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Katara hates heat. She probably hates it more than most; not that she doesn’t have a good reason.

Zuko, on the other hand, radiates heat from his very core.

Stupid Firebender.


Lowkey might want to continue this who knows 🤪

Chapter 1: Katara Hates Heat

Chapter Text

Sometimes, Katara hates the heat. Actually, often, she hates the heat. She was not formed in heat- she was formed in the cold. And because of the heat, she lost so much that she loved. 


She felt most safe in her native homeland- surrounded by snowdrifts, water, and ice. When they began their journey around the nations, she sometimes felt uncomfortably hot and seemed to be always sweating. She did her best not to grumble; most of the time, she doubted anyone even noticed- besides Sokka, who would just make some cocky remark. 


The only time she felt herself seeking warmth- was in the evenings, when the temperature dipped to freezing, and her bedroll did not offer enough heat. That was the case for most of them, which led to nights where the four were huddled around a small fire or practically cuddling in a big pile for body heat. 


When Zuko came along, she hated the heat even more. Perhaps, because she associated him with many things, heat being one of them. It is like his body radiates heat from the core. He is always hot to touch, and everyone notices. It was Sokka who started using him as basically a heater during the night. One frigid evening, after everyone had gone to bed- Sokka leapt to his feet with an annoyed gasp, his bedroll still around his body. He huffs, and before offering a response- he hops over and flops onto Zuko. 


The firebender lets out a strangled ‘argh,’ but Sokka simply hushes him and says he needs the heat.  


After that night, Sokka permanently migrated close to Zuko. Aang soon joined, as did Toph. Sokka was pressed into Zuko’s left, Aang at his right, and Toph half on his back. Zuko often sat up to make it easier for them and never complained. He wouldn’t admit it, but he wasn’t used to such simple, gentle touches. His life in his palace was, ironically, a cold, emotionless environment where it seemed like no safe touches existed. So, he welcomed this. 


However, Katara refused to go near him at first. It was only after the mission to find the Southern Raiders that she finally relented a bit. It was their second night back, and she was lying down and freezing.  


Zuko was in his usual posture, held up by the three slumbering adolescents, and Suki was asleep on Toph’s legs. Zuko has one eye cracked open and is watching her. She is shivering, embarrassingly. 


“Hey… you can come over if you want,” Zuko mutters quietly. When she doesn’t answer right away, he sighs. “I know you’re awake. And you’re shivering,” he notes. 


Katara rolls her eyes. “No, I’m not,”


Zuko huffs again. “Liar. I know… our relationship is… erm. Was strained, but you need to sleep.” 


Katara huffs again, refusing to move. “I don’t want to stand.” 


“Do you want me to come over?”


She doesn’t answer right away; perhaps she’s mulling it over. Zuko takes her non-response to at least… try to comfort her. 


Zuko gently maneuvers Sokka, so he and Toph are resting against each other, and Aang instinctively curls closer to the Earthbender. The four stay snoring. Wow, they are heavy sleepers. 


Zuko tiptoes over to Katara before carefully lying down next to her. She isn’t scowling but is staring forward, and her arms are crossed. She definitely knows he’s there, but she doesn’t protest. 


He carefully wraps his arm around her waist, pulling her shivering body closer. Her head lols back against his chest. Her legs go back against his, too. Damn, he really does radiate warmth. Zuko particularly folds into her, his arm resting on her taut stomach and his form encasing the more petite woman. It shouldn’t mean anything to him. It doesn’t mean anything to him. The other members always used him for warmth, and he happily accepted. But with Katara… he is still scared of making a mistake and breaking their fragile friendship. But Zuko simply holds her so that she can be warm. 


Katara shifts against him, and he can feel a hand on his arm, pulling it closer to her stomach. Zuko absolutely blushes this time. Katara can feel the blaze from his cheeks against her hair. 


“You think too loudly,” her voice is soft with sleep, one she needs. She inches closer. 


Zuko breaths carefully. “I'm not thinking,”


“Liar.” She mutters. Zuko doesn’t answer; instead, he curls into her even tighter. “Why are you so warm?” She continues. 


“Firebenders are always warm,” he chuffs, his voice sounding a little embarrassed though he doesn’t know why. 


“You know you’re bad at talking, right?” Katara laughs as she starts to drift off. 


He frowns. “Yeah… I know. I’m working on it,”


Zuko holds her tightly- and she lets herself be held. She falls asleep, but he doesn’t. He stays awake, his breathing quickly matching hers. His left arm is supporting himself, and his hand is ghosting over her hair, but he refuses to let it touch fully. 


With the first sunlight peaks, Zuko quickly unravels himself from her and walks over to Appa. The snoring Bison makes the ground thunder, and he sits down next to his front paw. He’s grown fond of the giant creature. The Bison immediately curls his paw around him and pulls him against his body. Zuko lets out a strangled gasp before accepting his fate of being used as a personal heating source for the Bison. 


“So- everyone wants to use you as a heat bag, huh?” 


He tries to turn to the direction of Katara’s voice, and the girl is pleasantly giggling, and looks much more rested. Zuko can’t help but smile, but he also tries to wriggle out of the grasp, to no avail. He looks at Katara, desperately. 




Katara only laughs at him. And from across the campsite, Sokka lets out a loud moan. “Hey! I’m COLD. Heat bag, come back!” 


Katara still doesn’t like heat.

That much. 

Or- at least, that's what she tells herself.