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Our Precious Sunshine - Reimagined


as soon as they reached the outside, donghyuck was thrown over the man’s shoulder - his body feeling heavy and as if he couldn’t move - before being sat in the back of a car, said man driving off with the now unconscious idol locked inside.

- where donghyuck is drugged and kidnapped at a company party


this is basically a longer, more detailed version of my first story on here. i don’t know if it’s better than the original, but i enjoyed writing it so i hope you enjoy reading it. <3


Note: Taeil has been edited out. Please let me know if I missed him anywhere.

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sm entertainment just announced to all of their artists and staff that they would be hosting an exclusive party for everyone to attend. lee soo-man was extremely proud of his employees and decided to give them all a (rare) night off to show his gratitude.


as soon as the members of nct heard about this, they were ecstatic! they’d just finished a tour and were craving at least one night away from the cameras and the stage. nct were also a bunch of extroverts, so they were happy to be able to talk with their fellow artists as well as staff.


after they got ready, they met outside of the 127 dorm and realized they somehow all matched, completely on accident. they were all wearing different shades of black and red, some members even opting to put on some simple makeup. the members headed to the vans, them being separated by units: nct 127, nct dream, and nct u. on the way to the company building - the location of this wonderful party - some members were scrolling on their phones while others were screaming to the songs they alternated in choosing.


once all of nct arrived, they entered the building, immediately knowing where the party was due to the loud music leaking through the walls. all the boys went their separate ways, each talking to the other artists and staff they were close with.


donghyuck walked right up to baekhyun, who was with karina, taemin, wendy, and kai, and joined the conversation they were in. as they continued talking, donghyuck noticed an unfamiliar face approaching the small group. naturally, he figured the man was a new staff member and greeted him kindly. “it’s nice to meet you, are you new?” the older man smiled softly before responding. “i’m very new, actually,” he began, showing off his dazzling smile before speaking again, “i’ve always wanted to get closer to you, i really respect your work, haechan. would you mind grabbing a drink?” he then pointed towards the bar area. “not at all.” donghyuck replied quickly, excited to have a drink with someone new and get to know him. as they walked towards the bar, they introduced themselves to each other. “you can call me donghyuck, by the way.”  “oh yeah, i forgot to tell you my name. i’m seongwoo.”


the two immediately hit it off, talking about anything and everything; it was as if they’d known each other their whole lives. they were currently sitting in comfortable silence, taking sips from their drinks. seongwoo suddenly pointed towards the middle of the floor, it being flooded with different idols, before saying “i see that all of your members decided to color coordinate.” in a slightly mocking, yet joking tone. donghyuck replied while giggling, the alcohol starting to take effect. “it was completely on accident. isn’t that crazy? over 20 members and we’re all wearing basically the same thing.” the older began to laugh along with the idol, sticking his hand in his pocket and proceeding to pose a question. “by the way, i have to ask, do all of you really get along all the time? in general, i feel like being around the same people day after day can be  hard enough but the fact there’s so many of you? that’s gotta be tough, right?” donghyuck slightly slurred his words, not fully paying attention to how much he was drinking, as he responded with “yeah it can be tough, but at the end of the day we all respect each other.” the younger looked into the crowd, looking at his members that he loved so much.

while he was turned away, seongwoo silently slipped a pill into his drink, watching it dissolve as the boy turned back to him. the older then picked up his glass, holding it in front of himself. “cheers to friendships, new and old.” donghyuck quickly mirrored the man’s actions, repeating his words before clinking their glasses together and drinking the rest of what was in them.


after about ten more minutes of the two talking about different things and throwing jokes at each other, donghyuck started to feel really dizzy and sleepy. he tried standing up, putting his hand on the staff’s shoulder for support. “i think i drank too much, i need to find one of my hyungs.” the older helped him stand, grabbing onto his waist before ushering him out of the building, saying he saw some of the boy’s members walk out a few minutes before. as soon as they reached the outside, donghyuck was thrown over the man’s shoulder - his body feeling heavy and as if he couldn’t move - before being sat in the back of a car, said man driving off with the now unconscious idol locked inside.




