
Work Header

Well looks like it's time for a do it over.


After dying three times you think he get used to waking up in different places by now.

(Aka: after protecting his juniors alongside his husband, getting heavily injured and now slowly dying, he doesn't laugh but he smiles, he looks at his husband that holds his hand and gives each other one last kiss as a promise to a new journey)


(First ever story hope you enjoy and please feel free to leave comments and suggestions they'll be greatly appreciated <3)



I am not good with tags so please read these to understand a few things.

1. Wei Wuxian has both female and male parts.

2. Lan Wangji has two penises because of weird dragon biology

3. This is not Jiang friendly, INCLUDING Jiang Yanli all the hers is not as bad.

4. Wei Wuxian will give birth to twins later on and they will be lan yuan and LAN jingyi

5. There will be swearing because honestly they're all adults you can't tell me they're not able to swear.

6. There will possibly be no war I'm still trying to figure out if I want to include it, this fic is mainly just so far WangXian falling in love earlier likely deserve.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Chapter 1: The beginning of a new Adventure.

Chapter Text much blood..


The voices in the background becoming muffled even the ringing in his ears is just white noise at this point. 


He feels those familiar warm hands interlock with his own, slowly tilting his head until his world becomes gold. 


He meets eyes with the man he loves and has had a happy life with for the past 10 years, if not for the giant hole in his chest he probably would have gasped at the pure love in those pools of gold.


Silver meets gold, no words are spoken but their eyes communicate a tale of time and love. 


Neither of them know who moved first and the touch is so brief, their lips meeting for the last time as both as him smile. They know this is not goodbye instead this is a promise for a new journey for wherever they go they'll always have each other. 






Gasping as he sets up in bed trying to figure out where he is, trying to feel for his husband his last memories playing in his head, those golden eyes burned into his memory.


Wei Wuxian slowly starts to calm down looking around as his eyes adjust to the dark only to fall into panic on small when he realizes a familiari yet long forgotten room. He sits their frozen taking in his surroundings trying to figure out if this is some punishment from the gods. 


It takes him minutes before he slowly gets up, his habit of making his footsteps as light as possible kicking in to make sure he makes no noise as he walks towards the small hanging mirror across the room.


He stands in front of the mirror in horror seeing a face he has long started to forget, eyes even brighter than they ever were in Mo Xuanyu's body, still even having some baby fat on it. Panicking he gripses hair trying to figure out what's going on only to freeze when he feels something on his head. Slowly he begins to turn back to the mirror now truly looking at himself as he sees a pair of fluffy black ears at the top of his head. 




Without thinking he lifts his hand only to pull on the ears hard, early to yelp and jump back quietly realizing the ears truly belong to him and I'll truly now a part of his body. He freezes for a moment before slowly looking down only to add to his horror when you see seven beautiful tales that seen connected to his body as well. 


"..Ok Wei Ying don't and calm down let's think about this rationally, we out with the juniors, and heard of Yao beasts attacked way to powerful to be ordinary resentful beasts, died holding your husband's hand and now waking up in your past body early it..isn't your pass body."


Deciding he needs to sit down and calm down before he does anything irrational, luckily after so many years was his husband he started to pick up habits from him including a little bit of patience. He comes to the conclusion that if he is in a different world than that means this world will also have books that could possibly make sure he's not the only one like this. 


Having a somewhat idea of what to do he puts on his outer robes for a going his shoes so he can make us little noise as possible, as he steps out into the hall he realizes another interesting thing about him, he can see in the dark without any sort of candlelight. "Well at least that's useful" he things of to himself smiling as he easily makes his way through the dark halls. Despite the differences his realized so far he also realizes the similarities the main one being that Lotus peer is still the same as he remembers which is good because he finds the library quite easily thanks to this. 


Going through the books it takes out three specific books, a history book, cultivation for beginners and finally a book to help him explain all the new details of his body. Taking the three books and sitting down at an empty table near the back in case someone comes in, slowly opening the history book and reading over it and to say it's a surprise is an understatement.


"For years the main families of the 5 great sect have always stayed the same when I came to their hybrid forms, the Wen being phoenixes, The Jim's wolfs, the Jiang crocodiles, then Nie tigers and the Lan's..."


He freezes as he reads the page over and over specifically the exact line of exactly what the Lan's are. Almost 5 minutes goes by when he slams the book shut, a slight blush making itself known on his face.


".. husband is a dragon..Holy Shit..."


Images start to flash in his mind of his gorgeous husband with a dragon features. Gorgeous white and blue horns that seem to shimmer in the light perfect for his hands to hold, a long thick white tail pinning him down with ease, beautiful sharp pearl like teeth leaving marks on him for everyone to see. He shivers as he imagines his husband and what he would look like as a dragon and without realizing it starting to move his hand into his robes.


"Lan Zhan~"


His hand slowly going down his nails digging lightly into his skin bringing out more pleasure and more fantasy ideas for him to imagine with his husband, his hand quickly slipping into his pants ready to imagine what his husband would do with him if they were together right now. Unfortunately his fantasies are broken into pieces as he comes in contact with something wet between his legs, freezing in place not knowing what to do slowly taking his hand out to reveal a gooey clear liquid on his hand.


"What the Fuck"


He stares and stares and eventually curiosity wins over all emotion, slowly sticking his hand back down he feels up his cock before sliding down. There just between his ass and cock he finds another hole this one is where the clear liquid coming from. Experimentally he slowly rubs up and down shivering in pleasure before becoming even more curious and slowly sticking one of his fingers inside, realization hit him like a brick.


He sits there frozen his eyes going down before his eyes catches the book he was reading still open reminding him of his possible dragon husband, instead of being afraid he wants again fantasizes. "If this is what I think it is..holy shit me and Lan Zhan can..."


He sits there and fantasizes for a few more minutes before reality comes back into play as he realizes he has no idea about his own biology and what could possibly happen if him and his husband where to fuck with him like this. Reluctantly he takes his hand out of his pants cleaning it on his robes making sure it will not be visible to anyone. Seeing the other books he took quickly opening the one explaining fox biology, he sits there and read for what seems like hours learning about his body in what it can do. By the time the first light of the morning shows through the window he has read all three books now understanding a little bit better of what situation he is in.


"Ok plan. First Meet Lan Zhan and hope he's back with me, if not plan b. Reseduce husband."


He nods his head as his plan, quickly finding out the date and realizing it's barely a week before him and and the Jiang siblings need to go to Gusu. He gets up quickly putting the box away before quickly making his way back to his room going through his drawers before he finds a spiritual pouch. He quickly makes his way around the room putting away important notes, extra Inc and paper and easily finding his hidden stash of money that he's been saving for years at..burned. Shaking his head try not to remember and reminding himself that it hasn't happened yet can he can stop it, instead he gets dressed and realizes he needs to comb out his tails and hair. He sits by the mirror slowly making himself presentable. He knows by now that he was never truly part of the Jiang family and never will be, he knows that this will be his last week ever stepping foot into this room.


He knows where his family is and it's not with the Jiang.