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Play With The Teletubbies!

Chapter 1: I'm so Hungry

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Laa-Laa's stomach growled, but Noo-Noo had already taken away her food.

He was angry at her for whatever reason. Honestly, sometimes he seemed completely irrational. But when was starving a child ever rational?

Laa-Laa sighed, and laid her head down on the table.

She could practically feel the looks of pity on her friend's faces.

Regardless, they all kept to themselves as they ate. They didn't want to anger Noo-Noo as well.

"I'll be back when it's time to go to bed." Laa-Laa mumbled, getting up from her chair and walking outside. Maybe if she took a walk she'd be able to distract herself from her aching stomach.

It's been days since she's had a proper meal thanks to that stupid robot.

She kicked rocks as she walked down the dirt path. Bunnies hopped beside her, expecting her to lean down and pet them like she always did.

But she wasn't in the mood. The rabbits were only making her hungrier.

"Go away." She huffed.

They refused. She groaned, and started to walk faster.

"Go on! Shoo!" She hissed at the rabbits, making small gestures with her hands.

They didn't seem to get the message.

Her stomach growled again. Laa-Laa sniffed, taking in the scent of the rabbits. They didn't smell too good, but she was hungry, damn it! Dipsy won't be too mad if he finds out she ate one, right?

She came to a sudden stop, and leaned down to pick up one of the rabbits beside her.

How do I even do this? Should I cook it first? We don't even have a stove or oven. She narrowed her eyes at the bunny, staring at it with a glare.

She opened her mouth, but decided last minute she shouldn't eat it.

Laa-Laa sighed and put the bunny back down.

She'll just have to deal with it...again.


Laa-Laa pulled the covers over herself.

She had snuck a piece of tubby toast away while everyone was distracted.

She knew her friends wouldn't tell Noo-Noo, but she couldn't take any chances.

She ate it quickly, not caring if crumbs fell onto her bedsheets. She'd clean them up afterwards. If she just left them there, Noo-Noo would surely see them.

Laa-Laa silently hoped it was just Dipsy as stomps were heard coming towards her room.

She hid it well! How would Noo-Noo find out?

When the door opened she let out a sigh of relief. It wasn't Dipsy, but at least it wasn't Noo-Noo either.

"Hey, Tinky." She mumbled.

He had a big, dumb smile on his face. "Guess what?" He giggled.

"Hm?" Laa-Laa turned over, facing him. Tinky-Winky pulled something small out of his bag, and it kind of looked like some kind of mini ball.

He moved to her bed, sitting down beside her. He seemed awfully enthusiastic about this.

"I found this tiny ball, and it's super bouncy! It's really fun to play with! Do you want it?" He asked. "Uh, sure." Laa-Laa held out her hand, and Tinky set the small ball on her palm.

It was much more hard than her ball. It was clear with blue sparkles in it.

"Thanks." She flashed a small smile at him.

"Also, be more careful when you're stealing food." Tinky chuckled.