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Slipping Through Wishes


Damian Al Ghul and Marinette both come from different worlds, but a dangerous secret binds them together. Although their paths diverged, a special bond remained. But when Slade attacks the temple, they are separated. Years later, Damian joins the Titans and falls for someone new, complicating his life further. Suddenly, Batman disappears, and it's up to Damian to find his father—a mission that leads him to a mysterious girl. Damian is forced to team up with her, the one person who holds the key to finding his missing father. As they work together, they must navigate their complicated feelings and trust issues, all while keeping a dangerous secret from each other. Yet, deep secrets and conflicting loyalties threaten to tear them apart.


Hiii hii!! Sooo I've been planning this story for a while now. I finally published it! I hope you guys enjoy it. I'm still working on other chapters (need to be edited) but updates won't take long! My discord is oatmeal.toast
if anything!

Also I'm always up to suggestions on what you guys want to see in the story. And I'm not sure if there is some errors so please let me know if so. Or if i messed up on anything really.

Chapter 1: Prologue

Chapter Text

Sabine takes a deep breath. With a tight grip on her grandfather's hand and her husband's support, she pushes through the pain. "You're doing great," her grandfather assures her, his voice filled with unwavering support. "I'm right here, my dear. One more push," he encourages her. Finally, with the last push, the baby's cry fills the air. The room seems to breathe a collective sigh of relief and joy.


Tom smiles at Sabine while holding her hand, his heart swelling with happiness. After 14 long hours of labor, she had given birth to their first baby. Every moment of stress and pain was worth it as he heard the sound of a new life. Tears of joy stream down his face.


He watches the doctor cut the umbilical cord.


A nurse takes the baby to clean the newborn. Realization hits him: “It’s a girl.” Wang Fu and Sabine share a look with wide grins on their faces.


Then, the nurse returns with the baby girl, now cleaned and wrapped in a pink blanket. She hands Sabine the bundle, cradling her in her arms. Tom leans in, eager to see their beautiful daughter.


The baby's blue eyes meet Sabine's, the lingering traces of tears still visible. Tears stop. A small smile dances on her tiny lips, followed by a soft giggle. The tears well up in Sabine's eyes as an overwhelming mix of joy and guilt washes over her.


Sabine passes the baby to Tom, who envelops her in a soothing hold. His warm laughter conveys a paternal tenderness. His fingers brush the baby's soft cheek. It makes her giggle.


Tom's eyes sparkle with love and joy as he gazes at Sabine and their beautiful baby. A wide, heartfelt smile spreads across his face.


Sabine observes her husband and child with a mixture of joy and agony etched on her face. Despite her attempts to conceal it, the guilt and sadness inside her mind are palpable. Something is tormenting her, and she can't shake it off.


Tom murmurs, his gaze fixed on the baby. "What should we name her?"


Sabine hesitates for a moment, her eyes still glistening with tears. "She's so tiny..." she whispers, the awe and sorrow intertwined in her voice. After taking a deep breath, she composes herself and suggests, "How about Marinette? It's a stunning name, and it means 'of the sea.' It's perfect for our little girl." Tom offers a gentle smile to Sabine, nodding his agreement.


"Marinette... it's perfect," Her grandfather echoes, turning toward him.


With a warm, proud smile, Wang Fu responds, "Marinette... it's a lovely name. Perfect for such a lovely baby." His gaze moves to the infant in Tom's arms, and he lets out a soft laugh. As his expression turns more serious, he looks at Sabine and asks, "How are you feeling, my dear?"


Sabine’s smile fades as she turns to look at Tom, who is already frowning. “It’s okay,” she tries to soothe him, placing her hand on his. “She’ll be living better with my grandfather.” Her words are reassuring. But her tears betray her.


Tom's frown deepens at Sabine's words. He can see through her attempt at a brave exterior and senses her sadness and guilt behind those tears. He utters, "Sabine," in a melancholy tone, his voice blending sorrow and compassion. He knows this is a hard decision for her, but he is also heartbroken that they have to give their daughter up. "Are you sure about this? Are we doing the right thing?"


Sabine pauses, overwhelmed by a desire to protect her newborn from the world's dangers. She fears what her daughter, Marinette, will endure. The thought of her being alone frightens her. But when she looks at her grandfather, she notices a glint of happiness in his eyes. He is as delighted about the baby as she is, but he doesn't experience the same pain as they do. 


“I trust my grandfather. I know he’ll take good care of her.”


Tom's head droops in despair as Sabine speaks. He can sense the struggle within her, the pain of having to give up her baby. But he also trusts her grandfather. He has known Wang Fu for many years and knows that he is a kind-hearted and wise man. So, even though it breaks his heart, he knows that they are doing the right thing.


He compresses her hand, conveying solace and calming her fears. "I trust him too, and I trust you. We're doing what's best for Marinette. She'll be safe and loved with your grandfather."


Sabine gazes at her sleeping daughter and her grandfather with tenderness. Conflicting emotions tear at her heart. The urge to hold Marinette forever and shield her from harm is at odds with the sense of responsibility to make the best decision for her future. A deep sigh escapes her lips and tears well up in her eyes. She longs to keep her baby close, feeling the weight of the impossible choice she has to make. But her love for Marinette compels her to trust her grandfather, who is a wise and kind-hearted man.


Wang Fu approaches them, his eyes filled with warmth and understanding. He lays a comforting hand on Sabine's shoulder and murmurs.

"I promise to take care of her. I'll love her as if she were my own grandchild. She will be safe and happy." They are quiet for a moment, everyone absorbing the weight of the decision they have made. The room is sad and tense. The baby's soft breathing breaks the silence. Finally, Wang Fu speaks up, addressing the pair with a slight smile. "Well, must we say our goodbyes?"


Sabine nods; her heart clenches at the thought of having to say goodbye to her baby. Tom wraps his arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer to him. He can feel her shaking against his body, her tears threatening to fall. Wang Fu watches them for a moment, his eyes filled with sympathy. He moves ahead, cradling the baby in his embrace.




In the past four years, Wang Fu has grown fond of the little girl. It's not just her bubbly personality, but also her unique looks. Her short black hair and blue eyes contrast with her freckles. They remind him of Sabine and spark nostalgia and warmth. She has her mother's wisdom, looks, and her father's bubbly side.


When Wang Fu took her in and give her a room in the temple of the Order Of The Gaurdians, she didn't seem to mind that many people surrounded her. It wasn't common for the head of the Order Of The Gaurdians bringing a baby. But when he did announce the news to everyone, they seem surprised that someone as old as him brought a kid under his care. Or surprised that there would now be a heir for them.


When Wang Fu introduces Marinette to the other Guardians, they love her. They sometimes take her under their care.


The chef, Liang-Yan. On rare occasions, would take Marinette into the kitchen. He taught her different recipes and cooking tips. But, she could not understand--what they thought at least. The old man had a soft heart when it came to kids, like his wife, Sun-Yan. The servant.


Marinette helped Mrs. Sun-Yun clean the Guardians' rooms, overcoming her reluctance. After months of persuasion, she finally relented. She allowed the four-year-old to lend a hand.


Everyone became attached to the girl in a short time. She is like sunshine. She brightens their days. She brings joy and laughter wherever she goes. Mrs. Sun Yan soon sees Marinette as a blessing, not a burden. So, she makes her part of the Guardian family.


Even with the Kwamis. Their affection for her is profound. Every night, they cuddle the girl while she falls asleep. They play with her hair. They help her reach something she couldn’t. They are family to her. Not only mini gods.


Soon after the Kwamis and Wang Fu agreed to teach her some languages. With Marinette's enthusiastic permission, of course. 


Wang Fu was amazed at her rapid progress. Within a year, she became fluent in Mandarin and could easily converse with native speakers. The Kwamis, who were no longer needed as translators, followed her closely, observing her newfound language skills. Her exceptional ability to learn quickly was obvious to everyone, even impressing the experienced guardian.


She took up baking while helping the chef. She loved it and started baking for the entire Guardians. She seemed to even take it after her mother, who had a strong passion for baking.


"Marinette, this is wonderful!” Wang Fu says, grabbing another cookie and the Kwamis. They're dropping crumbs on the floor, but he doesn't mind.


Marinette giggles as she watches the Kwamis devour her cookies. Her apron is tiny, and a smudge of flour marks her cheek. She takes a seat next to her grandfather, a wide grin on her face. "You really think so, Grandpa? I'm glad you all like them!" She looks at the Kwamis. They are now trying to hide that they are stuffing their faces with the tasty treats.


She is happy that the Kwamis and her grandfather appreciate her baking. As she looks around the temple, she can't help but feel a sense of contentment. This is her home now, and she is happy to share her love for baking with the people who have become her family.


Wang Fu watches as the Kwamis and Marinette chat, laugh, and enjoy her sweets. He can't help but smile at the sight. He turns to Marinette, his eyes filled with pride. "Marinette, you have a real talent for baking. These cookies have irresistible flavors."


Marinette’s face lights up at Wang Fu’s praise. She is always eager to hear his compliments. Her bright blue eyes flash with amusement as she beams. "Thank you, Grandfather. I really enjoy baking. It has become one of my favorite hobbies."


Wang Fu chuckles, enjoying seeing the joy on Marinette's face. He strokes her head, tousling her hair with a gentle touch. "You've become quite skilled at it, my dear. You're already a better baker than some of the people in this temple!"


Marinette can't help but laugh at the old man's compliment. She knows the temple's cooks are exceptional. Comparing her to them makes her proud of her skills. "You're exaggerating, Grandfather," she teases. Her smile shows her delight at the praise.


"Perhaps a little, but it's still true that you have an incredible talent for baking. Your enthusiasm drives you, forming the foundation of a skilled baker." He glances at the Kwamis, who were all enjoying the cookies. They were all nodding their heads and squeaking in agreement.


Marinette laughs at the Kwamis' agreement. She knows they have a sweet tooth, but their love for her treats is endearing nonetheless. "I think they're the true judges of my baking skills," she teases. "They seem to be approving of my cookies quite enthusiastically."


Wang Fu bursts into laughter at Marinette's witty comment. He can't argue with her there. The Kwamis indeed have excellent judgment when it comes to sweets. "Indeed, they are. And it seems they've approved of your newest creation." He grabs another cookie, takes a bite of it, and savors the taste. "Absolutely delicious, my dear."


She sits for a moment, enjoying the warm atmosphere. The Kwamis have finished their cookies and are now buzzing around her head, eager for more treats.


After Wang Fu puts Marinette to bed, the Kwamis have their own place on her cheek.


He slides the shoji wooden door. Just then, Tikki appears from behind him, making him jump. "Tikki! You almost give the old man a heart attack!"


Tikki giggles. She knows that she has a habit of appearing suddenly, but she can't help it. She is always filled with boundless energy. "Sorry, Master Fu. "I don't mean to startle you," she says, apologetic. Her eyes sparkle with mischief, then her face grows serious. "I need to talk to you."


Wang Fu can sense that Tikki is no longer in a playful mood. The shift in her expression makes his brow furrow in concern. "Of course, Tikki. What is it that you need to discuss with me?" Tikki looks around the temple hallway to make sure that no one else is around. Then, she turns back to Wang Fu, her expression serious.


"It's about Marinette," she says in a low voice. "I need to tell you something important."


Wang Fu's eyebrows furrow even further at Tikki's words. He leans against the wall, giving her his full attention. "What about Marinette? Is something wrong?"


"I... I sense something different about Marinette. Something that goes beyond her talent for baking and her bright personality."


Wang Fu's eyes stretch open at Tikki's words. He can tell that this is something serious that concerns him about Marinette. "What do you mean by 'different'?” he asks, his expression becoming more serious.


Tikki takes another deep breath, gathering her thoughts. "I sense something in Marinette, a power, a potential, that I've never felt before. She almost seems destined to carry a great responsibility."


His heart skips a beat. He has a feeling that he knows where this is heading. "Are you saying... Marinette is destined to be a Guardian?" His voice is barely above a whisper.


Tikki's head bobs, and her antenna wilts. "Yes, I believe so. Marinette has all the qualities of a future Guardian. She has a pure heart, a strong sense of justice, and the ability to bring light even in the darkest times. But..."


The Guardian notices the hesitancy in Tikki's voice. He can tell that there is more to this than she is telling him. "But what, Tikki?" he asks, his tone gentle yet firm.


Tikki releases a shaky breath. She knew she had to tell him everything, but it was difficult to find the right words. "There's something else about Marinette, something I haven't mentioned yet," she confessed. "She not only holds the qualities of a Guardian, but she also possesses something more... powerful."


He stiffens as he hears Tikki's words. "What do you mean by 'powerful'? What other abilities does Marinette possess?"


"Marinette... She has the power of creation and destruction," Tikki whispers.


His eyes widen in shock as Tikki speaks. Creation and destruction? Those are powers only wielded by the most powerful beings in the universe. He stands there, stunned. This is a lot to take in. "Are... are you certain?" he utters the words, his voice quavering with fear.


Tikki nods, her expression serious and somber. "I am certain. I can sense it within her, the potential for immense power. It's like nothing I've ever felt before. And it has the potential to both create and destroy on a cosmic scale."


Wang Fu's mind is racing as he absorbs what Tikki is telling him. It's hard to believe the young girl in the next room. She has tremendous power. He takes a deep breath, trying to keep his composure.


"How... how is this possible?" he questions, still struggling to process what he is hearing.


"I... I don't know exactly how or why this is happening. It's as if the universe itself has chosen Marinette to hold this extraordinary power. "But, it comes with great responsibility. She will need guidance and support to use it well."


Wang Fu nods, knowing that Tikki is right. Marinette's power is not something that should be taken lightly. "You're right. We must help her, guide her. She is young and innocent, and this burden may be too heavy for her to bear alone."


"We must be careful not to overwhelm her. Marinette is a kind and caring girl, but the weight of this responsibility can change a person. We must provide her guidance on controlled power application to avoid misuse."


In his thousands of years of life, he never expected his granddaughter to be the true wielder of creation and destruction. He watches thousands of holders of the Ladybug Miraculous and Cat Miraculous, yet this seems different. She isn’t the true holder of it, but the power lives in her. Creation and Destruction.



Yet this seems like a good potential. A potential he couldn’t just waste. Wang Fu knew the potential Marinette had when he took her in. Being raised by the Guardian of The Orders, and not just living a normal life like the bakery couples in Paris. But now this changes things. She had the power of Creation and Destruction. It lives in her. And he wanted to use that to build their League. To build it by what they stand for. To make other Leagues fear them.

Chapter 2: Love vs. Slade-ty


Okay, so I decided to delete the remaining chapters and come up with a new plan for the story. I felt that the story was becoming boring because of the extensive backstory, so instead, I decided to make it primarily present with flashbacks.

This brings us back to the Teen Titans and the Judas Contract storyline. The characters' ages remain the same. And in this version, Marinette lives with Slade and Terra!

Chapter Text



She knew that she had been raised to be a leader rather than to follow. Over the years, she asked herself if she could even be strong enough to lead. Hell, she had the power to.


Power wasn’t something she had trusted.


Marinette's body slams against the wall as her training partner pins her against it. She lets out a groan. "Seriously? You're going to pin me against a wall and call it training?" she asks, her eyes locked onto his. "That's so unoriginal."


Slade remains calm, his eyes fixed on Marinette's defiant gaze. He responds with a lack of emotion, his katana still pointed at her throat. "Oh, I'm sorry. Would you prefer a pillow fight instead?"


Marinette rolls her eyes, "Ha ha, very funny. I meant a fair fight, not a WWE Smackdown," she snaps, straining against the wall to break free.


"In a real fight, there are no rules. Your enemies won't hesitate to exploit every weakness you have, and they won't show you any mercy. Don't be so naive as to think that a 'fair fight' will bring you victory. You need to be ruthless, cunning, and willing to do whatever it takes to come out on top. Anything less will get you killed."


She purses her lips, “Like Terra? You threw her into a battle when she isn’t even trained!”


"That's different," he growls, "Terra is valuable. She could use her powers in battle if she possesses the mental strength to support them. But you..." He leans in closer to Marinette. "My little bug, it takes a harsh lesson to bring out someone's true potential."


There it goes. Marinette always heard about her wasted potential. People criticized her for her mercy and invulnerability. She heard it almost all the time from Master Fu. She would have lied if she hadn't said it was embarrassing. But hearing Slade say it too was now even more embarrassing.


"Yeah, yeah," she says, trying to maintain a calm exterior, "I've heard it all before. Wasted potential, yadda-yadda."


Slade doesn't say anything for a moment, his sharp gaze studying her as if trying to gauge her reaction. He speaks again, "Your master was right, you know," he says in a direct tone. "You have the potential to be powerful and ruthless, but I can sense weakness in you. A softness that will get you killed one day."


That's when Marinette loses it. With Slade's face so close to hers, she sees a chance. She headbutts him. This makes him loosen the katana at her throat. Marinette seizes Slade's brief disorientation. She dodges around him with agility. Before he can regain his composure, she kicks his side. It sends him stumbling back.


Slade grunts as the kick connects, losing his balance for a brief moment. He steadies himself, his eyes narrowing in annoyance as he looks up at Marinette. He smirks.


“See, potential”


"Don't get cocky," he shoots back, "I'm just getting warmed up."


She scoffs, “I’m the cocky one?” 


Slade arches an eyebrow, a sardonic smirk playing on his lips. "You're the one who thought head-butting me was a good idea," he points out, his tone laced with amusement. "Not the most humble move, bug."


Marinette tried to fight back a laugh at his response. 


Slade was likely the only person Marinette first considered a coward. He aimed to defeat the Titans, but he experienced failure each time. It was hard to recover his body after his last battle with Robin


It's ironic to say that she didn't make the most humble move.


“That’s quite ironic coming from you. "We're still in Brother Blood's HQ. Terra is undercover with the Teen Titans."


Slade's smirk falters, and his expression shifts to a serious one. "Terra is making progress," he retorts. "She's learning to control her powers and gathering valuable info for us." 


'Yeah... that's something she definitely doesn't feel guilty about,' Marinette says to herself.


No one should have forced Terra to betray her own desires. Marinette knew how much Terra longed for the freedom and sense of self that the Teen Titans provided. Every time Terra came back after being with them, Marinette could see the spark of life and joy in her eyes. But it hurt Marinette to see that Terra was never allowed to be herself. She found herself trapped in a role not of her own choosing. 


Terra was like a sister to Marinette. When Slade and she first found her, they discovered her covered in dirt. She had always sworn to protect the little girl who cried as people yelled at her for being a 'witch'. Marinette wanted to protect that girl. 


It became harder for her to see that she was being forced to go against the Titans. 




After training, Slade decided to go back and talk with Brother Blood to discuss the plan to take down the Titans. Meanwhile, Marinette chose to take a shower after a long, hard training session.


Marinette stands alone under the hot shower. The water washes away the day's sweat and toil. Her muscles ache with exhaustion and satisfaction. The pain proves her hard training. The hot water soothes her tired body. It sparks a sense of achievement as she reflects on her progress in fighting skills.


After training with Slade for years, Marinette knew a ruthless world. You had to choose between killing or being killed. She had learned to adapt to survive. Slade had always wanted to make her a weapon. He used every brutal training session to mold her into his ideal tool of destruction.


He hoped to have her abilities on his side without any showiness. He felt convinced that with Marinette by his side, he could defeat the Titans in no time. But he realized it would take longer than expected. Marinette wasn't as effective as she seemed.


When Terra arrived, Slade noticed her and saw her as a potential asset. He began training her to control her powers. He wanted a useful weapon, as she had unique abilities. Through rigorous training, he aimed to mold her into a deadly force under his command.


Marinette was just another training student for him. 


Despite her mixed feelings about Slade, Marinette felt grateful to him. After all, it was through his involvement that she had gained a sister in Terra—her only friend. 


Under the hot shower, she felt the water cascade down her body. She closed her eyes and let memories flood her mind like a film reel. In these quiet moments, her emotions weigh on her. She feels a bittersweet nostalgia for her first friend. She hasn't seen him in years. It overwhelms her.


Their blades clashed, sending sparks flying. The sound of metal on metal rang through the air. As their blades clashed, he couldn't help but speak. "You're good," he said, his tone betraying a hint of admiration despite his reluctance. "For a girl."


She smirked at his comment, her eyes flashing with determination as his words echoed in her mind. In the duel's intensity, she experienced a sudden flashback to her childhood. She saw her younger self, a skilled, determined fighter. She trained in the courtyard under her mentor's watchful eye. Her friend's words, "You fight like a girl," had ignited a fire within her. It drove her to train harder and become a fierce warrior.


Marinette opens her eyes, a sly smile forming on her lips.


She almost forgot the feeling of training with such a competitive friend. It wasn’t something she hated. She almost liked it. He challenged her to fight back. 


Marinette reaches for the shampoo bottle. 


She squeezes a generous amount of shampoo into her palm. Then, she lathers it into her hair. The lavender scent fills the bathroom. The suds run down her skin.


Working for Slade was something she never imagined she would do. She had been raised to hate him, but looking back, he had somehow managed to become a part of her life.


A knock echoed in the bathroom. Marinette jumped at the unexpected knock. The conditioner bottle almost drops from her hand. She turns off the water and calls out, her voice echoing in the tiled room. “Yeah, who is it?” 


"It's me, Terra," a voice outside responds with a tone of slight annoyance. "Hurry up, will ya? I need to use the bathroom!"


Marinette recognizes the voice without delay, despite the annoyance in it. She sighs, her response dripping with sarcasm and filled with theatricality. "Hold your horses, Terra," she calls out. "I'll be out in a second. Geez, can't a girl get some peace in the shower?"


"Gimme a break," comes the response from outside, followed by a sigh. "I've been waiting outside for ten minutes now. Seriously, how long does it take you to shower?"


"I didn't know I had to rush when I thought you were with the Titans for the day!"


She groans. “Typical. You always take forever in the shower. It's like you enjoy wasting water." Marinette opens the door, with her towel around her and her wet hair dripping on the stone floor. 


"Hey, I was enjoying the hot water," she retorts, her voice carrying a defensive lilt. "It's nice after a long training session." Terra rolls her eyes. She squeezes between Marinette and the wall to get in the bathroom, then closes the door.


"You could have said 'excuse me' at least," she mutters just loud enough for Terra to hear through the closed door.


"Yeah, yeah," comes the reply from inside the bathroom. Terra's voice sounds muffled behind the closed door. "I don’t need to say ‘excuse me’ when you’re taking so long in the shower."


Marinette rolls her eyes again, but a small smile tugs at the corners of her mouth. 


Terra's excuse was obvious. She had her own room with a bathroom. So, her sudden appearance in Marinette's bathroom didn't seem convincing.


Marinette walks over to her dresser and grabs another towel to start drying her hair.


She finishes drying her hair; the damp strands are now sticking up in all directions. She runs her fingers through her hair. She tries to comb it into a normal hairstyle. The sound of the toilet flushing in the bathroom makes her roll her eyes again.


At this rate, her eyes might get stuck if she keeps this up.


“So was there a reason you came so early?” Marinette leans on the dresser, waiting for her answer.


There was a silent pause before “The Titans found one of Brother Blood's headquarters.” Damn, another one. “I came back to update Slade about it." Terra opens the door as the sound of the toilet echoes out of the bathroom.


The Titans found another of Brother Blood's hidden bases. It was no surprise. But it still worried Marinette. "Looks like they found another one," she said, her brow furrowing in thought. "Slade won't be pleased about this." She felt satisfaction at the thought of Willison's plans failing.


Terra nods in agreement, “Yeah, he's probably going to be in a mood about it," she says, letting out a sigh. "He already wasn't too pleased about the last one they found." She couldn't help but suppress a grin.


“And the Titans? How are they?” After they made Terra a Titan, she was eager to hear about her days with them. The adventure. And the feeling of being around people rather than the assassins of Slade.


"They're... 'Fine,' she says, her voice carrying a hint of distance. "They're still the same do-gooders as always: saving people, fighting crime, being heroic." She leans on her hand with her elbow on the couch. "So annoying.'"


Marinette can hear the hint of sarcasm in Terra's voice, and a small smile tugs at the corners of her lips.


"Ah, come on," she says with a laugh. "You know you missed hanging out with them, even if they're a bunch of annoying do-gooders."


Terra groans, crossing her arms over her chest. She pretends to be annoyed, but the hint of amusement in her eyes reveals her true feelings.


"I did not miss them," she insists, her voice unconvincing. "They're just so... annoying. Always with their 'let's save the world, we're heroes' shtick. It's nauseating."


“Really?” Marinette finger taps on her chin as she looks up at the ceiling, “What about Garfield?” She looks at Terra with a playful expression.


Terra's eyes widen at the mention of Garfield's name. She looks away from Marinette with a deliberate expression, pretending to be indifferent.


"Oh, Garfield? Pfft, he's just some furry loser," she says with a dismissive wave of her hand, trying to act like she doesn't care.


Marinette grins at the sight of Terra's blushing and fidgeting. She knows how to tease her about Garfield and can't resist. "Oh, come on, Terra," she says, her tone mischievous. "You can't fool me. I've seen the way you look at Garfield. You have a strong crush on him.” Terra gasped, standing up from the chair.


“Are you watching me?” 


"Okay, fine," she mutters, unable to deny it. "I've been... I’ve been watching you a little, here and there. Not in a creepy way!" She adds with urgency, seeing the look on Terra's face. "I just... I've noticed how you act around Garfield, okay?"


"So you’re spying on me?" she accuses. "What, you have nothing better to do than stalk me like some sort of creep?"


Marinette rolls her eyes. "It's hard not to when you pass the same screen every day that connects to the eye contacts that let us see what you're seeing that Slade gave you!"


"Oh, right," she grumbles. "I forgot about those damn contacts. So, you've been watching me, like some kind of babysitter or something? Great. Just what I need, another person keeping tabs on me."


"Relax, drama queen," Marinette says with a playful tone. "I'm not exactly sitting there with my eye glued to the screen all the time, watching your every move. I just... pay attention sometimes. And okay, maybe I can't resist watching when you get all flustered around Garfield. It's entertaining." She huffs.


"Whatever," she mutters, looking away. "It's not like I have a major crush on him or anything. He's just... cute, that's all. He's annoyingly cute, and it’s not like we can be more than friends..”

Marinette raises an eyebrow "Why not?" she asks, her tone becoming gentler. "You seem to like each other. And Garfield isn't exactly subtle about his feelings for you. So why can't you be more than friends?"


Terra's shoulders slumped, a mixture of helplessness and resignation visible in her eyes. "It's complicated," she murmured, her voice soft and low. "We're on different sides. The Titans are the good guys, and we're... well, you know. Garfield is good, and he deserves someone who's not... like me." She paused, her gaze drifting to the ground before continuing. "But I still have a mission to fulfill. I can't afford to let distractions, or my feelings interfere with Slade's plan. So, you see, it's just... complicated."


Marinette's hands clenched. She knew the consequences of Terra being with Garfield. Slade would be livid. It was hard to convince Terra otherwise, especially with the mission. She had always seen him as a guardian angel who took her in at her most vulnerable moment.


She always felt like she had to owe him in return. But the fact that she’s giving up the guy she likes is something that cuts deeper than owing him.


“Why?” Marinette couldn’t help but feel frustrated at this, “Why are you letting this hold you back? You know your feelings for him—you both do. You deserve to be happy, Terra!” Terra shakes her head.


“You don’t understand. Slade wants—"


"I know it's complicated, but you have to focus on your own happiness. You can't let Slade's mission come before your own needs and desires. It's your life, and you deserve to be happy."


"It's not that simple, Marinette," she snaps. "Slade has plans, and we have to follow them. We can't just do whatever we want. And even if I did tell Garfield how I feel, what would that solve? He's a hero, and I'm not. We're on opposite sides. It would never work." Marinette can almost feel Terra's heart clench as she notices her shaking. Her sister needs a hug more than a fight. So, she walks over to Terra and hugs her.


Marinette stood there, pondering Terra's situation. She saw how much Terra cared for Garfield. She felt torn about whether to tell him she had worked with Slade. Marinette knew Terra well enough to know she feared Garfield's reaction to the truth.


She could only hope that she would take action before Slade's plan was set in motion…

Chapter 3: Hold on Tight, Love's a Wild Ride!


Damian insecurities getting the best of him.


Sorryyy for the long update. It took me so long, and i wanted to change my writing style so lmk what you guys thinkk!!

Chapter Text

Damian couldn’t help but stifle a laugh at his boyfriend, who was ranting during their FaceTime call. 


“But seriously! Don’t you think it would be cool?” Jon says, with a grin on his face “Joining the Titans isn’t so bad.”


Damian’s boyfriend was incredibly enthusiastic about the Teen Titans. He dreamed of joining the group and being part of their team, but his parents strongly disagreed.


They highly valued education and responsibility, so the Kents frequently repeated the speech to Jon, “You can’t join the Titans and attend school at the same time. “ 


It makes Damian thankful his father was less severe with school. Not that it was necessary. 


“The only thing that comes to mind when I think about the Titans is how incompetent they are,” Damian says, feigning indifference. “They’re a bunch of naive and inexperienced kids who bumble their way through their missions. You’ll end up just like them, making mistakes and falling flat on your face.”


Damian knew that his words were nothing but a lie, a deliberate attempt to cheer Jon up despite the negative portrayal of the Teen Titans.


It must work when a smile forms on Jon’s lips, making Damian smile, too. His grandfather would probably have his head at the sight of it.


“Maybe I will,” Jon responds, his face appearing on the camera as he leans closer until only his piercing blue eyes are visible. “But it’s not all bad. After all, we get to see each other more often, don’t we?”


Damian rolls his eyes, silently thinking, “Yeah, like that’s something I hadn’t considered.” Instead, he smirked and replied, “I suppose so,” as he lay on his bed with his phone in hand, watching Jon. His passion for the Teen Titans is evident. Although they spend less time together since Damian joins the team, he finds himself captivated by Jon’s excited chatter. While he doesn’t appreciate the distance that grows between them, there’s something endearing about Jon’s enthusiasm.


Suddenly, Damian’s lips turn into a sly smile. “Have you missed me?” he asks, his tone laced with a hint of mischief. He knew exactly what he was doing, and the sight of Jon’s cheeks turning a charming shade of red was proof of it. Damian couldn’t help but feel a rush of satisfaction at the sight, enjoying how he could make his boyfriend flustered with a few simple words.


Jon’s heart skipped a beat as he saw Damian’s sly smile. “Well, of course, I have.” He replies, his voice slightly shaky. “I always miss you.” His cheeks continue to turn a deeper shade of red as he speaks. He couldn’t help but find it adorable how Damian could make him blush so quickly, even over a screen.


Long Distances are going to be the death of them.


They continued their conversation, the discussion flowing effortlessly between them. Damian had shifted his position, now perched on his bed with his back resting against the headboard. As he glanced at the clock, he noticed with a hint of disappointment that time had slipped away unnoticed, and it was getting late.



“It’s getting late. You should get some rest.” Jon frowns.


“But- “


“Nope. No buts. Get some rest. You have school soon,” he says, crossing his arms over his chest while holding his phone up with one hand.


Jon groans, “Meanie.”


“Don’t even start. You know I’m right,” he said with a smirk. It was true, and Jon was aware of it. They couldn’t stay up all night talking. Damian had online school, and on top of that, the Titans and Jon also had school to attend.


A moment of silence passes as Damian observed Jon’s hesitance. A mischievous spark lit up in Damian’s eyes, and he spoke again, his voice laced with a hint of teasing. “You know... I could come over and make sure you get some rest,” he suggests, his tone dripping with a mix of mischief and innuendo.


Damian chuckles, noticing the priceless blush on Jon’s face. He playfully teases him to provoke a reaction from him. And it worked.


He shakes his head. “Goodnight, Dami! Love you!”


Damian stayed quiet momentarily, the words “I love you” echoing in his mind. It wasn’t the first time he had heard Jon say it, nor the first time he hadn't said it back. Since they began dating five months ago, those words had come up frequently. Yet, Damian still wasn’t sure if he was truly in love with Jon or if he simply liked him.


It was a constant struggle to decipher the truth of his feelings for Jon, a battle made heavier by the weight of his uncertainty. Love, he realized, is more than mere attraction or fleeting fondness. It’s an overwhelming emotional bond that pulls you in, where your heart aches for that person, and a desperate longing burns within you. 


Yet, here he was, caught in a vortex of confusion, wanting nothing more than to be fully committed to Jon’s happiness and well-being but unsure if he could truly give his heart when he was still searching for his own.


It was foolish. It all seemed foolish to Damian. He had no idea what to expect when it came to love. But as far as he was concerned, love only made him feel vulnerable and weak, something he despised.


Even though Jon had managed to make him emotionally vulnerable, Damian hated the feeling of weakness it engendered.


Damian would literally give his life to Jon. Still, the thought of opening up and revealing his weak and vulnerable side to his partner was something that went against everything Damian believed in.


But he couldn’t deny that he was still trying to understand the nuances of affection and love. He was still learning what it meant to like someone, let alone love them.


“Get some sleep, Kent,” Damian says softly, feeling a twinge of disappointment in Jon’s eyes tugging at his heart. He knows he has hurt him, and that is the last thing he wants. “Goodnight.” Damian ends the call with a heavy heart, and the finality of the action leaves him with a sense of unease.


He knew there was a better way to end the call but why didn’t he though?


In an effort to clear his mind, Damian got out of bed, stretched, and made his way down the hallway to the training room. It was a routine he followed whenever he felt overwhelmed by thoughts that wouldn’t leave him alone. Training was his way of coping and finding solace from his worries and anxieties.


He frequently pursued dangerous missions, finding solace in the thrill of battle. The image of his sword slicing through enemies, their blood staining the blade, filled him with a twisted sense of satisfaction. Although it was a violent and unhealthy way to cope, it offered him a temporary escape from the turmoil that swirled inside his mind.


Damian walks into the training room, which is empty, fortunately. He is glad, as he doesn’t feel like interacting with anyone right now. He just needs a moment to train, to take his mind off things—things like Jon


He walks over to the Holo-Command Console. The hologram lights up as Damian approaches it. He stares at the holographic screen, his eyes flicking between the different options displayed.


He reaches out and presses the training simulation option, and a holographic person appears in front of him. In a swift motion, he moves his hand to his side and unsheathes his katana, holding it tightly in his grip. He stares at the holographic person, waiting for it to make the first move.


The hologram surges forward, racing straight toward him. Damian pauses for a brief moment before swiftly sidestepping to avoid the holographic figure. He then lunges forward and slashes at the hologram with his katana, causing the holographic person to stagger back from the blow.


He continues his attacks against the holographic person, each one more ruthless than the last. He swings with more force and ferocity, the holographic person barely having time to defend himself. He can’t help but feel satisfied with each blow he lands, the holographic person now stumbling back more frequently.


As Damian slashes at the holographic figure, his mind can’t help but think about Jon. He remembered the disappointed look on his face when Damian hung up on him so suddenly. He felt a twinge of guilt in his heart. For some reason, his attacks became more aggressive as he thought about Jon.


Damian’s attacks grew increasingly brutal as thoughts of Jon lingered in his mind. His slashes became more forceful.


As the holographic figure faded, another appeared before Damian, prompting him to react even more aggressively. The repeated sight of the hologram only served to fan the flames of his frustration, making him all the more ready to lash out in his training combat.


Damian unleashed a flurry of attacks, the hologram struggling to block his relentless onslaught. He was in a trance-like state, his thoughts consumed by the image of Jon. At that moment, he felt a strange detachment from his actions. His mind solely focused on the memory of his boyfriend.


It wasn’t the first time he had said, ‘I love you.’  


Damian kicked the hologram to the side and drove his katana into it. It disappeared, and another one appeared behind him.


The way Jon looked at him, his eyes brimming with affection and love, made it seem as if Damian were the only person he held onto.


He hurled his katana at the hologram. The blade sliced through the air, passing through the holographic figure with a whoosh.


The hologram collapsed to the ground; its body was sliced in half. His katana was stuck to the wall before falling with a loud clatter reverberating through the training room.


Damian can hear his breathing becoming ragged; he feels short of breath. He leans forward, planting his hands on his knees, his head hanging low. His fists clench, and his jaw tenses.


The guilt was eating him up, and it was obvious. But he still didn’t know what to do or where his feelings stood. Was this really love... or what? What was this feeling inside him...?


He can’t help but think about Jon over and over, the guilt he felt for hanging up on him. He loved him... didn’t he? He cared about him... didn’t he? If he did, why does he feel like this? Why does he feel so confused...?  He loved him…right? The sound of his own heartbeat was growing louder.


The thought of someone loving him filled him with dread. Just the idea of another person uncovering the shadows of his past sent a chill through his heart. He had taken so many innocent lives, each act a desperate attempt to convince himself of his own strength. But deep down, he knew that the weight of his actions left him fragile and vulnerable, haunted by the ghosts of those he had wronged.


He was a killer.


How could someone love him after knowing all that?.. The thought is almost laughable to him. The idea that someone could love him despite all that is hard to think about... and he doesn’t know if he has it in him. Could Jon handle the truth…?


There was so much uncertainty inside him at this moment. He had never had to deal with this before or even thought about his own emotions such as this. It was all new and foreign to him, and he hated it.


He stands there for a moment before reaching for his katana, which is still lying on the ground.


He had to get out of there before his emotions got the better of him. 


He was glad that the Titans were sleeping. He didn’t want anyone to see him like this. Vulnerable and emotionally unstable. He felt embarrassed and ashamed of his own emotions, the vulnerability and weakness seeping through his usual emotionless facade. He felt exposed and vulnerable in front of others. He had to pull himself together.


He makes it out of the training room and down the hallway to his room, gripping his katana. It almost gives him déjà vu from the horror movies that Dick recommends he watch.


He remembered all too well the madness that possessed them, the way they coped with their dark thoughts and impulses through the act of killing. As he walked down the hall, katana in hand, he couldn’t help but almost chuckle at the memory of how the murderers would casually stroll through the hallways, their knives coated in slick crimson blood. 


Despite everything, there are moments when he feels almost normal... almost.


As he walks down the empty hallway, the only sound is the echo of his footsteps. With his katana in hand, he feels a deep familiarity with the weapon, as if it’s an extension of himself. How he grips the handle and wields it feels almost natural—like second nature. At times, he feels like a murderer, a criminal, carrying a bloody weapon. 


Suddenly, a voice pierces through the hallway, reaching his ears from behind one of the doors—Terra’s door.


“You can’t be serious!” her voice rises. “You know the consequences of such a decision! Don’t be foolish!” Damian pauses, his footsteps coming to a halt as he turns his head towards the source of the voice.


He raises an eyebrow in interest at Terra’s words. He can hear her clearly from where he’s standing as if the walls were paper thin. Damian leans in closer to the door, his curiosity getting better. He stays silent, listening to the conversation on the other side of the door.


“I wouldn’t be sneaking in here if I didn’t have to,” He recognized that voice; it sounded so familiar. He knew he had heard it before but couldn’t place it. “Please, just think it through. We don’t have much time, and I don’t want you to regret your choice.” Damian’s eyes widen at this.


Damian leans closer to the door, straining his ears to catch each word. His curiosity is practically consuming him now, and he has to know who that person is and what they’re talking about.


“Damian,” a stern voice speaks out, making him quickly turn around and see Starfire looking down at him with a glare.


Seeing Starfire, there shocked Damian. He had been so focused on the conversation behind the door that he hadn’t noticed her presence. He quickly composed himself, looking as nonchalant as possible as he stood there. He looks up at Starfire, his eyes meeting hers as he returns her gaze. 


He glares at her, only returning the silence in response. When it was apparent he wasn’t going to answer, she sighed.


“Damian, you are invading Terra’s personal space.”


He raises an eyebrow at Starfire’s comment, a hint of annoyance creeping into his expression. 


He stood there, one hand resting on his hip while the other clutched his katana and spoke matter-of-factly, “I have no interest in medaling in Terra’s affairs. I was merely passing by when I heard voices coming from inside that room. I just happened to notice that the walls in this hallway are so thin it’s as if they’re made of paper.”


Starfire’s gaze remains suspicious as if his words don’t convince her. 


Damian can feel annoyed at how she looks at him as if he is at fault. He knows he’s not at fault. He was simply passing by. How was he supposed to know that a private conversation was going on? Is that a crime now?


Starfire looks at his katana, raising an eyebrow. 


Damian sighs, noticing her reaction. “What?” he asks, irritation evident in his tone.


He can see she is about to say something but stops when he walks past her. 


He could feel her gaze following him as he walked past her. 


Damian continued walking, his annoyance still lingering as the mysterious conversation played in his mind. The voice he had heard had stirred a sense of familiarity within him, but he couldn’t quite place it. 


He walks towards his room, his thoughts still swirling with questions—who was that voice in there, and why did its tone seem so eerily recognizable?


He knew he wasn’t going to get answers just by standing around and wallowing in self-recrimination for his treatment of Jon—his mother would have sternly scolded him for such behavior.


He understood what he needed to do: one mission remained—spy on Terra and uncover the identity of that voice.  He can already envision Drake’s mischievous face, knowing all too well that his older brother was no stranger to the art of surveillance.


He threw himself onto the bed. The situation with Jon had definitely driven him crazy; he had been kidding himself if he thought everything would come easily.


Terra is observant, so the Titans will discover any mistake he makes while integrating her. However, his lessons from the League about blending into the darkness have proven useful.