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Meister days


The war against Satan concludes with the victory of the Order of the True Cross and the Okumura brothers, but this is not the end. Our favorite exwires have interesting things to do, because it's not just about exorcising demons (or getting their meisters), life outside of work can also be complex, but they can always count on the support of their friends, it is possible that feelings are also involved. The only way to know what our kids are up to is by delving into their adventures.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: Prologue

Chapter Text

Several dozen or perhaps there would have already been a hundred occasions where it was impossible to forget what the war against Satan left behind. Maybe they won, they defeated the impure kings, they exorcised that terrifying god, returning him to Gehenna. 

But at what cost? Because processing all the decisions given by the Order was too much for Rin Okumura, but what could he do? As much as he is the hero who defeated his father, there were limits, he did the best he could and now he contained all feelings of anguish just knowing what awaits Yukio, because Arthur demanded a trial against him. 

However, everything was in the hands of his younger brother's defenders. Rin just had to wait for everything to be over and that was what he hated the most, he wanted to open the gate with a strong kick and defend Yukio like the older brother he was, but he remained still.

─ You're very quiet. So far you haven't moved an arm or leg since your brother walked through that gate.

It was Lightning, he decided not to be part of the meeting and stood next to the blue-haired man, leaning against the wall, accompanying him. 
Rin had no choice but to continue the talk, he was very worried. The Order was deciding Yukio's future. 

─ Does it seem strange to you that he doesn't act like a maniac? 

─ Maniac? No no. ─ He denied immediately. ─ Impulsive would be correct. It's a surprise to see how you're handling the situation because knowing you, you would have screamed for your brother to be forgiven. 

─ I'm worried about him. Who wouldn't be? Besides, if I make a fuss... they'll just throw me out.
─ Well thought out. ─ he congratulated him. ─ Nobody tolerates disturbances or childish behavior here. 

─ Nor what they think... ─ the demon murmured. 

─ Hmm Why would they? 

Rin frowned, the latter proving that Lightning was insensitive enough to empathize with Yukio or at least that was his thought until the raven noticed his annoyance. 

─ But control the flames, those who have the last word are the Grigori. Which means the verdict is in Saio's hands. 

─ . . .Do not underestimate Shiemi. ─ He looked at the Texan, showing his blue orbs. ─ And it's the last time they make fun of her. 

─ Haha! No, don't worry. I wasn't referring to that, but I hope they don't pay attention to Arthur, because your brother's collaboration in the war has greater weight than his faults.

Rin's expression changed. 
Did Lightning give him a sign of what would happen next through his words?

─ Do you think my brother...? 

─ Well, it's a possibility. The Order sometimes gives unpredictable decisions, you better be ready. 

─ What do you mean?

─ Hmm...

Lightning was about to respond until the gate opened, and out came a frustrated paladin and a green-haired man who was too quiet.

─ Liu! Arthur! But what a pleasant surprise to see them. How did the verdict go?

─ What are you doing here? And you, Lightning, didn't it occur to you to arrive early?

─ I'm sure they have reached an agreement without me, I was only accompanying the older brother in his moment of crisis. 

By the time the paladin locked eyes with Rin, he stormed off without saying anything. His pride was so strong that he was not able to face the hero of Assiah. 
Meanwhile, the green-haired man focused on Rin, his gaze demanding an answer before he decided to make a fuss. 

─ It's better that young Saio tells you what was decided, because you won't believe me if I answer your question.

─ Is it that serious?

─ Go see her if you want to know your brother's future. 

Rin looked at the meeting room, noticing that the Grigori are still in their seats. Maybe just this once, it would demand more than one answer.

─ Thank you...

─ Good luck.

When the adults left, Rin entered the room at a fast pace, Saio saw him and suddenly an uncomfortable silence took over the place. 

─ They asked me to see me. ─ the blue-haired man spoke.

─ That's correct. Take a seat. ─ Saio asked, to which Rin complied. ─ You can leave us alone, I will explain what was agreed upon. 

─ As ordered. ─ His companions complied and left the place. 

─ Shiemi, tell me the truth.─ the blue-haired man asked. ─ What will happen to Yukio?

Immediately she removed the hood that covered her eyes, her sad look worried the bluenette, he thought of the worst. 

─Yuki-chan will not be executed.─ Rin breathed out in relief. ─ But...he will be expelled from Vera Cruz.

That was like receiving a stab wound so strong that it was difficult to get it out immediately. 

─ Are you telling me that...he won't come back to us? ─ Rin asked, keeping in mind the answer he didn't want to hear. ─ Shiemi..

─ His attack against Mephisto and his alliance with the Illuminati left him in a very bad position. Arthur was willing to punish Yuki-chan...and expelling him was the only alternative to leaving him alive. 

His chest began to hurt, he hoped that things would change after the war and give his younger brother another chance, but perhaps he was too trusting...if people do not accept demons, they would even less forgive a traitor. 

─ I'm sorry, Rin. I know that... you wanted to see him again... 

─ No...don't blame yourself. ─ the blue-haired man asked. ─ Even if he had been present, the result would have been the same. 

Shiemi calmed down, but did not stop her tears. It was normal for both of them to be affected, it would be the last time they would see the brunette. Rin closed the distance, standing up from her seat to face the blonde. 

─ I know there was no other way, you did the best you could and that means a lot. ─ Rin smiled at him, while tears clouded his vision a little. ─ Thank you...for saving my brother. 

Saio broke down and hugged the blue-haired boy, he reciprocated, the two cried in silence. They were really hurt. What would they say to their friends? And Shura? How would they take the news?

They would leave it aside for now.
Because today they lost a brother and dear friend...Yukio Okumura.


He was aware of all his actions, some he was not sorry for, others perhaps he was, but he felt a void when he heard the murmurs from the other side of the cell. Most of them were hurtful and derogatory comments towards him. 

People who previously had admiration or respect for him now detest him, mentioning the attack on Mephisto and his alliance with the Illuminati left a lot to say, there is no doubt that those actions would remain in his history for life. Suddenly the cell door opens, he hears footsteps and yet, Yukio did not look up. 

─ The Order has already decided your verdict. 

It was Lightning.
There was only silence. 

─ Aren't you going to ask? Hm, I'm sure you already have an idea. 

Yukio had in mind what would happen to him and his brother would be complaining about such a decision.

─ Can I say goodbye to my brother and my friends? 

─ From your friends, I doubt it. ─ Yukio was taken aback. ─ But we have allowed you to say goodbye to your brother, the demon who defeated Satan.

Rin had become a hero after the war, he had earned that title, the admiration and respect of everyone, his bad comments remained forgotten. His effort in wanting to be different bore fruit, proving to be totally different from his father. 

But what about Yukio? He was a full-fledged exorcist, intelligent and respected by other exorcists, he was even a professor at the Vera Cruz Academy. How did he end up this way? Just because you want to know its origins? 

─ I understand...

─ One more thing. ─ Lightning hands him a box. ─ After you change, we will be waiting for you outside, don't be late. 

─ I will do it. 

Yukio checked the package and the first thing he took out was a black cape. Now he was confused, he thought that the clothes of the accused would be different. 
Something didn't add up right, but I would find out later. Lightning and some royal guards were waiting for him outside his cell. 

Shortly after, the brunette left the cell (already changed). Lightning gave him the signal to follow him, to which he complied. 
After leaving the cell hallway, he managed to see Rin, Shiemi, Arthur and the Grigori in a huge room. 

He was stunned to see his brother extremely serious, he realized that he had cried, that worried him, but something was not clear. Who would be his executioner? 

─ Yukio Okumura, the Order has debated your verdict and we have made a decision. ─ Lightning started. ─ You will be expelled from Vera Cruz until further notice. 

Yukio was surprised.
He was aware that he had committed treason, he was really confused. Who intervened and convinced the rest to change his true punishment? 
He then decided to look at Rin, confirming that he had something to do with it. 

─ One of the members of the Order was determined to prosecute and execute you for your actions. ─ Lightning continued. ─ However, you were of great help in the war against Satan and your brother defended you.

The brunette was sad, Rin too. 
He wasn't angry at his older brother, he felt grateful, because he really didn't want to die. Not if it meant leaving him completely alone. 

─ Goodbyes make me nauseous, but it was a pleasure meeting you! 

Sure enough, Mephisto made his typical entrance.

─ I say the same. ─ Yukio speaks.

─ And remember, once expelled from True Cross, you will no longer be part of any branch belonging to the Order itself, in other words, you are an exorcist without affiliation. ─ warned the king of time.

─ An independent exorcist, to be more precise. ─ Lightning intervened. 

─ I understand it. 

Liu suddenly looked at Rin.
The time has come to say goodbye. 

"We will give you time to say goodbye to your brother, don't be late," the green-haired man warned.

Later, everyone, except for the Okumura brothers and Shiemi, left. Starting the moment that none of the three wanted.

And at that moment, Yukio's expression changed. 

─ Why did they do it? 

Rin and Shiemi were taken aback. 

─ The Order was determined to execute me, they know that I committed treason and tried to kill Mephisto. That was my punishment! Why did they intervene?

Yukio looked at them angrily, while the blue-haired boy had a hard time believing his brother's words. The worst thing is that Shiemi was present, seeing that side of the chestnut again. 

Rin expected (at least) a "thank you" from him, but hearing those words made her almost lunge to hit him. Are you telling him that it was a mistake to save him? What was he thinking?

─ Did you just hear yourself? ─ Rin frowned. ─ Shiemi and I have done everything possible not to kill you. Or did you just want Goldilocks to get away with it?

─ This was between the Order and me. You had nothing to do with this. 

─ And you think I was going to allow my own brother to be killed? Who do you take me for?

─ Shut up now! I didn't ask you to save me!

Yukio suddenly silenced, Shiemi intervened in the brothers' argument, slapping the brunette. An action that scared and surprised Rin, while Yukio felt burning on his right cheek. 

For both brothers, it was the first time they saw Shiemi without tears in her eyes with her typical blush on her cheeks. It was true that he had matured, his serious and annoyed expression told him so.

─ "Didn't I ask them?" ─ the blonde repeated, containing her anger. ─ Do you have any idea how much it cost Rin and me to do everything to avoid losing you? Do you know how many times Rin begged me to come back to us?! 

For Yukio it was like receiving a scolding, and precisely by someone two years older than him. 

─ Like Rin, I care about you a lot. If you were my blood brother, I would have done exactly the same, because letting you die would be something I would never forgive myself for. 

Yukio was frozen, he had never seen his friend that way, seeing that small drop of water about to come out of her eye left him totally terrible.

The blue-haired man realized this and decided to speak up. He knew that Shiemi contained all his accumulated feelings in his heart as best he could, it was time to give him the brotherly scolding that he should always have given him. 

─ I'll tell you something. ─ Rin intervened. ─ You know that when it comes to you and my friends, I don't need their permission to help them. 

Yukio tried to say something, but Rin's annoyed expression made him continue listening.
Perhaps he got carried away by the situation, thinking that he deserves punishment for every crime he committed.

Then he thought little by little: Rin and Shiemi saved his life and did he think of complaining to them?  He knew that Rin wanted to hit him, but he held back for Shiemi, because she didn't deserve to see a scene where two of her dearest friends fight. 

Thinking that that confrontation on the Illuminati ship had cleared everything up.

─Whether you like it or not, you are my brother and I will not stop protecting you even if the Order decides to take my life.

And then the excuses disappeared from his brain. How badly did he want to complain? In the end, Yukio wanted to continue living. 

I wish that that boy in front of me fulfilled it. That was his older brother.

─ Was it clear to you?

The brunette was determined to continue claiming, but Rin and Shiemi's gaze were different, causing a lump to form in his throat. 
Then his mind jogged his memory, making him remember the times Rin defended him, perhaps due to the instinct of an older brother, even if he didn't ask for it...the blue-haired boy would be there, whether in good times or bad. 

What was I thinking? 

─ There is no force in the world that can stop you... ─ Yukio sighed. ─ You are incredible...

─ You will be expelled, but that does not mean that Mephisto does not require your help. So we'll probably meet again. 

Yukio and Shiemi were surprised, knowing the king of time, it was to be expected that he would make such a decision. 

─ Does the Order know about this?

─ No, it is a possibility, it depends on what your intentions are. 

In front of them appeared a white gate with golden touches, surely the work of the great Mephisto. 

─ Tic, Toc, time is up. ─ Mephisto intervened, pointing to the time on a pocket watch. ─ On the other side of the door, is the outside, far from Vera Cruz obviously. 

─ Yes, thanks for letting me know. ─ Yukio said.

And without thinking twice, the brunette hugged Rin, which took him by surprise and did not hesitate to reciprocate. 

─ Take good care of yourself, don't forget to eat and sleep on time, send a letter whenever you can and... if you need help, you know where to look for us. 

─ I will, you study hard, attend all your classes and...take care of everyone. 

For Rin it was a promise he was willing to keep. Both brothers broke the hug and the brunette went to Shiemi to hug her too. 

─Take care of my stubborn brother, Shiemi.

─ also take care of yourself Yuki.

The brunette smiled at him, broke the hug and headed towards the gate. 
He turned to see Rin, Shiemi and Mephisto one last time, he gave them a smile indicating that he would be fine, then he grabbed and moved the gate handle, opening it to go to the other side. 

He didn't want to see the expressions of his brother and friend, he already had in mind that they contained their emotions as much as they could, and so did he. But I was very sure of one thing: 

This is not goodbye.
It's just a "See you soon."

And thinking about this...the gate closed.
Yukio Okumura officially left the Order of the True Cross.