Work Text:
“Do you think we’re soulmates in every universe, Rui?”
One day, with the clouds hanging low in the sky, like wisps of cotton candy, the two of them were on the rooftop. At that time, they were still in middle school. They had a sort of relationship, where the boundaries between platonic and romantic blurred. Mizuki was sitting next to Rui, with him staring out at the sky above. That was when the question left their lips.
That was all Rui had said.
In some other universe, they were former friends turned enemies because of a conflict between their two kingdoms. Mizuki was a knight in the Kingdom of White, and Rui was a mage fighting for the Night Kingdom. The two formerly met in the forest between the two kingdoms, and made a strong bond. Alas, as fate would have it, they found themselves engaged in the fiercest battle of their lives with each other. They were in the same place they first met, a part of the bforest that had trees which gleamed in the night and mythical creatures which are said to grant wishes. As Mizuki laid dying in Rui’s arms, he whispered out a “I’m sorry”. Rain was pouring around them, as if the heavens themselves were crying for them. Mizuki lifted a hand up to Rui’s cheek. Then, a question left their lips.
“Do you think we’re soulmates in every universe, Rui?”
“I hope so”
Tears kept streaming from his eyes.
In another universe, they were under some even more magical circumstances. Rui was a being manifasted in Mizuki’s dreams, like some sort of guardian angel. He was always there to comfort them whenever they felt sad, if only in their dreams. In one dream, after some other people had made fun of Mizuki’s interest in cute dreams again, and Rui held Mizuki close and told them they are the cutest person in the entire world and they shouldn’t be ashamed of that, and instead the other people should be ashamed that they dare to make fun of such a cute person, Mizuki asked a question.
“Do you think we’re soulmates in every universe, Rui?”
“Even if we aren’t, I would still find you and be with you.”
Rui smiled and placed a bow in Mizuki’s hair.
In this universe, fate was again not kind to them. Rui was a dollmaker who has lost faith in humanity and Mizuki is a doll created by Rui. In this universe, Mizuki loves Rui. However, having lost faith in humanity, he also lost the ability to love, and thus was unable to reporcipicate Mizuki’s feelings. Mizuki tries everything to make Rui happy, but to no avail. One day, Mizuki asked Rui a question.
“Do you think we’re soulmates in every universe, Rui?”
“Are we even soulmates in this one?”
Rui gave a tired smile.
For once, fate was kind to them in this universe. They were two phantom theives who worked together in this universe. Partners-in-crime, having fun together. There’s not much to be said about them, for they were like ordinary partners, except that they frequently have life and death adventures day in and day out. After a succesful caper, Mizuki had asked Rui a question.
“Do you think we’re soulmates in every universe, Rui?”
“Why, of course, m’lady.”
Rui took their hand as they raced off into the night.
But in this universe, fate was cruel to them. Mizuki met Rui again years later, on another rooftop. Now, Rui was no longer the loner as they were. He had plenty of friends from his troupe. And Mizuki thinks that they really aren’t so alone either, for the have their music group that they do animations for. But Mizuki and Rui were no longer the same people who found comfort only in each other, and it was time to move on. Mizuki really doesn’t want to move on from the one person who had truly understood them, but as time passes, so do relationships. However, there was one question they still had to ask him.
“Do you think, in another universe, we could be soulmates?”
“Maybe. But I don’t think we need to be soulmates to enjoy each other’s company. Come here, and let’s enjoy the sunset.”
And so the two of them watched the setting sun.