadow prompted. “Are you well?”

“Something ... .Something is wrong,” Master Robotnik spoke up. Behind him, their commanding clone officer raised his blaster.

“Wait!” Sonic yelped, eyes wide with fear. “Stop!”

Longclaw reacted first, drawing her blue lightsaber and cleaving the trooper in two.

Sonic knelt beside the trooper. “What happened? Why did he–”

“Sonic,” Shadow started, gesturing to the two masters, who were still meditating. Master Longclaw opened her eyes first. “Sonic, Shadow, something terrible is happening. The clones have betrayed us.” At Sonic’s perplexed expression, she added. “There are no answers to your questions, not yet.”

“We need to get off the ship swiftly. Both of you get to the escape pods. Use the maintenance halls so that you’re out of sight. Shadow, no teleporting – the guards are up,” Master Robotnik stated. Both masters knelt before the two hedgehogs. “We’ve trained for this, Shadow, do you remember?” Master Robotnik continued.

Sonic swallowed nervously while Shadow replied. “Yes, Master.”

Master Longclaw nodded. “Sonic, stay with Shadow. He will take you to the escape pods.”

“W-What about you?” Sonic spat out, fear in his voice. “And Master Robotnik?”

“We’ll….create a distraction so that you can escape,” Master Longclaw continued. “We’ll meet you at the escape pods. If we’re not there when you arrive, depart without us. We’ll find you on Argentum. Stay together. Do you understand?” Her eyes were soft with love and firm with urgency.

Sonic swallowed, fear mixing in his gut. “Yes, Master.”

Abruptly, blast shots echoed down the hall. Both Jedi masters shot to their feet. “They’re coming,” Master Robotnik hissed. “I’ll seal the blast doors, but if any of them see you, do not hesitate.”

Master Longclaw brushed her wings over their heads. “Go. And may the Force be with you both.” Sonic glanced at the doors and then at his master. His mother figure.

“Go.” Master Robotnik punched the doors open. “GO!”

They ran hand in hand down the hall. Alarms blared, droids squealed, and angry red lights lit up their path. Shadow kicked in the maintenance doors and they squeezed through. Questions lingered in both of their minds, most notably – why was this happening?

Troopers blared out communications, determined to hunt them down. Lightsabers whirred through the air, slicing through metal and flesh, creating a sickly stench of death punctuated by the sounds of the dying.

“Shadow,” Sonic whispered. “Why do you think they’re doing this?”

“I don’t know,” Shadow whispered back, warping them past a rapidly spinning fan. “Once we get some help, I’m sure we’ll find out.”

Abruptly, a trooper hollered, “General Robotnik has been gunned down. General Longclaw is on the move.”

"Roger that!" Barked another.

Sonic’s heart stopped at the words. “Shadow?”

“Keep moving,” Shadow barked, a strange tone lacing his words. “Keep moving.”

They dropped out of the maintenance halls into a security room, quickly overloading the protocols. Then they raced into the escape pod rooms. Master Longclaw soon tumbled into the room, troopers following behind her. “The doors!” She shrilled. “Hurry!”

Shadow hurried and activated the panels. “Sonic, hurry!” He yelped, diving inside and activating the controls.

Sonic lagged at the entrance, entranced by their former friends trying to kill them. Questions still swirled through his head.

“Sonic, go!” Longclaw ordered, her lightsaber moving like mad between her talons. She force-pushed six of them into the ceiling and another three into their comrades.

“Not without you!” Sonic cried. Behind him, he could sense Shadow trying to pull him into the pod, but Sonic used the force to slam Shadow into the white leather seats. “Please, master! Don’t!”

With one swoop, Longclaw shoved Sonic into the escape pod, sending him tumbling into Shadow, and slammed the escape pod doors shut. Sonic yelped and slammed his face against the porthole. “No! Master! Mom!

“Goodbye, Sonic,” Longclaw whispered sweetly. “Trust the Force.”

“Longclaw!!!” Sonic shrilled, watching as the blue bolts pierced his master through. The pod blasted its way through, the vessel exploding behind them.

“We’ll wait for the council’s signal,” Shadow started, punching numbers into the computer. “Lay low on Argentum for a while and–”

“Shadow,” Sonic hiccuped. “We….they…..they…..” How could he even describe what he saw?

Shadow’s gaze softened upon seeing Sonic’s expression. “Come here,” Shadow whispered. He pulled Sonic tightly against him, silent tears dripping down his cheeks. “We have each other. We’ll make it. I promise,” he murmured fiercely.

Sonic buried his face into Shadow’s neck, weeping for everything. The clones, their masters, the galaxy, and even for themselves. They were lost children, floating in an escape pod with nothing but each other and emergency supplies while their lives literally blew apart behind them.

And so they tumbled through space, wondering where they would end up…….

Chapter 14: Prank


"It's gonna be a night we'll never forget." -- Carrie: The Musical


Just as a heads up, this one's pretty violent (lots of blood, lots of death). If you're not comfortable with this, then PLEASE skip! This is the "Mature" prompt.

Chapter Text

It shouldn’t have come as a surprise to many. Silver the Hedgehog was the epitome of social pariah. Some thought by choice, others assumed it was the result of family dynamics. Silver had always been the one they kicked around, the quiet one, the guy that always took it on the chin because he didn’t say anything. On the surface, many of the boys in Silver’s class were shocked, ashamed, and thrilled at what happened to that bastard. Silver had grown up with these boys since first grade and this tension had been building and building for weeks and months; stretching like the many rubber bands they used to shoot at him to see if his reflexes were good.

What none of them knew was that Silver was telekinetic.

Graffiti taken from a desk in Green Hills High: Silver Dark eats shit.

As far as Shadow Robotnik was concerned, he was the luckiest boy in Green Hills High. Sure, he royally screwed up with the whole “Silver” thing, but at the moment, he was lucky. Very lucky.

He sat on the sidelines by the track, watching Sonic Wachowski clear hurdle after hurdle. His boyfriend of many happy years. They’d dated since middle school and had been voted to the homecoming court for several years. Most had assumed that Shadow and Sonic would grace the role as prom kings their senior year. They were already accepted into their dream colleges with the intention to continue dating until marriage. Olive Garden had a special table set aside for them whenever the two of them visited. They were the ideal couple, the dream team -- nothing could come between them.

Yeah, Shadow was very lucky. But now, he was about to push it, just a bit.

“See something you like?” The teasing smirk interrupted Shadow’s thoughts. Sonic was borrowing a hurdle. Balancing on one leg, he swung his other back and forth to loosen his hips.

“Plenty.” Shadow shoved his books into his bag and stepped in front of Sonic, the rubber track comfortable beneath his shoes. “Can we talk for a moment?”

“Course.” Sonic switched legs, careful not to kick his boyfriend. “Practice is over anyway, what’s up? You okay?”

“Do me a favor, please?” Shadow asked.

“Anything for my boyfriend,” Sonic replied. "You name it, it's yours."

Shadow swallowed, fully aware of what he was about to ask. “I want you to ask Silver Dark to the prom.”

The swinging stopped with so much force it might as well have been a taunt string or a muscle in need of further stretching. Sonic furrowed his brows, confused by the request. “Can you repeat that? You want me to do what?”

“Ask Silver to prom,” Shadow continued. “After recent events, I want to give Silver one good, happy high school memory. I want you to take him to prom instead of me.”

"And by recent events, you mean--"

"The locker room incident, please don't make me repeat it," Shadow snapped briefly.

“Okay, I won't. But are you sure you want to do this?” Sonic asked, hands held up defensively. “It’s senior prom. It’s supposed to be our night!”

“And we’ll have college together,” Shadow assured him. “But please, do this for me, okay?”

“Are you absolutely sure?” Sonic inquired firmly. “You realize what that’s going to do to our image?”

Oh, Shadow knew damn well what that would do. But Shadow had already decided that he’d rather push back against Scourge and his bullshit rather than pick on Silver anymore. Scourge could live without Shadow as his best friend. He wasn’t going to be petty anymore.

“Fuck our image,” Shadow huffed. “That’s what I say. I want to do this. Please, help me make this right.”

Sonic’s brow furrowed together as he thought about it. Then he smiled. “Okay. I’ll do it for you.”

Shadow responded by kissing Sonic firmly on the cheek. “Thank you.”

Text conversation between Sonic and Shadow, dated May 9th.

Took a bit of convincing, but he said yes.

Wonderful. Thank you for doing this.

Np. Date night the following week to make up?


Was he nervous?

Oh, hell yeah.

Apparently his dad’s that freaky weirdo that

goes around preaching some sort of religious

voodoo and shit like that and apparently, he’s

super strict with Silver in a religious way. No dates.

Couldn’t get inside and meet his dad right away.

Told Silver I would definitely meet his old man

before taking his boy to prom.

Is he abusive?

Not entirely sure, but I’m not going to ask.

An excerpt from Bloody Terror” by Shadow Robotnik, published June 19:

I imagine Silver was nervous. And why wouldn’t he be? My boyfriend had just asked him to the most important event in high school. This guy who had been harassed in the locker room for being intersex a week prior was now being asked to prom on the arm of one of the most popular guys of all? Stressful enough.

And there was his father.

I’d only met Mephiles Dark once. Only once. I happened to pass by him while Sonic and I were on our way to the movies. He grabbed me and Sonic by our jackets and screamed into our faces that we were living in sin and that God was going to damn us to hell for our “unlawful relations”, that our relationship was an “abomination” and that we ought to be stoned for our trespasses or some shit. We only walked away because he shoved a bunch of tracts into our arms and told us to repent and believe. And from that day on, I’ve only seen Mephiles Dark give me an evil eye.

I can only imagine that the combination of both the prom invite and his already strict father must've been the motherload of Stress City for Silver......

Sonic took Shadow into the gym the Friday before prom after school. The gym was already nice-looking; with the navy, almost midnight blue backdrop set up behind the stage and two displays framing it, the white star lanterns hanging from the ceiling, and the white gauze canopy over the heads of the guests as they walked in.

Tables wrapped in matching navy tablecloths sat on either side of the gym, the bleachers pushed back to allow them to sit there. Six white folding chairs were at each table and atop each table was a paper lantern decorated with a crescent moon and stars. To the left of the stage was the DJ turntable, the speakers all set and ready to go. On the far right side was the buffet table, where all the refreshments would be served.

“Alright,” Sonic grinned. “So, it’s prom night. I’m pulling up in the old Blue Star.” He mimicked braking and beeping his horn. “And you’re out there in your red suit–”

“Blue,” Shadow corrected.

“Oh, yeah,” Sonic giggled. “You’ve always looked good in blue. And I’m in my tux, looking like a moron. We both know this whole thing is cheesy, but we look nice. I drag you out on the dance floor because the two of us hate dancing like we’re gyrating, but I’m more likely to get into it, so I take you out.” He took Shadow’s hands and gently guided them through a waltz step. “And for our big dance, I ask them to play “Earth Angel” because it’s our last high school dance and that’s your favorite song. And as we dance, I’m smiling because I’m with the most beautiful angel on earth.” He kissed Shadow right in between the eyes, their first kind of kiss. "I'm going to kiss my angel just like that because he is the most wonderful creature in the world."

Shadow’s smile faded. “Yeah, right.”

“It’s true,” Sonic smiled and cupped Shadow’s cheeks. “If you saw yourself the way I see you, you’d be amazed at what you’d see underneath: a fearless heart of gold that shines. You shine.”

Shadow smiled. “I’m assuming it’s not that easy for you either.”

Sonic shrugged. “There’s a reason I like the phrase “fake it 'til you make it”.”

Shadow shook his head and cupped Sonic’s cheeks. “You’ve got a lot of fire in you, Sonic. And you are so incredibly brave. The way I see it, you shine. No doubt about it.”

“And no fears, either,” Sonic smiled. “If I see you shine, the dark disappears.”

“And I to you,” Shadow added. “I’ll be your mirror if you’ll be mine.” He swore he could get lost in Sonic’s bright, mesmerizing emerald eyes. Those eyes that had a passion and drive. Shadow had the color of fire, but Sonic had the spark.

“Everything’s going to be fine,” Sonic smiled proudly. “I got my tux yesterday and I’ve got everything all set. Silver's in good hands.”

“Sonic?” Shadow started, looping his arms about Sonic’s neck. “Thank you.” His eyes shone with overwhelming gratitude.

“I love you,” Sonic replied and pulled Shadow in for a sweet, tender kiss, their lips tightly pressed together like two halves of a whole.

An excerpt of Bloody Terror” By Shadow Robotnik, published June 19:

“I love you.”

Sure, he’d said it a few times, but never had it been so sweet. So full of love. That sentence alone made me forget I was giving up prom, Scourge’s chiding, and poor Silver screaming on the floor. I felt like I could do anything. I saw Sonic shine so bright that day, he must’ve been a guiding star in the heavens; leading me from darkness to light with his tender words.

