
Work Header

My Heart with You


“I keep thinking about how things could’ve gone differently.” Trip stops about an arms length away from in front of her. He raises a brow in interest. “What exactly were you thinking about?” He questions in a low tone as Y/n smiles. She’s got him. She takes a step forward, not surprised when he doesn’t step backwards.

She places a hand on his chest as she looks up at him, “You.”

A.k.a; Two young cadets turned agents falling in love.
(Pre-Season 1 of AoS, we eventually diverge into the canon timeline)

Chapter 1: My First Party with You


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Life at the Academy training as a specialist was lonely. Sure you’d be surrounded by people all the time, but they didn’t take the time to really know you and make friends. Operations wasn’t like the other divisions, this was sink or swim, especially when you were training to be a specialist. And you had to swim, always. 


Y/n had a few people in her squad she could confide in, when they weren’t learning the different ways to kill a person. As a specialist in training, you had to know when to lock away your emotions. The mission was always the priority, committing to the mission all the way. You and your well-being came second. 


She knew that when she wanted to be a specialist, you would have to be okay with being alone for long periods of time. She was great at being alone, so she would say. “Hey Y/n, could you lock up for me? I have an assignment I need to work on.” Says Ben, one of her “friends.” She nods as he mutters a thank you, leaving the keys to the training room on the table before taking off. She sighs, looking around the now empty room. She had already taken a shower, a long one which she thought she deserved, and when she emerged, Ben and some other stragglers were left, but they quickly made their exit.


She grabs her gym bag, tossing it on her shoulder as she heads to the table, grabbing the keys. She locks the door to the building, looking at the midnight sky. She sighs, walking on the sidewalk that was lit up with lamp posts. She rounds the corner of a building, seeing students on a bench laughing with one another. She ducks behind the corner, tilting her head to listen in on their conversation. “Hey, are you guys coming to the party in the boiler room tomorrow night?” One girl asks as her companions nod and laugh. Boiler room


Y/n turns her head to get a better look at the students, they must be from Science and Technology. She should probably report it, but for some reason she didn’t. She got back to her dorm room and flopped on the bed. A party in the boiler room . She would have to figure out where that would be located. Her stomach feels uneasy, why did she want to go? Parties were a distraction, people were a distraction. She tries to rationalize it in her head, but she wants to experience a party before she graduates and will be isolated by herself on missions.


So now she's here, lurking around the outside of the Science and Technology Division sometime in the afternoon before her training. She walks by groups of students, keeping her ears peeled about the location of the boiler room. Maybe she’d have to do some recon in their buildings if she doesn’t find a solid location. So she did. Getting inside a lecture hall, sitting down in the back before students start flooding in. She looks around, wondering who the professor is.


 As if on cue, Agent Weaver comes in and stands at the podium, waiting for everyone to get settled. Oh shit. “Oh shit.” She says to herself, this was definitely a bad idea. She moves to slide out the aisle before a man comes and sits down, sliding in next to her. She lets out an annoyed breath through her nose before turning to move down the other way, but students start pilling in the aisle. She groans out loud, leaning her back against the chair. The man who blocked her initial exit point turns to her. “Damn, you alright?” He asks with a chuckle as she turns to him, giving him an annoyed look.


He looked to be around her age, maybe older by two years. He had a charming smile which made her regret giving him a sassy look. He had a taber cut which was short, and had a decent beard that complimented his face well. She nods to him yes as the lights dim slowly, the only light being on the stage with Agent Weaver, signaling she’s about to start her lecture. The man turns his attention to the front as Y/n looks around, trying to find some way out of this predicament. 


Weaver starts her speech as Y/n quickly realizes there’s no way out without making a scene, so she props an elbow on the table in front of them as she watches the Agent. The man from earlier mimics her movement, turning to face her. “I’ve been waiting to hear this for a while.” He whispers to her in an exciting tone, showing off that prized smile. She smiles back at him. Something about seeing him happy made her happy for him. She turns her attention back to Agent Weaver, but the man's gaze still lingers on her.


“You know, this is my first time seeing you here.” He comments in a hushed voice, a small panic rises in her stomach before she thinks of a lie. “It’s actually because I’m not usually here, I’m a specialist but I’m also learning medical training.” She explains as he squints at her but nods with a grin nonetheless, turning his gaze back to the front. She lets out a breath, leaning back in her chair as she examines the man once more.


He had on a long sleeved shirt, but even with those on you can see the outline of his biceps. He was built. Way too built to be in Science and Technology. But that's none of her business what he does in his free time. The lecture by Weaver went pretty fast, either that or she dozed off but it doesn’t matter. The students slowly clear out as she gets up, ready to leave the hall. She turns to the man who was still writing something down in a notebook. 


“It was nice meeting you.” She says to him as he perks his head up and smiles at the girl nodding at her, “You too.” He answers as he turns back to his notebook as she moves out of the aisle. He snaps his head up suddenly, “Wait, what's your name?” He asks no one in particular, he turns around to see her rushing out the door. 

Y/n gets flung onto the mat, a knee coming to her back before a whistle blows, indicating the end of the spar. The man she’s come to know as Grant Ward gets off her, lending her a hand. “Your heads not in it.” She dusts herself off as she nods timidly. He was set to graduate before her in the spring. The best of the class. She was always intimidated by him, but that was probably because of what she had heard about his past misdemeanors. But that’s what made her tolerate him and his bluntness, because they were the same.


 He would occasionally come and watch them spar, helping out their instructor when need be. “Now, does anyone know what she did wrong?” He asks the group who was watching as all their hands go up. She glares at Ward who slightly grins back at her. She rolls her eyes as she gets up as they start listing the things she did wrong. She sighs, lining back up with them as she thinks back to the man from the lecture hall. It was his fault she was off her top today. But then she remembers his smile, a small smile coming to her face.


The rest of training went awful, seeing as she couldn’t focus back up after thinking about the male she met earlier and the party. The party ! She still had no clue where the boiler room was. She locks up after Ben once more as she scurries off to her dorm room, digging in her closet for a “ party outfit ”. She settles for a black top, with a leather jacket to match. Finding a skirt was just folded at the back of her drawer, which was also black. 


She puts on the outfit, looking at herself in her mirror. “Why do I look emo?” She mutters as she puts on some combat boots. She puts her hair in a ponytail, pulling out a couple of curly strands, leaving them to rest out front. This would have to do.


The curfew for operations was 8PM, and now it was almost around that time. But good thing she’s being trained to be a spy. Ducking between cameras was an easy task, but finding this boiler room would be harder. She tucks her hands in her pockets as she exits the building, walking towards the dormitories that the Science and Technology students resided in. She finds a group of students walking and giggling. 


She eyes them, taking in their clothing. Casual, but not too casual to be a regular outfit worn to a class. She decides to trail them, leaving distance between herself and the group. She looks at the familiar buildings, they were in the Science and Technology division alright, there's a boy holding open a door to the building, gesturing for them to come on. She speeds walks up to the group, still lingering behind them as they all walk in together. These kids are dense, how did they not notice someone from operations was infiltrating their get together? 


She follows the group down a hall as there is low music vibrating. She follows them down a small flight of stairs as they open the door, holding it open for each other as she slips out from behind them into the infamous boiler room. This was the place that had her stumbling over herself in training today. She looks up at the neon lights that change colors in harmony with the music. She looks around at the walls, noticing the old SSR logos on the walls. 


She hums, at least they didn't try to cover up history. She walks around, scoping the scenery out. A pool table was occupied by a group of students, and a bar with a tender was there. How did these cadets manage to stay secretive about all this? Operations students didn’t have anything this nice that was kept a secret. She makes her way over to the bar, not knowing what to do. The tender makes his way over to her with a smile, “What can I get for you?” He asks as she glances at him and his weird demeanor. “Some answers.” She sweetly says, making him clear his throat. 


“Who is this party for?” She asks in return as he relaxes, laughing, pointing at two nerdy students in cardigans and sweaters. A boy and a girl, “That's Jemma Simmons and Leo Fitz, they’re graduating from the Academy after only one year here.” The tender gushes to her as she looks on at the two. “And they’re the youngest to graduate, it’s pretty amazing, don’t you think?” He asks as he brings out a beer bottle, cracking it open as Y/n turns around to face him as he slides it to her. “Enjoy your night.” He bids her farewell as she grabs the bottle and takes a swig. 


Only seventeen and about to graduate after only one year? They definitely had a bright future ahead of them. Y/n looks around at the different groups of people. Maybe she’d try to engage in a conversation between some students. But what did nerds usually talk about? She sighs, almost getting a headache trying to think of ways to mingle. A burst of laughter erupts from beside her as she sees some girl dancing on the pool table. Maybe she could dance, that seemed easy enough. Well, if she wasn’t self conscious it would seem easy enough. She never had a ballroom elective during her time here.


 The bass of the music along with the changing lights made her almost forget that this was a refurbished boiler room. She turns her chair back around, placing her bottle on the table as she props her head up on her hand, sighing. 


The tender walks back over to her, tossing a towel on his shoulder. He chuckles at her, “You aren’t from around here, are you?” He asks as she just shakes her head no. No reason to lie, he wouldn’t snitch since it could get everyone here in trouble. “I wanted to experience a party before I graduate as a field agent.” She says as he nods, “So, you’re from operations huh?” He questions as she nods once more. 


“Must be scary knowing you’re going to be risking your life on every mission.” He says in thought as she rolls her eyes but he doesn’t notice. She wasn’t hand selected for good scores and something outstanding to come to S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy. She looked at him, who was waiting on her answer.


She didn’t know him, she couldn’t spill. So she opts to give him a fake smile, “It’s all a part of the fun, I like to stay on my toes.” She remarks, sitting up in her stool. He smirks and looks her up and down, “Oh yeah?” He asks in a low tone. Oh no. This is why she didn’t do parties, she didn’t mean it like that- “Oh hey, you’re the girl from the lecture hall.” A familiar voice says as she turns to see the man from earlier today. The one who made her get her ass beat. The man turns to the bartender, “Hey Jack.” Ah, so that's his name. At least she’ll have the pleasure of knowing his name to avoid it. 


Jack greets him, giving him a firm handshake before he goes off to tend to a group of cadets coming up to the counter. The man turns back to her, “You know, I never did get your name.” He recalls as she nods with a small smile. “I’m Y/n L/n, it’s nice to meet you?” She trails off as he laughs, “Antoine Triplett.” He smiles as she nods, taking in his name. Antoine . “And I happen to know for a fact that you aren’t learning medicine.” He says as she raises her brow at him. This was getting a bit weird, he was built as fuck and knows how to listen in on a conversation without being noticed. “So you were listening in on our conversation?” She questions him as he shakes his head no. 


“You see, I’m a cadet in operations, set to graduate this year. But I’ve also been taking medical classes.” He explains as she lets out a small oh. No wonder why he was lean, he couldn’t have been in Science and Technology built like that for no reason. “And I’ve never seen you in any medical classes.” He states as Jack comes over, placing a beer on the table, cracking it open and giving it to Antoine. “So, operations as well?” He asks as she nods, wearily taking a sip of her beer. Set to graduate this year huh? He must know Ward.


He chuckles, noticing her shift in demeanor. “I’m sorry, I thought it would be nice to know someone from operations would be here.” He explains to her as she nods at him. “Do you know what this party is for?” She asks as he shakes his head no. “I just wanted to have a relaxing night and some of the medical students are around here so I thought I might as well pop in.” He says as she nods. 


He looks at her, “But then I saw you. And I just had to come over and say something.” Y/n’s demeanor warmens up at the comment. He was drawn to her from the jump. He smiles again. Why did he always have to do that? She melts immediately, smiling back as she lifts her beer in his direction and he mimics her as the two glasses clink together. “Well I’m glad you did.”


The rest of the party went swimmingly, the two engaging in a round of pool against one another. Antoine lost but he blamed the beer for his cloud of judgment and lack of coordination. Y/n was weary of dancing but he made her warm up in no time and had made her comfortable. Trip dances behind her as she backs it up on him slightly as he hands come down to her sides, not fully touching her as they dance in rhythm, synchronizing with one another. Yeah, there was definitely something strong in that beer. 


Amidst the dancing, heat and music that was pumping, she spotted someone taking photos with a polaroid. She hurriedly taps on Antoine’s hand, catching his attention as they stop swaying. She points at the cadet taking polaroids and he catches her drift. She guides him over and the cadet turns to the two. Y/n wraps arm around his torso, giving him a hug as he wraps an arm around her shoulder as the two smile for the camera. The photo prints out as the cadet grabs it, blowing it before handing it to Trip. 


He lowers the photo so she can get a better view, the pair looked so lively. Antoine hands it to her, “You keep it.” He says as she just smiles at him as she tucks it into her leather jacket. “Thank you for this night.” Y/n thanks him as Trip looks a bit confused, “That sounds like a goodbye.” He says as she nods with a small frown, “This was fun but the nerds are clearing out,” She looks at the group she followed and says their goodbyes as they head towards the exit. “Hey!” He exclaims jokingly, Y/n laughs, “No offense.” She says as he shrugs. “I won’t take offense if you let me walk you back to your place.” He winks as she smiles, “Very smooth.” She compliments as she links her arm in his as they head to the exit. 


The duo walk back to the operations division, keeping to the shadows and paying attention to the blinking on the security cameras. They make it to Y/n’s building, Y/n opens the door, turning around as she holds it. “You made tonight fun for me, I hope I can see you again.” Y/n says as Trip lifts a shoulder cockily. “What can I say? I have that effect on people.” Antoine smiles as he watches her chuckle. She moves out from in front of the door, letting it close behind her as he takes a step back. 


She goes to hug him as he returns it, placing his hands on her waist. She pulls back and kisses him on the cheek. “Goodnight Trip.” She says as he places a hand on his cheek, a little stunned. “I haven’t heard that name since high school.” He breathlessly says before snapping back to his usual self, going to hold the door open for her. “I hope I see you soon.” She says with a hopeful tone as he smiles and nods at her. “Goodnight Y/n.” 


My first work in the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. fandom! IF there are any spelling/grammatical errors please let me know! Also if you have any suggestions on what you want to see from this book let me know, it's still in it's writing phase. Comment any speculations you might have as the story progresses!

Tags wil be added as the story progresses.

I just really like the concept of S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy and wish we saw more before Hydra's coming out, so thats why I'm starting from Academy days. Anywho, have a good one!