back at the party, the rest of the nct members, as well as the other idols in attendance, were dancing, drinking, and talking with each other, all in the best of moods. once it was time to start wrapping things up, everyone met with their respective groups so that it would be easier for them to get in the vans and return to their dorms. as nct 127 were gathering up, they noticed their maknae wasn’t with them. they didn’t think much of it, figuring he was with the members of nct dream or nct u. once the boys were all seated in their van, taeyong received a phone call. he picked up the phone and heard jaemin’s panicked voice on the other side. “taeyong hyung, please tell me donghyuck is with you guys.” the leader’s heart dropped. “no, he’s not with us. we thought he would be with you guys or the others. does no one know where he is?!” at this point, he’d put the call on speaker for the rest of the 127 members, as well as their manager, to hear the conversation. jaemin, apparently, had done the same thing, chenle’s voice suddenly coming through. “did you guys even see him during the party? i saw him drinking with some guy i’ve never even seen before but i didn’t really think much of it. maybe it’s nothing, but the fact he was with someone no one recognized and is now missing, i’m terrified at the possibilities of what could be going on.” taeyong took a deep breath before saying, “let’s get to the dorms and we’ll figure it out from there. maybe he felt sick and someone took him home early. if that’s not the case, we’ll act accordingly. i want all of you to not worry so much, let the hyungs handle this.” he was tearing up, not fully believing his own words but he felt it was his responsibility to keep everyone sane. the dreamies reluctantly agreed with the elder and ended the call. the boys of nct 127 were silent on their way home, their minds racing with all sorts of thoughts.


once they got home, the boys split up and searched the entire dorm. they yelled out donghyuck’s name but got nothing in response. the members met in the living room, several of them sitting on the couch with their hands in their hair due to the frustration they were feeling. just as doyoung was going to say something, he felt his phone vibrate. he grabbed and saw that he was getting a call from an unknown number. he didn’t normally answer calls if he didn’t recognize the number but just in case it was donghyuck, he decided to answer, “hello?”, before putting it on speaker for the members around him to listen in. a deep voice suddenly came through the phone, “i have your maknae” the eerie voice shouted out, snickering after doing so. johnny instantly intervened, “hey this isn’t funny. i don’t know if you’re a sasaeng or what but leave us alone.” he was about to end the call but before he could, the members all heard a familiar voice ring in their ears. “hyungs, please.” all of the members’ hearts started beating out of their chests as they collectively yelled donghyuck’s name. “hyuck, are you okay?” yuta knows it’s a dumb question, of course he isn’t okay, but it was the first thing he thought to say. the boy began crying out to his members, “please help me i-“ a slap cuts the boy off, a loud whimper following. the evil voice from before reappeared, “believe me now?”




when donghyuck woke up, all he saw was black. he still felt a little out of it but assumed it was from the drinking. suddenly, the boy’s vision was restored; his eyes took a second to adjust to the lights above him but once they did, he saw that he was face to face with the man he was having a drink with earlier in the night, and he was holding a blindfold. “seongwoo? what’s going on?” the older didn’t answer, he just looked the idol up and down which caused donghyuck to follow his gaze, realizing he’s tied up. he immediately fought against the restraints, but to no avail. seongwoo let out a laugh as he began to talk. “don’t waste your time, dear. you’re never getting out of those.” he walked towards the younger, grabbed his chin and slightly tilted his head up before he continues. “you’re all mine now. do everything i tell you and you’re gonna be just fine.” he finished by softly kissing donghyuck’s dry lips, which caused the latter to flinch away. this resulted in him getting a harsh slap, whimpering at the violent action. seongwoo grabbed his phone and called one of the members of nct 127, having stolen the number from the younger’s phone while he was out cold. once the call was answered, donghyuck heard one of his hyungs, doyoung, timidly say “hello?” the man in front of him put a finger to his lips, signaling him to be quiet as he told the boy’s members that he has donghyuck. he can feel the panic coming from his members. he heard johnny attempt to argue with the man, believing that this was some cruel prank. donghyuck felt desperate, calling out to his members. “hyungs, please” he began to cry, so overwhelmed and terrified of what could happen to him. the next thing he heard was yuta asking him if he’s okay, getting a head nod from his kidnapper as he motioned for him to speak again. “please help me i-“ another slap interrupted him, giving him slight whiplash. the boy whimpered again, crying even harder after he heard the older end the call.


