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Sonic Solcure: Cha-Cha Chao Solcure


Have you ever liked to franchise and thought to yourself what if they had a crossover? Bonus points if it's specifically Sonic and Precure.....well here is the crossover we're probably never going to get (still not sure if I would have the heart to actually end this season and work on another one...but things don't last forever I suppose)

Amy rose is just a normal 14 year old girl ready to go for her first year of high school but that's not the only thing she's ready for. She may or may not have watched a lot of precure and has been preparing for the day she becomes a cure especially thanks to her fortune cards! When a new purple cat comes to Little planet high school she knows she's in for a ride maybe bringing a friend or two.


Update tags as new characters are introduced.

Maybe even art in the future.

Finally, I'll try to add a new chapter every Saturday (I'll really try to)


Ahem... you definitely haven't seen any of those Fics I wrote a while back this is my first time...definitely first time.

Anyway I hope this fic could fulfill the lack of a Sonic x Precure crossover

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Chapter 1: Episode 1: Part one: Not feeling so lucky am I?

Chapter Text

Pov: Amy


Today was the day, the day where I eneter a new chapter of my life. I've been waiting and mentally preparing this day ever since I've learned what school is. But that's not the only thing I've been preparing for as Today will be the day I will mean something in this small village!
The day where everybody would see me as a hero, the day Sonic will finally notice me.

I immediately went to my fortune cards not even borthing to put on my uniform yet. I spread the cards out as I let the fortune cards determine my fortune. The first card pulled out was the Hero card it depicts an armored knight, standing triumphant atop a mountain, sword planted in the ground. Which depicts Caliburn in a stone. The second card I pulled out was the Time card it depicts an owl and an hourglass. Finally I pulled out my last card the Justice card which depicts a mural found on this ancient island called Angel Island. After pulling my three cards I came to an conclusion it seems as my gut feeling was telling the truth, I was going to become a hero in no time for justice.

Though I wasn't sure about what kind of justice I was going to fight for....I suppose that's for me to find out later. I collected my cards making sure to stack them evenly as who wants some not organized cards. Anyway I carefully set them down where I usually put them as I finally begin my official morning routine.

 Pov: Third

Amy was currently running to school, she promised herself she wasn't going to be late like last year's first of school and the year before and before. Though she told herself that being late for the first day of school is how all the girls become cures so surely it's just a sign right? Though despite being late absolutely nothing happened, no pixie crashing towards her, no suspicious pacts, or any bad guys. The only eventful thing that happened was one of her friends named Cream going to middle school for the first time.

She met Cream all the way back when she was 9. She and her best friend Shadow were in their witchcraft phase, which was just as cringe back then as now. Cream who was six at the time happen to find the two doing whatever 9 year olds do when they do witchcraft. Cream however didn't find that cringe surprisingly as she thought that was the coolest thing in the world, that Amy and Shadow are the coolest people in the world. Cream didn't knew any better and did everything Shadow and Amy did which sometimes cause them trouble but at the end it was all warmhearted.

But even then nothing else eventful happened, "maybe it's going to be later like in the middle of school", Amy thought. Maybe it's just not her time yet, yeah she's just got to wait a bit longer. She's patient enough she tells herself though if we are all being honest with ourselves she's not the most patient hedgehog in the world. That's something that I feel like a lot hedgehogs lack of.

Pov: fourth wall


Speaking of hedgehogs let's see what our favorite nerdy and definitely did not project my little ol autistic self into him.

Pov: Shadow 


The first day of high school, the supposedly nerve-wracking and a new chapter to life. But yet I feel completely fine, I'm one of the few that actually doesn't mind school that much though it isn't like I care about it either. It's just something that's going to come and go, atleast for someone like me. I never cared about my grades yet I still managed to get atleast an B or A+ that just shows that the ones who fail are just idiots not because they didn't study.

Anyway I was currently walking to my new homeroom class when I was practically knocked over by Rose's hug, I still don't exactly know why or how ee became friends we just seemingly clicked all the way back at second grade. Though while I won't say it out loud I was glad I had a friend like her even if she was annoying she still somehow brings a small smile to my face.

 "Hey Shadow, I missed you soooo much!" Amy exclaimed. "We literally texted eachother last week" I tried telling her though it was clear she was set out to acting like we haven't seen eachother all summer. She does this every year as she believes it would somehow get her into becoming a hero. It's obvious those magical girls shows gotten to her as she believes everything could be magical, how typical of Amy.

Pov: Third


The two pair chated as they walked to their homeroom as it appears they both have the same homeroom much to Amy's excitement. Amy's excitement grew even more when she saw that Sonic is apart of their homeroom. They sat down as their new teacher introduces herself as Ms. Daisy, and like any teacher on the first day of school she asked all of the students to introduce themselves. Until it was the new girl's turn who no one noticed was there, even Amy who is the kind to get into everyone's business didn't noticed she was there. The new girl was a purple cat with yellow eyes that almost seemed as if it glowed, her hair was pulled up into a pony tail with her hair ends being a darker shade of purple. The definitely not princess from a different dimension begun to speak "Hello everybody my name is Blaze the cat, I'm new to this village and-" Her sentence was called off by the innocent little fox who to be honest should be in middle school with Cream. Though the boy was too smart for his own good. "Where are you from Blaze, just a bit curious is all". Blaze seemed a bit hesitant Amy noticed, "well I'm from city, yeah Solar city" Blaze said suspiciously which definitely made Amy a bit more suspicious. Maybe she just doesn't want to talk about it which is fine but it's strange how it seemed like Blaze had trouble finding the words where she's from.

It almost sounded like she was lying....

Pov: Amy


It was lunch time and yet still nothing happens. I surely thought that maybe now something would happened. Like maybe a bad guy comes trying to destroy the city or some evil threat. Like I don't mean to sound like I want trouble for this small amazing village but I can't help but need something to happen so I could become a cure already! I know I said I can be patient but this is become ridiculous. Hopefully sometime later my time would finally come...

I think Shadow could notice my clear frustration as he stopped snacking on his delicious grilled cheese sandwich, which I wish the school could actually learned that home meals are just so much better and not prison food. "Rose is everything alright" Shadow asked in his normal cold but soft spoken tone. "Sorry Shadow but I'm just sick of waiting, I need some kind of threat to come so I can become a cure already! Like I feel like it's my time now but yet absolutely nothing has happened yet, what am I doing wrong!?" I exclaimed.

"Rose you do realize this isn't a fairy tale this reality, you need to realize that this is just how things are and meant to be. You should be glad you get to live a normal life instead of acting as a hero and get yourself harm in the process.". As much as I know it's true it still hurts, my fortune cards wouldn't have lied to me right? Maybe I did something wrong, maybe me thinking I'm going to become a cure ruin the process. Now thinking about it, it isn't like a girl knows they get to become a cure so maybe sabotaged myself. What have I done!?

Still Pov: Amy


Shadow noticed my absolute despair ( I'm not dramatic >:( you are ) as he rested his hand on my shoulder. "Even if your aren't a hero your still great in your own way." I knew Shadow was trying to help but it still hurts knowing I might've mess up my chances of becoming something more than a regular girl...

Despite being in despair I noticed the new girl Blaze, she's a strange fella that's for sure. I think Shadow also noticed my gaze going towards the girl as he chimed his own comment about her. "I don't trust her, something about her doesn't sit right to me. Not to mention I looked up Solar city at the school library's computer and fond nothing about this so called city. I knew it, I knew she was lying but why? She could have easily said she didn't want to talk about it but yet she still chose to tell....tell us a lie in fact. "I don't trust her either but maybe she's just nervous." I tried justifying but even I knew that something else is going on. "Whatever it is that doesn't make me not trust her any less." Shadow said with his harsh tone. 

Maybe I could put my 'getting into people's business' to use....



Tehehe did you get the little reference from the fortune cards... This is definitely not a sponsorship for Amy's fortune cards.... I'm just kidding I wish though :(

Welp part 1 is done! wowie I wrote alot atleast for me it is, let me know if there is anything I could approve on so I can make this fic even better!