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Clean Energy


Taylor's proud to be in charge of such a wonderful production facility. Getting to show off the cunning devices she makes here to her idol, Alexandria, is just amazing. Almost as amazing as the ways that she's keeping various female capes in bondage to gather their energy from. And they look good doing it, too.

Work Text:

Taylor rocked back and forth on her heels and had to take a deep breath to try and calm herself down. She had done this sort of thing before, given tours of her workshop to people before. She could do it again, show off what she did here and how she did it, it all shouldn’t be any kind of a problem, right?

Oh, she sure hoped that she was right. It wasn’t every day that Alexandria came to visit you, after all. Taylor really, really wanted things to go pretty much perfectly, let the coolest cape in all of North America be impressed at how well Taylor had her act together and how good things were going here.

There was a lot that she was planning to show off to the older cape. Taylor had put plenty of work into all of this and she was glad for a chance to show it off. Show off what she did and how it benefited all the other heroes in the Protectorate and the Guild.

Her products kind of spoke for themselves, really. The batteries that she could make were just so useful. Armsmaster, for instance, was her strongest local supporter, since her power cells meant that his work needed less maintenance. Eidolon could cycle through his powers much more quickly and have a better grasp of what was being offered to him. Miss Militia could use her own innate powers to replicate low-level Tinker weapons. Nothing that was exactly groundbreaking and it all built on the abilities a cape already had, but still, it was a nice, nice benefit.

Villains thought so, too, sadly. Taylor spent most of her time in her lab, working on her creations, but she had heard how the Undersiders had managed to steal a shipment of power cells right from underneath the nose of the PRT. And now Hellhound’s dogs could be heard howling from pretty much everywhere in the city and Regent’s small army of controlled people made for a constant distraction whenever they did a job.

That was pretty bad and Taylor was glad it wasn’t her responsibility to deal with! She just had to keep on making these batteries and that was more than enough for her. It was so very fun for her, in fact. So pleasant and erotic and all of that.

After all, these power cells weren’t charged up with anything as mundane as electricity or something. Taylor had lifted the name of orgone energy from a sex book and had resisted letting anyone call it anything else besides maybe O-Energy. And if people thought that stood for Orgasm Energy, then they would be almost, but not quite, right.

Orgasms by themselves just didn’t last nearly long enough for Taylor to harvest a useful amount of energy from. And after an orgasm, of course, nothing radiated off of them at all, not a single scrap that Taylor could harvest. But during the lead-up to an orgasm, well, then Taylor and her harvesters could get quite the nice collection of energy from the capes.

And it only could be capes, sadly. For whatever reason, normal humans just didn’t work at all. It was (female) capes or nothing. And well, Taylor was fine with that. Very, very fine with that, after looking into some of the capes here in Brockton Bay and seeing the villains and deciding that she could do a lot better job with them than they were doing themselves.

So that was why her workshop was so big. She needed the bays to keep the female capes she had acquired, keep them safe and secure and productive. Taylor really hoped that Alexandria would like a tour of the place, so she could show it all off and let Alexandria admire just how productive Taylor was.

And also understand that Taylor’s requests for more funding and more space and more capes were very reasonable and should be approved right away, of course. That just went without saying.

And she was coming in now. Taylor straightened up and brushed down her costume, making sure that her lab coat was spotless, that her mask across her upper face was in place, that she looked the part of the Tinker that she was. She smiled as the famous woman set down in front of her, looking very impressive indeed in her dark costume and her imposing height and everything. And Taylor was pleased to see one of her own power cells hanging on Alexandria’s hip, colored in black and silver and blending in with the rest of her costume.

“Alexandria, it is a pleasure to meet you,” Taylor said, stepping forward and extending a hand. “I hope you had a calm flight over here.”

“Yes, it was without problem, thank you,” Alexandria said, taking Taylor’s hand and giving it a quick squeeze. “And you’re doing fine as well, Doctor Power?”

“Oh, fine, fine, I’m doing just fine,” Taylor said, stepping backwards and opening the door to her workshop. “Would you care to come in?”

They exchanged a few brief words about the weather and such as Taylor ushered the superhero inside. The pile of power cells were neatly stacked in a bag on a table already, just waiting to be picked up and the strap slung over Alexandria’s shoulder on the trip back to LA.

“These will make a difference back home,” Alexandria said, opening the bag and glancing inside, nodding in satisfaction at the steel casings. “Well done, Doctor.”

“Thank you,” Taylor said happily. “And these are the old ones?” She took the bag from Alexandria’s hand and glanced inside, seeing the dead cells, just waiting to be recharged again.

“As soon as possible, yes,” Alexandria said with a nod. “How long do you expect that to be?”

“Well, if I had more power sources to draw from, that would obviously mean that I can recharge cells and make new ones faster,” Taylor said, with as far as hints went was about as subtle as a slap to the face. “I’m at my current production limit now, getting as much out of each unit as I can.”

“Would you mind showing me these… units?” Alexandria asked. “I’ve heard a great deal about them.”

“Of course, ma’am!” Taylor said quickly and enthusiastically. “I’d love to show off my-,” she managed to swallow ‘self’ before actually saying it and quickly swapped something a bit more fitting in, “work to you.”

It was possible that Alexandria noticed that but she didn’t comment on it. Instead, Taylor turned around marched for the doors that led to Power Generation. That always got people to focus on stuff besides slips of the tongue. Though tongues were often heavily involved, that was obvious.

“You know how this is all done, right?” Taylor asked, glancing over her shoulder as the taller woman followed after her. “What I do and why?”

“I signed off on the approval to build this facility, yes,” Alexandria said with a nod. “You gather energy from villainous capes.”
“I gather but I don’t extract,” Taylor said, having had to make that point many times before. “It’s something that they radiate off of them naturally and all I do is gather what would already be pouring off of them.”

That was an important point for her to make, she felt. And one that she had made many times before to many other people while assembling all of this. and it was obviously a point worth making, since she had this entire converted warehouse that she could rule as her own personal fief to run all sorts of experiments and novel procedures in.

“I would still like to examine your harvesters,” Alexandria said, putting her hands behind her back and looking quite intimidating (and cool) indeed. “And see for myself what the conditions are like here.”

“Of course,” Taylor said with a quick nod. She had run this tour a number of times before but never for someone as impressive as Alexandria. “Please, follow me. Oh, and while I wish this would go without saying, please do not touch anything unless I tell you that you can.” She paused and glanced down at Alexandria’s hands that could carve through concrete with a single finger. “Not that anything I have in here could possibly hurt you.”
“Most likely not, but I’ll spare you the trouble of having to replace any equipment,” Alexandria said with a smile underneath her helmet. “Please, lead the way.”
Right. Right. Taylor took a deep breath and pulled up the sales prattle that Dad had helped her craft and she had honed with all the times she had deployed it. That lead the pair of them out of the room and into the actual heart of the warehouse, where the magic happened. For all that Taylor really understood the science behind it all, it might literally be magic, at that.

“Two of my newest guests are a matched set,” Taylor said, trying out the phrasing in front of someone else for the first time and still not wild about how it sounded. “More guests from the Empire and a clear sign of the success that the forces of law and order are having against the infestation of hatred and crime that have so long infested our beautiful city.”

Alexandria did not seem terribly impressed with that so Taylor just coughed and stepped to the side, showing off the Nazi twins in all their splendor. Then she turned to look at them as well, because there really was something satisfying about seeing them like this.

Fenja and Menja were both looking great with each other. Amazingly good, in fact. There was the whole identical twins thing. And the blonde beauty thing. And dragged down by the Nazi creep thing but if they weren’t allowed to say anything or do anything, so Taylor supposed that if just stayed all in their heads with no chance of being expressed, it wasn’t all bad.

And even if it was, they were too hot to get upset over. Wow, it was just amazing how hot they were. Naked except for the cuffs and the collars around both of their necks, firmly wrapped down and being held in place, Taylor (and Alexandria) could run their eyes over plenty of exposed, pale skin, seeing the way that they moved and twitched and did everything that was just so hot and erotic.

Most of what the twins did was eat each other out. They really didn’t have a choice, after all. They were bound into a 69 position, each blonde head buried between the thighs of her sister. And then they had to lick, conjuring up sexual desire and lust in each other and having it be gathered by the machine they were strapped in.

“So how do you keep them motivated to do this?” Alexandria asked, looming over the beautiful sisters and looking down at them. “Were they already inclined to this kind of behavior?”

“Well, they were Kaiser’s consorts, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the champion of family values loved incest,” Taylor said, reaching over and running a gloved hand along one bare thigh, feeling the muscles twitching underneath the skin. “But I’ve got a system of rewards set up to keep them tending to each other.”

At Alexandria’s inquiring grunt, Taylor expanded on that. She was always ready to expand on what she did and share her process with anyone who showed any kind of interest at all. It was just so much fun, what she was doing here and the results that she was getting.

“See, there’s two main factors here,” Taylor said, pointing at the leads attached to both twins, cables running from the black circles into the walls. “If one of them stops licking their sister’s pussy for more than fifteen seconds in a five-minute time frame, they got shocked. Long enough to take a drink of water,” her finger moved to the water jugs next to each head, “but not long enough for the arousal to die down inside of them. So they just have to spend their time licking and licking and licking, tending to each other’s wet pussy and feeling their bodies getting pressed against one another.”

“Those are some impressively large bodies, at that,” Alexandira said with a nod.

“I know,” Taylor said with a giggle. It wasn’t a patch on how large they could get in full, not the full thirty feet, but she had allowed them to grow to six and a half feet or so. Enough to be impressive and to make their already generous curves even more so, but not so much that everything would have to be remodeled to fit their new sizes. ‘You can touch them if you want, just make sure not to accidently push them over the edge.”

“There a problem with that?” Alexandria asked, looking at them carefully but not actually touching them.

“I wouldn’t call it a problem, since I designed it that way, but if one of them cums, their sister gets an electrical shock. Not a strong one, obviously!” Taylor had no desire to hurt her batteries at all, she wanted to keep them going for as long as possible. But it was a useful tool to keep them in line. “But enough to know that their pleasure comes with their sister’s pain.”

“And they know that if they make their sister cum, then they’ll get punished,” Alexandira said with a nod. “And since they can’t stop licking, they have to make sure that they constantly edge each other.”

“They have to do their best to keep themselves at the point of an orgasm without ever crossing over into one,” Taylor said, smiling and nodding. “Yep! You’d be amazed at just how much energy can be generated by that.”

“And the fact that they are identical twins doesn’t hurt, I’m sure,” Alexandira said, a small smile appearing on her face for a moment.

Taylor could hardly deny that. She just nodded in agreement. She had been hoping to run some useful experiments on this pair, see if she could get some more energy out of a pair of capes who had such a close bond with one another. The results weren’t promising yet but Taylor wasn’t going to give up before the month was out, at the very least. Best to make sure, after all, make sure that she had covered every single possibility.

She took a moment to admire the twins as they worked. Seeing how their large breasts pressed against each other’s belly, how their thick thighs flexed and clenched in the restraints keeping them in place, see how they moved back and forth. It was all very erotic and pleasing indeed. So very pleasing. And even better was how they kept on working and working, doing their best to eat each other out and bring plenty of pleasure to one another. That was really hot, watching their tongues flicking out and sliding back and forth against their sister’s pussy.

They had gotten awfully good at it by now, too. Reading their sister’s movements and wetness and the sounds they each made, able to tell just how good they were feeling and able to keep each other there. Right on the edge of things without ever letting them actually go over and into an orgasm that would get them punished.

Taylor sighed and patting Fenja on the head, stroking her blonde curls for a moment before drawing her hand back. As charming as the twins were, and they really were very cute and sexy indeed, there was far more that Taylor wanted to show off to her hero here. And maybe get headpats for doing such a good job and helping villains really contribute to law and order in a proper, useful, (sexy) way.

“Moving onto some of my older acquisitions,” Taylor said, straightening up and blushing slightly underneath her mask, “I’m sure that you’ll be impressed at the different variations that I use in each subject.” She glanced at Alexandria, who just nodded. “I customize each holding area to the individual, to make sure that things are as good as can be for everyone involved.”

And sure, Taylor supposed that the women (or girls) inside the restraints might have their own ideas about just how good things were for them. But it was obviously silly and foolish to pay too much attention to their protests and complaints. They were doing a good thing now and Taylor didn’t have any problem with keeping them restrained and out of trouble, instead of allowing them to ruin the lives of others.

And she could see just how aroused each of them were. How much their bodies enjoyed what they went through, no matter what their minds might say. As for what their mouths might say, well, obviously Taylor didn’t see any reason at all for those to be used.

Despite the large population of female capes from the Empire 88, the next one down the line wasn’t from them. Though she did look like she would fit in well with them, given the blonde hair and blue eyes. Squealer was obviously improving in her time here with Taylor, that was without question.

Though Taylor had spent quite a few sleepless nights working to purge the Tinker from the witch’s brew od drugs that Squealer had been addicted to. And even now, if Squealer was freed from her constraints and left to go do her own things and follow her own desires, Taylor didn’t think that it would be long at all before she ended up shooting up on coke or heroin or whatever. Another good reason for why the capes here were going to be staying here for a very, very long time.

More relevantly than Squealer’s addiction problems, she was looking just as fine as anyone else in the building right now. Just like with all the others, Taylor had custom-built a set of restraints for the blonde woman, keeping her trapped in an energy-gathering device of Taylor’s own design that helped the constant demand for more power cells from the wider world of heroes.

Taylor and Aelxandria paused for a moment to admire what she had done to Squealer, how she had ended up looking. Taylor felt proud over it, just like she did with all of the capes that she came up with custom holding schemes for.

Squealer looked like she was riding a motorcycle. And she did think that she was riding a motorcycle! He was wearing biker leathers or, at least, a version of biker leathers adapted for life in containment. A big helmet covering her face that Taylor had built a VR headset into. Complete stimulation of the senses thanks to it! And there was even a small display screen to the side showing what Squealer was seeing. And hearing, if Taylor unmuted it.

She didn’t and just glanced at the monitor. Squealer was cruising down a desert highway at a pretty steady clip, no other cars to be seen and the yellow sun hanging high in a clear blue sky. A nice sight and something that she could enjoy.

Enjoy in quite a few senses of the word, in fact. There was the rest of her outfit to consider, after all. Like the fact that her motorcycle leathers had a hole cut out around the crotch and butt so that anyone or anything could reach in and toy with her holes. And that her motorcycle jacket was more of a underbreast corset that pushed her amazing and massive tits up to be admired by Taylor and any guests that came through here.

Despite her holes being on an inviting display, what was actually getting Squealer off (or getting her really close to getting off without ever taking her all the way, at least) was a vibrator, built into the wheelless motorcycle that she thought that she was riding. It was a powerful engine and the thrums and vibrations of it would carry right up through the casing and into her pussy. Taylor had toyed with it herself before installing Squealer onto it and she could confirm that it was a pretty pleasant and enjoyable sensation.

One that would be more enjoyable if Squealer could actually orgasm from it. But in the two months that she had been here with Taylor, she hadn’t gotten to cum once, even though almost all of her time was spent here on top of the machine. Sure, she might spend hours riding through the deserts and mountains and cities and everything else that the program could simulate, but every now and then, there would a breakdown on the motorcycle.

And who would have guessed it? Those breakdowns always happened when Squealer was right at the edge of an orgasm, right when her curvy, beautiful body was trembling and twitching with the desire to cum. And then there would be nothing for it to but to get off the silent and still machine and fiddle with it to get it back into shape.

That actually owed quite a bit to Squealer’s continuing drug addiction and lack of awareness. With someone in their right mind, even a mind fogged by the constant edging and denial that they underwent, Taylor really, really didn’t think it would be possible to get them through the motions of fixing the bike without them realizing what was going on. But with how disorientated Squealer was, she had yet to show any signs of realizing what she was actually going through and where she was.

“I see from this readout,” Alexandria said, examining the status display next to the display screen showing a fine desert day, “that she’s undergoing special training?”

“Yes, she is,” Taylor said, drawing her attention away, however reluctantly, from Squealer’s erotic body. “This place is almost as safe as the PRT headquarters but when I go outside, I’m a lot more vulnerable. I need a good driver,” she patted Squealer’s machine, though she didn’t touch the woman herself. “And she can certainly get me to and from where I need to go quickly and safely.”

“How much time have you spent on this and how much time would it take to go through a defensive driving course?” Alexandria asked, Taylor easily able to picture the cocked eyebrow underneath a helmet.

“I, well, it’s also imparting some useful skills for her later life,” Taylor said, her cheeks heating as she tried to think of a better way to sell this. “And, of course, wherever she goes, she’ll still be generating power to be harvested for more batteries. I know how much everyone needs those batteries.”

“The list of possible uses seems as long as the list of every cape in the world, agreed,” Alexandria said. “I trust that you’ll continue to make the best possible use out of the ones that you have.”

Taylor nodded, feeling a bit embarrassed and thinking that now might be an excellent time to draw Alexandria’s attention to a cape that she should get a lot more use out of. Taylor just had to be careful not to tip her hand too early and ruin the surprise.

“Bakuda here,” Taylor said, gesturing at the Asian cape, the only non-white cape in the entire warehouse, actually, “has been very useful. If I could get some more Tinkers to establish a proper baseline, I might be able to confirm a theory I have that Tinkers give off the most energy.”

“It’s possible, but I would caution against leaning too hard into that sort of thinking,” Alexandria said, crossing her arms as she stared at the college-aged woman. “All the classifications from Brutes to Tinkers are made by us, not by whatever source is responsible for our powers. I’ve seen this mistake before, don’t lean too hard into thinking that all, or even most, capes fall into neatly-labeled boxes.”

“Armsmaster said something similar once,” Taylor said. “And ever since, I’ve made extra certain to check their powers to make sure that they don’t have anything obscure that could let them out of here.”

Alexandria nodded, turning her attention to Bakuda. Bakuda was looking pretty sexy right now, Taylor thought. Of course, she thought that all of the women that she had in here were looking fine and amazing, really special and great.

Bakuda had her arms and legs drawn behind her and was anchored inside of some restraints. Just enough room inside of the cuffs for her to move her hands and feet a bit, to keep the blood flowing, but the insides of the restraints were smooth and featureless, so there was nothing at all that she could get a hold of that might let her break free or do something.

Beyond that, Bakuda was wearing a tight catsuit that was almost painted onto her. Taylor could see the outlines of her nipples bulging against the shiny black surface and if her labia were plumper, then she was sure that she would be able to see some cameltoe from Bakuda as well.

Taylor had gotten inspired when making Bakuda’s getup. She had seen the bombs that Bakuda had been making before they had been hauled off to some PRT armory and had taken that idea for her own. She hoped she wasn’t being cruel or anything in giving Bakuda constant reminders of what she had used to do but it just seemed so fitting that Taylor couldn’t really do anything else.

In short, there were nine bombs surrounding Bakuda. Or, at least, Taylor was calling them bombs though she didn’t think that anyone else ever would. The important thing was that seven of the bombs were traps that when they went off, would flood Bakuda’s aroused system with a countering agent that would bring her crashing down.

“What is that that she’s perched on?” Alexandria asked, leaning forward a bit to study the Asian woman as she twitched and twisted.

“Ah, yes, a sybian,” Taylor said. “It’s constantly going at a pretty steady pace, pressed right up against her crotch. Very stimulating, very enjoyable for her. Or, well, I suppose it might be.”

Those seven bombs could do a number on her arousal, after all. And the eighth bomb wasn’t any better. It would supercharge Bakuda’s orgasm, make it so intense that actual pleasure couldn’t really be felt from it and would just leave her twitching and helplessly sprawled out as much as her restraints would allow her to.

It was the ninth bomb that was what kept Bakuda going, Taylor knew. The ninth bomb would give her an orgasm right on the spot, right then and there.

And there was something very special about the control system that Bakuda was using to defuse and rewire the bombs. A very unique interface system that Taylor didn’t think anyone else in the entire world had ever used.

It was, in fact, a perfect replica of Alexandria’s pussy. Taylor really hoped that it was, at least, the amount of money that she had paid for it meant that she would be very upset if she had been cheated. Anyway, it was built into a mask strapped onto Bakuda’s face. She had to use her tongue to interact with the control system and defuse the bombs that surrounded her. And the way to defuse them was to lick and suck and kiss the replica pussy until it came.

Bakuda was undergoing some special training, just like Squealer was. When it was all finished, Taylor hoped to be able to present a properly-trained Bakuda to her favorite hero along with the machines needed to draw power from Bakuda. If anyone deserved to have access to her own set of power cells without waiting on Taylor to recharge the used ones or make more, it was Alexandria, after all.

Anyway, the point was that Bakuda had to defuse eight of the bombs if she wanted an orgasm. And if she managed to figure out which bomb the ninth one was, then she could trigger it and get an orgasm from that in addition to the one that the sybian would give her. Part of what Taylor was doing with her was seeing if a cape could keep their powers and use them, even while being kept in a useful state for energy harvesting.

“How can she tell which bomb does what?” Alexandria asked, looking down at the readouts that summarized what Taylor had been thinking about.

“There’s a few subtle hints inside of the control unit,” Taylor said, pointing to the pussy built into the mask covering the lower half of Bakuda’s face. “If she pays attention, she can figure out what’s what.”

“I see,” Alexandria said, looking at Bakuda again. “And if she- ah, I see she’s cumming.”

Taylor nodded, watching the Asian woman writhe and squirm on top of the sybian as she got to feel very good indeed. Taylor enjoyed that though there were other things that she enjoyed as well. Like watching how worked up and horny and needy one of her captive capes could get as they tried to get the orgasm that their body was demanding and needing so very strongly.

Still, if Bakuda was going to be set on her own, away from Taylor, getting her used to this kind of pleasure would be a good idea, wouldn’t it? Taylor licked her lips as she stared, feeling a certain welcome heat throbbing inside of her belly. Maybe after Alexandria left, she get an orgasm. There were certainly plenty of options for her to get one here, she just had to decide which of the many, many options was the best one for her.

And wait until Alexandria was actually gone. And there was still so much more that she had to show off.

Here came one of the things that Taylor wanted to display, in fact. Rune was slowly, carefully making her way towards the pair of them. Taylor took a long moment to admire Rune, seeing how she looked right now.

Since Rune was just a girl, not even a year older than Taylor herself, Taylor had decided to be a bit more lenient on her and give her a second chance. That was why she was Taylor’s assistant right now, her helper who could take care of some of the many, many demands on Taylor’s time. And she looked great while doing it, too!

Seriously, she looked absolutely amazing right now, the way that the thigh-high high-heeled boots pushed her ass up and made her take these tiny steps meant that she looked amazing from behind. And there were the matching elbow gloves that actually went almost all the way up to her shoulders. Finally, the thick collar with some of Taylor’s tech built into it, also great. Just amazingly great, really.

And that made up the sum total of Rune’s costume. Her breasts (bigger than Taylor’s, as if that was unusual), her crotch, the entire rest of her body, in fact, was on perfect display. And it looked amazing. It set Taylor’s arousal up another notch inside of her and she licked her lips as she ran her eyes back and forth over Rune.

Alexandria seemed to be checking Rune out as well. Well, if she wanted to have a quicky with a mostly-reformed villainess before she left, Taylor would be more than happy to lend Rune to her. Rune was harmless, after all. The collar made sure of that.

The collar was more than just a symbol of Rune’s subservience and submission. It also sealed Rune’s power off from her and gave it to Taylor, or at least a control unit that Taylor had built. She didn’t do much with it during the course of a normal day but, well, the fact that she had it and Rune didn’t was enough, really.

What Taylor set the unit to do most days was pretty simple. There was a ball buried inside of Rune’s pussy, a mix of ceramic and metal inside of a silicone coating. Buried nice and deep inside of her pussy, gently throbbing and vibrating. It would never be enough to make Rune cum and it would also never stop. It would just keep on going and going and going, letting Rune feel the toy humming inside of her and buzzing against her walls, letting her feel very good. Taylor could see how good it was feeling for Rune right now, the slick arousal shining on her thighs as she took some careful, steady steps towards Taylor, making sure that she didn’t fall over.

And sure, that meant that Rune could masturbate and give herself an orgasm. It wouldn’t even take much work to make it happen. But it would be awfully humiliating for her to do that. And Taylor gave her enough tasks each day to keep her hands busy. Busy enough that if Rune wanted to masturbate, she’d have to throw her thigh over something and hump away at it like a bitch in heat. That would be even more embarrassing than masturbating normally and Taylor just didn’t think that Rune was the kind of girl to do it. No matter how needy and horny and aroused she might get. Not knowing that Taylor was almost certain to see it happen and to comment on what she was getting up to.

“A message for you, ma’am,” Rune said in a soft, subservient voice, stopping in front of Taylor.

“Thank you, Rune,” Taylor said, patting the slightly shorter girl on top of her head.

Then she reached down and took the printed message off of the tray that Rune had. That Rune almost always had, in fact. The reason that the blonde girl couldn’t use her hands to get herself off was because they were busy doing this.

This being holding up the large, silvery tray in front of her. That was attached to her nipples with two clips and a short length of cord. If Rune let go of the tray then, well, Taylor didn’t think that even the most devoted pain slut would enjoy what would happen to her then. Rune just had to keep one or both hands holding the tray steady so it wouldn’t tug at her nipples. It was quite the sight, seeing her naked like this and walking around and just being oh so delicious.

Was it any wonder that when Taylor had some free time or was just brainstorming or something, she’d sit down, spread her legs and have Rune crawl in between them to work at her pussy? Really, it was just to be expected with someone as amazingly hot and sweet as Rune. Well, sweet in a certain kind of way that didn’t look at her past actions or current beliefs.

Ah, Vista wanted an appointment to discuss a custom arrangement. Taylor nodded and scrawled down a time for her to come visit and then passed the note back to Rune. Rune barely seemed to notice at first, more concerned with rocking back and forth as she made some soft sighing sounds. She must really be feeling the efforts of that ball right now. But she was still bearing up underneath it quite well. Maybe she’d get an orgasm from Taylor today.

“I’m surprised you aren’t more worried about the Empire attacking you for what you’ve done,” Alexandria said, as she watched Rune (or Rune’s ass) leave. “You have a number of their capes here with you but there’s still many, many more out in the city, stung and looking for revenge.”

“You came in through the roof entrance, so you might not have noticed how fortified the ground approaches are,” Taylor said, waving her hand. “And I have cameras three blocks out watching for anyone. And the Protectorate is on speed-dial. It’s a risk but so far, they haven’t attacked. They really might not know where this place is, after all.”

“I hope that you’re correct,” Alexandria said as they continued. “It would be a shame to lose such a promising approach as what you have.”

Taylor certainly thought so as well! She nodded in agreement with that and then they continued on, passing on to the next cape that she had done something extra special with.

“How familiar are you with Alabaster’s powers?” Taylor asked as they stopped in front of yet another Empire cape.

“She can turn back time for herself, correct?” Alexandria said. “No… she was listed as having the ability to reset her body to a previous point, to erase any damage done to her.” She frowned. “Rather like Grey Boy, in that respect.”

“As well as having some truly white skin, yes,” Taylor said. “I still haven’t been able to figure out if the two are connected.”

More important than that question was what Alabaster looked like right now. And she looked really great. She had a fine, curvy body that looked a lot like an erotic statue of marble that Taylor had seen in some art book once. Though she was moving around a bit too much to really sell herself as a statue.

Like Bakuda, Alabaster was perched on top of a sybian. Though this one had two dildos mounted to it as well. Two fake cocks that were constantly sliding in and out of the woman’s holes, burying themselves deep inside of her over and over again as her pussy and her ass kept on getting pounded.

She was also gagged, to keep her noises that she would constantly make from filling the entire warehouse. Erotic moans and screams and gasps were fun to listen to but the enjoyment could pale after the first few hours.

“I notice that she’s orgasming,” Alexandria said after a minute spent studying her twisting, heaving body, the way that her quite large breasts bounced in place and how she rocked back and forth. “Constantly, even.”

“Yes, with a normal cape,” Alexandria snorted softly, probably at the idea that any cape could be normal, and Taylor had to agree, “the moment of orgasm is far less than a moment. It’s over too quickly to draw in useful amounts of energy. But Alabaster, here,” Taylor reached over and cupped her breast, squeezing down on the soft mound and seeing her fingers slightly indenting the skin as she groped it, “her power means that she can constantly reset to the start of the orgasm. It lasts pretty much forever in her. I’m drawing amazing amounts of power from her, she’s producing just as much as Fenja and Menja put together.”

“I see,” Alexandria said. “Her file indicated that her power was somewhat different originally.”

“Yes, it’s shifted during her time here,” Taylor said with a nod. “I’m not entirely sure why.”

“These things happen,” Alexandria said. “The new tricks that you read about heroes doing isn’t just a matter of fully exploring their power or finding a useful combination. The powers themselves can shift slightly all on their own.” She chuckled. “To a set better suited for the current environment, it seems.”

“Yes,” Taylor said happily as she looked down at Alabaster’s curvy figure. “She’s currently resetting every four seconds, to a point one quarter of a second before her orgasm. It’s been pretty much constant for the past week or so. Truly amazing how much energy I’ve been getting from her.”

It was enough that Taylor was thinking she might want to study just how Alabaster’s power worked and see if she could replicate it in her own devices. There was something unspeakably thrilling and erotic about keeping all these capes locked up, hovering constantly on the brink of an orgasm without ever letting them pass over. But if the needs of the wider community would be better served by trapping them in an endless loop of an orgasm that never stopped, well, Taylor would just have to suck it up and deal with not getting a full half-dozen female capes whimpering and whining, searching for orgasms that they just wouldn’t get.

“And finally, the very first cape that I learned so much from,” Taylor said, coming to the center of the warehouse. There was still plenty of open space to the rear, for any future capes to be installed. “Bambina herself.”

They both spent a moment admiring the cape that was installed in vac bed. It formed a very tight seal all around the pseudo-child’s body, highlighting her tight, petite body in a very erotic and enjoyable way. Taylor could remember the early days when she had been experimenting with different set-ups, trying to figure out the best way possible to ensure that Bambina was safely locked away and couldn’t be a danger to herself or others or the equipment.

And just look at how well it had all ended up as, right? Taylor nodded, feeling very pleased with the end result. The black, shiny material of the bed showed off Bambina’s spread-eagle form, clinging to every part of her body and making her look quite, quite fine. Every curve highlighted and on display, an excellent sight that never failed to aroused Taylor.

And there was the humming vibrator pressed up against her crotch as well. Firmly positioned against the material of the bed, buzzing against her pussy and making the villain moan in pleasure as she felt the arousal rising, rising, rising.

And then plummeting when the sensors embedded in the bed detected an orgasm starting to form. The toy would turn off and Bambina would have to wait for a long, long while before her arousal had decreased enough for the toy to turn back on.

In many ways, this showed itself to be Taylor’s earliest work, before she had gotten the materials to properly express her imagination. And she supposed that she could redo Bambina’s containment, make something newer and more artistic to hold the supervillain. But there was also something pleasant about looking at her and seeing how far Taylor had come from her early days.

It was impossible to see Bambina’s face, covered with a latex hood that matched the color and shine of the bed. There wasn’t a single scrap of skin to be seen, in fact, everything was hidden away. Though it was still quite possible to admire her body. Taylor had never thought of herself like that before, but when she had first gotten Bambina underneath her, seeing the child-like body for all that Bambina was older than she was, it had awoken something in Taylor and she had made sure that whatever kind of containment Bambina might end up in, it still showed her off in a very sexual light, allowing Taylor and whoever else might be here to admire and appreciate the girl, seeing her for all that she was worth.

“I actually fought Bambina and her team once or twice,” Alexandria said reflectively. “She was doing some moronic publicity stunt to appeal to the kind of people who like following villains as if they were a sports team. Seeing her like this…” a smile slowly spread across Alexandria’s face and she nodded as she kept on looking at the end result. “Well, you’re doing good work here, Doctor.”

“Thank you, ma’am,” Taylor said happily, going over to Bambina and patting her on the leg. Since she was being watched, Taylor didn’t slide her hand up along the thigh to squeeze the pert ass that was underneath the seal of the vac bed. “I’m glad that I can help you and all the other heroes.”

Alexandria nodded at that and spent some more time staring at Bambina and watching her weak struggles through the vac bed. She could roll her hips back and forth a bit but not much more than that. And toss her head back and forth, too, of course. Though whatever expression she might have on her face right now was a mystery to Taylor. Something pretty erotic, Taylor would think.

“How often does she get an orgasm?” Alexandria asked as she watched.

“Since she’s not undergoing training or experiments or anything, she’s just making batteries for me,” Taylor said. “She spends all day getting harvested for her energy. And as a reward, I let her cum for every fifty power cells that she recharges or fills up for the first time.”

Alexandria nodded. Taylor was sure that Bambina appreciated that gift, especially since she was such a productive girl. She sighed happily as she stared at the small figure weakly straining against the pleasure that she was feeling, the pleasure that, according to the readout, wouldn’t push her over the edge for quite a while. Finally, Alexandria sighed and shook her head, stepping away from the very enjoyable sight.