seongwoo set his phone down, propping it up against a couple of boxes before going to his camera app and hitting record. slowly, he took off his pants and underwear, his thick cock on display. sirens started going off in donghyuck’s head at the sight, causing him to writhe against his restraints once again. the older quickly grabbed donghyuck’s throat and squeezed it tight, forcefully ending his stressed movements. seongwoo, then, hit the younger’s cheek with his dick a few times before forcing his mouth open and sticking his dick inside. he began to fuck donghyuck’s mouth, loving the feeling. “fuck, you take me so good, babydoll. your throats so tight.” a mixture of tears and sweat fell down the younger’s face, mixing with the come that, eventually, went down his throat.


after seongwoo felt satisfied, he looked straight into the camera and said “he’s perfect, isn’t he? such a good boy for me.” before ending the video and turning to donghyuck. “this’ll be a nice video for your boys to wake up to.” he smirked before leaving donghyuck alone in the room, sobbing as he’s left to take in the disgust that he feels with himself.




the next morning, all of the members wake up in the living room; after contemplating, they all decided they felt more comfortable sleeping together and knowing that they had each other. jaehyun, the first to wake up, hears a small buzz and looked to see that doyoung got a text from the same unknown number that called them the night before. he quickly woke up the others and doyoung opened the text, hesitantly clicking on the video he received. they’re all frighted at the sight; they watch in horror as their youngest member is assaulted. donghyuck looks like he’s in severe pain, tears rushing down his face as that man abuses his mouth and throat. after the video ends, the boys just sit in silence, too overwhelmed and disgusted to even think. after a few minutes, johnny spoke up. “that sick bastard. why is he doing this? we have to do something.” as he continued to ramble, taeyong got texts from renjun and ten, both of them wondering if the boy has heard anything about donghyuck’s whereabouts. he quickly sent a text to the nct group chat, informing everyone of what’s going on, of course leaving out most of the details. the next thing he does is call their managers, each of them quickly arriving to the 127 dorm and watching the video that was sent to doyoung, feeling sick to their stomachs and dizzy with anger at the sight. one of the managers spoke with police, giving them the current evidence. three policemen were chosen to stake out at the nct dorms, one for each, not only to make sure nothing happened to them, but also to see if the perpetrator decided to call or text any of the members again.


after about 3 hours, doyoung received another text, it looked like another video. he paused, his finger hovering over the video, before playing it. he was (rightfully) scared of what might be in it, but he knew this was for the best as it gave the cops more viable evidence.


the video started off with just the man’s face in frame. he smiled into the camera before panning over to donghyuck, the boy laying lifeless in the chair, his head pointed downwards, making only his curly brown hair and slim, tortured body visible. there were visible cuts and bruises littering the boy’s body. the criminal chuckled lightly before vaguely explaining the events that happened prior to him recording. “i really like donghyuck. i’ve had my eyes on him for a while, you know? he’s so small, so pretty. he had some resistance at first, but i was able to nip that in the bud real quick. i hope you all don’t miss him too much, he’s gonna be staying with me for a while.” his eyes grew darker, if that’s even possible, before the video came to an end.


all of the members were hysterical, broken sobs coming from their mouths. the cop who was staying with them got a closer look at the man’s face and recognized him instantly. “i’ve seen him before. he’s raped and killed over 10 men and women in the past year and a half. no one’s been able to track him down, but i think you all can help with that.”


the woman explained to the boys that if they called the man, they may be able to trace his location. as the oldest, johnny felt he needed to be brave, believing he had the responsibility to care for his members and help them no matter the cost. he quickly grabbed doyoung’s phone and called the stranger.




donghyuck felt like he’s been in this room for weeks, maybe even months or years. his current daily routine is wake up, get assaulted, and go to sleep. he felt so disgusting, blaming himself for “letting” the man take advantage of him. throughout his stay at hotel psycho he was constantly told that this was his fault. that he was too tempting and was asking for it. at first he fought against these words, but soon enough, he started to believe them.


he sat by himself, in the silence that he’s grown to appreciate, when he heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs as he saw seongwoo walk towards him, holding his phone in the air. “good morning, sunshine! looks like your members are excited to see the fun we have today.” the older answered the facetime call, instantly seeing johnny’s frowning face. “what’s got you so down? aren’t you happy to see your friend?” he set up the phone the same as before, leaving both himself and the fragile boy visible. the members all froze in their spots, concerned at how many new wounds their member had and the fact that he was laying in a bed, naked and no longer tied up but still unmoving. somehow, seongwoo catches on and begins to explain. “oh, you might be wondering why hyuckie is so beat up. well, he wouldn’t be if he was just better at following rules, but he can be a real brat at times.” their faces morphed into disgust at the sound of the older using such a fond nickname; as if he had any right to do so. before anyone could say anything to him, he grabbed donghyuck by the throat and squeezed, “let’s give your boys a little show, yeah? bet they’d love to see you all used up, just how a slut like you should be.” he spit the words at him, quickly shoving his hard dick into the poor boy. the smaller screamed out, using all of his strength in an attempt to push the older away but he was, once again, unsuccessful. donghyuck had no choice but to stay still and take it, his body feeling like jelly. all he could think was, i’m disgusting. maybe he’ll kill me. that would be better than this. anything would be better than this.


seongwoo reveled at the sight of the boy under him crying but no longer fighting against him. “are you finally starting to enjoy this? there you go, baby. let my cock fuck you stupid.” he looked at the boys on the other side of the phone call with a disgusting smirk plastered across his face. the rest of nct 127 can only look on in horror, fighting against every instinct to yell at the cruel man and try to help their suffering friend. donghyuck, just wanting this all to end, started to yell at the man in desperation. “just kill me. please just kill me i can’t take this-“ he’s cut off by a bone-breaking punch to the jaw, effectively knocking him out. unable to hold back, doyoung yells out “donghyuck-ah!” before sobbing harder than before. the man currently abusing donghyuck’s body looks at the phone with fake pity. “aww, must be so sad to watch your youngest member go through all of this, hm? well rest assured, i’m taking great care of our precious sunshine here. i’m just showing him his true purpose.”




while the members are forced to watch the rape of their brother, the cop in the house is currently speaking with her team, trying to pinpoint the criminal’s location. once they got it, she signaled to the boys to end the phone call. once they did, she started explaining their next moves. “okay, all of you stay here. my team has found their location, so we already have some of them on the way. i’m about to leave, as well. don’t worry, we’ll get donghyuck back.” she then quickly left the boys and their managers, heading to the broken boy and his abuser.


once the team arrived, they entered the dingy house and started searching through each room and every hallway. they didn’t see anything at first, frustrated at the thought that they may have gotten the location wrong. just when they were about to leave, they heard a scream coming from behind a…bookshelf? two of the cops moved the bookshelf, revealing a secret door. “what the hell?” “this man really is crazed.” the 4 cops carefully opened the door and headed down the steep, creaky wooden stairs, going completely unnoticed by the crazy man as he was still dick-deep in donghyuck. they all pointed their guns at said man, one of them yelling “put your hands up, mr. kim! you’re done hurting these innocent people!” this caused him to leave donghyuck’s body as quickly as he entered it as he attempted to run out the back door. he was quickly thrown to the ground by two of the cops before being cuffed and removed from the premises. the remaining 2 rushed to the unconscious donghyuck, one calling for an ambulance through their radio while the other picked up the beaten and bruised boy before taking him out of the building.




