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Part 1 of UNION : ancient war



for the century shroud of eden have some abnormality to resurrected people from the dead ,the first resurrected has been noted from 1700,claudia auditore was the first who landed at cuban then the similar case pop up at entire world in span 300 years .

at 1800 an ex-assassin make a exlusive organization named UNION, Union was secret organization between assassin and templar war ,their main focus to locked or possibility destroyed first civilization artifact in the world.

2012 connor,federico and his wife sigrid too late to stop desmond miles release juno, despite they track the small cells from new york to turin. juno release from her jail and desmond die make 2 organization drawn to the chaos while connor blame himself from his stupidness.

2018 Abstergo know this organization and hunt them 1 by 1 because their knowledge of first civilization artifact and their ISU DNA.

end 2020 juno gets her physical body with her consciousness still roam internet and sabotage assassin and Union communication then enslave some weak-mind,closed minded people and they calls themself 'juno followers'.

the story is non-linier and being told with many POV.


hello, this is actually my fanfic from 2019 is crazy , I really lazy to make it linier so i make it non-linier.
sorry if I have typo because my main laguage not english.

Chapter 1: Prologue : not the last auditore man

Chapter Text

Dragging his feet, the man in red clothes  his head against the wall, his pale face was as pale as the night moon and his empty eyes could only look without knowing direction, his mouth was closed. Using all his remaining energy, he shouted

"RODRIGO BORGIA!!!" he shouted as loud as he could.
then suddenly he was thrown one dead  Florence guards, he was dumbfounded, the man just looked at her with confused.

"eat"  ordered The woman dressed in red and styled like a brotello, and federico suck dead florence guard blood until dry. 

"Who are you really, Madonna?" asked Federico, that blood for some weird way replenish his enery 

“Sigrid Haggins, master assassin”

“Come with me, be my disciple, Be an assassin like your ancestors," ordered sigrid with serious tone .

"okay mentor sigrid " without asking any more or avoiding, Federico accepted the mysterious woman's offer.


November 12, 1476, Florence

"Italy, the aroma of carnival, blood and alcohol" by inhaling the aroma of Florence. she looked around the city until a man bumped her and made her startle and fall.

"I'm sorry Madonna" the man who helped the woman he hit was suddenly mesmerized by her beauty, he was stunned and couldn't take his eyes off her. Her beauty, like a goddess who had just descended from heaven, made him enchanted, truly captivating.

"It's okay messere" the woman answered softly.

"Is anyone hurt, Madonna?" asked the man.

"Don't worry messere, I'm fine," answered the woman.

"What's your name, Madonna?" asked the man.

"Sigrid" the woman answered briefly.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Federico Auditore da Firenze"

"ohh, nice to meet messere auditore"

"No-no, just call me Federico"

"Madonna are you a brotello?"

"Yes, messere. do you want to hire me?” asked the woman.

"Yes, how much do you charge?" asked Federico, starting to naughtily touch Sigrid's back.

“only 50 florins per night” answered Sigrid.

"Why is it so cheap for a beautiful and charming woman like you?" teased Federico.

"Discount, Messere just for you," answered Sigrid coquettishly.

After that agreement, the two of them went to rent accommodation on the outskirts of Florence.
After a hot night with Federico it was time for him to 'eat', he waited for the man to fall asleep, he gently sucked Federico's blood and left him in the morning.

“Miss Sigrid!” Federico slowly opened his eyes and looked around his  and he realized that the woman he hired had left without saying goodbye.

"Uhh, damn it's almost noon. Dad will be angry if I don't come back." He hurriedly left the inn.

November 15, 1476, outside Florence

"Ohh,so Federico a novice. interisting " Sigrid asked herself as she followed Federico and found him training with his father Giovanni.

Sigrid used the shade of the trees to hide herself, she watched their training session until the end. During the training session he looked at Federico carefully and he began to realize that he was bewitched by Federico's aura, "Ahh, it's been a long time since I was bewitched by a man. I'm curious as to what kind of man he is."
After he finished training, he was left alone by his father. Federico sat on one of the branches and enjoyed the afternoon light that hit his face. That's when Sigrid appeared.
"good afternoon messere federico"

“Madonna!! You're just like a ghost...suddenly there, suddenly gone." With folded arms he saw the mysterious brotello he rented 2 days ago hanging from the tree.

"Madonna, why are you up in the tree?" asked Federico confused.

"Actually, Messere, I have seen Messere's ability in parkour in the city, I was quite amazed by Messere's ability, but can Messere do parkour in the forest like this?" Sigrid gracefully gave an example of his hanging style.Federico who saw it was amazed at how Sigrid, a brotello, was so skilled at hanging from trees.

“Madonna! "You really surprised me. Can you teach me how to do it?" asked Federico.
"Okay, messere"

Days became weeks, the two of them became close, Sigrid felt very comfortable with Federico's cute and mischievous behavior. In the past she was considered a monster even by her own mother, but Federico considered her as friend. Sometimes Federico called Sigrid a 'snake' because she was slippery and cunning, several times Federico was fooled by the deadly seduction of his mysterious friend.

Today, as usual, she was still waiting for Federico's arrival. He still waited until night fell but he still couldn't see his him at all. then without realizing it she fell asleep in the tree until morning, when in the morning she left the forest and returned to the city she heard the sound of the auditor's family being executed.

Sigrid moved quickly, wearing her assassin robes which were dark blue like the color of priests' robes, she took out her hidden blade and assassin equipment. In a hurry she brought the vial containing his blood, the blood of a vampire.

After she succeeded in sneaking up on the crowd of guards, she pretended to be a monk who offered a cup of water to the prisoner who was about to be executed. she immediately gulped the water at Federico roughly but federico somehow  obey.
then he removed herself from sight, federico sign.
"Ohh, signorita" quietly he watched the figure go into the crowd, even though he knew who it was, it was, his mysterious woman,sigrid.

The execution event went quickly and was of course very painful for the surviving Auditore family and of course Sigrid too.

When night fell, she actually wanted to take Federico and bury the others, but it seemed that Ezio, one of the Auditore's family, took the bodies of the three of them.

and started putting them in a small boat and burning them, Sigrid cringed about how the funeral reminded them of the burial method of their people, the Vikings. But Sigrid doesn't lose the idea of saving Federico's body to make sure the poison works.

Sigrid dived, Sigrid secretly followed the ship (and wet Federico's body with river water) and when the small ship was some distance away, she quickly took Federico's body without being noticed, and let the ship carrying the bodies of her father and youngest brother sail towards the sea. valhalla.

“Merda, several parts of his body and even his face were burned. there's no other way" sign Sigrid then she take a shining golden ball that attracted anyone who saw it from her pocket . With a strange spell, Sigrid's eyes became heterochromia then Suddenly Federico's skin returned to its original smoothness and even the scars on Federico's neck disappeared.

"Cazzo, get him...assassino " then  Sigrid attacked and killed the 2 Florence guards who caught her and saves their body for feeding her and federico suddenly wake up.



"Welcome to Rome" Welcome Federico warmly to his lady .

"hmmm,this is new ezio base " the woman chuckled warmly off from ship.

"Uhh, mentor" said the man coquettishly.

"Federico,like i write in my letter  you will supervise Ezio's work...while I, I will sneak around and " with a look that Federico knew was Sigrid's typical lustful look.

“cesare borgia” with a sigh he continued sigrid word.

“have a fun mentor”

"Good luck to you too, Federico"

Chapter 2: chapter 1


Haytam was caught hacking Abstergo CCTV and released Abstergo prisoners secretly and when in cell he found his son with weird London accent almost OD ketamine

Chapter Text

The woman was dragged by people in blue clothes to a bed they called animus.

"Well, with a little modification, Mrs. Sigrid, I can pry into your brain, bitch, and reveal where you hid the first civilization artifact for us," said the red-haired woman to Sigrid.

"Ohhhh, is that the famous animus?" chuckled the beautiful black-haired woman named Sigrid.

"But I modified this one a little so that instead of awakening the memories of your ancestor ,this machine  prying your memories."

"Ahh, shot" laughed Sigrid.

Because the scientist was annoyed she slapped Sigrid and kicked himself until Sigrid vomited blood from her lips and Sigrid spat on the scientist and the scientist hit Sigrid on the head with an iron rod until Sigrid became unconscious and she was immediately dragged into the animus.

3 days ago, boston USA
(Haytam POV)


6 years ago I woke up from my death and jumped from 1781 to 2015 in the blink of an eye and I felt proud of the achievements of the Templars over the past few centuries, but lately my pride has faded for because I saw what they did in the Animus project, what the animus machine did to assassins, even worse to innocent people who didn't know anything about the war between assassins and templars, I was made angry when I witnessed one of the subjects committing suicide and I was the first to find her with careless  threw her body  away like trash, she is a lonely 15 year old innocent little girl.

I was really angry about this fact and learned to hack CCTV and the Templar system which is now called Abstergo from several sources and I studied secretly, the technology and laws of the future are very complicated but I insisted on learning so that I could carry out my actions to releasing the animus victims one by one without being discovered.

But 2 days ago I was caught by Abstergo officials and labeled traitor from Templars who I no longer cared about.


Haytam was stay still in his prison cell which was very clean until someone threw a man with a fairly large, muscular body with brown skin. The man was wearing a green hoodie with a strange tattoo on the left side of his stomach, namely an assassin insignia with a templar cross inside .

"no wonder,they are father and son " muttered one of the guards who was carrying the big man.

"That's your reward if you dare to fight us. damn unions," the man said angrily, kicking the man.

Then the man just answered the guard's chatter with a mocking laugh, Hayam watched the interaction in silence and when the man turned his face, Haytam was surprised to see the man's face with his only child, Connor.

"Hey, are you looking for someone who is exactly like my father so you can make me feel guilty, lad, that won't work, I've been in that phase for hundreds of years," answered the man with a very thick London accent and then laughed out loud. -a laugh that made the two guards angry.

"Cornel, you should have added a higher dose of ketamine," he was annoyed.

"But, if you add more, he will experience an overdose. The dose we gave was quite large with muscle relaxation," answered the other.

“I don't care, Cornel.They're a problem. And he's quite annoying like his father," the man said, turning to Haytam.

Haytam was silent but he gave the two guards the deadliest stare, and if he hadn't had the electric choker around his neck, he probably would have broken their necks one by one right now.

"Rawr...rawr...our male lion looks like he's about to pounced us because we almost killed his cub" the guards laughed together.


"Leave us," said Haytam briefly.


"Wow, scary bu goodnight" they both taunted, leaving Haytam and Connor alone 

After they left, Haytam immediately checked on Connor's condition and he couldn't believe that his son was in modern times. Haytam doesn't know if Connor is still fully conscious or has been drunk due to the influence of ketamine, but if you look at his red eyes, it seems like Connor can't even wake up. It seems like Connor is really drunk and is indifferent to his surroundings.

"Wake up Connor, wake up son" he said slapping his son.

But Connor responded by laughing while rambling about how his heart was still strong when he almost overdosed on ketamine and was not yet in the cardiac arrest phase, and a little about what if he was forced to put him in an animus and other things using a very thick London accent.


Haytam, who was worried because he knew very well the side effects of ketamine and animus in the long term, immediately checked Connor's arm and sure enough there were many needle puncture marks. Haytam angrily repeatedly pulled his choker, he didn't care about the feeling of being electrocuted by trying to remove the choker, after After almost 15 minutes of trying to remove the choker while grimacing in pain, the choker finally came off and Haytam immediately opened the cell door with the keycard he found a day ago and took Connor's large body with him.


On the way, he was very confused about why everything was so quiet in the Abstergo building even though the building wasn't supposed to be that quiet, the alarm didn't even sound at all.

"Sir, here" called the man in Abstero guard style clothes and Haytam recognized him with his friend  which was resurrected to the modern era of Shay Cormac.haytam now in despair because Connor was no longer responding to anything, he called his friend, but Shay immediately answered.

"I already know the situation and we are all caught, I have contacted Charles Lee to create an escape route with Connor"  Without thinking, Haytam want asked if Charles Lee would be resurrected in the future. And he was from the Union group that Shay briefly told about before he was arrested. 

But when they were in the parking lot, the car Shay had prepared was damaged and tire was flattened like somone know shay betrayed abstergo too. 

"Oh my god, how are we going to escape sir?" asked Shay frantically. 

Haytam also panicked, but Connor suddenly got up and went straight to the nearest car. 

"Shay, may I borrow your hidden blade," asked Connor in a commanding tone. 

With a nod, Shay gave him the hidden blade and inserted the long hidden blade into the gaps in the car window until a 'click' sound was heard. Connor quickly opened the car door and started the car by fiddling with the car cable (hotwired) and the car immediately started.

The three of them immediately left in the stolen car, Shay in the front with Connor and Haytam in the back, Haytam realized that Connor didn't realize where he was or simply didn't notice him because when he saw him, what Haytam saw in his eyes was sadness, regret and hatred towards himself. when connor see him,connor subconsciously scratched his hands in a sign of depression like he had seen his neighbors in the flat do in the last few months.

On the way, Haytam told Shay to stop at a hospital on the outskirts of Boston, after which Connor was immediately given first aid and stayed overnight in OR then for several days in hospital room.

"Good morning, Young Kenway," said Shay the next day.

"Hmmm, good morning, Shay," replied Connor, covering his face with a pillow.

"Oh, good morning, Master Kenway," Shay said to Haytam.

Before Haytam could answer, Connor interrupted.

"Is Edward here?" asked Connor.

“Ahh, no. Young Kenway. Old Kenway is in Italy, help his fellow brothers are freeing prisoners," answered Shay while peeling fruit.

"Don't tell me last night it was really my father, Shay," he said, starting to look at Haytam's face who was sitting while reading the news on his cellphone.  


"Uhhh, Connor" Haytam called awkwardly. 

"Dad, is that you?" asked Connor in disbelief. 

When Haytam nodded quickly, Connor's large body hugged his father. 

"I miss you, dad," Connor said happily.  

"Thank you Connor" 

"ratonhnhaké:ton, my real name is ratonhnhaké:ton" whispered Connor.  

"well, I feel a little disappointed because you didn't tell me your real name. But I understand why. Don't worry, I learned to spell your name in the last 3 years, ratonhaké:ton" 

"Perfect, you spelled my name perfectly," said Connor, laughing.  


During a touching meeting between the child and father, Shay quietly went outside.

Chapter 3: chapter 2


I introduce you another Union member Charless lee


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

# 1 day before

"Daddy, where is Miss Norris?" asked the 8 year old girl looking for her orange cat and when she see her cat , she found the carcass of her beloved cat lying on the balcony with bloodstains everywhere and an empty piece of paper.

Suddenly the little girl screamed and ran to her father who had just returned from his morning run.

"Papa, someone killed Miss Norris," she cried.

"Okay, how do you look for your grandfather
 Edward ? and I will look for tools to bury Miss Norris," said his father in a dark blue jogging shirt.

After that the poor girl who had just lost her cat  left and the man went upstairs where her daughter cat died or rather was killed.

The man regrets this incident because Miss Norris is Young Kenway's (Connor/ratonhaké:ton) favorite cat and of course Young Kenway will furious .

But his focus was distracted by a blank piece of paper and the paper screamed to use eagle vision to find out the letter.

He quickly switched from his normal vision to eagle vision. And sure enough, the paper was written with a threat to 'union' and instructions to find the flash disk in Miss Noris' stomach, Abstergo symbol at bottom .

When he turned around Edward came with Helene.

"Charless Lee, who did all this and how dare they come into my house?" asked Edward.

"Old Kenway, there is a person in Abstergo who can use eagle vision. And he sent a message that can only be seen with eagle vision. I think for a few weeks we should take shelter at the auditore headquarters," said Charles Lee while giving the empty piece of paper to Edward. And Charles took latex gloves at Young Kenway's workhouse.

After that, Charles managed to take the flash disk from the poor cat's stomach and they saw the contents of the flash disk on Edward's old laptop when he was studying IT.

There you can see Sigrid being forced by Abstergo to enter the Animus until the video Sigrid convulses and has cardiac arrest because for almost 2 days she was forced into the Animus but a red-haired prisoner helps Sigrid and begs Abstergo to let him provide CPR assistance to Sigrid who he calls as his mother, after succeeding, the man who was no  than 20 years old was dragged away by Abstergo soldiers who they would put him in the Animus as a replacement for Sigrid.

The video shocked them both, Edward angrily recorded the video and sent it to the Monteriggioni base and it was received by Malik and Altair and of course it made both of them furious.



Haytham was surprised to see the sight in front of him of a Charles Lee discussing with his son Connor Kenway in a relaxed manner, there was no arguing, no mocking each other, no incidents whatsoever. Even Charles Lee called Connor 'young Kenway' and to be honest, that didn't make him comfortable at all.

But Shay remained silent and played with his cellphone.

"Master Kenway, long time no see," said Charless Lee warmly, who was currently wearing a brown velvet shirt and dark blue jeans.

"Hello, Charles," Haytam answered warmly.

"Master Kenway, do you want to talk to your father? Young Kenway..uhh..I mean Connor explained that you have been in the future for 6 years so he asked to give you Old Kenway's number...ehemm...I mean Edward to you" explained Charles while sending Edward's number to haytam.

"Hmmm, thanks Charles...but I'm not sure..."

"Not accepted by Edward because you are a Templar? Don't worry, Edward will accept his son as he is. There's no way he will be surprised. Because he was already surprised by how Connor got the Kenway Mansion in 1870 from the Templars who wanted to renovate and turn the Kenway Mansion into an English Templar headquarters. …” Charles smiled evilly.

"Hmmm, interesting how to do it"

"Well, just ask Connor, your son."

"Lee, not cool" Connor called with a frown.

"Hey, everyone...I brought sandwiches," said Shay with the small child whose hair was braided, Helena tried to lighten the atmosphere.

Helena immediately ran towards Connor who was starting to get ready to go home after he was sick from almost overdosing on ketamine.

"Is Uncle Connor okay?" Helena asked.

"Uncle Connor's is okay, Helena." Connor answered softly.

"Helena, come down okay. Uncle Connor is sick," Charles Lee ordered Helena.

"Nooo, papa. Helena will be here. Helena will protect Uncle Connor from bad people," shouted Helena while hugging Connor's big, strong body.

"Helena" called Charles Lee.

"It's fine, Lee, just leave it alone. Eat your sandwiches. The three of you should reunite. And celebrate the return of the Templar Boyband," Connor joked, waving his hand to chase the three of them away.

"When did you stop calling Colonial Rite a Templar Boyband?" complained Charles Lee.

"Because you guys are like a boyband, luckily you didn't release an album, Boston and New York were in an uproar."

Connor and Charles Lee laughed as did Shay but Haytham didn't understand what his son Connor meant.

Charless, Shay and Haytham obeyed Connor's words and went to the cafeteria.

They talked about their lives in the 21st Century, Haytham admitted when Abstergo recruited him, he was proud that finally the Templars were able to surpass the assassins until the assassins can't do anything beside hiding , but when he was transferred to the Animus division 2 years ago Haytham tried to help the people and the assassins who were captured and experimented on the Animus under the guise of volunteers, but for a few days then he was caught by abstergo.

Shay himself admitted that he joined the Union himself 5 months ago, after the incident that made Sigrid become human and then fall into a coma for 5 months.

Charles Lee said that he would also be recruited by Abstergo 9 years ago as a voice actor for its game project 'Abstergo Entertainment' under the pretext of expanding Templar propaganda but when he entered the Animus division he saw how terrible the effects of the Animus were. A few days later the Union planned an escape and Abstergo soldiers shot a mother who was running away with her baby child. When she was dying, the mother gave the child to Charles Lee and he accepted it. Charles runs away from the Abstergos who want the child to forced her in animus until Connor and Sigrid help and Charles,  finally they tries to repair his relationship with Connor.

After telling the story, Connor came with Helena and they all went to the nearest assassin bureau to sleep, Bureau is not that far from the hospital but they have to take the subway and blend in with the surroundings try not to be tracked by abstergo they cover their faces with hats.


i use google translate for this and i have bad gerd but okay...

Chapter 4: chapter 3 : desmond revival


Aether crazy plan to ressurected desmond miles was 100 % success with help blacklight virus. she ressurected desmond miles to spite her parent ( juno and aita) and revenge to kill her and her lover dionysus and use her to personal gain in past since she was prodigy child.

Desmond has many regret but knowing he has a son and somehow he don't know at all was devastating for him, he was trully like william he was deadbeat father.

Chapter Text

The scent of vanilla tea hit the man's nose, he smiled as he looked at the blonde woman with her beautiful smile illuminated by beautiful spring sun.

"Lucy" called the man.

"Hello, Desmond, thank you for coming, dear" smiled Lucy as she poured tea into Desmond's cup.

"What's wrong Lucy? It's rare for you to call me. Usually I'm the one who comes here."

"It's not rare Desmond, but this is the first time I've summoned you because of an Aether request."

"ISU? You know I hate them, Lucy "

Lucy sat next to Desmond with understanding.

"I know but This ISU was different, the fact is that she also hates Juno. she fully supports locking the artifact in the world. she and her reincarnation Sigrid tried to look for you... but they were too late when they arrived at the grand temple."

Desmond who listened to the explanation frowned, he knew about the reincarnation ISU (sage) which included his son Elijah which he only found out about when he died, he regretted that he knew about his son's whereabouts when he died.

"Ohh..." sad lucy 

"Desmond is what I was afraid of... 2017 Elijah, with strength that he didn't know where he got from, managed to repel Juno, and this attracted the interest of both parties. Abstergo and the assassin and Sigrid managed to secure and actually adopt him, but this time the assassin and union were...absolutely messy. abstergo captured the assassins and union including Sigrid"

Then Lucy displays a hologram a woman lying helpless in ground and crying,effect after using  modification of the Animus.

"Federico auditore da Firenze"

Photo hologram of Federico Auditore da Firenze alive, breathing and healthy, sitting in the interrogation room staring intently at the camera even though his nose is bleeding from what looks like he was hit.

"Ratonhaké: ton And his father haytam kenway"

Then the hologram shows the two of them locked in a cell and Haytam is seen trying to wake his son.

"Ezio Auditore"

And the hologram shows Ezio in the Animus.

"Wait, Animus? What for?" confused Desmond.

"This is the Animus which is specially designed to pry into someone's memory rather than finding out who their ancestors are. You see Sigrid and Federico, they are the ones who keep holding back the machine from prying into their brains which causes them to almost have an aneurysm. Desmond, Federico and Sigrid are the adoptive parents Elijah And they were both caught when they saved Elijah from the Abstergo siege in Havanna, do you want to help them go to the mortal world? don't you "

Desmond was silent and then the place where Desmond was turned into yggdrasil, the place where he lived for 9 years or called gray.

There were two twin women seen but with different hair colors and Desmond immediately knew that they were the ISU with her reincarnation.

"Mr. Miles, isn't it?" said the blonde woman warmly while the black haired one held her head and was silent.

"Yes, are you aether?" Desmond asked.

"That's right, Mr. Miles. And this is my reincarnation, Sigrid, but I consider her to be my twin," Aether introduced Sigrid and the black-haired woman immediately looked at Desmond with heterochromic eyes.

"What did you do to bring me to the Mortal World?"

"Ahh, you will see for yourself" smiled Aether.

"But as payment. I found this person in the World of Void when we were looking for you."

Footsteps were heard from afar and a man was seen wearing a gray jacket and Desmond's eyes widened knowing who he was, Clay Kaczmarek.

"Clay" Desmond smiled happily, when his name was called, Clay ran fast towards Desmond and he immediately hit Desmond's head hard and Desmond immediately whimper in pain.

"Why are you dead too dumbass" angry clay.

"Sorry" Desmond whimper with apologies smile meanwhile Layla giggled.

"Go back to the mortal world, dumbass, the assassins and the Union need you" Clay smiled annoyed while squeezing Desmond's hand. And Desmond grimaced in pain then Clay pointed at everyone present in Gray.

"They all gave you the choice to come back or not, but I...I will force you to come back. Abstergo kept your body. Go back and give them a heart attack."

"Okay...okay. Aether, I agree, take me to the mortal world," agreed Desmond, he lose a war to clay .

Sigrid, who heard Desmond's answer, immediately held Desmond's hand and said thank you.

Aether, who was happy, immediately held Desmond and Sigrid's hands. And the golden light dazzled Desmond's eyes. And suddenly he was awakened by a noise, Desmond slowly opened his eyes, seeing himself as if he were in a cooler. Ahh, damn Abstergo, even in death they didn't let Desmond go, even his own body was kept like a trophy, they even built 'Abstergo Entertainment' using his DNA and body.

"We succeeded...the black light succeeded," shouted the pale-skinned man.

"Hi, buddy, you're Desmond Miles, aren't you?" asked the black man.

"Yes," he answered hoarsely.

He was surprised that his body felt heavy and light at the same time, his skin was filled with the apple of Eden pattern but the color was not golden yellow but blackish purple.

"Desmond miles, time to fill up Hun's energy," the man ordered, pointing to the soldiers tied with ropes.

The Apple of Eden flooded his brain with information about what white light is, the creator and how to survive evolved people like him. And he grimaced in disgust and was amazed at what the apple of Eden told him. he camouflaged himself as the man he had just devoured.

"Desmond Miles, my name is Alex Mercer. And this is Heller. We are assassins and Sigrid's good friends. This is Aether's crazy idea. But it's not bad idea . now We'll call him 'the holy evolved'," joked the pale-skinned man named Alex.

"Nice to meet you all," shy  Desmond 

"Come on, Desmond, let's save Sigrid," said Heller.

And the three of them came out of the morgue.

Chapter 5: chapter 4 : giovanni pov


now was from Giovanni auditore Pov....

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Kansas 1980 

(Queen- another one bites the dust)


Oh,let's go 


Steve walks warily down the street

With the brim pulled way down low

Ain't no sound but the sound of his feet

Machine guns ready to go

Are you ready? Hey

Are you ready for this?

Are you hanging on the edge of your seat?

Out of the doorway the bullets rip

To the sound of the beat, yeah

Another one bites the dust

Another one bites the dust


A man who strangely wore a red Italian renaissance style uniform walked besides loud  large bar which was playing the song Queen-Another One Bites the Dust. The man cautiously walked slowly pass some light he was confused himself while holding his own neck.

"Is this life after death" muttered the man in red holding his neck.

When the 42 year old man was walking he heard a woman screaming in a small alley and it turned out that 2 people were holding him at knifepoint while stripping the poor woman clothes.

The man in red immediately beat up the two delinquents and managed to snatch the knife from the two delinquents wearing jeans and yellow shirts.

"Are you okay Signora?" said the man in strong Italian.

"Oh, it's okay, mister. Thank you," answered the woman in very stiff Italian.

"Can't you speak English, mister?"

"Engles? Sorry signore. I can only speak Italian, Latin and Greek"

Nodded the woman And she asked the man's name.

"My name is Giovanni auditore" answered Giovanni.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Vanessa Osborn"

Due to the woman's limitations in understanding and speaking Italian, the woman finally invited Giovanni to her house because the only person there who spoke fluent Italian was Margaret Osborn's mother. Since then the Osborn family has been working on Giovanni in their bar and Giovanni married Vanessa Osborn, and was blessed with one son who he named Salvatore Osborn. 


#40 years later, 2021 Kansas.


"Hello, Salva. How are you, son?" Giovanni called in a distinctive American accent.

"pa, sorry...Papa must run away from there...From Abstergo...the Templars are looking for you pa...go to Monteriggioni..."

Suddenly the sound of soldiers stomping was heard and followed by the sound of gunfire.

"The former IT of Abstergo animus project , Salvatore Osborn,abstergo traitor. We succeeded in kill him. Now we are looking for another prisoner who run away, Ezio Auditore."

A soldier said on the phone in a loud voice, Giovanni suddenly dropped the phone.

There was no time to reflect and cry for his son Salvatore because the Ezio, he heard was Ezio Auditore, his son who he thought had also risen in this era, he will save him whatever happened, Giovanni went straight to the parking lot to his car and sure enough the Abstergo soldiers surrounded his bar now but Giovanni more shrewd And he ran away from the bar while hit  Abstergo soldiers cursed them.

Giovanni went to the Abstergo office where his son Salvatore worked and his eyes were alert to the CCTV movements,he managed to avoid CCTV surveillance by climbing to the floor where fortunately the window was open.

Giovanni combed each room after room and managed to smother one of the Abstergo staff who was urinating himself at toilet alone and stole his clothes.

When he walked to look for his son Ezio but instead he found Salvatore's workroom, his son was covered with a cloth and next to him he saw a woman wearing a brown jacket with a hood who he guessed was an assassin.

"Requiscast in pace,frattelo"

Giovanni, who saw it, immediately called the woman.

"Sister, thank you for"

"Oh, assassin?"

"That's right sister, Giovanni auditore"

Lowering his head he introduced himself, but the woman didn't answer and just froze. Giovanni, who was confused, immediately glanced at the woman and strangely the woman shed tears.

"Padre?, that's you"

How surprised Giovanni was when the woman took off her assassin's hood, it was no mistake that the owner of that face was his daughter Claudia.

"Ohh, Mio Dio Claudia... are you an assassin?"

"You don't like it" Claudia pouted but Giovanni interrupted.

"Don't get me wrong, women can be anything. So, if you become an assassin I won't be able to do anything. Nowadays, women have power."

Claudia, who heard her father's words, fell silent and not just because of Giovanni's statement but how her father used modern English fluently.

"Padre, your English is very good"

"Oh, of course my daughter. I've been in Kansas since 1980."

Then Claudia thought long.

"Why don't I know... but it's hard to track a revival like ours," she thought

"Revival? Is that the term for people who are revived in the future?"

"Yes," nodded Claudia.

"Claudia, what are you doing here in Abstergo?" asked Giovanni.

"Padre, I want to free a fellow assassin and look for Federico and You're here because of the Kansas branch, right?"

"uhhh, mi Dispiace, Claudia. I haven't had anything to do with the Brotherhood for the last 50 years, but your father is very happy to help a brother. I'm here because Abstergo is looking for Ezio. It seems he's being held here"

"ohh, Ezio! Cristina Vespucci will be over the moon when she hears this news and Liam O'brian will be very embarrassed because he married Sofia Sartor" he laughed.

"Is Cristina married to Ezio?"

"Well, Ezio didn't get married until he was 54. He was too ambitious to avenge you his first 20 years as non-oficial assassin by wearing your cloak. He left me and my mother who didn't want to talk in silence for 20 years like experiencing catatonia. And federico wellllsss.. Federico was resurrected as vampire by a prostitute who turned out to be a master assassin and for 45 years he followed Ezio as his shadow until Ezio died because of the rules of the immortal world he was doing it in shadow.

Giovanni's feel like somebody stab his heart when he heard about the times his family had gone through after his death, he could imagine Ezio who was chasing the Templars for revenge with blind eyes and being forced become head of auditore without any warning, Claudia who was sad, and especially his beloved wife Maria who he imagined was silent in the room with a blank look like catatonia.

"I... I.. I'm sorry"

"Padre, the ship has sailed. Now do what you can. Padre, can you use eagle vision?"

"eagle vision" confused Giovanni.

"ezio gift"

"No and the gift is very difficult to activate if he is not a natural"

"Everyone can learn to activate it. Federico and I studied and we can active it like we born with it "

"Well, then when this is all over, I hope you can help me, Claudia."

"of course, padre"

Ezio looked at the white lantern that people in this era called a lamp, He remembered how he died And in his death he heard the soft voice of Federico singing a lullaby And whispering words not to worry which strangely sobbed and then a woman said the words said softly to Federico.

Is Federico Still alive?

If Federico lived and he was the one who buried him, what an irony. The situation is completely reversed.

But when he was daydreaming  the sound of the siren was deafening and the cell door opened wide, many other cell occupants came out and killed the guards  and shouting 'templar' to inform another abstergo man.

Ezio has been in the future for 3 months, the assassins respect him and teach him modern English. And some slang. Some of them are disciples of the supreme co-mentor. And they live around monteriggioni. The students of supreme mentors and co-mentors have a special way of training. One of them is that they must at least master eagle vision before being appointed assassins, so only people with a strong mentality or those born with natural eagle sense will become their students. And the way they taught the novice eagle sense made Ezio horror. They are locked in a hut full of straw and the key is buried among the straw. And they must be able to find the key in the haystack using eagle eyes or they will die of hunger and thirst.

Ezio finally left the cell and his friends broke down the door but Ezio understood that some were experiencing the 'bleeding effect'.

The prisoners here are forced tu use the Animus which for searches DNA of their ancestors. when someone used the Animus for too long, sometimes they experienced a 'bleeding effect' and Ezio realized that some of them were his students from Rome and Istanbul. And some templars like Rodrigo Borgia, when they experienced the bleeding effect, some of them became very aggressive. And that's when Ezio had to act as a mentor. they. Except the one who experienced the bleeding effect was Rodrigo Borgia.

Ezio ran while activating his eagle sense and followed the gold trail until he found a hallway where there were many corpses of security guards and Abstergo soldiers scattered around. Ezio remained in place while inspecting the victims. And the mysterious assassin, who was 6.4 feet tall, stood proudly while lowering the tonfa he used to kill, then Machelline came in with a big smile.

"Ahoy, Petruccio" smiled Machelline.

"Ahoy, mache" answered Petruccio.

"It's not wrong if your brother doesn't raise your status to master assassin's . You are very messy and you consider the hidden blade to be an accessory rather than a  weapon..." complained Machelline.

"Well, killing using a hidden blade Isn't fun at all. Killing using surrounding objects like 'plastic bags' is..."

"Of course it's a plastic bag," snorted Machelline.

To be honest, Ezio didn't know what a plastic bag was like and what it was used for, but it seemed like it wasn't for killing.

The man laughed loudly as he took his throwing knife and immediately threw the security guard who was about to silently attack him in the right eye.

"Hello, Abstergo" the man's cruel laugh hit the poor guard And stepped on the night guard's throat until it sounded like cracking bones And after that the guard died.

"Oh mio Dio, you did your inhuman act in front of mentor Ezio Auditore, gross"


"Wait, the man next to you is Ezio's mentor, like Ezio Auditore my older brother," asked the man named Petruccio.

Wait! Ezio thought. he called me brother And his name is Petruccio. like being thrown by a pottery by an old woman in Rome, he realized that the cruel and careless assassin in front of him was his younger brother, Petruccio Auditore da Firenze. Seeing his little brother turn into a dashing man, he was touched, but he had to be firm. He came forward and looked at the man.

"Ho..ho..hola…fratello welcome to 2020 I guess"

Ezio firmly scolded Petruccio, this was a violation, but Petruccio just nodded.

Claudia looked at Federico who was possessed by the Dionysus because Federico's twin said that if he didn't occupy Federico's body he would experience seizure because someone forced Federico in the Animus machine for 13 hours which made Federico's body experience severe dehydration.

Claudia sighed and turned to Giovanni who was silent against the wall with his hat covering his face.

"Padre" called Claudia.

"My daughter, is that really your brother?"

"Between yes and no, because the twin is driving Federico's body, I introduce to you Padre, Dionysus or Libre," said Claudia, introducing herself.

"Hello, Mr. Giovanni, I'm Dionysus or you know me as the god of wine."

"Ohh, hello Dionysus, how is my child?"

"Ahh, Mr Giovanni. Federico is asleep and I can temporarily delay his seizures but I hope Federico gets immediate treatment at the Kansas bureau," explained Dionysus.


Hi With one snap of Dionysus's finger the electricity in the playroom went out, the detention cell went out and the security opened.
The assassins and prisoners who were kidnapped by Abstergo escaped, they attacked the Abstergo soldiers who were there. And the scientists, the three of them walked along long hallway after hallway. And in the corner of the hallway he saw someone brutally killing the guards alone in one hallway containing 10 -20 people.

"Who is Claudia? he too reckless," Giovanni pointed out. And both of their gazes turned to the man. And in an instant, they both took a deep breath.

"Your youngest child is Petruccio Auditore da Firenze," said Claudia and Dionysus in unison.

Then Giovanni immediately bowed and was amazed by Petruccio's fighting style

"He's fine man," said Giovanni, enjoying the view.

But Machelline came with a man they knew.

Machelline Petruccio joked and Machelline told him who the man next to him was, Petruccio shrank while Giovanni was proud because it turned out that Ezio had become a mentor which was followed by the sound of giggling behind Giovanni.

Their giggling turned into laughter when Ezio grabbed Petruccio and scolded him.

After that, Claudia activated the intercom and called Petruccio.

"Fuck you Claudia" answered Petruccio by showing his middle finger.

And Claudia shows the middle finger to Claudia but Giovanni takes Claudia's intercom And screams.


Petruccio was silent and Ezio looked at the glass upstairs and saw that his father and Federico were breathing and fine.

Ezio's breath caught when he saw the two of them, And his tears suddenly fell .

"Fratello, Ezio. Why are you crying?" Petruccio asked confused.

"You are very tall and you are a very handsome man. You are also very charismatic. I didn't expect to see you grow into an adult. Then saw father and Federico again" sobbed Ezio then laughed.

"Of course I'm handsome and charismatic every girl doesn't want to be with me " Petruccio's cheeks turned red as he said arrogantly.

Then Ezio's laughter became louder. "Of course"

Then they hugged before the Abstergo soldiers arrived.

"Son of the bitch" annoyed Petruccio.

After that Ezio and Petruccio climbed to the top floor and the 5 of them ran towards the parking lot.

"Wait, we are surrounded"

Federico/libre closed his eyes while raising his hand as if lifting an object no bigger than an apple.

"Go down" whispered Federico, Claudia and Ezio who understood the gesture immediately fell down and pulled Petruccio and Giovanni to follow their gesture to lie down.

Abstergo mercenaries surrounded them all and Federico summoned the staff that Ezio remembered he buried in the Vatican church, he was horrified to see Federico had it.

"Give up, you guys," shouted the soldiers.

"No," said Federico/libre in an echoing voice.

"αίμα….." he said raising his wand And a golden light surrounded the room.

"του….." the light got brighter and brighter and screams began to be heard from all corners of the room. The screams of the soldiers were high-pitched.


The sound of gunfire was heard from all corners of the room, the soldiers died together.

After that Federico held his head.

"What happened, my head is hurt" groaned Federico while holding his aching head then Federico fell and his body jerked with the ugliest guttural voice ever.

"Fratello" Ezio panicked

"Bro..." Petrucio was shocked

"Dee" Claudia screamed

"My son" scared Giovanni together.

Ezio automatically grabbed Federico's head, Claudia started to take out her cellphone and turned on the timer to count how long Federico would experience seizure, Giovanni and Petruccio observed the surroundings in case an enemy attacked them.

1 minute and 15 seconds have passed, Federico's convulsions have completely stopped and only left tremors in his hands.

"I'll carry my bro." Petruccio's initiative.

"Okay, Claudia, you stay in front in case there is an attack," Ezio ordered directly and Claudia nodded.

"Padre, you are with me behind Petruccio. If there is an attack from behind we can protect Petruccio"

"Good idea son" patted Giovanni on the shoulder.

Finally they ran with the transformation determined by Ezio.

They ran shoulder to shoulder to help each other, Ezio was amazed by Petruccio's strong but also agile stamina, did his illness disappear when he was revived in this era? Ezio didn't know either.

When they arrived at the parking lot a black van was waiting.

"Cesare" shouted Claudia.

"You all get in the van" Cesare signaled and without warning they all got into the van.


"Sorry, mentor Claudia, this mess was beyond our imagination." said the man.

"It's fine Cesare….what the fuck…are you bleeding?"

"Uhh, yeah… I ask Lucrezia stab me. For our safety. That girl would rather stay and help me out"

"Petrucio, your fiancé is stuck at Abstergo," said Claudia worriedly.

"Why did she stay in Abstergo?" Confused petruccio.

"She wants to be our informant. Rodrigo Borgia once again alive and makes me want to run to monteriggioni. Now we can't even come back to Italy. Juno + her crazy followers everywhere in the real world or internet. We fucked up" annoyed Cesare with breathing heavily.

"Cesare, I'm driving. You're sit your bleeding is bad." Claudia ordered.

"No, I'm driving I know safe place for us, Juno follower was attacked every bureau at us and I wish another assassin could run"

"Where do we go"

"Hide in plain sight, we're going to carcer city"
Wink Petruccio.

"Are you nuts? My son. Carcer city is a city full of gangsters and killers" complained Giovanni in Italian.

"Don't worry, I know people at carcer city. I revived in there padre. I know that place is very well"

"You revived in there? That fucked thing I heard in century"

"Yeah, so much. Spare me"

Petruccio then took the wheel to the previously bloodstained and cleaned by him and they headed towards Carcer city.


when I mean dark petruccio,this is was I mean raw petruccio and about carcer city I'm fans of first manhunt game. this FF canon was another snuff film was held in carcer city again at 2009-2010 and the main character was Petruccio auditore with alias white hawk because even petruccio was skiny and pale like weak man, he was most ruthless killer. not mention forced cannibalism. ;3

Chapter 6: chapter 5 : the readhead son


in here I introduce another OC bjorn hhorrarr, sigrid illegimate son. and some warm meet up between father and son, desmond miles and elijah.

warning : some gore and angst,not accurate historical thing because i'm not ubisoft.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Bjorn sat on the floor holding his head, relieved that the scientists had kept their promise.

Life in the future was very hard for a former Nordic prince like him, he had to do dirty work to just eat and he did all the jobs from being a gardener to an OB in Abstergo.

Abstergo first offered him a lot of money but over time he smelled something suspicious in the air and everything became clear when he heard the name 'Sigrid Hhorrarr' here, his mother who he found on the cell floor convulsed and then cardiac arrest.

First the staff forbade him to help his mother and wanted to just leave him to die, but I begged him to help him, he would obey the wishes of the scientists, whatever it was as long as he was allowed to save his mother.

And here I am 48 hours later experiencing the trauma that my mother felt, I want to kill my grandma.


Sigrid opened her eyes, she remembered the last time she had epilepsy and the metallic taste of blood coming from her lips, she was human.

Sigrid looked to the side and saw a man wearing typical Abstergo employee clothes sleeping at the end of the prison room, curled up and shaking, Sigrid was holding the poor man's body. It seemed that the red-haired man had a quite worrying fever.

Sigrid tried to lift this man's body, she really wasn't strong, the man was quite muscular but still slim like her husband Federico.

20 minutes of doing everything she could to move the man, finally Sigrid was able to move the man on her bed.

The door to their prison cell opened, a middle-aged woman entered the cell and put a blanket on the small table.

 “You have to protect your son, without him help you,they would have let you die here 2 days ago”

“Who? None of my stepsons have red hair.” Confused Sigrid

The middle-aged woman took a deep breath and then patiently held the woman's shoulder.

“I know the feeling of forgetting your son's face but looking at his face, you will remember who he is. You know it"

Sigrid obeyed the woman's wishes while carrying the blanket that the middle-aged woman had given her.

Hesitantly, Sigrid saw the man's face, without Sigrid knowing, she cried.

“My son bjorn”


#Flash back

"Again, prince?" Sigrid raised one of her eyebrows as she caught sight of the red-haired man who was now 18 years old.

“Give me some slack, sigrid. This day was hard for me. I just want to stay on your porch okay"

“Why my porch?”

“This porch was beautiful, like always. My favorite thing to do when we are stargazing together at night. I will enjoy it as much as I can " he said with shaking hands.

“Prince, what happened. young man? " asked Sigrid furrowing her eyebrows.

Bjorn didn't answer immediately, he just remained silent for a moment before the sound of horses roaring could be heard in the distance.

Sigrid's sharp vision saw the enemy heading towards her house, she ran in panic and wanted to warn her son but suddenly her son blew something which made Sigrid's vision suddenly darken.

“Sorry, Sigrid but . I just protect what I have right now. You are like my mom. I wish you are my mom "

“No, son. Don't do this. Please” pleaded Sigrid

“I'm sorry, moh”

Bjorn sadly pushed Sigrid into a shallow ravine near Sigrid's weapons tunnel.


Sigrid woke up in the early morning and stumbled to see that her small house had been engulfed in flames.

"My son, where is my son" cried Sigrid

With her mind already unfocus and the dirty clothes she wore last night, she walked through every corner of the city on foot in confusion.

The Norse citizens were all captured by William the Norman's forces

Sigrid walked quietly towards the riot which she knew was the execution place near the prison.

On the execution platform she can see a man tied up and the executioner holding an axe. Sigrid knows what type execution was, 'blood eagle' execution.

When she saw the man, Sigrid suddenly screamed in panic.

“Don't kill my boy” cried Sigrid again and Norman Soldier caught her.

“Release him, release my boy. Sir. You can Swapped him with me. Please don't kill my son ” begged Sigrid sadly

"So the king's last word was right, the boy is yours"

“My brothers were dead” sad Sigrid.

“Yes, bitch. Now I give you the front seat to see your son demise"


Without being able to move, Sigrid was dragged and forced to witness how her son Bjorn Hhorrar had his back cut open and his lungs opened brutally, the sound of the soft screams broke Sigrid's heart, she still remembered the time her mother killed her by locking her in a dark room far from the settlement and her legs were tied when she was in the contraction phase and luckily her eldest brother's wife came to find her and helped her give birth.

Sigrid fell silent looking at her lifeless child, she was also about to be dragged by the Norman troops but Sigrid was able to take the sword of one of the guards and she beheaded and slashed the others, Sigrid was helped by several of her friends.

Sigrid and her friends managed to escape but secretly that night Sidrid took her son's body which had been left on the execution place.

The residents of their small secret camp did not dare protest when Sigrid carried her lifeless son on her back, the residents knew that Sigrid is Prince Bjorn's biological mother,  just sad to see Sigrid walking barefoot in the cold snow carry her lifeless sons in her back.

Sigrid didn't speak or greet them, she just headed to an abandoned hut far from the camp and there she sewed up Bjorn's gaping incision with straw thread that she spun herself which was usually used to hang her catch and a needle that she made herself.

Sigrid changed her son's clothes to uniform that she made herself when she applied for sewing from several local residents
Last year, the outfit was like a typical Norse knight but had a hood.

Because several years ago, his son always nagging about having uniform like his teacher (Sigrid) and a hidden blade like hers, but Sigrid refused to give him his hidden blade because the hidden blade was needed to cut one of his fingers to use it.

When Sigrid finished changing her son's clothes, she put her son to sleep in the hut and covered him and finally she put her hidden blade on Bjorn's left hand and say goodbye before burn that hut. 


Bjorn woke up on a soft mattress even though before he had been sleeping on the floor while his mother slept in a chair in a position that he was sure was very uncomfortable.

Shortly after Bjorn woke up, Abstergo soldiers came and pulled him to the gameplay room or animus.

When Bjorn was about to carry out his animus session, he saw a 7ft (230 cm) tall woman looking at him with an arrogant face.

“Well.. Well…Well, bjorn hhorrarr, what a pity. 'I'm gonna save my mom'. You say" the woman sneered while mocking bjorn.

“Is a price for she interrupted my plan i made for millenia, i tortured her like i tortured my insinuates daughter aether”

“What the fuck, how dare you…” growls Bjorn but his mouth shuts immediatly.

"How about you die"

Juno threw a sword and it almost hit Bjorn's chest but a white spark repelled the sword and his mother came but with blonde hair and blue eyes?


“Stop mother, we are tired of your bullshit. Whatever your plan, we're gonna stop it, whatever it takes," Aether growled.

“Young man, go to your Mother and protect my twins run away from here. Take elijah with you” ask aether.

Without wasting any time, Bjorn returned to the prison cell to pick up his mother.


"Who are you?" asked Sigrid, alertly looking at the guard. then her son elijah come from guard back and hug sigrid.

"Madre" called the 17 year old man hugging Sigrid.

"ilyas, my son"

"Dad, don't scare madre,okay!" warned Elijah in a soft voice

"I'm sorry Eli"

By scratching his non-itchy head he changed his form to Desmond Miles.

“Desmond miles” she guessed.

“mentor sigrid” he said

“10 years ago did you receive a message from UNION? " asked Sigrid.

 "Yes, but Rebecca said it was just spam"

 “Yeah for our safety and your safety reasons, we made it look like spam because Juno secretly sabotaged all your equipment and Animus. I admit you guys are hard to track."  Then Sigrid angrily punched Desmond. Desmond was shocked and finally fell on the floor because of how hard Sigrid punched him.

“mentor,sorry ” he grimaced while holding his cheek.

“don't call me mentor, I'm not an assassin anymore. I make my own team, namely Union"

“I'm sorry sigrid”

“No… no… no… don't be sorry. Is our fault. I'm sorry Desmond”

"still I'm so sorry"

“You know, me, Connor and my husband Federico are trying to find your team. And what do we get? Your fucking Corpse with sodded overly roasted burned arm because…. I fucking hate myself… I can't defend myself and you”  Sigrid almost crying.

“Madre, stop. we're gonna get out of here yeah"

“I'm sorry sigrid, truly I Am”

“Madre, are you okay? “

“illyas, I'm a bad mother, did I? I had a heavy miss a few days ago. I… I… let Juno kill my fetus. Federico may be upset with me"

“Padre, will not upset you madre. He was falling so hard for you.”

"Are you have an infection, well we can go to hospital after I broke up you two from here" advised Desmond.

“No, without bjorn. My son"

“Ohhh, bjorn was your son? Biological or another step son” asked Elijah with wide eyes.

“Biological, he was revived like your uncle Cesare and Altair”

"Ohh, like great great something grandfather altair Ibn la ahad"

"Please, Ilyas don't say that in front of him, although it is funny to see him pout, it is funnier when Malik bullies him"

“Bah, madre. Uncle Malik's presence makes the whole soap opera for us and kadar is no better"

“What? Altair? Malik? kadar? And Cesare? They're here? At modern times? “confused desmond

“Yes, they are. I want to explain it but we don't have time and I need to find my boy bjorn”

Desmond and Elijah nodded but before they went out into the cell a loud bang could be heard from a distance followed by the sound of gunshots getting closer.

Bjorn ran to the cell to meet his mother. There was Elijah, a strange man in a white hood, and his mother.

"Moh, are you okay" worried Bjorn while holding Sigrid's shoulder.

“Don't worry, Bjorn, I'm perfectly fine. How about you, son"

"Mom, who is Juno? why does she want to kill me? She the one hurt you, don't you? Who put my mother in the brick of death. She's the one who makes you miscarriage, seizure and cardiac arrest. I'm going to kill her" angry Bjorn.

"Son, calm down and Juno was not human she was a powerful being, now we must escape from here first"

“Yes, I'm agree with madre. And she was an evil one"

"Wait, I almost forgot..." Desmond then gave them their good, Sigrid with her expensive Dior purse, Elijah with sling bag and Bjorn with his backpack.

“Your goods are here and Alex Mercer and James Heller, wait for us outside Abstergo”


They all dug through their bags, Sigrid took out a double pivot hidden blade and gave one of them to Bjorn.

"Use it," Sigrid ordered.

"This is hidden blade, but I'm not cutting my finger yet" said Bjorn in amazement.

"This is a modified hidden blade, you don't need your finger, son," smiled Sigrid, seeing her son amazed.

“R… Re… really, moh? “

"Yes, son when we come back to Monteriggioni I give you a pair of hidden blades"


“This time I'm not lying, c'mon son don't waste time. We must go"

"Yes, Madre"
"Yes, moh"


The four of them finally out from prison cell, several guards attacked them but Desmond's tentacles caught them and devoured them without any remains.

“Long time no see that kind of power, I think I'm gonna kiss Mercer later”

"Madre, for sake of god. you have a husband"

“Don't tell your padre then, I owe him to infect you father desmond miles . His body was un-habitable beyond repair so, aether had a crazy idea to infect your father Corpse with blackwhite virus and is working I think"

"I think it is 1000% working, I feel like my whole body was virus," smiled Desmond.

“Good to know”

“What the fuck that power” shocked Bjorn.

“Another universe kind of power”


Aether choked as her mother strangled him.

“dammit, aether… you going to regret this”

“You the one who's gonna regret this bitch” angrily aether.

Her mother was strong as ever, even 10,000 years ago, she had a perfect body. she is sure her mother Stealing it from some poor woman.

When she is sure she's going to cease to exist, Elijah comes with the apple of Eden and the beam direct to Juno, and the beam slices her eyes.

“Arghhhhhh” Juno screamed.

"Aether, come here" Sigrid shouted.

“I can't, you're too weak, Sigrid, you're gonna be dead if I use your body. I need somebody else" with his sharp eyes, Aether glanced at Bjorn with messy hair.

“Sigrid, can i heal in your son body. Your gene is really down to your boy"

“Do you want to possess me? “ ask bjorn.

“maybe yes,maybe no” then without bjorn permission aether went to the bjorn body.

“Ohh, it's so warm”

"You, I thought my beloved Aita, already took your body"

“My body is my body Juno, not anyone else. Even not for your husband Aita"

"So what Elijah, are you want to take revenge on me, again"

“Of course I do. but I think my father can take his revenge alone. Since this is your problem with him in turin temple 9 years ago”

“Well, you father was dead, how can a dead man take their revenge on me? ”

“Well… well… Well, this is my surprise I talked to mother," Bjorn says with an aether voice.

Then Desmond shows up and makes a barrier between him and his son Elijah.

“You can try to kill me, Juno but if you touch my son. I'm gonna rip you alive. Shame in that body is gonna be easy to rip you piece by piece" says desmond with menacing voice.

"Impossible.. How can Desmond miles here.. He died in my trap" angry and shocked Juno.

“You like to take advantage of other people and you throw them away like trash if they don't have any more use for you. I thought I was the only one you framed to kill our loved one, but I was wrong, I let that happen again to Desmond. after you forced me to kill my younger brothers, you possessed him and forced Desmond to kill lucy. Desmond was right that you will die very easily that body. some stab and you be gone  ” laughs Sigrid.

“brave word from weakling like you, I'm sure I can snap your throat in front you son if like this.”

"not so fast" with clicked the purple Tentacles pin juno down and almost kills her if not some random emergency water pouring from the ceiling and makes Desmond retreat, leaving Juno alone with some bang from a bomb and the building almost collapses above her.


yeah,well hmmmmm....

think about desmond with blacklight virus was sick as hell

Chapter 7: juno followers


is only short chapter,warm auditore reunion and beware petruccio was true HOE in here...


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“ Padre, petruccio is have sex with this hideout owner in backyard and i don't know how to react. This is still early in the morning” complaint Ezio with horror face.. 


Giovanni remained silent and did not answer while Claudia laughed out loud.


“treesome? “ ask Claudia. 




“Petruccio puts his dick in this owner hole or that male owner aka Jones or Jones puts his dick in petruccio hole”


“Jones puts his dick in petruccio mouth.. Wait? Claudia… how do you know? “ 


“well… is normal auditore behavior, like you never use you dick to help you cross to Venice itself. Caterina Sforza,remember? ” 


“Damn, Claudia who said that… I not remember told anyone about that” embarrassed Ezio. 


Giovanni laughed when he heard his children's banter, how  Claudia was teasing Ezio to the fullest.


“Hey, Ezio i wanna tell you something” 


Ezio who was called turned to his father and smiled.


“Yes, Padre”


“Can you forgive me? “ Giovanni asked with a guilty face.


“Why do you ask that? You did nothing wrong to me. expect became loving padre” 


“No, I heard for 20 years after that day you blindly went to get revenge on the Templar and you too claudia. And your Mother… oh god forgive me… you all suffer because me…even my son salvatore… . How can you all forgive me .. “ dengan menitihkan air matanya Giovanni auditore menangis tersedu-sedu. 


“Padre, you don't need blame's partly my fault too. I'm driven by revenge” 

“good morning, fratello” smile wide ezio


With a smile Ezio hugged his father tightly and Claudia and Federico also followed hugs giovanni..

“Wow, this is not even dream hello ezio” he said rubbing his head which wasn't itchy.


“Hallo, supreme mentor” tease ezio. 


“Hello, Italian mentor” smile Federico. 


“Tell me, Federico, when was the last time you saw me? “ ask ezio. 


“What? Why do you ask that? “ 


“Because I feel your presence when my death was near, frankly is comforting.first I though is only my imagination but i heard your griefing for me” 


The two brothers hugged each other.


“Ohhh,god is almost 600 years, i thought you not realize my presence“ 


Then Federico turned to Giovanni.


“Is my fault too. Padre, if i can move fast maybe we can escape together” 


“Ohh, don't say that my son” 


Then Petruccio comes while wiping his mouth after having threesome sex as payment for rent the house they are living in temporarily now.


“Hei, I think I miss my family reunion. Hugs me too Padre” 


Giovanni with a frown looked Petruccio up and down then raised one eyebrow.


“After you clean yourself young man, your odor was full of cum. And By the love of god, i still don't ‘t believe my youngest was the worse one” 


Hearing that response everyone laughed while Petruccio throw his defence.


“Atleast, I'm not commit in… phfffff… phffff” 

Federico and Claudia swiftly covered Petruccio's mouth and pulled him to the bathroom.


Meanwhile in the next room Cesare laughed at the silly interaction of  auditore’s




The snowstorm was terrible outside, making everyone don’t want to move from their chairs. In the room they were in, everyone was lazing around drinking water while Federico was given packaged orange juice and wrapped in a thick blanket.


“Are you okay, Federico” ask Ezio 


“Ummm… to be honest I don't know. I have never felt so cold for centuries or hungry or thirsty. Is just terrifying for me. You know the feeling when you're really Vulnerable. Is so new and raw ” 


“Point taken” answered Giovanni in a perfect American English accent. 


“Padre, I wanna ask. Why is your English so good… how long have you lived in America?” 


“Give or take is about 40 years from my Resurrected in 1980 at kansas ” answered Giovanni in Italian. 


“No wonder your English was good but your Italian was Outdated” comment Federico. 


“But why, Padre is still the same. If he was here for 40 years.” confused Ezio. 


“We are revival not aged but not immortal either, we can die from disease or being killed. I Resurrected at golden Age piracy,cuba early 1700. Yeah my age was 300 years ” 


“You mean me and Padre never being aged” surprised Ezio. 


“Yes, Ezio” 


“Ohh, now it makes sense why my recent wife was being old despite the fact that I'm always in my 40's. Btw, the golden  piracy era, yeah. I miss my step son. He likes piracy Caribbean so much. He went MIA in 2012.” solem giovanni


Everyone, even Petruccio turned their gaze from their respective activities to Giovanni.


“You have a stepson padre, who? “ ask Petruccio. 


“What does MIA mean? “ ask Ezio. 


“ is slang for when someone is missing and never to be found again” answers Federico. 


“My son Desmond, Desmond miles” 


Then every person plus Cesare who now stood in the door was flabbergasted about the fact a Giovanni auditore knew Desmond in person and everybody was in shock when Giovanni showed a photo of Desmond and him in some bar when Giovanni used a chef outfit, meanwhile Desmond used a bartender one. 


“Is Desmond, who I see in masyaf library” shocked Ezio. 


“You know him? , sorry  my kids but for me he was my son too. “ 


Then every person in that room is sad except  Ezio and Giovanni who leave in confusion. 


“Desmond was manipulated by Juno,  to release her in first place at the end of 2012. We found his lifeless body at Juno grand temple, in Turin, New York. Sorry Padre. me, Connor and my wife too late to stop that. Abstergo came first and collected his body. They kept  desmond body  like a trophy these years by Abstergo, his memory being commercial consumption… “ Anger and sadness has been displayed in Federico's face. 


“as abstergo entertainment branding project 17 ” Say Giovanni with hollow eyes. 


“Padre, forgive us” 


“Is fine, all fault is mine… I'm the owner of  bad weather bar. And I let desmond work alone” 


“Abstergo kidnap him and force to relieve Altair memory, then Ezio and last haytam and connor kenway in their little assassin sub team” 


“Padre, is not your fault is me and Federico fault as co-mentor and supreme mentor” sad claudia


“Well, I'm very sorry. I think we need stop the grief for a while. Jones and his wife trap us. They were one of Juno's followers. We need to get out fast before they call their army” Cesare opens his backpack and gives them a pistol and shotgun. 


“I take a shotgun, cool. Muy bonito” petruccio with a wide smile. 


“I take dessert eagles” Giovanni takes silver dessert eagles and examines the bullet inside. 


“I'm taking a pistol” says Federico, Cesare and Claudia together. 


“Be honest, i don't know how to use these weapons” honest Ezio. 


“You can use this bow, but this is a bomb bow. Use carefully and use it to distract only. But if you wanna blow your target piece to piece is okay” explain Cesare and Ezio noded.


“Ohh, okay i take this one” examine Ezio he sees how sturdy these bows are but so light not like his bow in rome. 


Then a knock has been heard and they hide their weapon, then a bulky man in his 40's with blue flannel with messy brown hair and blue Eyes comes into their room. 


“Hey, jawn, whatta ya buddy? “ sapa petruccio.


“Jawn? Petruccio auditore what a fucking path to alive, buddy” smile jawn dan lelaki Bulky itu menjadi lelaki jakung dengan hoodie putih dan jeans. 


Petruccio reflexively raised his shotgun but Federico forced Petruccio to lower his.


Giovanni without thinking hugged Desmond tightly while Federico laughed out loud.


“Oh, that bloody brilliant aether.she really crossed to the gray. What a day ” laugh Federico. 


“What is gray, Federico” asks Ezio who is still awestruck to see Desmond in person. 


“The gray was a place where the reader counted every possibility of the past, present and future of every universe. They were Yggdrasil keepers. Is Dangerous to pull readers away from Yggdrasil. This is where Desmond goes after the temple accident” explain Federico. 


Meanwhile, Desmond and Giovanni hugged each other to relieve their longing and Giovanni took the opportunity to pinch his step son's ear.


“where are has been Desmond, Federico Says You dead in 2012.but you here son”


“Sorry, Hendrick. may or may actually i'm really dead in 2012. I know you will be disappointed in me but. That time I'm being kidnapped by abstergo at night I buy my own Motorcycle. I'm truly sorry Hendrick” sad Desmond. 


“Son, I told you to wait and use my Name instead” sign Giovanni facepalm. 


“Yeah, that's my stupidity at its finest. But why are you here Hendrick?” confused Desmond. 


“I'm being hunted too by abstergo after your brothers death yesterday. ” sad Giovanni. 


“whaaa… . Hendrick is a lie don't you? They kill salva? "Shock Desmond sad.  


“Sorry son,I'm really useless. I can't protect all of you but you're here! Salva is gonna be happy too “ Giovanni try cheers himself. 


“You know i want admit something, desmond” 




“You know actually, my real name was not Hendrick… my real name… . My Name was Giovanni auditore” 


Then Desmond flabbergasted and his jaw drooped, the entire time he knew Giovanni auditore in person even before he was forced to use Animus and see Giovanni in Ezio memories. 


Desmond was silent while staring at the ceiling, trying to understand what had just happened.  Then he quickly pinched both Giovanni's cheeks.


“You are stupid sandwich, how the hell you sell your assassin robe and plegde to a fucking lorenzo de Medici, do you realize your slacking is what make your half family being slain in first place? “ 


“Yes” silent Giovanni. 


“Desmond, is fine. I think we're gonna leave that problem in the past. After all of this we gonna make up this” serene Claudia 


“Claudia, is it” call Desmond. 


“okay, I somewhat agree to you” nods desmond agree to claudia


“Desmond, I thought you god like Minerva, you seems like human” study Ezio. 


“I'm a human  and I'm your descendant. I'm sorry i'm pry your memories” 


“It's okay Desmond. I glad my memories preserve you well” smile Ezio. 


“Desmond, nice to meet you” great Federico. 


“You are Federico auditore da firenze, aren't you?” Desmond asks. 


“Yes, I am. Why desmond” 


“is about your wife, sigrid” 


“Why, about her. Is she fine” worried federico


“she sick but she okay, thanks god I land her in hospital fast yesterday” 


“Desmond, what happened to my wife” worry Federico. 


“How long you come back as human?” Desmond narrowed his eyes. 


“Few weeks,” answered Federico shortly, Claudia and petruccio watched Federico with an unflattered face. 


“Uhh… you know sigrid have heavy bleeding because she was have misscariage. Basically Juno torture her. I'm sorry” Apology Desmond. 


“It doesn't matter to me, what matters to me is that she is fine. ” 


“Don't worry Elijah and bjorn make sure sigrid save in hospital” 


“Thank god, thank you Desmond. Sigrid mean everything to me” 


“don't thank me. You take care my son too, thank you” 


Then Desmond turned to Petruccio.


“I believe you know this place better than the rest of us, petruccio”  Desmond throws van keys to petruccio and he catches it with ease. 


“Yeah, I did, so where are these two bitches? Jones and Erin, huh” 


“These two, well too bad they become my brunch” smirk Desmond.


“So… raw or cooked?” narrow petruccio with a wide weird smile,meanwhile Claudia and Federico glared at Desmond. 


“Ohh, I ate it whole. I'm a evolved you know . And you are the most interesting people from these two memories about you” 


“What that all about,son” 


“Is secret, Hendrick. Is not me to tell is must be petruccio doing ” wink Desmond. 


“Let's Go,everyone” 


“You are nuts” smile cesare to Desmond. 


And Desmond chuckled to Cesare Borgia, what a strange day, Desmond thought. 


They run together avoid Juno followers meanwhile Desmond clear their path, 5 of them Going to the van, and petruccio driver them out from carcer city, fuck juno


sorry not sorry, I like to make innocent lads like petruccio and evan as insane person,inmoral person.
like petruccio is like "fuck requisacant in pace,I kill them like they my prey and devour them like this is my last supper"

and in the next chapter we can see why a innocent person like petruccio auditore become insane person.

Series this work belongs to: