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It's been 10 years since everyone who attended Karasuno High graduated.

What happens when Suga realizes that he has a high school reunion the next day? What happens when he meets someone that he lost contact with for all these years?


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: Home

Chapter Text

"Bye, everyone! See you all Monday!" Sugawara yells out to his coworkers as he places his backpack over his shoulder.

"Bye, Sugawara-san!"

"Yea, see you Monday!"

"See ya later, Suga!"

His coworkers yell back at him as he begins to leave through the school's front doors.

Stepping outside, Sugawara takes a deep breath in before releasing it out with a long sigh. It had been a long and stressful week of teaching his students. Having to break up pointless fights and arguments always made him feel exhausted after the day.

Suga soon made his way down the steps of the school and towards the parking lot, not too far from where he originally was. He was glad that he had found a good parking spot close by before any of the other teachers and administrators could come and take it.

Reaching his car, he pulled out his keys from his pocket before pressing down on the button, hearing the honk from his car indicating that the doors were now open, he hops in before taking off his backpack and plopping it in the seat next to him.

Suga taps his fingers in the wheel, impatiently waiting for the car to heat up. When it finally did, he began to pull out of the lot and into the street, making his way down the many roads leading to his apartment.

He didn't have enough time to turn on the radio as he would've already arrived at the small complex before finishing a single song that would've been playing.

Pulling into the parking lot of his home, he grabs his bag before getting out of the car and shutting  the door behind him. He proceeded to walk up the flights of stairs that led him to the front door of his apartment.

Taking one last deep breath in and one last elongated sigh, he grabs his house keys from his pockets and unlocks the door, the silent click of the doors lock unlocking from its original place always seemed to satisfy him with the pleasure of knowing he was nearly there.

Turning the knob and pushing the door open, Sugawara took a couple of steps inside before dropping his bag and slamming the door behind himself.

"Honey, I'm home!"

Suga yells out into the small empty one bedroom apartment with a smile and a light chuckle.

"Great to be home."

All the tension that seemed to have been making his back tense suddenly left, making his shoulders droop now that he was in the comfort of his own home.

He took a quick look around at his home, taking in the slightly messing table that still held his dirty bowl of cereal from that morning, along with the sink that had dishes inside that needed cleaning, as well as the sofa in front of his coffee table that still had pillows and blankets messely thrown on top of.

Kicking off his shoes and slopply placing them near the door. Suga took a couple of steps into his house as he walked over to the coffee table to shut the laptop that he had left open from the night before, when he was watching a show late that night.

He stands next to the table, taking in the silence that his home had, knowing that there would be no screaming children to come crying to him.

But then, a loud gurgling sound was made, shocking Suga out of his blissful peace.

It was his stomach. He was hungry.

Letting out a defeated sigh, he moves his body to the kitchen, trying to figure out something that he would possibly eat.

Opening the fridge he makes the realization that he really needed to go grocery shopping, the fridge looked almost bare with a couple drinks and some leftover plates of food that was kept there from last night's dinner. With yet another sigh, Suga grabs a leftover plate of Tonkatsu and closes the fridge door.

After he closes the door, he looks up and is faced with the freezer. The many pictures of his youth back when he had attended Karasuno littered the freezers metalic surface.

A smile creeps onto Suga's face as the memories from the past flood his mind. The many times he and his friends would play around during their volleyball games and hangouts always made his day better.

He wondered where most of them were. Of course, Suga knew that Kageyama and Hinata became big after high school, acter seeming them compeat multiple times on live television, as they had both pursued their careers in volleyball, but what about the others? Nishinoya? Yamaguchi? Asahi? Tanaka? ...Daichi?

He paused, thinking about where Daichi could be now, he could be married, be a billionaire for all he knew.

Suga had lost all communication to most of his past friends in highschool due to breaking his phone while moving into his college dorm room, accidently placing a heavy moving box on top of where his phone was laying on a desk. He had bought a new phone after but realized he didn't have anyone's numbers saved or memorized, and now that he has a completely new number.

When he finally realized how much time had passed, he had given up on trying to contact them. He didn't want to be a bother, especially with how long it had been.

There was no way of the others contacting him or him contacting them. He was devastated.

Suga turned his face away from the photos before his eyes caught a glimpse at a small callender that was magnetized to the freezer. A date was circled for tomorrow in red with red lettering inside.

Sugawara squinted his eyes, trying to read the lettering, proceeeding to read it out loud to himself.

"Karasuma volleyball club reunion at 3…"


Suga had stood silent for a minute, processing what he had just read through his his brain. His eyes grew wide in shock when he realized what it meant.


He shouted in shock, his hands letting go of the food that was in his hands crashing to the floor with a *clank*.

He was never more grateful he used plastic plates last night.

Suga stared at the small red writing in shock, his mind going through many thoughts at once, even though he had trouble keeping up with them.

Would he attend?

What would he even wear?

Should he dress casual or fancy?

Or formal?

Should he bring food or gifts?

These thoughts kept running before he turned around, away from the fridge, to stare at the rest of his apartment.

Taking a small breather, Suga took a long thought before he came to a conclusion.

It'd be great to see everyone again, catch up with them along with seeing how everyone was doing.

A bright smile formed on his lips as he dropped to his knees to pick up the leftovers he had just dropped on the floor not too long ago.


He'll go to the reunion.