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Literally The EM: DFRH Gang When Yen Sid's Not Home


Prescott being a little motherfucker, Rivett acting like a total asshole to Stareon and her boy cousins, Gus not knowing when to shut the fuck up, Mickey being a whiny little bitch, and Oswald being an absolute piss-baby.. and more.

And people are getting drowned. :>


Send help please I don't know why I did this

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Chapter 1: Donald Getting Drowned (And The Wasteland Being Able To Hear It)

Chapter Text

It's like whenever Mickey gets the TOTALLY BRIGHT IDEA to leave Minnie and Donald alone in the house, somebody keeps getting drowned... AND THE ENTIRETY OF FUCKING WASTELAND CAN EVEN HEAR IT!!!

So, Donald pissed off Minnie while Mickey was in Wasteland by setting her fucking breakfast on fire with gasoline. And matches.

So what does Minnie do? She decides to fucking DROWN him!

Mickey and Oswald were hitting each other with flip flops like they were the parents of one another or something. Prescott was... well, being Prescott.

Gus and Rivett were trying to kill each other with frying pans, and Ortensia was eating her fur for some fucking reason. 


They heard it.

The sound of a fucking DUCK cartoon being waterboarded. 

And the sound of a flip-flop hitting said duck cartoon. REPEATEDLY.

Gus grabbed a gasoline tank, put a circle of gasoline around and below himself, and threw a match down at it. Burn, little bitch, burn.

Prescott stared into the distance, not minding the horrid smell of smoke and rotting/burning flesh behind him. Rivett hit herself with the frying pan, and Mickey thinned himself and Oswald out. Ortensia threw herself out a window.

They really..

Didn't want..




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