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True Love


If there are any 9-1-1 fans out there reading this, you might notice that there is similar dialogue to Buck/Tommy's conversation before they first kissed, that scene heavily inspired me to write this fic!

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

Ronan brought his sword up to deflect the blow from Logen's daggers - it's been a while since the pair had decided to train with each other, it was always better having a training partner because practising on a dummy isn't as realistic for obvious reasons, it didn't move like a proper person would.

They weren't the only ones training either, the usual members of the army were - Cullen was watching over them but Ronan had noticed he kept glancing back over at Logen, he wasn't sneaky with it.

Logen was focused though, he was a lot better fighter than he was, from what Ronan could remember - he'd learnt from the best (aka himself)

The rogue had managed to knock the sword out of the warrior's hand, surprising Ronan. Logen paused for a moment before throwing his dual daggers to the side, raising his fists up to his face.

“Haven't done hand to hand combat in a while have we? Might be getting rusty.” Logen joked, smirking as Ronan rolled his eyes and lifted up his own fists.

“I'll try not to bruise your pretty face.” Ronan responded sarcastically before he moved. For obvious reasons he didn't put as much force behind his punches like he would've done with an enemy in combat like this, he didn't want to actually hurt Logen.

They both got in a decent amount of punches and kicks on each other until Ronan managed to get Logen down to the ground - assuming it was whoever incapacitated the other first won, he pinned the taller man down onto the floor and pulled his arm behind his back, holding him there as he counted to five in his head before he let go.

Logen huffed as he realised his loss, rolling over when Ronan moved off of him and stood back up.

“Definitely not rusty.” He said, taking Ronan's hand when he offered it out to him, grumbling at Ronan's smirk.

“You spoke too soon my friend, you alright?” Ronan asked, stepping back as he stretched his arms over his head.

“I'm good, just dirty now, thanks.” Logen said, glancing down at his workout gear which was now dusty and a bit muddy from being pinned to the floor.

“Not like you're going to shower after this anyway.” Ronan replied, folding his arms,”Go give your boyfriend a kiss - he's been ogling you since you came out here.”

Logen smirked, mock saluting the Warden before he walked away after retrieving his daggers again.

Ronan leaned down to pick up his sword which was laying on the grass, his body freezing and mind screeching to a halt when a voice he hadn't heard in literal years hit his ears - fuck.

“So, you still fight the same as you did during the Blight.” Alistair said from behind him, Ronan turning to face him - he noticed Morrigan walking in the opposite direction, probably back to the gardens, traitor.

Ronan took a moment to reply, seeing Alistair again in person after ten years was…yeah. “Your Majesty.” He responded, his voice coming out much weaker than he wanted it to be - his body automatically going into a bow to show his respect to the King, old friend or not.

“Ronan please, titles aren't necessary here just…call me Alistair.” Alistair said, motioning Ronan to stop bowing.

“May I - ask what you're doing here?” Ronan asked as he straightened back up, forcing himself to meet those whiskey coloured eyes which made his stomach flip.

Even after ten years he was still deeply in love with this man.

“Alliances…something like that, didn't ask just came here, didn't expect to see you here, never knew you joined the Inquisition.” The King responded, watching Ronan carefully.

“I'm here on the behalf of the Wardens and also because of Logen, stayed when I found out he was here.” Ronan shrugged, running a hand through his damp hair.

Alistair nodded, going silent for a couple of moments like he was contemplating something,”Can we talk - in private?”

The Warden blinked, raising his brow. He wasn't expecting that. Maker the rumors that are going to be fuelled when someone like Dorian sees him talking to the King of fucking Ferelden alone.

He nodded, motioning for Alistair to follow him and it didn't take him long to lead the King up to the Battlements which were empty.

“What'd you want to talk about?” Ronan asked, folding his arms as he forced himself to turn around and look at that stupidly handsome face.

“I hadn't really - planned anything to say.” Alistair admitted with an awkward chuckle, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck,“I thought you wouldn't agree to talk to me…considering we haven't talked in ten years.”

“Alistair I don't hold grudges.’’ Okay that's a lie, he does but not against Alistair, even if he'd indirectly broken his heart.

“I guess I could apologise for not sending letters, I just…ruling a kingdom has been pretty difficult.”He responded and Ronan shrugged - he hadn't kept in contact either so Alistair wasn't the only one at fault here.

“You don't need to apologise for that Alistair.” Ronan said simply, leaning back against the Battlements wall - keeping an eye out for anyone possibly walking up the stairs.

“But I do, you were one of my closest friends Ronan and I basically abandoned you.” Alistair muttered causing Ronan to wince, friends of course they were just friends. Nothing more.

Ronan shook his head, rubbing a hand over his face with a sigh. He thought Alistair might've reciprocated his feelings, why would he have winked at him that one time whilst they were at camp? Was there any other explanation for it or was Alistair just being weird?

He blinked out of his thoughts when he realised Alistair was speaking and he hadn't even heard any of it, clearing his throat he dropped his hand from his face before he spoke,”Sorry I- can you repeat yourself?”

“I asked where have you been for the past year and a half Ronan you…literally disappeared.” Alistair asked, looking down at the shorter male.

“Everywhere, honestly, I've been trying to find a cure for the Calling. It's a long process but it's something that could possibly help the Wardens, I've spent too much time in the Deep Roads.” Ronan shrugged,“I haven't been successful yet but I'm trying.”

“Are you hearing it right now?” Alistair murmured, grimacing when Ronan nodded.

“I've been hearing it for months but I can endure it…just ignoring it at this point.” Ronan replied with a quiet sigh, moving his hands to rest them on his sword which was sheathed on his waist.

Alistair's eyes followed his every movement carefully. He didn't know what to say, he thought this would be easier but clearly he was wrong.

“Why are you here, Alistair?” Ronan asked again, his eyes flicking back up to the King's face.

“I already said, for alliances with Inquisitor Trevelyan Ro-”

“Alistair, you're a terrible liar.” The brunette cut him off and it made Alistair sigh, bringing his hand up to rub at the back of his neck again. He didn't really know the proper reason, maybe he just wanted to see Ronan…it had been literal years.

The King shrugged, unsure of how to reply to the other man. He was surprised that Ronan even wanted to speak to him given their complicated history, it took Alistair a couple years until after the Blight to realise that Ronan didn't look at him the way a friend should.

Ronan always went out of his way to ask if Alistair was okay - yes, he did that with the rest of the group but not so frequently, after every battle with Darkspawn no doubt Ronan would ask if he was okay. Alistair had always thought that was just him being caring but now he knows it was because of something else.

He was stupid. So stupid to not see that Ronan reciprocated the feelings he had but Ronan was a stubborn man and good at hiding his feelings.

“It's just…trying to get your attention has been kind of exhausting.” Alistair admitted, his eyes trailing back to Ronan's face.

He'd clearly taken the Warden off by guard with his words as Ronan paused and furrowed his brows - silently staring back at Alistair.

“My attention?” He finally asked, causing Alistair to shrug and look away again.

“I guess so, I did sort of come all the way down from Denerim to just…see you here.” Alistair said, clearing his throat as he felt his nerves build up once more,”I just - I didn't know you'd be here either. Morrigan said there are better ways to get your attention, sending you a letter or something but I didn't-”

Alistair was cut off as he felt Ronan's hand move up to his jaw, forcing him to look in his direction - he didn't even have a chance to ask what he was doing before he was kissed.

His eyes shot open in surprise, freezing but he didn't pull away - it took him a second to reciprocate the kiss but once he did, he felt like a literal weight had been taken off of his shoulders. The kiss was a lot softer than he thought it'd be from Ronan but it didn't last long as the Warden slowly pulled away.

“Like that?” Ronan asked, his hand not dropping from Alistair's face as he watched the King who still had the dumbstruck look across his face.

It took a moment for Alistair to gain the ability to speak back but a small smile did form on his lips as he nodded,“Yeah, like that.”

“So was that okay?” Ronan murmured, his eyes flicking down to Alistair's lips again for a moment before they met his eyes again.

“It was better than I thought it would be.” Alistair admitted, dipping his head down and pressing their lips together again, drawing a pleased hum from Ronan.

Although it had been a long time since Alistair had kissed someone, kissing Ronan was easy - like it was completely normal for them. Now he feels stupid for waiting ten years to do this.

The sound of a door opening to their left made Alistair pull away from the Warden who now had a small blush across his cheeks, the hand which was holding Alistair's face had gone down to hold onto his shoulder.

Alistair glanced to the side and blinked, immediately flushing when he made eye contact with Logen of all people - he and Cullen had just walked out of the Commander's office…of course Ronan had to choose the Battlements right next to Cullen's office.

Logen glanced over at Ronan who was refusing to look in the direction of the Prince, his mouth opening to speak but Cullen simply pushed him back through the door, shouting an apology over his shoulder as he slammed the office door shut behind himself.

Once they were both gone, Ronan snorted softly and tilted his head back to look up at Alistair before he spoke,”Trust it to be them to walk out on us.”

“Well these are the Battlements right next to Cullen's office…”Alistair trailed off, smiling down at the Warden.

Ronan rolled his eyes and leant forward to press a peck to Alistair's lips before he spoke again,“Not like I did it on purpose.”


“Oh shut up.”

"I'm telling Trevelyan." Logen said the moment the door was slammed shut by Cullen.

The Commander shot him a glance,"No you won't." He said, rolling his eyes at his partners glare.

"Come on Cullen! Ambrose has to know that Ronan is involved? Whatever they're doing, with the King of Ferelden!" Logen responded with a groan, stepping forward to try to get to the door again but Cullen blocked his way.

"Logen, no. I know you care about Ronan and don't want him getting hurt but trust me, just leave them." Cullen said, moving forward to gently wrap his arms around Logen's waist, pressing a kiss to his forehead.

Logen muttered something under his breath which made Cullen raise his brow in questioning but Logen didn't say anything.

"Plus...I think I have a better idea for a way for you to spend your time." Cullen grinned, slowly beginning to back Logen towards his desk.

The Prince immediately understood, a smirk appearing on his lips, keeping silent but he sealed their lips in a bruising kiss just as the backs of his knees hit Cullen's desk.

Ambrose stared at the Warden, his eyes flickering between him and the King who was awkwardly shifting back and forth on his heels. Finding out that Ronan and Alistair were now dating was a shocker to him but he just shook his head and chuckled.

"Varric, Bull - you two were right, I owe you drinks." Trevelyan said to the two men who were sat not far away from them, causing Ronan to pause and raise his brow but he didn't get to speak as the man continued,"We made bets...Ronan you weren't as sneaky with your crush as you believed you were."

Ronan huffed quietly and rolled his eyes, glancing up at Alistair who looked like he was ready to burst out laughing,"So, you're not bothered?"

"Why would I be? This is quite efficient for the Inquisition actually, having one our most well known members bedding the King of Ferelden is gonna be quite helpful." Ambrose said simply.

Ronan's mouth dropped open slightly at the pure bluntness of the Inquisitor's comment, Alistair finally laughing.

"What, I'm not lying it'll be helpful." Trevelyan shrugged, smirking at Ronan's facial expression before his gaze trailed off to the side, nodding his head,"Logen incoming." He warned before spinning around on his seat to flirt with Dorian.

Ronan braced himself for yelling of some sort but non came, Logen did stop next to him though, glancing between himself and Alistair before he spoke up, pointing at Alistair,"You hurt him, I gut you, I don't care if you're the King of Ferelden." He said and Ronan could tell the man was deadly serious.

He didn't say anything else as he continued walking, crossing the room to sit down with Bull and Varric, Ronan raising his brow slightly at the limp in Logen's step.

"He does realise he is less threatening when he's limping...Cullen did a number on him." Alistair said, glancing down at Ronan.

"I heard that!" Logen yelled over his shoulder.

Ronan just shook his head and chuckled, looking up at Alistair with a smile who was looking down at him with the same expression. They both seemed to have the same idea as he leaned up as Alistair leaned down, their noses bumping together - it made them laugh before they properly connected their lips.

The kiss was short but that didn't matter, it was still a kiss. Once Ronan had pulled away, he reached down for Alistair's hand and intertwined their fingers before he tugged him off to a free table.

Ronan didn't care if anyone saw them, he was way past caring. He waited for this stupidly gorgeous man for ten years, seven months, seventeen days, twenty hours and forty-three minutes (yes, he has kept count) and now that he had him, he wasn't going to keep it a secret.

Warden Commander Ronan Cousland of Ferelden loved King Alistair Theirin of Ferelden with his entire being and he wanted everybody to know that.


Thank you for reading!

Series this work belongs to: