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It’s alright, it’s okay, I’m not a demon, just a reason to see another day


Title is from It’s Alright by Mother Mother.

Heart is going through some shit. She won’t talk to the others and hides away all the time. They just wanna know she’s okay.

All chapters have lines from songs as titles.

Just now realizing that I made this whole thing in under a week…I need to slow down, damn.


Mind the tags! Also, yes I’m fine, I’m not having these thoughts but I started this when I was. That was a while ago and I never attempted. I’m alright.

Chapter 1: “And when shit hits the fan scream mayday.”


Title is from Fine, I’m Fine by Chonny Jash

Chapter Text

Heart bit hard on a rag in her mouth. She was using it as a gag while holding a knife to her wrist. She took a breath, and pressed it in. She bit down harder, feeling her teeth begin to hurt. It ached but she didn’t care. Small cuts turned the color of a deep, royal purple. 

Soul huffed as he chucked another knife at a target. Soul and Mind both had some sort of ranged weapon and melee weapon. There wasn’t need for it, it was just a way to occupy time. Soul had his trident and a set of throwing knives. Heart had her bow and gun. Mind had a knife and a mace for some reason.


He took a breath and stood up. He felt the weight of the throwing knife in his hand, before noticing one was missing. Whatever, perhaps Mind had mistaken it for a wood carving knife. Or possibly Heart had mistaken it for a box cutter. In the end it didn’t matter, he’d get it back soon. 

A few hours passed. It wasn’t unusual for the Moon to be in her room for long periods of time, but this much time was concerning. Especially given the circumstances. It was just a few months after the…incident. She likely still blamed herself for it. Mind, out of worry for their youngest sibling, went to check on her.


They blinked, she wasn’t in her room. Of course she wasn’t. Where could she be? Did Soul put her back in Apathy for some reason?


Mind walked to Soul’s room and knocked on the door, “Star, I know you’re in there. Open the door.” 


Soul yawned and pulled it open, “What do you want, Sun? Darrel and I were having a nap.” 


Mind crossed their arms, “I can’t find Juno.” That seemed to get Soul’s attention.


Soul rubbed his arms, “Do you have my throwing knife, by chance?” 


Mind blanched and shook their head, “It’s missing?” 

The Moon stared up at her namesake. She liked the dark, the stars, the night air, the crisp feeling of the wind licking at her shoulders. This meadow, a place where many a picnic were held, would serve as a fitting resting place. She looked down, staring at the gun and pills.


She sighed, the only question is whether it will be with pills or with a gun. She shrugged, she didn’t need to decide. How about both? She took a handful of pills and swallowed them, then raised the gun to her chest. She’d left a note, they’d find her body in the morning. Then she’d be buried in Apathy, like the disgusting wretch she was.


Mind ran to their younger sibling, rushing forward and pinning her to the ground. Heart blinked and tried to struggle.


Soul slid on his knees, “Mind, there’s an empty pill bottle…oh Juno, you didn’t.” 


Mind held the youngest in place, “Put your fingers down her throat. If she vomits, that’s a good thing.” 


The tiny Moon coughed, “I don’t have a gag reflex.” Mind and Soul internally face palmed at that information. Mind quickly came up with another solution.


They pressed a hand on her diaphragm, and another on her stomach. They applied gentle pressure as Juno struggled against him. The Stars held the Moon down while the Sun did their job. Finally, after several painstaking minutes, Heart vomited up the pills. 


Mind patted her back gently, “There we are. Do you need to throw up again?” Heart started to shake her head but threw up again. It continued like this for about a minute or so. Mind carried their sibling back to the house, making sure to treat any injuries the Moon may have. 


The next morning, the Sun and the Stars were working on breakfast. Mind piled some pancakes onto a plate while Soul took some muffins out of the oven. Both of them were stress and guilt cooks. They exchanged a glance as Heart feebly sat down at the table. The two made sure to give him some pancakes and muffins. If he asked for more, Mind quickly obliged. Finally, after a while, Mind and Soul sat next to Heart.


Mind rested a hand on Heart’s, “Junebug, you know we love you, right?”


Heart nodded, starting to eat a chocolate chip muffin, “I know. What’s going on?” 


Soul glanced at Mind, “Do you not remember what you did last night?” 


The Moon shook his head, “No, what did I do? And why do my stomach and wrists hurt?” The Stars and Sun exchanged glances. 


Atlas cleared his throat, “Junes, you tried to kill yourself last night.”  


Heart hardly reacted, “…Oh, is that all?” 


Mind blinked, “Is that all? What do you mean, is that all?” 

Heart shrugged, “I mean, that’s not such a bad thing, is it? You’d be better off without me, wouldn’t you? You’ve told me as much.” Mind blanched as he remembered the arguments.

He scooped up his little sibling, “Oh Junebug, I don’t hate you. You piss me off, sure, but I don’t hate you. I love you, Juno. I love you with all my heart, Artemis Moon Jash.” 


Heart wouldn’t have laughed if that had been Soul saying it, “You’re serious? I love you too but…you know I’m not worth it. Leave me be, Apollo. And hope I’m gone by sunset.”