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One more Time


Chanyeol confesses his love for Jongin, but the younger doesn't quite understand.

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„So... You like me?“, Jongin asked dumfounded. Chanyeol nods and wipes the sweat from his forehead. He suddenly feels so hot. Baekhyun hadn’t mentioned that when you confess your love to someone.

„Yeah I guess. Is that bad?“, Chanyeol answers but feels so dumb by asking the last Question. Of course it is bad. Jongin seems not well with his confession. So what should he do now?

Run away?

That would be the easiest solution, but Chanyeol is no longer a child who immediately runs away from unpleasant situations. He’s an adult. Chanyeol will stand in front of Jongin until he gets an answer.

Jongin, on the other hand, is just processing Chanyeol’s confession of love. Is it really true? Or is he being pranked? That’s why Jongin can’t help but ask him again.

„You really, really like me?! In a romantic way? You aren’t kidding? Are you?“

Chanyeol is overwhelmed. Should he confess his affection to Jongin for the third time? Why doesn’t Jongin believe him? Or is he just stupid? Chanyeol would never think that Jongin is stupid, but he really has no idea what he has to do to get Jongin to believe him. Maybe he needs to show his love instead of saying it.

And so Chanyeol does.

He overcomes the last few meters between Jongin and him and raises his hand to push a strand of brown hair out of the younger man’s face. Jongin holds his breath in excitement as Chanyeol’s face gets closer to his until the tips of their noses touch.

„Can I kiss you?“, Chanyeol asks, before his breath stutters. Jongin is too overwhelmed to say anything but he nods.

A small smile appears on Chanyeol’s lips and he overcomes the last distance that separates the two of them. Lips meet lips. Jongin’s lips are so gentle and soft. Chanyeol’s, on the other hand, are a little rough because he bit his lip before. Nevertheless, they fit each other perfectly. The kiss is gentle and innocent, but when Chanyeol puts his arm around Jongin’s waist and pulls him closer to him, Jongin lets out a small moan, causing him to unconsciously open his lips a bit.

Chanyeol takes advantage of this opportunity and runs his tongue along Jongin’s bottom lip before melting his tongue into Jongin’s. Before the kiss becomes too intense and the desire increases, they break away from each other and simply smile at each other in love.

„So is is it clear now, that I love you?“

„Yes. I think so, but I think you need to prove it to me one more time.“

And so Chanyeol does...