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Part 2 of DB2 Birthday fics!!! đŸ„łđŸŽ‰đŸŽ‚



Jack seems to be the only person in the Mist who never smiled. Eiji and the others try to help, but it will not be an easy challange....


Hiiii!! So i decided to write another fic, but this time, i tried to follow lily's tips! :DDD
Also, one day, i'll try to edit and add a new chapter at that roleswap fic i did a few days ago, but rn i'm too lazy to do any of them, so expect a part 2 of what happened in there or grammar corrections to appear in a very VERY long time. :')

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Chapter 1: Eiji tries by himself to make Jack smile


Eiji does a challange, to see if he can make Jack smile. But then he realises he can't do this alone.


Thanks for the tips lily, i really appreciate it! :))
Enjoy! ;D

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Smile!" Eiji, holding his camera ready to snap a photo, tried to cheer up his friend, who always seemed to either way have a resting face, either way be super angry for not getting any tip or constantly getting picked on by Yronica for being the shortest guy in the Mist. Yes, you guessed it right: Eiji was trying to cheer up Jack. Right now, the shorter boy was just sipping on his noodles, while staring at his friend with his usual emotionless expresion. He was also wearing some different clothes from the work outfit everyone knew him in:

A black sweater with a few rips and slight unwounds at the end of the sleeves, alongside a white undershirt, sage green baggy jeans with a white belt, a pair of sneakers barely visible under the pants, a chain around the neck and long, unbrushed brown hair kept down.

"Sorry, but I do not feel like smiling. If you ask me, I actually NEVER felt like wanting to show any smile in front of any-" Jack got interrupted by Eiji when trying to say the word 'anyone'.
"Wait, so... YOU actually smile? Like ACTUALLY?! Then I'll try to make you do it!"
"Challange accepted. If I win, you have to... Uhhh... Let me think... Oh, I know! You have to break up with that overgrown dog. Believe me, he seems a bit dangerous to me... If you win, then I'll have to confess to my crush. But I warn you that making me smile will not be easy!" The smaller one spoke, with a somewhat halfhearted smile.

"Silly Jack... You already failed the challange, y'know? You just smiled!" Eiji was somehow telling the truth, nodding his head and chuckling at the thought of already winning this, and in such a fast and easy mode.
"It doesn't count! We didn't even start! And it was a fake smile, anyway.."
"You really did trick me.." The raven-haired sighed, looking at the brunette in front of him with a frown. "And you have a crush? Oooh, who are they?" The slightly taller one asked, with a smirk on his face. Dumbfounded, Jack got a bit closer and whispered:
"Its Elijah.."

It could be readed on his face how embarassed he was of telling his secret to Eiji, one of his best friends. Seeing the guy next to him like this, the raven-haired boy promised:

"Don't worry, I won't tell at anyone. Including Elijah. Now be calm, because the challange just started!"
"I'm gonna make you lose!" The brunette exclaimed, trying as best as he could to not smile at the thought of winning. He wasn't ready to tell Elijah the words he had all those years in his mind to tell him..

And also, he considered the wolf man dangerous, despite him not wanting to hurt anyone. Jack thinked that, if Eiji breaked up with Cole, then the dark haired boy would never be putted at risk again, while Jun and himself would not have any other reason to worry about anymore. While thinking at this, the pizza boy tried to keep the same face he had until now, because that thought made him happy and he didn't want to show it.

Eiji didn't want at all to break up with Cole, so he had to win this at any costs. And a very big bonus would be Jack finnaly getting togheter with the man of his dreams.

He started off by pulling out some very funny faces, but the only reaction from the delivery boy was a yawn.

Then, the raven-haired decided to do some pranks, for example, a banana peel on the floor. Jack actually fell for that, but he hit his head so bad he needed Arlo to fix him up. The man also had to wear the contacts until he got a new pair of glasses (𝘏𝘩 đ˜šđ˜°đ˜” 𝘱 𝘯𝘩𝘾 đ˜±đ˜ąđ˜Ș𝘳 đ˜ąđ˜§đ˜”đ˜Šđ˜ł 𝘱 đ˜·đ˜Šđ˜łđ˜ș 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘹 đ˜”đ˜Ș𝘼𝘩 𝘮đ˜Șđ˜Żđ˜€đ˜Š đ˜”đ˜©đ˜ąđ˜” đ˜Șđ˜Żđ˜€đ˜Șđ˜„đ˜Šđ˜Żđ˜”) because the old ones shattered, all thanks to that unsalted joke. And Eiji, instead of earning a laughter or at least a small smile from his friend, he got a pissed off groan.

"Are you even trying?" The green-eyed guy asked, in a very bored tone, at the end of the day. (𝘊𝘱𝘯 𝘾𝘩 đ˜Šđ˜·đ˜Šđ˜Ż 𝘮𝘱đ˜ș đ˜”đ˜©đ˜ąđ˜” đ˜Șđ˜” 𝘾𝘱𝘮 đ˜ąđ˜” đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Š đ˜Šđ˜Żđ˜„ 𝘰𝘧 đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Š đ˜„đ˜ąđ˜ș?) "And never EVER to that thing with the banana peel again!"

Eiji sighed in disbelief. Jack was right. This was harder than our photographer thought. He needed some help. And luckily, he knew who to ask for that.


I honestly think i did better then at my previous fic.
Please write in the comments what do you think about this!
Next chapter coming soon! (I hope)

Chapter 2: Everyone joins the challange


Eiji asks the help of all of Jack's friends who know they can make him happy. Meanwhile, Yronica, finding out what are they trying to do, comes uninvited to try and ruin everyone's mood.


I am basically right now feeding you with gaybre- I mean daybreak crack! :DD (ignore my bad joke, i am also apart of the LGBTQIA+ community)
Also, the last sentence of the chapter is a reference to the song 'Dark Red' by Steve Lacy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

After Eiji called all of Jack's friends, in about 10 minutes (𝘐 đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Ș𝘯𝘬), everyone came in Eiji's cabin.
"Alright, so... We have Elijah, Saadiya, Riley, Sarah, Seoung, Sera, Jun, Nami, Elizabeth, Yvonne, Kyle, Amari, Emery, Makoto, Eman, Yronica... Wait a minute... YRONICA?! The photographer counted everyone that came, totalling of 15 people, and realised there were 16, with our uninvited guest, Yronica, who decided to ruin everyone's mood by joining without being asked and saying all those mean things she had in her mind.

"Yronica, what are you doing here? Nobody invited you in this cabin!" Eiji noticed, trying to determine her to leave, because everyone knew what would happen if that girl ever entered a discussion that was none of her business.
"Pffft.. Why would I do this? I just wanted to see what is happening here!" The mean girl responded, in that sassy tone she always talked with.
"Alright... You can stay here, but promise you do not cause ANY trouble and be respectful with everyone, especially with Jack." The photographer spoke, with a very serious voice.
"We are trying here to make him happy, and we do not need negative energy from you!" Eman completed the sentence, glaring at her friend, while the brunette was looking like she saw a ghost.
"Okay, okay! I promise! Done, I said it, now I will go find a seat while you try to solve your problem with that pathetic little pizza boy." Yronica declared, while she was trying to find a chair or something else, because every seat in the cabin was taken.

Meanwhile, while everyone stirred either way because of him, either way because of the uninvited guest, Jack was staying in a corner and listening to music, having on his face an expression that was a combination between boredom and tiredness. After the guy got bored even of the music, he stopped it, took off the headphones, put them next to him and tried listen to the conversation. Then, when Yronica promised to be nice to everyone while staying in this cabin, the boy noticed a very bad thing the mean girl did behind her, making him have concerns and freeze in fear for everyone, including himself:
She crossed her fingers.
The delivery boy did not know what it will happen next, but a thing was for sure...

Something bad was going to happen very soon..


Sorry that this chapter is so short, next ones will be longer, I promise! And, I'm giving you a spoiler : The final chapter is a bonus chapter, you are gonna find out very soon what it will be! ;)
And also... In this story, everyone is wearing their casualwear (if they have one, ofc!)
Later on, they will also have pajamas! (sleepover)

Chapter 3: Fresh air and a short conversation


Eiji takes Jack outside, thinking he has a panick attack and tries to calm him down. Later, some drama caused by a specific mean girl...


