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5 days too little REBORN


Steven has done it. He has killed Mike. But a problem arises that he hadn't thought of. Miki only has five days.. and then she is gone once more. Much to his dismay. The once thriving champion will have none but himself in the end...

What will he do?

(This is a remake of a previous work. More details in the start notes of the first chapter)

Chapter 1: Flying from your problems


Why did I decide to remake this?

...because the first one was trash- that's all there is really. And I have actually planned this time on how I want this to go. I also felt like I didn't write Steven correctly the first time.. too human. That's about it. Just felt like it.

Can't promise a second chapter will be up soon, I have the most motivation for stuff like writing when I am out somewhere... and I don't have much of a plan to go anywhere, so- if you actually want to compare this remake and the first one then you can also read that one if you want.. though I do not recommend cuz it's bad.

Anyway, as always, tell me if there are any grammar errors that I missed since English isn't my first language. Other than that, enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Steven had finally done it. He had avenged Miki. The fresh blood of his now deceased older brother on his hands as he stood next to his bed. Where the older one now was forever asleep. He felt... accomplished. Happy. Now, all he needs to do...

Pulling out the pokeball of the captured entity known as MissingNo, Steven had a grin on his face as he released the corrupted God from its cage. He spoke with it loudly,

"The Missing One! I did your bidding! Please, bring her back to me." He says, kneeling down before the entity as the colors of its body appeared and disappeared beside it.

"We have seen. The deed is done. You shall get your end of the deal, desperate one." It spoke, its language one not to be understood, but still understandable by those who hear it.

MissingNo twisted itself, corrupted matter freeing itself from it before forming into flesh as it escaped. First, the head. It was hers, but with a scrapped off and torn front half. Blood sprawled from it as the nerves were exposed, and some bone was visible at she let out a cry, showing her rotten yet sharp teeth. Her eyes were hollow, with a black substance leaking out of it. Steven does not know what it is.

Miki's body made sounds of cracks and tearing flesh as it escaped from MissingNo's form. Her body slowly revealing as her neck arms and legs all make their way out, with her torn wings soon to follow. Not much skin was left. She consisted of mostly flesh and bone with most of the nerves still attached onto either showing or dried up flesh. She was all too skinny, showing her ribs even if the skin there is still present. Her arms were probably the thing most intact. Finally, her tail made it out. It had no flame anymore.

All the exposed parts of her body did not bother Steven. However, one thing did.

The neck. The neck visibly torn, having about at least three open gashes on it. They were the most deepest wounds, a bit of the black substance also trickling down from them. It reminds Steven of that day. That day where he lost everything. That day where she was gone. That day that Miki was dead and buried. That day that his Miki was gone. Leaving him to what he is now.

He does not want to be reminded of it. That day... that day!? Steven stared at the wound, scratching at his skin and pulling tightly at his hair as he let out a laugh. Tearing into his own flesh and ripping out strands before he shook, focusing back at her overall.

Miki has crawlen out of her grave, looking around as Steven's grin slowly widens. He goes over to her, his hands slightly shaking as he reaches out towards her, touching an still intact part of her body as he lets out a small giggle. She is beautiful.

MissingNo was just watching the two of them for a while, its towering form almost looming in a way. It speaks again,

"The deed has been done. However, there is a side effect that we have not yet mentioned." It says, one of its many forms forcing itself out for a moment before getting back into its forever broken chamber.

Steven glanced at the towering form as he simply pat Miki, with her letting out a whine.

"What is it. You said she would be fine!?" He exclaims, gritting his teeth as he tightens his grip on the reborn Charizard.

"It is. But, there is a consequence. By our calculations, its form will not last."

Steven stops at that, his arms falling onto his sides as his eyes widen slightly... or whatever remains under the shadowed visage.

"...What does that mean."

"It means it will soon crumble back into the ground. Screaming its way back to life, the heart can not stay on its life-support long before taking the last breath once more. In this state, at least." MissingNo explains to him, creating a pokeball and giving it to Steven. It's hers... all bloody and broken... he tightens his grip on it.

"The fuck do you mean in this state!? You said she will be back to life! You said I would have my Miki back! You liar!" Steven yelled, taking shaky steps closer towards the Missing One as he puts the pokeball away into his pocket.

"Yet, it is back. Just not permanently. State or time was never part of it. We cannot influence it, so we have done our part. Use your time wisely, desperate one. Your time is one of five days at most." And with that, MissingNo disappears.

Steven's eyes widen, he attempts to reach out towards MissingNo before it disappears... he falls onto the ground.

"No.. no no no.." He mutters, sitting up and looking down at his hands. Everything feels blurry. Like he can only focus on his hands. The blood on his hands. The blood. The blood! Steven makes his hands into fists and slams them into the ground. His whole body is shaking as he cries.

The now reanimated form of Miki watches Steven, letting out a small noise as she moved herself over to him. Each step produced sounds of squeezing flesh. Every step was painful to her. Everything was agony.

Steven glances at her through his disheveled hair. Five days. Five days for this. Five days of her and then she is forever gone again. Steven's body tenses slightly as he lets out a small chuckle, the chuckle slowly excalating into a laugh. He looks up at the ceiling as tears trickle down from his face and his hands sink onto the ground. His laugh descends into wheeping again.

His hair is quickly met with a hand again, wrapping around the strands in a white knuckle grip. Steven just squeezes his hair for a moment. He does not know why himself. He does not know why anything is at all.

Looking back down at the hand as he pulls away, the blood is still on it. He just keeps staring at it... before Miki bumps her head against his. Steven looks up at her, he grins, patting her head before standing up.

Steven looks over at Mike's dead corpse on the bed, Miki somehow looks less alive than it. But.. she is alive. She is here. His Miki is here. And that bastard... he will never take her away from him again! Steven let's out a laugh. He is the reason he lost it all afterall! It was all his fault! It was all his! Mike's fault!

His sudden little rabbit hole of thoughts get forced back into the back of his head as Miki let out a whine. He had gripped too tightly onto her, causing even more pain than she already is in. He quickly pulled his hand away.

Before he could rasp a sorry out of his lips, he suddenly has a thought. Wait.. where even go now? He certainly can't stay home with the corpse of his brother, nor anywhere else really.. someone would see Miki anywhere else. She belongs into a safe place where no eyes will even glance and no harm will come of her! Yes... he will just hide! Hide somewhere!

Steven quickly turned towards Miki, climbing onto her and gripping at her horns. Miki lightly squirmed, letting out a cry before-

"Miki use fly!"

The rotting corpse obeyed immediately, she breaks the roof and flies out high into the sky. Steven largely grins, feeling very much alive. He looks around... forests are fine right?

Miki maneuvers her way towards a forest near, just continuing to fly, with her broken wings somehow still making that a ability despite the torn nature of their look. Not many forests are really big around Kanto without some form of a Town nearby... but Steven supposes this will have to make due for now. He will spend the rest of Miki's time just with her! Only with her! And none else shall intervene.

Forests are deep.. forests are where not many people go.. so safe it all is.. it's all so safe....


Hope you enjoyed this! I hope I will actually be able to make more chapters out of this and not leave it like some.. other projects. Have a nice day!