“I love you.” Punctuated with a kiss on the lips, something else I'd never had done before.

That’s what I remember the most about that day.

Text conversation between Sonic and Shadow, dated May 16th.

Don’t throw out your suit, okay? I’ll take you

to Olive Garden next week for our date.

Picking up Silver, now.

Okay. Send pictures. I love you.

An excerpt from “Bloody Terror” by Shadow Robotnik, published June 19:

I couldn't stay home despite my request for pictures (which Sonic did send). I had to go to prom to see how it all turned out. I needed to see in person…. Silver looked so at ease. So happy….

He'd made his suit himself, I found out. And wow, it was such a glow up. I couldn’t believe that this was the same kid we made fun of in grade school, the same one we bullied in the locker room. He looked so thrilled, happily dancing in Sonic’s arms bathed in the glow of the lanterns and stars like comets in a galactic dance. Even from where I was backstage, I could hear them talking about their after-prom plans. Sonic invited him to the drive-in diner afterwards, since a lot of people were going out of town for their parties. Silver said yes, just as long as he was home by midnight.

This was the guy that people call a monster. Please, keep that in mind. The man they call a monster showed up to prom in a homemade suit and would be satisfied with drive-in diner food after his first school dance just so his father wouldn’t be worried……

In all honesty, Shadow saw it first. The twinkle of metal hanging over Sonic and Silver as the silver crowns were placed on their heads in time to the applauding crowd singing the alma mater. He squinted further and then spotted Scourge and his girl Fiona in the rafters. “Oh my God,” he whispered. But before he could make a move, someone caught him by the arm.

“Shadow Robotnik, I knew you were up to something!” Coach Lanolin scolded, her eyes narrowed and angry. What, did she think Shadow was part of the terrible events about to unfold? But Shadow was trying to help! And he’d taken his punishment well!

“Coach, you don’t understand!” Shadow protested, digging his heels into the floor. But the sheep was firm and threw Shadow out of the gym doors just as the alma mater reached a high point, right as the glint flashed dangerously brighter.

Play: Blood Bath )

An excerpt of “Bloody Terror” By Shadow Robotnik, published June 19:

I couldn’t move. Couldn’t think. All I could do was watch as it came down.

It was like thick chili or paint. Some landed on the wall behind them, some splattered on the stage. There was just so much of it. Silver was covered in the stuff head to foot. A coppery tang whiffed through the doors and I immediately knew that it was blood. I don't think anybody else knew what it was at first either, given how the room went quiet like a record screech.

I tried prying the doors open, just to help. I could see Sonic hollering at the crowd, trying to figure out what was happening right as Silver opened his eyes and trying to wipe away a bit of the blood. The lights began flickering, slowly glowing brighter and quieting the crowd, who’d burst out laughing. I heard someone yelling “Silver Dork! Silver Dork! Silver Dork!” Someone else put up that awful locker room video on the display board, which garnered more laughter from the crowd. I was so focused on their laughter that I almost missed the victim’s reply to the abuse.

“DOESN’T ANYBODY GET IT RIGHT?! DOESN’T ANYBODY THINK THAT I HEAR?!?!” Silver hollered in a semi-squeaky tone. I’d never seen his eyes so narrowed, angry, and at the same time, vengeful.

(Play: Kill 'Em All )

And then everything was thrown backwards. Tables, chairs, people, papers, lights, anything that wasn’t stapled down was just blown about like a tornado. Jet the Hawk, who’d broken two school records for smashing sprinting records in relays, smashed his face into the windows of the doors and slumped to the ground, leaving a bloody imprint and hole in the glass. I could barely see Sonic in the chaos as lights flashed. People stampeded for the doors, trying to get them open. They pounded, screaming at them, screaming at me to get them out, get them out get them–

And then some invisible hand yanked them all into a tangle of limbs. I could see other kids crushed by bleachers, blood spewing from their carefully crafted faces. The tangle of limbs were then thrown either into other kids, knocking them to the floor, or into walls. I watched a table flip and crush Antoine D'Coolette, French club president and school reporter.

About that point, one of the star-shaped lights came down on a handful of students and it exploded, scorching the floor and bleachers. It caught the decor behind Silver, covering him in this otherworldly glow. I could see Coach Lanolin thrown backwards onto a canopy. The moon-shaped lantern landed right in front of Wave the Swallow, who shrieked as she was shoved backwards into a fountain of flames. She whirled about like a windmill, her buttercup yellow dress blazing like a ray of sunlight trapped in the ring.

The fire sprinklers kicked on with a powerful gush of water as if they were showers. People slipped and skidded on the water. I saw the Weasel triplets get trampled in the confusion. And just behind them, I saw a power cable writhing like a snake from the DJ stand. It struck the water like a whip and then there was a bright purple flash.

I met Silver’s gaze from across the room and in the moment, I felt for sure he was going to kill me too. So I ran. Ran for my life. Down the hall, to the lobby, down the stairs. I could still hear them screaming for help and crying, though it was faint above the crackles, the snaps, and the torrent of water. At some point, the lights flickered out across the whole school and the only way I made it to the lobby was because of a second, brighter flash.

The screaming had braided into one horrifying sound as I threw open the front doors. And then, just as I reached the parking lot, a blast shook the ground, sending me to the pavement. And when I turned, there was this wall of fire, billowing into the sky where I knew the gym used to be. Where the school used to be. I couldn’t hear much of anything over the sound of my ears ringing from the blast, but I heard something explode in the distance. Multiple explosions, but I couldn’t hear where they were. I could see power lines toppling to the street like dominos. A whole street, I’m not sure which one, lit up like broad daylight.

But the only thing I had eyes on was the school. The building…..the building was three stories high, mind you. And it just…..pancaked. Dust and rubble blew out as each floor gave out. I’d never seen anything burn out so fast. If hell on earth was a thing, it would be the school just after midnight. I hastily pulled my leather jacket over my face to protect it, which was a damn good thing, because when I lowered it after the thunderous roar, the parking lot was covered in dust like sand or snow.

I stared back at the building, horrified. If any one of those prom goers had survived the initial bloodbath, they certainly didn’t now. Not with the rubble and the flames still burning.

“Please,” I prayed. “Please, tell me Sonic is okay.”

And then, as if God himself answered my prayers, a body flew out of the flames and rubble and landed somewhat gently beside me. I rolled over, recognizing the shape, but I didn’t need to touch Sonic’s body to know that he was dead, his head twisted in a funny way. I held him in my arms, tears rolling down my cheeks as the firetrucks wailed in the distance.

I wondered if this was an act of mercy on Silver’s part, allowing Sonic to die relatively painlessly as opposed to the torture of the others. And then I wondered if he would come for me, too. He certainly came for the town.


A massive fire has claimed the lives of over 300 people in what is considered the deadliest attack in Green Hills. At 11:15, while students of Green Hills High were at the senior prom, a mass explosion destroyed the school. Reports also detail two other explosions at either end of town relating to the main gas stations. The fire is surging through the town out of control and has consumed massive amounts of neighborhoods and businesses. Police and fire officials are fighting a losing battle as the fire hydrants have been destroyed as well. The town has never seen such devastation like this. Is this a terrorist attack or a bunch of prom kids having some fun?

Taken from “The Silver Commission”, June 23rd:

Q: So, Shadow Robotnik, what happened after Sonic landed in the parking lot?

A: I went to get help, why don’t you understand?

Q: We do. But we just want a better grasp on the situation.

A: Alright, since you [REDACTED] clearly can’t [REDACTED] listen, then here it is: I flagged down a police car. Of all the cars to flag down, I had to flag down Officer Wachowski. And I’m standing there, holding his dead son in my arms, covered in burns, dust, and blood, and he looks at me and doesn’t say a word. “Silver did it,” I said quietly. “They pushed him too far.” He then told me to get in the car – he’ll take me to the nearest hospital. His wife was in the front seat and she burst into tears at the sight of her baby boy in my arms. I sat in the backseat with their dog, holding Sonic in my lap and Officer Wachowski floored it. His radio was screaming about how the situation was critical with further casualties and multiple cities sending their fire trucks and water trucks just to try and help. I think I even heard a couple of helicopters, maybe from the park services, trying to help contain the blaze. The car clock read about 12:45ish in the morning, but you couldn’t tell between all the smoke and the fires. As he drove, fire hydrants shot into the sky like rockets, the lug nuts popping off like popcorn. I could see them denting cars left and right as they landed, with phone lines crashing onto the street. Trucks and vehicles flipped over like an angry toddler had thrown them. And then I saw them.

Q: Saw who?

A: Scourge and Fiona. Or at least their car. We were behind them and they were doing maybe 70 on the main road (breaking the speed limit, by the way). And then, the car flipped over, hood first. And then I saw a tealish light lift the car and throw it right into the Speedway. I saw Fiona’s face shatter the windshield and then Scourge’s limp body slump out the window. The station blew up shortly after.

Q: What time was this?

A: Pretty sure it was close to 1:35. I flagged the police car at about 12:40, but with all the damage on the streets, we couldn’t speed out of there like we wanted.

Q: And what happened afterwards?

A: Officer Wachowski made a sharp turn down King St. He didn’t stop driving until we reached the outskirts of Green Hill. From the billboard, we could see the town bathed in an angry orange glow. Sometimes we could see stones falling from the sky, probably about the size of my fist. I don’t know where they landed specifically. Mrs. Wachowski was sobbing the whole time and Officer Wachowski just stood there as if he didn’t know how to make sense of it all.

Q: Anything else of note?

A: About that time, a voice in my head began buzzing. It was calling for help. So I ran back into town, telling Captain Wachowski that I’d be back. It was a hellish run, given the increased danger. I had to dodge live wires and fire and glass. The stones made it difficult, too. Because of that, it was a good half hour or so before I found the voice.

Q: Who's voice was it?

“Silver!” Shadow exclaimed, spotting the bloody hedgehog lying in front of a burning house further impaled with stones. “Oh my god!” He slid to the ground and pulled Silver into his arms, hardly caring of the blood or the knife in the latter’s shoulders. “It’s okay. It’s okay, I promise.”

“I want my poppa,” Silver wept. “I want my poppa.” He didn’t need to tell the black hedgehog his father was dead – Shadow could see a limp, purple-clawed hand in the front door frame.

“Shhhhh…..” Shadow hushed him. “It’s okay. It’s okay. No doubts. No fears.” Ruby eyes gleamed softly in a light he usually saved for his love. “I see you shine and the dark disappears.” Silver gave a shuddering exhale and went limp in Shadow’s arms.

Shadow put an ear to Silver’s chest. “No. No, Silver, no.” He pulled Silver close to him and finally, finally wept for everything that had taken place. Sirens wailed with him into the night as smoke continued to choke out the starry sky.

(Play: Epilogue )

An excerpt of Bloody Terror” by Shadow Robotnik, published June 19th:

People have asked me repeatedly what my thoughts were in the immediate aftermath of Black Prom. And to be honest, I wish I could say that I remembered them all. But when one is faced with a deluge of death, destruction, and trauma, how does one begin to process it? How does one pick up the pieces when the pieces no longer fit quite right, like the empty graduation chairs or the way the class president broke down in tears halfway through his speech? Or how there were no graduation parties? How does one bounce back when the devastation of the town sends so many businesses and people away, as if the town itself is haunted by the spirit of someone who was deemed a monster? How the freshly graduated students immediately packed their things and headed out for their respective futures with nary a thought.

Even I wasn’t immune to leaving Green Hills. My father moved me to the town where my sister was in the hospital, saying that it would be something good for me, to get me out of that town. He will never know that I drive back to Green Hills every now and then to visit Sonic’s grave. The last time I went, I laid flowers at Silver’s grave, too. It seemed like the right thing to do, the only clear thought in my head in the aftermath.

I will say this: that night, as Silver died in my arms around 2:00 AM on May 17th, I knew one thing. I knew that I finally saw Silver for who he was: a regular kid with a special gift. One that no one truly saw at first. For years, we’d all looked at him as we passed by and then one day, we all saw him. The real Silver and the potential he held.

And how could I not see it? Was I so blind? Yes, yes I was. I could say, “Thank God that wasn’t me.” at the time and that it’s not me now. But then the obvious question comes back every time I think about this: what does it cost to be kind?

Too much for the hundreds of victims who tormented Silver in life. And for the survivors, a jigsaw mess of bleeding hearts and memories torn asunder in a night they’ll never forget. Those blinded, silent, and too scared to show kindness and to see Silver for the talented young man he was. To finally see him.

As for me, at no other point did I see the real Silver than when he died in my arms. At that moment, I felt that he’d revealed himself to me. And now, I know that once you see, you can’t unsee…….

Graffiti taken from the Dark family headstone, where both Silver Dark and his father are buried: Silver Dark burns in hell.

Chapter 15: Sword


Sparring practice.


Going to quickly shout out Vee_Spice's amazing fic, "Desiderium"! Their gladiator AU is phenomenal and so I couldn't resist writing my own little tribute to it. I highly recommend you read it, so I'll leave it here!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Ventus gripped the hilt of his sword tightly, staring down his opponent fiercely. The Dark Champion of Rome held his own blade in a vise grip opposite the blue gladiator with a glare that could turn anyone to stone and make any opponent piss themselves. But not Ventus, no matter what the black hedgehog had to say.

“Sword up, Ventus,” Umbra scolded. “How many times must I remind you? You ask for death with a stance like that.”

“I know you’d never hurt me,” Ventus remarked, smiling.

“That does not mean your opponents have the same mercy,” Umbra rebuked. “Raise your sword.”

“Alright, alright,” Ventus conceded, raising his blade.

“A single match,” Umbra stated. “Do not hold back on me.” Fiery eyes stared menacingly back. “This is a reminding lesson on mercy. Your opponents will not hesitate to draw blood, so you must do so first. And by the Gods, do not strike me dead with your recklessness. It may only be a training exercise, but I would hate to see Vector’s anger from heaven.”

“On Rome’s honor,” Ventus assured. “On my honor.”

Their mock duel began in earnest: the Underdog of Rome versus the fabled Dark Champion. A duel that could never happen, not unless something drastic did. But for now, it was just Ventus and Umbra, sparring on the familiar training grounds. Neither had any games scheduled in the current future, but Umbra refused to let training slip by. And Ventus was willing to participate with Umbra, as it meant more time with the man he loved.

Steel rang against steel as both of the gladiators twisted and lashed out, just barely missing the other. Ventus jerked backwards in time to dodge a strike before whirling around and full-on shoving Umbra, the dark champion skidding across the dirt. Umbra nodded approvingly before slashing out with a series of vicious strikes. Ventus’ sword wobbled against the onslaught, but he held firm. He kicked out at Umbra’s knees, trying to sweep the other off his feet. Unfortunately, Umbra saw the attack coming and leaped to dodge. Ventus’ feet met air and in the next second, Umbra had landed in a crouch, blade clanging a mere inch from Ventus’ shoulder.

For a moment, Ventus heard nothing but Umbra’s labored breathing, his own heavy gasps, and his pounding heart. In the next, he threw his sword high into the air, watching it spiral into the sky. Umbra gave him a strange look, the very notion of disbelief.

And then it came down, knocking against Umbra’s blade and sending the swords scattering. Both hedgehogs dashed for their blades. Umbra recovered his blade first and swung downward, but Ventus rolled over to block, using both hands to hold the blade. He kicked Umbra in the stomach before parrying back, nicking Umbra’s bicep in the process. Umbra stumbled for a moment, but then planted his feet. A powerful swing sent Ventus’ blade flying. The blue hedgehog barely had time to see the hit before Umbra’s sandal slammed into the back of his head, sending Ventus face first into the dust. Blood gushed from his nose and as he rolled over, Umbra’s blade pointed directly against his neck. Crimson eyes stared firmly down at Ventus, a solemn order.

Wordlessly, Ventus raised his index and middle fingers, gasping for more air.

Misso. Mercy.

Umbra sheathed his sword and offered a hand to Ventus. “You fought well.” He held out a strip of cloth for the bloody nose. “You did not hold back and drew blood before I did. That was good.” His eyes narrowed. "Aside from your reckless sword toss. I swear, the gods time your blades. You could've been killed, just like the last time you threw a knife."

"But I didn't," Ventus countered, wiping his nose. "And I still drew first blood."

"That you did," Umbra conceded. "So in that sense, you've done well today, Ventus. Very well."

“Thank you,” Ventus smiled as he folded up the bloody cloth. “Hopefully, we will never have to fight like that in the arena. I would rather not spar against you for Rome's entertainment."

“Hopefully, it never comes to that,” Umbra agreed. The pair dusted themselves off and adjusted their armor. Such trivial things were easy to clean. The blood would need a special treatment, however. But that was an easy fix and if Ventus did it right, he could gain more from it.

“Shall we go to the bathhouses later? To clean up the blood?” Ventus asked, eyes lowering slightly. “I bet I can get Magnus to blush deeper than the stripes in your quills so he can leave us alone for some private time.”

“You fool,” Umbra snorted without any malice and pulled Ventus close in a swift, yet passionate touch of their lips, arms sliding around each other like grapevines. Their lips fit together like two halves of a fig and tasted as sweet as one.

The victory made it taste far sweeter.


They went to the bathhouse later and did some obviously PG things. If you know, you know.😆

Chapter 16: Treasure Hunting


An unexpected date and an unexpected treasure.

Chapter Text

“Thrifting? Antiquing?” Sonic asked incredulously. “Why on earth would you want to do that? Hundreds of millions of things to do on earth for a date night and you want to go to an antique shop or a thrift store?”

“Yes, why?” Shadow’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t tell me you’ve never spent time in one of those places.”

“Well, a couple of times,” Sonic admittedly. “But it’s hardly romantic! They’re so dirty and gross! Seriously, Shads, why do you want to go there?”

“Listen, you picked the date last time,” Shadow rebuked. “It’s my turn to pick the activity.”

Sonic sighed softly. “Okay, Shads. We’ll go thrifting.”

The thrift store’s cheesy radio blared oldies tunes over squeaky speakers. The dingy white light illuminated the various racks and shelves of secondhand merchandise. The air smelt like an old sheepdog, age, and even dust.

How romantic.

Shadow immediately migrated to a collection of dishes in various colors and patterns. He picked up each one, eyes inspecting each and every piece. It made Sonic smile a tiny bit to see how happy his boyfriend was, even if he was bored out of his skull.

Finally, Shadow picked up a gold-rimmed teacup with tiny black kittens on it. “Hmmmm…..” He then turned it this way and that. “Well, I believe I could use this.”

“For what?” Sonic huffed. “You don’t even have the full set here.”

“Actually, I’ve been looking for something like this to plant some succulents in,” Shadow replied. He checked the dainty white tag. “And for this price? That’s a bargain.” He must’ve caught Sonic staring at him because he then added, “You don’t have to stand here with me. Feel free to look around, find something you like.” His gaze softened a little. “Just because this isn’t a bright, flashy store doesn’t mean that it’s not bad. There's treasures here.”

“What do you mean?” Sonic asked. “Some of these things are clearly junk.”

“Not necessarily,” Shadow replied. “Think of the stories these items contain, the adventures they went on.” He reached over and picked out a tiny pitcher with holly berries and ivy across the center. “Imagine the places these items have been, the people who’ve used them.”

“And they ended up here,” Sonic remarked. “At least it’s better than the trash bag.”

“They call these kinds of stores “second chance” stores. Somehow, I’ve related to that more than anything else,” Shadow admitted.

Sonic lowered his guard. Second chance. Of course Shadow would relate to something like this. And the concept of finding treasures in the unexpected. That was oddly appropriate for Shadow.

And then, he got an idea. “Brb!” He zipped over to the jackets, rummaging through the thick winter coats and the light spring jackets. Some had holes in them, some were faded, others had patches. But Shadow was right. They were all stories of people and lives. How many of these items belonged to lives had Sonic been able to help and to save?

“Aha!” He reached in and fished out what he was looking for. A black leather jacket. It was actually a fairly nice one and didn't have any holes or tears. Why, it looked as though someone had just bought it from another store, changed their mind, and dumped it here. And the price was perfect just like the fit.

He hurried back to Shadow, still sporting the jacket. “What do you think?”

“Handsome,” Shadow smirked. He set down the slightly chipped red and white carousel music box. “I knew you'd look good in leather.” He turned Sonic this way and that. “What a treasure. Whoever had this jacket either took really good care of it or never took it on any adventures.”

“Can we give it a second chance?” Sonic asked.

Shadow's eyes glowed. “Of course. Let's go pay.”

As they headed out, Sonic in his jacket and Shadow holding a bag with his teacup, Sonic turned to Shadow. “Hey, when did you get so insightful about things like unexpected treasures and second chances?”

“Maria. Rose,” Shadow smiled. “And you.”

“I shouldn't be surprised,” Sonic smiled. “Do you think we can go to another thrift store?”

“Eager to find more treasures, are you?”

Sonic just smiled. “I am.”


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