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Danganronpa x Skins: Free Period [Kaito]


Kaito Momota had always considered Kokichi to be an enigma, an ever-present mystery slowly burning in the background. But when a free period presents him with an opportunity to get closer to Kokichi, Kaito can't help but take it.

Kokichi Oma and Effy Stonem are soul twins, I said what I said.


Hello, thank you for taking the time to read this! I have been thinking about writing something like this for a very long time, and so I have spent the last night I have before going on holiday writing this work for all of you. I hope you enjoy it! :)

Just to clarify 'college' in this work refers to British college, which is the last two years of high school in other countries (ages 16-18!)

CW: Reference to drugs (weed & shrooms)

Dedicated to Sophie for being an amazing best friend and for baking the banana bread I ate whilst writing this work!

Work Text:

Kaito Momota’s teachers considered him to be an exemplary student, a shining example to the rest of his classmates of what a student should be. Punctual, hardworking and intelligent. Kaito took great pride in this reputation bestowed upon him and consequently took his studies at Roundview College much more seriously than his classmates, who usually spent their free periods goofing around at Kokichi Oma’s house due to its size and proximity to the college.

Kokichi Oma. How could Kaito begin to describe Kokichi Oma? A friend, an acquaintance or an adversary?

Kokichi’s very existence was an enigma to Kaito. His actions were difficult to parse at the best of times, and borderline impossible to understand when he was acting up, which was almost all the time. This fact had remained unchanged for the entirety of their friendship, if he could call it that, despite the fact that Kokichi did more drugs than anyone Kaito has ever met. The smaller boy was always sniffing or smoking some kind of substance, especially when he was with Angie Yonaga or Miu Iruma, and when Kaito had asked him why he had taken up such habits, Kokichi only offered a cryptic answer about the mundanity of suburbia and wasted potential.

It was bullshit. There was a deeper answer and Kaito was determined to find out what it was.


Kaito quickly packed up his things after an informative but tedious Chemistry lesson about thermodynamics. Annoyingly, the only thing he could think about its’ duration was Kokichi fucking Oma, and the vow he had made to himself at the beginning of term.

I will understand Kokichi Oma by the end of the year despite all his bullshit and lying.

Despite Chemistry being his least favourite A-Level out of his options, Kaito still managed to always retain a decorum that even a professional chemist would be envious of, which was why his sudden lapse of concentration was noted by his concerned classmate, and lab partner - Rantaro Amami.

“Hey,” the greenette started, placing a hand on Kaito’s shoulder. “You alright man?”

Kaito acknowledged Rantaro with a small smile, “Yeah. I’m all good man.”

“You sure?” Rantaro asked in a surprisingly concerned tone, as the pair walked down the stairs of the science building.

“Yeah man. I was just uh...” Kaito cleared his throat. “Wondering what to do during my free.” That was a lie, Kaito knew exactly what options he had for activities during his frees. He could either study in the library or go for a walk through the college’s campus with either Shuichi or Maki, but Rantaro didn’t need to know that Kaito was lying.

Kaito relaxes upon seeing Rantaro’s expression soften, “well I’m not sure if it’s your scene you could go to Kokichi’s, to keep an eye on him. He is a handful though I will warn you.” Rantaro chuckled, running his studded fingers through his perfectly unkept hair, “Shuichi and I were supposed to go, but we have an English presentation due this afternoon.”

Kaito’s heart jumped at the opportunity to talk to Kokichi alone. It had been a while since it had been just the two them, especially since Kokichi kept such a large social circle with a seemingly endless number of friends. Thus, Kaito knew he couldn’t let an opportunity to get through to the smaller boy slip through his fingers.

“Uh lemme think…” Kaito pretended that he had a mental pros and cons list in his head. He took his time to mull over his predetermined answer before uttering a nonchalant “sure, I’ll keep an eye on the kid.”


After his conversation with Rantaro had ended, the taller boy had swiftly made his way over to Kokichi’s house and now found himself sitting in Kokichi’s garden, watching in fascination as Kokichi’s fingers skilfully manipulated rolling paper into a perfect cylinder.

“Ta-da! Easy peasy lemon squeezy. And that is how you roll a spliff, my dear Kaito!” Kokichi finished with an enthusiastic flourish before slumping into a deck chair.

The two boys were on a raised porch overlooking Kokichi’s entire garden, which Kaito could barely see the end of. The expansive greenspace was meticulously well looked after with every plant, decoration, and feature perfectly harmonising with one another to create a highly pleasurable viewing experience.

“Impressive, although I’m not sure rolling spliff will help you pass your exams.” Kaito offered sarcastically, deflecting his amazement at Kokichi’s dexterity. Their summer exams were coming up, and fast, and Kaito couldn’t remember the last time Kokichi had showed up to their shared biology class.

“Neeheehee, silly Kaito…” Kokichi giggled, before lighting the spliff up with a purple lighter. “You don’t know understand how rolling makes me an academic weapon! I’ve already smoked with the head of AQA, and he’s promised to give me early access to all the papers. Three A*s for me!”

Kaito snorted at Kokichi’s ridiculous remark and shook his head when the smaller boy offered him a pull. “No thanks man, I’m uh not into that kind of stuff.”

“Suit yourself,” Kokichi smiled brightly, “more for me!”

The two sat in a stilled silence for a few minutes, as the spliff slowly died in between Kokichi’s fingertips. Come on Kaito. He urged himself. Talk to him about anything, about something.

“So…” Kaito began hesitantly, “how’s it going?”

Kaito flinched slightly as Kokichi gave the boy an incredulously look but at least he didn’t comment verbally on Kaito’s awkward attempt at making small talk, Kaito reasoned.

“I’m good. I have drugs and my bestest friend Kaito Momota by my side! So, I basically have everything I could ever want or need.”

“I don’t know whether to be flattered or insulted.”

“You should be flattered dear.”

Despite Kokichi’s mocking tone, and obvious sarcasm, Kaito flushed slightly at the pet name. “Why of course I am, darlin’. So, what’s a sweet thing like you doing here by yourself?” Kaito replied playing into Kokichi’s flirting. He pictured the two of them sitting in a dusty old saloon, nursing whiskeys on the rocks as they swapped stories about their hometowns.

“Well, you see…” Kokichi paused for dramatic effect, leaning closer to Kaito so their noses were almost touching. “I killed my husband…” Kokichi whispered, taking a pull of his spliff. Kaito was so wrapped up in the moment he forgot to lean back to avoid breathing the vapour in, “and I’m looking for some company.”

Kaito’s heart quickened at the sultry tone attached to Kokichi’s words, “w-what type of company?”

Kokichi smirked and Kaito knew that any attempt at a serious conversation would be in vain. He had missed his one opportunity to seem competent, like a reliable guy that Kokichi could lean on despite the mental labyrinth Kokichi had built around himself. Damnit, I couldn’t even get through-

But Kaito’s thoughts were interrupted by the smaller boy leaning in and pressing their lips together. Kaito’s face instantly warmed at their lips meeting and he quickly found himself addicted to the feeling of Kokichi’s lips on his. In silent understanding, the two of them kept kissing one another and Kaito found himself longing for more and more and more-

“Ah shit, sorry Kichi.” A voice Kaito has never heard before calls out, and the pair quickly pulled away from one another. A boy with brown spikey hair appeared on the porch, his face slightly flushed. Kaito couldn’t help but curse the intruder mentally for interrupting such a heavenly moment.

“Hajime!” Kokichi beamed. The smaller boy jumped up and began nuzzling against the chest of the newly appeared teen. “I missed youuu…”

“Missed you too kiddo.” Hajime bends down to ruffle Kokichi’s hair who mewled at the touch.

“Hajimeee…” Kokichi whimpered, “you’re so good with your hands.” Kaito silently burns in anger as Kokichi shoots him a knowing smirk, bastard-

Hajime scoffed at Kokichi’s antics but he made no attempt move his hand, which kept coursing through Kokichi’s plum-coloured locks, “alright ya weirdo. I brought you what you wanted.”

“Ooh yay shrooms! Is it alright if I pay you tomorrow?”

“Alright then. We still on for tonight?”

Kokichi nodded enthusiastically as Hajime let himself out, it was an open secret that Kokichi did drugs, hell Kaito had seen Kokichi not only roll but also smoke a spliff in front of him mere minutes beforehand. But seeing Kokichi interact with someone he presumed to be a drug dealer made Kaito’s heart sink, and he couldn’t help but feel scared that Kokichi was going to end up in some serious trouble.

“Hey bud.”

“Bud?” Kokichi’s eyes flickered with amusement, “I thought we were more than that… Kaito is such a meanie.”

Kaito ignored the teasing and pressed on with addressing the issue, “Who was that guy?”

Kokichi paused at the question and if he squinted Kaito could almost see the gears in Kokichi’s head moving as he tried to calculate the perfect response to his question.

“Oh just a super dangerous drug dealer.”

“Cut the shit.” Kaito’s voice had dropped lower, intertwining his hand with Kokichi’s which was hanging limply by his side.

“It’s just Hajime. He’s a childhood friend.” Kokichi paused, taking in Kaito’s expression which had considerably darkened, “you’re not jealous are you, dearest one?”

“W-what?” Kaito tried to sound convincing, but Kokichi had unfortunately been right on the money. Kaito struggled to wrap his head around why he was jealous when he wasn’t even sure if he liked Kokichi in the way? Sure, Kokichi was fucking beautiful, and an amazing kisser but they had barely spent time together one on one. Could Kaito really like Kokichi in that way?

“It’s alright if you are,” Kokichi said surprisingly softly interrupting Kaito’s spiralling train of thought. “Everyone falls for me because I lead people on, and I manage to fuck everything up, because I can’t deal with people liking me.”

Kaito was taken aback at the raw honest of Kokichi’s statement. Sure Kokichi was exaggerating about everyone falling for him, but the smaller boy had swarms of admirers. Despite the fact it had taken him a while to get anywhere, the fact that Kokichi was slowly starting to say how he truly felt, even if the truth was sandwiched between deceit made Kaito’s chest swell with pride, “I’m sure that’s not true bud.”

“Which part?”

“The part about everyone falling for you, and the part about you messing everything up.”

Kokichi stuck his tongue out at Kaito, “how rude! I’ll have you know I’m irresistible.” Kaito simply laughed, pulling the smaller boy onto his lap.

“Wow so direct! I knew You couldn’t resist wanting to be close to me.” Kokichi made himself comfortable on his new seat and directed the larger boy’s arms around him as if he were a puppet master, and Kaito was his puppet on a string. “Come on kiss me! If Hajime was here, he would kiss me-” Kokichi exclaimed, and at the mention of his presumed love rival Kaito smacked their lips together without hesitation.

“There, happy now?”


The two sat there together, conversing for the rest of Kaito’s free period. By the end of their time together, Kokichi had almost fallen asleep on the porch nestled into Kaito’s sturdy chest. Unfortunately, Kaito was due back in college for Physics in ten minutes and if he wanted to be on time he had to leave in the next few minutes.

“Hey Kokichi,” Kaito said whilst he carried Kokichi inside.

“Hm…?” Kokichi glanced up sleepily, refusing to move from his position.

“Is it alright if I join you and…” Kaito struggled to recall the name of the boy that had interrupted their make out session earlier.

“Hajime,” Kokichi supplied, something wicked flashing in his eyes, “of course you can join us! I’m sure you guys will become the best of friends.”

“Alright then.”

After carefully placing Kokichi on the sofa in the family longue, Kaito bid goodbye to the smaller boy with a tender forehead kiss.

“Silly Kaito, so sappy.”

Kaito smiled, brushing off the 'insult', setting off back to the college campus. Unbeknownst to the taller boy, Kokichi smiled craftily as he lied on the sofa. He knew that Hajime and Kaito both hanging out with him was going to end disastrously, so he might as well make it as entertaining as possible.

Series this work belongs to: