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Ultimate Multiverse Rap Battles Vol. 2


The Interdimensional Convention Center's first Rap Battle series went so well, they're doing it a second time! Who will make an appearance? Who will win? Stay tuned and find out!

Chapter 1: Eddie Brock v. Toko Fukawa


Toko sought Eddie's help writing a new gothic romance novel, but his grandiose writing style clashed too much with her more cerebral and introspective approach, and the two wordsmiths' arguments escalated from there.

Chapter Text

We open on a stage in the Interdimensional Convention Center's auditorium; holographic projectors create lifelike environments surrounding the two participants on the stage.

On the left half of the stage, which projected the image of a school with metal panels over the windows, stood a Japanese girl in her late teens. She was of average height and slender build, her gray eyes peered out from behind a pair of round spectacles, and she had long, dark purple hair in two braided pigtails. She wore a long-sleeved, dark purple dress with a white collar and red neckerchief, and black stockings and heels. 

On the right side of the stage, which showed a grimy back alley, stood a tall, muscular man with fair complexion and short, dirty-blond hair. His face was adorned with thick stubble and he wore a black-and-white varsity jacket, blue jeans, and black boots.



Upon hearing his name, the blond man glowered at the camera before lurching forward as if trying to contain something within him.



The girl looked uncomfortable, clenching her fists as she glared at her opponent.


Eddie Brock took a deep breath and collected himself as his verse began.

"Prepare for a song filled with bars from a strong-willed

Muckraker cutting through more fluff than the bears this broad killed

I'm the one they trust to get the scoop on any dangerous lunatic

And I'm reporting the defeat of Hope's Peak's least popular student, bitch! 

You're a novelist? I'm a journalist; my skills are fact and yours are fiction

I've got parasites in me but even I can see your love is a harmful addiction

You thought that rich prick was the soulmate for whom you searched

But he was praying for your death like I saw him at church!

I've taken on serial killers and alien invasions

Your biggest challenge is bathing on a regular basis

You needed help to barely survive the Warriors of Hope's  ascension

But even Komaru won't be able to save you when y'all get bit with the VENOM!"

At the last lyric he lunged forward, his face contorting monstrously for a split second -- his eyes bulging and blank white, his mouth full of jagged fangs, and inky black veins surrounding both  -- before returning to normal.

Toko gritted her teeth and groaned in frustration as her verse began.

"UGH! This is my opponent? My s-skills would be put to b-better use

Than dissing a scrub who was rejected by his job, his girl, and the MCU

I'm the Ultimate Writing Prodigy; my novels worldwide receive praise

And I'm writing the sad ending to this parade of edgy '90s cliches!

I saved the world from the Ultimate Despair no matter the horrors my class underwent

When you were my age you stole a car and killed a kid by accident

Your investigative incompetence is why the Bugle threw you out

But you blamed Peter Parker and fused with an alien you'd just be some douche without

You can't compare to my fine art; I set a high bar, so know your place

Because I'm ruining Eddie Brock's legacy worse than Topher Grace

I'm the Pro of Prose; get me on the mic and I'm ruthless

Your efforts in this battle are like Sony's movie series: useless!"

Eddie Brock laughed bitterly as a strange transformation overtook him. As his verse went on, webs of viscous pitch-black sludge with traces of gray began to form around his body, spreading and fusing until they created a new body around his.

"I'm giving this introvert another reason to be  embarrassed

You'll be overwhelmed until you're drowning like you're back with your parents

We've both got demons inside us, but mine ain't easy to deal with

And now that I'm in control, I can see where my next meal is!" 

The last line had cemented Eddie's transformation; he was now a tall, musclebound alien creature with slimy ebony skin highlighted with light gray spider-veins. His blank white eyes were stretched into a permanent glare, the claws on his digits were as razor-sharp as the fangs in his drooling maw, and several fleshy tentacles were protruding from his back. The now fully-formed Venom let out a mighty roar, long tongue lashing in the air...

But Toko was completely unfazed.

"Oh puh-leez, I've seen uglier freaks at comic conventions

In two or three dimensions, you could never heighten tension

You wanna talk about inner demons? You couldn't handle what's inside me!"

Toko pulled out a taser and used it on... herself.

"You had the option of peace, but you'll be in pieces when  I'm free!"

With that one action, Toko underwent a transformation of her own. Her eyes now glowed red, her teeth turned sharp, her tongue was now longer, and her pained scowl and shaky body language had been replaced with an audacious grin and battle-ready posture. This other side of Toko was Genocide Jack, the Ultimate Murderous Fiend.

Venom held Jack in place with its tentacles as its verse began.

"This anime  edgelord can't do Jack against my awesome might

You wield scissors but you'll fold like paper when I rock the mic

Some schoolyard pranks were all it took to drive this girl insane

I've sent the most wicked of my species crashing down in flames

They should call you Suicide Jack for challenging the Lethal Protector

Your friend is an occultist, so it's only fitting I should leave you a specter

The Future Foundation's reports on you are missing just one addendum

Your battery's too quickly drained against this adrenaline, momentum, VENOM!"

Just as Venom finished his verse, he recoiled at a sudden burst of flame; as he regained his composure, he saw Jack confidently brandishing the Hacking Gun, smoke rising from the barrel. Holstering the Hacking Gun, Jack produced two ornate pairs of scissors and dodged Venom's attacks as she gave the last verse.

"Shut your hole, ass-face! You expect me to see you as a fighter?

I've slain a city of robots; you got your ass beat by a Zippo lighter!

High frequencies can kill you, too; no wonder you failed at clapping back

Your rap attack was so pathetic, even I couldn't laugh at that!

I slice and dice with the finesse of an artist forming a masterpiece

So I despair at watching your B-movie schlock Marvel has released

I calculate every move I make; this mindless beast could never be my equal

To kill you would be an act of mercy to spare the world from your next shitty sequel!"