All that just because of Yronica.. :/

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

After the discussion with Yronica ended, everyone turned to see what was their reason for being here doing, only to be met with a very scared Jack, with eyes widened, heart racing, all shaking up and sweaty.
Riley was the first one to react at this.

"WOAH! What happened with you, dude?"
"Are you alright?" Was Elijah's reaction, trying to hug the scared boy. Meanwhile, while the counselor tried to calm his friend down, Saadiya kept wiping the sweat away, so the constant hugs given by his friend would not leave him wet. But every attempt to talk with Jack was in vain, as the brunette was right now too stunned to even talk. The only reaction they got from the pizza boy was a blinked message in Morse code saying "S.O.S."
"Guys, you are gonna make Jack remain without air, can you please let me get him outside, for some fresh air?" Eiji tried to convince them, and they all agreed.
Everyone had a concerned expresion on their face, except for Yronica, who had a mischievious smile on her face when the pair got past her. Seeing her, the green-eyed man forgot about his fear and shot the mean girl a glare which maked her angry.

After they got outside, Eiji noticed his friend was no longer fight-or-flighting. The delivery boy's scared face expression was replaced with a rage one.
"Look.. I know Jun kinda scares you, because he remembers you of a person we do not wanna mention now, but you worried everyone! I thought you were having a panic attack or something!" The raven-haired scolded Jack, while the shorter just shrugged it off.
"It wasn't Jun. But a thing is for sure. Do not trust Yronica! I saw her crossing her fingers behind her, that's way I was scared." The brunette explained, trying to be calm and not shout.
"Yronica promised that she will not do any type of problems. Now stop worrying. You probably just hit your head too hard or its the blood loss who plays tricks on you. Talking about blood loss, I can see that your bandage already started leaking. I'll go ask Arlo for another one, be right back!"

Jack didn't understand... He swore he saw Yronica breaking her promise! A stupid injury can't make him think something else! 'Eh.. Whatever.' He thought, before entering the cabin, only to be met with Yronica crying and everyone being angry on him for some reason, except for Elijah, because why would he be angry at him? And Eman, because she knew what was actually happening there.

"Jack, Yronica told us you called her 'loser'. Can you explain this?" Kyle asked the delivery boy, with a frown.
"I-I-I.. Uhhh..." Again, the brunette was too frozen to even talk. Instead, the wallflower talked in his name:
"Yronica is just pretending to cry and be offended. Jack didn't call her anything."
"I'M NOT PRETEND- I mean, I'm not pretending! Jack, why are you bullying me? I didn't do anything to you!" The mean girl continued her fake-crying, but made it pretty obvious she was just acting.

"We know you are acting, Yronica, just shut up!" Elijah also jumped in discussion.
"Ugh, fine!" Yronica ended just in time, because Eiji was about to get in with the bandage he promised.
"Uhhh.... What hapened here?" The photographer asked, pretty confused of everyone gathering around the two brunettes.
"Let's not talk about this. Now, what's the plan?" Saadiya quickly spoke, getting Eiji and the others, except for Yronica and Jack to talk about the challange.


After I write the next chapter, until the last two will be everyone's attempts to help Eiji win! :>>
After I finnaly finish this fic, I'll do some genderswap AUs (I already have an unfinished draft for a genderswap elijack fic)
And the person Eiji didn't wanna mention when scolding Jack was Jack's dad. G**rett will be mentioned later! :))
And seriously, Yronica really does give Lila Rossi at the end of the chapter...

Chapter 4: The Plan


Everyone discusses the plan. Jack gets angry at Eiji for drawing him in a stupid way. Eiji and Elijah have a small talk after everyone leaves the cabin.


Hiiii!! So, I was kinda lazy these days + I had some other things to do, but I decided to continue! Enjoy! :]]
And can anyone tell me how do I do that glitchy, corruped, distorted texts? I really need it to write some character replics for some future fics... I've thought to make the Unforgotten replics with distorted text, but idk how to do it, pls someone tell me! :'D
And I finally finished Chapter 4. I accidentaly posted it like 2 weeks ago, but now you may read it! (warning: very long)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Alright everyone, so here is how this works..." Eiji tried to explain to everyone how the challange was going on like, taking from literally out of nowhere Anais's 'borrowed' whiteboard and a marker to make everything clearer.

