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“Can you two just share it?” Hajime suggested, trying to diffuse the tension.
“Share?” Osamu scoffed, his sharp eyes glinting with mischief. “Not a chance. I’m not giving up my breakfast because my brother thinks he deserves it more.”
“Deserves it? I’m the one who had my eyes on it first!” Atsumu shot back, puffing out his chest.
“Boys,” Hajime interrupted firmly, his tone brooking no argument. “You’re both going to share it, or neither of you will have it.”
Osamu rolled his eyes but slid the fish toward his brother. “Fine. You’re lucky I’m feeling generous this morning.”
“Generous, my foot,” Atsumu muttered under his breath, though he took the fish with a triumphant grin.
Hajime leaned back, watching his brothers interact. He felt a surge of warmth at the sight of their bickering, a semblance of normalcy amidst the chaos that had enveloped their lives.


Hi! I am not the of Iwaoi_simps writer, I am the little sister of the writer, I asked my sister to help me post this fic, I don’t know if I am good at writing but my sister says I am so I am giving this a try and so thank you to my sister for lending me her account. English is not my first language so go easy on my I use a lot of thesaurus :p guilty. So please comment and kudos to let me know if this is any good and should I continue writing.

Note from big sis: Hi!! I am sorry for not uploading any of my other fics I will try to as soon as I can, but job is keeping my schedule tight so don’t judge my little sister on my posting schedule please give her a chance I am so proud of her, I personally thinks she writes good so here is her fic I hope you guys love it.

Character ages: Hajime, Kuroo 20, the twins 18, kentaro 15, Shoyo 5.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Chapter 1: The Young Kings Dawn.

Chapter Text

The dawn broke over the Seijoh Kingdom, casting a golden glow over the castle's stone walls. The Alpha king woke up to the familiar sound of distant chatter in the corridors, the kingdom steadily bringing itself back to life after the long, tormenting war. At just twenty, having already experienced loss beyond his years, the war that claimed his father bought despair and sorrow to his family but simultaneously strengthened his resolve to rebuild the kingdom. Hajime was young for a king, but the gaze from his eyes held the wisdom of someone older than his years. He had a kingdom to rebuild, help his people, deal with old authorities left in the court council who were giving him a hard time, moving forwards but above all he had to care for his brothers, he knew that after father he was going to be the one they look upto, the one they turn to for answers.

He pushed the blankets aside and rose, planting his feet firmly on the cold stone floor, he allowed himself a brief moment to gather his thoughts before he began his day. His strong shoulders bore not only the weight of the crown but also the well-being of his family. Running a hand through his short, spiky black hair, he strode purposefully towards his wardrobe.


After dressing in a simple yet regal outfit, particularly favored by the late King, he glanced at the mirror to ensure he looked the part. He had no room for mistakes; not today, not ever. As he stepped out of his chambers, he was meet with his adviser’s surprised gaze as he was about to knock on the door, "Good morning, Your Majesty,” Kuroo greeted with a amused smile, “or should I say, ‘Prince of Early Mornings’?” Moments like these made Hajime appreciate his childhood friend and adviser who made him feel at ease and stop his wandering thoughts.

“Someone has to keep this place running,” Hajime replied, trying to suppress a smile. “How goes the preparations for the council related things?”

“Slowly.” Kuroo said, rolling his eyes. “It seems the old nobles have more time to bicker than to contribute to rebuilding efforts. But I would recommend prioritizing our meeting with the Council later.” Hajime nodded, appreciating Kuroo's concise way of handling affairs. Together, they made their way through the labyrinthine hallways?


“Morning, Hajime!” A strong booming voice which not only got the kings and his advisers attention but Hajime is sure woke up the rest of the palace, he saw two of his trusted friends and personal guards walk towards them, Bokuto, his exuberance infectious as always. “Did you hear? The kitchen is trying out a new recipe for breakfast! I can’t wait to dig in.”

“Let’s hope it’s better than the last attempt,” Daichi chimed in, shaking his head. “I’m still recovering from that ‘mystery stew’ they served last week.”

Hajime chuckled, the camaraderie easing the burden on his heart, if only for a moment. “As long as there’s no mystery involved, I think we’ll survive.” falling into step beside Hajime.


As they walked towards the dining hall, a warmth bloomed in his chest. It was always a welcome sight, his brothers waiting for him, their faces illuminated by the firelight and candles.

"Hajime!" Atsumu greeted, his grin as bright as the sun. "You're late. Shoyo almost ate all the rice and soup!"

Hajime chuckled, ruffling Shoyo’s hair as he sat down. The young omega, with his bright orange hair and eyes that sparkled like polished amber, giggled and grabbed some more rice with the chopsticks as best as he could,stuffing it into his mouth. "Good morning, Shoyo."


Osamu and Atsumu, had started arguing over the last piece of grilled fish. Hajime glanced at them, a small smile tugging at his lips, “Can you two just share it?” Hajime suggested, trying to diffuse the tension.

“Share?” Osamu scoffed, his sharp eyes glinting with mischief. “Not a chance. I’m not giving up my breakfast because my brother thinks he deserves it more.”

“Deserves it? I’m the one who had my eyes on it first!” Atsumu shot back, puffing out his chest.

“Boys,” Hajime interrupted firmly, his tone brooking no argument. “You’re both going to share it, or neither of you will have it.”

Osamu rolled his eyes but slid the fish toward his brother. “Fine. You’re lucky I’m feeling generous this morning.”

“Generous, my foot,” Atsumu muttered under his breath, though he took the fish with a triumphant grin.

Hajime leaned back, watching his brothers interact. He felt a surge of warmth at the sight of their bickering, a semblance of normalcy amidst the chaos that had enveloped their lives.


Even in this moment of levity, a concern gnawed at him. Their mother had passed away giving birth to little Shoyo when Hajime himself was just 15 years old. Omegas have always just been very rare in their kingdom, even their mother was from a neighbouring kingdom. Because of that after their mother’s death no matter how his father tried he could not find an omega to take care of Shoyo, and Hajime understood that after mother his father never sought another partner either, for which Hajime couldn’t blame him at all. That’s why Hajime has been thinking about marriage. He is 20 now and if he starts to look for a male omega now there is a possibility that it might take some time before he find’s someone trustworthy to put the responsibility of his baby brother. Someone who might come closer to being a mother figure for not just Shoyo but all of his brother’s. He thinks that maybe not his beta brother Atsumu but with the help of his friends he might tame his alpha brothers but even with that having a mother love would help all of them. Hajime knows how important mothers love is, he still remembers their mother’s warm hands soft smiles and he can’t help but want the same for his brothers the love and care he was lucky enough to love with for 15 years.


Kuroo, ever the observant one, caught Hajime’s troubled expression. Leaning in, he whispered, "You’re thinking about Shoyo, aren’t you?"

Hajime nodded. "None of us know what we’re doing, Kuroo. Shoyo needs someone who understands him better than we do, not just him   ….they need a mother Kuroo..I can’t be that for them.”

Kuroo’s eyes softened. "Whatever you decide, Hajime, remember we’re all here to support you."

The breakfast continued, filled with the usual chatter and laughter, but Hajime's mind remained preoccupied. His brothers looked to him, not just as their king, but as their guardian. Each meal, each shared moment, amplified the realization that his responsibilities extended beyond mere governance; they encompassed the intricate web of family bonds and obligations. He looked across the table where he was seated at the head of the table, Shoyo and Kentaro both having their breakfast in peace even though he could see the perpetual frown on kentaro’s face he knew his brother was not a happy morning person but was still enjoying his food. Knowing those two are still young to be discussing these things he turned to the twins who in his eyes might be still young but were growing up, especially Osamu who Hajime thought has always been wiser for his age, he knew he should at least discuss the matter of his marriage with the twins.


"Osamu, Atsumu," Hajime said, his voice firm but gentle. "We need to talk." He glanced at Daichi and Bokuto, who were silently observing the scene, their faces etched with understanding.

"What about it?" Atsumu asked, his carefree air momentarily forgotten.

"About Shoyo," Hajime said, his gaze fixed on the twins. "He needs someone to take care of him. Not just to be with him because he is an omega but he needs a mother"

The room fell silent. The weight of Hajime's words settled upon them, a cold blanket draped over their happiness.

"What are you suggesting?" Osamu’s voice was barely a whisper.

Hajime took a deep breath. "I… I think it’s time I consider getting married, a male omega to be more specific."

The words echoed in the room, hanging in the air like a cloud. The twins exchanged glances, their faces filled with a mixture of surprise, worry, and something close to dread.

"You can't be serious," Atsumu said, his voice incredulous, always quick to conclusions, "You're only twenty! You have an entire kingdom to rule..-“

Hajime nodded, his expression grave. "Exactly. I won’t be enough, Shoyo needs a mother.”

Daichi cleared his throat, his gaze meeting Hajime’s. "It's not a decision to be taken lightly, Hajime, I think that’s what Atsumu is trying to say here Hajime.”

“And what Hajime is saying that he knows this matter is not a light one, and …I unders where you are coming from Hajime nii-san.” Osamu meet his brother’s gaze, “I believe that you will take an informed decision when it comes to this matter. And I know that at this moment we might be able to take care of Shoyo but in coming years we won’t be enough, in understanding what a male omega needs. If I am being honest, I personally have been looking into some books in the library, to learn more about male omegas, but with shame I have to admit that our home library or our town library does not have the proper information when it comes to male omegas.” This gets everyone’s attention, they all knew when it came to omegas male or female no kingdom had much information, because omegas were always considered the lowest of the sub-genders.


Shoyo perked up in his seat not really grasping the somber mood or the serious topic eyes shining with excitement. “Is there someone new coming to live with us in the palace, will he play with me? I want to show him my toys!”

Hajime chuckled again, his heart lifting slightly. “If he agrees, I’m sure he’d love to play with you, Shoyo.”

“I think you should give it a try,”Kentaro finally said, speaking for the first time this morning surprising Hajime that his 15 year old brother had been paying attention and understanding the importance of the discussion . “If we are able to trust him properly, then maybe we can actually be a family again.”

Atsumu nodded, a mischievous glint returning to his eye. “And if he’s not, I’ll be the first to let you know.” Earning a glare and a scoff from Osamu.

“I’ll be right beside you,” Kentaro added, a smile creeping onto his face.

Hajime felt a surge of gratitude for his brothers. “Thank you. This is a big step and I am going to need all of your support and help.”

As the sun rose higher in the sky, illuminating the dining hall, Hajime felt a flicker of hope for the future of the Seijoh kingdom. He had lost much, but with the support of his brothers—and perhaps a new partner—their family could once again thrive.


Thank you I hope you like it. Let me know in the comments.