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Your sixth sense


This is the rewritten version of this story!
Enjoy reading
[This will not update very often]

Chapter Text


Timeline: 01
Day: 6,568
Experiment: Childcare


The freezing air hit the small, dripping newborn child.

“Here.” A voice rang out, echoing off of the large empty walls of the room.

A young child, only around three years old, took the newborn, holding it gently in their small arms. The baby cried and cried until the voice called out for it to cease.

“Now leave, I have work to do.” The voice said, shooing the little one away.

The three-year-old obeyed, taking the new child out of the room and down one of the many long, bright, and empty hallways.

A few older children sat quietly at a table, not saying a word.

“How did the meeting with ██████ go?” Asked a taller girl, her long straight brown hair covering her face slightly.

“Good,, we have a new ███████ now.” The young one responded, placing the crying baby down on the table in front of them.

They all stared down at the child, no expression on any of their faces, However inside they worried about what horrors it would have to face.

“05,” The second youngest asked as the oldest looked over to them, “ I’m going to go sleep now.”

“Sleep well 03.” 05 said plainly, focusing yet again on the newborn.

As 03 walked off to their room they ruffled their short brown hair with their hand slightly. The halls always smelled like saline, especially around the lab rooms. The smell had grown to be comforting to the little one, as they hopped slightly, rounding a corner that led to each of their bedrooms.

Walking past each of the numbered rooms, they were quickly able to find theirs. Opening the clean door and flicking on the small light switch, they began to strip themself of their day clothes and put on their night ones, neatly setting clothes for the next day on their dresser. Settling into their short uncomfortable bed they started to think over the day and all that had happened.

Experiments, food, more experiments, new ███████.

The new addition to the group was very sudden, though they had all seen it coming. There was surely going to be a lesson or experiment done relating to it. 03 had to be prepared. Many thoughts jumped across the little one's mind as they tried to sleep. The clashing of different thoughts sounded like what most people would consider music, though 03 only heard it as unpleasant sounds. To them, this building was all that existed in this world. They tried, as they did every night, to think of what the outside world could be. It was always a dark void with monsters that took their long red talons and held you in them until your head popped off, bright red blood gushing out of your neck making their talons even redder.

Their thoughts quickly transitioned to death, what would happen when 03 died? They knew it was possible as they had read many books about it. Though no book would give them an answer.

Their face was scrunched up in a puzzled look before they quickly shooed the thoughts away, getting as comfortable as they could before falling asleep, reassuring themselves once again that they’d find out soon enough.