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Shows [Reverse Harem x Reader]


You find yourself inside of your favorite shows and movies, but with some dark romance and male versions of your favorite characters.

Chapter Text

"Have you read the two hundred pages?"

"Yes and I agree to be your lab rat as long as I receive my money"

"Then you haven't read the two hundred pages of the contract clearly"

You roll your eyes at the inventor as you cross one leg over the other.

"I summarized the contract, what caught my attention is the promise of wealth and survival, so I signed it"

Adam who invented the device you shall use to travel through universes with.

"Ok, but you should be honored, you will be the first to try this invention, not only will you become wealthy if it succeeds but also famous along with me" he explains.

You're not entirely convinced, but you want to buy many things you desire and are willing to take a chance.

So you let Adam lead you to his lab where the invention awaits. It's a curious-looking machine, with a round platform in the middle surrounded by a ring of computers and control panels.

Adam goes over a few final instructions and checks to make sure all the systems are ready.

The man walks to you with a remote, a paper, and a phone before putting them in a handbag, then giving it to you then he places a beautiful fairy broach on your top.

"The paper contains the names and numbers of the shows or movies I chose for you, all you have to do is press the numbers on the remote and they will take you there"

You pay close attention as Adam explains, not wanting to mess anything up.

"The phone will inform you how many points you got, each point you get is important, if you get over ten thousand, you will be able to travel freely and not according to the list number I give you"

"Also, your age and mentality, will change according to where you go,  just to avoid suspicion and legal headaches"

He seems confident about all that madness he just spouted out, Still, you take a deep breath and step onto the platform as he counts down from three.

"Wait, what about the broach?"

"It's a camera so, I can watch your progress"

There's a sudden burst of light, and you feel the platform beneath your feet disappear.

You're blinded by a white light, then everything goes dark again. When you open your eyes, you find yourself in a completely different place.

"Honey, your boyfriend arrived" 

A woman's voice echoes through the house, as you look at the mirror.

You are wearing a fancy beige outfit with it containing different shades of beige, and look like you are sixteen or seventeen years old.

The same broach lay on your top.

'So that madness is real'

When you walk downstairs, you see

There speaking with whom you suppose is your mother is a boy with blond hair and grey blue eyes, wearing a white shirt under a pink jumper, with white pleated pants.

He looks so rich and classy.

"Oh honey. Richard was waiting for you, what took you so long" your mother scolds you so playfully.

Richard smiles when he sees you before walking up to you and scanning your outfit.

"Why are you not wearing pink?"

The question caught you off guard.

"What?" you inquire in confusion.

"On Wednesday we wear pink, I literally made that rule for you because you felt left out of the group for being the only girl"


So this is the male version of Regina George.

Richard rolls his eyes at you, before starting to push you back upstairs.

"What are you waiting for? Go change that outfit, hurry up, you look ugly in it"

Chapter Text

"Is that a new headband, it looks so fetch on you"

You smile at the male version of Gretchen who is called Garrett, as he sees your pink headband.

You make a note to not tell him any of your secrets.

Cady hasn't moved to this school yet, so there isn't much drama.

"Do you think I should increase the grams of the protein?"

Of course, men who are obsessed with muscle building and training are like women obsessed with weight loss.

At least that's the difference you see between Richard and Regina.

Just Richard who is obsessed with working out.

Garrett and Keith shook their heads.

"No, you look great like that"

"Yes, I agree"

Richard turns to you, and raises his eyebrows at you, waiting to hear your opinion.

"You are already fit, I don't think you need anymore protein" 

Richard smiles happy with your words, but his smile drops when he notices Aaron Samuels walking over to the table.

"Hey, (Y/n)" 

"Hi, Aaron" you greet him back, not noticing the way Richard clutches tightly into the table.

"So, are we still going to hang out-"

"She can't, she is busy today"  Richard answers with a wide smile.

A wide fake smile if that's what you call it.

"Well, what about tomorrow?" 

You were about to answer again but once again your boyfriend cuts in.

"(Y/n) doesn't like you, she thinks you are a creep, so please leave her alone"

The way he just humiliated the poor brunet boy made you want to cuss out in anger.

"Oh, sorry"

Aaron walks away, feeling embarrassed.

"What was that now?" you demand.

"Giving him a reality check, if you seem to forget, I'm your boyfriend"  

"Also, you can't go out with him tomorrow, there is rain," Keith says.

"How do you know that?" Garrett asks in confusion.

"I can feel through my dick, it always tells me when it is going to rain" Keith explains, with the dumb smile on his face.

"That's cool" you say, awkwardly.  

"I thought you only said it feels it when it's raining" Garrett points out.

"Guys can we focus? Nobody cares about how you get erected when it rains, Keith" 

Richard exclaims, making some people in the cafeteria look in the direction of your table.

"We are having a sleepover at my house after school as we agreed on"

Being the only girl in a sleepover with three hot guys is a wattpad's fantasy.

And it will overwhelm you, so you make up an excuse.

"I can't go, my mom refused" you explain.

"Boohoo, you whore" 

The way Richard uttered this out so casually made you frown.

Garrett and Keith's mouth drops in shock.

"You are right, that's why I'm hanging out with Aaron instead of you after school"

You grab your food tray and take your leave.

At that moment, Richard realized that he took it too far with you this time.

Well, time to put his manipulative skills to use or else he might lose you.


Chapter Text

There is nothing better in the world than getting rid of the toxic people in life.

And that toxic person is Regina George I mean Richard.

You didn't hang out with Aaron Samuels after school, in fact you returned straight home to relax.

And just saw the messages from the phone Adam gave you.

You have received +100
Sent 11:00 PM

You have lost -100
Sent 11:10 PM

Your mouth drops in shock at the points you have earned and lost at the same hour.

"Adam, you bastard"

You cuss in anger, forgetting that the brooch you have on your clothes can make the inventor hear what you are saying and see what you are doing.

Be respectful, or I will make your experience harder
Sent 1 second ago

You roll your eyes before writing back.

DO IT, what will happen....

You stop yourself and delete what you were going to send him remembering that he is the one in control.

So, it would stupid to mess with him.

Remove the brooch off of your clothes before walking to your bathroom to change out of your clothes into clean ones.

While doing so, you hear the ringing of the doorbell downstairs and hear some voices converse with your parents.

You quickly finish changing and walk downstairs to see who the voices belong to.

Only to see Richard, Garrett and Keith standing in the doorway hall with bags on their shoulders.

Your father is the first to notice you before you could rush up to your room and pretend to sleep.

"Honey, you didn't tell us that your friends will be having a sleepover today"

"I thought it was Richard's turn to have the sleepover at his house"

The fact that your mother and father are cool with the idea of three guys sleeping in their daughter's bedroom is bizarre.

You feel a sense of dread wash over you as you realize you will have to spend the night in the same room as Richard, Garrett, and Keith.

"What are you waiting for? Let's get to your room" Garret urges, getting impatient.

"Don't worry, Mrs and Mr. (L/n), we will entertain your daughter tonight" Keith says.

"Indeed" Richard states, staring at you with a smirk.

"Have fun dears" your mother exclaims.

"We will prepare your snacks" Your father adds.

Your parents aren't parenting.


"What are you three doing here?" you demand.

"We came for the sleepover we agreed on, silly" Garret answered if it was obvious.

"How did you know I was at home? I said I was hanging out with Aaron after school" you point out.

"Well, you don't have the spine to cheat on me, do you?" Richard questions, looking at you in a challenging way.

You raise an eyebrow at the blond boy.

"Hanging out with someone else is not a crime, you know what is a crime right now? Being an unwelcomed guest"

Garret and Keith stare at each other, feeling the tension.

This sleepover will be filled with lots of drama.

Chapter Text

"Truth or Dare?"


"Hold scissors and poke your right eyes out with it"


You exclaim in anger at the dare of the blond as all four of you sit in a circle around a bottle.

"Just joking, don't be such a party killer"

You look at Richard with horror and disappointment, as you knew how dangerous this dare would be, and that he wasn't joking.

And the fact that Keith was actually going to oblige which made Garrett stop him quickly before he commits stupidity

"Give him a reasonable dare" you state firmly.

"Oh, well, massage my feet"


Richard places his feet on Keith's lap to allow him to massage him, before twirling the bottle around.

The beginning of the bottle stops at you, and the end stops at Garrett.

"Truth or dare"

"Truth" the tan skinned boy replies confidently.

"If Richard was a historical character, who do you think he will be, and why?"

You are clearly having fun with that game.


Richard smirks, thinking that his friend thinks he is powerful like Julius Caeser.

"Because he stomps around like a giant while the rest of us try not to get smooshed under his big feet."

Richard's smile drops as he frowns deeply, but before he could say anything, you spin the bottle around.

Once again the beginning the bottle stops at you, yet the end stops at Richard.

"Truth or Dare?" you ask.


"What did you lie about to achieve something?"

Richard paused before replying. He thought about the things he had lied about to get what he wanted.

"It's hard to remember all of them," he said, sighing. "But I won't deny that I've lied before to get ahead."

"I lied about Jen Ian being gay because I didn't want you to date him back in middle school."

Keith and Garrett gasp while you roll your eyes as Richard doesn't stop speaking.

"And I was also the one that pushed Aaron off the stairs last year so he didn't attend the game to impress you"

Ok...this is really disturbing.

"I also threatened Coach Carr that I would expose his relationship with his students if he ever thinks about approaching you"

Richard seems to be enjoying telling the truth too much.

"I only needed to hear one truth, not your whole criminal record" you say.

Garrett gulps nervously realizing that he had made a mistake to call Richard a tyrant, indirectly.

"I think, we should stop playing and watch a movie"

Suddenly you receive a massage.

You received +1000 points
7:23 PM

At the moment, you wished that you had focused on reading the whole two hundred pages.

Because you don't understand what those points are for.

However, you didn't know that those points are for how much the character is possessive and caring of you.

And if you lose points, that means that the character is thinking about doing dangerous stuff to you.

"Who is that text from?" Richard demands.

"No one is important"

You are going to travel to another universe while everyone sleeps, all you have to do is to choose the right universe to escape to.

Chapter Text

The choices written on the paper are horrible, like there are other eight choices which are:

Jennifer's Body
The Orphan
John Wick
The Crush 
The Hobbit

They aren't horrible choices because of the writing or authors.


They are horrible, because you can never survive in such environments to begin with.

You are not a fighter, you are not good at swimming, you are not good with dealing with psychopaths.

While standing in the bathroom and debuting over what to choose from the list, Richard opens the door and enters the bathroom.

"Don't you know how to knock, what if I was naked" 

The boy smiles while examining your body head to toe before his eyes meet yours.

"Nothing I haven't seen before" 

Your face heats up as he leans his tall figure against you while your lower back hits the sink he places his hands on each side of your waist.

You try to step back, but your hands slip on the sink, and Richard's body keeps you in place. "Richard-" you gasp, but his lips are already on yours. 

His lips touch yours lightly at first, a light brush that sends shivers down your spine.

You can feel his heart beating against your chest, and the warmth of his body against yours.

He pulls back when he realizes that you weren't returning the kiss.

"What are you doing?" you manage to stammer out.

He leans in closer and his face is now mere inches away from yours. You feel your breathing speed up and your heart starts to race.

"You're so beautiful..." he whispers.

Your heart skips a beat, feeling fluttered for seconds before Richard destroys the romance.

"...even though you need a nose job"

You can’t believe that he’s just insulted your face.

But all you can do is stutter, your heart racing.

“W-What? N-No I don’t!”

You say, anger replacing embarrassment.

He laughs at you. 

You want to punch him, and yell at him.

The only way you react is by glaring. 

You take a deep breath, trying to steady yourself.

"I guess I need a nose job just like how you need to be a man and stop being a bitch"

You pull out the phone Adam gave you and start typing down the number of the show you are going to on your phone.

"What are you doing?" 

You ignore Richard as you press the 'Go' icon on your phone. 


You find yourself sitting at a table in a luxurious living room with Will Graham and Hannibal Lecter.

Honestly, Hannibal is a safe option as long as you are not rude in any way possible.

"I hope you enjoy today's meal, as it is a pleasure to have you try my food today, Mrs. Graham"

Mrs. Graham?

You are married to Will.

Picking up a knife, you stare at your reflection only to realize that you are in your mid twenties.

Looking at the food on the table which is all meat, you gulp in fear.

Hannibal grins at your nervous expression. 

"Nothing here is vegetarian"

Good luck trying not to seem rude when you don't eat from the feast a cannibal like Hannibal made.


Chapter Text

"Is there something wrong with the food?"

"What? No, it's absolutely delicious"

"Delicious when you haven't even tasted it, Mrs.Graham?"

You bite down on your lips in nervousness as Hannibal stares at you with a smirk.

He is examining your reaction to his words and so far you look like you are ready to break under pressure.

"I told you earlier that (Y/n) is a vegan."

"You did? I must have forgotten about it."

Your gaze shifts to your husband, grateful that he has answered for you.

You shuddered, though, at Hannibal's icy, direct response to the excuse.

"Will told me you like to watch true crime documentaries" 

Hannibal changes the subject to not cause discomfort and to manipulate you into believing that everything is safe.

"Yes, I find them thrilling" you explain, taking a sip from your water.

This is the only thing legal to drink on this cannibalistic table...the wine could be blood.

The Psychiatrist doesn't remove his eyes from you as a way of intimidation.

Something which Will noticed and disliked.

"In some cases this could be a way of exploring our dark interests without acting on them ourselves."

Hannibal's words cause you to clutch into the glass, wanting this to end quickly.

You love Hannibal Lecter because he is a well written interesting character.

However, right now, you want to get as far away from him or at least not converse with him.

Maybe the Hobbit was a safer option.

"Dr. Lecter, you can be confident that I don't have any evil plans to murder you." You joke lightly.

He teases back, "I am more worried about Will than I am about myself," as he fixes his gaze on his patient.

Will regrated making you attend dinner with him, he feels jealous of Hannibal.

Adding to that, you are extremely shy in reality so why are you all extrovert now?

Will feels like your personality changed 360° when you met Hannibal.

That did not sit well with him.

Hannibal asked you to help him clean the table after dinner while Will went to wash his hands.

"No" you reply unconsciously.

Hannibal raises an eyebrow at you.

"Would you please repeat that? I did not hear you.

"No...I don't mind helping you clean up the table."   
Chapter Seven

Hannibal notices your timidness as he leads you into the kitchen.

Seeing this as a good opportunity, he begins speaking to you in a private manner.

"I get it that you have not told your husband yet about your past." He whispers.

Hannibal's voice is alluringly modulated.

After he hands you the dishes to wash it, Hannibal moves to step behind you.

This makes you feel uneasy and your heart rate starts to rise faster and faster.

But this is not the last problem.

Hannibal places his right hand on your hip in a seductive manner.

It makes your skin crawl and you have to bite your lips to keep yourself from gasping.

You wanna run away and hide.

If Hannibal and you have a past together that means only one thing.

You might be also a cannibal like him.

"Please keep your distance, I am a married woman."

Hannibal simply ignores you, pressing his chest against your back and holding up a knife to see your and his reflections in it.

"Do you remember the first lesson I taught you?"

As soon as he rests his chin on your left shoulder, you take a small swallow.

"Never get attached to your prey"

You were definitely a cannibal and an aquinatnce of Hannibal Lecter.

Perhaps even a lover?

You don't like your version in this universe at all.

Chapter Text

"You seem so tense ever since we left Hannibal's place"

You snap out of your thoughts, to look at your husband who is driving you both back home.

"Really? I was just too anxious because this was my first encounter with Dr. Lecter." 

"I shouldn't have brought you with them, it must have been stressful for you to-"

You place a comforting hand on top of his, trying to ease his panic.

Will is like a cute puppy.

"It's fine, I enjoyed my time with you beside my side"

Will's eyes remain fixed on the road, but his lips curl into a slight smile as he takes in the sensation of your skin against his own.

A feeling that fills him with comfort and warmth.

"How about we turn on the radio"  you suggest.

"It would be nice"

The moment you turn on the radio, you hear the shocking news of a dead body being found.

"Breaking news, there has been a shocking discovery in the city today. A dead body has been found yesterday and it's revealed to be a woman with (H/c) hair and (E/c) eyes, in her mid twenties, and this is the third victim found murdered with such description this month"

Will quickly turns off the radio as your eyes grow big.

"Don't worry, we are investigating this case, and soon we shall find the killer"

He tries to explain but you could only wonder one thing.

Why is Hannibal murdering women who look like you?

Maybe it's not Hannibal, and someone else?

You need to escape from this universe quickly.


You tried to wait until Will completely falls asleep so you can go and see what Adam send you.

However, the FBI profiler has his head laying on your chest and his arms wrapped around your waist.

In the end, you managed to get up after a long difficult ten minutes of being careful not to wake him up.

You also made sure not to wake up his dogs.

Once in the kitchen, you open your phone to check the messages.

You received +6000 points
7:00 PM

A wide smile appears on your face, surprised at the huge amount of points you just received.

This means you only need another three thousand points to  choose where to travel without the list.

You chose 'The Hobbit' to travel to next, however, when you pressed the numbers down, it doesn't do anything.

The system is down right now, try again later.

Seeing that massage caused you annoyance.

Of course, every system has its ups and downs.

You will just do tomorrow.


The next is not better because the system is still down and sent a text to Adam and he said he is working on it.

Will went to work and before he left, he told you not to leave the house and even closed the door from outside with the keys.

Not a creepy behavior at all.

Rather way, you weren't going to go out, because you don't want to get hunted down.

Instead you are going to watch youtube while eating snacks.

But first you went to take a shower.

After the shower which took thirty minutes, you realized that you forgot the clothes in the bedroom.

With the towel on, you walk through the house to go to the bedroom.

While on your way, the towel drops at the same moment you notice someone in the house.

Hannibal Lecter to be more specific.

He is dressed as fancy as always while holding bags filled with food he made for you.

The look on his face says that he has seen you naked many times before.

"I apologize for being late"

Chapter Text

You hastily change into your clothes and head out of the room to talk to Hannibal, who is waiting patiently for you.

He seems to have put out the breakfast he brought on the table while you changed.

"Come and eat, I made you your favorite meal." 

You don't move an inch from your place.

"Will isn't here" you declare, in hopes he would get the message and leave.

"I'm not here for Will" Hannibal clarifies sternly.

As you take a seat at the table, Hannibal begins serving you food one plate at a time. 

The smell of meat and herbs mixed with eggs fills the air, and it looks absolutely delicious.

But again, this is the meat of an innocent person.

"Eat up, I made this meal just for you." Hannibal says, watching your every move very closely.

You start to feel uneasy, but you try to stay calm and take small bites of the food. It tastes amazing, and you feel disgusting for thinking so.

"Do you remember all those years ago, when we first met?" Hannibal asks suddenly, cutting through the silence.

You're stunned by his question and look up at him, wondering where he's going with this.

"I remember," you lie softly.

Hannibal's eyes lock onto yours, and you feel a strange, intimidating sensation wash over you.

"That's good," he says, "Because I never forget."

He reaches across the table and takes your hand, squeezing it firmly.

"I've been watching you, y/n," he continues, "And I've realized something."

"What's that?" you ask, feeling a pit form in your stomach.

Hannibal leans in closer to you, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I' have killed many for you" he says, his eyes darkening.

You try to pull away, but he holds onto your hand tightly.

"I can't let you go," he says, "Not after everything we've been through."

You feel trapped, wondering wh at he's planning to do next.

"I'm married"

You try pull away your hand but he holds tighter into it.

"You must come with me." His says in a low intense tone.

You flinch, feeling the force behind his words. 

He narrows his eyes, looking at you with a threatening glint.

Hannibal's face is stone cold, leaving no doubt that he means what he says. You stare back at him, unable to look away.

You feel like he has discovered your lies.

"Alright, I will come with you, just let me prepare my things" 

To fulfill your request, Hannibal releases his grip on your hand.


"Oh God, that was scary"

You sigh in relief after finally being able to escape from Hannibal's universe through the device.

Apparently, Adam fixed the system while you were showering.

But this isn't The Hobbit because you are in an average room and in a teenager body.

You must have switched the numbers between the Hobbit and another show from feeling panic while writing down numbers.

As you gaze at your reflection in the full-length mirror, the telephone rings, interrupting the tranquility of the moment.

It's a landline phone.

You hesitate before answering it.


"What's your favorite scary movie, (Y/n)?"

You smile, finally realizing where you transported to.

"Nice prank, but you could do better, Billy"

"I'm not Billy" you smile.

"Ok, whatever, Stu"



Chapter Text

"How did you know it was me?"

"Easy, I can smell your foolishness through the phone"

You reply to Stu's question as you get your books out of your locker.

"He used a voice changer"

"You know, that is kind of too much for just a prank you two were playing on me"

Billy changes the subject before Stu says something stupid.

"Are you ready for tonight's date?"

"What date?"

Stu and Billy frown in disbelief at your confusion.

"The date with me and Billy"

Stu answers along with a chuckle thinking that you have forgetten.

On the other hand, you get nervous then smile to hide your nervousness.

"Oh, you mean the double date, yes, silly me, how could I forget"

Seeing the confusion grow between the two boys made you realize you misunderstood the situation.

"No, the date you have with me and Stu, only the three of us going out on a romantic date"

It's madness to go out on a polymerous date with two sociopathic guys.

"I will go with the both of you but on one condition" you state, holding one finger up before continuing.

"You two don't try to kill me" 

Your two boyfriends are surprised by your condition.

Billy is quick to firmly denies any intention of causing harm

"We would never kill you or think about killing you, stop being delusional"

"Yes, we would kill for you" Stu utters, beaming excitedly.

"...I will see you two tonight"

Before you could leave them to go to your class, Billy and Stu grab your hands.

"Are you forgetting something?" Billy asks teasingly, leaning towards you.

"Where is our kisses, babe?" Stu says, also leaning closer to your body.

"In the hallways? Infront of Everyone's eyes?"

You look around in fear that someone might be staring.

But no one is paying attention to all three of you.

You turn your head around to speak, yet you get met with soft lips against yours.

Billy is the first to give you a deep passionate kiss, and when he pulls away Stu smacks his lips against yours in a rough manner.

You are left almost breathless when he pulls away.

Feeling completely overwhelmed, you quietly leave without uttering a single word.

Billy doesn't remove his eyes from your figure as you walk away.

"She knows"

Stu chuckles, biting down on his lip.

"This makes the date much more entertaining"


While in class, you check your phone to see that you have recieved 2000 points.

Now, you need another thousand points to choose whatever show you wish to travel to.

But those points are way less then the six thousand you received last time.

Someone is stingy.

"What are you holding?"

You quickly shut the phone and look up to see a cute boy with brown hair and brown eyes.

This is the male version of Sidney.

How did you figure it out from the first sight?

Easy, because he has those beautiful expressive eyes.

The sharp chin is just on another level.

"I'm holding some silly invention"  you say.

At the moment, you recieve a massage stating that you lost one thousand points because you called this device silly.

You are thinking of getting rid of the broach.

"Can I borrow a pencil"

"Of course"

You hand him the only pencil you have and the one you are using to write down notes with.

"What are you going to write with then?"

"Don't worry, I have a strong memory"

You don't need to write down any notes because simply you won't stay long in this universe.

"I'm Sid Prescott"

"Nice name, I'm (Y/n)(L/n)"

"I don't mean to sound creepy, but we are neighbors"

"Really? I must be blind not to notice that"

While conversing with the final boy, you don't notice Stu watching you in the back of the class with a smirk.

Sid Prescott will make a nice victim tonight.

Chapter Text

You didn't know that going out with two guys at the same time would be the most awkward thing you experience in your whole life.

At least those two guys are Billy and Stu.

"What would you like to order? It's all on me this time" 

Billy declares after he and Stu ordered.

The waiter hands you one of the menus, as the waiter waits for all three of you to order.

"I would like to have (Favorite meal)" you say, giving the waiter a smile which the young man returns with a blush.

Just as you were going to give him the menu, Stu grabs it quickly and forcefully thrusts it at the waiter, nearly taking his breath away.

The man walk away before you turn around to glare at Stu.

"That was uncalled for" 

"He looks  like he wanted to fuck you" Stu spats.

You frown at the Marcher boy, shaking your head slowly in disbelief.

"What? No, stop imagining stuff" 

"I don't imagine stuff" 

"Really, I heard that murdering makes people hallucinate" 

Billy and Stu are taken aback by your straightforward remark, causing them to become motionless.

"Why are you jumping to the conclusion that Stu and I are responsible for someone's murder?" Billy questions.

"Because I feel like you two are trying to cover something up"

The atmosphere becomes silent afterwards.

"Um, guys?" you say, trying to get them to say something.

But they continue to stare at you silently.

Finally, Billy says "Maybe we did, maybe we didn't. What's it to you anyway?"

"We're not trying to cover anything up", Stu grumbles.

"Then what's with the weird behavior?" you ask, raising an eyebrow at him.

"What weird behavior?" Billy's face grows smug, it looks like he's challanging you to answer.

That's when the waiter comes back with your favorite meal, causing your eyes to light up. 

Once he leaves, you begin eating the food, savoring the delicious taste.

"You seem to be enjoying the food more then our company"

Billy seems to be bothered about the idea of you focus on anything or anyone other then him and Stu.

"Yes, because the food is more enjoyable then your company"

"Ouch this really hurt our feelings" 

Stu places a hand on his chest, pretending to be hurt by your words while Billy rolls his eyes.

You smirk at both of them playfully. "Oh, sorry that I've hurt your feelings by telling the truth. But the truth hurts, huh?" 

At this point, you have almost finished eating. 

"Aren't you afraid of us? We might kill you, (Y/n)" Billy teases you.

"Why would I be afraid of you" you respond, chuckling at the thought.

"You're both just a couple of softies who can't even hurt a fly!"

They are confused by your change of attitude.

"You just accused us of being killers" Billy points out.

Placing your cutlery down on the now empty plate, you grin mischievously at them.

"Don't tell me that you actually thought I was speaking for real?" 

Stu chuckles nervously.

"Yes...we knew that"

What is better then manipulating the manipulators?


Chapter Text

"Sid? What are you doing here?"

You ask the handsome boy, allowing him into your house.

"I just came to check on you, you know the murdering rates around here has been high lately"

He explains, walking with you into the living room

"Yeah, it is horrible" you utter nervously, sitting beside him on the sofa.

"You know you shouldn't have let me in this late hour, I could have been easily the killer" Sid jokes.

"Except you aren't the killer"

He raises his eyebrows in amusement, a smile appearing on his face.

"What makes you so sure?"

"I have watched the movies"


"You look like the final boy in a horror movie"

Sid attempts to comprehend your reply.

"Really, what makes you think that?"

He leans against the sofa, placing a hand on the back of it.

"Only final boys who are kind would return the pencil they borrowed after class just like you did"

The dark haired boy chuckles, finding your remark funny.

"You forget one important thing"

"What is it?"

"The final boy always ends up getting with his crush"

"And his crush always happens to be his bully's girlfriend"

As you and Sid converse happily, suddenly the landline rings in the kitchen, so you go to pick it up

Once you answer the phone, you hear a deep voice speak from the other side.

"Having fun with another guy, cheating on your boyfriends, are you?"

You roll your eyes at the caller's words.

"Instead of being cowards, hiding behind calls, why don't you show yourselves"

"Sure will do"

The moment the call ends, you let out an annoyed sigh.

Honestly most ghostfaces in scream are dramatic.

And if Stu and Billy try to attack you, you are already prepared.

You walk back into the living room. 

"Who was that?"

"Just a prank call" you reply.

"Well, I think I should get going, I don't wish to burden you further" Sid says, standing up.

"Oh you are no bother"

"Still, if there is anything you need, I live across the street"

"Will sure do, Sid"

You lead the final boy to the front to door, but you open the door, you see ghostface standing there, holding a knife in the air.

Sid quickly tries to close the door, ghostface pushes it open.

Before the murderer could grabs you, your new friend pushes him away before grabbing your hand and running upstairs.

"I think it would have been safer if we left the house instead and called for help" you mutter.

"Trust me, I know what I'm doing"

When Sid enters your room, he opens your computer and contacts the police as you lock your door.

You slowly pull a pepper spray that you made at home and also your transportation device along with the shows list.

But as ghostface breaks in, and you were about to pull off his face mask and spray at his eyes.

Sid does the unexpected and pulls out a knife from under his belt and stabs with it the criminal.

Once laying on the ground, Sid pulls off the mask to reveal Billy.

"It's you"

Sid looks in disgust down at your boyfriend.

But as he turns around to face you, he sees you typing down a number.

"What are you doing?"

You smile at Sid's confusion.

"There are two ghostfaces, the second one is Stu, so be prepared, see you"

With that being said, you press enter on the screen.


"Are you awake, (Y/n)?"

"This is the third time you ask me this question, Dad"

"What does Dad mean?"

"Father, it means Father"

"You and your strange language and accent"

Appearently, you are in the dungeons of Mirkwood with the crime of transpassing along with the Bilbo and the other dwarves.

From your appearance, you are half a hobbit and half a human.

And the daughter of Bilbo.

Is that even possible? Well, you exist so it is possible.

Thankfully, you didn't inherite big hairy feet nor his height.

You still look like a human but with a hobbit's pointy ears.

Suddenly Legolas walks to your cell along with Tauriel holding the keys.

"The king wishes to see you" Legolas states as the he leads you out of the cell.

Loud shouts echos around, as the dwarves and Bilbo protest at your departure.

"Leave her alone!" Kili shouts.

"Listen here you leaf licking elf if you hurt her-" Legolas cuts Thorin off.

"You will do nothing"

"What does the king want her for?" Bilbo inquires worriedly, so Tauriel assures him.

"You have nothing to worry about, he just wishes to converse with her"


You have been standing in front of Thranduil for ten minutes, ready to faint at any moment from his intense gaze.

Honestly, Legolas is hot but nothing compared to his own father.

"The similarities are unbelievable, my son was right about you"

"Umm... right about what?" you ask nervously.

"That you look exactly like his mother, my late wife"

Chapter Text

"That you look exactly like his mother, my late wife"

"Well, I'm not your wife, and I'm a halfing between a human and a hobbit" you point out the difference.

He is much taller than you, bending down to get a closer look at your face.

"You could easily pass as an elleth"

"This might be true, but anyone would eventually realize I'm not connected to your race"

"You seem to not notice what I'm implying here..."

As Thranduil speaks, you are trying to think of a way to earn points.

A few thousand points and you will be able to travel to whereever you like.

"I have a deal for you and your friends"

You are snapped out of your thoughts by the Elvenking's emphasis on the word 'deal', causing you to fixate your attention on him.

"What is the deal?"

"You stay here in Mirkwood, and I shall free them"

Knowing very well, that the dwarves with the help of Bilbo will escape from the dungeons, you refused the offer.


"So, you would rather your friends rot in the dungeons?"

Seeing the angry look on Thranduil's face, you sigh.

"Why do you wish to keep me here? Do you want me to braid your here?"

"Excuse me?"

"Can I please braid your hair?"

Your childish pleading shocked him as Thranduil touches his hair.

The only reason you made this request is to get out of the uncomfortable situation.

Also, you are curious about his reaction to such a thing.

"This is improper" the king replies.

But deep down Thranduil doesn't actually mind if you braid his hair.

"I don't mind if you braided my hair instead" Legolas exclaims.

You have forgetten that Legolas and Tauriel are in the throne with you.

Thranduil and Tauriel look at the prince with puzzlement as you beam with happiness.

Seeing the interaction between you and his son, the king of Mirkwood makes a decision.

He was planning on marrying you, but he realized that Legolas is a better match.

Also Thranduil sees Tauriel unsuitable, knowing very well that she would never reciprocate his son's feelings 

And his son deserves the best.

Even though marrying him to a halfing like yourself could be considered social slander in Mirkwood.

But as mentioned before, you could easily pass as one of his kind.

"It's settled then, you shall marry Legolas"

Your eyes widens in shock and disbelief, same goes to Legolas.

"Father, you can't do that, you cannot force her" Legolas argues.

"Indeed, she should have an opinion-"

Thranduil stops Tauriel from speaking.

"Don't interfare with matters that doesn't concern you, and know your place"

Seeing the situation heating up, you quickly cut in to ease it.

"I think it's kind of creepy to marry your son to someone who looks like his mother"

Trying to explain the uneasiness of the subject, Thranduil smirks as he returns back to his throne.

He crosses one leg over the other in a dramatic manner.

"I give you two choices"

You have a feeling that those two choices are not going to be pleasing.

"The two choices are rather you marry me or Legolas"

Now, this is madness, it's rather you marry Thranduil and Legolas becomes your son-in -law or marry Legolas and Thranduil becomes your father-in-law.

However you came to the conclusion that you won't be staying here for long, and will leave before the wedding.

You don't wish to break the heart of the Elf-prince, so...

"I will marry you"

You announce, staring at Thranduil.

However, there is one problem you don't know about.

The system is down and it will take days for Adam to fix it.

"The wedding will be tomorrow then"

Chapter Text

Finding out that the system is down made you want to cuss out loud at Adam for not warning you beforehand.

You wished to reschedule the wedding, but Thranduil didn't agree.

And is already having an argument with you about it.

"I just need a few days to prepare myself because marriage is a huge step for me"

"There is no need to prepare yourself"

You back away as the Elvenking takes a few steps forward until he has you cornered against the wall, his body towering over your own small one.

His blue eyes trails up your body until they stop at your face.

Thranduil smirks, realizing how shy you are under his haunting gaze.

He loves his late wife...but you...

You are much better in so many ways as he is sure that a small creature like yourself would stutter under him as he-

"Can you please step away, I would appreciate the personal space?"

Thranduil sneers at you, stepping in closer to you until your chest is against his body, as an opposition to your request.

"You have to get used to me being close to you from now on"

You are taken aback by Thranduil's boldness, and his insistence that you need to get used to his proximity.

His body is pressed against yours, making it almost impossible to escape his embrace.

You sense the embrace of his powerful arms as your heart races against his chest.

Thranduil's smoldering gaze is making you quiver and shudder, and you can feel the heat of his closeness burning into your skin.

You attempt to maintain your composure, but you're struggling to keep it together.

He leans down slowly, before placing his lips against yours.

'I better get points for this'

He pulls away from you with a smile present on his handsome face.

"You better behave or I will kill your father and friends"

His threat doesn't affect you, knowing very well that Bilbo and the dwarves probably have escaped and the king will receive the news soon.

You watch as Thranduil leaves the chamber, before quickly pulling out your transportation device that is hidden under your clothes.

The system is still down once you check on it again.

But there is a strange message that keeps showing up every three seconds.

Do you wish to make a better deal?

Yes.                                No.

You thought it was a hacker so that is why the system is down, so you keep pressing 'No'.

But it doesn't prevent the message from showing up.

When you were about to press 'No' again, a loud knock on the door caused you to press 'Yes' instead.

And before you see who is the knocker, you get transported to another universe.


"(Y/n), earth to (Y/n)"

You blink twice upon seeing yourself standing beside a locker in a high school.

In front of you, stood a boy with thick voluminous wavy blonde hair, pale skin, ice blue eyes, he is wearing glasses.

"What are you thinking about? You don't seem to have heard what I just said"

You only  smile at the stranger, while trying to guess who he is in the first place.

But his identity is revealed when you hear a cheerful voice calling out for you and him from behind.

"(Y/n), Needy!"

Chapter Text

"Hey, you have been out of it lately, is it about last time?"

Jen, the male version of Jennifer, asks as he takes a sip of his smoothie.

"What about last time?" 

"Yes, what about last time?" Needy or preferably Antony asks, turning towards his friend with a confused frown. 

"It's nothing serious, I just kissed (Y/n) but unfortunately we didn't fuck"

Your heart dropped to your stomach, almost choking on your juice at the mysterious dark haired boy's teasful answer.

Though his words were few, you could tell there was a profound history behind them.


Antony seems to be hurt by the reply, but hid it with a uneasy smile.

When Jen notices the puzzled look on your face, he laughs, taking a bite from his fries.

"I'm joking, silly"

"You better be" you mumble out.

"He's staring at you"

Needy points out, glaring at the goth boy.

"Who?" you ask, not daring to turn around to see who he is talking about, just not to pull attention.

"Colin Gray" Jen replies coldly, seeing as your eyes brightens up.

"Oh God, that is-"

"Don't tell me you like that loser?" the cannibalistic teen spats.

"Why not? He's cute" you defend him, causing your two friends to become angry.

"Are you crazy, (y/n)? Have you seen how annoying he is? Plus he just stares at you all weird. You can't be serious!"

Antony tries to reason with you, sounding offended by your crush.

"Colin Gray is the most arrogant, narcissistic guy in this school. Why do you even like him?" Jen piles on, sounding angry and disappointed.

Raising an eyebrow at Jen, you scoff.

"Says you"

Saying those two words was a big mistake as Jen didn't let it slide and reacted sharply.

"I won't allow him to touch you, (Y/n)!"

Jen shouts angrily, slamming his hands down on the table, attracting the attention of everyone at the cafeteria.

That's not what scared you, what scared you is how his voice turns deep and his eyes turning dark for three seconds.

Jen probably died the night the ritual was done on him.

Right now, you are dealing with a demon.

A powerful one at that too.

"Meet me at my house tomorrow night"

Jen stands up, taking his leave, not caring about the stares he is receiving from other students.

"Well, someone is in a bad mood" 

"Nah, he is just hungry"

"Hopefully isn't hungry for me"

"This is inappropriate"

Your face heats up at Antony's misunderstanding, gulping down your nervousness.

"I meant it in a different way" you defend yourself.

"How different?" He asks.

"Very different"


While walking around your house after Antony drove you there.

You made sure to relax and try to understand what happened.

The whole system theme changed on the teleportation device, which is strange.

Adam isn't the one who sent you 'do you wish to make a better deal?' because this is just too creepy for him to do.

After reading the terms of the new deal, you discovered that the only change is the fact you can travel any show you want.

You don't need certain amount of coins to do so too!

While taking a nice shower, you hear the sound of a ding coming from the device indicatting you got a new massage.

You quickly put on your clothes in the bathroom, before rushing out of the bathroom into your bedroom.

Only to see Jen standing in the middle of your room holding the device in his right hand with a sadistic smirk on his face.

His lips and teeth are smeered in the blood of his victim.

"Is that your new phone?"

You don't approach him, only staring at his nude form.

Your eyes trails up his body, raising your eyebrows.

"With all this hotness, your dick is kind of smaller in size then average-"

He cuts you off in anger.

"Shut up!"

"Hey, it's a compliment, greek gods are depicted with small dicks"

Chapter Text

"You are not going to eat me, are you?" 

"Maybe not, maybe I'm going to devour you in a different way"

"I thought you only murdered boys"

"I go both ways" 

You slowly back away from him, trying to search in the room for any sharp object to defend yourself with.

"Jen, let sort this out in a civilized way, I can assure you, that eating me won't solve your problems"

Jen's smirk deepens, his dark eyes gleaming with predatory intent. 

"Oh, but it will." 

He steps forward, his feet gliding across the floor with unnatural grace. 

"I'm not hungry for sustenance, (Y/n). I'm starving for revenge."

Your heart races, your mind frantically searching for a way out of this situation. You reach for a nearby book.

Its hard cover is a meager weapon, but it's all you've got.

"Revenge for what?" you ask, your voice trembling.

"For daring to like someone else. For making me jealous, for not choosing me."

Jen's voice is low, dangerous. "I can't have you with anyone else."

You flinch as he lunges for you. You react instinctively, swinging the book at him with all your might. 

It connects with his cheek, drawing a line of red as he stumbles back.

Enraged by your actions, he lunges again, his movements swift and relentless.

In desperation, you grab the nearest object, a glass vase, it shatters on his head.

You pick up one of the glass shards, trying to defend yourself with it.

Jen grabs your wrist, twisting your arm behind your back, forcing you to drop the vase's shard.

"You really think that's going to stop me?" he sneers, his grip painful but not enough to break your arm. 

Jen forces you on your stomach on bed before climbing behind you.

His eyes seem to burn into you, the demonic aura surrounding him growing stronger.

You struggle, trying to break free, but he's too strong. 

"Jen, please, you're scaring me. Let me go," you plead, your voice shaking.

His grip tightens, and you can feel the seething hatred from him. 

"I'm not going to let you go until you're mine, do you understand?" 

Unfortunately, your family in this universe aren't home, so you are dealing with this cannibalistic demon on your own.

Terror courses through your veins, and you can't bring yourself to answer. 

He leans in, his hot breath against your ear, whispered words laced with malice.

"You'll become a part of me now, (Y/n)."

Before he could take a bite out of you, a figure jumps into your room from your window.

And stabs Jen in his back using a huge cutter.

The figure's swift action catches both Jen and (Y/n) by surprise. 

Blood spurts from Jen's back as he lets out a guttural growl, spinning around to face the intruder. 

With another stab to the the throat, Jen falls to his death.

"Antony, thank God, you came in time," you breath out a sigh of relief, your heart still pounding in your chest.

Needy, visibly shaken, glares at Jen's body, the cutter in his hand still dripping with demonic blood.

"He really thought he could have you all to himself" 

Chapter Text

After what Antony has done, your parents returned home and saw what happened.

Your father dialed the emergency number, relaying the horrifying information to the police while your mother cradled you, offering what comfort she could. 

All you remember feeling at that moment is shock and disturbance, yes, in the movie, Jennifer dies.

But this is the first time someone gets killed in front of you because of you.

Adam mentioned that the characters would be possessive.

But he didn't mention anything about them killing for you.

You could easily have said that Antony saved you from Jen but again.

Antony is now demonic, so it's better that he gets locked up.

But right now, you need Adam to explain what is going on with the system.

Did he update it?


Did it get hacked? 

The lattrr makes more sense.

With awful dread, you picked up the transportation device, feeling the cool metallic surface encase your fingers. 

You needed answers, and Adam was the only person who could provide them.

Glancing at the door, making sure no one was close by, you activated the device.

What movie or show should you transport to next?   

You will think about it when you are sure that you are actually dealing with Adam.

However, right now, you pull out the brooch with the secret camera inside it and look at it.

"Adam, if you are watching me now, there is something important I wish to tell you"

A faint beep echoed through the eerie silence of the room, the telltale sign of the device establishing a connection. 

The once-still air suddenly seemed to vibrate, a testament to the transportation taking place.

In an instant, you were no longer in the house, its chaotic aftermath invisible to you.

You found yourself in a room that appeared to be part of a luxury penthouse, complete with a panoramic view of a beautiful city outside. 

In the middle of the room stood a beautiful woman, in a striking suit.

The woman has brown hair and hazel eyes, her olive skin adding only to her beauty.

"Who are you?" you ask warily, eyeing the woman from head to toe.

"A best friend for life if you agree to switch the contract and be my experimenter instead"   

You blink at her in confusion, before realizing that she is the one who hacked the system.

"How do you know Adam, is he your rival?" you inquire suspiciously.

The woman in the suit smirked, crossing her arms over her chest as she observed you. 

"Adam and I used to work together, before he became... unreliable," she said, eliciting a note of condemnation in her voice.

"He's the leader in this industry, and I think it's about time for a change, and believe me, your life is in much more danger with him than with me."

You hesitated, biting your lip. 

The thought of changing your contract made your heart race, but maybe this woman was offering a way out. 

She seemed to read your mind, her expression softening a fraction as she extended a hand towards you. 

"Think of it as an upgrade," she coaxed.

"Better worlds, fewer consequences."

You wanted to be on her side.

But again, you aren't a backstabber.

"Don't take it as an offense but I think I will stick with Adam, Ms..." you wait for her to introduce herself.

"You can call me Annalise" 

"Well, Annalise, I'm sorry I can't accept your offer-"

She cuts you off with the same smile still on her face.

"It's ok, but how about I give you some time to think in the movie of..."

She trails off while thinking of where  to send you to.

"The Addams family" she finally decided.


Chapter Text

Seeing a grown up male version of Wednesday Addams is a crime.

He's just...too attractive. 

He even still has the two braids even if they are abit shorter, and his eyes.

Oh his eyes are cold, they can look directly into your soul, and scare the devil away if you are possessed.

Apparently you are on a camping trip for the last summer vacation of highschool.

"You know, you have been staring at that freak for the past hour"

You roll your eyes at the annoying blond, who happens to be the male version of Amanda Buckman, that blond scout girl.

"I have only arrived five minutes ago, and you should probably mind your business, Andrew" you state.

"Fine, be that way," Andrew grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest.

You can't believe that is an eighteen year old boy.

He acts like five. 

When Andrew doesn't walk away, you raise an eyebrow at him.

"You might leave my side if you are so bothered by me" you tell him.

Andrew raises an eyebrow at your annoyed behaviour towards him.

He grabs your waist to pull you closer to him.

"We have been friends since the first year in highschool, why are you treating me like I'm a bug" 

Friends with the annoying Karen in the Addams family?

Now, this is something else.

Unaware that the dark haired boy has been behind you and Andrew until he gets in between you both, forcing Andrew away from you.

"Is he bothering you?" Wednesday asks coldly while looking in a psychopathic manner at the blond. 

"Not anymore," you reply in a flat tone, thankful for his intervention.

Clearly your reply should be a warning for Andrew 

"Do I need to make a scene for you to leave?" 

Andrew questions, his voice as sharp as his gaze while glaring at Wednesday.

"Do it, but I can assure you that I won't be the dead body in the scene" 

This was more than enough to frighten Andrew and make him leave.

"You don't seem like the type to need help," Wednesday remarks, his tone is less cold.

"And you don't seem like the type to offer it," you reply, smiling.

"I can cut his head off and tie it to the entrance of the camp if you want"

You gulp slightly at the offer.

"No, no need to" 

Wednesday doesn't say anything as he pulls out a bottle which has poison written on it.

He offers it to you as if he was offering orange juice.

"Do you want some?" 

"Is this Cyanide?"  

"No. It's Tetrodotoxin." 

Tetrodotoxin is a thousand times stronger poison then Cyanide.

Wednesday is built differently.

"Sorry, I prefer Cyanide " you say polietly, clearly joking.

"I guess you can't stomach it"

You make sure not think of anything that might reveal your identity.

After all, Wednesday can read minds.

"Did your parents also send you here as a punishment?" he asks.


You aren't really surprised by his question as you would assume that it's considered a punishment for him to be in a 'cheerful happy' camp.

Wednesday suddenly stops in his tracks and turns towards you.

"Do you want to escape with me and my younger brother?"


Chapter Text

Sitting by the fire along with the other campers, you try to roast your marshmallow.

You are sitting between Wednesday and Andrew.

Which is the most uncomfortable experience you are having right now.

Wednesday clearly enjoys burned marshmallow.

The only reason Wednesday hasn't died from all those toxic things he is drinking and devouring is because he is half vampire or witch.

Or not really, because Morticia Addams is rumored to be a witch or a vampire.

Let us just say everyone in the camp is creeped out by him except for you and Pugsley.

"You are going to burn off your marshmallow, let me help you with it"

The blond boy snatches away your stick before you could object.

'Andrew, you are an annoying little brat and I want to kill you'  you think to yourself with annoyance.

'Are you going to burn his body afterwards or cut him up into pieces to hide the crime scene'

Your eyes widens when you heard the voice of  Wednesday in your head.

'Don't read my thoughts' you order, looking at the older Addams boy.

'Your thoughts are interesting to read, better then reading the sexual predators' thoughts'

You pout, and try to block your thoughts but fail miserably.

'Doing that with your face you look nice... like a sheep ready to get slaughtered, Cara mia'

You smile at his thoughtful words.

This is romantic, too romantic to the point where you want to bring your shirt up to your face to hide your wide smile.

But the wonderful thoughts is cut of by none other then Andrew. 

"Why are you staring at him like you are about to kiss him?"

You look back at Andrew and raise an eyebrow, disinterested.

Meanwhile, Wednesday stares into his eyes as if hypnotizing him.

After two minutes, Andrew screams in fear before getting up and running away back to his cabin.

You giggle as the campers are confused but what happened, not knowing that Wednesday threatened him.

Pugsley take the seat of Andrew beside you, deciding to introduce himself.

Seeing the younger Addams brother, you are surprised by his appearance.

Pugsley looks to be only one year younger then his brother, he has dark blond hair and brown eyes with dark bags under them.

And he grew out of his chubby phase, his physic is more of a slim masculine body.

"Is this girl your new victim?" Pugsley inquires with an evil smile.

"No, brother, she is my new special friend, her name is (Y/n)" Wednesday introduces you.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Pugsley Addams, Wednesday's youngee brother"

He holds his hand up, for you to shake.

But before you shake it, Wednesday stops you from doing so.

'Don't shake his hand if you don't want to die electrified'

You quickly withdraw your hand with a smile on your face.

"Sorry, my hands are sweaty" you lie.

Pugsley chuckles, catching on to your lie but doesn't comment on it.

"How about you join me and Wednesday at our cabin?"

"To do what?" you ask suspiciously.

"To have fun"

Pugsley's mischievous expression is enough to make you hesitate about accepting such an offer.

Wednesday leans in, brushing his lips against your ear in a seductive whisper.

"Cara mia, don't worry. We'll make sure you're not bored here. It's a promise."

Chapter Text

"Please don't do this, I'm a normal human!"

You wail out after Pugsley ties you down while Wednesday prepares to perform  Lobotomy on you.

"Don't be afraid, I'm sure you will enjoy the experience, Cara Mia"

When the Addams boys said that you are going to have 'fun' you didn't expect it to be this type of fun!  

But what did you expect? You are dealing with Gothic psychos who threw their younger brother out of the windows for experiment.

"You will just feel a little pinch"

Pugsley's words was anything but comforting.

Wednesday, with a smile that chilled your soul, expertly lifted the lobotomy pick.

You squirmed, struggling against the restrains as your heart raced.

For some reason you feel abit hot.

In your disarray, your gaze falls to Wednesday's eyes, the intensity of which seems to unnerve even the mightiest of men. 

"Are you thrilled?"

You shook your head quickly in fear but Wednesday doesn't buy it.

"But I have read your thoughts, you don't need to lie"

Pugsley chuckles before getting behind you, and grabbing into your shoulders.

"I guess she is like us after all" the blond states, laying his chin upon your head.

You feel your right pocket heat up, this pocket holds the transportation device.

Wednesday leans in to kiss you.

But unfortunately when his lips touches yours, you teleport away.

"She lied about being a normal human"

The younger Addams mutters out with a frown then smirks widely.

"This is great, she could be a demon!" he exclaims while his older brother rolls his eyes.

"No, she is a normal human, Pugsley "

"How did you know that?"

"Her lips taste like sweet fruits"




You mutter under your breath when you stare down at the device.

'This is for betraying our contract, enjoy'

You gulp as you read Adam's massage on the system.

"Is there something important then what I'm saying right now, (Y/n)?"

Clearly, Adam thought that the best punishment for you is to transport you to 'The Boys' universe.

Gulping, you quickly hide your device before staring at the Homelander, who is standing at the head of the table with his hands behind his back.

"No, Homelander" You state.

Honestly, you don't want your head lasered  off by the man-child.

Sensing the icy gaze of Homelander settle on you, you could feel the beads of sweat trickling down your spine.

The Deep tries to calm the situation down by interfering. 

"She is new here, and she must be feeling nervous considering-"

"Shut the fuck up, Deep"

You wanted to thank the Deep 'Kevin' for his bravery but you then remember that he fucks an octopus.

Homelander turns to you again and smiles, but it's is that tight lipped smile which indicates disaster.

"(Y/n)" He calls your name.

"Yes, Homelander?" 

"Why are you calling me Homelander, sweetie?" 

You frown in confusion at the nickname before answering.

"What do you want me to call you?" you inquire.

"Daddy maybe Dad for more formality"

Now, you are more confused and disgusted.

"Why would I call you that, this is disgusting!" you exclaim.

Ashley's mouth opens, while A-Train mumbles under his breath, as Homelander grits his teeth.

"Probably because I'm your father, perhaps"

Great, just great.

You arose Homelander's insecurity about 'Family Issues'

At least, his obsession is platonic.

Chapter Text

"Why are you being ungrateful?"

You close you eyes and sigh, not wanting to deal with Homelander's childish attitude.

"I wasn't being ungrateful, I just-"

"Ever since you were a child, you wanted to join the Seven to be by my side as my sidekick! "

You try so hard to not roll your eyes at his outburst.

"Ryan seems like a better match for the honory title, because I'm sure I don't want to get called 'Homegirl' daddy dearest"

In seconds, you are pinned against the wall with his right hand wrapped around your neck in a choking grasp.

"I fucking own you, don't you ever think for one second that I'm letting go of you or Ryan, especially you"

Your vision starts to darken as the pressure on your neck intensifies.

Struggling to breathe, desperation claws at your chest.

You muster your remaining strength to whisper, ""

Homelander, lost in his temper and oblivious to the consequences, tightens his grip further.

"Let her go!"

Ryan screams, pushing Homelander away from you after walking into the house to realize what his father is doing to his older half-sister, you.

You move to the side, taking the moment to recover from the choking episode.

Homelander's realizes what he has done to you, before deciding to apologize.

"I didn't mean to hurt you"

But you don't give him the chance to explain himself further, as you pull out your transportation device and message Adam.

'Get me out of here now, I learned my mistake. I'm sorry'

"Who are you texting?" Homelander demands.

"None of your business" you stutter out, getting off the floor.

"Give me that phone right now or I'm going to punish you, young lady"

Homelander holds his hand out for you to hand him the device.

But you recieve a message from the system which you read quickly.

'Press ok if you want to travel to Girl From Nowhere'

You press on the 'ok' button.

"Give me the phone, now!"

Homelander advenced towards you but you disappear before he could reach you.


You walk through the hallways of the school, but there is something strange.

Every boy is glaring at you with disgust and contempt.

At least they aren't looking at you with lustful gazes.

But there is that one smiling boy who follows after you cheerfully.

With your universe traveling experience, you know by now that this boy is the male version of Nanno.

You suddenly stop in the middle of the hall, turning around to face your stalker with a smile on your face.

"Hi, I'm (Y/n)"

You introduce yourself, holding your hand out for him to shake it.

Nanno with the same smile on her face, shakes your hand.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Nanno, do you want to be friends?"

"Yes, of course"

Hopefully, you don't have a karma.

Because Nanno is sure going to play with you if you do.

Chapter Text

You feel the hateful gazes of your classmates directed at your back.   

Maybe this version of you in this universe has committed something bad, this must be why you are stared at like that.

There is no other reason for such hate, unless you are in a 2000's American movie where everyone hates you for being a supposed 'loser'.  

And not wanting to face Nanno's punishment, you decided to go over to him and apologize. 

"I'm sorry for what I have done" you say, taking a seat beside him at the cafeteria. 

Nanno turns to look at you with the spoon still in between his finger, before giving you his infamous smile. 

"Why are you apologizing?" 

This could be a trick question from Nanno. 

Why are you thinking so much about it? 

It's all because of the fact that Nanno represents karma in the series. 

"I feel like I have done nothing new something bad, that is why I'm apologizing" you claim. 

Nanno sets down his spoon, looking at you with his amused smile. 

He leans forward, taking in the sight of you.

"You feel like you've done something bad? Even though you don't know what it is?"

Nanno questions, the corners of his mouth curling up further in a smirk.

He takes a moment to study your face, his eyes fixed on you.

"That's an interesting way to apologize, usually people apologize for specific things, but you're apologizing for the existence of something you may have done, but don't even know about."

Clearly Nanno knows about you too much, you take your lunchbox to stand up and leave, but he stops you by grabbing your hand. 

"Don't worry, I won't harm you, never you" 

His assurance and smile made you squirm under his gaze. 

"Then why does everyone stare at me like that, Nanno?" 

The son of Satan doesn't say anything, only moving his eyes in the direction of someone. 

You turn your head around to see who he is staring at, only to find a handsome boy with a red ribbon tied around his wrist   

The feeling of discomfort erupted through you, when you realized that this is Yuri. 

He is sitting at another table nearby, staring directly at you and Nanno with his canny smile. 

"What did I do to him?" You inquire. 

"Rejected him" 

Nanno's cold smirk sent shivers up your spine, his knowing gaze made you feel as if he could see through your very soul.

"Rejected him?" you repeated, your heart racing in your chest.

Nanno nodded slowly, his eyes still locked on yours. 

"Yes, you rejected him, or more accurately, this version of you in this reality rejected him."

You don't know what is more disturbing, Yuri's focus on achieving revenge against you. 

Or the fact that Nanno knows you travel universes. 

It just rubbed you in the wrong way how he knows everything about you. 

That he knows that he is a character in a show. 

"I can stop him if you want me to" Nanno offers. 

For some reason, you are curious to what Nanno is going to do to stop him. 

"I would love to see you try" 



Chapter Text

"Oh no"

You say in distress, as you see two students approach you, holding knives in their hands ready to stab you with it.

OK, you didn't expect it to escalate to this but again you are in 'girl from nowhere' so crazy stuff happens. 

"Please calm down, I'm sure whatever conflict we have, could be solved without restoring to violence."

You say in hopes of making the two students leave you alone. 

While panicking, you see something terrifying the two boys stab each other to death.

Your eyes widen in shock and horror as you watch the lifeless bodies of the two students collapse onto the floor, blood pooling beneath them.

"Oh looks like your plot armor is working"

You look up to see Yuri approaching you with his infamous smirk.

"What do you seriously need from me?"

The boy shrugs, staring down at the dead body before looking back at you.

"I want to have you by my side, you seem much fun"

"You know who I am?"

Yuri nods, walking around you.

"You are universe traveler, but the only reason why Nanno and I know such information is because Satan told us"

How did you forget that Nanno is Satan's daughter/son.

"Can you stop harassing me? look I'm sorry that my version in this universe rejected you, but you can't expect me to accept the love of every obessesed person" 

Yuri grabs your wrist before pulling you after him like a rug doll.



"Who would you choose? Me or him?"


You stare between Yuri and Nanno after Yuri tries to force you to choose between them.


Without hesitation, you choose...




Yuri's grip tightens on your wrist, his smirk fading into a sneer.

"Wrong answer, " he growls, dragging you further away from the carnage.

Nanno steps closer, his expression unreadable.

"Let her go, Yuri."

Yuri stops, turning to face Nanno, still holding your wrist.

"You think you can protect her? She's just another pawn in our game, Nanno."

Nanno takes another step, closing the distance between you and Yuri.

"She's not a pawn. And she's not yours to claim."

You try to pull your arm free, but Yuri's grip is too strong.

"Stop this nonsense and let go of me"

Yuri laughs, a cold, harsh sound.

"See, Nanno? She doesn't even want you."

Nanno ignores Yuri, his gaze locked onto yours.

"It's okay. I've got you."

Suddenly, Yuri pulls out a knife, pressing it against your throat, smirking like a manace

"Choose, universe traveler. Him or me. Now."

You gasp, feeling the cold metal against your skin.

"Y-You're crazy, Nanno wannabe..."

"Choose!" Yuri yells, his eyes wild.

You swallow hard, trying to keep your voice steady.

"I-I already chose. Nanno."

Nanno moves faster than you can blink, grabbing Yuri's wrist and twisting it until the knife clatters to the ground.

He kicks it away, then punches Yuri, sending him sprawling.

Nanno turns to you, concern etched on his face.

"Are you hurt?"

You shake your head, rubbing your wrist where Yuri grabbed you.

"No, I'm fine, thank you."

Nanno offers you his hand.

"Come on. Let's get out of here."

You take his hand, letting him lead you away from the chaos.

"Where are we going?"

"Somewhere safe," Nanno says, giving your hand a reassuring squeeze.



"How did you get here?"

"I have my own ways"

Adam glares at the boy before his gaze turns towards a shocked you.

It kind of surprised you how Nanno easily transported you to where Adam is located.

"I came here to warn you, treat (Y/n) badly and I will-"

"You will what?"

Nanno only smirks while you answer.

"He is karma, treat me badly and he will transport you to an evil universe show"

Adam sighs, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You don't have to worry about her, I will do my best to keep her safe"

Nanno turns towards you, then places his hands on your cheeks.

Thinking that he is going to kiss you on the lips, you close your eyes.

But instead, Nanno kisses you on the forehead.

"Take care of yourself"

With that, the embodiment of Karma disappears, leaving you with Adam.

You turn towards Adam in anger.

"You better let me choose this time which show I wish to transport to" you declare.

"And where do you to go?"

"I want to travel to..."

Chapter Text

"... Twilight"

You have a hate/love relationship with Twilight.

But you are also curious to see what the genderbend versions of Alice and Bella would look like.

Especially Alice.

"There is an experiment I'm making, would you like to travel to the book version or the movie version"

Your eyes widens in shock at the realization you could travel to the book version instead of the movie.

"But I thought it only works with television movies and serieses?"

Adam shrugs.

"Well, I'm trying to update the system for better, so are you going to take the offer or not?"

"Sure, I'm excited to!"

Book Bella is better anyways.


Wow, Stephanie Myers wasn't joking about describing everyone as extremely beautiful in the book.

Because they are ethereal.

However, you are facing one problem.

Edward can read thoughts, and you are trying to control your thoughts from getting leaked out. 

The person that is most dangerous to know your secret is Alice.

Or should you say Alex?

"Why do you keep looking down on your food so much?"

You grit down on your teeth, trying not to flip on Jessica.

"Because, I can do whatever I want" you reply with a fake smile.

"Chill, I was just asking a question" Jessica says, feeling offended.

"Seems like someone is on their period today" Mike teases, thinking that he is funny. 

"Cut it out, you are bothering her"

You look at Beau 'Male Bella' in surprise, after noticing that he was silent the whole time. 

"Thank you" you whisper to your friend in his ear.

"You are not the only one who hates that fraud"

You bite down on your lips to hold back your laughter at Beau's quiet comment.

While speaking with Beau, Alex approached you with a smile.

"Hi" he greets you cheerfully with his golden eyes focused solely on you before turning to the dark haired human boy.

"It seems like you are the newbie here anymore, Beau" Alex points out.

Jessica wanted to speak to Alex but he completely ignored her.

You fidget nervously in your seat, trying to appear nonchalant as Alex's gaze lingers on you.

Beau, sensing your discomfort, nudges your knee under the table.

"Yes, unfortunately, she is the victim who took my title" Beau replies sarcastically.

Alex chuckles, before starting speaking to you directly.

"I wish to speak to you after school if you don't mind?"

No way, he didn't even ask for your name, but again, you are pretty sure Alex saw you in one of his visions. 

This is why you are feeling nervous.

"Sure" You answer.

"Didn't you say, your adoptive parents would get angry if you didn't return home directly after school?" Jessica inquires.

"Yes" you quickly say, pretending to remember your promise to your parents.

"It's ok, my family could drive home safely" Alex insists.

"Maybe you two could speak another time after school" Beau makes up an excuse for you.

"Yeah sure"

It broke your heart to see a disappointed Alex.

You could literally see Jasper glaring at you from across the cafeteria.

This is stressing you out.


If you would have known that your adoptive parents are Victoria and James, you would have never returned home.

"You seem to have enjoyed your day at school, sweetie"

Victoria says, placing a cup filled with human blood infront of you.

"Yes, it was wonderful" you gulp, staring at the cup of blood in fear.

Adam texted you when you returned home about you being a vampire who can disguise her appearance easily.

Because your gift is being a skinchanger.

"Come on, what are you waiting for? drink it, we know how hungry you are, darling"

James encourages you, seeing your reaction
at the sight of blood.

You pick up the glass, drinking from it, thinking it is ok considering that you are a vampire.

Unfortunately, you rush and puke it out in the sink.

Laurent rolls his eyes, before turning around to blame Victoria and James.

"Told you, her interaction with the humans would soften her"

Chapter Text

You walk to school the next day early in the morning after being coddled by your adoptive parents to take care.

Having a father who is  gifted with the power of tracking, and a mother who is gifted with the power of evading danger, is the definition of a very overprotective parents.

Also you discovered that yourself in this universe have moved here a week ago.

Your powers is the ability to shapeshifter into any creature or human, and by doing so, you take on their qualities.

While on your way to school, a familer red chevrolet truck moves slowly beside you.

"Hey, (Y/n)"

You smile at Beau as he opens up the car door for you to get in.

"Do you want a ride to school?"

"Yeah, obviously I can't reject the ride, now that you have opened the door for me" you joke as you get into the car.

Beau chuckles before beginning to drive to school.

"So, you told me you had a boyfriend back in Tuscany, Italy"

"I did...?"

Beau doesn't remove his eyes from the road as he continues.

"Yes, you said you broke up with him last summer"

You decided to go along with the story despite not having the memories of (Y/n) in this life.

"Yes, I broke up with him because of the language-"

You stop yourself from continuing, realizing you need to make a believable excuse.

"Because of distance relationship" you correct yourself.

"I thought you said it was because of the language barrier"

You want to scream that this was the excuse you were going to use.

"Yes, this is also one of the reasons" You add. 

Thankfully you both reach school, before Beau could ask anymore questions.


"Can I help you with something?"

You ask the male version of Alice, feeling nervous under his gaze as  you sit between him and Jasper in biology class.

All three of you were placed in a group, as to dissect a poor frog.

"Would you like to disscut the frog first?" Alex asks cheerfully, trying to make you less comfortable around him.

"Yes" you reply.

Jasper hands you the scalpel, and you turn to look down at the defensless creature to cut it open.

However before you could do so, the frog jumped causing you to squeal and try to move it away from you. 

Which made you injure yourself, causing you to bleed.

Alex's eyes widen as he notices the bleeding, and without hesitation, he reaches for a tissue to cover the wound.

"It's okay, it's just a small cut," you say, trying to calm yourself down.

But seeing Jasper's gaze directed at your wound spoke volumes about his lust for your blood.

And Alex also directed his eyes on your wound, trying to control his hunger.

But you don't blame them, because for some reason, your blood smells really nice.

No... It smells like a delicious meal, and you feel the need to suck it.

Since yesterday's blood puking, you didn't eat nor drink anything and you feel hungry.

So, without thinking, you bring you palm up to your lips and lick the blood.

But you quickly pull away when you notice the two vampires staring at you.

"You are a vampire" Jasper whispers.

"I knew it" Alex cheers clapping his hands in delight.

"Guys, stop joking, I'm not a vampire, vampires aren't real"

You try to lie, because you don't want to attract attention to your life.

Because you don't want to see the Cullens reaction to you being the adoptive daughter of their enemies.

"Your eyes speaks otherwise, darling" Jasper smirks at you, making his taxes accent more noticeable.

However, you realize that your eye color has changed meaning youe disguise is falling apart.

You quickly stand up and rush out of the class, with the teacher calling after you to come back.



You try to walk home quickly, so instead of taking the usual path, you decided to use the shortcut into the woods just to use your speeding powers away from the sight of humans.

However, this is clearly a bad and stupid idea.

Because, you stepped into the wrong territory.

And got attacked by a pack of werewolves.

Uley's pack to be exact.


Chapter Text

You managed to get out of trouble thanks to the Cullens, espically Dr. Cullen who sensed the danger and decided to interface and help you.

All you could remember before leaving with the doctor is the glare Paul has been giving you.

Guess, not

"You are the new girl who Edward has been talking about, I must you are prettier then he described"

Esme states with a smile, sitting beside Carlisle across from you.

"Thank you, Mrs. Cullen," you replied, feeling a bit awkward sitting in their home for the first time.

You couldn't help but notice the way Carlisle's eyes lingered on you, as if he was assessing you.

You were grateful for their help, but you couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this story than met the eye.

"You're welcome, dear," Esme replied, her smile warm and inviting.

"If may I ask, how did you become a vampire?"

You dreaded the question so much because you don't know the answer but you answer it anyway.

"I was changed into a vampire two centuries ago by a vampire who wanted to marry me and I just run away" You explain.

Carlisle smiles for some reason as if he knows something that you don't.

Hopefully, his smile means something other then that because you hate to look like a liar.

"And how did your adoptive parents come to accept you?" Esme inquires.

Edward seriously told them everything about you from A to Z.

"They are vampires" You admit.

Esme and Carlisle give eachother a look of sympathy.

"It must have been hard to feed on humans for years"

You nod slowly, wanting this conversation to end because you are afraid to slip up.

A phone ring echos through the house causing Esme to stand up.

"If you will excuse, I will go answer that"

"No problem at all" you say watching her leave.

Carlisle takes the chance and begins speaking with you, not minding that his wife hears the conversation with her vampire hearing.

"You must feel free now that you have left the volturi"

Your heart races as you realize that Carlisle knows your true identity. You struggle to maintain your composure, your mind racing for a response.

"Yes," you manage to say, your voice trembling slightly,

"I am grateful for the freedom they've given me." 

Now, Carlisle is confused, he stands up before coming and sitting beside you on the sofa.

"Aro gave you the freedom to leave, how is this even possible?"

"Why wouldn't it be possible?"

"Because you are Aro's mate"

You are the mate of a high volturi king, you want to scream out loud in your head.

But, wait, doesn't Aro look like he is in his early forties.

But again, Book Aro looks to be in his early twenties.

Your telepertation  device begins vibrating in your pocket making you annoyed.

However, before you could get it out, you get  teleported right infront of the vampire eyes.

Carlisle eyes widens at what occurred, while his wife entered the living room again.

"She already left? " Esme asks, feeling disappointed.

"I guess so?"


"I haven't even spent the proper time in Twilight!" you exclaim.

Adam sighs before taking the device from your hands.

"I needed to give you a new device, so the system doesn't fall, Twilight is boring anyways, pick a another show"

You don't realize the jealous tone in Adam's voice.

Uh oh, The inventor is beginning to become jealous, which isn't good at all.

The new device will electrify anyone who tries to get intimate with you.

Chapter Text

You chose Narnia, and what a safe choice for you because you landed in the era where the four Pevensie siblings already became kings and queens and are young adults.

''You are a human woman.''

Peter says with surprise and disbelief that there are other humans in Narnia other than him and his siblings.

''What an amazing observation, Peter; I'm sure she herself didn't know that.''

Edmund mocks his older brother, causing the blonde to roll his eyes playfully.

''How did you come to be in Narnia?'' Susan asks gently.

''I'm from earth, and Aslan brought me here'' you explain, not caring if it's a lie or not.

''You have seen Aslan?'' Lucy repeats with pure excitement.

''Yes, I have seen the lion, and spoke to him, he told me about all four of you, Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy."

"You should call me 'my beloved king' it's better that way" Peter corrects you.

Lucy and Susan roll their eyes at their brother's behaviour.

Meanwhile, you raise an eyebrow before speaking up.

"Huh? I don't give a fuck about it, Peter"

Lucy bursts out in laughter, while Susan places her hand on her mouth to hide her smile at the way you cussed.

"I already like her" Edmund admits.

Peter glares at his brother, as you seem to have caught the interest of both Peter and Edmund.

Well, you are the only human female from their world.

"Aslan told me of your great deeds and your reign over Narnia, he asked me to join you and help in the prosperity of your kingdom."

Peter's expression softens, and he seems to grow more intrigued.

"Aslan trusts you, and that's enough for us. Welcome to Narnia, we'll find a place for you in our court"

Lucy beams happily at the idea of you staying, before announcing.

"For now you shall be escorted to the guest chambers"

You smile back at her.

"Thank you for your kindness, also my name is (Y/n)"


You smile joyfully, as you get in the large comfy bed after changing into one of Lucy's nightgowns.

The two sister stayed with you the whole day, chatting and catching up on what's new.

After spending the whole day with them, they left you to sleep.

However you can never have peace when you are dealing with possessive characters.

Peter decided to sneak into your chamber at night, before slowly heading towards your bed.

You pretend to be asleep as he kneels on the ground near your bed.

The light haired king, slowly leans towards your face, after pulling strands of your hair away from it.

"What are you doing?"

The moment your eyes opens and meets his own ones, he freaks out.

But before he could move away, you grab him by his arms.

This time you decided to pull an Uno reverse card on your stalker, and pin him down on your bed before getting on top of him.

"Now, My beloved king, what brings you to my chambers, don't you think it's inappropriate?" you tease him.

His pale skin turns red.

"I came here to make sure you are safe and sound, nothing more" he lies causing you to smirk.

"Since when did the protocol of checking on someone includ kissing?"

You question doesn't get answered as the door to your chambers open once again, only to reveal Edmund.

Once he sees the position you and Peter are in, he finds himself jealous.

"I'm bigger than him, by the way"

And like that Edmund storms out.


Chapter Text

"I wish to take a walk outside, you don't have to come with me, Edmund"

You start walking out of the castle, with the king of Just following after you like a puppy.

"What year are you from?" Edmund asks, finally catching up to you.

"I'm from 2024"

His mouth opens and closes in shock upon realising that he is much older then you.

"Did Britain win the war?"  

"Yes, they did."

Edmund smiles which warms your heart, to know how much those words meant to him.

"Do you have a partner?"

"No, I don't have a partner"

Edmund smiles, his hand inching closer to yours.

But right when he touches your skin, he gets electrifyed. 

"Oh my God, Edmund!"

You kneel down beside his fallen body as he looks at you with a pained expression.

"What was that?"

"Well, I'm cursed, every time a person touches me, they get electrifyed" you explain.

"But Peter didn't get electrifyed"

"Because I'm the one who touched him"

"This is ridiculous" 

You stare down at Edmund with a smile.

"Indeed, I guess I will just go on a walk by myself while you enjoy laying there"

"No, wait"

But it is already too late, you are gone.

"Why is my luck always horrid with women" Edmund muttered to himself, remembering the White Witch.


You lay in the fields, trying to calm down your mind and soul as you enjoy your beautiful view of nature.

"How are you doing, my dear?"

You shoot up from your position to see a handsome gentle looking man approaching you.

He has dark yellow eyes and wavy auburn hair cascading down to the shoulders.

The eyes are distinctly feline, with sharp pupils and an intense amber hue, conveying a sense of power and majesty.


You immediately discover his identity but not through his appearance.

But through his voice.

Speaking to a human Aslan should be a crime against humanity.

"Yes, it is I. I have been watching you. You are a brave soul, venturing into these lands," Aslan said, his voice deep and resonant.

You couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and reverence as you stood before the majestic man.

"What do you want with me, Aslan?" you asked, your voice steady.

Aslan approached you, his hair shimmering in the sun. 

"You are a woman of great power, but I wish that you return back to where you came from as to not corrupt Peter and Edmund" he explained, his eyes never leaving yours.

You feel offended even if Aslan didn't mean it in the way you think he meant it.

"And how am I corrupting Peter and Edmund?" 

You stand up on your feet, pointing a finger at the lion's chest.

Aslan grabs your hand and holds into his own instead, placing his other hand on top of yours.

"Because, I fear that their obsession with you is corrupting them"

This is getting out of hand, is a lion making your face heat up?

"I will leave, so I don't make anyone corrupted" 

You quickly pull your hand away in embarrassment.

"If may I ask, why are you speaking to me in a human form?"

Aslan smiles at you, before walking away.

The moment you blink his figure disappears from your sight.

"Wow, totally in character, how amazing" you state in mockery.

You pull out your device and think of the next universe you should travel to, without having to live in fear.

But suddenly, your device activate itself and automatically decided to transport you to..."

Adam, you son of a-"

You exclaim once you realise where you are getting transported to.

Chapter Text

You open your eyes slowly to come face to face with two Hobbits.

Sam and Fordo.

"You finally have woken up" 

So, you in the lord of the rings.

"Yes, indeed, I have woken up...I don't remember what happened"

"One of the Nazgul stabbed you, but Aragorn saved you and Lord Arwen took you here, to Rivendell, to heal" Sam explains.

"Yes, I will remember to thank them" you say, before placing a hand on your chest in relief.

Only to realise that there is a chain attached to a ring.

The One Ring.

You quickly take it off and try to hand it to Fordo who only gives you a confused look in return.

"Frodo, this should be with you not me, here, take it"

"No, it's supposed to be with you, Gandalf gave it to you after all" 


You place the chain back on your neck, trying to stay calm and not panic.

"We are so happy you are awake!"

You watch Merry and Pippin rush towards you. 

But you hold your hands up to prevent them from getting electrifyed.

"No hugs, I still feel tired, sorry" 

Elrond enters the chamber, and smiles when he sees you in good shape while you are busy touching your ears.

They are pointy... And your height is similar to a human's height.

"Welcome to Rivendell, (Y/n) Baggins."

It seems like you are still Bilbo's daughter like you were in 'The Hobbit's universe...but how didn't you age in appearance?

Do half-humans, half-hobbit children age differently?


Arwen as an elf lord is hot.

You are in love.

Honestly, you came to thank him and see how the male version of Arwen looks like.

And you are not disappointed at all.

"It seems like you love adventure and trouble" the dark haired elf says as he places his book away.

Arwen walks towards, taking gentle and graceful steps.

"Welcome, (Y/N)," Arwen speaks, his voice melodious.

"It gladdens my heart to see you awake and recovering."

You struggle to find your words, momentarily entranced by his presence. 

"Thank you, my lord," you manage to stammer out. 

"I am forever grateful for your healing touch."

Arwen offers a gentle smile, his eyes twinkling with warmth. 

"Think nothing of it, it is our duty and pleasure to aid those in need." he gestures to a nearby chair. 

"Please, rest, you have been through much."

As you settle into the chair, Arwen takes a seat beside you, his proximity sending a flutter through your chest. 

"It has been a long time since I last saw you" 

So, this is not the first time you speak to him.

"Indeed, it has been long-"

Suddenly, Arwen stands up and holds the arms of your chair, locking you in his gaze.

"Why are you not wearing the Evenstar I have given you?"

You gulp, feeling heat raising up to your face.

The silence that follows the question makes Arwen ask more questions.

"Have you fallen out of love with me, or perhaps you have chosen another companion?"

While the elf keeps talking, your mind becomes foggy as you hear a voice whisper to you.

'You cannot hide. I will have you very soon, my precious'

You cringe in disgust at the voice.

"As if I would allow you to touch me, stay away from me, you creep."

Your mind clears up and Sauron's voice vanishes.

However, you realise that Arwen thought you were speaking to him.

His expression turns cold, as he leans closer to your face.

"I would never leave you to be, until the end of your days"

Chapter Text

You have received +1000

Sent 3:00 PM


"What a scam! I should at least get ten thousand points, isn't it enough that Sauron is acting possessive towards me!"

You huff in annoyance, before hiding your device under your dress. 

After speaking with Bilbo, and checking on him because that is the normal thing a daughter would do.

You decided to attend the meeting Elrond is holding on who will carry the ring to Mount Doom.

However the moment you enter, everyone's gaze turns towards you as if they were all waiting for you.

"I apologise for being late, so what did you all decide on?"

You ask, pulling the Ring out of its chain and placing it on the wooden table Infront of everyone.

"Gandalf didn't say the ring bearer was the most beautiful lady I have ever seen" Boromir flirts.

Yet his focus is also on the ring.

Legolas is surprised to see you while you simply avoid his gaze after what happened last time.

You take your seat beside Aragorn who glances at you from the corner of his eyes.

"So, who is going to carry the Ring?" You ask, unaware to what has been discussed in your absence.

"Gandalf has suggested that you are the one who shall carry the Ring" Frodo replies making your heart drop.

Now, is your chance to say it.

"One does not simply walk into Mordor." You assert proudly.

Finally, you used the meme.

"I already stated that especially since you are a woman" Boromir states.

You want to slap the man across the face for his sexist comment but it is for your benefit to use as an excuse.

"Yes, indeed, I will be weak against the temptation of the Dark Lord, I believe Frodo is the best choice"

Your cousin eyes widens at your suggestion.

"You are not going to be alone, I will be with you" 

Sam announces, coming out of his hiding place.

"Us too!"

Then Merry and Pippin also appear from their hiding places.

Afterwards, Frodo, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Boromir along with Gandalf joins in creating the fellowship of the Ring.

You better get lots of points for this, because you sure as hell not ready to deal with Gollum.


"Is there anything else you need before you leave?"

"Your skincare and hair routine will be great"

"Excuse me?"

You sigh at Arwen, enjoying his obviousness to your bad humour.

"I need nothing except for you to move on as we don't belong together" you say, not wanting to break the Elf's heart.

"This is not going to happen, and if you choose to be with another, I will consider it the betrayal of our love"

Your mouth opens and closes in disbelief as you walk to the Fellowship.

"Let's leave" you announce, stepping outside the gates and starting walking to the left.

"It's to the right" 

You stop and look at Gandalf who is smiling before smirking.

"Gandalf, stop teasing me or I will wear the Ring and lead Sauron to us"

You hear the whining of others behind that maybe you shouldn't bear the Ring.

"I'm jesting with him, no need to be sensitive about it"

Chapter Text

"Hmm, looks delicious."

You say taking the plate offered to you by Sam.

The first bite you regret it.

It tastes plain, and you can't blame Sam for it because clearly no one will take spices on a trip like this.

"What do you think?" Sam asks, pretty curious to hear your thoughts on it.

"It tastes great" 

You lie with a smile, before walking over to Gandalf and Gimli.

Sam notices Frodo's worried gaze on you before sitting beside his friend.

"You are worried about her, Mr. Frodo?" 

The said Hobbit doesn't remove his gaze away from you.

"She is like an older sister to me more than a cousin, if something happens to her..." Frodo trails off, trying not to imagine the worst case scenario.

"You see how (Y/n) is impressed by my fighting?"

"She seems to be thinking about the plate she is holding, Pippin" 

Merry says as the two Hobbits feel disappointed that you are not paying attention to their sword practice with Boromir.

"I assume that Lady (Y/n) is not betrothed" Boromir adds.

Pippin and Merry stare at each other before playfully tackling the captain of The White Tower to the ground.

"If anyone were to ask for my opinion, which I note they have not, I would say we are taking the long way round. Gandalf, we can pass through the Mines of Moria. My cousin, Balin, would give us a royal welcome, especially for Lady (Y/n)" 

"No, Gimli. I would not take the road through Moria unless I had no other choice."

"It saddens me that a beautiful delicate Lady like (Y/n) would have to take the long way."

The dwarf turns his gaze towards you, trying to flirt.

You chuckle at him, shaking your head before walking up to stand beside Legolas.  

"It has been long since the last time I saw you" the elven prince starts.

"I believe your father didn't take my escape well, did he?"

"I'm glad you escaped." Legolas admits.


"I didn't want you to be my stepmother."


"I want you to be my wife."


Legolas' bold declaration catches you off guard, and you're not quite sure how to respond. 

The weight of his proposal hangs in the air between the two of you, and your heart races.

But not for long does this silence continue.

A distant Dark Patch which darts about the sky, like flying smoke in the wind. 

You are thankful that the spies of Saruman, decided to interrupt this 

"What is that?" Sam asks in shock.

"'s just a wisp of a cloud." Gimli assures him.

"It's moving fast...against the wind." Boromir warns.

"Crebain from Dunland!" Legolas shouts.

Of course, while they are panicking, you quickly try to find a hiding spot.

However, Aragorn grabs you quickly to hide under a nearby rock cave as his shield your body.

Feeling his body against yours made you blush madly.

Let's get one thing straight, Legolas gets second place after Aragorn in hotness.

A force of large crows swiftly flies at a low height overhead, wheeling and circling with great speed. 

Upon their dark shadow sweeping over the company, a solitary harsh croak resonates, prompting the crowd to abruptly fly away, heading back towards the southern direction.

Gandalf, as well as everyone, rises to their feet.

But Aragorn just brings you back on your feet almost pulling you off the ground with the way he held you. 

You are short for a human but tall for a Hobbit.

"Thank you, husband material."

You say to yourself.

But when you see him gently nodding at you with a smile before returning his gaze towards Gandalf and the others.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that out loud" you exclaim in worry.

"It wouldn't be the first time, you made such a remark, my Lady," Aragorn stated

Great, is this version of you hitting it off with everyone, first Arwen, now Aragorn?

Who is next, Gollum?

"Spies of Saruman, the passage South is being watched." The wizard announces.

Gandalf looks at Aragorn and you, before turning to the others and gesturing towards a high mountain pass.

"We must take the pass of Caradhras!"

You to ease the burning sensation the ring is causing to your skin, by placing your hand under your white top.

Big mistake, as soon as your fingers touch the One Ring, you faint.



You find yourself standing in front of the Dark Lord himself, Sauron.

He is wearing his heavy armor yet his like the one you imagined from the books.

Very beautiful.

"Fuck me" you cuss at your luck, trying not to stare into the fire golden eyes of Sauron.

The Maia creature smirks before grabbing your face.

Mind you, he is grabbing your face with his right hand, which has those sharp metallic armor fingers.

"I did not expect the ring bearer to have a bewitching beauty"  

He traces his sharp thumb over the side of your face.

"I could give you much more if you bring the ring to me," his deep voice is enough to make you want to crawl in a hole and die.

"Like what?"

You arrogantly ask, curious about his anonymous offer.

"I can make you..."

He leans in and places his lips against yours.

And the only reaction you give is by slamming your forehead harshly against his own.

Yes, you headbutted the Dark Lord.

However, before you could see the aftermath for such action, you get teleported away.


"Are you insane?!" Adam shouts at you in disbelief.

"You better give me a lot of points for the kiss Sauron gave me"

"You have the One Ring with you, and you almost got killed by its creator"

You smile at the angry inventor, placing the ring on your middle finger, however there is no effect on you from it.

Simply, because you are not in the lord of the rings anymore.

"I will keep the ring as a souvenir...or maybe I should just sell it."