“This has been a very instructive tour, Doctor,” Alexandria said as they made their way into Taylor’s office. “It puts my mind at ease to see the good use that you’ve been putting the resources we’ve given you.”

“And with more money and funds and capes, I can do even more,” Taylor said quickly. “I can supply more cells to more capes or give the heroes who already have one a longer-lasting power life.”

She hadn’t phrased that last bit well but Alexandria didn’t comment on it. Instead, the older woman just nodded as she opened the door and stepped inside.

“There’s never enough money to go around, that’s for certain,” Alexandria said. “And- ah, I remember these three.”

“Oh yes, my little pack,” Taylor said with a smirk as she stepped inside as well. “Thank you again for signing off on that.”

“Not at all, not at all,” Alexandria said with a chuckle as the three teenage girls crawled around on the floor in front of the pair of capes.

Taylor always felt a very, very nice, warm glow of happiness and satisfaction when she looked at her three dogs. All those long, awful months that those three had bullied and tormented her for and now look at them. Just look at them.

Well, Taylor hardly needed an excuse to look at them. She ran her eyes back and forth along them, taking them in. All three of her former bullies were encased in gear of the same base design but there were some changes that had been made.

In short, all three of them were wrapped up and locked inside of bitchsuits, according to a term that Taylor had found online while browsing bondage porn. Their arms and legs were drawn up against themselves, so they could only crawl around on their elbows and knees (padding built into the suit stopped damage from accumulating), with thick rubber bands wrapped around the limbs and keeping them from unfurling into their proper length.

And there were the doggy masks or muzzles in place over their faces. Taylor had put a lot of work into those, especially into the cameras that covered the eyeholes in the masks. Special Tinker cameras that could detect and blur unwelcome images. Minor stuff, like the faces of anyone that wasn’t a permanent part of Taylor’s lair. And text, of course, it was important that they not be allowed to read anything.

Taylor had some ideas about seeing just how long it would take before they became illiterate or if that was something that could even happen. Well, at any rate, they didn’t have any books or anything to distract themselves with, or the ability to talk, so they could just better focus on the situation that they were in.

Taylor had gone back and forth on whether to customize the suit colors in red, pin and black before finally deciding to just keep all three of them in shiny black suits. It made them a bit more interchangeable and harder to tell apart, which was a thought that Taylor enjoyed quite a bit. Though with their different body shapes, it was easy to tell them apart. What a pity but oh well.

All of the women with Taylor were waxed, of course. But for these three, Taylor had gone the extra step and shaved them all over and then waxed them, removing any trace of hair from their bodies. None of them had liked it and one of the three had been especially upset, kicking up quite a fuss over what had been done to her. At least before the mask with its knotted canine dildo mounted inside had been slipped over her face and she had found it impossible to say anything more.

In keeping with the whole dog theme, in addition to the rubber ears sticking up from their masked heads, there were tails dangling from each of them. Tails that were secured inside of their asses, in fact, the rather thick plugs constantly vibrating and working away at them, humming and buzzing and stirring them up.

Taylor had been so very pleased to discover that all three of them could cum from having their asses toyed with. In time, at least, once they got horny enough and nothing at all was done to their wet, needy cunts. Not that them having the ability to cum from their asses meant that they were allowed to do so, of course.

Over the, wow, almost a year since they had been with Taylor, Hunter had gotten to cum twice, Puppy had cum once and Embers hadn’t been allowed a single orgasm. Not a single one. Taylor knew how badly the former redhead wanted one, how much she would love to be allowed to orgasm. But it simply wasn’t going to happen on its own.

Oh no. Not with how the tailplugs would slow down their vibrations as they detected their wearers getting more and more aroused. They would take the three of them right up to the point of an orgasm but that was as far as it would go. On their own, they would never get to go any further.

And it wasn’t like the three hounds would be able to make it happen on their own. Not with the chastity belt built into their suits. A transparent chastity belt at that. Taylor could get behind them and look and see the wet, weeping folds, the way that the lower lips were drawn apart in a clear sign of just how aroused and needy the girls were. And how they were going to stay that way, too.

God, Taylor loved seeing them like this. No matter what her day might have been like, she knew that she could always come and see these three crawling around her lair and it would just perk her right up. And if she needed a bit more even after that, then she could have them eat her out or attach a dildo to the outsides of their masks to fill herself up with.

“Thank you again for signing off on letting me keep them,” Taylor said, snapping out of her extended daydream and remembering that Alexandria was still right here. “It means a lot to me to have access to them whenever I want.”

“It’s a small price to pay for what you do for us,” Alexandria said with a nod. “And this one,” she pointed to Hunter (identifiable to anyone with the nametag dangling from the collar wrapped around her neck) “is a cape as well, so I’m sure you’re drawing energy from her.”

“Oh yes,” Taylor said, patting Hunter on her head. “I get a lot of use out of her. In all sorts of ways.”

Apparently, the other Wards still thought that Shadow Stalker had been transferred to another city for violating her probation. And the fact that she hadn’t written or gotten into any kind of contact with any of them since was neither surprising or upsetting. As for the other two, there had been a tale spun about a private school in another state. And now all three of them were here, doing a much better job as Taylor’s pets than anything else that she’d like to think of them doing.

“Here are the power cells for the West Coast,” Taylor said, dragging her mind back to the present. “And I hope that when you next visit, I’ll have something even more impressive to show you.”

“The pace of your work is certainly astounding,” Alexandria said, giving one last glance to the three dogs. “I trust that you have even more in store for all of us.”

She seemed kind of turned on as she walked to the stairs that led to the roof. Taylor wondered if she should offer her hero Rune or someone to spend some time with and blow off some steam. Or would that be too weird? Taylor certainly didn’t think that it was strange to use the capes she had here for sexual relief and release but distant memories suggested that other’s might not be so agreeable.

So she kept the offer to herself and just saw Alexandria off. She smiled as she stood on the rooftop for a moment before heading back downstairs. Well, that had been fun but there was still far more to do. Oh yes, far, far more. Some more work, some more tinkering and then there would be a meeting with that cute little darling Vista to see what she wanted.

Smiling from ear to ear, Taylor went down to her office. The three girls were still there (where else could they be?) and Taylor paused as an idea struck her. This was such a good day all around, why shouldn’t she share it with even the likes of them, huh?

“Alright,” Taylor said, clapping her hands and drawing the attention of Embers, Hunter and Puppy to her. “We’re going to have a little contest, alright? And the winner gets an orgasm. Won’t that be fun?”

The three of them perked up a bit at that, focusing a bit more attention onto Taylor. She smiled at that, feeling a pulse of arousal inside of her as she thought of all the things that she could do to them, just how far they would go to try and impress her and get the orgasm that they were all thinking about. And only one of them would get it and she was sure already that it wouldn’t be Embers.

Not that Taylor intentionally went out of her way to humiliate and degrade Embers and keep her from getting any kind of sexual pleasure at all. Why on earth would Taylor ever want to do something to a former friend who stabbed her in the back and made a year and a half of her life pure, living hell? Taylor was better than that, really.

“Whoever manages to knock Rune down onto the floor,” Taylor said, glancing at Rune as the blonde girl straightened up in alarm, her fingers clenching down around the tray she had to keep on holding, “and can get her crotch pressed against her face, wins.” She smiled as Rune started going for the door, as quickly as her high heels would allow her to. “That bitch gets her belt removed and can be eaten out by Rune. Sounds fun, right?” There was some moaning and whimpering from her pack as they turned to look at Rune as she fumbled with the door. “And go.”

To Taylor’s lack of surprise, Hunter was the first off the mark. Though there was too much wiring inside of her suit to use her powers, Hunter was still the fittest of the three girls. She bounded towards Rune as quickly as she could on all fours and Rune let out a despairing sound as her attempt to close the door behind her was blocked by Hunter’s shoulder. Embers and Puppy piled up behind her and Hunter made sure that they stayed behind her instead of being able to pass her and get at Rune.

Rune only got a few more steps into the hallway before Hunter brought her down. She let go of the tray and tried to push Hunter off but Hunter was driven by the promise of an orgasm and kept Rune right where she was, helpless and pinned down to the floor.

It made for a comedic sight and Taylor had to laugh at what she was seeing. Hunter still on all fours, rocking back and forth as she pushed her transparent chastity belt down against Rune’s face, the other two crawling back and forth around the pair and looking very put out that they weren’t going to get to indulge. Embers looked especially pouty and that just warmed Taylor’s heart even more.

“Well done, Hunter,” Taylor said, patting the black bitch on the head as she produced a key from her pocket. “I’m sure you’re looking forward to this, aren’t you?”

Hunter made some moaning sounds and rocked back and forth in agreement. Taylor had to laugh once again as she undid the belt, slowly drawing it off of Hunter’s waist and freeing up her wet, wet pussy. She could hear the tailplug slowly, softly humming inside of Hunter’s ass and gave it a light tap, making it shift around slightly inside of it.

“Go for it, girl,” Taylor said, stepping back.

Hunter hardly needed to be told twice. She instantly brought her pussy down onto Rune’s face and rubbed the wet folds back and forth. If the Nazi didn’t like having to eat out a black girl, well… too damn bad, she wasn’t Taylor’s personal assistant because Taylor liked the girl. She just had less of a foul mouth on her than Bambina did and no other plans.

Embers and Puppy whined around their gags as they padded around their friend and her conquest. Hunter was having a very good time, her hips rocking back and forth as she kept on pressing her wet, dripping pussy down against Rune’s mouth. And while Rune might not like to do this, she still knew what she was supposed to be doing. So she kept on licking and licking and licking, doing a fine job of it as her tongue slid back and forth against the dripping slit.

Taylor could feel the heat bubbling inside of herself as she watched the show. She debated if she should masturbate or call a girl over to deal with her or just leave it for now. She was leaning towards leaving it, letting it build up inside of her for a while longer as she kept on watching the obscene display in front of as Rune kept on getting used.

It took a very short amount of time before Hunter came. Taylor wasn’t surprised. It had been a good month or two since she had last gotten an orgasm. That kind of long-term denial could really wear on a girl (or a bitch) and make her think a great deal about just how horny and needy she was and how great it would be to get an orgasm.

Hunter made some very loud, eager sounds around the gag that she had to suck on and her thighs squeezed down tightly against Rune’s head. Rune moaned, grabbing onto Hunter’s body and trying to lift her off, which certainly wasn’t going to work. Taylor just watched the show and enjoyed it, seeing how Hunter was having such a very good time indeed.

A very wet time, too. Taylor could see the traces of arousal on Rune’s cheeks and jaw from what Hunter had been doing and the deep breaths that she was taking over and over again were another clear sign of just how much she had been put through and how good she must be feeling right now. How very good indeed.

Taylor laughed to herself as she stared down at Rune and then at the other two bitches that were watching the show.

“Well, you two might not have gotten to cum,” Taylor said sweetly. “But you know what could be almost as good? Licking Rune up and getting her all nice and clean. Wouldn’t you two like to do that?”

Puppy’s shoulders slumped and she made her way over to Taylor, looking awfully defeated and resigned to her situation. While Embers… Taylor let her mind mull on Embers as she undid the gag and muzzle, letting Puppy’s mouth be freed. Though if she tried to use that freedom to talk, she would quickly regret it.

Puppy knew it, too, and quickly crawled over to Rune. Rune didn’t seem wild about being cleaned up by another girl’s tongue but she stayed right where she was. Maybe she was distracted by the arousal she was still feeling, the way that her hips were jerking as the ball continued to vibrate and hum inside of her pussy.

As for Embers, well, Taylor knew just how to deal with Embers. She smiled as she stood over her former friend, staring down at her and feeling the rush of power and control and lust that came from this. It made her shiver in happiness as she stared down at the black-clad figure, unable to walk or use her hands or say anything. It was just so hot.

“How long has it been since you got an orgasm, Embers?” Taylor asked, knowing that there was nothing that the bald bitch could say in response. “And yet,” she slid a hand down to rub at Embers, sliding back and forth against the crotch and then up to her boobs, “you still want one, don’t you?”

It was hard to make proper eye contact with the lenses built into the mask but Taylor got something decently close to it. And she could see the way that Embers twitched through the suit, how her body burned for this. Hot. So damn hot.

“Well,” Taylor said with a chuckle, “I think it’s time to remove your belt.” It was impossible to miss how she brightened up at that. “Get on your back, Embers.”

Embers might still be sullenly nursing a grudge from her situation but that wasn’t enough to stop her from going onto her back. Taylor smiled and positioned her arms and legs a bit, drawing them further away from the body. Then she activated a remote, firing the wires built into the rubber suit and freezing the limbs in place.

Not something that she often had a reason to do but she didn’t want Embers getting in the way of the fun that Taylor planned. She smiled sweetly as she undid the belt, drawing it away from Embers and her dripping wet pussy. She also deactivated the tailplug. No sense in letting her get an orgasm by accident, huh?

“Just look at this thing,” Taylor said, staring down at the flushed, wet pussy. The lips were drawn apart and Taylor could see deep into the pink hole and watch as the arousal kept on leaking out of Embers. “It wouldn’t take much to push you over the edge, would it?”

Embers made an agreeing, hopeful sound. Taylor glanced around and saw that the rest of the pack was watching as well. And even Rune had propped herself up onto her elbows to see what was going on. Well, Taylor didn’t mind an audience.

“Rune, go and fetch me my riding crop,” Taylor said with a wave of her hand. “I need it.”

Embers didn’t like the sound of that and started to struggle and whine through her gag, trying to move around on the floor and really not managing it. Her limbs were stuck in place and flat on her back like this, she couldn’t even roll over. Taylor just laughed as she kept on watching the show.

And watching Puppy and Hunter, making sure that they didn’t try anything like knocking her out of the way to try and give their friend some relief. Not very likely but why run the risk, right?

Rune quickly came back with the crop draped across her serving tray. Taylor took it and flicked it through the air a few times, admiring the way that it sounded and how Embers turned her head to track it each time.

“Once upon a time, you used to give yourself an orgasm whenever you wanted one, didn’t you?” Taylor asked, slowly pressing the tip of the crop against Embers, whether her bare skin or black rubber. “Just rub one out any time you felt like it. Or you would go find some guy to bend you over and bang you after you gave him a blowjob, huh?”

In fact, Taylor was pretty sure that none of the three had any real sexual experience with anyone but their computer screen and their hand. But why let that get in the way of an insulting story? That was one lesson she had learned very well from them.

Taylor was tempted with the idea of using the riding crop to whip Ember’s pussy, deliver blow after blow to the wet hole. The only problem with that was that it was a fairly small target and that the rubber of the suit was thick enough that Taylor really didn’t think that her aim was good enough to ensure that Embers felt the proper sting of the blows. So instead, she just pressed the disciplinary tool down against Ember’s pussy and moved it back and forth, swirling it around and mocking the former redhead.

“You know,” Taylor said as she felt the eyes of the other hounds and Rune on her, “it’s really shameful for you to be this turned on. Do you think that anyone with a bit of dignity or self-respect would find this situation arousing?” She shook her head back and forth. “Really, the fact that you’re enjoying this kind of treatment says a lot about you, Embers. And none of it good.”

Embers was whimpering and whining through the red dildo she was still sucking on, trying to get away from the leather crop as it kept on pressing against her. But trying and succeeding were two entirely different things and in the end, she couldn’t do anything more than just wiggle around and look very appealing indeed to Taylor.

Oh yes, Taylor was going to be riding this high for a while, she could tell. Not just a sexual high, either, but the bliss of power and control that was filling her up. Hm, so nice, watching Embers squirming around, helpless and needy. So hot, so amazing.

“Rune, go and get the soothing mint gel from the bathroom,” Taylor said, glancing over at the blonde girl. “White cap, green bottle, know the one?” Rune nodded and hurried off as quickly as her boots allowed her to. “After all,” Taylor said, loud enough for Embers to hear, “I need to work on my accuracy.”

Then she crouched down, bringing her closer to the weeping pussy and seeing the faint twitches in Ember’s limbs as she strained against the confines of the suit. Taylor smiled and then brought the crop down with some more force. Still not outright blows but Embers could really feel it as her pussy got smacked several times.

Embers made all sorts of interesting and arousing sounds. Taylor trembled, breathing hard as she listened to them, feeling the heat pouring through her body as she punished Embers and turned her on. And Hunter and Puppy were watching the entire thing, staring at their packmate as she got used by their owner. And neither tried to do anything about it, they just watched the show continue.

Taylor watched it as well. Despite the pain that Ember had to be feeling, she was still very aroused. Her pussy was still leaking arousal and Taylor could see it opening and closing, the lips twitching as the heat and the need pulsed through her. It would take how much to make Embers cum right now? Not very much at all, Taylor was sure of it.

“Now,” Taylor said as Rune reappeared, “I’ve been thinking about when you could get your orgasm, Embers.” She smiled and patted the bound girl on the boob, pushing it back and forth as much as the suit allowed her to. “It’s been a long while, hasn’t it?”

Embers whimpered some more as Taylor took the bottle from Rune and slipped on a pair of latex gloves. She didn’t want this getting on her skin, after all. She kept on smiling down at Embers as she unscrewed the top and gathered some of the ointment on the q-tip that came with the bottle.

“The problem with giving you an orgasm is that you still want one,” Taylor said, drawing the tip of the stick back and forth, applying the soothing, numbing gel to the wet folds. “It would spoil you and send you the entirely wrong message if you were allowed to orgasm right now.” She smiled and patted Ember’s stomach with her free hand. “Perhaps in a few more months, after you’ve entirely forgotten what it feels like to cum, then we can see about letting you cum. I think that’s more than fair, don’t you?”

Even through the gag and the muzzle, Taylor could hear the despairing sound that Embers made. It was hot and sent this wonderful sensation all through Taylor’s body. She shivered as she listened to it, hearing the sheer eroticism of it all, even if Embers didn’t think she was being erotic.

Taylor smirked and kept on applying the gel, soothing the pain that Embers had to be feeling. And shutting off sensation from her pussy for, hm, the bottle promised six-hour relief. Maybe it would last that long, maybe not. Who could say for sure?

Taylor toyed with the idea of filling Embers up with a dildo once her entire pussy was numb and unfeeling. Stuff her to the brim and fuck her with a strap-on or something. That could be really fun. Would Embers cum from that? Taylor couldn’t say for certain. And if she did cum, would she be able to feel the pleasure from it? Another good question.

The problem was that it still ran the risk of letting Embers cum right now. Taylor should try that out on another girl and get some answers there before turning to Embers and seeing what she could do. Hm, which girl, though? Taylor looked around and saw the rest of the pack as well as Rune. Not the hounds, she was thinking. But Rune, maybe, there was some possibility there. It wouldn’t be all that long before Rune did something or other to mess up and would require a punishment. Taylor smirked at the idea.

Alright, there wouldn’t be much more done with Embers today but after Taylor ran some tests, the bound girl just might be getting one hell of a surprise. Would she appreciate that? No, probably not. But Taylor was still going to do it and she was still looking forward to trying it out on her dog.

Taylor went back to the task of soothing the pain that Embers was feeling and dampening any lust that might still be present inside of her. Just a little bit here, a little bit there and then all of a sudden, tada, there would be the extremely amusing sight of Embers trying to deal with all of this and being completely and utterly unable to. Just how was she going to handle it, huh?

Taylor couldn’t say for sure but she was certain that it would be very enjoyable indeed.

Actually, that went for a lot of what Taylor did, every single day. There were new challenges for her to deal with and she always, always enjoyed getting to meet them and overcome them. She really did love her job. And she loved the entertainment that came with the job as well.


Vista was looking fine as she sat across from Taylor. The green skirt, the visor, all of it looked pretty nice and snazzy. It was just a pity (for some people, though not for Taylor) that she hadn’t really been blessed by the puberty fairy. Even Taylor had gotten some height out it, for all that if she cut her hair she could pass for a skinny guy without a problem.

Vista, though, she was still small and cute and petite and her costume and skirt were tight enough to make it awfully clear that she still looked pretty much the same as she had back when she was twelve. Really not much difference at all and Taylor felt this drive to pick her up and put her on her lap and hug her and cuddle her and see just what it was like to have a girl like this underneath her hands, moaning and whimpering in pleasure.

But that wasn’t why Vista was here and Taylor put that thought off to the side, preferring to focus on actual business right now.

“Nice to see you again, Doctor Power,” Vista said as she flashed a quick smile at Taylor. “Thanks for meeting with me.”

“Of course, I’m always open for meeting with other heroes,” Taylor said with a smile. “What’s up?”

“Well…” Vista shifted back and forth and underneath her visor, her mouth drew down into a scowl. “I’ve got some problems at work.” Taylor nodded, waiting to get enough information to make sense of any of this. “And rather than deal with my higher-ups, I wanted to come straight to the source.”

“I’m being a problem for you?” Taylor asked, frowning. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware of that.”

“No, no, it’s not that, it’s more, um,” Vista tangled her hands together in a gesture that Taylor couldn’t make sense of. “They’re throwing up roadblocks and red tape in front of me and I figured that you could just help me deal with it all right away, without a problem.”

“Ah, I see,” Taylor said, not really seeing. “Well, tell me what you want and maybe I can help you with it.”

“So, I filed a request to get one of your power cells,” Vista said. “I know I could make really good use of one, just as good as anyone else can.” Taylor nodded along, not seeing any reason to agree or disagree with that. “And I can’t get one! I keep on asking and asking and I keep on getting told by the Youth Guard that I’m a Ward, that I’m not in any kind of situation where I would need to use one of them.”

Yeah, the Wards weren’t supposed to be getting into fights, Taylor knew that much. ‘Supposed’ was doing a lot of heavy lifting in that sentence, though. She looked at Vista again, starting to see why the other girl was here.

“So you want to just cut through the red tape and get a power cell to boost your powers from me?” Taylor asked.

“Exactly,” Vista said with a nod. “I’m sure it would cost a lot but I can pay in installments and I would feel a lot more comfortable knowing that I can do… whatever it is that your cells would let me do.”

“Well, the issue with payment is…” Taylor shifted back and forth, “I can’t take your payment because I can’t give you anything.”

“Oh come on!” Vista groaned, slumping back in her chair. “Please? I don’t know how you make these things but you can slip one off the production line, right? Write it off as being damaged and slide it under the table?”

“I’m sorry, I really am,” Taylor said awkwardly, never liking to tell a pretty girl no. “But the entire production run is already assigned to other heroes. I don’t have the slack to make anything more.” Vista sighed heavily and held her helmeted head in her hands. Taylor shifted in her seat before an idea came to her. “But! It’s not a standard power cell but I might… just stay here, please! I’ll be right back.”
Taylor shot up from her seat and headed out of the public-facing (not that the public was allowed here or even knew where Taylor had her base of operations) conference room and headed for her bedroom. She should still have it somewhere…

Opening a few drawers and rummaging around underneath her bed, Taylor finally found what she was looking for. She nodded in satisfaction as she dusted herself off, holding the bag. Then she was back down to the conference room, where Vista was still seated, looking kind of cute as she pouted in her chair.

“Here,” Taylor said, placing the bag on the table and opening it up. “This is the underlayer of the costume I wore back when I was still hitting the streets, before I could start all of this.” She waved one hand around to take in the warehouse as the other kept on pulling things out of the bag. “You don’t need my mask, I’m sure, but these could help you.”

“What are they?” Vista asked, hopping off of her chair and standing by Taylor, looking down at the metal instruments that Taylor was placing on the table. “They’re… I have no idea what they are.”

“Well, it’s pretty simple, really,” Taylor said. “These are the first iterations of the power gathering and release technology I’m using back there,” she waved a hand at the rest of the warehouse. “I don’t need to use them myself these days, not with all my time spent here. But if you can get some use out of them, they’re yours.”

“They’re like power cells, you mean?” Vista asked, grabbing one of the three pieces of tech and turning it over in her hands. “I can have them?”

“Yes, these,” Taylor pointed at two of them, “gather the energy and this,” she pointed at the third, “will let you use them. Now, I never wore these for more than a few hours, but if you’re willing to constantly wear them for a full month and come back every week for check-ups with me, I’ll let you have them. Oh, and in a month’s time, I’ll have started a new accounting quarter, so I can slip a cell in for you if these don’t work out.”

“Deal,” Vista said instantly. “Wait,” she added, her mind obviously catching up with her mouth. “What do you mean constantly?”

“I mean twenty-four seven,” Taylor said. “Don’t worry, they have hygiene cleaners already installed. Leave them on in the shower, your bed, you won’t feel a thing, trust me.”

That was actually a lie. Vista would be feeling quite a few things but she would find that out soon enough. Right now, Vista just looked down and then nodded.

“Deal,” Vista said again. “So how do I use these things?”

“Alright, you’ll have to get naked for this,” Taylor said. “Though they’ll fit underneath your street clothes and your costume without any problems at all.”

Vista barely hesitated for a second before starting to strip, showing off her body to Taylor. She didn’t seem aware of what she was doing, though Taylor most certainly was. Vista had a very, very cute body and Taylor’s hands flexed with the desire to draw Vista onto her lap and feel her up, touch her all over and listen to the cute sounds that she would surely make as her body was explored and toyed with.

If Vista noticed the red on Taylor’s face, she didn’t comment on it. Instead, she took off everything but her helmet and visor, standing naked in front of Taylor.

“Alright, the first thing is the bra,” Taylor said, grabbing a strapless band, wider and taller in the front than in the back. Fastens here, so you can just slip it up and latch it in place.”

“Hey, do you have a towel or something?” Vista asked with a frown, staring down at the insides of the cups. “There’s something wet there.”

“That’s supposed to be there,” Taylor said, shaking her head. “It’s a kind of conductive gel that can monitor your vital signs and draw on your energy in a harmless, substantiable manner. And don’t worry, I cleaned it off since the last time I used it.”

Vista glanced down doubtfully at it again before shrugging and taking a deep breath. She fitted the bra around her chest, the metal standing out against her skin. Taylor could picture what it must be like to feel the gel filling the cups pressing against Vista’s breasts, such as they were. It was a really special feeling that would only get better when the costume was completed.

“Next up is this belt,” Taylor said, picking up a C-shaped piece of metal. “Put the opening in front of you, right here.” Taylor drew two fingers along the center of her stomach as Vista stepped into the belt. “Right, very good.” She patted the side of the belt before picking up the final piece. “And this attaches to the belt. No, the other way around.”

Vista grunted as she put the ovoid-shaped metal plate in place. It covered her crotch and she shifted from side to side, still looking pretty cute like this.

“So what happens-“ Vista was cut off by some beeping sounds from the outfit as they activated, starting to draw on her energy supply. “Oh. Oh.”

“Oh yes,” Taylor said with a nod. “It can be a pretty invigorating experience but I’m sure that you’ll get used to it in no time at all.”

That was a lie. Taylor had never gotten used to it and she had worn this underlayer for a far shorter amount of time than Vista would. The cute blonde girl was going to be going through so much as a result of this and it got Taylor horny thinking about it.

“It’s going inside of me,” Vista gasped as she grabbed at the plate covering her crotch. “It’s sticky!”

“I’d call it slimy, really,” Taylor said, managing to keep her voice calm and level. “Don’t worry, it’s the interface that will give you the boosted abilities that you want.”

Vista grunted some more as she stared down at herself. She wasn’t providing Taylor with a play by play account of what was happening to her but Taylor could still tell just what was going on with her. For one, she was feeling the bra wrapped around her breasts activating.

That would mean that the gel would be spread through the entire inner surface of the cups, clinging to Vista’s small, pretty tits and giving her the kind of sensation that was really impossible to describe. Taylor had never felt anything else quite like it and she was sure that Vista’s nipples were already getting hard and stiff inside of the bra. The metal bra that would keep her from touching them or playing with them.

And further down, something pretty similar was happening to her pussy. Her inner walls were getting coated with the gel, the compound clinging to them and also giving off the same sensation that was something between a buzzing sensation and a heated sensation and a massaging sensation. Vista’s hands pawed at the metal plate locked in place over her pussy but it wasn’t like she could actually move it aside or stop it from doing its work.

“Don’t worry,” Taylor said, pressing her thighs together as she tried to deal with the arousal that was flooding her as Vista struggled so very sweetly. “It’s going to feel alright, trust me. You should be feeling the surge of power very soon. And that’s not all! Look down there.”

It was actually pretty hard for a girl to look at her own pussy, but Taylor kept a mirror in her lab coat’s pocket that she could pull out and angle underneath Vista’s body. Vista craned her head forward and dubiously looked down at what she was about to see.

“With a girl as cute as you and a body as fine as yours, it would be a shame to hide it all away, right?” Taylor asked, nodding along with what she was saying. “So this can reshape itself into… yeah, there we go.”

The metal on the belt flowed and shifted, sinking into Vista’s pussy. Forming a perfect copy of her pussy, in fact, in every single detail except color. Vista made a very surprised sound at that and rocked back and forth as she rubbed at it, sliding a few fingers inside.

“I don’t know if you have a boyfriend or anything,” Taylor said, though it would be a shame to waste a girl as cute as Vista on some guy who couldn’t appreciate her, “but if you do, he can still fuck you. The gel can leak through the metal and coat this as well as your real pussy.”

“Are you- is this- why would you ever do this?” Vista asked, still staring down at herself. “How could this be a good idea?”

“You mean you don’t see it?” Taylor asked, tilting her head to the side. “Obviously it lets you show yourself off, it’s a really nice, pleasant sight.”

“I…” Vista held her head and shook it back and forth. Dang, she wasn’t handling this very well. Had Taylor made a mistake in doing this? “And it still feels so weird to have my boobs and my, um, well, getting… slimed or whatever.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Taylor said awkwardly. “After a day or two of wearing this, I’m sure that you’ll find it to be just very… standard. Nothing that you’ll need to worry about at all.”

Vista made a moaning sound as she shook her head back and forth. Taylor patted her shoulder again. Okay, so maybe this wasn’t the most standard thing that a girl might go through but she was certain that after enough time, Vista would grow to appreciate it, even if she might not get used to it.

“This is what I have to offer,” Taylor said. “If you want to wear it for the next month, I can get you a more standard power cell. Otherwise, um…”

“I’ll take it,” Vista said, jerking back and forth and sliding her hands against the sides of the belt wrapped around her hips. “I have to take it, don’t I?”

“I mean, well…” Taylor trailed off. “Oh, and this time next week, come back for a check up!”

“I… will do that,” Vista said, shivering again as the devices kept on working at her. “I don’t have a choice, do I?”

“You always have a choice,” Taylor said, patting her on the shoulder as the other girl started to grab the parts of her costume. “And you’re making the right choice, here!”


Taylor thought that Vista looked even better now than she had before. The other girl looked just stunning right now. So red-faced and cute and embarrassed and aroused. Taylor could feel the heat pulsing inside of her, the tingles that made her feel so very excited.

And she wasn’t feeling anywhere near as excited as Vista was, obviously. The look on her face right now, the expression as she stood in front of Taylor, it was clear just what the past week had been like for her. And she still had three more to go. Taylor considered bringing that up to Vista and then decided that it would probably be for the best if she didn’t.

“So, how are things?” Taylor asked happily, running her eyes over the half-naked body of the other girl. “Is it all working?”

“I’ve noticed that my power is a lot more… useful, yes,” Vista said with a deep breath. “I can form it around larger animals than I could previously. Even kids and humans usually have a pretty strong subdivision in the Manton limit.”

Taylor nodded along, glad that Vista was getting some use out of it. It was always pleasant to help out heroes in the fight against crime and wickedness, after all.

“And anything else that you’ve noticed?” Taylor asked.

“Um, well, it’s kind of hard to explain,” Vista said, blushing even more adorably than before. “It’s rather…” She rocked back and forth as Taylor made an encouraging motion for her to continue. “The things that it’s been doing to me have been rather… hard to ignore.”

“In what way?” Taylor asked. She already knew the answer but she looked forward to hearing a cutie like Vista say it.

“The parts of my body this is over, they’re very… sensitive parts, you know?” Vista was just so cute right now. “And the gel is kind of warm and it’s kind of vibrating and it’s all just really… you know?”

“I’m not sure that I do,” Taylor said sweetly. “Do you mean that it’s arousing? Are you getting turned on from this?”

Vista turned her head to the side and bobbed it up and down in a quick nod. Taylor hid her smile and gave Vista’s shoulder a pat.

“Well, don’t you worry,” Taylor said. “If you’re getting worked up over this, I’m sure that an orgasm can help you with what you’re feeling.”

“I…” Vista went silent for a long moment. “I’ve tried that. It doesn’t really help.”

“It doesn’t?” Taylor asked, trying not to sound too surprised at something she already knew to be the case. “What do you mean?”

“You wore this, shouldn’t you know?” Vista asked with a groan, gesturing at the metal bra and belt that looped down to her pussy. “I just can’t touch myself through this. Not at all!” She shook her head and took several deep breaths. “I can’t get my fingers underneath the edges and you told me that it wasn’t right to take it off and I feel the gel humming away at me all the time and yet… Argh!”

Even her screams of frustration were awfully cute. Taylor shivered, feeling her arousal leaking into her panties as she stared at the blonde girl in front of her. She patted Vista’s shoulder, giving it a firm squeeze.

“Well, there’s the pretty pussy you have down here,” Taylor said, tracing her fingers along Vista’s side and down to her crotch. “It should be a perfect replica, right?”

“It is,” Vista said after taking a few deep breaths to prepare herself for the statement. “I mean, I think it is. But I can’t feel anything through it. The metal or whatever is just too thick, there’s nothing that can get through.”

“I see,” Taylor said, shaking her head and sighing softly. “I’m sorry,” that was a lie. “I didn’t know that this all would affect you so badly.” Another lie. “The sensations aren’t strong enough to take you, er, all the way?”

“No!” Vista said in a voice that was practically a wail. “I’ve tried and I’ve tried and I’ve tried and it’s never enough and it never stops, either, and I can only feel it humming away and making me ache and there’s nothing that I can do to take me all the way!”

“I’m afraid that I don’t have anything that can help you with that,” Taylor said. “Unless you want to try something?”

“Something like what?” Vista asked in a voice that mingled desperate hope with suspicion. “What are you thinking about?”

“Maybe someone else’s touch could help push you past the limit,” Taylor said, extending a hand. “Give you some of what you need.”

Vista made another moaning sound and closed her eyes, softly trembling. Again, she looked really cute like this and Taylor knew that even if Vista didn’t take Taylor up on her offer, Taylor would be masturbating to the thought later today.

“It can’t hurt,” Vista said with a groan. “Just don’t ever tell anyone about this, understand?”

“Not a word,” Taylor said, miming zipping her lips.

Vista sighed again and then stepped forward as Taylor sat down. Vista ended up on Taylor’s lap, facing away from her. And letting Taylor get to work.

It started with a few sweeps up and down along Taylor’s body, touching the smaller girl and feeling her warmth against Taylor’s hands. That was nice and things were going to get better, Taylor was sure of it.

Having Vista underneath Taylor’s hands was very enjoyable. Taylor shivered as she slid her long, slender fingers back and forth over Vista’s body, feeling the small, slim lines and curves of the other girl as she shivered. Taylor could feel the heat throbbing in her core as she played with Vista, the arousal rising inside of her. There was quite a bit that she would like to do to a girl as cute as Vista and part of Taylor’s mind was enraptured with images of Vista joining the other capes in the warehouse as an energy provider, made to go through so much and having to feel plenty of enjoyable things done to her petite, tight body.

Taylor shook those thoughts off. There was a time and a place for that sort of thing. Maybe she could properly explore those thoughts when she was riding Rune’s face but right now, it was better that Taylor at least tried to act like a professional who was doing her job.

“Well,” Taylor said, hearing her voice rising and falling in a rather uneven manner, “I think that things are progressing nicely for you, Vista. Very nicely indeed.”

“Really?” Vista asked with a kind of lustful whimper in her voice that made it difficult for Taylor not to pounce on her. Even more than she already had. “Even though I didn’t cum?”

“Even so,” Taylor said, not having actually expected for this to give Vista an orgasm in the first place. “I’m getting some useful data from you, information that I’m sure will help improve the next generation of tech I make. And after the month is done, who knows just how good it all will be!”

That was all completely true and Taylor looked forward to the improvements that she could make. And when it was combined with the data from Fenja and Menja and all her other tinkering, Taylor really did think that she was standing on the edge of a breakthrough here.

“But what about my orgasm?” Vista asked, tilting her head backwards and looking up at Taylor with an adorably sweet look on her face. “I really, really need to cum.”

“Well…” Taylor slid her hands up and down along Vista’s breasts. Or chest, at least. The bra covered all of what Vista had here, as little as it might be. “I can only do what I can to help you. Here, how do your thighs feel?”

She moved her hands down there and started to rub at them, sliding her fingers along the rather skinny and slender thighs. Not much meat on there at all. It still felt nice to feel and touch, though. Very, very nice indeed. And the whimpering sounds that Vista made didn’t hurt things, either.

“It feels good but it doesn’t feel good enough,” Vista moaned, rocking her hips back and forth and grinding against Taylor’s crotch. “It’s just not enough!”

“I see,” Taylor said, stroking the side of Vista’s neck. “Well, maybe some visual stimulation could help.”

For a moment, Taylor enjoyed the fantasy of introducing Vista to the rest of her warehouse, showing off her pack of hounds, all of it. A very fun idea indeed but she didn’t think that Vista was anywhere close to being ready for that. After a moment, she put the thought away and turned to something else.

“Maybe on your next visit, we can watch some… adult videos together,” Taylor said. “Is there any kind of genre that you’d like to see? That might be able to help.”

Vista whipped her head back and forth. No, she didn’t think it would help? Or no, she didn’t watch porn? Taylor was sure that one of those was a lie, without a doubt. She wasn’t going to call Vista out on it, though.

Instead, she just stroked the other girl’s cheek and thought that Vista looked really, really cute like this, all locked up and helpless and horny in her outfit. It made Taylor feel so good as she stared at the other girl and she wondered what it would take to get Vista to crawl between her thighs and eat her out to relieve the tension that she was feeling.

“An orgasm would really help,” Vista said with a sigh, rocking back and forth some more on top of Taylor. “It would feel just so good.”

“I’m sure it would but unless you can make it happen through the belt,” Taylor’s hands pressed down against the metal, pushing it firmly against Vista’s skin, “it just isn’t possible, is it?”

Vista moaned some more and shivered, panting softly as she got touched and stroked and looked so very, very beautiful. Taylor wondered what kind of set-up she would do with Vista if Vista was part of her collection of female capes. Maybe something with transparent latex? Something with an armbinder?

Well, obviously Taylor wasn’t going to start capturing heroes and keeping them in her workshop. That would be so totally wrong and perverse. Nope, nope, nope, this was the limit of what she would do with Vista. Unless Vista found herself enjoying this and wanted to try out something even more intense and kinky.

Taylor refused to let herself think on that for too long. She shivered and instead reached down to hug Vista from behind, wrapping her arms around the other girl and holding her close. Vista made a moaning sound once again and then slid out from Taylor’s arms.

“Thank you, Doc, but I… need to go,” Vista said, taking several deep breaths as her body continued to shiver and twitch in a way that Taylor kept on finding very erotic. “I’ll be back next week.”

“I’ll see you then,” Taylor said with a nod, already wondering if she should call one of her hounds in or Rune. “Stay safe, Vista.”


It was hard to believe that a month could flow by so quickly. It seemed like just yesterday that Taylor had put Vista into chastity, locking away her body from her own touch and giving her increased power as a result. And yet, a full thirty days had passed and now it was time to let Vista go free.

Taylor thought that it was a real pity that was happening. A girl as cute and sweet as Vista really shouldn’t be allowed off that easily. There was so much more that could be done to her, so many more ways her tiny, delicate, sexy body could be built up and forced to its limits, never taken over into an orgasm.

And those thoughts were especially prevalent right now as Taylor looked down at Vista. She just looked so very fine and sexy, her cheeks red and every part of her body language saying how turned on she was right now. It was a minor pity that the bra hid her nipples and that the belt soaked up the arousal that was certainly leaking out of her but Taylor thought it would still be for the best if they stayed in place and kept her from doing anything to bring herself pleasure.

“Oh man, do you know the first thing that I’m going to do when I get out of these?” Vista asked with a moan as she plucked at the side of the bra.

“I think I can guess,” Taylor said, glancing down at her crotch and her spread legs. “I suppose the only question is how you plan to do it.”

Vista blushed cutely at that and it just made Taylor want to do more stuff to her. Oh, there was just so much that Taylor wanted to do to her. Starting with vanilla lesbian sex and working her way up to chastity bondage. And possibly an orgy with any of the villains here she could trust.

“Fingers work just fine,” Vista said fervently as she glanced at the readouts that Taylor was keeping half an eye on. “It just needs to be enough for me, you know?”

“It seems a shame to waste something as nice as your first orgasm in a month on just something as plain as fingers,” Taylor said casually. “Wouldn’t it be better to try out something more unusual?”

“What… what are you thinking about?” Vista asked, still rocking her hips back and forth a bit as she stared up at Taylor.

“Well,” Taylor said with a smile as she leaned forward, “I’m the one who put you into this situation, so if you want me to be the one who gets you out of it, I could do my best to make things good for you.”

Vista bit her lip in a very cute manner at that, rocking her hips back and forth as she kept on thinking. Taylor had to restrain herself from pouncing on the other girl right this very minute. All good things came to those who waited, after all.

“I suppose it could be worthwhile,” Vista said after a moment. “Do you know what you’re doing?”

“Sure, sure,” Taylor said with a nod. “I can make you feel really good, Vista. Just as good as you deserve.”

Vista smiled slightly at that and then moaned again. The gel must be making her boobs and pussy feel fine right now, huh? Taylor felt the shiver slide through her though she knew that whatever arousal she might be feeling right now couldn’t begin to compare to what Vista was going through as she kept on getting edged by the chastity gear.

And Taylor had gotten all the information from the computers and sensors inside of the bra and belt that she wanted. And that meant that it was time to make Vista feel good, to give her what she wanted. Taylor stood up and tapped a button. The seals on the metal relaxed and opened and Vista made a loud sound of relief as she tugged them off of her.

The sight of Vista standing in front of her, naked except for her helmet was the kind of thing that got Taylor feeling very good indeed. She licked her lips as she stepped forward, seeing the small, underdeveloped curves. And the arousal written all over in every little twitch of her body and roll of her hips. And those stiff nipples were especially clear to see.

“Here, why don’t you sit down on the table and I can see what I’m working with,” Taylor said, her own pussy throbbing with lust as she checked out the body of her fellow hero. “I know I’m going to like working with this.”

Vista blushed again and then got up onto the conference table, spreading her legs and showing herself off. Arousal was already starting to leak out of her and Taylor paused to turn on the vibrator pressed against her own pussy. A nice, steady, low throbbing hum that would build and build for a time until she came from it. That sounded very fun and enjoyable to Taylor and she smirked as she leaned in and stroked Vista’s body.

And this time, she got to touch parts of the other girl that had previously been locked away. And it was a great feeling to do so, to touch and squeeze and stroke and play with. Taylor sighed happily as she felt Vista squirming underneath her, reacting in such an erotic and enjoyable manner as she kept on getting touched.

And the look on her face! It was hard to make out her eyes through the visor but what Taylor could see, she really liked. She smiled from ear to ear and kept on touching and stroking and playing with her, feeling the soft heat from Vista.

And the needy heat from between her legs. The sound Vista made when Taylor pressed her hand up against there was really special. It put a pulse all through Taylor’s body and she shivered as she slid her hand back and forth a few more times, watching Vista squirm and whimper as her fingers pressed against the wetness.

“You’re really horny right now, aren’t you?” Taylor asked softly. “You really need to cum.”

“God damn it, yes,” Vista moaned. “I’ve been teased for a month, I don’t want any more of it!”

Vista could certainly take a lesson from Embers on endurance. The one-year anniversary had passed last week and she still hadn’t gotten to cum. Taylor kept that thought to herself and instead slowly pushed two fingers into Vista’s pussy.

Vista responded so very sweetly to that and Taylor’s breath caught in her throat as she felt the pussy clenching down around her fingers. And the sound that slipped from Vista’s throat as she got stroked, that was amazing as well. Taylor shivered as she did a bit more for Vista, slowly pumping her fingers in and out, in and out, over and over again.

Vista kept on living up to Taylor’s expectations, acting so erotically and lewdly and amazingly. Taylor loved what she was seeing as Vista kept on getting fingerfucked. She really was going to cum soon and Taylor realized that if she wanted to enjoy Vista’s other charms, she had better get on it.

A hand came up to stroke her boobs, sliding back and forth across the very small mounds. They were fun to touch and to toy with and Taylor loved the softness underneath her skin. She could even feel Vista’s heart pounding in her chest as she kept on getting toyed with. It sent a shiver down Taylor’s spine and pushed her own orgasm that much closer to happening.

“Oh god,” Vista moaned, her body rocking back and forth as she humped herself against Taylor’s hand. “It’s so good. I never thought- don’t you dare stop!”

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” Taylor lied. “After everything you’ve gone through in the past week, I’m sure that this must really feel as good as… anything, right?”

Vista made an agreeing sound at that and kept on panting as she got fingerfucked. She tossed her head back and forth and her lips pursed before dropping open entirely.

She just looked so kissable there was no way that Taylor could hold herself back. She leaned in and planted a kiss right on Vista’s lips. Vista made a surprised sound at that but she didn’t pull away. She even stuck her tongue into Taylor’s mouth and grabbed her shoulders, the lab coat bunching up underneath her small hands.

Taylor picked up the pace, pumping her fingers in and out, feeling the tightness and the wetness as Vista clenched down around her fingers. The other girl was whimpering so beautifully now and if only the visor was out of the way, Taylor knew that she’d be seeing a very pretty sight indeed.

Even as it was, she was still loving what was happening right now and she kept on working towards making the finish as good as it could possibly be. A bit here, a bit there, some love and attention and then a bit more focus paid to Vista’s nipples.

Then Vista made a yelping noise and then a gasping one. It was a very cute sound indeed and Taylor bit her lip as she watched the surge of bliss rise up and spread all through Vista’s body. She rocked back and forth, panting and moaning and whimpering again and again and again. And if Taylor thought that her pussy had been tight before, that was nothing compared to what she was like right now.

Vista’s fingernails dug down into Taylor’s shoulders, firmly, tightly gripping and maybe even drawing a drop or two of blood. She shivered as she watched, the other girl trembling on top of the table as she rocked back and forth. Finally, Vista slumped backwards, laying on the table with her legs spread and her chest heaving. Taylor kept on watching, running her eyes over the puddle of post-orgasmic bliss and feeling very proud indeed of what she had done and how Vista had responded to all this. Oh yes, this was just adorable.

Taylor’s own orgasm was still going to take some more time to happen. So she decided to squat down and get a closer look at Vista’s pussy, examining the wet hole that was slightly opening and closing, again and again. It looked very cute and sweet and Taylor smiled as she leaned in to give it a kiss.

Vista moaned and weakly tried to close her thighs around Taylor’s head. She couldn’t really make that work and Taylor just chuckled as she gave it another kiss and then a lick. She lifted her eyes to look up along Vista’s body at her face, seeing the expression there.

“Did that do the trick?” Taylor asked, putting one palm on the inside of Vista’s thigh, feeling the pulsing and shivering coming from the muscles there. “Or do you need another?”

“I think…” Vista moaned as Taylor brushed her tongue against Vista’s clit, “you owe me at least another orgasm.”

Taylor laughed in delight upon hearing that. And then she leaned in to give Vista what she was searching for.

Vista had a very nice taste to her arousal. A good diet, plenty of fruit. Taylor had made sure to do the same to the Nazi twins so that they could better enjoy their time eating each other out and edging their sister. She ran her tongue back and forth, collecting some more arousal and feeling how Vista shivered and trembled at that. It was hot and Taylor did it again and again, each time drawing another great reaction from the shorter girl.

And feeling great herself. The pulse and pleasure that was filling Taylor up was getting better and better as she kept on eating the heroine out. The vibrator was doing its job as she slowly built the arousal back up inside of Vista.

Not that Taylor had to do much to make that happen. Vista was still pretty aroused and wet and ready. It didn’t take all that much to get her worked up and horny again and Taylor felt a certain measure of pride inside of her at managing that. Then she focused on getting Vista to let out some more sweet, enjoyable sounds.

If Taylor’s mouth hadn’t been busy, she would have been making plenty of sounds of her own as she kept on eating out Vista. Her pussy was feeling great right now as she kept on getting teased and stimulated and all that. She shivered as she rocked back and forth, feeling the heat inside of her as the toy kept on buzzing against her lower lips.

“Oh please,” Vista moaned, her hands coming down to grab at Taylor’s head, “please don’t stop, it feels too good, please don’t tell me you’re going to stop!”

“Of course not,” Taylor said, laughing as she drew her head backwards. “I’m going to make you feel great, Vista.”

Then she licked the pussy again and paid some special attention to the clit. Vista made it really clear how much she liked that, jerking around and sounding amazingly hot as she gasped. She had to be getting close to another orgasm, huh? Well, Taylor looked forward to delivering one to her.

Vista had started playing with her tiny tits, squeezing them and groping them. That looked hot as well, seeing her fingers snaking back and forth across her nearly flat chest as she used her body to make herself feel good. Taylor found the sight really hot and put a hand against her own chest, toying with her own tits which weren’t all that larger.

She kept on moving her tongue back and forth, back and forth, doing plenty to make Vista feel good. With how Vista’s body was squirming and how she was moaning, it was clear that she was getting close to another orgasm. That was good to see and Taylor smirked, doing a bit more and feeling some more pleasure inside of her.

Vista was making some even better sounds now. She kind of sounded like a dog whimpering, in fact, her pert butt lifting off the table as she rocked back and forth. She cooed and gasped and Taylor could imagine how big her eyes were underneath her helmet. Taylor found the thought to be unsurprisingly arousing and kept on working at Vista, giving the girl everything that she wanted and had been denied to her over the past month.

Was Rune watching through the door? Feeling jealous over watching someone else getting to orgasm? Well, that was the price of villainy, without a doubt. If she wanted some other kind of treatment, she’d need to redeem herself.

And then Taylor ran her tongue back and forth some more before pushing it as deep into the wet pussy as she could manage. Vista really appreciated that, whimpering as her thighs clenched together around Taylor’s head again. Taylor felt a nice, warm pulsing sensation inside of her and kept on going, feeling her own orgasm rising even as she worked on Vista’s.

Every movement of her tongue caused Vista to let out some more sweet, erotic sounds that made Taylor shiver in pleasure and satisfaction from hearing them. Taylor was sure that if she used her fingers again, she could drive Vista to an orgasm almost instantly, with how turned on she was. But Taylor was content with drawing things out a bit more, making this last a while longer. Vista had already cum once and she would cum soon enough once again anyways. Did she know how many women and girls within fifty yards of her would kill to get even a single orgasm?

Rather than bring up her array of living power generators, Taylor just kept on eating Vista out and making sure that the other girl got to feel just as good as she deserved. A lick here, a lick there and pretty soon, once again, Vista was gasping and trembling as she made it very, very clear just how close she was to an orgasm and how very little it would take to put her over the edge.

Taylor was in a very similar state right now. The sheer level of heat flowing through her was amazing as the toy kept on humming and buzzing and making her feel great. She grunted as she rolled her hips back and forth, feeling the pleasure rising, rising, rising. Her hand went back down to play with her tits, stroking them through her clothes and feeling the stiff nipples. Not quite as stiff as Vista’s looked to be but they still felt great when she touched them.

Shivering, Taylor rocked back and forth, the pleasure rising and rising inside of her. And Vista was keeping up with her, looking just as horny and aroused as ever as she kept on getting taken care of. Taylor moaned and gasped as she worked, the two of them sharing in the bliss that they were feeling.

“Good, good, it’s so good, please, I, I need it again, don’t stop, please don’t stop,” Vista kept on chanting, the words changing but the core idea behind it all remaining the same.

And Taylor really did have every intention of giving Vista what she wanted. A lick here, a kiss there and she kept on looking just as adorable as could be and sending such a lovely thrill all through Taylor’s body. She shivered and did a bit more, adding a bit more pleasure to Vista’s tiny frame even as she felt the heat pulsing inside of her own body. Everyone here was just feeling so good and Taylor felt proud over making it happen.

Taylor ended up cumming before Vista did, the pleasure peaking inside of her in a wonderful rush. Her entire body jerked back and forth as she felt the heat flowing through her, the satisfaction that came with a good orgasm just so nice and wonderful. She shuddered and made some soft sighing sounds as she felt her fingers tightening on Vista’s hips and the table itself.

And the vibrator kept on going off the entire time it was buried inside of her. That was also very enjoyable and helped to prolong the orgasm and make it feel just that much better inside of Taylor. She shivered and did some more to eat Vista out, pouring everything she could into making Vista get to feel this pleasure as well.

And sure enough, it only took a bit more work before it happened again. Vista made a whimpering sound and she trembled as she started to cum once again. Taylor felt a nice sense of satisfaction in making this happen and she drew her head back a bit to watch as Vista orgasmed. It was a pity she only had the one set of eyes, because Taylor really did want to see every single second of what happened in every single part of Vista’s lewd body as the girl came.

Vista sounded like she was trying to say something but the words were so choked and garbled that there was just no way to properly make sense of it. And Taylor couldn’t even say that she minded that, still finding it extremely arousing to just watch as Vista trembled and gasped and twitched and jerked around. Taylor shuddered and felt the bliss inside of her as she watched Vista cum.

It had been a real treat to see Vista get more and more worked up and horny over the past four visits but there was also something sweet about getting to see her cum. Getting to be the one who had made her cum, at that. Taylor didn’t think that it would be remotely the same if some villain wanted to orgasm but when it was a hero who protected people and did everything in her power to assist them, then it was much more pleasing to Taylor to watch her as she took the final step over the edge into bliss.

Taylor climbed onto the table as well, wrapping Vista up in a hug. Vista quickly returned the favor, holding on tightly to Taylor as her orgasms slowly died down inside of her. She just looked so cute right now and Taylor resisted the urge to roll on top of the blonde girl and pin her down before having her way with her.

Instead, she just softly stroked Vista’s skin and waited for the tremors and the shakes to die down inside of her. It was very sweet and nice to see her recovering like this and it just made Taylor feel so nice and warm and happy to have caused this. In several senses of the word, at that.

“You know,” Taylor said, tracing a pattern on Vista’s naked body, “if you want to help me get even more data,” she nodded at the metal bra and belt, scattered across the floor, “then I wouldn’t mind showing my appreciation to you.”

“I’ll… think about it,” Vista said with a blush, turning her head away and looking just as cute as ever.

Taylor nodded, happy to accept that answer for now. She hoped that Vista would make the right choice in the end. The choice that would leave her looking just as cute as any of the other girls in Taylor’s base. And just as helpless and under Taylor’s control.

Doing good felt good, of course. But doing this sort of thing also felt good. Taylor was really glad that she could combine the two into such an amazing combo.