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All bark, no bite


Oikawa has one of his strikes of genius: he knows Haba-chan will be captain next year and that Kyoutani will stay in the club. He makes sure they get friendlier to each other using iwa-chan's help

Maybe Yahaba can tame kyoutani before third year starts, bring the club far


I made up haba-chan bc they all should have nicknames

Title from 'Gretel' by sodikken

Chapter 1: For someone who looks like an animal, I'm rather picky!

Chapter Text

There's no practice on Mondays

The gym is closed after school and it's meant to be a rest day, he's meant to let his body recover

“Make sure to not overdo it”, Iwaizumi says as an order. He's always clear, to the point, doesn't really joke around It's meant more like a warning, they all know what the consequences of not resting are

Yahaba stares at the ceiling of his room with a sigh, sitting up to hear a ping of his phone going off.

Ping? Can he even say that?

He knows it's Watari, who else would text him first thing in the morning?

The volleyball will be in his hands after school, even if the club isn't on. He'll try to play

He'll take what Matsukawa-san calls a ‘fatass nap’ before slapping the ball against the wall. Maybe he'll practice his serves, he doesn't really do those but who's gonna stop him?

He'll need it for next year

Not impressed with the behaviour from his upperclassmen, second-year Yahaba feels bad for impressionable first-years

They always forget Aoba Johsai is just some school, it doesn't matter that it's private or that the Volleyball Team is so so great

It's full of highschoolers. High Schoolers that burp while eating, high schoolers with bloody knuckles trying to pick a fight, high schoolers that forget they can't swear in the classroom

Trouble, trouble everywhere

Kindaichi still got shocked when Hanamaki said something out of pocket. It was his second or so day in the gym, poor first years

Yahaba can't remember if the reaction bloomed when Matsukawa got compared to a sweaty ball sack or if it's some weirder insult he completely blanked out from his brain

Either way Yahaba is not impressed. Mildly disgusted at best

He rubs the palm of his hands against his eyelids, trying to wipe away the sleep and getting up to take a good look at himself

There's another sound coming from his phone

What the hell does Watari want now? He can't pay this much attention at this time of day, everything is way too bright

He stands up to go to the bathroom, looking at the mess on his head and then goes back to try and pull himself together

Brush his hair, his bangs still as fluffy as ever, wash his face, put the uniform on. Complain about the eye bags

He smiles at himself in the mirror to prepare a long day of grinning and talking, so many classes. So many people. Too little sleep

It's when he grabs the phone that everything goes downhill. He remembers the match and his spirit crashes down


Good morninggg!!
The match with Karasuno is so soon and I'm SO excited (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)

He goes out with a banana in his hand, trying his best to not sound too bummed out when texting back Watari

It's not that he's not confident they can do it, of course they can win. Karasuno has an amazing setter but Oikawa is simply better

His serves are more powerful.

Yeah, sure, Kageyama has exceptional setting skills but so what? They can't have it all, they can't always be the best

They're close to it, at least

That's why they're a team, no one is going to rely on one person. Everything is balanced

They have Oikawa and Iwaizumi to support the team. It's the future year that scares him.

There's the unbalanced future looking straight in his face

With the third years gone they'll have to take the reins. And who do they have?

Kindaichi, a scaredy cat. Kunimi, always somehow tired. The first years that are a blur in his mind, (someone has to be good enough to carry the team a little. Hopefully) and Kyoutani

But he ditched the club in the first year, he doesn't count. The name is still wrote down in the members list but that's for statistics, some dumb school stuff

He doesn't worry about that guy

And he is not worried about being a reserve setter. He's glad he's the reserve!

He's not nearly good enough to be a setter they can use in each match, in comparison to Oikawa he's just mediocre

Another notification from Watari. The banana is not even sweet but the food feels great in his empty stomach

Same place at lunch today
It's not a question, just sit with me
It's been wayyy too long

And he chuckles to himself, admitting that he's been having lunch alone to catch up with homework instead of hanging out with Watari

First year was hard, the second is kicking his ass in a different way. It's difficult to balance practice, school, homework, extra practice and chores

He could skip the practice he does alone in the back of the garden but showing off to his parents is important

He joined the club for them to stop nagging him, stop them from bugging him about the future and how he spends his time

His pride isn't cut down when he can't play in all the matches, it's even better!

He can cheer on his older colleagues while looking at what he can improve, he can take notice of kindaichi’s spiking and how the other team plays

Between a chew and another he goes out of the building, bananas are a good source of protein and carbohydrates

And they're good!

Not the healthiest breakfast, they've gone through nutrition many times before, but he'd have to give up those five minutes of staring at the wall in order to toast bread or eating whatever his younger brother's munching on

That's time he can't use in any other way

He slips his phone in his pockets, the travel from the house to the school is brief and Yahaba gets way too hazy to understand what's happening around him

He can almost feel dents in his fingertips, the shape of the volleyball pressed against his hand. He likes the feeling of the ball

How did he go from picking volleyball just because to watching oikawa and feeling inspired?

He doesn't notice a taller middle blocker while passing by, repressing a yelp when he gets dragged back again

ready to give the kid a mouthful, he jerks his head and relaxes when he recognises the figure

“Matsukawa-san?”, what was the need to manhandle him like that? Giving him a scare for no reason?

The older just shushes him, his head moving to the side to point at how oikawa doesn't flinch (or politely avoid the touch, depending on the mood) away from some girl

Before the older can say anything about fangirls She puts her arm near his, fingers tapping on wrists and without missing a beat his upperclassman gives her the usual charming smile

He says something, Yahaba doesn't read lips, and she looks down.

He has an idea of what he said

Maybe it's because he knows how he is with Iwaizumi-san (he's just flirty with anyone, really) or that he uses the one liners with different girls

He turns to Matsukawa, looking at the scenery with distastefulness “Oikawa-san has a girlfriend?”, his question just whispered, hanamaki explained that “girls are usually too shy to initiate contacts”

So why is she so open while holding his arm?

He saw them before, calling them fangirls doesn't seem appropriate but it is what it is. Just girls swooning over him. Some are bold

They could have open a club preaching oikawa’s name and he wouldn't be surprised

He knows what the drill is, he's seen it

His first year was way too chaotic. Aoba Johsai is too chaotic

Watching Oikawa in middle school felt way more serious, but he often forgets his role models aren't super humans. He forgot even Oikawa-san could make a fool out of himself

Matsukawa shrugs, “maybe he's just flirting”. The casual tone makes him flinch

“You should be used to this”, hand patting his shoulder grossly

He can't and he won't

The volleyball team is touchy. Very touchy. He knew he should get accustomed to casual touches, it was easy enough in middle school. Not so much now

Yahaba watches Matsukawa looking forward with his usual look: bored yet always with a flick of amusement in his eyes, high cheekbones and permanently messy black hair

He can't imagine waking up and not brushing his hair, but he guesses matsukawa’s hair is short enough to let it go free

Oikawa leans back, a pout forming on his lips

He hears a mumbling, something about Oikawa being a “Jackass”. Watching matsukawa joining the flirt-game is entertaining enough

The smugness while he approaches them reminds Yahaba of a knight in shining armour, his tone smooth as he squeezes Oikawa's shoulder

“Is he bothering you?”

And the girl blushes, of course she does. Even Yahaba would blush in such a situation

“Oh no-”, she leaves his arm alone, smiling sheepishly, her neck warm,“sorry for causing any troubles, Oikawa-san” and she bows to him

Quick and easy, she walks away with a shake of her head. Oikawa's shoulders dropping obnoxiously fast


There it goes, A whine

“What's up with you and ruining my perfect chances of romance?”, his hand flying around, no real malice in his eyes, “are you jealous there are cute girls trying to put a ring on my finger?”

Matsukawa doesn't miss a beat, “you mean handcuffs?”, the smirk only growing when the reply is a high pitched mention of how mean Matsun is

“That's why I call him loserkawa”

He jumps. Again

What's this commitment of giving him a heart attack?

It's Iwaizumi, his expression softer in the morning. Nicer

The same Expression that softens when he watches Oikawa embarrassing himself with the loud and squealing fangirls

A question itching in Yahaba’s throat, “Iwaizumi-san”, he doesn't wait for him to look down or even acknowledge the mention of his name, “is it true that oikawa will step down in the next match?”

Iwaizumi blinks at him with questions, not speaking still

He blushes, correcting himself. “I mean oikawa-san..”, now it's his turn to have a warmer neck, “..hinted that he won't play in each set anymore”

How did he forget honorifics?

Speaking to Iwaizumi is hard, he's tough and reliable but so intimidating.

Luckily He won't yell at him without any reason, always scolding Oikawa for ‘bullying the underclassmen’. He's a man of his word

“That is true”, he looks forward again, eyes locked on how oikawa smirks

“second years students have to get used with us gone, you're not gonna help if you're a benchwarmer”


Then he stutters on his words, touching his knuckles, “it's useless if you don't come in the court to deliver what you've been learning from the other team”, he must've seen the look on his face

“You don't play much but when you do we score points”, he holds two fingers up, that's what they aim for when reserves come to play. Points are everything

“you observe what happens. Tell the team what's wrong with their, or opponents, movements”, he's serious, “easy fix”

Yahaba nods to it all, heart in his mouth as he knew he'd have to play sooner than later

“he's been testing you”, another nod towards oikawa, “don't stress yourself to match his skills or personality or whatever your head's going for. You have the skills, that's what matters”

Iwaizumi gives him a farm pat on his back, hands rough and heavy

“You're a great player, don't try to imitate everything he does”, a frown growing, “there's many other reasons why i call him names”

See? Touchy

He smiles. Yeah, he couldn't be Oikawa

Iwaizumi-san makes him feel better about himself, he said Yahaba has the skills. He said Yahaba can do it.

His shoulder hurts a little, too much attention on his back

Of course team games are full of casual touches but with oikawa, hanamaki and Matsukawa?

High fives, shoulder pats, hair ruffling, crushing hugs, he sees People going chest-to-chest and everything. Yahaba even receives hand massages when Oikawa is in a particularly good mood!

He takes a glimpse of Watari waving to him while entering the building. Watari smiles but completely looks over the three teammates argument

“Class”, he mumbles something to himself, Watari always needs help with his English assignments, “I'll see you later, Iwaizumi-san”

Iwaizumi doesn't even wave, just keeps his hands in his pocket and goes to tug at Oikawa's cardigan. He drags him away from hanamaki

“goodbye, remember to rest”

Hanamaki waves him bye instead

When did he even appear?


He can't help but to be distracted, too conflicted with the future

What the hell is he gonna do?

Third year is just around the corner, He'll have to be the setter in the team and take over. Graduation, too

Not the reserve

But on Oikawa's skills? The school has those standards, it's a private school. They want the best

He can't do that, he's not that good. And people like to joke Yahaba is Oikawa watered down

It doesn't faze him at all

He hasn't practiced as much, doesn't have the charm to be as popular, and he can't be Oikawa. He can't even try, he'll end up embarrassing himself

Yeah okay Iwaizumi-san told him to not try and be him but so what?

It's what the school wants.

His parents would love to have a son like his upperclassman

Oikawa is one of the best setters he's seen. Yahaba is just picking at the crumbs he leaves, those riddles and jokes that have advice. trying to better himself while using him as the example

Sure, Kageyama is a good setter, he's heard of him but who cares?

It's oikawa

A whisper catches his attention


It's not Watari, they don't have classes together. That's unfortunate, he could've shaken off whatever this crisis is

It's some classmate, can't remember her name properly but he knows she's in a club. Tennis? Photography?

His usual smile stirs on his face “Is something wrong?”, he can play the people’s pleaser so well

A soft pout on her lips, “I should be the one asking that”, head tilting at people writing down

He should do that, too

“Oh”, the surprised sound almost makes him recoil. It's so genuine. He made that sound. Mondays aren't his thing

“Everything's fine, thank you”, he brushes her away, picking pen up and looking at the work on his desk

She turn around with skepticism, “if you say so”

It's not that he's a goody two shoes, he just tries to have the best grades he can get and pays attention

Just because he's not paying attention, or writing when everyone is, doesn't mean something's wrong

Well, something is wrong but why would he tell a random girl? It's not her place to be concerned

But he's talking in general! It shouldn't be so shocking to see him distracted once in a while

She's not even asking because of worry, just trying to be polite or friendly or something. He vaguely remembers talking to her about test scores. Maybe

maybe she is trying to build a friendship

He doesn't know if to feel proud that people see him in such a light or to be disappointed he can't even slack off once that his classmates (out of all people?) call him out


Watari yawns

He scoops up a forkful of the food in his mouth, some kind of vegetable and chews silently

It's so nice to have lunch without someone that doesn't spit. Or speaks with their mouth open

His teammate looks pleased with himself, “Being a libero isn't as bad as I thought”

Watari can get pretty insecure about his height and skills. He has mixed strengths, pretty difficult to make him fit in one role

but when Oikawa talked to him,(he convinces people freakishly fast), the thought of his chaos being a weapon to use made him beam

liberos save the ball.
They help the team, save the points

Talking to him alone was the best decision

“Mh?” Watari makes him yawn, too. “thinking about the next match?’

It's already been a year. Only two to go

Watari shoots him a knowing look. It's like all he does lately, look at him like he knows something

It's creepy, like he can't hide anything from him

“I know you're worried”

Yahaba freezes then smiles at fault, the smile dropping

of course Watari would notice

“don't practice today or I'll tell Iwaizumi-san”, the threat slides off his tongue way too easily, “Mondays and weekends are for rest”

“Yeah, yeah”, whatever, “threatening to tell Iwaizumi-san like you're a little kid”

He's just joking yet watari smiles apologetically

Yet it's true, they do throw that threat a lot. Iwaizumi is not his mom. He just happens to carry the whole team

This is what he hates, not being able to joke around with no mind on what he says.

Watari takes it to heart and apologizes

He has siblings, used to someone being petty with him.

“You're right”, watari stabs the vegetables with his fork, “just make sure to not overwork yourself”

Yahaba almost apologises in return

“I won't stay on the bench”, he sighs, he bought milk bread this morning. He's an idiot

Thinking of Oikawa and the upcoming third year makes him do impulsive actions. He saw milk bread and he bought it

He doesn't even like it! It's just Oikawa's favourite.

Watari jokes, finger circling right in his face, pointing like it's he’s trying to make him admit something

“Not a reserve anymore huh?”

The third sheepish smile of the day. Watari shinji teasing him, what a day

“Oikawa-san will still play anyway”, he shrugs the feeling off. They both know that but it's good to take off the attentions from him

he's won't be the first option for a long time still

“What's with the milk bread?”

Ah. Now what?

It’s embarrassing to admit out loud

“I was just-”, his head falls on the table, arms as a support, “I was thinking of oikawa-san this morning and I went in this store and-” he points at the bread, still not holding eye contact

That's still an embarrassing way to put it

Then there's silence, he can almost hear something moving inside Watari's head. He thinks before talking

He thinks way too much before talking

Yahaba raises his head, chin resting against his forearm. He forgets his half eaten lunch

“What's up?”, he tries to make him spit it out. Hesitation isn't a good habit

Watari licks his lips before talking, tapping on the table “You gonna give the bread to him?”

A scoff. What?

that's all? He's not going to fuel his ego even more, it's hard to deal with his personality already

“You went silent just to ask that?”

“Do you like him?”

He's not exactly surprised, he did say Oikawa was on his mind

“I'm his ‘precious kouhai’, of course I like him”

He plays dumb

he's not going to lie and say the attentions from oikawa are not entertaining, sometimes they're a bit much but the upperclassman is a good person

And he's glad someone cares enough to dot on him as much as oikawa does

“No”, Watari holds eye contact, trying to see something “do you like like Oikawa?”

Why would he?

What about Iwaizumi-san?

“No”, his eyebrows furrow, gulping down water, “why would i”

Watari shrugs, “didn't have much sleep tonight, just don't think about it”, he clicks his tongue once. “dont…Dwell? On it”

A pleased smile, Watari is trying not to fuck English up this time and it seems like the work they've done together has been paying off.

“That's right”

“You know it's okay if you like him, right?”

He scoffs once again, “Have you been watching romcoms?”, he decides to put the milk bread in the bag, “he's not my type”

Watari clutches his bag and somehow it reminds him of old ladies clutching their pearls, trying to be defensive

“It's just that you look at him a lot”, he tilts his head, “but I've been reading some stuff, yeah”

Yahaba doesn't expect that kind of behaviour from Watari so he smiles, already forgetting it

“Don't be influenced by fiction, but keep reading or watching”, he sips again, “but do it in English”

Watari holds his hands up. He's defensive enough


The next day is easy enough. Just Tuesday

Morning: wake up, sigh, brush hair, sigh again, eat the same breakfast from yesterday (bananas are good and he's lazy) and walk

Then it's classes: raise hand at least once, look at the clock, ignore people tapping their pencils against the desks and leave

Then it's practice and he changes like usual, facing the wall and listening to whatever anyone's saying

“why did they call it Tournament For The Prefecture Qualifiers For Nationals?”, kindaichi talks to kunimi, his nose wrinkling

“That's way too long”, he keeps complaining about something he won't even need to say out loud. He just needs to know what's happening

See? Lazy

Hanamaki smiles

“That's what-”

“Okay!”,Yahaba puts a finish to whatever he wanted to say (they all know too well what was coming but it's nice to pretend there's some sort of decorum) and goes to close his bags

Yahaba gives a remark, “At least be creative with it” and Matsukawa leans on the wall, eyes on hanamaki

“Yeah, Makki!”

It doesnt take long for Oikawa to peek in the changing room, a relaxed smile, the uniform already on him, “Cut the gossip, we need to practice!” he's been here the longest

He steps in, hands on his hips, leaning his torso forward, “there's a surprise waiting!”

Then he thinks more, an obnoxious humming out his closed lips, “the surprise is gonna be late, i know you can all forgive me. Since I'm the wonderful captain who always treats ya!”

He does treat them well, then complains on how they're ‘spoiled’

Ignoring how Oikawa almost purrs at them they all get pretty curious, surprises don't come often

Hopefully it's not a new net

They walk to the gym and practice like normal, stretching their arms and legs. Some bones cracking, joints awakening

Warming their bodies up before a longer practice

No new nets. No new equipment. Same Volleyballs, same nets, nothing out of the ordinary

He said something about being ‘late’, whatever that means. Maybe it's someone?

An old coach?

he tossed and receives

Then the noise of the door opening distracts him, kindaichi doesn't hit the ball he tossed. There the surprise is

If not for the self-preservation instincts inside him, Yahaba would’ve stopped and gawked

Ain't nothing gonna be right after this

kyoutani returns to the volleyball club, now that's a good plot twist

He's seen him in some of his classes. The first year went smoothly enough, he came in, yelled a bunch and left. He's not loud or obnoxious in class, as odd as that sounds

Kunimi looks up at him,“Who's that? You're staring so hard. you wanna burn the guy?”

He ignores it, his reply snappy

“that's kyoutani, he left the team last year”

“Why are you mad? Is he good?”

Kyoutani stands awkwardly,

If he were in his situation Yahaba would've tried to act a little more casual. The uniform has no pockets so he can't put his arms in there. Unless he wants to put them inside his shorts

Gross. Let's not do that

He finally replies, “He's just an asshole”, he doesn't bother to explain how the first months of the first year went

Oikawa claps, a shit eating grin “So!”, he goes to face the team, hand almost going at the back of kyoutani’s back.

The captain doesn't touch him and Iwaizumi is staring dead in his direction

He remembers kyoutani listening to Iwaizumi-san, so that's good news

“This is mad dog-chan! Kyoutani”, his head dipping down slightly and hands curling to a fist, “he's back in the team to boost our performance before the match against Karasuno”

Kyoutani looks at him with a scowl,“that's not the kanji-”, and he grunts when Oikawa goes back to talking

Kunimi goes near yahaba again, his lips moving slowly to form a sentence “Well I get the nickname now”

And that's amusing enough to make him almost chucke. Oikawa uses the kanji of his name to try and make the nickname seem clever, if the kanji isn't right then it must be for something else

Kyoutani grunts to himself again “That's not the right kanji” and Oikawa flushes him a bright, annoying smile

“It's not a pun of your name!”,both arms going behind his back, “it's for your personality”

So he was right

Some people snort

Matsukawa sucks in a breath, shakes his head, “at least I got spared from weird nicknames like that”

“Matsun isn't that bad”, hanamaki agrees too, “Makki is also fine, can't complain”

Kyoutani mumbles something that could resemble the word “Asshole”

And Yahaba looks down, eyes still set on him. Still as direspectful as ever

“Respect the Captain”

Really, he said it without thinking.

He's never even thought of insulting someone older. And right in their faces, too! Kyoutani does it so easily

They scowl at each other

Oikawa grins even more, looking around as more teammates realise the stare down doesn't cease

“Ah it's okay haba-chan! Let's all go back to practice”, he claps again, looking at kyoutani, “go stretch then we'll decide who's gonna toss to ya”

Yahaba is dumbfounded “Haba-chan?”

New people, new nicknames

Oikawa moves on the heels of his feet, smiles wide,“Isn't it cute?”

It's not that bad but his name would've been better

Mad dog is definitely worse a worse nickname. Iwaizumi also got spared. Iwa-chan sounds like a children's name, or for some cute girl

He shrugs when both kunimi and kindaichi look at him puzzled, “it's fine. come on, let's go back to it”

Kyoutani doesn't move

Iwaizumi-san is loud, the “Hey!” The shout echoes in the gym and they all scramble to look away

Iwaizumi-san is scary. Caring, but terrifying

Iwaizumi’s voice gets quieter, realising the tone was way too over the top. “What are you waiting for? You've heard the captain”

And Kyoutani just goes for it, his eyes widening for a split second.

Iwaizumi rushes everyone to go back doing whatever they've been practicing on, a volleyball under his arm as he does so

Oikawa is struck, the usual “iwa-chan!” out of his throat, “let's practice together!’


Practicing with kyoutani is hell

but no first year is brave enough to toss for him, the third years help each other and make sure to look after the least skilled first years

Between a change in pairs and petty arguing Kyoutani is spiking his balls

Yahaba sets them without thinking much, a little too low, a little too high and he's pleased when his teammate frowns at him

He's making his job harder and that's wonderful

What's the point of being an asshole in a sport that requires teamwork?

You can’t be a wing-spiker without someone who’ll toss to you.

What is wrong with him?

He doesn't listen, communicates in grunts and nods and he looks like a spring ready to fly away. Tension everywhere

Oikawa squares them up and down, watching

Yahaba bites back whenever he does something that isn't quite right. So what if he's a little meaner than usual

Kyoutani ignores the tossed ball, lets it hit the floor dumbly, arms folded on his chest “What's your problem?”, he speaks in annoyance

“My problem?”, his self assurance glowing in his face. The courage to ask him his problem almost makes him laugh.

He's just playing the teammate, maybe a little pettier than what he does

“Yes, your problem. What is it?”

He doesn't hide the stunned expression, smile dropping as he tries to search for any humour on kyoutani’s eyes

Well, that's literal. A little too literal. Tone a little too flat

He rubs the bridge of his nose, is kyoutani mocking him or what? “Why do you act like this?”

It's a genuine question but he doesn't expect an actual answer

“I asked a question”, the blond picks the ball up from the ground, eyes seeming to always be scrunched down, “answer it”

He doesn't