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i will add more fandoms if i feel like it.

Chapter 1: Zack Addy

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"Can you mix those together? we know the victim-" Hodgins paused to correct himself. "Metrie. was killed by a mix of cleaning products jammed into her uh- face.. so find out which ones." He motioned to the numerous amount of household cleaning products lined up on the lab table. You sighed and got to work, not wanting to argue. First was bleach and fabulouso. It smelled absolutely horrible, but there was no reaction to the solution. Then you mixed bleach and a chlorine disk. It seemed pretty normal until the entire thing started to fizz up. Before you could call out to Hodgins, you throat closed up, sending you into a coughing fit. Jack's head whipped around but he didn't come to your rescue immediately. He slammed his hand on the infectious disease contamination and put his lab coat over his mouth. Then he dragged you out of the room. Once the smell of clean air hit your nose, you felt lightheaded. Angela, Zack, Booth and even Brennan ran over to your aid. You heard the sweet voice of Angela calling out to you, but it seemed miles away. "Sweetie? wteeis rea argilht!" The more she spoke, the less recognizable she got, till you finally let your eyes shut.

When you opened them, you found yourself in an unfamiliar environment. But you soon identified it as a hospital, the smell of latex and medicine giving it away. You heard voices muttering until you said the one word that had been on your mind during your slumber. "Zack.." A hand reached out to you and squeezed yours. It was the first thing you recognized. "Zack isn't here sweetie." Angela. She had been your best friend next to Booth. They were the most down to earth people in the lab, so naturally you were inclined to befriend them. You opened your mouth to speak, but instead of words, out came a strained squeak like noise. At that you panicked, reaching up to touch your throat. You gave Angela a look of pure terror, in which she responded. "I'm not the one to explain this... but to help you calm down, your voice 'll be fine sweetie. in a few minutes, or hours. I have to make a call, will you be ok by yourself?" You nodded reluctantly, not wanting to be left alone, but excepting the urgency in her voice. She came back after ten minutes, then in came the rest of your friends. Booth and Brennan first. They were almost always together, so it didn't surprise you. Next, Hodgins came in, looking especially depressed. You assumed that he was guilty, and at first, you agreed with that thought, but you decided against making him feel worse. And after 20 minutes up having your hopes up, Zack slinked in. He looked worse than Hodgins, which surprised you. So you and Zack were dating- but you didn't think of your connection to be that close. You never thought Zack to be the type to fall in love so easily, and yet here he was, looking like a hurt puppy. "hey s-superman.." Your voice was horse, as Angela had earlier referred to. No response. Instead, he stared. You swallowed heavily. "Zack..?" He turned around, and by the motions he made, he was contemplating running away. You sat up in your hospital bed. "Zachary Uriah Addy if you leave this room, I will personally see to it that you never be let back in." He thought for a moment, then refaced you. He was crying. THE ZACK ADDY, was crying over you. "I'm fine. see? I'm fine. please stop crying Zack. you'll make me cry." Your voice started cracking more than it already was. "I'm sorry." You head tilted on instinct. "For what? you didn't do anything." He shoved his hands in his pockets and looked to his colleagues, who were quietly watching the scene unfold. "for.. being so oblivious to you. for waiting so long to show any signs of attraction." Your eyes went soft and you let out a quite laugh. "Zack I don't care about that. I'm just glad you showed a sign." He stares once more. "We should get married." From the corner of your eye, you saw all your coworkers shocked, but that was not your priority right now. What did Zack just say?! "Huh?" He tried to explain himself, except now he was back to normal, nonchalant Zack. "I mean I love you, and you love me. We've moved in together, we've gone on vacations, so the next step would be marriage right? That's how Angela said it works." You give Angela a dirty look before turning back to Zack. What were you supposed to say? I mean he was right, you did love him. You really couldn't find a good reason to say no. "I- I-." Zack looks at you hopefully. "No. Zack. I love you. so much. but it doesn't feel right." His attitude drops into the negatives. "You don't want to be married to me?" You shake your head vigorously. "No- no! hell no. I'd marry you any day Zack. but I just. I want it to be romantic and spontaneous. It has to be the right moment." He stares yet again before sighing heavily. "I believe that you and I will make very intelligent children." You felt your face heat up, and booth busted into laughter. "Shut up Seely!"

(Extra) You were sitting in the designated squint squad restaurant with everybody, until suddenly, Zack stood up. Sure he was slightly drunk, but you knew he was still capable of thinking straight(ish). He scooted out of the booth and got down on one knee. everyone around you had stopped to watch. "Exactly 5 months ago, you told me no. that you wanted the proposal to be spontaneous and romantic, but its not. Because i have been thinking about the day I'd be able to put this ring on your finger. So, will you marry me?" You stared at him, tears streaming down your face. "Zack i-.." He stares at you with the exact hopeful face he had on when he first popped the question. "Yes. yes yes. yes a million times yes." Zack stood up, taking the expensive ring out the box. "But you didn't say it a million times?" He stared in confusion but you lunged onto him, pulling him into a kiss. After pulling away, Hodgins slapped a 20 in Angela's palm. "You idiots have me down 20 bucks." You raised an eyebrow. "What was the bet?" Angela flashed a mischievous grin before meticulously shoving the 20 into her bra. "That you guys would get married before Booth and Brennan." Zack clicked his tongue and slid the ring onto your finger. "Statistically, that bet was always in favor of Angela, because we were together, and booth and Dr. Brennan are not, meaning that it is more likely for us to get married before them." Hodgins scoffed. "I'm calling a mistrial! you totally cheated then!"

Chapter 2: Lance Sweets


sweets/reader where hes like really scared of ur dad. who is angelas dad btw. but ur adopted bc ik that not everyone looks like angela.

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"I'm warning you man. her dad is fucking scary." Hodgins was addressing you and angela's father. You were angela's best friend, till your parents were murdered and you were put in the foster system. Angela whined to her dad and he decided to take you in, thinking it's for the best anyway. Years later you wound up interning at the jeffersonian, working side by side with ange. Sweets immediately started to crush on you, and he finally decided to ask you out. He was asking hodgins the best way that didn't seem obsessive. "It can't be that bad." Hodgins shoved his hands in his pockets and started to walk away. "Don't say i didn't warn you man." Sweets decided not to pester on, the way hodgins described your father made it sound like he was a serial killer. Instead, he walked to the lab where you were sitting crisscross in a swivel chair, hunched over your laptop. "Uh _______? you busy?" You tucked away a loose curl that decided to fall in front of your face. "If busy means doing something productive and helpful to the case then nah." He laughed and squatted Infront of your chair, spinning it to make you face him. "We've known eachother for a while now... and i dont know if angela's told you yet but.. i like you. in a romantic sense and i- i- was wondering if you want to grab lunch? or coffee if you dont have the time." You smirked and grabbed the collar of his shirt. "Or we could skip the coffee- and go to the egyptology storage locker." He freezes for a moment then nods vigorously. "Id- id like that."

When there he slams you against the freshly locked door and smashes his lips onto yours, grinding against you slowly. He trailed down and started to suck certain parts of your neck. "Is this alright? because i don't want to hurt you if-" You grab his waist and flip your positions. "your kind of hot all dominant." Sweets tried to respond, but the only thing that came out was geek stuff. "Well a dominance kink usually comes from father figure issues, or victims of child abuse." You stepped away from him and pulled him away from the door, opening it. "Nope. moment ruined. next time i call you hot- dont respond with i was abused as a child." He sighed and nodded reluctantly. You grabbed his hand and pulled him out the small storage locker. "Its ok sweet stuff. You can come over after work. maybe even stay the bunk over."

Later, after work, Booth invited everyone to dinner, he'd just gotten a pay check that was a little more than usually, so he wanted to treat the team. Everyone was sat at a booth, happy as every. "Oh me and sweets are dating." He turned to you with a sarcastic smile. "We could've discussed when- and even if, we were going to tell them." You look at him, not completely sincere, but slightly remorseful. "Sorry Lancey pants. ill make it up to you- promise." Angela squealed in excitement. "God you two are so cute!" Booth let out a small groan before not-so-discreetly sliding hodgins a twenty. "Seriously sweets?! the one time you wanna be brave is when i bet on you." Brennan clicked her tongue. "Betting is a form a gambling- hodgins you were wrong to place one with a former compulsive gambler." Cam also slid money to hodgins. Sweets glared at the two of them. "HEY! i can be brave!" Angela snatched a fry from your plate, but not without receiving a smack on the hand. "ow. What was the bet about anyway?" Cam leaned back in her chair with crossed arms. "Sweets wouldn't ask out _____. it was like a 1 in a million chance." Sweets smirked at Hodgins, who tried to stop him. "Wait that means you got scammed. Hodgins was the first person i told besides angela." Booth's head snapped over to look at hodgins. He swiftly got up and grabbed angela's wrist, tugging her out the restaurant. You shook your head with a chuckle, and yet another hand snaked over to grab one of your fries. You smacked it aggressively, immediately recognizing it. "i will cut you, sweet face." He put his hands up in defense and burst into a quite laughter.

He drove you home of course. He didn't forget about your earlier suggestion. Once you unlocked your door you both rushed in, frantically undressing and making out. He tore your shirt off with surprising strength and pinned you to your door. "Promise you won't mention the daddy issues thing?" He sighed and let you go. Even though what you said was kind of a mood killer, sweets still had a erection that looked to be uncomfortable. "To be fair, you were the one that mentioned it this time." You raised an eyebrow at him. "How do you even manage to maintain a straight face with that women killer in your pants?!" He gave you a concerned look and you both started to laugh. "Honestly sweet face. i dont want to have sex with you." He smirked. "I guess that after you made a joke. all me and daisy did was have sex. which is probably why we broke up." You glared at him. "For a psychiatrist, you sure as hell dont know when to say the right things." He muttered something under his breath an slung his arm on top of your shoulder, beginning the walk to your room. "I can still stay over though- right?" You smiled and pecked him on the cheek innocently. "Of course sweety pie. i wouldn't want you to be harassed!" You teased him, and he shot you a glare.

In the morning, sweets drove you to work. Hodgins frantically ran up to sweets, fear all over his face. "TURN BACK NOW MAN! DONT LOOK BACK JUST RUN!" Sweets looked at Hodgins in confusion, then saw your father, happily chatting with angela. He ducked down behind you. "Seriously?" He swallowed heavily. "The way he described him.. is booth here? he cant kill me with an FBI agent present." You smiled and decided to entertain this fear of his. "You really think booth 'll help you?" Your father finally noticed you, and walked over. "Where's this wimp boyfriend angy told me about. Last time I gave one of the nerd boys my approval, they broke her heart." You grab sweets by the wrist and show him off to your dad. "h- heLLo.. Mr. Montenegro.." His voice cracked. You laughed at how geniunly scared he was. "You plan on hurtin' my little girl- sarah?" You gave your dad a look. He backed off of sweets, because you decided that enough was enough. "Its lance, dad. and i think you should be nicer to him. he's already scared of you as is." He nodded and looked back at sweets. "What- you couldn't say that for yourself?"

Chapter 3: Bucky + Sam


warninh that this is chapter is realllyyy cringey. and its short

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"SHE DOESNT LIKE YOU SAM. tell him that you like me more doll." Bucky addressed you, but refused to break his glare with sam. Sam crossed his arms and spat back. "NO ONE LIKES YOU BUCKY!" Bucky's face went soft and his bottom lip quivered so slightly that you weren't sure if your really saw it. You shoot sam a glare. "I love you both. Because i wouldn't be putting up with you dumbasses if i didn't like you." Bucky grumbled and turned to walk away but you put your arm out to stop him. He was way stronger than you so he could've easily pushed passed, but his fear of hurting you stopped him. "Samuel Thomas Wilson kiss bucky right now." They both looked at each other, then you. "do. it." Sam stepped closer to bucky, and bucky backed up. "Hey- let's think about this for a second.." Sam let out a little groan. "I don't wanna do this anymore than you do bucky, but the girl gets what the girl wants." Sam grabbed bucky's arm and pulled him into a kiss, and their eyes were both wide for a few moment but then they relaxed. And it got oh so hot.. which may have made you a little jealous. "Hey, HEY! cut it out alright.. What i was trying to prove was that you two like each other more than you think." Bucky let out a low grumble which made you smile. and sam's eyes were still shut. "Man.. That was great and all, but never again." Bucky crossed his arms and glared at sam. "The hell is that supposed to mean?! Your an ass kisser anyway wilson." Sam face scrunched up. "Your not any better barnes!" They stood in silence for a moment then both turned to walk in the same direction. Your eyebrows flexed in confusion. "Where are you two going?" Sam turned around while still walking in the sam direction. "To go have sex.. You coming?" You scrambled after them in excitement. So maybe you didn't fix their tension, but at least you found another way for them to release it!

Chapter 4: Lance Sweets


if i had a dick, this guy would def give me a boner. anyway the beginning starts out FUCKING cringey but its important to the story. the nose cracking part i got from the black widow movie where she COOKED dreykov. and this is like a day after the episode where daisy was trying on a wedding dress for her cousin. I DEPSISE HER BC LIKE... I SAW SWEETS FIRST!! >:(

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"Morning sweets. how you feeling?" He flashes a confused look towards his best friend. "Fine.. why?" You returns the look of confusion. "The whole daisy situation?" His face relaxes as he finally realized what she was talking about. "Oh. Me and Daisy worked through it yesterday. it was her cousin's fiancé, and she was out of town so she couldn't try on the dress, but there was a sale." But your face didn't relax, you remained confused. "I don't think your supposed to French kiss your cousin's fiancé." Sweets froze completely. He looked devasted, which in turn, made you feel bad. "Lance I'm so sorry i-" He cut her off, a embarrassed look on his face. "Can i have a minute to myself?" It sounded more of a statement then a question, but you did as asked, turning around and pushing your way out of the office. You pinned her hair up as you walked, a determined look on your face. "DAISY!" The designated women turned around, to meet a anger filled glare. "Oh hi ___" You flinched, not wanting to swing because you could potentially loose her job. The people that knew you longer noticed this, but instead of objecting, Hodgins, Brennan, Booth and Angela stood by. "Don't call me that whore. I couldn't care less who you fuck in your free time. But how DARE you use lance as your boy toy? He deserves way better than a wimpy skank like you." Hodgins audibly laughed in the background, which you ignored. "I- you.. What?" You contemplated doing just the thing that you were boycotting, but instead responded with words. "i- i- i- Speak bitch." Daisy shook her head with that annoying plastic smile still on her face. "It doesn't have anything to do with you. so stay out of my sexually life please." You inhaled and exhaled deeply, a trick that sweets had earlier taught you to control your anger. Which did absolutely nothing, so you clenched your jaw as hard as you could and spoke through pursed lips. "hmm. well i could. But you decide to tell every-fucking-body about your relationships. Hell i think everyone in this room could recite your last encounter with a dude. and god knows you go through a lot of those." Daisy clenched her fists, and swung as hard as she could at your face. Though she was a very short person, so were you. So it broke your nose, now there was blood dripping onto the floor. Booth stepped forward to stop the situation from escalating, but Hodgins held him back. You smiled and lifted your hands up to the bridge of your nose, snapping it back into place. Daisy's face showed pure horror, but there was no backing out now. You wiped the excess blood then punched daisy, not with full force, but enough to make a black eye. She stumbled backwards and attempted to re swing, but her hand was caught and twisted behind her. "You wanna tap out whore?" Daisy attempted to wiggle out of her grasp, but you applied just enough pressure to dislocate her arm. Daisy screamed out for help but no one objected. You pushed daisy to the floor and pressed your foot onto her back. "You work with Brennan right? what would happen if i crushed your ribcage right here. It'd puncture your lungs and they'd collapse. then you'd die in 5 minutes tops. lets see if anyone likes you." But that didn't happen. Instead, you were stopped by a familiar voice. "____?" You looked up and met sweets fearful look. That made you feel guilty, which was not something that happens a lot. You freed daisy and rushed down the steps, "Sweets i-" He paid you no mind and rushed to go assist daisy. "SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE.

You got called into cam's office the next day, and there was daisy, with a cast and a few bandages. "Dr. ____. were you listening?" Your head snapped up and you met Dr. Saroyan's gaze. "I said you will be suspended until Dr. Wyatt clears you to work again." You opened your mouth to object, but then you heard your enemy's punishment. "Your scholarship at the Jeffersonian has been canceled. We do not tolerate violence towards our employees." Daisy glared at you like you'd just killed her mother. But before an argument could ensue you got up and rushed out. "Your first session is in 10 minutes!" Cam called after you. But first, you had something to do. You opened up sweets' office and peaked in. "Lance?" He was with Booth, and he looked like he was on the brink of crying. "oh.. i can- come back later." Booth shook his head aggressively. "No. please come in kid. please." He looked like he needed saving, so you did as told. "Lance what's wrong?" You rubbed his back, your fingers sparking from the friction. "Nothing. You don't have to be here." You tilted your head with an unsatisfied look. "You may be the psychologist, but I've know you for 8 years." His eyebrows flexed as if he were to sneeze, but his lips curled into a frown. Seely found that was the best time to escape. "I was an idiot, so naive that if she presented me even one reason as to why she wasn't cheating, i would follow like a puppy." You wiped a tear off his face that he was unaware of. "Your not an idiot for being normal lance." He paused, and you immediately knew what he was about to say. "Don't give me that, I'm trained to see the signs shit sweetheart. You aren't trained to be immune to being in love." He met your look of pity then instantly looked away. "Don't you have somewhere to be in 3 minutes?" You stood up abruptly, remembering of your meeting with Dr. Wyatt. "I hate that you knew about it before me." You sprinted out and into her office, where the doctor was already calmly sitting. "Hello. You must be Dr. ____." You panted heavily from that run, and took a seat at your desk. "Yes." Gordan crossed his legs and placed his hands on his lap. "They told me that you have, beaten up an ex- coworker. Any reason why?" You inhaled as to realization that the doctor wasn't the type to sugar coat anything. "She cheated on my best friend." His face remained neutral. "And that is a good reason to commit attempted murder in your eyes?" Your eyes widened then went back dull. "Attempted murder?" Gordan hummed. "Well you have knowledge that you are significantly stronger than almost everyone in this facility, and yet you proceeded to engage in combat with her. So, that leads me to the conclusion of attempted murder." You looked him up and down with pure offense. "I did not attempt to murder that skank. if i wanted to murder her, she'd be dead." You groaned as you realized it's never smart to talk about death with a shrink. "Do you often protect Dr. Sweets?" You re adjusted your sitting position, as the change in topic surprised you. "Oh.. no? maybe? if some bitch decides to screw over my best friend then sure- I'd knock some sense into her." Dr. Wyatt tilts his head to the side slightly, then hums. "hmm." He was being yet again, unreadable. Which made you annoyed. "hmm what? say somethin' doc." Gordon- Gordan smiled. "does Dr. Sweets always introduce you to his sexual partners?" You rolled your eyes. "What are you trying to imply? That I'm jealous of daisy? because I'm not." You didn't sound very convincing, but you did speak the truth. "No. I'm implying that you have feelings for Dr. Sweets. and they may reciprocate." You laughed aloud, then abruptly stood up. "Right.. Me and sweets?" You opened the door to the office. "We're not done." You shrugged and shook your head. "Correction. YOUR not done. i was done once you suggested that i had a thing for my best friend."

The next day you had to come back. But Sweets was there too. "lance. Dr. Wyatt." You took a seat at her desk once again. "Dr. Wyatt? How does lance being here solve my problems?" Wyatt smiled. "Well he is the reason why your here, is he not?" Sweets glared at the doctor. "Hey!" Gordon shrugged and continued on. "Dr. sweets. have you ever notice Dr. ____.. staring? maybe stuttering around you?" Sweets glances at you for permission to tell, in turn, you shrugs. "No. but ____ isn't the type to get nervous." Wyatt nodded slowly. "Right. well have you ever noticed them being different with others than they are you?" You glared at him angrily, but sweets didn't catch onto what Dr. Wyatt was implying. "They've always been nicer to people that they've known longer." Gordon hummed with amusement, and you just groan. "JUST SPIT IT OUT! you know what. I'll say it. Dr. Wyatt believes that i have feelings for you. Which is why i acted outlandish towards daisy." Sweets chuckled, the same reaction you had to the idea. "No way. me and ___? we're just friends." You nodded in agreement. "Right. Sweets wouldn't last a day." Lance's head snapped up to give you a look. "What do you mean i wouldn't last a day? It's you that would cause us to break up." You returned the offended look. "Me? No offense sweetheart but you don't exactly have an amazing track record with faithful women." He glared you down. "Then maybe we should test it! your a scientist. lets do an experiment." You froze completely, and so did sweets. "Did you just.. ask me out?" He looked to the side once then smirked, trying to be confident in his answer even though his voice cracked. "Yeah." They both stood up, then Gordon called after you. Not exactly sure what just happened. "Where are you two going? we still have 10 minutes left." You shrugged with a wide smile. "sushi sounds good." Lance gave you a sweet smile in return. "That doesn't sound bad at all."

At the restaurant, sweets kept shifting around, until you'd finally had enough. "OK WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?! you haven't sat still since we got here." He sighs heavily. "I still feel like an idiot." You placed a hand on top of his. "I told you its norm-" He shook his head and cut you off quickly, not wanting to hear that pity speech again. "No. About you. We've known each other for 8 years and neither of us knew about feelings. but this Doctor comes in and sits with us for 45 minutes and can magically tell that we're head over heels for each other?" You chuckled and leaned back, which made him smile. "Great that's another thing i missed. Every time you laugh, i smile." You shake your head and stop smiling. "Listen to me. AND REALLLLYY listen. You couldn't 've known that i liked you or you liked me because we never thought of the possibility. Maybe it was always there. Maybe it wasn't Dr. Wyatt that discovered it. but those are all hypothesis. and from my time working with Brennan, I've learned there is no use wondering if your right, it's better to find out."

Chapter 5: Bones (in general)


bones head cannons. only two bc im lazy. also when i tell you there like 20 spelling errors.. beware

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zack is a fucking HORNDOWG.
like he will be turned on by you just whispering something (work releted or completely non hot) and he will get a hard
hodgins has more control though, but if you tease him.. its game over
angela is almost always turned on by u. she thinks ur the prettiest person on earth.
SAY YOUR WORKING RIGHT, HAIR MESSY LEGS CROSSED GLASSES ON. she will take your tools from you and just shower you with kisses.
Brennan isnt as easily hot tho.
she'll maybe notice if your shirt is lower cut, but she wont like- stare.
booth also has really good self control. he doesnt get turned on by anything in the lab, even if your like naked or somethng
the only time is if you be bitch.
yeah ik right suprise suprise
but say ur walking and sweets says something psychologyish, and you like fucking dog him out.. then booth will be like, wow that was hot.
sweets on the other hand
is just like zack in a way
he will definetly notcie a slightly too short skirt, or a low cut blouse.
but he wont try to get busy w u
he'll stare vigorously.

zack would be suprised, and not understand the concept of sharing clothes.
i mean sure hed think you look a little cute and vulnerable in his shirt
but he aint gonna rip them off of you.
he would go feral when he sees you.
like maybe the shirts a little too short and ur cheeks are peeking out
he will lift that shirt up and- ya know..
Angela is an innocent angel.
except for when you look scrumptious.
like u in her sweat pants that hang a little low.
she'll hug you from behind and trail your back with kisses, and hickeys ofc
BRENNAN has no reaction
shell just kinda pass over it, her eyes lingering a little too long.
"You look pretty in that. You should keep it."
BOOTH BOOTH SEELY BOOTH would lift your shirt up in the front and like, start feeling u up
humming as you moan his name
then hell stop and like idk make a bowl of cereal.
waiting for you to beg him to come back and contine
pure menace ik
sweets will be a mess
"You look- wow. i- i know we just had sex but, we should go again."
his voice would def crack like a teen

Chapter 6: Edwin Jarvis


im inlove with edwin jarviss like literally fuck his wife. jk shes adorable nd i love her too. (jarviss sex headcannons btw)

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ok so he may be super duper nervous at first but then hed take charge. LIKE CHARGEEEE
as rough as possible with out hurting you.
He'd also love to whisper in your ear or just be encouraging.
dont get me wrong though, he's not gonna talk alot, but accasionally he'll be like "Your good at this." or sum nice
w after care he'd literally be his normal jarvis'y self, asking you do you need anything like a drink of water or a bath.
and after ahving sex more than once, he'll ease up around you, with the occasional kiss or hug goodbye.
he's way too flustered to be like full on making out with you in the presence of peggy- but you can do the hard stuff
A big no-no for him is tying you down.. like sure he likes to be rough, but he's not gonna put you in a situation where you can't stop him if need be.
a turn on of his is just you being incredibly close. like say that your all in the lab, and you walk behind him and are close enough for him to feel your breath... Yeah- just don't
He also doesn't like being intimate in the ssr. sure he loves working around peggy and sousa- but please do not try and go down on him there. It's just a turn-off. (EVerything there reminds him of peggy, and though she is pretty- he does not at all think of her that way.)
You guys have probably had sex in more than one room of Howard's mansion. He caught ya'll one time in his main bed room and you were banned from entering for a week.
ONE MORE TURN OFF I PROMISE! he does not and i mean DOES NOT like you being stuck up. He's not a put you in your place type of guy- so don't try and make him.
Btw you've defininetly drunk slept with howard once. Jarvis threatened to quit so that's when stark realized just how much you meant to him. (HE THREATENED TO DO OTHER THINGS AS WELL COS YK THAT EDWIN CAN BEAT HOWARDS ASS IF IT HAPPENED AGAIN. but he did have a stern talking to you aswell about never getting drunk in the presence of creeps like his boss.)
another turn on of his is ear biting. Me personally i think its fucking gross but nible on edwin's ear and he will melttt.
UNRELETED BUT HE LOVEESSSS to dance with you. Like given the oppurtunity, he'll do it just about anywhere.

Chapter 7: Colin Fisher


i didnt use yn cos in my opinion its kinda annoying, and also the pronouns used are she/her.

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"Are you almost done with facial reconstruction?" She smiled at her colleague, "Dr. Hodgins told me to ask so i can figure out a weapon or something- useful, as he put it." She added on, noticing that he was looking really stressed. "No.. because I suck. god i should just drop out and become a drug addict or the failure my mom expects me to be." ____ rubbed Fisher's shoulders gently, hopping the action would at least calm his nerves. "C'mon col. You'll get it. I know you will." He turned in his chair to face her, causing the contact between the two to end. "You can't know anything besides the inevitability of death." She sat in his lap with a small huff, before slinging her arms around his shoulders loosely. "I know i love you. and that's all i need to die with." His eyes met hers, like he was longing for something that couldn't be just asked for. "I.. love you too." He said softly, before their lips met, staying there for a little bit.

For a long time, the two adolescents sat there, forehead to forehead, just existing together. But soon their privacy was ended by a familiar voice. "Am I Interrupting something? Because i can comeback later?" Angela called out, making ____ and fisher's head's turn towards her. ____ rapidly rose to her feet, slightly embarrassed, but not exactly sure what for. "No- i was just.. we were just-" Fisher stood up as well, but calmer than his lover. "I was feeling down, and she decided to comfort me." She nods quickly, grateful for fisher's desultory mind. "Purely platonic of course." Angela nodded in a mocking way, evidently not persuaded. "Of course.. Well anyway- We're uh- going out to dinner if you two wanna come. Unless you want to stay and platonically make out instead?" She teased, smiling at the pubescent couple. Fisher smiled a familiar grin, one ____ recognized oh-too-well. "I'm not opposed to that idea." He uttered out, clearly acting upon childish thoughts.

Chapter 8: A/N

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so i js wanna say that im taking requests like of prompts with r and a character. but i only write abt stuff i watch/read. so the fandoms include:
xmen (Not including deadpool)
the librarians
almost paradise
leverage: redemption
the greatest showman
stranger things
the good doctor
Walking Dead (season 1 only bc im geniunely too lazy to watch the others)
Criminal minds (season 12 and below)
the umbrella academy (season 1 for now)

Chapter 9: Peter Maximoff


so theres this thing on pintrest called what would peter say during sex, and i cant find it but all creds to them. plus a little extra headcannons.

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'what peter maximoff would say during sex.'
*in Yoda's voice* size matters not. look at me. judge me by my size, do you?
can i keep my sox on?
faster, faster, or just faster?
im holding your neck so you don't get whiplash
we should have those lights that you can dim
should i put my goggles on?
OW! my hair!
you know you shouldn't scream so loud. the professor might hear you.

more random peter hc:
like honestly.
hes so cute and all, but when no ones around?? he wont let you get a single word in without making fun of you
also some nicknames are:
iris west. (flash's gf btw)
the human torch. (bc of ur mutation)
cutey patootie (AS A JOKE)
not those cheeks bro
but ur face cheeks. especially when ur mad.
bc he thinks your so cute all the time
which i think feeds into the teasing thing.
OH and he'll smack ur butt. INFRONT OF EVERYONE. but bc of his super speed, noone see's him.
and you js have to contain urself..
some more innocent ones are
he likes to leave stuff in ur room.
like food, or his Walkman with ur favorite song in it.

Chapter 10: Steve Harrington


i started binging st and theres a few characters i fell inlove with. AKA LITERALLY EVERY TEEN+ MURRAY (not sexually tho murray's just my lil mew mew.) so there may be jonathan, eddie, robin and more steve in the future.

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"Is that why you only have one friend?" Will asked his older brother. You almost busted out laughing at the middle schoolers accusation, and jonathan gently shoved you. "I have more than one friend will. And who needs them anyway? Your my best friend. No one else, just you." It was a sweet moment, one that seemed secretive and made you feel out of place. And yet you stayed, after jonathan gave you a reassuring squeeze on the arm. Once his brother was alright, you and your friend both left the room. "Are we going to the wheelers? Nance and steve said they wanted to tell us something." He nodded and softly pushed you to the ground. "Race you to the car?" You scoff as you rise to your feet. "CHEATER!" You called after him.

At the Wheelers, Dustin opened the door for you with a cheesy expression. "Morning M'lady." He said, trying his best to flirt. Johnathan pushes past him without a care, and you follow him in. "Hey dusty. Got the new X-Men Comic today?" His eyes lit up with excitement and he nodded rapidly. "Yeah! but no spoilers, i promise." You pat him on the head and then run up the stairs, trying to catch up with jonathan. He was already in nancy's room, aswell as steve and said nancy. "Hey guys." No one responded, so you took a seat on her bed. " is something wrong?" You questioned on. "Me and nancy broke up." Steve quickly muttered out. You had to resist the urge to stand up and do a dance. "Oh no. Why?" Nancy shrugged quickly. "I like.. Someone else. And he likes someone else. We're better off as friends anyway." You nodded in agreement. "Right. Is that all?" The group shares a few looks before simultaneously nodding aswell. "Do you guys wanna go drive around or something?" Johnathan offered, obviously feeling the awkwardness in the room rise. A few smiles was all you needed to scramble down the stairs.

In the car, you and steve sat in the back, jonathan was driving and nancy was in the passengers side. "Wait wait- turn this up! i love this song." You practically screamed, and nancy reached up to follow your request. You instantly started to sing along. "And girls just wanna have fuh- uhn! Ohh girls just wanna have fun." You sung horribly, but it was enough to have steve join in enthusiastically. "The phone rings, in the middle of the night! and my father yells," Nancy cut you off with her best singing voice. "WHAT YOU GONNA DO WITH YOUR LIFE?!" now, the four of you were all singing in harmony, although you sounded like wounded dogs. "OH DADDY DEAR! you know your number one but girls, they wanna have fuh- uhn. Oh girls they wanna have-" You cut in with a solo, "That's all they really want! is some fun." You panted heavily, and steve reached over to tuck a strand of hair out of your face. You practically jumped away from him. "What- what're you doing?" He shrugged, picking up a suggestive grin. "I dunno." You melted into his touch, but suddenly the car came to a holt. You almost flew forward but he used his hand to grab you. "What the hell man?" He huffed at jonathan.

The four of you got out of the car. "There's something in the wheels." Johnathan explained. "It popped the tire. So we're stuck out here till hopper gets here." You sigh and move to sit on the hood of his car. "Seriously?!" You flop down and nancy sits next to you. "Don't think so negative. We weren't that far out anyway. he'll be here in no time." Steve squats down in the grass and picks up a stick. "It's like 100 degrees out here. And you two have on sweaters. Your going to burn alive." He mentioned. You realized he was right. And you didn't bring a change of clothes for the occasion. "Great. dumb ways to die 101. John give me your shirt." He turned to you in surprise. "What?" You chortle. "Can i wear your shirt? It's not like i've never seen your hairy ass chest before anyway. Don't know about these two." Steve immediately picked up what you said. "Wait what? You've seen byers shirtless? why?" You let out a laugh one more time. "our brothers are best friends. We've gone swimming together??" He calmed down instantly, then you saw him start to grab the back of his shirt. "What are you doing now?" Nancy questioned him. "She needs a shirt, so she can wear mine. Easy solution." He smirked and then swiftly pulled the white tank over his head before tossing it at you. "Thanks i guess." You started to take off your sweater, and both of the teen boys turned around to respect you. You slipped on steve's shirt and pulled it over your shorts. I mean he was significantly taller than you, but you didn't know it was that much. "Getting in practice?" He teased. Your eyes widened once you realized what he was talking about. "Oh my god. Harrington." He chuckled and moved more of your hair out of your face gently. "I'm joking." You swear you were about to kiss, but at that moment, hopper drives up. "Where the hell's your shirt at? kids." The four of you laugh and hop in his truck.

Back at your house, where you little brother had sadly already returned, steve waved you off. "Good night sinclair." You laugh softly. "Good night harrington." When you turn around, you see the brat making smooching motions and noises. "Steve is just a friend." He raise an eyebrow. "Then why are you wearing his shirt?" You scoffed and chased him up the stairs. "I'm going to kill you. you little asshole." He was very much more agile than you, so he had 5 seconds ahead to get into his room and lock the door. "You better sleep with one eye open."

In the morning, you were woken up by a pounding at your door. You still had bed head but you didn't care, you opened up your door to see steve awkwardly leaning against the doorframe. "Morning." You tried to flatten your hair as best you could with such little reflex time. "Steve? What- why are you here so early? How'd you get in my house?" He stood up completely, now pushing past you to see your room. "Your brother let me in.. Is that me?" You look over to where he was pointing to see a picture with loads of lipstick stains on it hanging to your mirror. "Uh no? Your insane. Now get out i need to change." He let you shove him out, and you slammed the door in his face. You let out a small sigh of relief then turned back to your dresser, grabbing a pair of shorts. You also decided that wearing a t-shirt was the best option for a hot day like this. You turned off your ceiling fan and opened the door, walking towards your staircase to see steve at the table with your mom and lucas. "Thank you so much Ms. Sinclair, this is delicious." He smiled with a face full of waffles. You scoff, those were your waffles, "Spit it out harrington!" You sprint down the stairs and grab the fork from his hand. "Momma how could you! you gave my food away to this, this- hobo!" Your mother laughed softly. "That hobo is nicer than you. I might just trade you in." You gasp in overdramatic offense and take a sad bite of your half gone waffles. When you scoop up more to take another bite, the silverware is snatched form your hand and steve slides it into his mouth. "C'mon. We've gotta go. Thank you again for the food." He runs out the house, knowing you were bound to chase.

Inside hawkings high, you say jonathan and nancy making out by the lockers. "You two are shameless." You chortle, and steve does too. Nancy whips around in surprise. "Oh- we were just.. exchanging notes?" That comment made you laugh more. "More like exchanging spit." Johnathan flicked your forehead, and you swat at his stomach. "You little shit!" He runs off, and you chase in close proximity. "Doesn't it bother you?" Steve mumbled, making nancy raise an eyebrow. "What?" He continues. "Seeing them so close. With you and jonathan dating, it feels like they belong together. Doesn't that make you mad?" He asked again. "No. Because i know ___ doesn't like jonathan. And he doesn't like her." Wheeler responds. That comment peeked steve's interest. "Really? Who does she like then." Nancy spun on her heel, completely ignoring the question. "Nance?" Steve called out. "Nancy, who does she like?"

Chapter 11: Nancy Wheeler


so uh i have nancy fever and i really liked this story so i decided to share it with u guys. enjoy :)

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Get down." Nancy says harshly before lifting her gun to try and shoot a flayed (Billy Hargrove to be exact). You gasp and run away as quick as you can, grabbing her waist and tugging her along in the process. "As hot as you are with that shot gun babe, i wouldn't like to see you die." The rest of the group follows close behind, and you duck behind a counter. "Are you ok?" She asks, inspecting your face for any large scars. "Mmmf- I'm good. Fine." She looks around for something to patch you up, deciding to use a napkin. "Look. Your bleeding." She gently dabs it on the huge gauge Billy made on your face. "That asshole totally fucked up your only good aspect." Steve chortled from the side. You scoff and flip him off. "Shut up Harrington. One haircut and your loosing all your bitches." You remark, but quickly shut up when Nancy presses the cloth harder onto your scar. "OW- ow!" You whine like a little kid, making her chuckle softly. "Calm down you big baby. It'll be over soon." Once the bleeding stops your tugged up to your feet, and soon your running once again. "How hard is it to kill that bastard? It's not like he's immortal or anything." Murray says clearly out of breath. You shake your head. "Obviously your not experienced in this department. It's basic science, if you kill one host, the disease will just find another." You explained matter-of-factly. Erica raised an eyebrow at you. "Since when were you a nerd, nerd?" You scoff. "I'm not a nerd. I just pay attention in class." Jonathan chuckled at that. "Since when? The only thing I've seen you do is gawk at the teachers ass." You smack him on the back of the he'd. "Shut up byers." Lucas gags dramatically. "AUGH- grossss." Robin nodded in agreement. "Ms. Smith does have a huge-" Hopper cut her off with a stern look. "No. We are not about to have this conversation." Eleven looks over at her father in confusion. "A big what?" Max started laughing manically. "A big heart sweetie. Ms. Smith has a very big heart." Joyce said to stop the dirty minded children from corrupting her any further. "Do i have a big heart?" She asks in a chipper voice. Making you burst out laughing too, as well as Robin and Steve. "Yeah el. You have a really big-" Mike was stopped by a deadly glare from a certain chief of police. "Never mind." He mutters nervously.

Chapter 12: Alex Park


you get shot because your a dumbass :) cue park being absolutely mental while worrying about u


i started binging good doctor and im already on season 3.. i may have a problem. Anyway your a good 10 years younger than him because hes straight ancient. i love how morgan slowly becomes a good character i was totally rooting for her death when she was first introduced but now shes cool :) (ps. i don't know jack shit about doctor stuff so please dont go crazy like THATS NOT RIGHT. i have no idea whats right and not)

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"Female, internal bleeding, multiple contusions to face as well as a gunshot wound to the lower abdomen." The Firefighter said about you. "It nicked an artery." She mentioned. Claires face faltered at the sight of you. "Wait that's-" She moved to grab your purse, getting some confused glances from her two colleagues and superior. "This is Dr. Park's fiancé." You chuckled. "Is that all you guys know me by here?" Dr. Lim moved the firefighter to slow down the bleeding. "We'll treat you all the same ma'am. We just need you to try and stay awake." You gave her a thumbs up. "Should i tell park?" Morgan asked lim. She shook her head, trying to assess how much blood you'd lost. "We don't need him panicking down here in the way. It won't help anyone." But it was too late, as Alex was already on his way down to fill in morgan on their shared patient upstairs. "_____?" He asked at the sight of you. You offer a sheepish smile. "Hey there doc." He looked around, "What the hell happened?" Was the only thing that he could manage. Chaos was added as you passed out. "Dr. Park, please you can't assist in any way." Lim reminded him. "Let me help her- please." A nurse gently guided him away. "Just- let me help her!"

30 minutes later and he was called in. As he was your 'next of kin'. "We managed to stop the bleeding, but we will need to get the bullet out, even the slightest wrong movement and it could get into her spine.. Which would cause paralysis to her lower body completely." Claire explained. He sighed. "Whatever you need to do." He said calmly. Shaun was the first to leave, but Claire patted him on the back before actually carting you to the OR. He looked up to see Morgan staring at him emotionlessly. He raised an eyebrow. "What is it?" She shrugged. "Your awfully calm for a guy who's wife might be paralyzed." He scoffed. "She's not my wife yet, and i'm not worried. Dr. Lim is on the case, and i trust she will be able to take care of her." She scoffed as well, sitting in the free seat next to him. "We both know that's not true. You want to be in that operating room." He leaned deeper into the chair. "Relation to the patient makes that impossible." She looked at him completely. His leg was bouncing- anxiety. He palms were sweating. Fear. His eyes were darting around. Nervousness. "But you could watch." He shook his head. "That'll just make it worse. I don't need that, i need to do my job." He stood up and walked off. "Ms. Spinley can be discharged now, i'll tell one of the nurses about the paper work."

He did lie, he was scared shitless. What if you are paralyzed? How would you walk down the isle? How could you even afford the wedding if you needed treatment? How, How How. He couldn't even think straight at this point, he couldn't focus on his patients. He shouldn't be interacting with patients if he can't focus. So he went to the locker room, in hopes of being alone with all his thoughts. That didn't work either, as he just stressed himself out more. How the hell'd you get shot in the first place? What if it was his gun? He should've been there, maybe you'd be okay right now. He slammed his hand on the locker next to him. "Dammit!" He shouted, tears running down his face. Morgan slowly stepped closer, like a fox really. "Are you okay?" She asked cautiously. Sitting down beside him. "Yeah- yeah. 'm fine." She pointed at his reddened face. "The tears say other wise. She'll be fine- Shaun, Lim and Claire will take of her." He shrugs off her reassurance. "I know. I know." He repeated. An unamused expression spread across her face. "You don't have to lie to me park. I know your not fine, and it's okay to not be fine sometimes." He chuckled. "You sound like claire." She laughed as well. "Yeah, i heard it as soon as it came out my mouth." She continued. "But i'm serious." He lets his head fall against the wall. "That's something she'd say. She always says i'm too closed off and i need to be more emotional. Guess her getting shot is what it takes huh?" He laughed once again. She crisscrossed her legs. There was nothing else to say. So they stayed silent. Hours later, claire came into the locker room. They'd fallen asleep. "Morgan? Your being paged. Dr. Park?" He sat up as she ran off to go save some one else. "The surgery went well, she's asleep right now." He nodded and got up. "I can walk you there if you want." A slight head tilt was all she needed to guide him on his journey. "So what'd you and morgan talk about?" He shrugged. "Just stuff. Nothing really important." She chortled. "Yeah, of course. All work." Once at your room he practically ran to your side, gripping your hand tightly. He was still on call, but every second he got, he peaked into your room to see if you were up. You slept like a log even without the heavy dose of medicine so you were asleep for a good 5 hours, which just so happen to be near the end of his shift. 30 minutes left.

"Alex?" He squeezed your hand. "I'm right here. Beside you." You yawn gently. "God, i feel like hell. What the fuck happened?" He laughed at you usual post-nap potty mouth. "You were carted in, beaten, and shot." Now the memory hit you like a freight train and you shook your head. "Ah, now i remember. Robbery." He face planted. Of course you'd FIGHT a robber. That was the woman he intended to marry. "Let me guess? You tried to beat him up?" You nod. "Yeah i- uh. Kind've lost. He got away allie." Park shook his head, denying you of the right to blame it on yourself. "It's fine- i don't care about the stuff. I care about you. Don't ever try to do something that stupid again." You pout, as he brushed away your hair to kiss your forehead. "I love you." Your face changes from disappointment to adoration really quick. "I love you more." And the squealing from the door ruined that moment instantly. The both of you look over to see morgan, and claire freaking out, plus shaun and melendez looking confused. He shook his head with a laugh. "Meet my co-workers, Shaun, Claire, Morgan and Dr. Melendez." You wave gently. "Wish we met under better circumstances." Shaun piped up. "You are way younger than Dr. Park is." You started to laugh uncontrollable, whining in between gasps for air. "You shouldn't be laughing so hard. That surgery was intense." Melendez warned. Shaun raised an eyebrow. "Was something i said funny?" You nod. "Yeah, cause it's true. You've got balls for saying that though doc." He flexed his eyebrows, your entire dialogue confusing him. "Excuse her, when she has medicine she looses her ability to filter things." You scoff. "No way allie, i'm as normal as can be." Morgan snorted. "I'm sorry- allie?" He buried his face in his hands. "She's drugged! Don't take anything she says serious."

Chapter 13: A/N


this is my chapter of prompts for stories i've written but i think other people could write it better. feel free to use them if you'd like, no need for credits. just comment that they're good because i thrive off validation :) mixed fandoms but uh.. Context clues? If ykyk i guess. or you could ask me to write it id be happy to

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1. where jefferson (mad hatter) kidnaps u bc hes sooo inlove and he cant watch u live a different life w out him hip hip horray
some angsty shit where ur full blown sobbing begging him to free u and hes like, "It's ok darling. Your back with me, everything will be alright." hes obsesive and kinda (yandere? lmao i dont wanna call it that but theres no better way to put it.) hes sortve aggressive but its cos hes so MADLY *wink wink* in love w u

2.ok, uhm thing where u have ultra trauma no one knows until your dad (that raped + beat u) shows up to the jeffersonian. cue u having a panic attack on the platform, the squint squad freaking out trying to figure out whats wrong, but sweets saw u look at this dude, and so hes like. "What did you do to her?!" Pushes him, aalmost gets into a fight but booth stops him like, "Sweets calm down. Stop- what's the problem." Sweets says. "It's him, i don't know what he did but i saw her look at him. He did it booth." Brennan calls sweets unperfessional, and ur papa acts innocent later u tell them (mostly talking to ange and hodgins bc they kinda took u in when u first got there) what he did to u.

3.idea where your a black widow and yelana likes you (while stil under the chemical thingy u two fall inlove) then all the events of black widow happen and blah blah, then she finds you with the rest of the widows, and introduces you to nat, alexie and melina

4.ur new to the group as ross's friends little sister, joey starts to like u and tells ross but ross says dont do that, she wears her heart on her sleeve and i know youll break it. Shes been thorugh so many bad reletionships and i dont want you to hurt her

5.wait wait wait the little uh whatchamacallit ep with sweetd being all emo was in season 4 right? and in season 8 sweets was wayyy hairer and gained a little weight lmao thats actually a cute conscept like imagine sweets gains a little weight and hes scared u'll dump him for it but you absolutely adore his dad bod now
gets kinda flustered thoguh. "Dad Bod?" "Yeah, like booth." "That's it i'm going on a diet."

6.wendall x goth!reader where your absolutely decked out in black, fishnets- frosted tips in your hair.. And a tounge piercing. He instantly falls for you because your so sweet. And you share facts about random stuff. Your not 'emo' at all. Like you dont hate all people (besides daisy bc she urks my soul) or life itself. You just- sweet. And he thinks your so cute.


8.ahem so ur zacks BEST BEST FRIEND AND YOUR CRYING OVER HIM BEING GORMOGANS APPREICNETAXE AND RUN AWAY THEN SWEETS FOLLows U and when they do like the favorite thing thingy yours is a friendship bracelent that says zackaroni hodge podge and jinx

9.nancy x reader: i love my hot wife

10.friends with rob steve thinks rob has crush on u so he dont tell her that he likes u

11. dustin knowing that u like steve, and steve likes you. but you also like eddie, and eddie like you and steve which is just pure chaos in his head so hes just like, "DATW! ALL OF YOU, JUST DATE EACHOTHER!"

12.U START DATING JONATHAN SO THE SQUAD (KIDS) lucas, mike, max, eleven dustin and EXPESCUALLY WILL, put you through shit to see if your worthy for the sweet man that drives them places sometimes. AHH SO CUTE!!

13. ur like w eddie when chrissy dies so ur a suspect too. basically the events of season 4 except your there and a 'murderer' as well

14. "The key to a girl, is acting like you don't care." "Even when you do?" "Yeah, it drives them nuts."
except ur the girl and dustin regives steve his advice and hes like ok, and then blah blah but it makes you sad like oh, he's not really into me. hes just messing around and shi

Chapter 14: Spencer Reid


she gets called out've the office on a special request, but when she returns, she has a bomb vest strapped to her.
derek and reid stay by her side through the whole thing while they try to get it off.


this isn't really how i wanted it to end the alternative ending was like, it still blows up after they take it off but the only people that it hurt is the unsub (Because he was trying to get it off) and you (because it was strapped to you) The team thinks your going to die and you do too so you confess all your little lies (like stealing Elle's cup when you couldn't find yours and sneaking your paper work into Reid's pile.) and everyone's just crying and stuff. Also Penelope was gonna be there. BUT IT DIDN'T WORK OUT LIKE THAT >:( PS: there's so much stuttering its kind of aggravating. but most people stutter when they're nervous

Chapter Text

"___, got a call for you on line 4." Hotchner says while peaking his head out the office. You smile excitedly. "What're you so happy for?" Morgan queries as you pick up the phone. "Maybe, it's my mom. I haven't heard from her for a while, so explains her calling the office instead of me." You kick your feet as it rings. "Hello?" You ask the person on the other line, your smile slowly fading when you realized it was a work related call. "Not what you thought?" He teases. You flip him off as you grab your coat. "Shut up Derek." You snap back, walking out the bullpen as you pull on your jacket. "Lover boy your gawking again." He notices Reid staring at your now blurry figure exiting the building. "What? I wasn't- i mean, i was just.." He stuttered. Morgan just shakes his head with a laugh, happy he caught him in the act. 10 minutes past and then you walked back in. Sweat on your forehead and a worried expression. "Spencer-" Your shaking tone barely hearable over the bustling cops. He turns around to look at you, both him and Derek approaching after a shared glance. "What's wrong? Is that blood? Are you okay?" He reached up to touch your bleeding temple. You grab his hand and kiss it. "Oh god spencer. Okay, I'm okay. No not really." He was slightly focused on the fact that you just kissed him until you said you weren't. "Why? What's the matter baby doll?" Derek asked. You open your jacket slightly, to reveal a remote detonator capable of blowing up the entire floor strapped to your chest. "Fuck." He whispered, taking a deep breath. "Alright- uh we need every-" He was cut off by spencer. "Wait, how do we know causing a panic won't set the unsub off and he'll blow it anyway?" You shake your head. "No, no he said he want's it cleared off. Only for the team to be on the floor." You said weakly. Derek looked at you with worry. "It's okay baby girl, we'll get this off of you, okay?" He reassures you, now turning to direct everyone out. After a good 5 minutes, the only people remaining were the ones instructed. "How- how exactly did this happen?" Gideon asked. You shift ever so slightly, whimpering in fear. "Uh- uhm.. He- he knocked me out.. Dragged me into an alley. When i woke up this thing was strapped to my chest and i- i.." You cut yourself off, feeling tears coming. "Shit!" You cry out, wiping your forehead. "There was a note. It said, uhm.." You think, for a minute. "It said that everyone needs to clear off the floor but us.. And that he'd be waiting on hope street. He only wants Spencer, Gideon and JJ to go. It said something about you guys being the only ones that can't match him." Elle rubbed her forehead. "Normally I'd be flattered but.." She trailed off. Spencer shook his head. "Hell no." Everyone looked at him in surprise. Maybe because he curse, or maybe because he stood up for himself. "I'm not leaving you alone. You.. You." He couldn't think of a good reason. "I'm not." Was what he settle with. "And i know I'm being irrational, but I'm not changing my mind." He explained. "Fine. Just us then." Gideon said to JJ. Elle stepped forward. "What? No. If he can take down ___, he can sure as hell take down an old guy and a profiler who doesn't even have a gun. I'm going with you." There was no point in arguing, it was evident that'd she'd already made up her mind, and there was no changing that. So they set out, leaving you alone with Hotch, Derek, and Reid. "Guys.. Uh- sorry about all this. Sneaky bastard hit me from behind." You mumble. Hotchner crossed his arms. "Don't be sorry. It wasn't your fault, I'm the one that gave you the call to answer." He mentioned. "Oh yeah!" You exclaim. "You're totally right. And if i die, you'd blame yourself wouldn't you? Come on hopscotch, you should know better then to blame people for something they can't control." Reid's hand was shaking in yours. Or maybe your hand was shaking his. "Is that my hand shaking or yours?" You think out loud. He lifts it up slightly. "Uh- both." Derek gently removes your jacket to get a better look. "It's pretty simple. Looks like the unsub got lazy. It's reactive to body heat, so it turned on when he put it on you." He explained. Reid's eyes sparked with that familiar look of an idea. "If we can get just enough heat to simulate a human's, we might be able to just take it off." He said matter-of-factly. "And if you put too much heat? or too little? Nice try spencer, but this is my life we're playing with." You joke, sending him a kind smile. You could see his heart shatter by just the puppy dog look he returned. "You- you can't just except this. You can't give up!" He tries not to raise his voice. Derek pushed him back by his chest. "Hey kid, no ones giving up alright. She's tryna stay positive. And if you can't handle this, you need to back away." He said with a stern look. Spencer looked over him at you. "I'm sorry." He mumbles. "It's just.. You- i.." He struggles to truly say what was on his mind. "I can't explain it.. It's like, uhm- feelings. But weird feelings you know? Like being on a rollercoaster and going downwards. It feels like I'm going to puke out my guts." He explains to you. "Pretty boy's got feelings." Derek said while sitting down next to hotch. "No! well yeah.. I don't know how to describe it.. But seeing this, seeing you just barely holding on like you've excepted your fate.. It's not something that feels right." He speaks some more. "I just really, think you matter to me. Not that you didn't before this! It's just.. You matter in a different way. Whenever you go on dates- or, or flirt with him." He aggressively points at his colleague. "I feel jealous? Like that should be me.. I know it's silly but- i.." He trails off. "Think I'm in love with you?" It sounds like a question, and your expression makes him even more unsure. "Are you serious right now Spencer Reid? Did you just, fucking confess your love for me.. WHILE IM STRAPPED TO A BOMB?!" You yell. "WHAT, YOU COULDN'T DO THAT EARLIER? WHEN I WASN'T ON THE BRINK OF FUCKING DEATH?!" You snap, almost wanting to throw a punch at him. He backs away in fear. "I'm sorry!" He yells back, closing one eye excepting you to shout something else. "fuck." You whisper, leaning your head against the glass door. "Oh great, now that's on my conscience too. You, you were always so quiet around me. For a while, i thought you were a freak or something.. But- but Gideon explained you don't wanna talk my ear off, you don't want me to hate you too. But here's the thing pretty boy." He looks down at you with a confused expression. "I could never hate you. God, i can't even be MAD at you. You wanna know how long I've been waiting to hear you say that?" You reveal avoiding eye contact. Surprise spreads across the 24 year old's face. "Now you can't ever make me leave." He said, grabbing your face and kissing you. Despite the fact that you wanted to stand there forever, screw the bomb that was attached to you, you shoved him away. "Did i do something wrong?" He said sadly. You shake your head. "No, no.. i just really, really don't wanna die today." You look down to the bomb. He nods and shoves his hands into his pockets. Derek slowly claps like a tv-show character. "WOOO HOO! Go boy wonder!" He cheers. You glance at him with a frown. "Not funny." You remind him. 30 minutes passed and you felt your legs getting incredibly weak. "How much longer?" You beg god knows who. Suddenly, the phone rings. "Hotchner." Hotch says glancing at you with a (happy?) expression. "They found the unsub. They're bringing him up now to get this thing off of you." You squeal in excitement. "Oh thank the lords!" But come on, it wasn't genuine happiness. Any fool could see that. You wee still scared shitless because what if they mess up? They arrive barely 3 minutes later with cuffed unsub. You felt yourself on the brink of tears again. How could you let that bastard do this to you? You were a trained FBI agent. You stay as still as possible until its off your body, completely collapsing to the floor when it was off. You sob and cry, and Reid pulls you into a hug. The guy stands there for a second before muttering; "Pussy." Your entire demeanor changed. You stand to your feet still wobbling and brush off your legs. "What'd you say?" You ask politely. He sizes you up, puffing out his chest to look bigger. "I called you a pussy. Your an FBI agent ain't cha? you shouldn't be so scared." You scoff in shock. "I'll show you fear you good for nothing child fuckin-" You grab his shoulders and kick him in the nuts, when he leans over, you knee him in the face. He falls to the floor, and you repeatedly kick his stomach. Spitting on his face once. Derek picked you up to stop the attack. "Hey! Kid stop!" He called out to you. You wiggle out of his grasp, pulling your shirt down. "I'M SUING THIS SKANK! YALL SAW THAT!" He said wearily, coughing up blood. "I didn't see anything." Gideon said. JJ nodded in agreement. "I was too busy looking over the files." She said with a shrug. Hotch picked up the unsub by his forearm and dragged him to his feet. "Fuck you bitch!" He called out while being dragged away. Once he was out of sight, you turned back to spencer. "I'm sorry." You whisper to him. "You shouldn't be." He grabs your face and gives you a second kiss, and this time, you didn't pull away. Everyone stared in shock. "Uh- that's knew?" Elle exclaimed. Gideon smiled at the two of you. "No. It's not."

Chapter 15: Aaron Hotchner


Rossi being hotch's wingman is my new favorite thing in the world. this is just a short skit


i've been gone for a while because school js started back up.. (Sigh.) and then my computer broke which was very very awesome. :(( anyway i haven't really got any writing in, but i did just start umbrella academy so prepare for that.

Chapter Text

"You're social life has gone to shit every since Haley died. And i hate to be that person, Aaron. But you need to get back out there." Rossi crossed his arms. "I have friends." Hotch scoffed at the accusation. "Outside of work? Name one." He came out short, making Rossi smile. "Exactly. I have a particular lady in mind that's just dying to have a night out with you." Aaron gave a weird look. "Did you put me on online dating?" Dave snorted softly, "No! Of course not. It's someone in the office. On the team." Hotch gave him an unimpressed look. "You still think she wants to go out with me? After i shut her down last time?" Rossi nodded. "Yes, she is. You just have to apologize. She's pretty much in love with you, Aaron." He pointed out. "I will. At some point." Dave shook his head. "No, not at some point. Today. I expect to hear her talking to Emily about your date. Or I'll set you up myself." Hotch let out a small laugh. "Okay, okay. Today. At lunch."

See, but hotch was nervous. He felt like a teenager again, afraid to ask his crush to prom. You fell first, but he fell much, much harder. "____. Can i talk to you in my office?" You looked at Emily, who clenched her teeth dramatically. "Am i in trouble?" You asked, walking side by side to the room. "Far from it. I wanted to ask if you were free tonight?" You stare at him for a moment. "What?" He put his hands in his pockets. "Reid was talking about this new Thai place a few blocks away. And.." He trailed off. "You can say no." He made sure to add. "Why would i say no? I mean I'm going to say no, but why would you think i would?" He flexed his eyebrows. "Well- i shut you down the last time you asked me out." You nod slowly. "No, Aaron. I'm not free tonight. Because i promised JJ I'd take care of henry. She and Will have a date tonight. " He frowns a little. "That's fine." Was all he managed to say. "But I'm free tomorrow. We can get breakfast instead." He smiles weakly. "Sounds like a plan."

Chapter 16: Stu Macher


basically the scream movie except you're Stu's girlfriend, billy attempts to kill you so you kill him! (Btw, reader's perfectly sane she's just super in love with stu. The things love makes you do. And as one would say, DR SUESS, WHO?!!) (also i don't own anything of the scream franchise, creds to the creators of it for giving me another serial killer to bone for)


GUESS WHO JS STARTED BINGING ALL THE SCREAM MOVIES!!! (I'm literally already on the third one in just a day. i have no life if you couldn't guess) Stu and Billy stole my heart, and made me fall in love with more psychopaths. Like first Tate Langdon and now this. Smh.. Anyway, expect more!

Chapter Text

"A murder?" You repeat. "Who the hell's killing teens in this funky ass town? I'd go for someone famous at least, maybe then I'd get more press." You mumble. "Damn pretty girl. I like the way you think." Stu chuckles, tossing his arm over your shoulder. "But, maybe they only have access to people in this town, within their age group." You look at him. "You sound like you speak from experience." You grin. "Are you accusing me of being the killer, lovely? Because I've got to say, I'm offended." He scoffed. You raise your eyebrows. "Offended? I'd be honored. I'd be happy if anyone called me anything besides weird girl. Murderer included." You shrug. "And imagine that on your record! Oh yeah, i killed the assholes of Woodsboro high. Pretty fucking gnarly!" Sydney sat down next to you. "It freaks me out that your happy about that." She points out. "Oh come on, your telling me it WOULDN'T be sick to be named the first serial killer of this town?" Stu turned your face and kissed you swiftly. "Then how would you kill someone, doll face?" You pause to think. "I'd cut off their face." You kiss his cheek. "Then their fingerprints." And then his hands. "And slice-" You put your hand at the bottom of his stomach and slowly trail up, all the way to his neck. "Up to here. Leaving their guts out so animals could finish them off." You kiss where your hand ended. "You are one psycho chick." Randy chuckled. "Haven't you heard? Crazies are the best in bed." Stu wiggled his eyebrows at his friend. "To be honest, i feel bad for Casey's parents. They found her just hanging there." Tatum admitted to the group. "Maybe if they'd listened to her, she wouldn't be dead. Haven't you heard? They police were saying that Casey was alive for a while once her parents got there, screaming for help." You shrugged. "So you're saying its her parent's fault? You're fucked up." Tatum muttered under her breath. You look her up and down. "What was that Tate? I didn't hear you." She shook her head. "Nothing. Bells about to ring. Come on Syd." She tugged her friend along, and Randy followed just to get to class on time. Billy trailed after his girlfriend just for the cause. "I don't get why you're so hard on her. She wants to be your friend." You frown a little. "I don't want to be her friend, Stu. I want her gone. I don't wanna see her anymore to be honest. I just wish she'd get the hint." Why did you hate Tatum one may ask? Well, for the first few years of high school, you liked Stu. Practically the whole school knew, including the little tramp. But she asked him out. Your supposedly best friend asked out the one guy you literally were prepared to kill for to be with. And when Stu found out you liked him, he broke up with her and got with you instead. That doesn't mean you can't hate her with your entire spirit.

Blah blah, things happened, Sydney almost died, so school was canceled. Stu, being the partier he was, suggested to host a party to enjoy these few days off. "I don't know Macher. What if this super psycho killer comes to this party and tries to kill you." You could see the faintest genuine smile on his face when you said that, which was rare for the boy who'd been so fucked up in the head he rarely showed his true emotions. "It's not me you should worry about, doll face. Plus, I'm a big boy. I can protect myself." He tossed you over his shoulder. "So what about it Sydney? Party at my place?" She looked unsure. "Say yes SYD! Please, I'm getting dizzy up here!" She grinned. "Alright, Alright." Stu dropped you to your feet, making sure you didn't fall as you tried to regain your balance. "Perfect. Bring snacks and alcohol!" He ran off to go catch up with his other friends after that. At this party, Stu greeted you as any energy filled boyfriend would; picking you up off your feet and carrying you away into the crowd. "THE STAR OF THE PARTY HAS ARRIVED!" He announced, gently tossing you onto the couch next to a few other kids and Randy. "Hey Rands. What're we watching?" The horror movie crazed boy looked up at the television. "We were deciding." He said.

A few hours in, and it was just you and Randy left on the couch. All the idiot kids went to go check out their principals dead body. "Next movie i guess." You mumble, taking out the tape and putting in another. But when you turned around, your friend was gone. "Rands? Randy!" You look around for a moment, grabbing the nearest blunt object you could. "Hell no. Fuck this shit. IF ANYONE BESIDES MY FRIEND IS HERE YOU BETTER STAY FUCKING HIDING, BECAUSE OTHERWISE, I'M BASHING YOUR HEAD IN!" You threaten. And just like that, the Ghostface killer slowly walked around the corner. "I thought your M.O was sneaking up on people?" He (Or she) stepped closer. "You don't threaten." He reminded you. It sounded like a voice changer. "You're right. And I'm surviving. So how's this going to go down?" He charged at you, holding the knife up like some cliche slasher film. You duck and kick him in the stomach, running around the couch and pushing that forward to hit his knees. "Bitch!" He shouted. You go the front door, running outside and around the house. You knew Stu's house like the back of your hand, and how to climb up it to get into his room. Past experience and a acquired skill from how horny your boyfriend got at 3am in the morning. Once you got in, you locked the door. "I should've just gotten the fuck out of here. Stupid!" You hit your head on the wall. 10 minutes went by before shit got real. The door was kicked in without a way out. "Let's talk about this! I can help you! I don't puke at blood and I'm super strong. I can be your alibi for when the cops come!" You rambled. That didn't work at all. He grabbed your arm and stabbed you in the stomach and then the chest, but it was enough for you to slowly bleed out. He ran out once again. You slowly crawled down the stairs and into the living room. "This sucks majorly." You gasp, seeing Stu and Billy in the Kitchen with Sydney. But something wasn't right here. "Stu!" You called out. He turned around in surprise when hearing your voice. "___? Dammit." He ran towards you, immediately putting pressure on the wound. "YOU PROMISED YOU WOULDN'T TOUCH HER YOU ASS!" He shouted at Billy. "And you said she'd get out the house! We leave no witnesses Stu. Not even your whore girlfriend." Stu looked up at his friend then down at you. "Hey, hey it's okay. You're gonna be fine. The cops will come and then you, you'll get help." You graze your hand on his cheek. "But if the cops come, you'll be arrested Stu. You can't go to jail." He chuckled. "Always worried about me, doll face." He kissed your hand gently. "It's okay." A shot went off and Sydney's body dropped to the floor. "Oh!" You shout. "Syd. You killed Sydney too? Damn Billy, have you no mercy?" You laughed, coughing a little blood. Stu leaned in and kissed your cheek, whispering something in your ear; "Take the gun and kill Billy. We frame Sydney's dad." You paused, your very small morale code being slightly hurt by this. But Billy did try to kill you. You smile gently to signify yes, then fell stiff so as to fake dead. "You killed my girl you asshole! You killed my ___!" Stu shouted. "Now we kill Sydney's dad. Murder-suicide was the plan." He explained, then pointing the gun and Syd's pops and firing it at the right angle. "Now It's your turn asshole." You shot him as many times as the gun had bullets, then hearing sirens outside. "Come on, I've got you." He held you upright so you could lean on him and limp outside. "What happened to you kids?" The chief asked. You sob quietly. "Mr. Prescott- he was wearing the mask and he killed everyone! He killed Sydney and, and oh my god Tatum." You paused. "Then he killed himself." You sniffle. You were guiding away by first responders, never letting go of Stu's hand in the process.