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House by the Sea


Raising children is never an easy task, but how can someone raise dragons?

Chapter 1: The Home Of Dragons

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Ta Lo. 

The home of Dragons and of the Xian. 

The domain of the Luong Dynasty, and ruled by the Azure Dragon. The Azure Dragon rules over all other Civil Dragons, but they have no power over the Feral Dragons, nor do they rule over the Xian, who are ruled by the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, making a total of Eight Powers, with the Jade Emperor as the collective Head of State. 

The current Azure Dragon, Luong Lao Shi, is having an argument against his daughter, Luong Su Shan, about her wanting to leave Ta Lo. Both are speaking in Cantonese, and neither of them are happy with this argument.

“I will not allow you to leave Ta Lo, Su-Su. You are the next Azure Dragon, my treasure, and I cannot risk losing you. Do you understand me?” The Azure Dragon says to his daughter, but by the time he’s finished talking, his child is gone.

Horrors and nightmares are already in Lao Shi’s mind.

Chapter 2: The runaway assassin


The first few of these chapters are kinda short. Sorry.

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Xu Shang-Chi had killed his target, but was afraid to return home. Father wasn’t going to be happy with him, but he promised Xialing that he’d return to her. He didn’t want to break his promise to his sister. He wanted to run away and leave the Ten Rings behind him.

He decided to run, but decided to mail Xialing a letter written in Cantonese explaining why he had run. The Cantonese written in his letter would be coded in a way that only he and his sister would understand, so that way, Father wouldn’t be able to decipher it.

“I’m sorry, Ling-Ling.” He said to himself as he walked out of the Iron Gang Leader’s HQ.

Chapter 3: Qinglong Bakery


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

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Shang-Chi jumped from country to country, eventually finding himself drifting his way to New York City. His first choice was San Francisco, but something told him that San Fran wasn’t going to be the safest place, though he did enjoy that karaoke place. Once he was in NYC, he took the time to get himself a job, but kept failing due to his age and lack of English fluency, despite the fact that there was a Chinatown.

Comfortable with the familiarity of Chinatown, since it made him think of his home country, he tried his best to settle down there.

The only place that would give him a job was a small bakery that sold various treats and confections, a vast majority of them native to China, ranging from mooncakes to zao tang. Shang didn’t want to admit it, but all of it did look pretty good, and he was hungry, but he didn’t have any American money to pay for any of it. The bakery, known as the Qinglong Bakery, was a small one, with its architecture matching that of buildings made during the Great Ming Dynasty. At the front door was a pair of small shishi statues, carved from jade, protecting and blessing the bakery. One female and her partner male. Yin and yang, creating a balance.

“Hello.” Greeted the owner of the bakery, who was an Asian woman who wore teal clothing, and seemed to be heavily pregnant from the looks of her.

“Oh! Um, hello, ma’am.” Shang greeted her, giving a bow in respect. He didn’t realize that he was speaking in Mandarin.

“You are not from America.” Replied the bakery owner, now speaking in Mandarin.

“Is my accent obvious?” 

“If you’re trying to run away from home and not wanting your father to find out that you ditched him and your sister.” 

Shang didn’t know how the bakery owner knew about his past, but then he began to pay closer attention to the decor of the bakery, noticing that the Azure Dragon’s imagery was all over the place. As the bakery owner continued to speak to him, he began to take into account her eyes, which were a pair of dark blue slits surrounded by golden sclera. 

Time soon passed, and Susan allowed Shang-Chi to live with her and her husband, Jonathan, in their apartment in Manhattan, as well as letting him work in the bakery as a delivery boy, giving him a skateboard and a bike so that he could do his job right. 

As a way to respect them, and to say thank you to them for everything they had given him, he changed his family name from Xu to Long as a way to become closer to them. He still wrote his coded letters to Xialing, who would be the only person who would know about the name change. If his father found out, Shang knew that he’d end up dead, but it was worth it.



I don't know what kinds of social stuff is involved when it comes to changing one's surname is like in China, so interpret that in whatever way you want.

Chapter 4: Jacob and Haley

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Jacob came first. Jacob Lucas Long was his full name. Shang didn’t understand why Americans had middle names, which weren’t the norm in China, but he didn’t really question it, simply thinking of it as a cultural thing and moved on. 

Shang-Chi quickly became an older brother to Jacob, even helping him with walking and speaking and eating solid food whenever Johnathan and Susan weren’t around. 

Jacob was soon followed by his little sister five years later, who would be named Haley Kay Long at birth. She too would see Shang as an older brother when she’d become older.

Oddly, during the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival, when the Long parents were supposed to return home after getting ingredients for the traditional mooncakes, they didn’t come back.

Chapter 5: An accident

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The day was wearing on, and neither Susan or Jonathan had been answering Shang’s calls, much to his concern. 

As the Festival was beginning to be celebrated in Chinatown, Shang decided to investigate the Qinglong Bakery to see if they were already there, only to find the business closed, unlike every other bakery that sold mooncakes. He decided to go further into Manhattan, bringing the Long siblings with him, Jacob asking several questions about where his parents were, and Haley sleeping while riding on Shang’s chest as he wore the baby sling and holding her in it. 

As he walked, now carrying Jacob in a piggy back ride position, Shang ended up learning about what happened. He gasped in fear upon putting the pieces together in his head. 

It was a car collision. Mr. and Mrs. Long were pedestrians, while the driver was intoxicated. The smell of blood was familiar to Shang. He had seen death before, when his mother was killed. He still remembered the smell of blood against the snow of the mountains he grew up in.

The screaming of Jacob quickly brought Shang back into reality.

Jacob was screaming for his Mama and Baba to wake back up. He was only five years old. He was too young to truly grasp the concept of death, and thought that his parents were sleeping, but they weren’t waking up. He didn’t understand blood outside of the common scrapes and cuts that he’d get from playing games in Central Park.

According to the paramedics that had arrived on the scene, Susan and Johnathan were able to make it, but by the time the ambulance got to the nearest hospital, they were declared DOA. 

Dead on arrival.

Chapter 6: Custody

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They had given Shang full custody over their children in their wills, just in case both of them ended up dead before Jacob and Haley were legally adults. Shang had already changed his family name, so the children were still able to keep theirs. Their family name of Long was theirs to keep and share with their new father.

Shang was both horrified and excited and horrified about adopting the Long siblings, given his suspicions about Susan’s eyes resembling those of the Dragons he was told about from his mother from before she died, but knowing that Dragons were protectors and providers, Shang agreed to pay his respects to the dead.

He just hoped that Heaven could help him raise his children.

Qinglong Bakery was sold in order to pay for anything that his son and daughter would need, which was a lot of basically everything. Books, games, food, drinks, and so on and so forth. He would take as much time as he’d find to homeschool Jacob and find formula for Haley. 

He used up as much of the money that he now had as he could to make sure that they would still be alive.

For about a year of readjusting, and explaining the concept of death to Jacob so that he could have some understanding of how it worked and what it meant, everything seemed to be going quite well.

That was until Jacob started growing scales all over his body.

Chapter 7: Dragon children


There is a bit of a shout out to "Wolf Children", but you're gonna have to find it.

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His kids were Dragons.

His children were Dragons?

His son and daughter were Dragons?!

How the actual fuck was that even possible?!

This just made parenting so much more complicated. Shang didn’t know how to raise Dragons, let alone a pair of children who could turn into Dragons and switch between Human and Dragon forms. How was he supposed to do this? There weren’t any books about parenting Dragons that could help him. All his research material was mostly mythology and theology books, which had its own issues, as none of those sources could be seen as true regarding Dragons. The closest thing he had were books on reptiles, but that might not be helpful either, since Humans were mammals.

How was he supposed to raise his kids if he didn’t know what they now needed?

Getting them healthcare was a quickly evolving issue. Shang learned of this the hard way when he saw Jacob vomiting after eating the insides of a silica packet.

Shang, after getting Haley onto his back and picking up Jacob, booked it and ran to the nearest children’s hospital, but then remembered that they were Dragons, and ran to the nearest animal hospital, but since they were Humans, the smart thing to do would be to take them to a pediatrician, but wouldn’t the smart thing to do be taking them to a veterinarian?

What was the best thing to do for Dragon-Human hybrids?

“Yes, hello? Is this the 911 number person I’m supposed to be hearing? I think my six-year-old son ate the insides of a silica packet. I saw him puking and I didn’t know where to take him, so I looked at the packet’s numbers, but my English literacy isn’t the best, so I didn’t know which numbers belonged to poison control and which belonged to the company, so I just called 911 instead, and I can speak English just fine, but I have difficulty reading it, which is why I called 911. Blood?! No! No blood, I mean, there wasn’t any that I could see. I don’t even know what the Hell silica is! I just need to know that it's non-toxic or flammable or something like that. I just need to know if my son is going to be okay. How’s his appetite?” Shang quickly said while over the phone. He thought about Jacob’s appetite for a few minutes, knowing that his metabolism was somewhat faster than the average Human of his age and background, but that might be due to his draconic instincts working in tandem with his humanity.

Before he could say anything back to the dispatcher, Jacob interrupted his thoughts by asking him for a snack, revealing that the silica didn’t harm him at all.

His panic soon drifted away upon finding out that his son was safe and sound.

“Sir, is your son alright?” Asked the dispatcher on the other end of the line.

“He’s okay. He’s okay. Everything’s fine now. Thank you so much.” 

That small moment quickly made him realize that he was more out of his element than he thought he was going to be.

Chapter 8: A new home in San Francsico

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“Papa, where are we going?” Jacob asked as he saw the skies above them moving. Part of him wanted to play with the lights, but he was told not to do that, since Papa had ordered him to not use his Dragon powers unless he had no choice or was only around his family.

Papa switched to Mandarin, as he was more comfortable with the language than English and explained that they were moving away from New York. The next nine years were going to be filled with the creation of a new life, even if for their father, he was starting over again.

“Where are we gonna live?” Asked the six-year-old in his father’s language as he started to wake up Haley by tickling her with a small blue flame. Shang-Chi could help but smile at the adorable sight, up until Haley started crying, but Jacob was quick enough to start making silly faces to calm her down and make her laugh instead. Once both children were laughing, Shang felt himself able to calm down his own fried nerves about raising them, scales and all.

After weeks of house hunting and landing in San Francisco, the hard part was over with, as the family had now found themselves a new home. A small house just outside of the city and not far from the countryside. Fertile soil for homegrown plants to grow, a good school district nearby, and a relatively low crime and earthquake impact rate (for San Fran’s standards anyways). It was isolated enough to allow the kids to freely shift between their Human and Dragon forms without the fear of being caught, and was close enough to allow for regular interactions. The newest hard part now was rebuilding and renovating the place for it to actually be livable.

When the rain came, there would be buckets and cups scattered across the floors and stairs. While the kids would play with the water using their Dragon powers, their father would inspect the roof and ceilings for signs of showing fewer leaks. If he saw leaks, he’d gather more wood and nails and grab his hammer to prevent more.

When Sol was out in the sky, the little ones would play in the grass, burning it slightly as a game. There were occasions where they’d bring various small findings (or “treasures” as they called them) to their Papa. It was normal for him to make attempted jewelry out of their collections, proudly wearing them as his display of pride regarding his children. Jacob would eventually outgrow the habit, but Haley had yet to.

Whenever they were in the city, mainly for job hunts, it was normal for the kids to wander around as long as Shang-Chi was able to keep them in his sight. His watchful eyes would be filled with tears as he began to let them go to school. Thankfully, the only thing that the teachers reported would be Jacob becoming best friends with an African American girl named Trixie and an Italian-American boy named Arthur, who for some reason, preferred to be called Spud, though Shang could never understand why the boy liked being called “potato” for the life of him. As for Haley, she gained her own interests but made very few friends, which greatly worried her father. Thankfully, those concerns would be soothed by her new penpal, a Pacific Islander girl from the Republic of Hawai’i named Lilo.

Regarding the connections that Shang would make, there was only one close friend that he could find himself able to make was with a woman named Katy Chen.

Chapter 9: Auntie Katy


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

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Katy Chen was the first outsider to learn their secret. It wasn’t intentional for Haley to shift forms in front of her, but Katy didn’t panic when the girl started scaling up as she noticed the lack of her father. Miss Chen wasn’t freaked out by Dragons at all from the looks of it. She simply held onto Haley’s claws and examined them for a bit.

When Shang-Chi, now going by Shaun, understandably panicked at the revelation, Katy was willing to defend their family’s secret of being Dragons by stating that Haley wasn’t changing forms on purpose. It would take a while for the two adults to discuss the unique situation of the Long siblings and Katy was kind enough to offer Shaun and his children access to an old summer home that her family was planning on renovating anyway for them to live in. Since Shaun had been growing desperate regarding money and food and shelter, and thanks to the current events going on just beyond California’s collapsing borders and San Francisco's increasingly high housing prices, he took the Chen family’s offer of living in their summer home. 

It would be months of repairing and reinforcing the old house to suit the needs of a father and his kids, with little details being added in between each moment, such as the markings in the doorways that measured the kids’ heights in both Human and Dragon forms. The house would become a home thanks to Katy’s help and her family’s willingness to keep their secret.


Thought it'd be fun to give their house an origin of some kind, mainly how they could realistically have it in some way, so why not just have Katy's fam just have an old house?

Chapter 10: Dragon hoards and funerary altars


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

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“Katy, it’s too insane! I’m telling you, one of these days, Jake’s gonna get his wings clipped if he keeps doing this.” Shang vented to Katy as they walked around Fisherman’s Wharf looking for Jake, who had gained the habit of sneaking out of the house and flying towards the Bay Area, no doubt as a way to rebel against his father’s wishes to stay in his Human form when they were in public. 

“Shaun, he’s a fifteen-year-old Dragon! If he’s going to fly out the house to go nest-building or whatever, then why not just let him go out and make himself a hoard? He’s clearly going through Dragon puberty or whatever. Just let him undergo Dragon puberty!” Katy argued in her nephew’s defense. She wasn’t fully sure on how puberty worked in a Dragon but had a feeling that, if it was similar to Human puberty, then a small bout of rebellion wasn’t anything to worry about.

Jake wanted to stay submerged beneath the Pacific for just a little bit longer. He wanted to keep watch over his hoard, which was mainly just random shipwreck junk that had no chance of ever being recovered by oceanographers. This collection he’d been gathering over the past two months following his recent growth spurt was his and he didn’t want anybody stealing it from him. Sadly, he knew that he’d have no choice in leaving his hoard behind, since he was still a minor and was worrying about his family’s safety.

Simply being underwater made Jake feel like he was Percy Jackson, accursed and blessed with the powers of Poseidon, but Percy and his Half-Blood kin were purely fictional and Percy’s adventures never had him detail the difficulties of him needing to hide his Demigod nature in the same way that Jake and Haley were often forced to hide their Dragon abilities. Maybe Percy did struggle with hiding his Demigod powers and the Mist was the reason why he could hide them so well, but Jake never read the “Camp Half-Blood” series anywhere past the first book. Something about a World War being kicked off by a Demigod just didn’t sound right. Same with the whole concept of the Mist because why would Nature herself want to hide the existence of Magic to begin with? Why hide something that was a force of Nature? Why hide something that was a part of oneself?

Jake hated having to hide his draconic nature from the world, but he knew that there could be dangers involved if he ever showed off his powers outside of home, and he was the only family that Haley had through blood as far as they knew. He didn’t remember Mama and Baba much, given how young he was when they died, but the vaguest thing he could recall was the taste of a freshly baked mooncake on his tongue. It wasn’t much, the taste of a mooncake, but he’d take what he could get from the vague memory.

He knew their names were Susan and Johnathan and he knew they ran a bakery in New York City. He knew his father was Norwegian and his mother was Chinese and that they both chose to come to America for a new chance for themselves. He knew that his father had taken his mother’s name after she had changed it from Luang Su-Shan to Susan Long (or Long Susan depending on who and/or where you asked), with his father’s name being Johnathan Olsen before he went by Johnathan Long after they got married. Qinglong was the name of their bakery, after the Azure Dragon from Chinese folklore, but why such a symbol was so ingrained in his family was lost on Jake after the past nine years of having lived in San Francisco with Haley and Papa. Maybe it meant something to Susan and Johnathan in a way that made more sense to them than it did for their children. 

Jake could see that sort of belief between them being shared.

Once the sounds of Aunt Katy and Papa’s voices reached the bottom of the Bay and was picked up by his ears with each swiftly moving vibration, Jake quickly opened his wings and flew/swam back to the surface of the water, heading into the direction of Fisherman’s Wharf. He was careful enough to only shift into his Human Form once he could see the moonlight, easily preventing his flame’s azure glow from being found out by potential poachers and whatnot. He knew that Papa wouldn’t enjoy the fact that he’d come up to the surface in his Dragon Form. He had taken swimming classes at school to further keep the illusion maintained. (Fins growing on his hands and feet notwithstanding, as he could lie to his classmates and say that he got some bodily modifications that only worked underwater, but everyone silently knew he was lying.)

“Papa, Aunt Katy, I wasn’t doing anything bad! Why am I grounded for the next month?!” Jake yelled out as the three of them were in the car and driving home.

“You snuck out of the house and left your sister at home alone, Jacob Lucas! That’s why! My treasure, I adore you beyond words, but when you go outside in your Dragon Form without my knowledge… Do you know how dangerous the world we live in truly is, my love?” Shaun rambled out as Katy drove the car. Smart move for Katy to call shotgun, given that Jake had never run away from home before, as well as taking into account how aggressive Shaun could be on the road in general when he was thoroughly pissed off enough. Katy taking the wheel was the only safe option for nights like tonight.

Tomorrow morning was going to kick off the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival, and while Katy always knew the holiday as a happy occasion, the Longs didn’t usually celebrate it. It was confusing to understand why at first, but as Katy got to know them better over the years, she quickly understood the reason when she noticed the ancestor shrine of the late Susan and Johnathan Long during the first year that Shuan would permit celebrating the day that happened to correlate with their death anniversary. The smell of freshly baked mooncakes wasn’t the same after that unfortunate discovery. Same with the taste of those grief filled sweets.

The rest of the ride home was silent, with only Jake’s growling during heavy traffic being the closest thing to radio noise.


Okay, now we've reached the actual plot of this fic, and y'all are gonna need to buckle up 'cause this is gonna get heavy for everyone involved. Myself included, and I'm the lass writing this while listening to Maneskin's music even tho I can't understand Italian.



Okay, here comes the heavy stuff now. Bring tissues just in case of angst induced sadness.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The fight wasn’t planned nor expected let alone on a public bus in the middle of San Francisco. There were only two reasons behind why the battle had occurred, both of which were interconnected by a father merely protecting his children, in this case being because Shang-Chi keeping Jake and Haley safe from Razor Fist and their grandfather’s goons as soon as they tried to grab the “Dragon’s Eye” yupei (jade pendant) necklace from Haley as she was having it be passed down to her from Jake who had inherited from Shang-Chi. Naturally, revealing his years of martial arts training and skill in how to murder a person in every known possible way rapidly made their attack very one-sided until Razor Fist revealed his freaking machete sword arm and started slicing the bus in half as if it was butter. Shang-Chi, just as quickly as the fight began, ended the battle once he saw the looks of disbelief on his children’s faces. Haley was completely stunned with amazement, no doubt thinking that her father was a superhero, but Jake’s expression was one of complete shock as he was clearly trying to process what he had just witnessed. It was clear in Jake’s eyes that he was understandably panicking about what he had just learned about his father. Shang knew full well as to why his son was panicking. 

He’d been in the exact same situation between himself and his own father. This was the realization of the raw powers hidden just beneath the cracked surface. This was the discovery of strength hidden behind confidence. A father’s love for his children. A son’s realization of who was raising him all these years.

“Dad, why are you a wuxia protagonist?!” Jake asked as he started to put the pieces together in the best way he could best interpret them. He wasn’t entirely inaccurate in his guess but he was way off. It made sense as to why Jake’s claim wouldn’t be too off base, since it wasn’t until now that Shaun’s history was being made properly known to him and Haley, and since they would frequently watch wuxia films and C-dramas for fun, the connections would be fairly rational from his perspective.

Shang knew that he needed to give his children an explanation. Might as well tell them about the Ten Rings while on a zeppelin to China. It would be good for them to meet their Aunt Xialing for the first time in their lives. It would be good to keep his promise of returning to her even after 16 years.

“My treasures, pack your bags and get your passports. I’ll explain on our flight to Macau. We need to protect your Aunt Xialing. Yes, you’re allowed to show her our secret.” Shang-Chi answered as his children and best friend were thoroughly confused and freaking out right now after they had rushed home and he started packing for the zeppelin ride for Macau. They didn’t know until today that the weekly letters that he so frequently wrote were for his sister.

Every single week for the past sixteen years had been for Xialing’s eyes only, scribed in private, late at night and only for her to read and him to write. He never got any replies from her, but it was possible that she was keeping them somewhere safe, and he was still holding on to the hope that she wouldn’t be upset about his lack of a physical return home. He had sent her postcards and photographs and the treasures that his children once made necklaces out of in those letters, so there had to be no doubt that she knew that she was an aunt by now. Every single week, he wrote to her, and every single week, she had to have read them.

“Listen, Shaun, I know you’ve always been a private guy, and I’ve always respected that, but A DUDE WITH A FUCKING MACHETE FOR AN ARM JUST SLICED OUR DAMN BUS IN HALF LIKE IT WAS NOTHING! And you want to take a zeppelin to Macau with me and your kids right now to visit your sister that you’ve never told us about until now?! Have you lost your mind?!” Katy shouted out in utter disbelief over what she was just now learning about her best friend. Learning that his adoptive kids were Dragons was one thing, and Katy didn’t even bother to question that secret, but suddenly learning that her best friend was some kind of wuxia superhero was something else.

“My mind is intact, Katy, and Xialing is just as fluent in English as I am, so you’ll have no trouble communicating outside of writing. Ling-Ling will certainly be excited to see us after all this time, even if I’m way late to return home to fulfill my promise to her. 佢會好興奮第一次見到啲細路!佢哋會同佢哋媽媽嘅家族有啲聯繫!好啦,我會慢啲講,我可以一邊行一邊解釋 !” Shang excitedly rambled as he code-switched between English and Cantonese in his joy over seeing his sister again and introducing his children to their aunt, ignoring the internal panicking screaming at himself in the back of his mind, knowing instinctively that his father was probably becoming aware that he had grandchildren now and was going to try and turn them to his side filled with criminal activity that obviously would be viewed as disgusting to the young Dragons if they were to learn of their grandfather’s rulership of the Ten Rings and charging over the illegality related to the organization. The centuries of who knew how many horrors that Xu Wenwu must’ve committed was more than enough to make anybody, no matter the species, thoroughly and utterly afraid of him. Ying Li being his sole equal in battle had to have meant something to them both if she was the only one who could ever defeat him in combat. The mere fact that his father had fallen in love with his mother must've meant something important to them if his father was so willing to allow himself to grow old with his mother. Falling in love was not something that Shang-Chi ever believed was possible in his life since his mother’s passing, having seen the results of what losing such an important person could do but if he had learned anything from the past decade and six years of raising his son and daughter, it was possible to fall in love again even after the deaths of people he had deeply loved. 

Falling in love after grieving another’s death was indeed possible. It was different kinds of love, yes, but falling in love was still exactly such no matter the type of love it was. Be it a father's love for his children or a husband’s love for his wife, falling in love was always going to be falling in love. Shang-Chi knew that Wenwu was still in love with Li, even after all these years following her homicide, but did he not love him and Xialing anymore?

Might as well find out now. Better late than never.


Okay, I am well aware of how silly the title of the chapter is, but in fairness, I wrote it thinking that I'd be viewing it from the POV of one of the newspapers that San Francsico uses but we've got this instead. Still works either way if you think about it.

Some cultural notes:

Yupei - Lit. "jade pendant" in Chinese. Exactly what it sounds like. Jade in Chinese culture(s?) has often been known to be a precious and fortunate stone, almost sacred even, and since it's pretty common and basically everywhere in the region and given how pretty it is once it's been cleaned, along with green in general being life related because of plants and whatnot, jade being seen as good luck symbol makes a great deal of sense.

Wuxia - I forgot what the word means, but it's basically China's equivalent to either supernatural fiction in general or crazy action movies or a combination of the two concepts. More research will be needed here, since I've mainly tried to study my Thai heritage more so than my Chinese heritage, but rest assured, I will try to find the energy to research Chinese culture(s) when I can.

Chapter 12: Draconic imperfections


Warnings for some weird ass weather being created by a dragon. Not really sure if that even requires a warning, but just to be safe, I might as well warn y'all now.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“So, let me see if I have this straight: Your dad’s a thousand-years-or-so old warlord conqueror, who’s been on the warpath since your mom got killed and used you as a living weapon and trained you to contain the powers of a bunch of crazy god magic bracelet things, and now your sister’s the one running an underground fighting ring. How in the everloving fuck did you ever manage to get custody of your kids?! Did their bio-parents know about your whole deal?!” Katy rambled as she struggled to process everything that she was just told. The children were asleep but that did nothing to slow down her panic.

Katy and Shang didn’t notice that Jake was being quietly woken back up. Having heightened hearing was both a blessing and a curse. In this case, Jake viewed his draconic senses as a curse, silently horrified by what he had just learned about his Papa. His heart began to race in fear upon his discovery. So much suddenly clicked into place after years of being told that Papa’s family wasn’t something to discuss. Now they were taking a zeppelin to Macau to meet Aunt Xialing for the very first time and their grandfather from Papa’s family was going to kill them, wasn’t he? Good Lord, they were going to be slaughtered, weren’t they?!

Thunder suddenly began to roar as more terrifying thoughts entered Jake’s mind. Clouds and strong winds began to make themselves known by the time the zeppelin landed at the starport of Macau. Once they landed, at least ten-thousand different colors of ten-thousand thunderbolts started to flash throughout Macau’s skyline, not entirely as a coincidence once the Long siblings entered the city. Nothing unusual for Dragons when it came to showing and displaying their raw powers. The two of them were practically infants compared to their much larger and far more powerful draconic kin spawned from the ancient Kur’s broods born from his myriad lovers and conquests long forgotten.

The sky was shifting to match the fearful panic of the elder brother’s mind. The earth beneath the younger sister’s feet started to subconsciously crack in very small doses as the local plant and fungi began to grow faster than normal. The waves of the seas were starting to crash into the sands of the beaches of the general area harder and stronger to the point that some began to whisper prayers to prevent a typhoon hitting their homes and businesses. It was more common to pray for the protection of one’s ancestors to arrive during times like these. It was nearly time for the Qingming Festival after all, and having a typhoon intrude upon the celebration and interrupt the visitings of late loved ones would certainly be misfortunate, since a typhoon wouldn’t allow for the Ghost Realm’s naturally occurring portals to pierce through the Veil Between Life and Death and let the deceased come over and check up on their living loved ones.

Xu Wenwu looked at the sky as he and Mattias and Xialing took notice of the sudden changes in the weather and wildlife. Wenwu smiled at the sight, beaming with pride in knowing that he was finally going to meet his grandchildren after all of these years.


Qingling Festival - Ghosts be gettin' their tombs and whatnot cleaned and they be vistin' their living loved ones. There's a bit more to the holiday than my bad sum up but that's basically what goes on. I just added the Ghost Zone portal details and played with the folklore a tiny bit, becuase let's be real here, why wouldn't the ghosts of our late loved ones not want to find themselves a chance to catch up with us living folks? Granted, I've been thinking about death lately, so those big deals involving ghosties and stuff are becoming a curiosity for me right now.

Series this work belongs to: