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There's Always a Way


Desmond miles believed it was all over. The eye killed him, and humanity is saved from destruction.
But what if he could return back from the living? With all his memories and skills of his ancestors, maybe he could change things, or do something greater...?

Chapter Text



Well it's the end.

The afterlife is dark and deathly silent void; I cannot see anything. The only thing I can 'feel' is that like I'm in floating in water; just in the middle of it all.

I don't remember much from touching the eye, besides the overwhelming electrical pain trailing from my arm to my whole body. The rest is a dizzy blur. All for protecting the world from a flare from the sun. But I had to do it, I couldn't let them die, that would be cruel.

Bad things was always going to happen to me. No happy ending for Desmond Miles. Though I have regrets; missing my bartending job at bad weather, my freedom from escaping the farm...

All ripped away from me. First from the templars, than by the assassins, and then the stupid machine by the precursors....


Definitely by the precursors. I hate them so much, JUST because of my stupid blood, I was...


They "needed" me.

Stupid lsu blood. My life HAD to be taken because they were so 'distracted' by the war between the humans and them that they failed to notice the flare in the sky that killed them all? Fucking ridiculous.

I just...

I just wish I wasn't Desmond Miles. I would be alive, not be an assassin or a savior. Just a bartender in New York living his life, making friends and even maybe even having a big happy family...

Not to be alone, abandoned, casted away like a broken tool; left to decay for all eternity. I wanted to scream and cry, I wanted someone to feel my pain.

I don't want to be alone....

I don't want to be in this place...


I want out.


I want to see things again. I don't know how long I been here.


"Help me...!"


Please I want to LEAVE.


"Please someone!"


I want to see something again!


"I want out-"


"Desmond? Are you there?"


Just then, I felt an arm wrapped around my torso, jerked upwards and light from all around pours into my vision. A loud static muffled my hears, causing discomfort.

"-finally I reached you."

'That voice...who does it belong to...?'

The static dies down and the light dims. Gently Rubbing my face, looking around I appear to be in a world of a endless horizon of colorful flowers below an either rising or setting sun. The air felt cool and welcoming.

Tears began to swell in my eyes silently, my vision slightlyburry; staring at the scene before me. It was the most beautiful thing I seen in God only knew how long. 

"-are you even paying attention?"

Blinking, I glanced around trying to locate the voice that brought me out of that hellish empty void.

"Up here."

Glancing up, a glowing gold figure was hovering above. Thier figures were shaped like a person, but had no other details present.

They descended gracefully, landing front of me with a plop. "Finally I reached you, Desmond. I been trying for a long time."

I stared at them, they glow eerily similar to the Isu's. If so, what do they want with me? These Isu's will only appear if they need something.

"You are a precursor, aren't you?"

"Yes...I am one of the ones that came before. " The Isu rubs the back of their head." And yes I feel your immediate distrust towards my kind. But please, Don't see me as Juno or Minerva. I am not like them."

I crossed my arms, not convinced. All of the Isu's that I met were selfish and prideful pricks. Juno acted like I was some worthless pest, and I remember Minerva treating Ezio like a child. So yeah, my distrust is very strong.

"I am being completely truthful, my friend. I like humans, they are fun to observe. Not all Isu's are selfish you must know."

"And how can I know that? And what do you want with me?" I cut them off before they could even answer, waving my hand dismissively; feeling my blood boil by the interaction.

"Oh I know why. You 'need' me for something, Don't you? You need my 'blood', needing Desmond's help, but not even caring about how he feels!? Then what is it, it's not like I have a fucking choice!"

I clenched my fists so hard my knuckles turned white. It wasn't fair, everyone used me for something, regardless of how I felt.The Isu reached out patting my shoulder.

"No, Desmond no..." They pleaded. "Not at all. I wanted to give you a second chance."

My anger melts to complete disbelief.

"You deserve a second chance at life and I want to help you reach that. I know you wanted to live and That life was so unfair to you, so I'm here to change things."

They hold thier hand out. "So you want your second chance?"

A smile crawls on my lips as I grab their hand. The touch was warm, like grabbing something that's been in the sun for a while.  Their words echoed in my mind, over and over. A chance to live again? A chance to be free...? "Yeah I do."

The Isu lets out a little laugh. "Wonderful to hear. You my call me Noell."

I pulled and tucked my hands into my pockets, feeling so much better from the earlier conversation. "So Noell...What exactly is this place? Is this the afterlife...?"

Noell shook their head lightly."No. This is a plane in between the life and death. A safe place if you will, time stands still here. I Fixed this plane up, to help your mind ease from death and make it easier to talk with you. I call this place...

"The Dreamscape"

The sounds like a place out of a fairytale; a storybook. It definitely looks like one. I remembered a time on the farm where one of the older women used to read us stories after dinner. My old man always call all those tales rubbish; saying 'Don't put fake places in their heads! You'll make them have high expectations and get disappointed.'

Such a kill joy.

But I truly enjoyed those tales, it kept my mind sane from the mental abuse from William until my grand escape...oh those were the days.

That's all in the past, I can finally move on. After my sacrifice in the temple, I thought my life was over, but now I can go back to that small apartment in NY and continue to work at bad weather. I couldn't hardly contain my excitement.

"This is so great! I can't wait to return to my life before!" "Oh uh..." Noell grimaced, massaging thier arm awkwardly. "Before that...I needed to tell you about can't go home."

My throat tightened, my insides went cold. What do you mean 'I can't go home?'


"You physically can't go back there. It's not possible, currently."

"You can't be serious. Just put me back in my body, Noell."

"That's the thing! Your body was taken and pulled apart by the templars for tests and samples. Your body is no longer an a usable state."


What a bombshell that dropped. Noelle looked away from my gaze, fidgeting thier fingers.

"And why do you want to go back there? Juno fully believes she got rid of you. You were a massive threat to her plans and if you returned there now, she could destroy you permanently. It's too dangerous to put you there."

Just right when I thought it couldn't go bad to worse, it turned sour and zesty. I picked a flower and twirled it within my fingers. Juno thinks she won then, I wonder what makes me so dangerous to her that she felt the need to destroy me to continue her goal. After call I'm just a human with high Isu blood percentage. Right? Subconsciously I crushed the flower from thinking about this, watching it fall silently back to the ground.

Noelle begins to pace, Rubbing their temple. "Isn't there somewhere else that you want to restart in..?"

Somewhere else...? Like any time or place? If so. " have a place in mind."

Noell stopped and turns, they clasped their hands in delight. "That's Great! Tell me where while I recreate your human form..." Create? Oh yeah, they did say that my original form is completely unusable, but precursors have the ability to create body's? I know that we knew so little about the Isu, but this is completely new for me. It seems that my subtle panic caught the precursor's attention.

"Don't worry Desmond, I'll try to stick true to your original body, but due to the eye destroying your arms and vital points, I will have to add more precursor DNA, slightly making you more Isu than human. Is this ok?"

I rubbed my neck with a huff. Closer to those other Isu pricks? Well if it's the only way to live once again, I'll accept it. I'll never be like Juno or Minerva. Never.

"Yes it will be fine."

"Good good. Now where is it that you want to be...?"

        ~~~~\ Jerusalem, 1175 AD /~~~~

"Over the night of the the now quiet city of Jerusalem, a star; bright n bursting with color, emitted the entire starry sky. As it grew closer and closer, crashing near the city, it has caught the eye of the wanted and the unwanted...."


I gasped and spit up sand. It hurt to breathe, my lungs felt like I swallowed shards of glass. No matter how hard I try, air refused to fill my lungs. Entirely of my body was difficult and unresponsive. I could barely move my fingers and feet, it felt so ice and stiff.

"Hmm, maybe we should've started with practice inside the dreamscape instead of jumping into it immediately..." Noell's voice Grumbled within my thoughts. I grunted in response.

I must constantrate. I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing. I pull air in, it stung badly. Then exhaled. I repeated it over and over, the pain lessened and got easier. My breathing steadied, I sigh in relief. I can finally move my toes and hands.

"Finally..." My eyes widened, my voice caught in a hitch

My voice was different, it sounded higher than normal. Wait...Why does my voice sound so...young? Pushing myself up, I almost lost my balance as I saw a glow.

My hands, and up halfway the arms were glowing white. The light softly dims and brights in a slow pattern. Curiously I ran my left hand over the right arm. It felt like normal skin, but hotter. My tattoo was still there but it was gold lines instead of black. It looked so surreal.

"Do you like it? I liked the design of the mark and decided to keep it. I did say that I replaced parts of you body with Isu parts and DNA, it will take some time to get used to."

Yeah. It's definitely not what I expected...

"...Wait. Why am I in a body of a child?!?" I could feel Noell stiff up, like they knew that they did something wrong. "Yeah..about that, I kinda messed up and recreated in a body of a child. Sorry...?"

I goaned, planting my face in the sand with a plop.

I couldn't believe this. Here I am, alive again and surviving something that was almost impossible, now stuck in a body of a child and no one will believe me if I tried to tell anyone. What a way this started out...

"Don't look so down, I'm sure it will get better. It always does in a unexpected way!" Noell chimes, trying to sound hopeful. That's not how it works

A soft gasp caught my attention. I lifted my head, looking towards my right. A woman, looking in her mid 20s, has her hand over mouth, with a look of suprise and fear. She wore gray ragged robes, a brown cloak with the ends torn draped over her shoulders and gray headscarf to match. She was barefoot with some dirt caked on the bottom of her feet. She took a step closer, a careful hand reaching out.

"Are you...alright there little one?" She had a motherly tone in her voice. Her speech was in Arabic, thank goodness that "living" in Altair's memories helped me learn to speak it fluently, though it may be rusty since it's been awhile. 

"Yeah...I'm ok."

Sitting up, looked down and realized I had no clothes, completely naked. Infront of a girl.

I curled, trying to cover myself my face completely blushed red with pure embarrassment. Oh God why...

"Please don't be afraid." She got a foot away from me and got on her knees. She thinks that I'm afraid of her? "There is nothing to fear, divine one. I will not hurt you."

Wait what? Divine...? 

She pulled off her cape, flinging it around my form. "A strange light woke me from my sleep, a star fell straight from the sky. So I went out and found you from where it landed. You must be sent from Allah, answering my prayers!" She pulled me in a warm hug. "I wanted a child so badly, for so long...oh thank you, thank you!"

She pulls back and helps me to my feet, cupping my hands in hers, she didn't seem or care about the glowing arms. "My name is Huma, what is yours?"

Her smile was warm, soft hazel eyes looking on me. " name is..." Should I say my name? It would be a bit difficult to pronounce, it's a foreign name, but I can't think of any other name I want to name myself.

"My name is Desmond, but to make it easier, call me Des." Huma seemed pleased, her smile got even bigger. "What a interesting name Des. It sounds divine too!"

Sounds of hushed voices caught our attention. A group of three guards could be seen heading our way, it appears that my landing caught more attention than it needed to be. Huma breath hitched and dragged me in opposite away, slowly circled around, heading back into the city. It seems that I landed on the poor district of Jerusalem.

"I'm not allowing those bullies to take my gift from Allah...not this time. " Huma muttered under her voice, a frown with a sigh. She looked over her shoulder to me and smiled again.

We made a few turns around some buildings until we reached a place that seemed smaller than the rest. Some of the windows were boarded up, it looked more run down and abandoned.

She tightened her grip on my hand and relaxed."Here we are...finally home."



Inside was more inviting. Two chairs with a table the left side, a small hallway to the right with three doors there, a small portion had a fireplace where meals were cooked over. Huma takes off her headscarf, throwing it a in a basket of laundry. 

She lead me and sat me on one of the chairs. "I bet you are hungry. Sit here while I make you something than I'll give you something more comfortable to wear ok?" I nodded and she went towards the 'kitchen' pulling out leftovers that she's hasn't eaten yet.

I drum my fingers on the table, waiting patiently. "Boy what a interesting experience." Noell whispers, finally speaking after the whole ordeal.

"Are you going to stay with her, Desmond?"

I nodded. 'It's not like I have anywhere else to go, and she thinks I'm some gift sent from Allah, she completely accepted me because of it. So it is the best bet.'

"Makes sense. I'll speak with you later, enjoy your brand new life. Remember if you ever need me, don't hesitate." With that, it all when silent. Huma returns to me with a plate of a piece of bread and a couple strips of meat.

It smelled so good I couldn't handle myself. She laughed lightly as I scarf the food until there is nothing left. "I am glad you enjoy it. I will fetch you some clothes for you to wear." She gestured me to follow "But first, lets get you washed up.

Leading me towards the end of the hallway, she opened the door, which was a small bathing area with a tub and a few towels on racks. "Water is already in the tub. Once you are finished let me know." She gently pats my head and headed towards the other room.

I threw off the cloak and stepped into the tub. I nearly jumped out, It was cold water.  Shivering, I quickly began scrubbing to get all the sand sticking to my body. It felt good to get it off, despite the cold water. I wish it was warmer though...

Grabbing a towel, I stepped out patting myself dry. Once I felt satisfied, I drop the towel, drying my feet. "Huma? I'm finished."

Huma appears, holding a white long gown."Very good than des." She slipped it over my head. It seemed a bit big on me. She had a saddened expression over her face. "Forgive me, that was the only thing I had I own that will come close to fit you. Don't fret, I'll make you more comfortable clothing tomorrow I promise. "

I held her hand as she lead me to the middle door in the hallway. "This will be where you will stay. I hope my home will be comfortable for you. This is your home now Des, I know it seems small, but I will keep you safe and warm." She kisses the top of my forehead. "I bid you goodnight, and see you in the morning, little divine one."

She turned and went in the door beside me. I stepped into the room she gave me-my room-It was a simple layout, a bed and a chair and table presented. I climbed in bed, throwing the blanket over, the warmth felt so great, my eyes grew heavy and weary.

I never felt this way before. To have someone...treat me kindly. Not pretending, but genuine. It resurfaced more ugly memories from the farm life. I never had a motherly figure in my life. My mom always didn't want me around her and often ignored me.

Like "What do you want, can't you see I'm busy?"

Or "Go ask someone else who actually cares about your problems"

Altair even had better parents than me, despite they died protecting him. Ezio's was what true parenting was, they loved all their kids until they couldn't. Connor's may had an ass of a dad, but he was nothing like Willam. he gave up his life so his son can live on, and reuniting with his love. This all proves that love is unconditional, it doesn't need a reason.

Even then, almost every kid and adult there ignored me. I had no friends there, I was truly alone. Was it because I was the mentor's son? A son he and she didn't want, and therefore, inferior? I truly believed I was inferior, a mistake even, but when Huma, a complete stranger, showed me more motherly love than my own biological mom, it made me feel something I never thought I was: I was important to someone.

Now I never want that feeling to leave.



Huma is everything you would want in a mother. Kind and gentle person, she showed me how to cook, keep the house clean and teaching me basic education. Even though I already know how to read and write, but seeing her get excited when I get something right, I can pretend. Sometimes I slip up calling her mom, but I think she doesn't mind at all most of the time. 

She can sweet, until you make her mad. I met her wrath once when I accidentally knocked over one of her vase off, shattering it. I'm never been so scared for my life. Put me in a room of the most dangerous templars and I won't even flinch, but if I'm stuck with a very pissed off Huma, I'll be fighting for my life. She forgave me eventually, but my god she can be scary when she wants to.

It's been six years since then. I'm 16 years old in the year 1181 AD.

Huma was one of the poorer residents in the lower district of Jerusalem. She was a healer, requesting little to no money to help the sick and ill. She was very knowledgeable in the medical field, she showed me all the basic ways to wrap a wound, clean and sew stitches, make slaves, and healing teas. Collect and drying plants, grounding them into power to sell. Well sometimes sell, mostly gives it to whom needs it the most. Mostly payment we get is food or fabrics. Huma is the most selfless person I have truly ever met. Sense I'm her son now, she takes me along on these trips.

Our routine goes as follows:

We wake up, she gets breakfast ready for both of us. After we finish, we wash up getting ready for the day. She made me some thin brown fabric gloves that wrap up to my elbows from people seeing my unnaturally glowing arms. We head out, making our way to the marketplace to begin our day. I realized that there are more sickly ill people than thought. When I was relieving Altair's life, I assumed that the begger women and mad men were just there to make assassinations or tailing someone harder; I was dead wrong.

When we get word that one of her patients are bedridden and desperately need care, we will go to their house and care for them there. They get so happy and often pay in supplies we need, it's worth it.

Sometimes if I'm lucky, Huma will allow me to roam the market if we have some spare time. It's more lively here, merchants from all over are trying to sell their wares, some people are arguing about which is better, other selling jewelry and silks and spices and food making the place smell good.

Around lunchtime, she packs a bunch of fruit and one freash loaf of bread she was given by one of the bakers for helping. We enjoy it then return back to work. At eventing right around dusk, we return home. I help her made supper, mostly it's a soup with garlic and rice or chunks of meat with cups of milk or tea if we're lucky.

After supper, we would sit by the fireplace and she would read me a story, or teaching me a new sewing skill. One night we made a blanket which I helped sew flower patterns on it. She loved it and let me keep it. I still sleep with that blanket sense that night.

That's the predictable schedule. It's a bit boring to say to least, but it's comfortable, easy domestic life as a poor healers son. It's a life I never dreamed possible, I was told I'll never have a normal life, because I was born an assassin, a killer. 

But who got the last laugh in the end? I did.

I often watch and noticed that a bunch of merchants and scholars go to Huma for help or medical herbs to collect. That gives me the idea that we are one of the small handful of healers that don't charge the hell out of their customers. Which gave me a grand idea:

On the days that We have free time, I take extra effort with helping the merchants, Smithers and bakers with their supplies, often doing the hardest things without complaint and always on time. I did this for months; it became a regular thing, because after I do my regular work, they fed me extra treats and dotting on me.

On days that the merchants were all fine, I'll help the scholars. They were more hesitant, not sure why I was offering help, but they gave in eventually. I helped carry scrolls, ink and quills, sometimes candles or important items between places with them.

Once, I helped one write important stuff down. He was completely flabbergasted that I knew how to read and write, with almost perfect penmanship, despite that I'm a poor woman's son.

Rumor goes around that I'm secretly very intelligent and they tried to put me in school, saying that they needed more scholars like me. I declined, hoping they would understand. Some got disappointed, muttering how I'm wasting my talents by being a healer. Some still try, but I'm always allowed in the libraries and read anything I desire. I learned so much more about Altair's time than what the Animus showed me.

It's so much fun working with the metal smiths, I really got along with them. It was much hotter though and I burned my hands more than once, but I was worth it. They taught me basics of smithing. Eventually they let me make swords, daggers, throwing knives hammers, and if I'm lucky metal bracers and full armor.

One merchant though, he payed me in money because he liked how I work. He even tried to hire me as his assistant, which I politely declined. That doesn't change anything, he was always pleased to see me and pay me more on those rush days. 

After a year of this, I became friends with all, if almost, every merchant in Jerusalem. I secretly hoped my efforts were fruitful, which to no one's suprise, it was. After Huma cares for one of them, they praised me, telling her how thankful she was to have such a good, helpful son.

Chapter Text

                // 1190 AD (25 years old) //



"And just add the final touch here Des..."

The Metal Smith punched in the last nail into the leather bracer. He turned and showed me, who almost finished the same as him. "You are a natural! This soild craftsmanship" He grabbed my hand bracer and put them on his shelf for sale.

"Thanks for showing me how to make a sturdy bracer." The Smith heartily laughed, patting my back. "I believe every man needs to know how to create and repair his tools. You are no different, these will sell quite nicely."

I rubbed the back of my head, slightly embarrassed. "No, no. They are just decent. Thanks for the compliment though."

"Oh why must you but yourself down like that?" The Smith shook his head dismissively, opening up a small chest. "You are a very talented man, Des. You don't yourself enough credit; you're smart, friendly, helpful and good natured. There isn't that many people like you." 

He strode towards me, clutching a small bag of coins. "Your pay."

I took them, as I know I couldn't refuse it, he will not allow it in any other way. I peek inside, oh? He raised the pay a bit more. Maybe I can go buy mom that new fabric she's been eye boggling at for quite some time.

He hustled over to his counter where people were patiently waiting. "I remember when you first started with that healer woman." He took payment from one of his customers, giving then their item in return. "Srawny little thing you were, didn't suspect you would ever be much of anything..."

He turned over to me, tooth grinning ear to ear. "You proved me wrong. One day I know, you'll be gone with your own path in life, you'll be alright. You have a strong will and people will admire, and strive to be like you."

I bit my bottom lip, silently praying that my eyes wouldn't get watery. It wasn't often I was praised like this so openly. Normally they would tell mom, but not me. I felt a smile formed on me, and turned away in embarrassment, shutting my eyes. 

"Thanks for that, it-"

Sounds of Shouting interrupts my flushed situation. I turned my head to the direction of the voices. Across the street, One man was arguing with the merchant who sells exclusive-and unfairly expensive-wares. He wasn't a nice person. I helped him few times, he had a passive-aggressive attitude, and a bit of a dick towards others for no reason. He always had a smirk that hints far more selfish intentions for any unlucky buyer that stumbles his way. The man was in rage mode, sending every colorful cusswords known in the late 11th Century. This wasn't uncommon, there will always be disagreements in any century. Especially when I was working in Bad Weather, when someone found out how expensive thier drink actually was. Usually it ended with them getting dragged out by security.

'Maybe I should help clear up the bickering, that merchant isn't good with social disagreements.'

I hopped over the counter, putting my hands behind my back-A common habit that happens once in a while when I was relieving Haytham's life-scrolling over to them. While working in Bad Weather, I was good at putting my customer service smile up, as Ezio and getting his incredible charm helps too.

"Safety and peace, friends." I raised my hand in greeting, then returned my hand behind my back catching thier attention. The man angrily scowled, while the snoody merchant grinned.

"Get lost, begger." The man wave his hand dismissively. "I'm just about to end this nonsense."

I saw him reach into his robe and catch a glimpse of shiny metal with a subtle shing. My body froze, all my reflexes sprung, screaming danger. My heart rate speed up, my breathing hitched. Time seems to slow, making everything and everyone around the  situation a gray blur. All my brain could register was-


Knife in his hand.


He wants to hurt.


To kill.


An innocent clivian.


Templar...? Probably.


I must stop him.


My body moved faster than my mind. In less a second, I pushed the merchant out of the way as a knife was heading towards my chest. I grabbed his wrist, the man eyes widened as I twisted a 120° angle. A loud crack could be heard. 

He buckled down on his knees, a cry a pain trails out. My other hand swiftly takes the knife, disarming the attacker-Templar-flinging it to the side. I slam the man on his back, easily winding the fool;  Placing my knee against his chest so he couldn't get away. I clutch the man's shirt my the collar, A smirk forms. I flick my free hand's wrist, my smirk grew. I couldn't help it; the fool was struggling underneath, now realizing his end is approaching -The templar will die by my hidden blade piercing his heart-

I slam my wrist at his chest, waiting for the impact-


I blink, reality snaps back, the gray blur clears. I looked at my free arm, No hidden blade. Gazing my at my attention to the man, he was clearly no templar; just a disgruntled man. My eyes widened in pure horror, I leaped off. The man clutched his arm, which was completely dislocated from the socket. It turned to a pale skin color.


I must have had quite the scene, because a crowd has formed around us. The snoody merchant was completely bewildered, his mouth hanging open. "" The merchant studders. "How did" 

He growled, glaring daggers at the injured man. "He tried to attack me and the boy!" The crowd went into rage mode, throwing stones and eggs at the man, who fled in terror.

My ears begin to ring. Clutching my head, I pleaded for the noise to end. Some of the older women that work with my mom gathered around, trying to comfort me.

'No no no...' I had to get away, it was getting to unbearable, to hard to focus-so many people around-I gently push the women away and bolted. Shouts of voices echoed behind me but I didn't care. I ran through the streets, out of the marketplace, into the quieter side of the poorer district. Mad men often rambled on about uncorhearent nonsense hear, a lot of homes abandoned because of thieves and dangerous living situations. Most if not all houses were boarded up shut.

I spotted a house with narrow hole under the roof. A good place to dwell until it cools over. I leaped up, effortlessly climbing up and over, landing inside the house. Stepping inward, Rays of light peek barely through the boarded up windows, dust dance around the beams. I stop in the middle of the house, dropped to the ground, hugging my knees to my chest. The events of the marketplace plays over and over in my thoughts. I whimper, burying my head inwards. 

A Bittersweet taste tightens my throat, but I got my desolation of peace to myself, just what I needed. I let all the floodgates open, no one will witness.


Hours pass it seems. Voices are calling my name out now, It must be dusk. There are hardly any light beams as it was when I was first got here.

'Mom must be worried, I should head out...' 

"My, what a predicament you had there Desmond." A familiar lsu of light materialize beside me.

"Oh Noell, I wasn't expecting your visit until tomorrow. I-"

"No need. I seen everything and let you have your peace." I stared at the floor, I could feel the tears trying to break out, 

"Why are you in denial? You did what thought was right."

I gritted my teeth at that response. I rose angrily, stomped my foot. "No! I was in the wrong; I was going to murder him." I gripped my hair tightly between my fingers.

"Im...I'm not a killer anymore Noell! That was all in the past." Noell only shook their head dismissively. "I left the past; I'm a healer's son, friend to almost all merchants and scholars in Jerusalem. I'm not an-"

"No, that's where you are completely wrong Desmond. You ARE an Assassin, and always will be. You will always be Desmond the Assassin." 

I turned away, trying deny the fact with a heavy heart. Truly I didn't want to be an assassin, Hell originally I thought it was a cult my parents were in than a organization that protected humanity from templar control.

"You may not think of it currently, but your assassin self will help you in least ways expected. You can't suppress who you are, but to embrace it-"

"Yeah, I'll gonna head out. I can't let her worry anymore." Waving my hand at Noell no longer willing to listen, climbing up and over the hole of the house, landing on my feet. Dusk has settled and the stars are above, a nighty chill blows through the dark streets completely scarce of people,  besides the guards that are on duty. I breathe in, taking in the cold breeze of night. No, Noell is wrong, it's all left in the past. I'm Desmond but not a assassin. A killer no longer. I'm just a person now, a poor healer's son, a friend of anyone. I will prove it, I will indeed.

Stepping into another street, my hairs on the back of my neck suddenly stand on end. I stop, glancing around the area. I know something or someone is here...but just out of my sight.

'Hmm...maybe I'll just...' I blink, activating my Eagle vision for the first time in 20 years. The world around me washes out to white and gray. It's been so long, it wasn't shaky as Altair's, or very dark like Ezio's. 

I scanned the area again, a red outline of a man stood ahead of me in the distance. It stepped forward a loud crackle rumbled from the person. Turning off eagle vision, it appeared I got ambushed by five guys who snuck up while I was distracted and surrounded me on all sides. They laughed, each pulling out blades and knifes. I flinched and got in a battle stance. Sweat formed on my brow, I am completely unarmed; I hate feeling defensiveness.

   The leader, one in front stepped into the ring. My eyes widened, the same man who I dislocated his arm. His arm was wrapped in cloth. "Well look fellas, it's the scamp who jumped me while I was finishing up a business deal." I slowly looked around each of the thieves surrounding me noticing is only armed with swords, no good sturdy armor on. Good,  I can overpower if I needed to.

I faced towards the leader again, raising my hands in the air. "Now take it easy fellas." Flexing my fingers with anticipation, " No one needs to get die today. If you back down now, no one will get hurt." The leader bursted out laughing, his goons followed as well.

"We'll get hurt?" He mocked, pointing a accused finger. "Oh no, it's you that will be hurt! And what are you going to do? There are six of us, and only one of you."

'Oh please, I killed hundreds of templars by myself. Six is nothing!' 

"Now let's be calm here and we can talk it out-"

The leader laughed again, glaring daggers at me. He stepped backwards and group getting closer. "Oh no, it's far too late for that now. I hope your ready for people to find your body in pieces to teach everyone what happens when you cross the wrong guy. Kill him!"

One thug rushed behind me, swinging his sword. I sidestepped gracefully, watching him trip to the ground face first. Another thug rush from the left aiming for my abdomen, at the same time thug in front bolts in a stabbing at my face.

I ducked.

Swinging underneath him, grabbing the unfortunate thug by the back of the shirt. I pushed him infront of me, as a human shield. The attacking fool slashed him in the ribs. He screams almost buckles over, I shoved him and they both tumbled into the ground.

A thug ran up behind and put me into a choke hold, laughing in my ears. I grit my teeth lifting my legs and nailing him into the gut. He sputters, bending over completely winded. I hunker over, gripping his shoulders and tossing him over like a bag of grain. A silhouette above catches my attention. In a flash, I grabbed a thugs blade and deflect the attack from above. Another blade whoosh through the air behind me. I rolled to the side, blade still in hand. I stood back in a fighting stance as the thugs prepared the next round of assault.

"Don't you see everything you do is a waste of effort?" The leader taunts at me, as I blocked a powerful swing from behind, sound of clashing metal. "You will die tonight for the humiliation I suffered! Don't worry, we will be so generous to return you to a whore you call a mother."

'He's just trying to get to you' I must constantrate....I started to feel a hot burning sensation starting to cover my arms in a wave at where some of my body was replaced with Isu parts. My hands started to shake uncontrollably.

A blade zips passed my head with a swoosh. A thug bolts towards me, I sidestepped and kicked him in the ribs. I nearly dropped the blade as my hands heat up to uncomfortable temperature I could faintly see the glow of my arms underneath the wraps.. "Aww, are you scared now, begger? Good, in death you will learn not to mess with dangerous people." The leader then drew his blade rushed behind me.


"You're nothing but a defenseless nobody"


My eyes widened in horror. My blade drops to the ground with a clank, I covered my eyes with hands. Time around me has seem to slow down as a memory from long ago resurfaced. A memory I have dreaded, and makes me uncontrollably angry. A memory of Abstergo.

"You're nothing but a defenseless nobody."


As the leader's blade was mere inches from my neck, my wraps fell of my arms, revealing my unnatural limbs. Gasps from the group and they immediately stepped backwards. Slowly I uncovered my face, my hands were radiating with blinding light. I slowly turned to the leader, his face was completely twisted with fear. 

I stalked forward, the coward flinched at my unnerving gaze. Another wave of energy crashes through my arms, it felt like bubbling electricity shot coursing through my veins. Something inside has awoken.

The energy emitted from my fingers, something began to materialize within my hands. It morphs and two beautiful golden blades with a white aura covered them. Screams all around as my world begins to blur once again. All I could see was the memory templars at Abstergo laughing at me. Without hesitating, I rushed forwards.

"They called you weak." A gurgle scream emitted from a thug, with a blade piercing his heart.

"They said you were a nobody." Another thug fell with a stab from the back, a scream was the only thing he could do.

"Prove them wrong, show them WHY you should be feared." My blade cuts off a thug's leg like butter, his bone snapped like a branch, then stabbing through the heart.

"You are a threat from the shadows, stop pretending to be weak." I slashed downwards, his ribcage exposed, he thrashes in pure agony.

"You are an Assassin. And always will be." My blade decapitated the final thug, falling lifeless to the ground.

I slowly turned my form to the completely terrified leader, he was shivering in his boots. Big talk for such a cowardly fool. I kicked him in the sternum, knocking the wind out of him.

"He wanted to kill you. But that won't happen, won't it?"

One of my blades fades away and a shape of a gold hidden blade appears on my tattoo wrist. The blade extends, the fear in the leader eyes grew.

"Do it. Don't make the same mistake twice."

I raised my hand in the air, the man screams in terror as the blade comes down, stabbing into his neck. He gasped, blood spills before going completely limp.

Retracting the gold hidden blade and standing up, glancing around the work I did.

"I just knew that your real nature would return, Desmond."

I jerked, rapidly blinking my eyes. Reality snaps back once again. My head was throbbing slightly.

'What..?' Gently Rubbing my forehead, the smell of blood hits my nose. I spotted something red on my arms. I lowered my arm and blood was splattered all over it. Hell, blood is splattered all around me. Then I see the bodies. Each face was completely mortified, twisted in fear and pain. No...did I..?

I glanced at my hands. Two weapons that I didn't recognize was covered in blood and glowing bright, lest my arms were brighter than its ever been. Did I kill them...?

I closed my eyes, tears began to swell. I didn't want too. Please don't drag me back into that shit please. I want to be free. The memory of the fight returns. They were going to kill me, if I didn't. My eyes widened in realization, if it wasn't for the inner assassin instinct, I would be dead. And my mother, Huma, would be alone.

My hands tightened and I felt energy flowing through. Opening my eyes, I stared at my hands. Both blades began to slowly fade in specks of gold and white, my arms dims down to it's dormant glow. I could feel the power though, completely awakened and lingering underneath. I was completely bewildered, I created these weapons? They are incredible, Excitment engulfed me. It must've been a power that Isu's must have. I wonder what else I can do...?

Before I could try to explore more, there was angry shouts behind me. I knew exactly who they were. "ASSASSIN! Don't let him escape!"

My instinct kicked in. I bolted away, with a group of templar guards angrily sending swears. I rushed towards a building and leaped, clutching a window and swinging myself upwards landing on my feet. I leaped over gaps between buildings, the templars still on my tail. My heart was beating so fast, all this, it felt so...


This feeling, it was so hard to describe but; it was what I was missing. Missing for so long. I never thought I would feel this ever again, believing I escaped from being a Assassin and therefore, my life turned peaceful but empty. Now I know, despite what I decided earlier, I never left. I was already and always will be an assassin. I am Desmond Miles, son of William Miles and protector of humanity.

I activated my Eagle vision, skimming my surroundings. All red behind me, a few gray here and there, and a white haystack left of me, behind a building roof. Turning it off, I made a turn and leaped into the haystack. The templars ran past me, sending more insults and threats. Some returned and searching the area.

My heart was beating out of my chest. These guards are hopefully stupid and won't check the haystack, they never did when I lived in Altair's memories. A few moments passed and eventually the footsteps grew quiet and I believe that they gave up.

Still I waited a little longer, just to be safe. Once I felt it was clear, I leaped out and continue my way home.

Reaching the door at home, I breathed heavily. Stepping inside, a very upset and concerned person gripped my shoulders.

"Oh thank goodness! Desmond my son where were you? I was so scared, they said you were attacked and ran away. You didn't return and then I got word that there was a murder that killed a group of people and-"

She stopped looked down at my arms noticing the blood.

"Wait mom, I can explain-" she gently hushed me, bringing me into a comforting hug. "No no, you don't need to explain yourself. I'm just happy you are alright."

She pulled back, her smile appeared with tear stained cheeks. Damn I really got her upset, I should get her something nice to help cheer her up. "Now go wash up and will warm up your supper, ok?"


I sat crossed legged on my bed deeply in thought, examining my arms. It was late and couldn't fall asleep, I needed some answers. There was only one person who has my answer and speak of the devil, A familiar lsu of light materialized behind me.

"Well that was quite a show you putted on." They laughed heartily. "So do you understand it now?"

I nodded and they hummed pleased. I tapped my fingers against my blanket. "Hey Noell?"

"Yes Desmond?"

"I was did I do that? You know, 'magically' create weapons out of thin air during that battle. Was that what a Isu can do? I known I couldn't do that normally"

They stretched "Well, this is the best way I can explain. When I was recreating your body, you had just enough Isu blood percentage placed to replace the damaged parts to 'gift' you with your own special power."

I nodded, my arms tingles with waves of energy surging up and down.

"This special power, is exclusive only for you. You know Minerva was sight into the future yes? And Juno to charm any fool who whould listen to her? You now have a incredible power that now is ready to be used."

"Wait. Why didn't you tell me that sooner?" I Laid on my pillow, tracing the glowing tattoo annoyed a bit. "It was not ready. It took along time to develop and finally it awakened, just in time. But it's still incomplete."

I stared at Noell in disbelief. It was incomplete, not at its full extent? No away... "Yes your expression says it all; it is true. Right now it's just a pure power. A power that will grow more and more until you shape it into something you can control. Something that will benefit you. A power that can grant you your very desires. "

'Hmm...' A power that I can use and control. I sifted up, turning to Noell. "Hey...another question."

The Isu hums. "Can you get something for me? hidden blade? The one in the 21st century, I know I could just use that power to make one, but that one just been with me since the beginning when all this shit went down. Please?"

The Isu grinned. "Sure why not, I'll be right back." With that, they poofed away, me alone with my wandering thoughts.

I Sighed, sliding off my bed, heading out. I peeked through Huma's door, she was sound sleep. Creeping around quietly is always been useful. Mabye some cold air can do me some good. I crawled up out building and sat on the edge, staring upwards to the star filled sky. Ever sense I was little, I always loved watching the stars, it calmed me. I could always settle my mind this way.

If Noell spoke was true, than I had a perfect fit for my newfound power. I can change things that I couldn't have with just my human self. There was so much I wanted to change, and make for the better. Finally I can but...I don't know how. It's incomplete for now, but maybe if I get a little push from something else as powerful...

Noell forms beside me, holding a familiar item. "Here you go, still in good condition, despite the templars had it."

I strapped my blade on, the weight felt so comfortable. I flicked my wrist, the blade left its compartment with a satisfying click. Oh how I miss this, admiring my beautiful metal. It may needed some tuning and oiled down before any combat, but it's so great to have it back. Returning the blade into its resting position, I stood up, stretching.

"Noell I have made up some decisions. I must do some very important things tomorrow." Leaping off the roof, I looked up to the Isu. "I will see you tomorrow, goodnight."

"Very well then. I'll return in the morning Desmond."

I stepped inside and quickly scurried to the kitchen. I grabbed a cup of water and headed back to my room. Gulping the refreshing drink, I crawled into bed dreaming of how tomorrow will turn out. Everything will change very soon...


"Safety and peace mom." I greeted as I walked from my room to the kitchen table as she finished making breakfast, two eggs and strips of meat. 

"To you as well, my son."  I sat on my side and we quietly eat our breakfast in peace. We finished our meal, huma got up to clean the crockery."Hey mom?"

"Yes my dear?"

"Do you mind if I stay home today? Im still ruffled up from the incident yesterday and I don't want that to interfere with our work-"

"That is fine" Huma smiled warmly as she took my plate. "As long you the care of yourself. You are a man now, and don't need this old lady to constantly baby you. But.."

She gently kissed the top of my forehead. "But I am still your mother and I'll always baby you regardless!"

She giggled as she rushed way to her room to prepare for her day, leaving me flustered with embarrassment. She didn't didn't even get me time to react. "M-mom! Ugh, that is embarrassing..."

She returned in her work attire. "Please be good, alright?"  I nodded and she pressed her forehead against mine. She pulled away and stopped by the door. She smiled at me and left, leaving me alone.

I stood up, grabbing my clothing and dressing for the day. I felt a familiar lsu nearby and turned to see Noell sitting in my spot.

"So what are you doing today?"

I Sighed, wrapping my arms in the cloth. The energy pulsing within my arms kept trying to knock it off.

"I don't mean to give my mom a white lie, but I just needed this day to help me shape my pure power to my dream."

"Your dream?"


Putting my hidden blade on my wrist, I was finally ready. "Desmond I have to know. Where are you going?" I glanced back to my Isu friend.

"To Solomon's Temple."

I stepped outside, shutting the door behind me. Noell stayed close, blending in with my shadow. I made sure I didn't go through the marketplace, then my mom would figure out I lied. Approaching the gates of Jerusalem, groups of templar knights patrolled both inside and outside. I shouldn't feel anxious, Altair hasn't became a problem yet until next year, therefore won't be mistaken for him. But I'm still an assassin, it always make me nervous.

I spotted a horse outside with no one around and made my move. Hopping into the saddle and took off, using Altair's memories to make sure I was heading to the destination.


Solomons Temple is still how I remembered it.

It's cold, windy and a powerful presence can be felt deep within. This is where it all started, my journey with Altair, and my involvement with the war. Noell floats beside me, talking about something about the first civilization, but my mind was elsewhere. I can feel the Apple power pulsing within the temple, growing stronger and stronger down the path. Following the twisted path that soon Altair, Malik and Kadar will soon go through; I was above the Apple's chamber room.

The Apple of Eden was in it's altar, basking in its glory. It's energy changes as soon my presence enters the room. I felt it greet me in it's light, beckoning me forward. I completely swear that the Apple is alive and aware, still despite its a machine.

I climbed down the ladder into the room, crawling up the wall Isu device. It glowed brighter as I etched closer. The Apple pops out of its chamber, adovering rapidly blinking.

"The Apple recognizes you Desmond."

I stared at Noell in disbelief. "I speak only the truth. Your mind may have been Altair's memories, but it was fully aware that you were near." Turning back to the Device, I lifted my hand above it, just a few meters. Just like I did with the Eye. "I'm curious about this, what is it that you need the Apple for? Surely not for its power."

I shook my head and grasped the Apple. Everything was ingulfed by a explosion of light and electricity. Noell's voice grew quieter until white noise buzzing around my ears. A familiar Burning feeling began to spread from my arms to the rest of my body. Fear quickly sets when, believing I'll be killed once again. Suddenly it stopped, it slowly changed to a cold chill as something sprung out from my back, right below the shoulder blades. The cold chill dissappears, as the explosive light. Looking a Noell, they looked flabbergasted, despite having no readable expression.

I...felt different. The power is no longer just in my arms, now it's everywhere. "Desmond, you..." Noell studders. I was what? I looked down and nearly jumped out of my skin.

My clothing was completely changed, it was a detailed white robe clothing with gold lines at the tips. A familiar eagle pattern was etched in the center with golden lining. I wore what appeared to be gold bracer with complex pattern on my arm opposite to my tattoo one; with two matching on my ankles. Something white and fluffy caught my attention from my left. Reaching back, pulling it to where I could see it. Wings; I grew wings. I reached back and felt the other one. That's what that sprouted from my back, beautiful white wings. They felt so fluffy within my fingers, like silk.

" linked to a piece of Eden! You look so much more like a Isu now." Noell rooms around me, admiring with Ohhs and Ahhs. "When you touched it, the Apple completely changed your appearance. The rest of you now glow like your arms once did, and your's twice as powerful now; overflowing even! Was this what you wanted..?"

I stared at the Apple, now glowing dimly. This...was way more than I expected. Yes it helped me learning to use my pure power, but it also helped something else I desired, so long ago. "Noell I..."

I paused, clenching the device. "So long ago, back when I lived on the Farm, I had a dream. I never told William about it, he would have called me a fool and mentally abuse me again; but this dream...I had it as long I could remember. I wanted to be an angel, a savior. A one what would save everyone. I would have wings to fly and be overpowered. It was a childish dream, but I loved it and made me felt important." Chuckling, I placed the Apple back into its resting place. "Awhile I was asking the Apple for help, it did indeed helped me control and shape the pure power; it must've looked deep inside and saw my once abandoned desire and made it into reality. I became want a yearned to be."

I turned to Noell, a real smile curved on my face. "Finally, I can do what I wanted, things I now can do without fear. If the Apple granted all my dreams related to my 'Angel' one, everything can change, change for the better."

Yes, and save a couple of heartbroken people as well. They don't deserve the fate what they were dealt with. Malik's brother Kadar, Altair's wife and his older son Sef, and so many more. I'm going to save them. Fuck whatever happens after, it will be better than what I have seen.

"Okay then! Let's do it then, I have seem almost everything Desmond, this might be exciting!" Noell must have seen my thoughts and agreed, but certain events must happen. 

"Not yet Noell." I placed the Apple back into its mini chamber, appearing like it hasn't been discovered yet. "We must be patient, nothing goes down until the 1191 next year. Which gives me time to develop my ultimate plan." 

I leaped to the lower floor, doing a roll effortlessly. I stood up, dusting the dust off using my power to disguise myself back into what appeared in before I used the Apple. "Let's head back to Jerusalem, before mom finds out I left. And on the way, I'll get her that fabric she's wants as a thanks."

Oh the next few months until next year will be fun. Once 1191 happens, I'll be ready.

Chapter Text


                     Year 1191(26 years old)



Echoes of voices filled the once deathly silent Temple. Templar soldiers have been popping up recently in hopes of finding the powerful treasure underneath the Temple mount. I perched, crossed legged above the entrance of the Temple, watching templar soldiers come in out frantically.

They didn't see me, thanks to the power I've been mastering for months, I figured out I could turn invisible if I can sit incredibly still. My eyes scanned the area, patiently waiting for the three that will soon arrive. It seemed hotter today, the sweat drips from my brow...mabye I was anxious for today. My wings cramped, twitching abit for sitting for so long. It was worth it though, what is about to go down.

"Have they arrived yet?" Noell whispered, sounding  impatient as the soldiers below. I shook my head slightly. My thoughts wandered, to my last interaction with mom-Huma. I showed her my form, explaining I have to go and do important things. She actually took it well, automatically accepting me, saying she knew one day I would move on from our time together and she was proud. She gave me the best childhood I ever experienced, one that I'll remember forever. I do feel bad, about leaving this simple bliss with the merchants, the smiths, the scholars, everyone. Though before I left, she made me promise something:

"Make sure you visit your mom soon okay? You will always be welcome in this home, Safety and peace Desmond, my divine one."

Smiling at the fond memory, I failed to three people on horses from the distance approaching. The Horses let's out a whine, catching my attention. There was a white one and two brown ones riding up fast. A jolly emotion washed over me, making my smile bigger than ever.

"Is that-"

"Yes without a doubt."

Altair's group circled around where the templars soldiers were once at. They tied up their mares(if his memory is correct) and snuck in. Leaping from my spot, staring into the entrance that the group just went through. As I was about to chase after them, Noell grabbed me by the shoulder. I could sense the excitement, but also the fear of what will come next.

"Desmond. You do realize, whatever happens today will change everything. Are you prepared to change history and it's consequences it may bring?"

Yes...truly was aware what this will do, but it's for the better. Malik deserves better and a life can be saved here. I was powerless watching through Altair's eyes, not anymore. Kadar will go home with his brother today, and Malik will not through life with regrets.

Let's set the ultimate plan into action. 


"Wait!" I sneered at Altair ahead of me. "There must be another way...this one need not to die."  The fool ignored me; piercing the blade through the priest's back, killing him almost instantly. He fell limp, crumpling to the ground. 

I gritted my teeth. How can this man, "The Great Altaïr Ibn la Ahad" dare to show disrespect to what the master taught us? Master assassin my ass, he broke the first tenet of our creed, that will not go unpunished.

Unfortunately, my little brother had a different mindset.

"An excellent Kill!" Kadar spoke breathlessly with wonder and Awe. "Fortune favors your blade." Altair smirk on his face grew. "Not Fortune. Skill. Watch awhile longer and you might learn something." 

As soon those words left Altair's mouth, I faced towards him with my fury, finding he was staring at me. He probably could read my anger and annoyance, though I didn't really care.

Turning to face my little brother. "Indeed. He will teach you how to disregard what our Master taught us."

"And how would you have done it?" Sneered Altair.

"I would not have drawn attention to us." I snapped. "I would have not have taken the life of a innocent." Altair sighed an annoyance. "It matters not how we complete our task, only until it's done."

"But that is not our way-"

Altair stares uninterested, interrupting me. "My way is better."

Staring in disbelief at this prideful prick, my rage began boil. I was between wanting to beat some sense into him and letting karma from Allah get to him. Eventually I chose the latter. "I will scout ahead." Stepping away from the two, heading inwards. "And try not to dishonor us further." I leaped across the beams.

The sand crunched softy under my boots, sound of wind whistles cutting through the tunnel which sounds like a low howl. What is in here that Master needs so desperately? Nothing that the templars brought out seemed valuable, does the master knows something else is here? Another thought came to me; if the mission was extremely important, why did he send my little brother, which I'm sorry to say, isn't good equipped for combat with two Master's?

Kadar is a novice, by Allah who just barely got the hidden blade yesterday. Nothing about this makes sense. It's more applausble to send a Dai or another Master.

Maybe I'm just overthinking it, the master is a good man. Right?

Reaching the opening with a cliffside a latter going up, futher into the tunnel. The air around me suddenly changed to warm like, like the wind couldn't reach here. As soon I got to latter, I hear quiet, extremely quiet footsteps behind, soft breathing. It seems to stop behind.

'Must be Altair or Kadar' I rubbed my neck sighing. "Took you long enough. Any longer, I'll would just left you here-" I turned to face nothing. My breath hitched, I know I Heard someone. I scanned everywhere, hoping I could spot what or who it was. Nothing.

Something cool feeling gently brushed my shoulder, like a hand. My eyes widened, my heart quickens. I panicked inside. Something is here, I can feel it. Originally apon entering the temple it was nonexistent, now it's all around.

"Brother!" Kadar ran across the beams I excitement, Altair close behind. The prick glides silently passed, not even bothering to knowledge us. "Sorry for making you wait. I was just discussing with Altair about our mission-" A light buzz covered my thoughts, Kadar's voice couldn't reach through. I looked past Kadar, down the tunnel. I swear, I glimpse of gold and light, baring a outline of a person. It fluttered just almost out of eyesight, but close enough to spot. As soon it appeared, it vanished without a trace nor sound. I felt chills trailing my back, resisting to shake infront of my brother.

"-Is something troubling you? You are pale, white as a sheet." Kadar gently grips my shoulder, with his warm smile. "No, my mind is just tricking me. It's no concern." I waked my hand dismissively, chasing after Altair up the ladder, just to see him take out a unfortunate guard without mercy. He then smriked in my direction. It rubbed me the wrong way everytime, cocky Assassin.

We continue deeper into the tunnel, the feeling of whatever I saw is getting stronger. Closer. Whatever is following us seemed sediment, intelligent and possibly dangerous. Until it shows itself, I can only assume, though I hope it is not hostile. I don't think I'll say anything about what I seen to Altair or Kadar, they will probably believe I'm going crazy or making it up. But something is indeed here, and I'm not talking about the templars.

We stopped above a Cliffside with a ladder going down into a sort of chamber. Wait is that...

Across the room, above the door was a Altar of sort with a artifact in the middle. This was the thing that the templars wanted? The artifact that the master seeks? "This must be the ark of the Convent!" Kadar muttered breathlessly.

"Don't be foolish. There is no such thing, it's just a myth." Altair shrugs dismissively.

"Let's just get it and leave."

The conversation grew quiet when voices below us began to arise. Four men entered, all baring the symbol of the Templars, a giant red cross stretched across the chest. They to seem to found the legendary treasure, ark of the Convent.

The leader pointed above to where the Ark was resting. "I want us through this gate before sunrise. The sooner we can possess it, the sooner we can turn our attention to those jackals at Masyaf." He spoke in a deep French accent. This was the grand Master of the Templars.

"Robert de Sable. His life is mine." Altair stepped towards the ladder. "No." I barked, completely fed up with Altair's nonsense. "We only deal with Robert only if he causes us trouble."

"He is in the way, is he not?"

"Discretion Altair," I Urgently reminded with venom.

"You mean Cowardice. We have a chance to rid of him and yet you suggest Discretion." 

No I couldn't believe it. Believing himself is so high and mighty, braking everything we have been trained by. "You broken the third Tenet. Before only the first and second Tenet. Does the Brotherhood mean nothing to you, using it for your own gain!?"

It was that when Altair snapped. He rushed towards me, trying to square me up his face mere inches from mine. "You should know better than to question me. I am superior to you; both Rank and Skill. Now shut up, and watch me win us victory--both the treasure and death of our greatest enemy."

I stood my ground, ether of us daring to brake eye contact. I did not fear him, nor I never will. If he was to fight here, I'll was gonna beat his ass. I am a here for a reason, Altair was handed a gold plate by the master. Truly, Altair needed to be humbled, if it wasn't going to be me, it will definitely be by the Mentor.

Kadar watched us with slight fear in his expression, but stayed silent. After what it felt like an eternity, Altair turned away, quickly scaling the ladder to Robert and his men.

I breathed heavily, Flexing my fingers, closing my eyes in relief. I felt angry, nervous even. I believe it'sbecauseofthat thing--whatever I was got me completely on edge.

"Brother...?" Kadar whispers, hesitant even as if he was afraid to say something that will invoke my fury.  "I have never seen you lose your cool like that. Before this; you haven't been acting like yourself. What has been plaguing you?"

I faced towards him, "Have you seen...or felt anything off when we entered this place?" My brother tapped his chin. "Um nope, everything appears normal. "

"The reason I spoke was...because I..."

A loud crash stopped me. We looked down, seeing Altair was flung through the entrance where the templars entered, hitting the support beams and causing it to collapse.

Robert glared, pointing a finger at us. "Men, to arms! Kill the Assassins!" Two guards came from behind us and shoved us off the cliff where templars were eagerly waiting. I helped my brother up, pressing our backs together. Robert has fled, leaving us with his lackeys.

And Altair...

He left us. Left us to die. 

That bastard, if I get out of here I will strangle him myself! My brother was shaking, tears forming on his face. "Malik, are we going to die?!"

"No, no, just keep your head on. Remember our training! We can get out of here, I'll-" 

A guard lunched at me, it pushed us apart. More templars began to pile in from where we came in. I drew my blade, standing ready. My life will not end here, not today. Sidestepping a slash, I released my hidden blade into his skull. The templar splutters blood, falling lifelessy to the ground. Another thrust his blade at my back, only for it to miss its target. A armored fist nailed me into my jaw. I staggered from impact, wiping blood from my lips. Laughter erupted from the other side. Something began flicker above me. Looking up, the treasure has begun to glow unaturally. That presence returned.

Something badly begins stinging in my blade arm, a templar deeply cut into the elbow while was distracted. I growled and grasped at my arm, dropping my blade. I could barely move it. I heard agonizing cries from my little brother.

Kadar was fairing no better. Novice at best, was clumsily attacking getting hit almost everytime. Templar must've realized this, and was toying him, sending taunts and what not. Eventually they threw him down, tieing his arms and legs. They forced him on his knees. Guard grabbed me from both side, holding me in place.

Kadar was bruised from all over, his lower lip was cut open, slashes and cuts covering most of his body, our outfit was completely stained in his blood. Kadar was basically a helpless lamb in the slaughter.

"Well, well...look what we got here." A templar circled my brother. "Let's teach these rats a lesson, a one they they will never forget."

He yanked Kadar hair, forcing his head up. Tears fell from his cheeks. The templar grinned and glanced at me. "Don't kill the older one, yet. Let him witness the death of what he loves die infront of him!" He let go and stood behind Kadar. My eyes widened as I twisted and struggled. "No! No! Let him go!" But to no avail, I was weakened to much.


I snapped my head around to Kadar, to which a massive axe was raised above him. He was going to die--My baby brother was going to die. The one I swore to my father from the day he was born that I will protect. My heart stopped, the whole world seem to slow down as the axe above lowered. My brother gently smiled at me, Tears erupted from out of nowhere.


Light explosives above us, blinding everyone in the room. A gurgle scream emitted infont of me, then silence. The light dims, the one that was holding the axe had a glowing blade piercing through the front of the face all the way. He dropped the weapon and crumbles to the floor. 

Light begans again, not as bright. The treasure began violently shaking, braking from its containment and emerging, floating directly in the middle of the room. The ark was a ball that had lines pulsing gold. The templars soldiers let out gasps, backing away from the center. The Ark began to shake once again, Light shooting in every direction. All that light, then shoots back to the artifact and it begins to shape. Morphing into a shape that resemble human...!

My eyes widened in realization, that thing I was seeing--and what I felt; It was the artifact or what the artifact brought forth.

I couldn't look away.

Slowly it begans to get more detailed, piece by piece. It glides silently towards the floor, close enough to make me jump out of my skin.

It looked like Altair. Completely looking like Altair. The same scar on his lip, the hair, the face, the eyes--which was soft, kinder looking than Altair's arrogant ones--it was full replica. But the cloth was not the same, he wore a robe, brighter white than I never laid eyes on, baring a shape that is an outline of a bird. He bore gold brands on his legs and his right arm. The other had strange gold marks.Wings sprang forth from him. He looked like a angel, an entity from the artifact.

He looks around and room than back to me. A templar points his weapon at the entity demanding why he was here, he didn't knowledge the templar, only looking at me. He grew agitated, swinging his swing at the entity. A gold blade appeared and flew that the attacker, piercing his throat. He crumple to the ground, all maintained eye contact with me.

The entity's face hard in annoyance and raised his hand. Golden knives appearing in waves by waves, attacking every single templar here. It couldn't be dodged or stopped, screams of pain were in every direction.

I ran to my brother and began to cut the rope off. "B-brother...everything hurts..." Kadar was quivering, his words slurring from bloodloss. I clutched my brother, tears forming again. I really thought I was going to lose him. 

The wave of knives did not stop until every templars was dead with hundreds of stab wounds all over. Entity lowered his arm and turns to face me and Kadar.

My heart begans to quicken. What he did to those templars, can happen to us. He begans to approach us in careful strides. I picked up my blade and pointed at him, my hand trembled at the hilt. I may be weak to put up a good fight, but by Allah I will not go down easily. I will protect my brother until the day I die.


 He stops at my order, standing eerily silent, then a grin formed over his face. He begans to speak in a language I completely never heard.

"Wait please, I cannot understand you?" I pleaded, hoping that I didn't offend the entity. He stops, seeming to understand the situation and smiled again.

"Don't be afraid Mailk Al Sayf. I'm not to hurt you or your brother." I flinched slightly, but regained my posture. He spoke in perfect Arabic.

"When why are you here then?"

He looked at Kadar than me with a frown replacing his smile. "Kadar Al Sayf will die here if he is not helped." I growled and pulled him closer to me. "No he will not die, you will not take him from me."

"Please Malik, I know you are scared but trust me, I can help." He shows his hands, as offering he's friendly. I looked at my brother, which the entity was right. Kadar was more paler than before, his breathing was shallow and faint. If nothing is done and fast, I will lose him.

I Sighed and looking back to the angel who patiently waiting my answer. Gently laying my brother on the ground. "I understand, please don't let Kadar die." The entity strode over and got on his knees, his glowing hands hovering over Kadar. I clutch my brother hand, my eyes never leaving the entity before me incase he tries something. My brother gasped in pain, his hand gripped tighter.

The angel pressed his hands on Kadar chest and warm light begans to cover. I couldn't help but watch has the light began to stitch up all the fatal wounds like magic. Color began to return to Kadar face and his breathing steadied. The angel than pulled back and stood up. "There. He won't die now."

Kadar stirred and pushed himself up. "Mailk..?" 

"Oh thank Allah you are alright." Kadar embraced me, sobbing. "I thought I was going to die, Malik! I really thought I was..."

I looked towards the angel and he stood smiling, his smile was very pleasant. Kadar looked over to the entity and his eyes widened like a excited child. "An angel?!"

He sprang from my arms straight to the Angel. "Wait, Kadar-" Kadar already had his hands full of the Entity's bright feathers. "Mailk they are so soft! Fluffy like a cloud." The angel didn't seem to mind the younger man feeling his wings, mabye just slightly embarrassed. I Slowly begin to approach the powerful entity.

Reached out, hand inches from his wing. I shouldn't do this, I should be cautious, but my curiosity got the better of me. The feathers were indeed soft, softer than any other pillow or bird feather. Cool to the touch even. His wings began to twitch as I began to pet.

Was this what the master seeks? A powerful entity from the artifact that can be controlled? If that's the case, this power cannot fall into templar hands. It shall be taken to Masyaf for safety. Where is the artifact anyway?

The wings then wraps me and Kadar around in a embrace. It felt so relaxing, surrounded by pure cool fluff. Kadar was having a heyday of his life, giggling in excitment.

I artifact was floating still in the air, the entity opened his hand and the artifact fell in his hand with a plop. "The Apple is in safe hands this time." He turns to Malik and puts what he called the Apple into my hands. "Keep it safe from greedy hands, Mailk. Please." The Angels eyes pleaded.

I nodded to him and his smiled beams. Voices began to echoed the cave from the entrance where we came in. The angel freezes and immediately vanished, leaving behind only a handful of his dazzling white feathers. They seem to disappear as they barely touched the ground, Kadar whines from the lack of fluff. A group of Raufs appeared.

"Malik! Kadar are you both alright?"

I looked down to the Apple, wondering where the angel ran off to. "Yes we are. Let's head back to Masyaf."


I can hear Noell laughing as I watched the group race back into the direction of Masyaf Castle.

My face slightly flushed remembering that hands on my wings. Both Al Sayf brothers were petting my wings and it felt good, ok that is something I will take that secret to the grave with me. But I did not expect it to felt nice, my God this will spoil me. Maybe it was because I always missed feeling of affection, something i didn't get from the farm or as human Desmond Miles before I died and came back.

I teleported to Masyaf as the group made it there. Navigating the castle was no issue, as Altair I knew it very well. Teleporting into the Mentor room was no problem, turning invisible sitting on a bookshelf.

My face scowled. Fucking piece of Shit mentor, he's just using all these good people for his own gain. Greedy bastard, just like Warren Virdic. They got what they deserved in the end. The door opened and Altair walked in.

Here comes the predictable conversion.

"Master," Altair broke the silence, I remembered the shame in this scene.

Al Mualim turned towards him with a glint in his eye. "Come forward, tell me of your mission. I trust you have recovered the Treasure...?"

Altair refused to look his mentor in the eye. "We ran into trouble, Robert de Sable." Al Mualim waved his hand dismissively. "That should not be a problem, assassins easily adapt-"

"It was a one we couldn't adapt to." The tension in the air thickens, anyone could feel it. "What do you mean?"

"I have failed you."

"The Treasure?"

"Lost to us."

Silence again.

"And Robert de Sable?"

"...Got away."

Al Mualim rushed towards me with anger and frustration. " I sent you--My best man--return with a treasure, and a mission with so much importance that you couldnt understand and yet you return empty handed, with meaningless excuses and apologies?"

"Master I-"

"Do not speak." He mentor voice sharply cut through, sending chills through Altair. "This isn't what I have expected...we must send another force."

"Master I swear I will find him and the treasure." Altair pleads.

Al Mualim ignored him, turning away. "Also where is Mailk and Kadar?"

Sweat beads drip from Altair's face. "Dead."

"No." Malik's voice echoed from behind, with Kadar in tow. "We are not dead."

They both wobbled over to the two, Malik gripping his damaged arm.

"We still live." And there I see it, the anger from Mailk completely directed at Altair, Kadar hung his head low, looking at no one. "You left us to die!"

"There was nothing I could do." Altair stammered, hoping his lie worked. "The entrance got blocked and I couldn't get back in."

Malik's anger could be felt, as he raised a shaking finger. "Because you did not heed my warning. I almost lost my brother, I almost lost my life because of you." Malik's words were sharper than it was before.

"Your ignorance today nearly costed our victory."

"Nearly?" Al Mualim's voice was piped with interest.

Malik nods, and pulls out the Apple from his pocket, it glowed dimly. "I returned with what your favorite failed to obtain." Al Mualim's eye lit up with his hidden greed for power, as Malik hands him the Apple.

"That is not the only news I bring." Malik gripped his arm once again.

"Then speak."

"We have seen why you request the Apple master. We seen the Guardian."

"The Guardian...?" Al Mualim expression changed. "You say something lives within the artifact?"

"Indeed master." Kadar chipped in. "He is the reason why we are alive."

"The Guardian saved us. He easily struck down every templar within the matter of seconds, creating gold weapons out of thin air, possessing magical powers that can fix any fatal wound. He spoke in a language I failed to understand, and then spoke in Arabic with zero difficulty. And that's not even the strangest part." Malik finished.

Al Mualim listened intently, growing more and more cerious. I know for certain I'm not helping this bastard anytime soon.

"He looked just like Altair." Kadar barked in.

"What." Altair now involved. "This Guardian looks likes me? Speak sense."

"We speak only the truth, Altair. His resemblance is remarkable. Uncanny even. Every miniscule detail was spot on, like looking into your reflection."

"Then summon the Guardian, Malik." Al Mualim gleefully asked, his hidden greed getting getter. "I wish to see such a Entity."

"As well am I." Altair crossed his arms.

"Well I would if could..." Malik scratched his head. "I don't know how. The Guardian only showed himself when I needed help the most, than vanished when he wanted too."

"Oh well I see." Al Mualim stared at the Apple, licking his lips. "I'll summon this Guardian myself. His power can be useful once he is under our control."

Yeah, that isn't happening anytime soon asswipe. I hate you with a deep passion, I'll probably only listen to Malik, Kadar and Altair before even knowledging your pitiful excuse for a Mentor.

Angry shouts came from outside. "Looks like you didn't just bring just the Apple, but a bunch of Templars as well."

Al Mualim walked towards the window, his fingers tapping the ledge. "Let's give them a warm greeting, mabye even our Guardian will come out of hiding, hm?"

Chapter Text


"How fascinating...

The boy lives! The Eye should've completely destroyed his body, unable to return and yet; the odds are with him."

How have you returned Desmond? Did my calculations miss something...important? It must be. Hmmm... You changed. Your entire DNA has been Altered around, less human and more...Isu. I cannot comprehend how this is possible, but believe someone is working behind the scenes. For better or for worse.


I sense a complete change of course of the future. It appeared that something was Altered, something that wasn't supposed to happen did. Did you do something Desmond? The flow of time is very finicky, if you do something, you will suffer the consequences of the action in ways unexpected.

Pray that Jun doesn't get wind of your return. If she do, are you prepared her insanity? Hopefully you have a plan.


All we can do now is wait.



Chapter Text

"You play a dangerous game Al Mualim!" Robert de Sable screamed apon his steed; behind him was a army of least forty or more templars soldiers armed and ready for a fight. "Return to us what you have stolen."

Al Mualim stood proudly on his balcony with assassins on every side armed. "Be gone Robert, or have the little of your army destroyed right before your eyes."

"It appears you are bad at hearing. Bring out the prisoner."

One templar soldier pushed a assassin that was caught from the group that was beaten and cut up. Without hesitating, the soldier drew his weapon and plunged the steel through his heart from the back. The assassin gasped, fell to his knees, gurgling on his blood until he drew his final breath. I sighed, crossing my arms sitting on the east tower where Altair and two other people will soon do the famous leap of faith. I hate Robert with a passion, not like Al Mualim but that assassin didn't deserve that. The poor soul was only doing his job, but these Levatine assassin's knew of the risks and chose this path regardless.

"Quickly Altair and stand at the wooden platform."

Speak of the devil. Looking down and I'm right below Altair's spot. He looked annoyed but mixed with this expression that wasn't there before, appearing he was deep in thought by something.

"At the count of three, we jump at the same time alright Altair?" The man closest to Altair spoke in a hushed tone. All three men stood close to the edge, preparing for the leap. History is running its course; this was one of my favorite memories and moments with Altair while I was trapped with Abstergo.

This exact moment; I truly felt free. 

Like I could fly.

Like I was a true Assassin and not a prisoner.

Flying now isn't a problem, but there is no other feeling after doing the leap. It's a sensation that can only be felt time to time. And this, is one of those times.

"You see," Al Mualim's confident voices stretched across the crowd, his hand points forth the Assassin's at the wooden platform. "My assassin's do not fear death, but embrace it! Look and witness Robert." At the end of that sentence, all three sprint and leaped off, raising their arms in the air as if taking flight. A grin formed along with a idea. I should mess with Altair, just a little. Altair spins and had his back facing the haystack, his head facing the sky.

The perfect moment. I stood up, shaking my wings and stretched, leaping on the platform. I changed my form semi invisible, just enough if you focus you could see glimmer of light. 

Spreading my wings, I leaped and looked below. My eyes locked eyes with the master assassin, though I knew he couldn see mine; but he could see the glimmer of light. Altair's body went ridged, he squints his eyes, trying to understand if the light he sees are just playing tricks, as he landed in the haystack.

I soar gracefully across the ravine, landing on the ground beside the tower. A giggle escape my lips, it didn't hurt to have some fun, especially meeting face to face with your ancient ancestor. Altair leaped from the haystack and looked around frantically, looking for that light he saw. His eyes sweeped across me once and returned, not looking away. He narrows his eyes and a shine glossed across them.

Eagle vision.

He just activated his Eagle vision. It took a minute, but I'm pretty sure that he could see my silhouette past the invisibility. I could see the gears in Altair's brain, eyes widened in suprise and realization, than replaced with his glare and sprinted across the wooden beam connecting the tower to the castle, paying no mind to the other two assassins.

My heart begans to speed up an without thinking, I turn and begin scaling the wall. I had no clue why I did that, mabye it was his glare some how struck a hidden fear inside me. After all, this man was the best assassin in history, Ezio Auditore idolized him, making Ezio that man who he became in his life. I just barely reached the top of the tower as Altair's made it across the beam, his gold eyes did not brake away from my form.

He leaped up and began to climb the wall faster than I ever saw him do in any of the memories. He was completely determined to get to me. I turned and bolted across, climbing up the ladder as Altair reached the top. My invisibility began ware off from all this excitment, Altair can now see my full form.

"You, stop there!" Altair's deep voice made me jolt, not expecting it to sound so sharp. It just made me climb faster. Practically leaping upwards on the last step and making my way across to the ledge were the logs are being stored, just above were Robert and his men were standing. I looked down at them, until I heard faint steps leave the ladder.


I stiffened up, than relaxed my shoulders, hoping to could do the same with my heart beating out of control. "Turn around, and face me." Altair demands, his tone wary but mixed with curiosity. 

Doing as he asked, turning slowly and our eyes finally met. Altair's form jumped, taking a step back. "The Guardian..." He muttered, his eyes carefully took every inch of me up and down. It kinda made me want to swirm under the intense glare, I made sure I didn't. He didn't dare to move, it was deathly silent for a few painstaking minutes until Altair spoke.

"Incredible, Malik and Kadar was right. An exact replica." Altair stepped forward, making me subconsciously step backwards. "Do not flee from me, Guardian." Altair snapped, not showing any slowing to his advancement. He took every step with grace and boldness. "I want answers, Now. Only you will provide." 

I backed up until my feet touched the pile of logs. I glanced down to the templars, than Altair. He seemed to get what I was thinking and his glare hardened.

"Don't even try."

The threat made cold sweats form on my back and arms. My wings began to twitch, making it look as I was preparing to fly. I began to hear the rope holding up the logs began to snap under the added weight. "Get away from there and come over here."

I shook my head. "No, Altair." His breath hitched, flexing his hands intently. "You know my name as well Guardian? No worries, you will reveal what I shall need."

Shaking my head again and turned away facing the army of templars. 'This is getting too intense, I need to get away.'

I suddenly felt powerful hands grip my left wing and the collar of my robe, trying to yank me backwards. I tried to hank him off but no avail, His grip was far more powerful than I could imagine. The rope snapped under both our weight, I turned and pushed him away, white fabric ripped and a few feathers were plucked as I fell along the logs crashing and tumbling towards the templar army. Their forces screamed and some were crushed under the weight as the rest fled.

I coughed and pushed myself from the wooden rumble. I placed my hand against my throbbing head, wondering what just happened. Then I hear gasps and soft chatter.

My eyes widened in horror.

Turning to the castle, now realizing that I'm in front of everyone. Thier faces were mixed with awe and wonder, some with wariness and fear. Even Al Mualim's jaw slacked from its usual stoic expression.

"It's the Guardian, the Guardian of the Ark..." Al Mualim muttered in Awe. "It looks actually like Altair as Malik and Kadar spoke of..." The Apple began to slowly glow within Al Mualim grasp with my presence near by.

I faced up to where I fell from and Altair stood there, holding a torn white piece of my robe and a few of my bright feathers. His gaze did not leave me. That gaze told a silent promise.  

'I must get away, this is too much. It just supposed to be harmless fun!' I vanished in a specks of light, teleporting inside one of the towers. I was on a verge of a panic attack, seeing the greed in Al Mualim eyes and the sheer determination in Altair's ones. I heard louder gasps and discussion mostly from Al Mualim's speaking.

"Fuck, what did just put myself into?"


Through the whole afternoon, assassins of every rank were going left and right searching for me. All were given one order from the Mentor: Find the Guardian and return him to me. Altair was the most vigilant, he almost found me twice, I had to keep moving around Masyaf sense than. Eventually night came and everything was halted, and try to continue in the next day. Finally it was safe, and I was completely exhausted from fleeing. I needed to find someplace to rest, and I didn't want to go to Jerusalem yet. Hmm... Scurring downstairs to the lower cubicles underneath the castle area were all the novices were stationed. No one would expect the 'Guardian' to be down here. My footsteps were light and snoring could be heard in almost every room. Until a room had It's door open and no one is inside. I walked in, hoping it was not being used.

It was well decorated; with books, quills, ink and scrolls shattered all over a wooden table, a bed, two sword were hung up near the bed. I walked over to the bed, the sheets were a bit messy like someone just got up.

"Yes this room should work well-"

A gasp behind startled me as the door closed silently. I started to sweat bullets, mabye if I can remain calm, I could explain to the novice why I'm in his room.

"Um...I'm sorry to intrude. It was just-"


Two arms wrapped around my torso, the novice was laughing happily. Oh? I turned, seeing Kadar hugging me tightly. Oh thank god; its just the younger Al Sayf brother.

"You have the whole castle looking for you Angel, even Altair! He's more dedicated than anyone else." Kadar pulled away and smiled warmly. 

"Well I was just checking if I could rest here...for a while. I didn't know if anyone was using this room."

Kadar turned his head confused, like a puppy. "Why don't you sleep in your apple? Isn't that your home? Oh wait... It must've been so uncomfortable, Being stuck in that small thing. Why don't you sleep here? Kadar will not turn you to the master if you don't desire."

"Oh? Sure that's very kind of you Kadar. But you don't have to-" He grabbed my hand pulled me into the twin side bed. He lad his head on my left wing. My face flushed in embarrassment, I had to turn away so he wouldn't see. Kadar is innocent, you don't randomly pull strangers into bed with you. Though perhaps he doesn't see me as person, but some type of entity so it wouldn't be werid. Things were certainly different in the late 11th Century. You couldn't do anything like that in the 21st Century.

He begans to comb his fingers through the feathers. "They are still just like touching a cloud. So soft and cool...I could do this forever."

My eyes began to droop, the petting is completely going to spoil me, for goodness sake! How is this putting me to sleep? When did petting feel so nice...? Eventually the arms of sleep began weighing me down, far too tired to resist. Kadar had his arms wrapped around me, completely knocked out snoring quietly. I Sighed and tucked my arm under my head. Thoughts began rapidly form as sleep still invades me, even though my exhaustion keeps me from getting up and wandering. I hope Huma is doing well, and all the poorer residents in Jerusalem. They sort of became my family, so much better than that hell called the Farm. It's kinda making me homesick for the healer's home; and the marketplace, and the library, and...

  Eventually I joined him in the world of sleep not to long after.

Sounds of talking outside stirred me from a deep, groggy sleep. I yawned, stretching my arms than my wings. Looking around, noticed that Kadar was absent. He could be in the training area with the other novices. Reaching behind, I felt were Altair ripped off a piece of my clothing. Soon I probably need to get it and sew it back on.

"Well this got exciting, eh Desmond?" Noell whispered in my ear while picking at the tip strands of my curled short hair, making me jump almost a few feet. "God Noell, don't scare me like that! Already got scared yesterday by Altair." 

"Oh I seen. But I'm not here for that. So how does it feel to save a life that originally supposed to die?"

I Fidgeted, breathing deep. "I feel great actually, finally I did something good. Malik needed his brother so he wouldn't live the rest of his life in denial and regret. And it might be exciting watching what Kadar will do with his brand new life."

"You still keeping up the act?"

"Of course. They think I'm some Guardian or something, it's better that way than trying to explain about how 'somehow' I mirror the Great Altair's appearance." Noell tapped their chin, laughter erupted from them. "You act like a great Guardian, Desmond. 10/10, would ask for protecting again."

I didn't know if they were being sarcastic or not, it's nice to have some light humor. Especially from the scare from yesterday. Loud footsteps can be heard outside the door. Kadar barges with a big smile on his face.

"Hello Angel, I brought food!" He was holding a wooden tray filled with chunks of cooked chicken, strips of meat, eggs, variety of fruits and vegetables as figs, apples, grapes, tomatoes, carrots, corn, rice and two cups of  hot tea.

"I have no knowledge if you eat human food, so I experimented and brought everything I could without looking strange. I only brought the best from the kitchen." He moves some of the papers he had on the table, setting the tray in the middle. He beckoned me to sit in one of the empty chairs.

I stood up and accepted Kadar's offer. Oh my god, this is a lot of food. I remember, as Altair, the meals the Assassins got were always delicious. Living with Huma, we never had a massive selection of meals to eat. It was rare if we got chicken or meat. This though, this is a meal fit for a king! The smell begans to make my mouth water, making me eager to eat. 

"If you can eat it, don't be shy. I know I can't finish all of it by myself." With that being said, we ate this mega meal in quiet, witch was a plus because I was too hungry to chat.

Kadar got full before I did, dusting off crumbs  "My brother got his injured arm amputated this morning."  That made my heart drop. I completely forgot about Malik's arm, I should have healed it.

"He told me everything, Angel. What you did.." Kadar gripped his hands together, shaking slightly. "You saved me, I should have died that day, from the description of my wounds my brother told; but you chose to help me forever indebted to you." I waved my hand dismissively, slightly embarrassed. "No no, Kadar. You aren't indebted to me, you don't need to do anything for me."

"No, Angel you are wrong. I am going to repay your kindness one day. My brother is slightly annoyed about his arm, but forever greatful for my life. I shall find a way to repay you, I swear on the Al sayf name."


I drank my cup of tea hastily, while avoiding eye contact. Kadar tapped the table his eyes furrowed, clearly something was on his mind, and he wasn't sure he should say or not. 

"Hey Angel...?"


"I have a question, if you don't mind."

I stopped and looked at him. "What kind?"

Kadar's smile returned and he scooted his chair closer to me. "Do you have a name? Like a human name? I mean, I cannot just keep calling you 'Angel' "

I put my cup down dumbfounded. I never told either Al sayf brothers my name, that's just bad hospitality on my part. "Well I do. I go by two actually. My true name is Desmond. Desmond Miles. Though you can just call me Des if you want."

"Desmond..." Kadar eyes widened in excitment, the word is foreign on his tongue,  he had some Slight difficulty with his accent. "I never heard of a name like that before! It's as ancient as you are."

I snorted at the word Ancient, bro I'm only 26. How old do you think I am?? A thousand? "So...Des?" Kadar begans. "I didn't just have one question, but several. Do you mind if you answer some more?"

I popped a few figs in my mouth, enjoying the delicious taste. "Than go for it."

Kadar's face turned even more excited, jumping up; grabbing Ink and quills, and a few stacks of paper. He sat back down, dripping the quill in ink and sat patiently. "Ok I'm ready to tell you my questions." Oh. He's going to jot everything I say down, than. This is going to be a long morning...

The hours pass between us. He would ask his question, I would answer and he would write it down and move on to the next, saying that is only once in a few lifetimes and I'm not passing up on his opportunity. He asked my hobbies, what I liked, disliked, favorite foods or drinks, asked about things I seen, or things I done, asked about my power and yadi yada. It felt like it was dragging on forever. Eventually he told me his final question, getting his answer and scribbled it down. He must've wrote 3 to for 4 pages about me. He Laughed in glee.

"This is incredible Desmond. I shall store these in a safe place. And oh? May I share this with my bro? Don't worry, only with my brother. Because us three, we have bond!" He pulled a book out and carefully slid the papers inside until they blended into the book.

"Go for it than."

A bell could be heard outside the cubicles. Kadar's expression changed to a grimaced look. "Are you ok Kadar?"

He sighed, grabbing a blade from the wall. "Training bell. It's where all the novices get together and train. Than we take a test, as we're watched by higher ranked Raufs to see if we can move up. I..."

Kadar gripped the weapon tightly. "I'm not good in combat. I failed my test countless times, but Malik passed his with flying colors on the first try. The other Novices always made fun of me...oh how I hate this...I always wonder what I do wrong."

I tapped my chin. Kadar wasn't wrong, he really sucked at combat. But that could be changed, after all everyone started with a rocky start. "It's not you, but the teacher. They aren't teaching you right."

"But, it's always been the same thing being taught."

"Than let me show you a thing or two" The young Novices eyes widened, flabbergasted. " Des, do you know anything about the Brotherhood and our ways?"

Of course I fucking do. I have the knowledge of three best Master Assassins in history, PLUS knowledge of a Grandmaster Templar for crying out loud. I trained a bunch of Italian novices with Ezio and none failed me. Training Kadar? Easy.

"Of course I can. Don't you trust me?" Kadar pondered for a bit. "...Ok than. I'll try with you, hopefully I will prove my worth and not disappoint, master." He gently bows.

"Good to hear-"

"But how are you going to train me? You can't looking like that! Everyone is looking for you, remember?" Kadar interrupts, looking around nervously.

"I have a solution for that. Stay still." Kadar got confused, but did as he was told. I look at the novice closely than smiled. I raised my hand and light begans to envelop around me, blinding Kadar. As the light dims down, Kadar's face was in shock. I wore an exact replica of Kadar's outfit, the hood over my face like Altair's and carefully hid my scar on my lip. Perfectly blended in.

"There. Ready to start training Kadar?" The grin on his face grew.

Chapter 6


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Sounds of swords clashing be heard as we stepped the training arena. Various wooden dummies were played around with other novices practicing to sharpen their skills to one day to be noticed by the master. Though, those novices are just show offs and complete pricks to the instructors.

I felt extremely nervous, as I did every time this rolled around, knowing I'm just going to fail my test once again. I couldn't understand why though. My brother passed with flying colors, along with a bunch of others until it comes to me, I just flunk. And now, I'm going to fail infront of the Angel called Desmond who some reason believes in me. I glanced over to him. His form was relaxed, smiling and proud, not in a snotty way but in one that has unwavering confidence, dignity flairing around his form; it was wellcoming and warm. Altair had a flair around him that is eeriely similar, but it was powerfull, bold, cold and brash, one that most wouldn't want mess with him; because he wasn't the best person to be around.

I really began to tense when some novices noticed my presence and snickers, whispering among themselves. Desmond must've sensed my discomfort and steers us into a spot where there was a few people to train quiet until the tests began.

"Ok Kadar," Des dusted off his rope, smiling. "How do you want to start this off? I'm pretty flexible," I couldn't made eye contact with him, knowing I'll disappoint. "It's ok to feel nervous or anything. I'm not the one to shame a trainee, only sharpen them into better versions of themselves,"

No. I'll fail you. I fail in everything I try and every one who tries to tech me get impatient and gives up. I also found the ground to be very interesting. "Hmm..." Des taps his chin, until he snaps his fingers. "I know just the thing,"

He walked over and drew my blade from my hostler, and swings it around. "A bit heavy, don't you think? Is this in your weight class, cause you a a bit smaller than the rest," I stared at him in bewilderment.


Desmond nods and stared at the sword, deep in thought. Without hesitating, he discards it to the side. It hits the ground with a clank. My mouth drops, words stumbled out in pieces. "Ang-no Desmond!? Why...why did you do that?? That was my weapon-"

"No," Desmond raised his hand, stopping me mid sentence. "I did you a favor. I trained a lot, and not many were as uncooperative or as withdrawn as you, so I must realize that there is a reason for the lack of cooperation. One reason must be the sword, though I know there is another reason. Mind to tell me what it this?"

I Sighed, my shoulders dropped. There was no avoiding this at all. Truly I hope he will understand.

"'s because of a problem I'm having. You see, all novices have to pass a series of tests, in order to move up the ranks. Well I...have failed it, multiple times. No matter what I try, failure seems to follow me around." Desmond stays silent, intently listening with interest. "I wished that you wouldn't see me like this, I'm a failure and you should see that by now. I am not worthy of your time."

Nothing was spoken for a few painstaking minutes, making my blood run cold. Did I make him angry? A soft shing could barely be heard, which sounds like a sword being drawn and Des approached me. "Here."

He hands me a beautiful golden blade. It was extremely detailed at the hilt, swirled carvings that trails from it up halfway to the middle. No one has ever given me just a magnificent weapon before. I glanced at Desmond and back to the blade; this must be one of his blades! There is no other explanation for it, no other blade is as perfect. Though I couldn't help swinging it around, a smile forming. Desmond's sword was extremely light, so much lighter than the broadsword we're forced to use for training.

"Is this better? You'll do better with a much lighter weapon." Desmond forms his other blade and points it at me. "Before I can properly train you, let's get you to pass that repetitive test? We will do a series of crash courses to see what we need to work on and such."

Before I could ask what a "crash course" is, Desmond lunches.

For the next hour and 30 minutes was mixed between sparring and use of weapon as the hidden blade and throwing daggers. I did pretty well with the throwing daggers, hitting the target each almost each time. Desmond told be some pointers, as how to flick the wrist for more accuracy, how to balance myself. Next was the hidden blade uses. I didn't know you could use them as close melee attacks, now it made fighting easier if I couldn't draw my weapon in time. I noticed that Des has a completely different blade than ours. It was longer, much shinier and stronger, barely a sound made when it was released from its chamber. He tells me in the future he'll show me how to properly take apart and put together the hidden blade, with oiling, tuning because the blade is the second most important thing to an Assassin. 

Then we got the actual sparing.

My fighting is horrible, it's what kept making me fail. I trip over my feet, the blade slips out of my hand at times, I was a wreck. Desmond was extremely patient, holding back a lot. Which I was appreciative for. 

"This style isn't working Kadar. We need to take a different approach." I scratched the back of my head, agreeing. But what? This style of is the only thing I knew. Desmond smiled like an idea popped into his head. "How about this, how about learning a new style of fighting? I have a good one." 

Of course I agreed, anything that can help me pass that test and everyone will stop making fun of me. I know they do, with their backs turned, spreading rumors. Maybe once I pass, I'll get some respect. Maybe even more if I fight in a different way, from everyone else. Even Altair's own unique fighting style.

Desmond taught me a style called a "Renaissance Italian" style. It moved like a dance, quick and elegant. Powerful and unique, Not like our bulky, repetitive way. I never even heard of it, it wasn't written in any book as far I'm aware. This just proves how ancient and very knowledgeable the Angel actually is. Which gets me thinking, what actually is Desmond, and why is he from a glowing ball. Where did he come from? Did something create him and then placed him inside the ball? Did he create the ball? He must be older than the dunes and mountains, because his clothing is different, we don't have white clothing as bright as his robes. Maybe in the future, when are better friends, I can get my answers.

It took me a while, be being a clumsy and all, but I found myself adjusting to it quite quickly. Soon I could move just as Desmond could, elegant in fighting for the first time.

It was all thanks to the Angel.

I couldn't be more happier.

I was so caught up on practicing the new way of fight, I failed to hear someone approaching. "Safety and peace Kadar, ready to fail once again?"

Oh? It was Abbas Sofian, one of the higher ranking Assassins below my brother and Altair. I had mixed feelings about Abbas, though I never dislike him. He carried himself in a strange way, muttering quietly about things and complete obvious hatred towards Altair, which I failed to understand clearly. Weren't they very good friends long ago? What happened that it destroyed thier bond? 

"To you as well Abbas. And no, I believe I got a good chance this time." I smiled warmly, sheathing the blade into my hostler and placing my hands onto my hips.

"My friend right here I helping me with it."

"Your friend?"

"Yes, he-" Turning to Desmond, I noticed a complete mood change, my words cutted off.

He was staring at Abbas like he just reminded of something he forgot...

And he did not like it.

His gold eyes was hardened with hidden anger, replaced his soft, gentle glow; mirroring Altair's gaze when he on the kill. It was a silent death stare, kinda unsettling me to the core actually, because the Angel is naturally so friendly and patient.

What caused this sudden change?

It appears that Abbas failed to see it, he because he approaches casually, getting close in personal to Desmond. "A new novice then, Why is your face covered? Hiding just like Altair, ha! You are a bit cowardly aren't ya-" Abbas reached for the Angels hood, he flinched at the movement. "Do not touch me."

Desmond's words was thick with venom, hinting some something worse if he continued. We both flinched backwards at the response. "I mean," Des corrected, with annoyance. "It's a bit rude and impolite to ask questions like that a stranger before introducing yourself..."

"Makes sense, I'm Abbas Sofian. And your name novice?" Desmond just stares, before huffs. 

"Des. Just call me Des."

Abbas hums, then shoots a wide, crooked mischievous smile. "Des? What a werid name, just like you. If you train with the failure Kadar, you will be a failure as well. Just take it as a warning from me, friend." He pats the angels shoulder, while stretched the word 'friend' meaning something else entirely before walking away.

I watched Desmond tense up, then relaxed his shoulders, like he was holding back. He turned and stared at me, but not with his hardened glare. "Kadar, why was he here?"

 Does Desmond know Abbas Sofian?

"Well, he is one of the trainers that novices must win against to rank up. That's what the tests are, master." He crossed his arms, deep in thought. 

A loud bell rings through the air, causing everyonein thearenato stop. "It's time. I really don't want to fight that man again... come on, let's get to the center with the rest," I seen the slight confusion in the Angel's gaze, but I refused to directly look him, marching to the group of novices.

They were restless, random chattering and excitment of finally moving up. The group was numbered between 20-30 noivces. Most were young people, like 16-18 year olds. Infront of them was a line of the trainers that give the tests, there was 15 of them, Abbas included. A Dai stepped up, getting the group's attention. "Safety and peace novices. Most of you are restless, and lets cut to the chase." He opened a scroll, "Last Names will be called and will be assigned to a higher ranking Assassin. The test is simple; you must knock them to the ground until one of you yield. You step forward," A young novice stepped up from the group, clearly nervous but excited. "Now you will fight this Assassin here. Good luck." An assassin stepped from the line and both drew their swords.

It is a script that I've seen and heard time after time. Usually it's the higher ranking Assassins that win, but eventually all the novices pass. I know this time I'll be one that will pass, because I have new luck on my side -A powerful one at best- proving to everyone who doubted me.

After a struggle between the novice and the assassin, the novice win with a few bruises. "Very well done, you both may rest. Alright, who's next?"

It will be awhile before my name will be called, mentally preparing myself will do some good. Can I really do this? All this excitment is making me shiver, while Desmond is calm, watching each fight with curiosity. Has he not seen this before? He is incredibly knowledgeable, but maybe it's being around so many people. I don't know how long he's been stuck in that glowing ball, maybe he just taking everything in he can see. He definitely isn't shy, aleast. I wonder how he is going to train me? He showed me a brand new fighting style, but what else will he do? What if his training is dangerous, because he isn't human or have human limitations. What if I get hurt during training?Des won't let me get hurt badly, right?

Desmond gently poked my arm, taking me out of my thoughts. "Yes, master Des?"

"Who is the man that is making you scared?"

I grimaced, knowing that this question was coming. He has seen my uneasiness, but I wasn't trying to hide it.

Subconsciously turning my gaze to a man within the line of Assassins. He's big, thick skulled and kind of a bully. He has a crooked grin, worse than Abbas. No one likes him, the novices hate fighting him, for no one has not won against him, I'm one of those unlucky ones. He is a true bully.

Desmond side glanced his eyes to the man who I looked at, then back to me whispering. "Do you want me to take care of him?"

Wait what? "Take care of him"? Does he mean to fight? "No, no you don't have to. Yes he scares me, but I need to fight him. He might hurt you," Des gives me a deadpan stare. "And I'll never forgive myself for giving you my fight."

Desmond thinks for a bit than smiles, crossing his arms. "Alrightly than. Win against him my friend and I'll reward you with something very special,"

"Oh? What is it?"

"Nope. It's a suprise, you have to win first. Let it be inspiration and couragement for you to win" It must be something very special thing if an ancient being of offering it. I wonder what it is...?

"Sigh...Kadar, you are up, this Assassin shall fight you," That statement that I've heard over and over is so nerve-wracking. Desmond gently grips my shoulder. "I believe in you, Kadar. May fortune favor your blade."

I stepped into the center, drawing the Angel's blade. A few noivces and ranking Assassins had a confusion aross their face, even the Dai because I'm not using the standard broadsword.

The cruel ranked assassin shoved two unfortunate noivces out of his way and stalked towards me until we were a feet away. Showing his crooked smile, thous teeth was twisted and breath had a foul oder that would make anyone hurl. "Well hello Kadar! Don't you never learn, you will never pass," He sneers, drawing out his sword.

"You both know the rules, fight until one will yield. Good luck, may fortune favor your blades." The Dai responsed, signaling the fight to start. I stood ready, flexing my fingers around the blades hilt. I took in deep breaths, shaking but determined.

The man lunched at me, swinging his sword from above. I rolled backwards, crouched, rushing forwards and nailing him into the nose with my knee. A soft crack could be heard. He stumbled backwards, grabbing at his nose, blood trickling down from his hand and face. " little shit!" He swung his sword into my side. Blood begins to sweep through my robe, I bit the inside my mouth to silence a hiss. "You better yield before I brake your god damn legs in half." His whispering to me with a growl. He always had a short temper, always thought of himself as a perfect Assassin. He believes that he'll be promoted by the master, just like Altair was.

"No, it shall be you who will be Yielding." He growled, thrusted his sword at my mid section. I twirled, his blade barely missed my chest. I bashed the hilt into his jaw, spinning around him and slashes his backside. Yelps in pain, swinging his body around, his fist colliding with my nose. My vision blurs, finding myself gasping for air like the wind out knocked out of me. He slams me into the ground with a choke hold. "Yield Kadar! Save yourself embarrassment infront of everyone."

"...No." I spitted into his eyes, causing him to curse. He proceeded to punch my face over and over in a fit of rage. I could barely feel my face, tears began to swell. The noivces watched in shock and horror, unable to do anything until the fight was over.

"You WILL yield! I refuse to lose to you! I refuse to lose to anyone! You are a failure at everything you do, you are NOTHING."

I wanted to cry. This hurt, everything hurts. Maybe he is right Maybe I should yield... my eyes opened and turned my daze to Desmond. He stared at me with a determined look in his eyes. No...I can't give up, not if the angel believes in me. I will a way to win!

Sudden rage filled my body, a rage so wild I didn't know I had in me. I grabbed some dirt and flung it into his eyes. He grabbed at his eyes, as I kicked him into his nuts with all the force I can must. He screams in pain as he rolled into the side, clutching his lower area in agony.

I stood up, shaking uncontrollably and grabbed my sword blood trickling from my swollen face. I stood above him and the very first time I seen; fear was in his eyes and it was glorious. He tried to reach for his sword, but I kicked it out of way and points the blade at his throat.

"Do you yield?"

He glared at me with the most hateful gaze that anyone can make, still in pain from the kick in the nuts. "Do you Yield?" I ask once again, resisting to urge to kick him into the gut.

"....I Yield...."

I stepped back, the adrenaline still running its course. Cheers began to rise from the novices, smiles on each of thier faces. I returned around in smiled, feel like surviving a beating of a lifetime. My eyes met the angels and he stood quietly, his expression was proud. It made me happy inside, truly happy. It was he who believed in and finally I can move it His face remains proud Until it slowly changed to fearful one. I heard a sword swoosh in the air behind me. Barely turning around and the assassin had his blade rushed towards me, mere inches from my neck. His eyes were filled with hatred and murder, no other emotions could be seen.

Time felt like it slowed down and everything else seemed to stop moving, the Dai, trainers and even the other novices. But only myself and the man before me.

I felt a warm hand push me backwards and a yelp in pain. Desmond stood before me, his hand in a deathgrip on the attacker. He pushed his hand backwards, a cracked could be heard, the blade falls from his hand. 

He grabbed the man by the shirt and yanks him into eye level. "You are a moraly empty, corrupted maggot. You fucking dare to attack a novice from the back because he shattered your fucking small ego? You're nothing but a pathetic tryhard. Should tear the top layer of your skin, peel it back like a banana peel rub sea salt onto it until you bleed? Scalp your head with all your hair? Or better yet, snap your fucking legs? You know...the same damn thing you threatened Kadar with?" The angel spoke in a calm manner that completely rattle me to my core.

This wasn't a threat, this was a promise.

The man trembled in fear, trying not to cry infront of Desmond. "You are a spineless man. You take pleasure in hurting those who are weaker to you, it doesn't make you look cool, it makes you an complete asshole. Kadar is now under my care, my protection, my novice under my teachings. And I swear to you, if I find out you try this shit again with my novice..."

His face got even closer to him, lowering his voice to a whisper. "I will make sure that you will never recover from whatever mind fuck I will give you, and you will be deemed as a madman. You better pray to whatever fucking god you believe in that I will not find you if you do. I have the power to ruin your entire life; Do you understand me?"

The man nodded rapidly, Des harshly shoved him into the ground as the world around us begins to move again.

The Dai ran up to us. "Are you alright Kadar? He didn't hurt you to badly did he?" Shook my head, He sighs, turned to Des and gently bows. "Thank you young brother novice, you got to him before he could do any bad damage." Wait, he didn't hear the conversation that happened? Or did anyone else did besides me, the bully or Des?

"Good job on passing Kadar, you are on your way to become a great assassin. You may get patched up." Desmond nods and guides me at my pace to one of the medical stations for novices. 

"That..that was pretty cool what you said back Angel. You really humbled him I think.. Thank you for sticking with me through that." It was hard to get any words out from my busted cheek and lips. Desmond smiled and hands me bandages. "Of course, someone needed to."

"Hey novice by Kadar." The Dai yells at us. "You need to pass your test. Abbas will be fighting against you."

The angel growls at the name, than relaxed. "This will not take long. I'll give you your first lesson after I kick his ass. Stay right here." He jogged back over to the group with Abbas smiling at Des.

I finished patching all the cuts the man gave me and sat in boredom. Hopefully the Angel's training isn't torture on the first day. Especially how I'm feeling currently. A person steps beside me, I nearly stumbled backwards. It was Altair! I didn't even hear him coming. He has his sharp eye watching the group with his hands crossed, not just that but watching Des and Abbas fight.

"Safety and peace Altair, what brings you here?"

Altair stayed quiet, his eyes slightly narrow in confusion. Does he see something off? I really wasn't watching the fight, but I was curious what got Altair's attention. So I been to watch the fight. I realized why Altair is this way. Desmond, is fighting in a complete mirror to Altair's style, down to the stance. This is incredible, bizarre and intriguing.

A strange sheem of light covers his eyes. This kinda freaks me out, because he only does this went he is really focused on something. Immediately Altair eyes widened, like he just realized something important and then slowly begins to prowl towards them. 

Oh no. Does Altair know that he is the Angel? No, he can't he turned in to the master, Desmond needs to teach me! Altair made it to the outer ring of the group as Desmond threw Abbas to the ground without a single scratch, causing Abbas to yield aftertime as they thought. Hell, he wasn't even hit once. Desmond puts up his blades and turns and headed towards me, not really listening to Dai talking.

He bumps into Altair and they both lock eyes for a second. Before Altair could do anything, Desmond immediately spins around him and speeds towards me with a smile, ignoring the shout from him.

"Ready to go?"

"Go where?"

Desmond doesn't answer, just grabs my arm and stepped out of the arena. I turn and see Altair staring at the both of us, before he headed into the maysaf. His silent gaze began to make my heart race, and I couldn't understand why. It felt like I was in danger.

Des kept a gentle hold as he navigated the castle like he lived here all his life, which wasn't true. But how does he know the layout so well? "Good job winning against that prick. I know just the thing to give you before your start of becoming a good Assassin."

A flash of white got my attention behind, and soft footsteps. Footsteps that slowly gotten faster by the minute. With an sharp gaze that it feels like it's piercing through my skull.

"Angel, Altair is following us!" Desmond softly laughs. "Don't worry about him, he won't catch us. Yet. I have a plan."

We entered the garden area, the center of maysaf. The flowers here were well kept and it was a beautiful scenery; a relaxing spot for anyone wanting a small brake from missions or training. Thank goodness that it is vacant currently.


That voice made me freeze on the spot, the angel reminded calm, facing towards the assassin who was chasing us silently. Altair kept his head high, his eyes never strayed from Des. "Finally I gave caught you, did you think you could kept eluding me Guardian?"

"Me? For what reason, brother?" Des turned his head innocently. "What is the meaning of this? I'm no Guardian."

"Do not try to lie me. Your act has failed to get past my well trained eyes. Your disguise may fool everyone here, but not me. "

"I fail to understand," Desmond shrugged. "I'm not some Guardian, I'm just a assassin brother, like yourself. Even if I was somehow, what proof do you have to support your claims?" Altair's growled in annoyance, this conversation is got his short patience rattled. "As I said Guardian, my eyes could see past your simple disguise." Altair stalked towards Desmond mostly, almost close enough for grabbing distance. "You will now answer the questions I seek."

Desmond leans down to my ear. "I hope you are ready for this Kadar." Wait what?

Altair lunched at Desmond, a bright light enveloped us, causing my vision went blurry as my body went numb. Altair's shouts slowly was drowned out over time. Desmond kept a soild grip like he will drop me if he let go. Next thing I knew that sounds of chatting made me open my eyes that I didn't know I had closed. I nearly jumped backwards in pure suprise.

We are in the city of Jerusalem?! How?? "Desmond, what sorcery is this?? We were at Masyaf one moment and then, Jerusalem?" The Angel laughs, patting my back. "Sorry, I didn't to scare ya, but it was the only way out to make sure Altair couldn't follow."

"What ancient magic did you do?" 

"Teleporting, from Maysaf to Jerusalem. "

"Tele...porting?" Desmond nods and stretched, followed by a small yawn. "You have strange dangerous magic, but it makes me curious of what other things you can do." This is incredible, he could do this teleporting thing anywhere he likes without wasting any time. I wonder how powerful he is with his magical powers. My brother describes it as golden blades striking as fast like lightning. Untamed and free, just like the Angel.

He turns to me with a smile, lifting his arms. "Yeah, but now let's catch to the chase of why we are here." Desmond arms began to glow, strange markings on his blade arm lots up. I never seen such markings, it had a face outlined of gold, like the lines on a belly dancer. How come I never noticed it? I was so tempted to reach out and touch the gold lines.

"You proved yourself today, young novice. With that, I'll reward you with a special item all assassins need."

Desmond grabbed at his arm where his mysterious hidden blade and took it off, shows it to me. The glow beganto dim down until it looked like normal skin once again, lines gone as well. "This. Let me see your arm." 

I couldn't move, for I was too excited to do so. He slipped the mystery blade on my forearm. It was incredibly lightweight, even shinier than before up close. Tears slowly begins to fill my eyes, no one has ever given me something so nice as this. This blade was the Angel's blade, hell even probably made by him, and he casually just hands it over because I proved myself worthy.

It's probably filled with his magic, like teleporting. Oh Allah that would be so much fun.

"Every assassin has a good hidden blade. The bond between the blade and weider is important. This blade is like no other here, and you don't even have to cut your finger off. I trust you will care for it, Kadar?" I unsheth the blade, it makes a nearly impossible sound. A smile forms without me knowing. "I will care for and respect this gift until I cannot, Desmond."

The Angel hums in agreement, as I sheath Desmond's blade back into is slot. "Now..." Desmond rubbed his hands together. "Are you ready for your first lesson?


"Desmond, there is no way you gave him your personal blade." Noel snarks, me responding with an eyeroll as I rolled off the edge of a building, landing onto another one.

"I had to give them something. I already promised something that I really didn't think throughout. Though, he will have a heyday with my modern blade."

I turned backwards. "Come on, Kadar. Just up to here and we can take a brake." What was responsed was a pained noise. Kadar merched from the building and leaped beside me. He was completely drenched in sweat from hair to his boots, swaying on his feet, looking completely disfocused. He was heaving, his words slurring with each step he took. "Just...a few more...master Des...?"

"Yes, follow me through here." I hopped down, and effortlessly crossing beams sticking from the buildings. A loud groan echoed behind me, and Kadar followed behind me.

Noel makes a tsk. "You're running that poor boy too hard."

"Too hard??"


"This is mercy!" I growled, scurried aross a wood beam connecting building. "Ezio's real training is fucking worse than this. He literally sends fresh Noivces on raw, dangerous assassinations for training! We almost lost a few that way. This is completely watered down."

"You literally made Kadar run around Jerusalem about 7 times, by my calculations that's nearly four miles without a proper warmup to his muscles; nor hardly a chance of rest. That's unholy amount, that even the great Altair will keel over. That's hardly watered down, You are running him to death."

"Yes, he might feel like he's dying. But I need to test his endurance and Parkour, and how long he can handle the pressure. He will grow stronger after this, he will thank me." Noel scoffs. "You are going to make him regret his choice to train under you." I stopped beside a haystack on top of the building. Kadar was close behind.

"Here we are."

Kadar without complaint immediately flops on the ground beside the haystack, completely drained. He looks like he's suffocating. I leaned over, smiling. "I'll fetch you some water. Stay still and out of sight for templar soldiers." He nods weakly, I turned and climbs down the building to the crowded streets of the marketplace. I bought a decant size waterskin from a merchant, and filled it with refreshing water. Returning to Kadar, the young novice was sound sleep, shivering in cold sweat. I gently taps his shoulder, and he stirs from rest. "Here, it's yours."

He takes it without hesitating and hastily drinking the refreshing liquid. He empties the thing by mere minutes, a sigh of relief from his lips. I sat beside him, taking shelter from the afternoon sun. "Good job today novice. We can take a good nap here, templars Don't like going up on difficult buildings to climb. After that, we will vist someone special here to celebrate your new beginning."


"Oh you will know."

Kadar blinks tiredly and stands up. He crawls on top of the haystack, getting comfortable. He pats to the side of him. "Angel, sleep beside me."

Oh, um there isn't that much room there-"

"Please? It's more comfortable than the stone building." I Sighed softly, crawling up beside him. Kadar snuggled up, his head resting on my chest, before I said anything. He was already out like a nightlight. My face lightly heats up, oddly warm even. Meh, this is pretty comfortable, a little nap shouldn't hurt.


Forgive me for taking longer than normal. I've been spending to much time with playing AC Rebellion on mi phone.
I know it's not a real AC game, but it has my ultimate fav Assassin, Aguilar de Nerha. (I Also seen the 2016 movie) He's Underrated in my opinion. I also been writing a fic where my OOC (which is a Templar) is part of the story of Rebellion, both meet.
[Basically A sweet Fic where a modern 21st Century Templar meets 15th Century Assassin] I might publish that in the distant future, because there isn't a lot of Ac fiction that you see Templar protagonists.

Chapter Text

The Assassin's buearu was peaceful, a bit quiet even with the constant chatter from the citizens. Kadar was happily following behind, more energized from our comfortable nap from the haystack. Though we accidentally slept through most of the afternoon; it was dusk where the likely hood of assassins wouldn't be here...hopefully. We peeked inside the entrance and oh behold, Malik was behind the counter, organizing scrolls, quills and markers for the noivces or higher ranked assassins. The Dai looked extremely bored, his having silent struggles with balancing with his arm gone. I saw the slight second of pain if he accidentally brushed it against the wall or the shelf. There has be something I can do to ease his pain...

"Oh! Its my brother-" Kadar nearly leaped down in excitment, I had to quietly hush the hyper assassin, pulling him backwards. 

"Yeah it's your brother Malik. After he got his arm amputated, Al Mualim promoted and assigned him to the Dai of Jerusalem Assassin Buearu for bringing back the Apple. This is one of the safe spots if Dai Malik is willing. I'll talk to him, but let me know if you Altair is near. After that, I'll call you down."

I'm not ready to confront Altair yet. The thought of it makes my stomach weak.

Kadar nods, and hunkered down as I hopped down. I stopped by the door to the buearu.

"Safety and peace, Dai."

The place is still the same, the colorful pillow pile near by, the smell of that essence on the counter along the musky books; the dust lighty covering them, the small amount of dusk light barely filtered through the warped wood. In Altair's memories it felt so real, and it was relaxing. I always felt safe here, despite Malik's snarky passive-aggressive comments. seems so familiar. Familiar to someone who spoke with Malik's sassy attitude. Someone who was important to me so long ago, within some fuzzy distant memory. But not just one, but three others within that memory. No matter how hard I try, I couldn't remember. Yet I remember the bastard of a dad called Willam, but who were the others...?

Malik stopped and turned to me. "To you as well Novice. Why are you out late, don't you know the buearu is about to close?"

"Please, me and an another brother needs a place to stay for the night, for we were too late to head back to Masyaf, please provide shelter Dai. You would be pleased with who is with me." Mailk stood silent, eyeing me curiously. His gears in his head was definitely turning. Malik was one of the most intelligent people I've ever met, evenly matching Altair's intellect. No doubt in my mind he is questioning my random intrusion. I truly hoping that he'll just us in, I rather not sleep outside on the streets. Well...there is always mom's house or that dreamscape that Noel has, but I like the buearu and I shouldn't just leave Kadar alone. That would probably make him think I gave up on our training.

"...Very well, be sure to close the hatch door to keep those soldiers out, and I'll fix us some supper and tea."

I headed back to the entrance, softly whispering. "Kadar, come down. And close the hatch as well." The young assassins head peeks up and excitedly leaps. Swiftly closing the wooden gate. Stepping into the room, Malik has a table set with simple dishes as he was pouring the tea into three cups. Kadar stopped beside me, his smile never faltered.

"Safety and peace Brother!"

Malik immediately stopped at those words, turned to us nearly spilling the cups. A smile formed, a true smile and not that hallow one that I have always seen within Altair's memories. Malik just sets the tea down and pulled Kadar into a one arm hug. This is one of the reasons I chose to become an "Angel" to see them happy, that all my ancestors and their friends have shitty lives. None of them deserved to what happens to them, I know well how much it hurts to have loss.

"Little Sparrow, it's so nice to see your smile again. Come, let's just enjoy dinner and catch up on anything, yes?"

He lead us to a table he pulled out. The Dai had chunks of chicken that was marinated in rich spices; a few bowls of rice on the side, with fresh fruit and nuts. Malik lays a hot iron teapot kettle in the middle of the table. I took a bite of the chicken, it was delicious. Malik was a really good cook, despite with using one arm. It reminds me of mom's cooking-tasty and flavorble.

It would make sense for the assassins to know how to cook, especially if they have to be on their own for a while.

"So..." Malik turned to his bro, his smile never left his face taking a drink of his tea. "You finally passed that test, eh? I am very proud."

"Thanks, but it was strange to not see Rauf running the tests on the novices." Malik sets his cup down, dumbfounded. "Rauf wasn't there?"

"Nope. Just some Dai. Maybe he just got sick and had to take a break, " Malik shrugged, munching one a few mouthfulls of rice. "Don't worry about it, Rauf will get back out there with those kids. He seems to enjoy it, for one I can't have the patience for all those kids who believe that they are all hotshots, it makes my blood boil."

"But I didn't pass the test on my own."


Kadar glanced at me. "My friend here helped me." Malik looked at me calm silent gaze, I made me figet, having to avoid the gaze in embarrassment.

"He showed me a few pointers for the way of the sword, ones I had never seen before. It was different from our fighting style, unique like Altair's. Even teaching an interesting way to fight with the hidden blade!" I caught that subtle glance Malik looked down at Kadar's blade arm. He must've seen my blade, his brows knitted together in slight confusion, but he chose to say nothing.

Instead, Malik turns to me.

"How rude of me, Kadar speaks so fondly of you and I never caught your name...?"

Oh, it's Des. Just call me Des." Malik hummed, seeming satisfied,  but I could see he wanted to ask something else but chose not to. Malik and Kadar begans to catch up on what he's is stuck doing here, and how boring it is, while training new noivces within his district. Or giving markers for assassinations. It was pleasant, just two brothers having a lighthearted conversation.

Then they started talking about their father.

I know little to none about their father, besides of what I listened to Umar said about him when Altair was younger. What was his name again...? 

"Faheem al Sayf. The Warhawk of Maysaf."

That's his name! Faheem and Umar Ibn lah'ad are the two oldest assassin families living in Maysaf. From what I could recall, he was hell bent on raging war on Saracens, 'Assassinate now, ask questions later kind of guy' he was more vicious than Umar, but deeply loved his sons-

wait a moment.

Who told me his name? The voice was deep, and one I didn't recognized. I glanced around the room, knowing damn well the brothers didn't tell me. Mabye Noell? Highly doubt it, I haven't seen them not once talk to me while I'm around others, nor the glowing Isu ever sounded like that. How strange...

"Did you hear about the Eagle getting demoted from master rank this afternoon?" Malik smirks, chewing a tough piece of chicken.

"Damn Novice deserves it, and now he's on a 'redemption' path to regain respect to Al Mualim. 9 men he must kill, I hear. Though I don't believe he deserves that, he needs to be killed for braking the Creed's tenets with little care. Selfish bastard,"

I nearly jumped up at those words, smacking my arms onto the table. Sudden rage boils over. Malik does not know what type of hell Altair went through! Malik's jealously of Altair is fucking unreal, he doesn't deserve to die! he doesn't deserve...don't deserve...!

I felt the power began to bubble underneath my skin, threatening to bust out and destroy everything in Slight...

"Des...are you well?" Kadar whispered, my sudden outburst must've startled them both. They were both staring at me, Kadar appeared frightened while Malik was confused. I opened my mouth to say everything was fine, but no sound left my lips, only my body trembling under pressure.

It was hard breathe-

I have to get out-

"I'm sorry I want...I need...I MUST be alone." I barely got that sentence out before standing and left, opening the hatch and running. I heard shouts calling to me, but I didn't care. I was just so incredibly angry at that conversation.

I don't even know if I answered them in Arabic or English.

The cool night air did little to ease my mind, or barely knowing the tears trailing my face. I can't be a cry baby...

that's what William called me-



"You are and always will be a pathetic crybaby, Desmond. Letting your emotions get a hold of you? Tch,"


"No, you're wrong...I'm more than that! So much more. I'm-"


"Grow the hell up, Desmond. You're too old to let your feelings control your actions, do you think others will care about your feelings? Our enemies?"


"Dad please, we have to show that we have compassion. If we don't, we are no different from our enemies."


"Do not compare us to those Templars! We care about the freedom of others, it's what we fight for."


"A bit hypocritical, cause you don't give a shit about my free will. Why don't you let me BE what desire, what I wanted to be? I never wanted to be an Assassin, Dad."


"You are born an assassin, you will be an assassin. You have a role to play, If you fucking like it or not.


"That...that's not fair..."


I'm ashamed to have you. I'm ashamed to have a such a worthless son. You only care about yourself, selfish whiney little shit. The world is not sunshine and rainbows, Desmond. The world is cruel, you have to kill to survive, before your enemies kill you. "




"You are not the child I wanted. "



Navigating the streets was a bit difficult with tears blurring your vision, nearly running into soldiers left in right. I trembled with every step I took, the power inside getting stronger by the minute, it got harder to breathe.

"Calm down, Desmond. It's too dangerous to let your emotions get a hold of you awhile in control of dangerous Isu power. You might hurt someone, fool." Noell appears behind, pulling on my hood.

My form shifts, returning me to my 'Angel' one, my wings sprang forth. The power within my arms were glowing, shining bright like the sun. Hopefully no guard or any citizen sees this. I felt myself pacing back and forth.

"No Noel, you fucking don't get it. Altair he-Altair had it SO much worse than Malik could ever know. He had to see father Umar beheaded-up close-as a scapegoat for Abbas's father, who fucking later slices his throat open infront of Altair begging for his forgiveness. Altair didn't even get to meet his mother, she died at childbirth. Altair had to hold his dying first love Adha, you know the girl he really loves once apon a time- when she got stabbed. He went through so much shit its unfair! Oh did I mention he was a child when this all happened? No wonder he's so detached and selfish, he doesn't want to be hurt again. Ever. And don't even get me started with the shit he will go through later in his life!"

Noell simply stares, not a sound was made.

"It's just...I lived as him, I was him, Noell...he is so broken, and hurt. I felt all his pain, his's's not fair...!" 

"Breathe, if you aren't careful your power might accidentally level the city out of your anxiety." Those words ran cold shivers down my spine. "You joke,"

Noell's silence says otherwise.

Ok, Breathe in and out...

In and out...

In and out...


Eventually the power began to fizzle away, the glow beginning to dim and return to its neutral state, it became so much easier to breathe... "Excellent. Please be mindful, your powers are completely linked to your emotions. Were you anxious person in your human life?"

"Nope, only mentally and physicaly abused."

"Makes sense, as you were aimlessly wondering the streets for 3 hours within your state"

"Wait, what?! No way, 3 hours?? It felt like 30 minutes least. I...need to head back to the buearu."

I rubbed my head, stumbling back to the direction of the buearu. My head was incredibly fuzzy, like I have a horrible hangover. The events before slowly returned to me, making me face palm in embarrassment. God, I ran out on the brothers. Like I was a teenager going through puberty. I went through two pubertys in two different lives, it sucked.-Well if also counting my ancestors lives, I went through five-

Well least I didn't have to deal with acne in either. Only my voice deepening and getting taller than my peers.

I stared downwards at the entrance of the buearu, pondering. What do I say? I just walked out with little to no words to where l was going. Why am I overthinking it, I'll just give them an apology for my sudden outburst.

I Gently and quietly opening the latch and leaped down.



 Kadar was asleep on the pillow pile that I have laid out for the noivces that come in after thier missions, softly snoring with a smile. He probably have eaten so much he fell into sleep.

I yawned, sleep does sound good, but I need to finish this reports then making sure everything on the shelves is in place. Then I'll sleep.


I walked over to the shelf, my thoughts wandered to the man that's with my brother. He isn't any normal novice I ever seen, the man who is called Des is well mannered though very quiet. Barely spoke any words during dinner. Even if his sudden outburst and fleeing after expressing my thoughts on the disgrace of a assassin.

That isn't what caught my attention...

It's a few things actually. One, the hidden blade apon my brother's wrist. Its completely different from our traditional blades, shinier metal; a bit shorter but more thinner. Des was not wearing a blade -Which I find odd, every novice owns a hidden blade- 

Two, it's Des himself. After he fled, Kadar tried to chase after him but he disappeared without a trace, like a ghost. I stopped him, saying that he will return. The fearful look on his face confuses me. Like he's seen something that I'm not aware or...

I couldn't see his face; he hid it like Altair. This man; he reminds me of the Guardian that saved us a few days ago. The Guardian of the Ark. Strangely...

Des had the same voice-

"Malik." I stiffened up. Now knowing who is behind me. I turned, the Guardian in his full glory was standing a few meters from me. I couldn't help but stare, not expecting to see him inside buearu of Jerusalem.

"Guardian...?" I could barely word out. The man expression changed to slight confusion. His looked down at himself, sudden realization washed over his expression. "Wait I can explain-"

I was already approaching him before he finished his words. I couldn't help but be drawn in. My hand reached out, mere inches from him, hesitant before pulling away.

"Is it you...?"

The Guardian sheepishly smiled, itching his cheek. He has a beautiful smile. "Yeah it's me." He seems to relax from that comment, his wings lowered and folded up. I glanced behind him to where my brother was asleep, than back to the man. 

"Your disguise did have me fooled, for a while. But, all novices has a hidden blade to rank from soldier to novice. You did not have one, so therefore something wasn't right."

"Yeah, I gave mine to Kadar for a, well, present for passing the test."

"Wait. You gave Kadar some type of super weapon? Have you lost your mind Guardian?" Rubbing my temple. "Have faith Malik, and please; you don't have to keep calling me Guardian. It's Des or my full name Desmond. Your choice" Desmond...what an foreign sounding name, I couldn't resist to repeat it a few times.

Pain immediately shot through my amputated arm, causing me to flinch back, Grasping it while it burns. "Ugh, dammit it hurts..." The Guardian-no Desmond- brought his glowing hand over my stump arm. He stared in silence for a moment than looks up.

"Dai, do you trust me?"

I stared at him curiously, his statement confused me. "I do? I see not why I couldn't trust you; you saved Kadar."

"Then remove your robe,"

There was a few minutes of silence, until I hesitantly pulled off the robe, throwing it to my counter. My amputated arm now exposed. It it was extremely bruised, the cuts that was sowed up was visible. There was obvious infection that was making everything painful. Desmond lifted his hand above it. "I only want to help you. This might feel strange, "

He placed his hand on it, the touch made me hiss in pain. His hand begins to glow, and it begins to trail from him, and into my stump. My eyes widened, stealing my breath from my chest, the sensation is nothing I ever experienced. It feels like water running underneath my skin. Bit by bit, the pain dwindled away, until nothing was left. The glow dims, the Guardian pulled off. My amputate looked completely normal no swelling was present, the scars were white, like I had this for Years.

The Guardian magic was astonishing, completely incredible. Despite he looked like that disgrace of a noivce, he wasn't nothing like him. I could only tolerate Desmond. He smiled at me, quite proud of what he's done. "I bet you feel better,"

Something on him catches my eye. It was on would be his blade arm, strange markings, that glow gold. Without hesitating I reached and ran my finger against them, I could feel them on his skin. Are they drawn on? No, they feel Apart of his skin. "What are these Desmond?" Des scratched the back of his head. "These are tattoos, dai"



"These tattoos, are they some type of magic seal? Is this a source of where your powers run? It has a human face," they felt interesting underneath my fingers, I wonder...I wanna lick it- no that is not right.

A yawn escaped from me, finally tired from all this excitment. Desmond smiled smugly. "You sound tired Dai. It's time to sleep." I waved him off. "No I cannot retire yet, there are a few more things I must-" I was suddenly wrapped around by strong arms. "No, no. It's sleeping time, whatever it is can wait you workaholic." Des easily lifted me and carried me to the pile of pillows by Kadar.

Ugh fine, I'll sleep this time." I expected for him to drop me into the pillows, but no. Instead, he dropped down and pulled me into his chest cuddling in a warm embrace. I can feel my face reddening to the close contact, even if his touch was very cool. "Des..?? What are you doing, you don't need to do this."

"Nonsense. I know you better than that, you'll continue work the moment I let you go. So I'll hold you here until you sleep. Get comfortable because I'm not going anywhere, I'm a much better than any pillow you own, Kadar once mumbled that in his sleep." It's very comfortable, des was not lying. The robe that feels like slik is as nearly soft as his wings. He's basically just soft walking fluff. Allah above he's gonna spoil me, I'll never be able to sleep on a normal pillow 

Another yawn forms, subconsciously I wrapped my arm around him, eyes closed from exhaustion. I heard a the rustle behind the Des, Kadar sits up, curling his fingers around the feathers. "Master Desmond, you returned!"


I was gonna saying something about that, but my body felt heavy it was more comfortable just to rest. Des hums, getting more comfortable between the two brothers, bringing a Kadar under his arm, I was under the other. "Yes I did, though please be mindful. Your brother is trying sleep." 

Des speech became more and more softer until I was right at the blink of sleep. Before I slipped under, Desmond speaks once more.

"Malik? Me and Kadar will return to Maysaf in the early morning. I promise to keep him safe, and I'll keep you in the loop by letter, so be on the lookout. Most importantly..." Des sighed, placing something within my hand.

" In a few months, Altair will appear here searching for one the targets of the nine. His name is Talal. I know you aren't on good terms, but please give him the opportunity. You don't have to be nice, just give him the things he needs to get the OK for his assassination. Just do it for me, please?"

I opened my mouth to respond, but the reigns of sleep pulled me under. By early morning, I woke alone, no trace of the Guardian nor my brother, only the glowing feather placed within my hand from Des himself. 

Standing up, those finall words replying in my conscious. I growled, brushes the feather against my chin.

"Fine...I shall put my judgment aside. Only for you Guardian Desmond, you better keep your promise."

Chapter 8


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

//Earlier that night//


The halls of Maysaf at night were almost silent, except the few assassin guards that patrol corridors. Everyone was sound sleep, but my mind was too distracted for that.

Distracted by the one that chosen my form; the winged Guardian of the Ark.

Sitting crossed legged, I clutched a torn white piece of fabric that's from him, beside me a glowing white feather too. Two items that let me know that what I seen was real and wasn't imagining it. The material's whiter than any we can create. It's softer than silk, but tough as regular fabric, definitely flexible and won't rip easily. I showed this to one of the tailors in the village and he's hasn't seen this type before. Proving that whatever this being is, is more ancient. My thoughts wandered a bit to what the master said today, after the Guardian escaped from me again. Nine men I must kill, nine men to return my rank to me, and all my weapons. Especially my special made sword from my parents before.

I growled in frustration, tightened my grip on the fabric. 

It should be me looking for the Guardian of the Ark, not nine targets. He look like me for a reason, does he not? I deserve to know why, and so many other questions that he will only know. Though I'm not really angry about that, no.

It's more of...

Why is the Guardian with Kadar out of all people? He fled with the younger Al sayf brother, What does he have that I don't? He's just the annoying little brother of Malik. The boy can barely fight, let alone holding a sword right. It simply doesn't make sense.  The Guardian should be by my side, I'm superior in my skills and abilities and intelligence. I saw him fight, his disguise did fool me, for a few seconds, he matched me. In his stance, his sword play, all matched me like a mirror. I must be worthy of him, caught the beings attention if he is using my fighting style, so why is at Kadar's side?! 

"Why not my side, you choose to mirror me Guardian, like a shadow. I cannot understand!" I slammed my fist on my bed, causing the feather to bounce a bit on the bed.

I cannot be envy of him-there is no reason to be but I am- how did he do it? Kadar has him within his grasp, he even grabbed ahold of him, while he flees at the sight of me. There must be something that draws him in, Kadar figured it out so will I. He cannot keep avoiding me forever, he will be mine and no one, not even the master than change that.

I wonder what it will be like to have an mirrored shadow following me around; One that I shall call an equal of me and my abilities? Maybe we will spar, see who is the more powerful one, the thought of that slowly begins to ease my displeasure. Finally have someone who can match with the Eagle.

The glowing shadow of the Eagle of Maysaf.

Heh, I like that. 

Satisfied, laying back into the softness of my bed, patiently waiting for the morrow I'll head to Damascus for my first target. This should be easy, a month plenty of time to gather information and Assassinate him.

At that rate I'll finish everything easily within 9 months and continue searching for my shadow. This will be fun indeed.


Over 400+ hits??
Knowing that others are reading this warms my heart and gives me the strength to keep going. I know this story is like an adventure slowburn, but I hope it gets better from here.

Thanks for being awesome and have a pleasant evening :)

Chapter Text

Its been a week since we returned from Jerusalem. Me and Des returned to training with Rauf and the noivces. Ever sense Des beaten Abbas with Altair's style, the group loves being around us, amazed that someone could do what the Eagle can do, often asking for help or pointers which Desmond gives out. Rauf even let him teach some lessons because he realized that this noivce really knows his stuff-Especially that he can mimic Altair's moveset- And the others love him.

He even had a nickname from the group, The Dauntless Pigeon.

No joke, they call him thar because how very affectionate and loyal he is, as are pigeons; But Dauntless for how fearless he truly can be. He stands up for anyone who's been bullied or was wrongfully blamed.

For example, one young novice was being scolded by the chef who runs the kitchen for the castle for stealing some of the foods that was supposed to be used that day. Des found it outrageous, made it very clear that he was with a group, one that we were assigned to as well to cleam the lower corridor of Maysaf where most of the assassins reside. Desmond even went a step farther to prove the Assassin's innocence by leading the chef to the thieves. And by Allah he did! Red handed at that, three troublemakers that was causing problems for everyone else. The the chef apologized for his rash decision and offered some snacks for an apology.

I asked him how he manged to pull that off, he just smiled and whispered, "I used an advanced ability from Eagle vision called Eagle Sense; I could see the trail of blue leading straight to them, even could hear thier heartbeats. I learned this trick from a very dear friend, so long ago." He went on explaining how difficult this form is, and failed quite a few times. Eagle vision...isn't that Altair's special power? That his eyes gloss over in shiny gold? I remember reading about that in a torn book within the library; calling it the Sixth Sense. An ancient power, only the important few can achieve.

I wonder...could I learn this power?

The noivce was so thankful for helping him and gave Desmond a hug. Secretly, I found out that the angel loves hugs, I mean really loves them and gets hugged by almost every noivce in Maysaf. Truly Desmond is a very affectionate person. I mean everyone loved them, anyone who came our way and Des made quick friends with almost everyone.

Keyword, almost.

There are two people that Desmond does not like for reasons unknown. First it's Abbas Sofian. For whatever reason, Abbas became very obsessed with Des sense the day he was beaten by mimicking Altair's style, and that quickly spread around; that a noivce managed to copy the Eagle of Maysaf. He never left us alone. Every time Abbas approached us, Des was quick to rapid fire the most aggressive sarcastic comments just to annoy him enough to leave us in peace. Though Abbas being Abbas, he always came back. He was slowly becoming more persistent each time...

The second person Desmond didn't like was Al Mualim, the master.

And I do mean he really, really does not like him. 

He simply teleports away at the mere sight or when he feels his presence nearby. I do not understand, the master is a good man. He's stern, force to reckoned with if provoked, but he cares, he cares for all of us. But yet, des despises him, often a scowl is present. What did the master do to have the angel so mad at him, and I had to know.

So one night I worked up the courage to ask that...while learning very important lesson the hard way.

Des and I was sitting on our bed, he was showing me how to care for the blade he gave me, how to oil it and ect. He had a relaxed smile on his features as he gently wiped the shiny steel with a small cloth.

It's now or never.

"Master Desmond?"

He looked up at me, while continues wiping the blade. "Why...Don't you like Al Mualim?" The air around us got heavy, Des immediately stopped. He fixed his gaze back to the blade saying nothing, his mouth tightened up as if he was stopping himself from speaking. His hands gripped tightly, so tightly that I grew fearful that he would cut his hand on the steel.

He stared at the blade for a painstaking few minute then continue to clean again, without his pleasant smile.

"Des..? Please, I need to know," Desmond refused to acknowledge the question, and just proceeded to resemble the weapon. "Master-"

"Why do you want to know?" His words were sharp, making me figet in place. "It doesn't make sense, Al Mualim is a good man. I fail to understand your anger at him. He only wants to do good for the Brotherhood-"

I was immediately grabbed by the throat by two scalding hands that seemed to be made by fire and shoved onto my back. My eyes locked into two very angry eyes that blazing in fury golden hellfire.

"You know nothing of his man. He had tricked you, he tricked every one of you. He does not care, or love, or respect any of you. He is a selfish old pile of flith that betrayed the Levatine brotherhood. He is the reason Abbas is the way he is, he is the reason Altair is the way he is. I will never acknowledge Rashid ad-Din Sinan as a mentor or anyone important."

No words could leave my shaking form, tears were flowing heavily, my hand clutching his glowing arms. I have never be so afraid in my life. I should've known that while the hand may heal and protect; can burn and destroy everything in sight. I pressured this God and paid the price. If looks could kill, I would be scorched alive.

This was the first time I was threatened by him, and it was a experience I never wanted again.

Slowly I felt the grip on my throat ease and Des eyes returned to a calm burning gold embers then suddenly widened. He leaped back, staring at his hands in pure horror. "No...did God no..." 

He shivers, gripping his hands and backs up. "...Did I hurt you?" He stared at my neck. I raised my hand and felt fresh burn marks on both sides. Desmond mouth slightly trembled.

"No master it's ok! I'm fine, It's just an accident-" Desmond shakes his head, turns and flees, my words fell on deaf ears. I stood up and ran over; peaking through the door, within seconds he was gone without a trace. I can't chase after him, he was simply to fast or teleported somewhere only Allah knew so I could only wait for him to return.

Rubbing my face, ashamed about what happened today, he deserves an apology. I crawled back into bed, quietly waiting for soft footfalls that has returned four hours later.

Des stared at me with cheek stained with tears that looked like he's been crying for a while and crawls on the other side with his back facing me. No words were spoken, as if he was afraid. I couldn't stand his deaf silence and scooted close and hugged him from the back.

He trembled, curling himself into a fetal position. "I hurt you...I burned you..."

I hugged him tighter, and he turned all way around and stares into my gaze. "I overreacted and hurt you. You were in the right and I lashed out...I'm so sorry Kadar I'm...I'm a terrible person." I shook my head and pressed my head against his chest. "No angel, I should be apologizing. I pressured you, and rightfully were angry. Could you forgive me?" He smiled, pulling me into a gentle hug, "I swear from this night, I'll never do that again. I won't let my emotions hurt you again. Ok?" 

From that night, he kept his promise. As Desmond is a kind soul, but he's also was this unpredictable destructive force of power that if angered. 

But I know our bond strengthened from that conflict.

Desmond may be friends with almost everyone, our bond is special, sense he is always around me 90% of the time. He shares most of his food with me, always his my sparing partner and he chooses to sleep beside me every night.

He's basically like my powerful shadow, one that has the face of my idol that I used to look up to. Now I strive to be just like Desmond. He perfect, even with emotional flaws that Al Mualim would call weak, but it just makes him more human-even if he's not human- And he's always tries to be kind, and sweet and smart and beautiful-

Wait Beautiful?

My face flushed red, yes he's definitely beautiful. Isn't most gods incredibly beautiful, so get those sinful thoughts begone.



Lately I've noticed Des has been around the stables where all the assassins keep their horses at in Maysaf. It's a fairly big stable, with a few wooden fences where they will be put out to stretch their legs. Assassins are leading thier horses out for missions or simply out for a ride. Sounds of neighing and whinnies can be heard.

Now I know not all the assassins own horses, some simply borrow them to complete missions for the Brotherhood. Altair has his own horse, a beautiful white lusitano, one that is fast as the wind. I believe it Desmond calls him 'ghost' or something like that. Ghost was Altair's late father mount, and was given to Altair to care for.

Mine and Malik's was passed down from our father as a gift as well. One mare and one stallion, both are siblings from the same sire. The mare was a chestnut, with a white snip on her nose named Hiba. She was gentle spirit, a perfect gift from god, and my mount. But Hiba was talkative, always burring and nickering at the stableboys to get extra feed or pats. Which, most of the time she got.

Then we got the stallion.

A red Dun with a white crescent star on his forehead named Mushkila. Malik's sassy, temperamental mount. He liked to cause trouble, stealing other horses treats, stomping on people's feet, breaking out of his stall. Also Mushkila likes to nip at any horse or person that walks by his stall, and fortunately, he is at Jerusalem.

Desmond I noticed he really likes horses and by Allah they love him. As soon he gets within their pins, they immediately go over to him, nibbling his hair or nuzzling his back or chin, specifically Hiba. They crowd him like a bundle of puppies, and Des adores it.

He even made quick friends with the stable boy, helping him with chores just to stay with the horses longer. That made me think, mabye Des should get a horse of his own, but where...?

The solution hit and snapped my finger. I know just the place.


Kadar was already pulling out his horse Hiba from her stall which he got her saddled as humanly possible. He barley got out his words to me of how excited he was, which just sounded like a jumbled mess of words. 

Though the words I could understand was 'like' and 'horse" and 'Damascus'. 

I grabbed the reigns of the his mare and pulled it from his grasp. "Now Kadar, please repeat what you said back there, and make sure words actually come out,"

Kedar let's out lighthearted laughter, as he adjusted the bridle. "Angel, wht I was saying is I know how much you love horses, so why don't we take a ride into Damascus and I'll buy you a horse for your very own." Wait, buy me one? But aren't horses expensive as hell? Even while living on the farm, William used to complain when sees the prices for some, but bought them anyway so we could have a source of entertainment. 

"Kadar, Don't waste your money on me, and isn't that money for all the gifts you will buy for your future wife?" He simply waves his hand at my statement and hopped into the saddle.

"No, not wasting it at all, I'll buy any horse you desire, it would make you happy so it doesn't matter." I did notice Kadar's face reddening as he mumbled the last part and tried to keep his head low. I wonder why...

I hopped on the back of his saddle and wrapped around his waist. He flinched at the sudden contact, probably didn't notice how quiet I am. "I'll ride with you if you don't mind, I rather not borrow a horse, not if we are heading to Damascus to get my own horse."

Kadar squeaked a bit, then taking a deep breath in. "O..oh this works. Ok, off to Damascus!" 

He gently kicked his heels, causing Hibs to go into a trot, exiting the village and onto the main road. The trail ride was peaceful, only sounds heard was the trotting of hooves and her steady breathing.

Oh how in Altair's memories I rode his horse everywhere I went, even recalling nicknaming his horse 'ghost' because how fast his steed was and it could disappear. Virdic laughed at the name, calling it the most bland name he never had the disfortune to hear. Fuck you too, I'll name any horse I like just to spite you. In Ezio's memories, I had just much fun as well. Those horses weren't as fast as ghost but I loved them regardless.

"Master Des?" Kadar's voice pulled me from memory lane.


"Do you think you can teach me something?" 

"I could certainly try. What is it?" He went silent for a minute, as embarrassed to say than took a huff. "Well it's the Sixth Sense. The skill that you and the Eagle has, I want to learn it."

"Eagle vision?"


Well that took by suprise. Not once Kadar has took any interest in learning that. I do understand that not everyone can learn it, but there is always a chance.

"Hm..possibly, are you sure it's a thing you want to learn?"

"Definitely master, I want to be one of the important few." I almost snorted at the word 'important', I really didn't like that word or 'special'. It reminds me too close to what those Isu pricks used to say. I didn't want to be anything important or special, but if I wasn't; I wouldn't have met Altair, Ezio or Connor and all thier wonderful friends.

And that scares me.

Something zips past very close to my ear and strikes the tree. The mare abruptly stopped and rears, and begin to pranced around.

"What was that!?" Kadar splutters out, trying to calm the upset mare. The object within the tree was a arrow and angry shouts behind us were men apon steeds in armor bearing the dreadfully familiar Red cross. "Templars! Kadar keep riding, get us out of here and I'll make sure they don't hit her. Get us to Damascus," Kadar kicks his heels hard and the mare immediately went into a gallop as the templar men were right on our ass. He rode erratically on the trail, dodging rows arrows that just kept coming.

I held out my hand and a gold bow materialized within. Memories began to return to me, of Ezio defending Leonardo's flying machine from being burned. 

And that determination returned as well to defend Kadar and his horse from getting hurt.

I drew the drawstring back, a glowing arrow materialized inside and released, it flew and struck a templar deeply into his windpipe. He made a gurgle sound and fell backwards off his steed. I wasn't very good at horse back archery, but I damn well struck down any bastard that got too close to attack us. The more I killed, the more just took thier place. They just kept coming. And our horse was getting tired.

Mabye if...

I looked ahead and there was a bunch of trees beside the road, that will work. The bow dissappears and a golden blade appears. In two swings, all the trees fells the road behind us, our pursuers stopped dead in thier tracks. Kadar let's out a holler, "We did it! we lost them for now,"

About damn time, as the city of Damascus appeared over the horizon at the distance.



Kadar stopped Hiba and we hop off. She was breathing heavy and lead her to a water hole as she hastily drank. He pressed his face against her shoulder. "Thank you, you did well girl. Please stay right here. I'll be back" She snorted as if agreeing. 

Kadar returned to my side. "Are you ready Des?"

I glanced around and spotted a familiar white horse. Ghost. Altair is here, and that makes me sweet in my palms. He will know I'll be here the second he uses his vision so this must be a quick one. I rather not deal with him, not until the first assassination happens.

Forcing a smile, I turned to my noivce. "Ok, do you recall how to enter undetected?"

"Oh! Hide in plain slight, be one with the crowd,"

"Correct, and who do we blend in with?" Kadar glanced and noticed the 4 scholars the was standing nearby in a convenient spot. "Them."

I nodded and we made our way to them. I put my hands together as if praying and Kadar did the same. "Just remain calm and follow my lead. They will let us through,"

Desmond lead the scholars and headed straight for the heavily armed soldiers at the gate. Like magic, they moved to the side and we made it into the city. We brake from the scholars and immediately blended into the crowd.

The streets were filled with people and as well soldier's patrolling. We made sure not to bump into them. My thoughts became distracted to our walk to the marketplace. What would Altair do if he catches me here? Interrogate me like the past two times or try a new tactic? Altair adapts fast, scarily fast so we need to do this quickly as possible.

We entered the marketplace and suddenly I felt the hairs on my neck stand, sudden dread washed over my features. I slowly turned my eyes without turning my head to one of the buildings and oh low and behold, Altair was looking down, directed at us.

How the hell did he find us, or do we have such shit luck that he was already in the market as we arrived?

Fuck, it doesn't matter now, and looking back up, Altair was gone but I can feel his presence nearby, definitely closer. I grabbed Kadar's hand and kept us within the middle. I could catch glimpses of Altair weaving in and out of crowds, keeping his eyes on us. I know he won't try anything in the open, only to targets that go into alleyways.

We made it to the part of the market where livestock is sold. Horses of different types and colors were here. Altair stopped away a few meters away and silently watched. Kadar was blissfully unaware of the Eagle. "Ok master, do you see anything you like?"

There are horses that look good but none are really catching my eye.

Until I heard a very angry shouts of people at one stall, lt caught my attention. Five men had ropes on this one horse that was very, very pissed off. She kicked at the wood and reared at the men, bitting who got too close. She had a gold coat that shined that gloss, pure gold. Her main was tangled gold, her eyes burned a fury Blue. She neighes very loudy, and threw a kick, hitting one of the men to the ground.

Something told me she was the one. The man so seems to be selling her noticed I was gawking and approached. "You like? She is a Gold Cremello Arabian. That thing is crazy, pure wild little mare, she is. Only been caught recently from the wilds. She already injured few men so far but she won't let anyone near her or want to buy her."

Kadar only looked at me, a smile formed as if he  reades my thoughts. Kadar then turn to the guy. "How much for her, friend?" The man stares me in worry. "You want this thing? What if it kills you?"

"Certainly. And my friend will be ok"

He tells Kadar the amount and gets it paid. "Alrightly than, Allah be with you brother."

I stepped forward the stall, as the wild mare busted the door open and ran out. The wild Arabian immediately stopped infront of me, and rears. Her blue eyes were locked onto mine. My smile never left.

It's time to channel my inner Ratonhnhaké:ton, or simply Connor. I swear, this native American could tame almost anything. Every Animal that came aross Connor loved him. I know if he wanted to, he would tame a fucking bear and ride it like a horse. I began to speak in Connor's native language in soft tones to her, because it did wonders to any animal Connor came across. She pawed at the ground, shaking and snorting at almost everything but was calmer.

I took a step closer, her ears went flat again but she didn't rear up, her eyes stayed locked onto mine. "It's ok girl, I know you're angry. But everything is fine..." I raised my hand to her. My hand begins to softy glow. Her eyes then stared at my hand and cautiously stepped forward. Her nose whiskers gently tickled my hand. I touched her cheek, petting. "See, you are ok."

The man stares in pure disbelief. "By the gods above, He has the magic touch, she's letting him pet her..."

I gently kiss her on the nose, the cremello softly whinnies in reaction. Getting on her side, I leaped onto her back, grabbing a fistful of the gold, tangled hair. She shifts around with the new weight on her, but surprisingly didn't start bucking. This felt natural, like I found the perfect mount, as the mare stood tall and proud, her ears perked up on full alert.

I looked around and suddenly sees Altair as standing infront of us, his eyes locked on to us, he started to approach. Immediately the wild mare began to prance around, her ear flattened, rears up with me on her back, not liking the man getting closer to us. The horse then bolts past him, leaping over the market stock fences and running into an empty alleyway and enters the street. She weaves the busy streets, accidently knocking over food stalls and citizens that got in her in the way, angry Arabic shouts filled the air. Her hooves clomps on the stone roads, the young mare gallops out the gates, knocking over any of the guards in the way.

We are out of Damascus!

She pranced around in glee, kicking and rearing up, as she is finally out of confinement, I held on tightly, letting the mare let her energetic antics out.

"It's ok girl, I know Altair is a bit scary, but he isn't a bad guy." She snorted at me, pawing the ground. I felt his eyes on me again and I look up, Altair was on one the walls staring me down, his white robe blew in the breeze. It's just now I remembered, Al Mualim did remove all his weapons besides his hidden blade. 

He eyes carefully took me in for a minute and Altair slowly backs away, dissappearing back into the city as Kadar appeared from the gate, panting from running the whole way. "Master, I'm finally here. You and that horse are very fast. Let's just head back to Maysaf."

He crawled up on Hiba and rode beside me down the road, but nothing right now could ease the discomfort Altair's gaze gave me.


I had to watch my shadow leave once again. With Kadar even. Most of my investigations are almost complete, I'm so close to assassinating my target and get this over with.

Then I'll hunt him down before I start my next mission and I'll get my answers-and rightfully getting my shadow to join me, make him abandon that annoying Kadar-and everything will be perfect.

It was strange watching a mirror of myself move through the streets, a fascinating sensation though. He moved like a master, which I expected nothing less than perfection of myself. He knew I was following, but chose not to do anything, did he want me tail him? That must've been some sort of test. Obviously I passed. Hunting him down and getting him warmed up to me is the first step. Kadar did it so will I.

I pressed the Guardians feathers against my fingers, carefully not to snap it. 

"Just a few more weeks than, my shadow."


People of the village was fawning over the Angel's new horse, for which it was a very rare breed. She was indeed beautiful, a young beautiful mare who was eyes bright like the blue sky and coat shiny like the sandy dunes of Syria. If I were to saw this horse out in the wild, I would have thought of it as a subtle mirage of the desert.

We figured out the hard way we can't put her into a stable, she simply won't go in, so Desmond just puts her in one of the open pins, which she loved. It was a fun heyday for the stable men trying to put a halter on this horse. She jumped around, bucking every time they tried to put the halter on her. Eventually they gave up and told Des he had to do it.

He could easily throw the halter on her, but...he gotta work on that fiery mare's social skills with the stable boys. He did give the mare a name though, which he named the golden horse of the sands, Classy.

Chapter 10


This is mostly a fluff (and some spice) chapter because why not? These characters need love.
Then the next chapter will get serious (It should kick up the story as well!)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


-Another week later-


"So, why must you need to go today?" Kadar whined behind me as I adjusted my robes and gear. He's been like this sense this morning, Because this morning a letter arrived for me. Malik asked a request and wants me to head over to the Jerusalem bureau.


I don't know why alone but Kadar has been going nuts sense than. "It'll be fine, I'll be safe." I reassured, gently patted his shoulder and turned for the door.

He stomped his foot, ran Infront of the door and held his hands out, stopping me. "But master! Why must you go alone?! Why can't you take me with you? We haven't been separated sense we first met!"

I noticed sense the day he bought me my horse Classy, he's become super clingy; I mean really clingy and very affectionate. I have no clue what caused this sudden change. Every morning he brings me a fresh breakfast-one that I specifically like to have-and extra fruit, especially grapes and oranges, if I'm lucky figs. During training with Rauf and his novices, if he even catches the tiniest of cuts with blood he treats it like I'm been stabbed in the heart. If we are not training, we head to Damascus-me on the lookout for Altair if he got curious of what we're doing-and roam the market on our free time, he randomly buys me things. Sometimes it just small little nick knack things That really wouldn't bother me, if he wasn't buying the expensive things as well. For example, there was hand crafted necklace with fire opal gem for the center piece. I enjoyed its sunset color, it was very pretty to admire. But it was very pricey decided to look at something else. Kadar assumed that's I wanted that and bought it from the merchant and placed it over my neck. I stared at him dumbfounded stating you shouldn't waste your money on me like that. He just smiled, his face flushed pink, laying his head onto my shoulder, responding, 'If it makes you happy, the cost means nothing. I love seeing you happy Desmond, it makes me happy.'

"Kadar please I must go." I pleaded, laying my hand on his cheek. He stood his ground, huffing his chest out to look bigger. "But what if you need me to protect you? Haven't I improved my abilities? Have I not proved myself to you?"

"Oh my have improved. No need to prove yourself, " For the past week, his sword play and skills have greatly changed. He isn't the novice I first met in the temple nor the one during his test. But an skilled, confident young assassin, one I'm very proud of.

"Please than, let me go with you...please. If something happens...I couldn't..." 

"I promise to return safely, I know I'll be safe with Malik you know." Kadar huffs and crossed his arms, his face reddened as he mumbled words. "This isn't fair; Why does he want you anyway? "I know you better, your favorite foods, your personality, I love you so much more than he's not fair..."

He sighed, presses his forehead against mine. He slightly trembled. "...Please return to me safely then. Please Desmond, I don't want you to leave me, but you must go if a Dai commands it..." Damn he really is acting really weird recently, acting like I'm gonna die. Though I need to calm his nerves or he might very stressed and not eat or sleep well. "Of course will return, you are still under my training, you got so much to learn. No matter how long it takes, you stay here."

Kadar, very reluctantly, draws himself back and walked around me no longer blocking the doorway. He watched me leave with a sorrowful expression, and he opened his mouth to say something, then chose to remain silent. I wonder what's bothering him...

I was greeted by each novice assassin in the hallway, with that familiar nickname,

"Hey pigeon. Faring well?"

"Safety and peace, pigeon brother. How is training going?"

"You are out early pigeon, going on a mission today?"

And many more happy faces that greeted me. I enjoyed this nickname, I find it cute and they adore me, it seems everyone that I meet adores me. Am I that friendly looking? It's nice to have friends, sense I used to live on a farm that no one liked me. I would rather die, burn to death, than to be forced to live that hell again.

Apon entering the garden of Maysaf, "Safety and peace, Des." A deep voice calls out. One that I truly despise, and hate with all my might.

Fucking Abbas Sofian.

Why the hell is he bothering me now? Out of all times?

He strode towards me with a sicky twisted smile, a smile he's been giving me recently as of late. I could feel rage began to boil at the mere sight of him, probably of the reason for all the hell Abbas gives to Altair later in life, murder of his older child Sef, his wife Maria and his best friend Malik. Destroying the brotherhood, degrading it to thieves and killers without honor. All those memories began to resurface, with bitter tears threatening to fall, with even a greater blood lust for his murder. Even if I was just observing, they become my family as much for Altair, I felt a small part of myself die that day along with him. It was difficult to hold back, I will not cry Infront of this asshole.


I will never forgive Abbas.


"My, what an fortunate opportunity. I don't recall you being far from that failure, Kadar is it?" He stood mere meters, his gaze looked me up and down with that unsettling smile. I immediately felt my sarcastic defense mechanism kick on; ready to drive him away.

"What the hell you want?"

"Peace Brother, you should responded with 'to you as well' what got you scorned?"

"Don't avoid my question."

Abbas let's out a fake laugh, clearly amused at my irritated mood. "You were always the direct kind of guy, I just adore that. The truth is; there was something that's is bothering me for a while, and you will help me clear it up."

"...what is it?"

Abbas etched closer. "Tell me, are you and Kadar...?" My face turned dumbstruck, are what? Friends? Definitely, though it's more like mentor training noivce kind of thing. I don't believe it's anything else than that. Abbas face lit up. "That's it, with that expression you don't have to say anything else. I just wanted to make sure he wasn't in the way."

"Wait what-"

Abbas immediately pressed his hands against my chest, pushing me against one of the walls of the Garden, licking his lips as his grin widened each time his gaze looked me over. My body froze, my eyes locked into Abbas-thank god I had my hood on here-

"You know Des, I believe it was Allah's will that we met that faithful day. At first I thought of you as nothing, just like that failure. But you took me down with no effort at all, only small dribble of sweat trailing your firm but tender, round jawline. Those events played in my head over and over, every single night,"

He slowly pressed himself into my chest, my body shook in disgust.

Excuse me hoe?

Abbas smiled raising his hand, cupping it on my jaw and rubbed it gently. "Something about you out just draws me in, or as any unlucky person that gazes at your excellent, almost perfect features... is that how you got thst Kadar to follow and praise you like a dog?" I sneered at that remark, I could feel my arms began to heat up.

"Don't ever talk about my buddy Kadar like that, you fucking attention-seeking pig."

Abbas only hums at the comment, slowly bringing his hand from my jaw up to my hood. He slowly his face very close to mine. I could feel his breath on my face. "I've heard from the others that you have very beautiful face underneath that hood, mind if I see...?"

That's it, you crossed the line.

I snapped and bit his thumb hard enough for it to leave a mark and blood. He yelps, I slammed my knee straight into his balls, then harshly shoving the perverted prick away. "Stay the hell off me, what's wrong with you?!" Blood slowly trickles from his thumb. He slowly brings it up and licks it off, as he kept his eyes on me.

"Damn, I didn't know you could resist my temptation like that...I wonder what else that mouth could do?" I trembled in rage, I took every fiber in my powerful body not to immediately clobber and make his face so mangled, that during his funeral it has to be a closed casket.

I raised my finger at him. "Stay the hell away from me, Abbas. You're distracting from a mission I'm been assigned too." I turned and left, his eyes locked onto my form his smile never faltered. "Ooh, what a lovely time that was...Des,"

I kept my gaze forward, almost running to the stables where Classy whinnes at my presence. She paws at the ground, knowing that we're going on a ride, she loves to go fast at that. I didn't bother throwing a saddle or bridle on her, only hoping on her back and we were out of there, leaving only dust behind. 

My body shivers from that encounter with Abbas. Oh God he lays his flithy hands on me, hopefully Malik will let me bathe when I get here...


I paced around our room, couldn't handle the silence. Without Desmond radiating self being around, the room felt cold and uncomfortable, lifeless.

I had to let him go, if you're summoned by a Dai or any higher ranking Assassin, then you must go right? But what if he got hurt? What if he got lonely? I...I needed to be with him, keep him happy and protect him; but he wouldn't let me. Des said he doesn't need protection, but what if he's just saying that? Why must he put on a brave face? I seen his emotional side, when it takes over he isn't focused and hurts himself.

"I...need to take a walk, mabye that will ease this feeling in my heavy heart."

With that, I choose to head to the library.

It's usually quiet, with a few scholars here and there. I pulled one of the books and opened it to an random page. I tried to read what's on the page, but my thoughts wandered to Desmond's smile, definitely the ones when I bring him his favorite foods, or when he tells me about something he's very passionate about, or that rare smile I only see early in the morning with he just woke up. That beautiful smile...

My grip on the book tightened. He is indeed beautiful, I love everything about him, his features, his personality, the softly glowing gold of his eyes. I...think I love him, that I really love him. To the point I couldn't imagine my life without him in it.

That's why I try to impress him, the things I buy or get is to make him love me. So one day, he will remain with me even after our training. We'll settle down and enjoy life, I enjoy waking up beside him, the time we spend during the day and I'll cuddle him at night. He's so gentle and kind, I wish for no other than my Angel. My Desmond.

But does he love me back?

I'm...afraid to ask, I'm afraid that he'll find me crazy and leave, I couldn't handle that...I would rather...

I closed the book, then returned it to the self and continued my wandering around Masyaf. There was nothing that could ease my mind for my overwhelming worry for Des. I could feel the stares from the other Assassins as they passed by, probably wondering why the hooded novice isn't with me, or why I have this zombie-like blank stare, wandering around aimlessly.

I wish someone could help me, I don't know anything about love or winning their heart...wait.

There is!

I stopped, the idea forms with a smile. The flowers! The women at the paradise, they would how to win a person's heart.

They are my only choice now.

It didn't take long to strode over to the flowers tower. This is the place where the children are born and raised to be assassins for the brotherhood, therefore the flowers here are treated with ultra most respect. Any assassin who are caught mistreating any flower will be severely punished. Into the entrance was a bunch of girls currently washing clothes at one of fountains the courtyard. They were laughing about something until one of them spotted me. "Excuse me girls, I need to speak with one of the mamas in charge, It is very urgent."

"Yes? Do you need something dear?" A mama strode out into the courtyard, her eyes widened as she pulled me into a warm bear hug. "Kadar? It's been an awhile, I haven't seen you sense you and your brother were knee high!" She pulled back, cross her arms. "Now why do you need me for? Are you in need of one of the flowers for entertainment or...?" My face flushed in embarrassment. "No, not at all! My heart belongs to another, fortunately." The girls squealed at the statement. "I am need of guidance, I'm afraid that I have no idea if he-SHE loves me and how win and kept her heart So what do I do?" Within seconds I was surrounded by super excited girls, the mama chuckled crossing her arms at the scene.


"That's so sweet Kadar, you are so lucky!"


"I'm sure she loves you, that shouldn't be an issue."


"Obviously you give her all things she likes,"


"Get her flowers, that should hook her!"


"Be sure that you tell her that you love her with your heart!"


It just kept going and going that I was completely stunned to speak. Sensing my discomfort, the mama rushed in, pulling me away from the endless responses from the flowers, taking me to one of the empty rooms of the towers. "There, now we can talk without interruptions, you know the girls are and all," She held my hands in hers, "I'll tell you what I know best. I know that you are nervous and all about this, but real love takes time, dear. You can't rush it. I'm sure that she loves you and maybe even shy to admit it. although if you are worried about someone else getting her..." She turned and went to one of the cabinets and pulled out a small pouch, placing it within my hands. "This should do the trick, just put this in both of your drinks to arouse you both. And then, put a baby in her, that should seal the bond between you both. Be sure to marry her right after, ok dear?" The mama didn't even wait for my answer, just turned and left, leaving me to my thoughts.

Put...a baby in Desmond?

Oh Allah, my stomach did flips at the thought. Is that even possible?? Even though he is a guy; but also a god, so there is a chance. By heavens above I want a family. If it was possible, would he even want a family with me? 


I tapped my fingers against the map that I currently drawn spread across my counter. The beautiful glowing feather rested beside me, not once it lost its glow. It will be today I'll spend time with the Guardian-no Desmond.

Alone hopefully,

I already sent all my novices out on their missions and shouldn't return until very night tonight or in the morning. Now all I got to do is wait. And the longer I wait, the more anxious I felt. Why is that? It's just me and him that will be alone for a while. There's nothing to get worked up over. I got everything set up, nothing is out of place.

What could go wrong?

Sound of soft footfalls that lets me know that my special guest has arrived. I couldn't help but smile as Des approached and deeply bows. He pulled off his hood, revealing his happy smile that seemed to glow as bright as his power "Safety and peace Dai," Allah he is just so respectful, maybe he should teach that Eagle some manners... 

"Your presence here blesses me with both, I'm relieved that you have finally arrived,"  

"Forgive me, but do you mind if I bathe first? before we start on anything," He wants to bathe, here...? "Of...course Des, it's located in the back." I must turn away saying that so he couldn't see the blush that slowly began to spread on my face. His footsteps became quieter and quieter, a few minutes pass and rustling of clothing could be heard, dropping to the floor with feet stepping into water.

Oh boy.




Step by step, I got closer to the washroom. This is wrong, I should not do this, to peek on a god; bathing none less! But my curiosity has gotten the better of me. He is Desmond, he knows me and maybe he'll be ok with me doing this? Slowly poking my head round the doorframe just my eyes to see, Des had his back facing me and scrubbing dirt off with a rag. His body looked soft to the touch, with a few scars here and there. Hair sightly curled around the ears, and he was humming a song that I wasn't familiar with, A tune from a forgotten time? He was speaking softly in that ancient language that spoke to me with when we first met. Singing that tune in his language, But really caught my eye was the glowing lines that seemed to trail from his arms and making strange, but fascinating swirl designs that pulsed in sync with his breathing. The designs were wings on both shoulder blades, where his real wings would be. The glowing lines must be those tattoos, like one his blade arm! I assume that these tattoos are the "magic seals" for his wings, which makes sense. if that is correct, what would be the tattoos on his arm for? 

None less, I simply could do stare in awe that this nearly perfect being.

Desmond stopped, stretched and stood up, popping his joints in a satisfied yawn, stepping from the washtub. The gold swirls trailed from his back to his legs to the very tips of his toes. Te turned reaching for the towel and I darted back to my counter, hopefully he didn't see me peeking. Allah, my face was still burning from the scene, it took a bit to regain my composure. Des stepped back into the room, and it took everything not to trip over my feet. The Guardian was wearing one of the spare pants and one of my spare black Dai robes, but no regular robes, Revealing his bare chest. He wasn't built like the eagle, thinner than most of the other assassins, but he was still solid chested.

He smiled at me, readjusting the robe for it kept sliding off his shoulders. "Oh thank you Malik, you are a life savior, I tried finding a good robe that would fit me, but the other were simply too big. I hope you don't mind me wearing this, until i get mine cleaned again," He stepped over and leaned himself on my counter. " Problem, Des"

"So Dai, what do you need me for?"

"Oh yes, the reason,"

I lead my guest to the table and chair I've set up for his arrival. the table was freshly brewed kettle of tea and few baskets of fruit of all kinds for which I didn't know what des liked. "I hope you don't find this sudden, but as a friend to both me and my bro, I desire to know you better, so arranged this day to do so." Desmond's face lit up as I pour him a fresh cup. " Ohh, like a hang out! This will be fun, this way we will become better friends now Malik,"


 We spent most of the day with pleasant conversation with tea and snacks, Des was an excellent listener, it was never a dull moment beside him. though once and a while, I would ask a question about him or his past. He would answer, but in a cryptic response. Other than that, everything was swell. As I asked each question, I would scoot closer to him. eventually I had my shoulder brushing against him, Des didn't really seem to care in the slightest. He actually leaned into my touch; laying his head on me with a satisfied smile, sending shivers down my spine. Heat traveled to my stomach, I must breathe in slow and easy, flexing my hands to remain calm at his innocent affection. It took every ounce of my will from running my hand across his soft chest.

Then the morning changed to the evening, finally dusk. 

I have run out of snacks to give my guest. "Damn, I'll find you something..." I stood up and rummaged through my cabinets, but the only thing I find was a few lumps of sugar that was given to me from Damascus. it was simply too sweet for me, the only use I had for it was too once a while sweeten my tea. "Sorry Des, tomorrow I'll shop in the market for my food. the only thing I have is lumps of sugar." Des immediately perked up, eyes widened at the sugar within my hand. " that...oh! Sugar!"

Within seconds, Des had my hand in his warm ones. He reached on and took the lump straight from my fingers with his teeth, gently scrapping it that the tip carful not miss any piece. My face immediately blushed red, completely flabbergasted at the scene. Des didn't seem to care or notice of what happened, just enjoying sugar, eating it as if it was a snack.

I felt his warm tongue on my fingers.

"I haven't had sugar in so long... it's just how I remembered it was," Wait the god likes sugar? The pleasant expression on the Guardian's face tells me so. Interesting...I must be sure to keep a mental note to order more for my guest when he comes to visit.

The tattoo on his arm begins to glow brighter than normal. Is his magic beginning to activate? as Des finished his sugary treat, I grabbed his hand, staring at it. "Hm, you ok Dai?" I didn't answer, only tracing the glow under with my thumb. the magic seemed to gather to where my thumb pressed against.

Maybe if I...

Without any hesitation, I leaned in, licking a stripe from the wrist right up to the forearm. Des let out a surprised squeak, the glow brightened than ever before, even heating up under the touch. Des rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment, "Damn Malik you...really let your intrusive thought win that time, didn't ya?" My head turned at the question, intrusive? That's a new word I've never heard off. "If you mean curiosity, then yes. I wanted to know what your magic tasted like, which it buzzed on my tongue." I let go and Des rolled the robe to cover his arm with my sleeve. 

I now noticed that dusk passed and it's late, maybe I could send him on his way so I could start my night work... 

Turning to see Des shut the wooden latch to the bureau, turning towards me rubbing his hands together with a devious smile.

...Maybe not.

"It's night, Dai. time to sleep-"

"No," I interrupted him, stepping backwards. "You will not use your strange magic on me like last time, there is work that must be done." Des seemed to take that as a challenge, only stepping forward with that damn beautiful smile growing bigger. That smile, begins to make me feel strange, freezing me in place, no matter what I tried to do or say nothing came out or had the ability to move. What is happening? How do you weaponize a smile??

"Now Malik, you workaholic, sleep is important." Des cupped my face in his hands. "If you were having trouble sleeping, you have told me, not cover it with unnecessary work. i know you enjoyed my company last time, you slept like a baby."

I tried to send a remark at his statement, but Des picks me up and hauled us to the pillows and dropping me and lay beside me, pulling me to his bare chest. My face reddened at the contact, he just pulled me closer and yawned. "Man, what a day, I truly enjoyed today and everything, Malik. You were the man I was imagined you to be." I could feel the sleep begin to draw me in. "Tho I wonder why Kadar threw a fit about this. He should know that I would be safe with you, but he's been really clingy you know?"

Ah, you have caught my brother's eye then. Well...that's just too bad than, I liked you ever sense I laid eyes on you on that fateful day. Kadar better just pick another person because I'll never let you go, I just been shy too admit it, but knowing my brother; this will turn to a war. This is just fine; bet I'll win the gentle guardian's heart with just those sugar lumps. Surely no other person like Des as much as Kadar and I...



"Oh, master Des, you finally returned!'


"Yeah, told you I would return Kadar,"


"But why did you stay away so long? The bed was just so cold and lonely..."


"Don't be like that, I know you will survive without me,"


"No, never leave me alone like that ever again master Des."




"Though I'm so happy you returned to me...Habibi"


Sorry I took long again. I just wanted to make everything was written clearly. (While keeping myself motivated with all things that is going on) thanks for sticking around.

700+ Hits?? Seriously, you are all the best. Be sure to get heathy amount of sleep, as fanfiction is fantastic to read, sleep is important too you know! :)

Chapter 11


Over 100 kudos??
About 1800 hits??

You all are incredible! I never thought this story would blow up like this, but you all made it possible.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


Something is off.

Something is wrong with my Desmond lately.

It started subtle, at first. Being less talkative or being late for training with Rauf; nothing too big to be concerned about. But a week passes it with it slowly getting more noticeable. He goes to bed very late, then leaves very early the morning, but still arrives late for training. Dark bags are noticeable under his gold, tired looking eyes. He doesn't eat like he normally does, even the extra fruits I bring for breakfast doesn't bring his smile that I used to love seeing every morning.

He's weaker, despite he is a god he must sleep to replenish his magic-I believe, it definitely appears to be- so this situation is more dire than I thought. Someone could hurt my Des in this state.

As the days went on, it slowly got worse. 

On days we visited my brother, Malik immediately noticed something wrong with Des when he ate very little of those sugar clumps he was given from the Damascus. I've seen Malik try his best to cheer up his guest, but no avail everything he tried appeared fruitless. The Novices and higher-ranking assassins are worried, even Rauf expressed concern for his top student but Des kept 'smiling', an act I seen him do when he doesn't want anyone to know he's upset or sad about something time and time again.

But why, why must he pretend he's ok when Desmond is clearly not? 

I don't like it; something is clearly wrong with my Habibi. But every time I try to ask what's wrong, he avoids it the question or makes up an excuse. I am not a fool, I learned to be very deceptive from him, just by observing. My Desmond believes that he can deal with whatever happening now by himself, I hate this mindset so much. Doesn't he know that Kadar is with him now, willing to help carry the burden? I will do anything; I will fight the mentor, the eagle even! Just to ease his mind from this stress. I only want to help him...

Abbas has...changed.

I noticed this change when he came to bother us-more like to bother my Habibi-his attitude was completely different; no longer sending negative, snarky remarks like he used to, having this strange maddening look in his eyes while talking to Des, smiling all weirdly and chatting with a flirty tone. Even sending extremely dirty remarks to see both Des and I flinch. To be honest, this new Abbas makes me very uncomfortable. He's even became very touchy-like, putting his hands everywhere he could, but definitely grasping Desmond's face, and trying to lift the hood. Des clearly tells him off, backing away trying to distance himself from Abbas, but Abbas took that as a challenge, immediately closed the distance again.

This went on for a few more days, Abbas hardly left our company, clutching onto Des every chance he got. Desmond was physically too tired to shake off Abbas and just let him do whatever, only smarting off sarcastic remarks when he could.

Abbas mumbles in rushed Arabic words, so fast I couldn't understand most of what he said, only some words I could understand was;





"Made for me"

"Let me see"


Definitely the word Des, over and over again, saying it as if he was in prayer. Abbas trying to lift his hood once again, cupping his hands on both sides of his face. My poor Des looked so uncomfortable, but clearly agitated at this obsessives Abbas been lately. 

...It made me agitated as well. 

This time I had enough of this. I stepped up, putting myself between Abbas and Des, pushing the crazed man away. "What is wrong with you?! Is this not you at all!" Abbas did not take this well, went completely hostile, drawing his blade and rushed at me. "You will NOT stand in my way!" I didn't have time to react, a hand grasped the Abbas's attack and pushed him back. Des stood beside me, giving Abbas an annoyed, but tired look.

"Abbas please...I'm not in the mood for this shit. Just go away." He stopped glaring at me, turning to Des, giving him that werid smile. "Oh Des, Des, Des? So sweet you are, defending this flithy, worthless man. Don't you understand that we're supposed to be together...?!"

He reached out to Des once again, eyes were almost black with want and lust. I pulled Des away, speed walking fast as possible.

Abbas fingers twitches mid air, eyes widened at the scene layed before him. His grin turned sharp, a deep rumble came from his throat. Which it turned into a deep chuckle, then laughter.

Unsettling laughter.

I kept drag Des as far I could until it felt safe to stop, right into the upper halls were the master's assassin's resided. "You alright master Des?"

Des weakly nodded, I guided him to one of the benches and sat him down. "Kadar please I'm ok..." Des protest, but he just slumped into the chair, too drained. I felt a sting in my chest, seeing my Habibi so exhausted. He needs his rest, but something is keeping him from sleep. I must find out what's causing it.

Abbas's laughter sent cold sweats down my spine. It didn't sound like he was happy, no, it sounded so...angry, forced even. I must be sure not to leave Desmond alone in fear for Abbas's current crazed state. There is no telling what will happen if I do...

An assassin approached us, bowing. "Hello brothers, I'm sorry to interfere but the Master wishes to see you," I stood flabbergasted, pointing at myself.

"Just me?"

"No, both Kadar and the one called Des. He waits in the library," 

With that, the assassin took off. Des eyes shot open, staring at me with a very pissed expression, a tired scowl forms. This is not going to turn out well...

"What does that old bastard want?"



My fingers twitches in anticipation, watching my beautiful Des being dragged away from me by that filthy dog Kadar.

My hands desire to grip that soft cool skin, inhaling his soothing scent, hearing his voice, Allah above his beautiful voice. I want it all, everything, Des has should be bared to me, only meforever and ever.

Des let me touch him, so kind. He makes my heart flutter, his smile I've seen him give to everyone but me. Why not smile at me, Des? You give me incredible happiness 

But Kadar is in the way.

In the way of my Des.

I wanted to kill him, spill his blood for stepping infront of me and my happiness. I never once felt so happy. Those flowers never once gave me the joy I've been wanting, until I met Des. Beautiful, beautiful Des.

Now I only want him. HimHim.

This must be love, is it not? Love is something that only happens when you meet the one right for you? Then I must love Des, I love him so much I'll kill anyone that gets in my way. 

Des, you will me mine one day, but I must be patient. Abiding my time until the perfect moment to rid of every obstacle.

"Just you wait until then, Hee...haha...Hahaha...!"


I'm sorry I couldn't do more. I completely dislocated my knee and the pain is horrible, the next chapter will be much better

Chapter 12


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


I felt uneasiness as we entered the library, heading to where Al Mualim often resided in, giving out orders for assassins to carry out or have monthly meetings with his inner counsel members in business of status of Maysaf or the threat with our enemies.

Why this uneasiness?

Probably it's because walking beside me is a very tired, very pissed off God with incredible destructive powers that is being forced to meet with someone they 100% do not like, and probably won't hesitate to murder if given the opportunity.

Des clearly made it extremely obvious to express the hatred for this man, and I'm not getting in the way of this one. 

Which makes me curious, why is the mentor summoning us? Surely he doesn't know that Des is the Guardian that he's been actively looking for about a month. Mabye it's because of the rumors around the village and Maysaf of a noivce managed to 'copy the style of the Eagle of Maysaf very well' and eventually catches the interest of Al Mualim, and too see if it was true. 

That must be it, just curiosity.

Glancing over to my master, his gold eyes stares straight ahead with silent promises; his hand in a tighten ball with a slight shake. For the longest time, Desmond has avoided him at all costs and how it's no longer possible. This meeting may not end out well.

I know one thing. If looks could kill...

"Kadar." Des cold words snapped me from thoughts. Hie gaze kept forward, as Al Mualim came into our view.

"I'm telling you this right now; I do not want to look at him, nor speak to him, for will I may not have the strength to keep myself from tearing him apart alive. But if push comes to shove..." Des calmly stated. That statement sending a cold chill straight through my spine. Desmond wasn't joking, he ment every word. With the power he has, he can. Without a doubt.

"Of...course master,"

"Ah, Kadar and Des, Welcome young novices. I was expecting you,"

Al Mualim's deep voice made Des tense up. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it, trying to comfort him. 

Al Mualim stood in his glory, the pride of Maysaf, the man of the mountain himself. He was once the best, long time ago. Got blinded in his right eye in line of duty, which it never seemed to slow him down. He was a stern but kind mentor, never leading anyone astray.

Yet Des hates him.

He kept saying 'He'll try to suck you up under his heel. Making you feel special and dependent on him, As long he gets what he wants from you, he doesn't care about your feelings or problems. Don't believe anything he says, he likes to twist his words to make them believable.' Which is different from everyone's opinion. but I will take my Habibi's word over everyone else.  Des is the type that will never lie, always blunt but friendly.

Oh I wish I could see what Des and Altair sees. The eagle vision could help me here, but I have no idea how to even try it.

There must be a way...

His area in the library is slightly messy, which is odd for him, the man is a very well kept organizer. The artifact -the Apple Desmond calls it- sits in its holder, eeriely dead until Desmond approached, it softly began to glow. A strange smile formed on Al Mualim's at the Apple's response.

I gently bowed. "Saftey and peace...Mentor." Des kept his gaze lowered, not doing anything.

Al Mualim steps forward. "To you both as well...You must be confused by the summoning, which I can safely I'm putting it in two reasons. First Kadar..." The mentor lays his hand on my shoulder with a strong grasp.

"I must congrat you for proving yourself as becoming a greater assassin, completely inventing an entire new away of a fighting style. Impressive young novice. Your family has never disappointed me in in any way. First your father Faheem, as the infamous warhawk. He was effective, but extremely hardheaded when it came to orders. Than your older brother, Malik, who passed the test with no effort. Even surviving the templar attack in the Temple. He strong willed, and very intelligent, his ability was to always see outside the box. Another fine hawk if I say so myself. And then you,"

Al Mualim stopped for a second, slight confusion on his brow gazing my neck.

I wonder why...

Oh no.

He sees the hand burn marks that my Des gave me from that night. Oh Allah, don't question it Al Mualim, please. Desmond still feels incredibly bad about it.

I have figured out that he may be able to heal any fatal wound...but special scars will remain.

"Heal scars" I call them. As Desmond heals the wound with his magic, something is always left behind. The heal scars are left. That is evidence of the scars on me from the ambush in Solomon's Temple, and on my brother's amputated arm; which he showed me once when we visited a while ago.

Al Mualim cleared his throat,

"As I was are the most surprising young hawk of the family. You ability to adapt is remarkable, as inventing an entire new way of fighting, not found in any book the scholars tried to find. As for this, I present to you a offer. I'll give you the chance to become what you has always dreamed to be: A master assassin. One as the Eagle of Maysaf himself. Not only that, to be taught from the very best. The mentor himself."

Al Mualim grasped both of my shoulders.

"What do you think Kadar? My knowledge is invaluable, I know far more any teacher can ever teach. I can give your family even more recognition that they are due. The Brotherhood will respect you and knowledge you as one of the greats, beside me and the Eagle."


To be recognized as the Eagle himself...? This offer is very kind and all, but. Turning to Des, remembering about what he's been telling me about Al Mualim earlier. I believe my Habibi over everything. Yet the offer is very interesting, I already have the best teacher in the entire world.

Returning my gaze to the mentor, I stepped back with, shaking of my head.

"This is kind of you Al Mualim, the idea of being trained by you, the recognition for my's all so incredibly exciting but I...must refuse. A thousand pardons I beg of you, I don't think this is right to rise the ranks like this. Even with all the benefits it comes with it. Hopefully you understand my decision; I'm sorry but I cannot take this offer."

The smile on his face just dropped. This was something he was clearly not expecting.

"Kadar, this us a choice of a lifetime, so many wouldn't even thought of refusing the mentor. So many others would do anything to be in this position."

"As I stated, I don't want this offer. Go find someone else who would want to."

"What else do you desire, better equipment, robes, money? I can get you anything,"

"I desire nothing, there is not a thing I want from you, nor your offer. I am happy with where I am now."

The gears were turning in the mentors head, I couldn't understand why he wanted me to take this offer. He has never once acknowledged me or my brother until after retrieving the apple. Strange behavior, there must be a reason for this.

"Do you wish to put shame on your family name then? What will your father think of your choice? He is to return to Maysaf soon, hm. Probably be very disappointed at you without a doubt. Do you wish to place shame on your father, Kadar?"

Oh, oh. He chose to change tactics.

My fingers flexed into tight fist, feeling to urge to shout. I felt offended, bringing dad into this passive-aggressive tactic. But I must remain calm...

"When my father returns, he will be proud of me and my achievements, regardless with or without your offer."

Al Mualim eyes hardened, his mouth opened as to say something, then stopped and turned to Des. "Ah forgive me, I haven't forgotten you." 

He strode over and stopped infront of Des, takinga deep breath. "I have heard all about you. All my informants spoke of the one everyone calls Des or the dauntless pigeon. The one who has managed to copy the Eagle's way of fighting. That is remarkable, everyone that has met you completely likes you. Even Abbas, that one doesn't like hardly anyone. Now how did a regular noivce managed to do that...?"

Desmond stays silent, motionless. Eyes locked to the floor.

Al Mualim raises an eyebrow. "I know you heard me. Respond."

Des remains silent. 

The mentor reached for Desmond's hood "Now come now, every assassin has said you aren't shy-" Des's light gold eyes darted up with the mentors hand mere inches away, glaring the man straight into eyes, into his every soul with so much hatred; Al Mualim breath hitched, drewhis hand.

Desmond glare stayed locked on with a clear indication of 'Do it motherfucker, touch me, fuck around and find out why don't you? I DARE you.' This won't go good...

Al Mualim must've took it as a challenge.

He grasp Desmond's hood, pulled it over his head and grabbing and forcing his chin upwards "You will not look at me in such a way. I shall not get such disrespect!"

Des tenses up, his breathing perks up. In Seconds he pulled his head away from the mentors hand rears down and bites into Al Mualim hand, hard. The mentor yelps and yanks back, holding it in with his other hand. Des bit him so hard that there's a clear teeth marks with the wound already deep bruising and blood dripping from it.

"Do not. Touch me. Rashid ad-Din Sinan. I tried to play nice, I really did. But you kept pushing it. I am too exhausted for this bullshit,"

My Habibi steps over to me and wraps his warm arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. His embrace is so gentle, yet he is so pissed off currently at the mentor. No matter so angry he is, Des will never harm me. Hopefully we will just hop back into bed and I could cuddle, burying my face into his soft chest-even tangle my legs with his, he doesn't seem to mind it at all-maybe I'll be lucky and he will bring his beautiful wings out and wrap it around us as we sleep.

"Now me and Kadar are going to leave, and you are not to bother us for quite a while-"


"Im afraid not."


The Apple's light explosives, covering everything in sparks and electricity. The light was so bright it blinded my eyes, Des pulled me into a hug, covering my face with his body.

Is he protecting me?

It probably startled him as well. He is so sweet. He would make a good mother, I wish nothing more than to start a family with him...

A few minutes later, he pulled back and we appeared to be in a world of light with an endless view of nothing on every side with strange symbols floating around the air.


"So this is where you been all this time, Desmond Miles?"


Hello fair readers! I hope everyone has a good July weekend and make sure you stay hydrated:)

Chapter 13: Author's Note

Chapter Text


       ------This is NOT a discontinue note!------


I just want to let you all know why I haven't been posting for this story lately. Life has definitely thrown me into a loop, my knees dislocating and having to wear braces, one of my family members are in the hospital, and much more. Life is pretty shitty right now.

But I have been working on this latest chapter and I believe you all will enjoy it. I will not discontinue this fic, there is simply too much I put into it to jump overboard now since the next part is a very important point in the story, I must make sure everything is in place. As it will be one of the many fights between Desmond and Juno. I believe that this will be enjoyable for everyone who reads it as I haven't seen a Juno/Desmond brawl in any fic I seen.


The next chapter should be done by Monday and I hope to see you then.



Chapter 14


Oh my god...

Over 8,000+ hits!? I can't believe it, thank you, all my wonderful kind readers who stuck with this fic from the beginning. :)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text



Standing before us in this strange world was a lone woman. 

Desmond immediately pushes me behind him, angrily speaking in his language -An language I managed to hear him speak once or twice a blue moon, though my brother heard it more than I had-and materializing his gold blade in his free hand.

The woman was tall, had long straight black hair, wearing a bright white dress with strange sliver metal decorated over it and around her face to her neck. Her skin was ghosty white, very pale looking as if she arisen from the grave recently. Her body was outlined with dull white lines trailed across the hands to the shoulders in a circle patterns.

She stood straight with unnerving grace, as of she has authority over others and she knew it. Her eyes were the most strange. Unnaturaly grey, glossed over with a sickening, mad look. And those eyes were locked on my Habibi, a sly smile formed over her ghastly features. A very unsettling...nonfriendly smile.

The way she slightly glowed, the lines on her body, it was so, so similar to my Des that it was...

Is she what Desmond is...another ancient god??

Noneless, the very sight of her triggered my fight or flight response, as I find myself pushing myself closer to Desmond, burying my face into his side, fighting against my shiver, clutching his free arm as if trying to hide. Something about this person scares me, really scares me. I cannot explain it at this moment, but the feeling I get from this person will bring nothing but bad omens.

She is NOT a friend.


"Juno?!" I sneer, tired, angry and sounding very confused. "How are you here? You are supposed to be trapped within the Eye!"

She chucked, taking slow bold steps toward us. "Oh? Don't you remember? YOU let me out, on that magnificent day. I remember it as if it was yesterday...its soooo wonderful to see you again,  an unexpected suprise!" I gripped my sword tighter, keep me between Kadar and her. "Save your mocking politeness, what the hell you want from us?" Juno begins to circle us, as if we were mere prey.

"Oh, you know little ol' me, making sure everything is in its proper place in history. But oops, something isn't in its place, Desmond...I think you know..." 

Juno stopped and stares me straight in the eyes with an more tighter forced grin. 


I felt my muscles tense up, this involuntary shivering under that cold gaze. "Me, what did I do? I did-"

"You did EVERYTHING." Juno interrupts me with her voice raised, her expression remained the same. "Thanks to YOU, everything is out of balance. Events are changed, certain people are alive who aren't supposed to be."

She began to approach in bold steps. "Everything was right, perfect even, as it should have been. Then you came, you were supposed to be dead, left to rot in that blasted temple, alone and forgotten. Your whole presence here has ruined it all!"

"So what!? Im here now and here to stay, Juno."

The woman stares for a moment, then bursts into laughter, as if something I said was a complete joke. "Here to stay!?? Oh no..."

Within seconds, Juno tellaports mere inches from my face, her grey eyes boring into mine. "Im here to fix this, fix the mistakes you made..." Juno's arm begins to charge and releases a blast of bright white electricity. 

"With your life!"

The electrical blast blows me and Kadar back like rag dolls, barrel rolling across the ground. My noivce was knocked out cold while I was winded on my back. "O-oh fuck, ugh that hurt, I wasn't expecting that bullshit"

Juno menacingly laughs, charging up her arms as she begins to rapidly approach. "Oh, I'm going to love this, I killed you once and I shall do it again!"

She lunches to attack once again with her  power, Rolled to the side, narrowly missing that lightning striking the ground where my body once was. Summoning my blade, I got behind to slash her back, but the blade only hits air as she tellaports to the side, licking her teeth in excitment. "Aww, what's this? Little Desmond got some new little, pathetic powers? You think you have a chance against me? Me!?? The rightful ruler of this disgusting planet? You do not know what you got yourself into, cipher."

I let out a angry shout and rushed towards her, my wings flings out and spreads wide, readying my blade. Juno face remains with a sharp grin as she ducks backwards, my blade barely missing her throat. She retaliates with her own attack, me barely missing with a quick back flip. While in mid air, I summoned dozens of small daggers with a snap of my fingers and sends them at her. She chuckles and tellaports around, dodging each wave seamlessly. Our attacks of gold and white clashes against eachother, neither attack could overpower one another. Yet it was a spectacle to observe.

"What gives you the right to decide who gets to live? This world does not care for you. Your so-called 'friends' didn't care for you, your own blood, your own father didn't care for you."

" you are wrong...I...."

"Oh silly, if they did, they wouldn't have let you died there. They should've begged you to stop snd reconsider, begging you to try another way. But they didn't."

Juno tellaports behind me, putting me into an arm lock and yanks my head back to look at her. "You ment nothing to them Desmond, they left you to die and didn't even bother to return to bury you! Is that what friends and family were to supposed to do?"

I grit my teeth and summons a hidden blade, swings it at her throat but I hit air once again. "Argh! Stop tellaporting you spineless coward!"

Juno's unsettling laugh echoes around me, bouncing all over nearby.

"This planet is my birthright, I have the right to rule, to those feeble little worms in their proper place,"

I pant softy, slowly getting worn out but yet Juno seems to be just getting started. 

Juno reappears but this time releasing a blast of white fire that made a wide circle around us. My heart slips a beat, my eyes shrinks at the flames dancing around. This...this reminds me of...of...

....A terrifying memory begins to resurface...



That day...that dreadful day of my death.



I remember standing before the room of the Eye. Shaun, recbecca, and William stood behind me. They begged me not to, that there must be another way.

But I knew we were out of time. There was no other way. wanted to say something more but his lips trembled, remaining silent and sealed. Shaun was holding tears back, trying to brake out a shity joke but he couldn't pull it off. Recbecca couldn't stop crying, they were all scared, but I had to put on a brave face for them, telling them it was ok and everything was going to turn out okay.

I remember standing before the Eye, remembering everyone and everything up to this point. I was doing this for the planet, I couldn't let them all die, 

And there, I placed my hand on the Eye.



I let out a scream, the memory that I have forgotten about for 26 years begins to replay in my brain, like a damn PTSD.

I remember the searing white pain, the heart wrenching fear, trying to cry out for anyone to help me...

To hear me, but no one came, my voice was permanently silenced as I collapsed to the floor, my vision begins to dim into deep darkness as I hear a familiar woman's, chilling laugh....

Suddenly I gasped out, suddenly feeling sharp pain in my abdomen. I look down and sees Juno has plunged a dagger into my gut, twisting it around in my one moment of weakness. "Gee, I'm sorry for interrupting your special memory. Did little Desmond develop a small fear for fire?" She laughs and pushed it harder into my gut, making me cry out as I hunched over, gasping more air and my wings gets slightly splashed with my blood.

"Time to die-" Juno suddenly stops, yelping out in pain as a sliver dagger gets thrown into her backside, Kadar's fist comes and and decking her right into her jaw, losing her grip on me. I collapsed to the ground, shuddering as I'm trying to heal.


"D-Do not dare hurt my Habibi, you have to go through me first ugly wrench," Kadar was sweaty, shaking and fearful but he stood his ground. Juno pulled the bloody dagger from her back and glares at him.

"Oh?, So the riffraff decided to come and play? Very well."

Juno lunges and decks Kadar right into the jaw and sends him flying to the side, he cries out from the blow. Juno cracked her neck and looked down to me.

"So you wanted to change things, to make your prefect happy ending? No, this isn't your story to change Desmond. You and so many others think they can change this "story" around because they think they can or they didn't like how it went. Well guess what, I'll never let it change. They all must accept what happened has happened, thier actions have consequences. You will die again forever Desmond and I'll fix the mistakes and everything will return to normal, "

Juno then pulls out a hidden pistol.

"But let 'play' a little before that. So you want to change things, hm? Ok then, I'll change things. From this moment on, nothing will be the same in this story. Everything will change. "

Juno loads the pistol, pointing straight at Kadar. I felt all my blood go cold. no!

My noivce, he doesn't...Kadar doesn't know how dangerous guns are! 

He will...


Despite my body felt so sore, so heavy, I forced myself up, almost biting the inside of my mouth from the pain to rushing infront to protect my novice. 


"Goodbye, you little pesky worm."




A loud Bang rumbled through the air, a bullet zips toward me, piercing my chest with an audible crack. 

My body locked up, it completely winding me. I felt my body involuntary crumble to my knees, falling backwards. A buzz, ringing sound soon covered my thoughts and sounds. I could barely hear Kadar's panicked voice behind me, as my chest felt like someone stomped my ribcage open and poured lava into the wound.


I been shot. I forgot what it felt like to be shot...I...


It' to hard...


I tried to open my mouth to breathe, but no air entered my lungs.

" pathetic, little Desmond got hurt."

The corners of my vision begins to dim as that Isu bitch slowly approached Kadar with that smile, those unsettling eyes locked on his form, she easily stepping over me as if I was a mere obstacle, approaching my terrified noivce.

"Oh Kadar....I'm so, Juno."

My hoarse voice whispers out, as the darkness covered all my senses, pulling me into a numbing state of sleep as my eyes closed.












...Am I dead again...?


I sucked in hard, painful air filled my lungs.


No...not yet, good.


But I?


My eyes opened, I appear to be in a calm, but uncannily dreamlike dark-blueish landscape that stretched across the horizon as far I could see. I felt like was back in that cursed, dreadful Animus again, well minus the 'loading screen' being white, specifically Rebecca's one- Her "baby" she always called it -But this place truly, really felt I was in a precursor room or chamber once again.

Soft, ghostly whispers and hushed voices called out to me in this place as I walked along in this endless blueish-twilight world, my footsteps were nonexistent.

Time seems still and unmoving, as all normal sounds were muffled, as I seemed on the outside of everything, a pkace where time is still flowing elsewhere.

Like the Animus islands

Yet the words kept whispering to me. I tried to listen, to understand anything they said but it was too intangible, too far soft to understand what they were saying from every side. I felt there're trying to tell me something, something important but it was all soft, white drone noise to me.


Until one did.





A male's voice called out to me from the distance.


My head whips into the direction of the voice. There in the distance, stood a strange glowing "tree" that seemed to be made of lines of gold cords that pulsed in waves reaching for the sky. Curiously, I edged closer to this strange Isu device-like thing. What is it, and what does it do? Is it like the Eye? Is it dangerous? And where is the voice that called to me?

I stopped underneath the 'tree' glancing around. "Is anyone here...?"


The savior....The chosen one... Finally, you have arrived. We all have been waiting patiently for you."


I circled the tree, searching for the owner of this mysterious male voice, but it chose to remain hidden. Many questions fills my mind, but I'll just hold them, for now.

"Please, can you reveal yourself? So we could talk more effectively?"

There was silence for moment, than a small light erupted from the tree, a gold figure stepped way from behind the base. Its outline seems to be male, unlike Noell I couldn't tell what they were. He stepped closer in ghostly quiet footsteps.  


"Greetings Desmond Miles, savior of humanity.  and I welcome you."


He must be another Isu, but he seems different, completely different, even from Noell.


He felt...familiar....but how?


Why does he feel so familiar...?


It's like looking into a glowing reflection, a reflection of myself? He stood the same height as me, the same bodyframe shape as me. But yet, as I look at the glowing man before me, a sudden sadness overtakes me and it took all my willpower to not start tearing up. I felt as I was looking at "myself"...Yet...he isn't "me"


Whatever he is now, he isn't me. Not anymore.


"Who are you?"


"I am called the Reader."


"The Reader?" He nods and looked back up to the tree. Slowly I stepped closer to him, my eyes looking up as well. "What this is tree-like thing, Reader?"


This is the center of the world. Best put it, every timeline is here, every strand is a timeline that humanity is living in , its all alive. And here..."


A single strand within the tree gently pulsed in waves, catching my attention.


"This is your "timeline" and it's quite strange to me...."



"Strange? how? Is it because I altered shit around?" The Reader remained silent, seems to be in deep thought. He then fixed his 'gaze' to me.


"The timeline...It still is moving. It has no end, its trail is still going on."


"Wait, what do you mean?"


"You see, up to this point, Every single timeline I have seen has met its end, in destruction, or war, inslavement by Juno, or buring of the Sun's flare. Without fail..."

"Until I met yours. It hadn't ended yet. It made me very curious, so I looked into it. There, I met a Desmond who is alive, and he changed the course of history. Apon looking into its future, I couldn't calculate it. It had no end, currently, as if it wasn't sure itself."

"That is, until I realized, that it you must be the decider, you must decide that shall be your timeline's fate, and very soon you will have the power to do so."


My head was spinning with all this information, it made so sense at all! Different timelines? My future has no end, until I make its end? Do I basically become god?

I have so much many more questions now!

"Reader, I...I don't understand...shit, this whole fucking thing is nuts..." Rubs my forehead in frustration and groans, wondering how the hell I fell into this situation. Noell did tell me that my actions did have consequences.

Suddenly, my vision begins to blur as my legs nearly buckles under, my body suddenly got heavy as I collapsed to the blueish floor underneath the glowing tree. The Reader looked me, than back up to the tree. 


"Oh dear. I fear I have kept you far too long. This is farewell for now, Desmond, but soon we shall meet again. I look forward to the progress of this timeline's future..."


The world around me begins to blur around and I felt as I'm was falling into deep darkness...












My eyelids twitched, they felt so heavy, so tired. Now that I'm thinking of it, my whole body is so heavy as if someone placed a weight onto my chest. My mind was so fuzzy, disoriented even, wondering why I'm feeling like this.

Did something happen? What was it?



Then it hit me. The memories flood back.




The fight between us.


She pulled a gun out.


Went to the center of the world and met the Reader


Learned some crazy shit about timeliness and fate


Juno shot me instead of Kadar-




My eyes shot open, everything around me is so blurry that nothing currently I could see I can reconsize.

Is Kadar ok? Where is he? I know that bitch Juno would hurt him if she could or...

Please, no he can't be dead...please not him. Not now! I worked so hard to keep him alive. I need to go look for him! I don't give a fuck if I'm been shot, I MUST know if he is ok...!

I tried to push myself up, but a warm hand kept me in place. My vision clears up enough to realize that I'm in the bureau of Jerusalem. The clatter of wooden wind chimes, the soft coos of messager pigeons, the chatter of the citizens, the footsteps of the templar guards outside stilled my restless mind just enough. I'm not endanger anymore...and to be in the arms -or hand- of Malik, who appears to be sleeping comfortly, sitting on the bed, resting his back against the wall in one of the spare rooms for the assassins.

His hand is gently cupping my cheek in a protective sense. The ink smell that soaked into his hand is comforting, a safe feeling made me feel all giddly.

I feel safe. Protected.

Looking up to his face, a small smile was across his features. I know, just by being around him, I'll be ok.

Though confusion filled my thoughts. We were in Maysaf with that bastard for a mentor, then got trapped in that Animus like place with Juno, but now in Jerusalem with Malik?

Is Kadar ok?

How did I end up in the bureau?

Where is Juno?

How long was I out?? 


My chest flared up in pain, almost made me barrel over. I looked down, now noticing that all my clothes have removed, replaced by a loose sheet wrapped around my lower section and across my chest. My torn robes must've been thrown away.

I snorted, as I look like came from ancient Greece. My limbs and a good 40% of my body were wrapped in bandages. Fuck, she really did messed me up. I felt my pride was hurt a bit. As I really believed I could take Juno on...damn, now I know what Altair felt when Robert grabbed him and chucked him backwards like a rag roll. Her insults still rested on the back of my mind, her power, her attacks, they easily overpowered me. Why? I thought I was strong, but I'll need get stronger.

But I must think of how...

My wings were still present, though they weren't covered in spots of blood splatter like they were when I was fighting Juno, now all fluffy and pure white once again. They slightly twitched involuntary in jerks and flexes, slightly cramping in this position. I used my magic to hide my wings.

My chest ached in pain and flared up again, realizing that the bullet may be still loged inside. Oh no. I need to remove it, as I expected. No one here in the 11th century knows about bullets or guns so they wouldn't know how to remove a bullet. I could get lead poisoning from the bullet than everything will get worse. Moving around, I tried to loosen the gentle but strong grasp of Malik's hand from my face, but he simply just wouldn't let go. His face morphs into a scowl, tightening his grip.

'Come on Malik...let go..!'

I twist my head around, immediately my face nuzzled into soft, warm clothing that smells like fresh hibiscus-


I nearly choked on my spit, realizing that my face, well my head, is resting on his thigh between his well-toned muscled legs. Right beside his crotch. My face flushed completely red, my hands covering my face with embarrassment.

Oh my god...I must be so uncomfortable for him. 

Slowly inch by inch, I managed to slip from Malik's grasp and quietly stumbled from the room, into halls and then to the info room where the malik's counter is looking for something that could help me dig the bullet out, so I can get to know if Kadar is ok.

A soft breath hitch catches my attention. I turned to the door entrance of the bureau to see a young noivce assassin watching me, appears to be holding a basket of various fruits.

"G...Guardian...!? What are you doing out of bed?"

This must be one of Malik's noivces as he is wearing the noivce's robes. I never got to the chance to meet one, the only time that I managed to see them was during the attack on the Maysaf when they were with Malik.

The young assassin appeared to be slightly shaking, face paled by my appearance. He had short, black curly hair, and brown widened eyes staring back at me, he looks around the age of 20, his head barely reaching my shoulder's height. He is just a boy, a late bloomer. The noivce hasn't even begun to grow his fuzz on his chin or upper lip yet.

I gently placed my hand on my chest and bows, giving him the best of Ezio's charming smile I could muster, hopefully easing the young novices fear. "Saftey and peace, my friend. I'm sorry if I frightened you,"

The young novice slowly began to ease himself as he sees my charming smile, Ezio's charm works wonders. He slowly steps forward and sets the basket of fruit on Malik's desk.

"I have questions, but first what is your name, friend?"

The noivce figets with his fingers a bit. " name is Samih."

He gently bows he head to me, giving me a sheepish smile. "I...I wasn't expecting to see you to be on your feet yet guardian, and it's my first time to actually greet a real angel from heaven-"

"'s a pleasure to meet you, and please, call me Des or Desmond. You are a friend of Malik, so you are a friend of mine," Samih's face flushed pink, looking away, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment. "You are too kind, Des, so sweet and kind indeed..."

My chest cramped up again, my arms twitched in shivers. I couldn't up but wince and grabbed at it. Samih suddenly got closer, concerned. "Des, is something the matter, are you in pain? Is something in your chest?" I pant and slowly went around the desk, sits down in Malik's chair.

"I am, that I need to remove it or things might get worse for me. I'll need your help for this, Samih."

"O-of course!"

I unwrapped the sheet, exposing my chest that has the bullet hole on the left side, it barely missing my heart. Samih gulps softy, slowly approached me. His eyes never left my chest, hands slowly reached out as if to touch my chest, but quickly retracted his fingers back. "So, uh...Des, what exactly are we going to dig out? Master Malik and I checked you over and we seen no bad injuries on you, but only a strange hole on your chest, but it couldn't be an arrow wound," 

I let out a snort, trying to figure out how to explain this to an 11th century young man where it can make sense.

"I got a injury that I call a shot. It's something like a small piece of metal that's a shape of a ball, it shot at me like an invisible arrow, I call the metal piece a 'bullet' Samih, and it's a very dangerous thing and we need to remove it,"

Samih quickly nods and lays his hands on my chest around the injury, being gentle as he could and begins to use his small, slender fingers to dig into the wound and try to extract the bullet out. I stifled a shout, grunting and gripping Malik's chair tightly at the burning pain in my chest, Samih trying to dig out the bullet the best he could without hurting me.

"I...I think I feel the bullet, Desmond!" Samih's fingers grabbed something small and begins to extract the bloody bullet from my chest. He laid it on the desk.

Now feeling instant relief, slumping back into the chair feeling free from the pain. My magic begins to activate, healing the bullet wound while leaving a heal scar behind.

"Ohh, god that was wonderful. Samih, thank you,"

" problem, master Desmond,"

Samih's face reddens as his gentle hands remain on my chest, and slowly began to feel the Isu marks on it, tracing them with his fingers lightly. He smile growls bigger as he leans closer to me, his brown eyes fluttering. His gentle fingers trail up subtlety going up to my neck.

"Oh, oh master Desmond, your skin feels like the finest silk, heaven itself in flesh. I feel so safe being around you, I...I was wondering...after a while, later...can I, no, can you give me the privilege, no wait, what I mean is, will you...let me-"


An voice behind us immediately made Samih stiffened up, and put distance between us with his head lowered.

There, in the doorway of the hall, Malik stood. His eyes were hardened and glazed with silent fury, his fist was clenched so hard his knuckles were white. His cold gaze was locked on Samih.

"Samih, what were you...doing with my guest?"

Samih eyes widened at Malik's question. "Forgive me, master Malik-"

"You have important duties in this bureau, don't waste your time here. Go now, and do not disturb us." Samih got the hint, scurrying out of the room to flee from his master's fury. Malik's expression immediately softens with a smile as he approached me, holding a spare assassin robe.

"How are you my friend, you and my brother gave quite a scare many hours ago." I sit up almost immediately, my concern returning.

Oh shit, I forgot about my noivce!

"Where's Kadar!? He is ok? Malik, is he ok? is he here??" Malik nods and throws the robe to me, and begins to walk into a room. I dressed hastily in the new robe and followed behind him. My heart was heavy with anxious feelings, almost afraid to see my noivce, that I wouldn't like what I see.  

My breath slowed, my heart ached and dropped at the sight before me.

Kadar lays in the bed, but oh how injured he was.

He remained still and unconscious, many bloody banadges covered his body. He breath was shallow and he was shivering in chills, his face was scrunched tightly.

My dear noivce was in pain. Juno did this...oh god...

"Kadar...?" Walking up to the bed and getting on my knees, I gently grasped his bruised hand in mine, trying not to cry. The mixture of fear, and anger  boiled within. This had to be my fault, I failed to stop Juno and she hurt, and nearly killed my friend. It's my fault that Kadar almost died,

But I must know how Kadar and I got to Jerusalem.

" did we get here? I don't remember,"

The Dai's expressed frowns, pondering how he could explain it to the best of his ability.

"Sadly, I know not of the situation, but I shall recall that frightful hour when you both arrived. I was working on some paperwork, then suddenly I heard a thud from the entrance. Kadar was sweaty, shivering and his wounds were gravely. He had you in his arms, holding you very protectively. And he wouldn't let go, we had to physically pry him off before he succumbed to his injuries. Kadar, He hasn't woken up since. Something had frightened him, I never was so scared before, fearing for my baby brother's life and yours, Des. I say the only way to know what truly happened, is to ask Kadar himself...I apologize."

I nod to the explanation, gently tightening my grasp on Kadar's hand.

Malik sighs, forced a smile and puts his hand on my shoulder. "This has been a long day for all of us. Please, Let us give my brother peace to rest and get better, I bet you are hungry, my dear friend. I have made some Shawarma with Fattoush, and a cup of fresh hibiscus tea. Would you care to join me for supper, Desmond?"

Yeah mabye some food might do some good. To calm my nerves.

"Yes Malik. I would love to,"

//////////////////(Later that night)////////////////////////////////////


I found myself in Kadar's room, sitting beside the bed, thinking. Uncertainty filled my thoughts, Juno's many haunting words wouldn't leave from my head.

But one stuck out the most.


"The game will change"


And because of that, I begin to fear for my ancestors life. Tomorrow is the day that the first target of the nine is going to get assassinated, and Juno is going try something, I just know it. I must make sure nothing bad happens to Altair. My heart ached, for I didn't want leave Kadar in such critical condition, but I also worry about Altair and must do this. I trust Malik's ability with my whole being for Kadar's recovery.

I leaned over and gently pressed my forehead against his. "Don't worry, I'll make sure Juno pay for what she done to you. I will not fail next time. Rest safely, my noivce."

Getting up, grabbing my boots and putting them on. I Spotted my old hidden blade that I given to kadar on the table, I strapped it on and made a mental note to return it to him later and make a hidden blade for me to personally use.

But as I looked at the blade, there was dried blood on it, as if Kadar used it on someone.

But on who...?

My feet made no sound as I crept out of the room, climbing out of the bureau and into the empty streets, walking towards the gates of Jerusalem. I wish to make no noise for any to know of my departure and question me. It was quiet tonight, a little too quiet, normally I'll see some templars on the rooftops but not this time. How strange..

I joined a group of praying scholors approaching the gates, it wasn't hard to go through as the templar guards were soundly sleep at thier post. Looking around, I noticed there were no horses outside that I could ride to Damascus. Normally there was.

"Damn it to hell...Juno definitely did this, " 

She's fucking changing things! And so soon. How was I was going to reach Damascus in time? Maybe I could just tellaport there, but strangely I feel too weak for such a distance 

But without a mount, walking would take fucking forever.

"You could just whistle for your horse," Noell's voice whispers behind me, almost making me jump out of my skin. "Agh! Dont do that, and what do you mean? I can't just whistle for Classy, this isn't the fucking Animus!"

"Just try it and I promise your horse will hear you," Noell chimes in before disappearing, leaving me alone to ponder. I grunted and brought my fingers up and blew a whistle, trusting Noell's words. 

The wind howls across the sands, and I begin to curse at myself for believing that would work. But I began to hear a familiar galloping in the distance, and a excited whinny came from the small running cremello gold horse rapidly approaching. Classy's mane bounced in the wind, holding her tail up as she slows to a trot as she lets out a happily nicker, standing beside me swishing her shiny tail.

Well shit, somehow that worked.

I stroked her neck and kissed her on her soft muzzle. "Ok Classy, ready for a night ride?" She pranced and burred in place, blue eyes wide and alert, ready for a run.

Grinning I leaped on her back. Classy rears up kicking her legs out, neighing and held onto her mane and we galloped off. Leaving a dust trail behind, racing under the vast sea of stars.


I appreciate all of my readers and their patience for this chapter. I'm sorry for making you all wait for so long, I hope that you enjoyed is chapter as much I been writing it.

Next chapter shall be the beginning to some bonding time with Desmond and Altair, and I cannot wait for everyone to see this

Anyways...the next set of chapters shouldn't take as long as this one. So thank you for being patient, and I hope you enjoy this chapter of chaos

Chapter 15: Small teaser


Hello there fellow readers! Happy 4th of July!

10,002 hits. That is incredible, just knowing so many have read this fic warms my heart

Anyway, Just want to give a little teaser, one to show I'm still active with my story and two...raise the stakes for our boy good ol' Desmond.

Therefore the next chapter will come put out next Friday. Isn't that exciting?

Chapter Text




A templar scout sits abroad apon a watch tower balcony, bored out of his mind. Nothing ever happens up here, nor nobody travels through here at night. The job was simple: Watch and report any intruder to his master that passes through this check gate. But nothing ever happens at night, only the usual thief, or assassin tries to slip through. 

But then, the scout spots something in the distance. It's too far to make out what it is...but it seems to appear to be glowing.


And it started to get closer...


And closer....


And closer...!


Until it dawned on the scout that it was a horse with a rider on top.

Within seconds, the horse galloped through the check point so fast that it appeared as a mere blur, a figment as if nothing was there, besides the spread out hoof marks imprinted in the dirt.

But yet it was no horse that the scout had ever seen, nor laid eyes on. It had a silky golden coat, wide blue eyes and it skinny rods for legs was moving so fast, it appeared to be gliding across the ground as if the wind itself was carrying the small steed and it's hooded rider bareback, its ears pinned back as it panted heavily. 

The scout tried to spot the duo, but as he looked on down the road, there was no trace or dust left behind in its wake.

"What in the name of the father...?"

Was it a spirit the scout has witnessed? Or something supernatural that the natives here speaks of? Of spirits or those Djins that roam these lands? The same ones that kidnap unfortunate victims, never to be seen again?

"I...I must let Grandmaster know of this-" As the scout turned, he runs face first into the grandmaster himself, almost stumbling intothe ground.

"M...Master Robert, my lord! I didn't hear you there...a thousand pardons, m'lord," The scout stammered, almost embarrassed he ran into his master as he got on his knee.

Robert stood at his impressively tall height, his sharp eyes were focused on the direction of the mysterious golden rider galloped into. "How most curious, could it be...?" Robert chuckles, a sly smirk stretched across his face. "Yes, this will do. The perfect,"

Robert sharpy looks down the templar.


"Yes my lord?"

"Which direction where he was going?" 

The scout ponders, choosing his words carefully. "Damascus, my lord."


Robert grins and grabs the templar by the scarf of his garb, the templars squeaked in suprise as he was lifted off the ground bew a few feet.

"I have a new plan, and you, scout, are going to be my eyes. You are to follow them, decreetly, and report back anything that happens with him. No matter how strange, how unnatural, or even magical it appears to be, and do not engage with him until I order otherwise. Do I make myself clear, Scout?"

The scout vigorously nodded his eyes, his legs squirmed in fear if he fails his master...the punishment would be severe.

"Wonderful..." Robert suddenly dropped the templar without a care, as he hit the baloney floor with a hard thud.

"Now GO."

The scout whimpered, fleeing down the stairs, into the pins to one of the waiting, saddled war horses and galloped it, chasing after the rider and steed over the horizon, as the Templar Grandmaster stares over the lookout balcony, his smirk never left as a new, devious plan begins to form...


"I have collected all necessary information on my target Tamir. Now give me the marker,"

I spent pointless weeks learning, eavesdropping, pickpocketing, and even violent interrogation tactics on people, all for the death of this man. Basic, easily obtainable information, even a mere noivce could do it.

But all this means little, as my real goal is to get my shadow, to make him join me at my side as it should be. 

The Dai seemed satisfied, placing a marker down on the desk. "Let Al-Mualim's will be done. Wait until daybreak Altair. Rest here until you are ready,"

I nodded to the Dai's word, pocketing the feather marker, slightly frustrated at the pointless waiting part, but no use to argue. I stepped over to the pillow and sat crossed-legged down, entering a calm meditative state, waiting for the morning light to enter the Bureau.

With my shadow's pearly, glowing white feather resting delicately in my palm.