donghyuck wakes up to see that he’s in a hospital room, everything pure white and squeaky clean. he noticed that there was a tube going up his nose while another was connected to a needle in his arm. once the memories of the past week re-entered his mind, he began to sob, unable to breathe properly. this woke up his members that are in the room, causing them to immediately rush to the younger’s side while yuta runs out of the room to get a nurse. once the frantic member returns with a nurse by his side, said nurse does her best to calm donghyuck down. “he’s having a panic attack, i need all of you to back away.” the members all wore hurt expressions on their faces but listened to her nonetheless, taking a few steps back. once she got the boy calmed down, she asked for his members to step outside. she turned to close the door before speaking to the boys in a soft, warm voice. “i know all of you want to be there for him and comfort him, but you have to understand what he’s been through. when he first entered the ambulance, he didn’t even want the paramedics inside to touch him. when he arrived here, we had to induce him into a coma just so we could do what was needed in order to help him. yes, you’re his members, but he’s currently unpredictable. we all have to be very careful around him.”


the boys nodded in understanding before slowly entering donghyuck’s room again. the younger was staring at the wall in front of him, almost as if he was in a daze, while playing with his fingers. mark immediately recognized this as one of the boy’s nervous tics. he took a small step closer to the bed before speaking to his best friend in the softest possible voice, almost whispering. “hey, hyuckie. we love you so much. how are you doing?” this elicited no response from the younger. jungwoo decided to take a slightly different approach. “hyuck, could you give us a thumbs up if you’re okay with us staying here and talking with you? if you want us to leave, you can give us a thumbs down. you don’t have to talk unless you want to.” the rest of the members looked at jungwoo with pride before turning back to donghyuck. they saw his trembling hand morph into a thumbs up, letting them know that it was okay for them to stay. the boys continued to talk to him as if nothing even happened, donghyuck replying with different hand shapes and motions. the boy is still extremely fragile, so they’re careful with their words. a slight smile adorned the youngest’s face, so thankful that he’s back with his family.




donghyuck was in the hospital for about a week. during his hospital stay, he was informed that the tube in his nose is feeding him nutrients since he was malnourished when he arrived. his nurse also spoke with him about seeing a therapist. based on his reactions to certain things, it looked like he had ptsd. at first, donghyuck denied it strongly. after everything that evil man did and said to him, he felt that everything was his fault and that he didn’t deserve help. as soon as his members caught wind of this, they immediately let him know that he wasn’t at fault; he was the victim in this. after lots of convincing - and a promise that his hyungs will be his “caring servants” once he gets discharged - he agreed to see a therapist and get help.


the first therapy session was…less than exciting. he cried, a lot. with each explanation donghyuck gave, reliving those awful memories, he broke down more and more. he was honestly embarrassed, that man’s voice in the back of his head telling him that he needs to stop crying because it “wasn’t even that bad” and that he’s playing the victim to get attention. it took about five sessions before he actually told the therapist about these thoughts. after continuing to see his therapist, for weeks and weeks, he slowly started to feel better. his members, from all units of nct, showed a lot of love and care to donghyuck. after a very long, draining week with a man he shall not name, he’s not really used to being treated so kindly and at first, it made him uncomfortable. before all of this happened, donghyuck was the touchiest, clingiest person to ever live, but he was a different person. at least for now and the near future.




it’s been a year. a year since he was touched by that man. a year since he went to the hospital. a year since he lived through pure hell. and donghyuck can finally say he’s okay. he can finally joke around with his members again. he can relax into their embraces and initiate hugs and kisses just like he used to. of course, he still has his moments; that’s normal. but at the end of the day, he knows he has his members and that’s enough.