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daddy’s here


crowley is overstimulated and has a meltdown, sent him very deep into baby space. aziraphale helps him all the way through it, like the perfect dada he is!

[SFW interaction only. this is not meant to be sexual in any way.]


hi… i’m so sorry for not posting in such a long time. 😭 unfortunately, my posting will never be consistent. i hope you guys enjoy this ficlet for the time being. :•)

Work Text:

Crowley sat on the sofa in the bookshop, his eyes fuzzy and dilated behind his glasses. he sat and fidgeted with his fingers, ripping away at the skin on his fingertips. he could hear every sound around him and every sensation. cars honking, people chattering, the clock ticking, his jeans rubbing up against his thighs, Aziraphale walking around upstairs, and it was just too much.

his breathing started quickening and he grasped at his too-tight chest, blinking as fast as he could to stop the tears from running down his face but to no avail. he couldn't take it anymore. he let out a strangled sob as he curled into himself, in hopes Aziraphale couldn’t hear him. he was getting smaller by the second, and couldn’t do anything about it. he sobbed into his knees and covered his ears to try and block out any noise around him.

unfortunately for Crowley, Aziraphale sensed his tears immediately. he ran down the stairs as quick as he could to comfort the shaking demon. “dear boy, what ever happened?” he gasped as he crouched next to him, placing his hand on Crowley’s knee, making the demon flinch. “oh my dear.. can you look at me please?” he questioned, and only got a shake of the head in reply. before Aziraphale could do anything, he noticed a large wet patch on the sofa and on the demon’s pants, as it seemed he lost control of his bladder out of stress. the angel pouted and sighed, trying not to tear up from his darling in such a state. “baby, can you take some deep breaths with me?” he reached and intertwined his fingers with Crowley‘s as he instructed, “in, out, in, out. there we are, what a good boy.” he cooed gently and was finally able to maneuver the shaking demon into his arms, not paying any mind to the mess and instead cradling him close to his chest. “my poor dear,” he sighed. “you’re gonna be okay, my love. dada’s here now. i’ve got you,” he pressed a gentle kiss to his temple and brought him up to the bathroom. “let’s get you cleaned up dear. you’ll be feeling much better soon.” he whispered as he wiped away the tears still rolling down the red head’s face, pressing another soft kiss to his head.

he gently laid the demon on the changing table they had acquired recently, as they found out how little crowley actually regressed. the angel oh so gently slipped off his baby’s soiled clothes, making sure to miracle away any forming rash. he cooed and wiped away the mess gently, whispering soft praises and pressing gentle kisses onto the demon’s skin as he massaged him with rash cream and baby oil, hoping to relax him further. it seemed to be working, as the demon had that peculiar fuzzy look in his half-lidded eyes as he let out soft sounds contentment. Aziraphale finally got to actually putting a nappy on him, gently moving his hips up and taping it snug around his waist before gently kissing his belly button. he threw his “big boy” clothes into the hamper and scooped the small demon into his chest, carrying him to the bedroom and laying him on the bed.

“hmm… let’s get you into a big comfy onesie, hm? i know how you love your onesies.” the angel said as he looked through the demon’s (overflowing) drawer of little clothes, eventually picking out a duck-themed button up onesie with a bill on the hood. he slowly pulled to soft material over the baby’s lanky legs and arms, carefully buttoning him up and cooing at “how impossibly adorable” he was. finally, he scooped up the fully regressed demon into his arms, rocking back and forth slowly as he relaxed further into his embrace. “there’s my sweet baby boy, oh my, how adorable you are.” he praised, pressing kisses all over the little one’s face, getting some adorable giggles from him. Crowley was completely enveloped into his headspace thanks to his daddy. he simply babbled into the air, enjoying every second of angel-love he was getting.

after some cuddling and praise, Aziraphale eventually walked the both of them downstairs. he propped the demon up on his hip as he walked into the kitchen, grabbing his baby’s favorite bottle. Crowley let out a soft babble as he realized what his angel was up to, reaching out a lanky arm at the item. “oh i know love, you must be very hungry after such a long day.” Aziraphale chuckled, beginning to make Crowley’s favorite milk. he shook up the bottle while making his way to the living room, sitting down in his favorite chair with Crowley in his lap. he gently guided the teat of the bottle to the demon’s lips, cooing quietly as he watched him latch on eagerly. “is that good, baby boy?” he giggled, watching as Crowley went lax in his arms. his half lidded eyes stared adoringly at the angel as he drank, barely aware of anything from how deep in headspace he was. about halfway through his bottle, his eyes began fluttering shut as he struggled to keep them open. he was perfectly curled up in Aziraphale’s arms, hands clutched on the angel’s shirt, feeling nothing but pure softness and fuzz throughout his body.

Aziraphale noticed his sleepy behavior and gently removed the bottle from his mouth, quickly replacing it with a pacifier to prevent any fuss. he miracled himself into a tartan pajama set as he made his way to their bedroom, cradling the demon close to his chest as he crawled into bed. he hummed a soft lullaby to the demon as he held him close, savoring this moment with his baby even though he’d have so much more of it. he pressed a loving kiss to Crowley’s forehead and nuzzled into his hair, falling asleep slowly to the sound of his small breaths and babyish scent.