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Better Hold Your Breath, Birdie



Hawks has been caught out as a rat in the league, so Dabi decides to force his head underwater until he talks. When he doesn't, Dabi turns to... Other methods.

"Tell me, Birdie,"
"I c- I can't,"
"If you don't tell me before I come, I'll fucking drown you,"
The idea of it shouldn't turn him on, but it does. He moans as his lips spread into a grin, his hips pushing back on every thrust. Every hit of his prostate forces out a scream and every time Dabi pulls out just to slam back in again, he gasps.


Hello it's day four! Today's prompt is breathplay and features non-con elements. Pls read the tags before continuing if you haven't already!

dabihawks AU coming out end of the year:)

Work Text:

"Put him back under,"

Hawks sucks in his last breath before his head is shoved back under the icy water. One, two, three, four, five--

He gasps as he's tugged back up by his hair. Wet strands stick to his face and run into his eyes. They've done this a few times, but they're getting impatient. The man who holds him by his hair forces his head back so that their eyes meet. Turquoise practically bores into gold as the scarred man sneers.

"I'm not in the mood to play guessing games. So why not just tell us who you ratted the league out to and we'll let you go,"

Hawks spits in the man's face. "Fuck you," he growls through gritted teeth.

The man slowly chuckles as he wipes away the saliva running down his face. "Oh, you really don't wanna piss me off, Birdie,"

"He's not gonna spill," the man behind him mutters with a harsh pull on Hawks' wings. It sends a jolt of pain through his entire body as he gasps. 

"He will. I'm not done with him yet,"

"You're wasting your time, Dabi," the mystery man says as his voice becomes more distant. "Let me know if you give up,"

A door behind Hawks slams shut, leaving him alone with the man who he now knows as Dabi. He's seen him before, studied his mugshot for weeks before he even infiltrated. Or tried to. His mission failed the moment he got caught on the phone. He hadn't gotten to know any names yet, he barely had his foot in the door before he managed to fuck it all up.

"I knew something was off about you," Dabi tells him before he shoves Hawks back under the ice-cold water again. As he drags him back up, Hawks chokes for air. "I just didn't know what ," he says before shoving Hawks to the ground.

His body slams against the concrete with a pained groan. The force has knocked the air from his lungs as he weakly gasps.

"You were a fucking rat before you even got in the building. So who were you ratting us out to?"

"Fuck- you--"

"I think it's the other way around Birdie. I'm gonna get it out of you one way or another,"

Hawks is suddenly pulled up from the ground and shoved back first against the metal tub of water. Dabi leans in close to him with a sly grin with one hand clutching the rim of the tub and the other forcefully gripping Keigo's chin.

"I wonder how long it'll take for you to spill when my cock's so deep inside you,"

Hawks tries to look away, but Dabi forces him back with a low laugh. "Tut, tut, Birdie. Don't you know to look at someone when they're talking to you?"

"Don't you dare fucking touch me,"

Dabi's cool eyes burn into Keigo's for a moment, just searching. Then he's spinning Keigo around and tearing a hole in the fabric of his hero outfit. Hawks tries to push him away to run, but his head is immediately shoved back under the water before he has a chance to hold his breath.

He's held under for a lot longer than normal, enough for Dabi to press the head of his cock against Keigo's body with one hand guiding his length and the other keeping Keigo's head under. As he slowly begins to push himself inside, Keigo opens his mouth to gasp which instantly allows cold water to flood in.

The moment he's pulled back up, he's spluttering and gasping. Water is clouding his eyes as he desperately looks around. Dabi is still pushing, ignoring the resistance that Keigo's body is giving.

"I had to use spit for lube, Birdie. I'd say I'm sorry if it hurts, but I don't really give a shit," Dabi mutters as he forces his cock further inside. The pain blooms like a spreading heat as he gasps. He refuses to cry out, refuses to scream. He won't give this asshole the satisfaction.

Over and over again, Keigo's head is shoved underwater. And every time he's brought back up for air, Dabi insists that Keigo tells him what he wants to know.


Dabi growls as he shoves Keigo's head back underwater. The coldness of it makes his ears ring, and he can just about hear the muffled moans as Dabi pounds into him. The pain is slowly fading into pleasure every time Dabi moves at the right angle, but he won't admit it. 

"Don't lie to me, I know you secretly love being used like this," Dabi grunts as he tugs Keigo back up again.

Keigo can't respond past his gasping for air. Thick droplets of water stream down his face as he rapidly blinks. Without even meaning to, he lets out a strangled moan as Dabi goes to push his head down again. But he suddenly stops, keeping Keigo's face just above the water.

His hips don't stop, but his hand stills as if forcing Keigo to moan again before he shoves his head back under the water. Though the pain is spreading through his skin, it's so delicious when it's mixed with that undeniable pleasure of Dabi's cock hitting his prostate again and again. Keigo pulls at the restraints behind his back in a weak attempt to set himself free, but it does absolutely nothing to save him.

"Make that noise again and I might take them off,"

"Fuck you,"

Dabi just laughs as he shoves Keigo's head underwater. The cold leaks into his ears, nose and mouth as muffled moans escape and turn into bubbles. It causes him to swallow a bunch of water by mistake as his body jolts.

As his head is pulled back up, Dabi gets close to his ear and whispers, "breathe, Birdie,"

He can't breathe, he can only violently choke. Every time Dabi thrusts into him a little harder, the air is knocked out of his lungs all over again. His choked noises turn into desperate moans as he coughs through each pitiful noise. 

"Tell me who you ratted us out to,"

"No - " Keigo gasps.

"Tell. Me,"


"You're really testing my fucking patience, Hawks ," Dabi seethes as he halts his thrusts completely. The sudden lack of movement has Keigo's knees going weak and the feeling of both pleasure and pain quickly fading out. "Tell me,"

Keigo lets out a soft cry as he pushes back against Dabi's cock. The sudden need to come is running through his body and causing a deep ache to settle in his gut. Dabi's hand lets go of his hair to grip both of Keigo's hips to pull him closer. 

"Tell me, and I'll give you what you want,"

Keigo weakly shakes his head.

"Oh, come on, Birdie. Don't you want it?"

"Yeah," Keigo sobs brokenly with a nod.

"Then tell me. Tell me who you spoke to and I'll let you come. Fuck, I'll even let you live. I'm feeling generous,"

With a wry laugh, Keigo mutters, "they won't let me live if I tell you,"

Dabi's hands grip a little tighter. He's quiet for a moment before his hips slowly start moving again. "So you're gonna die either way, then? Seems to me you can either tell me and experience the best orgasm you've ever had or die now and get nothing,"

"Best I've ever had? I seriously doubt that,"

A thick snarl curls from Dabi's lips as he speeds up his thrusts to the point that he's literally pounding into Keigo, forcing his hips to slam against the metal tub so hard that the water ripples in waves. Dabi's moans echo in his ears before they're muffled by the water surrounding him. 

Dabi's fingers knot further into Keigo's hair as he forces his head back up. "Tell me,"

"I t- I- ohmygod--"

"Tell. Me. Who. You. Told," Dabi insists as he pounds into Keigo with every word. 

"His na- i- please s-stop--"


Dabi's thrusts only get faster and deeper to the point that Keigo can't talk, let alone breathe. Keigo tugs against his restraints, desperately clawing at Dabi's shirt to try and stop him, but he's only pushed back under the water as punishment.

Once he's brought back up, he's dragged back to lean against Dabi's chest without his thrusts ever faltering. One hand forces Keigo's chin up and the other reaches past his belt to grip his hardening cock. Dabi's thumb runs over the leaking slit and down his length before he moves back up again, moving his hand to match the speed of his hips. Keigo's mouth falls open as moans slip out. He can feel the pleasure running through him as the ends of his wings begin to tremble and flap.

"Tell me, Birdie,"

"I c- I can't,"

"If you don't tell me before I come, I'll fucking drown you,"

The idea of it shouldn't turn him on, but it does. He moans as his lips spread into a grin, his hips pushing back on every thrust. Every hit of his prostate forces out a scream and every time Dabi pulls out just to slam back in again, he gasps.

"Opul," Keigo finally manages to say. "H-his name is Opul,"

"See? I knew you had it in you to tell me,"

Dabi's hips somehow speed up even more and Keigo is sure that his thighs and hips will be bruised by the end of this if he even makes it out alive.

"Fuck, Birdie - you're so fucking tight,"

"Mm-uh--" Keigo groans as he manages to get a grip on Dabi's shirt. Even though he can't physically bring the man any closer, he still holds on as if Dabi's frantic thrusts will stop at any moment.

"I'm gonna come, and you're gonna come with me,"


"Okay," Dabi confirms. "Better hold your breath, pretty bird,"

Keigo barely gets the chance to before his head is shoved under the water. Unable to take a breath, the pressure in his chest continues to build until his whole body is throbbing and thrashing. He's so close to his orgasm and the inability to breathe is only making it feel so much more intense. The moment he feels Dabi spill deep inside of him, he's pulled back up out of the water to gasp and gag as his orgasm hits. 

Strangled moans tear through Keigo's throat as they turn into desperate cries. Dabi's hips never falter until Keigo is forcefully trying to pull away, softly begging him to stop.

"See?" Dabi says breathlessly. "I said I'd get it out of you,"

Series this work belongs to: