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Celestial Siren (One Piece x Oc)


The Celestial Siren is a notorious assassin that causes problems for the world government by destroying Marine bases, destroying important information as well as actively harming Celestial Dragons or destroying their things and freeing the slaves they had. The world government wanted 'him' as a weapon even though 'he' is a problem.


(This is a story that is focused around my oc)

Tw: Some swearing, meantions of death/killing, mention of severed body parts.

CS - Celestial Siren.

Chapter 1: The report and meeting an interesting pirate crew.

Chapter Text

*Edit: fixed spelling mistakes and fixed sentences that didn't make sense.

"The Celestial Siren is a notorious assassin that causes problems for the world government by destroying Marine bases, destroying important information as well as actively harming Celestial Dragons or destroying their things and freeing the slaves they had." Celestial Siren read out-loud, one hand holding the report she had stolen from a high ranking marine officer, in her other hand was the severed head of the marine officer, Celestial Siren Huffed as she threw the head next to the body it came from and left with the report, flipping thorugh the pages as she walked "Oh? They was to make me into a weapon to protect the Celestial fucks?" She spoke grinning under the mask "as if they could break or brainwash me to do that" Celestial Siren chuckled putting the report into her pocket dimension. "They are so Stupid thinking that they can do that and that i am a man" she hummed "though that makes it easier to be out in the open as they will be looking for a man that they believe to be me" CS muttered as she kicked a arm out of her path "i'd feel bad for the marines in this base but they was corrupt l, though i am glad they was a few that wasn’t, thankfully i was able to get them out before I destroyed this, hate to get rid of some, possibly, good marines" Siren stretched as she stopped at a window before destroying the glass and jumping out.


Ender quietly groaned as she limped along the busy street, moving past people "stupid sea king" she muttered moving her injured arm out of the path of a fast walking male. "Now i have to fix my ship and get more supplies as well as more things for my first aid kit" she moved her uninjured arm to fix the veil that covered her face.


Ender heared a voice scream out as she saw, what looked like a raccon?..wait no a reindeer, run up to her with a worried look "what happened?!" He asked with a worried tone as he looked over her leg and up at her arm, "let me help patch you up i am a doctor!" He spoke looking up at Ender "alright" Ender spoke as she sat down on a bench nearby as she watched the raindeer patch up her injuries "so what is your name? Or do i have to keep calling you raindeer?" Ender spoke making the raindeer jump "Oh! My name is Tony Tony Chopper"the raindeer now known as Chopper Spoke, Ender smiled upder her vail "thank you Chopper, you're a great Doctor" Ender spoke making Chopper blush and dance "that doesn't make me happy you bastard" he spoke making Ender giggle softly "again thank you" she spoke standing up "i got to go i am some shopping to do" she spoke gently pating his hat before leaving with a wave "Bye, it no problem!" Chopper called out waving before going on his own way.

Ender hummed as she carried a bag "that is everything done" she spoke before spotting a blonde male in a suit fawning over two women, 'from my information gathering that i do regularly that is Sanji the cook for the strawhats' Ender thought as she watched the two women walk off leaving a defeated  Sanji behind. Ender hummed before she walked over to him "are you okay sir?" She asked him. Sanji looked "oh madam you're so sweet for checking on me" he spoke now fawning over Ender as he knelt holding her free hand in his hands, Ender smiled under her veil "i am glad you are okay, I am Ender you are?" She asked "i am Sanji, it is lovely to meet you lovely Ender" Sanji spoke making her giggle as Sanji stood up with a blush "your so sweet" Ender told him "it is lovely meet you Sanji but i have to go now" she spoke making him nod "i won't hold you up, have a lovely day Ender" Sanji told her before leaving with  a wave.

Ender waved before walking off "i have met two out of seven of the strawhats" she mutters before spotting Nami having an argument with a shopkeeper with Robin behind her "four out of seven of them" she mutters before walking over "John i hope you are not over charging again" Ender spoke as she walked over and stood next to Nami making John stammer before giving up and letting Nami buy the map materials at the proper price "i am sorry about him he has a tendency to overprice women" Ender told Nami and Robin "what a prick" Nami Spoke huffing "how rude of him" Robin spoke, Ender nodded "you can get top notch stuff at Wendy's shop of objects and materials she is more fair with pricing" Ender told them Nami nodded "i'll keep that in mind thank you" Nami spoke before her and Robin Left. Ender hum and left giving John a glare as she left.

Ender sat at the dock cleaning her claymore enjoying the sound of the waves and wind. "Whoa! That is a cool sword!" Ender heard a voice call out making her turn and see Monkey D Luffy and Roronoa Zoro walking towards her, well more like Luffy walking towards her while dragging Zoro behind him. "Oh hello and it is called a claymore" Ender spoke once they stoppd moving towards her. "I am Monkey D Luffy, i am gonna be the king of the pirates!" Luffy spoke as he sat down "oh? I am sure you can do it" Ender told him making is smile his normal 'D' smile "This is Zoro!" Luffy told her "I am Ender nice to meet you both" Ender told them as she cleaned her claymore. 

It was silent for a few minutes before Luffy Spoke.

"Hey join my crew!"