"We gotta make THIS GUY happy!" The photographer quickly drew with dark green on the board a doodle of Jack with an >:( face and above the caricature, and with a black marker, he writted with all uppercase 'OPERATION SMILEY FACE'.

"The name is actually pretty nice. But... WHY THE FUCK MY HAIR IS DREWN LIKE THAT?! DID MY GLASSES BECOME INVISABLE OR WHAT?!?! AND STOP MAKING FUN OF MY STUPID HEIGHT, ITS NOT A JOKE TO SEE ME BEING SMALLER THAN MY CLOTHES!!" The delivery boy could be heard from the other side of the cabin, after seeing his very rushed doodle, that was basically a stick figure which was meant to represent him, but it had pretty bad looking hair, no glasses and way TOO large clothes.
"Chill out, dude! We are not in art class, this is just a caricature! We are gonna wipe off this soon anyway.." Riley tried to calm the man down, while Eiji explained the rest. (𝘐𝘛 𝘍𝘈𝘐𝘓𝘌𝘋!!!)

"And this is our group trying to be Jack's emotional support!" The raven-haired doodled with all the colors in existence a group of 15 stick figures. "So.. What do you wanna do with our pizza boy?" The photographer asked everyone in the room, while they seemed to think at something that could make a 20 years old guy with anger issues, mental breakdowns and depression feel at least a bit of joy.

"Wait a minute... Why aren't you in there too?" Emery quickly jumped in, after seeing that Eiji is not in the caricature.
"I already tried to do something with Jack, but... It kinda costed his glasses and a painful accident. And it didn't work."

"Oh, so this is why he has a bandage on the forehead and doesn't wear any pair of glasses..." Elijah spoke, making the pizza guy on the other side of the room rage again.

The wallflower couldn't stand it anymore.

"Alright, calm down please, we are just explaining some things here." Eman also did the same attempt as Riley, and it also failed, but we're gonna find out later how.
"Now... Anyone got ideas?" Eiji suddently ask, while handing everyone a whiteboard marker.

"Oh, oh, I know, I know!" Makoto waved her hot pink marker, and walked to the board to draw her idea.
"So, I'm gonna play some video games with this guy!" The vagabond doodled a hot pink stickman with messly made hair and some weird-looking clothes, playing games with another dark green stick figure (𝘋𝘰 𝘐 đ˜Šđ˜·đ˜Šđ˜Ż đ˜Żđ˜Šđ˜Šđ˜„ đ˜”đ˜° 𝘮𝘱đ˜ș đ˜žđ˜©đ˜° 𝘾𝘱𝘮 đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Š đ˜°đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Šđ˜ł 𝘰𝘯𝘩?) then took Jack to ask him a few questions.
"Do you usually play video games, Jack?"

"Uhhhh... Last time I touched a video game was at 12 years old, so no." The pizza boy admitted, kinda perplexed.
"That's very good.. Because I'm gonna beat you!" The taller girl announced, with some sort of enthusiasm in her voice.
"We'll see about that.." The delivery boy whispered, making him sound very creepy.

Okay... Makoto was officially scared.


"If you are playing video games, 'Koto, then I'm gonna host a magic show! And I'll let you be my assistant, Jacky!" Emery chimed in, winking at the second sentence and sketching with his purplish-blue marker a stick figure being the magician at a magic show, with another dark green one being the assistant.
"I'll just say skip." The delivery boy refused, with the usual scowl on the face.

Then, in the magician's mind came up an idea that was guaranteed that it wasn't gonna fail.

They knelt down and did a fake sad face with those sad dog eyes he saw Elijah making when Jack refused to do something, then started begging:
"Pleaseeee! For us!"

The shorter man knew that trick oh so well. But, he decided to just let it slide this time.

"Ugh... I do not need an Elijah number 2... Fine! I'll do it just for you and the others! Just stop! I hate those sad dog eyes!" Jack shouted in Emery's direction, but it didn't bother our curly-haired boy full of hopes and dreams.


"I'll just sleep." Amari finnaly said something, illustrating on the board with grey a stick person sleeping on the floor.
"Oh, come on, 'Mari! Aren't you gonna help us at all?" Emery whined, while the vagrant just shrugged it off.
"I do not have anything to do, so why to participate in a magic show, if I do not have any role?"

He really did have a point.

"Okay... Then I'll make my assistant!" The magician tried to give Amari a role, but instead, the wanderer just affirmed:
"But you already maked Jack your assistant!"
"Yeah..... But 2 assistants is never too much, right?" The curly-haired boy maked the wanderer finally give up.
"Fine... I'll be your second assistant."

"I think I have the easiest to perform idea!" Elijah said, with a wide smile, while going to the whiteboard to draw something with his sage green marker. But first, he had to crouch down a little, to actually see what he was doing on the board, because compared to the camp counselor's almost 2 meters (𝘰𝘳 6'5") height, it was pretty tiny.
"I'll talk a bit to our little cutie, to see if he is okay!" Then, the giant doodled with sage green a big stick figure looking like it was giving therapy to a smaller, dark green one.

"Wow.. Brilliant idea... Such a great idea to give therapy when this is what EVERYONE TRIES TO DO!!" Yronica spoke, trying to offend Elijah, only for him to be quickly protected by Jack:
ă€Œé»™ă‚Œă€ă“ăźă‚Żă‚œć„łă€ćœŒăŻæœ€ć–„ă‚’ć°œăă—ăŸăźă«ă€äœ•ă‚’ă—ăŠćœŒă‚’äžćż«ă«ă•ă›ă‚ˆă†ăšă—ăŠă„ă‚‹ă‚“ă ïŒŸïŒç§ăŻă“ă‚Œă‚’ć—ă‘ć…„ă‚ŒăȘă„ăžïŒïŒă€(đ˜Žđ˜°đ˜°đ˜„ đ˜­đ˜¶đ˜€đ˜Ź đ˜”đ˜łđ˜ąđ˜Żđ˜Žđ˜­đ˜ąđ˜”đ˜Ș𝘯𝘹 đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Ș𝘮! 𝘞𝘱𝘳𝘯đ˜Ș𝘯𝘹: 𝘈 đ˜­đ˜°đ˜” 𝘰𝘧 đ˜€đ˜¶đ˜Žđ˜Žđ˜Ș𝘯𝘹. 𝘓đ˜Ș𝘬𝘩... 𝘈 𝘓𝘖𝘛!!)

"Uhhh... What..." The mean girl was pretty confused of what did the pizza boy just said.
"Believe me, you don't wanna know what did Jack say to you." Makoto spoke, being one of the only persons in there who knows japanese.

And everyone kept coming with ideas: Riley and Sera with music that has positive messages, Yvonne and Elizabeth with a wholesome storytime, Nami with a song, Saadiya and Eman with hair braiding, Kyle with a pillow fight, Jun with a football game, Sarah with an UNO game.

It was now Seoung's turn to share her idea with everyone else in the room.
"I thought about bringing the life of the party in this cabin."
With dark grey, almost black, the spiritualist drewn herself summoning a ghost that has been born to party.
And the same ghost appeared in the second after the drawing was done, half of her body in a puddle of blood.

"You don't have to bring me in the survivors camp, girlies, because I'm already here! And I have PLENTY of ideas for this night!" Kiara begin to spoke with her bubbly voice, getting out completely from her puddle and doing the carwheel in the air, at the same time jumpscaring everyone with her sudden appearence in the cabin. She was wearing a pajama, consisting of a pastel pink T-shirt with a cat on it, some matching pants and some white bunny slippers borrowed from Taliyah.

The ghost snatched a light pink whiteboard marker from Eiji, then filled the remaining space from the board with all of her ideas.

"I want ALL of us from here to do a sleepover in this cabin, where we will combine all of your ideas in one! It will an epic party! And there is NO WAY pizza boy will not enjoy it! And I have a bonus idea: Birthday cake!! Because tommorow its a certain 'someone' we are talking about right now's birthday!!!"

And that was true. It was technically 2nd of September.

Sarah didn't want at all to participate in that discussion going on, but then she decided to also speak something at least once in this night, because she was invited here afterall, right?
"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.... Have you even asked the other killers to let you go to the survivors camp and stay here? And what if someone from this cabin is taken in a round while we are attempting to get this problem to an end?"

"Well.. Yes! And I also talked to the Unforgotten to let you all stay in the lobby, including me, this night and tommorow, so we do not get interrupted while we are doing our stuff around here!" The life of the party declared, floating with a position that looked like sitting on a chair with a leg over the other one, a pair of round glasses on her nose, a notebook and a pen to look more serious.

"Wow, you are really thinking about everything!" The lone wolf was shell-shocked about how the ghost can be sometimes so organized and responsible, despite her personality being completely the opposite.

"I know, right?" The party gal replied, then threw her glasses, notebook and pen away, because she didn't need them anymore. The 3 objects almost hit Yronica's head, but luckly the girl dodged them quickly by crouching down. After this, she spoke with her usual voice, which was a combination of anger and evil:
"Hey, watch where are you throwing your things, ketchup girl! You almost hit me!"
"Just ignore Yro, she can be sometimes... Kinda delusional." The wallflower warned her.
"DELUSIONAL?!" The mean girl shouted from the other side of the room, while Jack was just sitting there with his music and popcorn, while looking at her with a face expression that was clearly meaning 'No one cares.'

Eiji forgot to explain the rules of the challange, so he united everyone, including Kiara, in a small circle and bented them slightly for Jack and Yronica to not really hear what they are saying there.

"I will tell you all the rules of this game..." The boy whispered, and everyone nodded their heads in approval. "We have to make Jack happy! A laughter or a smile, even if they are not giving the biggest signs of joy, but that doesn't matter. Our activities at this slumber party have to be fun and safe for EVERYONE, not boring or... Dangerous. I do not wanna wake up Arlo for the one thousand time in this night to get bandages and other stuff, so you better don't make ANYTHING that can put your life in danger. Okay? Great. If Jack wins this, I have to break up with Cole..."

"Well, I do hope he wins, so I won't have to see you with that stupid mutt anymore!" Jun interrupted his brother to tell a bad joke that earned glares of annoyance from everyone in the circle.
"What? Did I say something wrong?"

"Let's just get back to our subject... And if WE win, he'll have to confess to his crush!"
"Oooooh, who is the lucky lady? Or guy? Or anything in between?" Kiara chimed in, constantly carwheeling in the air at super-speed.

Meanwhile, the brunette kept doing signs for the photographer to not tell them.
"Well... I can't tell you... Because... Its a secret." The photographer kept stuttering, while Jack breathed a sigh of relief.

"So... Those are ALL the rules?" Kyle asked, pretty confused of the short list of rules Eiji made.
"Yes. Wait, no! You have to go to your cabins, change into your pajamas, grab some mattresses, sleeping bags and come back, because we are gonna stay here overnight. I also have some special jobs for a few people from here: Jun, you have to ask Nathan and Yan to move out of this cabin just for this night. Its pretty big, so I think it could fit almost 20 people. And Saadiya and Kiara, go and order from Tabitha a cake. She is the Mist's best cook. Great, now let the challange BEGIN!" The boy announced and everyone leaved the cabin to go grab their stuff or get done the special missions given to them.

Everyone, except Elijah.

The camp counselor looked kinda... Upset.

"Is anything wrong, Elijah?" The smaller quietly spoke, the giant noticing him and trying to bent down a little to get to his height.
"N-Nothing. Just... Who is Jack's crush? I just wanna know..."
"I already told everyone that its a secret and they can't know until we win. If we actually win, of course!" The photographer explained once more, but the taller didn't seem relaxed at all with the information given to him.

"Its just... I like Jack more than just a friend. I love him, and I just hope he feels the same for me. But what if we are not meant to be? What if he likes someone else? I don't think he really wants another man in his life after everything it happened with... Y'know... Garrett. And why are you smiling?" Elijah told everything he felt about the pizza boy, and he was also right:

Eiji had a very big grin on his face.

"N-Nothing!" The shorter attempted to lie and also gived an awkward smile, and it surprisingly worked. "I just remembered of... A memory of me and Cole in the woods! But, who knows? Jack may like you back, or not... You just have to think positively!"
The last two sentences were actually true.

The counselor's face filled with hope and joy at the hearing of those words.
"You are right! Thanks, Eiji! I will go now change in my PJ's and grab my stuff. See ya later!"

Elijah was now gone, and the photographer was alone. Completely alone.

The boy started running excided through the cabin and kept screaming:
"They are so dumb! They don't even realise they like each other! They got to be together! They have!"

After he finally got tired, Eiji just walked to the bathroom to change into his pajamas and get ready for probably the most insane night in the Mist he ever had.


Can anyone please give me some ideas for a genderswap name for Saadiya, Seoung's Halmeoni and Anais? :')
Am I the only one who finds it kinda ironic that Jack raged for not having glasses in the doodle, but he NEITHER had glasses in like ALL THE FIC EXCEPT FOR THE FIRST HALF OF THE FIRST CHAPTER?!
If you ask me about that moment when Emery kneeled down and begged Jack to be their assistant and he said he doesn't need an Elijah number 2, yes...
One of my many Jack and Elijah headcanons is that whenever Jack refuses to do something for Elijah, our camp counselor just kneels, does a fake sad face with the sad dog eyes and keeps begging to do it for him, and he only stops when his little cutie changes his mind or slaps him in the face. (Elijah learned that from his dog, and Jack hates this habbit, because he can't resist the sad dog eyes btw)
Even if I wrote that, I am somehow still confused of how Kiara knew something was going on over there... Like how? And somehow, Seoung having the power to summon someone by drawing them... I just think its funny, okay?

Chapter 5: The Challange begins + Elijah attempt


Everyone comes back in Eiji's cabin in PJ's, some of the people having pretty silly-looking nightwears on. Jack gets humiliated by Yvonne and Sarah. Elijah does his attempt, but it unfortunately fails.


Everyone is in pajamas- But five of the people have the most hilarous of all! :)
Yes, this is NOT discontinued, its just that I have school and I do not have very much time to write stuff. Besides that, I also have like 1k fic ideas in a minute that I just wanna write, and.. Yeah. :'D
Also, this is done, so you can now read it! (for some reason, I have this habit to accidently post chapters on this fic--)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

One hour later, everyone was again at the cabin, except they were all in pajamas. Even Yronica had some white pretty comfy looking PJ's with puppies on!
But when all the people looked at Kyle, Emery, Amari, Makoto and Elijah, they began to wheeze:
Kyle was wearing a pink unicorn onesie with rainbow mane, Elijah had something similar with Kyle on, but it was a yellow duck, and Emery, Makoto and Amari were sporting some matching 'My Little Pony' pajamas and slippers.

Jack was trying so hard to not laugh at the ridiculous looking nightwears he just saw, because it would mean loosing the competition before it even starts.

"Ugh, what the fuck are you all wearing? Can't you take seriously a sleepover?" The mean girl spoke after seeing those goofy pajamas, everyone staring at her menacingly after the words she just said.

"Oh come on, Yronica, we are just being silly! Its not your slumber party for you to decide what are we all wearing." The camp counselor fighted back and despite his arguing, he kept a very calm tone. It was impressing.

"Yeona literally forced me into this stupid unicorn onesie, what am I supposed to say? She and Serena kept making fun of me until I left the cabin and even after!" Kyle entered the discussion, with a scowl and some blush of embarrassment on his face.

"You are not alone, dude..." Amari responded with the same face expression as the trapper and Emery and Makoto laughing behind him.
The vagrant turned around to meet their gaze and Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie PJ's. Seeing him, the vagabond and the magician immediately stopped.


"Hear me up... Why is Jack still wearing arm warmers?" Elizabeth asked, pointing at the smaller boy.
And that was right: Besides his black Paramore T-shirt and headphones, grey sweatpants and dark purple slippers, Jack was still wearing his blueish-grey arm warmers with white stripes.

"The boy-o tries to hide his tattoos, I still see them, by the way!" Yvonne snickered, making the pizza delivery boy angry and shout in the prisoner's direction:
"Stop looking at my arms, Yvonne! At least a bit of privacy, please!"

After finishing his wording, the brunette took the black blanket he bringed in the cabin and covered all his body up, except for his face.

"Looks like our little guy got officially exposed. Very interesting." Sarah spoke, with a smirk on her usually not-so-enthusiastic face, earning a small chuckle from everyone in the room.

"Oh, shut up!" The shorter fighted back again, only for the others to laugh again at how funny his reaction was.


Humiliated, the delivery driver hided his face in the blanket too and was about to even shout of all the anger in it.


Eiji just wanted to stop this chaos and finally get that challange started. But afterall, Sera was the one to put a lead on the discussion, with an imaginery microphone in her hand:
"Hey, can y'all stop for a second? We are here to win a competition, not to laugh at anything anyone is saying!"

At the hearing of the argument, everyone just stopped laughing.

"Great. Now let's get to work, shall we?" The skater declared, forcing herself to push Elijah to the one and only reason why everyone was in there at that time.


"You first, bro! Show us what you've got and get this tiny lil nugget out of his blanket!"

"I'M NOT A NUGGET!" Jack shouted from under the piece of soft material, however it was muffled due to him having his face buried in there. It also almost sounded like he was crying.

"Alright, I'll try my best!" The giant declared confidently, and after a few tries to make Sera actually stop torturing herself by trying to push him, he took a few steps to the pizza boy. When he arived at the exact location, Elijah crouched down and shook the smaller a bit, enough to get his attention. After that, the counselor spoke calmly:

"H-Hey, are you alright? Do you want to talk to me?"

That was convincing enough, as the shorter got his head out of the wrap, and not surprisingly his hair was even more unkempt then 30 minutes ago when everyone returned in the cabin (𝘕𝘹𝘭, đ˜”đ˜©đ˜ąđ˜” đ˜©đ˜ąđ˜±đ˜±đ˜Šđ˜Żđ˜Ž đ˜”đ˜° đ˜Šđ˜·đ˜Šđ˜łđ˜ș𝘰𝘯𝘩 đ˜žđ˜©đ˜Šđ˜Ż đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Šđ˜ș đ˜Źđ˜Šđ˜Šđ˜± đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Šđ˜Ș𝘳 đ˜©đ˜Šđ˜ąđ˜„đ˜Ž đ˜Ș𝘯 đ˜Łđ˜­đ˜ąđ˜Żđ˜Źđ˜Šđ˜”đ˜Ž 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘱𝘯 đ˜Šđ˜”đ˜Šđ˜łđ˜Żđ˜Șđ˜”đ˜ș, 𝘩đ˜čđ˜ąđ˜€đ˜”đ˜­đ˜ș 𝘭đ˜Ș𝘬𝘩 đ˜‘đ˜ąđ˜€đ˜Ź đ˜©đ˜Šđ˜łđ˜Š...) and his eyes were red from crying.

"Leave me ALONE!" Jack yelled at the taller, got up, turned his back to Elijah then sitted back down and buried his face in the blanket again to keep crying in it.


But the camp counselor would never give up on his goals, right? He just kept saying those sweet words to the delivery boy, and then decided to finally say it:
"You want me to... Y'know... Stay here? Do you need a hug?"

Jack turned back at Elijah and stopped crying, however, instead of an adorable little grin and a happy, cute reply, something like:
"You big idiot, of course I would want a hug from you! From who else? And maybe even a kiss would be good!" the giant got a pissed off expression and a slap on his face.

"Well.. I guess that is a no..." The taller finally admitted, backing slowly so he doesn't get another slap from his cutie.


"See, you dumbass? I told you its not gonna work!" Yronica shouted as loud as she could so Elijah could hear her from up there, but there was no reply from him, just a bunch of people staring menacingly at her.

"Yronica...." Eman spoke with long tone, indicating she was disappointed on the mean girl's quotation.

"What? Its not like I said something wrong!" The brunette girl fighted back, while everybody just reproduced that slapping yourself thingy emoji.

"Ugh, fine! Sorry, I guess..." The girl apologised to the group formed of almost 20 people, and even if those didn't really sound like honest sorries, everyone forgived her.


"Next one!" Eiji spoke, after a long time of not speaking to the group.


I honestly also laugh at... Pffftt- KYLE IN UNICORN ONESIE!! XDD


Randomiest thing i made. And sorry if i got Jack's outfit wrong, i tried to describe his Day Off skin as good as i could! ;-;
This was also going to be a fic with only one chapter, but i changed my mind, so i putted a question mark, bcuz i could'nt decide how many chapters will this thing have! :') (I will still enjoy writting and reading this, dw)

Series this work belongs to: