Chapter 1: The walking dead alternate story 1x1
Chapter Text
-Season 1 Episode -
[Days Gone By]
Scene 1-[Pre-Outbreak-Police cruiser]
Main character- Rick Grimes
The scene opens up with Rick and Shane sitting in their police cruiser on a lunch break talking about life and joking around…
Shane: What's the difference between men and women
Rick: This a joke?
Shane: No, I’m serious… I never met a woman who knew how to turn off a light, They’re born thinking the switch only goes one way—ON and i mean every woman i have ever left a key i swear to god, its like i come home, house all lit up and my job is i have to walk through that house and turn off every single light this chick left on.
Rick: Is that right?
Shane: Yeah baby, oh reverend Shane is preaching to you now boy
They both chuckle
Shane: Then this same chick will bitch about “global warming” see this is when reverend Shane wants to quote from the guy gospel and say “darling maybe you and every other pair of boobs on this planet, just figure out that the light switch, you see it goes both ways maybe we wouldn't have so much global warming”
Rick: You say that?
Shane: Yeah well a more polite version of course, still man that earns me that look of loathing you would not believe, that's when the exorcist voice pops out…. In a deep voice Shane says “YOU SOUND JUST LIKE MY DAMN FATHERRRR” always yelling about the damn power bill, telling me to turn off the lights
Rick: and what do you say to that
Shane: I know what i want to say, i want to say “bitch you mean to tell me you’ve been hearing this your entire life and you are still too damn stupid to learn how to turn off a switch
Rick and shane continue laughing while eating their burger and fries
Shane: you know i don’t actually say that though
Rick: That would be bad
Shane: Yeah i go with the more polite version there too
Rick: Very wise
Shane: Yes sir…. So how's it with Lori man?
Rick: Shes good….Shes good at turning off lights, really good, sometimes im the one who forgets
Shane: not what i meant
Rick looks around anxiously and throws his burger wrapper down
Rick: We didn’t have a great night
Shane: Hey look man, i may have failed to amuse with my sermon but i did try, the least you can do is speak
Rick: That’s what she always says ”Speak. Speak.” you’d think i was the most closed mouth son of a bitch ever
Shane: Do you express your thoughts? Do you “share your feelings” That kind of stuff
Rick: The thing is…. Lately whenever i try, everything i say makes her impatient like she didn't want to hear it after all, its like shes pissed at me all the time and i don't know why
Shane: Look man that's just the shit couples go through, yeah its a phase
Rick: The last thing she said this morning, “sometimes i wonder if you even care about us after all”
Rick takes a long pause and sighs
Rick: she said that in front of our kid, imagine going to school with that in your head, the difference between men and women…. I would never say something that cruel to her, especially in front of Carl
Suddenly the police radio goes off. Rick and Shane receive word that there is a high speed pursuit in progress. They are requesting backup, they speed off as fast as possible.
Scene 2-[highway 18, roadblock]
Dispatcher: suspects are 2 male caucasians, be advised they have fired upon officers, one Liden county officer is wounded.
The car's speed down the road before stopping to set down a spike strip to stop the car. Rick and Shane set it down then assume position behind their cars alongside the other officers, as the car approaches it hits the spikes and starts tumbling off the side of the road before landing roof down. Rick and some others move in closer but the door to the car swings open and one of the men comes out with a gun, they exchange fire, Rick gets hit and goes down the other officers keep firing until the suspects are dead. Shane runs towards Rick luckily the bullet hits the armored vest he had on and he helps him back up, however when he stood back up a third man got out from the car without being spotted and shot Rick in the side between the protection of his vest, as Rick falls back to the ground the line of officers return fire killing the suspect almost instantly….
Shane: RICK! WE NEED A MEDIC, YOU CALL IN AN AMBULANCE YOU DO IT NOW, shh shh shh don’t worry Rick you're gonna be ok, shh shh….
Scene-[During outbreak-Hospital]
Main character: Rick Grimes
In a daze Rick awakens in a hospital bed an undisclosed amount of time after the incident, he looks over at the flowers left on the side table only to notice the flowers and leaves dried out and wilting. He sits himself up and shuffles out of bed, he grabs onto the IV pole and immediately falls to the ground in pain,
Rick: Nurse…help….NURSE
There is no response, strangely there is barely any noise at all, Rick enters the bathroom, checks himself out in the mirror and drinks some water straight from the tap, he realizes some time must have passed, before he was clean shaven but now there is a decent amount of stubble. Rick open the door pushing a gurney away as he steps into the hall, most of the lights are out making it difficult to see, gunshots riddle the walls and blood stains cover the floors, he peaks down one hallway only to see the remains of a girl with her torso ripped open and torn apart. Rick turns the other way towards the nurses station his searches the desk for anything useful only finding a small matchbook, a door at the other end of the hall is chained shut with the words “Don’t open dead inside” as Rick approaches to investigate fingers wiggle out the crack in the door he panics and continues down the stairwell to the ground floor. The sun is blinding as the door swings open, the entire loading bay is lined with corpses all wrapped in white sheets, some lined up on the ground and others loaded into trucks, Rick walks through the lot and out the gate towards his home.
The road to his house is completely abandoned, cars left in the road, luggage bags and discarded papers and clothes litter the streets, Rick spots a bicycle that would make for a better means of transportation for right now, as he gets closer he notices a body cut right in half with intestines hanging out the bottom. The body rolls over and reaches out trying to grab him, Rick falls back in complete shock, “how is that possible” he wonders to himself. A few minutes later he pulls up in front of the house, he runs to the door luckily it was left unlocked, he enters calling for his family but gets no reply
He runs back and forth checking all the rooms before collapsing in anguish in the living room, he stares blankly at his hands
Rick: Is this real? Am I here?
He slaps himself repeatedly trying to wake up
Rick: wake up…wake up….
Rick walks back outside and sits on his front lawn, down the road a man is walking towards him, unannounced to rick someone is sneaking up behind him until he turns only to get smacked in the head with a shovel.
Rick: carl…i found you
A gunshot goes off the man that was walking in the road falls to the ground another man pulled the trigger then he runs over to where rick is
Morgan: He say something? i thought i heard him say something
Duane: yeah he called me Carl
Morgan: son you know they dont talk… Hey mister whats that bandage for? WHAT'S YOUR WOUND. You tell me or i will kill you
Before rick could answer he passes out, a while later he awakens in a house with Morgan and his son, Duane taking care of his wound, Morgan asks again what the wound on Ricks side was from so he tells them it was a gunshot, morgan persists
Morgan: Did you get bit?
Rick: Bit?
Morgan: Bit, chewed, maybe scratched, anything like that?
Rick: no i got shot, just shot as far as i know
Morgan checks ricks forehead making sure he has no fever to confirm he was not bitten
Morgan: feels cool enough, fever would have killed you by now
He pulls out a knife
Morgan: Take a moment look how sharp it is. You try anything, i will kill you with it and dont you think i won’t.
Morgan cuts Rick free from the bed and tells him to come out when he's able, Rick walks into the dinning room where Morgan and his son are sitting down for dinner. Rick walks over to the front windows to peak out the blinds but Morgan tells him not to do that, the Walkers will see the candle light.Morgan goes on about how there's more than usual out there because he fired the gun earlier which attracted more.
Rick: You shot that man today?
Morgan: Man?
Duane: it weren't no man
Morgan: What the hell was that out your mouth just now?
Duane: it wasn't a man
Rick: You shot him out front….A man
Morgan: Mister you need glasses. It was a Walker. Come on sit down before you fall down.
Everyone sits down and Morgan says a prayer, he asks Rick if he even knows what's going on, Rick tells him he just woke up from a coma today, Morgan explains that the man he shot was a walker, he explains that it would have killed him, bit him and eaten his flesh. He explains that the bite kills you and the fever burns you out and once you die you come back as a Walker, Duane tells Rick that's what happened to his mom.
Morgan: Carl? He your son? You said his name today.
Rick: hes a little younger than your boy
Morgan: and hes with his mother
Rick: i hope so
Duane: Dad, did you ask him?
Morgan: we got a little bet going about that gunshot, my boy says your a bank robber
Rick chuckles to himself
Rick: yeah that's me, the deadliest dillinger, kapow…. Sheriff's deputy
A car alarm on the street goes off so Rick and Morgan go to the front window to investigate, Duane comes over to look out and he sees his Walker mom walking around among the dead. As Morgan comforts his son, Rick moves to the door and as he looks through the peephole the walker does the same while she knocks herself gently on the door. Morgan explains to Rick that he couldn't put her down once she died, he says he didn't have it in him to do so he let her go. The next morning Rick, Morgan and Duane leave the house this is where Rick gets his first walker kill, He runs up to the walker and bashes its head with a baseball bat.The group returns to rick's house where Rick begins investigating he comes to the conclusion that his family is alive since all the pictures and photo albums are gone.
Duane: they're in Atlanta i bet
Rick: Why there?
Morgan: a refugee center, huge one they said before the broadcasts stopped, they told people to go there, military protection, said it’d be safest
Duane: plus they got that disease place
Morgan: the center for disease control, CDC, said they were working out how to fix this thing.
Rick grabs keys from one of the cabinets and the group heads to the police station to grab some gear. First they go to the locker rooms where there are still working showers, they all strip off and get into the showers, Morgan and Duane are extremely relieved it had been a month since the gas lines had gone down and they could get a real shower. They get out and dry off, Duane leaves the room to get dressed while Morgan and Rick have a heart to heart and talk about the future, they get dressed and head to the armory.
Duane: Daddy, can I learn to shoot?
Morgan: hell yes your gonna learn but we gotta do it carefully, teach you to respect the weapon
Rick: That's right, you pull the trigger, you have to mean it, always remember that Duane.
Rick hands Morgan a rifle, while loading up 2 duffle bags with pistols, rifles, shotguns and a bunch of ammo, they go outside to the parking lot to get some vehicles. Rick asks Morgan if he wants to come with him to Atlanta but Morgan refuses and tells him he’ll head out in a few days once he can teach Duane to shoot.
1. Convince morgan to come
2. Leave alone [Cannon]
This is the end of the first episode for now, after this choice the end part of episode 1 will bleed into the next episode its easier this way. Please vote for your choice by typing 1 or 2 in the comments, feel free to talk about anything relating to the story or show and feel free to leave advice or ideas I can incorporate.
This is the current character status
M=Main Characters[playable]
S=Side Characters[non-playable]
-Recovering from gunshot
-Morgan Jones [Ally] [Alive]
-Duane Jones [Ally] [Alive]
-Lori Grimes [Wife] [Unknown]
-Carl Grimes [Son] [Unknown]
-Shane Walsh [Best Friend] [Unknown]
[S]Morgan Jones
-Good health
-Duane Jones [Son] [Alive]
-Jenny Jones [Wife] [Undead]
-Rick Grimes [Ally] [Alive]
[S]Duane Jones
-Good health
-Morgan Jones [Dad] [Alive]
-Jenny Jones [Mom] [Undead]
-Rick Grimes [Ally] [Alive]
Story Progress
Rick woke up from a coma after being shot in the line of duty, he left the hospital to look for his family only to find his house empty. Morgan and Duane found Rick and took him in, the next day they went to the police station to arm up. There are no real changes yet its only episode 1.
Chapter 2: The walking dead alternate story 1x2
This story will follow the plot of AMC’s The Walking Dead but large decisions and character relationships will be randomly decided by your votes or random number generators if nothing is chosen or if there is a tie, there will be a 12 hour voting period if there are no votes in 12 it will extend to 24 hours. This is my first time doing any real writing so sorry if there is bad grammar or if things do not make too much sense, I will try my best and listen to all criticisms if they arise. This story was inspired by another user called AaronScotz who also made an alternate story for The Walking Dead but this is an original story not a copy. Also thank you for the advice and ideas moving forward.
Chapter Text
These are the rules. You will play as main characters and only main characters make game changing decisions like choosing one person to live over another or choosing relationships. Character status and relationship status will be shown at the end of each season, at the end of each episode you will be shown the list of known characters and a summary of the current chapter. Something that is a result of a previous choice will be shown with [!] Depending on your choices there is a chance for minor characters to gain a larger role, there is equally a chance of major characters dying early or gaining an entirely new arc. These rules are subject to change and adapt as time goes on and I think of new features. You may also notice that some seasons may have more or less episodes than canon and some episodes may have different titles.
Vote results
1. Convince Morgan to come to Atlanta (4)
2. Leave alone (6)
[!] Rick left Morgan and Duane and went to Atlanta alone
-Season 1 Episode 2-
[The road ahead]
[M] Rick Grimes
Rick begins to say goodbye to Morgan and his son but he gets cut off by the sound of a walker growling and clawing at a fence.
[M]Rick: Leon basset?
Morgan: You know him?
Rick: Yeah….He was a rookie at the time, I didn't really think too much of him but i can't leave him like this
Morgan: The noise will bring more of them
[M]Rick: then let's not be here when they come, You stay safe morgan, take this walkie and turn it on every day at dawn, we’ll find each other again
Morgan: You're a good man Rick, i hope you can find your wife and boy
[M]Rick: Thanks, Morgan, Stay safe
[!] Rick and Morgan part ways
Rick looks at Duane and tells him to take care of his old man. Once Morgan and Duane are in their car, Rick takes out his gun to deal with the walker on the fence and put Leon out of his misery. He gets into his police cruiser and heads off towards Atlanta taking a quick stop to put down the Walker that had the bicycle, he walks out into the field assuming it must have crawled away, he spots it crawling towards the forest so he goes up closer to put her down.
Rick: I’m sorry this happened to you….
The walker looks up at him reaching out trying to grab but its too weak to move closer, Rick raises his gun to the walker and pulls the trigger
[Morgans House]
Meanwhile Morgan is back at his house with Duane, he tells him to wait downstairs while he goes to take care of something, using the rifle that Rick had given him he begins taking out walkers from the upstairs window, trying to draw out his wife to put her down. Just then from between the cars she comes out into plain view, Morgan lines up the gun ready to fire but then he realizes he can’t do it and begins breaking down, he knows this is necessary but he cannot bring himself to pull the trigger so he lets her go.
[Road to Atlanta]
As Rick continues down the road he decides to turn on the police radio and see if there is anyone out there….
[M]Rick: Hello is anybody there, can anybody hear my voice…. Hello, Hello, I’m on highway 85 headed towards Atlanta
[survivor camp]
At a quarry outside of Atlanta a group of survivors are held up, suddenly a voice comes over the radio, they are picking up Rick's broadcast, a girl runs up to the radio to answer.
Amy: Hey hello can you hear me?
Rick: Can anybody hear me?
Amy: Yes I hear you …Do you hear me?
There is no response from the radio, the girl turns away and looks towards the older man by the RV
Amy: Dale, He's not answering i couldn't warn him
The group begins congregating around the radio, Dale looks towards another man sitting by the fire and calls him over
Dale: come on son you know how to work this thing, give it a try
The man is Rick’s best friend, Shane he has been staying with these other survivors at a quarry outside of Atlanta since the beginning of the outbreak
Shane: Hello, hello, is the person who called still on the air ....this is officer Shane walsh broadcasting to person unknown please respond.
There is no response, and the voice has stopped
Amy: well there are others then
Shane: we knew there would be that's why we left the CB on
Dale: we should be warning these people
Another woman speaks up, its Lori, Ricks wife, she is alive and Carl is with her
Lori: I've been saying for a week we ought to put signs up on 85 to warn people from the city
Amy: folks have no idea what they're getting into
Shane: well we haven't had time
Lori: i think we need to make time
Shane: yeah that…that's a luxury we can't afford, we are surviving here we are day to day
Dale: and who the hell would you propose we send
Lori: I’ll go give me a vehicle
Shane: nobody goes anywhere alone you know that
Lori storms off back towards her tent, Carl tries to follow but Shane stops him, telling him to hang out with dale for a little while, while he goes to talk to Lori. He follows her into her tent explaining why he made that decision saying she shouldn't be walking off like that, she could get killed. Lori reaches out and begins kissing Shane, before things could progress further Carl calls out looking for her, cutting them short. Lori reassures Carl that everything is ok, she gives him a hug and sends him back out to the RV….
1. Leave the tent and talk to Carl
2. Stay in the tent and talk to Lori
[M] Rick Grimes
After a while of driving Rick runs out of gas, he takes a jerry can and the bag of guns out the trunk and walks down the road,
[!] Morgan did not have extra gas
he stops off at the first house he sees in the hope of finding gas for his car. As Rick approaches the house he calls out for help but takes note of how quiet it is when he gets no response, so he decides to peek into the living room windows. In the room there is a dead couple, the words “god forgive us” is written on the wall in blood, it appears they had commit suicide together. The sight of the dead couple causes Rick's stomach to turn making him feel sick, unfortunately there is no gas in the house and the vehicles have no keys, upon further inspection of the area Rick spots a horse feeding on the grass in the backyard. He ropes up the horse and gets on, throwing the bag of guns over his shoulder as he steps up. After a while longer of riding he reaches the city, the highway entering the city is empty there's not a single car going in. The city streets are eerily quiet, seeing a once loud and bustling area completely empty has Rick on edge, despite that he continues deeper into the city. A distant whirling sound begins growing louder and louder, Rick looks up at the sky and spots a helicopter he begins to ride faster trying to follow the helicopter to wherever it is going but he ends up riding right into a herd of walkers.
[M]Rick: OH SHIT!
The herd follows him as he rides back in the opposite direction but another group cuts him off trapping him in between, they begin to swarm the horse, clawing at it until they take it to the ground and begin to rip it open. The bag of guns falls to the floor as Rick tries to get away, luckily some of the Walkers are distracted tearing apart his horse. Rick manages to crawl underneath one of the military's tanks but the walkers are still following him, just when he thinks it's the end he spots a hatch leading up into the tank, he goes up slamming it closed behind him. Looking around he doesn't see much, just the corpse of a former soldier, he goes over to investigate the body but it begins to growl. The walker turns its head towards Rick and in an instant he fires his gun at it, killing it but leaving him with an excruciating ringing in his ears. As the ringing dies down and Rick begins to regain his bearings, he opens up the top hatch to peek outside but there are too many walkers, one of them spots Rick as he goes back down slamming the hatch behind him.
static sounds begin coming from the radio and then a voice begins to speak
Voice on the radio: hey you, dumbasses, yeah you guys in the tank. Are you cozy in there?
[Characters met this episode]
-Lori Grimes
-Carl Grimes
-Shane Walsh
-Dale Horvath
-Amy harrison
Sorry for the lack of a big decision this episode, Next episode will have bigger choices, this episode will not have a major decision since it's shorter. As you probably saw, this is technically the end of episode 1 but in order to keep a good flow to the story i extended it to episode 2 and gave it a new title, episode 3 will be titled Guts like Canon episode 2 and it will be out very soon. I just wanted to get this out now to complete the full "episode"
Feel free to tell me things you’d be interested in seeing in the future EX:Storylines, character arcs, locations or things you are enjoying about the story. I might not be able to incorporate your ideas if it doesn't make sense for the plot or if it is impossible due to previous choices, but I will remember all suggestions and try to make everyone happy. Next episode will be longer and it will have bigger choices to make.
Chapter 3: The Walking Dead Alternate Story 1x3
Chapter Text
Sorry this took WAY longer than it should have. I've been really busy with work and college. I will be trying my best to catch up and be somewhat regular with posts.
This story will follow the plot of AMC’s The Walking Dead but large decisions and character relationships will be randomly decided by your votes or random number generators if nothing is chosen or if there is a tie, there will be a 12 hour voting period if there are no votes in 12 it will extend to 24 hours. I will try my best and listen to all criticisms if they arise. To vote please put the number of the choice and the number of the option you choose
These are the rules. You will play as main characters and only main characters make game changing decisions like choosing one person to live over another or choosing relationships. Character status and relationship status will be shown at the end of each season, at the end of each episode you will be shown the list of known characters and a summary of the current chapter. Something that is a result of a previous choice will be shown with [!] Depending on your choices there is a chance for minor characters to gain a larger role, there is equally a chance of major characters dying early or gaining an entirely new arc. These rules are subject to change and adapt as time goes on and I think of new features. You may also notice that some seasons may have more or less episodes than canon and some episodes may have different titles.
-Season 1 Episode 3-
Vote results
1. Shane talks to carl (2)
2. Shane talks to lori (0)
[!] Shane went to Talk to Carl
Scene 1-[Survivor camp]
[!] Shane went to talk with Carl
Back in the Atlanta camp, Lori decides to head into the forest to pick some mushrooms and berries, leaving Carl with Shane back at camp. As Carl and Shane sit by the main cook fire, Shane takes out some rope and begins showing Carl how to cut firewood and tie different types of knots.
Scene 2-[Atlanta]
[M] Rick Grimes
Voice on the radio: hey you, dumbass, yeah you in the tank. Are you cozy in there?
Rick picks up the radio
Voice: hey you alive in there?
Voice: there you are, you had me wondering
Rick: Where are you? Outside?
Voice: yeah i can see you, your surrounded by walkers
Rick: Got any advice for me here?
Voice: Make a run for it, listen it's not as dumb as it sounds you got eyes on the outside. The street on the other side of the street is less crowded, hop off the tank and go that way. Got ammo?
Rick: just a few rounds i had more in the duffle but i dropped it out there
[!] Rick lost the duffle bag
Voice: forget the bag, just take a look around and use what you have on you, meet me in the alley 2 streets down
Rick looks around the tank and inspects the lifeless body of the fallen walker, retrieving a handgun from its holster and a grenade from its vest. After preparing himself, he opens the top hatch of the tank and charges into the street. Sprinting down the road, he fires rounds to clear a path, then veers into an alley, where he unexpectedly encounters the man from the radio. The two continue running, narrowly escaping the advancing horde, eventually reaching a ladder that leads them to the safety of a rooftop. Once secure, the man introduces himself as Glenn. The pair takes a brief moment to rest before pressing on. Glenn then guides Rick through a nearby building, emerging into another alley. The sound of the door opening attracts the attention of several nearby walkers, but before they can close in, two individuals, armored and wielding bats, step out from the building and swiftly dispatch the approaching threat.
Glenn: Come on let's go
They follow the people into a building just as Rick enters a woman pushes him against a wall and puts a gun to his head
Andrea: you son of a bitch i ought to kill you
Morales: Just chill out Andrea, back off
Andrea: your kidding me right? Were dead because of the stupid asshole
Morales: Andrea i said back the hell off or just pull the trigger
Andrea lowers the gun, shaking her head in disbelief, Morales drags Rick to the front of the store and shows him the walkers banging on the front glass.
Morales: get the picture now?
Rick explains to the group how he ended up stranded in the tank, recounting the chaos that led him there. As he speaks, T-Dog picks up his radio, attempting to contact his group, his expression growing more tense with each passing second. Rick seizes the moment to ask about the refugee center Morgan had mentioned to him. A woman, her tone tinged with quiet resignation, informs him that the center is no longer standing. The weight of her words lingers in the air, an unspoken reminder of how much the world has crumbled. T-Dog fiddles with the radio a little longer, frustration mounting as static crackles through the silence. “No signal,” he mutters, his voice heavy with disappointment. Just as they decide to head to the roof they hear gunshots coming from up there.
Andrea: Oh no is that Dixon?
Glenn: come on lets go!
They run up the stairs as fast as possible to confront him
Morales: Are you crazy?
Merle continues firing down at the walkers on the street
Merle: you ought to be more polite to a man with a gun, its only common sense
T-Dog: man you wasting bullets we aint even got, your gonna bring more of them down on our ass, just chill
Merle: not you, its bad enough i got this taco bender on my ass now im gonna take orders from you, that’ll be the day
T-dog: “that’ll be the day” You got something you want to say?
Morales and Andrea try to step in, hoping to calm things down, but Merle doesn’t even acknowledge them. He keeps his focus on T-Dog, throwing out racial slurs meant to get under his skin. T-Dog finally snaps and swings at Merle, but Merle dodges and cracks him across the face with the butt of his rifle. Rick jumps in to stop the fight, but Merle elbows him hard, knocking him back. Merle doesn’t stop there. He keeps hitting T-Dog while he’s down, his punches landing one after the other. Then, just as suddenly, he pulls a pistol and points it at everyone.
Merle: All right, we're gonna have ourselves a little powwow huh, talk about whos in charge, i vote me, anyone else…. Show of hands.
Most of the group reluctantly raise their hand, but quickly gets knocked to the group and handcuffed to a pipe by Rick
Merle: And who the hell are you, man?
Rick: officer friendly, look here merle there's only 2 types of things out there now, white meat and dark meat, us and the dead, the only way we survive is pulling together not apart.
Merle: Screw you man…
Rick doesn’t waste time. He storms over to Merle, presses his gun to his temple, and throws Merle’s own words back at him with a mocking edge: “Ought to be more polite to a man with a gun.”
Merle: your a cop you won't do it
Rick: all i am anymore is a man looking for his wife and son
Rick crouches down and starts going through Merle’s pockets, his movements calm and deliberate. He pulls out a small baggie of crystal meth, then tosses it over the side of the roof without a second thought. Merle’s face twists in rage. “You son of a bitch! I’ll kill you” Rick doesn’t even acknowledge the threat. He turns away and walks to the edge of the roof, peering down at the chaos in the streets below.
Morales: Welcome to the big city.
T-Dog keeps fiddling with the radio, trying to make contact with anyone, but all he gets is static. Morales steps up beside Rick, explaining that their group has others camped outside the city, waiting for them to return.
Meanwhile, Merle shifts his attention to Andrea, trying to “charm” her into letting him go. His attempts are met with a cold glare. “I’d rather die than sleep with you,” Andrea says in a mocking tone. Rick, Glenn, and Morales gather near the windows, tossing around ideas for how to get past the horde outside. Glenn suggests trying the sewers, but a quick check of the alley reveals no access hatches nearby. That’s when Jackie speaks up. “What about the maintenance tunnels? They run beneath the building,” she says, her voice carrying a note of hope. “They might lead us right out under the walkers.” The group wastes no time heading down to the basement to check it out. At the bottom, they find a ladder leading even deeper. Glenn volunteers to go first, but only if everyone agrees to follow his lead. “We do this my way,” he insists, glancing at Morales. “You back me up. The rest of you—front of the store. Watch for walkers.” He looks at Jackie. “You stay here and watch the top of the ladder and T-dog stays with Merle” With the plan in place, Rick and Andrea move back toward the entrance, keeping an eye on the streets while Glenn and Morales prepare to descend.
[Main Entrance]
[M] Rick Grimes
Andrea: sorry about the whole gun in your face.
Rick: People do things when they're afraid
Andrea: not that it was entirely unjustified, you did get us into this
Rick: if i got us out would that make up for it
Andrea: no but it’d be a start
The walkers continue bashing relentlessly on the glass doors as Rick and Andrea keep talking….
Rick: Next time, take the safety off, it wont shoot otherwise…. Is that your gun?
Andrea holds her gun tightly, explaining to Rick that it was a gift from her father. Rick nods, taking a moment to show her how to work the safety and ensure there’s a round chambered. Meanwhile, up on the roof, T-Dog is still messing with the radio, desperate for a signal. Merle, chained to the pipe, won’t stop running his mouth. He keeps taunting T-Dog, throwing out insults and pleading in the same breath for someone to uncuff him.
Down in the tunnels, Glenn and Morales are making their way through the damp, narrow passages. The faint hope of escape turns into frustration when they hit a dead end—a wall of iron bars, beyond which a small pack of walkers snarls and reaches for them. Back upstairs on the main floor, Rick catches sight of Andrea lingering near the jewelry counter. Her fingers brush over a necklace, her expression softening for just a moment as she looks at it.
Rick: see something you like
Andrea: my sister actually, she loves mermaids more than anything
Rick: So take it for her
Andrea: there's a cop staring at me
Rick: I don't think those rules apply anymore, do you?
Andrea slips the necklace into her pocket, her face a mix of guilt and longing, but there’s no time to dwell. The sound of shattering glass rips through the air. Everyone turns to see the horde pouring through the front doors, their weight already straining against the next set of barriers. Glenn, Morales, and Jackie burst back into the room, their expressions grim. “Tunnels are a no-go,” Morales says, shaking his head. “Dead end. Full of walkers.”
The group scrambles back to the roof, hoping for another way out. Rick scans the streets below and spots a box truck parked a few blocks away. “We can all fit in that,” he says, pointing it out. “We just need to clear a path to get there.” They huddle together, brainstorming. Glenn runs a hand through his hair, thinking out loud. “Walkers sense you in three ways: sight, sound, and smell. We can distract them with noise, but…” Rick’s eyes narrow as he processes Glenn’s words. An idea starts to form, and he looks at the group. “Smell,” he mutters. Back on the ground floor, they drag a walker’s corpse in from the alley. Its rotting stench fills the air, and Rick hesitates, staring at the bloated, lifeless body. The weight of what he’s about to do hangs heavy on him. He steels himself, gripping the axe tightly. With a sharp inhale, he raises it high and brings it down with force. The sound of the blade meeting flesh is sickening, but Rick doesn’t stop. Five or six swings later, the walker’s body is split open, its insides spilling out as everyone watches in uneasy silence.
Who covers himself and goes outside with Rick to get the truck
1. Glenn (cannon)
2. T-dog
3. Morales
4. Andrea
Who gets Merles handcuff key
NOTE-If a character wins the vote to go with Rick they will not be available for this choice meaning they will be replaced by the next most voted for character
1. Glenn
2. T-dog (cannon)
3. Morales
4. Andrea
[New characters]
Thank you again if you are still here reading this. I am so sorry for the long delay. Hopefully I am back now. Feel free to tell me things you’d be interested in seeing in the future EX:Storylines, character arcs, locations or things you are enjoying about the story. I might not be able to incorporate your ideas if it doesn't make sense for the plot or if it is impossible due to previous choices, but I will remember all suggestions and try to make everyone happy
Chapter 4: The walking dead Alternate Story 1x4
Chapter Text
This story will follow the plot of AMC’s The Walking Dead but large decisions and character relationships will be randomly decided by your votes or random number generators if nothing is chosen or if there is a tie, there will be a 12 hour voting period if there are no votes in 12 it will extend to 24 hours. I will try my best and listen to all criticisms if they arise. To vote please put the number of the choice and the number of the option you choose.
These are the rules. You will play as main characters and only main characters make game changing decisions like choosing one person to live over another or choosing relationships. Character status and relationship status will be shown at the end of each season, at the end of each episode you will be shown the names of any newly introduced or recently killed characters. At the start of an episode your game changing choices will be shown with [!] Depending on your choices there is a chance for minor characters to gain a larger role, there is equally a chance of major characters dying early or gaining an entirely new arc. These rules are subject to change and adapt as time goes on and I think of new features. You may also notice that some seasons may have more or less episodes than canon and some episodes may have different titles.
-Season 1 episode 4-
[Escape Atlanta]
Vote results
Choice 1: Who went with Rick
[!] T-dog is going with Rick (2 votes)
Choice 2: Who has the handcuff key
[!]Rick gave Morales the key (2 votes)
[M]Rick Grimes
Rick crouches down, his face tight with focus, and scoops up a handful of slimy guts. Without hesitation, he starts smearing the foul mess up and down his coat, the blood and grime soaking into the fabric. T-Dog looks down for a second, staring at the dismembered body. With a resigned sigh, he kneels down and follows Rick’s lead, smearing the rotted innards across his own clothes. The others gather around to help, working quickly but with visible discomfort. Glenn gags as he presses a piece of putrid flesh onto Rick’s back. Morales turns his head away, his face pale as he pats a handful of guts onto T-Dog’s shoulders. Jackie lets out a soft curse under her breath, trying to hold her stomach as the stench of decay grows unbearable.
Glenn: Oh my god that's bad
Rick: Just think about something else, puppies and kittens
T-dog: More like dead puppies and kittens
As Rick and T-Dog finish smearing themselves with guts, Andrea steps forward and hands T-Dog her gun. “Just in case,” she says, her voice firm but understanding. T-Dog looks at her, surprised but grateful. “Thanks,” he says, tucking the gun into his pocket. “Nice to know someone’s got my back.” As T-Dog adjusts his coat, his eyes widen slightly—he’d almost forgotten. “Merle,” he mutters, glancing toward the rooftop. “He’s still cuffed up there.” Rick tosses the handcuff key to Morales. “Go get Merle ready to move,” he says, his tone sharp but calm.
T-Dog doesn’t wait around. He grips the door handle leading to the alleyway and pulls it open, the creak of the hinges cutting through the tense silence. Thankfully, the alley is mostly clear—no walkers in sight, and none seem to have heard the door. Rick and T-Dog step outside, their breaths shallow as they move toward the street. It doesn’t take long to reach the crowded intersection, a sea of walkers stumbling aimlessly. Covered head to toe in guts, the two approach slowly, every step measured and deliberate. The smell is suffocating, but it seems to work. The walkers don’t even glance at them, their dead eyes sliding past like Rick and T-Dog aren’t even there. Despite the success, neither man relaxes. Their hands stay clenched around their axes, ready to swing at the first sign of trouble.
Meanwhile, back inside, the rest of the group races to the rooftop, preparing for the next stage of their escape.
[!] Glenn used the radio to make contact
Glenn: Base camp, this is Glenn can anybody hear me….
Merle: Hold on, that asshole out on the street with the handcuff key?
Morales takes the key from his pocket and dangles it in front of Merle
[Atlanta camp]
[M] Shane Walsh
Back at the survivors’ camp outside Atlanta, life moves on as usual. The group sticks to their routines, each trying to keep busy while waiting for the others to return. Near the RV, Dale works with Jim, tinkering under the hood and exchanging a few quiet words about what needs fixing. Not far away, most of the women are gathered near the water buckets, scrubbing clothes and talking softly. Shane sits on a fallen log with Carl, a length of rope in his hands. “See this?” Shane says, looping the rope into a knot. “You get this right, it won’t come loose, no matter what.” Carl nods, watching intently, eager to learn. The calm is broken by a crackle of static from the camp’s radio. Everyone freezes, turning toward the source as a familiar voice cuts through the air.
Glenn: Base camp this is Glenn can anybody hear me?
Dale: Hello? Hello. Reception is bad on this end, repeat
Glenn: we’re not in a good situation here *static* Trapped *static* department store
Shane: He say trapped?
Glenn: we got hundreds of geeks *static* completely surrounded
Dale: Glenn can you repeat that last part?
The radio goes silent, no responses come back, the group congregates around the radio and begins discussing what can be done. Lori looks at Shane basically saying that they should help but Shane shuts it down saying that they should not risk the rest of the group to help them. Andrea's sister Amy steps up to Shane to plead with him but Shane explains how Andrea is probably already dead, enraging Amy and causing her to storm off. Dale continues trying to make contact with the radio, while everyone else goes back to what they were doing.
1. Talk to Lori
2. Talk with Dale
3. Talk with Amy
[M] Rick grimes
Back on the streets of Atlanta Rick and T-dog move their way through the walkers, slowly making progress towards the truck. T-dog looks at Rick and whispers
T-dog: i can't believe this shit is working
Rick: don’t draw attention
One of the walkers pauses, its head tilting slightly as it looks in their direction. Rick freezes, his grip tightening on the axe, but after a moment, the walker loses interest and shuffles away. Just as he starts to breathe again, a drop of water hits his face. Then another. Within seconds, the rain is pouring down, drenching them. The guts smeared across their jackets start to run, the blood and grime washing off and staining the ground behind them in streaks of red. The walker's movements grow sharper, less sluggish. A few of them start sniffing at the air, heads turning like they’re catching onto something.
T-dog: I think the smell is washing off man
Rick: No it's not…. Well…. Maybe
One of the walkers growls, its dead eyes locking onto Rick. It lunges at him, but Rick reacts instantly, bringing his axe down in a brutal arc. The blade splits its skull clean in two, blood spraying across the pavement. The sound draws the attention of the entire horde. In unison, they turn toward Rick and T-Dog, and begin shuffling after them. The two sprint down the street, axes swinging as they go. Rick takes out one walker with a clean strike to the neck, while T-Dog slashes another across the chest, sending it tumbling backward. Ahead, a chain-link fence looms at the end of the road. Rick doesn’t slow. He tosses his axe over the top and leaps onto the fence, scrambling up. T-Dog is right behind him, but as he climbs, a walker’s hand shoots out and grabs his ankle. He kicks wildly, his boot catching the walker in the face, and pulls himself free. With one last burst of effort, he makes it over, landing hard on the other side, he lets out a loud grunt as he hits the ground. Rick runs over to him and helps him onto his feet, T-dog grabs at his left hand, his wrist is visibly broken.
[!] T-dog was injured
Rick: There's no time to fix it here, we’ll worry about it after.
T-dog: let’s go
Rick pulls out his gun, steadying his aim despite the chaos. A few walkers have started to climb the fence, their decayed hands grasping at the chain links. He fires off a couple of shots, the sound echoing loudly, and two walkers drop back to the ground with splattered heads. Meanwhile, T-Dog sprints toward the truck, yanking the door open only to realize there are no keys inside. His eyes land on a small security booth nearby. Inside, a key rack hangs on the wall. With no time to waste, T-Dog bolts for it, throwing the door open and grabbing the whole rack. He rushes back, tossing the keys to Rick. Rick snatches them out of the air and jumps into the driver’s seat as T-Dog dives into the passenger side. The truck roars to life just as the fence gives way, and the walkers begin pouring in. He punches the gas, steering away from the incoming horde. Fortunately, the lot has another exit, and they swerve through it just in time.
T-dog: Shit did you see how many there are out there
Rick: Ok listen we need those roll up doors at the front of the store cleared we’ll pick everyone up there, raise your friends on the walkie tell them to get down and be ready
T-dog: and how the hell do you expect me to clear that
Rick: noise….
A little further down the road, Rick spots a red car parked on the curb, it's bright, flashy, and perfect for a quick getaway. He skids to a stop next to it and smashes the driver’s side window with the butt of his gun. The car alarm immediately starts blaring, echoing across the city. Rick works quickly, ripping open the panel beneath the steering wheel and fiddling with the wires. Sparks fly, and the engine sputters to life. He glances up at T-Dog. “Think you can handle this?” T-Dog doesn’t hesitate. “Yeah, I got it.” Rick slides out of the driver’s seat as T-Dog climbs in. Without wasting a second, T-Dog hits the gas, the car screeching off down the street, the alarm still wailing. Meanwhile, back in the store, the rest of the group is in motion. They’ve packed up their gear and are sprinting down the stairwell, racing toward the main floor but on the rooftop, Merle remains. He’s still handcuffed to the pipe,
Merle: Come on you can't leave me, it's not human man, Please, MORALES
Morales stands frozen for a moment, the key clutched tightly in his hand. He looks back at Merle, who’s pleading for his life. The desperation in Merle’s voice seems to cut through the noise, and Morales hesitates before making his decision. With a quick glance at Merle, he tosses the key toward him. “Free yourself and get to the front of the store!” Morales shouts before turning and bolting down the stairwell. He doesn’t look back. Merle’s reflexes kick in, and he snatches the key out of the air with pinpoint precision. A smug grin spreads across his face as he unlocks the cuffs, rubbing his sore wrist before picking himself up off the ground. Without wasting another second, he heads for the stairwell.
[!] Merle was freed from the handcuffs by Morales
Meanwhile, downstairs, the group is gathered near the roll-up door, their nerves on edge as they wait for Rick to pull up. The sound of T-Dog’s car alarm still blares outside, echoing through the city. Moments later, the rumble of another engine joins it as Rick’s truck screeches to a stop in front of the store. Merle bursts into the main lobby just as the walkers finally shatter the glass doors. His eyes widen, and he sprints toward the rest of the group. “Open it!” someone yells as Andrea and Jackie rush to lift the roll-up door. Rick backs the truck in as close as he can, the tires screeching against the concrete. Morales flings open the truck’s rear doors, and everyone scrambles inside, tossing their bags in after them. Merle barrels in at the last second, narrowly avoiding the grasping hands of a walker. He dives into the truck just as Morales slams the door shut behind him. “Go, go, go!” someone shouts, and the truck roars forward, leaving the chaos behind as the walkers swarm the empty store.
Merle: Well holy shit
Morales: You're welcome….
Glenn looks towards the front where rick is sat in the drivers seat
Glenn: Rick where is T-dog is he alright
Rick: He's alright, found himself a new car, he’ll meet us back at base.
*Due to previous choices you have the opportunity to make two people a main character but for now only 1 can be chosen, this does not mean that there is no chance of them both becoming main characters in the future if they survive*
1. Merle
2. T-dog
Thanks for reading, please vote in the comments and feel free to tell me things you’d be interested in seeing in the future EX:Storylines, character arcs, locations or things you are enjoying about the story. I might not be able to incorporate your ideas if it doesn't make sense for the plot or if it is impossible due to previous choices, but I will remember all suggestions and try to make everyone happy. I’m still working out "gameplay" features i want to add in the future to make it more fun. Let me know if you have suggestions you’d like to see.
Chapter 5: The walking dead alternate story 1x5
Chapter Text
This story will follow the plot of AMC’s The Walking Dead but large decisions and character relationships will be decided by your votes or random number generators if nothing is chosen or if there is a tie. there will be a 24 hour voting period if there are no votes in 24 hours it will extend to 48 hours it may vary depending on the number of total people voting. I will try my best and listen to all criticisms if they arise. To vote please put the number of the choice and the number of the option you choose.
These are the rules. You will play as main characters and only main characters make game changing decisions like choosing one person to live over another or choosing relationships. Character status and relationship status will be shown at the end of each season for all characters, or on specific episodes. At the start of an episode your game changing choices will be shown with [!] Depending on your choices there is a chance for minor characters to gain a larger role, there is equally a chance of major characters dying early or gaining an entirely new arc. These rules are subject to change and adapt as time goes on and I think of new features. You may also notice that some seasons may have more or less episodes than canon and some episodes may have different titles.
-Season 1 Episode 5-
[Nature calls]
Vote results:
Choice 1- who does Shane talk to
[!] Shane goes to talk with Dale (1 vote)
Choice 2- Who is a now a playable character
[!] T-dog is now a playable character (2 votes)
[Truck interior]
[M] Rick Grimes
Rick, Glenn, Andrea, Jackie, Morales and Merle are all in the truck driving back towards Their group outside of Atlanta, while T-dog drives solo just ahead of them, his car alarm still echoing out. Rick stares at Merle through the rear view mirror….
Rick: Don’t start thinking i forgot what happened up there, behave yourself and we’ll have no more problems, got it.
Merle: No problemo officer friendly
Morales: And don’t make me regret saving your ass either
Merle: Tell you what, we get back to camp, I'll make you a taco with extra love and positivity….
Morales: Whatever man
The trip back is relatively uneventful mostly spent in silence with Glenn speaking up to give Rick directions back to camp
[Atlanta survivors camp]
[M] Shane Walsh
Back at camp, Shane stands by the fire, eyes sweeping the area. He spots Lori by a chair, cutting Carl’s hair, and Dale up by the RV, tinkering with something on the roof. He heads over to Lori and Carl first, offering a small smile. “Y’all good?” Lori nods, focused on Carl, who sits quietly. Satisfied, Shane moves on, making his way toward Dale.
Shane: Need any help man
Dale: With this baby here…. Definitely
Shane: Whats wrong with her
Dale: Well the radiator hose has been busted for a while, it probably needs an oil change, also the wheels need some air. I think we can take care of the tires but unless we find a matching hose we’ll have to make due with duct tape
Shane: Shit man that's bad, Give me that wrench there let me check the bolts on the tires quick
Shane grabs the wrench from Dale, crouching down to tighten the bolts on the RV’s tires. He works fast, his hands steady and practiced, while Dale pulls an air pump from the trunk and starts filling the tires. As they work, the conversation turns casual. Dale mentions his father, a mechanic during World War II. Shane nods, half-listening, focused on finishing the job. Then, out of nowhere, the sound of a blaring car alarm cuts through the quiet. Both men freeze, glancing up the road as the noise grows louder, heading straight for camp, as it pulls up T-dog gets out
[!] Shane bonded with Dale
Dale: holy crap turn that damn thing off
T-dog: Man if i knew how to i would have by now
Shane: Pop the hood…
Amy rushes up to T-Dog the moment he steps out of the car, her voice frantic. “Is Andrea okay? Where is she?” T-Dog holds up a hand, trying to calm her down. “She’s fine. Everyone’s fine. Just take a breath, alright?” Meanwhile, Shane pops the hood and yanks out the car battery, silencing the alarm. The rest of the group comes over to investigate the commotion.
Shane: Are you fucking crazy driving this thing up here like that, are you trying to draw every walker for miles?
T-dog: Just chill man, you expect me to walk
Dale: Everyone calm down ok, that alarm was echoing all over these hills, it's hard to pinpoint the source, but it wouldn't hurt for you to think a little more carefully next time would it.
T-dog: You're right, i’m sorry
Just then the other truck pulls up. Glenn hops out, grinning at Rick. “Come on, meet everyone.” The group climbs out of the truck and starts walking into camp. Amy spots Andrea and runs straight to her, throwing her arms around her in a tight hug. Morales’ kids come sprinting toward him, leaping into his arms, his wife Eliza close behind, relief written all over her face. Dale approaches Glenn, giving him a firm squeeze on the shoulder. “Glad you made it back, kid.” Shane steps forward, starting to ask how they managed to escape, but he freezes mid-sentence when he sees Rick climbing out of the driver’s seat. Rick and Shane lock eyes, both frozen in shock. Before either can say a word, Carl’s head snaps around, and his face lights up. “Dad!” he shouts, sprinting toward Rick and leaping into his arms. Rick catches him, holding him tightly, Rick begins to cry tears of joy, finally reunited with his family. Lori stands frozen, her hand covering her mouth Rick walks over to her, pulling her into the embrace with Carl. Rick turns his head and gives Shane a grateful nod, thanking him for helping his family.
[!] Rick reunited with his family
[Later that night]
The group sits around the campfire, the flames casting shadows across their faces. Rick leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he starts talking. He tells them about the day he got shot and how everything just went black. Waking up in the hospital felt like stepping into a nightmare. He explains the smell, the emptiness, the gut-wrenching realization that the world had fallen apart while he was out cold. The group listens closely, the fire crackling softly in the background as Rick’s words hang heavy in the air.
Rick: it felt like some dream i couldn’t wake up from
Carl: mom said you died
Rick: and she had every reason to believe that, don’t you ever doubt it
Lori: When things got really bad they told me at the hospital that they were gonna medevac you and the other patients to Atlanta, and it never happened.
Rick: Well I'm not surprised it didn't happen, from the look of that hospital it got overrun.
Shane: yeah, looks don’t deceive i barely got them out, you know
Rick: I can't even tell you how grateful i am to you Shane
The group chats quietly around the fire, the conversation a mix of relief and exhaustion. Dale sits beside Andrea and Amy, offering occasional comments, while Shane takes a seat across from Rick, Lori, and Carl. Most of the others have already retreated to their tents or scattered around camp, but one family remains awake by a separate fire. The father tosses another log into the flames, causing them to rise higher. Shane notices and calls over, reminding him to keep the fire small so it doesn’t draw attention. The man, Ed, brushes him off, clearly uninterested in listening. Shane sighs, gets to his feet, and walks over. “Ed, I’m serious. We don’t need to be advertising ourselves out here.” Ed hesitates, then backs down, muttering something under his breath. Shane kicks dirt over the fire to lower the flames, then he kneels down and apologizes to Carol and Sophia the man's wife and daughter, for disturbing them. Then he goes back to the fire where Glenn is explaining the Atlanta situation with Merle to the rest of the group.
Glenn: I’m telling you guys we need to keep an eye on Merle, after what happened in Atlanta I can't trust him not to do something again
Dale: I don't even know what we can do, but once Daryl gets back, we’ll really have to worry, as if one of them isn't enough
Rick: well i cuffed him in the first place so i should probably go have a proper talk with him tomorrow morning
Glenn: good idea just be careful, you know
Shane: i’ll go with you, back you up just incase
Rick: Thanks but i think i should do it alone, less threatening
Shane: Are you sure man?
Rick: i am
After a few hours of talking and sharing stories, the camp gradually quiets down as everyone decides to turn in for the night. One by one, they retreat to their tents. Rick, Lori, and Carl settle into their tent. Once Carl falls asleep, his soft breathing filling the small space, Rick and Lori lay close together, speaking quietly. Their conversation drifts from lighthearted to intimate, the closeness of the moment reigniting the bond between them.
[Next morning]
[M] Rick Grimes
The next morning, Rick wakes up to find Lori and Carl already gone from the tent. He stretches, pulls on his boots, and steps out into the camp. As he walks, he greets a few people, exchanging nods and quick hellos before heading over to the RV. There, he spots T-Dog leaning against the side, watching Dale and Jim strip parts from the red car Rick had brought back. T-Dog shakes his head, letting out a low whistle. “Damn, what a waste of a nice car,” he says. Rick chuckles. “Yeah, but at least it’s getting put to good use.” He starts walking away when he sees Lori over by the laundry line with Andrea and Amy. She looks up from scrubbing a shirt and smiles as he approaches. “Morning,” she says. “You sleep okay?” Rick nods. “Better than I have in a long time.” He pauses for a moment, then adds, “I’m about to go talk to Merle... see if I can make things civil.” Before they could finish their conversation they hear screams coming from the forest that sounds like Carl and Sophia, the whole group picks up weapons and runs towards the noise to help only to find a walker eating the body of a deer, both Carl and Sophia both unharmed. All of them beat down on the walker until finally Dale takes off its head.
Dale: thats the first one we've had up here, they never come this far up the mountain
Jim: Well they're running out of food in the cities
Suddenly, more rustling comes from the bushes, and Daryl steps out, crossbow in hand, looking furious. “Damn walker ruined the deer I was tracking!” he yells, his voice sharp with frustration. Dale steps forward, trying to de-escalate. “Daryl, calm down. It’s just—” “Don’t tell me to calm down, old man!” Daryl snaps, cutting him off as he kicks the walker’s body in anger. “This thing cost me dinner!” Rick watches silently as Daryl vents, letting him blow off steam. After a moment, Daryl mutters something under his breath and storms off, heading back toward camp. “Gotta find my brother,” he grumbles as he walks back into camp.
Daryl: Merle get your ugly ass out here, I got us some squirrels.
[!] Merle and Daryl reunite
Merle: Well shit little brother, your ass been gone all night and that's all you got, 8 squirrels?
Daryl: i woulda had a damn deer if not for that dead asshole in the woods taking my kill
Merle: Alright, let's do em up then
Merle and Daryl sit by the fire, casually skinning squirrels, their conversation low but animated. The smell of fresh game hangs in the air as the fire crackles between them. Shane walks up to Rick, his expression serious. “You’re really gonna talk to him now?” he asks, glancing over at the brothers. Rick nods, keeping his eyes on Merle. “It’s better to get it over with.” Shane steps closer, lowering his voice. “Take someone with you. If he snaps, you don’t want to be caught alone with them both.” Rick looks around the camp, scanning the faces of those nearby. He considers his options, thinking carefully about who he can trust to keep things steady if tensions rise.
*who does Rick bring with him to talk to Merle*
1. T-dog
2. Shane
3. Morales
4. Glenn
[Main Character status]
[M] Rick Grimes- Alive, unharmed, happy
[M] Shane Walsh-Alive, unharmed, annoyed
[M] T-dog-Alive, Broken wrist, happy
[Relationship status]
[!]Rick and Lori are rekindling their relationship
[!] Dale and Shane had a pleasant conversation
[!] T-dog and Rick bonded
[!] Merle and Daryl reunited
Thanks for reading, please vote in the comments and feel free to tell me things you’d be interested in seeing in the future EX:Storylines, character arcs, locations or things you are enjoying about the story. I might not be able to incorporate your ideas if it doesn't make sense for the plot or if it is impossible due to previous choices, but I will remember all suggestions and try to make everyone happy. I’m still working out "gameplay" features i want to add in the future to make it more fun. Let me know if you have suggestions you’d like to see.
Chapter 6: The walking dead alternate story 1x6
Chapter Text
This story will follow the plot of AMC’s The Walking Dead but large decisions and character relationships will be decided by your votes or random number generators if nothing is chosen or if there is a tie. there will be a 24 hour voting period if there are no votes in 24 hours it will extend to 48 hours it may vary depending on the number of total people voting. I will try my best and listen to all criticisms if they arise. To vote please put the number of the choice and the number of the option you choose.
These are the rules. You will play as main characters and only main characters make game changing decisions like choosing one person to live over another or choosing relationships. Character status and relationship status will be shown at the end of each season for all characters, or on specific episodes. At the start of an episode your game changing choices will be shown with [!] Depending on your choices there is a chance for minor characters to gain a larger role, there is equally a chance of major characters dying early or gaining an entirely new arc. These rules are subject to change and adapt as time goes on and I think of new features. You may also notice that some seasons may have more or less episodes than canon and some episodes may have different titles.
-Season 1 episode 6-
[Tell it to the frogs]
Vote results:
Who goes with Rick to talk to Merle?
[!] Morales (2 votes)
[Atlanta Camp]
[M] Rick Grimes
Rick’s eyes land on Morales, who’s sitting near his family, laughing as he plays with his son. For a moment, Rick hesitates, not wanting to pull him away, but knowing Morales had previously helped Merle he could help keep things calm. Walking over, Rick crouches down beside him. “Morales, I need a hand with something,” he says, his tone serious but steady. Morales looks up, his smile fading slightly as he reads Rick’s expression. “What’s up?” “I’m gonna talk to Merle,” Rick explains. “Figure it’s best if I’m not alone.” Morales sighs, glancing back at his family before nodding. “Alright, give me a second.” He ruffles his son’s hair and exchanges a quick word with his wife before standing up. The two make their way over to the fire where Merle and Daryl are sitting. The brothers barely acknowledge their approach, too focused on their task. Rick glances at Morales, who gives a subtle nod, ready for whatever’s about to go down.
Rick: Hey Merle, I think we should clear the air between us if we’re going to work as a team.
Merle: Oh yeah so what do you want to do, apologize?
Rick: that's my intention, Look you were a danger to the group when you pulled a gun on one of our own
Morales: Come on Man you gotta at least see why he’d think to do that, if someone was about to kill you we’d of done the same thing to them
Merle: Not my fault he was pissing me off trying to act all “in charge”
Morales: He didn’t do anything, just let it go so we can move on, this shit ain’t worth arguing over
Rick: Look i’ll give you one more chance, you pull anything like that again we won't stand for it
Daryl: You threatening us, asshole
Rick: No, just making a statement, your brother does not work and play well with others and we can't have that, keep him in line.
After some back-and-forth, Merle finally relents, shaking his head with a smirk. “Alright, fine. I’ll be an angel,” he says sarcastically, tossing a sly grin at Morales and Rick. Rick watches him for a moment, not entirely convinced, but decides to let it go for now.
[!] Merle accepts the apology
He and Morales exchange a quick glance before turning and walking away, leaving the brothers by the fire. When they get back to Shane, Rick gives him a rundown of the conversation. “He said he’d behave,” Rick explains. Shane crosses his arms, “And you believe him?” Rick sighs. “Not entirely, but he’s not causing trouble for the moment. We’ll keep an eye on him.” Shane shakes his head, clearly still uneasy. “I don’t like it, Rick. Guy like that, you let your guard down for one second, and it’s over.” “Then we don’t let our guard down,” Rick replies firmly. After a bit more back-and-forth, Rick turns to Morales. “Thanks for stepping in back there,” he says, giving him a grateful nod. “No problem,” Morales replies, heading back to his family as Rick and Shane move toward the RV. Leaning against the side of the vehicle, Rick looks out over the camp. “This place… it’s not gonna last,” he says, breaking the silence. Shane raises an eyebrow. “What’d you mean?” “It’s not permanent,” Rick continues. “Not unless we get more supplies. Fortify it. Otherwise, it’s just a matter of time before something happens.” Shane considers this for a moment, nodding slowly. “Yeah, but even if we do all that, it’s not like we’ve got the manpower to hold it. You got any ideas?” Rick’s gaze hardens as a thought hits him. “The bag of guns,” he says suddenly. Shane looks confused. “What bag of guns?” “The one I dropped in Atlanta,” Rick says. “Rifles, shotguns, pistols… and a hell of a lot of ammo. We could use that to protect this place.” Shane’s face tightens at the mention of Atlanta. “You’re talking about going back into the city? You saw what it’s like down there. That’s suicide for a bag of guns that might not even still be there.” Rick stares at him, unwavering. “If we’re gonna make it here, we need those guns, let’s take it to the group.”
Rick: Ok everyone gather round for a minute, we need some volunteers to come with me back to Atlanta, if we want to stay here we need to defend ourselves and right now we don't have the weapons or ammo to do it.
Shane: look i don’t like the idea of leaving camp so understaffed but rick is right we need those guns, and some people to go with him
Lori: Rick, You just got here and your just gonna leave
Carl: dad i don't want you to go
Rick: I have to i owe a debt to a man and his son, i wouldn't be alive without them and i told them i’d keep in contact, the walkie i had is in that bag too
Lori looks down and the floor not giving a response as Rick kneels down to pat his son on the shoulder reassuringly.
Rick: Glenn we're gonna need your experience on this one, you know the streets better than any of us
Glenn: Fine
Morales: I’ll come too, back you up again
T-dog: I’ll go with too
[!] T-dog is too injured to go
Rick: No not you T your hand is still healing, last thing you want to do is hurt it worse
T-dog: You're right, i know, i'll keep look out at camp then
Rick: Still need one more
Rick looks at Merle still sat with his brother by their fire and shouts out to him
Rick: Merle get your gear we’re heading back to Atlanta
Merle: You talking to me officer friendly
Rick: i am, i want you with us to get those guns
[!] Merle is going to Atlanta
Merle glances at Daryl, then back at Rick, before letting out a low grunt. “Fine,” he mutters, putting his rifle over his shoulder and grabbing his backpack. Morales takes a moment to say goodbye to his family, giving his wife a quick kiss and hugging his kids tightly. He slings his gear over his shoulder and walks toward the truck where Glenn is already waiting in the driver’s seat, ready to go. Rick kneels down to say goodbye to Carl, ruffling his hair before standing to kiss Lori. “I’ll be back,” he promises, though the worry in her eyes tells him she’s heard it all before. Shane approaches just as Rick turns to leave, handing him a handful of spare rounds for his Colt Python. “You’re gonna need these,” Shane says, his tone serious. Rick nods, slipping the ammo into his pocket. “We’ll be back before you know it.” As the others climb into the truck, Merle saunters up last, rifle slung lazily over his shoulder. “Don’t get all cozy without me,” he says with a smirk, hopping into the back and shutting the door. With everyone loaded up, Glenn shifts the truck into gear, and they roll out, heading back toward Atlanta. The camp grows quieter as the truck disappears down the dirt road, leaving the rest of the group to wait, hoping for their safe return.
[Atlanta camp]
[M] Shane Walsh
Shane: Hey T-dog man go help dale out by the RV, don't put too much strain on that wrist
T-dog: Alright then, hopefully they get back soon aint many of us left here if shit goes down
Shane: We’ll make do
[In Atlanta]
[M] Rick grimes
As the truck slows to a stop on the edge of the city, Glenn kills the engine, and the group takes a moment to gather their thoughts. The streets ahead are eerily quiet, littered with abandoned cars and the occasional walker. Rick spreads out the map on the hood of the truck and points to the area near the tank where he last saw the bag. “The guns are right here. Just a few blocks down that street,” he says. “I’ll lead us there. We move fast, stay quiet, and stick together.” Glenn leans in as he studies the map. “That’s a lot of walkers between us and those guns,” he says. “We’ll need a distraction, something loud enough to pull them away.” Before anyone can respond, Merle pulls a bottle of whiskey from his pack with a crooked grin. “This’ll do the trick,” he says, digging around for a rag and stuffing it into the neck of the bottle. “Molotov cocktail, baby.” Rick nods, taking a deep breath. “All right. Glenn and Merle, you’ll handle the distraction. Morales and I will go for the bag. Everyone ready?” The group gets out of the truck and starts walking towards the bag.
[Atlanta camp]
[M] T-dog
T-Dog leans against the RV, chatting with Dale about camp stuff and what needs fixing next. Not far away, Jim is sitting alone by his tent, flipping through a book, while Morales’ wife, Eliza, plays with her kids and Sophia, their laughter echoing softly around the camp. Down by the quarry, Shane and Carl are splashing around, trying to catch frogs. Carl laughs as Shane makes a big show of trying to grab one with both hands and completely misses. The women nearby are busy washing clothes, chatting while they work, but Ed sits off to the side, silently watching, his eyes locked on Carol. Lori shows up at the RV, looking around. “Where’s Carl?” she asks, clearly worried. Dale glances up from working on the RV. “He’s down at the quarry with Shane, catching frogs,” he says casually. Lori doesn’t even respond, her face hardening as she spins around and heads straight for the quarry.
T-dog: What do you think that's about?
Dale: Not my business.
T-dog: want me to take watch on the RV, I can't shoot a rifle for shit right now but i'll let you know if i see something.
Dale: Sure just give a holler if you need me i’m gonna do some rearranging inside here
T-Dog climbs up to the top of the RV, taking a moment to scan the area. From his vantage point, he can see down to the quarry where Shane, Carl, and the others are by the water. He shifts his gaze to the road leading into camp, squinting against the sun. It’s quiet—no movement, no walkers in sight. T-Dog exhales in relief, though he keeps a sharp eye on the tree line, just in case. Down by the water, the women talk amongst themselves, reminiscing about the old world and laughing about the small, silly things they miss—hot showers, coffee, even vibrators. Ed notices and decides to butt in, stomping over with his usual scowl. He hovers over them, his presence turning the mood sour. "Don’t you all have work to do?" he barks, trying to assert himself. Lori finally reaches the bottom of the quarry, her eyes locking on Carl. She quickly pulls him away from Shane, holding his hand tightly as she glares at him. “Get back up to the RV, now,” she tells Carl firmly. Once Carl is out of earshot, Lori rounds on Shane, her voice low but sharp. “Stay away from me and my son. You don’t get to play family after lying to me about Rick, making me think he was dead. You don’t have that right anymore.” Shane’s face hardens, but he doesn’t argue, just watches as Lori turns and heads back up the quarry with Carl. The tension hangs in the air long after she’s gone.
[M] Rick grimes
The group moves cautiously down the street, their eyes locked on the tank up ahead, still surrounded by a thick swarm of walkers. Rick stops and turns to the others, giving a quick reminder of the plan. “Stick to the plan, and we’ll be out of here in no time,” he says, his voice low but firm. Merle smirks as he pulls out his makeshift molotov, igniting it with a flick of his lighter. With a practiced throw, he hurls it at a car across the street. The bottle shatters on impact, and the flames erupt, roaring to life as the fire spreads. Walkers near the tank turn, groaning and stumbling toward the blaze like moths to a flame. As the area clears, Rick spots the bag lying just where he left it. Without wasting a moment, he crouches and starts moving, ducking low and weaving between the cars. Glenn stays close behind, scanning the area for any stragglers. Morales and Merle stay back near the building, keeping watch and ready to jump in if things go south.
Rick grabs the bag and bolts, but a few walkers notice him and start closing in. Glenn is right on his heels, smashing one in the head with his crowbar as it gets too close. “Run!” Morales yells from the side of the building, his voice frantic. “They’re leaving the fire” Merle wastes no time, raising his rifle and dropping a few walkers with clean shots. The sound of gunfire only draws more attention, and the group has no choice but to pick up the pace. Rick and Glenn make it back to Morales and Merle, but before they can even think about reaching the truck, a fresh pack of walkers shuffles into the street, cutting them off. “Inside!” Rick shouts, pointing at the closest building. They rush through the glass doors, slamming them shut behind them just in time. The walkers start banging on the glass….
Rick: Shit what the hell do we do
Glenn: let me think, let me think
Merle: Why don’t you think a little faster there boy
Glenn: There might be alleyway access at the back of this building just pray it's clear of walkers
Rick: Lets go
The group rushes through the building, taking out a few walkers as they go. When they finally reach the back door, Glenn cracks it open just enough to take a look outside. The alley is crawling with walkers. It’s not as bad as the front entrance, but it’s still a serious obstacle.
Glenn: What do we do here guys
Morales: I don't know man, we’re safe in here for now, even if they break the front doors they wouldn't find us back here. We can wait them out until some of the walkers cleared the alleyway then go when there's an opening.
Merle: Are you shitting me, we could be here all night, we just got a goddamn armory in that bag
Glenn: i don't know, we shouldnt stay here maybe we can cause a distraction to clear some out the alleyway
Merle: Or just shoot our way out
1. Wait the walkers out
2. Distract the walkers
3. Shoot your way out
[Atlanta Camp]
[M] Shane Walsh
Shane sits by the water, replaying the conversation with Lori over and over in his mind. It’s eating at him, but he can’t shake it. His thoughts get interrupted when he sees Ed and Carol, the situation between them getting more tense by the second. “Carol, get over here now, or you’ll regret it later” Ed’s voice cuts through the air. The women try to stop Carol, urging her to stay, but she pushes past them, determined to follow Ed. Before she can take another step, Andrea steps in front of her, blocking her path. “Carol doesn’t have to go anywhere with you, Ed,” Andrea says, her voice sharp. Ed’s face twists with anger. “You don’t know what you’re talking about bitch,” he growls. Without warning, he grabs Carol by the arm and pulls her towards him. She hesitates, but Ed turns and slaps her hard across the face. This sets off Shane he storms over to them knocking Ed on his ass in one clean punch to the head, Shane throws him to the side and goes to throw another punch….
1. Keep beating him down and teach him a lesson
2. Stop the beating and reprimand him verbally
*Some choices may have effects that do not show up for a while
*Let me know if you like the idea of me telling you what story parts happened as a result of your previous choices. At the end of each episode
Thanks for reading, please vote in the comments and feel free to tell me things you’d be interested in seeing in the future EX:Storylines, character arcs, locations or things you are enjoying about the story. I might not be able to incorporate your ideas if it doesn't make sense for the plot or if it is impossible due to previous choices, but I will remember all suggestions and try to make everyone happy. I’m still working out "gameplay" features i want to add in the future to make it more fun. Let me know if you have suggestions you’d like to see.
Chapter 7: The walking dead alternate story 1x7
Chapter Text
This story will follow the plot of AMC’s The Walking Dead but large decisions and character relationships will be decided by your votes or random number generators if nothing is chosen or if there is a tie. there will be a 24 hour voting period if there are no votes in 24 hours it will extend to 48 hours it may vary depending on the number of total people voting. I will try my best and listen to all criticisms if they arise. To vote please put the number of the choice and the number of the option you choose.
These are the rules. You will play as main characters and only main characters make game changing decisions like choosing one person to live over another or choosing relationships. Character status and relationship status will be shown at the end of each season for all characters, or on specific episodes. Game changing choices will be shown with [!] Depending on your choices there is a chance for minor characters to gain a larger role, there is equally a chance of major characters dying early or gaining an entirely new arc. These rules are subject to change and adapt as time goes on and I think of new features. You may also notice that some seasons may have more or less episodes than canon and some episodes may have different titles.
-Season 1 episode 7-
Vote results:
[!] Distract the walkers (1 vote)
[!] Physically beat down Ed (1 vote)
[Atlanta Camp]
[M] Shane Walsh
Shane doesn’t stop. His fists slam into Ed’s face over and over, rage completely taking over. Ed lies there sobbing, his hands feebly trying to shield himself as he begs, “Please, stop… please.” “You put your hands on your wife, your little girl or anyone else in this camp, i will not stop next time” he punches him again “I’ll beat you to death Ed” Andrea, Jacqui and Amy are holding Carol back while she cries out for her husband. Shane lands one more kick into his chest and then storms off towards camp.
[!] Shane beat Ed within inches of death
[M] Rick grimes
Meanwhile, back in the city, Rick’s group huddles together in the dark corner of an office building, trying to keep quiet as the sound of walkers echoes from outside. Rick glances around the group, weighing their options. “Glenn’s right,” he whispers. “A distraction worked before; it might work again.” Merle leans back against the wall, crossing his arms. “Well, I ain’t got no more booze,” he mutters, his voice low but sharp. Glenn moves through the room quietly, scanning the desks and shelves for anything useful. “It’s just office junk,” he says, frustration creeping into his voice. “Chairs, desks, pencils, paper—nothing loud enough to draw them away.” Rick sighs, rubbing his temples as he stares at the room. “There’s gotta be something,” he says, more to himself than anyone else. “We just need time to think.”
Rick: Fire….
Morales: Come again
Rick: we need to distract them away from the door, they seem to like fire right
Glenn: I don't suppose they keep bombs in an office building
Merle: Hand sanitizers
Morales: What?
Rick: he's right its flammable, if we can get some in a bottle, we can light it up and roll it past the walkers hopefully it's enough light for them to follow after
The group searches the room, desperate for something that might work. Merle pulls a soda bottle out of a trash can and holds it up with a smirk. “Guess this’ll do,” he mutters. Morales rifles through a janitor’s closet and comes back with a few bottles of hand sanitizer. “Got these,” he says, handing them over. They huddle together near the door, working fast. Morales pours the sanitizer into the bottle while Rick stuffs a dish towel into the neck. Merle grabs it, strikes a match, and lights the towel. The flames catch quickly, casting an eerie glow in the dark room. “Alright, watch and learn,” Merle whispers. He cracks the door just enough to peek outside, then rolls the bottle down the alley. The bottle clinks against the ground and rolls a few yards before erupting in flames, the glow drawing the walkers away. Rick opens the door and sneaks out grabbing the bag of guns as he leaves, Morales, Glenn and Merle follow close behind.
[!] The walkers were successfully distracted
The group creeps to the end of the alley and peers out onto the street. Most of the walkers up front are still hammering on the building’s glass doors, oblivious to anything else. In the alley, the distraction is working, the fire has their full attention, pulling them away. As Rick steps out onto the street and gets hit in the face with a baseball bat, a car pulls up at the end of the alleyway and 2 other men get out armed with Machetes.
[!] The Vatos were alerted to your location
Merle doesn’t hesitate—he raises his rifle and fires, the shot echoing down the street. One of the men drops instantly, crumpling to the pavement with a gunshot to the head before he can even react. The remaining guy lunges forward, snatching the bag of guns. Glenn charges at him with his tire iron, swinging hard, but the man dodges, knocking Glenn to the ground with ease. “Damn it, Glenn!” Merle barks, but it’s too late. The guy bolts for the car, tossing the bag in as he climbs in after it. Tires screech as the car speeds off, leaving Rick groaning on the ground, Glenn scrambling to his feet, and Merle cursing at him. “The hell was that?!” Morales yells, rushing to check on Rick as Merle glares at the fading car. “They took the guns!” Merle yells
[Atlanta Camp, a few hours after Ed was beat down]
[M] T-dog
T-Dog sits on top of the RV, his eyes scanning the perimeter. The camp seems calm for now, Andrea and Amy are out on the quarry, paddling one of Dale’s canoes. Their quiet laughter carries faintly across the camp as they fish and talk about their parents, sharing memories and holding onto a shred of hope that Florida might be in better shape than here. T-Dog shifts his gaze and notices something odd. Up on the hill, Jim is working furiously, sweat dripping from his brow as he digs holes into the dirt. “Hey, Dale,” T-Dog calls down, still watching Jim. “You see what Jim’s doing up there? What the hell’s he digging for?” Dale steps out of the RV, shading his eyes as he looks toward the hill. “No idea,” he says after a moment. “Let’s go find out.” The two of them walk up the hill, the heat bearing down hard as they get closer. Jim doesn’t stop or even acknowledge them. He just keeps digging, dirt flying with each forceful shove of his shovel. His face is blank, eyes distant, almost like he’s not really there. “Jim,” Dale says cautiously, stepping closer. “What’s going on? You okay?” Nothing. No reaction. Just that same vacant stare as the shovel hits the ground again and again. Dale and T-dog look at each other nervously and walk away back to camp leaving Jim to himself.
T-dog: What the hell do we do about that
Dale: I don't know but we may have a bit of a problem with Jim, let's talk to the others
T-dog: Are you sure we should cause a panic like that, the mans just digging
Dale: In 100 degree weather, he could get heat stroke if he doesn't have it already
As T-dog and Dale approach the rest of the group Dale informs them about Jim, they look up the hill and see him digging. Shane looks around at the group and then follows T-dog over to Jim, most of the group decides to go up too.
Shane: Hey Jim what the hell are you doing man, digging to China?
Jim: What do you want?
Shane: Just a little concerned about you, that's all
T-dog: You’ve been out here for hours man, its hot
Jim: So…
Shane: So why you digging man
Jim: What i'm not hurting anyone am i
Dale: Your hurting yourself it's 100 degrees out here
Lori: Look they aren't going to say it so i will, your scaring people, your scaring the kids
Jim: They got nothing to be scared of, why don’t you all just leave me the hell alone
Shane: Look man just come back to the camp get some water and i’ll come back out here later and help you myself
Jim: Or what, you gonna beat my face in like, Ed Peltier, You’ve seen his face right, what's left of it
Andrea: Ed was out of control he was beating his wife
They continue to argue for a while until Jim loses his temper and swings his shovel at Shane, but Shane tackles him to the group instantly holding him down and trying to calm him, Jim begins breaking down talking about how his wife and kids were eaten in front of him. Shane loosens his grip and stands Jim up, wrapping his arm around Jim and helping him back to camp. The group returns to camp and goes back to what they were doing, Andrea and Amy give the fish they caught to Daryl who is sitting alone by the fire sharpening his knives. T-dog goes back to the RV with Dale and they switch positions Dale grabs the rifle and sits down atop the RV. Shane goes over to talk to Jim giving him water and shade, Jim begins to relax and come back to his senses, it was just heat stroke, he mentions not remembering why he was even digging.
What should T-dog do now?
- Talk to Dale
- Talk to Jim
- Go get some alone time
[Atlanta, After getting robbed]
[M] Rick Grimes
Merle: We got to go after those fuckers, they got our guns
Rick: We need a plan before we do anything, gunshots probably brought more walkers this way, let's head for the truck and come up with a plan
Merle: We can't lose that car we’ll never find them
Glenn: He’s right it's now or never
Rick: Shit… Lets just check it out before doing anything rash
The group follows the tire tracks and trail of dead walkers into an industrial area. As they come closer towards an old warehouse, they hear the sound of metal doors closing. Merle motions for them to stay low. They round a corner and spot three figures on the roof of the old warehouse, armed and watching the area. Merle whispers, "Looks like we found 'em." “they could be anybody, how can we know” Rick whispers “Look at them, not many beaner compounds around anymore i’d guess” Morales looks at Merle angrily but holds his tongue.
[!] Merle was able to track the Vatos
Rick: So how are we doing this, we got 3 guns, not much ammo, no explosives left
Merle: We sneak in there and take our shit back
Glenn: Are you out of your mind, we got nothing, if we get caught in there we’re done
Morales: i agree with Glenn, we don’t have the firepower our other guns are gone
Rick: Shit….
Merle: Take your balls out of your purse and man up, i got a plan
How do you handle the Vatos situation?
- Sneak in
- Try to negotiate
- Cut your losses and return home
Hey sorry for the shorter episode this time as always i hope you enjoyed anyways, remember not every choice is as clear cut as it may seem and may have long term effects. You may have already noticed but since Merle was saved in episode 4 he was here in episode 7 to shoot the boy that led the group to the Vatos in Cannon.
Thanks for reading, please vote in the comments and feel free to tell me things you’d be interested in seeing in the future EX:Storylines, character arcs, locations or things you are enjoying about the story. I might not be able to incorporate your ideas if it doesn't make sense for the plot or if it is impossible due to previous choices, but I will remember all suggestions and try to make everyone happy. I’m still working out "gameplay" features i want to add in the future to make it more fun. Let me know if you have suggestions you’d like to see.
Chapter 8: The Walking Dead alternate story 1x8
Chapter Text
This story will follow the plot of AMC’s The Walking Dead but large decisions and character relationships will be decided by your votes or random number generators if nothing is chosen or if there is a tie. there will be a 24 hour voting period if there are no votes in 24 hours it will extend to 48 hours it may vary depending on the number of total people voting. I will try my best and listen to all criticisms if they arise. To vote please put the number of the choice and the number of the option you choose. ANYONE CAN VOTE!! Feel free to talk about why you voted that way if you’d like.
These are the rules. You will play as main characters and only main characters make game changing decisions like choosing one person to live over another or choosing relationships. Character status and relationship status will be shown at the end of each season for all characters, or on specific episodes. Game changing choices will be shown with [!] Depending on your choices there is a chance for minor characters to gain a larger role, there is equally a chance of major characters dying early or gaining an entirely new arc. These rules are subject to change and adapt as time goes on and I think of new features. You may also notice that some seasons may have more or less episodes than canon and some episodes may have different titles.
-Season 1 episode 8-
[Forced Entry]
Vote results:
T-dog choice: [!] T-dog went to talk to Jim
Rick choice: [!] Rick decided on sneaking into the Vatos compound
[Outside the Vatos compound]
[M] Rick Grimes
After a moment of considering different possibilities Rick makes up his mind, “Merle what's your plan” Glenn turns to Rick “You can't be seriously considering this” “I am, we need those guns its the reason we came back to Atlanta in the first place”
Merle: Ok here's what we do, Me, Morales and Officer Friendly here will search around the building for another entrance, while the chinaman gets the truck and parks it just down the road there..
Glenn: I’m korean
Merle: Whatever man
Rick: Alright, Just keep you head on straight this time, and don’t get trigger happy, we can’t afford to mess up here
Merle: Sure thing
Glenn: Alright guys, be careful
[!] Glenn is waiting in the truck
Merle slings his rifle and heads down the side of the building, Rick and Morales right behind him, weapons drawn. They slip past the guards on the roof, staying low until they’re out of sight. “We find an open door or window, get inside, and grab our guns,” Merle mutters. “That’s it? That’s your whole plan?” Rick whispers. “Pretty much. Just follow my lead,” Merle smirks. “No killing unless we have to,” Rick warns him. They creep along the building, dodging windows with guards looking out. Morales spots a door behind a fence without barbed wire and points it out to them. “There.” he says, Merle stops the group and tells them the plan.
Merle: Ok listen up, we hop that fence, i pick the door open, we find cover than grab someone hostage and have them tell us where the armory is
Rick: alright, stay quiet
The group hops the fence one at a time, everyone making it over safely, Merle runs to the door and pulls out a crowbar from his bag and begins prying the door. Rick and Morales stand behind him covering his back, after only a few moments Merle has the door open, he takes out his knife and sneaks inside.
[Inside the compound]
The door opens up into an empty hallway; the place appears to be some sort of medical facility judging by the numbered rooms and wheelchairs in the hall. Morales looks around clenching at his gun sweat dripping from his forehead, Rick places a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. Merle leads the group around another corner, as they pass by a staircase they hear soft footsteps, “Shhh” Merle gestures for everyone to stop moving. “Those are human footsteps” Morales looks at him confused “You can tell” “How the hell can you not” The stairwell is boarded up and covered in furniture, it's impossible to pass without alerting someone, Merle looks around and points out another exit door leading out into a courtyard between buildings. He peaks through the window of the door and spots 2 guards up on the fire escape on the floor above.
Merle: Here's what we’re doing, we sneak past those guards and up the fire escape then we duck into one of the windows
Rick: I don’t see many guns on them
Morales: Nah they definitely got some now though, that means they haven’t given em out yet
The group slips out the door, quietly moving past the fire escape without being seen. As they pass a window, Rick hears an older woman speaking in Spanish. He can’t make out the words but pauses, trying to listen. Once they’re safe at the other end of the courtyard, Rick asks what she said, Morales whispers, “She said, ‘Felipe, come quick. Mr. Gilbert needs his medicine.” Merle smirks. “So they’ve got meds too.” “That's not what we’re here for Merle remember the mission” “Sure thing officer” They climb the other fire escape and slip into one of the windows, the room is empty, it looks like a hospital room. Rick peaks out the door and in the hallway there are people walking around, armed with melee weapons, Rick only spots one man holding a pistol. He continues to look around through the crack in the door, in the room across the hall an old woman lays in bed coughing while someone helps her drink. Another person helps an old man sit down into a wheelchair as he takes him further down the hall.
Rick: What the hell is this a nursing home?
Merle: Doesn’t matter what this is these bastards have our guns
Morales: I ain’t about to rob a bunch of elderly people
Merle: They stole from us first, i’m getting our shit back
Rick, Merle and Morales sit in the room waiting for any possible opening but the hallway is too crowded to sneak through or grab anyone. “Ok Morales, i got a job for ya” “what the hell do you expect me to do?” “You’ll blend right in i promise, you already got one of their names, if anyone asks how you got in say Felipe let you in” Rick looks at Merle with an eyebrow raised “you can’t seriously think he’ll be able to just blend in” “why not he speaks the language and looks like em too” Morales peaks out the door, looking at Merle and Rick before shaking his head, “Alright i can do it” “You don’t have to” Rick says “Nah, i need my family safe and getting those guns keeps them safe”
[!] Morales agreed to Merles plan
Merle: Ok here's what you do, walk around and get at least one of the guards to come back to this room, if they question you, convince them you belong here, i'll take care of the rest
Morales: Got it
Morales exits the room quietly standing up straight trying to appear more confident, he walks down the hall for a few moments before he's stopped by someone, the man approaches him, staring him up and down for a moment before asking for his name. “Hey ese, do i know you, i know every man here i can’t remember you” “I just got let in, Felipe saw me out front asked me a few questions and let me in” “Felipe?” “Yeah” The man turns away for a second before turning back and clocking Morales in the face with his pistol, knocking him to the floor, “See i was just with Felipe and i don’t remember him letting in someone like you, in fact i bet you were with those strangers that killed Miguel, trying to get those guns back” He grabs Morales by the neck pulling him to his feet as he gets another man to put zip-ties around his wrists. They drag Morales off into another part of the building, Rick and Merle heard the entire thing unfold from inside the room.
[!] Morales was captured
Merle: FUCK
Rick: SHH, do you want them to find us too
Merle: Goddamn it, now we gotta do this the hard way
Out in the hallway most of the guards have left their posts following the people that took Morales. Merle peaks his head out checking if it's clear and then grabs someone covering his mouth with his hand, and dragging him back into the room with a knife to his throat. “Listen you make one goddamn sound and I'll slice open your throat and watch you bleed out” the man doesn’t try to resist he keeps quiet and raises his hands, Merle kicks out his knee, puts a rag into his mouth and binds his hands with a telephone wire in the room. “Now i'm gonna ask you some questions and you're gonna answer, if i don't like the answer bye bye pinkie finger” Rick looks at Merle work, not interfering but keeping watch at the door and making sure Merle doesn’t take it too far. “Where are the guns that your group picked up earlier today, where's your armory” Merle takes the knife to the man's throat as he moves the rag from his mouth allowing him to answer
Man: We….Please….
Merle: Do you want to lose all your fingers because i won’t stop with one
Man: Downstairs in the garage level, there's a room in the back with a padlock
Merle: What's the combo
Man: 5690
Merle: You best not be lying if you are i’ll be back
Rick: Where do you take your prisoners
Man: We don’t, your boy’s probably dead by now, Guillermo aint known for his mercy
Merle hits him in the face knocking him out, he puts the rag back in his mouth and tosses him into the bathroom locking him in from the inside. Now knowing the location of the guns, Merle hops back out the window and begins descending the fire escape Rick whispers down to him “What about Morales, he’s captured because of you” “Guns first than Morales” Merle quips “fine” Rick follows him down, the pair sneak across the courtyard again following signs pointing to the garage, they descend another staircase into a more industrial looking area. The garage has around 15 people all working on vehicles and moving supplies, Rick looks around and spots a caged off section with a padlocked gate, but a guard is in the way. Merle sneaks up behind a box, grabbing the guard and pulling him down, he puts the man in a chokehold until he stops moving, Rick checks for a pulse, to confirm the man is still alive. Before they can proceed they hear big doors opening up so they duck for cover, the leader walks in holding Morales at gunpoint in front of him.
Guillermo: Hey Vatos listen up, we caught this man trying to steal from us, he was part of the group that killed Miguel, and we will punish him accordingly, Benny pass me your machete.
Guillermo: Shoulda thought of that before coming here ese
Rick whispers to Merle “we gotta do something” “I’ll grab the bag of guns you set fire to something cause a distraction then i'll come in guns blazing” Merle sneaks off towards the armory leaving Rick to cause a distraction, he looks for gasoline or oil, something flammable. Guillermo takes the machete and cuts Morales zip-ties off, he has another one of his men pull out Morales’ arm, he slams down the machete taking the arm off in one clean cut
[!] Morales lost an arm
Guillermo: That's for stealing, this is for Miguel
He raises his gun and puts it to the back of Morales' head and as he is about to fire, an explosion goes off and one of the cars erupts in flames, fire consuming most of the room spreading outwards. Merle comes running out the armory carrying the bag and shooting off rounds. He manages to take down 3 men, before they begin to return fire, Morales is lying on the ground bleeding out crying for help through the pain. Rick pulls out his python and runs in to grab him shooting wildly as he runs, he picks up Morales and throws his arm around his shoulder and drags him to safety behind a container. Rick removes his belt and ties it around Morales' stump, Merle ducks behind cover returning fire, providing an opening for Rick to slip outside. Rick holsters his gun and grabs Morales with both arms dragging him out the door while Merle covers their escape. Guillermo was hit in the shoulder, causing him to drop his gun, he quickly recovered and ran to cover. Merle scans the room for something that might help, he spots a gas can on a shelf he aims his rifle hitting it spot on causing another eruption of flames. Merle runs for the door slamming it closed behind him, suddenly Glenn comes barreling down the road in the truck bringing it to a halt right in front of them. Glenn rolls down the window and yells for them to get in, Merle opens the back and helps Rick drag Morales inside.
Glenn: Shit what the hell happened to him
Rick: Long story, get us out of here now!
Morales: Auh….Shit….its goddamn gone
Rick: Don’t worry man you’ll be alright we gotta get you back to camp
[!] The bag of guns was recovered
Merle takes some rags out of his bag and gives them to Rick, he wraps some around the arm, and pulls the belt tighter. Glenn is in the driver's seat speeding away from the compound as fast as possible, eventually reaching the highway out of Atlanta.
*After certain events a character may be given a skill choice this determines how a character's skills/personality can develop, as always it might not be as clear cut as it seems.
How has the raid affected Rick?
- Rick will become more careful in future encounters while also holding on to his faith in people
- Rick will start thinking less optimistically and start adapting to the world they are in faster
[Atlanta camp]
[M] T-dog
Meanwhile at the Survivors camp outside Atlanta, the group goes about their daily activities still waiting for Rick's group to return. After being relieved by Dale, T-dog decides to go check on Jim, after he had that incident earlier.
T-dog: Hey man you doing ok?
Jim: Much better than before, just needed some water
T-dog: Good man, you had us worried, the hell were you digging for
Jim: I don't know i just felt like i had too, i’m sorry for how i acted back there
T-dog: Don’t worry about it, listen, i’m here if you ever need to talk
Jim: Thanks man
[!] T-dog and Jim have become friends
T-dog walks away from the tree Jim is sitting by and back over to Shane to let him know how Jim is doing. “He's doing better, he apologized by the way” “i’ll go bring him some more water” Shane walks away. Andrea is inside the RV talking with Dale about her sister's birthday, T-dog overhears the conversation from outside. Meanwhile inside one of the tents Carol asks her husband Ed if he’d like to come out to have dinner with everyone, Ed looks at her with a vengeful stare, “Hell with them people, i wouldn't piss on them if their heads we’re on fire” Sophia gets up and begins to walk out the tent with her mother but Ed grabs her arm “why don't you stay here, spend a little time with daddy” Carol looks at him with a concerned expression “Ed i think she’d rather join in outside” “Fine the hell with all of ya then, don’t be bothering me no more tonight”
[At the campfire, dinner time]
The entire group sits around the campfire cooking up the fish that Andrea and Amy had caught earlier that day. T-dog sits on a log next to Jim and Jacqui, Dale is across from them with Andrea and Amy serving them their plates. Lori, Carl, Sophia and Carol are sitting together sharing small talk and Shane sits across from them expressionless. Daryl is on top of the RV keeping watch while everyone else eats at the fire. The group talks about life now and before, for the first time everything is calm and for the first time in a while laughter fills the air. Amy gets up to go to the bathroom, making a joke as she walks away, back by the tents Ed is laying down alone when he hears footsteps outside the tent. “I thought i told y'all to leave me the hell alone” He unzips the tent and a Walker is standing directly in front of him, it lunges forward grabbing his neck and sinking its teeth into his face.
[!] Ed has died
While on watch atop the RV Daryl spots a pack of walkers coming up to camp, “WALKERS” Daryl calls out and immediately the group begins to panic, Amy is still inside the RV when she hears Daryl call out, she freezes in place “ANDREA WHATS HAPPENING” the group outside springs into action.
[!] Amy is safe in the RV, since Daryl was on watch
Daryl fires his crossbow at one of the walkers creeping up to the RV before it gets closer, Shane jumps up running over to his shotgun, he runs over to Lori and Carl and gets in front of them, he begins firing off rounds, the hoard seemed to come out of nowhere, they keep pouring out from the treeline. While T-dog was looking away talking with Jim, One of the walkers grabs Jacqui from behind, ripping into her shoulder, before anyone is able to help. T-dog looks over at her in shock as she grabs at her shoulder and pushes the walker off, flesh tearing off her as it falls over, she gets up and runs to the RV
[!] Jacqui has been bit
Lori: Come on Carl let’s go
T-dog unholsters his pistol, with only one hand to use due to his injury his aim is off. He begins firing off shots taking down a few walkers but missing most shots. “FUCK” two more people get grabbed and torn apart right infront of him, while T-dog reloads. Jim takes a baseball bat and moves in to attack the walkers, one after another he slams down the bat, he moves forward more but gets tackled by a walker, T-dog spots it and begins running in to help. He fires off 2 shots managing to kill the walker but also hitting Jim’s leg in the process.
[!] Jim was saved but shot in the leg
Daryl grabs a rifle and starts shooting more of the walkers, Dale runs over to get on top of the RV so Daryl can go down. Daryl passes the rifle to Dale as he hops down and picks up his crossbow. As he moves closer to the walkers, he lines up next to Shane and the two start taking down walkers. Carol is hiding with Sophia and Morales' wife Eliza and their children, by a tree, but walkers come out from behind them and grab Eliza, they tear into her in front of her children, they all scream as she is torn apart.
[!] Eliza is dead
The sound of the chaos is momentarily broken when the truck pulls into camp, Rick, Merle and Glenn get out and run in with the guns, Morales waits in the back of the truck holding more rags on his arm trying to stem the bleeding.
Merle: Miss me little brother
Daryl: Damn you’re missing all the fun
Merle: Trust me we’ve had plenty
Rick: Everyone arm up now
Shane: Nice work man
Rick quickly hugs his family before returning to the fight, he passes out guns and ammo to Shane and Daryl, Andrea runs over and loads up her pistol. T-dog and Jim are still out by the tents, T-dog managed to help Jim to his feet and the two walked over to the RV. Merle spots Carol and the children running away from the walkers so he points them out to Daryl, the brothers both run out to help them, Daryl picks up Eliza’s children and runs them back while Merle covers them. The entire group is standing in front of the RV making a stand for what felt like an eternity of shooting. The sound of the groaning begins to quiet and the shooting stops, the only sounds are the children crying and crickets chirping. All the walkers are dead, the camp has been torn apart by the walkers, clouds of gunsmoke fill the air creating a dense fog over the destruction.
Two people are candidates to be Main Characters, who should it be
*This does not mean there is no chance for the other to become one in the future
- Merle Dixon
- Morales
This was definitely a longer episode to make up for the shorter episode last time and because I'd like to finish up this season in 2 or 3 more episodes. Hopefully you enjoyed it, feel free to discuss any parts of it, hopefully the action sequences felt as intense to you as it did in my head when writing it.
Thanks for reading, please vote in the comments and feel free to tell me things you’d be interested in seeing in the future EX:Storylines, character arcs, locations or things you are enjoying about the story. I might not be able to incorporate your ideas if it doesn't make sense for the plot or if it is impossible due to previous choices, but I will remember all suggestions and try to make everyone happy. I’m still working out "gameplay" features i want to add in the future to make it more fun. Let me know if you have suggestions you’d like to see.
Chapter 9: The Walking dead alternate story 1x9
Chapter Text
This story will follow the plot of AMC’s The Walking Dead but large decisions and character relationships will be decided by your votes or random number generators if nothing is chosen or if there is a tie. there will be a 24 hour voting period if there are no votes in 24 hours it will extend to 48 hours it may vary depending on the number of total people voting. I will try my best and listen to all criticisms if they arise. To vote please put the number of the choice and the number of the option you choose. ANYONE CAN VOTE!! Feel free to talk about why you voted that way if you’d like.
These are the rules. You will play as main characters and only main characters make game changing decisions like choosing one person to live over another or choosing relationships. This does not mean that side characters have no impact, side characters can be directly affected by main character choices. Character status and relationship status will be shown at the end of each season for all characters, or on specific episodes. Game changing choices will be shown with [!] Depending on your choices there is a chance for minor characters to gain a larger role, there is equally a chance of major characters dying early or gaining an entirely new arc. Being a Main character does not mean you cannot die, anyone can die at any time.
-There are a few different types of choices that may appear in this series-
CHOICE: This is just a regular situational decision
CHARACTER CHOICE: This is when you get to choose who will become a Main character or Antagonist.
RELATIONSHIP CHOICE: This might appear when two possible romantic interest characters develop their relationship high enough to become a couple or it could just be two characters reaching a high enough level for a friendship or rivalry.
SKILL CHOICE: This will appear after a character experiences a large event that is enough to change their personality or skill set.
These rules are subject to change and adapt as time goes on and I think of new features. You may also notice that some seasons may have more or less episodes than canon and some episodes may have different titles.
-Season 1 Episode 9-
Vote results:
[!] Rick has become more cautious in his decision making, while maintaining his faith in people (4 out of 5 total votes)
[!] Merle Dixion has become a Main Character (3 out of 5 total votes)
[Atlanta camp, a few hours after the attack]
[M] Rick Grimes
Rick sits down on a log just outside of camp, holding onto the walkie talkie he was going to contact Morgan with,
Rick: Morgan, I don't know if you can hear this ....Maybe you're listening right now, I found others, My family, my wife and son, they're alive. There's something else you need to know, Atlanta it isn't safe it's not what they said. It belongs to the dead now, We’re camped a few miles up west near an old rock quarry. I hope you come to find us, be careful. I’ll try you again tomorrow at dawn.
[!] Rick tried to get in contact with Morgan
[In camp]
[M] T-dog
The camp is near silent now, everyone resting or dragging off Walker bodies to be burnt. Dale exits the RV to check on Andrea and Amy “You girls ok” “Yeah, Amy’s just shaken up still but we’re ok” “Good i’m here for you both if you need me, i’ll be in the RV with Morales and the kids” Dale and Andrea had worked together to stitch up his stump and stop the bleeding, they also patched up Jims leg, luckily the gunshot did not hit anything vital. T-dog walks over to Jacqui whos sat against a tree, staring vacantly into the forest
T-dog: Hey Jacqui, you feeling ok
Jacqui: No sweetie, my arm feels like it’s on fire and i’m very tired
T-dog: Here take some water that’ll help, I’m happy you told us about the bite right away, so we can help you, no way can you deal with that alone
Jacqui: I couldn’t hide something like this it's too dangerous, save the water, you’ll need it more than me
Jim walks over to them while staring at the ground, he crouches down to Jacquis level and hugs her. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t see them coming, i couldn’t do nothing” “Jim don’t start with that there's no way you could have seen that coming” “I’m just sorry i couldn’t protect you” T-dog pats Jim on the back “Come on man sit down and rest that leg” “I will in a few minutes, don’t worry” T-dog walks away leaving Jacqui and Jim to rest.
Daryl, Glenn and Shane all work on dragging bodies into piles, making sure to only burn the walkers and bury the people they knew. T-dog joins them helping the work go faster while Jim rests by the fire with Jacqui. Daryl finds the bodies of Ed and Eliza, Carol's husband and Morales' wife. As Carol sees her husband's body get pulled from the tent, she walks over and asks Daryl for the Pickaxe insisting that she be the one to put him down. He hands it to her and she slams it down repeatedly until there's almost nothing left of Ed’s head, then she drops it and falls to her knees crying.
[!] Carol put down Ed
All of the children are inside the RV being watched by Dale and Lori, Louis and Lilla are crying over the death of their mother. While Morales lies in bed holding onto them with his one good arm trying to console them. “I love you both so much, don’t you ever forget that” Louis looks up at his father pressing his head to his chest “i love you too” “It’s all going to be ok now” he says
[Atlanta camp]
[M] Merle Dixon
Merle sits on his motorcycle, smoking and watching the people go about their day. His eyes flick to each person as they work, but he doesn’t say a word. Daryl notices him from across the camp, pauses for a second, then sets down his pickaxe. He wipes his hands on his pants and walks over.
Daryl: You just gonna sit here all day?
Merle: Ain’t exactly my scene, i’ve done my piece for this group
Daryl: Wanna talk about Atlanta, goddamn Morales came back without a hand some kinda shit went down
Merle: Oh you know just one of my genius plans
Daryl: What happened this time?
Merle: We snuck in their compound but Morales got caught, me and Rick ran to the armory to get our guns back, then we got lucky, the asshole in charge brought Morales into the same room as us to execute in front of everyone
Daryl: Shit man, you got the guns though, we still going through with the plan?
Merle: Not yet, some of these people have been useful so far, let’s see how it shakes out a little longer
[!] Merle has put his and Daryl's plan to rob the camp on hold
The brothers nod to each other as Daryl goes back to work with the bodies. Nearby Rick talks with Shane, Dale and a few others about where to go next
[Atlanta camp]
[M] Rick Grimes
The group gathers in a circle by the RV discussing what to do next, Rick looks up at everyone “We got a sick woman over there, and we might be able to get her help, i heard the CDC was working on a cure” Shane looks at Rick laughing at the idea “Man come on, that’s a stretch” “Why, if there was any government left don’t you think they’d protect the CDC at all costs” Shane scoffs again “If the government is still around, they're at the army base, Fort Benning” “That’s 100 miles from here, Jacqui won’t make it there, the CDC is an hour drive at most”
Shane: Rick come on man this is ridiculous, your gonna bring us near that city again to check out a place that’s probably abandoned
Rick: That’s our only option if we want to help Jacqui and find out what's left of the world
Shane: No Rick its suicide, all we’re gonna find are bodies, the military will be at Fort benning
Rick: We’re doing this first, if it's a bust then we go to Fort Benning, Deal?
Shane: Fine
The group agrees to Rick’s plan, Dale and Amy voice their support, but Shane reluctantly agrees. Rick goes over to check on Jacqui and inform her of the plan but she has been getting worse, sweat is dripping from her face and she's hot to the touch.
Jacqui: I don’t know if i’ll make it
Rick: Just hang in there we’ll get you there
Jacqui: You shouldn’t worry about me, you should just leave me here it’ll be safer for everyone
Rick: Don’t give up like that, i swear to you we will get you there and they’ll have something for you
[!] Rick convinced Jacqui to keep going
[Burial area]
Shane, Rick, and Daryl carefully lower the last bodies into the grave as the rest of the group gathers in a somber silence. Morales, leaning on Andrea and his kids, hobbles closer to the holes. His eyes stay on Eliza’s body as T-Dog and Daryl gently lay her down. His kids start sobbing, and Morales pulls them in close, whispering reassurances to them that he doesn’t fully believe himself. Lori watches from a distance, clutching Carl to her side, the thought of losing him or Rick weighing heavy on her. Jim steps forward, voice low and cracked as he says some words to honor the dead. Slowly the group begins to disperse going back to packing up. While Rick and his family begin walking away Carl pulls on his sleeve….
Carl: Are we safe now dad, now that we’re together
Rick: I won’t leave again, not for anything i promise you that, go hang out with Sophia and Carol so i can talk with your mother
Carl: Ok, i love you
Rick kneels to hug Carl tightly as the boy runs back toward the RV. Standing up, he turns to Lori, his voice low. “So What do you think about going to the CDC?” She hesitates, her arms crossed. “Everyone’s scared, Rick. We haven’t even had time to grieve properly... I don’t know anything right now.” Rick looks down, nodding. “Look I’m scared too. But I know one thing—I love you.” Lori’s expression softens as she steps closer. “I love you too.” They hold each other tightly for a moment, drawing strength from each other before Rick pulls away, glancing back at the group. “We’ll figure it out,” he says quietly.
[In the RV]
[M] Merle Dixon
Merle gets up from his bike, putting out his cigarette as he goes towards the RV. He gets to the door and Dale opens it up “Need something” “I wanted to talk to Morales” “He’s inside on the bed” Dale opens up the door gesturing for him to come in, he enters the RV and goes to the back room as he opens the door Louis and Lilla jump on him hugging him and thanking him for saving them from the walkers. “Hey easy kid, alright” Merle shifts around uncomfortably “Hey kids wait with Dale for a few minutes let us talk” The children leave the room leaving the two alone,
Merle: Look, I’m sorry for making you go through with that plan back in Atlanta, it was stupid even by my standards
Morales: I agreed to it, you didn’t force me
Merle: I probably woulda though, if you said no, look i’ve done things and said things i’m not proud of, i shouldn’t of put you in that position, i also never thanked you for tossing me that key back on the rooftop, you helped me out and i won’t forget it.
Morales: Don’t worry about it, it’s done, it happened, you helped us get out and you helped save my children, if i lost them too i would have been broken
Merle: I gotta admit you are one tough sonuvabitch
Morales: Thanks
Morales reaches out and shakes Merle's hand thanking him again before he lays back down. Merle exits the RV going back to his motorcycle to clean it up before the trip.
[!] Merle and Morales have become friends
[Atlanta camp]
[M] Shane walsh
While the group is finishing up packing Shane and Rick take a walk out to the forest to do a final sweep of the area for walkers and supplies they may have forgotten. They talk about Rick's plan some more, Shane voicing more of his opinion against the idea. “Why can’t you back me on this” “Look i want to, It just doesn't make sense man” “if i was your family you’d think differently” Shane stops in his tracks “The hell you say to me, i kept them safe man i looked out for them like they were my own” “Shane i didn’t mean it that way” “How’d you mean it” They continue arguing until they hear a stick snap somewhere in the forest, the pair immediately stop and draw their guns to investigate the sound, Rick moves ahead checking behind some trees while Shane stays back a bit finger on the trigger….
How should Shane react?
- Hold in your anger and lower your gun
- Point the shotgun at Rick and consider pulling the trigger
[In camp]
[M] T-dog
Back in camp, the whole group sits by the fire ready to go, they are talking amongst themselves when Rick and Shane return from the woods telling everyone it's time to head out. Everyone begins standing up and piling into different cars, Dale, Lori, Carol, Morales and the children all load into the RV. Amy, Andrea take Morales’ old truck while Rick, Shane and Glenn get into their car. Merle and Daryl get onto their motorcycles and follow up the rear.
T-dog goes to help Jacqui into his car with Jim’s help but she's unable to walk steady, they pick her up and help her into the backseat. Rick leaves Morgan one last message on the radio and leaves a map behind with directions to the CDC. The caravan begins to drive out of camp and down the quarry road, once they reach the main road, they turn back towards Atlanta, leaving the old camp behind for good.
[On the road]
After only driving for about a half hour Dale's RV stalls out and the engine starts slightly smoking, he signals for the convoy to pull over. Dale gets out and pops the hood, “Dammit its the radiator hose again, i told you we wouldn’t get far on it” a few more people get out to help, Jim comes over “She stalled again?” “Yeah this hose is more duct tape and glue than actual hose anymore” Jim takes out some more tape and helps Dale work on the engine. Shane spots a gas station up the road, Daryl and Merle agree to go and check it for supplies while they wait for the RV. T-dog looks at Jacqui in the backseat realizing she’s getting worse, he calls out to the rest of the group to let them know whats happening so Rick comes over to check on her
Jacqui: I can’t take this ride anymore it’s killing me
Rick: We’re almost there, just a little longer now
Jacqui: No you gotta just leave me here, let me go
T-dog: Jac come on
Jacqui: No i’m serious this is what i want
Rick: Are you sure?
Jacqui: Yes I am, just leave me here in the shade, it’ll be better this way, more peaceful.
T-dog hugs Jacqui as she begins to tear up, Rick walks away to inform the rest of the group of her decision, Jim comes over and joins in on the hug “Don’t worry you're going to a better place now” Jim says, kissing her cheek “I know” she whispers back to him, “Now both of you take care of each other, you both meant so much to me” T-dog looks at her and then back at Jim “Don't you worry about us, we’ll be fine” Merle’s group returns and they all say their goodbyes and return to their vehicles leaving Jacqui under the tree. T-dog and Jim tear up as they drive off looking at her disappear in the rear view mirror.
[!] Jacqui is dead
How does this affect T-dog?
- T-dog is stricken by sadness and guilt
- T-dog blocks out all his emotions
Hey sorry for the lack of big choices this episode, it was made to be more of a breather from last episode leading into the finale. These choices are more for character personality than for actual events. Next episode should be the finale, if not that one then the one after that. There will be some big choices and consequences coming up soon, I'm excited to begin the season 2 character arcs.
Thanks for reading, please vote in the comments and feel free to tell me things you’d be interested in seeing in the future EX:Storylines, character arcs, locations or things you are enjoying about the story. I might not be able to incorporate your ideas if it doesn't make sense for the plot or if it is impossible due to previous choices, but I will remember all suggestions and try to make everyone happy. I’m still working out "gameplay" features i want to add in the future to make it more fun. Let me know if you have suggestions you’d like to see.
Chapter 10: The walking dead alternate story 1x10
Chapter Text
This story will follow the plot of AMC’s The Walking Dead but large decisions and character relationships will be decided by your votes or random number generators if nothing is chosen or if there is a tie. there will be a 24 hour voting period if there are no votes in 24 hours it will extend to 48 hours it may vary depending on the number of total people voting. I will try my best and listen to all criticisms if they arise. To vote please put the number of the choice and the number of the option you choose. ANYONE CAN VOTE!! Feel free to talk about why you voted that way if you’d like.
These are the rules. You will play as main characters and only main characters make game changing decisions like choosing one person to live over another or choosing relationships. This does not mean that side characters have no impact, side characters can be directly affected by main character choices. Character status and relationship status will be shown at the end of each season for all characters, or on specific episodes. Game changing choices will be shown with [!] Depending on your choices there is a chance for minor characters to gain a larger role, there is equally a chance of major characters dying early or gaining an entirely new arc. Being a Main character does not mean you cannot die, anyone can die at any time.
-There are a few different types of choices that may appear in this series-
CHOICE: This is just a regular situational decision
CHARACTER CHOICE: This is when you get to choose who will become a Main character or Antagonist.
RELATIONSHIP CHOICE: This might appear when two possible romantic interest characters develop their relationship high enough to become a couple or it could just be two characters reaching a high enough level for a friendship or rivalry.
SKILL CHOICE: This will appear after a character experiences a large event that is enough to change their personality or skill set.
These rules are subject to change and adapt as time goes on and I think of new features. You may also notice that some seasons may have more or less episodes than canon and some episodes may have different titles.
-Season 1 Episode 10-
Vote Results:
[!] Shane held in anger and did not raise his gun on Rick (4 out of 4 votes)
[!] T-dog feels sadness and guilt after Jacqui’ death (3 out of 4 votes)
[Outside the CDC]
[M] Rick Grimes
The caravan of cars pulls up in front of the CDC, there are army vehicles and barricades all over. The front looks like a warzone: dozens of dead bodies litter the pavement from the street to the main door. The group begins to get out of the cars following Rick and Shane as they take the lead, Andrea is once again helping Morales get around since he’s still weak from the blood loss. Merle and Daryl keep to the back of the group watching everyone's backs so they aren’t snuck up on by walkers, the area is eerily silent, setting everyone on edge. The front doors and windows to the building have security shutters down, making them impossible to breach, Rick looks at the doors feeling around for a handle or latch
Shane: Rick man there's nobody here, We gotta go
Rick: If there’s nobody here why the hell are these shutters down
Daryl calls out the approaching walkers as he fires off his crossbow, taking one of the closer ones down. “RICK, this is a dead end” Shane yells, Rick looks at the group as they begin to panic, Lori grabs his hand “Rick we need to go we can’t be this close to the city at night” “Hold on we’ll think of something” Rick keeps looking at the door when he sees the camera move slightly, “WAIT, it moved the camera moved” Shane looks at him “You imagined it man” He insists on what he saw but as more walkers start closing in he begins to beg and plead to whoever is behind the camera for help while Shane and Merle drag him away. Just as they are about to leave the door swings open.
[Inside the CDC]
Upon entering the building a man yells out to them, “Anyone infected” Rick turns and sees the man standing there pointing an AR-15 at him. “No, one of our group was but she didn’t make it” The man introduces himself as Edwin Jenner he lowers the gun and asks why Rick’s group is here.
Rick: We came looking for help
Dr. Jenner: that’s asking an awful lot these days
Rick: I know
Merle: Come on man, just let us in
Dr. Jenner: You all submit to a blood test that's the cost of admission, if you have anything to bring inside do it now once that door closes it stays closed
Everyone grabs up their bags and brings them inside, Jenner seals the outer doors as he leads the group further into the building. Rick introduces himself to Jenner while they walk, Daryl looks over at the doctor with a grin “Do all doctors here go around packing heat like that” “well there were plenty of guns here so i familiarized myself” Merle looks at the doctor and chuckles. After descending the elevator, the group steps out into a residential area. There's a long hallway with bedrooms on each side, a kitchen and a common area, Jenner shows them around a bit more and then takes them into the main room, the entire place is empty with no other workers.
Rick: Where the hell is everyone else
Dr. Jenner: It's just me here, oh and VI she's just the computer though…. I’m sorry
Jenner brings the group into the dinning area to draw the blood, he sits them down one at a time, excluding the children and Morales due to his injury. He offers them dinner when he realizes they haven't had a lot of food in days. The group begins gathering around a big table while most of the women go prepare the food.
[Dining room, CDC]
[M] T-dog
T-dog is sitting alone on one of the couches deep in thought about everything that's happened while waiting for dinner. Jim sees him alone and comes over sitting down at the chair across from him.
Jim: How you holding up T
T-dog: I don’t know, I keep feeling like I coulda done something you know…. I couldn’t even save you right i fucking shot you in the leg man
Jim: Don’t think like that, guilt will kill you if you let it….After i lost my family in the first few days i wanted to die, i still do sometimes but you gotta keep going on for them, for the people you lost
T-dog: You're right about that, and you’ve lost more than anyone. I’ll be ok i just need some time
Jim: You will be, we both will…. Come to the table for dinner in a little while, join in
Jim pats him on the shoulder and walks away going to sit by Dale and Glenn. T-dog gets up from the couch a few moments later and goes to sit at the table
[!] Jim convinced T-dog to sit for dinner
[Kitchen, CDC]
[M] Shane Walsh
Shane is standing in the kitchen watching over the women as they prepare the food, “you ladies need any help” Amy and Lori look up at him, Lori shakes her head “No we got everything, it’s pretty much all prepackaged food” “Alright, i’ll be at the table then” as Shane exits the kitchen Rick pulls him aside
Rick: Hey man, what do you make of Jenner
Shane: I can’t tell yet, the man is hiding something though…. He's got that look to him
Rick: Well we can't know for sure don’t poke the bear yet wait until after dinner
Shane: We came here for answers Rick not play house with a stranger
Rick: We will get answers but everyone needs a little time to breathe, i promise we’ll talk to him after we eat
Rick lets him go as he enters the kitchen to talk to Lori. Shane walks back into the main room and sits down at the table, across from him Morales and all the kids and playing a card game together.
[Dining Room, CDC]
[M[ Merle Dixon
Merle and Daryl are sitting on one end of the table already drinking from some bottles of wine Jenner had brought out, “This place is probably a gold mine, imagine the surplus of food and drugs they must have here” Daryl looks at him and smiles “Probably need a few trucks to haul all this shit out” “Let’s take a look around after dinner” Daryl nods his head in agreement “Deal”
[!] Merle and Daryl are going to search the CDC
[Dinner time]
Everyone gathers for the food as it's brought out and placed on the table, Dale grabs a bottle of wine and begins pouring out cups for everyone. He jokingly offers some to the children, finding it amusing given the lighthearted atmosphere he allows Carl to try a sip but he spits it out almost instantly, gagging at the taste. Everyone laughs as they enjoy their meals, Amy and Andrea begin telling a story about their road trip before the outbreak while everyone listens fully engaged in the story. Morales talks to his children, trying to raise their spirits and for the first time since before the camp Louis lets out a small smile. Rick raises his glass and proposes a toast to Dr. Jenner for being a great host, everyone cheers their glasses but then a few moments later Shane speaks up
Shane: So when you gonna tell us what the hell happened here Doc, aren’t the other doctors supposed to be figuring out what's wrong…. Where are they?
Rick: Shane come on not now, we talked about this
Shane: This is why we're here right, supposed to find all the answers but all we found was him, one man
Dr. Jenner begins to talk about why he’s alone and what happened to the rest of the staff. He tells them that a lot of people just left to be with their families but the rest ended their own lives too afraid to leave the building. Andrea looks up at him “but you didn’t leave, why” “I just kept working and hoping to do some good” Glenn throws his arms down and looks at Shane “Dude you are such a buzzkill” after everyone finishes up eating Jenner shows them to the bedrooms, telling them to get some rest and enjoy a hot shower. As everyone settles into different rooms to rest or shower, Merle and Daryl sneak off once Jenner leaves the group.
[Hallway, CDC]
Merle and Daryl creep down another hallway following signs looking for where meds might be stored. Eventually they find a room that has various bottles and vials on shelves “Hey Merle, you think any of that’s good” “Shit can’t tell from here, we’re looking for oxy, antibiotics, morphine shit of value” Merle takes out a pry bar from his bag and starts messing with the door until he forces it open, “holy shit, jackpot” they begin loading up their bags with some of the good meds, but they hear footsteps coming from down the hall. The footsteps get quicker until it reaches the door and Dr. Jenner comes up to them
Dr. Jenner: You didn’t have to break the door you could have just asked, there's more than enough for you all to have
Merle: Are you shitting me
Dr. Jenner: No i’m serious it’s ok
Merle: You’d just give this away like that?
Dr. Jenner: Yes, i have no need for it
Daryl: You ain’t got need for antibiotics, you really are a unique doctor
Dr. Jenner: More scientist than doctor
Merle and Daryl finish loading up meds, while Dr. Jenner waits for them to finish and then he lets them walk out, closing the door behind him.
[!] Daryl and Merle got a lot of meds
[M] Rick grimes
Rick, Lori and Carl got their own room to share, Carl goes to the common room to play with Sophia and Morales' kids while Rick and Lori get into the shower together. While they shower they check on each other and Lori tells Rick how much she is grateful for him getting her here. In the common room Carol is reading a book while Carl and the kids talk and play a board game
Carl: Are you cheating again
Louis: Nope i’m just better than you
Carl: Not possible, i’ve played this game for years
Louis: Me too….my mom always picked this one on game nights
Carl: Oh…. I'm sorry I didn't mean to….
Louis: It’s ok, let’s just keep playing
Sophia pats Carl's back and they all resume the game, eventually it becomes late and Carol takes Sophia to bed, Carl walks with Louis and Lilla back to their room where Morales’ waits inside, already sleeping. He says goodnight to them and returns to his bedroom falling asleep instantly.
[!] Carl, Sophia, Louis and Lilla have become closer friends
[Rec room]
[M] Shane Walsh
After an hour of drinking alone in the shower Shane leaves his room and goes for a walk around the halls eventually entering the rec room where Lori is currently trying to find a book to bring back to the room. He walks up to her aggressively, visibly upset with her for how she is treating him, “I’m gonna tell you a few things and you're gonna listen” “Now is not the time” “how can you treat me like this” He tries explaining to her how he thought Rick was dead.
Shane: Lori i was there, i put my heart on his chest listening for a heartbeat and i did not hear one, The military was in the hospital killing patients, staff and anyone inside. I don't know what it was if it was bombs or gunfire but I could not hear it, there’s no way he could have survived that.
Lori: But he did
Shane: Just stop it, if you thought for even a second that he was still alive would you have come, i saved your life…. Lori I love you
Lori: Shane you're drunk just stop
Shane stops for a moment slightly coming to his senses as he stumbles backwards before it escalates any further he storms out the door
[!] Shane did not force himself on Lori
[Main computer room]
[M] Rick Grimes
Rick finds Jenner in the main computer room drinking alone so he goes over to him and sits down. Rick is clearly intoxicated slurring his words as he speaks, “You don’t know how bad it is out there” “No, i don’t that’s why i haven’t left i don't think i can” “I keep feeling like theres no where to go nowhere is safe, it's just a matter of time before everyone is dead” “it’ll be ok” Jenner looks at a picture of a woman on his desk and picks up the bottle of wine to begin walking away.
- Ask Jenner about the woman in the picture
- Ask Jenner for advice
- Say nothing to Jenner and give him space
The next morning the group is gathered in the dining room once again for breakfast. Most of them are hungover from the night before, Glenn is almost passed out at the table. “I will never drink again” “Here taste this, its T-dog famous powdered eggs” T-dog comes out with eggs and coffee, putting it onto the table for everyone to eat. After everyone finishes up their food they follow Jenner into the computer room, asking him for answers. As they enter the room Jenner asks VI to show a video
Dr. Jenner: VI show a playback of TS-19, very few people ever got the chance to see this
The video shows an MRI of a human brain, the synapses look like flashing lights, Jenner explains how they work, then he plays the next scene. The lights in the brain begin to go out until it is fully dark. He explains that this person, Test subject 19, succumbed to a bite. He plays the next scene where the brain begins to light up again, not as bright as before only the stem is lit up the rest dark and empty.
Dr. Jenner: It invades the brain like meningitis, the adrenal glands hemorrhage and then the organs begin to shut down, then death, everything you ever were or will be gone.
Sophia: Is that what happened to Jacqui
Carol: Yes it is
Everyone looks at Jenner speak, fascinated by what he's saying and showing them, he explains that the resurrection time varies a lot between people. He explains to them how once someone resurrects the human part of their brain is gone, they are nothing but a husk only able to move around but not think. Andrea asks if he even knows what the virus is but Jenner answers her honestly saying he has no idea, it could be fungal, microbial or even the wrath of god. “Are there other facilities” “There may be i have no idea” Carol looks at him “How can you not know” “After the power went dead and the phone lines went down i got cut off from everywhere” “So your saying this is everywhere that there's nothing left” Everyone is left speechless trying to process the true scale of the apocalypse,
Dale: Jenner, i know this has been taxing and i’m sorry to ask but that clock, it's been counting down what happens at zero
Dr Jenner: The basement generators run out of fuel
Rick: And then?
Jenner walks off without saying anything else, Rick asks the AI what happens when the power goes out, it responds by saying “Facility wide decontamination will occur” after hearing this a small group runs down to the basement to check out the generators, Rick, Glenn, T-dog and Shane begin looking around but all of the fuel barrels are empty and the one remaining generator is almost out leaving only a half hour left on the clock. Back upstairs Jenner explains to the group why the lights are turning off, the AC and hot water stop working too, “all non essential uses of power get redirected to the computers to keep them running until the last possible second.” Shane starts to loses his temper “let me tell you something” Rick orders Lori and everyone to grab their things now so they can leave, suddenly Jenner closes the rooms blast doors locking everyone inside “DID YOU JUST LOCK US IN” Merle and Daryl rush Jenner tackling him to the floor, Merle lands a few punches breaking Jenner's nose. Rick has to pull Merle off while also trying to stop Daryl, Jim and T-dog run over and help restrain the brothers “Get your fucking hands off me, dog” With the brothers restrained Rick begs him to open the door Jenner explains that he cant open the topside doors, they are permanently sealed. The group continues to scream at him to open the doors.
He tells them that in 28 minutes H.I.T’s will be deployed, essentially setting the air on fire and destroying the entire structure in the process. All the kids begin to cry while their parents trying to comfort them, Carol holds sophia squeezing her tight “You can't do this to us please, my daughter doesn't deserve this” “Don’t you think this is more humane, you can go peacefully in an instant, no pain” Shane runs to the door and unloads his shotgun into it, Merle and Daryl whack it with Melee weapons at the same time, Jenner tells them that the door can withstand a rocket launcher. Shane loses it even more than before he rushes Jenner with the shotgun pointing it at his face “OPEN THAT DOOR NOW” Once again Rick, T-dog and Jim spring into action and restrain him trying to keep the situation calm.
Amy: Please you need to open that door, we can’t die here
Dr. Jenner: Don’t you get it this is our extinction event, this is what takes us down, wouldn’t it be more compassionate to just hold onto your loved ones and wait for the clock to run down
Andrea: Please, we don’t want this, we want a chance
Lori: Let us keep trying for as long as we can
Dr. Jenner: I already told you top side is locked down i can only open this one
After a lot of convincing he opens the doors, Daryl and Merle are already running down the hall the second they open, everyone else following close behind. Rick stops for a moment to shake Jenners hand “I'm grateful” “The day will come when you won’t be” Jenner whispers something into Rick's ear before telling him to go. A few people are still in the room waiting for Rick, Rick stops walking for a moment thinking if he should try to convince Jenner to come.
*NOTE- If you choose to convince him vote for one of the names, if you choose to leave him like cannon only choose option 2 do not select a name, choosing a person is not a guarantied chance to succeed in saving him.
- Rick
After the interaction with Jenner the group runs to the surface level as fast as possible, and they escape through a window after failing to break it with guns Carol gave Rick the grenade that he picked up from the tank in Atlanta and they blow open the window narrowly escaping before the blast. The entire building erupts in flames, the whole structure comes crashing down all that's left is rubble and fire.
[!] No one in Rick's group wanted to stay behind
Well that was the finale, I hope you enjoyed season 1. It took me a while to finally finish but I am happy with the story so far. Feel free to talk about it in the comments and let me know what you’re enjoying the most so far. These choice results will be shown next episode, will you be able to save Jenner or let him go like in canon. Before the next season there will be an after season progress page that will show you the status of all the characters you met so far as well as a few extra choices for you to make before the season starts.
Thanks for reading, please vote in the comments and feel free to tell me things you’d be interested in seeing in the future EX:Storylines, character arcs, locations or things you are enjoying about the story. I might not be able to incorporate your ideas if it doesn't make sense for the plot or if it is impossible due to previous choices, but I will remember all suggestions and try to make everyone happy. I’m still working out "gameplay" features i want to add in the future to make it more fun. Let me know if you have suggestions you’d like to see.
Chapter 11: The walking dead Season 1 progress page
Chapter Text
Hey welcome to the End of season progress review, at the end of each season you’ll get shown the status of each character as well as their relationships. You will see the names of any characters that died this season, how they died and if it was provetable. You will also see the status of your group as a whole, including supplies, morale and current location.
Time since Outbreak: 63 days Date: August 13th 2010
[M] Rick Grimes: MC by default
[M] Shane Walsh: MC by default
[M]T-dog: Unlocked as a result of being chosen to go with Rick in episode “Guts”
[M] Merle Dixon: Unlocked by being saved on the rooftop then going on the Vatos Raid
POSSIBLE MAIN CHARACTERS FROM SEASON 1: This does not mean it will no longer be possible for them to become a main character next season if they survive.
Morales: Could have been chosen instead of Merle, he became a candidate for Main character by losing an arm and surviving the encounter with the Vatos.
Rick Grimes: Age-38
-Physical health-
No injuries
-Mental health-
Rick still has his family and his best friend, which gives him a strong foundation in this apocalyptic world. He’s formed closer bonds with T-Dog, Morales, and Merle than with Glenn and Daryl, unlike in canon. During the raid on the Vatos, Rick got a brutal glimpse of what the world has truly become. Watching Merle interrogate someone and witnessing Morales lose his arm during the chaos left a deep impression on him. These events pushed Rick to adopt a more cautious approach to survival. However, he is determined to not lose his humanity.
Shane Walsh: Age-37
-Physical health-
No injuries
-Mental health-
While Rick was still in a coma, Shane took charge of getting Lori and Carl to safety, leading them away from the chaos of the city. They eventually found refuge with the other survivors at the Atlanta camp. On the road, one night after the city was bombed, Shane and Lori sought comfort in each other, starting a relationship that continued as they bonded further in the face of the apocalypse. However, everything changed when Rick returned. Lori immediately ended things with Shane, determined to reunite with her husband. Since then, Shane has been struggling to keep his distance, but his mental state has been steadily declining. His feelings of jealousy and resentment toward Rick have grown, even to the point of wishing him dead. Still, Shane has never gone so far as to raise his gun at Rick, though the tension between them continues to simmer just below the surface. In the CDC Shane lost his temper with Lori but did not force himself onto her like in canon.
T-dog: Age-30
-Physical health-
Broken wrist (healing)
-Mental health-
T-Dog began the apocalypse as a quiet loner with a heart of gold. In the early days, he tried to rescue his neighbors and elderly people using his church bus, but tragically, none of them survived. After making his way to the Atlanta camp, T-Dog quickly settled in, forming close friendships with Dale, Jacqui, and Jim. When Rick arrived during a supply run to Atlanta, T-Dog and Rick bonded almost instantly. Rick entrusted T-Dog with helping the group escape Atlanta by covering up in guts. Later, when the camp was attacked by walkers, T-Dog managed to save Jim from the chaos, but Jacqui was bitten in the process. Her loss left T-Dog burdened with immense guilt, as he struggled to come to terms with the cost of survival in the new world. When the group arrived at the CDC he was feeling depressed but Jim was there for him and talked him into joining dinner.
Merle Dixon: Age-43
-Physical health-
No injuries
-Mental health-
Merle and his brother Daryl found the people camped at the quarry and decided to stick around for a little while planning on eventually robbing them and leaving. After the run in Atlanta when Merle assaulted T-dog, Rick cuffed him, then he was eventually freed by Morales. He managed to make it back to camp and reunite with his brother, but Rick selected him to help get the guns back from the city. During the Vatos raid, Merle stepped up and led the group through, getting back the guns but getting Morales injured in the process. This event caused Merle to bond with Rick and feel a little guilt over Morales’ incident, when he returned to camp he told Daryl they will postpone the plan to steal from the group. At the CDC him and Daryl went looking for something to steal and they found a large stash of meds.
Morales: Age-34
-Physical health-
Missing right arm
-Mental health-
Morales found the people at the Atlanta camp early on with his wife and two children. He started to do runs for the group eventually meeting Rick in Atlanta, Rick trusted him with the handcuff key allowing Morales to free Merle. He was called out again to join in the Vatos raid, resulting in him losing his arm to Guillermo and losing his wife since he wasn't at camp to protect her. He formed a close friendship with Merle and Rick after being saved by them both, now all he has left are his children.
Glenn: Age-21
-Physical health-
No injuries
-Mental health-
Glenn found the group when they were all getting out of Atlanta, he's been one of the best scavengers so far, always able to perform runs alone. He was out on a run when he saved Rick from the tank and introduced him to everyone else. Rick chose T-dog to accompany him into the herd, instead of Glenn, so their relationship is not as strong as cannon. Glenn is closest with Dale who has been teaching him about mechanics and acting as almost a father figure. Glenn was chosen by Rick to be the getaway driver during the Vatos raid, he performed successfully under pressure gaining the group's respect. He got extremely drunk at the CDC and had a bad hangover.
Daryl Dixon: Age-35
-Physical health-
No injuries
-Mental health-
Daryl came with his brother Merle to the camp with the same intention of robbing them when they got the chance. Unlike in cannon, Daryl did not lose his brother so he had no reason to go to Atlanta and bond with Rick. Daryl remained in camp when his brother went with Rick and Morales to the Vatos, he was there when the walkers attacked and was able to point them out before Amy could get bit. Upon his brother's return, Merle told him that he wants to put their plan on hold for now, leaving Daryl confused but relieved as well. At the CDC him and Merle stole Meds.
Jim: Age-37
-Physical health-
Gunshot wound to the leg (healing)
-Mental health-
Jim joined the group after losing his entire family to walkers, he watched as they were torn apart, leaving him traumatized. Despite this Jim put on a strong face and was able to form connections with a few people in camp, Mainly Dale and Jacqui but later T-dog would come along. Even after Jim went crazy due to sunstroke T-dog went over to check on him making sure he was ok. After the camp was attacked by walkers Jim watched as Jacqui was bitten, he was not fast enough to help her. Trying to rush to save her almost got him bitten but T-dog shot the walker on top of him, saving Jim’s life. After Jacqui’s death Jim was devastated losing another person he cared for but luckily T-dog was still there for him. In the CDC Jim was able to help T-dog with his grief and he convinced him to have dinner with everyone.
Dale: Age-63
-Physical health-
No injuries
-Mental health-
Dale found Andrea and Amy alone after their car had broken down, he welcomed them into his RV eventually they all met up with the Atlanta group. Dale became like a mentor and father figure to a lot of people because of his age and wisdom. During the walker attack Dale was helping to defend the RV, he assisted in stitching up Morales and Jim’s injuries. He is closest with Amy and Andrea looking out for them like a father, he also has taken a liking to Glenn almost like the son he never had.
Amy: Age-19
-Physical health-
No injuries
-Mental health-
Amy is Andreas' younger sister, she is still a kid in many ways even though she is 19. The sisters have a strong bond they have since childhood, now with their parents presumed dead they only have each other and Dale who has been taking care of them. During the Walker attack at camp she went to the RV to use the bathroom and was saved by Daryl alerting the group of the walkers presence. Her and Andrea bonded when they talked about their road trip during dinner at the CDC.
Andrea: Age-31
-Physical health-
No injuries
-Mental health-
Andrea has been taking care of her sister since the beginning of the outbreak when the two were on a road trip. Unable to make it back to Florida they found refuge with other survivors after being picked up by Dale. Andrea was given a gun by her father to protect herself though she's not great with them, that won’t stop her from trying. She helped the group get out of Atlanta the first time and she was there the night of the attack to defend the camp and her sister. Her and Andrea bonded when they talked about their road trip during dinner at the CDC.
Lori: Age-38
-Physical health-
No injuries
-Mental health=
Lori is Rick’s wife, after he went into a coma and the world ended she was saved by Shane, thinking her husband was dead she started a romantic relationship with Shane. They became closer and closer, Shane even bonding with Carl, until Rick came back one day then she immediately ended it. Lori was mad at him since he had told her Rick was dead. After witnessing Morales’ wife die in the walker attack she fears for her family's safety clinging on tightly to Rick and Carl both. She helped prepare dinner for the group in the CDC, she was almost attacked by Shane in the rec room.
Carl: Age-12
-Physical health-
No injuries
-Mental health-
Carl has been clinging to his mother and Shane since the outbreak began, having to cope with the fact his father is dead and the world has ended was a lot for him. Once they found the other survivors Carl began to bond with Sophia and the other kids regaining a sense of normality. After witnessing the carnage during the walker attack, he was reminded of how bad the world is, luckily everyone looked out for him. Carl finally felt safe in the CDC and he enjoyed spending time with Sophia and the other kids.
Carol: Age-41
-Physical health-
No injuries
-Mental health-
Carol found the group on the highway out of Atlanta. She offered them food but her husband did not give it away. Eventually they decided to stay together and set up the camp outside of Atlanta, Carol was always focused on the children. Her husband Ed had a short temper; he would hit her and Sophia whenever he felt like it, leaving them terrified to do anything. After Ed was killed in the walker attack Carol insisted on putting him down, releasing years of rage on his walker corpse finally freeing herself and her daughter.
Sophia: Age-13
-Physical health-
No injuries
-Mental health-
Sophia is a very quiet and shy girl, she has never really said much to anyone. After getting to camp she quickly developed a bond with Carl and the other children, it was rare for her to socialize like that. Her father Ed would hit her and abuse her, leaving her deeply traumatized but after Ed was killed in the attack she felt sad yet relieved that the abuse was over. For the first time in life Sophia felt safe and happy in the CDC when she was playing games with her friends.
Louis: Age-12
-Physical health-
No injuries
-Mental health-
Louis is Morales’ son, his family was one of the first in the camp. He was always very close with his mother, watching her die in front of him traumatized him deeply but having his father and sister helps him mourn. Him and Carl have become pretty good friends since they are around the same age. Him and sister had a good night spending time with Carl and Sophia.
Lilla: Age-12
-Physical health-
No injuries
-Mental health-
Lilla is Morales’ daughter, she was also there to witness her mothers death up close. After being saved by Daryl and Merle she looks to them as heroes, seeing her father with one arm scared her at first but she was relieved he was alive. Her and her brother had a good night spending time with Carl and Sophia.
Morgan Jones: Age-39
-Location and status Unknown-
Duane Jones: Age-14
-Location and status Unknown-
Edwin Jenner: Age-41
-Find out next episode-
ED Pelteier: Age-44
Cause of death: Eaten by walkers
Was it preventable: Yes
Ed was Carol's abusive husband that met his end after getting eaten in the tent because he was too injured and pissed off to want to leave.
Jacqui: Age-49
Cause of death: Turned by bite (currently a walker)
Was it preventable: Yes
Jacqui met her end after getting bit in the walker attack, despite the group's attempt to help her they had to let her go. Saying their goodbyes leaving her under a tree in the shade.
Eliza: Age-34
Cause of death: Eaten by walkers
Was it preventable: Yes
Since Morales was not there to save her, Eliza was killed by walkers in front of her children when they attacked the camp.
-Group Status-
Morale: Overall positive
Supplies: A lot of guns, ammo and medical supplies. 4 working cars and 2 motorcycles
Location: Outside the CDC ruins
Next season some new mechanics will start being used, here you can choose a few things about the characters before the new season begins. We’ll choose some “sexuality” options for certain characters' future romance options and you can choose who people are interacting with in the first episode of next season. A character's sexuality choice is permanent and most likely will not be able to change,
*NOTE- This does not mean that these characters are guaranteed to live long enough to have or even see a romantic partner. Some characters already have a defined sexual preference so not every character will get the option to choose. To make it easier to read these responses, do not add the number, only the character name and word….
(Character name)-Straight, (Character name)-Gay, ect, ect
Choice 1: What is Amy
- Straight
- Lesbian
- Bisexual
Choice 2: What is Sophia
- Straight
- Lesbian
- Bisexual
Choice 3: What is Carl
- Straight
- Gay
- Bisexual
Choice 4: What is Louis
- Straight
- Gay
- Bisexual
Choice 5: What is Lilla
- Straight
- Lesbian
- Bisexual
Choice 6: What is T-dog
- Straight
- Gay
- Bisexual
Choice 7: What is Carol
- Straight
- Bisexual
Choice 1: Choose 4 people from the RV group to have a conversation together.
1. Lori
2. Carol
3. Morales
4. Dale
5. Sophia
5. Carl
7. Louis
8. Lilla
Choice 2: Choose the group to begin season 2 as?
- Merle & Daryl
- Rick & Shane
- T-dog & Jim
Ok finally that's it, I really hope you enjoyed this season. I'm looking forward to doing more, let me know if you can think of anything I should change or add to this progress page format for next time. Choose the dialogue options carefully it may have an unintended effect.
Thanks for reading, please vote in the comments and feel free to tell me things you’d be interested in seeing in the future EX:Storylines, character arcs, locations or things you are enjoying about the story. I might not be able to incorporate your ideas if it doesn't make sense for the plot or if it is impossible due to previous choices, but I will remember all suggestions and try to make everyone happy. I’m still working out "gameplay" features i want to add in the future to make it more fun. Let me know if you have suggestions you’d like to see.
Chapter 12: The walking dead alternate story 2x1
Chapter Text
This story will follow the plot of AMC’s The Walking Dead but large decisions and character relationships will be decided by your votes or random number generators if nothing is chosen or if there is a tie. there will be a 24 hour voting period if there are no votes in 24 hours it will extend to 48 hours it may vary depending on the number of total people voting. I will try my best and listen to all criticisms if they arise. To vote please put the number of the choice and the number of the option you choose. ANYONE CAN VOTE!! Feel free to talk about why you voted that way if you’d like.
These are the rules. You will play as main characters and only main characters make game changing decisions like choosing one person to live over another or choosing relationships. This does not mean that side characters have no impact, side characters can be directly affected by main character choices. Character status and relationship status will be shown at the end of each season for all characters, or on specific episodes. Game changing choices will be shown with [!] Depending on your choices there is a chance for minor characters to gain a larger role, there is equally a chance of major characters dying early or gaining an entirely new arc. Being a Main character does not mean you cannot die, anyone can die at any time. When a new character is introduced for the first time you will see their name and some info about them.
-There are a few different types of choices that may appear in this series-
CHOICE: This is just a regular situational decision
CHARACTER CHOICE: This is when you get to choose who will become a Main character or Antagonist.
RELATIONSHIP CHOICE: This might appear when two possible romantic interest characters develop their relationship high enough to become a couple or it could just be two characters reaching a high enough level for a friendship or rivalry.
SKILL CHOICE: This will appear after a character experiences a large event that is enough to change their personality or skill set.
These rules are subject to change and adapt as time goes on and I think of new features. You may also notice that some seasons may have more or less episodes than canon and some episodes may have different titles. WELCOME TO SEASON 2!
-Season 2 Episode 1-
[What Lies Ahead]
Vote results:
[!] Rick asked Dr. Jenner for advice (tie between 1 and 2, coinflip decided)
[!] Dale attempted to convince Dr. Jenner to escape but was not successful (2 votes for Dale)
[!] Edwin Jenner has died
Since it was very hard to save Jenner I’ll tell you how you could have. Out of the 4 people Rick, Dale, T-dog and Jim, only Jim can save him. Rick can also save him but only if you choose to ask about his wife before. Sorry, it would have been cool to have him but consequences.
Vote results:
Straight: Carl, Carol
Gay: Louis, T-dog
Bisexual: Sophia, Amy, Lilla
[!] In the RV Dale, Carl, Sophia and Louis have a conversation
*Dale and Carl both had 3 votes, Sophia, Louis, Lilla and Lori had 2 so i put the names into a random selector and Sophia and Louis won
[!] Rick and Shane will begin the season
[Outside the CDC]
[M[ Rick grimes
After the explosion the group collects themselves and they run back to their vehicles, an explosion of that size is going to attract Walkers and people alike. They all get back into the same cars as earlier and take off, Rick and Shane leading the convoy in their jeep while the RV, other two cars and the Dixon brothers follow behind on their bikes in that order. The group flees the city as fast as they can, putting as much distance between them and the CDC as possible. Upon reaching the outskirts of the city the convoy pulls over to quickly refuel, Rick decides to use this time to try contacting Morgan again.
Rick: I guess I'm losing faith that you can hear me, but there's a chance, I’m trying to do everything right and keep people safe. I’m trying Morgan. We got to the CDC, I met a man there, he told me something, he told me…. It doesn't matter, what matters is we’re moving on. Gonna try for fort benning, we’ll be facing a long hard journey but i have faith, 125 miles that's what lies ahead. I hope you and your boy are safe wherever you are.
[!] Rick tried contacting Morgan again
Shane: Come on y'all let's roll out
Rick walks back to the group, kissing Lori as they get back into the cars, Shane stares at them looking slightly jealous. Carol was talking with Sophia about something just out of earshot from the rest of the group. As they walk back over to the RV, the other kids go over to Sophia and start laughing with her about a funny joke Dale had told them, Carol lets out a relieved smile and follows them over. T-dog and Jim were siphoning gas from some of the abandoned cars around them while everyone else was refueling, they brought back 2 full gas cans. Everyone mounts up and they fully exit the city for the last time.
[On the road, In the RV]
Dale sits in the driver's seat following the car in front of him while he talks with everyone else inside to pass time. Despite trying to remain positive Dale can’t stop thinking about Dr. Jenner, he tried to save the man's life but even his best attempts at persuasion weren't enough to convince him to live. This was weighing heavily on him, even though he barely knew the man he felt guilty for having to leave him just to save his own life. He looks in the rearview mirror at the children all sitting at the table playing another board game, thinking to himself how much he envies the position they are in.
Carl: Come on, how many hotels can you even buy
Louis: Still need a few more, i got all your money already so it shouldn't be a problem
Carl: Wow i see
Sophia: You’re just not good with your spending you bought too many properties to quick and ran out
Carl: You know what both of you suck
The kids continue to laugh while they play the game, their laughter offers Dale a slight distraction from his issues. Lori and Carol are reading books on the sofa while Morales and Lilla are in the bedroom resting. Dale looks back at the kids “That game will be going on for hours, we’ll probably make it to fort benning before you even finish” “Nah with Carl playing like that it’ll be done sooner” they laugh again at Louis’ lighthearted sarcasm.
[!] Dales mood has been slightly lifted
[!] Carl, Sophia and Louis have bonded
[Rick and Shane’s car]
[M] Rick grimes
Shane: So you and Lori man, how’s everything been since you been back
Rick: I think it’s been good, no arguments or anything like that
Shane: That’s good man, She’s a strong woman, no convincing her of anything you know
Rick: Oh yeah thats Lori
Glenn speaks up from the backseat “So how long you guys been married” “A while probably, since before Carl was born, maybe 12-13 years ago” The three of them continue to talk about their lives before the outbreak, Rick and Shane reminisce a little about highschool days. The car is forced to stop when they spot a build up of abandoned cars sprawling across the entire highway. “Fuck”
[!] Rick and Shane reminisced about the past
Shane throws down his hat in a fit of anger, the Dixon brothers drive ahead on their motorcycles to investigate since they are able to squeeze through some of the cars easier, they find a way for the cars to drive through so the brothers lead the way but the RV comes to a full stop when the engine begins to smoke and rattle. Everyone gets out of their vehicles to see what happened, Jim comes running over “Goddamn this thing” “I told you this was gonna happen, didn’t I say it” Rick looks at Dale “Can you two fix it” Jim speaks up while going through the toolbox “hell yes we can, if there isn't a radiator hose we can use in this build up of cars we ain't ever gonna find one anywhere” The group begins to look around and search the cars for supplies, gas, water anything useful.
Dale and Morales sit up on top of the RV to keep a lookout, due to Morales' injury he doesn’t feel strong enough to go up against a walker yet. Amy and Andrea stand close by checking some of the cars together. Andrea is holding out her pistol looking at it with a melancholic expression “You ok” Amy asks “Yeah just thinking about dad you know, he gave this to me not even knowing how much i’d really need it” “he was good like that, it’s like he was always one step ahead of everyone else” Amy hugs her sister and the two continue to look around. Meanwhile Lori, Carol and the kids walk around looking through the cars, for something useful. Carl and all the other kids ask Lori and Carol if they can help look around, “Always within my eyesight ok?” Lori says, Rick stays close by trying to watch them and the road at the same time.
Further up ahead Merle and Daryl are already siphoning fuel out of cars, filling up as many cans and bottles with gas as they can
Merle: I remember my highschool days, back when Me, Ron and Joe would huff out a gas can in the garage, damn good days man.
Daryl: I remember, you told me about that one, Dad beat your ass after he caught you that night, stupid asshole almost shot those other two as well
Merle: Broke my arm and two ribs, then the bastard grabbed his gun from the dresser and almost shot the other guys luckily he was drunk off his ass and couldn't aim for shit
Daryl: Great memories huh
Merle: Hell yeah man, the glory days back before your ass was born
The brothers continue to chat with each other while collecting more gas, nearby T-dog opening up trunks. Shane finds an entire truck full of water in sealed jugs; he opens one up and douses himself, trying to cool down in the extreme heat. “Were we short on water” Dale and Morales see him pouring out the water on his head “Hey don’t waste all that man” Shane stares at Morales “We got plenty in here, you want some” “We’re a big group we’ll go through it faster than you think, especially in this heat” Shane puts the cap back on the jug and walks away.
[Highway, a few minutes later]
[M]Rick Grimes
After a couple more minutes of searching around, Rick spots a walker coming down the highway through the cars, he goes to aim his rifle to get a better look but then more and more begin to appear in his view. Dale turns and spots it at the same time they quietly call out to the rest of the group to take cover under the cars, Dale and Morales lie down on their stomachs on top the RV “My kids, Dale i gotta go for them” “No they’re with everyone else they’ll be ok, your children they need you too” “Fuck…I, your right” “Don’t worry” Dale pats him on the shoulder and they stay quiet as the walkers begin to get closer to the RV. Being so close to the RV Amy and Andrea run back inside and close the door behind them locking themselves in. Lori and Carol get forced underneath a different car than the children, Carol begins to panic, she wants to call out to her daughter but Lori covers her mouth and calms her down. Carl and Louis get under one car while Lilla and Sophia get under another car trying to stay quiet, but Sophia is scared and shaking. Lilla sees this so she puts her arm around her neck and hugs her, the embrace manages to relax both of them a little, they continue to stay silent.
Meanwhile T-dog and Jim are trying to move further away to find a car to go under, T-dog crouches down to hide and slices open his forearm on a car door, the blood starts gushing out the wound rapidly. “FU–” He grunts in pain trying not to make noise and attract attention, Jim runs over to him “Shit are you ok” “Nah man that was the same fucking arm” Jim helps T-dog back to his feet as he tries to keep him moving, the walkers are getting closer and they don’t have cover. Daryl and Merle are hiding together nearby and they see Jim and T-dog trying to get away, and a trail of blood following them. T-dog collapses again and Jim struggles to get him up as one of the walkers is about to grab him, Daryl runs over stabbing it in the back of the head, “Jimbo under the car, i got T” Daryl throws the body of the walker on top of T-dog to mask his smell, after he's covered daryl does the same thing to himself with another Walker body. The horde of Walkers continues to go by after what felt like an entirety; it begins to quiet down again, the sound of walkers fading away in the distance. Just before Sophia was about to emerge from under the car, Lilla grabs her and pulls her back, without saying anything Lilla points at the walker passing by the car it could have just grabbed her if she left cover.
[!] Lilla saved Sophia
The remaining walker continues to go away once it's out of sight Rick goes out and tells everyone else it's safe to come out. Carol runs right over and hugs Sophia, almost breaking down in tears because of how worried she was, Lori hugs Carl and Morales comes sprinting over to his children getting onto knees and hugging them both.
Morales: Are you both ok, no bites
Lilla: No dad we’re ok
Louis: Yeah, don’t worry
Morales: I’m gonna be worrying about you both until the day i die
Sophia goes over to Lilla and hugs her thanking her again for saving her, Carol asks what happened so Sophia tells everyone how she helped save her. Carol hugs Lilla thanking her for saving her daughter, she also thanks Morales then she takes Sophia back to the RV to be safe.
[Highway, aftermath]
[M] T-dog
After Daryl came back out from cover and took the walker off T-dog “Shit man, your bleeding bad” Jim comes out next and helps Daryl carry T-dog back to the rest of the group, when they get to the RV, Dale and Amy take him inside and start cleaning his wound “What happened” “A goddamn car door, on the same goddamn arm” they finish up by stitching and bandaging the rest of the arm. T-dog looks to Dale and Amy thanking them both for the help before he lays back into the chair and closes his eyes. Jim enters the RV next to check on him, “You alright” “Yeah man just need some rest, it's one thing after another” after seeing how he is, Jim returns outside and goes back to check out the engine, they’re still in need of a radiator hose to get moving.
[M] Merle Dixon
After finishing up looting Merle loads up his backpack and his bike with his supplies, he then stops to talk to Daryl who is also by his bike
Merle: Hey little brother
Daryl: What’s going on?
Merle: What do you think of Shanes big plan, going to a goddamn military base, you think they’ll accept guys like us, if anyone is even there at all
Daryl: Na probably not but what else we got to do right now, you said we should hold off for now
- Plan to stick with the group
- Plan to leave once the time is right
Merle: We’ll see what to do, i’ll let you know by tomorrow once i think on it
Merle walks away from Daryl and over to Rick and Shnae, “So what’s the plan now” Rick looks down at his map spread out on the hood of the car “well the RV is still stuck, our food supply is running a bit lower than i’d like and we still got 100 miles to go” Merle takes a look at the map, then taps on it, “let me know if you need a hand”
[RV interior]
[M] T-dog
Back in the RV T-dog is resting on the couch while talking to Morales. Carol is also inside reading a book while watching the kids hang out and talk.
Morales: How are you doing?
T-dog: Shit not great, my arm is throbbing like hell
Morales: Hah, at least you got it, you know i can still feel my fingers
T-dog: That must be weird, feeling it when it ain’t even there, sorry you lost it man
Morales: Don’t be, it had nothing to do with you, goddamn just an unlucky situation. I’m gonna have to figure out a good way to adapt with one arm, i can’t hold a rifle, can’t hold an axe, i don’t even know how well i can use a knife anymore
T-dog: You’ll figure it out, just give yourself some time, it only happened a few days ago
Morales: I will, i need to, for my family
[Outside on the highway]
[M] Rick grimes
Rick and Shane are both standing together around a map planning out their next move and deciding who should do what jobs.
*The same character will not be chosen twice for different jobs*
CHOICE: Who should go hunting for food, choose 2
- Merle
- Daryl
- Rick
- Shane
- Dale
- Andrea
- Jim
- Amy
- Lori
- Carol
- Glenn
CHOICE: Who should search for the radiator hose, choose 2
- Merle
- Daryl
- Rick
- Shane
- Dale
- Andrea
- Jim
- Amy
- Lori
- Carol
- Glenn
CHOICE: Who should collect more supplies from the cars, choose 3
- Merle
- Daryl
- Rick
- Shane
- Dale
- Andrea
- Jim
- Amy
- Lori
- Carol
- Glenn
SKILL CHOICE: What has Sophia learned from this encounter
- She learned to be more aware of her surroundings
- She learned to draw strength from her friends
Hope you enjoyed the first episode of season 2, i plan on doing a lot of different storylines this season so choose your decisions carefully. First episode is fairly long so breaking it into parts would be easier for me and allow you more choices. I noticed with most other fanfics for this show Sophia always ends up getting caught by surprise and running into the woods only to get saved by Rick or someone else another way, so i thought it’d be more unique to have one of her friends stop her from even running. If she wasn't there, who knows what would've happened.
Thanks for reading, please vote in the comments and feel free to tell me things you’d be interested in seeing in the future EX:Storylines, character arcs, locations or things you are enjoying about the story. I might not be able to incorporate your ideas if it doesn't make sense for the plot or if it is impossible due to previous choices, but I will remember all suggestions and try to make everyone happy. I’m still working out "gameplay" features i want to add in the future to make it more fun. Let me know if you have suggestions you’d like to see.
Chapter 13: The walking dead alternate story 2x2
Chapter Text
This story will follow the plot of AMC’s The Walking Dead but large decisions and character relationships will be decided by your votes or random number generators if nothing is chosen or if there is a tie. there will be a 24 hour voting period if there are no votes in 24 hours it will extend to 48 hours it may vary depending on the number of total people voting. I will try my best and listen to all criticisms if they arise. To vote please put the number of the choice and the number of the option you choose. ANYONE CAN VOTE!! Feel free to talk about why you voted that way if you’d like.
These are the rules. You will play as main characters and only main characters make game changing decisions like choosing one person to live over another or choosing relationships. This does not mean that side characters have no impact, side characters can be directly affected by main character choices. Character status and relationship status will be shown at the end of each season for all characters, or on specific episodes. Game changing choices will be shown with [!] Depending on your choices there is a chance for minor characters to gain a larger role, there is equally a chance of major characters dying early or gaining an entirely new arc. Being a Main character does not mean you cannot die, anyone can die at any time. When a new character is introduced for the first time you will see their name and some info about them.
-There are a few different types of choices that may appear in this series-
CHOICE: This is just a regular situational decision
CHARACTER CHOICE: This is when you get to choose who will become a Main character or Antagonist.
RELATIONSHIP CHOICE: This might appear when two possible romantic interest characters develop their relationship high enough to become a couple or it could just be two characters reaching a high enough level for a friendship or rivalry.
SKILL CHOICE: This will appear after a character experiences a large event that is enough to change their personality or skill set.
These rules are subject to change and adapt as time goes on and I think of new features. You may also notice that some seasons may have more or less episodes than canon and some episodes may have different titles.
-Season 2 Episode 2-
Vote results:
[!] Merle has decided to stay with the group
[!] Merle and Rick are going hunting
[!] Jim and Glenn are going for the radiator hose (tie between Glenn and Daryl)
[!] Shane, Amy and Andrea are going to scavenge supplies from nearby cars
[!] Sophia has learned to draw strength from her friends
[Around the RV]
[M] Rick Grimes
Rick and Shane decide to convene a meeting, they call over the whole group and give out everyone's tasks to do.
Rick: Ok, here’s what the plan is, Merle and I are gonna head out into the woods to see if we can catch any food. While we're out, Shane is gonna take two of you and search inside some more cars nearby. Jim and Glenn why don’t you two take care of the radiator hose and get us moving
Glenn: Sounds good
Rick: Good, Daryl and Dale you’ll have to stay back and watch over the children and women, i don’t think T and Morales are gonna be capable of much right now, keep an eye out
Shane: Alright y'all any volunteers?
Andrea: Sure why not, i can give you a hand
Amy: Me too, we can both help
Seeing this as an opportunity to offer advice and training to two inexperienced survivors, Shane accepts their help, telling them to follow his lead. The three of them walk off towards the rest of the roadblock while Glenn and Jim grab some tools and go about their business. Rick packs up the map into his pocket, and kisses Lori and Carl goodbye “Stay safe, i love you both” “i love you too dad” Dale offers Rick a reassuring smile and tells him he’ll keep them safe. With the plan in place everyone gets to work, Merle approaches Rick again “You ready to head out officer friendly” “Lets go, you should borrow your brother's crossbow, to help keep things quiet out there” Merle grabs the crossbow from Daryl and the pair walk off into the woods ready to hunt.
[M] Shane Walsh
By the RV, Shane takes out a knife and hands it to Amy, “Here take this, i’d give you a gun but you aren’t trained and last thing we need to do is alert a hoard right back here” “Sure but i’m not sure how well i can stab them” “Just aim it for the head and thrust it forward, don’t worry you two just stay close to me and you won’t have to use it” Andrea perks up, excited to be helping out the group “So anything in particular we should be looking for?” “Well a group this big we can always use more food, we got a truck load of water back at the RV so we’re alright on that front” Amy and Andrea walk together following closely behind Shane, most of the cars are in ruins or looted already.
Andrea: Not sure how much more we can find here, you guys already went through most of the close cars, right?
Shane: Nah, we didn’t even have much time before those walkers passed by
Amy: Hopefully another group of them doesn’t come by again
Andrea: Don’t worry, we can wait them out in the cars again if we need to
Shane: We gotta do some gun training, once we find a safe space to camp before we reach Fort benning. Everyone one of us needs to be trained
Amy: I’d like that, if Andrea can shoot i need to be able to show her up
Andrea: Hey!
Shane opens up one of the car doors and searches the console for supplies, there's a bottle of aspirin and some matches about the only useful stuff. Amy walks over to the car next to Shane’s and opens up the door, as she reaches in to look around a walker reaches out from the backseat and grabs her arm. “ANDREA!” “AMY!” Andrea comes up behind Amy and pulls her back trying to break her free, Shane opens the backdoor and uses the butt of his gun to bash the walker's head. “Goddamn it…. Are you alright” he says “Yes, I opened the door without looking first, I'm sorry” “It’s alright just…. shit try not to scream like that next time” Amy and Andrea hug each other for a moment before they both get up and continue searching with Shane. “Let’s finish up, we hit a few more cars than go back to the group” Andrea and Amy Stay close together, trying to observe Shane in action and watch out for walkers.
[!] Shane saved Amy from the walker
[!] Shane, Amy and Andrea have bonded
[By the RV]
Meanwhile by the RV Jim and Glenn search the traffic build up for another truck to take a radiator hose from.
Jim: So how’ve you been Glenn, you’ve been quiet since the CDC
Glenn: I’m alright i just feel kinda left out i guess, i want to be more useful to the group
Jim: What do you mean? You contribute like anyone else, you just ain’t as vocal about it as someone like Merle is, he wants everyone to know his every good deed
Glenn: I know he’s definitely special, he’s changed a bit since Rick joined the group, trying to play good guy I guess
Jim: Now he’s got 2 cops keeping an eye on him 24/7
Glenn: Yeah that has to be fun for him.
Jim: Hey, How about I teach you some mechanics, it’s good to have a skill especially now and you know I used to be a mechanic. I had my own shop and everything.
Glenn and Jim continue to chat as they open the hood of a box truck, Jim points it out saying the hoses should be compatible. Jim allows Glenn to take everything out himself while he instructs him on the proper technique. After a few moments he gets it out almost flawlessly, Jim takes it from him and checks it out “perfect fit, let's get this bad boy in the RV, nice work” “Thanks man” Glenn and Jim return to the RV and remove the faulty hose, Jim shows Glenn how to easily install the new one, Glenn gets behind the wheel and tries the engine. After a few turns it successfully starts “HELL YEAH” Glenn turns it back off and gets out.
Dale: Wow sounds nice, she gonna hold this time?
Jim: She should, hose looks fairly new and everything else is in order
Dale: So how’d Glenn do, you think he’d make a good apprentice
Jim: I think so, we’ll teach him a bit more once we’re somewhere safer
[!] Glenn has learned about mechanics
[!] Jim and Glenn have became friends
[M] Merle Dixon
Out in the forest Merle and Rick have begun hunting, Merle is leading the way looking for tracks to follow. Rick is behind him thinking about what he could say to break the tension but Merle speaks up first “Something on your mind officer” “Just thinking about the group, we shouldn’t stay out here long another herd could pass through” “Well it's gonna take as long as it takes til we catch something, so stay quiet” Merle continues looking for tracks to follow but these woods seem barren, until they suddenly hear the low sound of a walker growling coming from behind some bushes. They approach to investigate, it’s only two walkers just aimlessly stumbling around, Merle nods at Rick and they engage them Merle raises the crossbow shooting one of them down while Rick picks up a large rock off the ground and takes out the other one.
Merle: Nice one
Rick: You think these ones scared away whatever animals were around here?
Merle: It’s possible but i don’t see any tracks, there would still be something if one was here in the last few hours.
Rick: So where’d you learn tracking from?
Merle: Picked up a few things from dear old dad, also had a buddy in the army who did a lot of hunting, i taught Daryl about it a long time ago, he’s almost better than me
Rick: Handy skill to know nowadays, think you can show me a few things
Merle chuckles and nods his head “Alright” as they continue to hunt Merle gives Rick various tips and advice when tracking different prey, Merle manages to catch a couple of squirrels and a rabbit. Determined to find a deer or something with more meat the two of them continue walking around the forest. “So Rick, you and Shane how long y’all be friends” “known eachother since highschool, pretty much grew up with him” “So what do you think about Fort benning, you think it’s the best bet” “Well the CDC was a dead end so it’s all we got, it’s gonna be a long trip” Merle doesn’t respond and drops the subject not wanting to say anymore right now, then he turns his attention back to tracking.
[!] Rick learned basic tracking
[!] Merle and Rick have bonded
[M] T-dog
With the RV now repaired the group is sitting around waiting for Rick and Merle to return from their hunt. Everyone is loading up all the supplies into their cars and into the RV, Dale is still on watch up top while talking to Morales. T-dog tries to get up from the couch but he falls back down immediately, losing his balance. “Shit….” He feels his forehead and it’s burning hot, the veins in his arm by the wound are turning colors. T-dog calls out to someone to come over, Jim comes inside “You alright T” “Nah man i think it’s getting worse, look at my arm” Jim peers down at the cut “Fuck, you need antibiotics now, let me see what we got” Jim exits the RV and asks Dale if they have any antibiotics, then he tells them about T-dogs arm, Daryl gets up off his bike and throws Jim a full bottle “Take em, government grade” He returns inside and gives T-dog the pills then he sits down at the table nearby to read a book.
Back outside Carl and the other kids are sitting on the tops of the car roofs enjoying the hot sun. Carl looks over and Sophia and starts talking to her
Carl: How are you feeling?
Sophia: Why are you asking
Carl: Oh uh…. Well the walker from earlier it was close to getting you
Sophia: Yeah I'm ok, I just feel useless…. My dad used to call me stuff…. like pathetic and fragile and i am, i can’t do anything right
Carl: I think you're awesome and your dad was kinda *whispers* an asshole so whatever he said doesn’t matter
Sophia: I know he was. I wish i was different, like you or your dad
Carl: You can be, we can help you, my dad will keep you and your mom safe
Carl hugs Sophia, patting her reassuringly on the back before they hop down and return to the RV. Louis and Lilla were also on top of another Car next to them, although they didn’t overhear Carl and Sophia's conversation they see them go back to the RV so they follow after.
[!] Sophia opened up to Carl
[M] Merle Dixon
After 10 more minutes of tracking they spot a large deer standing between the tree’s a few yards away. Merle and Rick crouch down, Merle lines up a shot with his crossbow but before he pulls the trigger the deer drops to the ground, a gunshot echoing out behind it. Rick takes out his gun and goes to get out of cover but Merle pulls him back down, they wait a few more moments until a man holding a rifle comes out to pick up the deer’s body, he is currently unaware of their presence so he goes about his business.
CHOICE: What do you do?
- Have Rick confront the man
- Have Merle confront the man
- Follow him sneakily
- Morales
- Glenn
- Jim
I’m excited for the next few episodes. They will have some good choices and conversations in them and the possibility to unlock another Main character.
Thanks for reading, please vote in the comments and feel free to tell me things you’d be interested in seeing in the future EX:Storylines, character arcs, locations or things you are enjoying about the story. I might not be able to incorporate your ideas if it doesn't make sense for the plot or if it is impossible due to previous choices, but I will remember all suggestions and try to make everyone happy. I’m still working out "gameplay" features i want to add in the future to make it more fun. Let me know if you have suggestions you’d like to see.
Chapter 14: The walking dead alternate story 2x3
Chapter Text
This story will follow the plot of AMC’s The Walking Dead but large decisions and character relationships will be decided by your votes or random number generators if nothing is chosen or if there is a tie. there will be a 24 hour voting period if there are no votes in 24 hours it will extend to 48 hours it may vary depending on the number of total people voting. I will try my best and listen to all criticisms if they arise. To vote please put the number of the choice and the number of the option you choose. ANYONE CAN VOTE!! Feel free to talk about why you voted that way if you’d like.
These are the rules. You will play as main characters and only main characters make game changing decisions like choosing one person to live over another or choosing relationships. This does not mean that side characters have no impact, side characters can be directly affected by main character choices. Character status and relationship status will be shown at the end of each season for all characters, or on specific episodes. Game changing choices will be shown with [!] Depending on your choices there is a chance for minor characters to gain a larger role, there is equally a chance of major characters dying early or gaining an entirely new arc. Being a Main character does not mean you cannot die, anyone can die at any time. When a new character is introduced for the first time you will see their name and some info about them.
-There are a few different types of choices that may appear in this series-
CHOICE: This is just a regular situational decision
CHARACTER CHOICE: This is when you get to choose who will become a Main character or Antagonist.
RELATIONSHIP CHOICE: This might appear when two possible romantic interest characters develop their relationship high enough to become a couple or it could just be two characters reaching a high enough level for a friendship or rivalry.
SKILL CHOICE: This will appear after a character experiences a large event that is enough to change their personality or skill set.
These rules are subject to change and adapt as time goes on and I think of new features. You may also notice that some seasons may have more or less episodes than canon and some episodes may have different titles.
-Season 2 Episode 3-
Vote results:
[!] Rick confronts the man
[!] Glenn is now a Main character
[M] Rick Grimes
Seeing that the man is distracted with the dead animal, Merle suggests jumping him now and taking back the deer, but Rick calms him down saying it would be better to just talk to him first. “Follow my lead and keep your cool” “Sure thing” They both exit the bushes guns at the ready but not drawn
Rick: Hey, excuse me
Man: Holy shit, you scared the hell outta me, what’re y'all doing out here
Rick: We were tracking that deer you just killed, look we don’t mean you any harm but we got a big group with families, people who are going to need that food
Man: I can spare this one for ya we got enough i already got one in my truck
Rick: We appreciate it, name’s Rick Grimes by the way, and that's Merle
Otis: Otis Jenson, nice to meet you both. Where are you headed?
Rick: We’re going to Fort Benning eventually, right now we're just looking for a place to hold up for a day or two and recuperate. It's been a rough few days.
Otis: That’s a long trip, especially with the way the roads are nowadays
Rick and Otis continue talking while Merle keeps an eye out for walkers as well as an eye on Otis. “Look if y’all need a place to rest, i can talk Herchel into letting your group camp out on the property for a few days, but only for a few days” “That’d be great, i’d hate to intrude on your group though. Are you sure they’d be ok letting us stay” “I can convince Herchel if it's only for a day or two” “Thank you” Rick shakes Otis’ hand then Otis gives Rick the directions to the farm and says he’ll meet them at the front gate. After Otis walks away presumably back to his own car, Merle speaks up “We really gonna trust that asshole” “He seemed alright to me, and he gave us the deer” “Look man if these people try and kill us can't say i didn't say nothing” Merle and Rick pick up the deer and begin to carry it back to the RV.
[!] Otis told Rick to come to the Farm
[Highway group]
[M] Glenn Rhee
Back at the RV Glenn and Jim are sitting at the table talking about Jim’s old repair shop while T-dog is lying down on the couch nearby, his fever is still bad but he has already taken antibiotics to treat the infection on his arm. The group is still waiting around for Merle and Rick to return, everyone is on edge after hearing the gunshot. Daryl and Shane are walking up and down the highway making sure no one is sneaking up on them. Finally Rick and Merle emerge from the treeline with the deer, they bring it over to one of the cars and put it into the trunk of one of the cars. Lori and Carl run over to Rick, Lori hugs him “Thank god your ok, What was that gunshot” “I’ll talk to the group about it in a minute, don't worry” Rick kisses Lori telling her he loves her as he hugs Carl.
Rick: Ok everyone gather around for a minute, When we were out there we met a man named Otis in the woods, he offered us a safe place to camp out for a few days while we rest and gather our strength.
Shane: Hold on a minute now, what you just met this guy in the woods and now we follow him back to his home for a sleepover. Come on man, we should just keep on going find someplace else up the road.
Rick: Look it’s going to be dark soon and If we’re gonna make it all the way to Fort benning we need to be rested and prepared, we got 2 wounded men and four children to look after we can’t just keep going with no breaks
Merle: Rick’s right, that Otis fella seemed alright just a bit soft but he aint threatening
Glenn: I agree with Rick too, we all need to rest somewhere and feel safe for a day
Dale, Jim, Morales and pretty much everyone else agrees with Rick’s plan on getting shelter at the farm for a few nights. With that decided, the group packs up and begins driving over there, following Otis’ directions.
[Hershel’s farm]
[M] Rick Grimes
As the convoy pulls up to the gates of the property Otis is sitting on the hood of his truck waiting for them, he waves them in then closes the gate behind him as he follows them up the gravel road. The group pulls up to the big oak tree a little ways down from the main house, Otis gets out of his car and tells the group to leave the cars and follow him. There are already other people standing out on the porch waiting for them, the old man steps down the stairs and comes towards the group. Otis walks up ahead of everyone else first “Hershel these are the people i mentioned” Rick reaches out to shake Herschel's hand “I’m Rick Grimes, nice to meet you” “Otis said you had kids with you and you needed some place to rest, you can have two days but you stay by your cars the whole time, get your own food and no guns on the property we managed this long without turning this place into an armed camp” “We appreciate it we won’t be any trouble at all” Herschel walks away and goes back inside the other 4 people following after him, but Otis stayed outside and showed Rick where they can set up camp. Rick thanks Otis for his help and hospitality as the group begins to get settled in and unpack.
[A few hours later]
The sun is beginning to set, it was already late afternoon when they arrived but now the group is set up comfortably. They set up the cars in a circle and put the tents up behind them, in the center is a cookfire and some chairs set up beside it. Dale and Daryl are cooking up parts of the deer from earlier for everyone to eat. Rick is sitting alone against one of the cars deep in thought
Shane: Hey man, you alright
Rick: Yeah just exhausted i feel like i can actually get some rest tonight
Shane: I know what you mean, this place is alright so far, I say in the morning we take some people out and do some gun training then poke around the property a bit after
Rick: I agree to the weapon training but I don’t think we should be poking around too much, we’re guests here we need to respect his rules and stay in our area
Shane: Then try talking to that old guy tomorrow, see what he’s about, how he thinks
Rick: I’ll do that but we need to be careful how we play this one out
Shane walks away from Rick and goes over to Andrea who’s trying to clean her gun but not doing a great job, he sits down and begins showing her how to disassemble and clean her pistol properly. Rick goes up to the top of the RV to stand guard and also to listen to the sound of the group celebrating below him. Carl, Sophia, Louis and Lilla are all running around within the camp area finishing up a game of soccer with a ball they found on the highway. “Carl pass it” “LET’S GO!” Louis and Carl celebrate having defeated the Girls in a game of soccer. “That was a good pass Carl” Louis pats him on the back then runs over to his sister “You lost, pay up” Lilla takes a bag of M&M’s out of her pocket and gives them to Louis. “Thank you” “It was close at least” “True but we still won” Sophia congratulates Carl and Louis and then excuses herself as she goes over to spend time with her mom.
“Here Carl take a few of these, you helped get that win too” Louis passes him a handful of the M&M’s, Carl takes them and pops a few in his mouth “Thanks” Lilla also walks off after and goes over to Morales who’s sitting by the campfire talking with T-dog and some of the others. Louis sighs as he looks down at the dirt “I really like this place, it feels safe like before” “Me too, i hope we can stay” “Carl can i tell you something” “Yeah you can” After a long pause Louis speaks up again
Louis: I saw my mom die…. and I keep seeing it again and again in my head and I really don’t want anyone else to die, i can’t lose my dad or my sister too
Carl sits there next to him kind of speechless, unable to think of anything to respond with, so instead he just wraps his arm around his shoulder and hugs him, a couple minutes later Dale calls over the group for dinner. “Come on let’s go get some food” Louis and Carl get up from the ground and go over to the rest of the group. With the whole group gathered together everyone is having a good time and laughing while they enjoy a meal. Even Merle and Daryl are joined in the conversations with everyone, with Merle telling stories about his time in the army.
[The next morning]
[M] Glenn Rhee
The next morning, as people are beginning to wake up and have coffee by the fire, Dale is already awake on top of the RV standing guard, Glenn comes out of his tent and goes to grab some food from the fire. Right under the tree Jim is sitting on a log sharpening a knife “Hey Glenn, come here a second” “What’s up Jim, you alright” “Yeah i’m ok i actually slept more than 3 hours last night, look i want you to take this, i found this swissknife in one of the cars on the highway, it's got a decent sized blade and a few tools on it” Glenn takes the knife from him and puts it in his back pocket, he thanks him for it then grabs himself a cup of coffee.
[!] Jim gave Glenn a Knife
Up on the front porch of the house a girl is staring at Glenn curiously, she walks down the stairs and comes towards him holding a basket. “Hey, my dad wanted you guys to have these, it's just some fruits” “Oh ah… ok yeah i’ll give it to Rick, oh I’m Glenn by the way” “Maggie” the girl turns and walks back inside the house. Glenn takes the basket to everyone else by this point Rick and the others are awake and planning for something. “Hershel wanted us to have these, looks pretty good” Rick turns his head away from the map “I’ll have to go thank him for it myself in a little while, thanks Glenn”
GLENN CHOICE: Who should Glenn talk to?
- Maggie
- Dale
- Jim
[M] Shane Walsh
After a conversation, Shane and Rick decide that people should start doing some gun training so everyone can protect themselves. Given the free time they have this seems like the best time to begin.
SHANE CHOICE: Who should Shane start teaching, choose 4
- Carl
- Sophia
- Louis
- Lilla
- Amy
- Carol
- Lori
- Andrea
- Morales
[Outside farmhouse]
[M] Rick Grimes
Rick walks up to the main house and knocks on the door, after a few moments, Herschel opens it up “Can i help you” “Just wanted to thank you for the fruit and for your hospitality, it means a lot” “Of course, but just remember, don’t make yourself too comfortable” Rick looks around the room then back at Hershel trying to make conversation
Rick: This place looks untouched, it’s incredible
Hershel: Isn’t it, it’s peaceful here
Rick: How about Walkers you get many passing through here
Hershel: Walker huh? Not many, the ones we do get….Otis and Jimmy usually lure them away from the property if you see any walkers let one of us know we’ll take care of them for you.
Rick: Thanks, we’re gonna be doing gun training today, any of your people want to join in
Hershel: We’re ok, just take it off the property please
Rick walks back out of the house and down to the campsite, Shane is loading up the duffle bag with some ammo and guns to take with him out to wherever they go to shoot. Merle is off by a different tree with his brother he waves Rick over “Need something Merle” “Whats the plan for this place” “what do you mean’ “I mean are we taking it, fuck Fort benning this place is perfect, look around” Rick snaps back at him “we are not taking this place, these people are good people, listen to me close, we are not hurting these people, try anything and we’ll have a problem” “Whatever you say officer” Rick walks away his head spinning with different plans and possibilities beginning to feel the weight of leadership on his shoulders.
New characters
-Hershel Green
-Maggie Green
-Beth Green
-Otis Jenson
-Patria Jenson
-Jimmy Buccan
Hey sorry if this part seems short and slow, since Carl was not shot and Sophia is not missing we have some time to do some character building and come up with some new scenarios. Hopefully you enjoy anyway
Thanks for reading, please vote in the comments and feel free to tell me things you’d be interested in seeing in the future EX:Storylines, character arcs, locations or things you are enjoying about the story. I might not be able to incorporate your ideas if it doesn't make sense for the plot or if it is impossible due to previous choices, but I will remember all suggestions and try to make everyone happy. I’m still working out "gameplay" features i want to add in the future to make it more fun. Let me know if you have suggestions you’d like to see.
Chapter 15: The walking dead alternate story 2x4
Chapter Text
This story will follow the plot of AMC’s The Walking Dead but large decisions and character relationships will be decided by your votes or random number generators if nothing is chosen or if there is a tie. there will be a 24 hour voting period if there are no votes in 24 hours it will extend to 48 hours it may vary depending on the number of total people voting. I will try my best and listen to all criticisms if they arise. To vote please put the number of the choice and the number of the option you choose. ANYONE CAN VOTE!! Feel free to talk about why you voted that way if you’d like.
These are the rules. You will play as main characters and only main characters make game changing decisions like choosing one person to live over another or choosing relationships. This does not mean that side characters have no impact, side characters can be directly affected by main character choices. Character status and relationship status will be shown at the end of each season for all characters, or on specific episodes. Game changing choices will be shown with [!] Depending on your choices there is a chance for minor characters to gain a larger role, there is equally a chance of major characters dying early or gaining an entirely new arc. Being a Main character does not mean you cannot die, anyone can die at any time. When a new character is introduced for the first time you will see their name and some info about them.
-There are a few different types of choices that may appear in this series-
CHOICE: This is just a regular situational decision
CHARACTER CHOICE: This is when you get to choose who will become a Main character or Antagonist.
RELATIONSHIP CHOICE: This might appear when two possible romantic interest characters develop their relationship high enough to become a couple or it could just be two characters reaching a high enough level for a friendship or rivalry.
SKILL CHOICE: This will appear after a character experiences a large event that is enough to change their personality or skill set.
These rules are subject to change and adapt as time goes on and I think of new features. You may also notice that some seasons may have more or less episodes than canon and some episodes may have different titles.
-Season 2 Episode 4-
[Save The Last One]
Vote Results:
[!] Glenn goes to speak to Maggie (3 votes)
[!] Morales, Andrea, Carol and Amy have been chosen for gun training
[M] Shane Walsh
Even though everyone could use some gun training Shane can only train a few at a time, he calls the group together and asks if anyone would like to join the first rounds of training. Morales sits up from his chair “I’m in, you ever teach someone with one arm before” “Nah but there's a first time for everything, don’t worry about it we’ll figure something out” Shane looks around for other volunteers, Andrea comes up to him next “Me and Amy will join you, i can use some practice and Amy wants to learn” Shane nods his head “Sounds good, you up for this Amy?” Amy relaxes her expression and turns to Shane “I am” “Alright I can take one more in the car for now, anyone else” Carol comes out of the RV and walks over to him “I want to learn, after what happened on the highway with Sophia…. i never want to feel that powerless again i need to protect her" "Ok, you sure about this, right Carol” Carol shakes her head. With the group chosen Shane packs a bag of ammo and guns into one of the cars and takes everyone off the property out into a field for some practice.
[In the Car]
While in the car Shane takes the time to talk with Morales and the women
Shane: How’ve you been holding up since Atlanta, we ain’t really talked much
Morales: Well about as good as I can be. I’ve pretty much just been laying in a damn bed since we got back from that raid, it’s about time i get out and do something
Shane: Take it slow man, it ain’t even been a full week, i’ll show you some basic stuff that might help with one handed shooting
Morales: I’d appreciate it
Meanwhile in the backseat Andrea and Amy are talking to Carol, “So Carol, don’t take this the wrong way but i’m surprised you wanted to come for this” Carol looks up from the floor at Andrea to respond “It’s ok i get it, when we hid under those cars on the highway and i got separated from Sophia…. i realized if anything like that happens again, i wouldn't be able to protect her, unless i did something about it” “That’s a really good reason to want to learn, don’t worry we’ll all help protect your daughter” Andrea places a hand on Carols back reassuring her, they finally arrive at the shooting area.
[Shooting Range]
Shane gets out of the car and scans the area for walkers, they are out in the middle of a huge field and there are no walkers in sight. He opens up the trunk and takes out some handguns handing one to each of the people as well as some ammo. Shane reaches into the bag again and takes out a bunch of glass bottles, he brings them over and places them along a log.
Shane: Ok y’all here’s what we’re doing, we take turns shooting one at time to save on ammo, and we keep the barrels of the weapons pointed down range at all times, Alright Morales why don’t you go first
Morales raises his pistol and tries pointing it down range, Shane adjusts his hand on the grip then tells him to fire. He fires the shot but misses the bottle because the recoil threw him off, “It’s alright, hold it like this and account for the recoil this time” Shane shows him how to hold it then hands it back to him, Morales takes another shot and this time he hits the bottle, he lines up another shot and hits it again. “Good shit man, now your gonna want to reload and out there in a fight with one arm that might be difficult” “So how should i do that” “I got an idea” Shane takes out some spare magazines for the pistol and he slides them into Morales belt, tilting on an angle “Now eject the mag from your gun then push the gun down onto the magazine attached to your belt, you might need to tap it a few times, once it’s in you can pull back the chamber by holding the pistol between your elbow area on the bad arm” Morales attempts to reload, it takes him a few tries but he manages to get one in and chamber a round “Shit thats hard” “hey you’ll get it eventually maybe we find you a prosthetic or something to make it easier for right now just be careful you don't accidentally shoot your arm” After another few minutes of shooting, Morales steps back and allows Carol to start.
[!] Morales had one handed gun training
Shane: Ok Carol let's take this slow, let me show you what to do
Carol: Wow that’s a lot heavier than i thought
Shane: You’ll get used to it, now your gonna hold it like this then aim down the notch on top, it might help to close one of your eyes and take a deep breath before firing
Carol aims the gun downrange at the bottles and manages to hit a few although her aim is not the greatest she manages to do alright, Shane shows her how to reload it as well and then he moves on to teaching Amy. Amy takes aim at the bottles and begins hitting one after another, her aim is surprisingly good for a beginner; she's almost as good as Andrea. Next up Andrea takes her gun and begins shooting, since she already has some experience she doesn't need much coaching by Shane. She hits the bottles easily; she even goes to hit some bullseye between the "O" in an old rusted stop sign. “Damn fine shooting girl, you too Amy nice work” “Thanks your not so bad yourself, I’m also surprised Amy did that well she's never even held a gun before” Amy looks over at Andrea while shes picking some mushrooms from the dirt “I guess it runs in the family, dad did a lot of hunting right” “Yeah he was always out either hunting or fishing” Andrea gives Amy a quick hug, everyone does a little more shooting before finally, the group begins to pack back up the ammo and guns. Shane loads everything up in the car and tells everyone to get in, on the drive back Shane and Morales talk about his shooting. Carol and the two sisters also talk about different things, Carol suggests cooking dinner for Hershel and his family to thank them for allowing them on his land.
[!] Amy, Carol and Andrea practiced shooting
[!] Shane is impressed with Andrea
[Hershel's Farm]
[M] Glenn Rhee
Meanwhile back on the farm Glenn decided to go talk with Maggie, their one interaction from earlier was still fresh in his mind. “Hey, Maggie right” “That’s right, can i help you” “No…. Well yes actually, i wanted to thank you for the fruit” “It was no problem we have a lot here, did you really just come up to me and ask about fruit or do you need something else” “Oh, Just someone to talk to you know, most of the group is out training, Rick is with his wife and Dale is watching the kids” Glenn looks around awkwardly trying to come up with something else to say
Glenn: So your family, it’s just you, your dad and your sister, how do you know what’s his name….Otis and his wife
Maggie: Well Otis and his wife Patrica were farm hands here before everything happened, i also did have a stepbrother and stepmother but….Their gone now, oh and Jimmy is Beth’s boyfriend, his parents are gone but it happened before everything happened
Glenn: I’m sorry for your loss, I uh…. I lost my parents and little sister at the start too
Maggie: Sorry, that’s not easy to deal with alone..... do you believe in god?
Glenn: Not really, i never really thought about him too much, you know, i mainly just leaned on family and friends for help when I needed it
Maggie: Want to pray for them with me?
Glenn: Uh Sure, i guess so
Glenn quiets down and joins hands with Maggie praying for their lost loved ones, after a few moments Hershel calls Maggie inside to talk.
[!] Maggie and Glenn have bonded
Hershel starts telling Maggie off “we need to be setting clear boundaries with these people, don’t get close to him, he won’t be here forever” “I was just praying with him Daddy, he lost his parents” “I know honey but still…” Maggie walks away from Hershel leaving him alone at the table eating his breakfast.
Glenn returns to the campsite and goes over to the fire, Shane and that group haven't returned yet so the camp is pretty quiet, Glenn goes over to Rick who’s standing alone by one of the cars “You alright Rick” “Yeah just thinking a lot actually, this place is beautiful right” “Yeah it is, i haven’t seen a walker since we got onto the property, why” Rick turns his head back to the map in front of him “I wish there was a way we could convince Hershel to let us stay longer, let him know we can pull our weight around here” Glenn looks at Rick Puzzled “He thinks we’re leaving for Fort benning in a day or so, we all thought that too, are you saying we stay here?” “I don’t know yet i’m just thinking, sorry about that did you need something Glenn” Glenn shakes his head saying he just wanted to check in on him but before he can walk away Maggie comes over to the two of them “Hey Rick, can you spare anyone to come into town with me, there’s a pharmacy and we’re starting to run low on meds here” Rick looks around then back at her “Sure why don’t you take Glenn, he’s our go to town guy” “Sounds good be ready in 10 minutes Glenn, i’ll let my dad know i’m leaving”
Rick: Go ahead, just be careful out there
Glenn: Alright, is there anything we need i can check while i’m there
Rick: Not that i can think of maybe ask Dale he’d know for sure
Glenn leaves Rick then goes into the RV “Hey Dale i’m making a run into town with Maggie, is there anything specific our group needs” Dale gets up and passes Glenn a small list with some common items on it as Glenn goes to leave the RV Lori passes him another note telling him to please be discrete about it. Glenn is confused on where to look for what she wrote down so she tells him to check the feminine hygiene section she thanks him again before he leaves. Lori has a half panicked expression on her face but Glenn doesn’t even notice it, too distracted thinking about Maggie, she turns back to the kids and goes over to Carl.
[Farm, 10 minutes later]
[M] Rick Grimes
After a while Shane and that group finally return from shooting practice just as Maggie and Glenn are about to leave, everyone gets out of the car and goes to rest. Sophia comes running out to hug her mom, Morales’ kids follow right behind her jumping into their dad's embrace. “DAD” “Don’t worry i’m ok” Morales hugs them then takes both of them back to the RV and sits down inside while they play, Carol takes Sophia in a different direction, over to the campfire to talk
Sophia: Hey Mom, how did it go, did you shoot a gun
Carol: Yes i did, It went good, i don’t think i did that bad
Sophia: Can you teach me mom, i want to be able to protect you and the camp
Carol: Sophia honey that’s my job, i’m supposed to protect you
Sophia: But mom what if we get separated again and you can’t get to me
Carol: Don’t worry, that won’t happen again, i’ll be there to help you. I'll help you learn one day once I feel comfortable teaching you
Carol hugs Sophia and kisses her on the forehead before Sophia asks if she can go back to the RV and play with Carl and the others. Carol agrees and Sophia runs off to the RV, leaving her alone by the fire. For the first time in a long time Carol feels powerful, she sits there staring into the fire reflecting on the past. Meanwhile Amy and Andrea are talking with Dale who is sitting on watch, Amy is gloating about her shooting ability to Andrea while Dale praises her for it “I’m really proud of you girls, the more people that know how to shoot the less i need to burn in the sun on top of this RV all day” Amy laughs at him “Ha, unless you want to teach us how to use a rifle i’m not hitting anything from here” Shane walks over to Rick after unloading the weapons
Rick: How’d they do?
Shane: Pretty damn good actually, only one that had any real problems was Morales but that’s no fault of his own, Even Carol did alright
Rick: Good, maybe tomorrow you take another group out, or take those same ones again. It's good to have this time to practice
Shane: Sounds like a plan, you talk to that Hershel guy yet?
Rick: Yeah i didn’t get much out of him i didn’t want to push it too much, he did mention if we see any walkers on the property to let him know first he’ll handle them
Shane: What the hell's that supposed to mean, we can handle a few walkers
Rick: Let’s just do as he says for now
Shane walks away and starts cleaning some of the guns on his own. Meanwhile Rick goes over to Lori and Carl to spend time with them.
[Merle and Daryl's camp]
[M] Merle Dixon
Just a short walk from the main camp area is where the Dixon brothers set up their gear, both of their motorcycles are parked underneath a tarp they put up between some trees. Daryl is sitting there Skinning some Squirrels while Merle does some minor repairs on his bike
Merle: So what do you think of this place
Daryl: I don’t know it’s alright i guess
Merle: Alright, it's a goddamn wonderland, this place is perfect but this family is soft i can tell just by looking at them they ain’t got the stones to protect this place
Daryl: So what, you wanna take it from them, if we do that it won’t just be these people that are pissed at us, Rick and Shane will come down on our asses too
Merle: Come on nut up boy, this Fort benning plan is a pipe dream at best, that's 100 miles of walkers and wasteland for what's gonna lead to another dead end, now i’m not saying we kill them but we can at least start by taking a look around before deciding how to play it
Daryl: Are you sure man, that could end badly if we get caught, whatever you think is best though
CHOICE: Should Merle and Daryl search around the Farm
- Yes
- No
RELATIONSHIP CHOICE: Should Glenn and Maggie get together
- Yes
- No
RELATIONSHIP CHOICE: Should Shane pursue a relationship with Andrea or continue trying to get back with Lori
- Andrea
- Lori
The end of another episode hopefully you're enjoying this, it's quite different from canon since the majority of early season 2 is finding Sophia and dealing with Carl's injury. I’m hoping to get into some more action within the next few episodes. Sorry if this part felt shorter/ less exciting
Thanks for reading, please vote in the comments and feel free to tell me things you’d be interested in seeing in the future EX:Storylines, character arcs, locations or things you are enjoying about the story. I might not be able to incorporate your ideas if it doesn't make sense for the plot or if it is impossible due to previous choices, but I will remember all suggestions and try to make everyone happy. I’m still working out "gameplay" features i want to add in the future to make it more fun. Let me know if you have suggestions you’d like to see.
Chapter 16: The walking dead alternate story 2x5
Chapter Text
This story will follow the plot of AMC’s The Walking Dead but large decisions and character relationships will be decided by your votes or random number generators if nothing is chosen or if there is a tie. there will be a 24 hour voting period if there are no votes in 24 hours it will extend to 48 hours it may vary depending on the number of total people voting. I will try my best and listen to all criticisms if they arise. To vote please put the number of the choice and the number of the option you choose. ANYONE CAN VOTE!! Feel free to talk about why you voted that way if you’d like.
These are the rules. You will play as main characters and only main characters make game changing decisions like choosing one person to live over another or choosing relationships. This does not mean that side characters have no impact, side characters can be directly affected by main character choices. Character status and relationship status will be shown at the end of each season for all characters, or on specific episodes. Game changing choices will be shown with [!] Depending on your choices there is a chance for minor characters to gain a larger role, there is equally a chance of major characters dying early or gaining an entirely new arc. Being a Main character does not mean you cannot die, anyone can die at any time. When a new character is introduced for the first time you will see their name and some info about them.
-There are a few different types of choices that may appear in this series-
CHOICE: This is just a regular situational decision
CHARACTER CHOICE: This is when you get to choose who will become a Main character or Antagonist.
RELATIONSHIP CHOICE: This might appear when two possible romantic interest characters develop their relationship high enough to become a couple or it could just be two characters reaching a high enough level for a friendship or rivalry.
SKILL CHOICE: This will appear after a character experiences a large event that is enough to change their personality or skill set.
These rules are subject to change and adapt as time goes on and I think of new features. You may also notice that some seasons may have more or less episodes than canon and some episodes may have different titles.
-Season 2 Episode 5-
[Love and Secrets]
Vote results:
[!] Merle and Daryl decide to not search around (4 votes)
[!] Maggie and Glenn romance has started (5 votes)
[!] Shane is trying to move on from Lori by getting with Andrea (6 votes)
[M] Merle Dixon
Merle continues to think for another moment about his decision, looking at Daryl before responding, “Alright, you're right…. It ain't worth getting us kicked out over, not yet anyways, stay on alert and I'll talk to Ricky and see what he’s thinking” Daryl nods “I think that’s the right choice” “Whatever man it doesn’t feel that way to me” Merle walks off leaving Daryl alone by their campsite. As he walks off towards the group’s main camp he gets stopped by Otis who was passing by.
Otis: Hey there, you’re Merle right?
Merle: That’s me, something you need?
Otis: I could use a hand moving some farm equipment out of the fields and into the horse stable, think you can help me out?
Merle lets out a long sigh “Alright, what do you need carried over?” “There's a plow and some feeding troughs” “That’s it?” Otis nods his head then starts walking towards the field where the equipment is. Merle follows behind him watching his every movement, Otis looks back at Merle as they walk “So you ever do any farm work before” “Not really, this ain’t my thing, i’m a damn good hunter though” “If that's the truth we ought to go hunting later, make up for that deer i let you have” Merle doesn’t give him a response but considers his offer.
[!] Otis and Merle have bonded
[M] Shane Walsh
Meanwhile at camp Shane is cleaning guns while the others are going about their day doing various chores. Nearby T-dog and Dale are pumping water from one of the wells, Dale begins to hear something making splashing and gurgling sounds in the well, just as T-dog was about to sip some of the water Dale knocks it out of his hand. “You're not gonna want to drink that” They look down and see an extremely bloated walker at the bottom, they call the rest of the group over so they can come up with a plan to take it out.
Shane: Jesus christ
Jim: How long you think that's been in there for
Andrea: Long enough to grow gills
Lori: We can’t leave it in there who knows what it's doing to the water
Shane: We gotta get it out
T-dog suggests shooting it but Andrea tells them that blowing its brains out will contaminate the water if it hasn't been already. Amy looks over at her sister confused “I’m sorry but there is no chance i will ever be drinking that water even if we get it out” Shane speaks up “Andrea’s right, we gotta get it out, alive” T-dog thinks for a moment “If we put a rope around it we can pull it right up here but someones gotta go down there to put it over him” everyone looks at Glenn who was about to leave with Maggie “Come on seriously, we’re about to go on a run” “Come on man, you got this real quick” Shane pats him on the back, Maggie looks around at the whole group gathered around the well “You guys are insane” Glenn doesn’t protest the idea, instead he goes along with it wanting to prove his worth to the group again but Jim steps up and stops him before he puts the rope on himself.
Jim: I’ll go, Glenn you go on that run with Maggie
Glenn: You sure?
Jim: Yeah i got it, that run is important too
Glenn: Alright thanks Jim
[!] Jim went down the well for Glenn
Jim puts the rope on himself while Shane and the others wrap part of it around the pump, everyone there grabs onto the rope and begins to lower him down into the hole. Glenn and Maggie have already left and started saddling up horses for their trip. Shane shouts out” Don’t worry Jimbo you got this” Jim holds on tightly to the rope as he's lowered closer to the walker, suddenly he starts having flashes in his head of the walkers that killed his family. He begins to panic and freeze up becoming overwhelmed by flashing images of his children being torn apart, T-dog looks down at him and sees his panic “Hey Jim you alright” “Yea–yeah i am” “You sure, you don’t look too good” “Don’t worry…. I got it” up top Shane, Andrea, Amy, Dale, Lori and T-dog are all holding onto the rope for him, Shane stops lowering the rope for a moment “He alright down there” T-dog looks at Shane “He says he can do it” They continue to lower him, but the weight was too much on the pump so it pulled it out of the ground. Now everyone is holding onto the rope and the pump as tightly as possible while trying to pull him back up before he falls “JESUS FUCKING CHRIST HELP!” “DON’T WORRY JIMBO WE GOT YA” “GET ME THE HELL OUT OF HERE NOW” After a few moments they manage to pull Jim out of the hole, Jim just lays there on the dirt not moving, dripping in sweat
T-dog: Shit man you ok
Jim: No….
Shane: Well back to the drawing board i guess
Jim: Fuck I’m sorry….
Jim gets up and walks away back towards his tent without saying another word while everyone else is looking down at the walker who’s still alive inside. Shane stands there looking around, thinking of another plan, but Dale starts talking “we are not doing that again that was too close” Amy speaks up next “Why don’t we just shoot the thing, do you honestly want to drink that water” Shane snaps at her a bit “You want to just give up then” but everyone else looks around at each other while nodding their heads, pretty much all in agreement with Amy that its not worth the risk.T-dog looks at everyone before laughing “Good thing we didn’t do anything stupid like shoot it” then he walks away to check on Jim. Shane goes over to the RV to retrieve his pistol, he comes back and shoots the walker right through the head while it's still in the water. “So much for that i guess” Shane walks off obviously annoyed but Andrea follows after him.
[!] Andrea followed Shane
Everyone goes back to what they were doing before, T-dog goes up to Jim’s tent where he is sitting inside splashing water on his face. “You alright what happened back there” “I saw my kids. As i was being lowered down closer to that walker i felt like i was back there watching them die all over again” “Damn, i’m sorry that was a shit plan” “It’s alright i just want to forget about that for now, if you don’t mind i’d like to be alone for a while you know” “I get it, come find me if you need something man” T-dog exits the tent and goes back over to Dale.
[Farm Stables, 15 minutes later]
[M] Merle Dixon
Otis and Merle are finishing up bringing the last of the equipment to the stables. The entire time they were working Merle did not engage in any more conversation even though Otis was chatting away with him. After locking up some of the tools Otis turns and faces Merle “So it looks around to be 2, we still got 5-6 hours until the sun starts to go down, you want to go hunting now, i know you folks are gonna be leaving day after tomorrow” Merle hesitates for a moment but then he considers that this may be a good opportunity to learn more about him and about Hershel's family. “Sure, let me go grab my rifle” “Alright meet me by my truck i’ll drive us out” Merle walks to the RV to grab his rifle from the gun bag, on his way out Rick stops him at the door
Rick: You going somewhere?
Merle: Headed out hunting with that Otis guy
Rick: Hunting? With him
Merle: Look I don’t trust these people and that prick does not stop talking, who knows what helpful information he might spill
Rick: Alright but be careful you don’t push it with him and get us kicked out and for god's sake don’t hurt him
Merle: Hurt him…. Me? you know me better than that officer
Rick: Just let me know what you find out when you get back and keep your cool
Rick moves away from the door and lets Merle pass, he stares at him from the back as he walks away. Merle tells Daryl what he’s going out to do then he goes over to meet Otis by the truck, the two of them leave the farm together.
[Nearby town]
[M] Glenn Rhee
Meanwhile Glenn and Maggie are on horseback riding into town to do some scavenging. Glenn attempts to make conversation with Maggie in the meantime “You know this is the kinda thing i usually do own my own….Solo” Maggie stares at him noticing his horrible attempts at flirting “You ever ride a horse before” she asks “No not really” “Yeah I can tell” Maggie laughs to herself before dismounting and pointing out the pharmacy to Glenn. They enter the store after tying the horses up outside, most of the shelves still have a decent amount of supplies and the pharmacy section is loaded with meds and vitamins. Glenn takes a look at the lists he was given and begins filling up his bag with supplies, next he goes to look for the item on Lori’s private list. He realises that it’s a pregnancy test, Maggie comes up behind him to let him know that she's got what she needed. She spots something in Glenn’s hand but can’t make out what it is, she asks him about it so he quickly packs it into his bag trying to hide it from her. Trying to cover for what she saw, he picks up the closest thing to him which just so happened to be a box of condoms.
Glenn: It’s nothing just general stuff
Maggie: Condoms? you got a girlfriend I don't know about?
Glenn: Me no, no
Maggie: Than you must be a pretty confident guy
Glenn: No no no no…. I wasn’t…. I would never
Maggie: Something wrong with me?
Glenn fumbles over his words unable to even form a proper sentence, until Maggie just comes out and says it “I’ll have sex with you” “Really” “Well it's not like our options are vast these days” Maggie starts to undress while she kisses Glenn, a few seconds later they are both out of their clothes, while having sex on the floor.
[!] Glenn and Maggie hooked up
[M] Shane Walsh
After walking off from the group after the well incident Shane returns to cleaning the guns by the RV. Andrea comes up to him and sits down in the chair across from his, “Wanna show me how” ‘Excuse me” “Show me how you clean the guns” Shane pauses for a moment before agreeing “Alright here” Shane passes her some gun oil and rags then he shows her the techniques for cleaning guns properly. After finishing up on the guns Shane stares at Andrea for a few seconds “Let’s head out, go grab some rounds from the gun bag, we’ll get some practice in but this time the real deal” “Like actual walkers?” “Yeah hop in the car we’ll drive out a ways from the farm so no noise can be traced back here” Andrea agrees as she goes to grab some more ammo for her pistol. Shane loads up his own gun too and then hops into the car.
[M] Merle Dixon
Merle and Otis have begun hunting in the forest a few miles away from the farm, Merle is tracking a deer while Otis follows trying to observe his actions. After tracking the deer for a while, they finally catch up to it, Merle turns to Otis and whispers “You want the kill or should i” “Kill’s yours, you tracked her” Merle lines up the rifle and takes the shot dropping the deer instantly with a shot through the neck. They go over to the body and check it out, Otis crouches down to examine the gunshot “Alright Let’s drag her back to the car” Merle picks up the front legs while Otis carries the back ones and after a short walk to the car they throw the deer into the trunk.
Otis: Nice shooting, you been a hunter your whole life?
Merle: I been hunting since i was a kid but i learned most my gunskills from the army, what about you
Otis: I was an EMT, but hunting was always more of a hobby for me
Merle: How about everyone else back at the house, how long have you known them
Otis: I’ve been helping out on the Green’s farm for years now, we’ve become family by this point. My wife Patricia helps out with a lot of the house work and with the chickens outside, we’d help with the horses as well. I’d do most of the real farm work though, crops and such
Merle: So you know Hershel pretty well, what do you think it’ll take for him to let us stay?
Otis: Well i don’t know if anything could, there are certain things that you and your people may not understand
Merle: So please inform me then, your telling me even if we work our asses off for him he won’t let us keep working to earn our keep
Otis: I…. I’d need to talk to him but…. Just let me talk to him first, no promises but we’ll see what we can do
Being somewhat satisfied with some of the information he’s gotten Merle decides not to press it any further. Just as they are about to leave six walkers start coming out from the tree line walking towards their car, Merle takes out his rifle again and aims at the walkers just before he fires Otis stops him “Come on let’s go don’t worry about them we can just drive away” “and leave walkers just roaming out there, no thank you” “You don’t need to waste the ammo, they aint catchin us if we go”
CHOICE: What should you do?
- Shoot them
- Take out your knife and stab them
- Drive away
[Abandoned houses]
[M] Shane Walsh
After a short drive Shane and Andrea arrive at an abandoned housing development, the roads are littered with trash bags, bodies and turned over cars. Shane parks on the sidewalk and they both get out “Alright girl, you ready” “Let’s do it” Shane bangs on the hood of the car and shouts a few times to attract walkers that are nearby, sure enough a few seconds later walkers are already coming out from between the houses, some walkers are also banging on windows and doors from the insides. “Now raise your gun shoot some heads i’ll cover you” Andrea raises the gun and begins shooting down walkers, one after another they drop to the ground, she empties the entire magazine without missing a shot “Good now reload” while Andrea reloads Shane takes down a couple that were getting close, she finishes reloading and continues firing, not missing any shots. “Holy shit you see that Shane” “Hell yeah you are a goddamn natural” After a few more shots, it's obvious that there are too many walkers to keep wasting ammo on, “now come on let’s get out of here that noise is gonna bring more” Andrea runs back to the car, pistol whipping one of the walkers that was in the way knocking it backwards to the floor, she jumps in the car and they speed off together.
Shane: That was good shit right there
Andrea: Wow….
Andrea looks at Shane for a moment, before placing her hand onto his lap, Shane stops the car and pulls off to the side of the road. With their adrenaline pumping it’s almost impossible for them to resist the urge to hook up. Shane puts his seat back and Andrea moves closer to him while she unzips his pants and removes her shirt.
[Farm, in camp]
[M] Rick Grimes
Meanwhile Rick is in camp relaxing outside the RV talking with Lori and Carl while the other kids are inside with Morales and Carol. Carl looks down at the floor while kicking the dirt around “Dad, when can me and Sophia learn to shoot too” “I’d like to teach you, i think it’d be good to know especially now” Lori looks at Carl shocked “Rick you can’t be serious you want to give him a gun” “He needs to know how to protect himself if it ever came down to it plus gun safety is good to know especially with all these guns in camp” Lori doesn’t respond to that instead she just shakes her head and sighs, Rick speaks up again “Why are you asking for Sophia too, did you guys talk about it” “She said she wanted to be able to protect herself and her mom from walkers, Can you please teach me and Sophia, i know that Louis wants to learn too” “Well i’m not going to teach them if their parents say no but if they agree then i will, me and you can start tomorrow” Carl jumps up and hugs Rick before Lori tells him to settle down, Rick thinks for a moment about the training.
[!] Carl asked Rick to help train Sophia
CHOICE: Who should Rick train?
- Carl only
- Carl and Sophia
- All the kids
[A few minutes later]
After being gone for a long time Glenn and Maggie finally return, Glenn gives the supplies over to Dale but puts Lori’s private item aside for her. Maggie goes back to the house hugging her sister Beth, as she goes inside. Next Shane and Andrea come back, he parks the car and gets out exchanging looks with Andrea as they go into camp, Dale notices the exchange but doesn’t think much of it. He stops Andrea once Shane walks away “Everything go ok out there” “Yeah everything was fine” Dale looks at her able to tell shes holding something back but he doesn’t press her “Good, just be careful i don’t want you getting hurt” “Thanks dad, jeez” Dale and Andrea laugh it off as they go back what they were doing, Andrea goes over to Amy who’s cooking by the fire. Meanwhile unbeknownst to Rick, Lori had taken the pregnancy test out into the field to use, after waiting a little while she gets the results….it came back positive.
SEXUALITY CHOICE: Since Beth and Jimmy are currently dating, gay and Lesbian are removed as options, they can be only Bi or straight
- Straight
- Bisexual
- Straight
- Bisexual
Alright another episode down, hopefully you're still enjoying the story. I tried to cram a lot into this one while also adding a bit of walkers into it since the last few episodes have been quiet.
Thanks for reading, please vote in the comments and feel free to tell me things you’d be interested in seeing in the future EX:Storylines, character arcs, locations or things you are enjoying about the story. I might not be able to incorporate your ideas if it doesn't make sense for the plot or if it is impossible due to previous choices, but I will remember all suggestions and try to make everyone happy. I’m still working out "gameplay" features i want to add in the future to make it more fun. Let me know if you have suggestions you’d like to see.
Chapter 17: The walking dead alternate story 2x6
Chapter Text
This story will follow the plot of AMC’s The Walking Dead but large decisions and character relationships will be decided by your votes or random number generators if nothing is chosen or if there is a tie. there will be a 24 hour voting period if there are no votes in 24 hours it will extend to 48 hours it may vary depending on the number of total people voting. I will try my best and listen to all criticisms if they arise. To vote please put the number of the choice and the number of the option you choose. ANYONE CAN VOTE!! Feel free to talk about why you voted that way if you’d like.
These are the rules. You will play as main characters and only main characters make game changing decisions like choosing one person to live over another or choosing relationships. This does not mean that side characters have no impact, side characters can be directly affected by main character choices. Character status and relationship status will be shown at the end of each season for all characters, or on specific episodes. Game changing choices will be shown with [!] Depending on your choices there is a chance for minor characters to gain a larger role, there is equally a chance of major characters dying early or gaining an entirely new arc. Being a Main character does not mean you cannot die, anyone can die at any time. When a new character is introduced for the first time you will see their name and some info about them.
-There are a few different types of choices that may appear in this series-
CHOICE: This is just a regular situational decision
CHARACTER CHOICE: This is when you get to choose who will become a Main character or Antagonist.
RELATIONSHIP CHOICE: This might appear when two possible romantic interest characters develop their relationship high enough to become a couple or it could just be two characters reaching a high enough level for a friendship or rivalry.
SKILL CHOICE: This will appear after a character experiences a large event that is enough to change their personality or skill set.
These rules are subject to change and adapt as time goes on and I think of new features. You may also notice that some seasons may have more or less episodes than canon and some episodes may have different titles.
-Season 2 Episode 6-
Vote results:
[!] Merle decided to use his knife on the walkers
[!] Rick will try and train all the kids how to shoot
[!] Jimmy and Beth are both straight
[M] Rick Grimes
The farm is quiet and people are resting since it is nearing the end of the day. After Rick talked with Lori about wanting to teach the kids to shoot, she walked over to Carol who’s been folding laundry on the table outside the RV. “Need any help” “Yeah That’d be great we got a lot to do here” “So how are you doing, after everything that’s happened recently” Carol puts down the laundry in her hands and looks over at Lori
Carol: I’ve been good actually, since Ed died i feel like me and Sophia are finally getting away from him
Lori: That’s good, you and your daughter deserve so much better. How did gun training go?
Carol: It was ok I’m not a great shot yet but i need to learn this for Sophia so I can keep her safe
Lori: About that, apparently Carl and Sophia were talking and she told him that she wants to learn how to shoot too so she can protect you and her friends
Carol: She said that? I don’t know if i can see my little girl shooting a gun like that
Lori: Rick is going to teach Carl tomorrow and he wanted to ask you if Sophia can participate, but i thought i’d be better coming from me, i don’t want to see Carl with a gun either but Rick insisted saying he needs to know how to protect himself and….I agree with him now
Carol: Fine but i’m going with them when they go out there
[!] Carol allowed Sophia to learn to shoot but she is going with her
Lori and Carol finish up with the laundry while they talk about cooking dinner for Hershel's family. Both of them go over to the house to ask for permission, Maggie answers the door and lets them in.
Meanwhile Rick was watching their talk from the RV, he lets out a slight smile then walks inside to check on Carl. “Hey Carl, I heard mom and Carol talking. I think she agreed to let Sophia come along shooting tomorrow” “Really, i got to tell her” “Not yet Carl let her mom do it, it's better that way” “Ok, can you see if Louis and Lilla can come too” Rick nods his head then walks into the RV bedroom where Morales is sitting on the bed changing the bandage on his arm.
Rick: Need a hand?
Morales: Yeah actually that’d be great, i didn’t wanna bother anyone
Rick: It’s alright, i don’t think anyone would mind doing this for you
Morales: Thanks Rick, you’re the only reason i’m still with my kids you saved my life and gave me more time with them
Rick: No need to thank me again i wasn’t going to just leave you to die
Rick decides now is a good time to ask Morales if he’d be ok with his children doing gun training. “So listen, I’m taking Carl and Sophia out to the field tomorrow morning to learn a little bit of shooting, would you be alright with your kids joining us” “I was thinking about this already, i think it’d be a good idea for them to learn, i can’t do as much as i’d like with this goddamn stump” “Alright, you wanna come out there with us, Carol’s coming too” “Sure just let me know when your gonna go out” Rick finishes changing Morales bandage then walks back outside the RV.
[!] Morales allowed his kids to practice shooting
[Farmhouse porch]
[M] Glenn Rhee
After coming back from the run and letting Lori and Carol inside to cook with Beth, Maggie is now sitting outside on the porch in a rocking chair. Glenn sees her and decides to go sit, he jokes with her about having 11 more condoms. Maggie looks at him “Look i don’t know if i even like you” “But you're thinking about it, you should” Maggie chuckles slightly before getting up and walking back into the house leaving Glenn alone outside. “Dammit” Glenn walks away off the porch and back into camp where he sees Jim working on one of the car's engines. “Hey Jim what’s going on” “Just trying to get some work done make sure all our cars are in the best condition they can be” “need a hand?” “Sure grab a wrench i’ll show you a bit” Jim teaches Glenn about different parts of the engine while they do some repairs. Dale and Amy are on watch on top of the RV while Shane and Andrea sit by the fire just talking. Glenn is still thinking about Lori, he can't get the thought out of his head. He's wondering the reason why she needed him to find her a pregnancy test, due to how secretive she was being with him he felt he needed to ask her moreabout it. “Hey Jim I’ll be right back i gotta do something quick” “Alright don’t worry about it I'm almost done here” Glenn walks off and goes over to Lori who is standing alone by the tree, taking a break from cooking for a minute.
Glenn: I need to ask you something, Are you pregnant?
Lori: Shhh not so loud, come here
Glenn: So you are? Why haven’t you told Rick?
Lori: Just please don’t say anything Glenn, i’ll tell him when i’m ready
Glenn: Ok but you need someone taking care of you, you know getting you vitamins, food, a soft pillow
Lori: I’ll manage, if i need something i’ll let you know
Lori walks away leaving Glenn shocked and confused at the encounter. He debates what he should do with the information, a secret that large is hard to bear alone.
CHOICE: What should Glenn do with Lori’s secret?
- Tell Rick
- Stay quiet about it
- Tell Dale
[M] Merle Dixon
Meanwhile back on the road the walkers are getting closer to Merle and Otis, so Merle decides to take his knife out from his belt and get ready to attack them. “Come on assholes” Merle thrusts the knife forward dropping one after another in rapid succession as he goes in to attack the 4th walker his knife gets stuck in it’s helmet, he tries to pull it out and get it out of the skull but the other two walkers are getting closer to him. “Hey asshole wanna do something” Otis hesitates for a moment looking at the walkers, but then he runs over and whacks one of them with the butt of his rifle. He manages to knock it to the ground, then he runs over to protect Merle while he retrieves his knife. He finally gets it out of the head, then turns around to finish off the rest of the walkers, but one of them grabs Otis and knocks him to the ground. Merle runs over to help kill them but it has Otis pinned down and then it takes a bite out of his face, tearing his nose right off. As quickly as possible Merle kicks the walker off him and drives the knife through its skull, then he takes out the last one with another swift stab.
Otis: Hel…Please….tell…Patricia
Merle: Shit, shit shit
Otis passes out from the pain while continuing to bleed from his face eventually succumbing to his wounds. Merle stands over his body panicking trying to figure out what to do and how to explain this to the others. “FUCK” Merle looks at Otis’ body, knowing that he’s going to turn he uses his knife and mercy kills him. Merle picks up Otis’ body and puts him down into the trunk next to the deer, then he gets into the truck and drives back to the farm.
[!] Otis has died
[Inside the house at the farm]
[M] Rick Grimes
Back on the farm, Rick knocks on the door to the house and Jimmy opens it up for him “Hey is Lori still in here” “Yeah she's helping make dinner for everyone, come in” Rick enters and goes over to her holding her behind “Everything alright” “Yeah we’re all good, trying to make a meal for Hershel's family” “Can’t wait to try some later, i talked to Carl he’s excited to learn with Sophia” In the other room Herschel pulls Maggie aside
Herschel: What’s this?
Maggie: Rick’s group wanted to cook us dinner to thank us for the hospitality, i didn’t think it’d be a big deal
Herschel: I told you that we need to be setting clear boundaries with these people they won’t be here forever you know
Maggie: I know daddy but it’s just dinner
Herschel: What about you, What’s going on with the asian boy?
Maggie: Glenn. He’s a friend, why?
Herschel: Just please don’t make me chase you around like i do with Beth and Jimmy, your supposed to be the mature one
Maggie shrugs “I’m not 16 anymore you don’t need to chase me around” “I know but I still worry, just don’t get close to them they won’t be here forever.” Maggie walks away towards the kitchen to help out, as she walks in Rick walks back outside.
Over by the campsite Shane is sitting on the hood of his car Rick walks over to him to talk “Hey you alright” “Yeah just thinking about something” “Want to talk about it” Shane looks out the corner of his eye over at Andrea on top of the RV “Nah not now, ain’t the right time” “Alright…” Before Rick can finish his sentence every one looks as Merle's truck comes speeding up the road towards camp. Andrea calls out alerting the group as she aims the rifle trying to get a good look through the scope, Merle pulls up and gets out of the truck walking right over to Rick and Shane. “We got a bit of a problem” Rick walks up to him “What happened, where the hell is Otis?” “He’s in the trunk but he ain’t exactly alive anymore, walkers got him when we were on our way back from the hunt” Rick and Shane look at each other trying to figure out whether or not they believe him. “Goddamn it Let’s take a look at the body” “Go for it”
Merle opens up the trunk and everyone begins to gather around to see the body, his nose was bitten off and there is a knife wound to the side of the head. Rick looks at him “Jesus christ” “Look I know how bad this looks but he tried to save me and then he got bit, i had to put him down after” Shane looks at Merle and then back at the body “How the hell are we supposed to tell Hershel and his family about this shit” “Make it sound like he died a hero they’ll eat it up make it go over better” Rick and Shane reluctantly agree to Merle’s plan but they look at each other still unsure of Merle’s story. “Look i don’t think i should be the one to tell them i ain’t got the kindest face” Rick volunteers to be the one to break the news but he tells Merle to come with him anyway. Almost the whole group is gathered around the body now trying to see what happened. Daryl goes over to his brother
Daryl: Shit, what the hell happened
Merle: He saved me from a walker after my piece of shit knife got stuck then he got pulled down and bit
Daryl: Unlucky for him i guess
Merle: and lucky for me, This ain’t gonna be a fun conversation
Rick: Come on
[Farm, House]
Merle and Rick walk off to the house and knock on the door while a few of the others take Otis’ body out of the truck and put him down on a blanket. Herschel opens the door “Need something” Rick takes off his sheriff hat “It’s about Otis, he didn’t make it back…” “Oh my god….What the hell happened where is he” Merle steps forward to talk to him “He uh, saved me. We were coming back from hunting and some walkers were coming out from the woods, i went to take them out but my knife got stuck and he jumped in the way and saved me” Herschel backs up grabbing onto a table, everyone in the kitchen comes over to see what’s wrong, Rick explains the situation again. Maggie and Beth go over to hug Patrica as falls to her knees crying, Lori and Carol walk over to console them as well. Merle quickly walks away from the situation back to camp to talk to Daryl.
[Later that night]
[M] Glenn Rhee
Later that night everyone is gathered at Otis’ grave as Hershel says a prayer over him and Patria cries. Merle see’s the grieving family and can’t help but feel slightly guilty for not being able to save Otis and for not just driving away like he said. After the funeral everyone sits down inside for an awkward dinner. There isn’t much small talk happening, just mini conversations between the adults and then the kids who are all whispering to each other at the end of the table. Maggie passes Glenn a note under the table asking him if he wants to hook up again tonight and where, Glenn writes his response then passes it back to her, she quickly hides it in her pocket. Merle and Daryl are sitting together drinking a bottle of wine they took from the CDC. While Lori and Carol have been making friends with Patrica, trying to help her cope.
Daryl: You alright?
Merle: Yeah i’m fine
Daryl: Alright, you want to do something tomorrow. Maybe take the bikes out down one of the trails, i think there’s a creek nearby might have some fish
CHOICE: What should Merle do tomorrow?
- Go with Daryl
- Stay at camp
- Go out alone
After Dinner everyone is leaving the house to go to bed, while a few of the women help clean up, Glenn goes out to the barn to meet up with Maggie. Inside the house Maggie Reads the note that Glenn gave her earlier it reads “Ever done it in a hay loft” She begins to panic as she runs out to get him. Glenn notices that the barn doors are chained shut, he peaks inside but it's too dark to see anything so he walks around until he finds an entree way through the top level. As he enters the smell of dead immediately overwhelms him, he looks down into the bottom floor and the barn is completely full of walkers. Glenn freaks out and turns around to leave but Maggie is standing right where he came in from “You weren't supposed to see this” “What the hell is this” “Please please you cannot tell anyone” “But why… why would you keep these” “They mean something to us, my stepbrother and stepmother are in here”
CHOICE: What should Glenn do?
- Tell Rick
- Say nothing
- Tell the whole group
*Don’t forget to vote for Glenn’s earlier choice*
Cause: Killed by Walkers saving Merle
Was it avoidable: Yes
For people reading this as it’s releasing I'm sorry for the wait between episodes, I've been busy with the holidays. Hope you enjoyed
Thanks for reading, please vote in the comments and feel free to tell me things you’d be interested in seeing in the future EX:Storylines, character arcs, locations or things you are enjoying about the story. I might not be able to incorporate your ideas if it doesn't make sense for the plot or if it is impossible due to previous choices, but I will remember all suggestions and try to make everyone happy. I’m still working out "gameplay" features i want to add in the future to make it more fun. Let me know if you have suggestions you’d like to see.
Chapter 18: The Walking Dead alternate story 2x7
Chapter Text
This story will follow the plot of AMC’s The Walking Dead but large decisions and character relationships will be decided by your votes or random number generators if nothing is chosen or if there is a tie. there will be a 24 hour voting period if there are no votes in 24 hours it will extend to 48 hours it may vary depending on the number of total people voting. I will try my best and listen to all criticisms if they arise. To vote please put the number of the choice and the number of the option you choose. ANYONE CAN VOTE!! Feel free to talk about why you voted that way if you’d like.
These are the rules. You will play as main characters and only main characters make game changing decisions like choosing one person to live over another or choosing relationships. This does not mean that side characters have no impact, side characters can be directly affected by main character choices. Character status and relationship status will be shown at the end of each season for all characters, or on specific episodes. Game changing choices will be shown with [!] Depending on your choices there is a chance for minor characters to gain a larger role, there is equally a chance of major characters dying early or gaining an entirely new arc. Being a Main character does not mean you cannot die, anyone can die at any time. When a new character is introduced for the first time you will see their name and some info about them.
-There are a few different types of choices that may appear in this series-
CHOICE: This is just a regular situational decision
CHARACTER CHOICE: This is when you get to choose who will become a Main character or Antagonist.
RELATIONSHIP CHOICE: This might appear when two possible romantic interest characters develop their relationship high enough to become a couple or it could just be two characters reaching a high enough level for a friendship or rivalry.
SKILL CHOICE: This will appear after a character experiences a large event that is enough to change their personality or skill set.
These rules are subject to change and adapt as time goes on and I think of new features. You may also notice that some seasons may have more or less episodes than canon and some episodes may have different titles.
-Season 2 Episode 7-
Vote Results:
[!] Glenn decided to tell Rick about Lori’s secret
[!] Glenn decided to tell only Rick about the Barn
[!] Merle and Daryl are going for a ride on their bikes
[Farm, Camp]
[M] Glenn Rhee
The next morning everyone is up earlier than usual going around camp getting chores done. As Glenn wakes up he remembers his conversation with Maggie last night in the barn, he told her he’d keep quiet about the barn but that doesn't feel like the right thing to do. He thinks for another moment before deciding it's best to inform Rick so someone else knows. Glenn walks over to Rick who’s packing up a small bag with ammo by the RV “Hey Rick can we talk in private for a minute” “Sure Glenn, what’s wrong” “the barn is full of walkers” “WHAT, how the hell do you know that” “Last night i was going to meet Maggie there and i found it, there has to be a dozen or more in there” “Let me talk to talk to Hershel about it, thank you for telling me” Glenn thinks for a moment about his conversation with Lori, he feels like Rick should also know about what's going on with her but he decides now is not the best time, he can talk to him about it after Rick speaks with Hershel and deals with the barn situation. Glenn goes back into camp and makes himself some coffee then Jim walks over to him
[!] Rick will talk to Hershel
Jim: Hey good morning
Glenn: Morning Jim
Jim: You know I saw you last night
Glenn: Uh what, when did you…
Jim: At dinner you were passing notes with that Maggie girl, then you both snuck off afterwards, something going on there?
Glenn: Oh…. yeah we uh, we’re friends you know
Jim: Sure, “friends” listen i ain’t judging you, Enjoy that just be careful no one catches you, especially her father
Glenn finishes up his coffee then goes to sit down. Inside the RV Dale is changing the bandage on T-dog’s arm “How’ve you been feeling?” “I’m alright, the arm is healing up ok and the fever is gone” Dale shakes his head “That's good we’ve been burning through our medical supplies these last few days” “We might need to make another run into town Glenn said there was a pharmacy” T-dog calls Glenn into the RV and asks him about the pharmacy, he tells them about all of the medical stuff behind the counter. Dale suggests they make another quick run into town today, Glenn volunteers to go saying he’ll take Maggie again.
[Farm, House]
[M] Rick Grimes
Rick approaches the house intent on asking Hershel about the Barn, he knocks on the door and Beth opens up “Hi can i help you, Mr Grimes” “Yeah i’d like to speak with Hershel, may i come in” “Sure he’s in the kitchen having breakfast right now” Rick walks inside and sits down next to Herschel “I’d like to speak for a minute if you can” “Sure, we can talk when i’m done eating” “look I’m Sorry to bother you but i don’t think this should wait. I was near the barn this morning and I heard walkers growling inside, you want to talk about it?” Hershel sets down his fork “Look this is my farm, i do not want a debate over this” “I was thinking more a discussion” “Look Rick i’m not going to discuss this, all i ask is you and your people ignore it for today then be gone by tomorrow” Rick thinks for a moment and then he decides to press the issue further.
Rick: These things killed your friend Otis, they kill people without thought or reason, I was at the CDC. The scientist there told us how this disease works, they're not people anymore, that part of their brain is gone.
Hershel: My wife and my stepson are in that barn, they’re still people.
Rick: Look I'm sorry, i just want my family and yours to be safe and having all those walkers so close to your house is dangerous
Hershel: Thank you for the concern but we’re fine
Rick decides to not push any further so he walks off back outside, closing the door behind him. Back outside by the campsite Rick thinks more about the barn, he doesn't feel safe leaving it without checking out its fortifications, he decides to go check it out himself.
[Forest trail]
[M] Merle Dixon
Meanwhile Merle and Daryl are already on their bikes riding down one of the trails, just enjoying the morning breeze. Daryl rides in the front leading the way “Yo Merle let’s pull over here there's a creek down there” the brothers pull over to the side and look down the steep hill at the water “You think there’s fish there” “Not sure but if we can get down, we’ll check it out” “how the hell’d you even find this place” “While you were out with Otis i was searching the woods around the farm” “Did you find anything else out” “Nah there ain’t much of anything out here” Merle and Daryl continue talking while also scaling their way down the hill. Once they reach the bottom, Daryl finds two branches that they can sharpen into spears “Damn, spear fishing?” “We ain’t got any rods or bait” Both of them sharpen up a branch and start wading through the water, searching for fish.
Daryl: So how’re you feeling?
Merle: I’m alright, just wishing i coulda saved Otis. He said he’d try and talk to Hershel about letting us stay but that ain’t happening now. I’m not sure how we talk this guy into anything, he’s one stubborn bastard
Daryl: Maybe Rick can talk him into something, but if not what’re you thinking we do?
Merle: Well simple we just don’t leave, if they want to force us out let them try, an old man and some girls aren’t forcing us anywhere
Daryl: I don’t know man that could get messy and i already told you, no way Rick or Shane will be ok with it. Shane is still set on that Fort benning shit.
Merle: I can try talking to Rick again and see where he's at
Before they can continue talking a couple of walkers come stumbling out of the bushes “You ready?” Daryl pulls back his crossbow and puts a bolt through one of their heads, Merle uses his spear and headshots 2 more of them back to back. Daryl loads up another bolt and fires it taking down the last one “Easy work, come on little brother let’s keep going just keep an eye out for any more walkers” “Got it”
[!] Merle and Daryl talked and dealt with the walkers together
[M] Rick Grimes
Rick is over by the barn checking on the door and walls to make sure it’s secure. He notices the chain around the main door handles, he pulls on it to see how sturdy it is. Luckily it feels secure but Walkers inside begin to bang up against it, their groans getting more agitated by the sound. “Shit” Rick continues to search around the entire barn checking for loose boards when suddenly he notices Morales coming over to him “Hey Rick what’s going on” “Nothing just looking around” Morales notices the groaning sounds coming from inside “What the hell is in there man” Rick sighs “There’s some walkers. I just talked with Hershel about it apparently he sees them as sick people so he won’t put them down, he said if we don’t want to get in trouble we ignore it for now and be on our way in the morning” “Are you kidding me, all those walkers just hanging around right near camp” “Look i know it’s dangerous, let’s just take the kids out for target practice then deal with this when we get back, we need to be careful how we handle this” “we need someone watching this barn at all times this can’t be like the camp in Atlanta” Morales insists that they get someone to keep an eye on it while they are out, Rick goes over to Dale and tells him about the situation. While Dale is initially shocked he agrees to keep quiet about it and watch the barn with Glenn while Rick is gone. Back by the cars, Rick and Morales gather everyone who’s going shooting, then they load into the pickup truck. All the kids get into the bed of the truck while the adults get into the front.
[Truck bed]
Carl: Are you guys excited too?
Sophia: Kinda but i’m also a little scared, the guns are super loud and dangerous
Carl: My dad said that he got used to the noise, he and Shane used to do target practice a lot. He was also a cop so he knows what he’s doing
Louis: My dad always told us how dangerous and bad guns are so it’s weird that he wants us to learn now
Carl: I know what you mean my mom HATES guns i’m surprised my dad convinced her
Sophia: Even my mom said yes to it
[Inside the truck]
Rick: You sleep ok Carol?
Carol: I did, thank you for letting me come along
Rick: Of course. Both of you should be here, these are your kids, we should teach them together
Morales: They’ll probably end up doing better than I did….God my wife would give me hell if she knew they even touched a gun
Carol: Don’t be too hard on yourself, you're doing the best you can. I think that she’d understand why they need to learn, it’s hard for me too but we want our kids to be safe right?
Morales: Right
The group continues driving out to the shooting range while talking with each other.
[M] Glenn Rhee
Glenn is sitting on top of the RV watching over the barn with Dale. Maggie comes out of the house and walks over to them “Glenn can we talk for a minute” “Sure” Maggie pulls Glenn aside out of earshot from everyone else “How could you tell someone about the barn after you promised to stay quiet about it” “I had to tell Rick those walkers are dangerous and i don’t want people i care about to get hurt because we did nothing” “Well now my dad is pissed at me and i wish you’d stop calling them that name” “Well what do you call them?” “Mom, Shawn, Lacy, Duncan, Mr and Mrs Johnson” “I’m sorry. Look I was going to ask if you wanted to go on another run into town with me, I understand if you want to stay though but maybe we can talk some more.” Maggie pauses for a second “I’ll come” “Alright Once Rick gets back we can go” Glenn goes back to tell Dale what’s going on
Glenn: I’m going on that run into town with Maggie once Rick gets back.
Dale: Alright, we can definitely use those supplies before we leave
Glenn: Hopefully he gets back soon i don’t want to wait too long
Dale: You need to help me keep watch we’re the only ones who know about that barn, that's more important
Glenn: You're right. i’ll be back in a second, let me use the bathroom quick then I'll be good
Glenn towards the edge of camp to pee, before he can go too far Lori runs over and asks him if he can get her abortion pills from the pharmacy when he goes out later. “Wait, have you even talked to Rick yet” “No not yet, please Glenn I know it’s not fair of me to ask but I could use the help” Glenn thinks about it for a second then he remembers that he wanted to tell Rick about it first. “Look Lori, I'm sorry but you should talk to Rick first then decide together” “Glenn….” He walks away from her to use the bathroom and then returns to Dale afterwards.
[!] Glenn did not agree to find the pills for Lori
[Shooting Range]
[M] Rick Grimes
After arriving at the shooting range Rick and Morales are unloading the car, and taking out a few pistols for practice. “Hey kids come over and watch, i’ll show you how to load the gun” everyone gathers around Rick who is holding one of the pistols along with a magazine, he shows them how to load it and to pull back the chamber. Morales takes some bottles and cans out from his bag and sets them up in a line along the log. Carl takes the gun first and Rick shows him how to aim it. He lines up the gun and fires, hitting one of the cans perfectly. He shoots a couple more successful shots before handing the gun off to Sophia, Rick shows her how to aim then Carol goes over and adjusts her grip. She shoots a few times but misses due to the recoil, the sound of the gunshots causing her to shake slightly. Carol pats her on the back trying to relax her. Carl whispers over to her “You can do it just shoot” Sophia holds up the gun again and gives it another try this time she hits the can knocking it to the ground. “Good Job Sophia” “Thanks” Carol hugs her feeling slightly proud, then Sophia shoots a couple more doing much better and trying not to flinch from the sound of the shot. Next up Morales helps Rick show his two kids to shoot, Louis and Lilla both do well, with Lilla actually doing slightly better. Rick turns and sees a small group of walkers coming up to them from across the field drawn by the gunfire.
Rick takes out his revolver while Morales and Carol both arm up too. “There are maybe 10, of them we can take them down” Carol turns around and looks at Rick “Are you sure” “yeah we got this plus you could use the practice too” Carl shouts out “What about us” “You guys stay behind us” “I want to help” Rick thinks about it for a minute before deciding to use it as a learning experience, he passes Carl one of the extra pistols. “Ok aim for the head, don’t worry we won’t let them get close” He shoots at the walker managing to hit it in the chest once then in the shoulder before finally landing a headshot on the third shot. “Good shot” Rick says, Sophia watches Carl while he shoots then she asks Carol to give her a gun, Carol hesitates but then complies, handing Sophia another pistol from the bag. She points the gun and kills two of the walkers in 2 perfectly placed shots “I did it!” They all work together to quickly finish off the remaining walkers so they can begin to get moving before more show up. The entire ride back to the Farm Carl, Sophia and the other kids are talking about the experience still amped up from the adrenaline.
[!] Carl, Sophia, Louis and Lilla learned to shoot
[M] Merle Dixon
After catching a decent amount of Fish Merle and Daryl gather their gear and scale back up the hill to their bikes. Merle reaches the top then goes to attach the fish to his bike, just as Daryl reaches the top he slips but before he could fall all the way down he manages to grab onto a branch, Merle attaches the fish to the bike quickly then runs over and pulls Daryl up. “Holy shit” “Watch your step there Darlina” “Shut up man” They get back onto their bikes and drive back to the farm.
[!] Merle stopped Daryl from falling
[Farm, a few minutes later]
Merle and Daryl ride back onto the farm parking their bikes back in their small camp. “Should we give some fish to the others” Merle shrugs his shoulders “I guess so, go bring them yourself, i’m gonna skin a few here” “alright” Daryl takes a few of the fish they caught and brings them over to the rest of the group. As Daryl approaches the others T-dog comes up to him “You went fishing?” “Yeah, me and Merle just got back, here take these” Daryl hands the fish over to T-dog “Damn thanks. I’ll bring them to Dale, he can put them on ice until later” “Alright” he turns around and goes back to Merle while T-dog brings Dale the fish.
T-dog: Hey Dale, the Dixons got us some fish, do we have room for them
Dale: Sure put them inside the fridge for me
T-dog goes into the RV and puts the fish away.”See anything on watch today, you’ve been up there all morning, want to switch out” “Nah, It’s been quiet, i’ll stay up here a little while longer” “Ok let me know if you need a hand” “Will do thanks T”
[M] Rick Grimes
A little while later Rick and the others are returning to the farm in the truck, they come up the road and park by the camp. All the kids hop out the back and run off together into the RV. Rick gets out the truck and goes over to Lori who’s folding some clothes “Hey how’d Carl do?” “he did surprisingly well, all of them did” “I can’t believe he’s shooting guns already” “I know right” Lori pauses debating whether or not to tell Rick about the pregnancy, she can’t bring herself to say it so she lets it go again. She kisses Rick then goes to Check on Carl. Carol and Morales are still talking by the car “You did good out there Carol” “Thanks, i think i’m getting a little better” “Your daughter did great too, she’s going to be a sharpshooter one day” “God that would be a sight” Glenn comes down off the RV to greet Rick
Glenn: Hey, the barn has been quiet all day me and Dale stood watch
Rick: Thanks Glenn, I appreciate it.
Glenn: There's one more thing…. The other day when I went into town, Lori had me find her a pregnancy test. I got it for her, i’m sorry for not letting you know first
Rick: She…Why…. I’ll talk to her about it. Thank you for telling me Glenn
[!] Glenn told Rick about Lori’s pregnancy
Rick pats Glenn on the shoulder thanking him again for letting him know about the situation. Now that Rick is back Glenn goes to find Maggie so they can go to the Pharmacy. He walks away and goes over to Lori “Can we talk outside” “Sure what is it” They walk outside the RV and then Rick turns to her “You need to tell me about something” Lori freezes up in shock, but then she finally opens up to him about it “I’m pregnant” “Why couldn't you tell me, do you think i wouldn’t want it” “I…I don’t know, i just didn’t want to put anymore on your shoulders” “Lori, i am always here for you. You never have to worry about that. Is there anything else you want to tell me” Rick asks. Lori thinks for a second but she decides now is the best time to just get everything off her chest.
Lori: Me and Shane….
Rick: I know….I know
Lori: You know?
Rick: You thought I was dead right. The world was falling apart and you thought i was dead
Lori begins to cry, finally feeling the emotional weight of her short affair with Shane lifting off her conscience after telling Rick. Rick begins to think about what having another baby could mean for him and the group on the road.
CHARACTER CHOICE: Who should become the next main character?
- Lori
- Carol
- Morales
CHARACTER CHOICE: Out of the kids who should become a main character?
*Unlocked by training all the kids*
- Carl
- Sophia
- Louis
- Lilla
CHOICE: Should Rick confront Shane
- Yes
- No
CHOICE: If Rick confronts Shane what should Shane do?
- Shane should Deny the relationship
- Shane should come clean to Rick about it
I am so sorry for the long wait between episodes. There has been a lot going on lately with work and such. Sorry again if this episode seems weaker than some of the others my motivation hasn't been the best, hopefully I can get back into the groove of writing. Next episode will be out as soon as I can get to it after the vote closes, again I'm sorry for taking so long
Thanks for reading, please vote in the comments and feel free to tell me things you’d be interested in seeing in the future EX:Storylines, character arcs, locations or things you are enjoying about the story. I might not be able to incorporate your ideas if it doesn't make sense for the plot or if it is impossible due to previous choices, but I will remember all suggestions and try to make everyone happy. I’m still working out "gameplay" features i want to add in the future to make it more fun. Let me know if you have suggestions you’d like to see.
Chapter 19: The Walking Dead alternate story 2x8
Chapter Text
This story will follow the plot of AMC’s The Walking Dead but large decisions and character relationships will be decided by your votes or random number generators if nothing is chosen or if there is a tie. there will be a 24 hour voting period if there are no votes in 24 hours it will extend to 48 hours it may vary depending on the number of total people voting. I will try my best and listen to all criticisms if they arise. To vote please put the number of the choice and the number of the option you choose. ANYONE CAN VOTE!! Feel free to talk about why you voted that way if you’d like.
These are the rules. You will play as main characters and only main characters make game changing decisions like choosing one person to live over another or choosing relationships. This does not mean that side characters have no impact, side characters can be directly affected by main character choices. Character status and relationship status will be shown at the end of each season for all characters, or on specific episodes. Game changing choices will be shown with [!] Depending on your choices there is a chance for minor characters to gain a larger role, there is equally a chance of major characters dying early or gaining an entirely new arc. Being a Main character does not mean you cannot die, anyone can die at any time. When a new character is introduced for the first time you will see their name and some info about them.
-There are a few different types of choices that may appear in this series-
CHOICE: This is just a regular situational decision
CHARACTER CHOICE: This is when you get to choose who will become a Main character or Antagonist.
RELATIONSHIP CHOICE: This might appear when two possible romantic interest characters develop their relationship high enough to become a couple or it could just be two characters reaching a high enough level for a friendship or rivalry.
SKILL CHOICE: This will appear after a character experiences a large event that is enough to change their personality or skill set.
These rules are subject to change and adapt as time goes on and I think of new features. You may also notice that some seasons may have more or less episodes than canon and some episodes may have different titles.
-Season 2 Episode 8-
[Better this way]
Vote results:
[!] Carol is now a main character
[!] Carl is now a main character
[!] Rick is going to confront Shane
[Farm, campsite]
[M] Rick Grimes
After talking with Lori Rick realizes there are a few things he needs to get in order, Talk to Shane and convince Hershel to let the group stay on the farm. He decides to get the conversation with Shane over first, Shane is standing by Andrea having a conversation when Rick walks over. “Hey can we talk” “Sure, what’s going on” “Let’s go for a walk quick” Shane excuses himself from Andrea then follows Rick slightly away from camp.
Shane: You alright man?
Rick: Look, I'm gonna be straight forward here. I was talking to Lori, she told me about a few things that happened between you two before I got back. Is there something you want to say?
Shane: Shit…. Rick, I'm sorry, me and her….we….we did start something but brother i swear once you came back it ended, man if i could take it all back i would.
Rick: She said you both thought i was dead, you took care of them while i was gone and i’m thankful for it but listen to me on this, that is my wife, that is my son and that is my unborn child. The only way we go forward is if you swear to me right now that it’s done between you two and that I can still trust you.
Shane: I swear. Wait, did you say unborn child?
Rick: Damn it, I shouldn't have said anything yet, she only just found out yesterday. Look I know what your thinking and the answer is no
Shane: I’ll stay away. Congratulations man, got another one on the way now right
Rick walks away leaving Shane standing there alone with his head spinning from the encounter. He considers the possibility that the child Lori is carrying might be his and not Ricks. Shane tries to calm himself down slowly beginning to spiral, though he is trying to move on from Lori with another person; the idea of having a child is the only thing he can think about.
[!] Rick confronted Shane
[M] Shane Walsh
Shane storms away from camp towards the woods alone but Andrea spots him and follows after. “Hey wait up” “Nah not now, i’m going out” “You’re gonna need some backup” “I won’t” “well i’m coming anyway” Shane continues to walk while ignoring Andreas presence. He doesn’t slow down at all for her, he didn’t even take his gun “You realize you forgot a weapon right” “I got my knife” “fair enough” after a few minutes of walking they enter a large clearing in the forest. Andrea see’s that Shane is in a rage right now but that doesn’t stop her from trying to talk to him “Do you want to talk about what happened and why you're out here” “Do i seem like i want to talk about my “feeling’s” right now.” “No, not really but that’s not why I'm here. I just don’t want to see you get yourself killed out here, so tell me what happened” Shane tosses down his hat
Shane: Fuck i couldn’t even talk about it if i wanted to
Andrea: Why is that?
Shane: Because…. It’s complicated it’s not just my secret
Andrea: I won’t tell anyone anything, i promise
Shane: it’s….Lori….She’s pregnant
Andrea pauses for a minute, slightly shocked but she has already considered that something happened between those two before. “And you think it’s yours” “I know it is” “Well right now you should accept that there’s a possibility that it’s not yours and even if it is, that’s up to Lori to sort out not you” Shane doesn’t respond but Andreas words offer him some comfort, as he begins to calm down and come to his senses again he turns back towards Andrea and moves closer to her. “Come here” Shane wraps his hands around Andrea’s waist and starts removing her shirt. She gets into it immediately, unzipping his pants and taking off his shirt. They end up naked in the middle of the field ignoring the possible risk of walkers roaming around.
[!] Shane and Andrea hooked up again
[Back in the Farm]
[M] Rick Grimes
After the talk with Shane, Rick went over to speak to Hersehel one more time. He knocks on the door and Hershel opens it up. “Yes Rick” “My wife is pregnant” “What” “My wife is pregnant, that’s either a blessing here or a death sentence out there. She cant survive on the road” Herschel pauses, unable to come up with a response “Listen Hershel please, we can help you, we will get our own food and supplies, all we ask is to stay on the land. Everyone is just starting feel safe again”
Hershel: I’m not heartless Rick, i don’t want anything bad to happen to any of your people
Rick: Then give us a chance
Hershel: Fine. But you follow my rules when you’re on the property and like you said you gather your own food. As for the barn your people will not touch it or go near it, if any walkers come onto the property you get one of us and we can put them in the barn
Rick: Ok but what about when that barn gets full
Hershel: Then we have to find another place to keep them all
Rick: What about when they break down the barn doors from banging on it for so long
Hershel: You’re pushing it Rick, just follow my rules
Rick: We’ll try it your way but someone is going to get hurt if we don’t at least reinforce and guard the barn, i’ll have to talk with my group about this.
Rick shakes Hershels hand then goes back outside to camp. Lori comes over to him to check up “What did he say” “well we’re allowed to stay for a while but only if we follow his rules” “That's great, what are his rules” “We get our own food and supplies and let Hershel and his family deal with walkers” “Why can’t we deal with them” “Yeah that’s a whole conversation, i’d like to speak to the whole group about all at once” “Oh ok, are you ok” Rick kisses her and assures her he’s fine, then he goes back to his tent to put his hat on and eat something, with Andrea and Shane still out he wants to wait until they are back to talk to the whole group at once.
[M] Carl Grimes
Carl and Sophia are sitting outside on a log together “Hey Sophia can i ask you something” “Of course” “When we were shooting earlier, why were you shaking so much. It was like everytime the gun fired, you looked sad” “Oh….” Carl flinches realizing maybe he shouldn't of brought that up but Sophia breaks the tension by giving his an answer “Loud noises like gunshots and banging sounds really scare me, it makes me feel like i can’t breath or see” “Because of your dad” Sophia looks down at her feet feeling slightly ashamed “Yeah, he used to throw and hit things a lot when he was angry” Carl puts his hand on her shoulder and pats her back trying to cheer her up and change the mood “Let’s go for a walk” Sophia looks back up at him snapping back to reality “Sure” Carl and Sophia sneak off from the rest of the group to go for a walk around the property.
[Pharmacy in town]
[M] Glenn Rhee
After arriving at the pharmacy, Maggie and Glenn hitch the horses out front then enter the building. Glenn looks around the for anything interesting that might be lying around Maggie stops what she's doing and looks at him “Looking for more condoms” “Wha…NO just for books or something to read, Dales library is not the best, i thought you were mad still” “I am” Maggie hops the counter to look at the medical supplies as she’s rummaging through the shelves a walker reaches out from behind one and grabs her arm “GLENN HELP” Glenn comes running over with his axe drawn “MOVE” Maggie moves her head to the side as Glenn swings the axe cutting the walkers head almost completely off. Maggie falls into his arms crying from the encounter, as Glenn comforts her the walker gets back up behind him since the brain wasn’t hit “GLENN” He spins around and takes out the walker. The two of them finish grabbing up supplies as quickly as possible, not saying anything else the entire rest of the trip home.
[On the Farm]
[M] Shane Walsh
After hooking up with Andrea Shane returns with her to the camp, feeling slightly more cooled off than before. As he walks up he makes an effort to avoid all eye contact with Lori while he goes to sit down by the fire. Nearby Andrea sits down next to her sister in front of their tent “Where’d you go” “With Shane outside the fence” “Oh yeah, is there something going on there” “No not really, i mean, i don’t really know yet” “I think he’s into you, you should see how he looks at you sometimes” “You know?” “I see everything” Amy continues to playfully tease Andrea about Shane. Dale comes over to the fire and sits down next to Shane
Dale: You doing alright son
Shane: Just Peachy, why Dale
Dale: Well look I know we haven’t talked much since leaving the quarry but I can tell you're a decent man deep down. I just ask that you don’t break Andrea’s heart. Shes like a daughter to me and i don;t want to see her getting toyed with by someone with ulterior motives
Shane: I won’t do anything wrong to her, I promise Dale. We aren’t even really together man
Dale: Alright, and listen I'm around if you want to talk about….Things. Just give me a holler
Dale gets up and goes back to the RV, leaving Shane alone by the fire once again.
[!] Dale peacefully talked with Shane
[M] Rick Grimes
By this time it is nearing 4pm, Glenn and Maggie just returned from the run and everyone is starting to gather back in camp. Maggie goes back to the house to talk to her father while Glenn returns to the RV to dump off the supplies. “Hey Dale i got some stuff” “Put it in the RV i’ll sort through it later” Now that everyone has returned Rick calls a group meeting, everyone comes over to listen even the Dixon brothers too. T-dog and Jim pull up some chairs, Glenn sits down next to them while Rick prepares to talk. With the entire group here no one even notices the lack of Carl and Sophia given the other kids are also not present, they are in the RV.
Rick: Ok everyone listen up there’s something i need to talk to you all about
Merle: Must be important you got all of us here
Rick: It is so listen up. I made a deal with Hershel. He's allowing us to stay as long as we want to as long as we provide for ourselves and follow his rules. But there’s more to it, he told me that he believes the walkers are just sick people, i found out that he’s been keeping walkers caged up in the barn
Shane: HE WHAT
Rick: Look, I know it’s bad. We didn’t even know about that barn until now it’s secured i checked it out myself, we can keep someone on watch anyway just to be safe
The group breaks out into an arguement everyone debating what they think is right, Merle speaks up again “You got to be joking if you think we shouldnt just go down there right now and kill everyone of those dead asshole” Shane nods his head “I actually agree with Dixon here, how the hell are we supposed to sleep next to that everynight, why the hell are we even talking about this we should be going to fort benning by now” “Fort benning, are you fucking kidding me” “What’s the problem man, afraid they won’t welcome you with open arms” Merle and Shane keep arguing with each other Daryl steps in to hold his brother back.
Shane: Come on y’all are we even thinking about this, let’s just go
Merle: Hell no man, we are staying here, we are opening that barn and we’re killing all those dead pricks
Shane: Alright you wanna stay here plant wheat and milk cows go right ahead man. You ain't welcome with us anyway
Merle: Who the fuck do you think you are, what’ve you done for the group huh, fuck your best friends wife, polish your guns, throw temper tantrums
Rick shouts out trying to break it up. “EVERYONE CALM THE HELL DOWN” Merle and Shane stop what they’re doing “Come on we can’t fight among ourselves, we vote as a group” Dale stands up agreeing with Rick “He’s right, arguing will get us nowhere. We can't just go off and do whatever we want. This isn’t our property we can’t just massacre their barn” Jim and T-dog start to explain what they think about the situation, Jim speaks first “How can he expect to keep those around and not have an accident how the hell did he even get them in there in the first place” Rick responds “i told him how dangerous it is, we can help reinforce the boards” “I’m not doing this bullshit again” Jim walks away from the group visibly mad, T-dog tells them that he agrees with Jim, the walkers need to go. Amy, Lori and Carol all agree with Dale that they should just respect Hershels rules, Carol says she understands that it’s dangerous but it’s not their place to deal with this. Morales shakes his head “Look i get it, it is Hershel's farm but if we are staying here, i couldn’t sleep at night knowing that’s there” Carol looks at him with a slightly disappointed glare. It’s clear that the group has differing opinions on this.
RESULT: based on previous choices this is how each member of the group votes
- Kill the walkers in the barn (7)
- Merle, Shane, Andrea, T-dog, Jim, Daryl, Morales
- Leave the barn alone (6)
- Rick, Lori, Dale, Glenn, Amy, Carol
[M] Carl Grimes
Meanwhile Carl and Sophia are walking along the perimeter fence just talking to each other as they go They take turn asking questions about the other “Ok, what was your favorite food” “Definitely the hamburger from this one restaurant me and my parents would go to” “Really Carl a hamburger” “Yes, what's wrong with that, they’re good” “What about cake or chocolate” Carl laughs “Well i like chocolate a lot but it’s not like a food” The two of them continue to walk not paying full attention to their surroundings, just engaged in the conversation. At this point they are pretty far from the rest of camp but still within the property itself. Sophia trips over a fallen fence post slightly scaping her leg on a nail sticking out of the wood causing a small gash below her knee“AH” “Shhh, what happened” “I cut my knee” “Is is ok does it hurt” “Yeah a little bit, and it’s bleeding” Carl pauses to think about what to do, he has 2 options
CHOICE: What should Carl do?
- Bring Sophia back to camp to get her leg patched up
- Try to patch it up for her
[M] Rick Grimes
Seeing that the majority of the group is in support of the plan to kill the walkers there is nothing that Rick could really do to stop it. Shane goes to grab the gun bag from the RV then he starts passing them out to everyone, Rick tries to stop him “Brother this is not the way, if you do this he’ll have us gone by nightfall” Shane ignores him completely as he takes another gun out, Merles comes up to grab his rifle a large grin across his face “Come on get your hands dirty officer friendly” Rick walks away over to Dale and Glenn, he asks them if they have any ideas what to do but neither of them have anything. “Time to grow up” Shane pumps his shotgun as he walks towards the barn, Maggie sees the small group headed over so she calls out her dad and everyone else.
Hershel: What the hell is going on out here, why are you people armed
Merle: We’re taking care of your mess for you
Rick: Hershel i'm so sorry
Shane: Come on y’all, let's get this done
Glenn: Maggie…
Merle picks up a pickaxe that was sitting by the barn door and he begins to smash the chain repeatedly until it cracks off. “Trust me old man it’s better this way” Merle swings open the door and begins shooting the walkers before they even come out the door. Shane, Andrea, T-dog, all of them get into a firing line and unload on all the walkers coming out the barn. Herschel falls to his knees staring in complete shock unable to move, Maggie shouts out but the gunfire drowns out her voice. Glenn looks at her and then back at the barn, asking for her permission to help protect them, she nods her head so then Glenn takes out a gun and begins shooting. By this point almost everyone is shooting at the walkers, they seem to pour out for a long time one body falling right after another before finally, silence. All of the walkers have been killed, Hershel and his family are just standing there shell shocked while the smoke from the gunfire begins to clear. Rick holsters his gun and walks over to Shane and Merle.
[!] Merle busted open the barn
Rick: Happy?
Merle: Hell yes i am
Shane:It had to be done man
Rick: You might have just ruined this for everyone
Rick turns around and goes over to comfort Lori. Beth stands up still completely in tears as she runs over to one of the walkers “MOM” as she reaches out to hold her dead mother, the corpse turns out to not be fully dead yet, it reaches out grabbing her by the hair attempting to bite her neck, Andrea picks up a nearby scythe and stabs it through the head. Maggie runs over to Beth and holds her while they cry. Finally after what felt like an eternity of standing around, begins to disperse. Herschel and his family stormed off inside not saying another word.
[A little while later]
In the aftermath of this event, the group morale is low, Rick is beyond angry at Merle and Shane most of all. Daryl and Merle are staying by their own camp right now, lying low after all that, even Shane who was on his side is still angry at him. Maggie runs out of the house over to Rick saying that her dad is missing and Beth is in some kind of catatonic shock, she asks for help getting him back. Rick asks where he could be, she mentions a bar in town that he used to go to a lot.
CHOICE: Who should go after Hershel? choose 2
- Rick
- Glenn
- Maggie
- Dale
- Jimmy
- Morales
CHOICE: Who should clean up the bodies? choose 4 *if chosen for the first option they will not be available*
- Rick
- Shane
- Merle
- T-dog
- Jim
- Glenn
- Andrea
- Amy
- Carol
- Lori
- Morales
- Dale
- Daryl
Thanks for reading, please vote in the comments and feel free to tell me things you’d be interested in seeing in the future EX:Storylines, character arcs, locations or things you are enjoying about the story. I might not be able to incorporate your ideas if it doesn't make sense for the plot or if it is impossible due to previous choices, but I will remember all suggestions and try to make everyone happy. I’m still working out "gameplay" features i want to add in the future to make it more fun. Let me know if you have suggestions you’d like to see.
Chapter 20: The Walking Dead alternate story 2x9
Chapter Text
This story will follow the plot of AMC’s The Walking Dead but large decisions and character relationships will be decided by your votes or random number generators if nothing is chosen or if there is a tie. there will be a 24 hour voting period if there are no votes in 24 hours it will extend to 48 hours it may vary depending on the number of total people voting. I will try my best and listen to all criticisms if they arise. To vote please put the number of the choice and the number of the option you choose. ANYONE CAN VOTE!! Feel free to talk about why you voted that way if you’d like.
These are the rules. You will play as main characters and only main characters make game changing decisions like choosing one person to live over another or choosing relationships. This does not mean that side characters have no impact, side characters can be directly affected by main character choices. Character status and relationship status will be shown at the end of each season for all characters, or on specific episodes. Game changing choices will be shown with [!] Depending on your choices there is a chance for minor characters to gain a larger role, there is equally a chance of major characters dying early or gaining an entirely new arc. Being a Main character does not mean you cannot die, anyone can die at any time. When a new character is introduced for the first time you will see their name and some info about them.
-There are a few different types of choices that may appear in this series-
CHOICE: This is just a regular situational decision
CHARACTER CHOICE: This is when you get to choose who will become a Main character or Antagonist.
RELATIONSHIP CHOICE: This might appear when two possible romantic interest characters develop their relationship high enough to become a couple or it could just be two characters reaching a high enough level for a friendship or rivalry.
SKILL CHOICE: This will appear after a character experiences a large event that is enough to change their personality or skill set.
These rules are subject to change and adapt as time goes on and I think of new features. You may also notice that some seasons may have more or less episodes than canon and some episodes may have different titles.
-Season 2 Episode 9-
Vote results:
[!] Carl will bring Sophia back to camp for first-aid
[!] Rick and Morales are going after Hershel
[!] Daryl, Carol, Dale, Lori
[Farm campsite]
[M] Rick Grimes
After talking with Maggie Rick goes to get ready, he enters the RV to grab some ammo for his python. He needs somebody to go with him, he thinks about taking Glenn but before he can even go talk to him Morales comes up to the RV door. “Hey Rick, you going to get Hershel?” “Yeah, someone needs to bring him back” “Can i come with you, i feel like a piece of shit about the barn situation, i want to do something good for the man” “You sure, you don’t need to i understand you just wanted to do what was best for your kids” “I know but yeah i’m sure, let me get some ammo i’ll meet you by the cars in a few”
Rick exits the RV to tell Lori he’s going out, he finds her talking with Carol nearby “Hey Lori, Me and Morales are heading out to get Hershel” “Alright just be safe please” “I will be, where’s Carl i want to say goodbye” “He should be in the RV with the others” “I was just in there, i didn’t see him” “WHAT, then where is he” Lori begins to panic trying to remember if he said anything about where he was going, Carol overheard the conversation and she asks about Sophia, Rick confirms that she wasn’t in the RV either. Both mothers are panicking but before it escalates further Carl and Sophia come back into camp, Carl has his arm around her helping her walk due to the gash on her leg. “SOPHIA” Carol runs over to her and immediately hugs her, Rick and Lori ask him what happened. He tells them the truth, that they went for a walk and she cut her leg on a fencepost, Carol takes Sophia into the RV and starts to patch her up. Lori gets mad at Carl for sneaking out “Do you know how dangerous that is, you could’ve been attacked by walkers” “I’m sorry, Sophia was sad so i wanted to help cheer her up” Lori’s face softens when she hears his answer “Just please don’t go sneaking off again, you saw what can happen” Rick hugs Carl and tells him he’s going into town to bring Hershel back, Carl nods his head then goes to check on Sophia. He goes over to the car and waits for Morales.
[!] Sophia got her injury taken care of
[RV interior]
[M] Carol Peletier
Inside the RV Carol is bandaging Sophia’s leg, Morales is saying goodbye to his kids who are sitting at the table. “Ok kids, I'm going with Rick. I'll be back in a few hours stay by the RV with the group” “We will dad, love you” “I love you too Louie.” Lilla looks at him kind of mad that he’s leaving “come on Lilla” “I love you dad” Morales hugs them and then goes to leave the RV to join Rick but before he goes Carol stops him to talk “Need something Carol?” “Just be careful out there, ok” “I will be, i need to be” “I’ll make sure the kids are safe” “Thank you Carol, for real” Morales leaves and gets into the car, Carol goes back over to Sophia. “How’s your leg feeling” “It still hurts” “It’ll feel better soon luckily it didn’t look that bad” Carol takes out some antibiotics and tells her to take one pill just in case it gets infected. She looks out the window and sees Daryl over by the barn loading corpses into the back of a pick up truck with Dale. Carol tells Sophia that she’s going over to help clean up the bodies, she asks Glenn if he can stay with the kids for a little while. Glenn agrees to help her out given he has nothing else to do, despite his lack of knowledge when it comes to anything having to do with children.
[Outside the barn]
Carol goes over to them and asks to help clean up, Daryl looks up at her “Why not, not like anyone else is over here doing this” “Why isn’t anyone else over here helping, it’s just the 2 of you?” “Merle ain’t gonna help with this and Shane is going off somewhere with Andrea, Jim and T are on watch” Carol goes over to the walker that Dale is trying to move and she lifts its feet helping him throw it in the truck. “Thank you” “Of course” Daryl is moving the bodies quickly, not really making eye contact with either of them. Carol notices but doesn’t bring it up, just assuming he feels slightly guilty about shooting up the barn. After a few minutes Lori comes over to them and says they should bury Annette and Shawn, Maggie's stepmother and stepbrother. She had brought Jimmy over to help identify which of the walkers was them, everyone there agrees to help dig graves for those two and then burn the others off in a field somewhere. Daryl, Carol and Jimmy go over to dig the graves, right next to Otis’. While Dale and Lori work to load the last of the bodies up.
[Grave site]
Jimmy grabs a few shovels from the shed and brings them over, handing one to each of them. Daryl and Carol begin digging, Jimmy tries to make conversation with them “So what’d you guys do before all this” Daryl doesn’t reply just letting out a slight laugh, Carol tells him that she didn’t work she just stayed home taking care of Sophia and doing housework. “Nice….I uh, just so y’all know i’m not mad like everyone else. I understand what you had to do, i never believed in that stuff as strongly as the others” Daryl looks up at him “I’m sorry it went down that way, like a damn circus” “Yeah i’m sorry too” Carol says softly “It’s alright let’s just get these graves dug then i want to go back inside to stay with Beth” The three of them work to finish burying the bodies.
[!] Daryl, Carol and Jimmy bonded
[By the barn]
While Daryl and Carol are digging the graves Lori and Dale are talking to each other. “These damn bodies are heavy” Lori laughs at his comment “You’re not wrong” They get the last body into the truck then they sit down on the back bumper, Lori looks slightly pale and flustered “Are you alright” “Yeah, yeah i’m good just a bit dizzy” Lori turns away and vomits on the ground next to them, Dale looks at her “Is something wrong, do you need water?” “Maybe some water might help but I know what it's from” “What is it?” Lori hesitates for a moment before deciding to just tell him “I’m pregnant” “That’s great, congratulations. Does anyone else know yet?” “Just Rick….and Glenn” “Ok stay here let me get you some water and something to eat. You need to start eating more now” “Thank you” Daryl and Carol come back over after finishing up with the graves, Dale grabs some water and a granola bar for Lori then he tells her to go rest while they take care of the bodies.
[In town]
[M] Rick Grimes
Rick and Morales ride into town to search for the bar, they find it quickly then park their car right out front. Rick looks over at Morales “Ready” “Let’s do it” Rick opens up the door quietly and as it swings open they see Hershel just sitting on a bar stool having a drink straight from the bottle. “Hey Hershel we’re here to bring you back, Beth is in some kind of state, she needs you” Hershel just sighs “Who’s with you” “Morales, he’s a good man he wanted to come out here for you too” “You know i realized something” Rick goes closer to him “What’s that” “There’s no hope, not anymore. You know when you first told me what those things really were I didn't want to believe you but when i saw all of them coming out of that barn, getting shot over and over and over but not falling down. I knew you were right.” “So what you were wrong, nothing has changed” “There’s nothing” “So what you’re gonna just sit here and drink until you die” “Yes. Yes i will” Morales goes and sits down next to Hershel “I’m sorry for your loss, but look you got kids, even if you don’t believe there’s hope you need to be there for your family so they believe it” “I robbed my daughters of grieving their mother and brother, they’re better without me” “No child is better without their parent, I lost my wife….very recently my kids miss their mother more than anything which makes it all the more important i’m there for them now” Herschel pauses and looks at his drink clearly processing what Morales is saying, Rick chimes in “Beth needs you, you’re the only one who can help her with your medical knowledge and your love” Morales puts his hand on Hershel's shoulder then takes the bottle of whiskey from him before they can walk to the door two shady looking men come inside. “Holy shit they're alive”
[!] Morales bonded with Hershel
[Farm, Campsite]
[M] T-dog
Meanwhile at camp T-dog and Jim are on watch by the RV, Jim makes small talk while they are on lookout “Glad that barn shit is over” T-dog agree’s “Yeah walkers in my backyard, no thanks” Jim laughs while he’s thinking of the groups next action “We should do a good inspection of all our cars, make sure everything is running good” “You’re right, Dales RV is a piece of shit you dont move it for 2 days and it’s dead” “I’ll get my tools and do em later once we change shift” T-dog nods his head in agreement. Nearby inside the RV Glenn is still watching all the kids, they have him playing a board game with them. Though Sophia is slightly injured she still has a good time playing the game with her friends. Back outside Lori speaks with Amy since she's sitting alone looking kind of sad. “Hey Amy is everything alright?” “Yeah i’m ok i guess” “What do you mean you guess” “Well….I don't know i’m just sad for Hershel and his family. I can't imagine how seeing that happen must feel for them” “I know…” “Shane was just ok with doing that and the worst part is that Andrea still wants to be with him” “What do you mean” “Andrea went out somewhere with Shane again, she has a thing for him you know” This catches Lori off guard since she had no idea Shane was getting with someone else now “Oh, well i’m sure she has her reasons. Come with me let’s go get some flowers for the funeral later” Dale, Daryl and Carol come back from burning the bodies and go back into camp. Dale goes to relieve T-dog and Jim saying he’ll take watch, Daryl goes back over to Merle and Carol goes to see Sophia. T-dog and Jim begin inspections on all of the camp's vehicles, Jim teaching T-dog at the same time.
[!] T-dog is learning more Mechanics
[Forest road]
[M] Shane Walsh
Shane and Andrea had left in one of the cars shortly after the barn shooting, he wanted to get away from there for a little while before returning. “You alright?” Andrea says while touching his shoulder “Just pissed off I needed to get out of there for a little while, in case you haven’t noticed the camp is pretty damn depressing right now” “I have. Look, we did the right thing though. Merle just turned it into more of a spectacle than it should’ve been” Shane nods his head in agreement, still pissed off at Merle after the argument they had. He pulls the car over and gets out scanning the tree’s for any walkers, Andrea gets out next “We out here for anything in particular?” “Walkers” Andrea looks at him puzzled “Walkers” “i want to clear the area around the farm, so none of them get onto the property” “That’s dangerous you know” “It’s dangerous but necessary, we’ve been lucky so far, we haven’t lost many people since Atlanta but the last thing we need is to let our guard down” Andrea agrees with him and helps him hunt some walkers.
[Bar in town]
[M] Rick Grimes
The two men that walked into the bar seemed to make themselves at home immediately. “Well shit, hi there i’m Tony and that one there is Dave” Rick introduces his group “I’m Rick, that’s Morales and Hershel. Hershel lost people today, a lot of them” “I am truly sorry to hear that, well how about a drink” Tony hops the bar counter looking for a bottle of something to drink but Hershel tells him that he just quit. So then he starts asking Rick some questions “So where you guys from, that was your car outfront right. I didn’t see any supplies inside so you must be holed up somewhere nice, maybe a farm or cellar somewhere” Rick looks at him suspiciously not giving him an answer, Herschel catches onto the vibe coming from these people so he starts to play along “We’re part of a much larger group, not from around here though. Thought we’d stop in here for a drink” “Hershel i thought you quit” Rick tries to distract them, he asks where they’re from they tell them that they’re from Philadelphia originally but they got out right as the outbreak started began, they explain how bad it’s been surviving on the road and how desperate people are becoming. They ask Rick where he’s from but instead he tells them about the group's plan to eventually go to Fort Benning but Tony informs them that he met a soldier who was stationed there and he told him the place is gone, the last he heard there was a train bringing people to Nebraska. Dave goes to one of the corners of the room and begins to piss on the wall, everyone turns to look at him disgusted. Then he starts asking them if they got any “pussy” where they’re from saying it’s been a while, Tony apologizes for his friends behavior making it out to be like a joke. Morales is exchanging Glances with Rick waiting to get a signal to do something, clearly sensing the situation will turn bad.
Tony looks at Morales’ arm “What the fuck happend there” he thinks of a lie to say instead of telling them about the Vatos “Accident, it had to be amputated after it got stuck under some debris” “Sorry to hear that, sucks there ain’t many prosthetics floating around these days, it looks nasty as hell” Tony continues talking, asking Rick if he can come back to their place. Rick tells them that the place is overcrowded as it is and he’s sorry. This angers Dave he starts getting in Rick’s face and yelling at him. Tony calms him down, then he goes to lean against the wall behind Rick holding his shotgun. “Look i’m not asking for much here right, just someplace to stay” “I already said how it’s gonna be” “We’re just looking for a nice place to hang our hats you know” Rick laughs “I hear Nebraska's nice” The response angers Tony so like he was planing from the start he goes for his gun but Rick was faster, hitting Tony with a headshot, then turning around to shoot Dave before he can fire. Rick puts 4 rounds into him making sure the last one went to the head ensuring he’s dead. Morales and Hershel stare at the scene that just unfolded, scared but also respecting Rick for being so fast to defend them. They sit down for a minute to process what just happened, Hershel now see’s how bad the world is and how naive he was being.
[!] Hershel see’s the harshness of the world now and respects Rick
[M] Shane Walsh
After killing some walkers Shane and Andrea get back into the car and drive back to the farm. Upon arriving back they see that all the bodies were already taken care of and that Rick is gone. “Well damn guess we missed the clean up” “I can’t say i felt like dragging around bodies anyway” “Let me go see where Rick is” Shane goes over to Lori and asks about Rick, she tells him Rick went into town looking for Hershel but he’s been gone for a long time by this point. She tells Shane that she wants to go and see if Rick is ok.
CHOICE: Should someone go to find Rick?
- Send no one
- Lori
- Shane
- Daryl
- Glenn
[A few minutes later]
By this point it’s later in the day, the sun is beginning to go down, Rick, Morales and Hershel are preparing to leave when they hear voices coming from outside. “Dave, Tony you guys out here” everyone in the bar gets down to hide and become as silent as possible. They talk amongst each other outside “Come on this is Dave and Tony and nobody checked the bar yet” One of the people approaches the door and goes to open it but Rick throws himself in front of the door to prevent it from opening. “Dave, Tony that you in there?” Rick remains silent trying to think of a response after a long pause he says “They drew on us, left us no choice” they hear the group outside whisper to each other “they killed them, goddamn they got Dave and Tony” “They gave us no choice, let’s just chalk this up to what it is, wrong place wrong ti-–” Before Rick could finish his sentence bullets come flying through the windows and door, Rick dives out of the way while Morales and Hershel get into cover. Rick returns fire yelling to Morales to cover the backdoor, Hershel picks up Tony’s pistol getting ready to use it. In the backroom Morales sees a shadow go past the glass on the backdoor, he holds his fire waiting for a clear shot. Suddenly the backdoor swings open and someone steps inside, Morales raises his gun and fires, while his aim is still not great yet he manages to take him down in 3 shots.
In the front room Rick manages to take down another 2 of their men, after taking them out he and Hershel run to the back room, where they plan on sneaking out to the back alley. Rick turns to Hershel who’s holding a pistol “Too bad you missed those gun lessons could’ve come in handy” “I know how to shoot i just don’t like to” As they peek out the back door someone begins firing at them, Hershel tells Morales to make a run for cover behind the dumpster he promises to cover him. Despite the risk Morales agrees, as he runs out Hershel fires at the person shooting, luckily he is not behind any cover so he manages to hit him in the chest. That’s when walkers show up and begin to eat the man that got shot, Hershel stares at this happening giving him yet another wake up call. Morales got to the dumpster unharmed, he tells them it’s clear so Rick and Hershel follow him over, they hear people yelling out in the distance “COME ON LET'S GET OUT OF HERE THERE ARE WALKERS ALL OVER” they look out onto the street and see someone try to jump off the roof, he doesn’t land right so he ends up falling and impaling his leg on a fence “Shit i’m sorry man” “NO PLEASE DON’T LEAVE” the people leave the guy screaming in pain. Rick looks at the guy, he can’t be older than 20 or 21, we have to help him, Hershel disagrees saying he doesn't want to see anymore death but there's no getting to him. Morales waits for instruction up for whatever they decide.
CHOICE: What should they do?
- Save him
- Leave the boy
- Shoot him
Thanks for reading, please vote in the comments and feel free to tell me things you’d be interested in seeing in the future EX:Storylines, character arcs, locations or things you are enjoying about the story. I might not be able to incorporate your ideas if it doesn't make sense for the plot or if it is impossible due to previous choices, but I will remember all suggestions and try to make everyone happy. I’m still working out "gameplay" features i want to add in the future to make it more fun. Let me know if you have suggestions you’d like to see.
READ THIS: I’m wondering if I should add pictures from the show to these stories to make certain scenes more immersive. Please vote for what you think I should do.
- Yes add pictures
- No don’t add pictures
Chapter 21: The walking dead alternate story 2x10
Chapter Text
This story will follow the plot of AMC’s The Walking Dead but large decisions and character relationships will be decided by your votes or random number generators if nothing is chosen or if there is a tie. there will be a 24 hour voting period if there are no votes in 24 hours it will extend to 48 hours it may vary depending on the number of total people voting. I will try my best and listen to all criticisms if they arise. To vote please put the number of the choice and the number of the option you choose. ANYONE CAN VOTE!! Feel free to talk about why you voted that way if you’d like.
These are the rules. You will play as main characters and only main characters make game changing decisions like choosing one person to live over another or choosing relationships. This does not mean that side characters have no impact, side characters can be directly affected by main character choices. Character status and relationship status will be shown at the end of each season for all characters, or on specific episodes. This symbol [M] will show for main characters, that is one that makes choices. This symbol [S] is shown for side characters when they are needed for a scene, they do not make choices. Game changing choices will be shown with [!] Depending on your choices there is a chance for minor characters to gain a larger role, there is equally a chance of major characters dying early or gaining an entirely new arc. Being a Main character does not mean you cannot die, anyone can die at any time. When a new character is introduced for the first time you will see their name and some info about them.
*This episode introduces a new mechanic, instead of just seeing [M] for main character there is now going to be an [S] for side characters if they are needed for a scene, they do not make choices*
-There are a few different types of choices that may appear in this series-
CHOICE: This is just a regular situational decision
CHARACTER CHOICE: This is when you get to choose who will become a Main character or Antagonist.
RELATIONSHIP CHOICE: This might appear when two possible romantic interest characters develop their relationship high enough to become a couple or it could just be two characters reaching a high enough level for a friendship or rivalry.
SKILL CHOICE: This will appear after a character experiences a large event that is enough to change their personality or skill set.
These rules are subject to change and adapt as time goes on and I think of new features. You may also notice that some seasons may have more or less episodes than canon and some episodes may have different titles.
-Season 2 Episode 10-
Vote results:
[!] Daryl is being sent to check on Rick
[!] Rick is going to save Randal
[M] Shane Walsh
Lori had talked to Shane about going to find Rick where he had then told her that it’s too dangerous for her of all people to go out there right now in the dark. “Lori I'm not putting you or that baby in any unnecessary risk, Rick and Morales can take care of themselves” “Baby?” Lori didn’t know that Rick had accidentally told Shane about the pregnancy before. “Rick told me about the baby, congratulations by the way” “Shane….I” “Nah i get it, why you didn’t tell me yet.” “I’m so sorry” Shane ignore her sorry and continues speaking “Look if you're dead set on sending someone to get those two just ask someone else, you ain’t going” “What about Daryl he’s a good tracker right” Shane agrees to Lori’s suggestion so he goes over to the Dixons camp to talk to Daryl.
[!] Shane expressed worry about the baby
As he approaches the camp he notices Merle isn’t there but Daryl is alone working on his bike “Hey Daryl, i got a job for you, if you’re up for it” “What is it” “Rick and Morales ain’t been seen in a while think you can go after them?” “ Well I ain’t got nothing else to do, Merle took off a few hours ago, he wanted to put some animal traps out or something” Shane is relieved not to see Merle but at the same time he’s suspicious that he may be up to something else. “Anyways, Rick went to the town nearby the one Glenn and Maggie went to” “Alright” Daryl grabs his crossbow and throws it over his shoulder before getting onto his bike and riding off into the night.
[In Town]
[M] Rick Grimes
Back in town Rick, Morales and Hershel are deciding what to do with the boy that fell. “We gotta go for him, we can’t leave someone to die like that” Rick makes his stance clear, Morales and Hershel look at each other before nodding in agreement ready to listen to Rick. “Let's do it” Morales taps Rick on the shoulder and tells him to lead the way. They run across the street to the boy whose leg has been impaled. Though the group of people are gone the walkers continue to come after them while they try to save the boy. “PLEASE HELP, PLEASE GOD PLEASE” Rick puts his hand over the boy's mouth “Just shut the hell up. You need to be quiet, we’ll get you out” Rick examines the injury looking for a way to get his leg free, there is very little time with the walkers slowly closing in. Morales looks over at them “We gotta take it off man, look at the shape of that fence post, you’ll rip his leg apart” He points at the decorative fence design that the leg is impaled on. Herschel looks at the injury himself hoping to give his medical opinion. “He’s right if we pull it off we sever an artery and he’ll be dead in minutes, if we amputate we can control the bleeding easier”
The walkers continue to close in and Morales shouts out “WE’RE RUNNING OUT OF TIME” Herschel and Morales start firing their guns taking down the walkers as they get closer but they don’t have the ammo to take them all on. Morales' aim is improving but after taking down a bunch of walkers he needs to reload. “I’M RELOADING” Herschel covers him while he tries his best to put a new magazine in. Meanwhile the boy continues to cry and beg for his life, with limited time remaining Rick has to make the call quickly, he grabs the leg and rips it off the post quickly tearing his leg mussels in the process. “AHHHHH, JESUS FUCK” “COME ON LET’S GO” the three of them run to the car while Rick carries the boy over his shoulders, the other two keeping him covered. They make it to the car, tossing him in the backseat and begin to drive off. While in the car they perform some impromptu first-aid to the leg, Rick makes sure to put a blindfold on him as well, so he doesn’t know the way to the farm.
[S] Daryl Dixon
Daryl is on his bike going down the road riding towards town looking for Rick and the others. He spots bright headlights up ahead coming towards him, he pulls off to the side of the road expecting it to be Rick and Morales but as they get closer he sees that it’s a different type of vehicle then the one they left in. Daryl turns off his bike and dives into the forest off to the side of the road. The people in the truck either didn’t notice him or didn’t care enough to stop, they continued driving away. After waiting a few minutes lying on the ground he gets back up and gets onto the bike, after seeing other people he picks up the pace knowing the others could be in trouble. A while later he spots another set of headlights coming towards him and he quickly swerves to the side of the road trying to get a good look at the car before announcing himself, he notices that it’s the same car that Rick had, he considers that maybe those other people stole it so he remains cautious. However once they are closer Daryl can tell its them in the car, he pulls back out onto the road and calls out to them.
[M] Rick Grimes
Rick sees Daryls bike behind him so he pulls over and rolls down his window to see what’s wrong “Everything alright? why’re you out here?” “Shane sent me after you, you’ve been gone a while” “We ran into some complications” Daryl looks in the backseat at the boy blindfolded. “Who the hells that?” “Long story, another group shot at us. We need to make room in the shed for that one, we’ll keep him in there until we get some information” They all begin driving back to the farm with Daryl leading the way on his bike.
[Farm, inside the RV]
[M] Carl Grimes
Meanwhile at the farm Carl is in the RV with the other kids patiently waiting for his father to come back. Louis and Lilla are talking to each other up front while Carl and Sophia are sitting in the back of the RV looking out the window. Now that it is dark out Carl is more worried than before about his dad and it shows on his face. Sophia looks over at him, beginning to notice “Are you ok?” Carl stutters before he replies “Ye-Yeah I’m good why” “You just look worried and you keep looking out the window at the road” “Oh…” Carl tries to think of a lie so he doesn’t have to admit to feeling worried about his father but not being able to think of anything he just tells her the truth “I guess I am just worried about him, I don't want him to die again” “He’s strong, probably the strongest person here, he’ll be ok plus he has Lilla’s dad with him” “You’re right…. I kinda wish i could do more, i want to be strong like he is so i can help too” Sophia puts her hand on his shoulder “You already are strong…. And way more brave than I am , that's for sure” “Thanks, I think you’re pretty brave too, when we went shooting you were scared of the shots at first but you ended up doing better than me” Sophia smiles at his complement and the two continue to talk for a while about other stuff.
[!] Sophia and Carl had a heart to heart
[Farm, Campsite]
[M] Merle Dixon
After being out for a few hours catching some small game and placing traps, Merle returns to camp. He throws down the bundle of squirrels and realizes Daryls bike is missing. He walks over to the groups main camp to ask about his brother, he spots Shane sitting by the fire with the rest of the group “Any of y’all seen my brother” Shane looks up at him giving him a brief response “He went to town for Rick and Morales, should be back soon” “My brother? Looking for officer friendly and the beaner real cute” Shane laughs “Real cute right. You’re just upset that your brother is doing more for the group than you’re pathetic ass is” Merle immediately gets pissed off and goes to punch Shane, he lands the hit and knocks Shane out of his seat. “YOU CALLING ME PATHETIC, I DIDN’T SEE YOU GO BACK FOR THOSE GUNS IN ATLANTA AND ALMOST DIE” Shane gets right back up and tackles Merle to the ground “YOU SONUVABITCH” he goes to punch him in the face landing a few hits but Merle gets his arms up to cover his face quick. The rest of the group comes over and tries to break it up, Andrea grabs Shane and pulls him off “Shane that's enough” Shane looks at her still full of rage but he listens and gets off of Merle. Given the opening Merle gets back up and goes to hit him again while his back is turned but Jim and T-dog restrain him “Come on man just chill” “Get your fucking hands off me” T-dog has Merle's hand pulled behind his back while Jim has him in a chokehold.
Shane realizes what Merle was about to do to him which infuriates him even further “WHAT MAN, CAN’T HIT ME WHILE WE’RE FACE TO FACE, GONNA TAKE A CHEAP SHOT LIKE A FUCKING PUSSY” Shane kicks Merle in the face while he’s still restrained “YEAH REAL BIG MAN YOU ARE GETTING YOUR FRIENDS TO HOLD ME DOWN WHILE A WOMAN TALKS YOU OUT OF THE FIGHT” Before Shane could respond with more Anger, Andrea takes him out of the situation away from Merle. T-dog and Jim let Merle go after a minute once he’s calmed down “Bunch of ungrateful assholes all y’all” Merle storms off back to his camp.
[!] Shane went easy on Merle
[Farm, 10 minutes later]
[M] Rick Grimes
Finally after a long ride Rick returns from retrieving Hershel, the mission was a success no one was harmed but there is one complication remaining. They pull into camp and get out of the car, Daryl dismounts his bike as well. Everyone in the group runs over to see how everything went, even Maggie comes running out of the house after hearing the car pull up. “DAD” Carl comes running over and hugs Rick, Morales kids do the exact same, he assures them that he’s ok. Maggie comes over and thanks them both for bringing her dad back, then she tells him about the situation with Beth. “Rick, take care of this please, i need to go check on my daughter first” Shane comes over to them “Take care of what?” Rick points to the person tied up in the backseat, he explains the situation with the shootout and how he was impaled after falling “What the fuck man” “Shane come on we couldn’t just leave the boy to die” “So you bring him back here what the hell are you thinking man” “Not now Shane let’s clear out the shed by the stables and tie him in there for now” Everyone goes their different ways in camp, Rick, Daryl and Shane take the prisoner to the shed. While Lori, Carol and Morales take the kids back into their tents and get them into bed.
Rick walks the boy over to the shed holding the rope around his wrist while they go, Shane looks at him trying to size him up already. They open the shed and tie him to a pole inside, Rick removes the bag on his head and the gag from his mouth. “Please don’t kill me” “We won’t if you cooperate, We’ll even bring someone over here to fix your leg for you” “Ok ok ok, Thank you” “What's your name?” “It’s Randall” “Alright Randall we’ll send him over to take care of that and then first thing tomorrow we got some questions” The three of them walk out the shed leaving Randall tied up and alone. Shane makes sure to lock the door back up with the padlock “Fuck Rick i can’t belive you brought some stranger back here” “I wasn’t gonna leave a boy to die like that, eaten to death while impaled” Daryl walks away from the conversation going back to his camp to sleep and find Merle.
Shane and Rick continue to talk further away from the shed “This guy tried to kill you Rick and you what? Just bring him back to our camp” “Look he at least deserves a fighting chance out there, he was blindfolded the entire ride over here, we take care of the leg than drive him far out to let him go” “No way we can let him go man, he might come back with others, i’m telling you Rick we need to just get out of here and go to fort benning” “About that….The people we met there told us Fort Benning was gone, they met a soldier who used to be stationed there” “Fuck, maybe they were lying” “I don’t know it seemed genuine” “Goddamn it, i’ll be back in a few minutes i ain’t leaving this shed unguarded. Shane just storms off again deciding to go for a quick walk, he intends on coming back to guard the shed all night. Rick goes to get Hershel to check on Randall’s leg before they both go to sleep. After he examines it, he sets the bone back into place then pours alcohol on it to sterilize. Then he wraps it back up in a clean bandage, with that done both Rick and Hershel leave. Shane returns shortly after and sits outside the shed on a chair with his shotgun in hand.
[Dixon’s camp]
[M] Merle Dixon
Back at the Dixons camp, Daryl returns and sits down at their fire. Merle is already there sharpening his knife, Daryl notices that he looks angry. “What happened to your face” Daryl points out the bruise on Merle's eye and cut on his lip “Some trouble with the law” “Shane?” “Yup, you know i’m gonna kill that asshole if he keeps on like this, acting like he’s better than everyone else” “Come on man, just calm down” “Calm down? You’re gonna tell me to calm down, ain’t like i started anything that asshole started with me” Daryl backs off then changes the subject “So I saw a truck out there when i was headed towards town it was the people who shot up Rick looks like they were headed somewhere in a hurry” “You follow them, see where they’re set up?” “Nah but we got one of them locked up in the shed” Merle looks at him shocked “Are you fucking kidding me, you brought one back here?” “Look man i didn’t have a choice, they already had him in their damn car” “You coulda pulled over and shot the prick” “Whatever man, we’re talking to him in the morning, we’ll see what Rick wants to do” Merle doesn't respond he just gets up and goes to sit by his bike.
[!] Merle is mad at Daryl
[Farm, the next morning]
[M] Rick Grimes
The night was quiet and calm, the prisoner didn’t give any trouble. Shane stood watch all night waiting outside the shed. The camp is bustling, everyone is just waking up, Dale and a few others are making breakfast for everyone. Upon exiting their tent Lori vomits at the smell of the cooking meat on the fire, Rick checks on her making sure she’s ok then he brings her some water. “You alright?” “I am don’t worry, just morning sickness” Lori hugs him then goes over to Carol by the RV, she’s helping Sophia walk around outside. Rick goes over to the shed where he sees Shane still sitting outside “Did you stay out here all night?” “I did, you want me to talk to him now” before Rick can answer Merle and Daryl come over to them “So when are we killing him” Merle immediately asks “we aren’t killing him not until we at least talk to him, we know nothing about him or his group” “Alright let me in there than i’ll make him talk” Rick stops him from entering “Hold on a second” Shane looks at Merle angered “Let me talk to him Rick, i don’t trust this asshole not to make a deal with him” “Are you fucking kidding me you think i’d do that” Rick speaks up again getting annoyed by the arguing “Enough”
CHOICE: Who should interrogate Randall
- Rick
- Shane
- Daryl
- Merle
[M] T-dog
Back at camp T-dog and Jim finally finished checking all of the vehicles for any flaws, despite some minor issues on a few of the cars, there aren't any real problems. “You did good T” “Yeah i guess so, i mean i’m getting pretty good at this kinda shit now” “I wish we had a nice garage, i miss having that. I’d always love going into work in the mornings and seeing that garage full of cars to work on” “I didn’t really have a hobby or job like that, i did college football but that's about it” as they continue to talk Dale also joins in on the conversation “The more people around here to fix up cars the better that means i don’t need to do it every time and Jim gets a break” Jim laughs and agrees.
SKILL CHOICE: Should T-dog specialize in Mechanics or wait until he finds another useful skill.
- Specialize in Mechanics
- Find something else
[M] Carol Peletier
“You’re doing great Sophia” “Mom it’s not that bad it was only a cut” “True but it was a pretty bad cut, i’m just glad you’re ok” Carol hugs Sophia but then Sophia asks if she can go play with Lilla, Carol tells her it’s ok just don’t leave the camp again. Lori begins talking with Carol “How’s Sophia” “She’s good, she doesn’t stop running around even now” “she’s a strong girl” “She really is, i’m proud of her” “In a little while we’re having that funeral for Annette and Shawn. Amy and I already got some flowers. Would you mind helping us out inside, we are going to make some food for later” “I guess so, i’ll meet you inside in a few minutes” Lori walks away towards the house with Amy leaving Carol by the RV. Morales comes over to her next “Hey Carol” “Hey” Carol looks at Morales who’s slightly grasping at his chest “Are you ok, your holding your side” “Oh yeah i think i pulled a muscle trying to reload my gun yesterday, it’s a struggle to do something that simple” “Ouch, there’s some painkillers with our medical supplies if you want some” Morales laughs a little “Don’t worry i’ll live” “How’s you arm feeling” “It’s ok i mean it hurts sometimes and i can still feel my fingers but at least i’m alive right” “Right” Morales pauses for a moment before speaking again“Hey so i was wondering if you wanted to come help me with a project, i can use another hand, no pun intended”
CHOICE: What should Carol do?
- Go with Lori and Amy
- Go with Morales
We’re getting closer to the season finale. I got some interesting choices coming up. I'm looking forward to getting into season 3. I have some really good ideas for plot lines and characters. The next few episodes may have longer gaps between them than usual so sorry in advance. Also if you are reading this far let me know what you think of the length of each episode. I feel like they are short, but at the same time i want to allow you all to make a lot of choices so it’s hard to know how long to make them. This episode took me so long for some reason, my brain was not working let me know if it's alright.
Thanks for reading, please vote in the comments and feel free to tell me things you’d be interested in seeing in the future EX:Storylines, character arcs, locations or things you are enjoying about the story. I might not be able to incorporate your ideas if it doesn't make sense for the plot or if it is impossible due to previous choices, but I will remember all suggestions and try to make everyone happy. I’m still working out "gameplay" features i want to add in the future to make it more fun. Let me know if you have suggestions you’d like to see.
Chapter 22: The walking dead alternate story 2x11
Chapter Text
This story will follow the plot of AMC’s The Walking Dead but large decisions and character relationships will be decided by your votes or random number generators if nothing is chosen or if there is a tie. there will be a 24 hour voting period if there are no votes in 24 hours it will extend to 48 hours it may vary depending on the number of total people voting. I will try my best and listen to all criticisms if they arise. To vote please put the number of the choice and the number of the option you choose. ANYONE CAN VOTE!! Feel free to talk about why you voted that way if you’d like.
These are the rules. You will play as main characters and only main characters make game changing decisions like choosing one person to live over another or choosing relationships. This does not mean that side characters have no impact, side characters can be directly affected by main character choices. Character status and relationship status will be shown at the end of each season for all characters, or on specific episodes. This symbol [M] will show for main characters, that is one that makes choices. This symbol [S] is shown for side characters when they are needed for a scene, they do not make choices. Game changing choices will be shown with [!] Depending on your choices there is a chance for minor characters to gain a larger role, there is equally a chance of major characters dying early or gaining an entirely new arc. Being a Main character does not mean you cannot die, anyone can die at any time. When a new character is introduced for the first time you will see their name and some info about them.
-There are a few different types of choices that may appear in this series-
CHOICE: This is just a regular situational decision
CHARACTER CHOICE: This is when you get to choose who will become a Main character or Antagonist.
RELATIONSHIP CHOICE: This might appear when two possible romantic interest characters develop their relationship high enough to become a couple or it could just be two characters reaching a high enough level for a friendship or rivalry.
SKILL CHOICE: This will appear after a character experiences a large event that is enough to change their personality or skill set.
These rules are subject to change and adapt as time goes on and I think of new features. You may also notice that some seasons may have more or less episodes than canon and some episodes may have different titles.
-Season 2 Episode 11-
[18 miles out]
Vote results:
[!] Merle is going to interrogate Randall
[!] T-dog will specialize in mechanics
[!] Carol is going to help Morales
[Farm, by the shed]
[M] Merle Dixon
Outside the shed Rick, Shane, Daryl and Merle are talking about who should interrogate Randall. Rick tries to stop Merle from going inside “Get your hands off me” “Merle you aren’t going in there alone” “I can get more information out of that toddler than any of you” “Fine go ahead give it a try but if you kill him we will have a problem” Rick allows Merle to talk with Randall. Merle enters the shed where Randall is currently tied to a pole, his wrists are bloody from trying to pull himself out of the rope. Rick and Shane go back over to camp leaving Merle and Daryl by the shed. Merle sits down in a chair in front of Randall sizing him up, “Trying to escape huh” “No no no i swear i wasn’t” Merle punches him in the head twice leaving him with a broken nose “You gonna cry” “Please just ask me what you want to know” he punches him again “I want to know where your camp is and how many people you have” “Please please” Randall cries in fear as he continues to get get beaten. “There's 30 of us please stop” “30 huh are you sure” “Yes yes” “Tell me about them” they aren’t good people, one time when we were scavenging, we ran into a father and his two daughters real young, real cute. But our leader saw them and he…he did things to the man's daughters right in front of him, then killed them both. They didn’t even kill the father after, just left him in a pool of his daughter's blood. But I didn't do nothing to those girls I swear” Merle stomps on his bad leg “AHHH PLEASE I TOLD YOU” “Sounds like some great people, real friendly type” Merle continues to beat on him until Randall loses consciousness “Asshole”. Merle steps out the shed and then he locks the door behind him, he informs Daryl about what Randall said first before going to find Rick and Shane.
[!] Merle beat Randall unconscious but learned some info about his group
[By the RV]
[M] Carol Peletier
Meanwhile Carol was debating whether she should go help Lori and Amy in the kitchen or see what Morales needed help with. After some consideration she decides to see what Morales wants. “What did you need help with” “Right so when i was in town with Rick i had an idea” “which was?” “I want to make a prosthetic for my arm, it might help me reload my gun easier and probably help with killing walkers too” Carol looks at him, slightly impressed that he came up with this idea “That sounds like a great idea, very smart but where are you getting the parts for it” “we can have a look around the farm, and Dale probably has some tools we can use” Carol laughs “and you need “my” help for this?” “Yeah, i don’t want to bother anyone else while they deal with the Randall situation” “fine let’s take a look around I’ll see what I can help with” Carol and Morales go off to find materials to use.
[!] Carol will help Morales make a prosthetic
[M] Rick Grimes
“Rick” Merle comes walking over to the group, his hand bloody from beating up Randall. Rick and a few of the others stop their conversation to see what he has to say. “He’s got a group of about 30 men; they don’t seem like friendly folks. I couldn’t get a location yet” Shane speaks up “So that's all you got from him?” “Yeah the pussy passed out” Shane gets mad slamming his hand down on the car hood “Are you kidding me man, we need information you think he’s gonna tell us while he's knocked out” “Cool down sunshine i’ll talk to him again when he wakes up” “Nah man you’re done, I’m going in there myself and making the little shit talk” Rick tries to calm Shane down telling him that this isn’t worth starting an argument over, they both condemn Merles actions but ultimately what's done is done. Nearby Dale is sitting on the RV keeping watch, unintentionally eavesdropping on the conversation. He becomes upset at how Randall is being treated, getting beaten and interrogated but he doesn't say anything to them yet.
As Merle walks away Rick and Shane begin talking “Man what the hell are we gonna do with him” “We see what else he knows then bring him far off the farm and let him go” “Rick we ain’t letting that asshole go, he’ll find his friends and being those people back here” “He won’t, you didn’t see it his “Friends” abandoned him to die they won’t be coming for him” “and you want to take that risk” “Just follow my lead man, trust me on this. We’ll leave after you talk to Randall when he wakes up” Shane reluctantly agrees, he goes to wait in the shed for Randall to get up, Rick goes to spend some time with Carl.
[Inside Hershel’s house]
[M] Glenn Rhee
Meanwhile inside the house, Glenn is sitting in the living room trying to talk with Maggie. Lori, Amy and Patrica work to prepare some food for everyone in the kitchen. Glenn breaks the silence between the two of them “How’s Beth doing” “My dad was just in with her, She’s sitting up now but i don’t know if she’s ok, she seems really depressed” “She’ll pull through just be there for her whenever you can” “I know, it’s just a lot right now, between her, my dad, the barn, everything” “It’ll all work out, don’t worry.” Maggie sighs and then hugs Glenn “Thank you for being here Glenn” “Of course” back in the kitchen, Lori prepares a meal for Beth. Then she brings in the tray of food “Hey sweetie why don’t you try and eat something” Beth doesn’t say anything right away, she just stares at the wall before finally speaking “You're pregnant? How could you do that?” “I don’t really have a choice do i” “I would never bring a child into this” “Just eat and maybe we’ll go for a walk later, the sun will be good for you” Lori walks out going back to the kitchen to continue making food. Glenn leaves Maggie to allow her to spend time with her sister, he exits the house and goes over to sit with Dale.
[Outside, in camp]
“Hey Dale” “Oh hi Glenn” Glenn climbs up the RV and sits with Dale “You alright?” “Yeah, just thinking about this whole Randall thing, there are people here who want to execute him, just kill him” “Rick doesn’t seem to want to so i think Shane will listen to him, its Merle that we should worry about” “Merle. You know I used to know guys like him, sooner or later he’s going to kill someone or get someone killed” “I hope not but we all got our eyes on him anyway” Glenn and Dale continue to talk while they keep watch.
[Farm, Shed]
[M] Shane Walsh
Shane is sitting inside the shed waiting for Randall to wake up while Merle and Daryl stand outside. After a few minutes he finally wakes up “Oh god please no more” Shane laughs “If you tell me what i need to know you’ll be fine. Look, I want nothing more than to shoot you right here but you’re damn lucky someone cares about you. If you comply we’ll bring you somewhere and let you go” “Ok ok,what is it you want to know” “Where are your people at” “We move around a lot they probably left already after the shootout in town” “Ok so tell me where it was you last were” Randall shakily inhales trying not to show how stressed he is “We were camped a few miles off the highway down 86 under the overpass, we had a bunch of cars and some tents” “Please i don’t know nothing more” Shane kicks him in the chest “Is that all” “YES YES” “Good job” Shane exits the shed Merle immediately begins questioning him “Did he give it up” “He did, they got a camp down 86 somewhere under an overpass, he said they move around a lot so we may not have much time” “Then what the hell are we waiting for let’s go after these assholes” Shane agrees he goes over to Rick to let him know about what Randall said and what the plan is.
[!] Randall gave up a location
He walks up to Rick who’s sitting on the ground with Carl, he tells Rick about the plan but Rick disagrees with going after them for revenge saying he doesn’t think they should risk their people's lives for revenge . “Are you kidding me Rick, these assholes shot at you. We need to know about the people living around us if we’re staying here” Rick pauses for a minute realizing Shane is right about that part “Ok, check it out but don’t engage in a fight, just scope it out and come back” “Sounds good, i’ll take a few people with me” “Alright be safe brother, if Randall was telling the truth, we’ll let him go when you get back, ” Shane walks away ready to assemble a group to bring with him. Rick goes back to his conversation with Carl.
[!] Rick agreed to Shane’s plan but told Shane not to engage in a fight
He goes around the camp to find Andrea eventually spotting sharpening a knife “Hey, you want to go out” She turns around and puts the knife down “Where to this time?” “I’m getting some people together to check out the place the prisoner told us about, might be some danger are you in?” “Hell yeah I’ll go grab some ammo” Andrea goes to get ready; the next person Shane goes over to is Merle, despite their differences Merle is a strong person to have in case of a fight “You up for a scouting mission” Merle gets up from the ground “Scouting really?” “Yes really, we’re checking out a lead from Randall, we’re just scouting it out right now. We’ll go back for those fuckers after we see what we’re working with” “Fine, i’ll follow on my bike” Shane nods his head then walks away, he wants to bring one more person. He goes over to Jim who’s sitting down in the sun taking a break “Hey Jimbo i could use a hand if you’re up for it, we’re scouting out the place the prisoner said his group was staying. There might be trouble so I can use the help” Jim sits up and agrees to come instantly “Absolutely, I can use a break from this place for a while” With a group put together the 4 of them drive off to the location they were given.
[!] Shane chose Andrea, Merle and Jim
[M] Carol Peletier
After searching around for parts to build a decent prosthetic for Morales the two of them end up in the stables looking for the last piece. Inside they find some leather horse reins they can use to strap the prosthetic onto his arm. They start building it using some tools from Dale’s toolbox as well as other various things they found around the farm including the hay hook for the tip. They attach the horse reins to the top using it as a strap to wrap around Morales neck and torso allowing it to stay on tighter. Finally after about 15 minutes they finish it, while not perfect it will still work. There is a strap attached to both his arm and the hook shape at the tip of the hand that allows him to open and close his grip. That allows him to grip his ammo clips easier making it so he can reload quicker while also being able to function as a good melee weapon against walkers. Morales examines the new arm “Holy shit” Carol looks it over as well, while she helps Morales attach it “I think it came out pretty good” “Good? It’s incredible i actually feel like i can do something now, Carol thank you so much” “Of course no problem, i know this meant a lot to you, I bet Lilla and Louis are going to love it too” “They probably will both of them used to obsess over pirates, now i got a hook hand” Morales hugs Carol thanking her again then both of them go back to camp.
[!] Morales has a new prosthetic arm
[Inside Hershel's house]
[S] Lori Grimes
Back inside the house Lori goes to collect the lunch tray from Beth, as she takes it back to the kitchen, she realizes the knife she gave her is gone. She quickly runs back into the room worried what she might do “Sweetie please don’t do this” She doesn’t respond “Just give me the knife please” Beth hesitates a moment but then hands her the knife. Lori takes it back to the kitchen then immediately goes to find Maggie upstairs so she can stay with her sister given Beth should no longer be left alone. After informing Maggie she goes right in to stay with her sister and talk with her.
[Farm, near camp]
[M] Carl Grimes
After talking with his dad for quite a while, Carl asks if he can go hang out with the other kids. Rick tells him to go ahead just be careful, Rick gets up and goes to find something else to do. As Carl walks over to find Sophia he notices she's already occupied with Lilla reading books under the awning of the RV. He debates whether he should go over and join them or go hang out with Louis instead since it didn’t seem like Louis was with them he.
CHOICE: What should Carl do?
- Hang out with Sophia and Lilla
- Hang out with Louis
- Go do something alone instead
[Highway 86, near Randalls camp]
[M] Shane Walsh
After a drive to the location given by Randall the group leaves their vehicles a decent distance away from the overpass. They approach slowly and cautiously, everyone sneaking through the ocean of cars all in a single file line. Shane and Merle lead the way while Andrea and Jim watch their back; everyone has their guns at the ready. Andrea whispers over to Shane “Do you think these people are even here?” “I’m not sure to be honest but we need to check” Merle becomes angry at the group talking “Would you all shut the fuck up” Andrea looks down at the ground “Right sorry” they continue sneaking until they arrive in view of the overpass, Merle aims his scope to get a better look but he doesn’t see anything “what the fuck” the rest of the group looks over, theres no sign of any people, Merle punches the car behind him “That little shit fucked us” Jim tries to stop Merle from making too much noise and alerting something “Calm down man” “shut the fuck up Jim” Jim bites his lip holding back anger, Shane suggests they go over there and see if there are traces of anyone ever being there. As they get closer they notice some cans and bottles lying around as well as the remains of a campfire. Shane takes a look around the area “Merle your a tracker right, see what you think” He looks around noticing some of the food in the cans is still wet meaning it couldn't have been left there long. Merle examines the extinguished fire he notices some footprints and tire tracks as well “Looks like whoever was here is gone now but it was recent” Shane takes his hat off and begins rubbing his head “Shit, well at least they aren’t our problem now and it seems like Randall was telling the truth though” “Goddamn it” Merle looks around seeing if he can get any indication of where they could have gone to while the others take a look around for any supplies they could bring back.
Andrea and Jim walk around together, while they search they also talk “You ok Jim” “Yeah i am, that asshole can get on your nerves sometimes you know” “Oh yeah he’s a real charmer” Jim laughs at her sarcasm “Yeah real charming, only reason i even came was to get off that damn farm for a while. The place is great don’t get me wrong but it gets to be too quiet you know” “I do” they continue to talk while they scavenge, nearby Shane is walking close to Merle keeping an eye on him while he looks around. “You gonna keep staring at me officer or you wanna say something” “We should head back soon, we don’t want another herd coming by and catching us by surprise” Merle shakes his head “Come on grow a pair, if we can find out where they went we can take them out and get their shit” Shane tries to hold back his anger “We should go back, they ain’t here” “You go back i’ll keep looking” “No we go back together, it's the smart move to make here we ain’t splitting up then having you get yourself caught or killed” Merle still refuses to go back, claiming he thinks he found a trail. Jim and Andrea come over to them asking what the next move is, Merle insists on continuing the search but both Andrea and Jim disagree stating they should all get back to the farm while they still can.
CHOICE: What should happen?
- Merle should go alone
- Only Shane should go with Merle
- Shane, Jim and Andrea should go with Merle (If they agree)
- Try to convince Merle to go back to the farm
[Farm, inside the house]
[S] Amy Harrison
After sitting with Beth for a while Maggie asks if someone can take her place by staying with Beth until she gets back. She wanted to go help her father with some chores and eat something, Lori offers but Amy tells her that she’ll do it instead “I’ll stay with her” Maggie looks up at her “Are you sure” “Yeah i am don’t worry” “thank you so much” Amy enters the room and sits down in the chair near Beth's bed “what are you here to do, check on me and tell me why i shouldn’t kill myself” “No i’m just here to hang out” “Sure” “I am really” Beth looks at Amy taken off guard by her answer “So what, your just gonna sit there” “Well preferably no I’d like it more if we talked” “I…i… I miss my mom and my brother; they’ve been gone this whole time and….” “I’m so sorry for your loss, I lost my parents too. I know how bad you must feel, losing a parent like that” Beth turns and looks at her right in the eyes “I guess you do” “But look i still have my sister and i have friends, just like you still have your sister and also father who loves you, don’t waste that” Beth begins to cry letting out all her emotions, Amy reaches out to her and hugs her while she cries into her shoulder. “It’ll be ok”
[!] Amy and Beth are friends
[!] Amy gave Beth some hope
[Farm, campsite]
[M] Rick Grimes
Back in camp Rick is sitting alone by his tent deep in thought when he sees Morales and Carol coming back over. He stands up after seeing Morales’ new arm so he approaches them out of curiosity “Look at that” “Ha, you like it?” “Yeah, it looks good I’m surprised you could even find the parts to do something like that” Morales examines his arm proud of the work they did in creating it “We managed, Carol lent me a hand to make it” “Good for you man, how’re you holding up after the shootout in town. We haven’t talked since we've been back” “I’m good actually. It was actually the comment from, what's his name, i can’t remember, the guy you shot in the bar. He mentioned making a prosthetic, so it got me thinking now I feel like a new man with this baby” “Nice we’ll have to go out again soon then put it to the test in the field” Morales and Rick finish their conversation then Rick gets up to change shifts with Daryl who’s keeping guard of Randall. He relieves Daryl then sits outside the shed on a stool.
CHOICE: What should Rick do?
- Stay outside
- Try talking to Randall
Thanks for reading, please vote in the comments and feel free to tell me things you’d be interested in seeing in the future EX:Storylines, character arcs, locations or things you are enjoying about the story. I might not be able to incorporate your ideas if it doesn't make sense for the plot or if it is impossible due to previous choices, but I will remember all suggestions and try to make everyone happy. I’m still working out "gameplay" features i want to add in the future to make it more fun. Let me know if you have suggestions you’d like to see.