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For the Greater Good (For Ariana)


In the summer they spend together, Gellert becomes fond of not only Albus Dumbledore but also another Dumbledore.


The Houses Competition 11, round 3
House: Ravenclaw
Class: DADA
Category: drabble
Prompt: [Positive or Romantic Pairing] Ariana Dumbledore/Gellert Grindelwald
Word Count: 563
Warnings/Trigger warnings: Mentioned of Past Assault (Ariana Dumbledore past incident with muggles)

Work Text:

Obscurials had never been studied enough, Gellert was convinced of this fact. They had so much potential and history, yet they were so powerful and unique that they fascinated Gellert.


And, in the same family where he had met a friend so close in magical potential and open-mindedness to Gellert himself, he had met an Obscurial.


Though still young and inexperienced, Ariana Dumbledore possessed considerable magical potential beneath her grief. 


Gellert was not ashamed to admit that he had intended to use her at first, even considering his growing friendship with Albus, and yet…


Ariana was something special.


“You cannot rule over Muggles,” Ariana said. “They show remarkable perseverance and resistance towards things they cannot see or understand, and they do not accept being governed, even benevolently, as you are planning.”


Gellert murmured, sipping hot tea in the kitchen of the Dumbledore house. He knew what had brought Ariana to her condition: Muggles had seen her perform accidental magic, and they had performed unrepeatable acts on the poor little girl, ruining her magical development and future.


Now, Gellert was grateful that they hadn't destroyed her mentally or emotionally.


Furthermore, Ariana was still able to perform incredible magic. 


Gellert couldn't help but wonder… if those Muggles hadn't tried to attack her, to hurt her… would she have been more powerful than Albus? More powerful than Gellert himself?


Gellert smiled. “It's not something I've ever considered. But… they could be much more.”


“And they could be a threat,” Ariana retorted. “Surely both you and my brother can say that for yourselves.”


Look what they did to me . It's what Ariana thought but didn't voice aloud.


Look what they've done to me . This is what Ariana's sad and resigned eyes communicated.


Don't make other children suffer the same way I did, please . It's what her lips said but didn't pronounce.


I will do it. That's what Gellert would like to say.


What he said, however, was. "Yes. We can."


Ariana had been too used to being treated like the fragile one, the one to take care of, the one to endure. She was no longer used to being listened to, understood, and having her words and thoughts appreciated and considered in the way they clearly deserved.


Gellert had done it. He had met her and, despite himself, had grown fond of this contradiction.


“Shall we continue with our lesson?” Gellert pointed to the candle placed innocently in front of the girl.


Ariana sighed. “I couldn't control myself anymore. I… I'm too afraid of what might happen if I did that.”


“There are no Muggles here,” Gellert said, reassuring her. “Not even your brothers are here to stop you, and my aunt will keep your mother busy until I get home.” After a moment's pause, Gellert added, “It's just you and me. And you can trust me.”


Ariana gave him a smile that was sweet, kind, and so full of trust that it physically hurt Gellert. 


" I know ," Ariana whispered. 


The candlelight shone innocently, lit out of pure trust and faith.


An act of trust.


A flash of hope.


Gellert, looked into Ariana's bright eyes and promised himself that he would not let any other child feel the way Ariana felt now, the way she had felt her entire life.


In danger, threatened, a burden, a monster.


And Gellert would have done anything to achieve his goal. 

Series this work belongs to: