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The Dark Miracle


One his way to meet some old friends in Lumiose City. A blizzard appear out of the blue and Ash was taken. Now is friends old and new go and try and find him and bring him home. The question is will they make it time? or will the friend they know be gone forever.


Warning: This does have some graphic scenes this is not you ordinary childhood show were it's family friendly you have been warn.
Updates: They will be slow, because I have really bad writer's block.

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The Danger Within The Snow!

Chapter Text

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon or the main characters of the story.

Notes: Ash will be having the Pokémon's from XYZ  series since they're the only ones I can remember by heart.

Wind and snow fall down harshly in the winter white forest covering everything in a sheet of white icy snow. Every snow Pokémon is in their dens or homes to stay out of the harsh weather. Some are either bundled in a pile to keep each other warm in tree hollows or buried deep underground in tunnels where it's a lot warmer than above ground. 


Sadly a group of kids and one yellow electric mouse type Pokémon on one of the groups shoulders were caught in this deadly snow storm. The oldest and tallest kid of the group was a young seventeen year old black male with short brown spiky hair. The teen's name is Brock who’s becoming the best Pokémon breeder. A thirteen year old girl with orange hair in a pixie bob haircut stood behind the taller boy rubbing her purple winter coated arms. Her name is Misty and she is a water type gym leader in Cerulean City.


Last but not least is a twelve year old boy with raven black messy hair, with a red baseball cap on top of his head and has brown eyes that sometimes look red when light or the sun shines in them. This boy is a trainer wanting to become a Pokémon Master by winning in Pokémon battles starting with his starter Pokémon Pikachu who is the electric mouse type Pokémon on his shoulder clinging tightly so he doesn’t get blown off. 


Ash saw this as he grabbed his partner and placed him in the blue winter coat and zipped it up so that they both stayed warm. 


“Pikachu,” the electric type Pokémon said, thanking his trainer. 


Ash let out a small laugh ” No problem buddy you just stay in there until we find a nice place to get warm.” he said to his starter. 


“That’s if-brr- if we find anything! I can’t see a thing.” the girl named Misty said, as she buried in her purple winter coat as possible. 


“That makes two of us with all this snow and wind coming down. There's no way we can find a place anytime soon.” Brock explained as he looked around in the white coated forest. 


Misty groans, ”If you ask me it seems like we are going in circles, but we wouldn’t know if we are since the snow covers our tracks up.” she complained, ”I knew we should’ve waited until tomorrow. Now we are lost and stranded in the middle of a forest, but worse, we were lost in a blizzard.” the orange hair girl thought. 


“Well complaining won't get us anywhere. Come on, we might be lucky to find a cave or something to get out of this weather.” Brock said as he stretched his hands out to keep the snow from hitting his face. 


The other two mimic the oldest person of the group as they trudged forward in the thick snow. Little did the trio of friends know someone or maybe more were watching them. A group of people in white and black suits who seem to be unbothered by the harsh weather conditions.


“Are you positive that boy is the target?” one person in the group said while looking through a special made binoculars to let you see anything through any condition for weathers just like this one. 


Another person with long purple hair in the group stood behind the one who had the binoculars and said, ”Yes I’m very positive madam that boy is the one we’re looking for, not many kids are born with z’s birthmark on their cheeks.” they said respectively. 


The first grunt nodded, ”Okay, we’ll get him when he’s by himself and when your Glalie blizzard move effects wear off.” they explained as they walked away from their hiding place. 


Back to the trio who now manage to find a cave to get out of the harsh weather were huddled together by a small fire that they were able to make.


It was getting darker outside the cave and their fire was getting smaller. Brock was about to get up and see if he could find more wood or sticks for the fire, but Ash stopped him.


“ I’ll go out and find stuff for the fire Brock. It is my fault that we’re stuck out here. I was in such a rush to reach Lumiose City, so you guys can meet a friend that I met on one of my journeys. Now I got us stuck in a snowstorm and the only way I can make it up to you guys is if I go out and look for some wood.” he explained apologetically. 


“Ash don’t beat yourself over it, we all made a decision to move forward in our journey. We are old enough to make choices on our own. If we didn’t want to go we wouldn’t have gone.” Brock said. 


Misty nodded her head, ”That’s right even though I didn’t want to go at first I still chose to go with you. So it’s not your fault that this snow storm came out of nowhere.” she explained. 


Ash smiled at his friends, ”Thanks guys, but still I can’t just let only Brock do all the work I mean he’s not the only one on this journey. I’ll be back before you know it.” he told his friends, as he headed to the entrance of the cave. Pikachu was about to follow his trainer when Ash stopped him ” No Pikachu, I know you want to come with me but it's really cold out there and I don't want you to freeze to death. Besides, someone has to make sure Brock and Misty are safe while I’m gone and I know you can do that job real well.” The raven-hair boy said to the mouse Pokémon with a smile on his face.


“Pika chu.” the mouse Pokémon replied worriedly as his ears went back against his skull. 


Ash scratches the Pokémon left ear, ”Don’t worry buddy I will be back before you know it. Now I’m counting on you to do your job while I’m away. Can you do that until I get back?” he asked his starter.


Pikachu perked up a bit, ”Pikachu!” he said excitedly, ears pointing straight up, as he saluted.


Ash laughed, ”That’s great I’m counting on you to do a great job buddy. See you guys in a little bit. I'll try to come back with some wood or sticks if I’m lucky.” he said as he started leaving the cave.


“Okay, be safe out there Ash.” Brock said, as he poke the small fire to keep it from going out.


“I will, I promise I’ll be back,” the raven-haired boy said.


With that being said the ten year old Ash Ketchum left the cave not knowing that he would unwillingly break his promise to his partner and friends.


Meanwhile, back to the group of people in strange suits, they saw their target leave the cave.


“Ma'am the boy has left the cave. Should we go and capture him?” a person said with the special binoculars in their hands.


“No time like the present, yes go after him while the boy is vulnerable.” the women leader commanded. 


“Yes madam, alright everybody you heard the Commander go after the subject.” the person commanded the other people in their group.


“YES SIR!!” they shouted as they went into the woods after a certain raven hair boy who was out looking for firewood for his friends.


Ash was looking around in an almost dark winter wonderland forest as he dug through snow and tried climbing trees for twigs and small branches.


“Man, hard to see when there’s barely any light. Oh! I know who can help with that, Talonflame come on out!” the boy shouted as he tossed a pokeball in the air as a blue light materialized a red and black hawk-like bird.


“TALONFLAME!” the bird screamed out. 


“Hey Talonflame, sorry to disturb your sleep, but do you think you can use flame charge to light the place up a bit?” Ash asked his flying type Pokémon. 


“Talon” the bird nodded its head in agreement as it flew up a bit before its wings burst into flames lighting up the area a bit. 


“Thanks Talonflame, you think you can make that move last longer just a bit?” he asked his bird Pokémon.


“Talon” the bird Pokémon agreed as its wings burn brighter flying above her trainer.  


“Alright now to find some sticks and twigs.” as he started to collect some twigs that were half buried in the snow. 


Ash just about had an arm full of twigs and sticks when an Ice Beam move hit Talonflame causing the bird to fall to the powder and wet snow ground unconscious. 


“Talonflame! Hey, what's the big idea!?” Ash shouted, as he looked around where the Ice Beam came from. 


“Froslass, use Shadow Ball!” an unfamiliar voice shouted/commanded, as a dark ball of energy hit the boy causing the lad to fall backwards a good feet or two away.


“Hey, don’t kill the kid!, the boss said the subject needs to be alive idiot.” another unfamiliar spoke. 


“Weavile, use Icy Wind!” a different unfamiliar voice shouted. 


Just as Ash was about to get up he was hit with a gust of cold icy winds and a piece of ice ball hit him in the head causing him to fall to the ground unconscious. 


“Did no one listen to what I just said? You better hope he’s alive or it's your hide that the boss is gonna hang on the mantle next.” a man's voice shouted out angrily. 


The group close in around the unconscious boy and the flying/dual type Pokémon. One of the people in a suit walked up to the boy and placed his fingers against the lads neck. ”He’s alive, but barely.” he said as he picked up the boy off the ground. 


“Hold on, boss doesn’t want the subject to have any of his Pokémon's with him.” said a person in a masculine voice from earlier.


Once everything but his clothes and hat was removed did they cuff the boy's hands and feet. They loaded the boy on one of their snowmobiles that they brought with them. 


“Commander, we got the boy, we are on our way to the ship.” the manly voice said into the comms in his ears.


“Good, hurry up, the boss doesn’t like to have to wait.” the Commander said as the comms went silent. 


The group of people soon vanish as the only evidence that anyone was there was Ash’s Pokeballs that are on his belt, his hat, the unconscious Talonflame, and the snowmobile tracks that soon disappear because of the snow.


Twenty minutes later Brock, Misty, and Pikachu arrived at the scene after hearing all the commotion finding nothing but their friends Pokémon and Pokeballs. Pikachu tried smelling his trainer scent, but there was too much scent and wet snow mixed together for him to find his trainer. Talonflame tried to tell her trainer friends about what happened, but of course they can only understand that her trainer was kidnapped, but don't know who, what, or why.


Pikachu understood everything and was sad and angry that there was nothing he could do to help save his trainer, no not just a trainer, a friend. Ash was like no trainer that he had like that one time. He used to have a trainer before he met Ash, he had just turned into Pikachu when a man captured him. For a good while they were a great team that was until his trainer became harsher in his training. 


At first Pikachu didn’t mind the training if it meant he was getting stronger. A month went by and they were in a gym match and he lost. Ever since that gym battle he kept on losing battles left and right. Then it seems his trainer had enough of his uselessness as one day on their journey to a different city. His trainer put the Pokeballs that he was in by a tree and left him and he didn’t have a clue. It wasn’t until someone or something bummed into his Pokeballs releasing him and when he didn’t see his trainer in sight he was confused. 


He thought maybe his trainer accidentally dropped him and didn’t notice, so he waited and waited but his trainer never returned to retrieve him. Then one day it hit him like a herd of Geodude and it angered him that he used a Thunderbolt on his Pokeballs breaking it in two. With his Pokeballs broken he was released from it and was now a wild Pokémon once more. 


He was a wild Pokémon for four years until he was caught by a Professor when he was chewing on some electric wires. Once again he was trapped in a Pokeballs once more and it upset him. 


Then he met him, a ten year old boy who wanted to pursue his dream of becoming a Pokémon Master. Yeah, that sounded childish at first when Pikachu heard that from the boy, but when the boy kept on trying and trying even managing to gain some trust that he promised to never to do ever again. It was when his trainer stood in front of him spreading his arm out to protect him from the flock of Spearow and gave him the choice to get in his Pokeballs to protect himself that he knew that this trainer was different from his last one. 


Even though Pikachu trusted Ash with his life he still has that fear of abandonment. That maybe Ash will have enough of him that he wouldn’t be strong enough for Ash and he will be left behind. That’s why he doesn’t want to go back in the Pokeballs, because he doesn’t want to be left behind. He wants to stay by his trainer's side until they achieve their goal together and become the very best. 


Now his trainer and friend is gone, and this time it wasn’t because of abandonment, it was because he wasn’t strong enough, wasn’t fast. He could’ve just not listened to Ash and gone with him anyways, but no stupid Pikachu just had to stay behind. 


“Pikachu?” He heard Misty or Pikachupi call his name. He looked up at the orange hair girl and he couldn’t help the tears that fell from his eyes. 


“PIKACHU!” He burst into tears as he clutched Pikachupi's legs sobbing and apologizing for not being able to protect his trainer and friend. 


Misty bent down and grabbed Pikachu and started comforting him, ”Ah poor Pikachu it’s okay we’ll find Ash and everything is going to be fine alright.” she said and a soothing voice. Pikachu just cried harder causing the water Pokémon trainer winter pants to become wet and frozen within seconds. The girl started crying her own tears as well, she picked up the electric mouse Pokémon in her arms. 


The two humans and both Pokémon went back to the cave as they decided to stay there for tonight and will go to Lumiose City to find a police station first thing in the morning. 


“I don’t like how that blizzard appeared out of nowhere and then just vanished as soon as the commotion started.” Brock said out loud putting more wood onto the fire that he gathered when they were heading back to the cave earlier. 


Misty looks up with worry reading all over her face, ”You don’t think that someone was after Ash specifically do you? If so, what for and why? How long were they spying or following us just to wait for the right moment when Ash is by himself?” she asked frantically. 


“The first question is maybe so, but the for and why I do not know for sure. It could be that he’s a Pokémon trainer, but if that were the case then they would’ve taken us as well. For all we know the people that took Ash could have been spying on us since the very beginning when we first met Ash a year and four months ago.” Brock explained. 


Pikachu who has been lying on Misty’s lap watched and listened to the two conversations. His ear drooped down every time they spoke about Pikapi or Ash. He really wants Ash back; he feels empty without the boy. 


“Do you think maybe it’s Team Rocket that took Ash?” Misty asked out of the blue causing Pikachu ears to perk up giving all his attention. 


Bock thought for a momen t, ”Maybe, but the Team Rocket we know don’t seem the type to just kidnap a kid unless they are after Pokémon. Also I’m one hundred percent sure if they did kidnap him they will appear out of the blue doing their motto right about now.” he told the orange-haired girl. 


Just as soon as he said that a cluster of the Team Rocket group rolled right past them into the back of the cave faster than the speed of light. A woman with hot pink hair and a man with dark blue were on the ground all ragged moaning in pain along with a Meowth and a Wobbuffet. 


“TEAM ROCKET!” Misty and Brock shouted in sync.


Pikachu jumped off Misty's lap and got into a battle stance, his cheeks sparking with electricity and growling as he stared down at the group. 


Meowth recovered quickly, ”Wow wow wow hold up pale we did not mean to land here alright. This all just by pure accident and we are not after ya at all so please just give us a break.” the normal cat type Pokémon said in human speech. 


“Oh yeah! Why should we believe anything you say?” Misty yelled at him. 


Meowth started to panic, ”You gotta, if we were after the terp Pikachu we would’ve done this differently and we would try capturing him by now instead of most of us being unconscious.” he said pleadingly.


It was then that Meowth noticed something amiss of the group of twerps, ”Wait a second, where is the Pikachu’s twerp anyway?” he asked in confusion, because that twerp and his Pikachu were inseparable and one is usually not alone without the other. 


“Piiiii Ka!” Pikachu shouted out angrily.


Meowth flinches at the harshness of Pikachu’s voice, ”Huh? None of my business. Hey now I wasn’t being mean about it, it was a general question of concern.” he yelled back a little angry at Pikachu’s rudeness. 


“Pika Pakapi?” Pikachu asked.


“Where’s Ash? You mean the twerp? Now how should I know that? Do I look like a Pokémon that has Psychic powers that can see the future!” Meowth shouted, fuming in anger. 


“Pikachu Pi?” Pikachu said softly. 


“No we didn’t kidnap him, why would we kidnap the twerp?” Meowth asked. 


Misty decided to speak before Pikachu had the chance, ”One reason could be using him as bait and the second one could be that he couldn’t get in your way of taking Pikachu.” she said.


“Alright alright I get that we don’t have a good reputation with ya twerps, but honestly if we had the twerp he would be with us.” Meowth explained. 


Pikachu stared at Meowth to see if there was any lie or manipulation. When he saw none he slumped down in defeat and started crying. The yellow electric mouse Pokémon cries echo throughout the forest up into the stars in the sky.



Up in the night sky a military plane looking thing with a black capital G on the side of it flies through the air without a care in the world. Inside the plane was the same group of people in white and black suits walking around and doing their jobs that they were a sign to do. In the back of the plane a boy with black raven hair laid in a capsule-like machine with what looks like an air mask on his face sleeping peacefully. 


A few Pokémon in clear boxes looked at the boy in the capsule machine with dejected looks on their faces. One Pokémon that had red fur and Ninetails walked closer to the clear glass that kept it from escaping to get a good look at the boy. 


“ Nine ninetales nine?” ( Why do these humans kidnap a human hatchling?) the fire type Pokémon asked the others. 


A brown Pokémon with long rabbit like ears went closer to the clear glass as well to get a better look. When it got a better view on what the Ninetales was talking about its ear dropped back against its skull.


“ Eevee Eev Eevee.” (Aww poor Hatchling) it chirps in concern. 


A brown armadillo looking creature looked away from the sleeping boy and curled up into a ball.


“ San sand sandslash.” ( Whatever the reason is, it can't be good.”) it said quietly. 


Suddenly a door opened in the room they were all in as a human who was tall and slim with long black hair that went down to their shoulder blade. The person wore what every crew member wore on the ship as they held a device in their hand which showed a different human on it as they talked to one another back and forward. 


“We got the test subject sir. He is now contained as you can see.” The feminine voice spoke to the device as she turned the device so the person on the screen can see. 


“ Good work Commander.” the masculine voice praised on the screen spoke through the device, ” Did you happen to catch an Umbreon as well?” they asked. 


The commander bowed their head a little, ”Sorry sir we were unable to do so, but we were able to catch a Eevee though sir.” the female human said. 


“That’s quite alright Commander, Umbreon’s are hard to find in the wild, but I’m sure we can make do with the Eevee.” the male human on the device said. 


The woman sighs in relief, ”Sir, is it alright if I ask you a question?” she asked worriedly.


“You may proceed, Commander.” The male human granted the Commander permission. 


The woman took some deep breath of air, ”Are you positive this is gonna work? With all the failures we came across, what if we fail again?” she asked. 


“Don’t worry Commander, I'm positive we won’t fail this time. If we ever do fail again we could always find another.” the male human answered. 


With that said the male human hung up as the woman pocketed her device in her pocket, ”I hope he’s right about you little boy or you’ll be just another dead corpse on Team Galaxy conscious.” The woman said, as she left the room. 


“ Nine nine ninetales nine ninetales nine.” ( I can’t believe humans would do such a thing to their own hatchlings.)  the Ninetales said sadly. 


“Eevee eev eevee eevee.” ( That’s how things are now sadly.) Eevee said sorrowfully. 


“ Sandslash sand sand sandslash sand.” ( There’s nothing we can do now, go to sleep.) the ground type Pokémon said tiredly.


Three weeks later:


“ Winter snow is falling down

Children laughing all around

Lights are turning on

Like a fairy tale come true

Sitting by the fire we made

You're the answer when I prayed

I would find someone

And baby I found you


All I want is to hold you forever

All I need is you more every day

You saved my heart

From being broken apart

You gave your love away

And I'm thankful every day

For the gift


“For the love of all Pokémon, turn that stupid music off, Christmas is not until another seven weeks.” a man in a truck said to a younger man in the driver seat.


The young man that’s driving laughed, ”Ha jokes on you old man, my vehicle my rules deal with it.” The lad said. The elderly man in the passenger seat groaned as the Christmas song continued and when that song was over another Christmas song played and another and another. Long excruciating hour of non-stop Christmas songs and finally the commercials came on. 


“Good afternoon everyone I hope your day is doing great and getting into holiday spirit. Christmas is seven weeks away and people are already shopping for presents for their kids for the holiday. Jeff I feel like people forget we have Thanksgiving. It's like once Halloween is over people start putting up Christmas trees and lights.” 


“Yeah Lida I feel the same way when I was a kid we wouldn’t decorate for Christmas until three days until Christmas. Anyways we’re getting off track here let's get to the weather forecast. Okay Pallet Town is at 35 degrees and it’s supposed to drop through the night and they are also expecting some snow showers, probably one to two inches.” 


“Wow, it seems mother nature decided to visit Pallet Town early. I might just go there for Christmas.”


“Right, but I would go to Luminous City if I were you because according to the radar they are expecting some great amount of snow for a good three weeks. Actually it might not be best going there because they're expecting five to eight inches of snow and possibly more.”


“You know Jeff, I heard a lot of strange things about Luminous City. Apparently about a week ago they had a snow storm that appeared in the middle of nowhere right beside it. Like it didn’t hit the city, but it did in the woods right outside of the border of the city.”






“How come it’s my very first time hearing this?”


“Well I was told about three days ago, but apparently somebody videoed it and put it on PokeTok and it went viral, but I guess not enough for news reporters to hear about it.”


“Wow, but you said you heard a lot of strange things about the city, what else is there?”


“Well I heard a ten year old boy went missing in that snow storm, but not only that Professors have been reporting some of their Pokémon's that were healing have been going missing.”


“How are we only hearing this now?”


“I don’t know, but that’s what I’ve been told.” 


“Well our time is up, we will talk more about the weather on our next break. You're hearing Jeff and Lida from Charizard radio signing off.”


It’s the most wonder-


The radio was shut off causing the driver to look at the passenger angrily. ”Hey I was listening to that!” they grip.


“Yeah yeah hey I’m changing my coordinates, take me to Lumiose City.” the elderly man ordered. 


The driver scoffed, ”Do I look like a Transporter to you? Last time I checked I wasn’t. I’m not driving all away to Kalos from Galar.” the young man said in frustration.  


The older man growled, ”Listen I’ll pay for your time alright just get me to Lumiose City then you can go wherever you want.” he grumbled.


“Fine fine fine! But you owe me big time!” the driver shouted in aggravation.


With that said they drove silently as the vehicle disappeared from sight on the road it was traveling on. 




Somewhere deep in a forest far away from any city a building that’s from prying eyes from above and on the ground. It’s hard to find unless you know what you're looking for in the first place. The building looked like some warehouse from the outside, but when you look inside of the building it looks totally different.


Tons of people in white coats walking around. Clear containers that resemble prison cells with different Pokémon's in them. In the middle of the room showed a clear cylinder filled with purple liquid with a human child inside with an air mask on his face. He also had IVs and other things connected to him pumping whatever into his system. 


The people had many struggles with the boy as he once used to pull the IVs, wires, and tubes connected to him off him, so they resorted to sedating him from now on. Beside the clear cylinder was a clear box that had a Umbreon which used to be an Eevee. The creature had an IV connected to drawing its blood into the boy in the cylinder container. 


They hadn’t made too much headway as they were waiting on a certain ingredient before continuing their experiment. They hoped they wouldn’t have to wait for too long as they were on a time limit and no one in the laboratory wanted to have to face the wrath of the man who is their boss.


Thanksgiving Day:


Delia sat at her kitchen table with a coffee cup in her hand. Steam rising up in the air as she gently put the bitter black liquid to her mouth. Normally she would be cooking and baking things on this particular day, but she doesn’t have the will to do such a thing. How could any mother just do normal things when their only child is missing, supposedly kidnapped by some unknown people. 


She knows the police are doing everything in their power to find her precious son, but she can’t help feeling that they are not trying hard enough. Ash was all she had in life ever since she and her husband divorce. Other than her ex-husband who is probably doing who knows what now she has no one. No mom, dad, sister’s, brother’s, aunt’s, uncles, or grandparents. She was the only child in her family and so was her parent’s. Her grandparents died before she was born and her parents died in a car crash when they tried to get to her wedding. 


When she found out she was pregnant she was overjoyed with excitement and couldn’t wait to tell her husband. Turns out that the people you thought would stick by your side forever can turn their backs on you faster than you can snap your finger. He left her after she told him she was pregnant because he wasn’t ready to have a family. 


She was heartbroken when she watched the man that she loved with all her heart walk out the front door to never return. She cried many tears, but she knew crying would not make her life any easier. So she moved into a different place called Pallet Town where she ended up meeting an old friend from her Pokémon Journey back in her days, Professor Oak. Oak helped her get a house and everything she needed for the baby and herself. 


The day her water broke she rushed to Professor Oak Lab as she didn’t have a vehicle at the time and plus I don’t think women who are in labor shouldn’t be driving anyways. By the time she reached the laboratory it was too late to rush to a hospital. So Professor Oak, who had some medical training, helped Delia birth her baby boy. You heard that right, Ash Ketchum was not born in a hospital like most babies are but in a Pokémon Laboratory. 


When Ash finally came into the world of the living Pokémon's at the lab came to see the baby boy. Professor was shocked to see most of his Pokémon in the lab came to the baby as he had never witnessed anything like it before.


So Delia did what any good mother would do: she fed him, she changed his diapers, she bathed him, put him to bed, and gave him unconditional love. As her son grew older the more her baby boy started looking more like her Ex-husband each passing day. At first she felt uneasy about it at first, but soon shrugged it off. 


But every time she looked at her baby boy she couldn’t help missing the man she held so close to her heart just for the guy to rip it out of her and stomp on it. But no matter what she loved her son and she would do everything in her power that Ash would become the greatest man that anyone met.


But like every young boy they are energetic and little tiny adventures. Ash went missing one day and Delia couldn’t find him. She got many of the neighbors to help look for him, but they didn’t have any luck. It wasn’t until the next morning that they found little Ash coming out of the woods with a few baby Pokémon's behind him. Delia was so overjoyed that Ash was found she didn’t question the wild Pokémon's that were with him.  


She didn’t have to ask him anyways as the young boy told how he got lost and found a cave when it started raining and there were baby Pokémon's that were stuck out in the rain as well. At first they were afraid of him, but Ash somehow managed to coach them to come inside the cave with him. Then he told his mother that he wanted to become a Pokémon master and make tons of Pokémon friends. 


Before she knew it her baby boy turned ten and was on his way to start his Pokémon journey. She was worried at first, like any mother would be when their child leaves them for some good time. But over the months and close to a year she learned that her baby boy had grown so much. Of course he still acts childish I mean for pete sake his only ten not fifteen let him live a little while he still can. 


But now she is not sure if she will see her baby boy ever again. She squeezed her coffee mug as her hands began to shake as her eyes were shut tight. 


“ Pikachu.”


Her eyes flew open startled by the sudden sound from a certain yellow Pokémon. Tears gathered up in her eyes as the yellow electric mouse Pokémon had one of Ashe’s old baseball caps that he used to wear all the time. She couldn’t control herself as she finally burst into tears as they fell off her face like rain drops. 




Pikachu watched his trainer mother burst into hysteria dropping the coffee mug onto the floor shattering on contact, but the grieving mother didn’t seem to care as she cried into her hands. The mouse Pokémon ears droop back as tears also gathered in his eyes as well and starts crying into his trainer's old baseball cap.


While other families are enjoying Thanksgiving dinner and having fun playing games, eating, and spending time with one another. In the Ketchum’s Household it was nothing but grief and sorrow.


Unknown Laboratory:


A scientist was writing on a clipboard checking the boy vitals that were in a clear cylinder with purple liquid inside. They removed the IV from the Umbreon that was once connected to the boy as they didn’t want their subject to die. They now were just waiting for their missing ingredient that they've been waiting on for almost a month now. 


Once the scientist knew everything was fine they went over to an area that had a ton of buttons and levers. They put the clipboard on a nearby stand table as they pulled down a green little lever. One of the clear tubs that was attached to the raven hair boy in the cylinder container filled up with green liquids as it flowed into the boy. The child's face scrunched up in pain, but did not stir. 


The doctor then pulled down a blue lever, another tub filled up with blue liquid and flowed into the boy. This time a small pain grunt was made from the boy behind the air mask on his face as he started to thrash a little. The scientist stopped for a moment and checked the vitals on the screen. The brain wave has spiked a little but not too badly for concern.


The doctor continued the things they had to do on the list of papers. Once they finished everything needed to be done on the list they walked over checking on other cylinders with Pokémon's in them. While they were checking on a Squirtle another scientist burst through the doors.


“ SIR SIR WE FOUND SOMETHING THAT MIGHT BE THE KEY WE ARE MISSING!” a young scientist said who looked to be in his twenties. 


The older scientist turned around quickly after hearing those words, ” What is it that you found?” he asked. 


The young scientist waited a moment to catch his breath before speaking. “We tested Absol DNA to the boy’s and Umbreon DNA together and everything turned out perfectly. Sir, we can make a whole new species of Pokémon.” the scientist said excitedly. 


“ Hmm, alright get everything ready for preparation and get everyone else here as fast as you can.” the older scientist commanded. 


The young scientist froze ” Now? But sir you jus-” the lad didn’t get to finish his sentences as the older one turned around at him with a glare.


“ Did I stutter?” the elder growled. The young scientist shook his head frantically as he clutched an Upad(1) to his chest. ” Good now go do what I commanded you to do, NOW! the older scientist yelled. 


The younger scientist yelped as they scrambled away out of the room. Meanwhile the older scientist looked at the ten year old boy in the tank curled up in a fetus(2) positioned. ” You’ll be the next big thing that the world has never seen.” they said.


Three Months later( Yes a new year is beginning and the month will be Feb.) 


Somewhere far away in a different region a Pokémon that’s pink and looks like a floating cat was flying around in circles. Suddenly it stopped as it felt a jolt, a feeling that something was wrong and turned around in the direction that it felt it was coming from. It tilted its head in confusion and curiosity. 


It moved forward a few inches before closing its eyes and vanished in a blue light. It reappears in a different place surrounded by trees and wildlife. Well almost nothing but wildlife if it wasn’t for a huge building in front of it. 


“ Mew?” it said in confusion as it moved forward a bit. 


“ So you felt it as well, Mew?” a masculine voice spoken causing the pink Mew turned around at the voice. There was a huge creature kind of like a Mew but also different as it has an extra neck and the skin color was a light purple. “ It has been a while since we last met each other, but I think we were too busy fighting one another.” the creature said.


“ Mew mew?” ( Mewtwo right?) Mew asked.


The creature now known as Mewtwo nodded his head, ” Yes, so are we going to investigate what’s going on in that building or stand here and talk about life?” he said sarcastically. 


“ Mew mew mew.” ( You don’t have to be mean.” ) Mew said, as she started floating toward the building with Mewtwo floating behind her, following. Mew and Mewtwo floated around the building making sure no camera was spying on them. Soon Mew came to an erupted stop as she floated above a certain area of the building where the feeling was the strongest. 


“ Mew Mew!” she said to Mewtwo pointing right underneath her with her small paws.


Mewtwo floated toward her ” So what we are sensing is below us.” he stated. 


Mew nodded her head in confirmation as she opened a portal to help her faze through the roof. Mewtwo jolted in shock ” Hey, you don’t know if there’s humans lurking around Mew!” he said as he opened a portal as well and did the exact same thing Mew did; hypocrite. 


When Mewtwo fazed through the ceiling into an unknown room that was almost familiar to him. Empty cylinder containers line up against the wall and computers and machines humming and beeping. A feeling in his chest told him something was very wrong and he didn’t like it. He floated around looking for Mew who seemed to have disappeared. 


He didn’t have to search long when he heard a distress cry from Mew herself. He floated in the direction where he heard the cry come from, when he got there he froze at the sight he saw. A container filled with strange liquids held an unknown creature that he had never seen before. The creature was about the size of an Umbreon, but had white and gray fur. There was something about this Unknown Pokémon that just seems familiar to Mewtwo, but he can’t seem to know why. 


“Mew, mew mew.”( No, not again. ) Mew said sadly, as tears swelled up in her eyes.


Mewtwo was shocked to hear those words, because 1.What does she mean again? And 2.How did she know this unknown Pokémon that he never heard or saw before? He went to say something, but didn’t get the chance to as the sound of footsteps echoed behind the door. He quickly grabbed Mew and hid behind boxes that were stacked in a corner of the room.


The door to the room opened with a swoosh sound as a man that looked to be in his twenties entered the room with a clipboard in his hand. The stranger hummed a tune as he looked at the unknown Pokémon and the screen and wrote whatever on the clipboard. Mewtwo silently watched the man between two boxes where a small opening was. The man pushed a button causing purple liquid to go down a tube that's connected to the unknown Pokémon in the container. 


The unknown creature in the tank withered in pain, but did not wake. Mew and Mewtwo watched as the purple liquid continued to flow into an unknown Pokémon. What felt like forever the liquid stopped flowing into the creature as the man left the room with the door closing behind him. 


Mew and Mewtwo floated out of the hiding place as they floated toward the tank that the unknown creature was trapped in. 


“ Well, it seems humans never change, do they?” Mewtwo growled with his arm crossed as he looked at the creature that was still wincing in pain. Mewtwo then uncrossed his arm and started forming a blue orb ” It’s best if we put it out of its misery.” he said. 


Mew flinched in shock as she flew right in front of Mewtwo, who was about to throw the blue orb at the tank. 


“MEW!”( “ NO!”) she shouted, spreading her tiny arms as far as they could go. 


Mewtwo glared at the pink Mew ” Move aside Mew, it’s for the best then let the creature suffer.” he said. 


Mew didn’t move from his position ” Mew, mew mew mew” ( “ No, I won’t let you do it.” ) she said determinedly. 


“ You are foolish to let this creature live, Mew. It will either die or just go berserk like I did. It’s for the best if it dies. It may be in some twisted way, be one of us, but it’s better to be dead than alive.” Mewtwo explained. 


“MEW!”( “NO!” ) she shouted, shaking her head with confidence. 


Mewtwo growled as he canceled the attack ” Why are you so adamant on saving this man made creature?” he asked. 


Mew looked down at the floor before looking back at Mewtwo. Something seemed to click in Mewtwo as his face showed realization.


“ You, you know something don’t you.” he said. 


Mew just looked away from Mewtwo causing the bigger Pokémon to become angry as his eyes flashed blue.


“ WHAT DO YOU KNOW MEW!” he yelled. 


Mew started to shake, but did not move away. She soon looked up at Mewtwo with sadness in her eyes, tears gathering in her eyes not a single one escaping her tear ducts. 


“ Mew” ( “Ash” ) she said quietly barely above a whisper.


Mewtwo's eyes went back to normal quickly as he stared down the pink Pokémon. A long moment of silence dragged out for a good minute or so before Mewtwo seemed to find his voice.


“ What do you mean by Ash?” he asked, although it was more of a statement than a question. 


Mew looked at the Unknown Pokémon in the tank before looking back at Mew.


“ The boy that jumped in between our attacks to stop us from fighting. If you kill this Pokémon then you kill him.” Mew answered finally using her telepathic voice to speak to Mewtwo. 


Mewtwo looked at the pink cat-like creature, before looking at the tank that held the creature that he was gonna kill. Suddenly anger flashes into Mewtwo's eyes as he looked back at Mew.


“ What you are saying is that the humans are using their own kind to make unknown Pokémon and have exceeded it by using that boy, Ash.” he disclaimed. 


Silence was met.


Until it wasn’t


A Pikachu was sleeping in his Trainer bed fast asleep, but it wasn’t a peaceful one. Every once in a while he’ll twitch in his sleep. In his dream it was pitch black with only Pikachu looking around in the black abyss. 


When he was here the first time in the dream? Nightmare? He felt pain like a Chespin racer leaf move. He also felt scared and alone like a part of him is missing like he was losing himself. It was like a Physic Pokémon trying to control him and make him do their bidding. What was strange was that Pikachu felt like he was floating. As if he was underwater and able to breathe kind of floating. He felt eyes watching him even though there was no one around in the black abyss. 




Wait, what was that?


“ Anyone”


No, that can’t be, but it is.


“ Help me”  


It is! It’s Ash, his trainer's voice he’s calling for help. He has to help him!


“ please”


No, it’s moving farther away. Hang on Ash I’m coming!


The yellow mouse Pokémon started running toward where he heard the voice.


Ash! Please scream again please!




No! Ash please I’m coming I’m coming shout again anything please!




Ash! Please I’m sorry please say something, anything please I’m sorry don’t leave me!


“ Pika…….chu”


Yes! That’s it please one more time I’m almost there!


Silence again


No, Ash please don’t leave me!




Please, don’t leave me.




The floor underneath Pikachu’s feet shattered as fell into a bright light. 


Pikachu woke up startled


As the story continues…

 Hey everyone here's a story that I had for a while now, so enjoy I guess hope you like it!

1: An Upad is the same thing as an Ipad, the name is just different.

2: Fetus- an offspring of a human or other mammal in the stages of prenatal development that follow the embryo stage. They are curled up looking like the letter C while still in the parent womb. 

Until next time! Peace Out!