Chapter Text
I liked to imagine Bunny as follows: him in the snow, lying in the cold with his eyes wide open, rigor mortis setting in, his soft blond hair frozen in near perfect waves, and a crack of blood streaming from down his forehead to under his chin. The true image was probably more bloody and gruesome than I dared think of, and more often than not I felt bad for romanticizing his murder, but who would want to think of their lover so crudely after death? It was my way of coping, I suppose. Picture him like he was in one of those Greek paintings we studied in Julian’s class, trying to live with the fact that I never brought him the justice he deserved. Nature had its own way of tying up loose ends, and when all the dust settled, I came to think of everything that had happened as a poor man's fable.
Maybe things could have been different. But they weren’t, and I could do nothing about it now.