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Falling For Your Spell


Bangtan Sonyeondan- a Group of six passionate people, who came together to deliver great, healing, comforting music.

All six have an unexplainable, pure bond. They would die for each other. Especially, the maknae of the Group Jeon Jungkook.
He is hot, handsome and a person who you wouldn't want to mess with. People wouldn't be able to touch and mess with his hyungs, until and unless they go beyond him.

And you wouldn't certainly want to mess against their fandom- ARMY as affectionately called by the members.

Taehyung was rich and handsome.  He had a lot of friends and a caring older brother.
But, he yearned for his parent's love. He yearned for a simple hug, a kiss on his forehead, having a meal together or going out on family trips. He has been deprived of his parent's love.

Trying to move on from his horrible past, taehyung always stayed happy, with a big boxy smile on his face. Beneath the smile lay all of his insecurities and pain.


What happens when an arranged marriage between the cold grumpy rapper and cheerful, broken stylist takes place?


Namjoon and Jungkook are mostly portrayed as top. To make a change, Jin is the top here. Also, Jin as a dominating person, sounds sexy. 🌚

This is a work of fiction. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events or incidents, are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Also, pictures and videos are taken from various platforms. Credit goes to the original creator and owner.

Chapter 1: Eloped

Chapter Text



What in the fucking hell? 

This was not supposed to happen. Yoongi was supposed to be his brother-in-law. 

Am I becoming blind? Had I forgotten how to read? Am I hallucinating? 

Because this letter~ 

This absolutely stupid letter! 

How could he? 

What will I Do now? 

Should I say this to Eomma and Appa? 

Shall I hide this and say that Hyung has been kidnapped? 

Oh my god! 

Taehyung internally screamed seeing the letter which was placed on the bedside table. His brother eloped with his lover. 

It's horrible considering his family's reputation. His parents don't care about them. They would rather care about their reputation, business and money, than about their sons. 

Out of all the people, he was the person who found this letter. Now, he should brace himself and explain the situation to his parents and his brother's in-laws. 

Rubbing his clammy hands on his suit, he started walking out of the room, towards their living room. 

Clad in a black-fitted suit, was his father, who was tapping on his shoes nervously, waiting for his sons to arrive as they had to go to the church. 

Lifting his head, he saw his youngest son standing in front of him and fidgeting his fingers. 

"Taehyung-ah where is Hyungsik? We are getting late Tae. Call him fast" the older mumbled and the younger gulped nervously. 

The older looked and frowned, seeing his son standing at the same place. 

"I asked you to call Hyungsik Tae. Why are you still standing here?" the older grumbled and his wife gently patted his shoulders. 

"Taehyung Appa is saying, right? Go and call Hyungsik" 

"M-mumma I - he - hyung is" the omega stuttered, trying to form coherent words.

"What are you blabbering Tae? Go and call your Hyung fast. We should reach the church. Mins might already be waiting." 

The youngest male sighed and reached his hands, to grab the letter from his pocket. 
Puffing his cheeks out, he started walking towards his mom. 

"Mumma you should read this-" 

"Taehyung it's getting late. Can you understand what I am saying?" his mother yelled, causing the younger to flinch. 

Before he could speak further, he was cut off by a ringtone. 

His mother glanced at him and then slid the button before answering. 

"Hello Mrs Min" 

"Where are you, Mrs Park? We are waiting at the church for you" the lady muttered and Taehyung nervously shifted upon hearing that. 

"We will come there in a few minutes Mrs Min" 

After keeping her phone back in her purse, she looked at the younger one still standing there with a frown. 

"Mumma please read this letter." 

"Ha Rin please read that goddamn letter. He doesn't seem to shut his mouth" his father groaned and the younger looked down at his feet, clenching his fists. 

The lady sighed before tucking her loose strands behind her ear. She stretched her hand and the younger male gulped before handing over the letter. 


"What the hell" the woman yelled pulling at her hair in frustration. 

"Jagi what's wrong? The oldest asked, coming towards his wife. 

The woman simply gave the letter and sniffled. 

"What has he done? " the male asked, burning in anger. 

The lady suddenly looked at the youngest and walked towards him. 

"Taehyung, where is your Hyung?" she asked, and the younger looked at his mother in disbelief. 

"I don't know where he is. I don't know where Hyung is Mom. How will I know?" 

Mr Kim came forward, glaring at Taehyung. 

"Taehyung don't lie. I know how much you love your Hyung and would do anything for him. Say where he is" 

"Appa I am not lying-" 

He was cut off by a harsh slap. He looked up and saw his mother fuming in anger. Tears welled up in his eyes in frustration. Why can't they ever understand him? 

He was dragged out of the house and pushed inside the car 

"Charles, start the car." the woman yelled and Taehyung wiped his tears and looked out of the window. 

Looks like he is being taken to the church. Maybe he is expected to apologize.

Chapter 2: Marriage?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

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"In the sight of god and these witnesses, I now pronounce you husband and husband!
You may now kiss"

Taehyung looked at the slightly shorter male and gulped, as the older pulled him closer by his waist.

"I will never fall in love with you. I will never fall for your spell". The older whispered, only for the younger to hear.

"As if I am dying to be loved by you asshole" Taehyung muttered under his breath.

Yoongi leaned forward, making the younger gulp nervously. As their hot breath mingled, the older quickly pecked his lips and pulled back with a small, fake smile.

Both greeted their close friends and relatives and got their parent's blessings. Yoongi quickly walked out of the church, towards his car. Taehyung ran back, trying to keep his pace with the older.

"Yoongi hyung wait," the younger called out panting, and the older one quirked his eyebrows.

"What? And don't call me hyung" the older murmured and the younger frowned.

"I am coming with you. Take me with you" the younger whispered, to which the older quickly protested.

"And why do you think I will take you back to Seoul? Stay here"

"Because we are married"

The older scowled and looked away.

"This marriage doesn't mean anything to me. You are just a stranger. Go ahead and live your life the way you want"

"Not like I am dying to live with you but we both know how our parents forced us so we should stay together."

"Stupid marriage and senseless astrology. I don't believe in all those shits."

"Hyung listen to me--"

" I said don't call me hyung"

"Okay Yoongi, listen"

>'This brat'

"Please take me back with you to Seoul. We can live in separate houses."

> Heck! Why the hell am I even pleading with this grumpy cat?


The older male sighed and nodded, before opening the car door. Looking back at his hometown, parents and friends for the last time, Taehyung waved his hands and hopped on his seat.

Both the males remained silent, without saying anything.


Life is a roller coaster. He had heard this statement many times. But only today, he had experienced it.

He was Yoongi's husband. Min fucking Yoongi's husband. The older one was supposed to be his brother-in-law. Imagine marrying a hot man, your childhood crush as well as your bias from a boy band.

He looked down at his finger. A shiny diamond ring adorned his slender finger.
The omega puffed his cheeks out in exhaustion, as he leaned back and closed his eyes, pushing back his useless thoughts.


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And those lines with the > symbol just represents their inner thoughts...

Chapter 3: What?

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Flashback :

The Park family entered the church nervously. Walking towards the altar, Taehyung noticed Mr and Mrs Min. Scanning the whole church, he saw Min Yoongi speaking to someone.

"Oh hello, Mr and Mrs Park. Hello to you too Taehyung-ssi" Mrs Min mumbled with a huge smile- too huge and fake for Taehyung's liking.

Both the ladies and men hugged each other, and Taehyung stood there with an awkward smile.

"So where is my son-in-law? " Mrs Min asked enthusiastically.

The omega visibly stiffened, as his eyes darted around the room, avoiding contact with others, a shadow of guilt darkening his features.

Oh here they go

With the big deal~

"Oh actually ~"

"He is getting ready so we came here to look at the arrangements. Right, Taehyung?" Mrs Park quickly interrupted her husband, and signalled both the males.

Both the males nodded with a sigh and Taehyung felt guilty for lying.

"Taehyung is that a bruise I am seeing?" Mr Min mumbled, pointing to his cheek.

The younger quickly touched his cheeks.

> Oh well. That was a slap mark. He was slapped by his mom.

"Oh uncle it's... Ah I hit my face on the table while getting dressed"

>Such a lame excuse

"Oh" the older murmured, not convinced by the younger's words, but let it slide away.


Mrs Min called for the male, who stopped speaking with the man and started walking towards his parents.

"Yes Eomma?"

"Greet your inlaws and brother-in-law. What are you doing there at this time?" the older woman asked sternly to which Yoongi nodded with a tight-lipped smile.

"Hello, Mr and Mrs Park. Hi Taehyung"

The Park family waved back and the youngest nudged his mom's elbow.

Mrs Park quickly gave a side eye and looked at Mrs Min.

"Umm, Mrs Min just give a minute. Taehyung wants to say something" Mrs Park muttered, to which the other lady nodded.

Quickly dragging her son towards a corner, Mrs Park asked what the matter was.

"Mom please let's tell the truth. I am feeling guilty."

"Stop it Taehyung. I know what to do. Just take your phone and place it on your ears. Act like you got a call from Hyungsik because Mrs Min is watching us."

Taehyung slowly turned towards the left side and saw Mrs Min gawking at them with a stupid smile.

He was left with no other choice. Sighing, he slowly started acting as his mom told him.

"Oh my god! Hyungsik-ah~" Mrs Park screamed suddenly and the bluehead looked at his mom in disbelief.

'What an acting ' his wolf mocked, snarling at the back of the omega's head.

Taehyung continued looking at his mom, who wailed and clawed at her chest.

"Mrs Park, what's wrong?" Mr Min asked worriedly, and all the people began gathering.

"My son. He.. He was kidnapped by someone"

Taehyung widened his eyes and looked at his mom. He was too stunned to speak.

"My baby~" the lady continued wailing and Mrs Min quickly hugged the younger.

"Oh my god, it's okay. It's okay Ha-rin" Mrs Min crooned, patting the lady's back and hugging her.

After a few minutes, both the ladies pulled back. Amidst all the commotion, Yoongi was staring at Taehyung, who gulped and looked away, not being able to handle the strong burning gaze.

"But what about my son?" Mrs Min asked all of a sudden, taking the Park family off guard.

"I-I am s-sor"

Mrs Min raised her palm mid-way and glared at the Park family, getting back to her senses.

"Did you all plan this to ruin our family's reputation? What will happen to my son's future?"

"Mrs Min that's not-"

"Mr park. I am not letting your family go out of this church, without getting an answer for my son"

"Eomma stop it" the alpha butted it.

"Yoongi. Stay quiet"

"Mr Park You--"

"Let Yoongi marry my second son, Taehyung"

"What? ~" both Yoongi and Taehyung asked, mirroring each other's surprised expression.

"Appa what are you saying? How can I-"

"Taehyung. Marry Yoongi" the younger's father mumbled, cutting off the younger's words.


"Park Taehyung~"

The younger went silent, while the Min's family was thinking something deeply.

"You can't decide on my behalf" Yoongi mumbled and Mrs Min glared at the younger and signalled not to speak anything.

"Just give us a minute" Mrs Min murmured and walked away with her family.

"Okay, Yoongi will marry Taehyung" Mrs Min muttered glancing at the younger and calculating something, with a sly smirk.

Chapter 4: Living Together


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

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Taehyung shifted uncomfortably as the car came to an abrupt stop. He glanced up and saw a huge apartment.

"Are you living here?" Taehyung asked in awe.

"You talk too much. And yes we all live here" Yoongi mumbled and started walking inside.

"We all?" the omega whispered in confusion.

Taehyung got his answer when he realised that all the members lived there.
They had vacated their old dorm and decided to stay in this apartment as they would not be able to live without meeting each other.

"Hey, you cat where did you disappear for five fucking days? You said you went to Daeg-- Wait who is this cutie?" Jin mumbled, stopping his rants.

Taehyung looked at Jin with wide, hearty eyes.

He is standing in front of Kim Seokjin.
Coming back to his senses,  he bowed down and smiled.

Jin bowed back and looked at Yoongi with a questionable gaze.

"He is Park Taehyung. My ..My husband" Yoongi whispered stuttering and looked away.


Five screams were heard at the same time. He didn't know when all the members gathered there.


"Yoongi hyung are you drunk?" Hoseok asked with wide eyes and the older scowled.

"No. We got married. That was why I went back to Daegu"

All five were stunned and astonished.

"You didn't even invite us. You traitor" Namjoon yelled and saw Taehyung flinching.

"Oh my god I am sorry" the older mumbled quickly, and the younger nodded with an awkward smile.

"I am Kim Namjoon"

"I know you all. Everybody knew you guys." Taehyung murmured and the older rubbed his nape shyly.

"I- you- Why did you marry all of a sudden Yoongi?" Jin asked and the younger looked away.

"It's because of some stupid astrological problems. This marriage doesn't mean anything tho~" Yoongi whispered.

>You need not rub that on my face, you grumpy cat.

Taehyung clenched his fists and looked away. Noticing the thick atmosphere, Jimin and Jungkook stepped forward and started asking random things.

"How old are you Taehyung-shi?" Jungkook asked curiously.

"I am twenty two" the omega replied.

"Oh. Then hyung it is." Jungkook mumbled with a big bunny smile.

Taehyung smiled upon hearing that.

Just as the younger omega tried to wrap his arms around the bluehead, the older flinched away, shutting his eyes close.

He stumbled back as his scent turned bitter and he froze in place, every muscle tensed with fear, his heart pounding in his chest like a drum.

All the members tensed upon seeing the omega's strong reaction, and whispered among themselves, before the youngest spoke.

"Taehyungie Hyung I- I am sorry. I just--" the omega stuttered, as he bit his lip, hands fidgeting nervously.

"N-No Jungkook-shi I am sorry I.." the omega breathed out.

"I am not very good with physical touch" the omega whispered, totally forgetting about Yoongi's presence, whose eyes widened in disbelief as he struggled to comprehend what he was hearing.


"Okay, Taehyung. Go and freshen up in Yoongi's room. It's in the top right corner" the oldest replied, clearing the tense atmosphere.

Yoongi's eyes widened upon hearing Jin's words. Taehyung too was shocked.

"What! Why in my room?" Yoongi asked, and saw Jin grumbling.

"Because he is your husband."


"And he will be staying with you ~ in your room"

"Jin-shi no it's okay I can --"

"Taehyung-ah. Go and freshen up" Jin muttered, but in a more stern voice, making him sigh and nod in defeat.

Yoongi internally groaned, unable to refuse the older's words, as well as accept it.


Okay, first of all this is an unreal situation. I was not able to find such tag, but this is just a fanfiction.. So, it's just piece of imagination

Chapter 5: No Way!

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Taehyung was arranging the pillows, when he saw the older entering the room.

"What are you doing?"

"I am going to sleep" Taehyung mumbled, and the older frowned.

"You should arrange the couch though."

"What! Why? I am sleeping here. Why should I arrange the couch"

"Who said you are sleeping here? Either sleep on the couch or the floor."

"And why would I do that?"

"Because this is my room and this is my bed"

Taehyung looked back and forth and started rummaging through the blankets.

Yoongi frowned upon seeing the younger's act.

"You said this is your bed. So I was searching if your name is carved here or if you have any possession certificate"

"Don't act too smart. Go and sleep on the floor"

"Nope. You go" Taehyung mumbled and sat on the bed. Further, he threw a pillow at the older who caught it in reflex and scowled.

"So you won't go? Then why should I sleep on the couch in my room? I will sleep here too" the older grumbled and sat on the other side.

Taehyung widened his eyes and looked at the older.

"No way. We are not sharing a bed"

"Cool dude then get away. Sleep on the couch"

"Nope," the younger mumbled keeping a pillow in between them. He also placed a huge teddy bear and hugged it.

"Aish. Are you five ? Keeping plushies and teddy bears" the alpha snarled, irritating the omega.

"Plushies are not just made for babies. Shut up and sleep"

The older scowled and turned towards the other side, such that his back was facing the younger.

When the older was about to switch off the lights, the omega interrupted him.

"No, please. I c-cannot sleep without lights"

The alpha groaned and covered his face, in an attempt to avoid the light.

Both slept, faces turned towards either side. In the middle of the night, the older felt hands on his chest and turned towards the other side groaning.

Taehyung whined and hugged the older, throwing his legs on the older male.

Yoongi groaned and pushed the hand away. But when he felt legs over his hips, he woke up with wide eyes.

"Hey wake up. What do you think you are doing?"  the older asked wide-eyed.

"Hey sleep Yoongi. Why are you waking me up" the younger murmured turning towards the other side.

"Wake the fuck up Taehyung" the older screamed, startling the younger.

The younger woke up with a sleepy pout and messy bed hair, scowling at the older.

"What's wrong with you Yoongi?" the younger asked, rubbing his eyes with his fists, trying to stay awake.

"You are throwing your arms and legs on me. Sleep here if you maintain your posture or get out."

The younger groaned picking up a pillow and walked towards the couch.

"Fine. Sleep in that big ass bed alone. I will sleep here" the younger murmured and placed his pillow before lying down.


The older scowled and turned towards the other side closing his eyes.



Taehyung woke up to the annoying sound of his alarm. Stretching his hands, he tried to turn off the alarm, only knocking down his phone in the process

"Shit~" the younger screamed with wide eyes.

Quickly getting down he picked up his phone.

"Thank god my precious bean~"  the male murmured, hugging his phone closer to his chest.

Just then, Yoongi entered the room and saw the younger speaking alone with his phone.

"Did you hit your head somewhere?" the older asked, drying his hair with a towel.

Taehyung looked up and internally drooled seeing the older, drying his hair. He saw how tiny droplets of water trickled down his neck and disappeared inside his t-shirt.

"Eyes up here pretty" the older uttered smugly, noticing the younger's stare.

>Well, shit~ The younger felt like burying himself into a pithole and never coming back.

"What?" the younger asked, trying to sound intimidating, but ended up sounding cute.

The older chuckled and went out of the room, without replying.

After showering,  the younger walked out of the room.

Jin was setting down the table for breakfast when he saw the second youngest descending the stairs.

>'Well, shit~ '

He prepared breakfast only for six of them,  totally forgetting that there were no longer six but seven people.

"Jin hyung I am hungry. Are you cooking or cultivating crops?" Jimin screamed from the couch, rubbing his stomach.

Jin sighed rubbing his temple. How can he forget about a whole new being in their apartment?

"Wait for a while, small fry. I am preparing the meal" Jin yelled back.

Jimin was cuddling with Hoseok who chuckled seeing the pouting omega beside him. Both saw Taehyung standing awkwardly and asked him to take a seat.

"Hi Taehyung-shi. Why are you hesitating awkwardly to sit? This is your house too" Hoseok mumbled and Taehyung noticed the older's heart-shaped smile for the first time in real, which he gushed over.

"Wait hyungie let me help Jin Hyung" Jimin mumbled and quickly pecked the older's lips and walked away,  not before smiling at Taehyung.

Taehyung was too stunned to speak. A sudden squeal escaped his lips and the older male quirked his eyebrows.

"You guys are dating? Oh my god, my Jihope ship is sailing~" the younger fangirled causing the sunshine to smile.

"What are you guys doing? "

Both turned towards the voice and saw Yoongi standing with a monotonous face.

"Hey, guys come here breakfast is ready"

"Hyung Namjoon Hyung and that bunny didn't wake up yet?" Jimin asked and the oldest nodded.

"I will wake them up" Jin mumbled and saw Jimin and Hoseok smirking.

"Okay, but we are starving. Come fast you three. Don't do the dirty" Jimin uttered and the oldest smacked his head, before heading to the room.

Taehyung frowned upon hearing that. Seeing the younger's confused face, Jimin chuckled and whispered something.

Taehyung widened his eyes at the new information.

Jin, Namjoon and Jungkook were dating?


Yoongi looked at three enthusiastic males discussing and whispering something. Not wanting to waste his precious energy, he sat on the couch and closed his eyes.


Jin entered their shared bedroom and almost cooed at the sight.

Jungkook had his head buried in the older's chest while the older had both his hands wrapped around the younger's waist. Namjoon was dozing off as he had his mouth slightly opened. The muscular males were hugging each other, while their scents were mingled together, creating a fragrant atmosphere.

Jin smiled softly and went near his loved ones.

"Jungkook-ah, Joon-ah get up" he mumbled, patting the youngers gently.

"Hyungie two more minutes" Jungkook whined, snuggling closer.


"Jin hyung" the beta whispered waking up with a yawn.

The older kissed the beta's forehead, before he proceeded to attach their lips. The younger held onto the older's waist as the older sucked his lips vigorously.

The beta let out a soft groan as he felt the older's tongue sucking his own.

Jungkook opened his eyes and saw the beta and alpha kissing passionately with a pout.

"Jinnie" the younger whined, jutting his lips out.

"Aish my baby bunny" the oldest cooed and kissed him. Namjoon fondly watched the males before heading to freshen up.


"I said you guys to come fast" Jimin groaned and all three shyly rubbed their napes and sat.

Jimin signalled something to Hoseok who nodded, and signalled Jin. Jungkook quickly rushed when he saw Jin's signal and sat on the older's lap, leaving a seat beside Yoongi.

"Jungkook-ah, you can sit here," Yoongi uttered, when he saw the younger one sitting on the oldest lap.

"I am fine here hyung" Jungkook mumbled opening his mouth, as the alpha started feeding him.

Taehyung sat beside Yoongi as that was the only empty seat.

The omega started coughing and Yoongi quickly placed a glass of water in front of the younger.

"What happened Taehyung?" Jin asked worriedly.

"Umm I can't handle spicy foods" the omega uttered, guilt taking over him as the older had already prepared food for him as well.

"I am sorry I didn't know" the older murmured frowning.

"Oh no you need not apologise Hyungie" the omega muttered.

All the members smiled when the younger unconsciously called him as Hyung.

"Shall I prepare something for you Tae?"

"Hyung no I will order something."

"Okay, Taehyung-ah. I will prepare the lunch less spicy for you"

The omega's lips curled into a soft smile before he thanked the older, and continued eating.

Chapter 6: Trio

Chapter Text

Taehyung was sitting on the bed, boredom striking him heavily. He heard a knock and frowned, before walking towards the door.

He was surprised to meet the other two omegas.

"Taehyung-ah come let's play" the older among the two omegas chirped, his eyes shining.

Taehyung nodded and went with the omegas, as he didn't have any other work.

After sitting on the couch, Jimin handed the controller.

"Play with Jungkook" the omega uttered, enthusiastically.

"What about you Jimin-shi?" Taehyung asked and saw the youngest laughing.

"Jimin-shi just lost the game. That is why he is asking you to play" Jungkook smirked.

"You evil bunny. Stay quiet. You play Taehyung" Jimin told, encouraging the younger.

A few minutes into the game, Taehyung became a pouting mess.

"How are you so good at this Jungkook-shi?" the omega whined, giving the controller to Jimin, and puffed his cheeks out.

As the younger beat him in three rounds, Taehyung decided to give up.

Jungkook and Jimin chuckled and looked at the second youngest.

"Okay, Taehyungie Hyung. I want to ask you something" the youngest started, while Jimin frowned upon hearing the younger's words.

"What is it Jungkook-shi?"

"Have we met each other before? You seem familiar"  the older asked, staring at the older omega.

"Yes. Once when Chan-mi Noona got an urgent call, I was the one who did your makeup."

"Oh~ That was why I knew your face but I didn't know your name."

Taehyung chuckled while Jimin was surprised by the other two omega's words.

"You guys have already met?"

"Umm yes Jimin-shi"

Jimin hummed at the omega's reply.

"Taehyung-ah, let's be friends?" Jimin murmured excitedly, and Jungkook nodded. Both the omegas extending their pinkies.

Taehyung chuckled, before joining his pinkie with the other two omegas.

The omegas trio giggled and chatted about random things.

"Okay, Taehyungie Hyung. Tell us about yourself and how you met Yoongi Hyung if you don't mind." the maknae asked.

"Umm. What about myself?" the omega thought, tapping his finger on his chin.

"I completed my degree and now I am working as Noona's assistant. Yoongi hyung's parents and my parents were childhood friends. And Yoongi hyung's mother believes in astrology deeply. According to Yoongi's zodiac, he will never get married if not within the next two weeks. So he was engaged to my older brother. But for some reason, we both got married. Maybe he liked my hyung" Taehyung mumbled, his voice drifting away into a mere whisper.


"Frankly speaking, I didn't have any feelings for Hyungsik. But I accepted it as my fate. Maybe I thought he was the one for me."

Hoseok nodded, understanding the older's words.

"Hyung you can accept Taehyung like you accepted his hyung. He seems like a good person. You do realize that it was not his fault right?"

Yoongi rubbed his temple and looked away, sighing.

Chapter 7: Concert


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Tae give this to Yoongi-shi. I am doing a touch-up for the maknae" the older spoke, giving a blazer.

The omega nodded and walked towards the other room, before he knocked on the door.

"You? What are you doing here?" the alpha asked, surprised by the omega's presence.

The omega shoved the clothes on the older's hands.

"Get ready. Noona will do the makeup" the omega mumbled and went out, without replying to the question.


"Taehyung-ah put primer on his face"

The omega gulped nodding.

When he joined as an assistant, he didn't imagine working with BTS and certainly didn't imagine doing touchup for the older.

The omega stepped forward, trying not to tremble as he caught a whiff of strong alpha pheromones. The room smelled like a mixture of mint and orange, but strangely, it didn't suffocate the omega. It was intense, but it didn't upset the omega, unlike other alpha scents. Over the years, the omega had developed a strong dislike towards the alphas.

After applying primer, he looked at the older omega, for more instructions.

"Now use concealer"

The omega nodded and leaned a little more forward, and the alpha's eyes fluttered shut, trying not to drown in the heavenly scent of honey and vanilla. Taehyung was solely focused on doing his work, while the alpha was busy staring.

Taehyung finally breathed a sigh of relief, after the alpha and all the members went out of the dressing room.


Taehyung looked at the members dancing through the screen and his eyes were glowing, seeing all the members dressed up in their glory. Especially, his bias.

He sighed dreamily and went back to focus on the concert.

He was singing back and bobbing his head up and down, conducting a mini-concert in the room.

"Mic mic bungee
Bright light jeonjin
Manghal geo gatassgessjiman I'm fine, sorry
Mianhae billboard
Mianhae worldwide
Adeuri neom jalnagaseo mianhae~"

He stopped singing when he heard his phone buzzing. Groaning, he picked up the phone, and his smile faltered upon seeing the caller's name.

"Hello Taehyung"

"H-hello eomma"

"Did you reach Seoul safely?"

"Yes, Mom."

"Stay with Yoongi okay? Behave properly. Try to make him fall for you. It will all be okay if you guys mate and mark each other. A pup will solve all the problems. Can you understand what I am trying to say?"

Taehyung clutched the hem of his shirt and closed his eyes. He could still hear his mother's voice through the phone, but he was not able to concentrate on her words.

"Taehyung are you there?" the older asked, making the omega sigh.

"Y-yes Mom. I will call you back I have some work"

The omega quickly cut the call and threw his phone on the nearby couch, breathing heavily.

Jungkook and Jimin were giggling about something and Namjoon shook his head, as he pushed past the dressing room and opened the door.

Taehyung flinched at the noise and quickly wiped his sweat away.

"You guys were so good~" Taehyung mumbled enthusiastically, diverting his mind from his mother's words, and all the members chuckled and thanked the omega, except one, who stared unmoving, before walking away.


Why is it so difficult to stay idle? :(

Chapter 8: Care ?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

''Ah. Finally, we got a break. Let's go somewhere~" Hoseok mumbled cheerfully and all the members nodded.

"Aish I am out. You guys go. I am gonna sleep"

"Yoongi hyung~" Jimin whined, but the other shook his head.

"I will join you guys tomorrow. I need to sleep or I will burst out Jimin-ah"

The omega nodded, understanding the older's state and all the others patted his shoulders and went to get ready.

"Jimin-shi, we didn't inform Taehyung Hyung" the youngest uttered, tapping the older omega's shoulder.

"Oh yeah. Let's call him" Jimin mumbled and both the omegas went towards Yoongi's room.

Knocking on the door, both the omegas waited patiently.

Soon, they saw the omega yawning and waving at them lazily.

"Tae we all are going out for breakfast. Are you coming with us?"

"No Jimin-shi. You guys go."

"But hyungie--"

Jimin quickly nudged the younger's elbow and conveyed something through his eyes. Jungkook nodded understanding, while the second youngest looked back and forth at the omegas in confusion.

"Ah okay, Tae. Stay here itself. Be safe. Call us if you guys need anything"

'You needn't do that because Yoongi Hyung is here'.  Jimin thought with a sly smirk.

Tae nodded and closed the door.

'What's wrong with them?'  Taehyung murmured to himself.

"Okay Yoongi take care" Jin mumbled, and all started walking out of the room.



Yoongi walked towards his room and opened it. However, his eyes widened when he saw a familiar omega sleeping on the bed.

"What~ how? Didn't he go out with them?"


"Hyung I think we are forgetting someone" Hoseok mumbled looking around the car.

"Who is I--"

"Taehyung" both Jin and Hoseok said at the same time, while looking at each other.

"Jiminie you could have reminded me right?" Hoseok murmured rubbing his temple.

It wasn't their fault. They were used to live as six.

"Hyung let him stay at home" Jimin muttered, and all except the youngest looked at him in disbelief.

"Jimin-ah how can you say that you--" Jin started yelling in anger.

"Yeah hyung, how do you even have two boyfriends? I said that so Yoongi Hyung and Tae could spend some time alone."


"You are so brilliant Jimin-ah" Jin mumbled, his previous anger fading away.

"What about me?" Jungkook asked, jutting his lips out.

"Aww my baby bunny you are brilliant too" Jin cooed and the omega shyly looked down.

"Aww" the remaining members cooed, adoring the couple.


"Aish I thought I could rest well. This omega is sleeping here peacefully. Should I go to my studio?"

"Uh, why should I go? This is my room" the alpha mumbled and sat on the other side of the bed.

But he struggled to fall asleep as a certain omega's pheromones were troubling him. He turned to the other side and saw the omega hugging a pillow and snoring softly.

The alpha's eyes fell on the omega's ethereal face. His doe eyes were closed and he had long eyelashes, which anyone could envy. He had thick and beautiful brows and a high nose bridge. Moles on his lower lip, above his right nostril, and under his right eyelid near his waterline, added more beauty. Last but not least, his lips. He had natural pink, plump lips, which rested in a pout. The omega had grown up into a beautiful omega.


The alpha came back from his thoughts and groaned. He quickly got up from the bed and rushed out of the room.

"What is wrong with me" he grumbled.

"I should probably eat something. I am going insane" the alpha mumbled, picking up the ingredients.


Taehyung woke up to a delicious smell and walked downstairs with a bright smile. Halfway down the stairs, he remembered all the members had gone out.

His eyes widened and sweat trickled down his nape.

"W-Who is it?" he whispered and heard no reply.

He saw a man cooking and trembled in fear.

'Am I dying today~ But but I have a lot of dreams'

'Taehyung it's your time to be brave. Just grab the spatula and hit his head'

Taehyung nodded at his wolf's words and tip-toed silently, not wanting to alert the person. He grabbed the spatula and raised his arm to hit the person, while Yoongi turned at the same time. The omega screamed in surprise and twisted his ankle, as he landed on the floor in an awkward position.

Yoongi caught the omega with wide eyes as the omega closed his eyes in reflex, expecting a fall.


"Are you mad?" Yoongi grumbled, as he saw the younger whining in pain clutching onto his ankle.

"I didn't know you were here" Taehyung murmured, as his lips curled into a pout.

"No one else can enter our house due to tight security." the alpha grunted.

"Okay let me carry you"

"What~ no" the omega uttered nervously, as the idea of the other carrying him felt weird.

"You wouldn't be able to walk with this leg" Yoongi mumbled, and stepped near the taller male.

Gripping on the omega's waist and thighs, The alpha picked the younger up.

The omega flinched at the sudden touch and leaned forward, burying his face in the older's neck, while the Alpha shuddered at the touch.


The Alpha placed the younger on the couch and crouched down, touching his feet.

"Hey, what are you d-doing?" the omega stammered.

"Checking your ankle" the alpha murmured pressing his hands at the younger's ankle, until he stopped when he heard a painful moan.

"Fuck.. There. It's paining there" The omega moaned.

The alpha gulped when he heard the younger moaning in his deep velvety voice.

"Okay w-wait" the older mumbled and scurried out of the living room.

He came back with an ointment and started applying it on the omega's ankle.


"Hyung what if we walk in while they are doing something dirty?"

Namjoon shook his head, being done with his omega.

Taehyung stared at the older's face, as he was massaging his ankle.

The alpha looked up when he felt a strong gaze over him. He looked at the omegas eyes, as both continued staring at eachother, the wound long forgotten.

"Hey guys we are--"

Jimin quickly nudged his alpha's elbow and all five looked at the couple, who were busy staring at each other.

Jin cleared his throat, and Yoongi quickly looked at the doorway.

All five came forward and the omegas wiggled their eyebrows playfully looking at the second youngest.

"You guys can admire each other afterwards"

"Jin Hyung, it's not like that. He sprained his ankle."

Jin's face fell at those words.

"Oh no tae what's wrong? Are you okay?"

"I am okay hyungie. I just s-slipped"

"I applied medicine so don't worry Hyung"

"Okay tae you should take a rest. Yoongi carry him to your room"

The alpha nodded before carrying the omega and walked away.


Don't be shy guys.... You can comment, share , or ask anything.....
(Thanks to all who are supporting this shitty story)

Chapter 9: Relief


A wave of relief washed over the rapper, as his eyes landed on the table.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Yoongi looked at the shiny ring on his finger and caressed it before he slowly removed it. He rolled the ring between his thumb and index finger. His mind whirled around in a mix of emotions, making him sigh. How his husband was supposed to be his brother-in-law. How he could have been better off single but now, he is tied up to an omega for eternity. How his parents forced him to marry their best friend's son and believed some senseless astrology.


He was brought out of his thoughts by a familiar voice.

"Yoongi hyung"

"Yes, Hoba. I am ready. Sorry I was just lost in some thoughts" the alpha replied.

The oldest rapper placed his ring on the nearby table and went towards his position. They were rehearsing for their upcoming performances.


All the members gasped dropping to the floor after their practice. Stretching their limbs, they shut their eyes in an attempt to calm their racing hearts.



Taehyung sighed whining as he plopped himself on the couch. As the members were busy, he was left alone in the huge house. This was what he considered as the disadvantage of his career. He would usually be busy learning and travelling during photoshoots, concerts and events. But when none of that happened, he would be inactive and idle.


He decided to watch a random K-drama to kill his time.

Halfway through the episode, he dozed off on the couch in a weird position.

The members tiredly entered their house, but broke into a small smile when they saw the second youngest taking a nap in a weird position.

"Aww he looks cute" the sunshine alpha muttered.

"Yes right? He looks cute" the maknae mumbled, agreeing with the sunshine alpha.


"I am heading to shower" Yoongi uttered and went to his room.

Namjoon and Jin looked at each other and sighed

"Should we carry him?"

"Hyung do it. We can catch a glimpse of Yoongi hyung's reaction."

"You are too evil mochi" the alpha murmured, shaking his head.

Jimin chuckled with a smug smile.


Yoongi moved towards his bed and sat stretching his legs, and felt his muscles relax after the refreshing shower.

He saw the beta carrying the stylist into their room.

All the five noticed the rapper's blank face and sighed. After carefully tucking the younger, the beta and all the others mumbled a small 'good night' and headed towards their room.

The omega turned towards the other side and suddenly grabbed the older's hands, who froze on his spot. But, the younger remained oblivious as he continued dozing off.

The rapper tried to take out his hand but the younger had a tight grip. The older ended up sleeping in an awkward, dangerous position, as their faces were merely inches apart.


The alpha woke up in the middle of the night with an uneasy feeling. He pulled back his hand as the omega was now sleeping upside-down. He shook his head and grabbed his water bottle. Gobbling down the water, he still felt his throat clogging up and sighed frustratedly.

Then, he noticed his finger.

Where was his ring?

He stood up as a sudden wave of panic, shoot up his chest. He started digging through all his drawers and lockers. A low growl broke out from the alpha.

Maybe, he left the ring in their practice room?

With that thought, the alpha ran out of the apartments, driving towards their company.

He didn't know why he was getting so worked up for a mere ring, but the thought of missing the ring made him restless.


After reaching their practice room, his eyes landed on the table. He felt a wave of relief washing over him and he slid the ring back into his pocket, deciding on something.


Jin is backkkkkkkk............ Ans Taehyung is damn buff ....... And, And Yoongi :(

Chapter 10: Destiny


"We shouldn't date anyone according to our contract'' Yoongi whispered back.

''But you guys are fucking married", Jin grunted.

Chapter Text

Taehyung was getting ready when he saw the alpha through the mirror, who was combing his hair with his fingers.

"Move. I need to get ready" Yoongi mumbled, looking at the omega through the mirror.

"I am also getting ready" the omega hissed.

"You are going to stay idle anyway"

Taehyung let out a low growl.

"TXT have a photoshoot. I need to help them. I am not idle okay?"

"Doesn't matter. Move"

"I won't "

Yoongi growled back, but the omega remained unaffected. This made the alpha mad and both started pushing each other, bickering and cursing at each other.

Taehyung lost his balance as he fell, and the older who tried to help him fell on the top of the omega.

Yoongi quickly leaned his weight by supporting his arms, preventing himself from completely falling on the omega.

Taehyung looked up with wide eyes his heart beating erratically, as the alpha was too close, literally hovering over him. His chest heaved up and down as he let out a shaky breath.

Yoongi looked down and stared at the omega.

Both were lying down in the same position, until they heard a knock on the door.

Quickly realising their position, Yoongi got up and stretched his arms for the younger, who hesitantly took his help.

"Yoongi hyung it's getting late"

"Coming Namjoon-ah" the alpha yelled back, and grabbed his phone before opening the door.

Taehyung stood up and awkwardly ran towards the dressing table.

"Tae we are leaving. Should we drop you somewhere--"

The omega was about to reply, but Yoongi beat him to it.

"No Joon-ah we are getting late. He will take care. Right, Tae?"

The omega bawled his fists, and gave an awkward smile nodding his head.

The members bid goodbye to the stylist and went out of the apartments.

Taehyung hailed a cab and finally arrived at the building.

All five except Yoongi looked at the omega with wide eyes.

"He could have come here with us" Namjoon whispered.

"Are you out of your mind? No one knows who he is except us. We shouldn't date anyone according to our contract" Yoongi whispered back.

"But you guys are fucking married" Jin whispered.

The alpha remained silent at those words.

Right? We are married~


"Yeonjun-ssi I am going to spray your hair" Taehyung uttered, to which the younger nodded with a smile.

"Soobin-ah is your makeup done?"

"Yes noona"

"Then meet your manager-nim. He wants to meet anyone of you"

"Okay noona"




"Taehyungie check whether your hyung is ready. Min's might be here anytime"

"Ok, mom."

Taehyung knocked on the opposite door and waited for his hyung to open the door.

"Tae" the alpha mumbled with a small smile that didn't reach his eyes.

The omega was quick to hug the older male and patted the older's head, as much as he could, as he was shorter.

Hyungsik chuckled at the younger's attempt.

"I am sorry hyung. I tried talking with Appa, but he isn't listening. I feel so bad hyung. I am not able to support you"

"Stop talking like this buddy. It seems like you are the older one among us"

Taehyung giggled at that, and both started descending the stairs.

Yoongi glanced at both the males, but his gaze lingered longer over the younger male.


Taehyung looked back at the alpha when he felt a long stare. The older's pale skin, cat eyes, little button nose, black hair, everything. Everything about the older male was attractive.

"Hyungsikie greet your inlaws" Mrs Park whispered, nudging the alpha.

"Hello, Mr and Mrs Min. Hello, Yoongi-ssi" the alpha uttered, bowing.

"Let them speak alone. Go to the garden guys" Mrs Park cheered, making both the alphas sigh.

Mr and Mrs Park started catching up on each other's lives, and the omega sat alone.

Taehyung was lost in his thoughts. He heard from his parents, that he and Yoongi had a great bond in childhood. They also told how the omega and alpha played together and were inseparable.

But things change. So do people. All of those seemed like a distant memory.

Now that he noticed, the older had indeed chased his dreams and became an indispensable member. He was one of the biggest fans of the band. To him, BTS was a healing group. Their music had stayed with him, during his tough times. They had definitely healed something which they never broke.

Taehyung came out of his thoughts when his name was called.

"Taehyung, show where the restroom is. I am calling you for over a minute now" Mrs Park chided.

"I'm sorry" the omega whispered.

"It's alright Mrs Park" Yoongi mumbled.

Taehyung started walking in the front, leading the alpha.

"Thank you Taehyung-ssi"

"You're welcome Yoongi-ssi"

The alpha chuckled, and both started walking out of the room. But the omega tripped and was about to fall, if not for the alpha who caught him by his waist.

At that moment, something flickered in both of their eyes and hearts.

Maybe they were chosen by destiny...

Chapter 11: Anger


"Fucking stay out of my room, life and everything." the alpha roared, and the omega shut his eyes, to prevent himself from flinching.

Chapter Text

Taehyung was arranging the pillows and getting ready for bed, when he saw the alpha entering the room.

"I am looking for an apartment. I will move out soon."

The alpha looked at the omega before nodding. Picking up his clothes, he went to shower.


I will move out soon ~

Those words kept ringing in his ears.

The next morning...

Jungkook and Jimin were playing games as it was their day off.

Jin, Hoseok and Namjoon went out to buy groceries. While Yoongi was sleeping.

Taehyung decided to clean the room as he was bored.

Taehyung peeked into the older male's studio. He had heard about the older's studio in vlives. He also knew that only the maknae knew the password. But, he is catching a glimpse of it now as the door was slightly open, from which he could see the alpha sleeping.

Curiosity got the best of him, and he decided to just see the room once, or maybe clean it.

Nothing could go wrong, right?

He tip-toed inside and looked around the studio in astonishment. The studio had a table and desk with devices. Couches were neatly arranged and the room had a neat look. He saw a bunch of papers- some were crumpled while others were neatly folded. Also, he saw a coffee mug placed beside the papers. He took the cup but failed to notice that the coffee was filled, and ended up spilling the beverage on the papers.

Why doesn't anything go according to his wish in his life?
He simply wanted to clean the room but ended up spilling the coffee.

He stood frozen on his spot, not knowing what to do.

Trying to clean the table, he knocked down the older's phone as well.

What in the freaking hell~

Yoongi groaned upon hearing the noise. Blinking his eyes, he tried to clear his hazy vision. Rubbing his eyes, he turned and saw a familiar figure.

He was quick to stand up and understand the situation.

Taehyung was standing inside his studio, where not even his members were allowed.

His eyes darkened when he got a close look at his broken phone and spoiled lyrics paper.

"What do you think about yourself?" the alpha questioned in his deep voice,  sending a shiver down the younger's spine.

"Y-Yoongi l-listen I am s-sorry I just wanted to clean the room--"

"Shut up. Shut the fuck up" the alpha yelled furiously.

"I- I am sorry-"

"Park Taehyung. What do you think about yourself? First of all, who are you? I haven't even allowed my members who I consider as my family because this is my personal space. Don't you have any sense? Don't you understand that you are not allowed inside a room without their permission and consent? Do you even know how difficult is it to compose a song or write lyrics? You fucking spoiled the lyrics paper you fool" the alpha fumed, panting.

The omega bawled his fists in anger and disappointment.

"I - I  said I am sorry. Furthermore, it was your fault that you placed the coffee mug so carelessly" the omega blurted out.

>A man's biggest enemy is his mouth~

The alpha looked at the blue-haired omega in disbelief.

"Don't run your tongue too much you useless bitch"

Taehyung's eyes turned blue, as those words triggered his wolf. He let out a low growl and lunged forward, baring his fangs.

The older growled back and twisted the taller male's arms.

"Mind your words Yoongi. I know it's my mistake and I already apologised. Don't talk with me like that" the omega growled, making the older chuckle in anger.

"Fucking stay out of my room, life and everything." the alpha roared, and the omega shut his eyes, to prevent himself from flinching.

The older pushed the omega away and gathered his phone and papers, before scurrying out of the studio.


The omega sniffled before he grabbed the mug and rushed out of the studio.


Yoongi let out a frustrated growl as he saw the paper and phone. He decided to go back to the studio, to jot down lyrics again.

All because of that stupid omega.

The rapper sat on the chair and a sudden thought struck. What if he had already saved the lyrics on his device?

And to his relief, he had saved it!

Did he scold the omega unnecessarily?

The alpha scoffed at his thoughts.

The omega talked back too~

The alpha sighed rubbing his temple.


As Yoongi entered his room, he saw the omega sleeping. But he heard the younger whimpering and murmuring something as if he was in pain.

The alpha frowned and walked closer and noticed the younger's face, and scanned his whole body, trying to understand the reason for such painful whimpers. Only then, did his eyes fall on the younger's arms, and he noticed a burn mark.

>' Did he burn himself? But he doesn't even know how to cook'

He was brought out of his thoughts by the omega's whimper. Sighing, he walked into the bathroom to get the first aid kit.

He gently grabbed the omega's hand and blew air on the wound, making the younger let out a hiss.

After applying the medicine, he placed a pillow so that the younger wouldn't hurt himself while turning around.

Yoongi decided to sleep on the couch.


Chapter 12: Darkness


The omega hiccuped, and the older tried to get up from the bed, but when he heard the
younger whimpering and whining, he patted the omega's head.

Chapter Text


A four-year-old kid was running behind another boy, on a field.

The vibrant display of flowers covered the ground. Bold purple, soft pink and light lavender flowers decorated the ground. There was a faint sound of busy bees rushing around to collect their pollen. The sweet smell of blossomed flowers filled the air.

The older boy giggled seeing the younger omega chasing him and playfully stuck his tongue out. However, he stopped in his tracks when he heard a sudden shriek and blubbers.

He turned back and rushed towards the younger.

"Yoonie" the younger whined with a big pout and glossy eyes, and the older one kneeled in front of the younger, and looked at the small scratch on the younger's knee.

"Aigoo it's okay baby. See hyung will kiss the scar away" the older murmured and pecked the omega's knees, who giggled.

"See tae tae is a brave baby. My bravest cub" the older cooed rubbing the younger's tears away.

"Don't cry, baby. Hyungie will be sad too" the older muttered, fake pouting.

The younger wiped his tears and smiled widely, his lips forming into a big boxy smile.

"Okay, yoonie. Tae won't cry okay?"

The older smiled widely, showing his gums.

"That's like my baby. Shall we go to our house? Eomma will be waiting for us"

"Okay, Yoonie. But carry me" the omega sulked, making grabby hands. The older chuckled fondly and carried the omega on his back.

Yoongi woke up from his sleep, with a frown. That was not just a dream, but a piece of his childhood memory.

But that was not what woke him up from his deep slumber. He heard small whimpers and small sobs, making his frown grow deeper.

He woke up from the couch and rubbed his eyes, before standing up. After walking towards the bed, he saw the younger blabbering and shaking his head vigorously, as more tears rolled down his cheeks.

"No... No, please... L-leave me ..... I am sorry, please... Please alpha...."

The omega screamed when he felt hands roaming all over his body and gripping his jaw.  He trashed on the bed, and Yoongi rushed towards the omega.

"No... P-please"

"Taehyung" the alpha called out softly, not wanting to startle the younger.

"I b-beg you. Leave me" the omega whimpered weakly, trashing on the bed.

"Taehyung-ah no one is here" the alpha tried again, gently patting the omega's cheeks.

The omega whimpered curling on himself, flinching when he felt someone touching him again.

The omega struggled gasping for air, as he hiccuped and sobbed, pressing his hands over his ears, in an attempt to stop all the yelling.

"Sweetheart it's just Yoongi." the alpha muttered and wrapped his arms around the younger, who screamed punching the older, trying to get away from the older's hold.

"Taehyungie, bub listen~ listen to me" the alpha crooned, and the omega finally stopped trashing and screaming. It might be due to the older's comforting scent or soft voice, that he clutched onto the older's shirt with his fists.

"It's okay. You are okay sweetie. No one is here um? It's just a bad dream" the alpha whispered, patting the omega's head.

The younger's frame trembled, and he snuggled closer.

The omega looked like a scared baby , curled in between the older's arms.

The omega hiccuped, and the older tried to get up from the bed, but when he heard the
younger whimpering and whining, he patted the omega's head.

"Shh.. I will be right back" the older soothed, patting the omega's head.

Soon, the alpha entered their room with a glass of water, and helped the younger to drink it.

"D-Don't go away" the younger mumbled, in between his hiccups.

"I am not going anywhere sweets," the alpha replied softly.

He wrapped his hands around the younger and patted the younger's head, who buried his face on the older's neck.

Finally, the omega fell asleep, and the alpha was lost in his thoughts, carding his fingers through the omega's hair.

Chapter 13: Bonding


Yoongi couldn't help himself, but smile when he saw the omega's interaction with his grandmother.

Chapter Text

The next day when the omega woke up, he didn't understand how, but he was safely lying in the older's arms, who was deep asleep.

The omega grunted when he felt his head throbbing and tried to recall what happened the previous night.

He licked his lips biting it anxiously, as he remembered how vulnerable he was last night, and looked at the older male.

He wriggled out of the older's arms, not caring if he was waking up the older, as that touch burned his skin. He hated getting touched and he was no longer able to accept physical touch without flinching.

Yoongi groaned when he felt something against his chest. He opened his eyes after a great struggle and squinted his eyes to get a better view, and saw the blue head struggling in his hold.

"L-Leave me" the omega whimpered weakly, and the alpha frowned before realising where his hands were, and quickly unwrapped his arms, leaving a distance between them.

"I am s-sorry" the alpha mumbled, cursing himself when he stuttered and rushed inside the bathroom.


The next time they met eachother, the omega was speaking to someone on the phone, while the alpha tried his best, not to stare at the younger's lips, or to lose himself in the intoxicating scent and deep rich voice.

He cursed under his breath and continued scrolling his mobile.

"Tae it's just a dinner. We have even decided to do this with you in Seoul after leaving our work. Just convince Yoongi and come tonight"

"Eomma he has an important meeting with Bang Pd nim"

Lie ~ that was not true, but the omega didn't want to have dinner with his family, especially with Yoongi.

"Taehyung, I will call Yoongi now" the older muttered sternly, and cut the call before he could speak further.

The omega scoffed when he heard the older's phone ringing.

"Hello son ~"

Yoongi greeted the older and waited.

"I heard that you are very busy but we called you to invite you to have dinner at our place tonight. It's not even at Daegu, we can have the dinner at our other mansion in Seoul, so please don't refuse our wish"

The alpha sighed upon hearing those words but decided to refuse the offer, instead of accepting it now and then rejecting it at the last moment.

"I can understand your wish Mrs Park, but I have been very busy lately. I am already heading towards the building as I have a meeting. It will take a lot of time. We can have this dinner later, maybe next week?" the alpha muttered, trying to convince the older but somewhere in his heart, he did feel bad for lying.


"It's okay Yoongi-ssi, we can wait. We will cook the dinner and wait for you" the woman uttered.

'Well, shit~'

Yoongi sighed and agreed, as he understood that the older woman was not going to let it go, and he didn't want to be rude.

Shortly after cutting the call, he looked at the omega, who sighed.

"Look Yoongi I am sorry for the--"

The omega was cut off mid-sentence by the older.

"I cannot come there and have dinner with you. Just say that my meeting ended late. I will drop you off at your home if you want" the alpha muttered, slipping his phone into his pocket.

"No need. I can drive by myself" the omega hissed, rolling his eyes and went out of their room.

'Asshole~' the omega whispered, raking his fingers through his hair angrily.



No matter what we plan, there is a thing called destiny, and sometimes the presence of a person like Jin is enough because now, Yoongi was sitting on the couch, smiling awkwardly when he saw the omega's parents smiling at them.

"Here young master your coffe-" Before she could finish her words, she looked in horror as the cup of coffee slipped from her hands, and fell on the alpha's thighs.

"Seon Mi ~ look at what you have done! Don't you have eyes? You stupid old woman."

"Eomma stop it"

"Get out of my sight you old hag" Harin screamed, making the older woman shake and tremble.

"Mrs Park it's okay. I am not hurt~" Yoongi mumbled, but the older woman was blinded by her rage.

"I am sorry Mrs park~ I am very sorry young master, please don't fire me" the maid pleaded, looking at the park couple and Yoongi, who shook his head, saying that he was okay.

"Just get out of my sight before I throw you out"

"Mumma, please~ Ajumeoni it's okay, don't cry. I am sorry on behalf of Mom. Don't cry. You should go and rest" the omega uttered, wiping the older woman's tears.

"Taehyung~ do you hear yourself? Why are you apologising to this old maid? See what she did to your husband"

"Mumma don't speak like this. She is older than you, and Yoongi isn't hurt~ Right, Yoongi? Are you hurt?" the omega asked, wiping off the coffee stain with a napkin, while the alpha remained silent, staring at the younger.

"I am extremely sorry for what happened son" the couple muttered, and the older quickly assured them that it was okay while picking up his plate

"Aish Yoongi-ssi give that plate to me. Tae, what are you doing, take his plate along with yours" the lady uttered, making the omega sigh.

When the omega was about to take the plate, the older male stopped him.

"It's okay Tae"

Something about that gentle voice, made the omega smile.

"Tae" the older called, and as soon as the omega heard the familiar voice, he stood up from the couch and ran towards her.

"Halmeoni, I missed you. How are you? Are you taking your medicines regularly? Is your knee still paining?" the omega asked impatiently.

"Aigoo calm down bub. I am fine. How are you? I am healthy and fit~ can't you see?" the older asked, flexing her muscles, and the omega chuckled.

"How are you Yoongi?" the older omega asked when she saw the alpha bowing.

"I am fine halmeoni" the alpha replied.

"Halmeoni come let's go to the garden~ I will feed you with my hands" the omega uttered and started walking towards the said destination.

Yoongi couldn't help himself, but smile when he saw the omega's interaction with his grandmother.


After talking for a few more minutes, the omega hugged his parents and bid goodbye.

"Take care bub" the oldest uttered, kissing the omega's forehead.

"Take care of him Yoongi. Be healthy and safe" she mumbled, patting the alpha's head, who smiled.


Yoongi was driving and the omega was looking out of the window.

"Yoongi, thanks for coming" the omega spoke, looking at the alpha who nodded his head, not knowing how to react to the sudden words.

"Yoongi ~ Yoongi stop the car" the omega exclaimed, and the older frowned.

"For what?" the alpha asked, without stopping the car, as he continued driving.

"There is an ice cream shop which is very popular. Let's have ice cream"

The alpha rolled his eyes upon hearing that, irritation filling up his senses.

"I do not have time for this. Go and eat but then, book a cab and reach the apartment"

"Yoongi~" the omega whined, earning a groan.

"Taehyung I cannot do this shit. Instead of convincing me, you should have convinced your parents. You know what, I just don't want to do this anymore. What are you? A five-year-old kid~ whining for an ice cream. Grow up for god sake. Y--" The alpha stopped speaking when he realised that he had gone too far, as the sour scent of the omega filled his senses.

"Stop the car~"

"Tae, I --"

"Are you going to stop the car or shall I open the door" the omega snarled, and the alpha sighed before he stopped the car. The omega unhooked his seat belt, opened the car door, and began walking out of the car.

Yoongi cursed loudly and walked out of the car, following the omega.

"Taxi~" the omega called out, and one of the taxis stopped before the omega.

As the omega was telling the address, the driver was busy staring at the omega. He checked out the omega from head to toe and licked his lips, agreeing to drop the omega at the said address.

At any other moment, the omega would have been aware and conscious of the looks and stares he received, but as he was blinded by his anger, he failed to notice it.

As he sat inside the cab, Yoongi rushed inside the cab and sat, provoking the omega, who scoffed and got out of the taxi.

"I am very sorry but I don't want to ride with this man" the omega grunted and got out of the taxi.

Even though the driver felt sad for missing an opportunity, he promised himself to have a sweet time with the blue-haired omega.

The omega walked around trying to get a taxi, but the older shooed them away.

Before he could walk further, the alpha stopped the other by holding his wrist and regretted it the moment he saw the omega whimper, as he stepped back flinching and shutting his eyes.

The alpha's frown deepened, something just shifted in him as his wolf whined lowly, upon seeing their omega distressed.

This was not the first time the alpha noticed the omega's reaction, whenever someone touched him. And he was confused about what made the younger react like that.

"I am sorry, Tae. I am sorry okay? It's getting late, let's go home and talk" the alpha whispered, and the omega hesitantly nodded as he was tired. Tired of everything.

As they reached the apartment, Yoongi looked at the omega, who was sleeping with his head placed against the car window.


He frowned when he heard his wolf praising the blue-haired beauty, who was sleeping with a cut-- no.


With a pout.

He sighed carried the younger in his arms, and walked inside the apartment.

Jimin wiggled his eyebrows suggestively when he saw the sleeping beauty in the older's arms.

"He just fell asleep. Don't imagine things short stack" the alpha murmured and went to their room.

And the taxi driver may or may not have broken ribs and legs.

Chapter 14: What Went Wrong?


Yoongi stood near the door, making sure that he was hearing the right words.

He shook his head in disbelief, his eyebrows furrowed in a mixture of shock and confusion, unable to find the right words to express his astonishment.

Chapter Text


The blue-haired omega was surprised upon hearing those words, as the first thing in the morning.


"I am sorry," the alpha said, with a sense of guilt.

"It's okay, Yoongi," the omega said courteously, as the older had already apologised for a couple of times.

Moreover, the omega's lips curled into a box-shaped smile, and the alpha's heart rate picked up as his gaze softened, his minty scent with a tinge of orange bloomed in the air.

After having their breakfast, all seven decided to drive to the company, as the members had an interview.

After they got ready, they left their dressing room, and just as they were about to drive to their destination, they saw a girl running towards them, or precisely towards Yoongi.

All the members groaned rolling their eyes, as they saw the familiar girl in closeup, while Namjoon had a blank look.

"Oppa I missed you so much~" the girl squealed hugging the alpha, who stood frozen, neither moving, nor wrapping his arms around the girl.

Hoseok gave a side eye and had a disgusted look, while Taehyung stood blankly not understanding the burning feeling in his heart, making his wolf whine in discomfort.

"Oppa how are you?" the girl asked cupping the older's cheeks, who restrained the urge to push away the girl.

"I am fine Ae Ri. Don't you have any work?" the alpha asked, with a sweet fake smile as he stepped back, getting away from the girl's hold.

"I don't have anything scheduled today Oppa. Can we go out?" the girl asked excitedly, making all the others scoff.

"But I have an interview. See you later" the alpha mumbled, and walked away before the girl could speak further.


"Gosh, she is so annoying. She and her voice. How do you tolerate her Hyung?" Jimin asked, earning a chuckle.

If Jimin had talked about someone he loved, he would have faced his wrath, but he isn't very fond of the girl and he has the same opinion, even though she was his cousin.

"I can't do anything. I have told her many times that she is like my sister, but she doesn't listen"

The others nodded as they got out of their car, and walked inside the building where the interview was being hosted.



"OpPa I MisSeD YoU so MuCh~" the omega mocked in the same tone and scoffed.

"From where did she come~ ugh! That annoying leech. Why does she trouble me so much? Ah~ I feel this burning sensation. She ---"

The omega was cut off by his rants, with a deep chuckle. Turning around, he saw the alpha leaning against the door with a smirk.

"Are you jealous, blueberry?" the alpha asked, and the omega clenched his fists, wanting the earth to swallow him.

"Shut up, I'm not jealous!" the omega mouthed, giving a tight-lipped smile, as he didn't want the older to assume things.

"Sure~" the older sing sang as he plopped himself on the bed.

The omega sighed as he took his side of the bed, and tightly hugged his teddybear, before drifting off to sleep.



The next morning, all seven were having breakfast, except the bluehead, who was poking the food with his chopsticks, as a random memory flashed before him.

The blue-head omega was waiting for the older alpha in the restaurant. He looked around and smiled as the aroma of delicious food invaded his senses. Giving up, he finally ordered for himself as he was starving. He wanted to wait for the alpha, but he was dying out of hunger, so he could no longer restrain himself.

As he was munching on his food, he saw his boyfriend entering the restaurant and smiled brightly before waving his hands. The couple hugged eachother, and the alpha sat down.

"What do you want to have, alpha?"

"Anything is fine, petal" the raven head replied, and earned a beautiful boxy smile in return. After ordering the older's favourite food, the omega smiled widely, starting a conversation.

"So? How are you?"

"I am fine, doll. But, you have gained more weight I guess. You look fat now"

As soon as the omega heard those words, his smile faltered.

"Ugh~ Do I look fat now?" the omega asked, looking at himself.

"Yes." the alpha replied almost immediately, proving his point.

"Okay leave that. We are going to a party tomorrow. Dress up and be pretty for me, doll" the alpha uttered, locking eyes with the younger, who squirmed uncomfortably as he saw the predatory gaze.

Also, the last time he accompanied the older to a party, things didn't end well.


"Taehyung are you okay?" Namjoon called, shaking his hands before the younger, who came out of his thoughts.

"Ah~ Yes Namjoonie Hyung" the omega uttered, smiling as he felt concerned gazes over him.

"Why aren't you eating bub? Is it not good? Shall I order something" Jin asked, as he saw the omega who was not eating.

"No no hyung. I just feel full" the bluehead lied.

"You did not even eat. Is something wrong with you?" Jin asked, instinctively reaching his hands out to touch the omega's forehead, who flinched backing away with huge eyes that were filled with fear.

"Shit ~ I am sorry Taehyung" the alpha apologised, feeling bad.

"I-I am sorry hyung. I ate before you guys arrived" the omega uttered, and quickly went out of the dining hall.


The blue-haired omega was sitting on the bed with his knees drawn against his chest, and he was hugging himself.

Yoongi entered their room with a bowl and walked towards the bed.

"Tae, eat this" the alpha insisted, which made the younger sigh.

"I am not hungry, Yoongi~" the omega murmured, averting his gaze away from the older.

"You know what? You are very bad at lying" the alpha uttered, extending his hands to give the bowl.

The omega sighed as he couldn't lie, especially to Yoongi who could tell what was wrong just by looking into his eyes.

But, that was all in the past~

"I am going to apologise" the omega whispered averting his gaze back to the food, gulping it down in a hurry, not noticing the subtle fond gaze directed towards him.

After eating, the blue head stood up and walked out of the room, towards the dining hall.


All the members except Yoongi and Taehyung, looked at eachother after the couple left the dining hall.

"Jin hyung, I think Taehyung has a fear of physical touch" Jimin murmured.

"Jimin-ah, what are you saying? Maybe he flinched because of the sudden touch" the beta uttered, a soft sigh escaping his lips when he saw the older's sad face.

"Yeobo, it's okay~ Taehyungie Hyungie will not be upset" Jungkook assured, placing his hands on the top of the older's hands and squeezing it as he gave a wide smile, making Jin's lip curl into a smile as well.

Taehyung fiddled with his fingers and walked towards the older male.

"Tae, bub I am sorry" the alpha spoke.

Guilt washed over the omega's heart, making him bawl his fists, as he was angry, as well as disappointed in himself.

No matter how much he tries to get over his past, he always gets trapped in it. He wasn't able to accept physical touch.

"No hyung. I am so sorry. I am not very comfortable with physical touch. I am sorry for making you feel bad about it." the omega muttered, looking down at his feet, the weight of his actions weighing heavily on his conscience.


"It's okay Tae. I should respect your boundaries. I am extremely sorry" the alpha uttered.

Yoongi stood near the door, making sure that he was hearing the right words.

He shook his head in disbelief, his eyebrows furrowed in a mixture of shock and confusion, unable to find the right words to express his astonishment.

Because, the Taehyung he knew, was very clingy and loved skinship. He used to hug him and cuddle him always.

He was sure, that the younger didn't know about the concept of personal space.

Then, what happened to the younger?

What went wrong?

Chapter 15: Drunken

Chapter Text

Taehyung was humming a random tune and walking out of the room, when he noticed the presence of trouble sitting on the couch, with a huge grin.

"Oh hello, Taehyung Op--" she was cut off by the omega's words.

"Cut that shit off Ae Ri~ I am younger than you" the omega sassed, making the older omega embarrassed.

Jimin and Jungkook looked at eachother, trying to control their laugh.


But Jin was different. He started laughing right away, making the girl fume.

"Where is Yoongi Oppa?" the girl asked, not paying attention to the older's laugh.

"He isn't here. I thought you were young. Is your vision getting poor?" Jungkook asked, making the girl growl in anger.

"I am going to Oppa's room" the girl snarled and stomped her foot, before heading upstairs.

Taehyung rolled his eyes, not in the mood to fight, before waving to the members as he walked out of the apartment.


"Bogumie Hyung, did you find any apartment?" the omega asked, fiddling with his fingers.

"No, Tae. The rent is not affordable."

"You can stay with us, bub" the alpha insisted, earning a sigh.

"No hyung. I shouldn't disturb you and noona."

"Tae --"

"Hyung~ Let's go there" the omega declared, pulling the alpha along with him.


"Tae, enough. You are already wasted"

"No *hic* One more" the omega whined, earning a groan.

"That grumpy man you married, will kill me. Don't you want me to stay alive?" the alpha ranted, glaring at the bartender, who placed another shot.

"Park Taehyung. Tell me his number" the alpha hissed, seeing the giggling omega, who was intoxicated .

"I *hic* Dwon't know" the omega babbled, tapping on the counter.

"Okay. What have you saved his name as?" the alpha begged, placing the omega's phone on his hand.


Grumpy Min 🐱:

Hey, hyisgw ~

On the other side:

Yoongi frowned at the unreadable text. The alpha quickly dialled the younger, waiting for him to pick up the call.

Bogum flinched when the omega's phone rang, and hesitantly slid up the button.

"Taehyung, are you drunk? Where are--" the alpha was cut off, as the other started speaking.

"This is Bogum." the alpha replied, earning a grumble from the other line.

"You know that he cannot handle alcohol right?" the alpha groaned again.

"Send me the location" the male grunted declining the call, before the other could speak.

"Why are you guys not letting me talk? And your grumpy husband is--"

"Hey, only I can call him grwumpy" the omega slurred, glaring at the older, who sighed.


"Shining through the city like fwunk and soul" the omega squeaked, making both the alpha's stumble, as they were supporting the younger.

"Aish stop singing and swaying" the alpha growled, glaring at the other alpha.

"Dy-na-na-na, na-na, na-na, ay-" the omega sang again, tumbling against the older's chest.

"Woah~ This pillow is so comfy" the omega chuckled, snuggling against the alpha's chest.

"Hmm.. It might be comfortable because I am the one carrying your drunk ass" the alpha snorted, picking up the younger.

"Park Bogum, if you ever let him drink again, I am breaking your jaw" the alpha warned, walking out of the car.

The alpha watched the other male in disbelief.

"What did I even do?" the alpha murmured, closing the car door.


"Hey, Mr~ Who are you ?" the omega asked, when he noticed the alpha carrying him.

Yoongi remained silent, as he glared at the younger who was pouting at him with a confused look.

His heart raced when he saw the cute pout.

"Yoongi~ We should focus on something else" the alpha murmured to himself, shaking his head.

"Hey, Mr~ Drop me. I have a husband." the omega whined, causing the older's heart to skip a beat.

"Husband?" the older asked, not paying attention to the confused look of security guard.


"Who is it?" the alpha asked, curious to know what the younger would reply.

"That's a grumpy cat. Leave him, handsome" the omega laughed.

The alpha raised his eyebrows, amused, as he opened the door.

The omega stood near the door for a good five minutes, before he squealed, running towards the younger.

"Oh my god~ You? You are BTS?" the omega gasped, squinting his eyes and looking at the members.

All the other five members exchanged a confused glance, while Namjoon started speaking.

"Is he drunk, hyung?" the beta asked, earning a nod from Yoongi.

Taehyung did not hear what the beta told, as he was busy admiring them.

"Jeon Jwungkookie~ Are you real? You are so cute" the omega giggled, squishing the younger's cheeks, who was flustered.

"If anyone is cute, that's not me, but you~ Taehyungie Hyungie" the younger cooed, making the drunken male laugh.

"Wait~ You! You knew my name?" the omega gasped.

"He is so cute" the oldest murmured, earning nods from Hoseok and Jimin.

Yoongi looked at the younger giggling and blabbering, and decided to let him rest.

"Oii~ What are you doing? Don't touch me" the omega snarled, when the alpha tried to lift him.

"Tae~ You should sleep."

The omega shook his head, pouting at the older.

>>Ahhh~ I want to kiss that soft pair of lips.


>> I thought I was over those feelings.


Yoongi shook his head, cursing at himself.

"Oii~ Why are you lwifting me?" the omega whined, wriggling in the older's arms.

"But wait~ You! You look like that grumpy cat" the omega mumbled, leaning forward, making the older's breath hitch.

The taller male leaned forward, squinting his eyes and looking at the older's face, whose heart raced at the proximity, as their lips were merely inches apart.

>>Heck~ He could even count the number of moles on the pretty male's face.

"You~ Are handsome" the omega giggled, falling flat against the older's chest.

The alpha sighed, before carrying the younger to their room, his heart still thumping wildly.

Chapter 16: Not an update

Chapter Text

What does it feel like, to be independent?

No matter how much you dream, if you are a girl, you shouldn't stay out late at night, because this world, dream, ambitions, the freedom, the right to dream~ everything, is confined just to a man.

A girl is not fully covered- she is molested; If she is fully covered - she still gets molested;

A 5 year old is r*ped, even a 80 year old is r*ped;

She isn't safe anywhere - in hospitals, in schools, in parks, in clubs, in temples, in church, in mosque, in a police station, in her relative's house, and even in her own house;

When is it going to change?

The name behind the # keeps changing, but are we even closer to justice??

#Justice for Moumita

Chapter 17: Envy


Yoongi shook his head, tapping on his flushed cheeks, and rushed toward his room, not wanting to be teased, not noticing his fuming cousin.


Cliche ahead :( 😭🤣

Chapter Text

Yoongi woke up with a frown when he felt a weight against his chest.

He groaned softly, annoyed at being woken up from his precious sleep, but his gaze softened when he saw the sleeping figure.

His eyes landed on the blue mop of hair, and then, he rubbed his eyes to get a clear view of the younger's angelic face.


The alpha stared at the sleeping beauty, trying to memorize each inch of the younger's face.

He adjusted the younger's position and covered him with the blanket, deciding to stop staring, as he felt like a creepy stalker.

As he stepped out of his room, he was met by his cousin.

"Good morning, Yoongi Oppa~" the omega greeted, making the older internally sigh.

"Good morning, Aeri. What are you doing here?" the alpha asked, confused as to why she was there.

"Oppa, I said I wanted to hang out with you," the omega pouted, trying her best to convince the older.

"Ae Ri~ I am really busy. I will text you when I am free," the alpha explained.

"I will stay here until you are free, " the omega concluded, beaming.

The alpha tensed at the younger's words, and just as he was about to disagree, he was cut off by a call.

"I will meet you later" the alpha murmured, walking out of his room.

"How can I impress you, Oppa?" the omega sighed, looking after the disappearing figure.


Taehyung rolled his eyes when he saw the female omega sitting on the couch and blasting music on the speaker.

"Turn down the volume, Ae Ri," the pretty male hissed, but the older ignored his words, pretending to blow off invisible dust on her nails.

Taehyung stormed off, growling as anger
anger surged through his body.

"Tae, what happened?" the older omega asked, sensing the distressed scent of the omega.

"That annoying leach is sitting in our room. Aargh~ She is irritating me," the omega whined, slumping against the couch.

"She still hasn't left?"

"Minnie, help me. She is annoying me," the omega whined again, clenching his fist.

"We will plan something" Jimin murmured, a smirk spreading across his face.



Yoongi sighed again as he stood up from the chair and walked out of his studio.

In the living room, he saw the bluehead comfortably sitting on the couch, and watching the television.

The alpha walked towards the younger with a sly smirk.

He sat on the couch and snatched the remote from the omega, who snarled.

"Hey, give it back," the omega whined, struggling to get hold of the remote, while the alpha giggled, raising his hands, making it difficult for the omega.

Oh, ~how much he enjoys teasing the younger.

Taehyung whined, reaching out, but a sudden thought made him smirk.

He moved further, straddling the older's thighs, who froze on his spot, causing the omega to easily get the remote.

The bluehead still hadn't realised their position, as a victorious smirk spread across his face.


Yoongi sat immobilized, staring at the younger in wonder, as his wolf practically purred at their omega's touch.

All the members except the oldest rapper entered the house, and their jaws went slack when they saw the couple.

Jimin and Jungkook smirked as they high-fived eachother.

"Taehyung-ah, you do know where you are sitting, right?" Hoseok asked, breaking the silence.

The omega frowned upon hearing the older's words, but his eyes widened when he saw where he was sitting.

He quickly got up from the older's thighs and ran out of the living room, as his cheeks burned in embarrassment.

Yoongi shook his head, tapping on his flushed cheeks, and rushed toward his room, not wanting to be teased, not noticing his fuming cousin.

"Hyung, you spoiled the fun" the oldest omega whined, hitting on Hoseok's arm, who looked at him in disbelief.


Ae-Ri clenched her fists, her nostrils flaring as she fought to control the fiery storm raging within.

She stormed out of the house, conspiring to blow off the pretty omega's head.


Taehyung whined, puking his guts out, as the alpha helped him by rubbing the younger's back.

"Tae, I will call the doctor right now," the alpha soothed, helping the omega to brush his teeth.

Yoongi grabbed the younger's hand and rubbed it gently as the doctor checked on him.

"Is he allergic to any food?" the doctor asked, turning towards the alpha, who thought for a while before nodding.

"Yes, Peanuts. He is allergic to peanuts," the alpha murmured, his brow furrowing in confusion.

"Okay. Be cautious about what he eats. I have prescribed certain medicines to decrease the swelling and nausea"

All the members nodded as they had assembled in the oldest rapper room.

Jungkook frowned as a thought popped up, which he didn't like.

He whispered something to the older omega, who thought for a while before his eyes widened in disbelief.

"That b*tch~ she mixed something into the food," The omega snarled, looking at the youngest.

They knew that Ae-Ri despised Taehyung, but they never expected her to go to such an extent to harm the younger.

Chapter 18: Mania


The manager tilted his head, his eyes narrowing, looking like he didn’t believe the rapper's words.


Help me before I go insane.
I've been listening to 'Neva Play' on repeat ever since it was released...🌚☄️😭🙇🚶

Chapter Text

Ae-Ri smirked as she crossed her legs at the ankle, laughing at the sad faces of the members gathered around Taehyung.

She stopped smiling and put on a sad face, ready to act her part.

She walked towards the younger omega and sighed sadly.

"Oh god ~ Poor Tae. What happened to him?" the omega asked, faking concern.

Jimin and Jungkook rolled their eyes, while others remained silent, staring down.

Taehyung woke up groaning, his throat burning and his head aching.

He whined, clutching onto the older's hands, who immediately helped him sit upright.

He grabbed the bottle and helped the omega to drink, who gulped it down quickly.

Although Ae-Ri was annoyed that her alpha helped the younger, she was satisfied that she hurt him.

Taehyung wasn't fooled by the older's fake concern.

He glared at the older omega, who smirked slightly, making the pale rapper understand what happened.

He patted the omega's shoulder, and all the members left the room after asking about the omega's health, who was grateful for the older's friends~ or more like a family.


Yoongi raked his fingers through his long black hair, pushing it back and sighing.

What was wrong with Ae-Ri?

He decided to confront the younger and texted her to meet him in the backyard.

Ae-Ri excitedly dressed up to impress the older male as she skipped towards the backyard, with a huge smile.

She thought that the older was finally asking her out and began dreaming about their future.

"Yoongi Oppa. Do I look good?" The omega asked, pointing at her short clothes.


"Oh, uh, it looks nice. Very... vibrant," the alpha murmured, forcing a smile.

He didn’t want to hurt her, as he still saw her as a little sister.

"Just nice? I was hoping it would be more than that. Do you think it suits me?" The omega asked, wanting a compliment.

Yoongi took a deep breath before nodding.

"Ae-Ri. Why do you hate him so much?" The alpha asked, making the omega's smile falter.

"What are you saying oppa? I don’t hate anyone," the omega claimed, already getting irritated.

She thought the older wanted to spend some good time with her, without involving the other omega.

"Ae-Ri, stop all of this. Let's just be friends like we used to be. I know you don’t like Tae, but we are married. Moreover, we are cousins, and I see you as my little sister. Okay? Just forget about me and move on. You will get an amazing person as your mate," the alpha spoke, making the omega fume.

He left the place shortly after speaking, leaving the female omega to drown in her thoughts.

"No~ No! No... Yoongi you are mine. I love you," the omega screamed, pulling at her hair in frustration.

"You are married, but your company doesn’t know about that right? Let's see whether you love your career or that stupid omega"


Taehyung was helping the oldest male arrange the dining table when the group's manager entered the house.

"Sejin Hyung," the leader greeted, making space for the older male.

Jungkook's eyes went wide at the sight of the older male, and he quickly signalled something to Namjoon, who frowned, his expression a mixture of surprise and confusion.

Jungkook face-palmed before linking the beta through his mind.

"Taehyungie hyungie is helping Jin hyung. Sejin Hyung is here and--"

"Dinner is ready, guys. Jungkookie, come here and help me-" the blue-haired omega stopped talking when he noticed the group's manager gawking at him.

"Who are you?" the beta asked, making all the members nervous

The omega bit his lips nervously and licked them before clearing his throat.


The omega looked around, pleading with the others through his eyes.

Before Yoongi could answer, the sunshine beat him to it.


"He is Jimin's cousin," Hoseok blurted out, making all the other’s faces again.

The manager tilted his head, his eyes narrowing, looking like he didn’t believe the rapper's words.

"Believe me, Sejin Hyung. They even share the same surname," Hoseok muttered hurriedly, defending himself.

The manager immediately turned towards the blue-haired omega, who smiled and nodded.

"But I have seen you somewhere," the manager remarked, looking at the shorter male.

"Ah yes. I work as Chan-mi noona's assistant," the omega clarified.

Sejin nodded, drinking the juice offered.

"Why are you here, Hyung?" The leader asked politely.

"Should I always visit you with a reason?" the manager asked, catching the leader off guard.

"But you always do," Yoongi muttered.

Sejin pretended not to hear the rapper's words, while Jin had a proud smirk.


"Be careful about scandals, okay? Don’t stay here for a long time, " the manager replied, his expression turning serious.

Taehyung nodded, looking down at his feet awkwardly, and lifted his eyes to look at the older, who was already staring at him.

Both stared at each other until the blue head looked away, sighing.

All the members understood what the manager implied.

Of course, except Yoongi, everyone was dating each other, and Sejin said that Yoongi and Taehyung shouldn't get into any scandal.

Sejin left shortly, making all the others sigh in relief.

Why did the manager visit them suddenly..??

Chapter 19: Whispers of the Past


"The moon is beautiful. Isn’t it?" the alpha asked, dipping his legs inside the pool.

"And lonely," the omega added, staring back at the moon.

"But the moon is a gentle reminder that even in darkness, there is light." The alpha stated, causing the omega to turn back and look at him before chuckling.

Chapter Text

"So, Park Hyungsik is your brother?" the omega gasped, earning a chuckle.

"Yes, Minnie Hyung."

"Your mom owns the fashion house Aura? And your father is a partner in Yoongi's company?" the oldest asked.

Taehyung nodded in agreement.

"How are you guys as a family? I am curious," the maknae beamed, playing with the leader's fingers.

The omega's smile faltered as sadness took over his features.

"As a family? *chuckles* My parents never stay at home. And Hyung is busy too. But Hyung is my best friend, the one I can hold on to in difficult times."

"For my parents, their reputation is the most important thing. They do not care about me or my hyung. We never had a meal together as a family without fights. They are also not happy as a couple and are just faking happiness. All I remember is that the maids practically raised me," the omega sighed.

All the members fell silent at those words.

"We are sorry, Taehyungie Hyungie. We are here for you," the maknae soothed.

All the others nodded with soft smiles.

The omega's eyes welled up with gratitude, the weight of their support bringing a flicker of relief.

"Yeah~ where is that boxy smile? Now, smile for me," the omega cheered.

The bluehead smiled, making the older omega smile as well, his eyes disappearing like crescents.




Taehyung was gulping down the water when he felt hands wrapping around his waist.

“Do you want a cup of coffee, Hyung?” the omega asked, but the alpha remained silent.

The alpha tightened his arms around the omega, who tensed up as the older’s sour scent permeated the room.

“Hyung?” the omega uttered, only to be twirled around and harshly shoved against the kitchen counter.

“I saw a parcel lying on the table. What have I told you about letting couriers inside our apartment, doll?” the alpha asked, caressing the omega’s cheeks, who shivered under the burning gaze.


And the omega knew better than to believe the calm voice.

“Hyung… I-I... I didn’t let the postman enter our hou-“

“Black coffee.” The alpha ordered, walking out of the kitchen.

The omega fidgeted with his fingers as he handed the cup. He had been standing in front of the older for five minutes before the older grabbed the coffee cup.

The alpha pulled the younger closer, who gulped nervously.

“Sit on my lap, doll.”

The omega nodded and sat on the older’s lap, who sipped the coffee and averted his gaze down to the smaller male.

The alpha began caressing the younger’s thighs, who shifted uncomfortably.

“Were you wearing these shorts in front of that postman?” the alpha asked, his eyes darkening at the mere thought of someone seeing his omega’s smooth legs.

“No... Hyung, I—”

The omega screamed when the burning end of a cigarette touched his arms. He had no idea when the older had pulled out the burning cancer stick.

“I have warned you many times. These types of revealing clothes are to be worn only in front of me," the alpha growled, pressing the burning cigarette harder against the omega, who whimpered in pain.

“Hyung, please leave me,” the omega sobbed, as the older dragged him towards their shared room.

The alpha pushed the younger inside, switched off the lights and fans, and locked the door.

Taehyung banged on the door as he pleaded with the older, who did not pay any attention and walked out of the room.

Taehyung woke up, shuddering at the memory of that night, as he passed out, in fear and exhaustion.

He hurriedly gulped down half the bottle of water and stood up from the bed before deciding to take a walk by the pool.


Yoongi let out a deep breath as he dusted off his jeans before standing up from the chair. He had been locked up in the studio for the past eight hours and finally decided to take a break.

The alpha frowned when he saw the empty room. He expected to see a familiar omega curled up against the huge teddy bear. Shaking his head, he decided to take a shower.

His wolf whined, shifting uncomfortably when they didn’t find their omega in their room, even after showering.

For the sake of calming down his restless wolf, the alpha decided to visit the swimming pool, which had become one of the omega's favorite spots.

And there, the alpha’s eyes landed on the omega, who was busy staring at the moon.

He was left breathless upon seeing the omega sitting at the edge of the swimming pool, his legs gently dipped in the shimmering water. The sight of his tranquil beauty, framed by the soft glow of the moon and the gentle ripple of the pool, was simply mesmerizing.

Yoongi took a deep breath to calm down his wolf, who was howling in joy for reasons unknown.

He sat beside the omega, who turned towards the older male.

The pale rapper quickly looked away when he noticed the younger turning towards him and looking at the moon.

"The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?" the alpha asked, dipping his legs into the pool.

"And lonely," the omega added, staring back at the moon.

"But the moon is a gentle reminder that even in darkness, there is light," the alpha stated, causing the omega to turn back and look at him before chuckling.

"You have a way with your words," the omega laughed, making the alpha happy.

He stared at the omega's face, whose laughter sounded like the bells of heaven.


Yoongi was grabbing his clothes in a hurry when he knocked over a small bottle from his closet.

The alpha’s brows furrowed in confusion as he didn’t remember placing a bottle there. As he picked up the bottle, his eyes went wide.

He rubbed his eyes and caressed the bottle of medicine, not believing what he had just read.

"Was it Taehyung's pill?"

He decided to visit someone who could answer all his questions.

Chapter 20: Reluctance


"Thank you, Tae" the alpha murmured, the intended words not slipping past his lips.

“Did I just hear a ‘thank you’??” the omega gasped, as a huge grin decorated his face.

“Do not get used to hearing that" the alpha grunted, looking away.

"Ahh. Grumpy Min is back" the omega snorted, looking down.


Happy RM Day 🥺🤧❤️🍻✨

You are the best leader K-pop has ever seen. You are a safe haven and a comforting presence for everyone, and I hope you stay happy and blessed.🙇🤧🎂🔥🔥

Chapter Text


"Yoongi, why did you call me?" the alpha asked, sipping his coffee.

"I need to ask something about Tae," the alpha replied, his voice dropping an octave lower.

Bogum gulped at the intimidating tone and nodded, indicating the other to continue.

"Why is Taehyung consuming antidepressants? And why is he afraid of touch?" the alpha questioned, making Bogum tense.

Yoongi noticed the other's reaction and frowned.

"Bogum. Answer me," the alpha demanded, his eyes darkening.

"He w-was depressed during his college days. I thought he was getting better," Bogum sighed, fidgeting with his fingers.

His brow furrowed in doubt, lips pressed into a thin line as he pondered the implications of the alpha's words.

"What do you mean? Why was he depressed? Is it because of his family? Do you know the reason?" the alpha continued, bombarding Bogum with questions.

"Not because of his family. But—"

"But?" the alpha repeated, his patience wearing thin.

"He had an a-abusive ex," Bogum stammered.

He was not afraid of the other alpha, but he thought the omega's past was his own story to tell. He felt he had betrayed his friend's trust by revealing this.

As the alpha heard the words, his heart sank.

His face twisted into a mask of rage, veins pulsating at his temples as he struggled to keep his composure.

Yoongi never knew a human could experience such a whirlwind of emotions in a single minute. He felt guilt, anger, sadness, and an overwhelming urge to know more about the abuser. Yet, he struggled to find the words, his throat clogged with emotion.

His wolf growled at the back of his mind, urging him to destroy anyone who had hurt his omega.

The mere thought of the younger having an abusive boyfriend in the past made Yoongi’s blood boil.

Yoongi stood up from the chair and walked out of the café, ignoring Bogum’s worried voice calling after him.


When Yoongi reached their room, he saw the omega sleeping peacefully, hugging a teddy bear.

Yoongi felt an overwhelming need to pull the younger into his arms and never let go. But it seemed to be one of the rare peaceful nights for the omega, as he slept without waking up from a nightmare.

As Yoongi reflected on the incidents after meeting Taehyung, he remembered the younger’s vulnerability and fear of touch.

He wanted answers, and he was determined to get them from the omega.

His phone buzzed in his pocket, making him flinch as he was lost in his thoughts.

The blue-haired omega flinched at the loud ringtone, whining as he woke up from his slumber, rubbing his eyes with an annoyed sigh.

Yoongi quickly answered the call and frowned when he heard his father's worried voice.

"Hello, Pa. What happened?" the alpha asked, sitting on the couch.

He paled visibly, beads of sweat forming on his brow as the icy fingers of fear gripped his heart.

Taehyung frowned, got out of bed, and walked towards the older male, who had a blank expression after the call.

"Yoongi, what happened? Are you alright?" the omega asked, sitting beside the older one who still hadn’t recovered from his frozen state.

"Mom got into an accident," the alpha whispered, making the omega worry.

"Hey, look at me. It's going to be alright. Mom will be okay," the omega consoled, cupping the older’s cheeks and patting them as he grabbed the older’s hands.

"Let's go there right now. Don't worry. I am here with you," the omega repeated, dragging the older out of their room.


The omega intertwined his fingers with the older’s hand, a silent promise to stay by his side.

Yoongi picked up the younger’s phone as he was driving and answered the call as the omega asked him to.

After speaking, the couple reached the hospital where the alpha’s mother was admitted.

They reached the reception desk and asked about the room number before walking towards it.

"Yoongi, look at your mother," the alpha's father sighed, wiping his tears away.

Yoongi hugged the older alpha while the omega spoke with the nurse attending to the older omega.

"Yoongi, mom is already recovering. Don’t worry. Luckily, she didn’t suffer any head injury, but her hand was fractured," the omega stated, making the older sigh in relief.

The older alpha slumped against the chair as a relieved expression appeared on his face.

It was already the next morning when the couple, along with the older alpha, entered the omega's room.

Mrs. Min noticed her son and smiled before ruffling his hair.

"Eomma, are you okay? Is it paining?" the alpha asked worriedly.

"I am fine, Yoongi-ah," the omega replied, smiling at her son.

As her eyes fell on the blue-haired omega, her smile faltered, and an annoyed expression formed on her face.

"Why is he here? Ever since he stepped into this house and married my baby, all he has brought is bad luck. Ask him to leave," Mrs Min hissed, making Yoongi frown.

"Ma, stop talking and take a rest. Why are you straining yourself?" the alpha sighed, covering the omega with the duvet.

Taehyung sighed, clicking his tongue in annoyance as he left the room shortly.

Taehyung never understood Mrs. Min's mind because she was initially the stubborn one who wanted him to marry her son, but every time she had an opportunity, she tried to degrade the omega’s family and character.

Taehyung sat in the chair and took out his mobile when he heard someone clearing their throat.

He looked up and saw the alpha, who took the seat beside him.

"You need something?" the younger asked, sensing the older's gaze.

Yoongi took a deep breath and nodded, preparing to ask about the younger’s past.



"You. Y-You..." the alpha hesitated, making the omega frown.

"Thank you, Tae," the alpha murmured, the intended not words slipping past his lips.

“Did I just hear a ‘thank you’??” the omega gasped, a huge grin decorating his face.

“Do not get used to hearing that," the alpha grunted, looking away.

"Ahh, grumpy Min is back," the omega snorted, looking down.

Yoongi sighed, choosing to stay silent.


Chapter 21: Threads of Protection


Tae, it's about your g-grandmother," the alpha hesitated, licking his lips.

The omega's smile faltered at that. He gulped nervously as he fixed his gaze on the older and noticed the gloomy look in his eyes.


TW: Short panic attack and mentions of character death ;

Chapter Text

The omega adjusted his shirt and walked out of his room, seeing the alpha sitting lazily on the couch.

"Yoongi, let's go," the blue-haired one spoke, tapping at his watch.

As the alpha looked up, his heart raced, each beat echoing in his chest like a drum.

When the pretty male glanced his way, their eyes locked for a brief moment.

The world may have stopped, but in that heartbeat, everything felt right.

"Ah~ Y-yes," the alpha stuttered, tapping his chest to calm his thudding heart.


"Hello, gorgeous," the alpha cheered, sitting beside the omega, who internally rolled his eyes.

The alpha and the omega had been invited by their parents to a business gathering.

An alpha had stared at the blue-haired omega, taking an instant liking to him.

But a certain alpha did not appreciate this.

Earlier, when the alpha had tried to hug the omega, he flinched at the action.

What infuriated Yoongi was that the younger's father remained silent, even upon seeing his son's uneasiness.

"Hasn't he made it clear that he doesn't like your presence?" the pale alpha grunted, taking the seat beside the omega, who let out a relieved sigh.

" And who are you, Mr? Come on, pretty, let's have some fun," the alpha rasped, licking his lips as he leaned closer, grabbing the younger's arms. The omega flinched, slapping the alpha before scooting closer, burying his face in the older's chest as fear consumed him.

In the heat of the moment, the omega's wolf took over, and he slapped him, but sweat trickled down his body as he gripped the alpha tightly, trembling as a shiver ran down his spine.

"He is going to hurt you."

>> The omega struggled as a hand pressed against his throat, squeezing it and cutting off his air supply.

"Tae~ listen."

"Listen, baby. I am here. Breathe. Breathe for me, sweetheart. Yes, that's it. It's okay," the alpha crooned, rubbing the younger's back.

Yoongi picked up the omega in his arms and went out, not before punching the other alpha square across the face.

The omega clung to the older, silent tears rolling down his cheeks, making the older's heartache.

The alpha wanted to know what troubled the younger, but he didn't want to trigger another fear in the omega by questioning him.

"I just wish you would open up to me. I know I'm not the most tactful with my words, but I try my best to not be aggressive and to make sure you're comfortable around me," the alpha murmured gently, placing the younger on their bed.

He brushed aside the fringes covering the pretty male's forehead and covered him with a duvet.


"Hobi Hyung, help me arrange the table," the blue-haired omega spoke, placing a bowl on the table.

The omega had calmed down and stepped out of his room to divert his mind, glad to have his hyungs and the younger omega with him.

Yoongi entered the apartment nervously and bit his lips when he saw the younger giggling about something.

>> Oh, how miserable he feels for having to break the omega's heart.

"Tae, why aren't you picking up anyone's calls?" the alpha asked.

All the members frowned when they heard the alpha speaking nervously.

"Why? What happened?" the omega asked, tilting his head in confusion.

"Your parents are calling you repeatedly. Where is your phone?" the alpha sighed, walking toward the younger.

"Upstairs. Now what is your problem? Let's talk after eating. They are waiting for us," the omega murmured, about to walk away, but was stopped by the older's hold on his wrist.

"Tae, it's about your g-grandmother," the alpha hesitated, licking his lips.

The omega's smile faltered at that. He gulped nervously as he fixed his gaze on the older and noticed the gloomy look in his eyes.

And Yoongi hated it.

He hated to see the younger hurt.

"What happened?" the omega whispered.

"She had a cardiac arrest and she—" the alpha stuttered, tightening his hold on the omega's arms, who frowned.

"She passed away," the alpha murmured.


Chapter 22: In His Absence


He growled in frustration until his eyes fell on the huge teddy bear.

He smiled, grabbed the teddy bear, and curled around it, grinning when he caught a whiff of the omega's scent on it.

Chapter Text

The blue-haired omega remained silent for a minute before he hissed a warning.

"Don't utter nonsense, Yoongi," the omega growled.

"I talked with her yesterday, before going to the party. She is good. Now, just don't blabber."

"Taehyung-ah, it was in the morning. Let's go there, bub," the alpha stated.

"No. Give me your phone," the omega demanded, wanting to prove his point.

As he dialled his grandmother's number, he frowned, silent tears rolling down his cheeks.


Sometimes, the brain needs more time to accept things that the heart already has.

"No, no... No, I need to see her now!" the omega panicked, running out of the house.

Yoongi worriedly rushed after the omega.

"Taehyungie hyungie is upset. He treasures his grandmother so much because she raised him. Poor hyungie," Jungkook sniffled.

The youngest had become very attached to the older omega, and he couldn't bear to see his hyungs sad.

Namjoon wrapped his arms around the younger and soothed him, while the others sat beside the younger, comforting him.


The blue-haired omega hiccupped, staring at his grandmother, with Yoongi beside him, their hands intertwined.

Hyungsik entered the house and rushed toward the older, bursting into tears.

The blue-haired omega looked at his brother and hugged him tightly, wailing.
Mrs Park was about to approach her older son, but her husband stopped her, whispering about the presence of their relatives and the media.

"Look, he is here! How dare he enter this house after spoiling my son's life?" Mrs. Min snarled while the pale alpha consoled her.




"Tae, eat this," the alpha murmured, sitting beside the younger, who had a blank look, his face and eyes puffy from crying.

The omega shook his head, refusing.

Yoongi wore a worried expression as he noticed the younger's exhaustion.


"I don't want to eat. You have the food, and then sleep," the omega whispered.

The alpha let out a sigh and went out of the room.

He remained awake until the omega passed out from tiredness.

He covered the omega and placed a pillow beside him so that he could hug it.


After the funeral, Yoongi was getting ready to go back to Seoul, leaving the younger in his house for a few days.

They faced each other, their gazes locked in heavy silence. The distance between them felt palpable, a lingering ache of separation as one prepared to leave for a few days. Their eyes reflected a mix of emotions—sadness, longing, and an unspoken promise to reunite. This moment, though brief, was filled with a bittersweet farewell, hinting at the depth of their connection and the pain of parting.

The alpha silently left the younger's house, a heavy feeling weighing down his heart.




Yoongi tossed and turned in bed, unable to fall asleep.

Ever since he arrived at his apartment, memories flooded his mind as he recalled his laughter, the warmth of his scent, and the sound of his voice. Each detail intensified his longing, making the space around him feel emptier without his presence.


It felt like the younger challenged him to sleep peacefully but snatched his slumber by appearing in his dreams.

He growled in frustration until his eyes fell on the huge teddy bear.

He smiled, grabbed the teddy bear, and curled around it, grinning when he caught a whiff of the omega's scent on it.


Chapter 23: Fragments Of Us


Cliche Flashbacks...

And, what feelings is Tae speaking about, in his past?? 😦😦

Chapter Text

Taehyung whined, rolling on the bed and sitting up from his position, unable to fall asleep.

His wolf tossed and turned in the back of his mind, not allowing the omega any peace.

"Don't do it. Don't," he repeated, but his hands automatically grabbed the photo frame from the bedside table.

He gently caressed the frame, which was taken during his high school days.

He sighed when his eyes landed on the alpha’s gummy smile.


“How can you be this happy this early in the morning?” the alpha grunted when he saw the omega beside him, skipping toward the school with his signature boxy grin.

"Not everyone are as grumpy as you are, Yoongi Hyung," the omega teased, earning a soft growl in return.


Yoongi clicked his tongue in annoyance when he saw the taller male flirting with his best friend, who was oblivious.

"Can I get your number, Taehyung-ssi?" the alpha asked, and before the omega could reply, the alpha answered, "No. He will not give his number. Now go and attend your classes," the alpha scolded, making the other alpha frown.

"Yoongi Hyung, why did you scold him?" the omega asked, looking at the taller alpha.

"He is flirting with you," the alpha replied, earning a gasp.

"Woah. No one has ever flirted with me," the omega beamed, not noticing the alpha's sigh.

"Tae, I want you to be careful. I’m just watching out, bubba," the alpha muttered, earning a giggle.

"Fine, fine, Hyung. Now come on. It's raining. Let's dance in the rain!" the omega beamed, trying to drag the alpha.

"Don’t look so grumpy; it will be great!" the omega insisted when he saw the alpha's frown.

"Everyone should dance in the rain at least once in their lives," the omega stressed again, earning a sigh.

"I can never say ‘no’ to you, can I?" the alpha admitted, his gummy smile spreading as he saw the omega grinning and pulling him toward the ground.

"Being happy, fortunately, coincides with making you happy," the alpha whispered, letting the omega drag him.


"I want those days back now. Maybe if I had confessed my feelings years ago, I would have been happy," the omega admitted, hugging his pillow.


Ae-Ri grinned as she skipped toward the alpha's room.

Now that the omega was not there, she thought of ways to implement her plans and impress the alpha.

"Oppa, can I come in?" the omega greeted, entering the room.

The alpha sighed as he looked up from his phone, his hands absentmindedly caressing the omega’s teddy bear.

"What is it, Ae-Ri? When did you arrive?" the alpha asked, looking at her.

"Oppa~ I thought you were happy to see me," the girl pouted, trying her best to charm the older.

"Shall we go out today?" the omega started, not letting the alpha speak.

"Ae-Ri, listen. I have a lot of wor—" the alpha began, his mood already sour as he missed a certain omega.

"Please, Oppa. Just this once. Let's have dinner. It's my treat," the omega professed, earning a reluctant nod.


Chapter 24: Whispers of the Heart


>>[refers to their mind voice/inner monolouge]


I wish I had a childhood friend like this, with who I can visit special places 🥺💓😭😩🤌

Chapter Text

Yoongi frowned, looking around the restaurant as the omega excitedly chatted about something.

His mind wasn't here; it kept going back to a certain bluenette—his scent, his giggles, his boxy grin, and his voice.



"Oppa, let's go there," the omega beamed, trying to drag the alpha with her, but flinched when the older male jerked her hands away.

She could see the older's eyes darkening in fury, even with his mask on.


"Ae-Ri. Stop touching me and throwing yourself over me. Stay in your f*king limits," the alpha growled, walking away from the place, leaving behind a teary-eyed omega.

"It's all because of that stupid blue-head. I will f*cking kill him someday, " the omega roared, clenching her fists in anger as she walked towards her car.


Yoongi pouted as he scrolled through his mobile, resisting the urge to call the younger.

After a few minutes, he was unable to resist himself and ended up dialing the omega's number.

He waited for a reply and played with his fingers until he heard the omega's deep voice, making him sigh.


"Hello, Tae."

The alpha waited for a reply while the omega almost squealed when he saw the older male's call.

"Yes, Yoongi?" The omega replied, trying to contain his happiness.

"Are you okay now? When are you coming?" The alpha asked, his wolf wagging its tail in extreme happiness at the back of his mind.

"Oh, did you miss me?" The omega beamed, chuckling.

The alpha scoffed, not answering.

"When are you coming, Tae?" The alpha asked again, and the omega bit his lip to suppress the grin threatening to spread across his face.

"Why should I come there?" The omega marveled, teasing the older.

"Because our parents would know about our life if we stay apart," the alpha blurted out hurriedly.

The omega fell silent at those words, his smile faltering.

Of course, the alpha would only want him by his side to avoid their family pressure.

The alpha facepalmed, cursing himself for uttering those words.

"Hello, Tae. I—" the alpha stuttered as he noticed the younger going silent on the other side.

"Okay, Yoongi. I will come tomorrow," the omega sighed.

"I will pick you up," the alpha stated, biting his nails.

"I can come by myself."

"I want to pick you up, please," the alpha insisted, wanting to make things right.


The alpha slapped his forehead and threw his mobile on the bed, whining and cursing himself.


The alpha breathed out as he knocked on the door.

The omega's mother opened it and greeted the alpha with a huge smile.

"Oh, come inside, Yoongi. I would have sent him with the driver."

"I wanted to pick him up, Mrs. Park," the alpha smiled, sitting on the couch.

"Wait here, Yoongi-ah. He is getting ready," the older woman spoke, offering a glass of juice.

The alpha looked up, locking eyes with the omega as he descended the stairs.

It had only been three days, but the alpha felt like he had spent an eternity without the omega by his side.

He stared at the pretty male, who stopped right in front of him.

They were merely inches apart, but the alpha felt like he wanted the omega closer—closer than this.

>>Clouds like soft cotton
Is how my heart floats feverishly in the air
What should I do to tame it
Or whose advice should I listen to tame it?

A simmering heat seemed to envelop them, their proximity creating a magnetic pull that left them both on edge, acutely aware of the unspoken desires that hung heavily in the air.

The omega cleared his throat, his cheeks turning red as he noticed the alpha staring at him.

"Shall we move?"

"Y-yes," the alpha replied, stretching his hands forward, making the omega frown.

"Let me carry that bag," the alpha muttered, and the omega smiled, handing over the bag.


Taehyung’s eyes went wide when he saw where the alpha had parked his car.

"Yoongi, you still remember?" the omega exclaimed, his lips curling into a box-like grin.

"I never forgot."

A serene smile graced his lips, and his eyes sparkled with contentment as he basked in the simple joys of life.

The alpha had actually parked near the small restaurant they used to visit years ago.

The restaurant was not very popular but had the best, yet cheap, food.

The couple walked inside, and the usual old woman they used to greet beamed, waving her hands upon spotting them together.

"Omo, you are all grown up. How are you guys doing?" the lady asked, eliciting a grin.

"We are good, Halmeoni. How are you?" the omega beamed, bowing.

"I am fine, dear. God bless you both," the lady cooed, patting their heads together.

The couple blushed when the older woman blessed them, treating them like a couple.


"Oh, Yoongi. You are such a baby," the omega teased, wiping the alpha's lips with a tissue, making him freeze.

The omega looked at the paler male, whose cheeks reddened, and quickly pulled his hand away, coughing.

They wouldn't lie if they said they spent the best day of their lives together, because they ordered each other's favorite food and ate at the restaurant, their childhood favorite spot.


Chapter 25: Tangled Emotions


"Tae. Come and sit on my lap," Yoongi emphasized, his voice low and firm.


Okay! Please look at this as fiction because I know that a stylist or makeup artist wouldn't accompany the idols, especially staying with them in the same hotel.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Third Person's POV

"Jin Hyung, I will be accompanying you guys to London. Since I’m your makeup artist," the omega announced, earning gasps and giggles from the maknaes.

"Woah~ Is Chan Mi noona not coming with you?" the oldest omega asked, prompting a sigh from the omega.

"No, and I’m really nervous."

"Don’t be nervous, baby," the others assured, making the blue-haired beauty blush.

Yoongi’s eyes twitched at the endearing nickname, and he looked away, frowning.


As the omega packed his clothes, he noticed the alpha walking toward him. Yoongi sat on the bed, silently watching, lost in thought.


Taehyung puffed out his cheeks as he picked up his bag, the alpha trailing behind him, speaking on the phone.

"Tae, wait," Yoongi murmured, stopping the omega.

"Give me that bag," the alpha insisted, pointing at the one Taehyung was carrying.

"No, Yoongi. I can handle it."

"Just give it to me, Tae," the alpha insisted, even pausing his conversation.

With a sigh, the omega handed over the bag, and Yoongi smiled before resuming his call. Taehyung couldn’t help but smile back at the older’s happy face as he descended the stairs.

The seven of them walked out of the apartment and gathered near the minivan.

"Oh~ He is your stylist, right?" the manager asked, and the omega nodded, a tight-lipped smile crossing his face.

As the members climbed into the van, the beta frowned, realizing the omega had no seat.

"Sejin Hyung, where will Taehyung sit?" he asked, peeking inside as he helped the others.

"Oh~ I thought he’d ride in the other vehicle. Taehyung-ssi, can you adjust in our car?" the manager asked, making the omega tense.

Yoongi noticed the omega's nervousness and interjected, "No. He will sit here, Sejin Hyung."

The alpha’s tone was firm, making the omega sigh in relief.

He could never consider traveling with other members, especially alphas or betas.

Sejin frowned, trying to convince the rapper, who held his ground.

The beta sighed in defeat. "Fine. Reach the airport safely; we’ll arrive shortly."

"Now, where will Tae sit?" the leader asked, looking around the van.

"Taehyungie, come sit on my lap," the youngest offered with his signature bunny smile, which frustrated Yoongi.

"Nooo~" Yoongi exclaimed, causing everyone to flinch.

"I mean, he can sit on my lap," the alpha said, making the others smirk as the blue-haired omega froze.


"Come here and sit on my lap."

"What? No! I’ll sit on Kookie's lap," the omega protested, but the pale male sighed, clicking his tongue in annoyance.

"Tae. Come and sit on my lap," Yoongi emphasized, his voice low and firm.

Feeling the weight of the alpha's gaze, the omega gulped and walked over, reluctantly settling onto Yoongi's lap.

As Taehyung shifted against the older's lap, Yoongi bit his lip, a groan threatening to escape. The omega’s cheeks flushed red, and Jimin and Jungkook exchanged playful winks, smirking at the scene.

They finally arrived at the airport, the members chatting and giggling among themselves.


Later, Yoongi covered the omega with a duvet and placed a pillow beside him for comfort. Taehyung's lips curled into a boxy smile, making the alpha's heart race as he thanked him before turning away.


Yoongi furrowed his brows when he heard the receptionist’s news: Jimin and Taehyung would share a room, while he was assigned with Hoseok.

"Yah~ Stop frowning. We can swap rooms," Hoseok scoffed, noticing the pale rapper’s childlike disappointment.

"Nothing like that. We can stay together," Yoongi murmured, looking away.

However, his frown returned as he watched the omega giggling with Jimin, Jungkook trailing behind with a soft smile. Yoongi snorted, annoyance bubbling up at the sight of Jimin easily making Taehyung happy.



To those facing difficulties due to heavy rainfall, please stay safe, especially if you are in Chennai.


Chapter 26: The Envious Heart


Filler Chapter ahead......

And you all might wonder, why Yoongi is behaving weird, and getting jealous....


The answer for that is .....



You will get to know it, in the following chapters 😆🫠🤭🫣😌😎💀

Chapter Text

Third Person's POV:

All seven gathered in the dining hall after freshening up.

The waiter arrived and began taking orders, but when he caught a glimpse of the blue-haired beauty, he was mesmerized.

He stared at the omega, who had his shirt buttons undone and had not noticed either the stares from the waiter, or his own state. The waiter gulped.

Yoongi looked at the menu and then raised his eyes, frowning as he found the waiter in a daze.

The alpha followed the waiter's gaze, and his blood boiled when he noticed the man staring at his husband's chest.

He took a sharp breath to control his anger, as all the other members were blissfully unaware and happy, and spoke in a low tone.

"Eyes up, Mr. Lee. We are done with the orders," the alpha declared, making all the members frown at the dangerous tone in his voice, and the scent of anger in the air.

The waiter gulped at the intimidating command and looked up, only to be met with a dark gaze that made him shiver.


"Move," the alpha hissed, prompting the waiter to run away, leaving all the members baffled.

"What happe—" the oldest stopped talking, when the alpha wrapped his jacket around the blue-haired omega, whose eyes widened at the action.

The omega looked down and quickly adjusted his shirt, suddenly losing his appetite.

"I—I'm not hungry. You guys carry on," the omega muttered, and walked away, prompting a sigh from the alpha.


"How dare you look at my husband like that?" the alpha snarled, slamming the other alpha against the wall, who groaned in pain.

"If I ever see you breathing the same air as him again, I will f*cking bury you alive, without any traces of your existence" the alpha threatened, punching the alpha square across his jaw.



The members strolled leisurely through Camden Market, giggling and chatting among themselves in anticipation of their concert the next day.

Yoongi shifted his position, ensuring the omega walked beside him while he kept himself close to the vehicles.

Taehyung smiled at the gesture and looked away, a soft warmth in his chest.

"Aww~ So cute! Hyung, I want a cute little girl as our pup. Just look at her!" the maknae beamed, pointing at a little girl skipping with her mother, laughter ringing out.

Jin choked on air at the omega's words.

"Yeah, petal. You’re only twenty-one. You shouldn’t be thinking about having babies yet," the alpha replied, making the omega pout.

The leader chuckled and leaned down to kiss the omega's forehead, eliciting a soft smile.


"Taehyungie Hyung, who’s your bias?" the maknae asked curiously, prompting gasps from the other members.

"Oh yes, Tae. Why didn’t we think to ask this before? Do you like us, Tae?" Jin teased, and everyone waited eagerly for the omega's answer.

"Of course I do! I’m the biggest ARMY!" Taehyung beamed, earning chuckles from the group.

"Then tell us about your favorite songs and your bias," the leader chimed in.

"Ahh~ I love all your songs! Especially 'Spring Day,' 'Heartbeat,' 'Ddaeng,' 'Film Out,' 'Just One Day,' 'Mic Drop,' 'Cypher,' and—" The omega continued, eyes sparkling with excitement, making the others smile.

"My bias is—" Taehyung started, and Yoongi leaned in, curiosity piqued.

>>Don't get him wrong; he was just curious like a cat.

"Hoseokie Hyungie," Taehyung declared, earning gasps and playful howls.

"Woah~ Now why is he your bias?" the beta asked, casting a sly glance at the sunshine.

"Because he’s so cute! He has the cutest smile, he’s a literal sunshine, and don’t even get me started on his dance! My God, he’s so hot and handsome. He raps well, sings well, writes well—what’s not to love?" Taehyung gushed, causing Hoseok to blush shyly.

"Woah~ You’re an even bigger fan than me," Jimin pouted, making the others laugh.

But Yoongi? He was fuming silently, recalling the omega's earlier words:

"In the future, if you become an artist, I will always be your first and biggest fan."

The alpha pressed his lips into a thin line, trying to suppress the jealousy bubbling within him as he listened to Taehyung rave about Hoseok.

Chapter 27: Healing Bonds


Taekook Bond....


And also, Tae doesn’t flinch at the last scene. Isn’t that, a development??🥺

The main story is about to start... also, their professional scenes aren't given much importance, because, how they end up together is focused moree..


Okay, so I'm not sure if all of you had read all the tags ; So let me warn you guys;

The next few chapters will contain many triggering contents - like heat cycles, blood, violence, Character death, r*pe/non con(about Tae past), panic attacks, use of medicines/pills, manipulation, BDSM, blackmailing, domestic ab*se, mental and physical ab*se, hallucinations, kinks, explicit se*ual content, knotting, angst, M-preg, abortion, s*lf h*rm, cyber cr*me/sta*king, angst, pining, and therapy.

Any of these triggering contents are not romanticized;

Note : It Isn’t dru*s, just pills ... (anti depressants)

But, I promise, that, it is a happy and healing ending, and everyone will eventually have their #HEA.

Also, the monster of an ex (Tae's ex, will rot in hell- and get punished b*utally )

Also, this is an omegaverse fiction, so it contains boy p*ssy, male lactation, etc;

The dynamics of an omegaverse can be versatile, so each writer can decide how they can portray their characters; the use of bp is the most logical one according to me, so i had used it here. If you find it weird and uncomfortable, kindly refrain from reading it.

(My mind isn't f*cked up, and I do not support any of these heinous crimes, but sadly, many people, still go through all these phases.)

(If you guys are depressed, or want to share about something, please feel free to talk with me ...🤧)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Woah~ You look so cute in my clothes, Taehyungie Hyungie!" the maknae beamed as he saw the bluehead walk out of his room, sporting his T-shirt.

The waiter had accidentally spilled coffee on the omega's shirt, prompting him to borrow another one from the younger.

Yoongi clicked his tongue in annoyance when he saw the omega in the other's T-shirt, posing for selfies with the maknae.

He crossed his arms and looked away, sipping angrily on his iced Americano, only to whine when the sunshine snatched the drink and took a sip.

"Aish~ He’s really getting on your nerves, isn’t he?" the sunshine teased, earning a nod from Yoongi.

"Yes," the rapper replied, causing the sunshine to laugh while Yoongi facepalmed for falling into the younger's trap.


"Yoongi Hyung, you shouldn’t have performed," the leader said worriedly, noticing the older alpha groaning in pain as he clutched his shoulder.

Taehyung frowned and moved closer, sitting beside him.

"Hyung, what’s wrong?" His concerned eyes scanned Yoongi, who had his head hung low, deepening the omega's frown.

"Look at him, he’s in pain!" Taehyung tensed as he watched the physio examine Yoongi’s shoulder, asking about his discomfort.

"Tae, calm down. He just strained his muscles during the concert," the oldest omega reassured him, but it did little to ease the younger’s worry.

"You shouldn’t perform for the next two months," the physio declared, prompting a frustrated groan from the pale alpha.


The alpha lifted his head when he noticed a bowl of food placed before him, spotting the omega standing nearby. Taehyung sat across from him, mixing the sauce before holding out the chopsticks.


"I can eat by myself, Tae. You should go have dinner," Yoongi replied, trying to dismiss him.

But the omega remained firm, glaring at him, chopsticks still poised in the air.

With a resigned sigh, Yoongi knew better than to argue with the stubborn bluehead. He opened his mouth, ready to accept the offer.

As he took a bite, a sudden cough caught him off guard. Taehyung’s eyes widened in panic as he quickly offered a glass of water. Yoongi gulped it down, their gazes locking in a moment that felt suspended in time.

Neither moved, their eyes holding each other’s gaze. Yoongi gently tucked a strand of Taehyung’s hair behind his ear, causing the younger’s heart to race at the soft brush of his fingers.


J-Hopeeeeeeee is back 🤧😭💓🥺😩🤌 2/7 ✅️

Sunshine is backkkkkkk...He looks soo good....

Also, the way Jin welcomed him, and supported him was sooo heart touching


Jin looked soo dapper in that outfit, didn’t he??🛐🛐😎

Chapter 28: Hidden Secrets


"We're living like strangers, Yoongi. Do we even have a relationship?" he asked, leaving the alpha silent.


Install the MNET PLUS app and vote for JK, Jimin, RM, V, and Hoseok, everyone!
🚶‍♀️🙇‍♂️ ✅️( Under the MAMA AWARDS ; the deadline is on 25th Oct, 2024)

Chapter Text

Third Person's POV:

Yoongi sighed as the hot water soothed his muscles while he absentmindedly applied shampoo.

Meanwhile, Jimin and Hoseok were cuddled up, watching a movie during their break, after the concert in London.

When the doorbell rang, Jimin groaned, reluctantly pulling away from Hoseok's embrace. He walked to the door, and his eyes widened when he saw their manager standing on the doorstep.

"Oh~ Come in, Sejin Hyung," the omega greeted, forcing a smile as he remembered that Taehyung was in the older rapper's room.

"What brings you here during our break, Hyung?" he asked, trying not to sound rude.

"I just came to see Yoongi. I heard he won’t be able to perform for the next two months, and Bang Pd-nim is upset," the beta replied, making the members internally roll their eyes. It was clear he cared more about the schedule than Yoongi's health.

"I'll go check on him," the beta said, standing up, which tensed all the members.

"Hyung, no. He’s sleeping," Hoseok managed to say, but the beta just smiled.

"It’s okay. I’ll wake him up," he murmured, sending the members into a panic.

"Ah~ Let me accompany you, Hyung," Jimin insisted, earning a frown in response.


As they climbed upstairs, Jimin strategized about how to handle the situation if the beta spotted Taehyung again.

Rushing ahead, Jimin knocked on the door, making the beta suspicious of his nervous behavior.

When the door swung open, a sleepy-looking Taehyung frowned at the sight of a panicked Jimin.

"Hyung, what hap—"

He stopped short when Jimin signaled for silence. Glancing behind the shorter omega, he saw the manager and his eyes widened. Without thinking, he bolted into the room.

Not knowing where else to hide, Taehyung rushed into the bathroom, startling Yoongi.

Before the alpha could say anything, Taehyung quickly covered his mouth and whispered, "Sejin Hyung is here."

Yoongi's gaze softened as he nodded, understanding the urgency of the situation.

"Yeah, you could have hidden under the bed or behind the door," the alpha muttered as the omega pulled his hand away.

"I-I was tense, okay? Not like I wanted to see you naked," the omega scoffed, rolling his eyes.

The alpha's eyes widened at the words before he quickly ran to the shelf, wrapping a towel around himself.


Taehyung let out a relieved sigh as he stepped out of the bathroom after the manager left.

"I don’t know how long we have to live like this," the omega said, a hint of frustration in his voice, making the alpha feel guilty.

"Until we announce our relationship," the alpha replied, but the omega frowned.

"We're living like strangers, Yoongi. Do we even have a relationship?" he asked, leaving the alpha silent.


Taehyung rolled up his sleeves and walked toward his room with a bowl in hand.

Ever since the alpha strained his shoulder, the omega had made it his duty to feed him. He sat across from Yoongi, who was scrolling through his phone.

As the familiar scent of honey and vanilla filled the room, the alpha looked up and saw Taehyung sitting there.

The omega silently fed him, and Yoongi's wolf growled and howled in happiness at being cared for.

As he chewed, the alpha casually glanced at Taehyung's wrist, but froze when he noticed the scars.